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FY 2015-2017 Community Impact Partner Fund RFP Training

November 14, 2013

Session Overview

RFP Structure and Timeline Submission Requirements Database Updates and Training

Community Goals
Education By 2020, increase the number of children in our five county area who are developmentally and academically on track by 4th grade by 30%. (Source: Iowa Dept. of Education)

Financial Stability By 2020, increase the number of financially stable households by 15% (Source: Census)

Health By 2020, improve social connectedness and mental health function of lowincome adults by 10%. (Source: Iowa 2012 Mental Health Outcomes Report)

RFP: Focus Area Framework

Sets the context for:

Community goal Target population(s) Types of strategies in which UWECI is likely to invest

Provides community data and sources

Glossary of Terms

Handout Posted on the website Use 3x5 cards to add words to the list

Section A: Characteristics of Organization (0 points)

A1. Agency Mission Statement Do not include vision statement, goals or historical information. A2. General Overview of agencys primary services and purpose. If the agency provides a variety of services, please categorize and provide a brief description.

Section B: Organizational Excellence and Continuous Improvement (10 points)

B1. Explain how your organization assesses and implements learning, continuous quality and improvement practices to ensure progressive excellence throughout your organization.

What steps does your organization take to assess and improve the quality of its program?

What are the components of your improvement plan?

What procedures do you use to implement your plan?

Section B: Organizational Excellence and Continuous Improvement (10 points)

B2. Assessments, credentials, accreditations, licensing, etc.

What is the schedule for assessing program quality? How often does this occur? Formal assessments, Credentialing, Accreditation, Licensing Formal program evaluation Examples: Certified Addiction Counselor through the Iowa Board of Certification CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) Iowa Family Support Credential



Section C: Client Identification and Engagement (25 points)

C1 . Describe the community population your strategy will address

Demographics Geographic reach (Benton, Cedar, Iowa, Jones and Linn counties) Income Federal Poverty Guideline (FPL) Trends Needs # of individuals you propose to serve in FY2013 (July 1, 2012 June 30, 2013) # of individuals on a waiting list (if applicable)

Section C: Client Identification and Engagement (25 points)

C2. Describe your outreach techniques used to attract clients

How do people get connected with your services? What agencies are a part of your referral network? What outreach techniques does your agency use to attract new clients? How do you advertise your services? What client engagement strategies are used?

Section C: Client Identification and Engagement (25 points)

C.3 Describe your criteria and/or eligibility guidelines used

Are there age limits to receive services? Are there income requirements? Do you require potential clients to complete a needs assessment or intake form? How often are clients needs assessed? Are your services time limited? How is it determined when a client no longer needs services?

Section C: Client Identification and Engagement (25 points)

C4. Describe the criteria used to determine when clients needs additional or different services.

When have needs beyond your agencies scope of service, how do you determine when they need additional or different services?
What criteria are used to determine level of needs? How are clients connected to additional or different services?

Section C: Client Identification and Engagement (25 points)

C5. How does your program incorporate client-centered and culturally competent perspective?

How are the breadth of services responsive to the condition of the client? What policies or procedures are in place that support client centered and cultural competence practices? What type of training is provided to staff to support client centered services and cultural competence practices and how often?



Section D: Impact Strategy Overview (20 points)

D1. Name of the Proposed Strategy


Section D: Impact Strategy Overview (20 points)

D2. Provide an overview of your impact strategy

Does the overview clearly articulate what you are proposing to do?

i) How does your strategy address the needs of the target population?
ii) How has your strategy examined local data? ii) How have you engage people who have relevant experience and expertise, including the population of concern, in selecting this strategy? ii) How did local conditions and assets help shape your approaches in developing your strategy?

Section D: Impact Strategy Overview (20 points)

D3. Explain how strategy will address critical obstacles

What are the critical obstacles that your target population faces? How will your strategy address removing the identified critical obstacles?

Section D: Impact Strategy Overview (20 points)

D4. Address underlying issues and root causes.

What are some of the underlying issues or root causes of the condition that are connected with your proposed strategy? Does your strategy address root causes? If so, how?

Section D: Impact Strategy Overview (20 points)

D5. Describe where you strategy fits on the continuum of services.

Treatment Early Identification Prevention



No More than 2 Outcomes

Answer questions in Section E and F for ONLY 1or 2 Intermediate Outcome(s) for which your strategy most closely aligns or as your have been directed within your LOI feedback. If your strategy includes activities that support more than one Intermediate Outcome, clearly communicate the anticipated results for each activity, along with the anticipated cumulative result of these activities.

When Completing Sections E & F

Education RFP Example
Intermediate Outcome: BUILDING HOPE Youth have the relationship support and positive social-emotional skills to know they will succeed in their future. E1.- E6. Label and respond to each question F1.- F3. Label and respond to each question Intermediate Outcome: IMPROVING LITERACY Literacy is valued in individuals, families, and the community, and students have the necessary skills to succeed in school. E1.- E6. Label and respond to each question F1.- F3. Label and respond to each question

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E1. Describe how your strategy helps the target population achieve a specific result in their condition or status Clearly connect population needs described in Section C with the services and activities provided through the strategy. Need Services and activities that address community need

If serving more than one population, do unique populations receive different services?

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E2. Describe how the strategy operates

Frequency & Average Duration Intensity Location

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E3. Provide evidence of effectiveness of your strategy Reference research literature, models and/or best practices that advised:

Selection of services provided Hours that services are offered/available Curriculum that is utilized How the strategy is staffed

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E4. Describe how your agencys experience and strategy design is well equipped to achieve the identified outcome Clarify the length of time the agency has been providing the types of services within the proposed strategy. Explain how your strategy is well equipped to achieve the identified outcome. Differentiate between the services that have evolved/emerged more recently from the services that your agency has been providing from the start.

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E5. Explain if and how your strategy can be scaled to increase impact.

Can your strategy be scaled to increase impact? If so, explain how the strategy can be scaled. Explain the methodology used to scale your strategy.

Section E. Impact Strategy Design (30 points)

E6. Describe how participants experience better outcomes by participating in your program compared to people who are not in the program

How do you know persons are better off because they received your services? What evidence do you have that there is a difference in those who receive your services compared o those who do not participate in the program?

One Page Visual Illustration (0 points)

Each proposal is permitted to submit a one page visual illustration that: Communicates the strategy design and how a client would experience services from point of entrance to exit.

purpose is to help the reviewers see the connections of activities outlined in the narrative.



Community Impact Database

Instructions for completing Community Impact Database reporting available on UWECI Website Proposed FY2015 (for all applicants) Mid-Year FY2014 (for current funded partners)

If you need database training, please sign up on sheet provided.

Section F: Data and Measurement Components (15 points)

F1: Clearly describe measurement tool, its source, and reliability and validity measurements.

Identify the measurement tool(s) that will be used and note the source Published tool Created by the agency Why was the tool chosen? Upload a copy of each tool in the database

Section F: Data and Measurement Components (15 points)

F1: Clearly describe measurement tool, its source, and reliability and validity measurements (cont). Reliability: The degree to which an assessment tool produces stable and consistent results.

Importance: To ensure that each client taking the survey is taking it the same way and giving results consistent with all other clients. Importance: To ensure that the questions on the survey confidently lead to the outcomes you wish to cause in the client.

Validity: How well the test measures what it proposes to measure

Section F: Data and Measurement Components (15 points)

F2: Please state the methodology for calculating indicator measurements.

When will you measure? How often will you measure? How do you derive your indicator measurements from the tool(s)? Identify specific questions (site question number(s)) that inform your indicator results.

Section F: Data and Measurement Components (15 points)

F3: State how you will use outcome data to improve the program. Once you input the outcome data, how else will you use the information? Will you involve multiple staff and stakeholders to interpret data and make necessary steps to continue to improve? Does staff with access to data have the authority to make programmatic improvements? Do you have documentation of this process?



Section G: Collaborative Element (20 points)


Work with other strategies (internal) and agencies (external) to compliment community work

Collaboration involves continuous improvement with input from a diversity of stakeholders

Needs a strong knowledge of needs and assets of the community where you work

Section G: Collaborative Element (20 points)

G1: Coordinate strategy and complement other community work Do clients receive services from other parts of your organization? Do clients receive services from another organization?

If so, how do these connections compliment each other?

Do you have coordinated systems in place already with these organizations? What referral networks are in place to support this strategy? How can you ensure that duplication is not taking place?

Section G: Collaborative Element (20 points)

G2: Describe how your strategy was collaboratively developed Who all was involved with creating the strategy?

Did you include community coalitions, subject matter experts, stakeholders with authority to make change, clients, etc.

Section G: Collaborative Element (20 points)

G3: Engage the community and clients and demonstrate a diversity of stakeholders How do you continue to (meaningfully) engage stakeholders listed above (clients, experts, coalitions, etc) to improve development of program

Are the stakeholders of a diverse group?

Do you accommodate client needs when engaging them?

What policies do you have in place to be able to implement any changes?

Do you have written documentation and a formal plan for this engagement?

This includes written guidelines, formal meetings, etc.

Section G: Collaborative Element (20 points)

G4: Effectively leverage existing partnerships/resources in the area. How are client services coordinated with other providers (if applicable)? How does your program supplement, instead of supplant, current programming? What resources are shared or gained by collaborating?

Examples include using other agency resources instead of duplicating sources, collaborating with other resources that serve similar clients, etc.



Section H: Collective Impact or Systemic Change (15 points)

The Five Conditions of Collective Impact Success Common Agenda: All participants have a shared vision for change including a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions. Shared Measurement: Collecting data and measuring results consistently across all participants ensures efforts remain aligned and participants hold each other accountable. Mutually Reinforcing Activities: Participant activities must be differentiated while still being coordinated through a mutually reinforcing plan of action. Continuous Communication: Consistent and open communication is needed across the many players to build trust, assure mutual objectives, and appreciate common motivation. Backbone Organization: Creating and managing collective impact requires a separate organization(s) with staff and a specific set of skills to serve as the backbone for the entire initiative and coordinate participating organizations and agencies

Section H: Collective Impact or Systemic Change (15 points)

H1: Describe any system-level or community-level collaborations of cross-sector partners you participate in to achieve better outcomes for your clients. Do you use collaborations above basic direct-service partnerships to aid your clients?

Do you use more than contract partnerships to purchase services?

Do you and your partners have shared goals and measurements?

Section H: Collective Impact or Systemic Change (15 points)

H2: Lasting change your collective system is intending to create Does your strategy create lasting change in an individual or a group of individuals through more than direct, point-in-time services? Ex: Improve policies for clients, improve day-to-day practices and resource use of clients, improve care coordination of clients receiving services, reduce barriers to achieving stability. Etc.

Section H: Collective Impact or Systemic Change (15 points)

H3: create change in organizations, associations, systems, services, neighborhood characteristics, personal networks, etc. that influence the population of concern? Does your strategy go beyond funding direct services to create change in organizations, associations, systems, services, neighborhood characteristics, personal networks, etc. that improve the client population?



Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I1. Impact Strategy Budget and Narrative

Attachment I1: Impact Strategy Budget Form Reflect all sources of income and related expenses. UWECI should not be the only source of income.

Budget figures should coincide with the CIPF grant cycle (July 1-June 30).
Schedules E, F, and G Funding requested should not exceed 70% of the total strategy budget.

Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I1. Impact Strategy Budget and Narrative

Narrative Provide an explanation that gives additional information about the Strategy Budget line items that you feel are needed, including:

Line item variances > $10,000 or > 10% Complete Schedules E,F and G and include narrative as appropriate Budget deficits of any size- explanation and anticipated resolution Financial opportunities and threats

Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I2. Funding Request Justification Form
Attachment I2: Funding Request Justification Form

Link: Purpose: Primary tool to set context for the amount of funding requested. Components specific to UWECI funding requested Activities Amount of funding requested to support each activity Outline how funding requested for each activity will be spent

Components relative to the collective strategy/total cost Describe/define a unit of service Provide estimated cost for each unit of service

May modify form to suit needs, however all information requested must be addressed.

Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I2. Funding Request Justification Form
Attachment I2: Funding Request Justification Form Example

Willis Dady Emergency Shelter: Tim Wilson Reference Handout

Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I2. Funding Request Justification and Narrative
Funding Request Narrative

Goal- set context for the funding requested

Administrative rate

Revenue streams that support the strategy and funding restrictions they may impose

Section I: Financial: Budgets and Request Justification (15 points)

I3. Leveraged or Matching Funds

Sources and amount of dollars that you do or would be able to leverage or

funds you would be eligible to receive if you are awarded UWECI funding.



Cover Page

Alignment with Community Impact Focus Area

Select the one Focus Area for which the application is requesting United Way funding.

Funding and Fiscal Information

List all other strategies requesting CIPF Focus area Amount requested in FY2015

Guidelines for Narrative

Formatting: Create a Table of Contents that clearly identifies the sections and attachments

Organize and label the sections of your proposal using the outline format provided in the RFP. For example: A. Characteristics of Organization A1. Agency Mission A2. Primary Services and Purpose B. Organizational Excellence and Continuous Improvement B1. Quality and Improvement Practices B2. Credentials and Assessment Tools

Guidelines for Narrative

Page Count: The total length of sections A through F should not exceed twenty (20) pages The total page count does not include requested attachments. Do not include any attachments not specifically requested in the RFP.

Guidelines for Narrative

Content: Can use graphs, tables, and bullets to help clarify content Specificity is desiredwhenever possible provide quantitative information With every question, make sure you are providing detail on Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How Many as is appropriate to the question

Submission Requirements
Double-spaced text One-inch margins 12-point font 8.5 x 11 inch paper Numbered pages Collate your document before scanning or saving electronically If submitting proposal in more than one document, clearly label and number your documents so they can be assembled appropriately.

ART Requirements
Submit electronically to online database:

501c3 Designation Letter Current By-laws Audit or independent review IRS Form 990 Board approved annual agency budget with accompanying narrative Risk Assessment Form

Complete in online database:

Review Process and Feedback

Phase 1: Volunteers review and score the applications using the Scoring Tool. Volunteers discuss the proposals and formulate an assessment of: The strength of the proposed strategy Questions Feedback: United Way staff will provide the following feedback at this point: Your proposals score Strength of your proposal among the whole (top half/bottom half) Strengths and weaknesses Questions Audience Engagement: What else would you want to know?

Review Process and Feedback

Phase 2: Solutions Teams Assess the following Accountability Review Place on the continuum of services (prevention, intervention,) Scope of impact Phase 3: Solutions Team Site Visits and Presentations

UWECI Staff Contacts

Education Doug Griesenauer at or (319)398-5372 Ext. 28 Financial Stability Leslie Wright at or (319)398-5372 Ext. 15 Health Eugenia Vavra at or (319)398-5372 Ext. 33 Accountability Review/Other Leslie Wright at or (319)398-5372 Ext. 15

RFP Preparation Assistance

December 19, 2013 Last date to obtain subject related assistance from staff Staff available on a limited basis to address technical issues. Staff will be addressing questions on a first come first serve basis.

Now- January 15, 2014

January 16, 2014 (by noon) Proposals and due diligence documents due to UWECI

RFP Timeline
January May 1, 2014 Solutions Teams review proposals. UW staff and Acct. Review Team volunteers review required documents. Site visits or agency presentation Funding recommendations to UWECI Executive Committee Funding recommendation to UWECI Board of Directors Announce awards, mail grant agreements and forms for direct deposit

March 2014 May 2014- week 2

May 2014- week 3

May 2014-week 4

Check Point


Community Impact Partner Fund FY 2015-2017


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