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LESS"$ %L&$
Sub Code : (!)*+* Sub $ame : WE2 !EC $"L"34

L%' (!)*+* L% ,ev. $o: -.ate: /+'/)'/Semester: 5(

Unit: (

%age: -/ o0 -1

Unit syllabus: Web Essentials: Clients, Servers, and Communication. The Internet-Basic Internet Protocols -The World Wide Web-HTTP req est !essa"e-res#onse !essa"e-Web Clients Web $er%ersCase $t d&. Markup Languages: X !ML. 'n Introd ction to HT(L Histor&-)ersions-Basic *HT(L $&nta+ and $e!antics-$o!e , nda!ental HT(L -le!ents-.elati%e /.Ls-Liststables-,ra!es-,or!s-*(L Creatin" HT(L Doc !ents-Case $t d&. "b#ective: 0on#ro"ra!!in" technolo"ies that are 1 nda!ental to nderstandin" co!! nication bet2een 2eb bro2sers and ser%ers as 2ell as ho2 in1or!ation is dis#la&ed b& bro2ser

Session $o /

!opics to be covered !6e (nternet, 2asic (nternet %rotocols 7TCP/IP6 /DP6 D0$ and Do!ain 0a!es6 Hi"her-le%el Protocols6 ,!6e World Wide Web 7 H&#erte+t Trans#ort Protocol !!% re<uest message ' O%erall $tr ct re6 HTTP )ersion6 .eq est-/.I6 .eq est !ethod6 Header 1ields and (I(I t&#e6 !!% ,esponse Message 7 .es#onse $tat s Line6 .es#onse Header ,ields6 Cache Control6 character sets Web Clients 7 basic bro=ser 0unctions, U,Ls, /serControllable ,eat res6 'dditional , nctionalit& Web Servers 7 ser%er 1eat res6 ser%er histor&6 ser%er con1i" ration and t nin"6 de1inin" %irt al hosts6 lo""in"6 access control6 sec re ser%ers, Case Study &n (ntroduction to !ML, istory'5ersions'The 7War8 9ears6 The Clean-/# -11ort, 2asic X !ML Synta@ and Semantics 7 Doc !ent T&#e Declaration6 White $#ace In Character Data6 /nreco"ni:ed -le!ents 'nd 'ttrib tes 2asic X !ML Synta@ and Semantics 7 $#ecial Characters6 'ttrib tes6 Some Aundamental !ML Elements ' Headin"s3 H; 'nd ,riends6 $#acin"3 #re 'nd br6 ,or!attin" Te+t Phrases3 s#an6 stron"6 tt6 etc6 Hori:ontal . le3 hr Some Aundamental !ML Elements 7I!a"es3 The i!" -le!ent6 Co!!ents6 0estin" -le!ents6 ,elative U,Ls Lists, !ables, Arames, Aorms XML 7 -le!ent T&#e Declarations6 'ttrib te List Declarations6 -ntit& Declaration6 DTD ,iles, Creating !ML .ocuments, Case Study

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U$(! (( $t&le $heets3 C$$-Introd ction to Cascadin" $t&le $heets-,eat res-Core $&nta+-$t&le $heets and HT(L $t&le . le Cascadin" and Inheritance-Te+t Pro#erties-Bo+ (odel-0or!al ,lo2 Bo+ La&o t- Be&ond the 0or!al ,lo2-Other Pro#erties-Case $t d&.Client-$ide Pro"ra!!in"3 The 4a%a$cri#t Lan" a"e-Histor& and )ersions Introd ction to 4a%a$cri#t in Pers#ecti%e-$&nta+)ariables and Data T&#es-$tate!ents-O#erators-Literals-, nctions-Ob5ects-'rra&s-B ilt-in Ob5ects - 4a%a$cri#t Deb ""ers. "b#ective

Presents basic in1or!ation abo t cascadin" st&le sheets<C$$=6 a st&le sheet technolo"& desi"ned to 2or> 2ith HT(L and *(L doc !ents. $t d& o1 4a%a$cri#t as a #ro"ra!!in" lan" a"e6 lar"el& inde#endentl& o1 ho2 it !i"ht relate to a 2eb bro2ser.

Session $o / )

!opics to be covered (ntroduction to Cascading Style S6eets, Aeatures, Core Synta@ 7 Selector Strings, &t',ules Style S6eets and !ML, Style ,le Cascading and (n6eritance 7 . le Cascsdin"6 $t&le Inheritance, !e@t %roperties 7 ,ont 1a!ilies6 Len"th $#eci1ications in C$$6 ,ont Pro#erties6 Line Bo+es6 Te+t ,or!attin" and Color 2o@ Model 7 Basic Conce#ts 'nd Pro#erties6 Bo+ (odel $horthand Pro#erties6 Bac>"ro n" Colors 'nd I!a"es $ormal Alo= 2o@ Layout 7 Basic Bo+ La&o t6 The dis#la& Pro#ert&6 (ar"in Colla#se6 Blac> Bo+ Width 'nd Hei"ht6 $i!#le Inline Bo+es6 0ested Inline Bo+es 2eyond t6e $ormal Alo=' Pro#erties O1 Positionin"6 .elati%e Positionin" ,loat Positionin"6 'bsol te Positionin"6 Positionin"-.elated Pro#erties, "t6er %roperties ' Lists6 Tables6 C rsor $t&les, Case Study !6e BavaScript Language' istory and 5ersions, (ntroduction to BavaScript, BavaScript in %erspective 7 $cri#tin" Lan" a"es6 Writin" and Testin" 4a%a$cri#t Pro"ra!s, Synta@, 5ariables and .ata !ypes, Statements "perators' Precedence6 T&#e Con%ersion6 Bit O#erators6 Literals, Aunctions "b#ects 7 Ob5ect Pro#erties6 -n !eratin" Pro#erties6 'rra& 0otation6 Ob5ect .e1erences6 (ethods6 Constr ctors6 -+a!#le3 Binar& Tree &rrays' Creatin" 'n 'rra&6 D&na!icall& Chan"in" 'rra& Len"th6 'rra& (ethods, 2uilt'in "b#ects' The ?lobal Ob5ect<Windo2=6 $tin"6 0 !ber 'nd Boolean6 Date 2uilt'in "b#ects' (ath6 .e"-+# , BavaScript .ebuggers

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U$(! (((

ost "b#ects : 2ro=sers and t6e ."M-Introd ction to the Doc !ent Ob5ect (odel DO( Histor& and Le%els-Intrinsic -%ent Handlin"-(odi1&in" -le!ent $t&le-The Doc !ent TreeDO( -%ent Handlin"-'cco!!odatin" 0onco!#liant Bro2sers Pro#erties o1 2indo2-Case $t d&. Server'Side %rogramming: Bava Servlets- 'rchitect re -O%er%ie2-' $er%elet?eneratin" D&na!ic Content-Li1e C&cle- Para!eter Data-$essions-Coo>ies- /.L .e2ritin"Other Ca#abilities-Data $tora"e $er%lets and Conc rrenc&-Case $t d&- .elated Technolo"ies. "b#ective ,oc s on Doc !ent Ob5ect (odel <DO(=6 an 'PI that de1ines ho2 4a%a$cri#t #ro"ra!s can access and !ani# late the HT(L doc !ent c rrentl& dis#la&ed b& a bro2ser. (o%es 1ro! client-side #ro"ra!!in" in%ol%in" 2eb bro2sers to ser%er-side #ro"ra!!in" <$er%let= Session $o / !eac6ing Met6od BB

!opics to be covered (ntroduction to t6e .ocument "b#ect Model, ."M istory and Levels, (ntrinsic Event andling, Modi0ying Element Style !6e .ocument !ree 7 0ode Ob5ects6 -+a!#le3 List .eorderin"6 The doc !ent 0ode6 -le!ent 0odes6 Te+t 0odes6 -+a!#le3 Colla#sible -le!ents6 HT(L Con%enience Pro#erties ."M Event andling 7 The -%ent Ob5ect and -%ent Listeners6 (o se -%ents6 Windo2-Le%el -%ents6 -%ent Pro#a"ation6 -+a!#le3 Dro#do2n (en s6 -%ent Cancellin" 'nd ,or! )alidation6 ?eneratin" -%ents &ccommodating $oncompliant 2ro=sers 7 Detectin" Host Ob5ects6 I-@ Details, %roperties o0 Windo=, Case Study &rc6itecture "vervie=, & Servlet, 3enerating .ynamic Content, Li0e Cycle, %arameter .ata 7 Para!eter Data 'nd A er& $trin"s6 $er%lets and Para!eter Data6 ,or!s 'nd Para!eter Data Sessions' Creatin" a $ession6 $torin" and .etrie%in" 'ttrib tes6 $ession Ter!ination, Cookies U,L ,e=riting, "t6er Capabilities 7 'dditional Htt#$er%let.eq est (ethods6 'dditional Htt#$ (ethods6 $ ##ort ,or Other HTTP (ethods .ata Storage, Servlets and Concurrency 7 Conc rrenc& in Web $er%ers6 Threads6 Threadin" Iss es6 Thread $&nchroni:ation6 $er%let $&nchroni:ation6 $ !!ar& and Concl din" .e!ar>s Case Study, ,elated !ec6nologies.

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U$(! (5 ,epresenting Web .ata: XML-Doc !ents and )ocab laries-)ersions and Declaration0a!es#aces 4a%a$cri#t and *(L3 '5a+-DO( based *(L #rocessin" -%ent-oriented Parsin"3 $'*-Trans1or!in" *(L Doc !ents-$electin" *(L Data3 *P'TH-Te!#late based Trans1or!ations3 *$LT-Dis#la&in" *(L Doc !ents in Bro2sers-Case $t d&-.elated Technolo"ies. Separating %rogramming and %resentation: BS% !ec6nology' Introd ction-4$P and $er%lets-. nnin" 4$P '##lications Basic 4$P-4a%aBeans Classes and 4$P-Ta" Libraries and ,iles-$ ##ort 1or the (odel-)ie2-Controller Paradi"!-Case $t d&-.elated Technolo"ies. "b#ective Considers se%eral di11erent technolo"ies related to *(L. ,oc s on 4a%a ser%er #a"es technolo"& Session $o / ) !eac6ing Met6od BB BB

!opics to be covered .ocuments and 5ocabularies, 5ersions and .eclaration, $amespaces, BavaScript and XML: &#a@ ."M based XML processing, Event'oriented %arsing: S&X, !rans0orming XML .ocuments 7 Trans1or!in" bet2een *(L .e#resentations6 Introd ction to *$L6 *$L Co!#onent O%er%ie2 Selecting XML .ata: X%&! B Location Paths6 Location Paths 2ith ( lti#le $te#s6 'bsol te and .elati%e Location Paths6 Co!bine 0ode Lists6 , nction Calls as *Path -+#ressions !emplate based !rans0ormations: XSL! 7 7Hello WorldC8 .e%isited6 .ec rsi%e Te!#late Processin"6 ?eneratin" .es lt Tree Content6 *(L .es lt Doc !ent ,or!attin" .isplaying XML .ocumments in 2ro=sers, Case Study, ,elated !ec6nologies. (ntroduction, BS% and Servlets, ,unning BS% &pplications 7 Web '##lications6 Installin" a Web '##lication6 De1inin" Web '##lication Para!eters 2asic BS% 7 4$P -+#ression Lan" a"e6 4$P (ar> #6 4$TL Core 'ctions Bava2eans Classes and BS%' 4a%aBeans Technolo"& Basics6 Instantiatin" Bean Ob5ects6 /sin" 4a%aBeans Ob5ects6 ?etter/$etters on 0onbean Ob5ects, !ag Libraries and Ailes Support 0or t6e Model'5ie='Controller %aradigm 7 ()C Basics6 $er%let .eq est Dis#atchin"6 4$P 'ctions

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$ ##ortin" ()C /Case Study, ,elated !ec6nologies 7 4$P Pa"es With $cri#tlets6 'cti%e $er%er Pa"es and '$P.0-T6 PHP3 H&#erte+t Pre#rocessor6 Cold, sion +-m /8?::' ?>9;


U$(! 5 Web Services: B&X',%C-Conce#ts-Writin" a 4a%a Web $er%ice-Writin" a 4a%a Web $er%ice Client-Describin" Web $er%ices3 W$DL- .e#resentin" Data T&#es3 *(L $che!aco!! nicatin" Ob5ect Data3 $O'P .elated Technolo"ies-$o1t2are Installation-$torin" 4a%a Ob5ects as ,iles-Databases and 4a%a $er%lets. "b#ective Ill strates ho2 the %ario s 2eb ser%ice technolo"ies interact.

Session $o / ) *

!opics to be covered Concepts, Writing a Bava Web Service 7 C rrenc& Con%ersion $er%ice6 Writin" $er%er $o1t2are6 Pac>a"in" $er%er $o1t2are Writing a Bava Web Service Client, .escribing Web Services: WS.L ,epresenting .ata !ypes: XML Sc6ema B B ilt-In Data T&#es6 *(L $che!as6 /ser-De1ined $i!#le T&#es6 /serDe1ined Co!#le+ T&#es6 *(L $che!a 2ithin Instance Doc !ents Communicating "b#ect .ata: S"&%' $O'P -le!ents6 .PC .e#resentation6 $oa# -ncodin" o1 $tr ct Data6 $O'P -ncodin" o1 'rra&s6 $O'P and HTTP6 4a%a $ ##ort ,or $O'P6 ,elated !ec6nologies, So0t=are (nstallation 7 $&ste! Basics<Co!!and Pro!#t6 -n%iron!ent )ariables6 ,ile Paths=6 Bro2ser $o1t2are6 4a%a<Deter!inin" 9o r 4a%a )ersion6 Installin" The 4a%a $DD= So0t=are (nstallation 7 Web $er%er 'nd *(L Processin" Tools<Installin" 4W$DP ;.E6 Postinstallation Tas>s6 . nnin" The To!cat $er%er=

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9 :

Storing Bava "b#ects as Ailes 7 $eriali:able Ob5ects6 .eadin" and Writin" $eriali:able Ob5ects in 4a%a6 $ ##ortin" Ob5ect -%ol tion6 Case $t d& .atabases and Bava Servlets 7 4DBC Dri%ers<Connectin" Locall& to ($ 'ccess6 Connectin" to (&$AL=6 4DBC Database 'ccess

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!EX! 2""C: ;. 4e11re& C. 4ac>son6 FWeb Technolo"ies--' Co!# ter $cience Pers#ecti%eF6 Pearson -d cation6 200@. ,EAE,E$CES: ;. .obert. W. $ebesta6 FPro"ra!!in" the World Wide WebF6 ,o rth -dition6 Pearson -d cation6 200G . 2. Deitel6 Deitel6 ?oldber"6 FInternet H World Wide Web Ho2 To Pro"ra!F6 Third -dition6 Pearson -d cation6 200@. E. (art& Hall and Larr& Bro2n68Core Web Pro"ra!!in"8 $econd -dition6 )ol !e I and II6 Pearson -d cation6 200;.

Prepared by

&pproved by
Signature $ame Ms.S. Sent6amiD6selvi, &% ECSE Ms.S.S6enbagavalli , &% ECSE /*'/)'/.r. M.3opalakris6nan ".'CSE /*'/)'/-


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