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Negi House Below Durga Gas Godown Sanjauli, Shimla (H.P.

) 17100
!1"# 7!$"%!#$# &mail ' " (ogeshnegi117)gmail.*om

Yogesh Negi
+o a,,ain a good -osi,ion in glo.all( *om-e,i,i/e organi0a,ion so as ,o a,,ain sel1" relian*e in -ro1essional and rewarding en/ironmen,.

Academic Qualifications
Passed 10,h 1rom 2.B.S.&. Board, New Delhi Passed 1$,h (S*ien*e) 1rom 2.B.S.&. Board, New Delhi

Professional Qualifications
Passed +hree 3ears Ba*helor Degree in Ho,el 4anagemen, 1rom Heri,age 5ns,i,u,e o1 Ho,el 6 +ourism, Sanjauli Shimla Basi* 7nowledge o1 2om-u,ers 6 5n,erne, 8undamen,als.

Work Experience
otal Experience #$ %$ &$ '$ ($ Si9 4on,hs 5ndus,rial +raining 1rom +he Par: Ho,el, Bangalore. $1 Da(s ;u,door 2a,ering in Ho,el Des,ina,ion 7andagha,, Solan # Da(s ;u,door 2a,ering in Ho,el Pe,er Ho11, Shimla # Da(s ;u,door 2a,ering in Ho,el <ild 8lower Hall, Shimla 8i/e 3ears &9-erien*e in =e,ailing 2om-an( as a 8loor 4anager ! "onths

Sin*eri,(, 2on1iden,, Diligen,, Dis*i-lined. >.ili,( ,o ado-, *hanges, &agerness ,o learn more. <or:ing e11i*ien,l(, diligen,l( ,owards ,he su**ess1ul *om-le,ion o1 ,he goals. Good unders,anding o1 human .eha/ior ena.les me ,o wor: e11e*,i/el( in ,eam ,o mee, ,he *ommon goals. Good +eam ?eading S:ills whi*h hel- me ,o a,,ain wha, 5 wan, ,o.

Personal Profile
8a,her@s Name Da,e o1 Bir,h 4ari,al S,a,us Gender ?anguages 7nown Na,ionali,( =eligion Ho..ies ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Sh. Budhi =am Negi $1s, Aul(, 1!#% Single . 4ale &nglish 6 Hindi. 5ndian Hindu 2oo:ing, =eading 6 Pla(ing 2ri*:e,.

<ill .e -ro/ided on demand

+eclaration, 5 do here.( solemnl( a11irm and de*lare ,ha, ,he *on,en,s o1 ,his resume are ,rue and *orre*, ,o ,he .es, o1 m( :nowledge .51 5 ge, a *han*e in (our ins,i,u,ion B organi0a,ion ,hen 5 will do ,he .es, ,o sa,is1( (our en,ire reCuiremen,. +ate, - ............ Place , - ............ /Yogesh Negi0

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