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Further Engineering Maths: Coursework, 2013 2014

1(a) (b)

Evaluate the double integral

[3 marks]

Sketch the area at x > 0 that is enclosed by the y-axis, the curve y = 7 x2 and the curve y = x2 - x 3. [1 mark] Use a double integral to calculate the area described in Q1(b). [3 marks]

(c) (d)

The area described in Q1(b) is filled with a flat metal plate with a surface density ! = 2x. If the plate is secured to the y-axis by massless hinges, write down, but do NOT evaluate, a double integral that describes the torque exerted about the y-axis by the weight of the plate. [2 marks] With the plate still in the same place, the hinges are moved so that it is secured to the line y = -2. Now write down, but do NOT evaluate, a double integral that describes the moment of inertia of the plate about this line. [2 marks]



Evaluate the work done by the force, F = 4x2i + xyj, moving along the path y=x2 from (0,0) to (4,16). [3 marks]


The closed path integral represents the work done by the force F = yi + ysin(x)j, moving around the path C, which goes from (0,0) to (",0) along the line y = 0 and then back to (0,0) along the curve y =sin(x).

(i) Write down a double integral, with limits, that could be used to calculate the work done. Do NOT evaluate the above closed path integral. [3 marks] (ii) Evaluate your double integral from Q2b(i). [3 marks]

3. This question concerns the function f ( x) = 1

( "# < x < 0 ) (0 " x < #)

x f ( x) = 1 " #

! f ( x + 2" ) = f ( x ) ! ! series for (a) Find the Fourier , giving explicit formulae for the
! ,


[14 marks]

(b) Write down the values of places.


correct to 8 decimal [2 marks]

(c) Use MATLAB to find the coefficients of the first five harmonics (sin and cos terms) and compare the results with those from part (b). Your solution should include a copy of the m-file fnc.m which you used to obtain the coefficients. [7 marks] (d) Plot the function together with its approximating five-term Fourier series. [2 marks] (e) Sketch the full Fourier series (not the 5 term approximation) over the interval . [3 marks] [2 marks]

(f) What is the value of the Fourier series at x = " ?

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