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Date: 27th February 2013

Head of the Department Department of Commerce University of Delhi Delhi-110007

Subject Uploading of Cases for CH 4.4 Human Resource Management subject of B.Com.(Hons,) Dear Sir, As it was decided in the guidelines meeting held on 9th December, 2012 that the undergraduate teachers teaching CH 4.4 Human Resource Management should be made available some standardized case studies so that the same can be discussed in classes. Kindly find attached the case studies for uploading on the Department website.

Arpita Kaul Assistant Professor

GUIDELINES FOR CASE STUDIES OF HRM IV SEMESTER UNIT 1 1.1 Case on role of HR manager: Chadha, N.K. (2002). Workers troubles in China. In Human Resource Development: Issues, Case Studies and Experiential Exercises (2nd Ed.) (pp. 12-13). New Delhi: Shri Sai Publishers. 1.2 Case on role of HR manager: DeCenzo, D. A. & Robbins, S.P. (1998). Continuing Case: Concord General, A new Beginning. In Personnel/Human Resource Management (3rd ed.) (pp.18-19). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 1.3 Case on role of HR manager: Dessler, G. (2005). Application Case, Jack Nelsons Problem. In Human Resource Management (10th ed.) (p. 26). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. UNIT 2 2.1 Case on Job Analysis: Dessler, G. (2005). Case Incident: Hurricane Bonnie. In Human Resource Management (10th ed.) (p. 119). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. 2.2 Case on Job Analysis: Mejia, L. R. G., Balkin, D.B., & Cardy, R.L. (2002). How Flexible is too Flexible? In Managing Human Resources (3rd ed .) (p. 84). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited 2.3 Case on Recruitment and Selection: Mejia, L. R. G., Balkin, D.B., & Cardy, R.L. (2002). Making the Grade. In Managing Human Resources (3rd ed.) (p. 194). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited UNIT 3 3.1 Case on training: Chadha, N.K. (2002). Modern Industries Limited. In Human Resource Development: Issues, Case Studies and Experiential Exercises (2nd Ed.) (pp. 203-205). New Delhi: Shri Sai Publishers. 3.2 Case on training:

Dessler, G. (2003). Reinventing the wheel at Apex door Company. In Human Resource Management (9th ed.) (p. 214). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. UNIT 4 4.1 Case on performance appraisal Dessler, G. (1998). Carter cleaning Company. The performance appraisal. In Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (p. 376). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. UNIT 5 5.1 Case on Compensation: DeCenzo, D. A. & Robbins, S.P. (1998). Continuing Case: Concord General, One for the Heart. In Personnel/Human Resource Management (3rd ed.) (p.448). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. UNIT 6 6.1 Case on Grievance Handling Durai, P. (2010). Naveen Sugars Pvt Ltd. In Human Resource Management (pp.515-516). Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Licences of Pearson Education

Case 1.1:

Case on role of HR manager

Chadha, N.K. (2002). Workers troubles in China. In Human Resource Development: Issues, Case Studies and Experiential Exercises (2nd Ed.) (pp. 12-13). New Delhi: Shri Sai Publishers After centuries of economic isolation, China, under a communistled government began to undergo economic liberalisation in the 1980s. This economic liberalisation led to foreign contacts which raised hopes among many for greater freedom and control of their own lives. Increased foreign investment and trade seemed to be improving Chinas economic situation and also the condition of workers. For example a survey of personnel practices in China by the Wyatt Company indicated that Chinese nationals who worked in foreign owned companies or joint ventures earned low salaries but had high fringe benefits. Workers in Chinese companies, however, did not fare so well. Chinas labour ministry recorded more than 8000 strikes in 1993, none of which was legal. Another major issue plaguing Chinese factories was that of safety. Gas explosions in coal mines took the lives of more than 750 workers in just the first 3 months of 1994, and there were more than a 1000 killed in similar accidents in 1993. Late in 1993, there were two fines because of poor labour practices in which 145 Chinese workers perished. In January, 1994, new regulations were passed stipulating fire prevention, ventilation and other standards for factories as well as the dormitories in which factory workers lived. Then, in March, 1994, the Chinese vice premier called for even tougher safety laws and announced an industrial safety drive. At applied Electronics limited the workforce lives in the dark dormitories where, as many as 20 persons share primitive lavatories. Though the company denies it, workers claim that two persons have died from eating the food provided by the company. The employees work up to 15 hours a day and get few holidays despite the official communist labour laws that mandate 5 1/2 days and 44 hour work weeks. To try to control the work force and improve conditions, the central government in Peking ruled in 1993 that no pay raises would be awarded to workers at many loosing enterprises. Workers compensation schemes were reformed to provide long term benefits for disabled workers, The Chinese social security system was also updated in an effort to equalise the treatment of workers across all geographic areas and industrial sectors. Question 1 Enumerate the factors which have jeopardised industrial Development in China during past decades. What role does Human Resource Management play in Chinese factories?

As a student, what do you think could be the possible reasons behind the foreign collaborations always being one up than the Chinese companies, in terms of productivity and efficiency? If you were called as Human Resource consultant for the Chinese company Applied Electronics Limited, based on the information presented in this case, what kind of reforms would you have suggested and why?

Teaching notes: Chinese economy is growing but the condition of Chinese workers continues to be poor. Chinese workers are facing problems of poor and inhuman working conditions. The rules and regulations for industrial safety are insufficient and not implemented properly.

CASE 1.2: Case on role of HR manager: DeCenzo, D. A. & Robbins, S.P. (1998). Continuing Case: Concord General, A new Beginning. In Personnel/Human Resource Management (3rd ed.) (pp.18-19). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

Concord General is a 670 bed community hospital located in the Morgantown, West Virginia, metropolitan area. One of nine hospitals in the vicinity, Concord General has experienced constant growth over the past sixty years. During this period, new wings have been added to the hospital to provide a full array of health services, from cradle to grave so to speak. Currently the hospital employs nine hundred people which include doctors, nurses and support service personnel. The hospital has been managed by its president and CEO, Mr John Michaels. John Michaels is sixty years old. He has been with Concord General since 1960 and served in several capacities, such as Director of Hospital Planning and Chief Financial Officer, before ascending to the presidency in 1970. He has a masters degree in Finance and a similar degree in Hospital Administration. During the past three years his health has been falling, but he continues to conduct operations as if he were as young as he was on the day he became associated with the hospital. John believed in adhering to the principles set by his predecessors. That is, good health care would be provided at all costs, services would be reasonably priced and the necessary talent to perform these services would be hired. Concord General was progressive in its activities and sought to keep its health care offering current. This included purchasing new equipment whenever possible and being the forerunner in new medical techniques. While many of these activities proved beneficial, one aspect seemed in surmountable. John Michaels, as did his predecessors, single-handedly ran the entire operation. He did the planning, the organizing and the staffing and held a tight rein over all decision making. Anything that occurred regarding the hospital had to first clear his desk. The centralized nature of the hospital seemed to work well years ago, but lately John has been having problems, especially in the areas of motivation and employee unrest. Being concerned about the events that had transpired, John decided to contact his long-time associate, Professor Williams, at the State University. After a discussion of the problems and a study of the organization, Professor Williams made his recommendations. Included in these recommendations were certain organisational structural changes, namely, a movement to a more functional structure (grouping similar activities together under a specific manager).The functional structure would foster the delegation of some of these activities. John agreed in part to these recommendations. He could see the benefits from having certain departments handle

specific duties of the hospital and, accordingly, implemented these recommendations. There was now not only a department handling patient admission, a department handling patient billings, and an accounting department but also a marketing department. A doctor was appointed chief of medical affairs; his duties consisted of overseeing all the medical units in the hospital such as the emergency room, the operating room, and the recovery room. While the newly created departments appeared to be beneficial to the hospital, John Michaels refused to implement recommendation that he delegate the personnel responsibilities. He believed that if people worked for his hospital, then he, and only he, could conduct this function. Thus, a new set of problems emerged as the workers began to become more vocal about the autocratic nature of the hospitals president. Feeling that something had to be done, John Michaels has hired you as a consultant to identify the causes of the problems and make recommendations for progressive change.

QUESTIONS: 1. How would you describe the personnel function at Concord General? Discuss. 2. Prepare a list of pros and cons for John Michaels regarding the need for a human resource department. Have the pros out-weighed the cons? 3. Let us suppose that John Michaels believes there is merit in your proposals but is not yet convinced that a human resource department is needed. Explain how you would persuade him that HRM is a necessity in his hospital. Describe the activities that you would recommend be included in the human resource department. TEACHING NOTES: Concord General is a 60 years old hospital which has large number of employees and aimed at providing good health care at any costs. The idea of implementing the functional structure is good. There is a need for HR department to handle various areas of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Appraisal, Compensation etc. As HR function cant be handled alone by any individual. Separate HR department would help in performing HR function efficiently.

CASE 1.3:

Case on role of HR manager

Dessler, G. (2005). Application Case, Jack Nelsons Problem. In Human Resource Management (10th ed.) (p. 26). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

As a new member of the board of Directors for a local bank, Jack Nelson was being introduced to all employees in the home office. When he was being introduced to Ruth Johnson, he was curious about her work and asked her what the machines she was using did. Johnson replied that she really did not know what the machine was called or what it did. She explained that she had only been working there for two months. She did, however know precisely how to operate the machine. According to her supervisor, she was an excellent employee. At one of the branch offices, the supervisor in charge spoke to Nelson confidentially, telling him that something was wrong, but she did not know what. For one thing, she explained, employee turnover was too high, and sooner had one employee been put on the job than another one resigned. With customers to see and loans to be made, she continued, she had little time to work with the new employees as they came and went. All branch supervisors hired their own employees without communication with the home office or other branches. When an opening developed, the supervisor tried to find a suitable employee to replace the worker who had quit. After touring the 22 branches and finding similar problems in many of them, Nelson wondered what the home office should do or what action he should should take. The banking firm was generally regarded as a well run institution that had grown from 27 to 191 employees during the past eight years. The more he thought about the matter, the more puzzled Nelson became. He couldnt quite put his finger on the problem, and he didnt know whether to report his findings to the President. Questions 1. What do you think is causing some of the problems in the banks home office and branches? 2. Do you think setting up an HR unit in the main office would help? 3. What specific functions should an HR unit carry out? What HR functions would then be carried out by supervisors and other line managers? What role should the internet play in the new HR organisations?

Teaching Notes: Jack Nelson has to advice about the problem the local bank is facing. Ruth Johnson is a very dedicated employee of the organisation but does not know exactly what is her job profile and how is she contributing to the organisation. The organisation is facing very high rates of employee turnover.

There is lack of communication between different departments and branches of the organisation

Case 2.1: Case on Job Analysis: Dessler, G. (2005). Case Incident: Hurricane Bonnie. In Human Resource Management (10th ed.) (p. 119). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited In August, 1998 Hurricane Bonnie hit North Carolina and the Optima Air Filter Company. Many employees homes were devastated and the firm found that it had to hire almost three completely new crews, one for each of its shifts. The problem was that the Old Timers had known their mix to well that no one had ever bothered to draw up job description for them. When about 30 new employees were taking their posts, there was general confusion about what they should do and how they should do it. The Hurricane quickly became old news for the firms out of state customers who wanted filters, not excuses. Phil Mann, the firms president, was at his wits. He had about 30 new employees-10 Old Timers. His original factory supervisors, Maybelline. He decided to meet with Linda Lowe, a consultant from the Universitys Business School, who immediately had the old timers fill out a questionnaire that listed all their duties. Arguments ensued almost at once because both Phil and Maybelline thought the old timers were exaggerating to make themselves look more important and the old timers insisted that the list faithfully reflected their duties. Meanwhile, the customers clamoured for their filters. QUESTIONS: 1. Should Phil and Linda ignore the Old Timers protests and write up the job description as they see fit? Why? Why not? How would you go about resolving the differences? 2. How would you have conducted the job analysis? TEACHING NOTES: Phil, Firms President and Maybelline, Supervisor consulted Linda, a Consultant to draw Job Description. Linda made Old timers to fill the questionnaire for that purpose. Phil and Maybelline were not satisfied and claimed that Old timers did not fill the questionnaire authentically. This aroused a conflict between the Management and the old timers. Phil and Linda should not ignore the protests of Old timers rather they should opt those methods which is beneficial for both the employees and management and helps in maintaining cordial relationships between them.

CASE 2.2:

Case on Job Analysis

Mejia, L. R. G., Balkin, D.B. & Cardy, R.L. (2002). How Flexible is too flexible? In Managing Human Resources (3rd ed.) (p. 84). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

How flexible is too flexible Manager Barbara Reed has a big problem. Actually, four of the seven tellers at the small branch bank she runs have the problems. Barbara has the challenge of dealing with them. One teller is on maternity leave. Nearly three months ago, she gave birth to a very premature one-pound baby. She's due back soon, but she is unwilling to leave her baby, who is still in the neonatal unit of a big-city hospital 90 miles away. She wants to extend her leave. Another teller has just informed Barbara that his elderly mother, who has been living by herself in a distant town, fell and broke her hip. The teller, an only child, win its at least a month off to tend to his mother and find a new living arrangement for her. A new teller has asked to cut hack her hours slightly so that she can be home with her children after school. The next door neighbor who had been caring for them will be moving soon, and the tellerwho is new in town -can't find anyone she trusts to watch them. Barbara's best teller, one who she thinks could be a manager someday, has just asked to pare her hours so she can begin taking courses for her MBA. Barbara sorely wants to grant this request because her own performance is judged in part by her skill in developing and promoting women and minorities. In the past, Barbara would not have agonized over any of these decisions. She simply would have said no, instructed all her tellers to stay at their posts, and replaced any who did not. But Barbara's company recently adopted a policy saying it would do whatever it could to accommodate employees with conflicts between work and family responsibilities. Barbara is now supposed to be a flexible manager, which means that she has to try to satisfy her employees' requests. But how can she do that and still run the bank? Barbara is considering an array of flexible work options, including regular part-time and temporary part time work, flexible work hours, compressed workweek job sharing, leaves of absence, and telecommuting. Critical Thinking Questions

1. Do all these tellers have good reasons to modify their work schedules? How can Barbara determine which tellers' requests should receive priority, which should be taken into consideration, and which should be turned down? 2. What might happen if Barbara tries to satisfy every employee's request for a modified work schedule? 3. What implementation guidelines should Barbara put in place so that the bank branch will operate smoothly without disruption of service to its customers? For example, how much flexibility in hours should the flexible program provide? Who should be eligible for it? How much advance notice should a manager require to change an employee's work schedule? Group Learning Exercise 4. With a partner or small group, decide on some programs that would enable Barbara to respond to the four tellers' needs for modified work schedule from the array of flexible work options. Can Barbara satisfy all four of these requests simultaneously with the program(s) you have selected? If not, what should she do? Teaching Notes Bank manager Barbara is facing a problem that four of the seven tellers of her branch want to go on leave due to different family problems. It is the policy of the company to help the employees to balance their work and family responsibilities. However Barbara will not be able to manage her branch if she gives leave to all the employees. She can give leave or give option of flexible working hours, telecommuting etc.

CASE 2.3:

Case on Recruitment and Selection

Mejia, L. R. G., Balkin, D.B. & Cardy, R.L. (2002). Making the Grade. In Managing Human Resources (3rd ed.) (p. 194). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited

The Grade 1 Company manufactures hand toolsfrom screwdrivers to hammers to all types of wrenches. The company takes pride in producing the highest-quality tools for craftspeople worldwide and has exacting specifications for both mass and customized tool production. However, Grade 1 realizes that the time it takes to fulfil an order is problematic because it is not fast enough to satisfy customers. Timing is so crucial in this industry that Grade 1 is losing clients. A study of the issue quickly revealed the source of the problem: The Company still uses a labour-intensive production system that is not computerized. Other tool companies have switched to computerized production systems and production control systems that deliver comparable quality in shorter times. Furthermore, those companies can give definite promises about product delivery dates, whereas Grade 1 can only offer educated guesses that are often incorrect. As a result of the study, Grade 1 has made a commitment to computerize its operations. Over the past six months the production control system has been computerized, and everyone at Grade 1 is excited about the potential benefits. Production and scheduling are now done by computer, and software accurately forecasts delivery dates. However, management's excitement is tempered by the realization that to use the system effectively employees must learn a new set of skills. Grade 1 has offered an early retirement option to its workforce, and a number of workers have taken it. There is now room in the production area to hire a significant number of new employees. Consider the Issues 1. How large a role do you think personality issues should play in Grade l's selection system? How much of a role should tool production experience play. Explain your answers. The Grade 1 workers who did not take or were not eligible for early retirement may or may not be acceptable employees under the new system. How should the company determine what to do with its current employees? How should Grade 1 assess the validity of the selection measures used to hire new employees to work with the computerized production system?



Take Action 4. Design a selection system for staffing Grade 1s production department. As you design the system, consider the knowledge, skills, and abilities that qualified candidates should possess. Do It Together 5. With a partner or small group, identify the characteristics that might be most important to job performance in Grade 1s computerized production area Prepare a list of the best ideas and present these to the class. 6. Which selection tools should Grade 1 use in its staffing process? Consider the possibilities with your partner or team and present your conclusions to the class. If more than one predictor should be used, should they be ranked in order of importance? Teaching Notes:
Grade 1 company manufactures hand tools. It is not fast enough to satisfy customers and is losing clients. The company still uses a labour-intensive production system that is not computerized. Its competitors have switched to computerized production systems and production control systems that deliver comparable quality in shorter times. It has now computerized production control system and employees must learn new skills

Case 3.1:

Case on training

Chadha, N.K. (2002). Modern Industries Limited. In Human Resource Development: Issues, Case Studies and Experiential Exercises (2nd Ed.) (pp. 203-205). New Delhi: Shri Sai Publishers. Modern Industries Limited (MIL) in Bangalore is an automobile ancillary company. It has a turnover of Rs. 100 crores. It employs around 4,000 persons. The company is professionally managed. The management team is headed by a dynamic Managing Director. He expects performance of high order at every level. It is more so at the supervisory and managerial levels. Normally the people of high calibre are selected through open advertisements to meet the personnel requirements at higher levels. However, junior level vacancies are filled up by different types of trainees who undergo training in the company. The company offers one-year training scheme for fresh engineering graduates. During the first six months of the training, the trainees are exposed to different functional areas which is considered to be the core training for this category of trainees. By then, the trainees are identified for placement against the available or projected vacancies. Their further training in the next quarter is planned according to individual placements requirements. During the last quarter the training will be on-the job. The trainee is required to perform the jobs expected of him after he is placed there. The company is basically a manufacturing company. Majority of the technical graduates who are taken as trainees happen to be mechanical engineering graduates. However, depending upon requirements, sometimes one or two graduates of other disciplines are also recruited. The training scheme is broadly structured mainly keeping in mind the training requirements of mechanical engineering planning. The intake of trainees is generally planned on the basis of projected requirements. Mr. Rakesh Sharma joined the company in the year 1983 after his B.Tech. Degree in Paint Technology from a reputed institute. He was taken as a trainee against a projected vacancy in the Paints Application Department. In MIL, the areas of interest for a trainee in paint technology are few. Hence, Mr. Sharmas core training was planned for the first three months only. Thereafter, he was put for on-the-job training in the Paints Application Department. He took interest and showed enthusiasm in his work there. The report from the shop manager was quite satisfactory. The performance of the trainee is normally reviewed once at the end of every quarter. The training manager personally talked to the trainee about his progress, strengths and shortcomings.

At the end of the second quarter, the Training Manager called Mr. Sharma for his performance review. He appreciated his good performance and told him to keep it up. A month later Mr. Sharma met the Training Manager. He requested that his training period be curtailed to seven months only and to absorb him as an engineer. He argued that he had been performing like a regular employee in the department for the last one quarter. As such, there was no justification for him to be put on training anymore. Further, he indicated that by doing so, he could be more effective in the department as a regular engineer. He would also gain seniority as well as some monetary benefits as the trainees were eligible for a stipend only. The regular employees were eligible for allowances like conveyance, dearness, house rent, education, etc. which was a substantial amount as compared to the stipend paid to a trainee. The Training Manager turned down his request and informed him that it was not the practice of the company to do so. He told him that any good performance or contribution made by the trainees during the training period would be duly rewarded at the time of placement on completion of one year of training. Further, he told him that it would set a wrong precedence. Quite often some trainees were put on the job much earlier than the normal period of three quarters for several reasons. Thereafter, Mr. Sharmas behaviour in the department became different. His changed attitude did not receive any attention in the initial period. However, by the end of the third quarter, his behaviour had become erratic and unacceptable. When he was asked by the Department Manager to attend a particular task, he replied that he was still on training and such tasks shouldnt be assigned to a trainee. According to him those jobs were meant to be attended by full time employees and not by trainees. The paint shop manager complained to the Training Manager about Mr. Sharmas behaviour and he was summoned by the Training Manager. During the discussions Mr. Sharma complained that while all the remaining trainees were having a comfortable time as trainees, he was the only one who was put to a lot of stress and strain. The department was expecting too much from him. He felt that he should be duly rewarded for such hard work; otherwise it was not appropriate to expect similar output from him. The Training Manager tried to convince him again that he shouldnt harp on rewards and as he was a trainee, his sole concern should be to learn as much as possible and to improve his abilities. He should have a long term perspective rather than such a narrow-minded approach. He also informed him that his good performance will be taken into account when the right occasion arose. He warned him that he was exhibiting a negative attitude for which he would be viewed seriously. His demand for earlier placement was illogical and he should forget it as he has already completed eight months and had to wait only for four months. He advised Mr. Sharma that the career of an individual had to be seen on a long-time perspective and that he should not resort to such childish behaviour as it would affect his own career and image in the company.

Mr. Sharma apparently seemed to have been convinced by the assurance given by the Training Manager and remained passive for some time. However, when the feedback was sought after a month the report stated that he had become more perverted. He was called again for a counselling session and was given two weeks time to show improvement. At the end of those two weeks, the Training Manager met the department manager, to have a discussion about Mr. Sharma. It was found that there was absolutely no reason for Mr. Sharma to nurture a grievance on poor rewards. It was decided that he be given a warning letter as per the practice of the company and accordingly, he was issued a warning letter. This further aggravated the situation rather than bringing about any improvement. He felt offended and retaliated by thoroughly disobeying any instruction given to him. This deteriorated the situation more and the relationship between the manager of the department and the trainee was seriously affected. In cases of rupture of relationship, normally the practice was to shift the trainee from the department where he was not getting along well so that he would be tried in some other department where he could have another lease for striking better rapport. But unfortunately, in the case of Mr. Sharma, there was no other department to which he could be transferred, since that was the only department where his specialisation could have been of proper use. By the time he completes his training he turned out to be one who was not at all acceptable in the department for placement. His behaviour and involvement were lacking. In view of this the department manager recommended that he be taken out of that department. When Mr. Sharma was informed about it he was thoroughly depressed. One of the primary objectives of the Training Department is to recruit fresh graduates who have good potential and train them to be effective persons, in different department. They are taken after a rigorous selection process which includes a written test, preliminary and a final interview. During the training period their aptitudes, strengths and weaknesses are identified. Their placement departments are decided primarily on the basis of their overall effectiveness there. Here is a case where the person happened to be hard-working in the beginning but turned out to be failure in the end. The Training Manager was conscious of this serious lapse and was not inclined to recommend his termination. But at the same time it was difficult to retain a person whose track record was not satisfactory. He still felt that a fresh look be given into this case but he was unable to find a way out. He was faced with the dilemma whether to terminate or not to terminate Mr. Rakesh Sharma.

Questions 1) Where did the things go wrong? 2) What options are open for the Training Manager other than termination of Mr. Sharma? 3) Did the paints shop manager handle the trainee properly?

4) How could you put Mr. Sharma back on the right track? (Source: M.L. Bhasin: Managing people effectively. 1996 (2nd edition): Delhi: Global Business Press) Teaching Notes A mid way solution beneficial to both Mr. Sharma and the organisation should have been worked upon. Since scope wasnt much in the department in which Mr. Sharma was working as a trainee, his training period could have been cut short and this could be an example for future trainees that if your performance is above expectations, organisation might cut short the training period. Unnecessary prolonging leads to higher training cost for the firm, lower motivation level of the trainee leading to lower performance level. Some flexibility should be there in an organisations training scheme as already the graduates who are selected are after rigorous prelims and interview. Manager should have dealt with the trainee more empathetically giving an assurance to him that his efforts wont go waste and he will definitely take forward his request of cutting short the training period to top management rather than out rightly rejecting at the outset. This could have avoided the situation of Mr. Sharmas immediate disobeying attitude in the organisation.

CASE 3.2: Case on training: Dessler, G. (2003). Reinventing the wheel at Apex door Company. In Human Resource Management (9th ed.) (p. 214). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

Jim Delaney, President of Apex door, has a problem. No matter how often he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they invariably decide to do it their way, as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Jim, the employee, and the employees supervisor. One example is the doordesign department, where the designers are expected to work with the architects to design doors that meet the specifications. While its not rocket science, as Jim puts it, the designers invariably make mistakes such as designing in too much steel, a problem that can cost Apex tens of thousands of wasted dollars, once you consider the number of doors in, say, a 30- story office tower. The order processing department is another example. Jim has a very specific and detailed way he wants the order written up, but most of the order clerks dont understand how to actually use the multipage order form. They simply improvise when it comes to a detailed question such as whether to classify the customer as Industrial or Commercial. The current training process is as follows. None of the jobs has a training manual per se, although several have somewhat out- of- date job descriptions. The training for new people is all on the job. Usually the person leaving the company trains the new person during the one- or two week overlap period, but if there is no overlap, the new person is trained as well as possible by other employees who have filled in occasionally on the job in the past. The training is basically the same throughout the company- for machinists, secretaries, assemblers, and accounting clerks, for example. Questions 1) What do you think of Apexs training process? Could it help to explain why employees do things their way and if so, how? 2) What role do job descriptions play in training? 3) Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex. Make sure to provide specific suggestions, please. Teaching Notes: A more systematic training process needs to be laid. Proper training manuals are given to new joinees to make them well versed with the organisation and its working. On the job training to be more organised.

Training modules be developed specific to functional areas as this will enhance the learning of employees and orientation should be given to them that same needs to be implemented on the job, this will do away with their own way of dealing with things.

Case 4.1:

Case on performance appraisal

Dessler, G. (1998). Carter cleaning Company. The performance appraisal. In Human Resource Management (7th ed.) (p. 376). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

After spending several weeks on the job, Jennifer was surprised to discover that her father had not formally evaluated any employees performance for all the years that he had owned the business. Jacks position was that he had a hundred higher-priority things to attend to, such as boosting sales and lowering costs, and, in any case, many employees didnt stick around long enough to be appraisable anyway. Furthermore, contended Jack, manual workers such as those doing the pressing and the cleaning did periodically get positive feedback in terms of praise from Jack for a job well done or criticism, also from Jack, if things did not look right during one of his swings through the stores. Similarly, Jack was never shy about telling his managers about store problems so that they, too, got some feedback on where they stood. This informal feedback notwithstanding, Jennifer believes that a more formal appraisal approach is needed. She believes that there are criteria such as quality, quantity, attendance, and punctuality that should be evaluated periodically even if a worker is paid on piece rate. Furthermore, she feels quite strongly that the managers need to have a list of quality standards for matters such as store cleanliness, efficiency, safety, and adherence to budget on which they know they are formally evaluated.

Questions 1) Is Jennifer right about the need to evaluate the employees or the managers formally? Why or why not? 2) Develop a performance appraisal method for the workers and managers in each store.

Teaching notes -Importance of a formal appraisal method in any organisation cant be undermined. -This will also do away with a problem of employees not sticking with the organisation for a longer period. -Help in boosting the morale, productivity and performance thereby advantageous to both firm as well as employees.

Case 5.1:

Case on Compensation

DeCenzo, D. A. & Robbins, S.P. (1998). Continuing Case: Concord General, One for the Heart. In Personnel/Human Resource Management (3rd ed.) (p.448). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

Concord General is a 670 bed community Hospital. Since the inception of the Cardiac Surgery Unit (CSU), animosities have been growing between the nurses who exclusively work there and the nurses who work in both the Intensive Care Unit and the Cardiac Surgery Unit. It appears that somewhere along the line pay differentials have been established for the CSU-only nurse, amounting to $1.80 extra per hour. The nurses in ICU have been complaining bitterly and have asked Judy to review the matter. After studying the problem, Judy felt that the wage differential was justified. This differential was based on the added shifts necessary to function solely in the CSU. Judy certainly recognized that the ICU nurses who temporarily staffed CSU had many of the same skills. She justified the differential, not on the skill level, but on the working conditions. Full-time CSU nurses worked twelve to fourteen hour shifts and had to be on call for a postoperative patient. Because surgery was scheduled every other day, and because a persons stay in CSU was only three days, these nurses had no set schedule. They would work three days on, two off, three on, and so forth. On the other hand, ICU nurses worked eight-hour days and were scheduled in accordance with hospital rules. This meant while one weekend per month. Even then if the nurse worked in CSU, it was done on her regularly scheduled workday. Additionally, to attract and retain qualified CSU nurses, Judy had to meet what the market required. She sympathized with the ICU nurses but reminded them that each had an opportunity to work full time in CSU but opted not to do so. QUESTIONS: 1. If skills are similar in the two positions, is it permissible for the hospital to offer the differential to attract and retain qualified personnel? 2. What could Judy do to alleviate some of the frustration of ICU nurses, short of a pay raise? 3. What impact do you foresee on performance and productivity regarding ICU nurses working in CSU? TEACHING NOTES:

Both CSU and ICU nurses should be paid keeping in mind others factors like working conditions, working hours, etc. as the skills are similar. As opportunity to work full time in CSU was given to each individual so there should not be any conflict on the wage differential and differential is defensible to attract and retain the qualified and skilled nurses.

Case 6.1:

Case on Grievance Handling

Durai, P. (2010). Naveen Sugars Pvt Ltd. In Human Resource Management (pp.515-516). Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. Licensees of Pearson Education.

Naveen Sugars (P) limited is a large private company employing about 2,000 workers. It has an annual turnover of Rs. 2.91 billion. The HR department of the company is headed by Mr. Arvind, an expert with MA (in human resource management) and BL degrees. Naveen Sugars is a strongly unionised company with nearly 75 per cent of the employees belonging to the only union in the company and the management of this company had a cordial relationship with its employees and their union. However, a recent incident occurred in the crushing division of this company that has strained this relationship. Mr. Rajesh is a shop level union representative with nearly 20 years of service in the company. He is around 49 years of age and has been employed in the Crushing Division. Of late, he has not been performing well at work. When the HR manager tried to find out the reason from his friends in the factory, they revealed that he had acute family problems and was depressed. One day, while on duty in a day shift, Rajesh had left his workplace without proper permission and returned after nearly two hours. However, his immediate superior prevented him from resuming the work. Enraged by the refusal, Rajesh engaged in a fierce argument with that superior and misbehaved with him. He also disrupted the work of his co-workers and abused all those who did not support him. Rajesh was immediately suspended from duty pending enquiry and charged with dereliction of duty and disrupting work of the company while on duty. But before the management could proceed with further disciplinary action, Rajesh submitted an application stating that he could not continue in the employment of the company on account of health and voluntarily offered to seek retirement. The top union leaders of the company strongly backed the request of Rajesh and insisted that the company shall treat him with compassion. Though the top management was also in favour of this idea, the HR manager insisted on completing the disciplinary proceedings since he feared that Rajesh might create problems at a later stage if the case was not disposed off properly. He also averred that he might even demand reinstatement and all other benefits. Eventually, the management concurred with the views of the HR manager and rejected the request of the aggrieved employee. It also instructed the HR department to begin the disciplinary proceedings. Aghast at this development, the union leaders conducted an emergency meeting and announced a series of agitations. Peeved at this development, the management blamed the HR manager and asked him to find the way out of the mess. Questions for discussion

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How do you view the request of Rajesh seeking voluntary retirement from the company? Does he deserve compassion from the management? Do you agree with the approach of the HR manager towards this issue? What should the management do now for resolving the imbroglio?

Teaching Notes: Mr. Rajesh is a shop level union representative employed in the Crushing Division. He was not performing well at work due to family problems and one day had fierce argument with his superior and misbehaved with him. He submitted application seeking voluntary retirement. HR department started disciplinary proceedings against him. To oppose this, the union leaders conducted an emergency meeting and announced a series of agitations. There is lack of proper time keeping system and discipline in the organisation.

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