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15,000mg/ml of Pure Iodine And Organic Apple Cider Vinegar Extract
1 Horizontal drop delivers 450mg of Iodine 126.9 & 400mg Of Apple Cider Extract

Provided as a public educational service

Folk Medicine by Dr. D.C. Jarvis

Copyrighted 1958

Chapter 11 "The Importance Of Iodine"

Folk medicine in Vermont is interested in three R's---Resistance, Repair, and Recovery. First the individual asks himself whether his resistance to disease is as it should be.

Next, is he able to repair tissue injury due to accident should it occur? Finally, if sickness should occur, is his body able to bring about recovery? Somehow during the passing years he has learned that iodine is related to the ability to resist disease. Iodine is necessary for the Thyroid gland's proper performance of its work. The human thyroid gland is located in the front of the lower part of the neck. All the blood in the body passes through the thyroid gland every 17 minutes. Because the cells making up this gland have an affinity for iodine, during this 17 minute passage the glands secretion of iodine kills weak germs that may have gained entry into the blood through an injury to the skin, the lining of the nose or throat, or even through absorption of food from the digestive tract. Strong, virulent germs are rendered weaker during their passage through the thyroid gland. With each 17 minutes that passes they are made even weaker still until finally they are killed IF the gland has its normal supply of iodine. (I-126.9 not the radioactive iodine found in salt)(chlorides such as sodium chloride are chlorine derivatives: "Google C-36") If it does not, it cannot kill harmful germs circulating in the blood as nature intended it should. It is well established that the iodine content of the thyroid gland is dependant upon the iodine available in the food and water intake of the individual. If the iodine intake is low the gland is deprived of an element it needs to do its work. **Editors note: The thyroid will take up the radioactive iodine in lieu of the correct normal nonradioactive iodine I-126.9 It must do its work and will settle for anything that resembles the correct iodine. Chlorine and Fluoride will quickly fill the thyroid gland when it is deficient in the correct Iodine. A sufficient supply of Iodine I-126.9 in the body will "block" the halogens chlorine, fluoride, bromine, and radioactive iodine from the thyroid gland, and other epithelial tissue such as stomach lining, intestinal lining, colon lining, and the cornea of the eyes. The radioactive iodide salt of sodium is identified as Na131I *** We learn in Vermont folk medicine, however, that this gland performs other functions besides killing harmful germs in the blood. The first is the rebuilding of energy with which to do the days work. There is a definite relationship between the amount of energy you have and your iodine intake. Basically low iodine intake equates to low energy and lethargy. A second function of iodine is to calm the body and relieve nervous tension. When nervous tension runs high there is irritability and much difficulty in sleeping well at night, and the body is continually in "Combat" mode, or in "Flight or Fight" Mode. ***Editors note: Constant tension results in "Fight Or Flight" syndrome in which the body will produce extreme amounts of Cortisol, and in doing so shuts down the production of Endorphins, Dopamine, and also shuts down the immune system, tissue repair and the rebuilding systems of the body. The body is designed to perform these changes to conserve all available energy in case the person will need to fight off an attacker, or run from it. When the threat has passed the body is to shut down "Fight or Flight" and turn off the excessive Cortisol and reactivate the bodys immune system and rebuilding systems. Lack of the proper Iodine restricts the body from making this switch and most people remain in "Fight or Flight" for far too extended periods of time allowing infection and loss of tissue repair. *** All these points stress a bodies need for Iodine to lessen nervous tension, relax the body and enable it to organize itself for peace and quiet which is needed for the rebuilding of tissues, and the building and storing of body reserves against the next time of need. I have learned through Vermont folk medicine that it is possible to repeatedly change an irritable, impatient, and restless child under ten years of age into a calm, patient individual within two hours time by giving one drop Lugol's solution of iodine by mouth in a vegetable or fruit juice or in a glass of water made

acidic on reaction by adding a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar. I have repeatedly prescribed this in order to make it possible for a mother of a hyper type little boy or girl to be able to live comfortably with the child. I have never seen it fail to calm down a nervous child. A third function of iodine in the human body relates to clear thinking. The mind simply works better when the body is supplied the iodine it needs. Then there is the matter of the storing of unwanted fat. Iodine is one of the best oxidizing catalysts we have. Catalyst is the match which touches off in the body the fire that burns up the food we take in each day. If this food is not properly burned off, it will be stored as unwanted fat. Now while the thyroid gland helpfully stores iodine from the blood passing through it every 17 minutes, the gland may also be made to lose that stored Iodine if, for example, we consume drinking water to which Chlorine has been added, or use too much sodium chloride, whos common name is table salt. *** Editors Note: sodium chloride is the combination of Sodium and Chlorine. The human body is a Sodium based machine. The body works very hard ridding itself of the chlorine which is a poisonous toxin produced by metabolism. Natural Sodium (Na.) is a soft metal like natural Calcium (Ca.) The body needs abundant Sodium, NOT chlorine. The body and the thyroid will take up the toxic chlorine when there is not the natural metal salt it needs as an alternative even though poisonous to it. Himalayan Sea Salt is the latest deceptive health fade. It does contain minerals, but it is still a chloride containing chlorine. It must be avoided.*** We are actively sourcing the correct Sodium to use. That does not contain Chlorine. We have discovered the "Tree Of Life", in the area of the ancient Tigris and Euphrates river valley. A long forgotten main branch of human life** In Chemistry there is a very well known law of Halogen displacement. The radioactive Halogen group is made up as follows: Halogen: Fluorine Atomic Weight 19 Chlorine Atomic Weight 35.5 Bromine Atomic Weight 80 Iodine Atomic Weight 131 (Radioactive Iodine) Iodine Atomic Weight 127 (non radioactive) weight 126.9 The clinical activity of any one of the four radioactive Halogens is in the inverse or opposite proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can displace the element with a higher atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic weight. For example, fluorine (fluoride) can displace chlorine, bromine and Iodine because fluorine has a lower atomic weight than the other three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they both have a higher atomic weight. Likewise, bromine can displace iodine from the body because iodine has a higher atomic weight. A Reverse order is not possible. ***Editors Note: Non Radioactive Iodine 126.9 when used as a supplement has the ability to block the uptake of the Halogens. Does this mean that the correct natural Iodine 126.9 can flush out the existing Halogens? No, but what it does mean is that by supplementing with the correct Iodine the thyroid will prefer the correct Iodine and as the radioactive Halogens that have been stored are used up the body will replace the Halogens with the correct Iodine 126.9, and this happens quickly.*** Knowledge of this well-known chemical law brings us to a consideration of the addition of chlorine to our drinking water as a "purifying" agent.

We now drink a secure drinking water source (bottled water) that is very harmful to the body and not because of its harmful germ content but because the chlorine content now causes the body to lose the much needed Iodine. ***Editors Note: Bottled water can contain up to 4 times the amount of chlorine as tap water. From the national bottled water assn, they report that women drink 3 times more bottled water than men do. Women also will spend far more time in a hot shower which releases chlorine from the shower water in the form of chlorine gas like what was used as a weapon during WW1, and Agent Orange in Vietnam.*** Because we may live in an iodine-poor area; Because we are drinking water treated with chlorine; Because we may be sick far too often, lack energy and endurance, develop nervous tension, Because of economic stresses, we lack the ability of clear thinking, and accumulate unwanted fat, how shall we go about bringing up the Iodine content of the body to the levels required? There (were) three ways to achieve this: 1. Eating foods which have shown are particularly rich in natural Iodine. Among these are: All food out of the ocean. ( As of 2010 not a good idea as the high levels of mercury, and PCB levels in all fish) 2. Painting a small area of the body with a tincture of Iodine. (can be performed with Lugol's Plus preferably in the underarm area, or neck area) 3. Taking preparations known to be rich in Iodine. One of these is Cod-liver Oil, but again the threat of mercury and PCB poisoning. Another is Lugol's Solution of Iodine, which can be purchased at the drug store (not anymore). End of Excerpt----We have digitized the entire book and provide it free of charge as an educational teaching tool for all people who purchase any items from

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