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Edge of the World Bathke Edge of the World Bathke

Review main ideas Apply to class Apply to self Reflect

Ted Talk Dr. Ivan Joseph

Soccer coach and athletic director Whats important en un jugador? Speed? Vision? Golazos? No. What is important? Self-confidence

Self-Confidence is a Skill
It can be trained, learned. Repetition, repetition, repetition Do not give up after 1st100th failure Persistence

Example of the soccer goalie (portero) who had bad hands. He practiced 350 catches against a wall per day. Now he is playing professionally in Europe.

Self Talk
Negative self talk? Stop. Ill never speak English like my cousin Research shows native proficiency is not necessary Mistakes are how we learn

Build this Skill Self-confidence

1. Look at your successes
Dr. Ivans self-confidence letter Profes fotos and memories What works for you?

No one will believe in you unless you do

The belief that you can accomplish anything

Fotos: Bathke

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