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Science: STEM 7-8 Unit 4 Weeks 10-12

a. Introduction to bridge unit b. Types of bridges c. Vocabulary words for unit Week 10 Week 11 Week 12

a. What are the types of bridges in this area? b. What are the types of bridges in the state?

a. Designing a bridge using K-nex that can span a distance

a. Designing a bridge using paper and tape that can support the most weight

a. Testing your bridge design from paper and tape? b. What bridge was most successful? Why? What makes a good bridge?

UNIT IV: Bridge Unit

a. Introduction to West Point Bridge Builder b. Why are computer models useful?

a. West Point Bridge Builder online b. What materials did you use for the bridge you designed?

a. West Point Bridge Builder

a. West Point Bridge Builder

a. Introduction to toothpick bridge challenge b. Why construct an actual model of a bridge?

b. What was the budget for your bridge you designed?

b. Final draft of your design is due which supports the most weight for the least amount of money.

a. Toothpick bridge building b. What is a budge and why are they useful?

a. Toothpick bridge building b. Focusing on how to make a strong deck c. Focusing on how to make strong sides

a. Toothpick bridge building b. Adding cross bracing to support your bridge c. Did you stay within your budget?

a. Toothpick bridge testing b. What worked and what didnt work with your model?

a. Classroom visit from an actual Bridge Engineer

Tharaldson - STEM 7-8

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