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Baltimore International Academy

Chinese Your First Grade

Dear parents, This week was short, but our learning was quite fruitful. Classroom management: With continued reinforcement, most students did a better job following classroom rules and procedures this week. Walking

about a ower in which students named the topic, supplied facts such as parts of a ower, what a ower needs to grow, its color and provided some sense of closure. ! We also learnt a famous Chinese folk song called A Jasmine Flower. Celine Dion and from the playground to our classroom, however, was still challenging for some students. IB and CLA: We learnt parts of plants and what plants need to grow. Students drew plants and practiced labeling different parts and their needs. Based on our learning of plants, we wrote an informative paragraph
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Baltimore International Academy

Chinese Your First Grade

Song Zuying (A famous folk song singer in China) sung the song together at CCTV (Chinese Central Television)s Chinese New Year Gala of 2013. A video of their performance was uploaded to our class website. If you are interested, please click Chinese Language Arts and songs to view it. Next week, we will reinforce the concept of carnivore, herbivore and omnivore and introduce food chain. Math: We spent some time reviewing key points of block 4 and learnt block 5 and 6, comparing the efciency of counting on and making ten when one addend is 9 and using the commutative property to make 10. We informally introduced making 10 when one addend is 8. Next week, we will continue to work on it. Q1 Report Cards: If you havent returned the yellow envelop to me, please do it as soon as possible. The envelop will be reused for the next quarter. Fluency contest: We had some fun with the contest. The winners were Blaise, Jule, Sean, Madison and Nathaniel. Each of them was reward with an automatic pencil. Congratulations to them! Award ceremony: At the end of every quarter, BIA has a school-wide ceremony to award students with excellent behavior (Citizenship), frequent target language usage (Ambassador) and perfect attendance. To be an ambassador, a student not only needs to use the target language without reminder, but also needs to show good behavior. A student cannot receive Ambassador and Citizenship at the same time.
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As a result, Bella and Sean were awarded with Citizenship. Jule, King, Nathaniel and Madison were awarded with Ambassador. Jule, Anthony, Blaise, Caden, Edward and Ania were awarded with Perfect Attendance. Congratulations to these students. Hopefully we will see some new faces at the next ceremony. Stealing in our class: Several students reported that their snacks were missing during the past few weeks. My assistant teacher and I have been trying to keep a close eye on the students movement in the classroom. Only with the teachers permission can students go to the back of the classroom. Every morning, students were asked to take out their lunch boxes and snacks and put them into the cubby. To prevent stealing from happening again, please pack all your childs snacks and lunch into his/her lunch box. If you dont use a lunch box, please make sure the snacks are packed into one container or bag. Thanks for your cooperation! Temperature change: I noted that several students were sick last week. I will open the classroom windows when possible to let in some fresh air. Please also keep your child warm when it is cold outside. Time to sleep now. :-) Hope you have a wonderful week next week.

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