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Teacher Candidate Joe Woolf Mentor Teacher Mr. Winslow Grade Level 9-12 Subject/Content Music/Choral Title Basic Musicianship

Stage 1 DESIRED RESULTS Content Standards & Goals

Standard 1: Perform Students will use body, voice and instruments as means of musical expression.
Objective B: Demonstrate technical performance skills. Practice and perform with habits that enable accurate intonation; e.g., listen and match the pitch, master different vocal exercise patterns. Objective C: Demonstrate notational literacy. Correctly write and respond to standard notation symbols in choral music.

Transfer Students will be able to independently use their learning to

Demonstrate an understanding of basic musical language competency. Students will be prepared in the following four areas: Music Notation, Musical Terms, Solfege and Analyzing and Recognizing what they hear musically. Students will show an increase in learning through formative and summative assessments. Students will have a greater understanding of musicianship. Students will have a greater knowledge of basic musical notation enhancing their ability to read and understand the written music form. Students will learn music vocabulary, strengthening their ability to understand the written music form. Students will be proficient in the value of and practical use of solfege to strengthen their ability to recognize and perform intervals with greater ease. Students will be versed in how listening to music and performance will elevate their abilities as musicians. Students will be better versed in basic ear training.

Meaning UNDERSTANDINGS Students will understand that

Musicianship is a learned skill. Music Notation is a language. Music Terms are an intricate part of reading and understanding the written language of music. Solfege is a tool to assist musicians in learning and remembering intervals. Listening, Analyzing and Evaluating are critical parts of musicianship. Ear training is a learned skill.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Students will keep considering

Why it is important to learn basic musicianship? Why is it important for musicians to understand music notation? Why do musicians need to understand the terms used in written music? How can Solfege enhance musicians skills in music performance? Why does listening and understanding what is heard, better a musicians musical abilities? What will basic ear training do to help me be a better musician?

Standard 3: Listen/Analyze/Evaluate Students will expand music listening skills and use music vocabulary to analyze and evaluate music.
Objective B: Evaluate ensemble performances. List important criteria for determining the quality of a music performance. Using this list, identify, analyze and evaluate strengths and weaknesses in both recorded and live performances. Objective C: Document personal growth as a musician. Using the criteria from Objective B, evaluate strengths and weaknesses in personal performance.

Acquisition Students will know

Basic Musicianship Basic Music Notation. Basic Musical Terms. Solfege Hand Signs and the partnering of vowels. How to listen critically to a given performance and how to identify chords and scales by analyzing and evaluation what theyve heard.

Students will be skilled at

Reading Music Notation. Recognizing and understanding Musical Terms. Performing and utilizing Solfege Listening with a critical and skilled ear.

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