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Dixie Tucker Online Course Design Checklist Navigation tools are easily accessible.

o o o o o Size of tool icons Description/name of tool color compatibility easy to see present on every page

Organization is easy to follow and makes sense wit t e structure of content o o o flow between pages similar content grouped toget er pages are not too long or busy

!eadings are obviously different from ot er content. o o o larger t an ot er text appropriate" yet eye#catc ing color clearly explain t eir content

Text is well presented for optimal student understanding. o o o o appropriate size and color spacing broken up into manageable pieces ample w ite space

$ontent is presented using concepts of %D&. o o o presented in multiple ways' audio" video" text" pictures" animations many and diverse opportunities for student interaction response options are varied' video" audio" text

content resources use a common format to make t em accessible to all learners assignments offer flexibility of presentation

%se of visuals o o o o visual design c ecklist is referenced for all visuals number of visuals (not too stimulating or too boring visuals support content complex visuals accompanied by caption and/or audio detail

&earning Ob)ectives are stated in module. o o o o clear and easy to read accessible to t e learner stated clearly measurable

*nstructor is integrated into course. o o o available to students +email" c at" discussion boards" etc, offers timely feedback to assignments offers encouragement and direction

-ssessments focus on measuring t e ob)ectives. o o o Simple to understand format offers variety directions are clear

Tec nology %sage is appropriate for t e learners. o o o types c osen based on learner c aracteristics availability of tec nologies considered or provided clear direction or instruction in usage

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