Sem One Response Letter

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Jack Lavey Absent When Due W6 Semester One Self-Assessment Letter Dear Jack, Youve done such a great

job powering through the first half of the year, particularly in Mrs. Upadhyays ALC class! Just so you dont forget, lets go over what youve learned so far this year, and identify your strengths and weaknesses. One of your greatest strengths is that youve learned how to write a solid theme statement. For example, at the beginning of the year, your understanding of theme was thin. But the themes of more recent essays such as the TKAM and Monsters v. Muse have actually received praise for their firm content. Another strength of yours is knowing how to take notes and keep things organized. Youve learned Mrs. Upadhyays teaching style and now know how to make it work in your favor by taking quick notes and getting assignments finished early. Finally, youve become much better at looking into the deeper meaning of a text. At the beginning of the semester you thought that the text was black and white, but you now realize that it can have much meaning when you stretch your mind. The year is only half finished, though! Youve got plenty more to learn and to improve upon. One area that you might improve upon is being less wordy when you write. For example, in the TKAM essay, wordiness became a problem when it started showing bias towards a particular group. You could change this habit by using a thesaurus and finding one spicy word instead of many bland ones. Another thing to improve on is making strong connections between TS and Es. In every essay youve failed to really prove each paragraphs TS. To improve on this you might consider going back and reading the TS before writing out the Es. This would remind you of what you need to think about instead of you writing irrelevant babble. Soon enough youll find that your goals are being accomplished. A sign that this is happening might be that your writing flows more easily from TS to C to Q to E.

Also, Mrs. Upadhyay will stop writing too wordy or need to connect on your papers. Instead youll get :) or good flow. Good luck in the second semester, Jack! Im sure youll look back on this letter at the end of the year and think, I really used to do that? Write back soon, Jack Lavey.yourself

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