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NOTE: It is very handy to install "Google Earth" and use it to est PLACE VALUES IN YELLOW CELLS AND PRESS

"Cal Enter or Select Ground Elevation At Site 50 Ground Elevation At Target 250 Antenna Ht above Ground Distance From Target Verticle Beam Width of Antenna Calculated angle DOWN from Antenna to Target 100 0.5 4 -3.49

To focus maximum power at the target y

For a 4 Degree Vert Beam Antenna, You c the antenna 1,49 Degrees

all "Google Earth" and use it to establish site and target Elevations S IN YELLOW CELLS AND PRESS "Calculate" BUTTON Units (Select) Feet Regarding Directional antenns. Feet Note that effective mechanical tilts diminish to zero as the direction to the target approaches 90 degrees from the Feet antenna azimuth. Kilometers Degrees Degrees Effective electrical tilts tend to be similar in all directions, but it would be best to verify this with the manufacturer and also take into account obstruction by the antenna mounting structure.

cus maximum power at the target you should UPTILT the antenna 3,49 Degrees

4 Degree Vert Beam Antenna, You can place the pattern top - 3dB point on the target by Uptilting ntenna 1,49 Degrees

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