Illustrator's Beginners

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Illustrator Beginners Series 1: Layers & Placing Images

By Cory Jan 25th, 2009 Category: Tutorials & Tips

Many people have been asking or !ore basi" tutorials, so guess #hat$ The s%ueaky #heel gets the oil& This is the irst in a series o beginner tutorials or people 'ust starting out in (llustrator& This one "overs the layer palette an) pla"ing your pen"il sket"hes in (llustrator& The irst thing you nee) to )o is open a *e# )o"u!ent& +o to ,ile - *e#. or use the keyboar) short"ut, Co!!an) /the 0pple key1 an) * on a Ma" or Control an) * on a 2C&

*e3t, you4ll #ant to pla"e your pen"il sket"h& +o to ,ile - 2la"e& 0 )ialogue bo3 #ill pop up an) 'ust in) your sket"h ile on your har) )rive& ( usually s"an !y sket"hes as grays"ale 'pegs at 52 )pi&

6ere4s !y lea guy that (4! #orking on or the series&

*o# you4ll nee) to open your 7ayers palette& +o to 8in)o# - 7ayers& ( it has "he"k !ark by it on your )rop )o#n !enu, that !eans it is alrea)y open&

6ere4s #hat the 7ayers palette looks like& 9n a si)e note, you4ll noti"e that the 7inks palette tab is also atta"he) to the 7ayers palette& :ou "an )rag an) )rop the )i erent tabs to )i erent palettes to organi;e the palettes the #ay you #ant&

<ouble "li"k on the 7ayer na!e& ( think the )e ault na!e is 7ayer =& 0 )ialogue bo3 #ill pop up& 6ere you "an "hange so!e o the 7ayer pre eren"es like the na!e& This is !y sket"h layer, so ( "hange) the na!e to sket"h&

*e3t, ( #ant to lo"k !y sket"h layer, so ( )on4t )ra# on it& To lo"k a layer, "li"k on the area to the le t o the layer na!e& 0 lo"k #ill appear& This isn4t per!anent, so you "an al#ays unlo"k it by "li"king it again& ,:(, to the le t o the 7o"k is the >isibility& This !akes the layer visible or invisible&

,inally, you #ant to "reate a se"on) layer to )ra# on& Cli"k on the i"on at the botto! that looks like a sheet o paper& 0 ne# layer appears& :ou "an "li"k on the na!e to "hange the na!e or other pre eren"es&

This is the se"on) part in !y 0)obe (llustrator Beginner4s series& This tutorial is about )ra#ing #ith the 2en tool& The 2en tool is (llustrator4s #orkhorse& (t takes ti!e to learn ho# to use, but is one o the key )ra#ing tools in (llustrator& 9n"e you !aster the pen tool you #ill be able to use it in pro'e"ts you sen) to online printing servi"es& The best #ay to learn the 2en Tool is to tra"e over sket"hes& Be ore #e get to that, this is a basi" overvie# o the pen tool& Be ore you start using the 2en tool, you4ll #ant to set your "olors& (llustrator has t#o "olor options the ,ill "olor /the "olor insi)e a shape1 an) the ?troke "olor /or the outline "olor1& ( like to )ra# #ith a ?troke "olor an) no ,ill "olor& :ou "an "hange the "olors o the ,ill an) ?troke on the Toolbar using the ?#at"h palette& To get the ?#at"h palette, go to 8in)o# ?#at"hes& 0 ter your ?#at"h palette is open, "li"k on the "olor you #ant& ( "hose bla"k& *oti"e you are e)iting either the ?troke or the ,ill base) on #hi"h one is on top on the Toolbar& To e)it the other one , "li"k on the one un)erneath /either the ill or the stroke1& (t #ill !ove to the ront, then "li"k on a s#at"h in the ?#at"h palette or that one& The #hite s#at"h #ith the re) line through it is no "olor&

*o#, on to the 2en tool& This is the pen tool on the Toolbar&

The pen tool #orks by pla"ing an"hor points )o#n an) )ra#ing lines in bet#een the!& Cli"k on the artboar) /the area o the ile you )ra# on1 #ith the pen tool sele"te)& :ou4ll noti"e a point appears&

*o# "li"k on another pla"e on the artboar)& 0nother point appears an) a line is )ra#n bet#een the t#o points&

*e3t, !ake a thir) point&

,inally, "one"t the thir) point to the irst& To )o this you4ll nee) to "li"k on the original point& 6over your tool tip or !ouse pointer over the original point& :ou4ll kno# you4re over the point #hen a s!all "ir"le appears ne3t to your pen tool, then "li"k on the point& :our line or path is "lose)& Congratulations, you have 'ust !a)e a shape #ith the 2en tool& 7ook out 2i"asso@ :ou4ve "reate) a lopsi)e) triangle&

7et4s !ake a "urve) line no#& Make your irst point& Then, !ake your se"on) point, but )on4t release the !ouse& (nstea), )rag the !ouse )o#n#ar) or up#ar) slo#ly& :ou4ll noti"e the line starts to "urve& 8hen you get the "urve you #ant, release the !ouse button&

*o# !ake another point& :ou4ll noti"e (llustrator !akes a re"ipro"al "urve&

7et4s say you aren4t happy #ith that "urve& :ou "an go to A)it - Bn)o 2en to )elete the last step& 9r !aybe you "hange your !in), go to A)it - Ce)o 2en an) it is ba"k&

That "urve still )oesn4t look right to you, so let4s !anually a)'ust it& +o to Toolbar an) sele"t the <ire"t ?ele"tion tool /it4s the #hite arro#1&

:ou4ll noti"e that #henever you !ake a "urve) line it has a little blue han)le /or other layer "olor1 that "o!es o o it& :ou "an use this to a)'ust the "urve& Cli"k an) grab the point at the en) o the han)le an) !ove your !ouse aroun) to a)'ust the "urve& 9n"e you get the "urve right release the !ouse button&

0 ter all that, you still hate your "urve) line, so let4s )elete it& ?ele"t the ?ele"tion tool, the bla"k arro# on the Toolbar an) "li"k on your "urve) line& Then hit <elete on the keyboar)& (t shoul) be gone& :ou "an al#ays Bn)o it i you #ant it ba"k& To !ake your li e easier, ( have a list o keyboar) short"uts or the Toolbar tools here&

,inally, let4s !ake a line that "urves then goes straight& Make a "urve) line like you )i) be ore&

(nstea) o !aking another point, "li"k on the <ire"t ?ele"tion or the ?ele"tion tool an) )esele"t your line& To )esele"t your line, 'ust "li"k on a blank spot on the artboar) using one o the ?ele"tion tools& 0 goo) tri"k to s#it"hing bet#een the 2en tool an) your last use) ?ele"tion tool is to hol) )o#n the Co!!an) /0pple1 key on a Ma" or the Control key on a 2C& Try it out& ?ele"t the 2en tool on the Toolbar& *o# hol) )o#n the Co!!an)DControl key& :ou4ll noti"e the tool tip "hange ro! the 2en to the ?ele"tion tool&

Ba"k to your "urve) line& To restart )ra#ing on the sa!e line, hover your !ouse over the en) point like you )i) #hen you #ere "losing a shape or path& This ti!e instea) o a "ir"le besi)e the 2en tool tip, you4ll see a slash !ark& This !eans you4re over the point& Cli"k on it an) then !ake your ne3t point an) your line #ill "ontinue& :ou shoul) have a line that "urves then goes straight&

8ell, that4s it or !y 2en tool basi"s& There4s !ore to the 2en tool, but that4s enough to get you starte)& The ne3t tutorial #ill be applying all o this to the lea sket"h ro! the irst tutorial in the beginner4s series& This is the thir) part in !y 0)obe (llustrator Beginner4s series& This tutorial is about tra"ing over your pen"il sket"hes #ith the 2en tool& The irst part o this series #as about getting

your sket"hes into (llustrator an) the se"on) part #as about using the 2en tool& ( you !isse) the either part, you "an "he"k out the irst one here an) the se"on) one here& 6ere4s !y pla"e) sket"h&

?ele"t the 2en Tool an) the "olor you #ant to )ra# in ro! the Toolbar& ( like to )ra# in a bright "olor like re), so ( "an see the lines over !y sket"h& ?tart by "li"king on the botto! o the lea in the !i))le& *e3t, "li"k on the top in the !i))le& 6ol) )o#n the ?hi t key #hen you "li"k& 6ol)ing )o#n the ?hi t key #ill !ake your line straight&

*o#, you #ant your line to "urve to ollo# the shape o the lea & Make your ne3t point, at the en) o the "urve, but )on4t release the !ouse button& (nstea), slo#ly !ove your !ouse )o#n& *oti"e it is !aking a "urve) line& 8hen you get the "urve "orre"t release the !ouse button&

0 ter !aking a "urve) line, you4ll #ant to "li"k o your line to avoi) the re"ipri"ol "urve like in the last tutorial& 6ol) )o#n the Co!!an)DControl key to get either the <ire"t ?ele"t or the ?ele"tion tool an) "li"k o the line on the e!pty artboar)& Then, release the Co!!an)DControl key an) "ontinue )ra#ing #ith the 2en tool&

*o# you #ant to "ontinue )ra#ing #ith your line& 8ith the 2en tool sele"te), hover your !ouse over the en) o the line& 0 s!all bla"k slash !ark #ill appear ne3t to pen tool tip /or the part #here your pen !eets paper1& This !eans that you are over the en) point o the line& Cli"k on it& ( you !iss 'ust un)o& +o to A)it - Bn)o or Co!!an)DControl E&

*e3t, "li"k on the ne3t point you #ant your line to "ontinue to& This line is a straight line, so you #on4t have to "li"k o o it to )ra# the ne3t one&

Continue ollo#ing the "ontour o the lea by !aking the line "urve an) go straight& 8hen you "o!e to the en), you4ll #ant "lose the shape& ( you re!e!ber ro! the last lesson, to "lose a shape hover over the irst point you !a)e& :ou4ll kno# you4re over the point #hen a s!all "ir"le appears ne3t to your pen tool, then "li"k on the point& :our line or path is "lose)&

:ou have 'ust )ra#n hal the lea shape& The ne3t lesson #ill sho# you ho# to lip the shape an) 'oin it, so you have a sy!!etri"al ob'e"t&

This is the ourth tutroial in the (llustrator Beginner4s series& 8e4ve alrea)y "overe) pla"ing sket"hes, using the 2en tool an) tra"ing sket"hes #ith the 2en tool& This lesson is about !aking sy!!etri"al ve"tor iles& The best #ay to !ake sure your ile is sy!!etri"al is to )ra# hal o it an) lip it& (n the last tutorial, ( tra"e) over !y pla"e) sket"h #ith the 2en Tool& ?in"e the ste! isn4t sy!!etri"al, (4ll )ra# that later&

*e3t, ( #ant to use the Ce le"t Tool& (t usually hi)es un)er the Cotate Tool, so "li"k an) hol) the Cotate Tool to see it&

8ith your lea hal sele"te), )ouble "li"k on the Ce le"t Tool& 0 )ialogue bo3 #ill pop up& ?et the 03is to >erti"al an) "li"k "opy&

This #ill !ake a "opy o your lea a"ing the opposite #ay&

*e3t, you4ll #ant to !ake sure your ?!art +ui)es are on& +o to >ie# - ?!art +ui)es or use the keyboar) short"ut Co!!an)DControl B& ( you4) like to kno# !ore about ?!art +ui)es you "an see a brie tutorial about it here&

8ith your ?!art +ui)es on, you "an roll over your lines an) they light up an) say things like path or an"hor& *o#, you4ll nee) to line up the t#o e)ges o your lea halves& Coll over straight e)ge o one o your lea halves& 8hen it says path, "li"k on the line an) )rag it to#ar)s the other hal 4s straight e)ge& :ou4ll #ant to hol) )o#n ?hi t #hile )ragging the hal & 6ol)ing )o#n ?hi t "onstrains your ob'e"t to !oving on only one a3is& (n this "ase, you #ant your ob'e"t to !ove right an) le t, but not up an) )o#n& 8hen the lea hal line that you4re )ragging hits the other lea hal 4s line, the line #ill light up an) it #ill say interse"t& That !eans they are line) up an) you "an stop )ragging&

( or so!e reason your t#o halves aren4t top aligne), you "an use the 0lign palette to align the! at the top& 9pen the 0lign palette by going to 8in)o# - 0lign&

*o# that your lea halves are line) up, you4ll nee) to 'oin the!&

:ou "an use the 2ath in)er palette to 'oin the!& ( you )on4t have your path in)er palette open, go to 8in)o# - 2ath in)er& ?ele"t both halves using the ?ele"tion tool in the Toolbar& To sele"t a se"on) ob'e"t, hol) )o#n ?hi t an) "li"k on the se"on) ob'e"t& 8ith the t#o halves sele"te), use the 0)) to shape area on the palette& (t is the irst button on the top ro#& Cli"k A3pan) to inish 'oining the ob'e"ts& *o#, you have a sy!!etri"al ob'e"t& 0s #ith any ti!e your #orking in (llustrator, i you !ake a !istake use the Bn)o& +o to A)it - Bn)o or Co!!an)DControl E&

?in"e your lea shape is "o!plete, #e4ll !ove onto the eyes in the ne3t tutorial&

This is the i th tutorial in the (llustrator Beginner4s series& 8e4ve alrea)y "overe) pla"ing sket"hes, using the 2en tool, tra"ing sket"hes #ith the 2en tool an) !aking sy!!etri"al ve"tor iles& This lesson "overs using the Allipse tool to !ake eyes& 6ere4s !y sket"h& :ou "an either #ork on the sa!e layer as the lea shape or "reate a ne# one to #ork on or the eyes& ( you #ant a re resher on using layers, you "an re er to the irst tutorial&

?ele"t the Allipse tool ro! the Toolbar&

*e3t, )ra# an ellipse& Cli"k on the starting point o your oval an) slo#ly pull your !ouse )o#n until your ellipse is about the sa!e si;e an) shape as your sket"h&

Many ti!es, (4ll 'ust use the oval as is, but let4s !ake it a little !ore )i i"ult by using the <ire"t ?e"tion tool to a)'ust the "urves& :ou !ay #ant to ;oo! in on your oval to a)'ust it& E on your keyboar) #ill bring up the Eoo! tool& ( you "li"k on the artboar) #ith the Eoo! tool, it #ill ;oo! in a set a!ount& This is kin) o te)ious, so ( usually use it by "li"king an) )ragging a bo3 aroun) the area ( #ant to ;oo! in on& ( think this is a !u"h easier #ay to use it& To ;oo! out, hol) )o#n the 9ptionD0lt key& :ou4ll noti"e the tooltip "hanges ro! ;oo! F to ;oo! G& 0gain, this #ill only ;oo! you out in in"re!ents& ( like to use >ie# - ,it in 8in)o# or Co!!an)DControl 0& 0lright, ba"k to the <ire"t ?ele"t tool. ( "li"k on the line o the oval #ith the <ire"t ?ele"tion tool& The line lights up an) ( "an see all the an"hor points an) han)les& ( start by "li"king on the le t !i))le an"hor point an) pulling it )o#n a little& This !akes !y eyeball a little !ore botto! heavy an) egg shape)& *e3t ( grab the top le t han)le o the top an"hor point an) !ove it in or "loser to#ar) the an"hor& ( ( hol) )o#n ?hi t #hile (4! !oving it, it #ill only !ove in one )ire"tion& Then, ( )o the sa!e #ith the right han)le&

,or a !ore pre"ise #ay to !ove an"hor points an) han)les, you "an use the arro# keys on your keyboar)& ?ele"t the an"hor point or han)le you #ant to !ove an) "li"k on the arro# key to !ove it in an in"re!ental step& :ou "an a)'ust the )istan"e the point !oves by "hanging your settings& +o to ,ile 2re eren"es - +eneral& 0 )ialogue bo3 pops up an) the irst bo3 is keyboar) in"re!ents&

*e3t, )ra# the pupil #ith the Allipse tool& 6ol)ing )o#n the ?hi t key #hile you )ra# an oval #ill !ake it a per e"t "ir"le&

*o# to lip the eye you 'ust )re#, so you "an have a sy!!etri"al se"on) eye& ?ele"t both the eyeball an) the pupil #ith the ?ele"tion tool& *e3t )rag the! to the right like you #ere going to !ove the!, but hol) )o#n the 9ptionD0lt key an) the ?hi t key& :ou4ll #ant to press the ?hi t key a ter you start )ragging, other#ise you4ll )esele"t the shapes& 6ol)ing )o#n the 9ption key #ill !ake a "opy o the shapes #hile you )rag the! an) hol)ing )o#n the ?hi t key #ill !ake sure that you only !ove the shapes le t an) right an) not up an) )o#n&

To lip the!, )ouble "li"k on the Ce le"t tool #hile they are sele"te)&

0 )ialogue bo3 pops up& Choose >erti"al an) "li"k 9H&

:ou4ll probably have to !ove the eye a little a ter it lips to get it in position& 6ol) )o#n the ?hi t key #hen you !ove the! like be ore, so the eye only !oves in one )ire"tion& 9r you "an use the arro# keys to nu)ge it over& 6ere are the eyes #ith the lea shape& *e3t, it is on to the !outh an) the ste!&

This is the si3th tutorial in the (llustrator Beginner4s series& 8e4ve alrea)y "overe) pla"ing sket"hes, using the 2en tool, tra"ing sket"hes #ith the 2en tool, !aking sy!!etri"al ve"tor iles an) using the Allipse tool& This lesson "overs "reating sy!!etri"al "urves by !aking the s!iling !outh& 6ere4s !y sket"h& :ou "an either #ork on the sa!e layer as your other shapes or "reate a ne# one to #ork on or the !outh& ( you #ant a re resher on using layers, you "an re er to the irst tutorial&

?tart by )ra#ing one hal o the s!ile using the 2en tool& ?tart your irst point at the "orner o the !outh an) !ake the se"on) one near the !i))le o the !outh& 6ol) )o#n the ?hi t key #hile !aking the line "urve& ( you nee) a re resher on the 2en tool, "he"k it out here&

The reason or hol)ing )o#n the ?hi t key is it !akes your "urve) line en) pointing in a straight line or parallel to your page e)ge /instea) o being angle) up or )o#n1&

*e3t, )ra# the "res"ent shape or the "heek& ?tart by !aking the top "urve) line #ith the 2en tool, then "li"k o o the line& Ce!e!ber you "an hol) )o#n the Co!!an)DControl key to %ui"kly s#it"h bet#een the 2en an) the ?ele"tion tools& *o#, start )ra#ing again by hovering your !ouse over the last point you !a)e& 8hen you see the slash ne3t to the tooltip, "li"k on the point& Then "o!plete the shape by hovering over the original point until you see the "ir"le& Cli"k on the point an) pull out your "urve& *ote: ( you try to restart your "urve on the irst point you !a)e, you4ll probably have trouble #ith trying to !ake the right shape /you en) up #ith a )istorte) blob1& ( this happens to you, un)o the last line /Co!!an)DControl E1 an) start at the opposite point instea)&

*o#, sele"t the t#o parts o the !outh to !ake a "opy& To sele"t !ultiple ob'e"ts, ?hi t "li"k on the se"on) ob'e"t or )ra# a bo3 aroun) all the ob'e"ts you #ant to sele"t #ith the ?ele"tion tool& *o# that your ob'e"ts are sele"te), hol) )o#n the 9ption an) ?hi t keys #hile )ragging the ob'e"ts to the right& :ou4ll #ant to press the ?hi t key a ter you start )ragging, other#ise you4ll )esele"t the shapes&

8ith your "opie) hal !outh sele"te), )ouble "li"k on the Ce le"t tool&

0 )ialogue bo3 pops up& ?ele"t >erti"al an) "li"k 9H&

:our !outh shoul) have lippe)& :ou !ay nee) to !ove it aroun) to get it to line up #ith your sket"h&

*o# "onne"t the t#o !outh halves #ith the 2en Tool&

9pen up your ?troke palette& +o to 8in)o# - ?troke&

The ?troke palette pops up an) ( set !y stroke to 2 pt& This #ill thi"ken up your line a little&

*o#, let4s !ake your line into a "lose) shape& ?ele"t 'ust the !outh an) not the "heeks& +o to 9b'e"t - 2ath - 9utline ?troke& :ou4ll noti"e your stroke) line is no# a "lose) shape& ( usually )on4t )o this step until the very en), so ( "an "hange the stroke #eight i ( #ant&

:ou "an also outline your stroke by using the ,latten Transparen"y& ,latten Transparen"y #ill also "onvert )ashe) lines an) brush e e"ts #hi"h the 9utline ?troke )oesn4t )o& +o to 9b'e"t - ,latten Transparen"y to use it& Move the sli)er to =00I >e"tor&

,inally, sele"t the "heeks an) the s!ile an) use the 0)) to shape area ro! the 2ath in)er palette& 0gain, ( probably #oul)n4t )o this step until the en)& Just in "ase ( #ante) to "hange so!ething, but ( igure) it #as goo) to sho# or the tutorial&

6ere4s !y inal !outh& ( #as originally going to )o the ste! in this tutorial too, but this one ran long& ?o, it #ill get )one in the ne3t one&

This is the seventh tutorial in the (llustrator Beginner4s series& 8e4ve alrea)y "overe) pla"ing sket"hes, using the 2en tool, tra"ing sket"hes #ith the 2en tool, !aking sy!!etri"al ve"tor iles, using the Allipse tool an) "reating sy!!etri"al "urves& This lesson "overs turning lines into shapes& 6ere4s !y sket"h& :ou "an either #ork on the sa!e layer as your other shapes or "reate a ne# one to #ork on or the ste!& ( you #ant a re resher on using layers, you "an re er to the irst tutorial&

( start by )ra#ing a "urve) line& ( you nee) a re resher on the 2en tool, "he"k it out here&

*e3t, ( open !y ?troke palette& +o to 8in)o# - ?troke&

The palette pops up& ( "li"k on the up arro# ne3t to the stroke #eight& This in"reases !y stroke #eight by one at a ti!e& ( )o this until it looks about the right #i)th as !y sket"h& ( en)e) up #ith a =0 pt line&

*e3t, ( #ant to turn !y line into a shape& (4! going to use the 9utline ?troke& +o to 9b'e"t 2ath - 9utline ?troke& :ou "an also use the ,latten Transparen"y&

:our line turns into a shape& (t #ill no# have a soli) ill instea) o a stroke& ( you #ant to "hange the "olor ba"k you "an either "hange your "olors the usual #ay or you "an use the Aye)ropper tool& To use the Aye)ropper, sele"t the ste!, "hange to the Aye)ropper tool an) "li"k on another ob'e"t #ith it& ( turne) the layer #ith the eyes ba"k to visible in !y layer palette an) "li"ke) on the eyes #ith the Aye)ropper& The Aye)ropper "hanges the ste! to the sa!e "olor as the eyes& (t also pi"ks up the sa!e stroke #eight&

6ere4s #hat !y lea ste! shape looks like&

*e3t, ( use the <ire"t ?ele"tion tool to a)'ust the shape& ( pull out the botto! an"hor points a little an) the !ove the top ones in a little bit&

( #ant !y ste! to have a slight "urve to the botto!, so (4! going to a)) an an"hor point to the botto!& :ou "an either a)) an"hor points #ith the regular 2en tool or the 0)) 0n"hor point tool /lo"ate) in the sa!e spot as the 2en tool1& To a)) an an"hor point, sele"t the ste! shape& Then, s#it"h to the 2en tool an) "li"k on the spot on the line #here you #ant to a)) another point& ( put one in bet#een the botto! t#o points&

*e3t, ( use the <ire"t ?ele"tion tool to !ove !y ne# an"hor point )o#n&

*o#, ( #ant to !ake the ne# point "urve)& To )o that, (4ll nee) to sele"t the Convert 0n"hor 2oint tool&

Cli"k an) )rag on the ne# an"hor point #ith the Convert 0n"hor 2oint tool& (nstea) o !oving the point, you4ll noti"e it "reates han)les an) the line "urves& Move it aroun) until you get the )esire) "urve& :ou "an also go in an) ine tune the shape #ith the <ire"t ?ele"tion tool&

8ell, that4s it& :ou4ve inishe) tra"ing the sket"h& ( #ent ba"k an) turne) on all the layers an) turne) o !y sket"h layer& ( !ay or !ay not "ontinue #ith this series, so hope ully, this helpe) prepare you or so!e o the other "artoon tutorials& 7et !e kno# i anything isn4t "lear or you4) like urther e3planation o so!ething&

This is the eighth tutorial in the (llustrator Beginner4s series& Bp to this point, you have !ostly been learning to tra"e over sket"hes #ith the 2en Tool& ( you !isse) any o those thrilling tutorials, you "an "he"k the! out here& 8ith this tutorial, you4ll learn ho# to "reate )yna!i" lines #ith the 9 set 2aths eature& 6ere is !y stroke) line )ra#ing ro! the last tutorial&

( start by sele"ting the pupils in the eyes an) the !outh using the ?ele"tion Tool& To sele"t !ultiple ob'e"ts, press the ?hi t key ea"h ti!e you "li"k&

*e3t, "hange the "olor o the stroke to none an) the "olor o the ill to bla"k using the ?#at"h palette&

:ou "an also use !enu bar at the top to "hange "olors& They a))e) this !enu in either C? or C?2, so you !ay be out o lu"k i you4re on an ol)er version o (llustrator&

:our )ra#ing shoul) look like this a ter the "olor "hange&

*e3t, sele"t the lea part&

(4! going to "hange the "olor o this to #hite& The inal #on4t be #hite, but ( usually like to ill everything #ith either bla"k or #hite to start& <on4t ask !e #hy& That is 'ust the #ay ( )o things& 0ny#ay. instea) o using the ?#at"h palette to "hange the "olor, (4! going to use the Aye)ropper tool& 8ith your lea sele"te), "li"k on any o the #hite spa"e o your artboar)& The lea #ill turn to #hite&

*o#, you4re rea)y to use the 9 set 2ath on the lea & +o to 9b'e"t - 2ath - 9 set 2ath&

0 )ialogue bo3 pops up an) ( set the 9 set to 2 point&

This "reates a shape that is uni or!ly 2 points larger than the original& ( set the "olor to bla"k or the ne# shape& *oti"e ho# it looks like a line, even though it is 'ust a slightly larger shape&

( your lea is overlapping your eyes or your ste! is overlapping your lea shape, you !ay nee) to !ove things aroun)& ( you are #orking on layers, then )rag the layers into the right or)er& Be "are ul not to )rag the layers into one another& :ou "an al#ays un)o layer "hanges #ith the Bn)o /Co!!an)DControl E1&

( you aren4t using layers, then use the ?en) to Ba"k /9b'e"t - 0rrange - ?en) to Ba"k1& ( have a little tri"k to !ove things aroun) using the ?en) to Ba"k an) the +roup& Basi"ally, i you group an ob'e"t in the ba"k to one in the ront, the group !oves your ob'e"t in the ba"k to )ire"tly un)erneath the ront ob'e"t& This also #orks or layers& ( you group t#o ob'e"ts ro! )i erent layers, it #ill !ove the ob'e"t ro! the lo#er layer onto the upper layer& This tri"k !i3e) #ith the keyboar) short"uts /Co!!an)DControl + an) ?hi t Co!!an)DControl J 1 "an save you a lot o ti!e&

*e3t, ( repeat the steps ( )i) #ith the lea shape on the ste!&

0 ter that, ( )o the sa!e thing #ith the eyes& ,or the eyes, ( use) a = point o set&

,inally, ( #ante) to !ake !y lines a little less uni or! looking& ( start by sele"ting the eyes #ith the ?ele"tion Tool& 8hen the eyes are sele"te), you "an see a boun)ing bo3 aroun) the!& 2ull )o#n on the !i))le an"hor point on the boun)ing bo3& This #ill !ake the bla"k shape a little larger #hi"h !ake the line #eight look heavier on the botto!&

( also a)'uste) the lea shape as #ell& 6ere is #hat the #hole thing looke) like #hen ( inishe)& 6ey, you4ve got a line )ra#ing@ 2ut so!e "olor on that su"ker an) your +ran)!a 'ust !ight hang it on her ri)ge& 8ith that sai), ne3t up is the !agi"al #orl) o "olor&

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