Educate Yourself Flyer Proof 16

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Sanofi Pasteur’s Fluzone® Vaccine

Package Insert
• Print copies and distribute this flyer.
• Give this information to everyone you know and love:
Educate yourself
Church members, social groups, school teachers,
Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category C: administrators, first responders (EMTs, paramedics,
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted firemen), local police, sheriff, city council members,
with Fluzone vaccine. It is also not known whether county commissioners, chamber of commerce and state
Fluzone vaccine can cause fetal harm when legislators. Their support is critical to maintain your right
administered to a pregnant woman or can affect to choose.
reproduction capacity. Fluzone vaccine should be
given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. • Write letters to the editor in LOCAL community
Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of • DEMAND that public schools are not used as mass
Fertility: Fluzone vaccine has not been evaluated for vaccination sites.
carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment
of fertility. • Get this information out via the web using Facebook,
MySpace or Twitter. Feel free to hot-link or post this
information anywhere on the web.
Under Federal Law (NVICP 1986) your
Vaccine Provider is Required to: What to do if you Plan to Decline
(1) Give you vaccine benefit and risk information prior • Ask your State Attorney General, Legislator or
to vaccination. Governor whether your state law exemptions from
vaccine programs (medical, religious,
(2) Obtain your written consent before administration. philosophical) apply during a declared pandemic or
(3) Keep a permanent record of all vaccinations given, health emergency.
including the manufacturer's name and lot number. • If exemptions are available, contact your health Swine Flu Mass Vaccination
(4) Document serious health problems, hospitalizations, care or school professionals for forms to fill out Programs - 2009/2010
injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination in giving notice that you or your family members are
your or your child's permanent medical record. exempt and are declining the vaccines and/or
treatments. In the case of the 1976 swine flu
(5) Report serious health problems, hospitalizations,
injuries and deaths that occur after vaccination to pandemic, a government-directed mass
• Find out if swine flu or pandemic vaccines will be
the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting required for students and staff in order to attend vaccination program, several dozen
System (VAERS).
public schools. vaccine recipients died and hundreds were
injured. Those families who were able to
Public Schools as Mass • Pursuant to Federal Law (NVICP 1986), demand
sue and won were awarded millions of
Vaccination Centers? that your vaccine provider give you a benefit and
dollars for the injuries caused by the
risk vaccine information statement prior to
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services untested vaccine formulations.
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is currently mobilizing vaccination. They must obtain your written
school superintendents to use public schools as mass consent before administration.
vaccination centers. • Find out if exposed persons have the right to Three years ago legislators strategically
U.S. Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) sponsored legislation self-quarantine at home. passed The Biodefense and Pandemic
H.R. 2596 to authorize the use of public schools to Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2006
carry out mass vaccinations. Download and Print Flyer: (also known as BioShield II). This law strips
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Americans of the right to a jury trial if
(community tool box available)
DO SOMETHING! harmed by an experimental drug or vaccine during a declared pandemic. Keep in mind
IMMEDIATELY begin to educate your
community about the potential of forced there is no guaranteed compensation program for those who may be injured or
mass vaccination programs and use of
public schools for mass vaccination sites. for families whose loved ones die from being vaccinated or treated.
Symptoms of Vaccine Injury Many Studies Show that Thimerosal (Mercury) and other
• Inability to focus at school and at home. Lack of eye Vaccines are Not Effective Components
contact. Thimerosal is heavily implicated as a major cause of the
• Depression, moodiness; tendency to overreact emotionally. CHILDREN: “ evidence that injecting children mass generational epidemic in developmental disorders
6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more (including the autism spectrum disorders, ADD, ADHD
• Delayed or unusual speech patterns such as high pitched effective than placebo.” Reference: “Vaccines for and OCD), endocrine-system dysfunction, and
or flat intonation; lack of slang or "kidspeak." preventing influenza in healthy children.”, The immune-system-related chronic diseases of the lungs,
• Hyper or hypo sensitivity to light, sound, crowds and other Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008). bowel, pancreas, liver and cardiovascular system.
external stimulation.
ASTHMA: “The inactivated flu vaccine does not Studies show a “... 7 to 1 increase in relative risk of injury
• Difficulty with fine and gross motor skills such as prevent influenza-related hospitalizations in children, for children born to mothers who got a
handwriting, athletic coordination and endurance sports especially the ones with asthma… Children who get
such as running and swimming. thimerosal-preserved flu shot in the first 4 lunar months
the flu vaccine are three times more at risk for of their pregnancy over matched mothers who did not.”
• Repetitive behaviors and ritualized activities. hospitalization than children who do not get the (Birth Defects and Drugs in Pregnancy, Heinonem, Slone,
vaccine.” Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s Shapiro, 1983)
• Difficulty in making and keeping friends later in life.
105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San
• Asthma and diet issues. Diego. “Significantly increased risks of autism, speech
disorders, mental retardation, personality disorders,
• Conditions often labeled as ADD/ADHD such as HEALTHY ADULTS: “Vaccination of healthy adults thinking abnormalities, ataxia and NDs
inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. only reduced risk of influenza by 6%...” Reference: (neuro-developmental disorders) in general,...were
• Significant abnormal bowel function or vasculitis. (1) Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults. The associated with TCV (thimerosal) exposure.”
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1(2006). (Neuroendocrinology Letters Volume 27 No. 4 2006. Mark R.
• Birth defects including, cleft palate, microcephaly or pyloric
stenosis. (2) THE ELDERLY: “Flu shots were non-significant for Geier. M.D., Ph.D. and David A. Geier)

• Guillian Barré Syndrome, a neurological disorder. (3) preventing the flu in elderly living in nursing homes. For Other components: Formaldehyde (a neurotoxin and
elderly living in the community, vaccines were not carcinogen), egg protein, contaminant viruses,
(1) Infection and Autoimmunity by Yehuda Shoenfeld, Noel (significantly) effective against influenza, ILI or antibiotics, and detergent.
R. Rose pneumonia…” Reference: “Vaccines for preventing
(2) American Journal of Epidemiology, “Delivering Influenza The only Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) that is
influenza in the elderly.” The Cochrane Database of
Vaccine To Pregnant Women”, by David M. Ayoub, MD Systematic Reviews. 3(2006). provided to health professionals who in turn must, by
and F. Edward Yazbak, MD law, provide it to all vaccine recipients, is an official
(3) U.S. Centers for Disease Control PREGNANT WOMEN: FDA and manufacturer’s VIS prepared exclusively by the Centers for Disease
insert indicate that the Flu shot should NOT be given to Control (CDC).
Who have been Designated as Priority pregnant women whether it contains Thimerosal
The CDC will not recommend thimerosal- free over
(mercury) or not. Without proof of fetal and
Recipients for the First Wave of reproductive safety, the CDC and Advisory Committee thimerosal-containing vaccine to pregnant women,
Experimental Swine-flu Vaccines? on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommend that all children and the elderly despite the avalanche of
pregnant women get vaccinated against the flu. independent studies indicating the risks. “No
• School children who have never had a flu shot are preference is indicated for use of vaccine that does
targeted for four shots in the fall - twice for seasonal flu, not contain thimerosal (mercury)…for any group
twice for pandemic swine flu. (July 15, 2009 news) Squalene recommended for vaccination including pregnant
Multi-dose vials will contain Thimerosal (49.6-wt-% women.”
Depending on the manufacturer, H1N1 may contain
a potentially debilitating oil based adjuvant (additive) Not disclosed in the VIS is that the CDC
• All students and staff associated with schools (K-12th primarily composed of squalene (MF59, AS03, AS04).
grade) and children (aged 6 months or older) and staff in recommendations contradict BOTH the warnings
child care centers. All laboratory rats injected with squalene (oil) on the manufacturer’s package insert and the
adjuvants developed a disease that left them crippled, FDA indications for pregnant women.
• Pregnant women, children 6 months to 4 years of age, dragging their paralyzed hindquarters across their
new parents and households in contact with children. cages. Injected squalene can cause severe arthritis
• Health care workers and emergency services sector (3 on scale of 4) and severe immune responses such CDC: “Vaccination of [all] pregnant women is
personnel. as autoimmune arthritis and lupus. recommended” by the Advisory Committee on
• Adults less than 65 years old with medical conditions References: (1) Kenney RT, Edleman, R. "Survey of Immunization Practices.
which increase the risk of influenza. human-use adjuvants." Expert Review of Vaccines. 2
Why haven’t our top national leaders been (2003) p171; (2) Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The
FDA: “These are [ACIP] recommendations and are
included in this list as first priority Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our
Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims of NOT FDA-approved indications for use of vaccines
recipients? this Vaccine. (2004) New York: Basic Books. p54. during pregnancy”, David Horowitz, Esq., Assistant
Commissioner for Policy FDA/HHS.

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