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EXPECTATIONS FOR SERVICE LEARNING WEEK Expectations of Students: 1. To behave in accordance with the Pymble Ladies College rules outlined in the school diary 2. To dress in accordance of specified guidelines 3. Not to use any form of illicit drug, alcohol or smoke while on Service Leanring 4. To inform the College of all health issues which may affect the student while on Service Learning 5. Students are expected to have every item outlined on the equipment list devised by each group(for overnight excursions) 6. To maintain the standards of the College at all times 7. Students are not to have in their possession, IPods or similar electronic gadgets (unless for the purpose of undertaking activities) 8. All students are to be present and on time at all activities 9. Students may not leave any of the venues at any stage without permission 10. If a student is unwell or injured they are expected to inform the group leader

Expectations of Staff: 1. To behave in accordance with the Staff Code of Conduct and policies outlined in the Staff Handbook 2. To be aware of the students and their needs as set out in the folder provided to the teacher in charge of each group 3. To dress in accordance to the students standard of dress 4. Not to drink alcohol, smoke or consume any illicit drugs while on any of the service experiences 5. To maintain the standards of the College at all times with the students 6. Be present for all activities 7. Be aware of procedures for illness, or injury and misbehaviour 8. Staff may encourage the students to partake in an activity but at no stage force a girl to complete an activity.

These guidelines have been adapted from the Colleges Camp Policy, and procedures and practices found in the Staff Handbook on vstaffroom

Week of service
To ensure all groups are able to complete their service initiatives, you need to make sure you are in the right place at the right time! Time: Roll call: Make sure you arrive 15 minutes before the time your group nominated on your letter All groups will meet in their designated location each morning. You will meet your mentor here and have your name marked off. NOTE if you are going to be absent or LATE, please ask your parents to contact the Upper School Office directly on 9497 7865. Please ALSO let another member of your group know so that your group is not waiting for you if you are absent. Students who have not brought in the required notes prior to the start of service, or who are dressed inappropriately on the day, will not be able to attend their projects. If you have notified me that you will require a boarders lunch you will be required to collect this from the kitchen prior to the start of the day. If you are not obtaining a boarders lunch ake sure you have brought recess, water and lunch each day.



Technology: Those responsible for documenting your projects need to make sure your groups cameras etc are charged and ready to go each day Projects on campus: ROOMING FOR GROUPS ON CAMPUS Some groups may be on Campus every day during Service week, others may need to utilise rooms in the morning before departure to venues or if they return early from their project. Please see below the rooms that will be available based on current logistics information. Tuesday 12th RV01 Hamlin Waitara Hub Wednesday 13th Hamlin Waitara Hub Thursday 14th Hamlin Waitara Hub Friday 15th Hamlin Waitara Hub


Sunshine Home Josephites

Sunshine Home Josephites

Sunshine Home Josephites

Sunshine Home Monikas Doggie rescue Chester Hill Swimming Emergency room for group if required


Chester Hill Swimming Emergency room for group if required

Chester Hill Swimming Emergency room for group if required

Chester Hill Swimming Emergency room for group if required

TRANSPORT LOGISTICS In the interests of student and staff safety the following departure locations have been identified for student transport throughout the week. All transport should be able to return to Kelso Bus Terminal at the end of each day. Property will be informed of these arrangements. Please ensure that your girls are aware of their departure locations (they will be given this information) Tues 12th KELSO Chester Hill groups St Gabriels Chalmers Road Animal W League Monikas Doggie res Wednesday 13th Chester Hill groups St Gabriels Chalmers Road Animal W League Monikas Doggie res Thursday 14th Chester Hill groups St Gabriels Chalmers Road Josephites Friday 15th Chester Hill groups St Gabriels Chalmers Road Animal W League

FLAGPOLE Life is a beach LAWN

Life is a beach

Life is a beach Animal W League early departure Monikas Doggie res Early departure

Life is a beach

BOARDERS LUNCH The following students have indicated that they will obtain a boarders lunch during service week. For those on campus they can collect at the normal time but all other students will need to collect it in the morning. The kitchen has been advised.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Kirsten Chin Isabella Bouckley Coco Wan Alice Wong Karina Wong KamMan (Valerie) Ho Kimberly Thoo Lucinda Boxall, Lucinda Brown, Ella Catlin-Struthers, Shelley Cheng, Eunice Lam, Lauren Land, Alex James Molly Garling. Samantha Tsui Olivia Peters, Emma Boyd, Grace McCloskey Rubani Bhasin Hannah Linnich Tracey Chow Adrianna Rusman

24. Nishelli Wijesundra 25. Cindy Huang 26. Holly Currey 27. Acacia Mok 28. Claire Tsai 29. Jessie Ding

Documenting your Service Learning journey

Memorable Moments Photography Pictures portray the journey of our heart and our mind

This is a chance for you to utilise your artistic flair and to capture your Service experience in a unique and creative manner whilst telling a story about your journey, your challenges, your achievements and the connections and changes you have made throughout the year. Let others see Service through your eyes by capturing images that illustrate: A moment of joy A moment of surprise A connection Support and sharing Patience Compassion Leadership Determination Courage Change as a result of your actions An activity Collaborative action A symbol or image that captures your project

At the end of each Service Learning Day, ONE representative/photographer from each group is to Email me ONE photograph that they would like to share as their memorable moment for the day. We will select a memorable moment photo for each day and these will be professionally printed and framed as a visual legacy of your service project. We will also share other memorable moment photos with you all on Celebration Day Tuesday 19th Nov. Make sure you keep your cameras charged and your finger on the button so that you dont miss an important moment in time!!

Documenting your Service Learning journey through multimedia Story telling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today Robert Mcafee Brown Throughout your Service Learning journey, you have been asked to contemplate how you will document and showcase your experiences. The story you tell will be a legacy of your service learning experiences and a message to others about an area of need that exists within the community. The task: You are asked to create a visual documentary that captures your service experience. This can take any form you wish and may be a video, photo story, PowerPoint with automatically timed slides and music, or combination of several different mediums. Your final product will form part of our celebrations on 19th November when everyone has returned from their service experiences. The multimedia presentation should not exceed 4 mins in length. Your group will be required to submit their final multimedia presentation to me by 4pm on Monday November 18th. You will be required to physically download or submit a CD to me and to ensure that it functions properly when played. To ensure your creation is an accurate reflection of your experience, you need to conduct some pre planning. When: You need to be collecting footage during the last stages of your planning and during each day of your service project What do I need to do? As a group brainstorm: What you feel will be most important to capture about your service experience? Think about the message you want to send. Is the service project just about year 10 having fun, or do you also want to demonstrate how you have collaborated with others, supported those in need, brought joy or comfort to different people etc. Who will you want to include? What events do you need to capture? How you would like to collate and present the video, photographs and other items you will collect during the week Who will be responsible for the different elements you need to collect?

Those who have been put in charge of this project will need to oversee this process and ensure that during the week of service that the group: Brings the equipment that can be used for filming each day (the library has cameras that are available to be borrowed) Saves and stores footage and photos ready to assemble into your multimedia piece on the 19th

Documenting your Service Learning journey through multimedia Tips to consider: If your group is able to, try and edit and arrange your documentary during the week so you are not left with too much to do on the day of reflection Plan your shots (multiple angles) sketch on paper first. Make sure you are doing more than just collecting mid-range shots of everyone Think about what kinds of shots will most authentically capture the experience. Having everyone smiling into the camera may not convey exactly what your project was all about. Shots of friends, or shots of only Pymble students may also not be an accurate reflection of the groups endeavours. Use a stable filming platform here possible Use a microphone when filming or narrate after on top of the video Think about the narration or music that you would like to accompany your documentary. Remember to make this meaningful. Its not a question of just choosing your favourite song. Look at Australian Story as an example to guide you Narration is an important element and will help to tell your story. You may need to start writing this in advance Practice filming and editing- see what works and what doesnt

Courtesy of Alison Boyd- Boland

CELEBRATION AND REFLECTION DAYS Monday November 18th Time 8:10-8:20 8:20-9:00 9:00-11.00 Activity Roll call and instructions for the day Special Service Learning reflection service Reflection and planning celebration Session 1 Formal written reflection of the groups process and achievements Formal letter of thanks to organisation please ask your mentor or another staff member who is supervising to check your letter and then print. Address the envelope appropriately. Include a contact name and the full address of the organisation including post code. Creating short multimedia presentation of service experience no more than 4 minutes in length, Visual representation / legacy of your personal journey to be included in showcase Advice for year 9- flyer or alternative, selling this project and providing advice for continued work with the chosen organisation etc. You must have multiple copies for distribution to Year 9 and parents. Organise for receipts, budget and left over funds to be returned to Mrs Schumacher she will be checking this off. Personal reflection complete the survey monkey link that has been sent to you. Commence Setting up displays RECESS 11.20 -1.35 Location Hall Chapel Colonnade C2- C10 and the hall

Reflection and planning celebrationSession 2 As above

Colonnade C2- C10 and the hall

LUNCH 2.05 -3:15 3.15 4.00pm

Reflection and planning celebrationSession 3 All videos are to be submitted to Mrs Schumacher by 4.00pm in person and are to be either downloaded or saved onto a labelled CD. She will need to ensure that the video plays successfully on her computer.

Colonnade C2- C10 and the hall

CELEBRATION AND REFLECTION DAYS Tuesday November 19th Time 8:10-8:15 Activity Rollcall Location Courtyard area near Hall in designated Colonnade rooms if raining Colonnade C2- C10 and the hall Hall Colonnade C2- C10

8:20- 9:00 9:00- 9.55

Finalise show case ensure that all items on the checklist have been completed Presentation of awards for Photos, Films and Service Excellence View other groups show case, Prepare for viewing by Year 9 during PC Time Groups should chose to divide their time between recess and PC time so that some students have recess during PC Time and then assist during recess and vice versa. Mrs Waters and Parents to view Showcases during recess Year 7 to view showcase between 11.30 and 12.15 Year 8 to view showcase between 12.30 and 1.00 pm Mentors to join girls for a BBQ lunch Show case open for viewing by other students and staff Recipients of Service Learning Excellence to meet with Mrs Waters at 1.30 pm sharp in IH building Ensure that the thank you letter for the organisation has been finalised and submitted to Mrs Schumacher along with an appropriately addressed envelope. Showcase area needs to be packed up and rooms need to be tidied and restored to original configurations. Final words

9.55- 10.25

C2- C10 Gloucester Quadrangle

RECESS 11.20 - 1.00

Gloucester Quadrangle C2- C10 and Hall

LUNCH 1.00pm 2.00pm

Gloucester Quadrangle IH building

2.05 -3.00pm

C2-C10 and hall

3.00pm 3.15 PLEASE NOTE:


Coloured cardboard and basic supplies will be available in the Upper School Office. However, we expect that you will bring the following items with you to help prepare your show case: Pens, pencils, coloured textures, markers, crayons, erasers, rulers, scissors, glue Laptop (designing components of your showcase and for completing the survey), camera if downloading pictures, ipod for recording and imbedding music Printed photos to save back log on library printers Any creative props that you think will enhance your showcase material to cover tables or creating back drops, table displays, models etc, fishing wire, ribbons, balloons

LETTER WRITING TEMPLATE Recipients details Number, street Suburb, postcode To whom it may concern OR To Mr / Mrs / Ms (plus surname) Prepare a small paragraph that discusses how much you appreciated the opportunity to engage with the students/residents/other volunteers/clients etc at the venue that you attended. Highlight the particular needs that you addressed and what your group achieved from being involved with the organisation. Recognise the time and effort that they provided you in assisting with the endeavour. If appropriate suggest that you hope to Pymble students will be able to maintain a connection with the organisation in coming years. Senders details Number, street Suburb, post code Date

Yours sincerely, Name of student on behalf of (name of Group) Name of supervising teacher Contact details for teacher


Spend the first part of your day as a group and provide a formal written response to the questions posed below. 1. As a group what have been your greatest successes?

2. What has your group learned about: a. The value of service

b. Working as a group and overcoming challenges

3. Which skills have your group drawn on the most as you have worked on this project?

4. As a group, would you recommend that a new group continue to work with one or more of the organisations you have collaborated with this year? Give reasons for your comments

5. Are there new organisations that you would recommend as part of a service initiative for year 10 next year? Give reasons for your comments

Courtesy of Alison Boyd- Boland but with amendment


Keeping the flame alive

This year, Year 10 have maintained existing or developed new positive relationships with the community and community organisations. To build on the outstanding work you have done you are asked to provide Year 9 with some insight into what you have achieved and how they might continue in your tradition.

Your tasks
The tasks can be completed and presented separately or together as one item. You can use any form you choose - brochure, poster, article etc. so long as your product is able to be presented as part of your showcase in the afternoon. Be creative and inspire Year 9! What you need to know about Service-Learning What were the best parts of the experience? What do you wish you had done differently? How could you have been made your project even more effective? What did you learn about being a member of a team? What did you learn about collaborating with your peers? What do you know now about Service-Learning and running a project, that you wish you had realised earlier? What tips would you give about: -working with community organisations? -working with your mentor? -creating a project you feel meets your goals? What you need to know about our project Year 9 will be presented with a range of different Service-Learning projects and asked to choose which one they would like to work on. This is your chance to encourage the girls to continue the work you have done. What was the most enriching aspect of your project? Would you advise Year 9 to continue with your social issue and / or your community organisations? Why? What aspects of your project would you most like to see continued? Are there elements of your project that Year 9 could build upon? Are there elements of your project you were unable to complete, but that Year 9 might consider? Are there other organisations which could become part of your project in the future?

Courtesy of Alison Boyd- Boland

Individual student reflection

Capturing your personal journey

While your documentary will showcase your groups project, you are also asked to include a personal reflection in your showcase to demonstrate what you have learned as a result of your Service-Learning project. Your task: Create a visual representation of your personal journey throughout your service project. Your visual representation should consider: How you felt at the start of your project Choosing your project Your first group meeting What your hopes and expectations were What you were curious, worried, uncertain about

Key moments during your service project Events that changed your thinking Challenges that you overcame Excursions and meetings that developed your understanding of your project and the people you were working with Successes for your group Personal successes

Your service week Form: Your personal journey can be presented in any form you choose, It could be a literal map like the one below the where individuals have documented key moments in their lives, or it can be less structured. It may be a sculpture, model, a set of thought bubbles suspended in balloons. You can use a combination of words and images. Be creative, be thoughtful, be inspiring!!! Highlights of your service week and memorable moments How your service week has affected you what your service experience has inspired you to do in the future

Courtesy of Alison Boyd- Boland

SERVICE LEARNING REFLECTION AND CELEBRATION CHECKLIST Please tick off the items below as they have been completed
Formal written reflection of the groups process and achievements (template included above) to be incorporated into your show case and a copy given to Mrs Schumacher. Formal letter of thanks to organisation please ask your mentor or another staff member who is supervising to check your letter and then print. Address the envelope appropriately. Include a contact name and the full address of the organisation including post code. Short multimedia presentation of service experience no more than 4 minutes in length, submitted to Mrs Schumacher in person either by download or on a CD Visual representation / legacy of your personal journey to be included in showcase Advice for year 9- flyer or alternative, selling this project and providing advice for continued work with the chosen organisation etc. Organise for a copy of your budget, all receipts and left over funds to be returned to Mrs Schumacher. Personal reflection complete the survey monkey link that has been sent to you. Symbol of gratitude and appreciation for your mentor.

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