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Configure Default Baseline Date for Payment

January 12, 2013

This article is a quick reference on how to set the default value of baseline date for payment. baseline date for payment is the date for which the payment terms apply. !t"s the basis of the sytem to determine the cash discount taken #from vendor$ or cash discount %iven #to customer$. &urin% entry of customer and vendor invoice transactions, the baseline date field is a required field. 'ou can not proceed with the postin% of the transaction not unless the said field is filled(up. !n ) * system, you can customi+e the default baseline date for payment that appears durin% transaction entry. 'ou may choose as default either the postin% date, document date, entry date or no default date. &o remember you can override the default value of baseline date. To confi%ure the default value of baseline date for payment, here"s a quick and simple %uide, Transaction -ode, OBB8 *ath, IMG Financial Accounting Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Business Transactions Outgoing Invoices/Credit Memos Maintain Terms o Payment!

)ee hi%hli%hted items. )elect the the default value either postin% date, value date, document date or no default. .ear in mind that the default baseline date is applicable for each payment term you maintain. 'ou could have different default baseline date for different payment terms.

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