Homework Assignments and Reminders Week of November 18, 2013 Class AR Goal For The Week: Read 15 Books and Pass The Tests!

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Homework Assignments and Reminders Week of November 18, 2013 Class AR Goal for t e Week!

Read 1" books and #ass t e tests$

%onda& Practice your memory verse (Proverbs 3:5). Remember to memorize the reference. Be ready to say it Wednesday morning. Practice this wee !s "f#uency read$. Practice ma es %erfect& 'he chi#dren shou#d not on#y now the words but use inf#ection in their voice when reading. Practice s%e##ing words. 'here wi## be s%e##ing test (riday. Regu#ar Words: face made age safe ma e ta e cage ca e #ate name Bonus Words: cou#d o#d )o#den Word: a%ostro%he '(esda& Practice your memory verse (Proverbs 3:5) Practice s%e##ing words. Practice your "f#uency read.$ *ath +omewor , the %a%er is in your chi#d!s Pirate -oteboo and is stam%ed with "+omewor $ stam%. Remember to %ut your #ibrary boo s in your bac %ac . .ibrary tomorrow& Wednesda& Practice your memory verse (*atthew /0:12) Practice your "f#uency read$. Practice s%e##ing words. Practice these vocabu#ary words. cou#d be o#d %a%er of horse +ave you read an 3R boo this wee 4 ' (rsda& Practice your memory verse (*atthew /0:/5) Be ready to say it tomorrow morning. Practice your "f#uency read$. Practice your s%e##ing words. )rida& +ave a great wee end&

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