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Harvard University

Tamil 102a
Karthik Tangent Assignment

Harvard University
Tamil 102a
Karthik Tangent Assignment

- newspaper
- account of events, report

- district

- region, area

- experience

( ,

) - to give details, describe

- irrigation

- farmer

- hour

- road

- blocking, picketing

( ,

) - to do, to make

- struggle, aggitation

- road

- traffic

( ,

) - to affect badly, cause damage

) - to stop something

- relevant, connected
- official

- negotiations

( , ) - causative of , to conduct, to run

- paddy

( , ) - to save, protect

( ) - to distribute, give away, reward

- promise

( ,

) - to give, offer, render

Harvard University
Tamil 102a
Karthik Tangent Assignment

( ,

) - to get, obtain

- memory, thought

- attempt, effort
- drought

) - to prevent, to stop

- some

- propensity for thieving

- canal (for irrigation)

( ,

( ,

) - to break
) - to arrest

- successfully

- politics

- general populace

- structure

- need, necessity

- time
- state of good

( ,

) - to look after something, take care of

- urban area

- worker
- situation
- last

- year
- city

- comparison,
- poverty

- rate

- less

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