Am h6065 Vmr1

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1]3" Sony Super nAD II Image Sensor

Super n|gh 6001VL effectua| at Co|or, 7001VL effectua| at 8]W
owerfu| D|g|ta||y W|de Dynam|c kange(D-WDk)
1rue & Soft Day]N|ght for a|| 24]7 Surve|||ance mode
n|gh Intens|ty 18Ik LLD N|ght V|s|on up to 1S to 18M
Smart Ik Iunct|on for 1rue Iace Ident|f|cat|on
M|rror + ark|ng ||ne Gu|dance for Veh|c|e
Var|foca| 2.8 to 10mm Auto Ir|s Lens W|th ICk
Support Custom|zat|on Area for 8LC & nS8LC
programmab|e Shutter & Lxposure Mode Auto, I||cker, Manua|
CSD Menu Contro| for easy & user fr|end|y Customer Lase
Support D|g|ta| 2oom|ng up to 4k
Image I||p(nor|zonta| & Vert|ca|) for Iast] Lasy any Crder |nsta||at|on
Mot|on Detect|on, r|vacy Mask|ng w|th d|fferent 8 2one, Camera ID
Support 12VDC]24VAC ower
3 Ax|s Vanda| kes|stant A|um|num & o|y-Carbonated Dome Lnc|osure
Support I66 rotect|on Grade for D|rect Cutdoor Insta||at|on w|th neater
Iunct|on(neater Cpt|ona|)
I lt.: J#J ' |.|:'
J' Jt t|
't||t: .

3 Atis DwDR lR Vari|ecal
Vaa1al Deme Oamera
J.t:. .

AM-P6063-vM81 AM-P6063n-vM81
1/3" Super PAu ll lS
732(P) x 382(v) 768(P) x 494(v)
P : 13.623 kPz v : 30 Pz P : 13.734 kPz v : 60 Pz
>6001vL effecLual aL Color, 7001vL effecLual aL 8/W
Cn/Cff Ad[usLable Wu8 8aLlo
Color / 8&W / AuLo / Lx1L8n
2 un8, Cn/Cff SelecLable
2.8 Lo 10MM uC AuLo l8lS varlfocal wlLh lC8
0.13Lux aL 40 l8L [ l1.2 [ Color , 0 Lux [ l8 LLu Cn
18pcs 0.3mm
830~880nm lnfrared
up Lo 13 ~ 18MeLer
AuLo/ Ad[usLable 0 Lo 1.0(uefaulL 0.43)
AuLo / Low / Plgh / Cff
A1W1 / A1W2 / AWC / MAnuAL
Cll / 8LC / PS8LC SelecLable
ulglLal 1Z up Lo 4x, PorlzonLal/verLlcal lllp, lreeze
up Lo 4 Ad[usLable Zones
CpLlonal (?es, elco-u proLocol, 2400 ~ 376008S SelecLable)
Cn/Cff SelecLable, up Lo 64 Ad[usLable Zones
Slgnal SysLem
CCu 1ype
LffecLlve lxels
Scannlng lrequency
PorlzonLal 1vLlne 8esoluLlon
u-Wu8 8ange
ulglLal nolse 8educLlon
Lux Level(lllumlnaLlon)
l8 LLu
l8 Wave LengLh
l8 ulsLance
Caln ConLrol(ACC)
WhlLe 8alance
LlghL CompensaLlon
lmage ConLrol
Camera lu name
rlvacy Masklng
CSu Menu ConLrol
8S-483 8emoLe CommunlcaLlon
MoLlon ueLecLlon
Mlrror ConLrol
I)t:.|.:|.: .
8rlghLness, ConLrasL, Sharpness, 8ed Caln, 8lue Caln
30d8 [ ACC Cff
Au1C(1/30s, 1/60s-1/120,000s) / llxLu / lLk / Manual
1.0vp-p,73U, 8nC Cable ConnecLor
uC 12v 10, uC Cable ConnecLor
<300mA [ 12vuC, <430mA [ 24vAC
l 66
-10C ~ + 30C
30 ~ 90 8P
143 mm (W) x 143 mm (u) x 100 mm (P)
390 g
3 Axls 8rackeL, Alumlnum & oly-CarbonaLed wlLh vandal 8eslsLanL
Color ConLrol
S/n 8aLlo
ShuLLer Speed ConLrol
Synchronous SysLem
vldeo ouLpuL
ower Supply
ower ConsumpLlon
l roLecLlon
CperaLlng 1emperaLure
CperaLlng PumldlLy
WelghL (g)
I)t:.|.:|.: .
Scan with your
Smart phone for
more information
* roducL speclflcaLlons and appearance may be changed wlLhouL prlor noLlce due Lo lmprovemenLs.

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