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2013 Fall Sales Briefing

PR Rock N Rye 2013 RPSI Gold Premium Col !nline "uc ion 11#1$%11#21
&ee PR Rock N Rye' our 2013 col (y )ano*erian s allion Rosen +al ou of our ,ure(red "ra(ian mare' PR Brandy-ine .(y /ar Come 01 " +e 2013 R+einland Pfal2%Saar In erna ional ins,ec ion a Solomon Farms in S3' Rock N Rye earned Gold Premium s a us for +is correc conforma ion' elegan y,e and elas ic' e4,ressi*e mo*emen 1 Rye is a good%si2ed modern col -i + a 5look a me6 a i ude1 Rye is now part of the first-ever North American RPSI online auction .No*1 1$ 21' 201301 &odeled on ,o,ular Selec Foal auc ions in Germany' eac+ foal in +is u,coming e*en +as (een indi*idually e*alua ed and in*i ed o ,ar ici,a e' ensuring a s andard of 7uali y for (uyers and +e o,,or uni y o *ie- eac+ year8s o, foals and (reeding ,rograms1 9ie- +e online auc ion ca alog here1 Rye is Lot 221 For more informa ion on Rye' *isi +is sales ,age1

PR Conkys adora 2012 Con ucci Filly

PR Conkys adora is an a,,ro*ed and (randed !lden(urg N" and regis ered )alf%"ra(ian 2012 filly1 53ora6 is (y )ill o, Farm8s s ellar )ano*erian s allion' Con ucci' o, ,roducer of dressage c+am,ions and +e 200: ;S<F 3ressage Sire of +e =ear1 3ora is ou of our o-n PR Sun

>ys ' a lo*ely%mo*ing mare a,,ro*ed !lden(urg N" and regis ered "ra(ian1 3ora -as (red o (e a na ionally and in erna ionally com,e i i*e dressage mare1 S+e is a all' li*er c+es nu filly -i + a 7uie ' raina(le em,eramen and *ery (rig+ fu ure1 ?12'$001 9isi 3ora8s sales ,age1

"nas asia 3a4 ana "ndalusian#"ra(ian 3ressage &are

"nas asia 3a4 ana is a fancy 200@' 1$13) grey s,or +orse mare' regis ered )alf%"ndalusian and )alf%"ra(ian' offering +e (es of (o + (reeds1 Sc+ooling second and some +ird ,lus s ar ed on flying c+anges' 5/ana6 +as +e alen and +e rig+ energy o mo*e u, +e le*els' (e na ionally com,e i i*e and e4cel in o,en dressage1 S+e +as na ural u,+ill (alance' sus,ension and +e a(ili y o collec and e4 end +er gai s -i + good sco,e1 Aa eral -ork comes easily1 /ana is a +le ic' elas ic and round' -i + +ree good gai s1 S+e also is s ar ed o*er fences and enBoys rail rides1 ?10'0001 9isi /ana8s sales ,age1

Pros,ec Green /+oroug+(red S,or )orse

Pros,ec Green is an elegan and a +le ic 1::C grey 1D) /+oroug+(red gelding1 5Green6 is a (eau iful mo*er -i + a grea ,ersonali y1 )e re ired sound from a successful race career and +as ransi ioned -ell o life as a s,or +orse under +e ins ruc ion of Grand Pri4 rider and F<I rainer &imi S anley1 )e is sc+ooling firs and second le*el dressage and Bum,ing small courses -i + good form1 Bold and (usiness%like a,,roac+ o +is -ork1 Eould (e a good fi for an ad*anced (eginner -orking -i + a rainer or in ermedia e rider1 )acks ou and used occasionally in lessons1 Sound' +eal +y and s ylis+1 Su,er +ome a mus 1 ?2'$00 Nego ia(le1 9isi Green8s sales ,age1

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