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Portfolio Process Worksheet Step 1: Reflection What are my strengths, weaknesses, and interests?

Some strengths include being detail oriented, hard working, practical, and flexible. I also possess great interpersonal communication skills and organization skills. Working in the hospitality/food service industry for many years has given me the opportunity to practice, develop, and improve on the above skills and strengths. My weaknesses include time management and being detail oriented. I am working on improving my time management by making prioritized lists and scheduling a block time for each as well as being reasonable about what can be accomplished. Making lists and listing priorities will help me accomplish what needs to be done while eliminating procrastination in the process. By nature Im a very detail oriented personal. It can be a great strength but also a weakness when I become so focused on the details that I lose sight of the big picture an time. Now when Im working on an assignment or project I give myself a certain amount of time for each component and when completed I then go back to correct or add to assignment. Some of my interests include music of all genres, food & nutrition, outdoor sports or activities like running, hiking, swimming, and Pilates. I also enjoy art, theatre and movies. What do I enjoy most in my coursework, work experiences etc.? Some things that I enjoy most in my coursework are group projects and hands on learning activities. I like working in groups because it gives me a chance to work with others and get to know my fellow classmates a little better. It is also an opportunity to spark creativity in myself and others when collaborating as a team. Another aspect of my coursework I take pleasure in is the hands on classes and activities such as; Biology, Food, and Exercise classes. What are my short- and long-term professional and personal goals (goals are measureable)? My short term personal/professional goals over the next three to five years is to continue to gain experience by volunteering and networking as much as I can in order to build my resume and obtain an internship while I complete the remainder of my coursework. I would like to become board certified in a specialty in the dietetics field after working as a professional for a few years. Improving on my time management is also a short and long term goal of mine.

NUTR 2102

Schallert, Fall 2013

My long term goals over the next ten to twenty years is to be work be working in the Dietetics field in a private practice setting with other health professionals and to possibly opening my own nutrition consulting business. Step 2: Assessment Based on your short- and long-term goals and perceived weaknesses, what are your learning needs? Prioritize these needs based on their level of importance in reaching your goals. Gain experience and meet other dietitians and health professionals Improve time management skills Continuing education Step 3: Planning What is needed to accomplish your learning needs? Each learning need should relate to at least one goal, and that learning need should be accomplished with a proposed plan. One of my short term goals is to gain experience and meet nutrition professionals. Volunteer work gives me the opportunity to get acquainted with and learn from Registered Dietitians and health professionals. I have recently become a member of the Student Dietetics Association. SDA keeps me informed of all the nutrition related events and networking opportunities throughout the city of Memphis, which is critical to accomplishing my goals. Step 4: Implementation Put the plan into motion. Document what you are doing or have done to accomplish your plans. I have recently joined the SDA as of September 2013. Since I have been a member I have volunteered at the Student Health Fair and with the Memphis Nutrition Council. Both were great experiences and I got to meet new people and other dietetics students as well. I plan on continuing to be an active member in the SDA by attending a minimum of two events a month every month. I also plan on joining the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics by the end of the year.

NUTR 2102

Schallert, Fall 2013

Step 5: Evaluation Review your progress over the past few years. Evaluate what you have learned and how you have applied the new knowledge. Revise your goals as they are accomplished. Over the past few years I have been steadily working toward my coursework needed to become a RD. Now that I am finally getting to take courses in my concentration I need network and gain experience to the mix. In the process I have learned that getting your RD credentials takes dedication, hard work, and commitment.

NUTR 2102

Schallert, Fall 2013

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