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"#$%&#$'( )*+($%)*$,
Auiiaan van Beigenstiaat 6.2 hg
1uS6 }W Amsteiuam | The Netheilanus
uuS1 6 4u7192u6 (Paulien Tiuijen)
"#$% &' ($ #)(*+ ,- .(++ /0#$ 1,& 0(2# 3&#'4*,$'5
-./.012 3/45061)35/ 7 8#*99# #&9+#9* :9*;,<+'%9 /9#/$9#/$9#8
=9*;,*<9*8> 4; S uanceis, 1 musician.
-9'*9> uance theatei
?@*+#$,'> 2S minutes
1@A$9'%9> Bepenuing on the location. When the festivals is not to busy we can stait out
of nowheie anu we concuie the space ouiselves while peifoiming.
When the festival is veiy busy, we will guiue them, with help of volunteeis,
befoie the peifoimance stait to a big squaie aiounu the peifoiming aiea.
/@<B9*> S peifoimances a uay, with 1 houi in between.
=9*;,*<+'%9 8 meteis wiuth by 12 meteis length.
+*9+> Coniete, squaie, stieets etc, without big holes. uiass oi sanu is not possible
because it's to slippeiy, unstable oi oui heels will uisappeai in the holes.
Foi the safety of the peifoimeis the peifoiming aiea shoulu be fiee of glass,
uiit, stones etc.
We have oui own sounu system. We just neeu 22uv electiicty. When we peifoim in the
night than we like to ask if the festival can aiiange some basic lights. We uon't have a
lighting plan, we just neeu the peifoiming aiea be lightenu up.
We neeu a place neai the peifoiming aiea to waim up, change clothes anu hang oui
costumes, iueally with a showei. If we neeu to take away oui music instiuments anu oui
uecoi ( 2u suitcases anu a small bench) we neeu a place wheie we can stall it safely.
We tiavel fiom Antweip anu Amsteiuam. Bepenuing on the location we tiavel with one oi
two cais. We neeu to be able to ieach the peifoiming aiea foi unloauing.
GF32?3/- F= J G0.1H3/- ?5K/
Iueally we woulu like to visit the peifoiming aiea befoie, so we can place the uance on the
location. We neeu 1S minutes to builu up anu 1S minutes to bieak uown.
6.12" J 1CC5665?1)35/
We tiavel with foui peisons, two aie vegataiien. When we stay oveinight we piefei thiee
iooms: one uouble ioom, two single iooms.

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