4110 Pitch Documentary

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(working /tle)

This documentary explores people who
experienced and survived a concentra/on camp
during the world war II.

My subject(s) will be between 83 and 90 years
old.They have been living in Australia since the end of
the second world war.
They were between 15 and 20 years old during the
World war II so they can explain well and with specic
details how was their experience in the concentra/on

I want to make this documentary about what

happened and about the survivors in the concentra/on

camps during WWII because I studied this part of
history back in France.
I contacted the Jewish museum in Sydney and the
event manager allows me to use and lm the museums
pictures. The event manager will also put me in contact
with one or two survivors from the camps, and Ill be
able to interview them.


I will use only the interviewers voice while I will

show some old original footages and pictures from the
camps and how people lived.

List of concentra/on camps in Europe in 1943


Audiences will be very interested by this
documentary because it is about a very important part
of the human history. Also it can help young
genera/ons to know what happened in these camps
and what human beings are able to do
Its been 70 years that this tragedy happened so it is
important to do it before all the survivors pass away ,
this documentary will help audiences to know what
they went trough. This documentary is the survivors
tes/mony from the past.

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