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Good afternoon, im Leyre and im going to talk about the family (families then and now) Some years

ago, families were very different. People had more hildren than now, be ause only the man worked and the woman had more free time to look after her hildren. People had lots of aunts and un les, but often didnt know theirs grandparents. ! ording to a new study, (the) family is hanging. "owadays, the woman (yo hablar#a en plural women por generali$ar) is working and she hasnt enough time to look after her hildren. %ore ouples are divor ed and re&married, so many hildren will have a stepmother or stepfather. 'ery few hildren have brothers or sisters, and is very ommon to be an only hild. (or these reason, im going to talk about my own e)perien e. * havent got any brothers and sisters, *+m an only hild. *n my opinion, it has some advantages. ,hen * was a hild, * hadnt to share any toys, all things were for me and * was more independent. -ut on the other hand, sometimes * felt alone. *f you have some brothers or sisters, they an help you when you have some problems, and you an feel more sure. .owever, *m happy to be an only hild, be ause in my life, * have re eived all the attentions of my parents, and * have lots of friends to share goog times. * have two ousins, one of them is in her twenty like me, and we do many things together. %y other ousin is younger, but * like to know new pla es with her.

*n on lusion, my family is an e)ample of a modern family and * think that in the future there will be more and more single&parent& families (lone parent families), and there will be more parents without hildren. /omo estas hablando de familias en general 0uita el the.

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