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(6) (Amendment [11-WP-1) WHAT IS OUR PURPOSE? The MANIFESTO explaina that thia Wation waa founded in the “acxth decade of the twentieth centuny.” Oux purpose wes and ia fon the paogeesa, upliftment, and freedom of oun people--the Thind Wonld people. Our duty ia to Leann 20 that we may teach, to seek Libenation of oun oppressed bnothens and aiatens, to unite and atand up against those who seek to deny oun aightful exiat- ence, not only in the Level of economic progners, but also cultuaal acceptance. In agneeing to being a memben, you apace to the Laws and aules of the MANIFESTO/CONSTITUTION and add of its applicable Laws, to respect and follow the five (5) pointa of the cononet and to aacnifice fon the good of oun baothers, oun acatena, and oun Nation. in onder to go about achieving oun goals, theae ane set Lava, cules, regulations, aa weld et specified beliefa which must be adhened to, on in other words followed. Having undenatood cur purpose, we invite you to be- come an agent of change fon the upwand mobility of ald Thind World people who join ua in oun cause fon tauth and Libeaation from own oppressors 1 HAVE READ AND WADERSTOOD THE ABOVE STATED AND SWEAR TO UPHOLD THIS HATION"S PURPOSE UPON ENTRY TO MEMBERSHIP. SIGHATURE: DATE, (6) (Amendment V-MCF-1) “ A.L.K.M, MEMBERSHIP CREED FORA Aaa member of the ALMIGHTY LATIN KING NATION, I, lacy name) awean to abide by the Lawa and regulations of our aacaed MANIFESTO/CONSTITUTION. I undenatand and accept oun finat Law; “Once a King always a King”. I vow to Live by the five points and to always fight for cause without gueation, | v% the cause being the Liberation of oun people; the oppressed Thind Woald people. I also relinguish any auch membenahip of any other onganization realizing that my membenahip in the pALKM. ia fon Likes ey TIEMBCRIALP STGHATURE, DATE. Aaa memben of the Local on MASS. LAS COROWAS, I henebdy accept your membenship into thia moat precious onganization, you having undenatood your vow fowltFE. AMOR DE REYITT LOCAL OR LAS COROWAS SIGHATURE FILE WITH SECRETARY bw

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