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SAP GUI for Windows 7.

1 Installation Procedure
To install SAP GUI for Windows 7.1, you will require two important files: 1) SAP GUI for Windows 7.1 installation software ou !an download t"e installation software from t"e followin# U$%: "ttp:&&!"'support&download&SAPGUI'Windows&SAPGUI71.(ip )*tra!t t"e (ip file and na+i#ate to t"e WI,-. dire!tory and dou/le !li!0 on SetupA%%.e*e file.

T"en please do t"e installation: Step 112

Step 1.2 At t"is time #o a"ead and install all !lient produ!ts as t"ey mi#"t /e utili(ed in t"e future.

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Step 1-2 If t"e installation is !omplete t"en please download t"e ne*t important files: 2) saplogon.ini file Please download new saplo#on.ini from t"e followin# U$%: "ttp:&&!s&do!uments&Pu/li!5.67o!uments&A89 5.6W):5.69ontent&saplo#on.(ip W"en !omplete, please e*tra!t and !opy t"e downloaded saplo#on.ini, sapms#.ini, saproute.ini files to 9:;Windows 1 our windows installation dire!tory2 < see t"e pi!ture /elow

If t"e installation is !omplete please do t"e followin# steps: Step 112 Start t"e SAP GUI %o#on panel

Step 1.2 ou s"ould /e presented wit" s!reen similar to t"e one /elow. In t"is e*er!ise t"e system you will /e usin# T61 1mar0ed wit" a re!tan#le2.

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9urrently, we "a+e . SAP$outers. ou are a/le to #o to T61 wit" !onne!tion to SAP$outer1 and t"e ot"er is to SAP$outer. 7ou/le !li!0 T61 and you s"ould see t"e SAP S!reen similar to t"e pi!ture /elow:

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Notes: < =or SAP GUI !onne!tion, your infrastru!ture support team must ensure t"e followin# ports are open -.66 ->66 -.?? < Please ma0e sure you are lo##in# into t"e !orre!t system and !lient assi#ned to you /y our support team. We s"ow you "ow to !onne!t to system T61 for demonstration purpose only. $e#ards, @UT SAP Uni+ersity 9ompeten!y 9entre Asia Pa!ifi! Aapan Support Team )mail: sap'

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