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Mon. 18th - rt Tues. 19th -!" #rnie $e%es& M'rti'l rts 12(00-)(1*

November 18th


November 22nd Thurs. 21st --.#. Fri. 22nd - $oots 'nd .hoots Meetin/ 1(10-2(00

Weds. 20th - rt -!" ( Fire +e,t.


Spelling: Stretch it Fi! it "n# P"rent$%t&#ent %heet M"th: H'(e)'r* i+ nightl, "%%ign(ent n't +ini%he#! -riting: Sh'rt h'(e)'r* nightl, c'nnecte# t' the ne!t #",.% )'r* in cl"%%/ 00$112 Ch"r"cter De3el'p(ent P"ge% D&e
1. R''t% An# Sh''t% Meeting in the Ke%trel Cl"%% 0:0421:44 2. N' Sch''l 15th216th Th"n*%gi3ing Bre"* 7/ 8&nch 'r#er% #&e 00211

1!23NT##$. 3,comin/ #vents(

Ke%trel 9p#"te: !nce '/'in the Kestrels 4o4 me in their mentor rel'tionshi,s 4ith the #2C 5inders. #ver% Kestrel too5 their te'chin/ t's5 seriousl% 'nd 4or5ed to m'5e sure their budd% understood 'nd too5 ,'rt in res,ondin/ to the te6t 'nd cre'tin/ ' 7ound ,oem. 8ive %our 5iddo ' hu/e hi-7ive9 Wednesd'% 4e 4ent to see the ,er7orm'nce The -ressure -oint:' ,l'% 'bout the di77icult decisions 5ids 7'ce( ho4 to 'ct on the ;nternet< 7ood to e't< ho4 to choose 7riends< ,rioriti=in/ t's5s 'nd bein/ ' le'der. The% 4ere ' /re't 'udience:'nd too5 ' lot o7 im,ort'nt in7orm'tion '4'% 7rom the ,l'%. s5 them 'bout the .T $ s%stem( .T!-< T0;NK< CT 'nd $#F2#CT< ' ,rett% use7ul ,rocess o7 'll o7 us9

-riting )ith R"chel: This 4ee5< 2evel ) 4riters be/'n the ch'llen/in/ 4or5 o7 ' 7iction 4riter. We br'instormed 'nd discussed 4h't m'5es both b'd 'nd /ood 7iction 4ritin/< 'nd the constr'ints o7 this unit&s ,iece- re'listic 7iction. >oth *th 'nd ?th /r'de 'lre'd% h've ' /ood underst'ndin/ or b'sic structure o7 ' stor%< 'nd 7rom their lists< 'n 'm'=in/ underst'ndin/ o7 4h't /ood 4riters do to m'5e /ood 4ritin/. We ended the 4ee5 thin5in/ 'bout the @en/ineA o7 ' stor%- the con7lict or stru//le< 'nd in ?th /r'de< revie4ed the di77erent t%,es o7 con7lict th't 4e see in liter'ture. Writers le7t on Frid'% 4ith the t's5 o7 br'instormin/ ,ossible ,roblems 'nd con7licts 7or their short re'listic 7iction stor%. !n Mond'%< 4riters 4ill 4or5 in ,'irs or sm'll /rou,s to sh're their collected ide's 'nd b% the end o7 the 4or5sho, time on Mond'%< h've decided on the stru//le< ,roblem or con7lict to build their stor% 'round. !n Tuesd'% 'nd Thursd'%< 4e 4ill 4or5 on develo,in/ @re'lA ch'r'cter&s ,erson'lit%< b'c5/round< stru//les 'nd motiv'tions. The ch'r'cter develo,ment ,'/es 're chec5,oint 'ssi/nments 'nd 're due on Frid'%. !n Frid'% in Writers& Wor5sho,< 4e 4ill be/in ,lottin/ our stories. !n the Kestrel Website @Writin/A ,'/e< %ou 4ill 7ind the ,'cin/ chec5list o7 u,comin/ chec5,oint 'ssi/nments 'nd due d'tes. Chec5,oint 'ssi/nments 'llo4 7or students to receive 7eedb'c5 on select elements o7 their stor% 'nd 'llo4 me to m'5e sure ever% 4riter is on tr'c5. 0!M#W!$K( Com,lete .tor% .torm - Mond'% 't the end o7 cl'ss< Ch'r'cter .heets-11B22
s5 %our child these thin/s( Wh't ,roblem o7 con7lict 4ill %ou build %our stor% 'roundC >e the ',,reci'tive 'udience( 2isten to %our child sh're 'bout the ch'r'cters& stru//les 'nd motiv'tions. #6,lore these thin/s( +iscuss 4h't ch'r'cters 7rom boo5s %ou h've re'd in the ,'st h've stood out to %ou 'nd 4h%.

Re"#ing: This 4ee5< the Kestrels 4ill le'rn 'bout 'nd ,r'ctice ' boo5 discussion str'te/% c'lled T'l5in/ .tic5s. .tudents 4ill meet 4ith their 2iter'ture Circle /rou, 'nd discuss the boo5 ,rom,ted b% discussion Duestion c'rds. The T'l5in/ .tic5s E,o,sicle stic5sF ensure th't ever% member h's ' ch'nce to be he'rd 'nd th't ever% member ,'rtici,'tes< 'nd this structure encour'/es ' di'lo/ue 'bout the re'din/. $e'ders 4ill 'lso ,re,'re critic'l thin5in/ res,onses 'bout the current ch',terEsF.
s5 %our child these thin/s( Wh't 're the m'in ch'r'cter&s stru//lesC Wh't 're hisBher motiv'tionsC >e the ',,reci'tive 'udience( #6,lore these thin/s( 2isten 's the% tell %ou 'bout the stor% so 7'r. ;denti7% im,ort'nt events 7rom %our o4n histor%< sh'rin/ stories 4ith 7'mil%.

Pr':ect -'r*2
This 4ee5 be/ins 4ith ' 4r',-u, o7 the nervous s%stem. .tudents 4ill le'rn 'bout the v'rious ,'rts o7 the br'in 'nd their 7unctions. We 4ill 'lso cre'te @thin5in/ c',sA 4hich 're ,',er h't model o7 the br'in&s lobes 4ith the /o'l 7or underst'ndin/ th't di77erent 're's o7 the br'in 're 'ssoci'ted 4ith s,eci7ic 7unctions. .tudents 4ill 'lso t'5e ' chec5-in Dui= 'bout the bod% s%stems le'rned so 7'r( s5elet'l< endocrine< immune< 'nd nervous s%stems. For this Dui=< students 4ill be ,ermitted to use notes the% h've t'5en. !ur 0e'lth% >odies stud% then continues 4ith the Muscul'r .%stem. +urin/ this stud%< students 4ill le'rn 'bout the di77erent t%,es o7 muscles< ho4 the% 4or5 in ,'irs< 'nd the n'mes o7 m'Gor muscles in their bodies. listen to t4o ,icture boo5s ,'c5ed 4ith in7orm'tion 'bout the bones< 'nd recorded in7orm'tion in their
s5 %our child these thin/s( Wh't 're the ) t%,es o7 musclesC >e the ',,reci'tive 'udience( 2isten 's %our child sh're the n'mes o7 m'Gor muscles. #6,lore these thin/s( +iscuss ho4 di77erent 're's o7 the br'in control s,eci7ic 7unctions 'nd ,rocesses.

5th "n# ;th <r"#e M"th2

Remember to check out the Level 3 math website to find assignments and resources! ?th /r'ders 're ,lo4in/ throu/h the )rd unit:underst'ndin/ 7r'ctions. We&ve 4or5ed 4ith ' lot o7 use7ul s5ills this 4ee5< li5e underst'ndin/ ,rime numbers< com,osite numbers< /re'test common 7'ctor< eDuiv'lent 7r'ctions< sim,li7%in/ 7r'ctions 'nd lo4est common multi,le9 Th't&s ' lot 7or ' short 4ee5. No4 th't 'll the unit 2 tests 're done< ; ho,e to set 'side time 7or us to re7lect 'nd m'%be even 4r', u, unit ) be7ore bre'59 -*th /r'ders s,ent the 4ee5 revie4in/ multi,lic'tion< division 'nd ho4 to ',,l% those s5ills to stor% ,roblems. !n Frid'% the% st'rted the 7irst ,'rt o7 ' test< the%&ll 7inish th't 'nd then 4e&ll revie4 7or the second ,'rt o7 the test< ho4 multi,lic'tion 'nd division rel'te to ,l'ce-v'lue.
s5 %our student these thin/s( *th 8r'de( Wh't 're some hints to loo5 7or 4hen decidin/ i7 ' stor% ,roblem is multi,lic'tion or divisionC ?th 8r'de( Wh't the di77erent methods 7or 7indin/ the 8CF 'nd 2CMC >e the ',,reci'tive 'udience( #6,lore these thin/s( *th( 2isten to child&s re'ction to *th( Wh't 5inds o7 stor% the test. ,roblems do %ou solve on ' d'il% b'sisC ?th( 2isten to ho4 %ou do ,rime 7'ctori='tion. ?th( Find re'l 4orld ',,lic'tions to 7indin/ eDuiv'lent 7r'ctions.

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