Age Gender: Pie Charts From Questionnaire

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14 - 17


0% 5% 20% 35%

18 - 24 25 - 34 45 - 54 55 - 64

Male Female



65 - 74 74 or older

How often people read magazines

Extremely often

What music magazines people read

10% 40% 25% 25%

Very often/ moderately often Slightly often Not at all often

23% 36% 9% 32%

Kerrang! NME Q dont read any

Pie charts from questionnaire

Music magazine websites people visit

20% 50% 25% 5%
Kerrang! NME Q none

Do you go to gigs?

40% 60%

Yes No

How often do you go to gigs?

Extremely often

Do you purchase music?

yes no


20% 15% 35%

Very often/ moderately often Slightly often Not at all often


Where do you get music from?

0% 10% 30%
iTunes Spotify


Music websites Dont get music

From my questionnaire results I have found my target audience to be men aged mainly between 18 24 that read Kerrang! most of all. My target audience also go to gigs quite frequently and have bought music online at one point in their life, and bought it through iTunes.

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