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Ashley Sulla September 30, 2013

I. Target Audience: Grade 9 !llege "rep #!rld $ist!ry II. A. %& S' SS:

SS.()A*)iteracy.+$.9*10.2 ,etermine the central ideas !r in-!rmati!n !- a primary !r sec!ndary s!urce. pr!/ide an accurate summary !- h!0 1ey e/ents !r ideas de/el!p !/er the c!urse !- the te2t.


SS.()A*)iteracy.+$.9*10.4 ,etermine the meaning !- 0!rds and phrases as they are used in a te2t, including /!cabulary describing p!litical, s!cial, !r ec!n!mic aspects !hist!ry's!cial science.

SS.()A*)iteracy.+$.9*10.5 Integrate 6uantitati/e !r technical analysis 7e.g., charts, research data8 0ith 6ualitati/e analysis in print !r digital te2t.

III. )earning 9b:ecti/es: A. Students 0ill be able t! describe the di--erent aspects !- S!cial Studies by 0ay !- pu;;le charts. 3. Students 0ill be able t! de-ine and discuss ancient ci/ili;ati!ns by 0ay !- pu;;le charts. I<. Instructi!nal =aterials > +es!urces: A. "!0erp!int 3. =aterials -!r the )ess!n: 1. "!0erp!int "resentati!n 2. Sh!rt*hand pr!:ect!r 3. %!tes pac1ets -!r students

4. Intr!ducti!n t! S!cial Studies $and!ut ?. Ancient i/ili;ati!ns hand!uts <. <!cabulary A. Anthr!p!l!gy 3. ulture . (c!n!mics ,. Ge!graphy (. $ist!ry @. "!litical Science G. "sych!l!gy $. S!ci!l!gy I. "hil!s!phy <I. "r!cedures A. Anticipat!ry Set 1. I 0ill begin class by silently c!mpleting a sample !- the upc!ming re/ie0 pu;;le pr!:ect. 2. I 0ill n!t e2plain 0hat I am d!ing t! spi1e the studentsA curi!sity. 3. 3!dy !- the )ess!n 1. The students 0ill recei/e a n!tes pu;;le pac1et. 2. I 0ill be presenting the pr!:ect in-!rmati!n -!r the less!n using "!0erp!int and the sh!rt*hand pr!:ect!r. 3. The -irst slide 0ill c!ntain a 0ritten set !- directi!ns -!r the pr!:ect. The pac1ets are typed !ut 0ith blan1s -!r the students t! -ill in.

4. (ach slide 0ill c!ntain a picture pertaining t! the in-!rmati!n !n the slide t! cater t! the di--erent learning styles in the class. The picture is -!r the artistic and /isual learners. (ach student 0ill be as1ed t! dra0 a picture pertaining t! the in-!rmati!n !n the slide. ?. The students 0ill ha/e t! -ill in certain /!cabulary 0!rds in the n!tes pac1et. The blan1 lines t! ensure that students are -!ll!0ing al!ng and paying attenti!n t! the less!n. =!st !- the n!tes are typed !ut t! pre/ent the students -r!m bec!ming pre!ccupied 0ith c!pying all !- the n!tes instead !- listening t! me e2plain the directi!ns. B. Student participati!n, 6uesti!ns, and discussi!ns pertaining t! the n!tes are 0elc!med during this time. 5. I 0ill be gi/ing a detailed e2ample !- e2actly 0hat the students are e2pected t! c!mplete -!r this pr!:ect. C. ,uring this less!n I 0ill be 0al1ing ar!und t! ensure that all !- the students are dem!nstrating understanding thr!ugh their e2amples and illustrati!ns. 9. I 0ill then gi/e the students an !pp!rtunity t! try an e2ample !n their !0n. I 0ill all!0 the students t! 0!r1 0ith a partner t! enc!urage student c!llab!rati!n. 10. At the end !- the class I 0ill as1 the students t! hand me their e2amples be-!re e2iting the classr!!m. <II. l!sure > (2tensi!n A. I 0ill c!nduct a 6uic1 re/ie0 at the end !- the class and gi/e the students !pp!rtunity t! as1 any 6uesti!ns they may ha/e. 3. I 0ill c!llect all !- the studentsA e2amples at the end !- the peri!d.

3. At this time I 0ill hand !ut the studentAs h!me0!r1 0hich pertains t! the Ancient i/ili;ati!n !- Greece. I 0ill als! remind the students that they ha/e three current e/ents due !n 9ct!ber 9th. <III. Assessment'(/aluati!n "lan A. The students 0ill be handing in a -!rm !- De2it cardsE t! dem!nstrate understanding their understanding !- the less!n. 3. ,uring the less!n, I 0ill be -!rmati/ely assessing the studentsA understanding !- the c!ntent thr!ugh the class discussi!ns, student participati!n, and 0al1ing ar!und t! !bser/e the studentsA indi/idual n!tes. IF. ,i/erse )earners A. The students are gi/en a typed pac1et !- the slides in !rder t! pre/ent distracti!ns. I- a student is c!nstantly 0riting n!tes, they 0ill be less li1ely t! hear e/erything the teacher is saying. 3. The students are gi/en a /isual image and e2amples in additi!n t! the n!tes pac1et t! better understand the /!cabulary. . There is a ne0 (S) student in class 0hich I ha/e pre/i!usly gi/en a pac1et 0ith all !- the /!cabulary included. This 0as d!ne t! all!0 him t! -!cus all !- his attenti!n t! the c!ntent that is being taught. Thr!ugh!ut the class, I 0ill chec1 !n the student and as1 ihe understands the c!ntent.

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