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Daily Lesson Plan for

%ourse Math Date Sept. 2, . *ct. 4 Topic of Lesson: Estimation VA SOL: Grade 5 Math 5.4, 5.5 Essential Question: Estimate the sum, difference, product, and quotient of whole number computations Key Terms: Sum Differenc e Product Quotient estimation Pre-Assessment: Gi en on !rida", #$%&. 'he qui( included estimatin) usin) addition and subtraction with word problems. *ut of a class of %& students, results were+ #,- or hi)her . / 0,- 1 0#- 1 2 &,- 1 &#- 1 2 3,- 1 3#- 1 // 5#- or less 1 # Engage: (Time: ! minutes" 4ntroduce estimatin) and as5 for reasons we6d estimate. Gi e other answers that students don6t )i e. E7plain that there are 2 wa"s to estimate. 8oundin) . which we co ered last wee5, front end estimatin), and compatible numbers. 'ell them that we will co er front end estimatin) toda", and start compatible numbers tomorrow. 9ote+ lesson plans will be the same for both wa"s to estimate. E#plore: (Time: $! minutes" Pass out notes on front end1estimatin) :compatible numbers on that da"; and )o o er the notes. <se the white board to demonstrate e7amples. =a e students complete the wor5sheet for the da" at their seats. Pull students who had the most trouble with the pre1 test into a small )roup and help them do the wor5sheet. E7plain as we )o until e er"one &ell(s" or &loc' /st 5 da"s

seems to ha e )otten the concept. 9ote+ <se small )roup instruction, or e en / on / with an education para as needed. E#plain: (Time: ! minutes" >ome bac5 to)ether as a whole )roup and )o o er the wor5sheet. ?nswer an" questions that students ha e. 'a5e time to wor5 an" problems that students had trouble with on the board. 8e iew this information the second da" to ma5e sure that all students are clear on how to estimate. E#ten(: (Time: remaining" =a e students use @udd" @oo5s :Math )ame boo5s; to practice usin) this method of estimation for the remainder of the da":s;. ?lso, ha e students complete a ni)htl" homewor5 assi)nment that reinforces and )i es them practice in the material that was co ered each da". E)aluate: (Time: *our"

?t the end of the wee5, e aluate b" )i in) an online test usin) the *n 'rac testin) pro)ram that A>SD has purchased. +aterials: Bor5sheet @udd" @oo5s >omputers C Daptops :for testin);

Testing ,esults: Please see attac*e( gra(e s*eet for specific scores- &rea'(o.n .as (/0 stu(ents": /,,- 1 /% students #,- 1 0 students 0,- 1 % students &,- 1 % students 3,- or less . % students 9ot tested . / student

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