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18-22 Reading 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Language Arts 7th grade language 4, 5, 6 Writing 10

Mrs. Tate

SPELLING BEE SIGN-UP THIS WEEK Round 1 written (Dec.4) Round 2 top 10 in auditorium Monday Library Reading Workshop (25 min. in class plus hour each night outside class) Due Letters about Third Wish HW: SSR Log


Writing complete statements Third Wish question models Share model SSR logs on the website HW: Third Wish questions written in complete statements


Woodsman story (reference in Third Wish) Go over vocab make vocab cards


Anaylzing the screen writer Shape of a Girl fieldtrip HW: study cards for test (spelling and definitions)


Vocab Test SSR Logs rewrites (if necessary)

Oral Communications Writing 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

1st hour Speaking 1, 2, 4, 5

Mrs. Tate

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

creating powerpoint visuals

Thursday Friday

presenting informational speeches (if ready)

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