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Course Introduction

This course is designed for students interested in taking the Certified Information System Auditor (CISA) e am. The CISA certification is one of the hottest in the market, with annual !ro"t# in e cess of $% &ercent (Inf. S stem Audit and Control Association ! ISACA", the go#erning organi$ation.

E am candidates "i'' (e tested on)

1.The &rocess of auditing information s stem (1%&" $*+o,ernance and mana!ement of IT (1%&" '.Information s stem ac-uisition, de,e'o&ment and im&'ementation (1(&" %.Information s stem o&erations, maintenance and su&&ort (2'&" .*/rotection of information assets ('0&"

0#y (ecome a CISA1

)emonstrates &roof of *rofessional achie#ement +ro#ides added ,a'ue to our em*lo er +ro#ides an assurance of ,ualit to our clients Increases our market #alue +ro#ides a greater o**ortunit for ad#ancement -uilds res&ect and confidence from other *eo*le

2o" to (ecome a CISA1

+ass the CISA (/une 0 )ecem1er" 2 200 multi*le choice ,uestions with % hours time limit. A grade e,ual to 34& is re,uired to *ass the CISA e.amination. +rofessional e.*erience in Information S stem Auditing, Control, or Securit Continuous Adherence to ISACA5s code of *rofessional ethics Continuing education in the audit *rofession Adherence to well-esta1lished IS auditing standards

+ettin! your CISA A"arded

6et this CISA stud 6uide or take a class 7egister for 8ith ISACA +re*a 9440 :onrefunda1le fee Sit for ;i#e <ffered in /une or )ecem1er. 8ait =or results Com*lete CISA a**lication

8ait =or references To 1e checked

CISA our name?

Three 6ood 7eferences 7es*onds>

Course Te t(oo3

CISA (Certified Information S stem Auditor" Stud 7d 6uide. ' edition. )a#id ;. Cannon, S@-AB.

8 1 2 ' % 4 D 3 E ( 10 11 12 1' 1% Course Introduction Canaging IT 6o#ernance Audit *rocess :etworking technolog 1asic Information s stem life c cle S tem im*lementation and o*erations +rotecting information assets -usiness Continuit and )isaster 7eco#er CISA ! domain 1 (the *rocess of auditing..." CISA ! domain 2 (go#ernance and F" CISA ! domain ' (IS ac,uisition, de#elo*..." CISA ! domain % (IS o*erations ..." CISA ! domain 4a (+rotection of information..." CISA ! domain 41 (*rotection of information..." 2 ' % 4 D 3 E To*ic Ch*t. Assess ment a a a a a, 1 a c c c c c c

a"Create 24 multi*le choice ,uestions, answers, and discussions from each cha*ter 2 in !rou& from week ' to week E. Su1mit this task to e'earnin!*accountin!u(aya*com 1"<nline ,ui$ 2 week 3 c"CISA d"Cid test (GTS" 0 final test (GAS"

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