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Group Evaluation Sheet Name: Group # Group members: Assignment : 1. What did your group do to accomplish the assignment?


. !o" did you go about it #Step by Step process$? !o" long did each step ta%e? !o" many times did you meet? &id you consult any other sources'research? Which ones?

(. What "as your individual part o) the assignment? &id you "or% alone? With "hom did you collaborate? !o" "ould you rate yoursel) on a *+point scale? Why?

,. What "as the most di))icult part o) the assignment? What "as the most re"arding? Why? -. What did you learn'discover'understand )rom doing this pro.ect? !o" did it relate to "hat "e/ve been studying0 reading and discussing in class? *. What did each member do? !o" "ould you rate each member on 1uality o) "or%0 1uantity o) "or%0 contributions o) ideas and creativity and the amount o) time each member spent on the pro.ect alone and in a group setting? 2se a scale )rom 1+* #* is the best333$ and list each member/s name "ith a score and reasons )or your .udgement. 4. 5verall evaluation o) your group/s pro.ect? Any suggestions )or ho" you could improve in the )uture? Any suggestions to improve the assignment )or ne6t year/s class?

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