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Seoul International School

2013 - 2014

Mr. Dennis Burns

About Mr. Burns
Welcome to 4-B! I'm so excited to be your child's teacher this year. We have 180 days together to learn from each other, have fun, and teach other. This is my seventh year teaching and my third here in Seoul. I love reading, listening to music, and playing tennis. Mrs. Burns and I have been married for four years and we are the proud owners of a dog. Her name is Ada and she came from America with us. This year we are also expecting our rst child - a baby boy due in March.

A Busy and Exciting Year to Come!

Your child will be learning a variety of things this year. Some highlights for you to look forward to:! Reading: In Readers Workshop we will be learning how to read stronger and for longer periods of time. Well dive into realistic ction books, historical ction books, and non"ction books, among others. Your child will begin to walk in a characters shoes and develop inferencing and predicting skills throughout the year. ! Writing: In Writers Workshop we will be learning how to use our amazing seed ideas to create thoughtful published pieces. We will begin the year with personal narratives, then proceed to learn about persuasive essays, and we will be doing research for s non"ction piece as well.! Science: 4th grade is a wonderful time to be a scientist! We will study ecosystems, rocks, fossils, and magnetism. Our lessons will be primarily hands"on, giving your child many opportunities to investigate and discover on their own.! Social Studies: We begin the year discovering what social scientists study, in particular: economists, geographers, and historians. Then, using these jobs as our focus, well study the regions of the United States, how the country has changed over time, and what physical characteristics inuence history.

Important Dates
August 19 - 1st day of school (half day) September 2 - Writing Prompt September 11 - Open House from 6-8 PM September 16-20 - Chuseok Break September 28 - Family Fun Day

Copyright Guidelines
4B students will be creating a number of projects and presentations this year. All work turned in will be for classroom use only or the media will have to be cited correctly.

4B - Mr. Dennis Burns

Permission to use: w=8088927@N06&q=tiger

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