Bloom's Taxonomy: Benjamin Bloom Developed A Hierarchy of Thinking Skills, With Each Area of Equal Importance

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Blooms Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom developed a hierarchy of thinking skills, with each area of equal importance.

Level 1 - Knowledge
The recall of previously learned material. I know. Name the mobility technique used in Blind Encounters.

Level 2 Comprehension
The ability to In your own grasp the words, meaning. describe the I understand. sighted guide technique.

Level 3 - Application
Applying knowledge to a new situation.

Demonstrate the sighted guide technique.

Level 4 - Analysis
Breaking things Compare and down into contrast the component roles of sighted parts. guide and blind I can see persons. relationships .

Level 5 - Synthesis
The ability to formulate a new idea. I can create. Design a new mobility technique for persons with visual impairments .

Level 6 - Evaluation
Ability to Which assess the mobility value of technique do something. you prefer I can judge. and why?

Bottom of Blooms Taxonomy

list, define, tell, describe, identify

summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict

apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate

Top of Blooms Taxonomy

analyze, separate, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain

combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, prepare, generalize, rewrite

assess, decide, rank, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, support, conclude, compare, summarize

Top of Blooms Taxonomy

Analysis | Synthesis | Evaluation
"Some people think that CD-ROM edutainment products may do damage to young people. What seem to be the biggest risks people see connected with such products and what evidence can you find to dispute or substantiate their fears? Create a report which might appear on the evening news as an advisory for parents."

Top of Blooms Taxonomy

Analysis | Synthesis | Evaluation Your team has been assigned the task of revising the policy from School District X. Compare this policy with others from around the nation and then produce a clear list of recommended amendments, explaining your reasons for each of your suggestions. You will prepare a presentation as if speaking before the district's board of education."

Top of Blooms Taxonomy

Analysis | Synthesis | Evaluation "Imagine that families are moving from the West Coast to New England. Recommend the best New England city to move to. Base your choice upon the availability of jobs your parents can fill and other criteria identified and listed by your team related to categories such as recreation, education, entertainment, climate, etc."

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