Linguistic Grammatical Cohesion

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LINGUISTIC GRAMMATICAL COHESION Cohesion is the use of transitional expressions and other devi es to !

uide readers and sho" ho" the parts of a o#position relate to one other$ The %i! parts of a stor& should sti ' to!ether( %ut the s#all parts need so#e "ords or phrases to sti ' to!ether as "ell$ )hen the %i! parts fit( "e all that !ood feelin! oheren e* "hen senten es onne t( "e all it ohesion$ )hen is ohesion said to %e a hieved+ Cohesion is a hieved "hen "riters onne t their or!ani,ed parts "ith suffi ientl& lear and nu#erous si!nals--li'e the "ords .finall&( .thus(. .ho"ever(.--to #a'e the develop#ent of their ases intelli!i%le and to lead the reader safel& alon! the #er!in! lines of their ar!u#ents$ /or a s&ste#ati and o#prehensive understandin! of a text or senten e( "ritin! #ust have not onl& oheren e( an effe tive desi!n( %ut ohesion( an expli it set of .hoo's. and .ties. that ensure a reader.s interest and o#prehension$ Coheren e is the 'ind of holdin! to!ether that a !ood desi!n "ill !ive an& dis ourse( "hether "ritten or spo'en$ Cohesion is the result of !ivin! readers the ri!ht 'ind of expli it help in fi!urin! out the desi!n$ Cohesion !ives readers the lues for dis overin! oheren e$ In lin!uisti s( Cohesion is the use of lan!ua!e for#s to indi ate se#anti relations %et"een ele#ents in a dis ourse$ Gra##ati al ohesion on erns su h #atters as referen e( ellipsis( su%stitution( and on0un tion$ Lexi al ohesion on erns su h features as s&non&#&( anton&#( #eton&#&( ollo ation( repetition( et $ Another t&pe of Cohesion 'no" as Instantial ohesion( on erns ties that are valid onl& for a parti ular text$ To!ether( ohesion and re!ister ontri%ute to textualit&( the sense that so#ethin! is a text and not a rando# olle tion of senten es$ The Coheren e 1rin iple a ounts for the fa t that "e do not o##uni ate %& ver%al #eans onl&$ The traditional on ept of oheren e( "hi h is solel& %ased relationships %et"een ver%al textual ele#ents( is too narro" to a ount for oheren e in intera tion$ Ulti#atel&( oheren e in intera tion is not esta%lished in the text %ut reated in the #inds of the interlo utors in their atte#pt to #a'e sense of the different ver%al( per eptual( and o!nitive #eans at their disposal $ (Edda Weigand, Language as Dialogue: From Rules to Principles. John Benjamins, !!"#.

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