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Diamond A.


2915 Sharer Rd. Apt 214 Tallahassee, FL 32312 478-391-0656 diam !d1."eat !#$am%.ed%

2375 65th Terra&e S . Apt. 403 St. 'eters"%r(, FL 33712 diam !d."eat !#h tmail.& m


T attai! a! i!ter!ship i! the i!$ rmati ! te&h! l () i!d%str) $ &%si!( ! tr %"lesh ti!(, & mp%ters s)stems, data"ase a!d* r se&%rit). + 'r $i&ie!t ,ith -.., -/, S0L + 1! ,led(ea"le $ tr %"lesh ti!( a!d !et, r2i!( + -apa"le $ %tili3i!( %t $ the " 4 ideas $ r e5er)da) & mpli&ati !s Florida A M Uni!er"it#$ Talla%a""ee$ F&.$ De'em(er )*+, 6!$ rmati ! Te&h! l () 7a&hel r $ S&ie!&e 2.9 *4.0 8a9 r :'A 2.2*4.0 ;5erall :'A Rele5a!t - %rse, r2< =ata"ase 8a!a(eme!t S)stem - mp%ter s)stems a!d >et, r2i!( -/ 'r (rammi!( -.. 'r (rammi!(




=air) 0%ee!, Tallahassee, Fl rida

F d Ser5i&e ? r2er 8a) 2013 t -%rre!t

+ 'arti&ipate i! a (r %p setti!( t satis$) the &%st mer !eed i! a timel) ma!!er. + ;perati ! $ ';S s)stem + =ail) %se $ a!al)ti&al s2ills Arm) a!d Air F r&e @4&ha!(e Ser5i&e, F rt ' l2, L %isia!a F d Ser5i&e ? r2er, A%!e 2011 t A%(%st 2011 +8ai!tai!ed "%si!ess $ perati !s t & mpa!) sta!ders +Sa!d,i&h artist +Ser5ed as l (isti& spe&ialist. + - %!seli!( at-ris2 ) %!( , me! Septem"er 2010 t 'rese!t + B l%!teered ,ith F ster-Ta!!er Art :aller), Fl rida AC8, 8ar&h 2011 + D !da -amp%s All-Stars B l%!teer, Fl rida AC8, Fe"r%ar) 2011


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