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Design of combined footing Slab type-3 Design a rectangular combined footingslab type [with out a central beam] for

r supporting two columns 400x400 mm in size to carry a load of 1000kN each. Center to center distance between the columns is 3.5m. The projection of the footing on either side of the column with respect to center is 1m. Safe bearing capacity of the soil can be taken as 190kN/m 2. Use M20 concrete and Fe-415 steel. Solution: Data fck = 20Nlmm2, fy= 415mm2, f b = l90 kN/m2, Column A = 400 mm x 400 mm, Column B = 400 mm x 400 mm, c/c spacing of columns = 3.5, PA = 1000 kN and PB = 1000 kN Required: To design combined footing with central beam joining the two columns. Ultimate loads P uA= 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN, P uB = 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 kN Proportioning of base size Working load carried by column A = PA = 1000 kN Working load carried by column B = PB = 1000 kN Self weight of footing 10 % x (PA + PB) = 200 kN Total working load = 2200 kN Required area of footing = Af = Total load /SBC=2200/190 = 11.57 m2 Length of the footing Lf = 3.5 +1 +1 =5.5m Required width of footing = b= Af /Lf = 11.57/5.5 = 2.1m Provide footing of size 5.5 x 2.1 m For uniform pressure distribution the C.G. of the footing should coincide with the C.G. of column loads. As the footing and columns loads are symmetrical, this condition is satisfied.

1000 kN

1000 kN


3.5 m


x R

p=173.16 kN/m2 w=363.64 kN/m



T Longitudinal Bending

T Transverse Bending


The details are shown in Figure Total load from columns = P = (1000 + 1000) = 2000 kN. Upward intensity of soil pressure=Column loads, P/Af= 2000/5.5 x2.1 =173.16 kN/m2< SBC Design of slab for longitudinal bending As the width of the footing is 2.1 m, the net upward soil pressure per meter length of the beam under service. = w = 173.16 x 2.1 = 363.64 kN/m Shear Force and Bending Moment at service condition VAC = 363.64 x 1 = 363.14 kN, VAB = 1000-363.14 = 636.36 kN VBD = 363.14 kN, VBA = 636.36 kN Point of zero shear is at the center of footing at L/2, i.e., at E Maximum B.M. occurs at E ME = 363.64 x 2.752 / 2 - 1000 (2.75 - 1) = -375 kN.m Bending moment under column A = MA = 363.64 x 12 / 2 = 181.82 kN.m Similarly bending moment under column B = MB = 181.82 kN-m Let the point of contra flexure be at a distance x from C Then, Mx= 363.63x2/2 1000(x-1) = 0 Therefore x = 1.30 m and 4.2m from C Depth of footing from B.M. Considerations: d = (375 x 1.5 x 106/ (2.76 x 2100)) = 311.52 mm D=d + 75 =400 mm, d=325 mm

Check the depth for Two-way Shear:

1000 kN

1000 kN

363.64 kN/m

MC=375 kN-m


MA=181.82 kN-m


MB=181.82 kN-m

V2=636.36 kN

V4=363.63 kN + _ + V1=363.63 kN SFD V3=636.36 kN -


4000 x 400 1.75m

400 x 400 1.75m 3.5m

B 0.8m

2100 mm

a=1 m


5500 mm

ds/2 400 400

D D+ds



Load on heavy column = Pu =1500 kN. Load causing the punching shear = Design shear=Pud= column load W u x area at critical section Pud = 1500- 173.15x1.5x (0.4 + 0.325)2 = 1363.48 kN v=Pud/bod =1363.48 x 1000 /(725x4x325) = 1.45 MPa Shear stress resisted by concrete = uc = uc x K s where, uc = 0.25 f ck= 0.25 20 = 1.11 N/mm2 K s = 0.5 + d / D = 0.5 + 400/400 = 1.5 1 Hence K s = 1 uc = 1 x 1.11 = 1.11 N/mm2, Therefore unsafe Increase the depth to 500 mm with d =425 mm Pud = 1500- 173.15x1.5x (0.4 + 0.425)2 = 1285.73 kN v=Pud/bod =1285.73 x 1000 /(725x4x325) = 0.92 Mpa. Therefore ok. Area of Reinforcement Region AB between points of contra flexures Mu = 1.5 x 375=562.5 kN-m Mu/bd2 = 562.5 x 106 /2100 x 4252 =1.48, pt= 0.456, Area = 4070 mm2 Provide 13 bars of 20 mm, Area provided = 4084 mm2

pt = 0.46 % Curtailment: Curtailment can be done as explained in the previous problem. However extend all bars up to a distance d, from the point of contra flexure. Extend the remaining bars upto the end of footing. Cantilever portion BD and AC Length of cantilever from the face of column = 0.8 m. Ultimate moment at the face of column = 363.64x1.5 x 0.82 / 2 = 177.53 kN-m Therefore Section is singly reinforced. Mu/bd2 =177.53x106/(2100x4252) =0.47 2.76, URS Pt=0.135%, A st =0.135x2100x425/100 = 1205 mm2 Minimum steel = 0.12x2100x500/100 =1260 mm2 Provide 13 - 12 mm at bottom face, Area provided = 1470 mm2, pt=0.16% Ld = 47x12 = 564 mm Curtailment: All bottom bars will be continued up to the end of cantilever for both columns. Alternate bars are to be curtailed at a distance d (= 725 mm) from the point of contra flexure as shown. Design of shear reinforcement Portion between column i.e. AB In this case the crack due to diagonal tension will occur at the point of contra flexure because the distance of the point of contra flexure from the column is less than the effective depth d(= 725mm) (i) Maximum shear force at A or B = Vumax = 1.5 x 636.36 =954.54 kN Shear at the point of contra flexure = 954.54-1.5x 363.64x0.3 = 790.9 kN v=790900/(2100x425) =0.886 MPa c,max.(2.8 MPa) Area of steel available = 4084 mm2, 0.46 % c=0.47MPa, v > c Design shear reinforcement is required. Using 12 mm diameter 4 - legged stirrups, Spacing = 0.87 x 415 x (4 x 113) /(0.886-0.47)x2100 =186 mm say 180 mm c/c Zone of shear reinforcements between v to c = m from support B towards A Cantilever portion BD and AC Similarly design for shear at other critical sections can be made. However minimum steel is required for the two projections of the footing. Provide 12mm, 4 legged at 200 mm c/c. Design of slab: Intensity of Upward pressure = w =173.16 kN/m2 Consider one meter width of the slab (b=1m) Load per m run of slab at ultimate = 173.16 x 1 = 173.16 kN/m Cantilever projection of the slab (For smaller column) =1050 - 400/2 = 850mm Maximum ultimate moment = 173.16 x 0.8502/2 = 62.55 kN-m. (Working condition)

1m p=173.16 kN/m2

For M20 and Fe 415, Q u max = 2.76 N/mm2 Required effective depth = (62.15 x1.5 x 106/(2.76 x 1000)) = 184.28 mm, which is more than the provided 425 mm. To find steel Mu/bd2 =1.5 x 62.15 x106/1000 x 4252 = 0.516 2.76, URS Pt=0.15 % Ast = 0.15 x 1000 x 425/100 = 637 mm2 Use # 12 mm diameter bar at spacing = 1000 x 113 / 637 = 177 mm say 170 mm c/c This is required at the central band whose length is 400 mm + 2x425 =1250 mm under both columns. For the remaining length minimum steel can be provided, which 0.12 % of grass area. Required A st = 0.12 bD / 100 = 0.12 x 1000 x 400/100 = 480mm2 Using 12 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 113 / 480 = 235.4 mm Provide distribution steel of #12 mm at 230 mm c/c Check for development length Ldt= 47 times diameter = 47x12 mm Available length of bar = 850 - 25 =825mm and hence safe. Transverse reinforcement Required A st = 0.12 bD / 100 = 0.12 x 1000 x 400/100 = 480mm2 Using 12 mm bars, spacing = 1000 x 113 / 480 = 164.58 mm Provide distribution steel of #12 mm at 230 mm c/c Details can be seen in drawings. Provide all dimensions and the details of the reinforcements. End Dr. M. C. Nataraja Professor, SJCE, Mysore-570 006

1000 kN

1000 kN




2000 5500

2000 5500

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