The Mystery of Numbers

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The Mystery of Numbers We use Numbers every day, but taking a step back, what are they, really,

I mean What are numbers? How would you categorize them--- an-made or Natural? !nswer" an-made# $ur body, brain and the bodily tools were all given by nature, whatever may be the evolution process, but then there are things that has been created through the acts o% us human beings, like %or instance anything we invent, be it cars, bridges, etc# Numbers and also languages were created by man# &nlike various languages '(nglish, Hindi, Italian, )hinese etc* Numbers are mysterious, as they help us e+plain the universe# Numbers can e+plain universe, science like mathematics is based on Numbers# ,ythagoras, Newton, -alileo, (instein and all other scientists have used numbers to e+plain universe# .hese mysterious Numbers can describe things like the speed o% light, gravitational %orce or the electromagnetic %orce and all our %undamental theories o% how the universe works rely on these numbers, but it is really most interesting that scientists have no idea where they come %rom# I am a Numerologist, I also believe in Numbers# I have a simple logic, ,ythagoras was a great mathematician and same ,ythagoras related Human destiny with Numbers, but why is this not accepted? Why is it di%%icult to accept that Numbers can also be used to e+plain human behavior and destiny? I want to argue, our birth date is also a very uni/ue number, and like e+plaining universe, can you not e+trapolate Numbers to human beings living in .HI0 universe# !re we not the part o% this universe? .hen why not this???? .he truth is that the mysterious and the true nature o% Numbers and this universe is ba%%ling# Recently, '-od particle' theorists 1rancois (nglert and ,eter Higgs won the Nobel Prize in ,hysics# I hope that one day physicists have a Theory of Everything that mathematically describes the complete structure, origin and lives o% us human being o% this universe and also probably then we may have some e+planation o% where these mysterious Numbers have come %rom 2222

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