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PO Box 1011 Glenwood AB T0K 2R0 April 17, 2013 Reference Letter for Amanda A re!

A" a #ice principal of t$e Glenwood %c$ool, & $ad t$e plea"'re of wor(in) wit$ *"+ Amanda A re! d'rin) $er P%& placement+ & wa" #er! impre""ed wit$ $er willin)ne"" to $elp t$e "t'dent" and "taff mem er" in man! different area"+ Often time" )oin) a o#e and e!ond w$at wa" expected of $er a" a "t'dent teac$er+ Amanda ta')$t m! p$!"ical ed'cation cla"" w$en "$e wa" at o'r "c$ool+ %$e "pent man! extra $o'r" after "c$ool plannin) $er le""on" and en"'rin) t$at "$e wa" read! for $er cla""e"+ Amanda wa" alwa!" on time for cla"" and acted in a manner t$at enefitted $er "t'dent" and t$e "c$ool+ A" a teac$er Amanda i" confident and capa le+ %$e wa" alwa!" tr!in) to en"'re t$at $er "t'dent" were en)a)ed and learned at t$eir $i)$e"t le#el+ Amanda did "'per#i"ion at l'nc$ a" well a" wor( wit$ "t'dent" o't of cla"" to en"'re t$eir "'cce""+ %$e performed all t$e"e ta"(" competentl! and wit$o't an! complaint+ %$e wa" ea"! to wor( wit$, alwa!" willin) to do $er part and more+ ,a#in) $ad man! "t'dent teac$er" & wa" extremel! impre""ed wit$ Amanda-" a ilitie" a" an ed'cator+ & can $one"tl! "a! t$at "$e $a" een one of t$e few "t'dent teac$er" & $a#e o "er#ed t$at (ept all $er "t'dent" tr'l! en)a)ed in p$!"ical ed'cation+ &t i" for t$e"e rea"on" t$at & offer $i)$ recommendation" for Amanda wit$ re)ard" to $er willin)ne"" to )i#e $er time and talent" to t$e "'cce"" of $er "t'dent"+ &f !o' $a#e an! .'e"tion" re)ardin) t$i" recommendation, plea"e do not $e"itate to contact me+

/0 %cott Glenwood %c$ool 1 23034 52563511 , 23034 52563773 7 23054 37061803 d0+"cott9we"twind+a +ca

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