RITA Overwhelming Love

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Overwhelming Love

The Easter message varies from person to person, yet the essence remains the same, Christ died for our sins. The essence of Easter is captured in this little inspired poem: God gave us Jesus Jesus gave us his life His death brought us salvation His salvation gives us the key of eternal life This key opens the gate It brings blessings It brings happiness Greatness and uplift To us all who believe. This inspired mind blowing poem calls to mind the interminable never ending love and mercy of the One who created the sea. The first time I read this poem; I warbled with trills and pondered on the infinite incomprehensible mercy of od. !evil loc"ed up man in the cas"et of sin after his fall in the beautiful Eden arden and escaped with the "ey to the underworld. #ut when the $ion of the Tribe of %udah, %esus showed up, when he rose and roared, the &ey of eternal life was thrown to him and the gate of salvation was laid bare. 'oreover, it was uneasy to get this "ey. (or this "ey according to prophet Isaiah; he was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and ac!uainted with grief" and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised and we esteemed him not. #urely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows$ )e are happy that *E came that we may have a glorious hope of eternity. )hen I thin" of the passion of Christ, I thin" of a death that substituted payment for the penalty that we deserved. $et+s re,oice for the set-free, let+s re,oice for the victory over sin, death and devil. .bove all, in the words of /ita, the poet which has a special meaning for me now, let+s acclaim for the salvation "ey has opened the gate of blessings happiness greatness and uplift to all of us who believe. 0oem by /ita &ohode1Easter 23425
Commentator: Chenus"y

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