Martin, George RR - Ice and Fire 2 - A Clash of Kings

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A Clash of Kings V1.0 Book Two of A song of Ice and Fire By George R. R. Mar in !

canned "#$#0% &y sli'h (R)*)G+, The co-e .s ail s'read across he dawn/ a red slash ha &led a&o0e he crags of 1ragons one like a wo2nd in he 'ink and '2r'le sky. The -aes er s ood on he windswe' &alcony o2 side his cha-&ers. I was here he ra0ens ca-e/ af er long fligh . Their dro''ings s'eckled he gargoyles ha rose wel0e fee all on ei her side of hi-/ a hellho2nd and a wy0ern/ wo of he ho2sand ha &rooded o0er he walls of he ancien for ress. 3hen firs he ca-e o 1ragons one/ he ar-y of s one gro es42es had -ade hi- 2neasy/ &2 as he years 'assed he had grown 2sed o he-. 5ow he ho2gh of he- as old friends. The hree of hewa ched he sky oge her wi h fore&oding. The -aes er did no &elie0e in o-ens. And ye . . . old as he was/ Cressen had ne0er seen a co-e half so &righ / nor ye ha color/ ha erri&le color/ he color of &lood and fla-e and s2nse s. 6e wondered if his gargoyles had e0er seen i s like. They had &een here so -2ch longer han he had/ and wo2ld s ill &e here long af er he was gone. If s one ong2es co2ld s'eak . . . !2ch folly. 6e leaned agains he &a le-en / he sea crashing &enea h hi-/ he &lack s one ro2gh &enea h his fingers. Talking gargoyles and 'ro'hecies in he sky. I a- an old done -an/ grown giddy as a child again. 6ad a life i-e.s hard7won wisdo- fled hi- along wi h his heal h and s reng h8 6e was a -aes er/ rained and chained in he grea Ci adel of )ld own. 3ha had he co-e o/ when s2'ers i ion filled his head as if he were an ignoran fieldhand8 And ye . . . and ye . . . he co-e &2rned e0en &y day now/ while 'ale grey s ea- rose fro- he ho 0en s of 1ragon-on &ehind he cas le/ and yes er-orn a whi e ra0en had &ro2gh word fro- he Ci adel i self/ word long7e9'ec ed &2 no less fearf2l for all ha / word of s2--er.s end. )-ens/ all. Too -any o deny. 3ha does i all -ean8 he wan ed o cry. :Maes er Cressen/ we ha0e 0isi ors.: (ylos s'oke sof ly/ as if loa h o dis 2r& Cressen.s sole-n -edi a ions. 6ad he known wha dri0el filled his head/ he wo2ld ha0e sho2 ed. :The 'rincess wo2ld see he whi e ra0en.: ,0er correc / (ylos called her 'rincess now/ as her lord fa her was a king. King of a s-oking rock in he grea sal sea/ ye a king none heless. :6er fool is wi h her.: The old -an 2rned away fro- he dawn/ kee'ing a hand on his wy0ern o s eady hi-self. :6el' -e o -y chair and show he- in.: Taking his ar-/ (ylos led hi- inside. In his yo2 h/ Cressen had walked &riskly/ &2 he was no far fro- his eigh ie h na-e day now/ and his legs were frail and 2ns eady. Two years 'as / he had fallen and sha ered a hi'/ and i had ne0er -ended 'ro'erly. *as year when he ook ill/ he Ci adel had sen (ylos o2 fro- )ld own/ -ere days &efore *ord ! annis had closed he isle . . . o hel' hi- in his la&ors/ i was said/ &2 Cressen knew he r2 h. (ylos had co-e o re'lace hiwhen he died. 6e did no -ind. !o-eone -2s ake his 'lace/ and sooner han he wo2ld like . . . 6e le he yo2nger -an se le hi- &ehind his &ooks and 'a'ers. :Go &ring her. I is ill o kee' a lady wai ing.: 6e wa0ed a hand/ a fee&le ges 2re of has e fro- a -an no longer ca'a&le of has ening. 6is flesh was wrinkled and s'o ed/ he skin so 'a'ery hin ha he co2ld see he

we& of 0eins and he sha'e of &ones &enea h. And how hey re-&led/ hese hands of his ha had once &een so s2re and def . . . 3hen (ylos re 2rned he girl ca-e wi h hi-/ shy as e0er. Behind her/ sh2ffling and ho''ing in ha 42eer sideways walk of his/ ca-e her fool. )n his head was a -ock hel- fashioned fro- an old in &2cke / wi h a rack of deer an lers s ra''ed o he crown and h2ng wi h cow&ells. 3i h his e0ery l2rching s e'/ he &ells rang/ each wi h a differen 0oice/ clang7a7dang &ong7dong ring7a7ling clong clong clong. :3ho co-es o see 2s so early/ (ylos8: Cressen said. :I .s -e and (a ches/ Maes er.: G2ileless &l2e eyes &linked a hi-. 6ers was no a 're y face/ alas. The child had her lord fa her.s s42are ;2 of ;aw and her -o her.s 2nfor 2na e ears/ along wi h a disfig2re-en all her own/ he legacy of he &o2 of greyscale ha had al-os clai-ed her in he cri&. Across half one cheek and well down her neck/ her flesh was s iff and dead/ he skin cracked and flaking/ -o led &lack and grey and s ony o he o2ch. :(ylos said we -igh see he whi e ra0en.: :Indeed yo2 -ay/: Cressen answered. As if he wo2ld e0er deny her. !he had &een denied oo of en in her i-e. 6er na-e was !hireen. !he wo2ld &e en on her ne9 na-e day/ and she was he saddes child ha Maes er Cressen had e0er known. 6er sadness is -y sha-e/ he old -an ho2gh / ano her -ark of -y fail2re. :Maes er (ylos/ do -e a kindness and &ring he &ird down fro- he rookery for he *ady !hireen.: :I wo2ld &e -y 'leas2re.: (ylos was a 'oli e yo2 h/ no -ore han fi0e7 and7 wen y/ ye sole-n as a -an of si9 y. If only he had -ore h2-or/ -ore life in hi-< ha was wha was needed here. Gri- 'laces needed ligh ening/ no sole-ni y/ and 1ragons one was gri- &eyond a do2& / a lonely ci adel in he we was e s2rro2nded &y s or- and sal / wi h he s-oking shadow of he -o2n ain a i s &ack. A -aes er -2s go where he is sen / so Cressen had co-e here wi h his lord so-e wel0e years 'as / and he had ser0ed/ and ser0ed well. =e he had ne0er lo0ed 1ragons one/ nor e0er fel r2ly a ho-e here. )f la e/ when he woke fro- res less drea-s in which he red wo-an fig2red dis 2r&ingly/ he of en did no know where he was. The fool 2rned his 'a ched and 'ie&ald head o wa ch (ylos cli-& he s ee' iron s e's o he rookery. 6is &ells rang wi h he -o ion. :+nder he sea/ he &irds ha0e scales for fea hers/: he said/ clang7a7langing. :I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: ,0en for a fool/ (a chface was a sorry hing. (erha's once he co2ld e0oke gales of la2gh er wi h a 42i'/ &2 he sea had aken ha 'ower fro- hi-/ along wi h half his wi s and all his -e-ory. 6e was sof and o&ese/ s2&;ec o wi ches and re-&les/ incoheren as of en as no . The girl was he only one who la2ghed a hi- now/ he only one who cared if he li0ed or died. An 2gly li le girl and a sad fool/ and -aes er -akes hree . . . now here is a ale o -ake -en wee'. :!i wi h -e/ child.: Cressen &eckoned her closer. :This is early o co-e calling/ scarce 'as dawn. =o2 sho2ld &e sn2g in yo2r &ed.: :I had &ad drea-s/: !hireen old hi-. :A&o2 he dragons. They were co-ing o ea -e.: The child had &een 'lag2ed &y nigh -ares as far &ack as Maes er Cressen co2ld recall. :3e ha0e alked of his &efore/: he said gen ly. :The dragons canno co-e o life. They are car0ed of s one/ child. In olden days/ o2r island was he wes ern-os o2 'os of he grea Freehold of Valyria. I was he Valyrians who raised his ci adel/ and hey had ways of sha'ing s one since los o 2s. A cas le -2s ha0e owers where0er wo walls -ee a an angle/ for defense. The Valyrians

fashioned hese owers in he sha'e of dragons o -ake heir for ress see- -ore fear7 so-e/ ;2s as hey crowned heir walls wi h a ho2sand gargoyles ins ead of si-'le crenella ions.: 6e ook her s-all 'ink hand in his own frail s'o ed one and ga0e i a gen le s42ee>e. :!o yo2 see/ here is no hing o fear. : !hireen was 2ncon0inced. :3ha a&o2 he hing in he sky8 1alla and Ma rice were alking &y he well/ and 1alla said she heard he red wo-an ell Mo her ha i was dragonshrea h. If he dragons are &rea hing/ doesn. ha -ean hey are co-ing o life8: The red wo-an/ Maes er Cressen ho2gh so2rly. Ill eno2gh ha she.s filled he head of he -o her wi h her -adness/ -2s she 'oison he da2gh er.s drea-s as well8 6e wo2ld ha0e a s ern word wi h 1alla/ warn her no o s'read s2ch ales. :The hing in he sky is a co-e / swee child. A s ar wi h a ail/ los in he hea0ens. I will &e gone soon eno2gh/ ne0er o &e seen again in o2r life i-es. 3a ch and see.: !hireen ga0e a &ra0e li le nod. :Mo her said he whi e ra0en -eans i .s no s2--er any-ore.: :Tha is so/ -y lady. The whi e ra0ens fly only fro- he Ci adel.: Cressen.s fingers wen o he chain a&o2 his neck/ each link forged fro- a differen -e al/ each sy-&oli>ing his -as ery of ano her &ranch of learning< he -aes er.s collar/ -ark of his order. In he 'ride of his yo2 h/ he had worn i easily/ &2 now i see-ed hea0y o hi-/ he -e al cold agains his skin. :They are larger han o her ra0ens/ and -ore cle0er/ &red o carry only he -os i-'or an -essages. This one ca-e o ell 2s ha he Concla0e has -e / considered he re'or s and -eas2re-en s -ade &y -aes ers all o0er he real-/ and declared his grea s2--er done a las . Ten years/ wo 2rns/ and si9 een days i las ed/ he longes s2--er in li0ing -e-ory.: :3ill i ge cold now8: !hireen was a s2--er child/ and had ne0er known r2e cold. :In i-e/: Cressen re'lied. :If he gods are good/ hey will gran 2s a war- a2 2-n and &o2n if2l har0es s/ so we -igh 're'are for he win er o co-e.: The s-allfolk said ha a long s2--er -ean an e0en longer win er/ &2 he -aes er saw no reason o frigh en he child wi h s2ch ales. (a chface rang his &ells. :I is always s2--er 2nder he sea/: he in oned. :The -erwi0es wear nenny-oans in heir hair and wea0e gowns of sil0er seaweed. I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: !hireen giggled. :I sho2ld like a gown of sil0er seaweed.: :+nder he sea/ i snows 2'/: said he fool/ :and he rain is dry as &one. I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: :3ill i r2ly snow8: he child asked. :I will/: Cressen said. B2 no for years ye / I 'ray/ and hen no for long. :Ah/ here is (ylos wi h he &ird.: !hireen ga0e a cry of deligh . ,0en Cressen had o ad-i he &ird -ade an i-'ressi0e sigh / whi e as snow and larger han any hawk/ wi h he &righ &lack eyes ha -ean i was no -ere al&ino/ &2 a r2e&red whi e ra0en of he Ci adel. :6ere/: he called. The ra0en s'read i s wings/ lea' in o he air/ and fla''ed noisily across he roo- o land on he a&le &eside hi-. :I.ll see o yo2r &reakfas now/: (ylos anno2nced. Cressen nodded. :This is he *ady !hireen/: he old he ra0en. The &ird &o&&ed i s 'ale head 2' and down/ as if i were &owing. :*ady/: i croaked. :*ady.: The child.s -o2 h ga'ed o'en. :I alks?: :A few words. As I said/ hey are cle0er/ hese &irds.: :Cle0er &ird/ cle0er -an/ cle0er cle0er fool/: said (a chface/

;angling. :)h/ cle0er cle0er cle0er fool.: 6e &egan o sing. :The shadows co-e o dance/ -y lord/ dance -y lord/ dance -y lord/: he sang/ ho''ing fro- one foo o he o her and &ack again. :The shadows co-e o s ay/ -y lord/ s ay -y lord/ s ay -y lord. : 6e ;erked his head wi h each word/ he &ells in his an lers sending 2' a clangor. The whi e ra0en screa-ed and wen fla''ing away o 'erch on he iron railing of he rookery s airs. !hireen see-ed o grow s-aller. :6e sings ha all he i-e. I old hi- o s o' &2 he won. . I -akes -e scared. Make hi- s o'.: And how do I do ha 8 he old -an wondered. )nce I -igh ha0e silenced hi- fore0er/ &2 now . . . (a chface had co-e o he- as a &oy. *ord ! effon of cherished -e-ory had fo2nd hi- in Volan is/ across he narrow sea. The king7 he old king/ Aerys II Targaryen/ who had no &een 42i e so -ad in hose dayshad sen his lordshi' o seek a &ride for (rince Rhaegar/ who had no sis ers o wed. :3e ha0e fo2nd he -os s'lendid fool/: he wro e Cressen/ a for nigh &efore he was o re 2rn ho-e fro- his fr2i less -ission. :)nly a &oy/ ye ni-&le as a -onkey and wi y as a do>en co2r iers. 6e ;2ggles and riddles and does -agic/ and he can sing 're ily in fo2r ong2es. 3e ha0e &o2gh his freedo- and ho'e o &ring hi- ho-e wi h 2s. Ro&er will &e deligh ed wi h hi-/ and 'erha's in i-e he will e0en each ! annis how o la2gh.: I saddened Cressen o re-e-&er ha le er. 5o one had e0er a2gh ! annis how o la2gh/ leas of all he &oy (a chface. The s or- ca-e 2' s2ddenly/ howling/ and !hi'&reaker Bay 'ro0ed he r2 h of i s na-e. The lord.s wo7-as ed galley 3ind'ro2d &roke 2' wi hin sigh of his cas le. Fro- i s 'ara'e s his wo eldes sons had wa ched as heir fa her.s shi' was s-ashed agains he rocks and swallowed &y he wa ers. A h2ndred oars-en and sailors wen down wi h *ord ! effon Bara heon and his lady wife/ and for days hereaf er e0ery ide lef a fresh cro' of swollen cor'ses on he s rand &elow ! or-.s ,nd. The &oy washed 2' on he hird day. Maes er Cressen had co-e down wi h he res / o hel' '2 na-es o he dead. 3hen hey fo2nd he fool he was naked/ his skin whi e and wrinkled and 'owdered wi h we sand. Cressen had ho2gh hi- ano her cor'se/ &2 when @orn-y gra&&ed his ankles o drag hi- off o he &2rial wagon/ he &oy co2ghed wa er and sa 2'. To his dying day/ @orn-y had sworn ha (a chface.s flesh was cla--y cold. 5o one e0er e9'lained hose wo days he fool had &een los in he sea. The fisherfolk liked o say a -er-aid had a2gh hi- o &rea he wa er in re 2rn for his seed. (a chface hi-self had said no hing. The wi y/ cle0er lad ha *ord ! effon had wri en of ne0er reached ! or-.s ,nd< he &oy hey fo2nd was so-eone else/ &roken in &ody and -ind/ hardly ca'a&le of s'eech/ -2ch less of wi . =e his fool.s face lef no do2& of who he was. I was he fashion in he Free Ci y of Volan is o a oo he faces of sla0es and ser0an s< fro- neck o scal' he &oy.s skin had &een 'a erned in s42ares of red and green -o ley. :The wre ch is -ad/ and in 'ain/ and no 2se o anyone/ leas of all hi-self/: declared old !er 6ar&er / he cas ellan of ! or-.s ,nd in hose years. :The kindes hing yo2 co2ld do for ha one is fill his c2' wi h he -ilk of he 'o''y. A 'ainless slee'/ and here.s an end o i . 6e.d &less yo2 if he had he wi for i .: B2 Cressen had ref2sed/ and in he end he had won. 3he her (a chface had go en any ;oy of ha 0ic ory he co2ld no say/ no e0en oday/ so -any years la er. :The shadows co-e o dance/ -y lord/ dance -y lord/ dance -y lord : he fool sang on/ swinging his head and -aking his &ells clang and cla er. Bong dong/ ring7a7ling/ &ong dong.

:*ord/: he whi e ra0en shrieked. :*ord/ lord/ lord.: :A fool sings wha he will/: he -aes er old his an9io2s 'rincess. :=o2 -2s no ake his words o hear . )n he -orrow he -ay re-e-&er ano her song/ and his one will ne0er &e heard again.: 6e can sing 're ily in fo2r ong2es/ *ord ! effon had wri en . . . (ylos s rode hro2gh he door. :Maes er/ 'ardons.: :=o2 ha0e forgo en he 'orridge/: Cressen said/ a-2sed. Tha was -os 2nlike (ylos. :Maes er/ !er 1a0os re 2rned las nigh . They were alking of i in he ki chen. I ho2gh yo2 wo2ld wan o know a once.: :1a0os . . . las nigh / yo2 say8 3here is he8: :3i h he king. They ha0e &een oge her -os of he nigh .: There was a i-e when *ord ! annis wo2ld ha0e woken hi-/ no -a er he ho2r/ o ha0e hi- here o gi0e his co2nsel. :I sho2ld ha0e &een old/: Cressen co-'lained. :I sho2ld ha0e &een woken.: 6e disen angled his fingers fro- !hireen.s. :(ardons/ -y lady/ &2 I -2s s'eak wi h yo2r lord fa her. (ylos/ gi0e -e yo2r ar-. There are oo -any s e's in his cas le/ and i see-s o -e hey add a few e0ery nigh / ;2s o 0e9 -e. !hireen and (a chface followed he- o2 / &2 he child soon grew res less wi h he old -an.s cree'ing 'ace and dashed ahead/ he fool l2rching af er her wi h his cow&ells clanging -adly. Cas les are no friendly 'laces for he frail/ Cressen was re-inded as he descended he 2rn'ike s airs of !ea 1ragon Tower. *ord ! annis wo2ld &e fo2nd in he Cha-&er of he (ain ed Ta&le/ a o' he ! one 1r2-/ 1ragons one.s cen ral kee'/ so na-ed for he way i s ancien walls &oo-ed and r2-&led d2ring s or-s. To reach hi- hey -2s cross he gallery/ 'ass hro2gh he -iddle and inner walls wi h heir g2ardian gargoyles and &lack iron ga es/ and ascend -ore s e's han Cressen cared o con e-'la e. =o2ng -en cli-&ed s e's wo a a i-e< for old -en wi h &ad hi's/ e0ery one was a or-en . B2 *ord ! annis wo2ld no hink o co-e o hi-/ so he -aes er resigned hi-self o he ordeal. 6e had (ylos o hel' hi-/ a he leas / and for ha he was gra ef2l. !h2ffling along he gallery/ hey 'assed &efore a row of all arched windows wi h co--anding 0iews of he o2 er &ailey/ he c2r ain wall/ and he fishing 0illage &eyond. in he yard/ archers were firing a 'rac ice &2 s o he call of :5o ch/ draw/ loose.: Their arrows -ade a so2nd like a flock of &irds aking wing. G2ards-en s rode he wallwalks/ 'eering &e ween he gargoyles on he hos ca-'ed wi ho2 . The -orning air was ha>y wi h he s-oke of cookfires/ as hree ho2sand -en sa down o &reak heir fas s &enea h he &anners of heir lords. (as he s'rawl of he ca-'/ he anchorage was crowded wi h shi's. 5o craf ha had co-e wi hin sigh of 1ragons one his 'as half year had &een allowed o lea0e again. *ord ! annis.s F2ry/ a ri'le7decked war galley of hree h2ndred oars/ looked al-os s-all &eside so-e of he &ig7&ellied carracks and cogs ha s2rro2nded her. The g2ards-en o2 side he ! one 1r2- knew he -aes ers &y sigh / and 'assed he- hro2gh. :3ai here/: Cressen old (ylos/ wi hin. :I .s &es I see hi- alone.: :I is a long cli-&/ Maes er.: Cressen s-iled. :=o2 hink I ha0e forgo en8 I ha0e cli-&ed hese s e's so of en I know each one &y na-e.: 6alfway 2'/ he regre ed his decision. 6e had s o''ed o ca ch his &rea h and ease he 'ain in his hi' when he heard he sc2ff of &oo s on s one/ and ca-e face7 o7face wi h !er 1a0os !eawor h/ descending. 1a0os was a sligh -an/ his low &ir h wri en 'lain 2'on a co--on face.

A well7worn green cloak/ s ained &y sal and s'ray and faded fro- he s2n/ dra'ed his hin sho2lders/ o0er &rown do2&le and &reeches ha -a ched &rown eyes and hair. A&o2 his neck a 'o2ch of worn lea her h2ng fro- a hong. 6is s-all &eard was well 'e''ered wi h grey/ and he wore a lea her glo0e on his -ai-ed lef hand. 3hen he saw Cressen/ he checked his descen . :!er 1a0os/: he -aes er said. :3hen did yo2 re 2rn8: :In he &lack of -orning. My fa0ori e i-e.: I was said ha no one had e0er handled a shi' &y nigh half so well as 1a0os !hor hand. Before *ord ! annis had knigh ed hi-/ he had &een he -os no orio2s and el2si0e s-2ggler in all he !e0en Kingdo-s. :And8: The -an shook his head. :I is as yo2 warned hi-. They will no rise/ Maes er. 5o for hi-. They do no lo0e hi-.: 5o/ Cressen ho2gh . 5or will hey e0er. 6e is s rong/ a&le/ ;2s . . . aye/ ;2s 'as he 'oin of wisdo- . . . ye i is no eno2gh. I has ne0er &een eno2gh. :=o2 s'oke o he- all8: :All8 5o. )nly hose ha wo2ld see -e. They do no lo0e -e ei her/ hese high&orns. To he- I.ll always &e he )nion Knigh .: 6is lef hand closed/ s 2&&y fingers locking in o a fis < ! annis had hacked he ends off a he las ;oin / all &2 he h2-&. :I &roke &read wi h G2lian !wann and old (enrose/ and he Tar hs consen ed o a -idnigh -ee ing in a gro0e. The o hers7well/ Beric 1ondarrion is gone -issing/ so-e say dead/ and *ord Caron is wi h Renly. Bryce he )range/ of he Rain&ow G2ard.: :The Rain&ow G2ard8: :Renly.s -ade his own Kingsg2ard/: he one i-e s-2ggler e9'lained/ :&2 hese se0en don. wear whi e. ,ach one has his own color. *oras Tyrell.s heir *ord Co--ander.: I was ;2s he sor of no ion ha wo2ld a''eal o Renly Bara heon< a s'lendid new order of knigh hood/ wi h gorgeo2s new rai-en o 'roclaii . ,0en as a &oy/ Renly had lo0ed &righ colors and rich fa&rics/ and he had lo0ed his ga-es as well. :*ook a -e?: he wo2ld sho2 as he ran la2ghing hro2gh he halls of ! or-.s ,nd. :*ook a -e/ I.- a dragon/: or :*ook a -e/ I.- a wi>ard/: or :*ook a -e/ look a -e/ I.- he rain god.: The &old li le &oy wi h wild &lack hair and la2ghing eyes was a -an grown now/ one7and7 wen y/ and s ill he 'layed his ga-es. *ook a -e/ I.- a king/ Cressen ho2gh sadly. )h/ Renly/ Renly/ dear swee child/ do yo2 know wha yo2 are doingA And wo2ld yo2 care if yo2 did8 is here anyone who cares for hi- &2 -eA :3ha reasons did he lords gi0e for heir ref2sals8: he asked !er 1a0os. :3ell/ as o ha / so-e ga0e -e sof words and so-e &l2n / so-e -ade e9c2ses/ so-e 'ro-ises/ so-e only lied.: 6e shr2gged. :In he end words are ;2s wind.: :=o2 co2ld &ring hi- no ho'e8: :)nly he false sor / and I.d no do ha /: 1a0os said. :6e had he r2 h fro- -e.: Maes er Cressen re-e-&ered he day 1a0os had &een knigh ed/ af er he siege of ! or-.s ,nd. *ord ! annis and a s-all garrison had held he cas le for close o a year/ agains he grea hos of he *ords Tyrell and Redwyne. ,0en he sea was closed agains he-/ wa ched day and nigh &y Redwyne galleys flying he &2rg2ndy &anners of he Ar&or. 3i hin ! or-.s ,nd/ he horses had long since &een ea en/ he dogs and ca s were gone/ and he garrison was down o roo s and ra s. Then ca-e a nigh when he -oon was new and &lack clo2ds hid he s ars. Cloaked in ha darkness/ 1a0os he s-2ggler had dared he Redwyne cordon and

he rocks of !hi'&reaker Bay alike. 6is li le shi' had a &lack h2ll/ &lack sails/ &lack oars/ and a hold cra--ed wi h onions and sal fish. *i le eno2gh/ ye i had ke' he garrison ali0e long eno2gh for ,ddard ! ark o reach ! or-.s ,nd and &reak he siege. *ord ! annis had rewarded 1a0os wi h choice lands on Ca'e 3ra h/ a s-all kee'/ and a knigh .s honors . . . &2 he had also decreed ha he lose a ;oin of each finger on his lef hand/ o 'ay for all his years of s-2ggling. 1a0os had s2&-i ed/ on he condi ion ha ! annis wield he knife hi-self< he wo2ld acce' no '2nish-en fro- lesser hands. The lord had 2sed a &2 cher.s clea0er/ he &e er o c2 clean and r2e. Af erward/ 1a0os had chosen he na-e !eawor h for his new7-ade ho2se/ and he ook for his &anner a &lack shi' on a 'ale grey field7wi h an onion on i s sails. The one i-e s-2ggler was fond of saying ha *ord ! annis had done hi- a &oon/ &y gi0ing hi- fo2r less fingernails o clean and ri-. 5o/ Cressen ho2gh / a -an like ha wo2ld gi0e no false ho'e/ nor sof en a hard r2 h. :!er 1a0os/ r2 h can &e a &i er dra2gh / e0en for a -an like *ord ! annis. 6e hinks only of re 2rning o King.s *anding in he f2llness of his 'ower/ o ear down his ene-ies and clai- wha is righ f2lly his. =e now . . .: :if he akes his -eager hos o King.s *anding/ i will &e only o die. 6e does no ha0e he n2-&ers. I old hi- as -2ch/ &2 yo2 know his 'ride.: 1a0os held 2' his glo0ed hand. :My fingers will grow &ack &efore ha -an &ends o sense.: The old -an sighed. :=o2 ha0e done all yo2 co2ld. 5ow I -2s add -y 0oice o yo2rs.: 3earily/ he res2-ed his cli-&. *ord ! annis Bara heon.s ref2ge was a grea ro2nd roo- wi h walls of &are &lack s one and fo2r all narrow windows ha looked o2 o he fo2r 'oin s of he co-'ass. In he cen er of he cha-&er was he grea a&le fro- which i ook i s na-e/ a -assi0e sla& of car0ed wood fashioned a he co--and of Aegon Targaryen in he days &efore he Con7 42es . The (ain ed Ta&le was -ore han fif y fee long/ 'erha's half ha wide a i s wides 'oin / &2 less han fo2r fee across a i s narrowes . Aegon.s car'en ers had sha'ed i af er he land of 3es eros/ sawing o2 each &ay and 'enins2la 2n il he a&le nowhere ran s raigh . )n i s s2rface/ darkened &y near hree h2ndred years of 0arnish/ were 'ain ed he !e0en Kingdo-s as hey had &een in Aegon.s day< ri0ers and -o2n ains/ cas les and ci ies/ lakes and fores s. There was a single chair in he roo-/ caref2lly 'osi ioned in he 'recise 'lace ha 1ragons one occ2'ied off he coas of 3es eros/ and raised 2' o gi0e a good 0iew of he a&le o'. !ea ed in he chair was a -an in a igh 7laced lea her ;erkin and &reeches of ro2ghs'2n &rown wool. 3hen Maes er Cressen en ered/ he glanced 2'. :I knew yo2 wo2ld co-e/ old -an/ whe her I s2--oned yo2 or no.: There was no hin of war- h in his 0oice< here seldo- was. ! annis Bara heon/ *ord of 1ragons one and &y he grace of he gods righ f2l heir o he Iron Throne of he !e0en Kingdo-s of 3es eros/ was &road of sho2lder and sinewy of li-&/ wi h a igh ness o his face and flesh ha s'oke of lea her c2red in he s2n 2n il i was as o2gh as s eel. 6ard was he word -en 2sed when hey s'oke of ! annis/ and hard he was. Tho2gh he was no ye fi0e7and7 hir y/ only a fringe of hin &lack hair re-ained on his head/ circling &ehind his ears like he shadow of a crown. 6is &ro her/ he la e King Ro&er / had grown a &eard in his final years. Maes er Cressen had ne0er seen i / &2 hey said i was a wild hing/ hick and flerce. As if in answer/ ! annis ke' his own whiskers cro''ed igh and shor . They lay like a &l2e7&lack shadow across his s42are ;aw and he &ony hollows of his cheeks. 6is eyes were

o'en wo2nds &enea h his hea0y &rows/ a &l2e as dark as he sea &y nigh . 6is -o2 h wo2ld ha0e gi0en des'air o e0en he drolles of fools< i was a -o2 h -ade for frowns and scowls and shar'ly worded co--ands/ all hin 'ale li's and clenched -2scles/ a -o2 h ha had forgo en how o s-ile and had ne0er known how o la2gh. !o-e i-es when he world grew 0ery s ill and silen of a nigh / Maes er Cressen fancied he co2ld hear *ord ! annis grinding his ee h half a cas le away. :)nce yo2 wo2ld ha0e woken -e/: he old -an said. :)nce yo2 were yo2ng. 5ow yo2 are old and sick/ and need yo2r slee'.: ! annis had ne0er learned o sof en his s'eech/ o disse-&le or fla er< he said wha he ho2gh / and hose ha did no like i co2ld &e da-ned. :I knew yo2.d learn wha 1a0os had o say soon eno2gh. =o2 always do/ don. yo28: :I wo2ld &e of no hel' o yo2 if I did no /: Cressen said. :I -e 1a0os on he s air.: :And he old all/ I s2''ose8 I sho2ld ha0e had he -an.s ong2e shor ened along wi h his fingers.: :6e wo2ld ha0e -ade yo2 a 'oor en0oy hen.: :6e -ade -e a 'oor en0oy in any case. The s or- lords will no rise for -e. I see-s hey do no like -e/ and he ;2s ice of -y ca2se -eans no hing o he-. The cra0enly ones will si &ehind heir walls wai ing o see how he wind rises and who is likely o ri2-'h. The &old ones ha0e already declared for Renly. For R enly? : 6e s'a o2 he na-e like 'oison on his ong2e. :=o2r &ro her has &een he *ord of ! or-.s ,nd hese 'as hir een years. These lords are his sworn &anner-en7: :6is/ : ! annis &roke in/ :when &y righ s hey sho2ld &e -ine. I ne0er asked for 1ragons one. I ne0er wan ed i . I ook i &eca2se Ro&er .s ene-ies were here and he co--anded -e o roo he- o2 . I &2il his flee and did his work/ d2 if2l as a yo2nger &ro her sho2ld &e o an elder/ as Renly sho2ld &e o -e. And wha was Ro&er .s hanks8 6e na-es -e *ord of 1ragons one/ and gi0es ! or-.s ,nd and i s inco-es o Renly. ! or-.s ,nd &elonged o 6o2se Bara heon for hree h2ndred years< &y righ s i sho2ld ha0e 'assed o -e when Ro&er ook he Iron Throne.: I was an old grie0ance/ dee'ly fel / and ne0er -ore so han now. 6ere was he hear of his lord.s weakness< for 1ragons one/ old and s rong ho2gh i was/ co--anded he allegiance of only a handf2l of lesser lords/ whose s ony island holdings were oo hinly 'eo'led o yield 2' he -en ha ! annis needed. ,0en wi h he sellswords he had &ro2gh across he narrow sea fro- he Free Ci ies of Myr and *ys/ he hos ca-'ed o2 side his walls was far oo s-all o &ring down he 'ower of 6o2se *annis er. :Ro&er did yo2 an in;2s ice/: Maes er Cressen re'lied caref2lly/ :ye he had so2nd reasons. 1ragons one had long &een he sea of 6o2se Targaryen. 6e needed a -an.s s reng h o r2le here/ and Renly was &2 a child.: :6e is a child s ill/: ! annis declared/ his anger ringing lo2d in he e-' y hall/ :a hie0ing child who hinks o sna ch he crown off -y &row. 3ha has Renly e0er done o earn a hrone8 6e si s in co2ncil and ;es s wi h *i lefinger/ and a o2rneys he dons his s'lendid s2i of ar-or and allows hi-self o &e knocked off his horse &y a &e er -an. Tha is he s2- of -y &ro her Renly/ who hinks he o2gh o &e a king. I ask yo2/ why did he gods inflic -e wi h &ro hers8: :I canno answer for he gods.: :=o2 seldo- answer a all hese days/ i see-s o -e. 3ho -aes ers for Renly8 (erchance I sho2ld send for hi-/ I -igh like his co2nsel

&e er. 3ha do yo2 hink his -aes er said when -y &ro her decided o s eal -y crown8 3ha co2nsel did yo2r colleag2e offer o his rai or &lood of -ine8: :I wo2ld s2r'rise -e if *ord Renly so2gh co2nsel/ =o2r Grace.: The yo2nges of *ord ! effon.s hree sons had grown in o a -an &old &2 heedless/ who ac ed fro- i-'2lse ra her han calc2la ion. In ha / as in so -2ch else/ Renly was like his &ro her Ro&er / and 2 erly 2nlike ! annis. :=o2r Grace/: ! annis re'ea ed &i erly. :=o2 -ock -e wi h a king.s s yle/ ye wha a- I king of8 1ragons one and a few rocks in he narrow sea/ here is -y kingdo-.: 6e descended he s e's of his chair o s and &efore he a&le/ his shadow falling across he -o2 h of he Blackwa er R2sh and he 'ain ed fores where King.s *anding now s ood. There he s ood/ &rooding o0er he real- he so2gh o clai-/ so near a hand and ye so far away. :Tonigh I a- o s2' wi h -y lords &anner-en/ s2ch as hey are. Cel igar/ Velaryon/ Bar ,--on/ he whole 'al ry lo of he-. A 'oor cro'/ if r2 h &e old/ &2 hey are wha -y &ro hers ha0e lef -e. Tha *ysene 'ira e !alladhor !aan will &e here wi h he la es ally of wha I owe hi-/ and Morosh he Myr-an will ca2 ion -e wi h alk of ides and a2 2-n gales/ while *ord !2nglass -2 ers 'io2sly of he will of he !e0en. Cel igar will wan o know which s or- lords are ;oining 2s. Velaryon will hrea en o ake his le0ies ho-e 2nless we s rike a once. 3ha a- I o ell he-8 3ha -2s I do now8: :=o2r r2e ene-ies are he *annis ers/ -y lord/: Maes er Cressen answered. :If yo2 and yo2r &ro her were o -ake co--on ca2se agains he-7: :I will no rea wi h Renly/: ! annis answered in a one ha &rooked no arg2-en . :5o while he calls hi-self a king.: :5o Renly/ hen/: he -aes er yielded. 6is lord was s 2&&orn and 'ro2d< when he had se his -ind/ here was no changing i . :) hers -igh ser0e yo2r needs as well. ,ddard ! ark.s son has &een 'roclai-ed King in he 5or h/ wi h all he 'ower of 3in erfell and Ri0err2n &ehind hi-.: :A green &oy/: said ! annis/ :and ano her false king. A- I o acce' a &roken real-8: :!2rely half a kingdo- is &e er han none/: Cressen said/ :and if yo2 hel' he &oy a0enge his fa her.s -2rder7: :3hy sho2ld I a0enge ,ddard ! ark8 The -an was no hing o -e. )h/ Ro&er lo0ed hi-/ o &e s2re. *o0ed hi- as a &ro her/ how of en did I hear ha 8 I was his &ro her/ no 5ed ! ark/ &2 yo2 wo2ld ne0er ha0e known i &y he way he rea ed -e. I held ! or-.s ,nd for hi-/ wa ching good -en s ar0e while Mace Tyrell and (a9 er Redwyne feas ed wi hin sigh of -y walls. 1id Ro&er hank -e8 5o. 6e hanked ! ark/ for lif ing he siege when we were down o ra s and radishes. I &2il a flee a Ro&er .s co--and/ ook 1ragons one in his na-e. 1id he ake -y hand and say/ 3ell done/ &ro her/ wha e0er sho2ld I do wi ho2 yo28 5o/ he &la-ed -e for le ing 3ille- 1arry s eal away Viserys and he &a&e/ as if I co2ld ha0e s o''ed i . I sa on his co2ncil for fif een years/ hel'ing @on Arryn r2le his real- while Ro&er drank and whored/ &2 when @on died/ did -y &ro her na-e -e his 6and8 5o/ he wen gallo'ing off o his dear friend 5ed ! ark/ and offered hi- he honor. And s-all good i did ei her of he-. : :Be ha as i -ay/ -y lord/: Maes er Cressen said gen ly. :Grea wrongs ha0e &een done yo2/ &2 he 'as is d2s . The f2 2re -ay ye &e won if yo2 ;oin wi h he ! arks. There are o hers yo2 -igh so2nd o2 as well. 3ha of *ady Arryn8 If he 42een -2rdered her h2s&and/ s2rely

she will wan ;2s ice for hi-. !he has a yo2ng son/ @on Arryn.s heir. If yo2 were o &e ro h !hireen o hi-7: :The &oy is weak and sickly/: *ord ! annis o&;ec ed. :,0en his fa her saw how i was/ when he asked -e o fos er hi- on 1ragons one. !er0ice as a 'age -igh ha0e done hi- good/ &2 ha da-na&le *annis er wo-an had *ord Arryn 'oisoned &efore i co2ld &e done/ and now *ysa hides hiin he ,yrie. !he.ll ne0er 'ar wi h he &oy/ I 'ro-ise yo2 ha . : :Then yo2 -2s send !hireen o he ,yrie/: he -aes er . 2rged. :1ragons one is a gri- ho-e for a child. *e her fool go wi h her/ so she will ha0e a fa-iliar face a&o2 her.: :Fa-iliar and hideo2s.: ! annis f2rrowed his &row in ho2gh . :! ill . . . 'erha's i is wor h he rying . . . :M2s he righ f2l *ord of he !e0en Kingdo-s &eg for hel' fro- widow wo-en and 2s2r'ers8: a wo-an.s 0oice asked shar'ly. Maes er Cressen 2rned . and &owed his head. :My lady/: he said/ chagrined ha he had no heard her en er. *ord ! annis scowled. :I do no &eg. )f anyone. Mind yo2 re-e-&er ha / wo-an.: :I a- 'leased o hear i / -y lord.: *ady !elyse was as all as her h2s&and/ hin of &ody and hin of face/ wi h 'ro-inen ears/ a shar' nose/ and he fain es hin of a -2s ache on her 2''er li'. !he 'l2cked i daily and c2rsed i reg2larly/ ye i ne0er failed o re 2rn. 6er eyes were 'ale/ her -o2 h s ern/ her 0oice a whi'. !he cracked i now. :*ady Arryn owes yo2 her allegiance/ as do he ! arks/ yo2r &ro her Renly/ and all he res . =o2 are heir one r2e king. I wo2ld no &e fi ing o 'lead and &argain wi h he- for wha is righ f2lly yo2rs &y he grace of god.: God/ she said/ no gods. The red wo-an had won her/ hear and so2l/ 2rning her fro- he gods of he !e0en Kingdo-s/ &o h old and new/ o worshi' he one hey called he *ord of *igh . :=o2r god can kee' his grace/: said *ord ! annis/ who did no share his wife.s fer0en new fai h. :I .s swords I need/ no &lessings. 1o yo2 ha0e an ar-y hidden so-ewhere ha yo2.0e no old -e of8: There was. no affec ion in his one. ! annis had always &een 2nco-for a&le aro2nd wo-en/ e0en his own wife. 3hen he had gone o King.s *anding o si on Ro&er .s co2ncil/ he had lef !elyse on 1ragons one wi h heir da2gh er. 6is le ers had &een few/ his 0isi s fewer< he did his d2 y in he -arriage &ed once or wice a year/ &2 ook no ;oy in i / and he sons he had once ho'ed for had ne0er co-e. :My &ro hers and 2ncles and co2sins ha0e ar-ies/: she old hi-. :6o2se Floren will rally o yo2r &anner.: :6o2se Floren can field wo ho2sand swords a &es .: I was said ha ! annis knew he s reng h of e0ery ho2se in he !e0en Kingdo-s. :And yo2 ha0e a deal -ore fai h in yo2r &ro hers and 2ncles han I do/ -y lady. The Floren lands lie oo close o 6ighgarden for yo2r lord 2ncle o risk Mace Tyrell.s wra h.: :There is ano her way.: *ady !elyse -o0ed closer. :*ook o2 yo2r windows/ -y lord. There is he sign yo2 ha0e wai ed for/ &la>oned on he sky. Red/ i is/ he red of fla-e/ red for he fiery hear of he r2e god. i is his &anner7and yo2rs? !ee how i 2nf2rls across he hea0ens like a dragon.s ho &rea h/ and yo2 he *ord of 1ragons one. I -eans yo2r i-e has co-e/ =o2r Grace. 5o hing is -ore cer ain. =o2 are -ean o sail fro- his desola e rock as Aegon he Con42eror once sailed/ o swee' all &efore yo2 as he did. only say he word/ and e-&race he 'ower of he *ord of *igh .: :6ow -any swords will he *ord of *igh '2 in o -y hand8: ! annis de-anded again.

:All yo2 need/: his wife 'ro-ised/ :The swords of ! or-.s ,nd and 6ighgarden for a s ar / and all heir lords &anner-en.: :1a0os wo2ld ell yo2 differen /: ! annis said. :Those swords are sworn o Renly. They lo0e -y char-ing yo2ng &ro her/ as hey once lo0ed Ro&er . . . and as hey ha0e ne0er lo0ed -e.: :=es/: she answered/ :&2 if Renly sho2ld die . . .: ! annis looked a his lady wi h narrowed eyes/ 2n il Cressen co2ld no hold his ong2e. :i is no o &e ho2gh . =o2r Grace/ wha e0er follies Renly has co--i ed7: :Follies8 I call he- reasons.: ! annis 2rned &ack o his wife. :My &ro her is yo2ng and s rong/ and he has a 0as hos aro2nd hi-/ and hese rain&ow knigh s of his.: :Melisandre has ga>ed in o he fla-es/ and seen hi- dead.: Cressen was horrors r2ck. :Fra ricide . . . -y lord/ his is e0il/ 2n hinka&le . . . 'lease/ lis en o -e.: *ady !elyse ga0e hi- a -eas2red look. :And wha will yo2 ell hi-/ Maes er8 6ow he -igh win half a kingdo- if he goes o he ! arks on his knees and sells o2r da2gh er o *ysa Arryn8: :I ha0e heard yo2r co2nsel/ Cressen/: *ord ! annis said. :5ow I will hear hers. =o2 are dis-issed.: Maes er Cressen &en a s iff knee. 6e co2ld feel *ady !elyse.s eyes on his &ack as he sh2ffled slowly across he roo-. By he i-e he reached he &o o- of he s e's i was all he co2ld do o s and erec . :6el' -e/: he said o (ylos. 3hen he was safe &ack in his own roo-s/ Cressen sen he yo2nger -an away and li-'ed o his &alcony once -ore/ o s and &e ween his gargoyles and s are o2 o sea. )ne of !alladhor !aan.s warshi's was swee'ing 'as he cas le/ her gaily s ri'ed h2ll slicing hro2gh he greygreen wa ers as her oars rose and fell. 6e wa ched 2n il she 0anished &ehind a headland. 3o2ld ha -y fears co2ld 0anish so easily. 6ad he li0ed so long for his8 3hen a -aes er donned his collar/ he '2 aside he ho'e of children/ ye Cressen had of fel a fa her none heless. Ro&er / ! annis/ Renly . . . hree sons he had raised af er he angry sea clai-ed *ord ! effon. 6ad he done so ill ha now he -2s wa ch one kill he o her8 6e co2ld no allow i / wo2ld no allow i . The wo-an was he hear of i . 5o he *ady !elyse/ he o her one. The red wo-an/ he ser0an s had na-ed her/ afraid o s'eak her na-e. :I will s'eak her na-e/: Cressen old his s one hellho2nd. :Melisandre. 6er.: Melisandre of Asshai/ sorceress/ shadow&inder/ and 'ries ess o R.hllor/ he *ord of *igh / he 6ear of Fire/ he God of Fla-e and !hadow. Melisandre/ whose -adness -2s no &e allowed o s'read &eyond 1ragons one. 6is cha-&ers see-ed di- and gloo-y af er he &righ ness of he -orning. 3i h f2-&ling hands/ he old -an li a candle and carried i o he workroo- &enea h he rookery s air/ where his oin -en s/ 'o ions/ and -edicines s ood nea ly on heir shel0es. )n he &o o- shelf &ehind a row of sal0es in s42a clay ;ars he fo2nd a 0ial of indigo glass/ no larger han his li le finger. I ra led when he shook i . Cressen &lew away a layer of d2s and carried i &ack o his a&le. Colla'sing in o his chair/ he '2lled he s o''er and s'illed o2 he 0ial.s con en s. A do>en crys als/ no larger han seeds/ ra led across he 'arch-en he.d &een reading. They shone like ;ewels in he candleligh / so '2r'le ha he -aes er fo2nd hi-self hinking ha he had ne0er r2ly seen he color &efore. The chain aro2nd his hroa fel 0ery hea0y. 6e o2ched one of he crys als ligh ly wi h he i' of his li le finger. !2ch a s-all hing

o hold he 'ower of life and dea h. I was -ade fro- a cer ain 'lan ha grew only on he islands of he @ade !ea/ half a world away. The lea0es had o &e aged/ and soaked in a wash of li-es and s2gar wa er and cer ain rare s'ices fro- he !2--er Isles. Af erward hey co2ld &e discarded/ &2 he 'o ion -2s &e hickened wi h ash and allowed o crys alli>e. The 'rocess was slow and diffic2l / he necessaries cos ly and hard o ac42ire. The alche-is s of *ys knew he way of i / ho2gh/ and he Faceless Men of Braa0os . . . and he -aes ers of his order as well/ ho2gh i was no so-e hing alked a&o2 &eyond he walls of he Ci adel. All he world knew ha a -aes er forged his sil0er link when he learned he ar of healing7&2 he world 'referred o forge ha -en who knew how o heal also knew how o kill. Cressen no longer recalled he na-e he Asshai.i ga0e he leaf/ or he *ysene 'oisoners he crys al. In he Ci adel/ i was si-'ly called he s rangler. 1issol0ed in wine/ i wo2ld -ake he -2scles of a -an.s hroa clench igh er han any fis / sh2 ing off his wind'i'e. They said a 0ic i-.s face 2rned as '2r'le as he li le crys al seed frowhich his dea h was grown/ &2 so oo did a -an choking on a -orsel of food. And his 0ery nigh *ord ! annis wo2ld feas his &anner-en/ his lady wife . . . and he red wo-an/ Melisandre of Asshai. I -2s res / Maes er Cressen old hi-self. I -2s ha0e all -y s reng h co-e dark. My hands -2s no shake/ nor -y co2rage flag. I is a dreadf2l hing I do/ ye i -2s &e done. If here are gods/ s2rely hey will forgi0e -e. 6e had sle' so 'oorly of la e. A na' wo2ld refresh hi- for he ordeal ahead. 3earily/ he o ered off o his &ed. =e when he closed his eyes/ he co2ld s ill see he ligh of he co-e / red and flery and 0i0idly ali0e a-ids he darkness of his drea-s. (erha's i is -y co-e / he ho2gh drowsily a he las / ;2s &efore slee' ook hi-. An o-en of &lood/ fore elling -2rder . . . yes . . . 3hen he woke i was f2ll dark/ his &edcha-&er was &lack/ and e0ery ;oin in his &ody ached. Cressen '2shed hi-self 2'/ his head hro&&ing. Cl2 ching for his cane/ he rose 2ns eady o his fee . !o la e/ he ho2gh . They did no s2--on -e. 6e was always s2--oned for feas s/ sea ed near he sal / close o *ord ! annis. 6is lord.s face swa- 2' &efore hi-/ no he -an he was &2 he &oy he had &een/ s anding cold in he shadows while he s2n shone on his elder &ro her. 3ha e0er he did/ Ro&er had done firs / and &e er. (oor &oy . . . he -2s h2rry/ for his sake. The -aes er fo2nd he crys als where he had lef he-/ and scoo'ed heoff he 'arch-en . Cressen owned no hollow rings/ s2ch as he 'oisoners of *ys were said o fa0or/ &2 a -yriad of 'ocke s grea and s-all were sewn inside he loose slee0es of his ro&e. 6e secre ed he s rangler seeds in one of he-/ hrew o'en his door/ and called/ :(ylos8 3here are yo28: 3hen he heard no re'ly/ he called again/ lo2der. :(ylos/ I need hel'.: ! ill here ca-e no answer. Tha was 42eer< he yo2ng -aes er had his cell only a half 2rn down he s air/ wi hin easy earsho . In he end/ Cressen had o sho2 for he ser0an s. :Make has e/: he old he-. :I ha0e sle' oo long. They will &e feas ing &y now . . . drinking . . . I sho2ld ha0e &een woken.: 3ha had ha''ened o Maes er (ylos8 Tr2ly/ he did no 2nders and. Again he had o cross he long gallery. A nigh wind whis'ered hro2gh he grea windows/ shar' wi h he s-ell of he sea. Torches flickered along he walls of 1ragons one/ and in he ca-' &eyond/ he co2ld see h2ndreds of cookfires &2rning/ as if a field of s ars had

fallen o he ear h. A&o0e/ he co-e &la>ed red and -ale0olen . I aoo old and wise o fear s2ch hings/ he -aes er old hi-self. The doors o he Grea 6all were se in he -o2 h of a s one dragon. 6e old he ser0an s o lea0e hi- o2 side. I wo2ld &e &e er o en er alone< he -2s no a''ear fee&le. *eaning hea0ily on his cane/ Cressen cli-&ed he las few s e's and ho&&led &enea h he ga eway ee h. A 'air of g2ards-en o'ened he hea0y red doors &efore hi-/ 2nleashing a s2dden &las of noise and ligh . Cressen s e''ed down in o he dragon.s -aw. o0er he cla er of knife and 'la e and he low -2 er of a&le alk/ he heard (a chface singing/ :. . . dance/ -y lord/ dance -y lord/: o he acco-'ani-en of ;angling cow&ells. The sa-e dreadf2l song he.d s2ng his -orning. :The shadows co-e o s ay/ -y lord/ s ay -y lord/ s ay -y lord. : The lower a&les were crowded wi h knigh s/ archers/ and sellsword ca' ains/ earing a'ar loa0es of &lack &read o soak in heir fish s ew. 6ere here was no lo2d la2gh er/ no ra2co2s sho2 ing s2ch as -arred he digni y of o her -en.s feas s< *ord ! annis did no 'er-i s2ch. Cressen -ade his way oward he raised 'la for- where he lords sa wi h he king. 6e had o s e' wide aro2nd (a chface. 1ancing/ his &ells ringing/ he fool nei her saw nor heard his a''roach. As he ho''ed froone leg o he o her/ (a chface l2rched in o Cressen/ knocking his cane o2 fro- 2nder hi-. They wen crashing down oge her a-ids he r2shes in a angle of ar-s and legs/ while a s2dden gale of la2gh er wen 2' aro2nd he-. 5o do2& i was a co-ical sigh . (a chface s'rawled half on o' of hi-/ -o ley fool.s face 'ressed close o his own. 6e had los his in hel- wi h i s an lers and &ells. :+nder he sea/ yo2 fall 2'/: he declared. :I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh. : Giggling/ he fool rolled off/ &o2nded o his fee / and did a li le dance. Trying o -ake he &es of i / he -aes er s-iled fee&ly and s r2ggled o rise/ &2 his hi' was in s2ch 'ain ha for a -o-en he was half afraid ha he had &roken i all o0er again. 6e fel s rong hands gras' hi- 2nder he ar-s and lif hi- &ack o his fee . :Thank yo2/ ser/: he -2r-2red/ 2rning o see which knigh had co-e o his aid . . . :Maes er/: said *ady Melisandre/ her dee' 0oice fla0ored wi h he -2sic of he ;ade !ea. :=o2 o2gh ake -ore care.: As e0er/ she wore red head o heel/ a long loose gown of flowing silk as &righ as fire/ wi h dagged slee0es and dee' slashes in he &odice ha showed gli-'ses of a darker &loodred fa&ric &enea h. Aro2nd her hroa was a red gold choker igh er han any -aes er.s chain/ orna-en ed wi h a single grea r2&y. 6er hair was no he orange or s raw&erry color of co--on red7haired -en/ &2 a dee' &2rnished co''er ha shone in he ligh of he orches. ,0en her eyes were red . . . &2 her skin was s-oo h and whi e/ 2n&le-ished/ 'ale as crea-. !lender she was/ gracef2l/ aller han -os knigh s/ wi h f2ll &reas s and narrow wais and a hear 7 sha'ed face. Men.s eyes ha once fo2nd her did no 42ickly look away/ no e0en a -aes er.s eyes. Many called her &ea2 if2l. !he was no &ea2 if2l. !he was red/ and erri&le/ and red. :I . . . hank yo2/ -y lady.: :A -an yo2r age -2s look o where he s e's/: Melisandre said co2r eo2sly. :The nigh is dark and f2ll of errors.: 6e knew he 'hrase/ so-e 'rayer of her fai h. I -akes no -a er/ I ha0e a fai h of -y own. :)nly children fear he dark/: he old her. =e e0en as he said he words/ he heard (a chface ake 2' his song again. :The shadows co-e o dance/ -y lord/ dance -y lord/ dance -y lord. : :5ow here is a riddle/: Melisandre said. :A cle0er fool and a foolish

wise -an.: Bending/ she 'icked 2' (a chface.s hel- fro- where i had fallen and se i on Cressen.s head. The cow&ells rang sof ly as he in &2cke slid down o0er his ears. :A crown o -a ch yo2r chain/ *ord Maes er/: she anno2nced. All aro2nd he-/ -en were la2ghing. Cressen 'ressed his li's oge her and fo2gh o s ill his rage. !he ho2gh he was fee&le and hel'less/ &2 she wo2ld learn o herwise &efore he nigh was done. )ld he -igh &e/ ye he was s ill a -aes er of he Ci adel. :I need no crown &2 r2 h/: he old her/ re-o0ing he fool.s hel- fro- his head. :There are r2 hs in his world ha are no a2gh a )ld own.: Melisandre 2rned fro- hi- in a swirl of red silk and -ade her way &ack o he high a&le/ where King ! annis and his 42een were sea ed. Cressen handed he an lered in &2cke &ack o (a chface/ and -ade o follow. Maes er (ylos sa in his 'lace. The old -an co2ld only s o' and s are. :Maes er (ylos/: he said a las . :=o2 . . . yo2 did no wake -e.: :6is Grace co--anded -e o le yo2 res .: (ylos had a leas he grace o &l2sh. :6e old -e yo2 were no needed here.: Cressen looked o0er he knigh s and ca' ains and lords si ing silen . *ord Cel igar/ aged and so2r/ wore a -an le 'a erned wi h red cra&s 'icked o2 in garne s. 6andso-e *ord Velaryon chose sea7green silk/ he whi e gold seahorse a his hroa -a ching his long fair hair. *ord Bar ,--on/ ha 'l2-' &oy of fo2r een/ was swa hed in '2r'le 0el0e ri--ed wi h whi e seal/ !er A9ell Floren re-ained ho-ely e0en in r2sse and fo9 f2r/ 'io2s *ord !2nglass wore -oons ones a hroa and wris and finger/ and he *ysene ca' ain !alladhor !aan was a s2n&2rs of scarle sa in/ gold/ and ;ewels. )nly !er 1a0os dressed si-'ly/ in &rown do2&le and green wool -an le/ and only !er 1a0os -e his ga>e/ wi h 'i y in his eyes. :=o2 are oo ill and oo conf2sed o &e of 2se o -e/ old -an.: I so2nded so like *ord ! annis.s 0oice/ &2 i co2ld no &e/ i co2ld no . :(ylos will co2nsel -e hencefor h. Already he works wi h he ra0ens/ since yo2 can no longer cli-& o he rookery. I will no ha0e yo2 kill yo2rself in -y ser0ice.: Maes er Cressen &linked. ! annis/ -y lord/ -y sad s2llen &oy/ son I ne0er had/ yo2 -2s no do his/ don. yo2 know how I ha0e cared for yo2/ li0ed for yo2/ lo0ed yo2 des'i e all8 =es/ lo0ed yo2/ &e er han Ro&er e0en/ or Renly/ for yo2 were he one 2nlo0ed/ he one who needed -e -os . =e all he said was/ :As yo2 co--and/ -y lord/ &2 . . . &2 I a- h2ngry. Migh no I ha0e a 'lace a yo2r a&le8: A yo2r side/ I &elong a yo2r side . . . !er 1a0os rose fro- he &ench. :I sho2ld &e honored if he -aes er wo2ld si here &eside -e/ =o2r Grace.: :As yo2 will.: *ord ! annis 2rned away o say so-e hing o Melisandre/ who had sea ed herself a his righ hand/ in he 'lace of high honor. *ady !elyse was on his lef / flashing a s-ile as &righ and &ri le as her ;ewels. Too far/ Cressen ho2gh d2lly/ looking a where !er 1a0os was sea ed. 6alf of he lords &anner-en were &e ween he s-2ggler and he high a&le. I -2s &e closer o her if I a- o ge he s rangler in o her c2'/ ye how8 (a chface was ca'ering a&o2 as he -aes er -ade his slow way aro2nd he a&le o 1a0os !eawor h. :6ere we ea fish/: he fool declared ha''ily/ wa0ing a cod a&o2 like a sce' er. :+nder he sea/ he fish ea 2s. I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: !er 1a0os -o0ed aside o -ake roo- on he &ench. :3e all sho2ld &e in

-o ley onigh /: he said gloo-ily as Cressen sea ed hi-self/ :for his is fool.s &2siness a&o2 . The red wo-an has seen 0ic ory in her fla-es/ so ! annis -eans o 'ress his clai-/ no -a er wha he n2-&ers. Before she.s done all like o see wha (a chface saw/ I fear he &o o- of he sea.: Cressen slid his hands 2' in o his slee0es as if for war- h. 6is fingers fo2nd he hard l2-'s he crys als -ade in he wool. :*ord ! annis.: ! annis 2rned fro- he red wo-an/ &2 i was *ady !elyse who re'lied. :King ! annis. =o2 forge yo2rself/ Maes er.: :6e is old/ his -ind wanders/: he king old her gr2ffly. :3ha is i / Cressen8 !'eak yo2r -ind.: :As yo2 in end o sail/ i is 0i al ha yo2 -ake co--on ca2se wi h *ord ! ark and *ady Arryn . . . :I -ake co--on ca2se wi h no one/: ! annis Bara heon said. :5o -ore han ligh -akes co--on ca2se wi h darkness.: *ady !elyse ook his hand. ! annis nodded. :The ! arks seek o s eal half -y kingdo-/ e0en as he *annis ers ha0e s olen -y hrone and -y own swee &ro her he swords and ser0ice and s rongholds ha are -ine &y righ s. They are all 2s2r'ers/ and hey are all -y ene-ies.: I ha0e los hi-/ Cressen ho2gh / des'airing. If only he co2ld so-ehow a''roach Melisandre 2nseen . . . he needed &2 an ins an .s access o her c2'. :=o2 are he righ f2l heir o yo2r &ro her Ro&er / he r2e *ord of he !e0en Kingdo-s/ and King of he Andals/ he Rhoynar/ and he Firs Men/: he said des'era ely/ :&2 e0en so/ yo2 canno ho'e o ri2-'h wi ho2 allies.: :6e has an ally/: *ady !elyse said. :3hIlor/ he *ord of *igh / he 6ear of Fire/ he God of Fla-e and !hadow.: :Gods -ake 2ncer ain allies a &es /: he old -an insis ed/ :and ha one has no 'ower here.: :=o2 hink no 8: The r2&y a Melisandre.s hroa ca2gh he ligh as she 2rned her head/ and for an ins an i see-ed o glow &righ as he co-e . :If yo2 will s'eak s2ch folly/ Maes er/ yo2 o2gh o wear yo2r crown again.: :=es/: *ady !elyse agreed. :(a ches.s hel-. I s2i s yo2 well/ old -an. (2 i on again/ I co--and yo2.: :+nder he sea/ no one wears ha s/: (a chface said. :I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: *ord ! annis.s eyes were shadowed &enea h his hea0y &row/ his -o2 h igh as his ;aw worked silen ly. 6e always gro2nd his ee h when he was angry. :Fool/: he growled a las / :-y lady wife co--ands. Gi0e Cressen yo2r hel-.: 5o/ he old -aes er ho2gh / his is no yo2/ no yo2r way/ yo2 were always ;2s / always hard ye ne0er cr2el/ ne0er/ yo2 did no 2nders and -ockery/ no -ore han yo2 2nders ood la2gh er. (a chface danced closer/ his cow&ells ringing/ clang7a7lang/ ding7ding/ clink7clank7clink7clank. The -aes er sa silen while he fool se he an lered &2cke on his &row. Cressen &owed his head &enea h he weigh . 6is &ells clanged. :(erha's he o2gh sing his co2nsel hencefor h/: *ady !elyse said. :=o2 go oo far/ wo-an/: *ord ! annis said. :6e is an old -an/ and he.s ser0ed -e well.: And I will ser0e yo2 o he las / -y swee lord/ -y 'oor lonely son/ Cressen ho2gh / for s2ddenly he saw he way. !er 1a0os.s c2' was &efore hi-/ s ill half7f2ll of so2r red. 6e fo2nd a hard flake of crys al in his slee0e/ held i igh &e ween h2-& and forefinger as he

reached for he c2'. !-oo h -o ions/ def / I -2s no f2-&le now/ he 'rayed/ and he gods were kind. In he &link of an eye/ his fingers were e-' y. 6is hands had no &een so s eady for years/ nor half so fl2id. 1a0os saw/ &2 no one else/ he was cer ain. C2' in hand/ he rose o his fee . :Mayha's I ha0e &een a fool. *ady Melisandre/ will yo2 share a c2' of wine wi h -e8 A c2' in honor of yo2r god/ yo2r *ord of *igh 8 A c2' o oas his 'ower8 : The red wo-an s 2died hi-. :If yo2 wish.: 6e co2ld feel he- all wa ching hi-. 1a0os cl2 ched a hi- as he lef he &ench/ ca ching his slee0e wi h he fingers ha *ord ! annis had shor ened. :3ha are yo2 doing8: he whis'ered. :A hing ha -2s &e done/: Maes er Cressen answered/ :for he sake of he real-/ and he so2l of -y lord.: 6e shook off 1a0os.s hand/ s'illing a dro' of wine on he r2shes. !he -e hi- &enea h he high a&le wi h e0ery -an.s eyes 2'on he-. B2 Cressen saw only her. Red silk/ red eyes/ he r2&y red a her hroa / red li's c2rled in a fain s-ile as she '2 her hand a o' his own/ aro2nd he c2'. 6er skin fel ho / fe0erish. :I is no oo la e o s'ill he wine/ Maes er.: :5o/: he whis'ered hoarsely. :5o.: :As yo2 will.: Melisandre of Asshai ook he c2' fro- his hands and drank long and dee'. There was only half a swallow of wine re-aining when she offered i &ack o hi-. :And now yo2.: 6is hands were shaking/ &2 he -ade hi-self &e s rong. A -aes er of he Ci adel -2s no &e afraid. The wine was so2r on his ong2e. 6e le he e-' y c2' dro' fro- his fingers o sha er on he floor. :6e does ha0e 'ower here/ -y lord/: he wo-an said. :And fire cleanses.: A her hroa / he r2&y shi--ered redly. Cressen ried o re'ly/ &2 his words ca2gh in his hroa . 6is co2gh &eca-e a erri&le hin whis le as he s rained o s2ck in air. Iron fingers igh ened ro2nd his neck. As he sank o his knees/ s ill he shook his head/ denying her/ denying her 'ower/ denying her -agic/ denying her god. And he cow&ells 'eeled in his an lers/ singing fool/ fool/ fool while he red wo-an looked down on hi- in 'i y/ he candle fla-es dancing in her red red eyes. C6A(T,R 1 AR=A A 3in erfell hey had called her :Arya 6orseface: and she.d ho2gh no hing co2ld &e worse/ &2 ha was &efore he or'han &oy *o--y Greenhands had na-ed her :*2-'yhead.: 6er head fel l2-'y when she o2ched i . 3hen =oren had dragged her in o ha alley she.d ho2gh he -ean o kill her/ &2 he so2r old -an had only held her igh / sawing hro2gh her -a s and angles wi h his dagger. !he re-e-&ered how he &ree>e sen he fis f2ls of dir y &rown hair ski ering across he 'a0ing s ones/ oward he se' where her fa her had died. :I.- aking -en and &oys fro- he ci y/: =oren growled as he shar' s eel scra'ed a her head. :5ow yo2 hold s ill/ &oy.: By he i-e he had finished/ her scal' was no hing &2 2f s and s 2&&le. Af erward he old her ha fro- here o 3in erfell she.d &e Arry he or'han &oy. :Ga e sho2ldn. &e hard/ &2 he road.s ano her -a er. =o2 go a long way o go in &ad co-'any. I go hir y his i-e/ -en and &oys all &o2nd for he 3all/ and don. &e hinking like ha

&as ard &ro her o. yo2rs.: 6e shook her. :*ord ,ddard ga0e -e 'ick o. he d2ngeons/ and I didn. find no li le lordlings down here. This lo / half o. he- wo2ld 2rn yo2 o0er o he 42een 42ick as s'i for a 'ardon and -ay&e a few sil0ers. The o her half.d do he sa-e/ only hey.d ra'e yo2 firs . !o yo2 kee' o yo2rself and -ake yo2r wa er in he woods/ alone. Tha .ll &e he hardes 'ar / he 'issing/ so don. drink no -ore.n yo2 need.: *ea0ing King.s *anding was easy/ ;2s like he.d said. The *annis er g2ards-en on he ga e were s o''ing e0eryone/ &2 =oren called one &y na-e and heir wagons were wa0ed hro2gh. 5o one s'ared Arya a glance. They were looking for a high&orn girl/ da2gh er of he King.s 6and/ no for a skinny &oy wi h his hair cho''ed off. Arya ne0er looked &ack. !he wished he R2sh wo2ld rise and wash he whole ci y away/ Flea Bo oand he Red Kee' and he Grea !e' and e0ery hing/ and e0eryone oo/ es'ecially (rince @offrey and his -o her. B2 she knew i wo2ldn. / and anyhow !ansa was s ill in he ci y and wo2ld wash away oo. 3hen she re-e-&ered ha / Arya decided o wish for 3in erfell ins ead. =oren was wrong a&o2 he 'issing/ ho2gh. Tha wasn. he hardes 'ar a all< *o--y Greenhands and 6o (ie were he hardes 'ar . )r'han &oys. =oren had 'l2cked so-e fro- he s ree s wi h 'ro-ises of food for heir &ellies and shoes for heir fee . The res he.d fo2nd in chains. :The 3a ch needs good -en/: he old he- as hey se o2 / :&2 yo2 lo will ha0e o do.: =oren had aken grown -en fro- he d2ngeons as well/ hie0es and 'oachers and ra'ers and he like. The wors were he hree he.d fo2nd in he &lack cells who -2s ha0e scared e0en hi-/ &eca2se he ke' hefe ered hand and foo in he &ack of a wagon/ and 0owed hey.d s ay in irons all he way o he 3all. )ne had no nose/ only he hole in his face where i had &een c2 off/ and he gross fa &ald one wi h he 'oin ed ee h and he wee'ing sores on his cheeks had eyes like no hing h2-an. They ook fi0e wagons o2 of King.s *anding/ laden wi h s2''lies for he 3allB hides and &ol s of clo h/ &ars of 'ig iron/ a cage of ra0ens/ &ooks and 'a'er and ink/ a &ale of so2rleaf/ ;ars of oil/ and ches s of -edicine and s'ices. Tea-s of 'low horses '2lled he wagons/ and =oren had &o2gh wo co2rsers and a half7do>en donkeys for he &oys. Arya wo2ld ha0e 'referred a real horse/ &2 he donkey was &e er han riding on a wagon. The -en 'aid her no -ind/ &2 she was no so l2cky wi h he &oys. !he was wo years yo2nger han he yo2nges or'han/ no o -en ion s-aller and skinnier/ and *o--y and 6o (ie ook her silence o -ean she was scared/ or s 2'id/ or deaf. :*ook a ha sword *2-'yhead.s go here/: *o--y said one -orning as hey -ade heir 'lodding way 'as orchards and whea fields. 6e.d &een a dyer.s a''ren ice &efore he was ca2gh s ealing/ and his ar-s were -o led green o he el&ow. 3hen he la2ghed he &rayed like he donkeys hey were riding. :3here.s a g2 er ra like *2-'yhead ge hi- a sword8: Arya chewed her li' s2llenly. !he co2ld see he &ack of =oren.s faded &lack cloak 2' ahead of he wagons/ &2 she was de er-ined no o go crying o hi- for hel'. :May&e he.s a li le s42ire/: 6o (ie '2 in. 6is -o her had &een a &aker &efore she died/ and he.d '2shed her car hro2gh he s ree s all day/ sho2 ing :6o 'ies? 6o 'ies?: :!o-e lordy lord.s li le s42ire &oy/ ha .s i .: :6e ain. no s42ire/ look a hi-. I &e ha .s no e0en a real sword. I &e i .s ;2s so-e 'lay sword -ade of in.: Arya ha ed he- -aking f2n of 5eedle. :I .s cas le7forged s eel/ yo2

s 2'id/: she sna''ed/ 2rning in he saddle o glare a he-/ :and yo2 &e er sh2 yo2r -o2 h.: The or'han &oys hoo ed. :3here.d yo2 ge a &lade like ha / *2-'yface8: 6o (ie wan ed o know. :*2-'yhead/: correc ed *o--y. :6e 'ro&.ly s ole i .: :I did no ?: she sho2 ed. @on !now had gi0en her 5eedle. May&e she had o le he- call her *2-'yhead/ &2 she wasn. going o le he- call @on a hief. :If he s ole i / we co2ld ake i off hi-/: said 6o (ie. :I .s no his anyhow. I co2ld 2se -e a sword like ha .: *o--y egged hi- on. :Go on/ ake i off hi-/ I dare yo2.: 6o (ie kicked his donkey/ riding closer. :6ey/ *2-'yface/ yo2 gi--e ha sword.: 6is hair was he color of s raw/ his fa face all s2n&2rn and 'eeling. :=o2 don. know how o 2se i .: =es I do/ Arya co2ld ha0e said. I killed a &oy/ a fa &oy like yo2/ I s a&&ed hi- in he &elly and he died/ and I.ll kill yo2 oo if yo2 don. le -e alone. )nly she did no dare. =oren didn. know a&o2 he s a&le&oy/ &2 she was afraid of wha he -igh do if he fo2nd o2 . Arya was 're y s2re ha so-e of he o her -en were killers oo/ he hree in he -anacles for s2re/ &2 he 42een wasn. looking for he-/ so i wasn. he sa-e. :*ook a hi-/: &rayed *o--y Greenhands. :I &e he.s going o cry now. =o2 wan o cry/ *2-'yhead8: !he had cried in her slee' he nigh &efore/ drea-ing of her fa her. Co-e -orning/ she.d woken red7eyed and dry/ and co2ld no ha0e shed ano her ear if her life had h2ng on i . :6e.s going o we his 'an s/: 6o (ie s2gges ed. :*ea0e hi- &e/: said he &oy wi h he shaggy &lack hair who rode &ehind he-. *o--y had na-ed hi- he B2ll/ on acco2n of his horned hel- he had ha he 'olished all he i-e &2 ne0er wore. *o--y didn. dare -ock he B2ll. 6e was older/ and &ig for his age/ wi h a &road ches and s rong7looking ar-s. :=o2 &e er gi0e 6o (ie he sword/ Arry/: *o--y said. :6o (ie wan s i &ad. 6e kicked a &oy o dea h. 6e.ll do he sa-e o yo2/ I &e .: :I knocked hi- down and I kicked hi- in he &alls/ and I ke' kicking hi- here 2n il he was dead/: 6o (ie &oas ed. :I kicked hi- all o 'ieces. 6is &alls were &roke o'en and &loody and his cock 2rned &lack. =o2 &e er gi--e he sword.: Arya slid her 'rac ice sword fro- her &el . :=o2 can ha0e his one/: she old 6o (ie/ no wan ing o figh . :Tha .s ;2s so-e s ick.: 6e rode nearer and ried o reach o0er for 5eedle.s hil . Arya -ade he s ick whis le as she laid he wood across his donkey.s hind42ar ers. The ani-al hawed and &2cked/ d2-'ing 6o (ie on he gro2nd. !he 0a2l ed off her own donkey and 'oked hi- in he g2 as he ried o ge 2' and he sa &ack down wi h a gr2n . Then she whacked hiacross he face and his nose -ade a crack like a &ranch &reaking. Blood dri&&led fro- his nos rils. 3hen 6o (ie &egan o wail/ Arya whirled oward *o--y Greenhands/ who was si ing on his donkey o'en-o2 hed. :=o2 wan so-e sword oo8: she yelled/ &2 he didn. . 6e raised dyed green hands in fron of his face and s42ealed a her o ge away. The B2ll sho2 ed/ :Behind yo2/: and Arya s'2n. 6o (ie was on his knees/ his fis closing aro2nd a &ig ;agged rock. !he le hi- hrow i / d2cking her head as i sailed 'as . Then she flew a hi-. 6e raised a hand and she hi i / and hen his cheek/ and hen his knee. 6e gra&&ed for her/ and she danced aside and &o2nced he wood off he &ack of his head. 6e fell down and go 2' and s 2-&led af er her/ his red face all

s-eared wi h dir and &lood. Arya slid in o a wa er dancer.s s ance and wai ed. 3hen he ca-e close eno2gh/ she l2nged/ righ &e ween his legs/ so hard ha if her wooden sword had had a 'oin i wo2ld ha0e co-e o2 &e ween his &2 cheeks. By he i-e =oren '2lled her off hi-/ 6o (ie was s'rawled o2 on he gro2nd wi h his &reeches &rown and s-elly/ crying as Arya wha''ed hio0er and o0er and o0er. :,no2gh/: he &lack &ro her roared/ 'rying he s ick sword fro- her fingers/ :yo2 wan o kill he fool8: 3hen *o--y and so-e o hers s ar ed o s42eal/ he old -an 2rned on he- oo. :!h2 yo2r -o2 hs/ or I.ll &e sh2 ing he- for yo2. Any -ore o. his/ I.ll ie yo2 lo &ehind he wagons and drag yo2 o he 3all.: 6e s'a . :And ha goes wice for yo2/ Arry. =o2 co-e wi h -e/ &oy. 5ow: They were all looking a her/ e0en he hree chained and -anacled in he &ack of he wagon. The fa one sna''ed his 'oin y ee h oge her and hissed/ &2 Arya ignored hi-. The old -an dragged her well off he road in o a angle of rees/ c2rsing and -2 ering all he while. :If I had a hi-&le o. sense/ I wo2ld.0e lef yo2 in King.s *anding. =o2 hear -e/ &oy8: 6e always snarled ha word/ '2 ing a &i e in i so she wo2ld &e cer ain o hear. :+nlace yo2r &reeches and '2ll .e- down. Go on/ here.s no one here o see. 1o i .: !2llenly/ Arya did as he said. :)0er here/ agains he oak. =es/ like ha .: !he wra''ed her ar-s aro2nd he r2nk and 'ressed her face o he ro2gh wood. :=o2 screa- now. =o2 screa- lo2d.: I won. / Arya ho2gh s 2&&ornly/ &2 when =oren laid he wood agains he &ack of her &are highs/ he shriek &2rs o2 of her anyway. :Think ha h2r 8: he said. :Try his one.: The s ick ca-e whis ling. Arya shrieked again/ cl2 ching he ree o kee' fro- falling. :)ne -ore.: !he held on igh / chewing her li'/ flinching when she heard i co-ing. The s roke -ade her ;2-' and howl. I won. cry/ she ho2gh / I won. do ha . I.- a ! ark of 3in erfell/ o2r sigil is he direwolf/ direwol0es don. cry. !he co2ld feel a hin rickle of &lood r2nning down her lef leg. 6er highs and cheeks were a&la>e wi h 'ain. :Migh &e I go yo2r a en ion now/: =oren said. :5e9 i-e yo2 ake ha s ick o one of yo2r &ro hers/ yo2.ll ge wice wha yo2 gi0e/ yo2 hear -e8 5ow co0er yo2rself.: no -y &ro hers/ Arya ho2gh as she &en o yank 2' her &reeches/ &2 she knew &e er han o say so. 6er hands f2-&led wi h her &el and laces. =oren was looking a her. :=o2 h2r 8: Cal- as s ill wa er/ she old herself/ he way !yrio Forel had a2gh her. :!o-e.: 6e s'a . :Tha 'ie &oy.s h2r ing worse. I wasn. hi- as killed yo2r fa her/ girl/ nor ha hie0ing *o--y nei her. 6i ing he- won. &ring hi- &ack.: :I know/: Arya -2 ered s2llenly. :6ere.s so-e hing yo2 don. know. I wasn. s2''osed o ha''en like i did. I was se o lea0e/ wagons &o2gh and loaded/ and a -an co-es wi h a &oy for -e/ and a '2rse of coin/ and a -essage/ ne0er -ind who i .s fro-. *ord ,ddard.s o ake he &lack/ he says o -e/ wai / he.ll &e going wi h yo2. 3hy d.yo2 hink I was here8 )nly so-e hing wen 42eer.: :loffrey/: Arya &rea hed. :!o-eone sho2ld kill hi-?: :!o-eone will/ &2 i won. &e -e/ nor yo2 nei her.: =oren ossed &ack her s ick sword. :Go so2rleaf &ack a he wagons/: he said as hey -ade heir way &ack o he road. :=o2.ll chew so-e/ i .ll hel' wi h he s ing.: I did hel'/ so-e/ ho2gh he as e of i was fo2l and i -ade her s'i

look like &lood. ,0en so/ she walked for he res of ha day/ and he day af er/ and he day af er ha / oo raw o si a donkey. 6o (ie was worse off< =oren had o shif so-e &arrels aro2nd so he co2ld lie in he &ack of a wagon on so-e sacks of &arley/ and he whi-'ered e0ery i-e he wheels hi a rock. *o--y Greenhands wasn. e0en h2r / ye he s ayed as far away fro- Arya as he co2ld ge . :,0ery i-e yo2 look a hi-/ he wi ches/: he B2ll old her as she walked &eside his donkey. !he did no answer. I see-ed safer no o alk o anyone. Tha nigh she lay 2'on her hin &lanke on he hard gro2nd/ s aring 2' a he grea red co-e . The co-e was s'lendid and scary all a once. :The Red !word/: he B2ll na-ed i < he clai-ed i looked like a sword/ he &lade s ill red7ho fro- he forge. 3hen Arya s42in ed he righ way she co2ld see he sword oo/ only i wasn. a new sword/ i was Ice/ her fa her.s grea sword/ all ri''ly Valyrian s eel/ and he red was *ord ,ddard.s &lood on he &lade af er !er Ilyn he King.s ;2s ice had c2 off his head. =oren had -ade her look away when i ha''ened/ ye i see-ed o her ha he co-e looked like Ice -2s ha0e/ af er. 3hen a las she sle' / she drea-ed of ho-e. The kingsroad wo2nd i s way 'as 3in erfell on i s way o he 3all/ and =oren had 'ro-ised he.d lea0e her here wi h no one any wiser a&o2 who she.d &een. !he yearned o see her -o her again/ and Ro&& and Bran and Rickon . . . &2 i was @on !now she ho2gh of -os . !he wished so-ehow hey co2ld co-e o he 3all &efore 3in erfell/ so @on -igh -2ss 2' her hair and call her :li le sis er.: !he.d ell hi-/ :I -issed yo2/: and he.d say i oo a he 0ery sa-e -o-en / he way hey always 2sed o say hings oge her. !he wo2ld ha0e liked ha . !he wo2ld ha0e liked ha &e er han any hing. C6A(T,R % !A5!A The -orning of King @offrey.s na-e day dawned &righ and windy/ wi h he long ail of he grea co-e 0isi&le hro2gh he high sc2 ling clo2ds. !ansa was wa ching i fro- her ower window when !er Arys )akhear arri0ed o escor her down o he o2rney gro2nds. :3ha do yo2 hink i -eans8: she asked hi-. :Glory o yo2r &e ro hed/: !er Arys answered a once. :!ee how i fla-es across he sky oday on 6is Grace.s na-e day/ as if he gods he-sel0es had raised a &anner in his honor. The s-allfolk ha0e na-ed i King @offrey.s Co-e .: 1o2& less ha was wha hey old @offrey< !ansa was no so s2re. :I.0e heard ser0an s calling i he 1ragon.s Tail.: :King @offrey si s where Aegon he 1ragon once sa / in he cas le &2il &y his son/: !er Arys said. :6e is he dragon.s heir7and cri-son is he color of 6o2se *annis er/ ano her sign. This co-e is sen o herald @offrey.s ascen o he hrone/ I ha0e no do2& . I -eans ha he will ri2-'h o0er his ene-ies.: Is i r2e8 she wondered. 3o2ld he gods &e so cr2el8 6er -o her was one of @offrey.s ene-ies now/ her &ro her Ro&& ano her. 6er fa her had died &y he king.s co--and. M2s Ro&& and her lady -o her die ne9 8 The co-e was red/ &2 @offrey was Bara heon as -2ch as *annis er/ and heir sigil was a &lack s ag on a golden field. !ho2ldn. he gods ha0e sen @off a golden co-e 8 !ansa closed he sh2 ers and 2rned shar'ly away fro- he window. :=o2 look 0ery lo0ely oday/ -y lady/: !er Arys said.

:Thank yo2/ ser.: Knowing ha @offrey wo2ld re42ire her o a end he o2rney in his honor/ !ansa had aken s'ecial care wi h her face and clo hes. !he wore a gown of 'ale '2r'le silk and a -oons one hair ne ha had &een a gif fro- @offrey. The gown had long slee0es o hide he &r2ises on her ar-s. Those were @offrey.s gif s as well. 3hen hey old hi- ha Ro&& had &een 'roclai-ed King in he 5or h/ his rage had &een a fearso-e hing/ and he had sen !er Boros o &ea her. :!hall we go8: !er Arys offered his ar- and she le hi- lead her froher cha-&er. If she -2s ha0e one of he Kingsg2ard dogging her s e's/ !ansa 'referred ha i &e hi-. !er Boros was shor 7 e-'ered/ !er Meryn cold/ and !er Mandon.s s range dead eyes -ade her 2neasy/ while !er (res on rea ed her like a lackwi child. Arys )akhear was co2r eo2s/ and wo2ld alk o her cordially. )nce he e0en o&;ec ed when @offrey co--anded hi- o hi her. 6e did hi her in he end/ &2 no hard as !er Meryn or !er Boros -igh ha0e/ and a leas he had arg2ed. The o hers o&eyed wi ho2 42es ion . . . e9ce' for he 6o2nd/ &2 @off ne0er asked he 6o2nd o '2nish her. 6e 2sed he o her fi0e for ha . !er Arys had ligh &rown hair and a face ha was no 2n'leasan o look 2'on. Today he -ade 42i e he dashing fig2re/ wi h his whi e silk cloak fas ened a he sho2lder &y a golden leaf/ and a s'reading oak ree worked 2'on he &reas of his 2nic in shining gold hread. :3ho do yo2 hink will win he day.s honors8: !ansa asked as hey descended he s e's ar- in ar-. :I will/: !er Arys answered/ s-iling. :=e I fear he ri2-'h will ha0e no sa0or. This will &e a s-all field/ and 'oor. 5o -ore han wo score will en er he lis s/ incl2ding s42ires and freeriders. There is s-all honor in 2nhorsing green &oys.: The las o2rney had &een differen / !ansa reflec ed. King Ro&er had s aged i in her fa her.s honor. 6igh lords and fa&led cha-'ions had co-e fro- all o0er he real- o co-'e e/ and he whole ci y had 2rned o2 o wa ch. !he re-e-&ered he s'lendor of i B he field of 'a0ilions along he ri0er wi h a knigh .s shield h2ng &efore each door/ he long rows of silken 'ennan s wa0ing in he wind/ he glea- of s2nligh on &righ s eel and gilded s'2rs. The days had r2ng o he so2nds of r2-'e s and 'o2nding hoo0es/ and he nigh s had &een f2ll of feas s and song. Those had &een he -os -agical days of her life/ &2 hey see-ed a -e-ory fro- ano her age now. Ro&er Bara heon was dead/ and her fa her as well/ &eheaded for a rai or on he s e's of he Grea !e' of Baelor. 5ow here were hree kings in he land/ and war raged &eyond he Triden while he ci y filled wi h des'era e -en. !-all wonder ha hey had o hold @off.s o2rna-en &ehind he hick s one walls of he Red Kee'. :3ill he 42een a end/ do yo2 hink8: !ansa always fel safer when Cersei was here o res rain her son. :I fear no / -y lady. The co2ncil is -ee ing/ so-e 2rgen &2siness.: !er Arys dro''ed his 0oice. :*ord Tywin has gone o gro2nd a 6arrenhal ins ead of &ringing his ar-y o he ci y as he 42een co--anded. 6er Grace is f2rio2s.: 6e fell silen as a col2-n of *annis er g2ards-en -arched 'as / in cri-son cloaks and lion7cres ed hel-s. !er Arys was fond of gossi'/ &2 only when he was cer ain ha no one was lis ening. The car'en ers had erec ed a gallery and lis s in he o2 er &ailey. I was a 'oor hing indeed/ and he -eager hrong ha had ga hered o wa ch filled &2 half he sea s. Mos of he s'ec a ors were g2ards-en in he gold cloaks of he Ci y 3a ch or he cri-son of 6o2se *annis er< of lords and ladies here were &2 a 'al ry few/ he handf2l ha re-ained a co2r . Grey7faced *ord Gyles Ros&y was co2ghing in o a

s42are of 'ink silk. *ady Tanda. was &racke ed &y her da2gh ers/ 'lacid d2ll *ollys and acid7 ong2ed Falyse. ,&on7skinned @ala&har Cho was an e9ile who had no o her ref2ge/ *ady ,r-esande a &a&e sea ed on her we n2rse.s la'. The alk was she wo2ld soon &e wed o one of he 42een.s co2sins/ so he *annis ers -igh clai- her lands. The king was shaded &enea h a cri-son cano'y/ one leg hrown negligen ly o0er he car0ed wooden ar- of his chair. (rincess Myrcella and (rince Torn-en sa &ehind hi-. In he &ack of he royal &o9/ !andor Clegane s ood a g2ard/ his hands res ing on his sword&el . The whi e cloak of he Kingsg2ard was dra'ed o0er his &road sho2lders and fas ened wi h a ;eweled &rooch/ he snowy clo h looking so-ehow 2nna 2ral agains his &rown ro2ghs'2n 2nic and s 2dded lea her ;erkin. :*ady !ansa/: he 6o2nd anno2nced c2r ly when he saw her. 6is 0oice was as ro2gh as he so2nd of a saw on wood. The &2rn scars on his face and hroa -ade one side of his -o2 h wi ch when he s'oke. (rincess Myrcella nodded a shy gree ing a he so2nd of !ansa.s na-e/ &2 'l2-' li le (rince To--en ;2-'ed 2' eagerly. :!ansa/ did yo2 hear8 I.- o ride in he o2rney oday. Mo her said I co2ld.: Torn-en was all of eigh . 6e re-inded her of her own li le &ro her/ Bran. They were of an age. Bran was &ack a 3in erfell/ a cri''le/ ye safe. !ansa wo2ld ha0e gi0en any hing o &e wi h hi-. :I fear for he life of yo2r foe-an/: she old Torn-en sole-nly. :6is foe-an will &e s 2ffed wi h s raw/: @off said as he rose. The king was clad in a gilded &reas 'la e wi h a roaring lion engra0ed 2'on i s ches / as if he e9'ec ed he war o eng2lf he- a any -o-en . 6e was hir een oday/ and all for his age/ wi h he green eyes and golden hair of he *annis ers. :=o2r Grace/: she said/ di''ing in a c2r sy. !er Arys &owed. :(ray 'ardon -e/ =o2r Grace. I -2s e42i' -yself for he lis s.: @offrey wa0ed a c2r dis-issal while he s 2died !ansa fro- head o heels. :I.- 'leased yo2 wore -y s ones.: !o he king had decided o 'lay he gallan oday. !ansa was relie0ed. :I hank yo2 for he- . . . and for yo2r ender words. I 'ray yo2 a l2cky na-e day/ =o2r Grace.: :!i /: @off co--anded/ ges 2ring her o he e-' y sea &eside his own. :6a0e yo2 heard8 The Beggar King is dead.: :3ho8: For a -o-en !ansa was afraid he -ean Ro&&. :Viserys. The las son of Mad King Aerys. 6e.s &een going a&o2 he Free Ci ies since &efore I was &orn/ calling hi-self a king. 3ell/ Mo her says he 1o hraki finally crowned hi-. 3i h -ol en gold.: 6e la2ghed. :Tha .s f2nny/ don. yo2 hink8 The dragon was heir sigil. I .s al-os as good as if so-e wolf killed yo2r rai or &ro her. May&e I.ll feed hi- o wol0es af er I.0e ca2gh hi-. 1id I ell yo2/ I in end o challenge hi- o single co-&a 8: :I sho2ld like o see ha / =o2r Grace.: More han yo2 know !ansa ke' her one cool and 'oli e/ ye e0en so @offrey.s eyes narrowed as he ried o decide whe her she was -ocking hi-. :3ill yo2 en er he lis s oday8: she asked 42ickly. The king frowned. :My lady -o her said i was no fi ing/ since he o2rney is in -y honor. ) herwise I wo2ld ha0e &een cha-'ion. Isn. ha so/ dog8: The 6o2nd.s -o2 h wi ched. :Agains his lo 8 3hy no 8: 6e had &een he cha-'ion in her fa her.s o2rney/ !ansa re-e-&ered. :3ill yo2 ;o2s oday/ -y lord8: she asked hi-. Clegane.s 0oice was hick wi h con e-' . :3o2ldn. &e wor h he &o her of ar-ing -yself. This is a o2rna-en of gna s.:

The king la2ghed. :My dog has a fierce &ark. (erha's I sho2ld co--and hi- o figh he day.s cha-'ion. To he dea h.: @offrey was fond of -aking -en figh o he dea h. :=o2.d &e one knigh he 'oorer.: The 6o2nd had ne0er aken a knigh .s 0ows. 6is &ro her was a knigh / and he ha ed his &ro her. A &lare of r2-'e s so2nded. The king se led &ack in his sea and ook !ansa.s hand. )nce ha wo2ld ha0e se her hear o 'o2nding/ &2 ha was &efore he had answered her 'lea for -ercy &y 'resen ing her wi h her fa her.s head. 6is o2ch filled her wi h re02lsion now/ &2 she knew &e er han o show i . !he -ade herself si 0ery s ill. :!er Meryn Tran of he Kingsg2ard/ : a herald called. !er Meryn en ered fro- he wes side of he yard/ clad in glea-ing whi e 'la e chased wi h gold and -o2n ed on a -ilk7whi e charger wi h a flowing grey -ane. 6is cloak s rea-ed &ehind hi- like a field of snow. 6e carried a wel0e7foo lance. :!er 6o&&er of 6o2se Redwyne/ of he Ar&or/: he herald sang. !er 6o&&er ro ed in fro- he eas / riding a &lack s allion ca'arisoned in &2rg2ndy and &l2e. 6is lance was s ri'ed in he sa-e colors/ and his shield &ore he gra'e cl2s er sigil of his 6o2se. The Redwyne wins were he 42een.s 2nwilling g2es s/ e0en as !ansa was. !he wondered whose no ion i had &een for he- o ride in @offrey.s o2rney. 5o heir own/ she ho2gh . A a signal fro- he -as er of re0els/ he co-&a an s co2ched heir lances and '2 heir s'2rs o heir -o2n s. There were sho2 s fro- he wa ching g2ards-en and he lords and ladies in he gallery. The knigh s ca-e oge her in he cen er of he yard wi h a grea shock of wood and s eel. The whi e lance and he s ri'ed one e9'loded in s'lin ers wi hin a second of each o her. 6o&&er Redwyne reeled a he i-'ac / ye so-ehow -anaged o kee' his sea . 3heeling heir horses a&o2 a he far end of he lis s/ he knigh s ossed down heir &roken lances and acce' ed re'lace-en s fro- he s42ires. !er 6oras Redwyne/ !er 6o&&er.s win/ sho2 ed enco2rage-en o his &ro her. B2 on heir second 'ass !er Meryn sw2ng he 'oin of his lance o s rike !er 6o&&er in he ches / dri0ing hi- fro- he saddle o crash reso2ndingly o he ear h. !er 6oras c2rsed and ran o2 o hel' his &a ered &ro her fro- he field. :(oorly ridden/: declared King @offrey. :!er Balon !wann/ of ! onehel- in he Red 3a ch/: ca-e he herald.s cry. 3ide whi e wings orna-en ed !er Balon.s grea hel-/ and &lack and whi e swans fo2gh on his shield. :Morros of 6o2se !lyn / heir o *ord @anos of 6arrenhal.: :*ook a ha 2'i2-'ed oaf/: @off hoo ed/ lo2d eno2gh for half he yard o hear. Morros/ a -ere s42ire and a new7-ade s42ire a ha / was ha0ing diffic2l y -anaging lance and shield. The lance was a knigh .s wea'on/ !ansa knew/ he !lyn s low&orn. *ord @anos had &een no -ore han co--ander of he Ci y 3a ch &efore @offrey had raised hi- o 6an renhal and he co2ncil. I ho'e he falls and sha-es hi-self/ she ho2gh &i erly. I ho'e !er Balon kills hi-. 3hen @offrey 'roclai-ed her fa her.s dea h/ i had &een @anos !lyn who sei>ed *ord ,ddard.s se0ered head &y he hair and raised i on high for king and crowd o &ehold/ while !ansa we' and screa-ed. Morros wore a checkered &lack7and7gold cloak o0er &lack ar-or inlaid wi h golden scrollwork. )n his shield was he &loody s'ear his fa her had chosen as he sigil of heir new7-ade ho2se. B2 he did no see- o know wha o do wi h he shield as he 2rged his horse forward/ and !er Balon.s 'oin s r2ck he &la>on s42are. Morros dro''ed his lance/

fo2gh for &alance/ and los . )ne foo ca2gh in a s irr2' as he fell/ and he r2naway charger dragged he yo2 h o he end of he lis s/ head &o2ncing agains he gro2nd. @off hoo ed derision. !ansa was a''alled/ wondering if he gods had heard her 0engef2l 'rayer. B2 when hey disen angled Morros !lyn fro- his horse/ hey fo2nd hi- &loodied &2 ali0e. :To--en/ we 'icked he wrong foe for yo2/: he king old his &ro her. :The s raw knigh ;o2s s &e er han ha one.: 5e9 ca-e !er 6oras Redwyne.s 2rn. 6e fared &e er han his win/ 0an42ishing an elderly knigh whose -o2n was &edecked wi h sil0er griffins agains a s ri'ed &l2e7and7whi e field. !'lendid as he looked/ he old -an -ade a 'oor con es of i . @offrey c2rled his li'. :This is a fee&le show.: :I warned yo2/: said he 6o2nd. :Gna s.: The king was growing &ored. i -ade !ansa an9io2s. !he lowered her eyes and resol0ed o kee' 42ie / no -a er wha . 3hen @offrey Bara heon.s -ood darkened/ any chance word -igh se off one of his rages. :*o hor Br2ne/ freerider in he ser0ice of *ord Baelish/ : cried he herald. :!er 1on os he Red/ of 6o2se 6ollard. : The freerider/ a s-all -an in den ed 'la e wi ho2 de0ice/ d2ly a''eared a he wes end of he yard/ &2 of his o''onen here was no sign. Finally a ches n2 s allion ro ed in o 0iew in a swirl of cri-son and scarle silks/ &2 !er 1on os was no on i . The knigh a''eared a -o-en la er/ c2rsing and s aggering/ clad in &reas 'la e and 'l2-ed hel- and no hing else. 6is legs were 'ale and skinny/ and his -anhood flo''ed a&o2 o&scenely as he chased af er his horse. The wa chers roared and sho2 ed ins2l s. Ca ching his horse &y he &ridle/ !er 1on os ried o -o2n / &2 he ani-al wo2ld no s and s ill and he knigh was so dr2nk ha his &are foo ke' -issing he s irr2'. By hen he crowd was howling wi h la2gh er . . . all &2 he king. @offrey had a look in his eyes ha !ansa re-e-&ered well/ he sa-e look he.d had a he Grea !e' of Baelor he day he 'rono2nced dea h on *ord ,ddard ! ark. Finally !er 1on os he Red ga0e i 2' for a &ad ;o&/ sa down in he dir / and re-o0ed his 'l2-ed hel-. :I lose/: he sho2 ed. :Fe ch -e so-e wine.: The king s ood. :A cask fro- he cellars? I.ll see hi- drowned in i .: !ansa heard herself gas'. :5o/ yo2 can. .: @offrey 2rned his head. :3ha did yo2 say8: !ansa co2ld no &elie0e she had s'oken. 3as she -ad8 To ell hi- no in fron of half he co2r 8 !he hadn. -ean o say any hing/ only . . . !er 1on os was dr2nk and silly and 2seless/ &2 he -ean no har-. :1id yo2 say I can. 8 1id yo28: :(lease/: !ansa said/ :I only -ean . . . i wo2ld &e ill l2ck/ =o2r Grace . . . o/ o kill a -an on yo2r na-e day.: lying/: @offrey said. :I o2gh o drown yo2 wi h hi-/ if yo2 care for hi- so -2ch.: :I don. care for hi-/ =o2r Grace.: The words 2-&led o2 des'era ely. :1rown hi- or ha0e his head off/ only . . . kill hi- on he -orrow/ if yo2 like/ &2 'lease . . . no oday/ no on yo2r na-e day. I co2ldn. &ear for yo2 o ha0e ill l2ck . . . erri&le l2ck/ e0en for kings/ he singers all say so . . . @offrey scowled. 6e knew she was lying/ she co2ld see i . 6e wo2ld -ake her &leed for his. :The girl s'eaks r2ly/: he 6o2nd ras'ed. :3ha a -an sows on his na-e day/ he rea's hro2gho2 he year.: 6is 0oice was fla / as if he did no care a whi whe her he king &elie0ed hi- or no. Co2ld i &e r2e8 !ansa had no known. I was ;2s so-e hing she.d said/ des'era e o a0oid '2nish-en .

+nha''y/ @offrey shif ed in his sea and flicked his fingers a !er 1on os. :Take hi- away. I.ll ha0e hi- killed on he -orrow/ he fool.: :6e is/: !ansa said. :A fool. so cle0er/ o see i . 6e.s &e er fi ed o &e a fool han a knigh / isn. he8 =o2 o2gh o dress hi- in -o ley and -ake hi- clown for yo2. 6e doesn. deser0e he -ercy of a 42ick dea h.: The king s 2died her a -o-en . :(erha's no so s 2'id as Mo her says.: 6e raised his 0oice. :1id yo2 hear -y lady/ 1on os8 Fro- his day on/ -y new fool. =o2 can slee' wi h Moon Boy and dress in -o ley.: !er 1on os/ so&ered &y his near &r2sh wi h dea h/ crawled o his knees. :Thank yo2/ =o2r Grace. And yo2/ -y lady. Thank yo2.: As a &race of *annis er g2ards-en led hi- off/ he -as er of re0els a''roached he &o9. :=o2r Grace/: he said/ :shall I s2--on a new challenger for Br2ne/ or 'roceed wi h he ne9 il 8: :5ei her. These are gna s/ no knigh s. I.d ha0e he- all '2 o dea h/ only i .s -y na-e day. The o2rney is done. Ge he- all o2 of -y sigh .: The -as er of re0els &owed/ &2 (rince To--en was no so o&edien . :I.s2''osed o ride agains he s raw -an.: :5o oday.: :B2 I wan o ride?: :I don. care wha yo2 wan .: :Mo her said I co2ld ride.: :!he said/: (rincess Myrcella agreed. :Mo her said/: -ocked he king. :1on. &e childish.: children/: Myrcella declared ha2gh ily. s2''osed o &e childish.: The 6o2nd la2ghed. :!he has yo2 here.: @offrey was &ea en. :Very well. ,0en -y &ro her co2ldn. il any worse han hese o hers. Mas er/ &ring o2 he 42in ain/ To--en wan s o &e a gna .: Torn-en ga0e a sho2 of ;oy and ran off o &e readied/ his ch2&&y li le legs '2-'ing hard. :*2ck/: !ansa called o hi-. They se 2' he 42in ain a he far end of he lis s while he 'rince.s 'ony was &eing saddled. To--en.s o''onen was a child7si>ed lea her warrior s 2ffed wi h s raw and -o2n ed on a 'i0o / wi h a shield in one hand and a 'added -ace in he o her. !o-eone had fas ened a 'air of an lers o he knigh .s head. @offrey.s fa her King Ro&er had worn an lers on his hel-/ !ansa re-e-&ered . . . &2 so did his 2ncle *ord Renly/ Ro&er .s &ro her/ who had 2rned rai or and crowned hi-self king. A 'air of s42ires &2ckled he 'rince in o his orna e sil0er7and7cri-son ar-or. A all 'l2-e of red fea hers s'ro2 ed fro- he cres of his hel-/ and he lion of *annis er and crowned s ag of Bara heon frolicked oge her on his shield. The s42ires hel'ed hi- -o2n / and !er Aron !an agar/ he Red Kee'.s -as er7a 7ar-s/ s e''ed forward and handed Torn-en a &l2n ed sil0er longsword wi h a leaf7sha'ed &lade/ craf ed o fi an eigh 7year7old hand. Torn-en raised he &lade high. :Cas erly Rock?: he sho2 ed in a high &oyish 0oice as he '2 his heels in o his 'ony and s ar ed across he hard7'acked dir a he 42in ain. *ady Tanda and *ord Gyles s ar ed a ragged cheer/ and !ansa added her 0oice o heirs. The king &rooded in silence. Torn-en go his 'ony 2' o a &risk ro / wa0ed his sword 0igoro2sly/ and s r2ck he knigh .s shield a solid &low as he wen &y. The 42in ain s'2n/ he 'added -ace flying aro2nd o gi0e he 'rince a -igh y whack

in he &ack of his head. To--en s'illed fro- he saddle/ his new ar-or ra ling like a &ag of old 'o s as he hi he gro2nd. 6is sword wen flying/ his 'ony can ered away across he &ailey/ and a grea gale of derision wen 2'. King @offrey la2ghed longes and lo2des of all. :)h/: (rincess Myrcella cried. !he scra-&led o2 of he &o9 and ran o her li le &ro her. !ansa fo2nd herself 'ossessed of a 42eer giddy co2rage. :=o2 sho2ld go wi h her/: she old he king. :=o2r &ro her -igh &e h2r .: @offrey shr2gged. :3ha if he is8: :=o2 sho2ld hel' hi- 2' and ell hi- how well he rode.: !ansa co2ld no see- o s o' herself. :6e go knocked off his horse and fell in he dir /: he king 'oin ed o2 . :Tha .s no riding well.: :*ook/: he 6o2nd in err2' ed. :The &oy has co2rage. 6e.s going o ry again.: They were hel'ing (rince Torn-en -o2n his 'ony. If only To--en were he elder ins ead of foffrey/ !ansa ho2gh . I wo2ldn. -ind -arrying To--en. The so2nds fro- he ga eho2se ook he- &y s2r'rise. Chains ra led as he 'or c2llis was drawn 2'ward/ and he grea ga es o'ened o he creak of iron hinges. :3ho old he- o o'en he ga e8: @off de-anded. 3i h he ro2&les in he ci y/ he ga es of he Red Kee' had &een closed for days. A col2-n of riders e-erged fro- &enea h he 'or c2llis wi h a clink of s eel and a cla er of hoo0es. Clegane s e''ed close o he king/ one hand on he hil of his longsword. The 0isi ors were din ed and haggard and d2s y/ ye he s andard hey carried was he lion of *annis er/ golden on i s cri-son field. A few wore he red cloaks and -ail of *annis er -en7a 7ar-s/ &2 -ore were freeriders and sellswords/ ar-ored in odd-en s and &ris ling wi h shar' s eel . . . and here were o hers/ -ons ro2s sa0ages o2 of one of )ld 5an.s ales/ he scary ones Bran 2sed o lo0e. They were clad in sha&&y skins and &oiled lea her/ wi h long hair and fierce &eards. !o-e wore &loods ained &andages o0er heir &rows or wra''ed aro2nd heir hands/ and o hers were -issing eyes/ ears/ and fingers. In heir -ids / riding on a all red horse in a s range high saddle ha cradled hi- &ack and fron / was he 42een.s dwarf &ro her Tyrion *annis er/ he one hey called he I-'. 6e had le his &eard grow o co0er his '2shed7in face/ 2n il i was a &ris ly angle of yellow and &lack hair/ coarse as wire. 1own his &ack flowed a shadowskin cloak/ &lack f2r s ri'ed wi h whi e. 6e held he reins in his lef hand and carried his righ ar- in a whi e silk sling/ &2 o herwise looked as gro es42e as !ansa re-e-&ered fro- when he had 0isi ed 3in erfell. 3i h his &2lging &row and -is-a ched eyes/ he was s ill he 2glies -an she had e0er chanced o look 2'on. =e Torn-en '2 his s'2rs in o his 'ony and gallo'ed headlong across he yard/ sho2 ing wi h glee. )ne of he sa0ages/ a h2ge sha-&ling -an so hairy ha his face was all &2 los &enea h his whiskers/ scoo'ed he &oy o2 of his saddle/ ar-or and all/ and de'osi ed hi- on he gro2nd &eside his 2ncle. To--en.s &rea hless la2gh er echoed off he walls as Tyrion cla''ed hi- on he &ack'la e/ and !ansa was s ar led o see ha he wo were of a heigh . Myrcella ca-e r2nning af er her &ro her/ and he dwarf 'icked her 2' &y he wais and s'2n her in a circle/ s42ealing. 3hen he lowered her &ack o he gro2nd/ he li le -an kissed her ligh ly on he &row and ca-e waddling across he yard oward @offrey. Two of his -en followed close &ehind hi-< a &lack7haired &lack7eyed

sellsword who -o0ed like a s alking ca / and a ga2n yo2 h wi h an e-' y socke where one eye sho2ld ha0e &een. Torn-en and Myrcella railed af er he-. The dwarf wen o one knee &efore he king. :=o2r Grace.: :=o2/: @offrey said. :Me/: he I-' agreed/ :al ho2gh a -ore co2r eo2s gree ing -igh &e in order/ for an 2ncle and an elder.: :They said yo2 were dead/: he 6o2nd said. The li le -an ga0e he &ig one a look. )ne of his eyes was green/ one was &lack/ and &o h were cool. :I was s'eaking o he king/ no o his c2r.: :I.- glad no dead/: said (rincess Myrcella. :3e share ha 0iew/ swee child.: Tyrion 2rned o !ansa. :My lady/ I a- sorry for yo2r losses. Tr2ly/ he gods are cr2el.: !ansa co2ld no hink of a word o say o hi-. 6ow co2ld he &e sorry for her losses8 3as he -ocking her8 I wasn. he gods who.d &een cr2el/ i was @offrey. :I a- sorry for yo2r loss as well/ @offrey/: he dwarf said. :3ha loss8: :=o2r royal fa her8 A large fierce -an wi h a &lack &eard< yo2.ll recall hi- if yo2 ry. 6e was king &efore yo2.: :)h/ hi-. =es/ i was 0ery sad/ a &oar killed hi-.: :Is ha wha . hey. say/ =o2r Grace8: @offrey frowned. !ansa fel ha she o2gh o say so-e hing. 3ha was i ha !e' a Mordane 2sed o ell her8 A lady.s ar-or is co2r esy/ ha was i . !he donned her ar-or and said/ :I.- sorry -y lady -o her ook yo2 ca' i0e/ -y lord.: :A grea -any 'eo'le are sorry for ha /: Tyrion re'lied/ :and &efore I a- done/ so-e -ay &e a deal sorrier . . . ye I hank yo2 for he sen i-en . @offrey/ where -igh I find yo2r -o her8: :!he.s wi h -y co2ncil/: he king answered. :=o2r &ro her @ai-e kee's losing &a les.: 6e ga0e !ansa an angry look/ as if i were her fa2l . :6e.s &een aken &y he ! arks and we.0e los Ri0err2n and now her s 2'id &ro her is calling hi-self a king.: The dwarf s-iled crookedly. :All sor s of 'eo'le are calling he-sel0es kings hese days.: @off did no know wha o -ake of ha / ho2gh he looked s2s'icio2s and o2 of sor s. :=es. 3ell. I a- 'leased no dead/ +ncle. 1id yo2 &ring -e a gif for -y na-e day8: :I did. My wi s.: :I.d sooner ha0e Ro&& ! ark.s head/: @off said wi h a sly glance a !ansa. :To--en/ Myrcella/ co-e.: !andor Clegane lingered &ehind a -o-en . :I.d g2ard ha ong2e of yo2rs/ li le -an/: he warned/ &efore he s rode off af er his liege. !ansa was lef wi h he dwarf and his -ons ers. !he ried o hink of wha else she -igh say. :=o2 h2r yo2r ar-/: she -anaged a las . :)ne of yo2r nor h-en hi -e wi h a -ornings ar d2ring he &a le on he Green Fork. I esca'ed hi- &y falling off -y horse.: 6is grin 2rned in o so-e hing sof er as he s 2died her face. :Is i grief for yo2r lord fa her ha -akes yo2 so sad8: :My fa her was a rai or/: !ansa said a once. :And -y &ro her and lady -o her are rai ors as well.: Tha refle9 she had learned 42ickly. :I a- loyal o -y &elo0ed @offrey.: :5o do2& . As loyal as a deer s2rro2nded &y wol0es.: :*ions/: she whis'ered/ wi ho2 hinking. !he glanced a&o2 ner0o2sly/ &2 here was no one close eno2gh o hear. *annis er reached o2 and ook her hand/ and ga0e i a s42ee>e. :I a-

only a li le lion/ child/ and I 0ow/ I shall no sa0age yo2.: Bowing/ he said :B2 now yo2 -2s e9c2se -e. I ha0e 2rgen &2siness wi h 42een and co2ncil.: !ansa wa ched hi- walk off/ his &ody swaying hea0ily fro- side o side wi h e0ery s e'/ like so-e hing fro- a gro es42erie. 6e s'eaks -ore gen ly han foffrey/ she ho2gh / &2 he 42een s'oke o -e gen ly oo. 6e.s s ill a *annis er/ her &ro her and foff.s 2ncle/ and no friend. )nce she had lo0ed (rince @offrey wi h all her hear / and ad-ired and r2s ed his -o her/ he 42een. They had re'aid ha lo0e and r2s wi h her fa her.s head. !ansa wo2ld ne0er -ake ha -is ake again. C6A(T,R " T=RI)5 In he chilly whi e rai-en of he Kingsg2ard/ !er Mandon Moore looked like a cor'se in a shro2d. :6er Grace lef orders/ he co2ncil in session is no o &e dis 2r&ed.: :I wo2ld &e only a s-all dis 2r&ance/ ser.: Tyrion slid he 'arch-en fro- his slee0e. :I &ear a le er fro- -y fa her/ *ord Tywin *annis er/ he 6and of he King. There is his seal.: :6er Grace does no wish o &e dis 2r&ed/: !er Mandon re'ea ed slowly/ as if Tyrion were a d2llard who had no heard hi- he firs i-e. @ai-e had once old hi- ha Moore was he -os dangero2s of he Kingsg2ard7e9ce' ing hi-self/ always7&eca2se his face ga0e no hin as wha he -igh do ne9 . Tyrion wo2ld ha0e welco-ed a hin . Bronn and Ti-e co2ld likely kill he knigh if i ca-e o swords/ &2 i wo2ld scarcely &ode well if he &egan &y slaying one of @offrey.s 'ro ec ors. =e if he le he -an 2rn hi- away/ where was his a2 hori y8 6e -ade hi-self s-ile. :!er Mandon/ yo2 ha0e no -e -y co-'anions. This is Ti-e son of Ti-e / a red hand of he B2rned Men. And his is Bronn. (erchance yo2 recall !er Vardis ,gen/ who was ca' ain of *ord Arryn.s ho2sehold g2ard8: :I know he -an.: !er Mandon.s eyes were 'ale grey/ oddly fla and lifeless. :Knew/: Bronn correc ed wi h a hin s-ile. !er Mandon did no deign o show ha he had heard ha . :Be ha as i -ay/: Tyrion said ligh ly/ :I r2ly -2s see -y sis er and 'resen -y le er/ ser. If yo2 wo2ld &e so kind as o o'en he door for 2s8: The whi e knigh did no res'ond. Tyrion was al-os a he 'oin of rying o force his way 'as when !er Mandon a&r2' ly s ood aside. :=o2 -ay en er. They -ay no .: A s-all 0ic ory/ he ho2gh / &2 swee . 6e had 'assed his firs es . Tyrion *annis er sho2ldered hro2gh he door/ feeling al-os all. Fi0e -e-&ers of he king.s s-all co2ncil &roke off heir disc2ssion s2ddenly. :=o2/: his sis er Cersei said in a one ha was e42al 'ar s dis&elief and dis as e. :I can see where @offrey learned his co2r esies.: Tyrion 'a2sed o ad-ire he 'air of Valyrian s'hin9es ha g2arded he door/ affec ing an air of cas2al confidence. Cersei co2ld s-ell weakness he way a dog s-ells f ear. :3ha are yo2 doing here8: 6is sis er.s lo0ely green eyes s 2died hiwi ho2 he leas hin of affec ion. :1eli0ering a le er fro- o2r lord fa her.: 6e sa2n ered o he a&le and 'laced he igh ly rolled 'arch-en &e ween he-. The e2n2ch Varys ook he le er and 2rned i in his delica e 'owdered

hands. :6ow kind of *ord Tywin. And his scaling wa9 is s2ch a lo0ely shade of gold.: Varys ga0e he seal a close ins'ec ion. :I gi0es e0ery a''earance of &eing gen2ine.: :)f co2rse i .s gen2ine.: Cersei sna ched i o2 of his hands. !he &roke he wa9 and 2nrolled he 'arch-en . Tyrion wa ched her read. 6is sis er had aken he king.s sea for herself7he ga hered @offrey did no of en ro2&le o a end co2ncil -ee ings/ no -ore han Ro&er had7so Tyrion cli-&ed 2' in o he 6and.s chair. i see-ed only a''ro'ria e. :This is a&s2rd/: he 42een said a las . :My lord fa her has sen -y &ro her o si in his 'lace in his co2ncil. 6e &ids 2s acce' Tyrion as he 6and of he King/ 2n il s2ch i-e as he hi-self can ;oin 2s.: Grand Maes er (ycelle s roked his flowing whi e &eard and nodded 'ondero2sly. :I wo2ld see- ha a welco-e is in order.: :Indeed.: ;owly/ &alding @anos !lyn looked ra her like a frog/ a s-2g frog who had go en ra her a&o0e hi-self. :3e ha0e sore need of yo2/ -y lord. Re&ellion e0erywhere/ his gri- o-en in he sky/ rio ing in he ci y s ree s . . .: :And whose fa2l is ha / *ord @anos8: Cersei lashed o2 . :=o2r gold cloaks are charged wi h kee'ing order. As o yo2/ Tyrion/ yo2 co2ld &e er ser0e 2s on he field of &a le.: 6e la2ghed. :5o/ I.- done wi h fields of &a le/ hank yo2. I si a chair &e er han a horse/ and I.d sooner hold a wine go&le han a &a le7a9e. All ha a&o2 he h2nder of he dr2-s/ s2nligh flashing on ar-or/ -agnificen des riers snor ing and 'rancing8 3ell/ he dr2-s ga0e -e headaches/ he s2nligh flashing on -y ar-or cooked -e 2' like a har0es day goose/ and hose -agnificen des riers shi e0erywhere. 5o ha I a- co-'laining. Co-'ared o he hos'i ali y I en;oyed in he Vale of Arryn/ dr2-s/ horseshi / and fly &i es are -y fa0ori e hings.: *i lefinger la2ghed. :3ell said/ *annis er. A -an af er -y own hear . : Tyrion s-iled a hi-/ re-e-&ering a cer ain dagger wi h a dragon&one hil and a Valyrian s eel &lade. 3e -2s ha0e a alk a&o2 ha / and soon. 6e wondered if *ord (e yr wo2ld find ha s2&;ec a-2sing as well. :(lease/: he old he-/ :do le -e &e of ser0ice/ in wha e0er s-all way I can.: Cersei read he le er again. :6ow -any -en ha0e yo2 &ro2gh wi h yo28 : :A few h2ndred. My own -en/ chiefly. Fa her was loa h o 'ar wi h any of his. 6e is figh ing a war/ af er all.: :3ha 2se will yo2r few h2ndred -en &e if Renly -arches on he ci y/ or ! annis sails fro- 1ragons one8 I ask for an ar-y and -y fa her sends -e a dwarf. The king na-es he 6and/ wi h he consen of co2ncil. @offrey na-ed o2r lord fa her.: :And o2r lord fa her na-ed -e.: :6e canno do ha . 5o wi ho2 @off.s consen .: :*ord Tywin is a 6arrenhal wi h his hos / if yo2.d care o ake i 2' wi h hi-/: Tyrion said 'oli ely. :My lords/ 'erchance yo2 wo2ld 'er-i -e a 'ri0a e word wi h -y sis er8: Varys sli hered o his fee / s-iling in ha 2nc 2o2s way he had. :6ow yo2 -2s ha0e yearned for he so2nd of yo2r swee sis er.s 0oice. My lords/ 'lease/ le 2s gi0e he- a few -o-en s oge her. The woes of o2r ro2&led real- shall kee'.: @anos !lyn rose hesi an ly and Grand Maes er (ycelle 'ondero2sly/ ye hey rose. *i lefinger was he las . :!hall I ell he s eward o 're'are cha-&ers in Maegor.s 6oldfas 8: :My hanks/ *ord (e yr/ &2 I will &e aking *ord ! ark.s for-er 42ar ers in he Tower of he 6and.:

*i lefinger la2ghed. a &ra0er -an han -e/ *annis er. =o2 do know he fa e of o2r las wo 6ands8: :Two8 If yo2 -ean o frigh en -e/ why no say fo2r8: :Fo2r8: *i lefinger raised an eye&row. :1id he 6ands &efore *ord Arryn -ee so-e dire end in he Tower8 I.- afraid I was oo yo2ng o 'ay he- -2ch -ind.: :Aerys Targaryen.s las 6and was killed d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ ho2gh I do2& he.d had i-e o se le in o he Tower. 6e was only 6and for a for nigh . The one &efore hi- was &2rned o dea h. And &efore he- ca-e wo o hers who died landless and 'enniless in e9ile/ and co2n ed he-sel0es l2cky. I &elie0e -y lord fa her was he las 6and o de'ar King.s *anding wi h his na-e/ 'ro'er ies/ and 'ar s all in ac .: :Fascina ing/: said *i lefinger. :And all he -ore reason I.d sooner &ed down in he d2ngeon.: (erha's yo2.ll ge ha wish/ Tyrion ho2gh / &2 he said/ :Co2rage and folly are co2sins/ or so I.0e heard. 3ha e0er c2rse -ay linger o0er he Tower of he 6and/ I 'ray I.- s-all eno2gh o esca'e i s no ice.: @anos !lyn la2ghed/ *i lefinger s-iled/ and Grand Maes er (ycelle followed he- &o h o2 / &owing gra0ely. :I ho'e Fa her did no send yo2 all his way o 'lag2e 2s wi h his ory lessons/: his sis er said when hey were alone. :6ow I ha0e yearned for he so2nd of yo2r swee 0oice/: Tyrion sighed o her. :6ow I ha0e yearned o ha0e ha e2n2ch.s ong2e '2lled o2 wi h ho 'incers/: Cersei re'lied. :6as fa her los his senses8 )r did yo2 forge his le er8: !he read i once -ore/ wi h -o2n ing annoyance. :3hy wo2ld he inflic yo2 on -e8 I wan ed hi- o co-e hi-self.: !he cr2shed *ord Tywin.s le er in her fingers. :I a- @offrey.s regen / and I sen hi- a royal co--and?: :And he ignored yo2/: Tyrion 'oin ed o2 . :6e has 42i e a large ar-y/ he can do ha . 5or is he he firs . Is he8: Cersei.s -o2 h igh ened. 6e co2ld see her color rising. :If I na-e his le er a forgery and ell he- o hrow yo2 in a d2ngeon/ no one will ignore ha / I 'ro-ise yo2.: 6e was walking on ro en ice now/ Tyrion knew. )ne false s e' and he wo2ld 'l2nge hro2gh. :5o one/: he agreed a-ia&ly/ :leas of all o2r fa her. The one wi h he ar-y. B2 why sho2ld yo2 wan o hrow -e in o a d2ngeon/ swee sis er/ when I.0e co-e all his long way o hel' yo28 : :I do no re42ire yo2r hel'. I was o2r fa her.s 'resence ha I co--anded.: :=es/: he said 42ie ly/ :&2 i .s @ai-e yo2 wan .: 6is sis er fancied herself s2& le/ &2 he had grown 2' wi h her. 6e co2ld read her face like one of his fa0ori e &ooks/ and wha he read now was rage/ and fear/ and des'air. :@ai-e7: :7is -y &ro her no less han yo2rs/: Tyrion in err2' ed. :Gi0e -e yo2r s2''or and I 'ro-ise yo2/ we will ha0e @ai-e freed and re 2rned o 2s 2nhar-ed.: :6ow8: Cersei de-anded. :The ! ark &oy and his -o her are no like o forge ha we &eheaded *ord ,ddard.: :Tr2e/: Tyrion agreed/ :ye yo2 s ill hold his da2gh ers/ don. yo28 I saw he older girl o2 in he yard wi h @offrey.: :!ansa/: he 42een said. :I.0e gi0en i o2 ha I ha0e he yo2nger &ra as well/ &2 i .s a lie. I sen Meryn Tran o ake her in hand when Ro&er died/ &2 her wre ched dancing -as er in erfered and he girl fled. 5o one has seen her since. *ikely she.s dead. A grea -any 'eo'le died ha day.:

Tyrion had ho'ed for &o h ! ark girls/ &2 he s2''osed one wo2ld ha0e o do. :Tell -e a&o2 o2r friends on he co2ncil.: 6is sis er glanced a he door. :3ha of he-8: :Fa her see-s o ha0e aken a dislike o he-. 3hen I lef hi-/ he was wondering how heir heads -igh look on he wall &eside *ord ! ark.s.: 6e leaned forward across he a&le. :Are yo2 cer ain of heir loyal y8 1o yo2 r2s he-8: :I r2s no one/: Cersei sna''ed. :I need he-. 1oes Fa her &elie0e hey are 'laying 2s false8: :!2s'ec s/ ra her.: :3hy8 3ha does he know8: Tyrion shr2gged. :6e knows ha yo2r son.s shor reign has &een a long 'arade of follies and disas ers. Tha s2gges s ha so-eone is gi0ing @offrey so-e 0ery &ad co2nsel.: Cersei ga0e hi- a searching look. :@off has had no lack of good co2nsel. 6e.s always &een s rong7willed. 5ow ha he.s king/ he &elie0es he sho2ld do as he 'leases/ no as he.s &id.: :Crowns do 42eer hings o he heads &enea h he-/: Tyrion agreed. :This &2siness wi h ,ddard ! ark . . . @offrey.s work8 : The 42een gri-aced. :6e was ins r2c ed o 'ardon ! ark/ o allow hi- o ake he &lack. The -an wo2ld ha0e &een o2 of o2r way fore0er/ and we -igh ha0e -ade 'eace wi h ha son of his/ &2 @off ook i 2'on hi-self o gi0e he -o& a &e er show. 3ha was I o do8 6e called for *ord ,ddard.s head in fron of half he ci y. And @anos !lyn and !er Ilyn wen ahead &li hely and shor ened he -an wi ho2 a word fro- -e?: 6er hand igh ened in o a fis . :The 6igh !e' on clai-s we 'rofaned Baelor.s !e' wi h &lood/ af er lying o hi- a&o2 o2r in en .: :I wo2ld see- he has a 'oin /: said Tyrion. :!o his *ord !lyn / he was 'ar of i / was he8 Tell -e/ whose fine no ion was i o gran hi6arrenhal and na-e hi- o he co2ncil8: :*i lefinger -ade he arrange-en s. 3e needed !lyn .s gold cloaks. ,ddard ! ark was 'lo ing wi h Renly and he.d wri en o *ord ! annis/ offering hi- he hrone. 3e -igh ha0e los all. ,0en so/ i was a close hing. If !ansa hadn. co-e o -e and old -e all her fa her.s 'lans . . .: Tyrion was s2r'rised. :Tr2ly8 6is own da2gh er8: !ansa had always see-ed s2ch a swee child/ ender and co2r eo2s. :The girl was we wi h lo0e. !he wo2ld ha0e done any hing for @offrey/ 2n il he c2 off her fa her.s head and called i -ercy. Tha '2 an end o ha .: :6is Grace has a 2ni42e way of winning he hear s of his s2&;ec s/: Tyrion said wi h a crooked s-ile. :3as i @offrey.s wish o dis-iss !er Barris an !el-y fro- his Kingsg2ard oo8: Cersei sighed. :@off wan ed so-eone o &la-e for Ro&er .s dea h. Varys s2gges ed !er Barris an. 3hy no 8 I ga0e @ai-e co--and of he Kingsg2ard and a sea on he s-all co2ncil/ and allowed @off o hrow a &one o his dog. 6e is 0ery fond of !andor Clegane. 3e were 're'ared o offer !el-y so-e land and a owerho2se/ -ore han he 2seless old fool deser0ed.: :I hear ha 2seless old fool slew wo of !lyn .s gold cloaks when hey ried o sei>e hi- a he M2d Ga e.: 6is sis er looked 0ery 2nha''y. :@anos sho2ld ha0e sen -ore -en. 6e is no as co-'e en as -igh &e wished.: :!er Barris an was he *ord Co--ander of Ro&er Bara heon.s Kingsg2ard/: Tyrion re-inded her 'oin edly. :6e and @ai-e are he only s2r0i0ors of Aerys Targaryen.s se0en. The s-allfolk alk of hi- in he sa-e way hey alk of !erwyn of he Mirror !hield and (rince Ae-on he

1ragonknigh . 3ha do yo2 i-agine hey.ll hink when hey see Barris an he Bold riding &eside Ro&& ! ark or ! annis Bara heon8: Cersei glanced away. :I had no considered ha .: :Fa her did/: said Tyrion. :Tha is why he sen -e. To '2 an end o hese follies and &ring yo2r son o heel.: :@off will &e no -ore rac a&le for yo2 han for -e.: :6e -igh .: :3hy sho2ld he8: :6e knows yo2 wo2ld ne0er h2r hi-.: Cersei.s eyes narrowed. :If yo2 &elie0e I.d e0er allow yo2 o har- -y son/ sick wi h fe0er.: Tyrion sighed. !he.d -issed he 'oin / as she did so of en. :@offrey is as safe wi h -e as he is wi h yo2/: he ass2red her/ :&2 so long as he &oy feels hrea ened/ he.ll &e -ore inclined o lis en.: 6e ook her hand. :I a- yo2r &ro her/ yo2 know. =o2 need -e/ whe her yo2 care o ad-i i or no. =o2r son needs -e/ if he.s o ha0e a ho'e of re aining ha 2gly iron chair.: 6is sis er see-ed shocked ha he wo2ld o2ch her. :=o2 ha0e always &een c2nning.: :In -y own s-all way.: 6e grinned. :I -ay &e wor h he rying . . . &2 -ake no -is ake/ Tyrion. If I acce' yo2/ yo2 shall &e he King.s 6and in na-e/ &2 -y 6and in r2 h. =o2 will share all yo2r 'lans and in en ions wi h -e &efore yo2 ac / and yo2 will do no hing wi ho2 -y consen . 1o yo2 2nders and8: :)h/ yes.: :1o yo2 agree8: :Cer ainly/: he lied. :I a- yo2rs/ sis er.: For as long as I need o &e. :!o/ now ha we are of one '2r'ose/ we o2gh ha0e no -ore secre s &e ween 2s. =o2 say @offrey had *ord ,ddard killed/ Varys dis-issed !er Barris an/ and *i lefinger gif ed 2s wi h *ord !lyn . 3ho -2rdered @on Arryn8 : Cersei yanked her hand &ack. :6ow sho2ld I know8: :The grie0ing widow in he ,yrie see-s o hink i was -e. 3here did she co-e &y ha no ion/ I wonder8: :I.- s2re I don. know. Tha fool ,ddard ! ark acc2sed -e of he sa-e hing. 6e hin ed ha *ord Arryn s2s'ec ed or . . . well/ &elie0ed :Tha yo2 were f2cking o2r swee @ai-e8: !he sla''ed hi-. :1id yo2 hink I was as &lind as Fa her8: Tyrion r2&&ed his cheek. :3ho yo2 lie wi h is no -a er o -e . . . al ho2gh i doesn. see- 42i e ;2s ha yo2 sho2ld o'en yo2r legs for one &ro her and no he o her.: !he sla''ed hi-. :Be gen le/ Cersei/ I.- only ;es ing wi h yo2. If r2 h &e old/ I.d sooner ha0e a nice whore. I ne0er 2nders ood wha @ai-e saw in yo2/ a'ar fro- his own reflec ion.: !he sla''ed hi-. 6is cheeks were red and &2rning/ ye he s-iled. :If yo2 kee' doing ha / I -ay ge angry.: Tha s ayed her hand. :3hy sho2ld I care if yo2 do8: :I ha0e so-e new friends/: Tyrion confessed. :=o2 won. like he- a all. 6ow did yo2 kill Ro&er 8: :6e did ha hi-self. All we did was hel'. 3hen *ancel saw ha Ro&er was going af er &oar/ he ga0e hi- s rongwine. 6is fa0ori e so2r red/ &2 for ified/ hree i-es as 'o en as he was 2sed o. The grea s inking fool lo0ed i . 6e co2ld ha0e s o''ed swilling i down any i-e he cared o/ &2 no/ he drained one skin and old *ancel o fe ch ano her. The &oar did he res . =o2 sho2ld ha0e &een a he feas /

Tyrion. There has ne0er &een a &oar so delicio2s. They cooked i wi h -2shroo-s and a''les/ and i as ed like ri2-'h.: :Tr2ly/ sis er/ yo2 were &orn o &e a widow.: Tyrion had ra her liked Ro&er Bara heon/ grea &l2s ering oaf ha he was . . . do2& less in 'ar &eca2se his sis er loa hed hi- so. :5ow/ if yo2 are done sla''ing -e/ I will &e off.: 6e wis ed his legs aro2nd and cla-&ered down awkwardly fro- he chair. Cersei frowned. :I ha0en. gi0en yo2 lea0e o de'ar . I wan o know how yo2 in end o free @ai-e.: :I.ll ell yo2 when I know. !che-es are like fr2i / hey re42ire a cer ain ri'ening. Righ now/ I ha0e a -ind o ride hro2gh he s ree s and ake he -eas2re of his ci y.: Tyrion res ed his hand on he head of he s'hin9 &eside he door. :)ne 'ar ing re42es . Kindly -ake cer ain no har- co-es o !ansa ! ark. i wo2ld no do o lose &o h he da2gh ers.: )2 side he co2ncil cha-&er/ Tyrion nodded o !er Mandon and -ade his way down he long 0a2l ed hall. Bronn fell in &eside hi-. )f Ti-e son of Ti-e here was no sign. :3here.s o2r red hand8: Tyrion asked. :6e fel an 2rge o e9'lore. 6is kind was no -ade for wai ing a&o2 in halls.: :I ho'e he doesn. kill anyone i-'or an .: The clans-en Tyrion had &ro2gh down fro- heir fas nesses in he Mo2n ains of he Moon were loyal in heir own fierce way/ &2 hey were 'ro2d and 42arrelso-e as well/ 'rone o answer ins2l s real or i-agined wi h s eel. :Try o find hi-. And while yo2 are a i / see ha he res ha0e &een 42ar ered and fed. I wan he- in he &arracks &enea h he Tower of he 6and/ &2 don. le he s eward '2 he ! one Crows near he Moon Bro hers/ and ell hi- he B2rned Men -2s ha0e a hall all o he-sel0es.: :3here will yo2 &e8: :I.- riding &ack o he Broken An0il.: Bronn grinned insolen ly. :5eed an escor 8 The alk is/ he s ree s are dangero2s.: :I.ll call 2'on he ca' ain of -y sis er.s ho2sehold g2ard/ and re-ind hi- ha I a- no less a *annis er han she is. 6e needs o recall ha his oa h is o Cas erly Rock/ no o Cersei or @offrey.: An ho2r la er/ Tyrion rode fro- he Red Kee' acco-'anied &y a do>en *annis er g2ards-en in cri-son cloaks and lion7cres ed halffiel-s. As hey 'assed &enea h he 'or c2llis/ he no ed he heads -o2n ed a o' he walls. Black wi h ro and old ar/ hey had long since &eco-e 2nrecogni>a&le. :Ca' ain Vylarr/: he called/ :I wan hose aken down on he -orrow. Gi0e he- o he silen sis ers for cleaning.: I wo2ld &e hell o -a ch he- wi h he &odies/ he s2''osed/ ye i -2s &e done. ,0en in he -ids of war cer ain decencies needed o &e o&ser0ed. Vylarr grew hesi an . :6is Grace has old 2s he wishes he rai ors. heads o re-ain on he walls 2n il he fills hose las hree e-' y s'ikes here on he end.: :*e -e ha>ard a wild s a&. )ne is for Ro&& ! ark/ he o hers for *ords ! annis and Renly. 3o2ld ha &e righ 8: :=es/ -y lord.: :My ne'hew is hir een years old oday/ Vylarr. Try and recall ha . I.ll ha0e he heads down on he -orrow/ or one of hose e-' y s'ikes -ay ha0e a differen lodger. 1o yo2 ake -y -eaning/ Ca' ain8: :I.ll see ha aken down -yself/ -y lord.: :Good.: Tyrion '2 his heels in o his horse and ro ed away/ lea0ing he red cloaks o follow as &es hey co2ld. 6e had old Cersei he in ended o ake he -eas2re of he ci y. Tha

was no en irely a lie. Tyrion *annis er was no 'leased &y -2ch of wha he saw. The s ree s of King.s *anding had always &een ee-ing and ra2co2s and noisy/ &2 now hey reeked of danger in a way ha he did no recall fro- 'as 0isi s. A naked cor'se s'rawled in he g2 er near he ! ree of *oo-s/ &eing orn a &y a 'ack of feral dogs/ ye no one see-ed o care. 3a ch-en were -2ch in e0idence/ -o0ing in 'airs hro2gh he alleys in heir gold cloaks and shir s of &lack ring-ail/ iron c2dgels ne0er far fro- heir hands. The -arke s were crowded wi h ragged -en selling heir ho2sehold goods for any 'rice hey co2ld ge . . . and cons'ic2o2sly e-' y of far-ers selling food. 3ha li le 'rod2ce he did see was hree i-es as cos ly as i had &een a year ago. one 'eddler was hawking ra s roas ed on a skewer. :Fresh ra s/: he cried lo2dly/ :fresh ra s.: 1o2& less fresh ra s were o &e 'referred o old s ale ro en ra s. The frigh ening hing was/ he ra s looked -ore a''e i>ing han -os of wha he &2 chers were selling. on he ! ree of Flo2r/ Tyrion saw g2ards a e0ery o her sho' door. 3hen i-es grew lean/ e0en &akers fo2nd sellswords chea'er han &read/ he reflec ed. :There is no food co-ing in/ is here8: he said o Vylarr. :*i le eno2gh/: he ca' ain ad-i ed. :3i h he war in he ri0erlands and *ord Renly raising re&els in 6ighgarden/ he roads are closed o so2 h and wes .: :And wha has -y good sis er done a&o2 his8: :!he is aking s e's o res ore he king.s 'eace/: Vylarr ass2red hi-. :*ord !lyn has ri'led he si>e of he Ci y 3a ch/ and he 42een has '2 a ho2sand craf s-en o work on o2r defenses. The s one-asons are s reng hening he walls/ car'en ers are &2ilding scor'ions and ca a'2l s &y he h2ndred/ fle chers are -aking arrows/ he s-i hs are forging &lades/ and he Alche-is s. G2ild has 'ledged en ho2sand ;ars of wildfire.: Tyrion shif ed 2nco-for a&ly in his saddle. 6e was 'leased ha Cersei had no &een idle/ &2 wildfire was reachero2s s 2ff/ and en ho2sand ;ars were eno2gh o 2rn all of King.s *anding in o cinders. :3here has -y sis er fo2nd he coin o 'ay for all of his8: i was no secre ha King Ro&er had lef he crown 0as ly in de& / and alche-is s were seldo- -is aken for al r2is s. :*ord *i lefinger always finds a way/ -y lord. 6e has i-'osed a a9 on hose wishing o en er he ci y.: :=es/ ha wo2ld work/: Tyrion said/ hinking/ Cle0er. Cle0er and cr2el. Tens of ho2sands had fled he figh ing for he s2''osed safe y of King.s *anding. 6e had seen he- on he kingsroad/ ro2'es of -o hers and children and an9io2s fa hers who had ga>ed on his horses and wagons wi h co0e o2s eyes. )nce hey reached he ci y hey wo2ld do2& less 'ay o0er all hey had o '2 hose high co-for ing walls &e ween he- and he war . . . ho2gh hey -igh hink wice if hey knew a&o2 he wildfire. The inn &enea h he sign of he &roken an0il s ood wi hin sigh of hose walls/ near he Ga e of he Gods where hey had en ered ha -orning. As hey rode in o i s co2r yard/ a &oy ran o2 o hel' Tyrion down fro- his horse. :Take yo2r -en &ack o he cas le/: he old Vylarr. :I.ll &e s'ending he nigh here.: The ca' ain looked d2&io2s. :3ill yo2 &e safe/ -y lord8: :3ell/ as o ha / Ca' ain/ when I lef he inn his -orning i was f2ll of Black ,ars. )ne is ne0er 42i e safe when Chella da2gh er of Cheyk is a&o2 .: Tyrion waddled oward he door/ lea0ing Vylarr o '2>>le a his -eaning. A g2s of -erri-en gree ed hi- as he sho0ed in o he inn.s co--on

roo-. 6e recogni>ed Chella.s hroa y ch2ckle and he ligh er -2sic of !hae.s la2gh er. The girl was sea ed &y he hear h/ si''ing wine a a ro2nd wooden a&le wi h hree of he Black ,ars he.d lef o g2ard her and a 'l2-' -an whose &ack was o hi-. The innkee'er/ he ass2-ed . . . 2n il !hae called Tyrion &y na-e and he in r2der rose. :My good lord/ I a- so 'leased o see yo2/: he g2shed/ a sof e2n2ch.s s-ile on his 'owdered face. Tyrion s 2-&led. :*ord Varys. I had no ho2gh o see yo2 here.: The ) hers ake hi-/ how did he find he- so 42ickly8 :Forgi0e -e if I in r2de/: Varys said. :I was aken &y a s2dden 2rge o -ee yo2r yo2ng lady.: :=o2ng lady/: !hae re'ea ed/ sa0oring he words. half righ / -.lord. I.- yo2ng.: ,igh een/ Tyrion ho2gh . ,igh een/ and a whore/ &2 42ick of wi / ni-&le as a ca &e ween he shee s/ wi h large dark eyes and fine &lack hair and a swee / sof / h2ngry li le -o2 h . . . and -ine? 1a-n yo2/ e2n2ch. :I fear I.- he in r2der/ *ord Varys/: he said wi h forced co2r esy. :3hen I ca-e in/ yo2 were in he -ids of so-e -erri-en .: :M.lord Varys co-'li-en ed Chella on her ears and said she -2s ha0e killed -any -en o ha0e s2ch a fine necklace/: !hae e9'lained. I gra ed on hi- o hear her call Varys -.lord in ha one< ha was wha she called hi- in heir 'illow 'lay. :And Chella old hi- only cowards kill he 0an42ished.: :Bra0er o lea0e he -an ali0e/ wi h a chance o cleanse his sha-e &y winning &ack his ear/: e9'lained Chella/ a s-all dark wo-an whose grisly neckware was h2ng wi h no less han for y7si9 dried/ wrinkled ears. Tyrion had co2n ed he- once. :)nly so can yo2 'ro0e yo2 do no fear yo2r ene-ies.: !hae hoo ed. :And hen -.lord says if he was a Black ,ar he.d ne0er slee'/ for drea-s of one7eared -en.: :A 'ro&le- I will ne0er need face/: Tyrion said. :I.- errified of -y ene-ies/ so I kill he- all.: Varys giggled. :3ill yo2 ake so-e wine wi h 2s/ -y lord8: :I.ll ake so-e wine.: Tyrion sea ed hi-self &eside !hae. 6e 2nders ood wha was ha''ening here/ if Chella and he girl did no . Varys was deli0ering a -essage. 3hen he said/ I was aken &y a s2dden 2rge o -ee yo2r yo2ng lady/ wha he -ean was/ =o2 ried o hide her/ &2 I knew where she was/ and who she was/ and here I a-. 6e wondered who had &e rayed hi-. The innkee'er/ ha &oy in he s a&le/ a g2ard on he ga e . . . or one of his own8 :I always like o re 2rn o he ci y hro2gh he Ga e of he Gods/: Varys old !hae as he filled he wine c2's. :The car0ings on he ga eho2se are e942isi e/ hey -ake -e wee' each i-e I see he-. The eyes . . . so e9'ressi0e/ don. yo2 hink8 They al-os see- o follow yo2 as yo2 ride &enea h he 'or c2llis.: :I ne0er no iced/ -.lord/: !hae re'lied. :I.ll look again on he -orrow/ if i 'lease yo2.: 1on. &o her/ swee ling/ Tyrion ho2gh / swirling he wine in he c2'. 6e cares no a whi a&o2 car0ings. The eyes he &oas s of are his own. 3ha he -eans is ha he was wa ching/ ha he knew we were here he -o-en we 'assed hro2gh he ga es. :1o &e caref2l/ child/: Varys 2rged. :King.s *anding is no wholly safe hese days. I know hese s ree s well/ and ye I al-os feared o co-e oday/ alone and 2nar-ed as I was. *awless -en are e0erywhere in his dark i-e/ oh/ yes. Men wi h cold s eel and colder hear s.: 3here I can co-e alone and 2nar-ed/ o hers can co-e wi h swords in heir fis s/ he was saying.

!hae only la2ghed. :If hey ry and &o her -e/ hey.ll &e one ear shor when Chella r2ns he- off.: Varys hoo ed as if ha was he f2nnies hing he had e0er heard/ &2 here was no la2gh er in his eyes when he 2rned he- on Tyrion. :=o2r yo2ng lady has an a-ia&le way o her. I sho2ld ake 0ery good care of her if I were yo2.: :I in end o. Any -an who ries o har- her7well/ I.- oo s-all o &e a Black ,ar/ and I -ake no clai-s o co2rage.: !ee8 I s'eak he sa-e ong2e yo2 do/ e2n2ch. 62r her/ and I.ll ha0e yo2r head. :I will lea0e yo2.: Varys rose. :I know how weary yo2 -2s &e. I only wished o welco-e yo2/ -y lord/ and ell yo2 how 0ery 'leased I a- &y yo2r arri0al. 3e ha0e dire need of yo2 on he co2ncil. 6a0e yo2 seen he co-e 8 : :I.- shor / no &lind/: Tyrion said. )2 on he kingsroad/ i had see-ed o co0er half he sky/ o2 shining he crescen -oon. :In he s ree s/ hey call i he Red Messenger/: Varys said. :They say i co-es as a herald &efore a king/ o warn of fire and &lood o follow.: The e2n2ch r2&&ed his 'owdered hands oge her. :May I lea0e yo2 wi h a &i of a riddle/ *ord Tyrion8: 6e did no wai for an answer. :In a roo- si hree grea -en/ a king/ a 'ries / and a rich -an wi h his gold. Be ween he- s ands a sellsword/ a li le -an of co--on &ir h and no grea -ind. ,ach of he grea ones &ids hi- slay he o her wo. .1o i . says he king/ .for I a- yo2r lawf2l r2ler.. .1o i . says he 'ries / .for I co--and yo2 in he na-es of he gods.. .1o i . says he rich -an/ .and all his gold shall &e yo2rs.. !o ell -e7 who li0es and who dies8: Bowing dee'ly/ he e2n2ch h2rried fro- he co--on roo- on sof sli''ered fee . 3hen he was gone/ Chella ga0e a snor and !hae wrinkled 2' her 're y face. :The rich -an li0es. 1oesn. he8: Tyrion si''ed a his wine/ ho2gh f2l. :(erha's. )r no . Tha wo2ld de'end on he sellsword/ i see-s.: 6e se down his c2'. :Co-e/ le .s go 2's airs.: !he had o wai for hi- a he o' of he s e's/ for her legs were sliand s2''le while his were shor and s 2n ed and f2ll of aches. B2 she was s-iling when he reached her. :1id yo2 -iss -e8: she eased as she ook his hand. :1es'era ely/: Tyrion ad-i ed. !hae only s ood a shade o0er fi0e fee / ye s ill he -2s look 2' o her . . . &2 in her case he fo2nd he did no -ind. !he was swee o look 2' a . :=o2.ll -iss -e all he i-e in yo2r Red Kee'/: she said as she led hio her roo-. :All alone in yo2r cold &ed in yo2r Tower of he 6and.: :Too r2e.: Tyrion wo2ld gladly ha0e ke' her wi h hi-/ &2 his lord fa her had for&idden i . =o2 will no ake he whore o co2r / *ord Tywin had co--anded. Bringing her o he ci y was as -2ch defiance as he dared. All his a2 hori y deri0ed fro- his fa her/ he girl had o 2nders and ha . :=o2 won. &e far/: he 'ro-ised. :=o2.ll ha0e a ho2se/ wi h g2ards and ser0an s/ and I.ll 0isi as of en as I.- a&le.: !hae kicked sh2 he door. Thro2gh he clo2dy 'anes of he narrow window/ he co2ld -ake o2 he Grea !e' of Baelor crowning Visenya.s 6ill &2 Tyrion was dis rac ed &y a differen sigh . Bending/ !hae ook her gown &y he he-/ drew i o0er her head/ and ossed i aside. !he did no &elie0e in s-allclo hes. :=o2.ll ne0er &e a&le o res /: she said as she s ood &efore hi-/ 'ink and n2de and lo0ely/ one hand &raced on her hi'. :=o2.ll hink of -e e0ery i-e yo2 go o &ed. Then yo2.ll ge hard and yo2.ll ha0e no one o hel' yo2 and yo2.ll ne0er &e a&le o slee' 2nless yo2:7she grinned ha wicked grin Tyrion liked so well7:is ha why

hey call i he Tower of he 6and/ -.lord8: :Be 42ie and kiss -e/: he co--anded. 6e co2ld as e he wine on her li's/ and feel her s-all fir- &reas s 'ressed agains hi- as her fingers -o0ed o he lacings of his &reeches. :My lion/: she whis'ered when he &roke off he kiss o 2ndress. :My swee lord/ -y gian of *annis er.: Tyrion '2shed her oward he &ed. 3hen he en ered her/ she screa-ed lo2d eno2gh o wake Baelor he Blessed in his o-&/ and her nails lef go2ges in his &ack. 6e.d ne0er had a 'ain he liked half so well. Fool/ he ho2gh o hi-self af erward/ as hey lay in he cen er of he sagging -a ress a-ids he r2-'led shee s. 3ill yo2 ne0er learn/ dwarf8 !he.s a whore/ da-n yo2/ i .s yo2r coin she lo0es/ no yo2r cock. Re-e-&er Tysha8 =e when his fingers railed ligh ly o0er one ni''le/ i s iffened a he o2ch/ and he co2ld see he -ark on her &reas where he.d &i en her in his 'assion. :!o wha will yo2 do/ -.lord/ now ha he 6and of he King8: !hae asked hi- as he c2''ed ha war- swee flesh. :!o-e hing Cersei will ne0er e9'ec /: Tyrion -2r-2red sof ly agains her slender neck. :I.ll do . . . ;2s ice.: C6A(T,R D BRA5 Bran 'referred he hard s one of he window sea o he co-for s of his fea her&ed and &lanke s. A&ed/ he walls 'ressed close and he ceiling h2ng hea0y a&o0e hi-< a&ed/ he roo- was his cell/ and 3in erfell his 'rison. =e o2 side his window/ he wide world s ill called. 6e co2ld no walk/ nor cli-& nor h2n nor figh wi h a wooden sword as once he had/ &2 he co2ld s ill look. 6e liked o wa ch he windows &egin o glow all o0er 3in erfell as candles and hear h fires were li &ehind he dia-ond7sha'ed 'anes of ower and hall/ and he lo0ed o lis en o he direwol0es sing o he s ars. )f la e/ he of en drea-ed of wol0es. They are alking o -e/ &ro her o &ro her/ he old hi-self when he direwol0es howled. 6e co2ld al-os 2nders and he- . . . no 42i e/ no r2ly/ &2 al-os . . . as if hey were singing in a lang2age he had once known and so-ehow forgo en. The 3alders -igh &e scared of he-/ &2 he ! arks had wolf &lood. )ld 5an old hi- so. :Tho2gh i is s ronger in so-e han in o hers/: she warned. !2--er.s howls were long and sad/ f2ll of grief and longing. !haggydog.s were -ore sa0age. Their 0oices echoed hro2gh he yards and halls 2n il he cas le rang and i see-ed as ho2gh so-e grea 'ack of direwol0es ha2n ed 3in erfell/ ins ead of only wo . . . wo where here had once &een si9. 1o hey -iss heir &ro hers and sis ers oo8 Bran wondered. Are hey calling o Grey 3ind and Ghos / o 5y-eria and *ady.s !hade8 1o hey wan he- o co-e ho-e and &e a 'ack oge her8 :3ho can know he -ind of a wolf8: !er Rodrik Cassel said when Bran asked hi- why hey howled. Bran.s lady -o her had na-ed hi- cas ellan of 3in erfell in her a&sence/ and his d2 ies lef hi- li le i-e for idle 42es ions. :I .s freedo- calling for/: declared Farlen/ who was kennel-as er and had no -ore lo0e for he direwol0es han his ho2nds did. :They don. like &eing walled 2'/ and who.s o &la-e he-8 3ild hings &elong in he wild/ no in a cas le.: :They wan o h2n /: agreed Gage he cook as he ossed c2&es of s2e in a grea ke le of s ew. :A wolf s-ells &e er.n any -an. *ike as no / hey.0e ca2gh he scen o. 'rey.:

Maes er *2win did no hink so. :3ol0es of en howl a he -oon. These are howling a he co-e . !ee how &righ i is/ Bran8 (erchance hey hink i is he -oon.: 3hen Bran re'ea ed ha o )sha/ she la2ghed alo2d. :=o2r wol0es ha0e -ore wi han yo2r -aes er/: he wildling wo-an said. :They know r2 hs he grey -an has forgo en.: The way she said i -ade hi- shi0er/ and when he asked wha he co-e -ean / she answered/ :Blood and fire/ &oy/ and no hing swee .: Bran asked !e' on Chayle a&o2 he co-e while hey were sor ing hro2gh so-e scrolls sna ched fro- he li&rary fire. :I is he sword ha slays he season/: he re'lied/ and soon af er he whi e ra0en ca-e fro- )ld own &ringing word of a2 2-n/ so do2& less he was righ . Tho2gh )ld 5an did no hink so/ and she.d li0ed longer han any of he-. :1ragons/: she said/ lif ing her head and sniffing. !he was near &lind and co2ld no see he co-e / ye she clai-ed she co2ld s-ell i . :I &e dragons/ &oy/: she insis ed. Bran go no 'rinces fro- 5an/ no -ore han he e0er had. 6odor said only/ :6odor.: Tha was all he e0er said. And s ill he direwol0es howled. The g2ards on he walls -2 ered c2rses/ ho2nds in he kennels &arked f2rio2sly/ horses kicked a heir s alls/ he 3alders shi0ered &y heir fire/ and e0en Maes er *2win co-'lained of slee'less nigh s. )nly Bran did no -ind. !er Rodrik had confined he wol0es o he godswood af er !haggydog &i *i le 3alder/ &2 he s ones of 3in erfell 'layed 42eer ricks wi h so2nd/ and so-e i-es i so2nded as if hey were in he yard righ &elow Bran.s window. ) her i-es he wo2ld ha0e sworn hey were 2' on he c2r ain walls/ lo'ing ro2nd like sen ries. 6e wished ha he co2ld see he-. 6e co2ld see he co-e hanging a&o0e he G2ards 6all and he Bell Tower/ and far her &ack he Firs Kee'/ s42a and ro2nd/ i s gargoyles &lack sha'es agains he &r2ised '2r'le d2sk. )nce Bran had known e0ery s one of hose &2ildings/ inside and o2 < he had cli-&ed heall/ sca-'ering 2' walls as easily as o her &oys ran down s airs. Their roof o's had &een his secre 'laces/ and he crows a o' he &roken ower his s'ecial friends. And hen he had fallen. Bran did no re-e-&er falling/ ye hey said he had/ so he s2''osed i -2s &e r2e. 6e had al-os died. 3hen he saw he wea herworn gargoyles a o' he Firs Kee' where i had ha''ened/ he go a 42eer igh feeling in his &elly. And now he co2ld no cli-&/ nor walk nor r2n nor swordfigh / and he drea-s he.d drea-ed of knigh hood had so2red in his head. !2--er had howled he day Bran had fallen/ and for long af er as he lay &roken in his &ed< Ro&& had old hi- so &efore he wen away o war. !2--er had -o2rned for hi-/ and !haggydog and Grey 3ind had ;oined in his grief. And he nigh he &loody ra0en had &ro2gh word of heir fa her.s dea h/ he wol0es had known ha oo. Bran had &een in he -aes er.s 2rre wi h Rickon alking of he children of he fores when !2--er and !haggydog had drowned o2 *2win wi h heir howls. 3ho are hey -o2rning now8 6ad so-e ene-y slain he King in he 5or h/ who 2sed o &e his &ro her Ro&&8 6ad his &as ard &ro her @on !now fallen fro- he 3all8 6ad his -o her died/ or one of his sis ers8 )r was his so-e hing else/ as -aes er and se' on and )ld 5an see-ed o hink8 If I were r2ly a direwolf/ I wo2ld 2nders and he song/ he ho2gh wis f2lly. In his wolf drea-s/ he co2ld race 2' he sides of -o2n ains/ ;agged icy -o2n ains aller han any ower/ and s and a he s2--i

&enea h he f2ll -oon wi h all he world &elow hi-/ he way i 2sed o &e. :)ooo/: Bran cried en a i0ely. 6e c2''ed his hands aro2nd his -o2 h and lif ed his head o he co-e . :)oooooooooooooooooo/ ahooooooooooooooo/ : he howled. i so2nded s 2'id/ high and hollow and 42a0ering/ a li le &oy.s howl/ no a wolf.s. =e !2--er ga0e answer/ his dee' 0oice drowning o2 Bran.s hin one/ and !haggydog -ade i a chor2s. Bran haroooed again. They howled oge her/ las of heir 'ack. The noise &ro2gh a g2ard o his door/ 6ayhead wi h he wen on his nose. 6e 'eered in/ saw Bran howling o2 he window/ and said/ :3ha .s his/ -y 'rince8: I -ade Bran feel 42eer when hey called hi- 'rince/ ho2gh he was Ro&&.s heir/ and Ro&& was King in he 5or h now. 6e 2rned his head o howl a he g2ard. :)ooooooo. )o7oo7oooooooooooo. : 6ayhead screwed 2' his face. :5ow yo2 s o' ha here.: :0oo70oo70ooooo. 0oo70oo70oooooooooooooooo. : The g2ards-an re rea ed. 3hen he ca-e &ack/ Maes er *2win was wi h hi-/ all in grey/ his chain igh a&o2 his neck. :Bran/ hose &eas s -ake s2fficien noise wi ho2 yo2r hel'.: 6e crossed he roo- and '2 his hand on he &oy.s &row. :The ho2r grows la e/ yo2 o2gh o &e fas aslee'.: :I.- alking o he wol0es.: Bran &r2shed he hand away. :!hall I ha0e 6ayhead carry yo2 o yo2r &ed8: :I can ge o &ed -yself.: Mikken had ha--ered a row of iron &ars in o he wall/ so Bran co2ld '2ll hi-self a&o2 he roo- wi h his ar-s. I was slow and hard and i -ade his sho2lders ache/ &2 he ha ed &eing carried. :Anyway/ I don. ha0e o slee' if I don. wan o.: :All -en -2s slee'/ Bran. ,0en 'rinces.: :3hen I slee' I 2rn in o a wolf.: Bran 2rned his face away and looked &ack o2 in o he nigh . :1o wol0es drea-8: :All crea 2res drea-/ I hink/ ye no as -en do.: :1o dead -en drea-8: Bran asked/ hinking of his fa her. In he dark cry' s &elow 3in erfell/ a s one-ason was chiseling o2 his fa her.s likeness in grani e. :!o-e say yes/ so-e no/: he -aes er answered. :The dead he-sel0es are silen on he -a er.: :1o rees drea-8: :Trees8 5o . . .: :They do/: Bran said wi h s2dden cer ain y. :They drea- ree drea-s. I drea- of a ree so-e i-es. A weirwood/ like he one in he godswood. I calls o -e. The wolf drea-s are &e er. I s-ell hings/ and so-e i-es I can as e he &lood.: Maes er *2win 2gged a his chain where i chafed his neck. :If yo2 wo2ld only s'end -ore i-e wi h he o her children7: :I ha e he o her children/: Bran said/ -eaning he 3alders. :I co--anded yo2 o send he- away.: *2win grew s ern. :The Freys are yo2r lady -o her.s wards/ sen here o &e fos ered a her e9'ress co--and. I is no for yo2 o e9'el he-/ nor is i kind. If we 2rned he- o2 / where wo2ld hey go8: :6o-e. I .s heir fa2l yo2 won. le -e ha0e !2--er.: :The Frey &oy did no ask o &e a acked/: he -aes er said/ :no -ore han I did.: :Tha was !haggydog.: Rickon.s &ig &lack wolf was so wild he e0en frigh ened Bran a i-es. :!2--er ne0er &i anyone.: :!2--er ri''ed o2 a -an.s hroa in his 0ery cha-&er/ or ha0e yo2 forgo en8 The r2 h is/ hose swee '2's yo2 and yo2r &ro hers fo2nd in he snow ha0e grown in o dangero2s &eas s. The Frey &oys are wise o

&e wary of he-.: :3e sho2ld '2 he 3alders in he godswood. They co2ld 'lay lord of he crossing all hey wan / and !2--er co2ld slee' wi h -e again. If I.he 'rince/ why won. yo2 heed -e8 I wan ed o ride 1ancer/ &2 Ale&elly wo2ldn. le -e 'as he ga e.: :And righ ly so. The wolfswood is f2ll of danger< yo2r las ride sho2ld ha0e a2gh yo2 ha . 3o2ld yo2 wan so-e o2 law o ake yo2 ca' i0e and sell yo2 o he *annis ers8: :!2--er wo2ld sa0e -e/: Bran insis ed s 2&&ornly. :(rinces sho2ld &e allowed o sail he sea and h2n &oar in he wolfswood and ;o2s wi h lances.: :Bran/ child/ why do yo2 or-en yo2rself so8 )ne day yo2 -ay do so-e of hese hings/ &2 now yo2 are only a &oy of eigh .: :I.d sooner &e a wolf. Then I co2ld li0e in he wood and slee' when I wan ed/ and I co2ld find Arya and !ansa. I.d s-ell where hey were and go sa0e he-/ and when Ro&& wen o &a le I.d figh &eside hi- like Grey 3ind. I.d ear o2 he Kingslayer.s hroa wi h -y ee h/ ri'/ and hen he war wo2ld &e o0er and e0eryone wo2ld co-e &ack o 3in erfell. If I was a wolf . . . : 6e howled. :)oo7ooo7oooooooooooo. *2win raised his 0oice. :A r2e 'rince wo2ld welcorne7: :AA6)))))))/: Bran howled/ lo2der. :AA6000000000000: The -aes er s2rrendered. :As yo2 will/ child.: 3i h a look ha was 'ar grief and 'ar disg2s / he lef he &edcha-&er. 6owling los i s sa0or once Bran was alone. Af er a i-e he 42ie ed. I did welco-e he-/ he old hi-self/ resen f2l. I was he lord in 3in erfell/ a r2e lord/ he can. say I wasn. . 3hen he 3alders had arri0ed fro- he Twins/ i had &een Rickon who wan ed he- gone. A &a&y of fo2r/ he had screa-ed ha he wan ed Mo her and Fa her and Ro&&/ no hese s rangers. I had &een 2' o Bran o soo he hi- and &id he Freys welco-e. 6e had offered he- -ea and -ead and a sea &y he fire/ and e0en Maes er *2win had said af erward ha he.d done well. )nly ha was &efore he ga-e. The ga-e was 'layed wi h a log/ a s aff/ a &ody of wa er/ and a grea deal of sho2 ing. The wa er was he -os i-'or an / 3alder and 3alder ass2red Bran. =o2 co2ld 2se a 'lank or e0en a series of s ones/ and a &ranch co2ld &e yo2r s aff. =o2 didn. ha0e o sho2 . B2 wi ho2 wa er/ here was no ga-e. As Maes er *2win and !er Rodrik were no a&o2 o le he children go wandering off in o he wolfswood in search of a s rea-/ hey -ade do wi h one of he -2rky 'ools in he godswood. 3alder and 3alder had ne0er seen ho wa er &2&&ling fro- he gro2nd &efore/ &2 hey &o h allowed how i wo2ld -ake he ga-e e0en &e er. Bo h of he- were called 3alder Frey. Big 3alder said here were &2nches of 3alders a he Twins/ all na-ed af er he &oys. grandfa her/ *ord 3alder Frey. :3e ha0e o2r own na-es a 3in erfell/: Rickon old he- ha2gh ily when he heard ha . The way heir ga-e was 'layed/ yo2 laid he log across he wa er/ and one 'layer s ood in he -iddle wi h he s ick. 6e was he lord of he crossing/ and when one of he o her 'layers ca-e 2'/ he had o say/ :I a- he lord of he crossing/ who goes here8: And he o her 'layer had o -ake 2' a s'eech a&o2 who hey were and why hey sho2ld &e allowed o cross. The lord co2ld -ake he- swear oa hs and answer 42es ions. They didn. ha0e o ell he r2 h/ &2 he oa hs were &inding 2nless hey said :May&a's/: so he rick was o say :Mayha's: so he lord of he crossing didn. no ice. Then yo2 co2ld ry and knock he lord in o he wa er and yo2 go o &e lord of he crossing/ &2 only if yo2.d said :Mayha's.: ) herwise yo2 were o2 of he ga-e. The lord go o knock anyone in he wa er any i-e he 'leased/ and he was he only one

who go o 2se a s ick. In 'rac ice/ he ga-e see-ed o co-e down o -os ly sho0ing/ hi ing/ and falling in o he wa er/ along wi h a lo of lo2d arg2-en s a&o2 whe her or no so-eone had said :Mayha's.: *i le 3alder was lord of he crossing -ore of en han no . 6e was *i le 3alder e0en ho2gh he was all and s o2 / wi h a red face and a &ig ro2nd &elly. Big 3alder was shar'7faced and skinny and half a foo shor er. :6e.s fif y7 wo days older han -e/: *i le 3alder e9'lained/ :so he was &igger a firs / &2 I grew fas er.: co2sins/ no &ro hers/: added Big 3alder/ he li le one. :I.3alder son of @a--os. My fa her was *ord 3alder.s son &y his fo2r h wife. 6e.s 3alder son of Merre . 6is grand-o her was *ord 3alder.s hird wife/ he Crakehall. 6e.s ahead of -e in he line of s2ccession e0en ho2gh I.- older.: :)nly &y fif y7 wo days/: *i le 3alder o&;ec ed. :And nei her of 2s will e0er hold he Twins/ s 2'id.: :I will/: Big 3alder declared. no he only 3alders ei her. !er ! e0ron has a grandson/ Black 3alder/ he.s fo2r h in line of s2ccession/ and here.s Red 3alder/ !er ,--on.s son/ and Bas ard 3alder/ who isn. in he line a all. 6e.s called 3alder Ri0ers no 3alder Frey. (l2s here.s girls na-ed 3alda.: :And Tyr. =o2 always forge Tyr.: :6e.s 3al yr/ no 3alder/: Big 3alder said airily. :And he.s af er 2s/ so he doesn. -a er. Anyhow/ I ne0er liked hi-.: !er Rodrik decreed ha hey wo2ld share @on !now.s old &edcha-&er/ since @on was in he 5igh .s 3a ch and ne0er co-ing &ack. Bran ha ed ha < i -ade hi- feel as if he Freys were rying o s eal @on.s 'lace. 6e had wa ched wis f2lly while he 3alders con es ed wi h T2rni' he cook.s &oy and @ose h.s girls Bandy and !hyra. The 3alders had decreed ha Bran sho2ld &e he ;2dge and decide whe her or no 'eo'le had said :May&a's/: &2 as soon as hey s ar ed 'laying hey forgo all a&o2 hi-. The sho2 s and s'lashes soon drew o hersB (alla he kennel girl/ Cayn.s &oy Calon/ To-Too whose fa her Fa To- had died wi h Bran.s fa her a King.s *anding. Before 0ery long/ e0ery one of he- was soaked and -2ddy. (alla was &rown fro- head o heel/ wi h -oss in her hair/ &rea hless fro- la2gh er. Bran had no heard so -2ch la2ghing since he nigh he &loody ra0en ca-e. If I had -y legs/ I.d knock all of hein o he wa er/ he ho2gh &i erly. 5o one wo2ld e0er &e lord of he crossing &2 -e. Finally Rickon ca-e r2nning in o he godswood/ !haggydog a his heels. 6e wa ched T2rni' and *i le 3alder s r2ggle for he s ick 2n il T2rni' los his foo ing and wen in wi h a h2ge s'lash/ ar-s wa0ing. Rickon yelled/ :Me? Me now? I wan o 'lay?: *i le 3alder &eckoned hi- on/ and !haggydog s ar ed o follow. :5o/ !haggy/: his &ro her co--anded. :3ol0es can. 'lay. =o2 s ay wi h Bran.: And he did . . . . . . 2n il *i le 3alder had s-acked Rickon wi h he s ick/ s42are across his &elly. Before Bran co2ld &link/ he &lack wolf was flying o0er he 'lank/ here was &lood in he wa er/ he 3alders were shrieking red -2rder/ Rickon sa in he -2d la2ghing/ and 6odor ca-e l2-&ering in sho2 ing :6odor? 6odor? 6odor?: Af er ha / oddly/ Rickon decided he liked he 3alders. They ne0er 'layed lord of he crossing again/ &2 hey 'layed o her ga-es7-ons ers and -aidens/ ra s and ca s/ co-e7in o7-y7cas le/ all sor s of hings. 3i h Rickon &y heir side/ he 3alders 'l2ndered he ki chens for 'ies and honeyco-&s/ raced ro2nd he walls/ ossed &ones o he '2's in he kennels/ and rained wi h wooden swords 2nder !er Rodrik.s shar' eye.

Rickon e0en showed he- he dee' 0a2l s 2nder he ear h where he s one-ason was car0ing fa her.s o-&. :=o2 had no righ ?: Bran screa-ed a his &ro her when he heard. :Tha was o2r 'lace/ a ! ark 'lace?: B2 Rickon ne0er cared. The door o his &edcha-&er o'ened. Maes er *2win was carrying a green ;ar/ and his i-e )sha and 6ayhead ca-e wi h hi-. :I.0e -ade yo2 a slee'ing dra2gh / Bran.: )sha scoo'ed hi- 2' in her &ony ar-s. !he was 0ery all for a wo-an/ and wiry s rong. !he &ore hi- effor lessly o his &ed. :This will gi0e yo2 drea-less slee'/: Maes er *2win said as he '2lled he s o''er fro- he ;ar. :!wee / drea-less slee'.: :I will8: Bran said/ wan ing o &elie0e. :=es. 1rink.: Bran drank. The 'o ion was hick and chalky/ &2 here was honey in i so i wen down easy. :Co-e he -orn/ yo2.ll feel &e er.: *2win ga0e Bran a s-ile and a 'a as he ook his lea0e. )sha lingered &ehind. :Is i he wolf drea-s again8: Bran nodded. :=o2 sho2ld no figh so hard/ &oy. I see yo2 alking o he hear ree. Migh &e he gods are rying o alk &ack.: :The gods8: he -2r-2red/ drowsy already. )sha.s face grew &l2rry and grey. !wee / drea-less slee'/ Bran ho2gh . =e when he darkness closed o0er hi-/ he fo2nd hi-self in he godswood/ -o0ing silen ly &enea h green7grey sen inels and gnarled oaks as old as i-e. I a- walking/ he ho2gh / e92l ing. (ar of hi- knew ha i was only a drea-/ &2 e0en he drea- of walking was &e er han he r2 h of his &edcha-&er/ walls and ceiling and door. I was dark a-ongs he rees/ &2 he co-e li his way/ and his fee were s2re. 6e was -o0ing on fo2r good legs/ s rong and swif / and he co2ld feel he gro2nd 2nderfoo / he sof crackling of fallen lea0es/ hick roo s and hard s ones/ he dee' layers of h2-2s. I was a good feeling. The s-ells filled his head/ ali0e and in o9ica ing< he green -2ddy s ink of he ho 'ools/ he 'erf2-e of rich ro ing ear h &enea h his 'aws/ he s42irrels in he oaks. The scen of s42irrel -ade hire-e-&er he as e of ho &lood and he way he &ones wo2ld crack &e ween his ee h. !la0er filled his -o2 h. 6e had ea en no -ore han half a day 'as / &2 here was no ;oy in dead -ea / e0en deer. 6e co2ld hear he s42irrels chi ering and r2s ling a&o0e hi-/ safe a-ong heir lea0es/ &2 hey knew &e er han o co-e down o where his &ro her and he were 'rowling. 6e co2ld s-ell his &ro her oo/ a fa-iliar scen / s rong and ear hy/ his scen as &lack as his coa . 6is &ro her was lo'ing aro2nd he walls/ f2ll of f2ry. Ro2nd and ro2nd he wen / nigh af er day af er nigh / ireless/ searching . . . for 'rey/ for a way o2 / for his -o her/ his li er-a es/ his 'ack . . . searching/ searching/ and ne0er finding. Behind he rees he walls rose/ 'iles of dead -an7rock ha loo-ed all a&o2 his s'eck of li0ing wood. !'eckled grey hey rose/ and -oss7 s'o ed/ ye hick and s rong and higher han any wolf co2ld ho'e o lea'. Cold iron and s'lin ery wood closed off he only holes hro2gh he 'iled s ones ha he--ed he- in. 6is &ro her wo2ld s o' a e0ery hole and &are his fangs in rage/ &2 he ways s ayed closed. 6e had done he sa-e he firs nigh / and learned ha i was no good. !narls wo2ld o'en no 'a hs here. Circling he walls wo2ld no '2sh he- &ack. *if ing a leg and -arking he rees wo2ld kee' no -en away.

The world had igh ened aro2nd he-/ &2 &eyond he walled wood s ill s ood he grea grey ca0es of -an7rock. 3in erfell/ he re-e-&ered/ he so2nd co-ing o hi- s2ddenly. Beyond i s sky7 all -an7cliffs he r2e world was calling/ and he knew he -2s answer or die. C6A(T,R E AR=A They ra0eled dawn o d2sk/ 'as woods and orchards and nea ly ended fields/ hro2gh s-all 0illages/ crowded -arke owns/ and s o2 holdfas s. Co-e dark/ hey wo2ld -ake ca-' and ea &y he ligh of he Red !word. The -en ook 2rns s anding wa ch. Arya wo2ld gli-'se fireligh flickering hro2gh he rees fro- he ca-'s of o her ra0elers. There see-ed o &e -ore ca-'s e0ery nigh / and -ore raffic on he kingsroad &y day. Morn/ noon/ and nigh hey ca-e/ old folks and li le children/ &ig -en and s-all ones/ &arefoo girls and wo-en wi h &a&es a heir &reas s. !o-e dro0e far- wagons or &2-'ed along in he &ack of o9 car s. More rodeB draf horses/ 'onies/ -2les/ donkeys/ any hing ha wo2ld walk or r2n or roll. )ne wo-an led a -ilk cow wi h a li le girl on i s &ack. Arya saw a s-i h '2shing a wheel&arrow wi h his ools inside/ ha--ers and ongs and e0en an an0il/ and a li le while la er a differen -an wi h a differen wheel&arrow/ only inside his one were wo &a&ies in a &lanke . Mos ca-e on foo / wi h heir goods on heir sho2lders and weary/ wary looks 2'on heir faces. They walked so2 h/ oward he ci y/ oward King.s *anding/ and only one in a h2ndred s'ared so -2ch as a word for =oren and his charges/ ra0eling nor h. !he wondered why no one else was going he sa-e way as he-. Many of he ra0elers were ar-ed< Arya saw daggers and dirks/ scy hes and a9es/ and here and here a sword. !o-e had -ade cl2&s fro- ree li-&s/ or car0ed kno&&y s affs. They fingered heir wea'ons and ga0e lingering looks a he wagons as hey rolled &y/ ye in he end hey le he col2-n 'ass. Thir y was oo -any/ no -a er wha hey had in hose wagons. *ook wi h yo2r eyes/ !yrio had said/ lis en wi h yo2r ears. )ne day a -adwo-an &egan o screa- a he- fro- he side of he road. :Fools? They.ll kill yo2/ fools?: !he was scarecrow hin/ wi h hollow eyes and &loody fee . The ne9 -orning/ a sleek -erchan on a grey -are reined 2' &y =oren and offered o &2y his wagons and e0ery hing in he- for a 42ar er of heir wor h. :I .s war/ hey.ll ake wha hey wan / yo2.ll do &e er selling o -e/ -y friend.: =oren 2rned away wi h a wis of his crooked sho2lders/ and s'a . Arya no iced he firs gra0e ha sa-e day< a s-all -o2nd &eside he road/ d2g for a child. A crys al had &een se in he sof ear h/ and *o--y wan ed o ake i 2n il he B2ll old hi- he.d &e er lea0e he dead alone. A few leag2es far her on/ (raed 'oin ed o2 -ore gra0es/ a whole row freshly d2g. Af er ha / a day hardly 'assed wi ho2 one. )ne i-e Arya woke in he dark/ frigh ened for no reason she co2ld na-e. A&o0e/ he Red !word shared he sky wi h half a ho2sand s ars. The nigh see-ed oddly 42ie o her/ ho2gh she co2ld hear =oren.s -2 ered snores/ he crackle of he fire/ e0en he -2ffled s irrings of he donkeys. =e so-ehow i fel as ho2gh he world were holding i s &rea h/ and he silence -ade her shi0er. !he wen &ack o slee' cl2 ching 5eedle. Co-e -orning/ when (raed did no awaken/ Arya reali>ed ha i had &een

his co2ghing she had -issed. They d2g a gra0e of heir own hen/ &2rying he sellsword where he.d sle' . =oren s ri''ed hi- of his 0al2a&les &efore hey hrew he dir on hi-. )ne -an clai-ed his &oo s/ ano her his dagger. 6is -ail shir and hel- were 'arceled o2 . 6is longsword =oren handed o he B2ll. :Ar-s like yo2rs/ -igh &e yo2 can learn o 2se his/: he old hi-. A &oy called Tar&er ossed a handf2l of acorns on o' of (raed.s &ody/ so an oak -igh grow o -ark his 'lace. Tha e0ening hey s o''ed in a 0illage a an i0y7co0ered inn. =oren co2n ed he coins in his '2rse and decided hey had eno2gh for a ho -eal. :3e.ll slee' o2 side/ sa-e as e0er/ &2 hey go a &a hho2se here/ if any of yo2 feels he need o. ho wa er and a lick o. soa'.: Arya did no dare/ e0en ho2gh she s-elled as &ad as =oren &y now/ all so2r and s inky. !o-e of he crea 2res li0ing in her clo hes had co-e all he way fro- Flea Bo o- wi h her< i didn. see- righ o drown he-. Tar&er and 6o (ie and he B2ll ;oined he line of -en headed for he 2&s. ) hers se led down in fron of he &a hho2se. The res crowded in o he co--on roo-. =oren e0en sen *o--y o2 wi h ankards for he hree in fe ers/ who.d &een lef chained 2' in he &ack of heir wagon. 3ashed and 2nwashed alike s2''ed on ho 'ork 'ies and &aked a''les. The innkee'er ga0e he- a ro2nd of &eer on he ho2se. :I had a &ro her ook he &lack/ years ago. !er0ing &oy/ cle0er/ &2 one day he go seen filching 'e''er fro- -.lord.s a&le. 6e liked he as e of i / is all. ;2s a 'inch o. 'e''er/ &2 !er Malcol- was a hard -an. =o2 ge 'e''er on he 3all8: 3hen =oren shook his head/ he -an sighed. :!ha-e. *ync lo0ed ha 'e''er.: Arya si''ed a her ankard ca2 io2sly/ &e ween s'oonf2ls of 'ie s ill war- fro- he o0en. 6er fa her so-e i-es le he- ha0e a c2' of &eer/ she re-e-&ered. !ansa 2sed o -ake a face a he as e and say ha wine was e0er so -2ch finer/ &2 Arya had liked i well eno2gh. i -ade her sad o hink of !ansa and her fa her. The inn was f2ll of 'eo'le -o0ing so2 h/ and he co--on roo- er2' ed in scorn when =oren said hey were ra0eling he o her way. :=o2.ll &e &ack soon eno2gh/: he innkee'er 0owed. :There.s no going nor h. 6alf he fields are &2rn / and wha folks are lef are walled 2' inside heir holdfas s. )ne &2nch rides off a dawn and ano her one shows 2' &y d2sk.: :Tha .s no hing o 2s/: =oren insis ed s 2&&ornly. :T2lly or *annis er/ -akes no -a er. The 3a ch akes no 'ar .: *ord T2lly is -y grandfa her/ Arya ho2gh . I -a ered o her/ &2 she chewed her li' and ke' 42ie / lis ening. :I .s -ore han *annis er and T2lly/: he innkee'er said. :There.s wild -en down fro- he Mo2n ains of he Moon/ ry elling he- yo2 ake no 'ar . And he ! arks are in i oo/ he yo2ng lord.s co-e down/ he dead 6and.s son . . .: Arya sa 2' s raigh / s raining o hear. 1id he -ean Ro&&8 :I heard he &oy rides o &a le on a wolf/: said a yellow7haired -an wi h a ankard in his hand. :Fool.s alk.: =oren s'a . :The -an I heard i fro-/ he saw i hi-self. A wolf &ig as a horse/ he swore.: :!wearing don. -ake i r2e/ 6od/: he innkee'er said. :=o2 kee' swearing yo2.ll 'ay wha yo2 owe -e/ and I.0e ye o see a co''er.: The co--on roo- er2' ed in la2gh er/ and he -an wi h he yellow hair 2rned red.

:I .s &een a &ad year for wol0es/: 0ol2n eered a sallow -an in a ra0els ained green cloak. :Aro2nd he Gods ,ye/ he 'acks ha0e grown &older.n anyone can re-e-&er. !hee'/ cows/ dogs/ -akes no -a er/ hey kill as hey like/ and hey go no fear of -en. I .s wor h yo2r life o go in o hose woods &y nigh .: :Ah/ ha .s -ore ales/ and no -ore r2e han he o her.: :I heard he sa-e hing fro- -y co2sin/ and she.s no he sor o lie/: an old wo-an said. :!he says here.s his grea 'ack/ h2ndreds of he-/ -ankillers. The one ha leads he- is a she7wolf/ a &i ch fro- he se0en h hell.: A she7wolf. Arya sloshed her &eer/ wondering. 3as he Gods ,ye near he Triden 8 !he wished she had a -a'. I had &een near he Triden ha she.d lef 5y-eria. !he hadn. wan ed o/ &2 @ory said hey had no choice/ ha if he wolf ca-e &ack wi h he- she.d &e killed for &i ing @offrey/ e0en ho2gh he.d deser0ed i . They.d had o sho2 and screaand hrow s ones/ and i wasn. 2n il a few of Arya.s s ones s r2ck ho-e ha he direwolf had finally s o''ed following he-. !he 'ro&a&ly wo2ldn. e0en know -e now/ Arya ho2gh . )r if she did/ she.d ha e -e. The -an in he green cloak said/ :I heard how his hell&i ch walked in o a 0illage one day . . . a -arke day/ 'eo'le e0erywhere/ and she walks in &old as yo2 'lease and ears a &a&y fro- his -o her.s ar-s. 3hen he ale reached *ord Moo on/ hi- and his sons swore hey.d '2 an end o her. They racked her o her lair wi h a 'ack of wolfho2nds/ and &arely esca'ed wi h heir skins. 5o one of hose dogs ca-e &ack/ no one.: :Tha .s ;2s a s ory/: Arya &l2r ed o2 &efore she co2ld s o' herself. :3ol0es don. ea &a&ies.: :And wha wo2ld yo2 know a&o2 i / lad8: asked he -an in he green cloak. Before she co2ld hink of an answer/ =oren had her &y he ar-. :The &oy.s greensick on &eer/ ha .s all i is.: :5o I.- no . They don. ea &a&ies . . .: :)2 side/ &oy . . . and see ha yo2 s ay here 2n il yo2 learn o sh2 yo2r -o2 h when -en are alking.: 6e ga0e her a s iff sho0e/ oward he side door ha led &ack o he s a&les. :Go on now. !ee ha he s a&le&oy has wa ered o2r horses.: Arya wen o2 side/ s iff wi h f2ry. :They don. /: she -2 ered/ kicking a a rock as she s alked off. I wen rolling and fe ched 2' 2nder he wagons. :Boy/: a friendly 0oice called o2 . :*o0ely &oy.: )ne of he -en in irons was alking o her. 3arily/ Arya a''roached he wagon/ one hand on 5eedle.s hil . The 'risoner lif ed an e-' y ankard/ his chains ra ling. :A -an co2ld 2se ano her as e of &eer. A -an has a hirs / wearing hese hea0y &racele s.: 6e was he yo2nges of he hree/ slender/ fine7fea 2red/ always s-iling. 6is hair was red on one side and whi e on he o her/ all -a ed and fil hy fro- cage and ra0el. :A -an co2ld 2se a &a h oo/: he said/ when he saw he way Arya was looking a hi-. :A &oy co2ld -ake a friend.: :I ha0e friends/: Arya said. :5one I can see/: said he one wi ho2 a nose. 6e was s42a and hick/ wi h h2ge hands. Black hair co0ered his ar-s and legs and ches / e0en his &ack. 6e re-inded Arya of a drawing she had once seen in a &ook/ of an a'e fro- he !2--er Isles. The hole in his face -ade i hard o look a hi- for long. The &ald one o'ened his -o2 h and hissed like so-e i--ense whi e

li>ard. 3hen Arya flinched &ack/ s ar led/ he o'ened his -o2 h wide and waggled his ong2e a her/ only i was -ore a s 2-' han a ong2e. :! o' ha /: she &l2r ed. :A -an does no choose his co-'anions in he &lack cells/: he handso-e one wi h he red7and7whi e hair said. !o-e hing a&o2 he way he alked re-inded her of !yrio< i was he sa-e/ ye differen oo. :These wo/ hey ha0e no co2r esy. A -an -2s ask forgi0eness. =o2 are called Arry/ is ha no so8: :*2-'yhead/: said he noseless one. :*2-'yhead *2-'yface ! ick&oy. 6a0e a care/ *ora h/ he.ll hi yo2 wi h his s ick.: :A -an -2s &e asha-ed of he co-'any he kee's/ Arry/: he handso-e one said. :This -an has he honor o &e @a4en 6ghar/ once of he Free Ci y of *ora h. 3o2ld ha he were ho-e. This -an.s ill7&red co-'anions in ca' i0i y are na-ed Rorge:7he wa0ed his ankard a he noseless -an7:and Bi er.: Bi er hissed a her again/ dis'laying a -o2 hf2l of yellowed ee h filed in o 'oin s. :A -an -2s ha0e so-e na-e/ is ha no so8 Bi er canno s'eak and Bi er canno wri e/ ye his ee h are 0ery shar'/ so a -an calls hi- Bi er and he s-iles. Are yo2 char-ed8: Arya &acked away fro- he wagon. :5o.: They can. h2r -e/ she old herself/ all chained 2'. 6e 2rned his ankard 2'side down. :A -an -2s wee'.: Rorge/ he noseless one/ fl2ng his drinking c2' a her wi h a c2rse. 6is -anacles -ade hi- cl2-sy/ ye e0en so he wo2ld ha0e sen he hea0y 'ew er ankard crashing in o her head if Arya hadn. lea' aside. :=o2 ge 2s so-e &eer/ 'i-'le. 5ow?: :=o2 sh2 yo2r -o2 h?: Arya ried o hink wha !yrio wo2ld ha0e done. !he drew her wooden 'rac ice sword. :Co-e closer/: Rorge said/ :and I.ll sho0e ha s ick 2' yo2r &2nghole and f2ck yo2 &loody.: Fear c2 s dee'er han swords. Arya -ade herself a''roach he wagon. ,0ery s e' was harder han he one &efore. Fierce as a wol0erine/ calas s ill wa er. The words sang in her head. !yrio wo2ld no ha0e &een afraid. !he was al-os close eno2gh o o2ch he wheel when Bi er l2rched o his fee and gra&&ed for her/ his irons clanking and ra ling. The -anacles &ro2gh his hands 2' shor / half a foo fro- her face. 6e hissed. !he hi hi-. 6ard/ righ &e ween his li le eyes. !crea-ing/ Bi er reeled &ack/ and hen hrew all his weigh agains his chains. The links sli hered and 2rned and grew a2 / and Arya heard he creak of old dry wood as he grea iron rings s rained agains he floor&oards of he wagon. 62ge 'ale hands gro'ed for her while 0eins &2lged along Bi er.s ar-s/ &2 he &onds held/ and finally he -an colla'sed &ackward. Blood ran fro- he wee'ing sores on his cheeks. :A &oy has -ore co2rage han sense/: he one who had na-ed hi-self @a4en 6.ghar o&ser0ed. Arya edged &ackward away fro- he wagon. 3hen she fel he hand on her sho2lder/ she whirled/ &ringing 2' her s ick sword again/ &2 i was only he B2ll. :3ha are yo2 doing8: 6e raised his hands defensi0ely. :=oren said none of 2s sho2ld go near hose hree.: :They don. scare -e/: Arya said. :Then s 2'id. They scare -e.: The B2ll.s hand fell o he hil of his sword/ and Rorge &egan o la2gh. :*e .s ge away fro- he-.: Arya sc2ffed a he gro2nd wi h her foo / &2 she le he B2ll lead her aro2nd o he fron of he inn. Rorge.s la2gh er and Bi er.s hissing followed he-. :3an o figh 8: she asked he B2ll. !he wan ed o hi so-e hing.

6e &linked a her/ s ar led. ! rands of hick &lack hair/ s ill we fro- he &a hho2se/ fell across his dee' &l2e eyes. :I.d h2r yo2.: :=o2 wo2ld no .: :=o2 don. know how s rong I a-.: :=o2 don. know how 42ick I a-.: asking for i / Arry.: 6e drew (raed.s longsword. :This is chea' s eel/ &2 i .s a real sword.: Arya 2nshea hed 5eedle. :This is good s eel/ so i .s realer han yo2rs.: The B2ll shook his head. :(ro-ise no o cry if I c2 yo28: :I.ll 'ro-ise if yo2 will.: !he 2rned sideways/ in o her wa er dancer.s s ance/ &2 he B2ll did no -o0e. 6e was looking a so-e hing &ehind her. :3ha .s wrong8: :Gold cloaks.: 6is face closed 2' igh . I co2ldn. &e/ Arya ho2gh / &2 when she glanced &ack/ hey were riding 2' he kingsroad/ si9 in he &lack ring-ail and golden cloaks of he Ci y 3a ch. )ne was an officer< he wore a &lack ena-el &reas 'la e orna-en ed wi h fo2r golden disks. They drew 2' in fron of he inn. *ook wi h yo2r eyes/ !yrio.s 0oice see-ed o whis'er. 6er eyes saw whi e la her 2nder heir saddles< he horses had &een ridden long and hard. Cal- as s ill wa er/ she ook he B2ll &y he ar- and drew hi&ack &ehind a all flowering hedge. :3ha is i 8: he asked. :3ha are yo2 doing8 *e go.: :F2ie as a shadow/: she whis'ered/ '2lling hi- down. !o-e of =oren.s o her charges were si ing in fron of he &a hho2se/ wai ing heir 2rn a a 2&. :=o2 -en/: one of he gold cloaks sho2 ed. :=o2 he ones lef o ake he &lack8: :3e -igh &e/: ca-e he ca2 io2s answer. :3e.d ra her ;oin yo2 &oys/: old Reysen said. :3e hear i .s cold on ha 3all.: The gold cloak officer dis-o2n ed. :I ha0e a warran for a cer ain &oy7: =oren s e''ed o2 of he inn/ fingering his angled &lack &eard. :3ho is i wan s his &oy8: The o her gold cloaks were dis-o2n ing o s and &eside heir horses. :3hy are we hiding8: he B2ll whis'ered. :I .s -e hey wan /: Arya whis'ered &ack. 6is ear s-elled of soa'. :=o2 &e 42ie .: :The 42een wan s hi-/ old -an/ no ha i .s yo2r concern/: he officer said/ drawing a ri&&on fro- his &el . :6ere/ 6er Grace.s seal and warran .: Behind he hedge/ he B2ll shook his head do2& f2lly. :3hy wo2ld he 42een wan yo2/ Arry8: !he '2nched his sho2lder. :Be 42ie ?: =oren fingered he warran ri&&on wi h i s &lo& of golden wa9. :(re y.: 6e s'i . :Thing is/ he &oy.s in he 5igh .s 3a ch now. 3ha he done &ack in he ci y don. -ean 'iss7all.: :The 42een.s no in eres ed in yo2r 0iews/ old -an/ and nei her a- I/: he officer said. :I.ll ha0e he &oy.: Arya ho2gh a&o2 r2nning/ &2 she knew she wo2ldn. ge far on her donkey when he gold cloaks had horses. And she was so ired of r2nning. !he.d r2n when !er Meryn ca-e for her/ and again when hey killed her fa her. If she was a real wa er dancer/ she wo2ld go o2 here wi h 5eedle and kill all of he-/ and ne0er r2n fro- anyone e0er again. :=o2.ll ha0e no one/: =oren said s 2&&ornly. :There.s laws on s2ch hings.: The gold cloak drew a shor sword. :6ere.s yo2r law.: =oren looked a he &lade. :Tha .s no law/ ;2s a sword. 6a''ens I go

one oo.: The officer s-iled. :)ld fool. I ha0e fi0e -en wi h -e.: =oren s'a . :6a''ens I go hir y.: The gold cloak la2ghed. :This lo 8: said a &ig lo2 wi h a &roken nose. :3ho.s firs 8: he sho2 ed/ showing his s eel. Tar&er 'l2cked a 'i chfork o2 of a &ale of hay. :I a-.: :5o/ I a-/: called C2 ;ack/ he 'l2-' s one-ason/ '2lling his ha--er off he lea her a'ron he always wore. :Me.: K2r> ca-e 2' off he gro2nd wi h his skinning knife in hand. :Me and hi-.: Koss s r2ng his long&ow. :All of 2s/: said Reysen/ sna ching 2' he all hardwood walking s aff he carried. 1o&&er s e''ed naked o2 of he &a hho2se wi h his clo hes in a &2ndle/ saw wha was ha''ening/ and dro''ed e0ery hing &2 his dagger. :Is i a figh 8: he asked. :I g2ess/: said 6o (ie/ scra-&ling on all fo2rs for a &ig rock o hrow. Arya co2ld no &elie0e wha she was seeing. !he ha ed 6o (ie? 3hy wo2ld he risk hi-self for her8 The one wi h he &roken nose s ill ho2gh i was f2nny. :=o2 girls '2 away he- rocks and s icks &efore yo2 ge s'anked. 5one of yo2 knows wha end of a sword o hold.: :I do?: Arya wo2ldn. le he- die for her like !yrio. !he wo2ldn. ? !ho0ing hro2gh he hedge wi h 5eedle in hand/ she slid in o a wa er dancer.s s ance. Broken 5ose g2ffawed. The officer looked her 2' and down. :(2 he &lade away/ li le girl/ no one wan s o h2r yo2.: :I.- no a girl?: she yelled/ f2rio2s. 3ha was wrong wi h he-8 They rode all his way for her and here she was and hey were ;2s s-iling a her. :I.- he one yo2 wan .: :6e.s he one we wan .: The officer ;a&&ed his shor sword oward he B2ll/ who.d co-e forward o s and &eside her/ (raed.s chea' s eel in his hand. B2 i was a -is ake o ake his eyes off =oren/ e0en for an ins an . F2ick as ha / he &lack &ro her.s sword was 'ressed o he a''le of he officer.s hroa . :5ei her.s he one yo2 ge / less yo2 wan -e o see if yo2r a''le.s ri'e ye . I go -e en/ fif een -ore &ro hers in ha inn/ if yo2 s ill need con0incing. I was yo2/ I.d le loose of ha g2 c2 er/ s'read -y cheeks o0er ha fa li le horse/ and gallo' on &ack o he ci y.: 6e s'a / and 'oked harder wi h he 'oin of his sword. :5ow.: The officer.s fingers 2nc2rled. 6is sword fell in he d2s . :3e.ll ;2s kee' ha /: =oren said. :Good s eel.s always needed on he 3all.: :As yo2 say. For now. Men.: The gold cloaks shea hed and -o2n ed 2'. :=o2.d &es sca-'er 2' o ha 3all of yo2rs in a h2rry/ old -an. The ne9 i-e I ca ch yo2/ I &elie0e I.ll ha0e yo2r head o go wi h he &as ard &oy.s.: :Be er -en han yo2 ha0e ried.: =oren sla''ed he r2-' of he officer.s horse wi h he fla of his sword and sen hi- reeling off down he kingsroad. 6is -en followed. 3hen hey were o2 of sigh / 6o (ie &egan o whoo'/ &2 =oren looked angrier han e0er. :Fool? =o2 hink he.s done wi h 2s8 5e9 i-e he won. 'rance 2' and hand -e no da-n ri&&on. Ge he res o2 o. he&a hs/ we need o &e -o0ing. Ride all nigh / -ay&e we can s ay ahead o. he- for a &i .: 6e scoo'ed 2' he shor sword he officer had dro''ed. :3ho wan s his8: :Me?: 6o (ie yelled.

:1on. &e 2sing i on Arry.: 6e handed he &oy he sword/ hil firs / and walked o0er o Arya/ &2 i was he B2ll he s'oke o. :F2een wan s yo2 &ad/ &oy.: Arya was los . :3hy sho2ld she wan hi-8: The B2ll scowled a her. :3hy sho2ld she wan yo28 no hing &2 a li le g2 er ra ?: :3ell/ no hing &2 a &as ard &oy?: )r -ay&e he was only 're ending o &e a &as ard &oy. :3ha .s yo2r r2e na-e8: :Gendry/: he said/ like he wasn. 42i e s2re. :1on. see why no one wan s nei her o. yo2/: =oren said/ :&2 hey can. ha0e yo2 regardless. =o2 ride he- wo co2rsers. Firs sigh of a gold cloak/ -ake for he 3all like a dragon.s on yo2r ail. The res o. 2s don. -ean s'i o he-.: :,9ce' for yo2/: Arya 'oin ed o2 . :Tha -an said he.d ake yo2r head oo.: :3ell/ as o ha /: =oren said/ :if he can ge i off -y sho2lders/ he.s welco-e o i .:

C6A(T,R G @)5 :!a-8: @on called sof ly. The air s-elled of 'a'er and d2s and years. Before hi-/ all wooden shel0es rose 2' in o di-ness/ cra--ed wi h lea her&o2nd &ooks and &ins of ancien scrolls. A fain yellow glow fil ered hro2gh he s acks fro- so-e hidden la-'. @on &lew o2 he a'er he carried/ 'referring no o risk an o'en fla-e a-ids so -2ch old dry 'a'er. Ins ead he followed he ligh / wending his way down he narrow aisles &enea h &arrel70a2l ed ceilings. All in &lack/ he was a shadow a-ong shadows/ dark of hair/ long of face/ grey of eye. Black -oleskin glo0es co0ered his hands< he righ &eca2se i was &2rned/ he lef &eca2se a -an fel half a fool wearing only one glo0e. !a-well Tarly sa h2nched o0er a a&le in a niche car0ed in o he s one of he wall. The glow ca-e fro- he la-' h2ng o0er his head. 6e looked 2' a he so2nd of @on.s s e's. :6a0e yo2 &een here all nigh 8: :6a0e I8: !a- looked s ar led. :=o2 didn. &reak yo2r fas wi h 2s/ and yo2r &ed hadn. &een sle' in.: Ras s2gges ed ha -ay&e !a- had deser ed/ &2 @on ne0er &elie0ed i . 1eser ion re42ired i s own sor of co2rage/ and !a- had li le eno2gh of ha . :Is i -orning8 1own here here.s no way o know.: :!a-/ a swee fool/: @on said. :=o2.ll -iss ha &ed when slee'ing on he cold hard gro2nd/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: !a- yawned. :Maes er Ae-on sen -e o find -a's for he *ord Co--ander. I ne0er ho2gh . . . @on/ he &ooks/ ha0e yo2 e0er seen heir like8 There are ho2sands?: 6e ga>ed a&o2 hi-. :The li&rary a 3in erfell has -ore han a h2ndred. 1id yo2 find he -a's8: :)h/ yes.: !a-.s hand swe' o0er he a&le/ fingers 'l2-' as sa2sages indica ing he cl2 er of &ooks and scrolls &efore hi-. :A do>en/ a he leas .: 6e 2nfolded a s42are of 'arch-en . :The 'ain has faded/ &2 yo2 can see where he -a'-aker -arked he si es of wildling 0illages/ and here.s ano her &ook . . . where is i now8 I was reading i a -o-en ago.: 6e sho0ed so-e scrolls aside o re0eal a d2s y 0ol2-e

&o2nd in ro ed lea her. :This/: he said re0eren ly/ :is he acco2n of a ;o2rney fro- he !hadow Tower all he way o *orn (oin on he Fro>en !hore/ wri en &y a ranger na-ed Redwyn. I .s no da ed/ &2 he -en ions a 1orren ! ark as King in he 5or h/ so i -2s &e fro- &efore he Con42es . @on/ hey fo2gh gian s? Redwyn e0en raded wi h he children of he fores / i .s all here.: ,0er so delica ely/ he 2rned 'ages wi h a finger. :6e drew -a's as well/ see . . .: :May&e yo2 co2ld wri e an acco2n of o2r ranging/ !a-.: 6e.d -ean o so2nd enco2raging/ &2 i was he wrong hing o say. The las hing !a- needed was o &e re-inded of wha faced he- on he -orrow. 6e sh2ffled he scrolls a&o2 ai-lessly. :There.s -ore -a's. If I had i-e o search . . . e0ery hing.s a ;2-&le. I co2ld se i all o order/ ho2gh< I know I co2ld/ &2 i wo2ld ake i-e . . . well/ years/ in r2 h.: :Mor-on wan ed hose -a's a li le sooner han ha .: @on 'l2cked a scroll fro- a &in/ &lew off he wors of he d2s . A corner flaked off &e ween his fingers as he 2nrolled i . :*ook/ his one is cr2-&ling/: he said/ frowning o0er he faded scri' . :Be gen le.: !a- ca-e aro2nd he a&le and ook he scroll fro- his hand/ holding i as if i were a wo2nded ani-al. :The i-'or an &ooks 2sed o &e co'ied o0er when hey needed he-. !o-e of he oldes ha0e &een co'ied half a h2ndred i-es/ 'ro&a&ly.: :3ell/ don. &o her co'ying ha one. Twen y7 hree &arrels of 'ickled cod/ eigh een ;ars of fish oil/ a cask of sal . . .: :An in0en ory/: !a- said/ :or 'erha's a &ill of sale.: :3ho cares how -2ch 'ickled cod hey a e si9 h2ndred years ago8: @on wondered. :I wo2ld.: !a- caref2lly re'laced he scroll in he &in fro- which @on had 'l2cked i . :=o2 can learn so -2ch fro- ledgers like ha / r2ly yo2 can. i can ell yo2 how -any -en were in he 5igh .s 3a ch hen/ how hey li0ed/ wha hey a e . . .: :They a e food/: said @on/ :and hey li0ed as we li0e.: :=o2.d &e s2r'rised. This 0a2l is a reas2re/ @on.: :If yo2 say so.: @on was do2& f2l. Treas2re -ean gold/ sil0er/ and ;ewels/ no d2s / s'iders/ and ro ing lea her. :I do/: he fa &oy &l2r ed. 6e was older han @on/ a -an grown &y law/ &2 i was hard o hink of hi- as any hing &2 a &oy. :I fo2nd drawings of he faces in he rees/ and a &ook a&o2 he ong2e of he children of he fores . . . works ha e0en he Ci adel doesn. ha0e/ scrolls fro- old Valyria/ co2n s of he seasons wri en &y -aes ers dead a ho2sand years . . .: :The &ooks will s ill &e here when we re 2rn.: :if we re 2rn . . .: :The )ld Bear is aking wo h2ndred seasoned -en/ hree742ar ers of he- rangers. Fhorin 6alfhand will &e &ringing ano her h2ndred &ro hers fro- he !hadow Tower. =o2.ll &e as safe as if yo2 were &ack in yo2r lord fa her.s cas le a 6orn 6ill.: !a-well Tarly -anaged a sad li le s-ile. :I was ne0er 0ery safe in -y fa her.s cas le ei her.: The gods 'lay cr2el ;es s/ @on ho2gh . (y' and Toad/ all a la her o &e a 'ar of he grea ranging/ were o re-ain a Cas le Black. i was !a-well Tarly/ he self7'roclai-ed coward/ grossly fa / i-id/ and near as &ad a rider as he was wi h a sword/ who -2s face he ha2n ed fores . The )ld Bear was aking wo cages of ra0ens/ so hey -igh send &ack word as hey wen . Maes er Ae-on was &lind and far oo frail o ride wi h he-/ so his s eward -2s go in his 'lace. :3e need yo2 for he ra0ens/ !a-. And so-eone has o hel' -e kee' Grenn h2-&le.:

!a-.s chins 42i0ered. :=o2 co2ld care for he ra0ens/ or Grenn co2ld/ or anyone/: he said wi h a hin edge of des'era ion in his 0oice. :I co2ld show yo2 how. =o2 know yo2r le ers oo/ yo2 co2ld wri e down *ord Mor-on .s -essages as well as I: :I.- he )ld Bear.s s eward. I.ll need o s42ire for hi-/ end his horse/ se 2' his en < I won. ha0e i-e o wa ch o0er &irds as well. !a-/ yo2 said he words. a &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch now.: :A &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch sho2ldn. &e so scared.: all scared. 3e.d &e fools if we weren. .: Too -any rangers had &een los he 'as wo years/ e0en Ben;en ! ark/ @on.s 2ncle. They had fo2nd wo of his 2ncle.s -en in he wood/ slain/ &2 he cor'ses had risen in he chill of nigh . @on.s &2rn fingers wi ched as he re-e-&ered. 6e s ill saw he wigh in his drea-s/ dead ) hor wi h he &2rning &l2e eyes and he cold &lack hands/ &2 ha was he las hing !a- needed o &e re-inded of. :There.s no sha-e in fear/ -y fa her old -e/ wha -a ers is how we face i . Co-e/ I.ll hel' yo2 ga her 2' he -a's.: !a- nodded 2nha''ily. The shel0es were so closely s'aced ha hey had o walk single file as hey lef . The 0a2l o'ened on o one of he 2nnels he &ro hers called he wor-walks/ winding s2& erranean 'assages ha linked he kee's and owers of Cas le Black 2nder he ear h. In s2--er he wor-walks were seldo- 2sed/ sa0e &y ra s and o her 0er-in/ &2 win er was a differen -a er. 3hen he snows drif ed for y and fif y fee high and he ice winds ca-e howling o2 of he nor h/ he 2nnels were all ha held Cas le Black oge her. !oon/ @on ho2gh as hey cli-&ed. 6e.d seen he har&inger ha had co-e o Maes er Ae-on wi h word of s2--er.s end/ he grea ra0en of he Ci adel/ whi e and silen as Ghos . 6e had seen a win er once/ when he was 0ery yo2ng/ &2 e0eryone agreed ha i had &een a shor one/ and -ild. This one wo2ld &e differen . 6e co2ld feel i in his &ones. The s ee' s one s e's had !a- '2ffing like a &lacks-i h.s &ellows &y he i-e hey reached he s2rface. They e-erged in o a &risk wind ha -ade @on.s cloak swirl and sna'. Ghos was s re ched o2 aslee' &enea h he wa le7and7da2& wall of he granary/ &2 he woke when @on a''eared/ &2shy whi e ail held s iffly 2'righ as he ro ed o he-. !a- s42in ed 2' a he 3all. I loo-ed a&o0e he-/ an icy cliff se0en h2ndred fee high. !o-e i-es i see-ed o @on al-os a li0ing hing/ wi h -oods of i s own. The color of he ice was won o change wi h e0ery shif of he ligh . 5ow i was he dee' &l2e of fro>en ri0ers/ now he dir y whi e of old snow/ and when a clo2d 'assed &efore he s2n i darkened o he 'ale grey of 'i ed s one. The 3all s re ched eas and wes as far as he eye co2ld see/ so h2ge ha i shr2nk he i-&ered kee's and s one owers of he cas le o insignificance. i was he end of he world. And we are going &eyond i . The -orning sky was s reaked &y hin grey clo2ds/ &2 he 'ale red line was here &ehind he-. The &lack &ro hers had d2&&ed he wanderer Mor-on .s Torch/ saying Honly half in ;es I ha he gods -2s ha0e sen i o ligh he old -an.s way hro2gh he ha2n ed fores . :The co-e .s so &righ yo2 can see i &y day now/: !a- said/ shading his eyes wi h a fis f2l of &ooks. :5e0er -ind a&o2 co-e s/ i .s -a's he )ld Bear wan s.: Ghos lo'ed ahead of he-. The gro2nds see-ed deser ed his -orning/ wi h so -any rangers off a he &ro hel in Mole.s Town/ digging for &2ried reas2re and drinking he-sel0es &lind. Grenn had gone wi h he-. (y' and 6alder and Toad had offered o &2y hi- his firs wo-an o cele&ra e his firs ranging. They.d wan ed @on and !a- o co-e as well/

&2 !a- was al-os as frigh ened of whores as he was of he ha2n ed fores / and @on had wan ed no 'ar of i . :1o wha yo2 wan /: he old Toad/ :I ook a 0ow.: As hey 'assed he se' / he heard 0oices raised in song. !o-e -en wan whores on he e0e of &a le/ and so-e wan gods. @on wondered who fel &e er af erward. The se' e-' ed hi- no -ore han he &ro hel< his own gods ke' heir e-'les in he wild 'laces/ where he weirwoods s'read heir &one7whi e &ranches. The !e0en ha0e no 'ower &eyond he 3all/ he ho2gh / &2 -y gods will &e wai ing. )2 side he ar-ory/ !er ,ndrew Tar h was working wi h so-e raw recr2i s. They.d co-e in las nigh wi h Conwy/ one of he wandering crows who roa-ed he !e0en Kingdo-s collec ing -en for he 3all. This new cro' consis ed of a grey&eard leaning on a s aff/ wo &lond &oys wi h he look of &ro hers/ a fo''ish yo2 h in soiled sa in/ a raggy -an wi h a cl2&foo / and so-e grinning loon who -2s ha0e fancied hi-self a warrior. !er ,ndrew was showing hi- he error of ha 'res2-' ion. 6e was a gen ler -as er7a 7ar-s han !er Alliser Thorne had &een/ &2 his lessons wo2ld s ill raise &r2ises. !a- winced a e0ery &low/ &2 @on !now wa ched he sword'lay closely. :3ha do yo2 -ake of he-/ !now8: 1onal 5oye s ood in he door of his ar-ory/ &are7ches ed 2nder a lea her a'ron/ he s 2-' of his lef ar2nco0ered for once. 3i h his &ig g2 and &arrel ches / his fla nose and &ris ly &lack ;aw/ 5oyc did no -ake a 're y sigh / &2 he was a welco-e one none heless. The ar-orer had 'ro0ed hi-self a good friend. :They s-ell of s2--er/: @on said as !er ,ndrew &2llr2shed his foe and knocked hi- s'rawling. :3here did Conwy find he-8: :A lord.s d2ngeon near G2ll own/: he s-i h re'lied. :A &rigand/ a &ar&er/ a &eggar/ wo or'hans/ and a &oy whore. 3i h s2ch do we defend he real-s of -en.: :They.ll do.: @on ga0e !a- a 'ri0a e s-ile. :3e did.: 5oye drew hi- closer. :=o2.0e heard hese idings of yo2r &ro her8: :*as nigh .: Conwy and his charges had &ro2gh he news nor h wi h he-/ and he alk in he co--on roo- had &een of li le else. @on was s ill no cer ain how he fel a&o2 i . Ro&& a king8 The &ro her he.d 'layed wi h/ fo2gh wi h/ shared his firs c2' of wine wi h8 B2 no -o her.s -ilk/ no. !o now Ro&& will si' s2--erwine fro- ;eweled go&le s/ while I.- kneeling &eside so-e s rea- s2cking snow-el froc2''ed hands. :Ro&& will -ake a good king/: he said loyally. :3ill he now8: The s-i h eyed hi- frankly. :I ho'e ha .s so/ &oy/ &2 once I -igh ha0e said he sa-e of Ro&er .: :They say yo2 forged his warha--er/: @on re-e-&ered. :Aye. I was his -an/ a Bara heon -an/ s-i h and ar-orer a ! or-.s ,nd 2n il I los he ar-. I.- old eno2gh o re-e-&er *ord ! effon &efore he sea ook hi-/ and I knew hose hree sons of his since hey go heir na-es. I ell yo2 his7Ro&er was ne0er he sa-e af er he '2 on ha crown. !o-e -en are like swords/ -ade for figh ing. 6ang he- 2' and hey go o r2s .: :And his &ro hers8: @on asked. The ar-orer considered ha a -o-en . :Ro&er was he r2e s eel. ! annis is '2re iron/ &lack and hard and s rong/ yes/ &2 &ri le/ he way iron ge s. 6e.ll &reak &efore he &ends. And Renly/ ha one/ he.s co''er/ &righ and shiny/ 're y o look a &2 no wor h all ha -2ch a he end of he day.: And wha -e al is Ro&&8 @on did no ask. 5oye was a Bara heon -an< likely he ho2gh @offrey he lawf2l king and Ro&& a rai or. A-ong he &ro herhood of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ here was an 2ns'oken 'ac ne0er o 'ro&e oo dee'ly in o s2ch -a ers. Men ca-e o he 3all fro- all of

he !e0en Kingdo-s/ and old lo0es and loyal ies were no easily forgo en/ no -a er how -any oa hs a -an swore . . . as @on hi-self had good reason o know. ,0en !a-7his fa her.s 6o2se was sworn o 6ighgarden/ whose *ord Tyrell s2''or ed King Renly. Bes no o alk of s2ch hings. The 5igh .s 3a ch ook no sides. :*ord Mor-on awai s 2s/: @on said. :I won. kee' yo2 fro- he )ld Bear.: 5oye cla''ed hi- on he sho2lder and s-iled. :May he gods go wi h yo2 on he -orrow/ !now. =o2 &ring &ack ha 2ncle of yo2rs/ yo2 hear8: :3e will/: @on 'ro-ised hi-. *ord Co--ander Mor-on had aken 2' residence in he King.s Tower af er he fire had g2 ed his own. @on lef Ghos wi h he g2ards o2 side he door. :More s airs/: said !a- -isera&ly as hey s ar ed 2'. :I ha e s airs.: :3ell/ ha .s one hing we won. face in he wood.: 3hen hey en ered he solar/ he ra0en s'ied he- a once. :!now?: he &ird shrieked. Mor-on &roke off his con0ersa ion. :Took yo2 long eno2gh wi h hose -a's.: 6e '2shed he re-ains of &reakfas o2 of he way o -ake roo- on he a&le. :(2 he- here. I.ll ha0e a look a hela er.: Thoren !-allwood/ a sinewy ranger wi h a weak chin and a weaker -o2 h hidden 2nder a hin scraggle of &eard/ ga0e @on and !a- a cool look. 6e had &een one of Alliser Thorne.s hench-en/ and had no lo0e for ei her of he-. :The *ord Co--ander.s 'lace is a Cas le Black/ lording and co--anding/: he old Mor-on / ignoring he newco-ers/ :i see-s o -e.: The ra0en fla''ed &ig &lack wings. :Me/ -e/ -e.: :If yo2 are e0er *ord Co--ander/ yo2 -ay do as yo2 'lease/: Mor-on old he ranger/ :&2 i see-s o -e ha I ha0e no died ye / nor ha0e he &ro hers '2 yo2 in -y 'lace.: :I.- Firs Ranger now/ wi h Ben ! ark los and !er @are-y killed/: !-allwood said s 2&&ornly. :The co--and sho2ld &e -ine.: Mor-on wo2ld ha0e none of i . :I sen o2 Ben ! ark/ and !er 3ayrnar &efore hi-. I do no -ean o send yo2 af er he- and si wondering how long I -2s wai &efore I gi0e yo2 2' for los as well.: 6e 'oin ed. :And ! ark re-ains Firs Ranger 2n il we know for a cer ain y ha he is dead. !ho2ld ha day co-e/ i will &e -e who na-es his s2ccessor/ no yo2. 5ow s o' was ing -y i-e. 3e ride a firs ligh / or ha0e yo2 forgo en8: !-allwood '2shed o his fee . :As -y lord co--ands.: )n he way o2 / he frowned a @on/ as if i were so-ehow his fa2l . :Firs Ranger?: The )ld Bear.s eyes ligh ed on !a-. :I.d sooner na-e yo2 Firs Ranger. 6e has he effron ery o ell -e o -y face ha I.oo old o ride wi h hi-. 1o I look old o yo2/ &oy8: The hair ha had re rea ed fro- Mor-on .s s'o ed scal' had regro2'ed &enea h his chin in a shaggy grey &eard ha co0ered -2ch of his ches . 6e h2-'ed i hard. :1o I look frail8: !a- o'ened his -o2 h/ ga0e a li le s42eak. The )ld Bear errified hi-. :5o/ -y lord/: @on offered 42ickly. :=o2 look s rong as a . . . a . . . :1on. co>en -e/ !now/ yo2 know I won. ha0e i . *e -e ha0e a look a hese -a's.: Mor-on 'awed hro2gh he- &r2s42ely/ gi0ing each no -ore han a glance and a gr2n . :3as his all yo2 co2ld find8: :I . . . -7-7-y lord/: !a- s a--ered/ : here . . . here were -ore/ &7 &7&2 . . . he dis7disorder . . .: :These are old/: Mor-on co-'lained/ and his ra0en echoed hi- wi h a shar' cry of :)ld/ old.: :The 0illages -ay co-e and go/ &2 he hills and ri0ers will &e in he sa-e 'laces/: @on 'oin ed o2 .

:Tr2e eno2gh. 6a0e yo2 chosen yo2r ra0ens ye / Tarly8: :M7-7-aes er Ae-on -7-eans o '7'ick he- co-e e0enfall/ af er he f7f7 feeding.: :I.ll ha0e his &es . !-ar &irds/ and s rong.: :! rong/: his own &ird said/ 'reening. :! rong/ s rong.: :If i ha''ens ha all &2 chered o2 here/ I -ean for -y s2ccessor o know where and how we died.: Talk of &2 chery red2ced !a-well Tarly o s'eechlessness. Mor-on leaned forward. :Tarly/ when I was a lad half yo2r age/ -y lady -o her old -e ha if I s ood a&o2 wi h -y -o2 h o'en/ a weasel was like o -is ake i for his lair and r2n down -y hroa . If yo2 ha0e so-e hing o say/ say i . ) herwise/ &eware of weasels.: 6e wa0ed a &r2s42e dis-issal. :)ff wi h yo2/ I.- oo &2sy for folly. 5o do2& he -aes er has so-e work yo2 can do.: !a- swallowed/ s e''ed &ack/ and sc2rried o2 so 42ickly he al-os ri''ed o0er he r2shes. :Is ha &oy as &ig a fool as he see-s8: he *ord Co--ander asked when he.d gone. :Fool/: he ra0en co-'lained. Mor-on did no wai for @on o answer. :6is lord fa her s ands high in King Renly.s co2ncils/ and I had half a no ion o dis'a ch hi- . . . no/ &es no . Renly is no like o heed a 42aking fa &oy. I.ll send !er Arnell. 6e.s a deal s eadier/ and his -o her was one of he green7a''le Fossoways.: :If i 'lease -y lord/ wha wo2ld yo2 ha0e of King Renly8: :The sa-e hings I.d ha0e of all of he-/ lad. Men/ horses/ swords/ ar-or/ grain/ cheese/ wine/ wool/ nails . . . he 5igh .s 3a ch is no 'ro2d/ we ake wha is offered.: 6is fingers dr2--ed agains he ro2ghhewn 'lanks of he a&le. :If he winds ha0e &een kind/ !er Alliser sho2ld reach King.s *anding &y he 2rn of he -oon/ &2 whe her his &oy @offrey will 'ay hi- any heed/ I do no know. 6o2se *annis er has ne0er &een a friend o he 3a ch.: :Thorne has he wigh .s hand o show he-.: A grisly 'ale hing wi h &lack fingers/ i was/ ha wi ched and s irred in i s ;ar as if i were s ill ali0e. :3o2ld ha we had ano her hand o send o Renly.: :1ywen says yo2 can find any hing &eyond he 3all.: :Aye/ 1ywen says. And he las i-e he wen ranging/ he says he saw a &ear fif een fee all.: Mor-on snor ed. :My sis er is said o ha0e aken a &ear for her lo0er. I.d &elie0e ha &efore I.d &elie0e one fif een fee all. Tho2gh in a world where dead co-e walking . . . ah/ e0en so/ a -an -2s &elie0e his eyes. I ha0e seen he dead walk. I.0e no seen any gian &ears.: 6e ga0e @on a long/ searching look. :B2 we were s'eaking of hands. 6ow is yo2rs8: :Be er.: @on 'eeled off his -oleskin glo0e and showed hi-. !cars co0ered his ar- halfway o he el&ow/ and he -o led 'ink flesh s ill fel igh and ender/ &2 i was healing. :I i ches/ ho2gh. Maes er Ae-on says ha .s good. 6e ga0e -e a sal0e o ake wi h -e when we ride.: :=o2 can wield *ongclaw des'i e he 'ain8: :3ell eno2gh.: @on fle9ed his fingers/ o'ening and closing his fis he way he -aes er had shown hi-. :I.- o work he fingers e0ery day o kee' he- ni-&le/ as Maes er Ae-on said.: :Blind he -ay &e/ &2 Ae-on knows wha he.s a&o2 . I 'ray he gods le 2s kee' hi- ano her wen y years. 1o yo2 know ha he -igh ha0e &een king8: @on was aken &y s2r'rise. :6e old -e his fa her was king/ &2 no . . . I ho2gh hi- 'erha's a yo2nger son.: :!o he was. 6is fa her.s fa her was 1aeron Targaryen/ he !econd of 6is

5a-e/ who &ro2gh 1orne in o he real-. (ar of he 'ac was ha he wed a 1ornish 'rincess. !he ga0e hi- fo2r sons. Ae-on.s fa her Maekar was he yo2nges of hose/ and Ae-on was his hird son. Mind yo2/ all his ha''ened long &efore I was &orn/ ancien as !-allwood wo2ld -ake -e.: :Maes er Ae-on was na-ed for he 1ragonknigh .: :!o he was. !o-e say (rince Ae-on was King 1aeron.s r2e fa her/ no Aegon he +nwor hy. Be ha as i -ay/ o2r Ae-on lacked he 1ragonknigh .s -ar ial na 2re. 6e likes o say he had a slow sword &2 42ick wi s. !-all wonder his grandfa her 'acked hi- off o he Ci adel. 6e was nine or en/ I &elie0e . . . and nin h or en h in he line of s2ccession as well.: Maes er Ae-on had co2n ed -ore han a h2ndred na-e days/ @on knew. Frail/ shr2nken/ wi>ened/ and &lind/ i was hard o i-agine hi- as a li le &oy no older han Arya. Mor-on con in2ed. :Ae-on was a his &ooks when he eldes of his 2ncles/ he heir a''aren / was slain in a o2rney -isha'. 6e lef wo sons/ &2 hey followed hi- o he gra0e no long af er/ d2ring he Grea !'ring !ickness. King 1aeron was also aken/ so he crown 'assed o 1aeron.s second son/ Aerys.: :The Mad King8: @on was conf2sed. Aerys had &een king &efore Ro&er / ha wasn. so long ago. :5o/ his was Aerys he Firs . The one Ro&er de'osed was he second of ha na-e.: :6ow long ago was his8: :,igh y years or close eno2gh/: he )ld Bear said/ :and no/ I s ill hadn. &een &orn/ ho2gh Ae-on had forged half a do>en links of his -aes er.s chain &y hen. Aerys wed his own sis er/ as he Targaryens were won o do/ and reigned for en or wel0e years. Ae-on ook his 0ows and lef he Ci adel o ser0e a so-e lordling.s co2r . . . 2n il his royal 2ncle died wi ho2 iss2e. The Iron Throne 'assed o he las of King 1aeron.s fo2r sons. Tha was Maekar/ Ae-on.s fa her. The new king s2--oned all his sons o co2r and wo2ld ha0e -ade Ae-on 'ar of his co2ncils/ &2 he ref2sed/ saying ha wo2ld 2s2r' he 'lace righ ly &elonging o he Grand Maes er. Ins ead he ser0ed a he kee' of his eldes &ro her/ ano her 1aeron. 3ell/ ha one died oo/ lea0ing only a fee&le7wi ed da2gh er as heir. !o-e 'o9 he ca2gh fro- a whore/ I &elie0e. The ne9 &ro her was Aerion.: :Aerion he Mons ro2s8: @on knew ha na-e. :The (rince 3ho Tho2gh 6e 3as a 1ragon: was one of )ld 5an.s -ore gr2eso-e ales. 6is li le &ro her Bran had lo0ed i . :The 0ery one/ ho2gh he na-ed hi-self Aerion Brigh fla-e. )ne nigh / in his c2's/ he drank a ;ar of wildfire/ af er elling his friends i wo2ld ransfor- hi- in o a dragon/ &2 he gods were kind and i ransfor-ed hi- in o a cor'se. 5o 42i e a year af er/ King Maekar died in &a le agains an o2 law lord.: @on was no en irely innocen of he his ory of he real-< his own -aes er had seen o ha . :Tha was he year of he Grea Co2ncil/: he said. :The lords 'assed o0er (rince Aerion.s infan son and (rince 1aeron.s da2gh er and ga0e he crown o Aegon.: :=es and no. Firs hey offered i / 42ie ly/ o Ae-on. And 42ie ly he ref2sed. The gods -ean for hi- o ser0e/ no o r2le/ he old he-. 6e had sworn a 0ow and wo2ld no &reak i / ho2gh he 6igh !e' on hi-self offered o a&sol0e hi-. 3ell/ no sane -an wan ed any &lood of Aerion.s on he hrone/ and 1aeron.s girl was a lackwi &esides &eing fe-ale/ so hey had no choice &2 o 2rn o Ae-on.s yo2nger &ro her7Aegon/ he Fif h of 6is 5a-e. Aegon he +nlikely/ hey called hi-/ &orn he fo2r h

son of a fo2r h son. Ae-on knew/ and righ ly/ ha if he re-ained a co2r hose who disliked his &ro her.s r2le wo2ld seek o 2se hi-/ so he ca-e o he 3all. And here he has re-ained/ while his &ro her and his &ro her.s son and his son each reigned and died in 2rn/ 2n il @ai-e *annis er '2 an end o he line of he 1ragonkings.: :King/ : croaked he ra0en. The &ird fla''ed across he solar o land on Mor-on .s sho2lder. :King/: i said again/ s r2 ing &ack and for h. :6e likes ha word/: @on said/ s-iling. :An easy word o say. An easy word o like.: :King/: he &ird said again. :I hink he -eans for yo2 o ha0e a crown/ -y lord.: :The real- has hree kings already/ and ha .s wo oo -any for -y liking.: Mor-on s roked he ra0en 2nder he &eak wi h a finger/ &2 all he while his eyes ne0er lef @on !now. I -ade hi- feel odd. :My lord/ why ha0e yo2 old -e his/ a&o2 Maes er Ae-on8: :M2s I ha0e a reason8: Mor-on shif ed in his sea / frowning. :=o2r &ro her Ro&& has &een crowned King in he 5or h. =o2 and Ae-on ha0e ha in co--on. A king for a &ro her.: :And his oo/: said @on. :A 0ow.: The )ld Bear ga0e a lo2d snor / and he ra0en ook fligh / fla''ing in a circle a&o2 he roo-/ :Gi0e -e a -an for e0ery 0ow I.0e seen &roken and he 3all will ne0er lack for defenders.: :I.0e always known ha Ro&& wo2ld &e *ord of 3in erfell.: Mor-on ga0e a whis le/ and he &ird flew o hi- again and se led on his ar-. :A lord.s one hing/ a king.s ano her.: 6e offered he ra0en a handf2l of corn fro- his 'ocke . :They will gar& yo2r &ro her Ro&& in silks/ sa ins/ and 0el0e s of a h2ndred differen colors/ while yo2 li0e and die in &lack ring-ail. 6e will wed so-e &ea2 if2l 'rincess and fa her sons on her. =o2.ll ha0e no wife/ nor will yo2 e0er hold a child of yo2r own &lood in yo2r ar-s. Ro&& will r2le/ yo2 will ser0e. Men will call yo2 a crow. 6i- hey.ll call =o2r Grace. !ingers will 'raise e0ery li le hing he does/ while yo2r grea es deeds all go 2ns2ng. Tell -e ha none of his ro2&les yo2/ @on . . . and I.ll na-e yo2 a liar/ and know I ha0e he r2 h of i .: @on drew hi-self 2'/ a2 as a &ows ring. :And if i did ro2&le -e/ wha -igh I do/ &as ard as I a-8: :3ha will yo2 do8: Mor-on asked. :Bas ard as yo2 are8: :Be ro2&led/: said @on/ :and kee' -y 0ows.: C6A(T,R J CAT,*=5 6er son.s crown was fresh fro- he forge/ and i see-ed o Ca elyn ! ark ha he weigh of i 'ressed hea0y on Ro&&.s head. The ancien crown of he Kings of 3in er had &een los hree cen 2ries ago/ yielded 2' o Aegon he Con42eror when Torrhen ! ark knel in s2&-ission. 3ha Aegon had done wi h i no -an co2ld say. *ord 6os er.s s-i h had done his work well/ and Ro&&.s crown looked -2ch as he o her was said o ha0e looked in he ales old of he ! ark kings of old< an o'en circle of ha--ered &ron>e incised wi h he r2nes of he Firs Men/ s2r-o2n ed &y nine &lack iron s'ikes wro2gh in he sha'e of longswords. )f gold and sil0er and ge-s ones/ i had none< &ron>e and iron were he -e als of win er/ dark and s rong o figh agains he cold.

As hey wai ed in Ri0err2n.s Grea 6all for he 'risoner o &e &ro2gh &efore he-/ she saw Ro&& '2sh &ack he crown so i res ed 2'on he hick a2&2rn -o' of his hair< -o-en s la er/ he -o0ed i forward again< la er he ga0e i a 42ar er 2rn/ as if ha -igh -ake i si -ore easily on his &row. I is no easy hing o wear a crown/ Ca elyn ho2gh / wa ching/ es'ecially for a &oy of fif een years. 3hen he g2ards &ro2gh in he ca' i0e/ Ro&& called for his sword. )ly0ar Frey offered i 2' hil firs / and her son drew he &lade and laid i &are across his knees/ a hrea 'lain for all o see. :=o2r Grace/ here is he -an yo2 asked for/: anno2nced !er Ro&in Ryger/ ca' ain of he T2lly ho2sehold g2ard. :Kneel &efore he king/ *annis er?: Theon Grey;oy sho2 ed. !er Ro&in forced he 'risoner o his knees. 6e did no look a lion/ Ca elyn reflec ed. This !er Cleos Frey was a son of he *ady Genna who was sis er o *ord Tywin *annis er/ &2 he had none of he fa&led *annis er &ea2 y/ he fair hair and green eyes. Ins ead he had inheri ed he s ringy &rown locks/ weak chin/ and hin face of his sire/ !er ,--on Frey/ old *ord 3alder.s second son. 6is eyes were 'ale and wa ery and he co2ld no see- o s o' &linking/ &2 'erha's ha was only he ligh . The cells &elow Ri0err2n were dark and da-' . . . and hese days crowded as well. :Rise/ !er Cleos.: 6er son.s 0oice was no as icy as his fa her.s wo2ld ha0e &een/ &2 he did no so2nd a &oy of fif een ei her. 3ar had -ade a -an of hi- &efore his i-e. Morning ligh gli--ered fain ly agains he edge of he s eel across his knees. =e i was no he sword ha -ade !er Cleos Frey an9io2s< i was he &eas . Grey 3ind/ her son had na-ed hi-. A direwolf large as any elkho2nd/ lean and s-oke7dark/ wi h eyes like -ol en gold. 3hen he &eas 'added forward and sniffed a he ca' i0e knigh / e0ery -an in ha hall co2ld s-ell he scen of fear. !er Cleos had &een aken d2ring he &a le in he 3his'ering 3ood/ where Grey 3ind had ri''ed o2 he hroa s of half a do>en -en. The knigh scra-&led 2'/ edging away wi h s2ch alacri y ha so-e of he wa chers la2ghed alo2d. :Thank yo2/ -y lord.: :=o2r Grace/: &arked *ord +-&er/ he Grea ;on/ e0er he lo2des of Ro&&.s nor hern &anner-en . . . and he r2es and fierces as well/ or so he insis ed. 6e had &een he firs o 'roclai- her son King in he 5or h/ and he wo2ld &rook no sligh o he honor of his new7-ade so0ereign. :=o2r Grace/: !er Cleos correc ed has ily. :(ardons.: 6e is no a &old -an/ his one/ Ca elyn ho2gh . More of a Frey han a *annis er/ in r2 h. 6is co2sin he Kingslayer wo2ld ha0e &een a -2ch differen -a er. They wo2ld ne0er ha0e go en ha honorific hro2gh !er @ai-e *annis er.s 'erfec ee h. :I &ro2gh yo2 fro- yo2r cell o carry -y -essage o yo2r co2sin Cersei *annis er in King.s *anding. =o2.ll ra0el 2nder a 'eace &anner/ wi h hir y of -y &es -en o escor yo2.: !er Cleos was 0isi&ly relie0ed. :Then I sho2ld &e -os glad o &ring 6is Grace.s -essage o he 42een.: :+nders and/: Ro&& said/ :I a- no gi0ing yo2 yo2r freedo-. =o2r grandfa her *ord 3alder 'ledged -e his s2''or and ha of 6o2se Frey. Many of yo2r co2sins and 2ncles rode wi h 2s in he 3his'ering 3ood/ &2 yo2 chose o figh &enea h he lion &anner. Tha -akes yo2 a *an7 nis er/ no a Frey. I wan yo2r 'ledge/ on yo2r honor as a knigh / ha af er yo2 deli0er -y -essage yo2.ll re 2rn wi h he 42een.s re'ly/ and res2-e yo2r ca' i0i y.: !er Cleos answered a once. :I do so 0ow.:

:,0ery -an in his hall has heard yo2/: warned Ca elyn.s &ro her !er ,d-2re T2lly/ who s'oke for Ri0err2n and he lords of he Triden in he 'lace of heir dying fa her. :If yo2 do no re 2rn/ he whole realwill know yo2 forsworn.: :I will do as I 'ledged/: !er Cleos re'lied s iffly. :3ha is his -essage8 : :An offer of 'eace.: Ro&& s ood/ longsword in hand. Grey 3ind -o0ed o his side. The hall grew h2shed. :Tell he F2een Regen ha if she -ee s -y er-s/ I will shea h his sword/ and -ake an end o he war &e ween 2s.: In he &ack of he hall/ Ca elyn gli-'sed he all/ ga2n fig2re of *ord Rickard Kars ark sho0e hro2gh a rank of g2ards and o2 he door. 5o one else -o0ed. Ro&& 'aid he disr2' ion no -ind. :)ly0ar/ he 'a'er/: he co--anded. The s42ire ook his longsword and handed 2' a rolled 'arch-en . Ro&& 2nrolled i . :Firs / he 42een -2s release -y sis ers and 'ro0ide he- wi h rans'or &y sea fro- King.s *anding o 3hi e 6ar&or. I is o &e 2nders ood ha !ansa.s &e ro hal o @offrey Bara heon is a an end. 3hen I recei0e word fro- -y cas ellan ha -y sis ers ha0e re 2rned 2nhar-ed o 3in erfell/ I will release he 42een.s co2sins/ he s42ire 3ille- *annis er and yo2r &ro her Tion Frey/ and gi0e hesafe escor o Cas erly Rock or wheresoe0er she desires he- deli0ered.: Ca elyn ! ark wished she co2ld read he ho2gh s ha hid &ehind each face/ each f2rrowed &row and 'air of igh ened li's. :!econdly/ -y lord fa her.s &ones will &e re 2rned o 2s/ so he -ay res &eside his &ro her and sis er in he cry' s &enea h 3in erfell/ as he wo2ld ha0e wished. The re-ains of he -en of his ho2sehold g2ard who died in his ser0ice a King.s *anding -2s also &e re 2rned.: *i0ing -en had gone so2 h/ and cold &ones wo2ld re 2rn. 5ed had he r2 h of i / she ho2gh . 6is 'lace was a 3in erfell/ he said as -2ch/ &2 wo2ld I hear hi-8 5o. Go/ I old hi-/ yo2 -2s &e Ro&er .s 6and/ for he good of o2r 6o2se/ for he sake of o2r children . . . -y doing/ -ine/ no o her . . . :Third/ -y fa her.s grea sword Ice will &e deli0ered o -y hand/ here a Ri0err2n.: !he wa ched her &ro her !er ,d-2re T2lly as he s ood wi h his h2-&s hooked o0er his sword&el / his face as s ill as s one. :Fo2r h/ he 42een will co--and her fa her *ord Tywin o release hose knigh s and lords &anner-en of -ine ha he ook ca' i0e in he &a le on he Green Fork of he Triden . )nce he does so/ I shall release -y own ca' i0es aken in he 3his'ering 3ood and he Ba le of he Ca-'s/ sa0e @ai-e *annis er alone/ who will re-ain -y hos age for his fa her.s good &eha0ior.: !he s 2died Theon Grey;oy.s sly s-ile/ wondering wha i -ean . Tha yo2ng -an had a way of looking as ho2gh he knew so-e secre ;es ha only he was 'ri0y o< Ca elyn had ne0er liked i . :*as ly/ King @offrey and he F2een Regen -2s reno2nce all clai-s o do-inion o0er he nor h. 6encefor h we are no 'ar of heir real-/ &2 a free and inde'enden kingdo-/ as of old. )2r do-ain shall incl2de all he ! ark lands nor h of he 5eck/ and in addi ion he lands wa ered &y he Ri0er Triden and i s 0assal s rea-s/ &o2nded &y he Golden Too h o he wes and he Mo2n ains of he Moon in he eas .: :T6, KI5G I5 T6, 5)RT6?: &oo-ed Grea ;on +-&er/ a ha-7si>ed fis ha--ering a he air as he sho2 ed. :! ark? ! ark? The King in he 5or h? Ro&& rolled 2' he 'arch-en again. :Maes er Vy-an has drawn a -a'/ showing he &orders we clai-. =o2 shall ha0e a co'y for he 42een. *ord

Tywin -2s wi hdraw &eyond hese &orders/ and cease his raiding/ &2rning/ and 'illage. The F2een Regen and her son shall -ake no clai-s o a9es/ inco-es/ nor ser0ice fro- -y 'eo'le/ and shall free -y lords and knigh s fro- all oa hs of feal y/ 0ows/ 'ledges/ de& s/ and o&liga ions owed o he Iron Throne and he 6o2ses Bara heon and *anis er. Addi ionally/ he *annis ers shall deli0er en high&orn hos ages/ o &e -2 2ally agreed 2'on/ as a 'ledge of 'eace. These I will rea as honored g2es s/ according o heir s a ion. !o long as he er-s of his 'ac are a&ided wi h fai hf2lly/ I shall release wo hos ages e0ery year/ and re 2rn he- safely o heir fa-ilies.: Ro&& ossed he rolled 'arch-en a he knigh .s fee . :There are he er-s. If she -ee s he-/ I.ll gi0e her 'eace. if no : 7 he whis led/ and Grey 3ind -o0ed forward snarling 7 :I.ll gi0e her ano her 3his'ering 3ood.: :! ark?: he Grea ;on roared again/ and now o her 0oices ook 2' he cry. :! ark/ ! ark/ King in he 5or h?: The direwolf hrew &ack his head and howled. !er Cleos had gone he color of c2rdled -ilk. :The 42een shall hear yo2r -essage/ -y7=o2r Grace.: :Good/: Ro&& said. :!er Ro&in/ see ha he has a good -eal and clean clo hing. 6e.s o ride a firs ligh .: :As yo2 co--and/ =o2r Grace/: !er Ro&in Ryger re'lied. :Then we are done.: The asse-&led knigh s and lords &anner-en &en heir knees as Ro&& 2rned o lea0e/ Grey 3ind a his heels. )ly0ar Frey scra-&led ahead o o'en he door. Ca elyn followed he- o2 / her &ro her a her side. :=o2 did well/: she old her son in he gallery ha led fro- he rear of he hall/ : ho2gh ha &2siness wi h he wolf was ;a'ery -ore &efi ing a &oy han a king.: Ro&& scra ched Grey 3ind &ehind he ear. :1id yo2 see he look on his face/ Mo her8: he asked/ s-iling. :3ha I saw was *ord Kars ark/ walking o2 .: :As did I: Ro&& lif ed off his crown wi h &o h hands and ga0e i o )ly0ar. :Take his hing &ack o -y &edcha-&er.: :A once/ =o2r Grace.: The s42ire h2rried off. :I.ll wager here were o hers who fel he sa-e as *ord Kars ark/: her &ro her ,d-2re declared. :6ow can we alk of 'eace while he *annis ers s'read like a 'es ilence o0er -y fa her.s do-ains/ s ealing his cro's and sla2gh ering his 'eo'le8 I say again/ we o2gh o &e -arching on 6arrenhal.: :3e lack he s reng h/: Ro&& said/ ho2gh 2nha''ily. ,d-2re 'ersis ed. :1o we grow s ronger si ing here8 )2r hos dwindles e0ery day.: :And whose doing is ha 8: Ca elyn sna''ed a her &ro her. I had &een a ,d-2re.s insis ence ha Ro&& had gi0en he ri0er lords lea0e o de'ar af er his crowning/ each o defend his own lands. !er Mar4 (i'er and *ord Karyl Vance had &een he firs o go. *ord @onos Bracken had followed/ 0owing o reclai- he &2rn shell of his cas le and &2ry his dead/ and now *ord @ason Mallis er had anno2nced his in en o re 2rn o his sea a !eagard/ s ill -ercif2lly 2n o2ched &y he figh ing. :=o2 canno ask -y ri0er lords o re-ain idle while heir fields are &eing 'illaged and heir 'eo'le '2 o he sword/: !er ,d-2re said/ :&2 *ord Kars ark is a nor h-an. I wo2ld &e an ill hing if he were o lea0e 2s.: :I.ll s'eak wi h hi-/: said Ro&&. :6e los wo sons in he 3his'ering 3ood. 3ho can &la-e hi- if he does no wan o -ake 'eace wi h heir killers . . . wi h -y fa her.s killers . . .: :More &loodshed will no &ring yo2r fa her &ack o 2s/ or *ord

Rickard.s sons/: Ca elyn said. :An offer had o &e -ade ho2gh a wiser -an -igh ha0e offered swee er er-s.: :Any swee er and I wo2ld ha0e gagged.: 6er son.s &eard had grown in redder han his a2&2rn hair. Ro&& see-ed o hink i -ade hi- look fierce/ royal . . . older. B2 &earded or no/ he was s ill a yo2 h of fif een/ and wan ed 0engeance no less han Rickard Kars ark. i had &een no easy hing o con0ince hi- o -ake e0en his offer/ 'oor as i was. :Cersei *annis er will ne0er consen o rade yo2r sis ers for a 'air of co2sins. I .s her &ro her she.ll wan / as yo2 know f2ll well.: !he had old hi- as -2ch &efore/ &2 Ca elyn was finding ha kings do no lis en half so a en i0ely as sons. :I can. release he Kingslayer/ no e0en if I wan ed o. My lords wo2ld ne0er a&ide i .: :=o2r lords -ade yo2 heir king.: :And can 2n-ake -e ;2s as easy.: :If yo2r crown is he 'rice we -2s 'ay o ha0e Arya and !ansa re 2rned safe/ we sho2ld 'ay i willingly. 6alf yo2r lords wo2ld like o -2rder *annis er in his cell. If he sho2ld die while he.s yo2r 'risoner/ -en will say7: :7 ha he well deser0ed i /: Ro&& finished. :And yo2r sis ers8: Ca elyn asked shar'ly. :3ill hey deser0e heir dea hs as well8 I 'ro-ise yo2/ if any har- co-es o her &ro her/ Cersei will 'ay 2s &ack &lood for &lood7: :*annis er won. die/: Ro&& said. :5o one so -2ch as s'eaks o hiwi ho2 -y warran . 6e has food/ wa er/ clean s raw/ -ore co-for han he has any righ o. B2 I won. free hi-/ no e0en for Arya and !ansa.: 6er son was looking down a her/ Ca elyn reali>ed. 3as i war ha -ade hi- grow so fas / she wondered/ or he crown hey had '2 on his head8 :Are yo2 afraid o ha0e @ai-e *annis er in he field again/ is ha he r2 h of i 8: Grey 3ind growled/ as if he sensed Ro&&.s anger/ and ,d-2re T2lly '2 a &ro herly hand on Ca elyn.s sho2lder. :Ca / don. . The &oy has he righ of his.: :1on. call -e he &oy/: Ro&& said/ ro2nding on his 2ncle/ his anger s'illing o2 all a once on 'oor ,d-2re/ who had only -ean o s2''or hi-. :I.- al-os a -an grown/ and a king7yo2r king/ ser. And I don. fear @ai-e *annis er. I defea ed hi- once/ I.ll defea hi- again if I -2s / only . .: 6e '2shed a fall of hair o2 of his eyes and ga0e a shake of he head. :I -igh ha0e &een a&le o rade he Kingslayer for Fa her/ &2 . . : . &2 no for he girls8: 6er 0oice was icy 42ie . :Girls are no i-'or an eno2gh/ are hey8: Ro&& -ade no answer/ &2 here was h2r in his eyes. Bl2e eyes/ T2lly eyes/ eyes she had gi0en hi-. !he had wo2nded hi-/ &2 he was oo -2ch his fa her.s son o ad-i i . Tha was 2nwor hy of -e/ she old herself. Gods &e good/ wha is o &eco-e of -e8 6e is doing his &es / rying so hard/ I know i / I see i / and ye . . . I ha0e los -y 5ed/ he rock -y life was &2il on/ I co2ld no &ear o lose he girls as well . . . :I.ll do all I can for -y sis ers/: Ro&& said. :If he 42een has any sense/ she.ll acce' -y er-s. If no / I.ll -ake her r2e he day she ref2sed -e.: (lainly/ he.d had eno2gh of he s2&;ec . :Mo her/ are yo2 cer ain yo2 will no consen o go o he Twins8 =o2 wo2ld &e far her fro- he figh ing/ and yo2 co2ld ac42ain yo2rself wi h *ord Frey.s da2gh ers o hel' -e choose -y &ride when he war is done.:

6e wan s -e gone/ Ca elyn ho2gh wearily. Kings are no s2''osed o ha0e -o hers/ i wo2ld see-/ and I ell hi- hings he does no wan o hear. old eno2gh o decide which of *ord 3alder.s girls yo2 'refer wi ho2 yo2r -o her.s hel'/ Ro&&.: :Then go wi h Theon. 6e lea0es on he -orrow. 6e.ll hel' he Mallis ers escor ha lo of ca' i0es o !eagard and hen ake shi' for he Iron Islands. =o2 co2ld find a shi' as well/ and &e &ack a 3in erfell wi h a -oon.s 2rn/ if he winds are kind. Bran and Rickon need yo2.: And yo2 do no / is ha wha yo2 -ean o say8 :My lord fa her has li le eno2gh i-e re-aining hi-. !o long as yo2r grandfa her li0es/ -y 'lace is a Ri0err2n wi h hi-.: :I co2ld co--and yo2 o go. As king. I co2ld.: Ca elyn ignored ha . :I.ll say again/ I wo2ld sooner yo2 sen so-eone else o (yke/ and ke' Theon close o yo2.: :3ho &e er o rea wi h Balon Grey;oy han his son8: :@ason Mallis er/: offered Ca elyn. :Ty os Blackwood. ! e0ron Frey. Anyone . . . &2 no Theon.: 6er son s42a ed &eside Grey 3ind/ r2ffling he wolf.s f2r and inciden ally a0oiding her eyes. :Theon.s fo2gh &ra0ely for 2s. I old yo2 how he sa0ed Bran fro- hose wildlings in he wolfswood. If he *annis ers won. -ake 'eace/ I.ll ha0e need of *ord Grey;oy.s longshi's.: :=o2.ll ha0e he- sooner if yo2 kee' his son as hos age.: :6e.s &een a hos age half his life.: :For good reason/: Ca elyn said. :Balon Grey;oy is no a -an o &e r2s ed. 6e wore a crown hi-self/ re-e-&er/ if only for a season. 6e -ay as'ire o wear one again.: Ro&& s ood. :I will no gr2dge hi- ha . If I.- King in he 5or h/ le hi- &e King of he Iron Islands/ if ha .s his desire. I.ll gi0e hi- a crown gladly/ so long as he hel's 2s &ring down he *annis ers.: :Ro&&7: :I.- sending Theon. Good day/ Mo her. Grey 3ind/ co-e.: Ro&& walked off &riskly/ he direwolf 'adding &eside hi-. Ca elyn co2ld only wa ch hi- go. 6er son and now her king. 6ow 42eer ha fel . Co--and/ she had old hi- &ack in Moa Cailin. And so he did. :I a- going o 0isi Fa her/: she anno2nced a&r2' ly. :Co-e wi h -e/ ,d-2re.: :I need o ha0e a word wi h hose new &ow-en !er 1es-ond is raining. I.ll 0isi hi- la er.: If he s ill li0es/ Ca elyn ho2gh / &2 she said no hing. 6er &ro her wo2ld sooner face &a le han ha sickroo-. The shor es way o he cen ral kee' where her fa her lay dying was hro2gh he godswood/ wi h i s grass and wildflowers and hick s ands of el- and redwood. A weal h of r2s ling lea0es s ill cl2ng o he &ranches of he rees/ all ignoran of he word he whi e ra0en had &ro2gh o Ri0err2n a for nigh 'as . A2 2-n had co-e/ he Concla0e had declared/ &2 he gods had no seen fi o ell he winds and woods as ye . For ha Ca elyn was d2ly gra ef2l. A2 2-n was always a fearf2l i-e/ wi h he s'ec er of win er loo-ing ahead. ,0en he wises -an ne0er knew whe her his ne9 har0es wo2ld &e he las . 6os er T2lly/ *ord of Ri0err2n/ lay a&ed in his solar/ wi h i s co--anding 0iew o he eas where he ri0ers T2-&les one and Red Fork -e &eyond he walls of his cas le. 6e was slee'ing when Ca elyn en ered/ his hair and &eard as whi e as his fea her&ed/ his once 'or ly fra-e 2rned s-all and frail &y he dea h ha grew wi hin hi-. Beside he &ed/ s ill dressed in -ail ha2&erk and ra0el7s ained cloak/ sa her fa her.s &ro her/ he Blackfish. 6is &oo s were d2s y and

s'a ered wi h dried -2d. :1oes Ro&& know yo2 are re 2rned/ +ncle8: !er Brynden T2lly was Ro&&.s eyes and ears/ he co--ander of his sco2 s and o2 riders. :5o. I ca-e here s raigh fro- he s a&les/ when hey old -e he king was holding co2r . 6is Grace will wan o hear -y idings in 'ri0a e firs I.d hink.: The Blackfish was a all/ lean -an/ grey of hair and 'recise in his -o0e-en s/ his clean7sha0en face lined and wind&2rn . :6ow is he8: he asked/ and she knew he did no -ean Ro&&. :M2ch he sa-e. The -aes er gi0es hi- drearnwine and -ilk of he 'o''y for his 'ain/ so he slee's -os of he i-e/ and ea s oo li le. 6e see-s weaker wi h each day ha 'asses.: :1oes he s'eak8: :=es . . . &2 here is less and less sense o he hings he says. 6e alks of his regre s/ of 2nfinished asks/ of 'eo'le long dead and i-es long 'as . !o-e i-es he does no know wha season i is/ or who I a-. )nce he called -e &y Mo her.s na-e.: :6e -isses her s ill/: !er Brynden answered. :=o2 ha0e her face. I can see i in yo2r cheek&ones/ and yo2r ;aw . . .: :=o2 re-e-&er -ore of her han I do. I has &een a long i-e.: !he sea ed herself on he &ed and &r2shed away a s rand of fine whi e hair ha had fallen across her fa her.s face. :,ach i-e I ride o2 / I wonder if I shall find hi- ali0e or dead on -y re 2rn.: 1es'i e heir 42arrels/ here was a dee' &ond &e ween her fa her and he &ro her he had once disowned. :A leas yo2 -ade yo2r 'eace wi h hi-.: They sa for a i-e in silence/ 2n il Ca elyn raised her head. :=o2 s'oke of idings ha Ro&& needed o hear8: *ord 6os er -oaned and rolled on o his side/ al-os as if he had heard. Brynden s ood. :Co-e o2 side. Bes if we do no wake hi-.: !he followed hi- o2 on o he s one &alcony ha ;2 ed hree7sided fro- he solar like he 'row of a shi'. 6er 2ncle glanced 2'/ frowning. :=o2 can see i &y day now. My -en call i he Red Messenger . . . &2 wha is he -essage8: Ca elyn raised her eyes/ o where he fain red line of he co-e raced a 'a h across he dee' &l2e sky like a long scra ch across he face of god. :The Grea ;on old Ro&& ha he old gods ha0e 2nf2rled a red flag of 0engeance for 5ed. ,d-2re hinks i .s an o-en of 0ic ory for Ri0err2nhe sees a fish wi h a long ail/ in he T2lly colors/ red agains &l2e.: !he sighed. :I wish I had heir fai h. Cri-son is a *annis er color.: :Tha hing.s no cri-son/: !er Brynden said. :5or T2lly red/ he -2d red of he ri0er. Tha .s &lood 2' here/ child/ s-eared across he sky... :)2r &lood or heirs8: :3as here e0er a war where only one side &led8: 6er 2ncle ga0e a shake of he head. :The ri0erlands are awash in &lood and fla-e all aro2nd he Gods ,ye. The figh ing has s'read so2 h o he Blackwa er and nor h across he Triden / al-os o he Twins. Mar4 (i'er and Karyl Vance ha0e won so-e s-all 0ic ories/ and his so2 hron lordling Beric 1ondarrion has &een raiding he raiders/ falling 2'on *ord Tywin.s foraging 'ar ies and 0anishing &ack in o he woods. I .s said ha !er B2r on Crakehall was &oas ing ha he.d slain 1ondarrion/ 2n il he led his col2-n in o one of *ord Beric.s ra's and go e0ery -an of hekilled.: :!o-e of 5ed.s g2ard fro- King.s *anding are wi h his *ord Beric/: Ca elyn recalled. :May he gods 'reser0e he-.: :1ondarrion and his red 'ries who rides wi h hi- are cle0er eno2gh o

'reser0e he-sel0es/ if he ales &e r2e/: her 2ncle said/ :&2 yo2r fa her.s &anner-en -ake a sadder ale. Ro&& sho2ld ne0er ha0e le hego. They.0e sca ered like 42ail/ each -an rying o 'ro ec his own/ and i .s folly/ Ca / folly. @onos Bracken was wo2nded in he figh ing a-ids he r2ins of his cas le/ and his ne'hew 6endry slain. Ty os Blackwood.s swe' he *annis ers off his lands/ &2 hey ook e0ery cow and 'ig and s'eck of grain and lef hi- no hing o defend &2 Ra0en ree 6all and a scorched deser . 1arry -en reca' 2red heir lord.s kee' &2 held i less han a for nigh &efore Gregor Clegane descended on heand '2 he whole garrison o he sword/ e0en heir lord.: Ca elyn was horrors r2ck. :1arry was only a child.: :Aye/ and he las of his line as well. The &oy wo2ld ha0e &ro2gh a fine ranso-/ &2 wha does gold -ean o a fro hing dog like Gregor Clegane8 Tha &eas .s head wo2ld -ake a no&le gif for all he 'eo'le of he real-/ I 0ow.: Ca elyn knew !er Gregor.s e0il re'2 a ion/ ye s ill :1on. s'eak o -e of heads/ +ncle. Cersei has -o2n ed 5ed.s on a s'ike a&o0e he walls of he Red Kee'/ and lef i for he crows and flies.: ,0en now/ i was hard for her o &elie0e ha he was r2ly gone. !o-e nigh s she wo2ld wake in darkness/ half7aslee'/ and for an ins an e9'ec o find hihere &eside her. :Clegane is no -ore han *ord Tywin.s ca s'aw.: For Tywin *annis er7*ord of Cas erly Rock/ 3arden of he 3es / fa her o F2een Cersei/ !er @ai-e he Kingslayer/ and Tyrion he I-'/ and grandfa her o @offrey Bara heon/ he new7crowned &oy king7was he r2e danger/ Ca elyn &elie0ed. :Tr2e eno2gh/: !er Brynden ad-i ed. :And Tywin *annis er is no -an.s fool. 6e si s safe &ehind he walls of 6arrenhal/ feeding his hos on o2r har0es and &2rning wha he does no ake. Gregor is no he only dog he.s loosed. !er A-ory *orch is in he field as well/ and so-e sellsword o2 of Fohor who.d sooner -ai- a -an han kill hi-. I.0e seen wha hey lea0e &ehind he-. 3hole 0illages '2 o he orch/ wo-en ra'ed and -2 ila ed/ &2 chered children lef 2n&2ried o draw wol0es and wild dogs . . . i wo2ld sicken e0en he dead.: :3hen ,d-2re hears his/ he will rage.: :And ha will &e ;2s as *ord Tywin desires. ,0en error has i s '2r'ose/ Ca . *annis er wan s o 'ro0oke 2s o &a le.: :Ro&& is like o gi0e hi- ha wish/: Ca elyn said/ fre f2l. :6e is res less as a ca si ing here/ and ,d-2re and he Grea ;on and he o hers will 2rge hi- on.: 6er son had won wo grea 0ic ories/ s-ashing @ai-e *annis er in he 3his'ering 3ood and ro2 ing his leaderless hos o2 side he walls of Ri0err2n in he Ba le of he Ca-'s/ &2 fro- he way so-e of his &anner-en s'oke of hi-/ he -igh ha0e &een Aegon he Con42eror re&orn. Brynden Blackfish arched a &2shy grey eye&row. :More fool hey. My firs r2le of war/ Ca 7ne0er gi0e he ene-y his wish. *ord Tywin wo2ld like o figh on a field of his own choosing. 6e wan s 2s o -arch on 6arrenhal.: :6arrenhal.: ,0ery child of he Triden knew he ales old of 6arrenhal/ he 0as for ress ha King 6arren he Black had raised &eside he wa ers of Gods ,ye hree h2ndred years 'as / when he !e0en Kingdo-s had &een se0en kingdo-s/ and he ri0erlands were r2led &y he iron-en fro- he islands. In his 'ride/ 6arren had desired he highes hall and alles owers in all 3es eros. For y years i had aken/ rising like a grea shadow on he shore of he lake while 6arren.s ar-ies 'l2ndered his neigh&ors for s one/ l2-&er/ gold/ and workers. Tho2sands of ca' i0es died in his 42arries/ chained o his sledges/ or la&oring on his fi0e

colossal owers. Men fro>e &y win er and swel ered in s2--er. 3eirwoods ha had s ood hree ho2sand years were c2 down for &ea-s and raf ers. 6arren had &eggared he ri0erlands and he Iron Islands alike o orna-en his drea-. And when a las 6arrenhal s ood co-'le e/ on he 0ery day King 6arren ook 2' residence/ Aegon he Con42eror had co-e ashore a King.s *anding. Ca elyn co2ld re-e-&er hearing )ld 5an ell he s ory o her own children/ &ack a 3in erfell. :And King 6arren learned ha hick walls and high owers are s-all 2se agains dragons/: he ale always ended. :For dragons fly.: 6arren and all his line had 'erished in he fires ha eng2lfed his -ons ro2s for ress/ and e0ery ho2se ha held 6arrenhal since had co-e o -isfor 2ne. ! rong i -igh &e/ &2 i was a dark 'lace/ and c2rsed. :I wo2ld no ha0e Ro&& figh a &a le in he shadow of ha kee'/: Ca elyn ad-i ed. :=e we -2s do so-e hing/ +ncle.: :And soon/: her 2ncle agreed. :I ha0e no old yo2 he wors of i / child. The -en I sen wes ha0e &ro2gh &ack word ha a new hos is ga hering a Cas erly Rock.: Ano her *annis er ar-y. The ho2gh -ade her ill. :Ro&& -2s &e old a once. 3ho will co--and8: :!er ! afford *annis er/ i .s said.: 6e 2rned o ga>e o2 o0er he ri0ers/ his red7and7&l2e cloak s irring in he &ree>e. :Ano her ne'hew8: The *annis ers of Cas erly Rock were a da-na&ly large and fer ile ho2se. :Co2sin/: !er Brynden correc ed. :Bro her o *ord Tywin.s la e wife/ so wice rela ed. An old -an and a &i of a d2llard/ &2 he has a son/ !er 1a0en/ who is -ore for-ida&le.: :Then le 2s ho'e i is he fa her and no he son who akes his ar-y in o he field.: :3e ha0e so-e i-e ye &efore we -2s face he-. This lo will &e sellswords/ freeriders/ and green &oys fro- he s ews of *annis'or . !er ! afford -2s see ha hey are ar-ed and drilled &efore he dare risk &a le . . . and -ake no -is ake/ *ord Tywin is no he Kingslayer. 6e will no r2sh in heedless. 6e will wai 'a ien ly for !er ! afford o -arch &efore he s irs fro- &ehind he walls of 6arrenhal.: :+nless . . .: said Ca elyn. :=es8: !er Brynden 'ro-' ed. :+nless he -2s lea0e 6arrenhal/: she said/ : o face so-e o her hrea .: 6er 2ncle looked a her ho2gh f2lly. :*ord Renly.: :King Renly.: If she wo2ld ask hel' fro- he -an/ she wo2ld need o gran hi- he s yle he had clai-ed for hi-self. :(erha's.: The Blackfish s-iled a dangero2s s-ile. :6e.ll wan so-e hing/ ho2gh.: :6e.ll wan wha kings always wan /: she said. :6o-age.: C6A(T,R K T=RI)5 @anos !lyn was a &2 cher.s son/ and he la2ghed like a -an cho''ing -ea . :More wine8: Tyrion asked hi-. :I sho2ld no o&;ec /: *ord @anos said/ holding o2 his c2'. 6e was &2il like a keg/ and had a si-ilar ca'aci y. :I sho2ld no o&;ec a all. Tha .s a fine red. Fro- he Ar&or8: :1ornish.: Tyrion ges 2red/ and his ser0ing -an 'o2red. B2 for he ser0an s/ he and *ord @anos were alone in he !-all 6all/ a a s-all

candleli a&le s2rro2nded &y darkness. :F2i e he find. 1ornish wines are no of en so rich.: :Rich/: said he &ig frog7faced -an/ aking a heal hy g2l'. 6e was no a -an for si''ing/ @anos !lyn . Tyrion had -ade no e of ha a once. :=es/ rich/ ha .s he 0ery word I was searching for/ he 0ery word. =o2 ha0e a gif for words/ *ord Tyrion/ if I -igh say so. And yo2 ell a droll ale. 1roll/ yes.: :I.- 'leased yo2 hink so . . . &2 I.- no a lord/ as yo2 are. A si-'le Tyrion will s2ffice for -e/ *ord @anos.: :As yo2 wish.: 6e ook ano her swallow/ dri&&ling wine on he fron of his &lack sa in do2&le . 6e was wearing a clo hof7gold half ca'e fas ened wi h a -inia 2re s'ear/ i s 'oin ena-eled in dark red. And he was well and r2ly dr2nk. Tyrion co0ered his -o2 h and &elched 'oli ely. +nlike *ord @anos he had gone easy on he wine/ &2 he was 0ery f2ll. The firs hing he had done af er aking 2' residence in he Tower of he 6and was in42ire af er he fines cook in he ci y and ake her in o his ser0ice. This e0ening hey had s2''ed on o9 ail so2'/ s2--er greens ossed wi h 'ecans/ gra'es/ red fennel/ and cr2-&led cheese/ ho cra& 'ie/ s'iced s42ash/ and 42ails drowned in &2 er. ,ach dish had co-e wi h i s own wine. *ord @anos allowed ha he had ne0er ea en half so well. :5o do2& ha will change when yo2 ake yo2r sea in 6arrenhal/: Tyrion said. :For a cer ain y. (erha's I sho2ld ask his cook of yo2rs o en er -y ser0ice/ wha do yo2 say8: :3ars ha0e &een fo2gh o0er less/: he said/ and hey &o h had a good long la2gh. a &old -an o ake 6arrenhal for yo2r sea . !2ch a gri- 'lace/ and h2ge . . . cos ly o -ain ain. And so-e say c2rsed as well.: :!ho2ld I fear a 'ile of s one8: 6e hoo ed a he no ion. :A &old -an/ yo2 said. =o2 -2s &e &old/ o rise. As I ha0e. To 6arrenhal/ yes? And why no 8 =o2 know. =o2 are a &old -an oo/ I sense. !-all/ -ayha'/ &2 &old. : :=o2 are oo kind. More wine8: :5o. 5o/ r2ly/ I . . . oh/ gods &e da-ned/ yes. 3hy no 8 A &old -an drinks his fill?: :Tr2ly.: Tyrion filled *ord !lyn .s c2' o he &ri-. :I ha0e &een glancing o0er he na-es yo2 '2 forward o ake yo2r 'lace as Co--ander of he Ci y 3a ch.: :Good -en. Fine -en. Any of he si9 will do/ &2 Id choose Allar 1ee-. My righ ar-. Good good -an. *oyal. (ick hi- and yo2 won. &e sorry. If he 'leases he king.: :To &e s2re.: Tyrion ook a s-all si' of his own wine. :I had &een considering !er @acelyn Bywa er. 6e.s &een ca' ain on he M2d Ga e for hree years/ and he ser0ed wi h 0alor d2ring Balon Grey;oy.s Re&ellion. King Ro&er knigh ed hi- a (yke. And ye his na-e does no a''ear on yo2r lis .: *ord @anos !lyn ook a g2l' of wine and sloshed i aro2nd in his -o2 h for a -o-en &efore swallowing. :Bywa er. 3ell. Bra0e -an/ o &e s2re/ ye . . . he.s rigid/ ha one. A 42eer dog. The -en don. like hi-. A cri''le oo/ los his hand a (yke/ ha .s wha go hi- knigh ed. A 'oor rade/ if yo2 ask -e/ a hand for a ser.: 6e la2ghed. :!er @acelyn hinks o0er-2ch of hi-self and his honor/ as I see i . =o2.ll do &e er lea0ing ha one where he is/ -y lor7Tyrion. Allar 1ee-.s he -an for yo2.: :1ee- is li le lo0ed in he s ree s/ I a- old.: :6e.s feared. Tha .s &e er.:

:3ha was i I heard of hi-8 !o-e ro2&le in a &ro hel8: :Tha . 5o his fa2l / -y lor7Tyrion. 5o. 6e ne0er -ean o kill he wo-an/ ha was her own doing. 6e warned her o s and aside and le hido his d2 y.: :! ill . . . -o hers and children/ he -igh ha0e e9'ec ed she.d ry o sa0e he &a&e.: Tyrion s-iled. :6a0e so-e of his cheese/ i goes s'lendidly wi h he wine. Tell -e/ why did yo2 choose 1ee- for ha 2nha''y ask8: :A good co--ander knows his -en/ Tyrion. !o-e are good for one ;o&/ so-e for ano her. 1oing for a &a&e/ and her s ill on he i / ha akes a cer ain sor . 5o e0ery -an.d do i . ,0en if i was only so-e whore and her whel'.: :I s2''ose ha .s so/: said Tyrion/ hearing only so-e whore and hinking of !hae/ and Tysha long ago/ and all he o her wo-en who had aken his coin and his seed o0er he years. !lyn wen on/ o&li0io2s. :A hard -an for a hard ;o&/ is 1ee-. 1oes as he.s old/ and ne0er a word af erward.: 6e c2 a slice off he cheese. :This is fine. !har'. Gi0e -e a good shar' knife and a good shar' cheese and I.- a ha''y -an.: Tyrion shr2gged. :,n;oy i while yo2 can. 3i h he ri0erlands in fla-e and Renly king in 6ighgarden/ good cheese will soon &e hard o co-e &y. !o who sen yo2 af er he whore.s &as ard8: *ord @anos ga0e Tyrion a wary look/ hen la2ghed and wagged a wedge of cheese a hi-. a sly one/ Tyrion. Tho2gh yo2 co2ld rick -e/ did yo28 i akes -ore han wine and cheese o -ake @anos !lyn ell -ore han he sho2ld. I 'ride -yself. 5e0er a 42es ion/ and ne0er a word af erward/ no wi h -e.: :As wi h 1ee-.: :@2s he sa-e. =o2 -ake hi- yo2r Co--ander when I.- off o 6arrenhal/ and yo2 won. regre i .: Tyrion &roke off a ni&&le of he cheese. I was shar' indeed/ and 0eined wi h wine< 0ery choice. :3hoe0er he king na-es will no ha0e an easy i-e s e''ing in o yo2r ar-or/ I can ell. *ord Mor-on faces he sa-e 'ro&le-.: *ord @anos looked '2>>led. :I ho2gh she was a lady. Mor-on . Beds down wi h &ears/ ha .s he one8: :I was her &ro her I was s'eaking of. @eor Mor-on / he *ord Co--ander of he 5igh .s 3a ch. 3hen I was 0isi ing wi h hi- on he 3all/ he -en ioned how concerned he was a&o2 finding a good -an o ake his 'lace. The 3a ch ge s so few good -en hese days.: Tyrion grinned. :6e.d slee' easier if he had a -an like yo2/ I i-agine. )r he 0alian Allar 1ee-.: *ord @anos roared. :!-all chance of ha ?: :)ne wo2ld hink/: Tyrion said/ :&2 life does ake 42eer 2rns. Consider ,ddard ! ark/ -y lord. I don. s2''ose he e0er i-agined his life wo2ld end on he s e's of Baelor.s !e' .: :There were da-n few as did/: *ord @anos allowed/ ch2ckling. Tyrion ch2ckled oo. :A 'i y I wasn. here o see i . They say e0en Varys was s2r'rised.: *ord @anos la2ghed so hard his g2 shook. :The !'ider/: he said. :Knows e0ery hing/ hey say. 3ell/ he didn. know ha .: :6ow co2ld he8: Tyrion '2 he firs hin of a chill in his one. :6e had hel'ed 'ers2ade -y sis er ha ! ark sho2ld &e 'ardoned/ on he condi ion ha he ake he &lack.: :,h8: @anos !lyn &linked 0ag2ely a Tyrion. :My sis er Cersei/: Tyrion re'ea ed/ a shade -ore s rongly/ in case he fool had so-e do2& who he -ean . :The F2een Regen .:

:=es.: !lyn ook a swallow. :As o ha / well . . . he king co--anded i / -.lord. The king hi-self.: :The king is hir een/: Tyrion re-inded hi-. :! ill. 6e is he king.: !lyn .s ;owls 42i0ered when he frowned. :The *ord of he !e0en Kingdo-s.: :3ell/ one or wo of he-/ a leas /: Tyrion said wi h a so2r s-ile. :Migh I ha0e a look a yo2r s'ear8: :My s'ear8: *ord @anos &linked in conf2sion. Tyrion 'oin ed. :The clas' ha fas ens yo2r ca'e.: 6esi an ly/ *ord @anos drew o2 he orna-en and handed i o Tyrion. :3e ha0e golds-i hs in *annis'or who do &e er work/ he o'ined. :The red ena-el &lood is a shade -2ch/ if yo2 don. -ind -y saying. Tell -e/ -y lord/ did yo2 dri0e he s'ear in o he -an.s &ack yo2rself/ or did yo2 only gi0e he co--and8: :I ga0e he co--and/ and I.d gi0e i again. *ord ! ark was a rai or.: The &ald s'o in he -iddle of !lyn .s head was &ee 7red/ and his clo hof7gold ca'e had sli hered off his sho2lders on o he floor. :The -an ried o &2y -e.: :*i le drea-ing ha yo2 had already &een sold.: !lyn sla--ed down his wine c2'. :Are yo2 dr2nk8 If yo2 hink I will si here and ha0e -y honor 42es ioned . . .: :3ha honor is ha 8 I do ad-i / yo2 -ade a &e er &argain han !er @acelyn. A lordshi' and a cas le for a s'ear hr2s in he &ack/ and yo2 didn. e0en need o hr2s he s'ear.: 6e ossed he golden orna-en &ack o @anos !lyn . I &o2nced off his ches and cla ered o he floor as he -an rose. :I -islike he one of yo2r 0oice/ -y lo7I-'. I a- he *ord of 6ar7 renhal and a -e-&er of he king.s co2ncil/ who are yo2 o chas ise -e like his8: Tyrion cocked his head sideways. :I hink yo2 know 42i e well who I a-. 6ow -any sons do yo2 ha0e8: :3ha are -y sons o yo2/ dwarf8: :1warf8: 6is anger flashed. :=o2 sho2ld ha0e s o''ed a I-'. I aTyrion of 6o2se *annis er/ and so-eday/ if yo2 ha0e he sense he gods ga0e a sea sl2g/ yo2 will dro' o yo2r knees in hanks ha i was -e yo2 had o deal wi h/ and no -y lord fa her. 5ow/ how -any sons do yo2 ha0e8: Tyrion co2ld see he s2dden fear in @anos !lyn .s eyes. :Th7 hree/ -.lord. And a da2gh er. (lease/ -.lord7: :=o2 need no &eg.: 6e slid off his chair. :=o2 ha0e -y word/ no harwill co-e o he-. The yo2nger &oys will &e fos ered o2 as s42ires. If hey ser0e well and loyally/ hey -ay &e knigh s in i-e. *e i ne0er &e said ha 6o2se *annis er does no reward hose who ser0e i . =o2r eldes son will inheri he i le *ord !lyn / and his a''alling sigil of yo2rs.: 6e kicked a he li le golden s'ear and sen i ski ering across he floor. :*ands will &e fo2nd for hi-/ and he can &2ild a sea for hi-self. I will no &e 6arrenhal/ &2 i will &e s2fficien . i will &e 2' o hi- o -ake a -arriage for he girl.: @anos !lyn .s face had gone fro- red o whi e. :3h7wha . . . wha do yo2 . . . 8: 6is ;owls were 42i0ering like -o2nds of s2e . :3ha do I -ean o do wi h yo28: Tyrion le he oaf re-&le for a -o-en &efore he answered. :The carrack !2--er.s 1rea- sails on he -orning ide. 6er -as er ells -e she will call a G2ll own/ he Three !is ers/ he isle of !kagos/ and ,as wa ch7&y7 he7!ea. 3hen yo2 see *ord Co--ander Mor-on / gi0e hi- -y fond regards/ and ell hi- ha I ha0e no forgo en he needs of he 5igh .s 3a ch. I wish yo2 long life and good ser0ice/ -y lord.:

)nce @anos !lyn reali>ed he was no o &e s2--arily e9ec2 ed/ color re 2rned o his face. 6e hr2s his ;aw o2 . :3e will see a&o2 his/ I-'. 1warf. (erha's i will &e yo2 on ha shi'/ wha do yo2 hink of ha 8 (erha's i will &e yo2 on he 3all.: 6e ga0e a &ark of an9io2s la2gh er. :=o2 and yo2r hrea s/ well/ we will see. I a- he king.s friend/ yo2 know. 3e shall hear wha @offrey has o say a&o2 his. And *i lefinger and he 42een/ oh/ yes. @anos !lyn has a good -any friends. 3e will see who goes sailing/ I 'ro-ise yo2. Indeed we will.: !lyn s'2n on his heel like he wa ch-an he.d once &een/ and s rode he leng h of he !-all 6all/ &oo s ringing on he s one. 6e cla ered 2' he s e's/ hrew o'en he door . . . and ca-e face7 o7face wi h a all/ lan ern7;awed -an in &lack &reas 'la e and gold cloak. ! ra''ed o he s 2-' of his righ wris was an iron hand. :@anos/: he said/ dee'7se eyes glin ing 2nder a 'ro-inen &row ridge and a shock of sal 7and7 'e''er hair. !i9 gold cloaks -o0ed 42ie ly in o he !-all 6all &ehind hi- as @anos !lyn &acked away. :*ord !lyn /: Tyrion called o2 / :I &elie0e yo2 know !er @acelyn Bywa er/ o2r new Co--ander of he Ci y 3a ch.: :3e ha0e a li er wai ing for yo2/ -y lord/: !er @acelyn old !lyn . :The docks are dark and dis an / and he s ree s are no safe &y nigh . Men.: As he gold cloaks 2shered o2 heir one i-e co--ander/ Tyrion called !er @acelyn o his side and handed hi- a roll of 'arch-en . :I .s a long 0oyage/ and *ord !lyn will wan for co-'any. !ee ha hese si9 ;oin hi- on he !2--er.s 1rea-.: Bywa er glanced o0er he na-es and s-iled. :As yo2 will.: :There.s one/: Tyrion said 42ie ly. :1ee-. Tell he ca' ain i wo2ld no &e aken a-iss if ha one sho2ld ha''en o &e swe' o0er&oard &efore hey reach ,as wa ch.: :I.- old hose nor hern wa ers are 0ery s or-y/ -y lord.: !er @acelyn &owed and ook his lea0e/ his cloak ri''ling &ehind hi-. 6e rod on !lyn .s clo h7of7gold ca'e on his way. Tyrion sa alone/ si''ing a wha re-ained of he fine swee 1ornish wine. !er0an s ca-e and wen / clearing he dishes fro- he a&le. 6e old he- o lea0e he wine. 3hen hey were done/ Varys ca-e gliding in o he hall/ wearing flowing la0ender ro&es ha -a ched his s-ell. :)h swee ly done/ -y good lord.: :Then why do I ha0e his &i er as e in -y -o2 h8: 6e 'ressed his fingers in o his e-'les. :I old he- o hrow Allar 1ee- in o he sea. I a- sorely e-' ed o do he sa-e wi h yo2.: :=o2 -igh &e disa''oin ed &y he res2l /: Varys re'lied. :The s or-s co-e and go/ he wa0es crash o0erhead/ he &ig fish ea he li le fish/ and I kee' on 'addling. Migh I ro2&le yo2 for a as e of he wine ha *ord !lyn en;oyed so -2ch8: Tyrion wa0ed a he flagon/ frowning. Varys filled a c2'. :Ah. !wee as s2--er.: 6e ook ano her si'. :I hear he gra'es singing on -y ong2e.: :I wondered wha ha noise was. Tell he gra'es o kee' s ill/ -y head is a&o2 o s'li . I was -y sis er. Tha was wha he oh7so7loyal *ord @anos ref2sed o say. Cersei sen he gold cloaks o ha &ro hel.: Varys i ered ner0o2sly. !o he had known all along. :=o2 lef ha 'ar o2 /: Tyrion said acc2singly. :=o2r own swee sis er/: Varys said/ so grief7s ricken he looked close o ears. :I is a hard hing o ell a -an/ -y lord. I was fearf2l how yo2 -igh ake i . Can yo2 forgi0e -e8: :5o/: Tyrion sna''ed. :1a-n yo2. 1a-n her.: 6e co2ld no o2ch Cersei/ he knew. 5o ye / no e0en if he.d wan ed o/ and he was far fro-

cer ain ha he did. =e i rankled/ o si here and -ake a -2--er.s show of ;2s ice &y '2nishing he sorry likes of @anos !lyn and Allar 1ee-/ while his sis er con in2ed on her sa0age co2rse. :In f2 2re/ yo2 will ell -e wha yo2 know/ *ord Varys. All of wha yo2 know.: The e2n2ch.s s-ile was sly. :Tha -igh ake ra her a long i-e/ -y good lord. I know 42i e a lo .: :5o eno2gh o sa0e his child/ i wo2ld see-.: :Alas/ no. There was ano her &as ard/ a &oy/ older. I ook s e's o see hi- re-o0ed fro- har-.s way . . . &2 I confess/ I ne0er drea-ed he &a&e wo2ld &e a risk. A &ase&orn girl/ less han a year old/ wi h a whore for a -o her. 3ha hrea co2ld she 'ose8: :!he was Ro&er .s/: Tyrion said &i erly. :Tha was eno2gh for Cersei/ i wo2ld see-.: :=es. I is grie0o2s sad. I -2s &la-e -yself for he 'oor swee &a&e and her -o her/ who was so yo2ng and lo0ed he king.: :1id she8: Tyrion had ne0er seen he dead girl.s face/ &2 in his -ind she was !hae and Tysha &o h. :Can a whore r2ly lo0e anyone/ I wonder8 5o/ don. answer. !o-e hings I wo2ld ra her no know.: 6e had se led !hae in a s'rawling s one7and7 i-&er -anse/ wi h i s own well and s a&le and garden< he had gi0en her ser0an s o see o her wan s/ a whi e &ird fro- he !2--er Isles o kee' her co-'any/ silks and sil0er and ge-s ones o adorn her/ g2ards o 'ro ec her. And ye she see-ed res i0e. !he wan ed o &e wi h hi- -ore/ she old hi-< she wan ed o ser0e hi- and hel' hi-. :=o2 hel' -e -os here/ &e ween he shee s/: he old her one nigh af er heir lo0ing as he lay &eside her/ his head 'illowed agains her &reas / his groin aching wi h a swee soreness. !he -ade no re'ly/ sa0e wi h her eyes. 6e co2ld see here ha i was no wha she.d wan ed o hear. !ighing/ Tyrion s ar ed o reach for he wine again/ hen re-e-&ered *ord @anos and '2shed he flagon away. :I does see- -y sis er was elling he r2 h a&o2 ! ark.s dea h. 3e ha0e -y ne'hew o hank for ha -adness.: :King @offrey ga0e he co--and. @anos !lyn and !er Ilyn (ayne carried i o2 / swif ly/ wi ho2 hesi a ion . . .: :. . . al-os as if hey had e9'ec ed i . =es/ we ha0e &een o0er his gro2nd &efore/ wi ho2 'rofi . A folly.: :3i h he Ci y 3a ch in hand/ -y lord/ yo2 are well 'laced o see o i ha 6is Grace co--i s no f2r her . . . follies8 To &e s2re/ here is s ill he 42een.s ho2sehold g2ard o consider . . .: :The red cloaks8: Tyrion shr2gged. :Vylarr.s loyal y is o Cas erly Rock. 6e knows I a- here wi h -y fa her.s a2 hori y. Cersei wo2ld find i hard o 2se his -en agains -e . . . &esides/ hey are only a h2ndred. I ha0e half again as -any -en of -y own. And si9 ho2sand gold cloaks/ if Bywa er is he -an yo2 clai-.: :=o2 will find !er @acelyn o &e co2rageo2s/ honora&le/ o&edien . . . and -os gra ef2l.: :To who-/ I wonder8: Tyrion did no r2s Varys/ ho2gh here was no denying his 0al2e. 6e knew hings/ &eyond a do2& . :3hy are yo2 so hel'f2l/ -y lord Varys8: he asked/ s 2dying he -an.s sof hands/ he &ald 'owdered face/ he sli-y li le s-ile. :=o2 are he 6and. I ser0e he real-/ he king/ and yo2.: :As yo2 ser0ed @on Arryn and ,ddard ! ark8: :I ser0ed *ord Arryn and *ord ! ark as &es I co2ld. I was saddened and horrified &y heir -os 2n i-ely dea hs.: :Think how I feel. I.- like o &e ne9 .: :)h/ I hink no /: Varys said/ swirling he wine in his c2'. :(ower is a c2rio2s hing/ -y lord. (erchance yo2 ha0e considered he riddle I

'osed yo2 ha day in he inn8: :I has crossed -y -ind a i-e or wo/: Tyrion ad-i ed. :The king/ he 'ries / he rich -an7who li0es and who dies8 3ho will he swords-an o&ey8 I .s a riddle wi ho2 an answer/ or ra her/ oo -any answers. All de'ends on he -an wi h he sword.: :And ye he is no one/: Varys said. :6e has nei her crown nor gold nor fa0or of he gods/ only a 'iece of 'oin ed s eel.: :Tha 'iece of s eel is he 'ower of life and dea h.: :@2s so . . . ye if i is he swords-en who r2le 2s in r2 h/ why do we 're end o2r kings hold he 'ower8 3hy sho2ld a s rong -an wi h a sword e0er o&ey a child king like @offrey/ or a wine7sodden oaf like his fa her8 : :Beca2se hese child kings and dr2nken oafs can call o her s rong -en/ wi h o her swords.: :Then hese o her swords-en ha0e he r2e 'ower. )r do hey8 3hence ca-e heir swords8 3hy do hey o&ey8: Varys s-iled. :!o-e say knowledge is 'ower. !o-e ell 2s ha all 'ower co-es fro- he gods. ) hers say i deri0es fro- law. =e ha day on he s e's of Baelor.s !e' / o2r godly 6igh !e' on and he lawf2l F2een Regen and yo2r e0erso7 knowledgea&le ser0an were as 'owerless as any co&&ler or coo'er in he crowd. 3ho r2ly killed ,ddard ! ark do yo2 hink8 @offrey/ who ga0e he co--and8 !er Ilyn (ayne/ who sw2ng he sword8 )r . . . ano her8 : Tyrion cocked his head sideways. :1id yo2 -ean o answer yo2r da-ned riddle/ or only o -ake -y head ache worse8: Varys s-iled. :6ere/ hen. (ower resides where -en &elie0e i resides. 5o -ore and no less.: :!o 'ower is a -2--er.s rick8: :A shadow on he wall/: Varys -2r-2red/ :ye shadows can kill. And of i-es a 0ery s-all -an can cas a 0ery large shadow.: Tyrion s-iled. :*ord Varys/ I a- growing s rangely fond of yo2. I -ay kill yo2 ye / &2 I hink Id feel sad a&o2 i .: :I will ake ha as high 'raise.: :3ha are yo2/ Varys8: Tyrion fo2nd he r2ly wan ed o know. :A s'ider/ hey say.: :!'ies and infor-ers are seldo- lo0ed/ -y lord. I a- &2 a loyal ser0an of he real-.: :And a e2n2ch. *e 2s no forge ha .: :I seldo- do.: :(eo'le ha0e called -e a half-an oo/ ye I hink he gods ha0e &een kinder o -e. I a- s-all/ -y legs are wis ed/ and wo-en do no look 2'on -e wi h any grea yearning . . . ye I.- s ill a -an. !hae is no he firs o grace -y &ed/ and one day I -ay ake a wife and sire a son. If he gods are good/ he.ll look like his 2ncle and hink like his fa her. =o2 ha0e no s2ch ho'e o s2s ain yo2. 1warfs are a ;a'e of he gods . . . &2 -en -ake e2n2chs. 3ho c2 yo2/ Varys8 3hen and why8 3ho are yo2/ r2ly8 : The e2n2ch.s s-ile ne0er flickered/ &2 his eyes gli ered wi h so-e hing ha was no la2gh er. :=o2 are kind o ask/ -y lord/ &2 -y ale is long and sad/ and we ha0e reasons o disc2ss.: 6e drew a 'arch-en fro- he slee0e of his ro&e. :The -as er of he King.s Galley 3hi e 6ar 'lo s o sli' anchor hree days hence o offer his sword and shi' o *ord ! annis.: Tyrion sighed. :I s2''ose we -2s -ake so-e sor of &loody lesson o2 of he -an8: :!er @acelyn co2ld arrange for hi- o 0anish/ &2 a rial &efore he king wo2ld hel' ass2re he con in2ed loyal y of he o her ca' ains.: And kee' -y royal ne'hew occ2'ied as well. :As yo2 say. (2 hi- down

for a dose of @offrey.s ;2s ice.: Varys -ade a -ark on he 'arch-en . :!er 6oras and !er 6o&&er Redwyne ha0e &ri&ed a g2ard o le he- o2 a 'os ern ga e/ he nigh af er ne9 . Arrange-en s ha0e &een -ade for he- o sail on he (en oshi galley Moonr2nner/ disg2ised as oars-en.: :Can we kee' he- on hose oars for a few years/ see how hey fancy i 8: 6e s-iled. :5o/ -y sis er wo2ld &e dis ra2gh o lose s2ch reas2red g2es s. Infor- !er @acelyn. !ei>e he -an hey &ri&ed and e9'lain wha an honor i is o ser0e as a &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch. And ha0e -en 'os ed aro2nd he Moonr2nner/ in case he Redwynes find a second g2ard shor of coin.: :As yo2 will.: Ano her -ark on he 'arch-en . :=o2r -an Ti-e slew a wineseller.s son his e0ening/ a a ga-&ling den on he ! ree of !il0er. 6e acc2sed hi- of chea ing a iles.: :3as i r2e8: :)h/ &eyond a do2& .: :Then he hones -en of he ci y owe Ti-e a de& of gra i 2de. I shall see ha he has he king.s hanks.: The e2n2ch ga0e a ner0o2s giggle and -ade ano her -ark. :3e also ha0e a s2dden 'lag2e of holy -en. The co-e has &ro2gh for h all -anner of 42eer 'ries s/ 'reachers/ and 'ro'he s/ i wo2ld see-. They &eg in he winesinks and 'o 7sho's and fore ell doo- and des r2c ion o anyone who s o's o lis en.: Tyrion shr2gged. :3e are close on he hree h2ndred h year since Aegon.s *anding/ I s2''ose i is only o &e e9'ec ed. *e he- ran .: :They are s'reading fear/ -y lord.: :I ho2gh ha was yo2r ;o&.: Varys co0ered his -o2 h wi h his hand. :=o2 are 0ery cr2el o say so. )ne las -a er. *ady Tanda ga0e a s-all s2''er las nigh . I ha0e he -en2 and he g2es lis for yo2r ins'ec ion. 3hen he wine was 'o2red/ *ord Gyles rose o lif a c2' o he king/ and !er Balon !wann was heard o re-ark/ .3e.ll need hree c2's for ha ..Many la2ghed . . .: Tyrion raised a hand. :,no2gh. !er Balon -ade a ;es . I a- no in eres ed in reasono2s a&le alk/ *ord Varys.: :=o2 are as wise as yo2 are gen le/ -y lord.: The 'arch-en 0anished 2' he e2n2ch.s slee0e. :3e &o h ha0e -2ch o do. I shall lea0e yo2.: 3hen he e2n2ch had de'ar ed/ Tyrion sa for a long i-e wa ching he candle and wondering how his sis er wo2ld ake he news of @anos !lyn .s dis-issal. 5o ha''ily/ if he was any ;2dge/ &2 &eyond sending an angry 'ro es o *ord Tywin in 6arrenhal/ he did no see wha Cersei co2ld ho'e o do a&o2 i . Tyrion had he Ci y 3a ch now/ 'l2s a h2ndred7and7a7half fierce clans-en and a growing force of sellswords recr2i ed &y Bronn. 6e wo2ld see- well 'ro ec ed. 1o2& less ,ddard ! ark ho2gh he sa-e. The Red Kee' was dark and s ill when Tyrion lef he !-all 6all. Bronn was wai ing in his solar. :!lyn 8: he asked. :*ord @anos will &e sailing for he 3all on he -orning ide. Varys wo2ld ha0e -e &elie0e ha I ha0e re'laced one of @offrey.s -en wi h one of -y own. More likely/ I ha0e re'laced *i lefinger.s -an wi h one &elonging o Varys/ &2 so &e i .: :=o2.d &es know/ Ti-e killed a -an7: :Varys old -e.: The sellsword see-ed 2ns2r'rised. :The fool fig2red a one7eyed -an wo2ld &e easier o chea . Ti-e 'inned his wris o he a&le wi h a dagger and ri''ed o2 his hroa &arehanded. 6e has his rick where he s iffens his fingers7: :!'are -e he grisly de ails/ -y s2''er is si ing &adly in -y &elly/:

Tyrion said. :6ow goes yo2r recr2i ing8: :3ell eno2gh. Three new -en onigh .: :6ow do yo2 know which ones o hire8: :I look he- o0er. I 42es ion he-/ o learn where hey.0e fo2gh and how well hey lie.: Bronn s-iled. :And hen I gi0e he- a chance o kill -e/ while I do he sa-e for he-.: :6a0e yo2 killed any8: :5o one we co2ld ha0e 2sed.: :And if one of he- kills yo28: :6e.ll &e one yo2.ll wan o hire.: Tyrion was a li le dr2nk/ and 0ery ired. :Tell -e/ Bronn. If I old yo2 o kill a &a&e . . . an infan girl/ say/ s ill a her -o her.s &reas . . . wo2ld yo2 do i 8 3i ho2 42es ion8: :3i ho2 42es ion8 5o.: The sellsword r2&&ed h2-& and forefinger oge her. :I.d ask how -2ch.: And why wo2ld I e0er need yo2r Allar 1ee-/ *ord !lyn 8 Tyrion ho2gh . I ha0e a h2ndred of -y own. 6e wan ed o la2gh< he wan ed o wee'< -os of all/ he wan ed !hae. C6A(T,R $ AR=A The road was li le -ore han wo r2 s hro2gh he weeds. The good 'ar was/ wi h so li le raffic here.d &e no one o 'oin he finger and say which way hey.d gone. The h2-an flood ha had flowed down he kingsroad was only a rickle here. The &ad 'ar was/ he road wo2nd &ack and for h like a snake/ angling wi h e0en s-aller rails and so-e i-es see-ing o 0anish en irely only o rea''ear half a leag2e far her on when hey had all &2 gi0en 2' ho'e. Arya ha ed i . The land was gen le eno2gh/ rolling hills and erraced fields in ers'ersed wi h -eadows and woodlands and li le 0alleys where willows crowded close o slow shallow s rea-s. ,0en so/ he 'a h was so narrow and crooked ha heir 'ace had dro''ed o a crawl. I was he wagons ha slowed he-/ l2-&ering along/ a9les creaking 2nder he weigh of heir hea0y loads. A do>en i-es a day hey had o s o' o free a wheel ha had s 2ck in a r2 / or do2&le 2' he ea-s o cli-& a -2ddy slo'e. )nce/ in he -iddle of a dense s and of oak/ hey ca-e face7 o7face wi h hree -en '2lling a load of firewood in an o9 car / wi h no way for ei her o ge aro2nd. There had &een no hing for i &2 o wai while he fores ers 2nhi ched heir o9/ led hi- hro2gh he rees/ s'2n he car / hi ched he o9 2' again/ and s ar ed &ack he way hey.d co-e. The o9 was e0en slower han he wagons/ so ha day hey hardly go anywhere a all. Arya co2ld no hel' looking o0er her sho2lder/ wondering when he gold cloaks wo2ld ca ch he-. A nigh / she woke a e0ery noise o gra& for 5eedle.s hil . They ne0er -ade ca-' wi ho2 '2 ing o2 sen ries now/ &2 Arya did no r2s he-/ es'ecially he or'han &oys. They -igh ha0e done well eno2gh in he alleys of King.s *anding/ &2 o2 here hey were los . 3hen she was &eing 42ie as a shadow/ she co2ld sneak 'as all of he-/ fli ing o2 &y s arligh o -ake her wa er in he woods where no one wo2ld see. )nce/ when *o--y Greenhands had he wa ch/ she shi--ied 2' an oak and -o0ed fro- ree o ree 2n il she was righ a&o0e his head/ and he ne0er saw a hing. !he wo2ld ha0e ;2-'ed down on o' of hi-/ &2 she knew his screa- wo2ld wake he whole ca-'/ and =oren -igh ake a s ick o her again.

*o--y and he o her or'hans all rea ed he B2ll like so-eone s'ecial now &eca2se he 42een wan ed his head/ ho2gh he wo2ld ha0e none of i . :I ne0er did no hing o no 42een/: he said angrily. :I did -y work/ is all. Bellows and ongs and fe ch and carry. I was s.'osed o &e an ar-orer/ and one day Mas er Mo says I go o ;oin he 5igh .s 3a ch/ ha .s all I know.: Then he.d go off o 'olish his hel-. I was a &ea2 if2l hel-/ ro2nded and c2r0ed/ wi h a sli 0isor and wo grea -e al &2ll.s horns. Arya wo2ld wa ch hi- 'olish he -e al wi h an oilclo h/ shining i so &righ yo2 co2ld see he fla-es of he cookfire reflec ed in he s eel. =e he ne0er ac 2ally '2 i on his head. :I &e he.s ha rai or.s &as ard/: *o--y said one nigh / in a h2shed 0oice so Gendry wo2ld no hear. :The wolf lord/ he one hey nicked on Baelor.s s e's.: :6e is no /: Arya declared. My fa her only had one &as ard/ and ha .s Ion. !he s alked off in o he rees/ wishing she co2ld ;2s saddle her horse and ride ho-e. !he was a good horse/ a ches n2 -are wi h a whi e &la>e on her forehead. And Arya had always &een a good rider. !he co2ld gallo' off and ne0er see any of he-/ 2nless she wan ed o. )nly hen she.d ha0e no one o sco2 ahead of her/ or wa ch &ehind/ or s and g2ard while she na''ed/ and when he gold cloaks ca2gh her/ she.d &e all alone. I was safer o s ay wi h =oren and he o hers. no far fro- Gods ,ye/: he &lack &ro her said one -orning. :The kingsroad won. &e safe ill across he Triden . !o we.ll co-e 2' aro2nd he lake along he wes ern shore/ no like o look for 2s here.: A he ne9 s'o where wo r2 s c2 cross each o her/ he 2rned he wagons wes . 6ere far-land ga0e way o fores / he 0illages and holdfas s were s-aller and far her a'ar / he hills higher and he 0alleys dee'er. Food grew harder o co-e &y. In he ci y/ =oren had loaded 2' he wagons wi h sal fish/ hard &read/ lard/ 2rni's/ sacks of &eans and &arley/ and wheels of yellow cheese/ &2 e0ery &i e of i had &een ea en. Forced o li0e off he land/ =oren 2rned o Koss and K2r>/ who.d &een aken as 'oachers. 6e wo2ld send he- ahead of he col2-n/ in o he woods/ and co-e d2sk hey wo2ld &e &ack wi h a deer sl2ng &e ween he- on a 'ole or a &race of 42ail swinging fro- heir &el s. The yo2nger &oys wo2ld &e se o 'icking &lack&erries along he road/ or cli-&ing fences o fill a sack wi h a''les if hey ha''ened 2'on an orchard. Arya was a skilled cli-&er and a fas 'icker/ and she liked o go off &y herself. )ne day she ca-e across a ra&&i / '2rely &y ha''ens ance. I was &rown and fa / wi h long ears and a wi chy nose. Ra&&i s ran fas er han ca s/ &2 hey co2ldn. cli-& rees half so well. !he whacked i wi h her s ick and gra&&ed i &y i s ears/ and =oren s ewed i wi h so-e -2shroo-s and wild onions. Arya was gi0en a whole leg/ since i was her ra&&i . !he shared i wi h Gendry. The res of heeach go a s'oonf2l/ e0en he hree in -anacles. @a4en 6.ghar hanked her 'oli ely for he rea / and Bi er licked he grease off his dir y fingers wi h a &lissf2l look/ &2 Rorge/ he noseless one/ only la2ghed and said/ :There.s a h2n er now. *2-'yface *2-'yhead Ra&&i killer.: )2 side a holdfas called Briarwhi e/ so-e fieldhands s2rro2nded hein a cornfield/ de-anding coin for he ears hey.d aken. =oren eyed heir scy hes and ossed he- a few co''ers. :Ti-e was/ a -an in &lack was feas ed fro- 1orne o 3in erfell/ and e0en high lords called i an honor o shel er hi- 2nder heir roofs/: he said &i erly. :5ow cra0ens like yo2 wan hard coin for a &i e of wor-y a''le.: 6e s'a . :I .s swee corn/ &e er.n a s inking old &lack &ird like yo2 deser0es/: one of he- answered ro2ghly. :=o2 ge o2 of o2r field now/ and ake

hese sneaks and s a&&ers wi h yo2/ or we.ll s ake yo2 2' in he corn o scare he o her crows away.: They roas ed he swee corn in he h2sk ha nigh / 2rning he ears wi h long forked s icks/ and a e i ho righ off he co&. Arya ho2gh i as ed wonderf2l/ &2 =oren was oo angry o ea . A clo2d see-ed o hang o0er hi-/ ragged and &lack as his cloak. 6e 'aced a&o2 he ca-' res lessly/ -2 ering o hi-self. The ne9 day Koss ca-e racing &ack o warn =oren of a ca-' ahead. :Twen y or hir y -en/ in -ail and halfhel-s/: he said. :!o-e of heare c2 2' &ad/ and one.s dying/ fro- he so2nd of hi-. 3i h all he noise he was -aking/ I go righ 2' close. They go s'ears and shields/ &2 only one horse/ and ha .s la-e. I hink hey &een here awhile/ fro- he s ink of he 'lace.: :!ee a &anner8: :!'o ed reeca / yellow and &lack/ on a -2d7&rown field.: =oren folded a so2rleaf in o his -o2 h and chewed. :Can. say/: he ad-i ed. :Migh &e one side/ -igh &e .o her. if h2r ha &ad/ likely hey.d ake o2r -o2n s no -a er who hey are. Migh &e hey.d ake -ore han ha . I &elie0e we.ll go wide aro2nd he-.: I ook he- -iles o2 of heir way/ and cos he- wo days a he leas / &2 he old -an said i was chea' a he 'rice. :=o2.ll ha0e i-e eno2gh on he 3all. The res o. yo2r li0es/ -os like. !ee-s o -e here.s no r2sh o ge here. : Arya saw -en g2arding he fields -ore and -ore when hey 2rned nor h again. )f en hey s ood silen ly &eside he road/ gi0ing a cold eye o anyone who 'assed. ,lsewhere hey 'a rolled on horses/ riding heir fence lines wi h a9es s ra''ed o heir saddles. A one 'lace/ she s'o ed a -an 'erched 2' in a dead ree/ wi h a &ow in his hand and a 42i0er hanging fro- he &ranch &eside hi-. The -o-en he s'ied he-/ he no ched an arrow o his &ows ring/ and ne0er looked away 2n il he las wagon was o2 of sigh . All he while/ =oren c2rsed. :6i- in his ree/ le .s see how well he likes i 2' here when he ) hers co-e o ake hi-. 6e.ll screa- for he 3a ch hen/ ha he will.: A day la er 1o&&er s'ied a red glow agains he e0ening sky. :,i her his road wen and 2rned again/ or ha s2n.s se ing in he nor h.: =oren cli-&ed a rise o ge a &e er look. :Fire/: he anno2nced. 6e licked a h2-& and held i 2'. :3ind sho2ld &low i away fro- 2s. ! ill &ears wa ching.: And wa ch i hey did. As he world darkened/ he fire see-ed o grow &righ er and &righ er/ 2n il i looked as ho2gh he whole nor h was a&la>e. Fro- i-e o i-e/ hey co2ld e0en s-ell he s-oke/ ho2gh he wind held s eady and he fla-es ne0er go any closer. By dawn he fire had &2rned i self o2 / &2 none of he- sle' 0ery well ha nigh . i was -idday when hey arri0ed a he 'lace where he 0illage had &een. The fields were a charred desola ion for -iles aro2nd/ he ho2ses &lackened shells. The carcasses of &2rn and &2 chered ani-als do ed he gro2nd/ 2nder li0ing &lanke s of carrion crows ha rose/ cawing f2rio2sly/ when dis 2r&ed. !-oke s ill drif ed fro- inside he holdfas . I s i-&er 'alisade looked s rong fro- afar/ &2 had no 'ro0ed s rong eno2gh. Riding o2 in fron of he wagons on her horse/ Arya saw &2rn &odies i-'aled on shar'ened s akes a o' he walls/ heir hands drawn 2' igh in fron of heir faces as if o figh off he fla-es ha had cons2-ed he-. =oren called a hal when hey were s ill so-e dis ance off/ and old Arya and he o her &oys o g2ard he wagons while he and M2rch and C2 ;ack wen in on foo . A flock of ra0ens rose fro- inside he walls

when hey cli-&ed hro2gh he &roken ga e/ and he caged ra0ens in heir wagons called o2 o he- wi h 42orks and ra2co2s shrieks. :!ho2ld we go in af er he-8: Arya asked Gendry af er =oren and he o hers had &een gone a long i-e. :=oren said wai .: Gendry.s 0oice so2nded hollow. 3hen Arya 2rned o look/ she saw ha he was wearing his hel-/ all shiny s eel and grea c2r0ing horns. 3hen hey finally re 2rned/ =oren had a li le girl in his ar-s/ and M2rch and C2 ;ack were carrying a wo-an in a sling -ade of an old orn 42il . The girl was no older han wo and she cried all he i-e/ a whi-'ery so2nd/ like so-e hing was ca2gh in her hroa . ,i her she co2ldn. alk ye or she had forgo en how. The wo-an.s righ ar- ended in a &loody s 2-' a her el&ow/ and her eyes didn. see- o see any hing/ e0en when she was looking righ a i . !he alked/ &2 she only said one hing. :(lease/: she cried/ o0er and o0er. :(lease. (lease.: Rorge ho2gh ha was f2nny. 6e la2ghed hro2gh he hole in his face where his nose had &een/ and Bi er s ar ed la2ghing oo/ 2n il M2rch c2rsed he- and old he- o sh2 2'. =oren had he- fi9 he wo-an a 'lace in he &ack of a wagon. :And &e 42ick a&o2 i /: he said. :Co-e dark/ here.ll &e wol0es here/ and worse.: :I.- scared/: 6o (ie -2r-2red when he saw he one7ar-ed wo-an hrashing in he wagon. :Me oo/: Arya confessed. 6e s42ee>ed her sho2lder. :I ne0er r2ly kicked no &oy o dea h/ Arry. I ;2s sold -y -o--y.s 'ies/ is all.: Arya rode as far ahead of he wagons as she dared/ so she wo2ldn. ha0e o hear he li le girl crying or lis en o he wo-an whis'er/ :(lease.: !he re-e-&ered a s ory )ld 5an had old once/ a&o2 a -an i-'risoned in a dark cas le &y e0il gian s. 6e was 0ery &ra0e and s-ar and he ricked he gian s and esca'ed . . . &2 no sooner was he o2 side he cas le han he ) hers ook hi-/ and drank his ho red &lood. 5ow she knew how he -2s ha0e fel . The one7ar-ed wo-an died a e0enfall. Gendry and C2 ;ack d2g her gra0e on a hillside &enea h a wee'ing willow. 3hen he wind &lew/ Arya ho2gh she co2ld hear he long railing &ranches whis'ering/ :(lease. (lease. (lease.: The li le hairs on he &ack of her neck rose/ and she al-os ran fro- he gra0eside. :5o fire onigh /: =oren old he-. !2''er was a handf2l of wild radishes Koss fo2nd/ a c2' of dry &eans/ wa er fro- a near&y &rook. The wa er had a f2nny as e o i / and *o--y old he- i was he as e of &odies/ ro ing so-e'lace 2's rea-. 6o (ie wo2ld ha0e hi hi- if old Reysen hadn. '2lled he- a'ar . Arya drank oo -2ch wa er/ ;2s o fill her &elly wi h so-e hing. !he ne0er ho2gh she.d &e a&le o slee'/ ye so-ehow she did. 3hen she woke/ i was 'i ch7&lack and her &ladder was f2ll o &2rs ing. !lee'ers h2ddled all aro2nd her/ wra''ed in &lanke s and cloaks. Arya fo2nd 5eedle/ s ood/ lis ened. !he heard he sof foo falls of a sen ry/ -en 2rning in res less slee'/ Rorge.s ra ling snores/ and he 42eer hissing so2nd ha Bi er -ade when he sle' . Fro- a differen wagon ca-e he s eady rhy h-ic scra'e of s eel on s one as =oren sa / chewing so2rleaf and shar'ening he edge of his dirk. 6o (ie was one of he &oys on wa ch. :3here yo2 going8: he asked when he saw Arya heading for he rees. Arya wa0ed 0ag2ely a he woods. :5o no /: 6o (ie said. 6e had go en &older again now ha he

had a sword on his &el / e0en ho2gh i was ;2s a shor sword and he handled i like a clea0er. :The old -an said for e0eryone o s ay close onigh .: :I need o -ake wa er/: Arya e9'lained. :3ell/ 2se ha ree righ here.: 6e 'oin ed. :=o2 don. know wha .s o2 here/ Arry. I heard wol0es &efore.: =oren wo2ldn. like i if she fo2gh wi h hi-. !he ried o look afraid. :3ol0es8 For r2e8: :I heard/: he ass2red her. :I don. hink I need o go af er all.: !he wen &ack o her &lanke and 're ended o slee' 2n il she heard 6o (ie.s foo s e's going away. Then she rolled o0er and sli''ed off in o he woods on he o her side of he ca-'/ 42ie as a shadow. There were sen ries o2 his way oo/ &2 Arya had no ro2&le a0oiding he-. ;2s o -ake s2re/ she wen o2 wice as far as 2s2al. 3hen she was s2re here was no one near/ she skinned down her &reeches and s42a ed o do her &2siness. !he was -aking wa er/ her clo hing angled a&o2 her ankles/ when she heard r2s ling fro- 2nder he rees. 6o (ie/ she ho2gh in 'anic/ he followed -e. Then she saw he eyes shining o2 fro- he wood/ &righ wi h reflec ed -oonligh . 6er &elly clenched igh as she gra&&ed for 5eedle/ no caring if she 'issed herself/ co2n ing eyes/ wo fo2r eigh wel0e/ a whole 'ack . . . )ne of he- ca-e 'adding o2 fro- 2nder he rees. 6e s ared a her/ and &ared his ee h/ and all she co2ld hink was how s 2'id she.d &een and how 6o (ie wo2ld gloa when hey fo2nd her half7ea en &ody he ne9 -orning. B2 he wolf 2rned and raced &ack in o he darkness/ and 42ick as ha he eyes were gone. Tre-&ling/ she cleaned herself and laced 2' and followed a dis an scra'ing so2nd &ack o ca-'/ and o =oren. Arya cli-&ed 2' in o he wagon &eside hi-/ shaken. :3ol0es/: she whis'ered hoarsely. :In he woods.: :Aye. They wo2ld &e.: 6e ne0er looked a her. :They scared -e.: :1id hey8: 6e s'a . :!ee-s o -e yo2r kind was fond o. wol0es.: :5y-eria was a direwolf.: Arya h2gged herself. :Tha .s differen . Anyhow/ she.s gone. @ory and I hrew rocks a her 2n il she ran off/ or else he 42een wo2ld ha0e killed her.: i -ade her sad o alk a&o2 i . :I &e if she.d &een in he ci y/ she wo2ldn. ha0e le he- c2 off Fa her.s head.: :)r'han &oys go no fa hers/: =oren said/ :or did yo2 forge ha 8: The so2rleaf had 2rned his s'i red/ so i looked like his -o2 h was &leeding. :The only wol0es we go o fear are he ones wear -anskin/ like hose who done for ha 0illage.: :I wish I was ho-e/: she said -isera&ly. !he ried so hard o &e &ra0e/ o &e fierce as a wol0erine and all/ &2 so-e i-es she fel like she was ;2s a li le girl af er all. The &lack &ro her 'eeled a fresh so2rleaf fro- he &ale in he wagon and s 2ffed i in o his -o2 h. :Migh &e I sho2ld of lef yo2 where I fo2nd yo2/ &oy. All of yo2. !afer in he ci y/ see-s o -e.: :I don. care. I wan o go ho-e.: :Been &ringing -en o he 3all for close on hir y years.: Fro h shone on =oren.s li's/ like &2&&les of &lood. :All ha i-e/ I only los hree. )ld -an died of a fe0er/ ci y &oy go snake&i aking a shi / and one fool ried o kill -e in -y slee' and go a red s-ile for his ro2&le.: 6e drew he dirk across his hroa / o show her. :Three in hir y years.: 6e s'a o2 he old so2rleaf. :A shi' now/ -igh ha0e &een wiser. 5o chance o. finding -ore -en on he way/ &2 s ill . . . cle0er -an/ he.d go &y shi'/ &2 -e . . . hir y years I &een aking

his kingsroad.: 6e shea hed his dirk. :Go o slee'/ &oy. 6ear -e8: !he did ry. =e as she lay 2nder her hin &lanke / she co2ld hear he wol0es howling . . . and ano her so2nd/ fain er/ no -ore han a whis'er on he wind/ ha -igh ha0e &een screa-s. C6A(T,R 10 1AV)! The -orning air was dark wi h he s-oke of &2rning gods. They were all afire now/ Maid and Mo her/ 3arrior and !-i h/ he Crone wi h her 'earl eyes and he Fa her wi h his gilded &eard< e0en he ! ranger/ car0ed o look -ore ani-al han h2-an. The old dry wood and co2n less layers of 'ain and 0arnish &la>ed wi h a fierce h2ngry ligh . 6ea rose shi--ering hro2gh he chill air< &ehind/ he gargoyles and s one dragons on he cas le walls see-ed &l2rred/ as if 1a0os were seeing he- hro2gh a 0eil of ears. )r as if he &eas s were re-&ling/ s irring . . . :An ill hing/: Allard declared/ ho2gh a leas he had he sense o kee' his 0oice low. 1ale -2 ered agree-en . :!ilence/: said 1a0os. :Re-e-&er where yo2 are.: 6is sons were good -en/ &2 yo2ng/ and Allard es'ecially was rash. 6ad I s ayed a s-2ggler/ Allard wo2ld ha0e ended on he 3all. ! annis s'ared hi- froha end/ so-e hing else I owe hi- . . . 62ndreds had co-e o he cas le ga es o &ear wi ness o he &2rning of he !e0en. The s-ell in he air was 2gly. ,0en for soldiers/ i was hard no o feel 2neasy a s2ch an affron o he gods -os had worshi'ed all heir li0es. The red wo-an walked ro2nd he fire hree i-es/ 'raying once in he s'eech of Asshai/ once in 6igh Valyrian/ and once in he Co--on Tong2e. 1a0os 2nders ood only he las . :R.hIlor/ co-e o 2s in o2r darkness/: she called. :*ord of *igh / we offer yo2 hese false gods/ hese se0en who are one/ and hi- he ene-y. Take he- and cas yo2r ligh 2'on 2s/ for he nigh is dark and f2ll of errors.: F2een !elyse echoed he words. Beside her/ ! annis wa ched i-'assi0ely/ his ;aw hard as s one 2nder he &l2e7&lack shadow of his igh 7cro''ed &eard. 6e had dressed -ore richly han was his won / as if for he se' . 1ragons one.s se' had &een where Aegon he Con42eror knel o 'ray he nigh &efore he sailed. Tha had no sa0ed i fro- he 42een.s -en. They had o0er 2rned he al ars/ '2lled down he s a 2es/ and s-ashed he s ained glass wi h warha--ers. !e' on Barre co2ld only c2rse he-/ &2 !er 62&ard Ra-& on led his hree sons o he se' o defend heir gods. The Ra-& ons had slain fo2r of he 42een.s -en &efore he o hers o0erwhel-ed he-. Af erward G2ncer !2nglass/ -ildes and -os 'io2s of lords/ old ! annis he co2ld no longer s2''or his clai-. 5ow he shared a swel ering cell wi h he se' on and !er 62&ard.s wo s2r0i0ing sons. The o her lords had no &een slow o ake he lesson. The gods had ne0er -ean -2ch o 1a0os he s-2ggler/ ho2gh like -os -en he had &een known o -ake offerings o he 3arrior &efore &a le/ o he !-i h when he la2nched a shi'/ and o he Mo her whene0er his wife grew grea wi h child. 6e fel ill as he wa ched he- &2rn/ and no only fro- he s-oke. Maes er Cressen wo2ld ha0e s o''ed his. The old -an had challenged he *ord of *igh and &een s r2ck down for his i-'ie y/ or so he gossi's old each o her. 1a0os knew he r2 h. 6e had seen he -aes er sli' so-e hing in o he wine c2'. (oison. 3ha else co2ld i &e8 6e drank a c2' of dea h o free ! annis fro- Melisandre/ &2 so-ehow her god

shielded her. 6e wo2ld gladly ha0e killed he red wo-an for ha / ye wha chance wo2ld he ha0e where a -aes er of he Ci adel had failed8 6e was only a s-2ggler raised high/ 1a0os of Flea Bo o-/ he )nion Knigh . The &2rning gods cas a 're y ligh / wrea hed in heir ro&es of shif ing fla-e/ red and orange and yellow. !e' on Barre had once old 1a0os how hey.d &een car0ed fro- he -as s of he shi's ha had carried he firs Targaryens fro- Valyria. )0er he cen 2ries/ hey had &een 'ain ed and re'ain ed/ gilded/ sil0ered/ ;eweled. :Their &ea2 y will -ake he- -ore 'leasing o R.hllor/: Melisandre said when she old ! annis o '2ll he- down and drag he- o2 he cas le ga es. The Maiden lay a hwar he 3arrior/ her ar-s wides'read as if o e-&race hi-. The Mo her see-ed al-os o sh2dder as he fla-es ca-e licking 2' her face. A longsword had &een hr2s hro2gh her hear / and i s lea her gri' was ali0e wi h fla-e. The Fa her was on he &o o-/ he firs o fall. 1a0os wa ched he hand of he ! ranger wri he and c2rl as he fingers &lackened and fell away one &y one/ red2ced o so -2ch glowing charcoal. 5ear&y/ *ord Cel igar co2ghed fi f2lly and co0ered his wrinkled face wi h a s42are of linen e-&roidered in red cra&s. The Myr-en swa''ed ;okes as hey en;oyed he war- h of he fire/ &2 yo2ng *ord Bar ,--on had 2rned a s'lo chy grey/ and *ord Velaryon was wa ching he king ra her han he conflagra ion. 1a0os wo2ld ha0e gi0en -2ch o know wha he was hinking/ &2 one s2ch as Velaryon wo2ld ne0er confide in hi-. The *ord of he Tides was of he &lood of ancien Valyria/ and his 6o2se had hrice 'ro0ided &rides for Targaryen 'rinces< 1a0os !eawor h s ank of fish and onions. I was he sa-e wi h he o her lordlings. 6e co2ld r2s none of he-/ nor wo2ld hey e0er incl2de hi- in heir 'ri0a e co2ncils. They scorned his sons as well. My grandsons will ;o2s wi h heirs/ ho2gh/ and one day heir &lood -ay wed wi h -ine. In i-e -y li le &lack shi' will fly as high as Velaryon.s seahorse or Cel igar.s red cra&s. Tha is/ if ! annis won his hrone. If he los . . . ,0ery hing I a-/ I owe o hi-. ! annis had raised hi- o knigh hood. 6e had gi0en hi- a 'lace of honor a his a&le/ a war galley o sail in 'lace of a s-2ggler.s skiff. 1ale and Allard ca' ained galleys as well/ Maric was oar-as er on he F2ry/ Ma hos ser0ed his fa her on Black Be ha/ and he king had aken 1e0an as a royal s42ire. )ne day he wo2ld &e knigh ed/ and he wo li le lads as well. Marya was -is ress of a s-all kee' on Ca'e 3ra h/ wi h ser0an s who called her -.lady/ and 1a0os co2ld h2n red deer in his own woods. All his he had of ! annis Bara heon/ for he 'rice of a few finger ;oin s. I was ;2s / wha he did o -e. I had flo2 ed he king.s laws all -y life. 6e has earned -y loyal y. 1a0os o2ched he li le 'o2ch ha h2ng fro- he lea her hong a&o2 his neck. 6is fingers were his l2ck/ and he needed l2ck now. As do we all. *ord ! annis -os of all. (ale fla-es licked a he grey sky. 1ark s-oke rose/ wis ing and c2rling. 3hen he wind '2shed i oward he-/ -en &linked and we' and r2&&ed heir eyes. Allard 2rned his head away/ co2ghing and c2rsing. A as e of hings o co-e/ ho2gh 1a0os. Many and -ore wo2ld &2rn &efore his war was done. Melisandre was ro&ed all in scarle sa in and &lood 0el0e / her eyes as red as he grea r2&y ha glis ened a her hroa as if i oo were afire. :In ancien &ooks of Asshai i is wri en ha here will co-e a day af er a long s2--er when he s ars &leed and he cold &rea h of darkness falls hea0y on he world. In his dread ho2r a warrior shall draw fro- he fire a &2rning sword. And ha sword shall &e *igh &ringer/ he Red !word of 6eroes/ and he who clas's i shall &e

A>or Ahai co-e again/ and he darkness shall flee &efore hi-.: !he lif ed her 0oice/ so i carried o2 o0er he ga hered hos . :A>or Ahai/ &elo0ed of R.hllor? The 3arrior of *igh / he !on of Fire? Co-e for h/ yo2r sword awai s yo2? Co-e for h and ake i in o yo2r hand?: ! annis Bara heon s rode forward like a soldier -arching in o &a le. 6is s42ires s e''ed 2' o a end hi-. 1a0os wa ched as his son 1e0an '2lled a long 'added glo0e o0er he king.s righ hand. The &oy wore a crea-7colored do2&le wi h a fiery hear sewn on he &reas . Bryen Farring was si-ilarly gar&ed as he ied a s iff lea her ca'e aro2nd 6is Grace.s neck. Behind/ 1a0os heard a fain clank and cla er of &ells. :+nder he sea/ s-oke rises in &2&&les/ and fla-es &2rn green and &l2e and &lack/: (a chface sang so-ewhere. :I know/ I know/ oh/ oh/ oh.: The king 'l2nged in o he fire wi h his ee h clenched/ holding he lea her cloak &efore hi- o kee' off he fla-es. 6e wen s raigh o he Mo her/ gras'ed he sword wi h his glo0ed hand/ and wrenched i free of he &2rning wood wi h a single hard ;erk. Then he was re rea ing/ he sword held high/ ;ade7green fla-es swirling aro2nd cherry7red s eel. G2ards r2shed o &ea o2 he cinders ha cl2ng o he king.s clo hing. :A sword of fire?: sho2 ed F2een !elyse. !er A9ell Floren and he o her 42een.s -en ook 2' he cry. :A sword of fire? I &2-s? I &2rns? A sword of fire?: Melisandre lif ed her hands a&o0e her head. :Beholdl A sign was 'ro-ised/ and now a sign is seen? Behold *igh &ringer? A>or Ahai has co-e again? All hail he 3arrior of *igh ? All hail he !on of Fire?: A ragged wa0e of sho2 s ga0e answer/ ;2s as ! annis.s glo0e &egan o s-older. C2rsing/ he king hr2s he 'oin of he sword in o he da-' ear h and &ea o2 he fla-es agains his leg. :*ord/ cas yo2r ligh 2'on 2s?: Melisandre called o2 . :For he nigh is dark and f2ll of errors/: !elyse and her 42een.s -en re'lied. !ho2ld I s'eak he words as well8 1a0os wondered. 1o I owe ! annis ha -2ch8 Is his fiery god r2ly his own8 6is shor ened fingers wi ched. ! annis 'eeled off he glo0e and le i fall o he gro2nd. The gods in he 'yre were scarcely recogni>a&le any-ore. The head fell off he !-i h wi h a '2ff of ash and e-&ers. Melisandre sang in he ong2e of Asshai/ her 0oice rising and falling like he ides of he sea. ! annis 2n ied his singed lea her ca'e and lis ened in silence. Thr2s in he gro2nd/ *igh &ringer s ill glowed r2ddy ho / &2 he fla-es ha cl2ng o he sword were dwindling and dying. By he i-e he song was done/ only charwood re-ained of he gods/ and he king.s 'a ience had r2n i s co2rse. 6e ook he 42een &y he el&ow and escor ed her &ack in o 1ragons one/ lea0ing *igh &ringer where i s ood. The red wo-an re-ained a -o-en o wa ch as 1e0an knel wi h Byren Farring and rolled 2' he &2rn and &lackened sword in he king.s lea her cloak. The Red !word of 6eroes looks a 'ro'er -ess/ ho2gh 1a0os. A few of he lords lingered o s'eak in 42ie 0oices 2'wind of he fire. They fell silen when hey saw 1a0os looking a he-. !ho2ld ! annis fall/ hey will '2ll -e down in an ins an . 5ei her was he co2n ed one of he 42een.s -en/ ha gro2' of a-&i io2s knigh s and -inor lordlings who had gi0en he-sel0es o his *ord of *igh and so won he fa0or and 'a ronage of *ady7no/ F2een/ re-e-&er87!elyse. The fire had s ar ed o dwindle &y he i-e Melisandre and he s42ires de'ar ed wi h he 'recio2s sword. 1a0os and his sons ;oined he crowd -aking i s way down o he shore and he wai ing shi's. :1e0an ac42i ed hi-self well/: he said as hey wen .

:6e fe ched he glo0e wi ho2 dro''ing i / yes/: said 1ale. Allard nodded. :Tha &adge on 1e0an.s do2&le / he fiery hear / wha was ha 8 The Bara heon sigil is a crowned s ag.: :A lord can choose -ore han one &adge/: 1a0os said. 1ale s-iled. :A &lack shi' and an onion/ Fa her8: Allard kicked a a s one. :The ) hers ake o2r onion . . . and ha fla-ing hear . I was an ill hing o &2rn he !e0en.: :3hen did yo2 grow so de0o2 8: 1a0os said. :3ha does a s-2ggler.s son know of he doings of gods8: :I.- a knigh .s son/ Fa her. If yo2 won. re-e-&er/ why sho2ld hey8 : :A knigh .s son/ &2 no a knigh /: said 1a0os. :5or will yo2 e0er &e/ if yo2 -eddle in affairs ha do no concern yo2. ! annis is o2r righ f2l king/ i is no for 2s o 42es ion hi-. 3e sail his shi's and do his &idding. Tha is all.: :As o ha / Fa her/: 1ale said/ :I -islike hese wa er casks hey.0e gi0en -e for 3rai h. Green 'ine. The wa er will s'oil on a 0oyage of any leng h.: :I go he sa-e for *ady Marya/: said Allard. :The 42een.s -en ha0e laid clai- o all he seasoned wood.: :I will s'eak o he king a&o2 i /: 1a0os 'ro-ised. Be er i co-e fro- hi- han fro- Allard. 6is sons were good figh ers and &e er sailors/ &2 hey did no know how o alk o lords. They were low&orn/ e0en as I was/ &2 hey do no like o recall ha . 3hen hey look a o2r &anner/ all hey see is a all &lack shi' flying on he wind. They close heir eyes o he onion. The 'or was as crowded as 1a0os had e0er known i . ,0ery dock ee-ed wi h sailors loading 'ro0isions/ and e0ery inn was 'acked wi h soldiers dicing or drinking or looking for a whore . . . a 0ain search/ since ! annis 'er-i ed none on his island. !hi's lined he s rand< war galleys and fishing 0essels/ s o2 carracks and fa 7&o o-ed cogs. The &es &er hs had &een aken &y he larges 0esselsB ! annis.s flagshi' F2ry rocking &e ween *ord ! effon and ! ag of he !ea/ *ord Velaryon.s sil0erh2lled (ride of 1rif -ark and her hree sis ers/ *ord Cel igar.s orna e Red Claw/ he 'ondero2s !wordfish wi h her long iron 'row. )2 o sea a anchor rode !alladhor !aan.s grea Valyrian a-ongs he s ri'ed h2lls of wo do>en s-aller *ysene galleys. A wea hered li le inn sa on he end of he s one 'ier where Black Be ha/ 3rai h/ and *ady Marya shared -ooring s'ace wi h a half7do>en o her galleys of one h2ndred oars or less. 1a0os had a hirs . 6e ook his lea0e of his sons and 2rned his s e's oward he inn. )2 fron s42a ed a wais 7high gargoyle/ so eroded &y rain and sal ha his fea 2res were all &2 o&li era ed. 6e and 1a0os were old friends/ ho2gh. 6e ga0e a 'a o he s one head as he wen in. :*2ck/: he -2r-2red. Across he noisy co--on roo-/ !alladhor !aan sa ea ing gra'es fro- a wooden &owl. 3hen he s'ied 1a0os/ he &eckoned hi- closer. :!er knigh / co-e si wi h -e. ,a a gra'e. ,a wo. They are -ar0elo2sly swee .: The *yseni was a sleek/ s-iling -an whose fla-&oyance was a &yword on &o h sides of he narrow sea. Today he wore flashing clo h7ofsil0er/ wi h dagged slee0es so long he ends of he- 'ooled on he floor. 6is &2 ons were car0ed ;ade -onkeys/ and a o' his wis'y whi e c2rls 'erched a ;a2n y green ca' decora ed wi h a fan of 'eacock fea hers. 1a0os hreaded his way hro2gh he a&les o a chair. In he days &efore his knigh hood/ he had of en &o2gh cargoes fro- !alladhor !aan. The *yseni was a s-2ggler hi-self/ as well as a rader/ a &anker/ a no orio2s 'ira e/ and he self7s yled (rince of he 5arrow !ea. 3hen a

'ira e grows rich eno2gh/ hey -ake hi- a 'rince. I had &een 1a0os who had -ade he ;o2rney o *ys o recr2i he old rog2e o *ord ! annis.s ca2se. :=o2 did no see he gods &2rn/ -y lord8: he asked. :The red 'ries s ha0e a grea e-'le on *ys. Always hey are &2rning his and &2rning ha / crying o2 o heir R.hllor. They &ore -e wi h heir fires. !oon hey will &ore King ! annis oo/ i is o &e ho'ed.: 6e see-ed 2 erly 2nconcerned ha so-eone -igh o0erhear hi-/ ea ing his gra'es and dri&&ling he seeds o2 on o his li'/ flicking he- off wi h a finger. :My Bird of Tho2sand Colors ca-e in yes erday/ good ser. !he is no a warshi'/ no/ &2 a rader/ and she 'aid a call on King.s *anding. Are yo2 s2re yo2 will no ha0e a gra'e8 Children go h2ngry in he ci y/ i is said.: 6e dangled he gra'es &efore 1a0os and s-iled. :I .s ale I need/ and news.: :The -en of 3es eros are e0er r2shing/: co-'lained !alladhor !aan. :3ha good is his/ I ask yo28 6e who h2rries hro2gh life h2rries o his gra0e.: 6e &elched. :The *ord of Cas erly Rock has sen his dwarf o see o King.s *anding. (erha's he ho'es ha his 2gly face will frigh en off a ackers/ eh8 )r ha we will la2gh o2rsel0es dead when he I-' ca'ers on he &a le-en s/ who can say8 The dwarf has chased off he lo2 who r2led he gold cloaks and '2 in his 'lace a knigh wi h an iron hand.: 6e 'l2cked a gra'e/ and s42ee>ed i &e ween h2-& and forefinger 2n il he skin &2rs . ;2ice ran down &e ween his fingers. A ser0ing girl '2shed her way hro2gh/ swa ing a he hands ha gro'ed her as she 'assed. 1a0os ordered a ankard of ale/ 2rned &ack o !aan/ and said/ :6ow well is he ci y defended8: The o her shr2gged. :The walls are high and s rong/ &2 who will -an he-8 They are &2ilding scor'ions and s'i fires/ oh/ yes/ &2 he -en in he golden cloaks are oo few and oo green/ and here are no o hers. A swif s rike/ like a hawk 'l2--e ing a a hare/ and he grea ci y will &e o2rs. Gran 2s wind o fill o2r sails/ and yo2r king co2ld si 2'on his Iron Throne &y e0enfall on he -orrow. 3e co2ld dress he dwarf in -o ley and 'rick his li le cheeks wi h he 'oin s of o2r s'ears o -ake hi- dance for 2s/ and -ayha's yo2r goodly king wo2ld -ake -e a gif of he &ea2 if2l F2een Cersei o war- -y &ed for a nigh . I ha0e &een oo long away fro- -y wi0es/ and all in his ser0ice.: :(ira e/: said 1a0os. :=o2 ha0e no wi0es/ only conc2&ines/ and yo2 ha0e &een well 'aid for e0ery day and e0ery shi'.: :)nly in 'ro-ises/: said !alladhor !aan -o2rnf2lly. :Good ser/ i is gold I cra0e/ no words on 'a'ers.: 6e 'o''ed a gra'e in o his -o2 h. :=o2.ll ha0e yo2r gold when we ake he reas2ry in King.s *anding. 5o -an in he !e0en Kingdo-s is -ore honora&le han ! annis Bara heon. 6e will kee' his word.: ,0en as 1a0os s'oke/ he ho2gh / This world is wis ed &eyond ho'e/ when low&orn s-2gglers -2s 0o2ch for he honor of kings. :!o he has said and said. And so I say/ le 2s do his hing. ,0en hese gra'es co2ld &e no -ore ri'e han ha ci y/ -y old friend.: The ser0ing girl re 2rned wi h his ale. 1a0os ga0e her a co''er. :Migh &e we co2ld ake King.s *anding/ as yo2 say/: he said as he lif ed he ankard/ :&2 how long wo2ld we hold i 8 Tywin *annis er is known o &e a 6arrenhal wi h a grea hos / and *ord Renly . . .: :Ah/ yes/ he yo2ng &ro her/: said !alladhor !aan. :Tha 'ar is no so good/ -y friend. King Renly &es irs hi-self. 5o/ here he is *ord Renly/ -y 'ardons. !o -any kings/ -y ong2e grows weary of he word. The &ro her Renly has lef 6ighgarden wi h his fair yo2ng 42een/ his flowered lords and shining knigh s/ and a -igh y hos of foo . 6e

-arches 2' yo2r road of roses oward he 0ery sa-e grea ci y we were s'eaking of.: :6e akes his &ride8: The o her shr2gged. :6e did no ell -e why. (erha's he is loa h o 'ar wi h he war- &2rrow &e ween her highs/ e0en for a nigh . )r 'erha's he is ha cer ain of his 0ic ory.: :The king -2s &e old.: :I ha0e a ended o i / good ser. Tho2gh 6is Grace frowns so whene0er he does see -e ha I re-&le o co-e &efore hi-. 1o yo2 hink he wo2ld like -e &e er if I wore a hair shir and ne0er s-iled8 3ell/ I will no do i . I a- an hones -an/ he -2s s2ffer -e in silk and sa-i e. )r else I shall ake -y shi's where I a- &e er lo0ed. Tha sword was no *igh &ringer/ -y friend.: The s2dden shif in s2&;ec lef 1a0os 2neasy. :!word8: :A sword 'l2cked fro- fire/ yes. Men ell -e hings/ i is -y 'leasan s-ile. 6ow shall a &2rn sword ser0e ! annis8: :A &2-ing sword/: correc ed 1a0os. :B2rn /: said !alladhor !aan/ :and &e glad of ha / -y friend. 1o yo2 know he ale of he forging of *igh &ringer8 I shall ell i o yo2. I was a i-e when darkness lay hea0y on he world. To o''ose i / he hero -2s ha0e a hero.s &lade/ oh/ like none ha had e0er &een. And so for hir y days and hir y nigh s A>or Ahai la&ored slee'less in he e-'le/ forging a &lade in he sacred fires. 6ea and ha--er and fold/ hea and ha--er and fold/ oh/ yes/ 2n il he sword was done. =e when he 'l2nged i in o wa er o e-'er he s eel i &2rs as2nder. :Being a hero/ i was no for hi- o shr2g and go in search of e9cellen gra'es s2ch as hese/ so again he &egan. The second i-e i ook hi- fif y days and fif y nigh s/ and his sword see-ed e0en finer han he firs . A>or Ahai ca' 2red a lion/ o e-'er he &lade &y 'l2nging i hro2gh he &eas .s red hear / &2 once -ore he s eel sha ered and s'li . Grea was his woe and grea was his sorrow hen/ for he knew wha he -2s do. :A h2ndred days and a h2ndred nigh s he la&ored on he hird &lade/ and as i glowed whi e7ho in he sacred fires/ he s2--oned his wife. .5issa 5issa. he said o her/ for ha was her na-e/ .&are yo2r &reas / and know ha I lo0e yo2 &es of all ha is in his world.. !he did his hing/ why I canno say/ and A>or Ahai hr2s he s-oking sword hro2gh her li0ing hear . I is said ha her cry of ang2ish and ecs asy lef a crack across he face of he -oon/ &2 her &lood and her so2l and her s reng h and her co2rage all wen in o he s eel. !2ch is he ale of he forging of *igh &ringer/ he Red !word of 6eroes. :5ow do yo2 see -y -eaning8 Be glad ha i is ;2s a &2rn sword ha 6is Grace '2lled fro- ha fire. Too -2ch ligh can h2r he eyes/ -y friend/ and fire &2-s.: !alladhor !aan finished he las gra'e and s-acked his li's. :3hen do yo2 hink he king will &id 2s sail/ good ser8 : :!oon/ I hink/: said 1a0os/ :if his god wills i .: :6is god/ ser friend8 5o yo2rs8 3here is he god of !er 1a0os !eawor h/ knigh of he onion shi'8: 1a0os si''ed his ale o gi0e hi-self a -o-en . The inn is crowded/ and yo2 are no !alladhor !aan/ he re-inded hi-self. Be caref2l how yo2 answer. :King ! annis is -y god. 6e -ade -e and &lessed -e wi h his r2s .: :I will re-e-&er.: !alladhor !aan go o his fee . :My 'ardons. These gra'es ha0e gi0en -e a h2nger/ and dinner awai s on -y Valyrian. Minced la-& wi h 'e''er and roas ed g2ll s 2ffed wi h -2shroo-s and fennel and onion. !oon we shall ea oge her in King.s *anding/ yes8 In he Red

Kee' we shall feas / while he dwarf sings 2s a ;olly 2ne. 3hen yo2 s'eak o King ! annis/ -en ion if yo2 wo2ld ha he will owe -e ano her hir y ho2sand dragons co-e he &lack of he -oon. 6e o2gh o ha0e gi0en hose gods o -e. They were oo &ea2 if2l o &2rn/ and -igh ha0e &ro2gh a no&le 'rice in (en os or Myr. 3ell/ if he gran s -e F2een Cersei for a nigh I shall forgi0e hi-.: The *yseni cla''ed 1a0os on he &ack/ and swaggered fro- he inn as if he owned i . !er 1a0os !eawor h lingered o0er his ankard for a good while/ hinking. A year ago/ he had &een wi h ! annis in King.s *anding when King Ro&er s aged a o2rney for (rince @offrey.s na-e day. 6e re-e-&ered he red 'ries Thoros of Myr/ and he fla-ing sword he had wielded in he -elee. The -an had -ade for a colorf2l s'ec acle/ his red ro&es fla''ing while his &lade wri hed wi h 'ale green fla-es/ &2 e0eryone knew here was no r2e -agic o i / and in he end his fire had g2 ered o2 and Bron>e =ohn Royce had &rained hi- wi h a co--on -ace. A r2e sword of fire/ now/ ha wo2ld &e a wonder o &ehold. =e a s2ch a cos . . . 3hen he ho2gh of 5issa 5issa/ i was his own Marya he 'ic 2red/ a good7na 2red 'l2-' wo-an wi h sagging &reas s and a kindly s-ile/ he &es wo-an in he world. 6e ried o 'ic 2re hi-self dri0ing a sword hro2gh her/ and sh2ddered. I a- no -ade of he s 2ff of heroes/ he decided. If ha was he 'rice of a -agic sword/ i was -ore han he cared o 'ay. 1a0os finished his ale/ '2shed away he ankard/ and lef he inn. )n he way o2 he 'a ed he gargoyle on he head and -2 ered/ :*2ck.: They wo2ld all need i . I was well af er dark when 1e0an ca-e down o Black Be ha/ leading a snow7whi e 'alfrey. :My lord fa her/: he anno2nced/ :6is Grace co--ands yo2 o a end hi- in he Cha-&er of he (ain ed Ta&le. =o2 are o ride he horse and co-e a once.: I was good o see 1e0an looking so s'lendid in his s42ire.s rai-en / &2 he s2--ons -ade 1a0os 2neasy. 3ill he &id 2s sail8 he wondered. !alladhor !aan was no he only ca' ain who fel ha King.s *anding was ri'e for an a ack/ &2 a s-2ggler -2s learn 'a ience. 3e ha0e no ho'e of 0ic ory. I said as -2ch o Maes er Cressen/ he day I re 2rned o 1ragons one/ and no hing has changed. 3e are oo few/ he foes oo -any. ff we di' o2r oars/ we die. 5one heless/ he cli-&ed on o he horse. 3hen 1a0os arri0ed a he ! one 1r2-/ a do>en high&orn knigh s and grea &anner-en were ;2s lea0ing. *ords Cel igar and Velaryon each ga0e hi- a c2r nod and walked on while he o hers ignored hi- 2 erly/ &2 !er A9ell Floren s o''ed for a word. F2een !elyse.s 2ncle was a keg of a -an wi h hick ar-s and &andy legs. 6e had he 'ro-inen ears of a Floren / e0en larger han his niece.s. The coarse hair ha s'ro2 ed fro- his did no s o' hi- hearing -os of wha wen on in he cas le. For en years !er A9ell had ser0ed as cas elIan of 1ragons one while ! annis sa on Ro&er .s co2ncil in King.s *anding/ &2 of la e he had e-erged as he fore-os of he 42een.s -en. :!er 1a0os/ i is good o see yo2/ as e0er/: he said. :And yo2/ -y lord.: :I -ade no e of yo2 his -orning as well. The false gods &2rned wi h a -erry ligh / did hey no 8: :They &2rned &righ ly.: 1a0os did no r2s his -an/ for all his co2r esy. 6o2se Floren had declared for Renly. :The *ady Melisandre ells 2s ha so-e i-es R.hllor 'er-i s his fai hf2l ser0an s o gli-'se he f2 2re in fla-es. I see-ed o -e as I

wa ched he fire his -orning ha I was looking a a do>en &ea2 if2l dancers/ -aidens gar&ed in yellow silk s'inning and swirling &efore a grea king. I hink i was a r2e 0ision/ ser. A gli-'se of he glory ha awai s 6is Grace af er we ake King.s *anding and he hrone ha is his &y righ s.: ! annis has no as e for s2ch dancing/ 1a0os ho2gh / &2 he dared no offend he 42een.s 2ncle. :I saw only fire/: he said/ :&2 he s-oke was -aking -y eyes wa er. =o2 -2s 'ardon -e/ ser/ he king awai s.: 6e '2shed 'as / wondering why !er A9ell had ro2&led hi-self. 6e is a 42een.s -an and I a- he king.s. ! annis sa a his (ain ed Ta&le wi h Maes er (ylos a his sho2lder/ an 2n idy 'ile of 'a'ers &efore he-. :!er/: he king said when 1a0os en ered/ :co-e ha0e a look a his le er.: )&edien ly/ he selec ed a 'a'er a rando-. :I looks handso-e eno2gh/ =o2r Grace/ &2 I fear I canno read he words.: 1a0os co2ld deci'her -a's and char s as well as any/ &2 le ers and o her wri ings were &eyond his 'owers. B2 -y 1e0an has learned his le ers/ and yo2ng ! effon and ! annis as well. :I.d forgo en.: A f2rrow of irri a ion showed &e ween he king.s &rows. :(ylos/ read i o hi-.: :=o2r Grace.: The -aes er ook 2' one of he 'arch-en s and cleared his hroa . :All -en know -e for he r2e&orn son of ! effon Bara heon/ *ord of ! or-.s ,nd/ &y his lady wife Cassana of 6o2se ,s er-on . I declare 2'on he honor of -y 6o2se ha -y &elo0ed &ro her Ro&er / o2r la e king/ lef no r2e&orn iss2e of his &ody/ he &oy foffrey/ he &oy To--en/ and he girl Myrcella &eing a&o-ina ions &orn of inces &e ween Cersei *annis er and her &ro her fai-e he Kingslayer. By righ of &ir h and &lood/ I do his day lay clai- o he Iron Throne of he !e0en Kingdo-s of 3es eros. *e all r2e -en declare heir loyal y. 1one in he *igh of he *ord/ 2nder he sign and seal of ! annis of 6o2se Bara heon/ he Firs of 6is 5a-e/ King of he Andals/ he Rhoynar/ and he Firs Men/ and *ord of he !e0en Kingdo-s. : The 'arch-en r2s led sof ly as (ylos laid i down. :Make i !er @ai-e he Kingslayer hencefor h/: ! annis said/ frowning. :3ha e0er else he -an -ay &e/ he re-ains a knigh . I don. know ha we o2gh o call Ro&er -y &elo0ed &ro her ei her. 6e lo0ed -e no -ore han he had o/ nor I hi-.: :A har-less co2r esy/ =o2r Grace/: (ylos said. :A lie. Take i o2 .: ! annis 2rned o 1a0os. :The -aes er ells -e ha we ha0e one h2ndred se0en een ra0ens on hand. I -ean o 2se heall. )ne h2ndred se0en een ra0ens will carry one h2ndred se0en een co'ies of -y le er o e0ery corner of he real-/ fro- he Ar&or o he 3all. (erha's a h2ndred will win hro2gh agains s or- and hawk and arrow. If so/ a h2ndred -aes ers will read -y words o as -any lords in as -any solars and &edcha-&ers . . . and hen he le ers will like as no &e consigned o he fire/ and li's 'ledged o silence. These grea lords lo0e @offrey/ or Renly/ or Ro&& ! ark. I a- heir righ f2l king/ &2 hey will deny -e if hey can. !o I ha0e need of yo2.: :I a- yo2rs o co--and/ -y king. As e0er.: ! annis nodded. :I -ean for yo2 o sail Black Be ha nor h/ o G2ll own/ he Fingers/ he Three !is ers/ e0en 3hi e 6ar&or. =o2r son 1ale will go so2 h in 3rai h/ 'as Ca'e 3ra h and he Broken Ar-/ all along he coas of 1orne as far as he Ar&or. ,ach of yo2 will carry a ches of le ers/ and yo2 will deli0er one o e0ery 'or and holdfas and fishing 0illage. 5ail he- o he doors of se' s and inns for e0ery -an o read who can.: 1a0os said/ :Tha will &e few eno2gh.:

:!er 1a0os s'eaks r2ly/ =o2r Grace/: said Maes er (ylos. :I wo2ld &e &e er o ha0e he le ers read alo2d.: :Be er/ &2 -ore dangero2s/: said ! annis. :These words will no &e kindly recei0ed.: :Gi0e -e knigh s o do he reading/: 1a0os said. :Tha will carry -ore weigh han any hing I -igh say.: ! annis see-ed well sa isfied wi h ha . :I can gi0e yo2 s2ch -en/ yes. I ha0e a h2ndred knigh s who wo2ld sooner read han figh . Be o'en where yo2 can and s eal hy where yo2 -2s . +se e0ery s-2ggler.s rick yo2 know/ he &lack sails/ he hidden co0es/ wha e0er i re42ires. If yo2 r2n shor of le ers/ ca' 2re a few se' ons and se he- o co'ying o2 -ore. I -ean o 2se yo2r second son as well. 6e will ake *ady Marya across he narrow sea/ o Braa0os and he o her Free Ci ies/ o deli0er o her le ers o he -en who r2le here. The world will know of -y clai-/ and of Cersei.s infa-y.: =o2 can ell he-/ 1a0os ho2gh / &2 will hey &elie0e8 6e glanced ho2gh f2lly a Maes er (ylos. The king ca2gh he look. :Maes er/ 'erha's yo2 o2gh ge o yo2r wri ing. 3e will need a grea -any le ers/ and soon.: :As yo2 will.: (ylos &owed/ and ook his lea0e. The king wai ed 2n il he was gone &efore he said/ :3ha is i yo2 wo2ld no say in he 'resence of -y -aes er/ 1a0os8: :My liege/ (ylos is 'leasan eno2gh/ &2 I canno see he chain a&o2 his neck wi ho2 -o2rning for Maes er Cressen.: :Is i his fa2l he old -an died8: ! annis glanced in o he fire. :I ne0er wan ed Cressen a ha feas . 6e.d angered -e/ yes/ he.d gi0en -e &ad co2nsel/ &2 I did no wan hi- dead. I.d ho'ed he -igh &e gran ed a few years of ease and co-for . 6e had earned ha -2ch/ a leas / &2 :he gro2nd his ee h oge her7:&2 he died. And (ylos ser0es -e a&ly.: :(ylos is he leas of i . The le er . . . 3ha did yo2r lords -ake of i / I wonder8: ! annis snor ed. :Cel igar 'rono2nced i ad-ira&le. If I showed hi- he con en s of -y 'ri0y/ he wo2ld declare ha ad-ira&le as well. The o hers &o&&ed heir heads 2' and down like a flock of geese/ all &2 Velaryon/ who said ha s eel wo2ld decide he -a er/ no words on 'arch-en . As if I had ne0er s2s'ec ed. The ) hers ake -y lords/ I.ll hear yo2r 0iews.: :=o2r words were &l2n and s rong.: :And r2e.: :And r2e. =e yo2 ha0e no 'roof. )f his inces . 5o -ore han yo2 did a year ago.: :There.s 'roof of a sor a ! or-.s ,nd. Ro&er .s &as ard. The one he fa hered on -y wedding nigh / in he 0ery &ed hey.d -ade 2' for -e and -y &ride. 1elena was a Floren / and a -aiden when he ook her/ so Ro&er acknowledged he &a&e. ,dric ! or-/ hey call hi-. 6e is said o &e he 0ery i-age of -y &ro her. If -en were o see hi-/ and hen look again a @offrey and To--en/ hey co2ld no hel' &2 wonder/ I wo2ld hink.// :=e how are -en o see hi-/ if he is a ! or-.s ,nd8: ! annis dr2--ed his fingers on he (ain ed Ta&le. :I is a diffic2l y. )ne of -any.: 6e raised his eyes. :=o2 ha0e -ore o say a&o2 he le er. 3ell/ ge on wi h i . I did no -ake yo2 a knigh so yo2 co2ld learn o -o2 h e-' y co2r esies. I ha0e -y lords for ha . !ay wha yo2 wo2ld say/ 1a0os.: 1a0os &owed his head. :There was a 'hrase a he end. 6ow did i go8 1one in he *igh of he *ord . . .:

:=es.: The king.s ;aw was clenched. :=o2r 'eo'le will -islike hose words.: :As yo2 did8: said ! annis shar'ly. :If yo2 were o say ins ead/ 1one in he sigh of gods and -en/ or By he grace of he gods old and new . . .: :6a0e yo2 gone de0o2 on -e/ s-2ggler8: :Tha was o &e -y 42es ion for yo2/ -y liege.: :3as i now8 I so2nds as ho2gh yo2 lo0e -y new god no -ore han yo2 lo0e -y new -aes er.: :I do no know his *ord of *igh /: 1a0os ad-i ed/ :&2 I knew he gods we &2rned his -orning. The !-i h has ke' -y shi's safe/ while he Mo her has gi0en -e se0en s rong sons.: :=o2r wife has gi0en yo2 se0en s rong sons. 1o yo2 'ray o her8 I was wood we &2rned his -orning.: :Tha -ay &e so/: 1a0os said/ :&2 when I was a &oy in Flea Bo o&egging for a co''er/ so-e i-es he se' ons wo2ld feed -e.: :I feed yo2 now.: :=o2 ha0e gi0en -e an honored 'lace a yo2r a&le. And in re 2rn I gi0e yo2 r2 h. =o2r 'eo'le will no lo0e yo2 if yo2 ake fro- he- he gods hey ha0e always worshi'ed/ and gi0e he- one whose 0ery na-e so2nds 42eer on heir ong2es.: ! annis s ood a&r2' ly. :R.hllor. 3hy is ha so hard8 They will no lo0e -e/ yo2 say8 3hen ha0e hey e0er lo0ed -e8 6ow can I lose so-e hing I ha0e ne0er owned8: 6e -o0ed o he so2 h window o ga>e o2 a he -oonli sea. :I s o''ed &elie0ing in gods he day I saw he 3ind'ro2d &reak 2' across he &ay. Any gods so -ons ro2s as o drown -y -o her and fa her wo2ld ne0er ha0e -y worshi'/ I 0owed. In King.s *anding/ he 6igh !e' on wo2ld 'ra le a -e of how all ;2s ice and goodness flowed fro- he !e0en/ &2 all I e0er saw of ei her was -ade &y -en.: :If yo2 do no &elie0e in gods7: :7why ro2&le wi h his new one8: ! annis &roke in. :I ha0e asked -yself as well. I know li le and care less of gods/ &2 he red 'ries ess has 'ower.: =es/ &2 wha sor of 'ower8 :Cressen had wisdo-.: :I r2s ed in his wisdo- and yo2r wiles/ and wha did hey a0ail -e/ s-2ggler8 The s or- lords sen yo2 'acking. I wen o he- a &eggar and hey la2ghed a -e. 3ell/ here will &e no -ore &egging/ and no -ore la2ghing ei her. The Iron Throne is -ine &y righ s/ &2 how a- I o ake i 8 There are fo2r kings in he real-/ and hree of he- ha0e -ore -en and -ore gold han I do. I ha0e shi's . . . and I ha0e her. The red wo-an. 6alf -y knigh s are afraid e0en o say her na-e/ did yo2 know8 If she can do no hing else/ a sorceress who can ins'ire s2ch dread in grown -en is no o &e des'ised. A frigh ened -an is a &ea en -an. And 'erha's she can do -ore. I -ean o find o2 . :3hen I was a lad I fo2nd an in;2red goshawk and n2rsed her &ack o heal h. (ro2dwing/ I na-ed her. !he wo2ld 'erch on -y sho2lder and fl2 er fro- roo- o roo- af er -e and ake food fro- -y hand/ &2 she wo2ld no soar. Ti-e and again I wo2ld ake her hawking/ &2 she ne0er flew higher han he ree o's. Ro&er called her 3eakwing. 6e owned a gyrfalcon na-ed Th2ndercla' who ne0er -issed her s rike. )ne day o2r grea 72ncle !er 6ar&er old -e o ry a differen &ird. I was -aking a fool of -yself wi h (ro2dwing/ he said/ and he was righ .: ! annis Bara heon 2rned away fro- he window/ and he ghos s who -o0ed 2'on he so2 hern sea. :The !e0en ha0e ne0er &ro2gh -e so -2ch as a s'arrow. I is i-e I ried ano her hawk/ 1a0os. A red hawk.:

C6A(T,R 11 T6,)5 There was no safe anchorage a (yke/ &2 Theon Grey;oy wished o look on his fa her.s cas le fro- he sea/ o see i as he had seen i las / en years &efore/ when Ro&er Bara heon.s war galley had &orne hi- away o &e a ward of ,ddard ! ark. )n ha day he had s ood &eside he rail/ lis ening o he s roke of he oars and he 'o2nding of he -as er.s dr2- while he wa ched (yke dwindle in he dis ance. 5ow he wan ed o see i grow larger/ o rise fro- he sea &efore hi-. )&edien o his wishes/ he Myraha- &ea her way 'as he 'oin wi h her sails sna''ing and her ca' ain c2rsing he wind and his crew and he follies of high&orn lordlings. Theon drew he hood of his cloak 2' agains he s'ray/ and looked for ho-e. The shore was all shar' rocks and glowering cliffs/ and he cas le see-ed one wi h he res / i s owers and walls and &ridges 42arried fro- he sa-e grey7&lack s one/ we &y he sa-e sal wa0es/ fes ooned wi h he sa-e s'reading 'a ches of dark green lichen/ s'eckled &y he dro''ings of he sa-e sea&irds. The 'oin of land on which he Grey;oys had raised heir for ress had once hr2s like a sword in o he &owels of he ocean/ &2 he wa0es had ha--ered a i day and nigh 2n il he land &roke and sha ered/ ho2sands of years 'as . All ha re-ained were hree &are and &arren islands and a do>en owering s acks of rock ha rose fro- he wa er like he 'illars of so-e sea god.s e-'le/ while he angry wa0es foa-ed and crashed a-ong he-. 1rear/ dark/ for&idding/ (yke s ood a o' hose islands and 'illars/ al-os a 'ar of he-/ i s c2r ain wall closing off he headland aro2nd he foo of he grea s one &ridge ha lea' fro- he cliff o' o he larges isle / do-ina ed &y he -assi0e &2lk of he Grea Kee'. Far her o2 were he Ki chen Kee' and he Bloody Kee'/ each on i s own island. Towers and o2 &2ildings cl2ng o he s acks &eyond/ linked o each o her &y co0ered archways when he 'illars s ood close/ &y long swaying walks of wood and ro'e when hey did no . The !ea Tower rose fro- he o2 -os island a he 'oin of he &roken sword/ he oldes 'ar of he cas le/ ro2nd and all/ he sheer7sided 'illar on which i s ood half7ea en hro2gh &y he endless &a ering of he wa0es. The &ase of he ower was whi e fro- cen 2ries of sal s'ray/ he 2''er s ories green fro- he lichen ha crawled o0er i like a hick &lanke / he ;agged crown &lack wi h soo fro- i s nigh ly wa chfire. A&o0e he !ea Tower sna''ed his fa her.s &anner. The Myraha- was oo far off for Theon o see -ore han he clo h i self/ &2 he knew he de0ice i &oreB he golden kraken of 6o2se Grey;oy/ ar-s wri hing and reaching agains a &lack field. The &anner s rea-ed fro- an iron -as / shi0ering and wis ing as he wind g2s ed/ like a &ird s r2ggling o ake fligh . And here a leas he direwolf of ! ark did no fly a&o0e/ cas ing i s shadow down 2'on he Grey;oy kraken. Theon had ne0er seen a -ore s irring sigh . In he sky &ehind he cas le/ he fine red ail of he co-e was 0isi&le hro2gh hin/ sc2 ling clo2ds. All he way fro- Ri0err2n o !eagard/ he Mallis ers had arg2ed a&o2 i s -eaning. I is -y co-e / Theon old hi-self/ sliding a hand in o his f2r7lined cloak o o2ch he oilskin 'o2ch sn2g in i s 'ocke . Inside was he le er Ro&& ! ark had gi0en hi-/ 'a'er as good as a crown. :1oes he cas le look as yo2 re-e-&er i / -ilord8: he ca' ain.s

da2gh er asked as she 'ressed herself agains his ar-. :I looks s-aller/: Theon confessed/ : ho2gh 'erha's ha is only he dis ance.: The Myraha- was a fa 7&ellied so2 hron -erchan er 2' fro)ld own/ carrying wine and clo h and seed o rade for iron ore. 6er ca' ain was a fa 7&ellied so2 hron -erchan er as well/ and he s ony sea ha foa-ed a he fee of he cas le -ade his 'l2-' li's 42i0er/ so he s ayed well o2 / far her han Theon wo2ld ha0e liked. An iron&orn ca' ain in a longshi' wo2ld ha0e aken he- along he cliffs and 2nder he high &ridge ha s'anned he ga' &e ween he ga eho2se and he Grea Kee'/ &2 his 'l2-' )ld owner had nei her he craf / he crew/ nor he co2rage o a e-' s2ch a hing. !o hey sailed 'as a a safe dis ance/ and Theon -2s con en hi-self wi h seeing (yke fro- afar. ,0en so/ he Myraha- had o s r2ggle -igh ily o kee' i self off hose rocks. :I -2s &e windy here/: he ca' ain.s da2gh er o&ser0ed. 6e la2ghed. :3indy and cold and da-'. A -isera&le hard 'lace/ in r2 h . . . &2 -y lord fa her once old -e ha hard 'laces &reed hard -en/ and hard -en r2le he world.: The ca' ain.s face was as green as he sea when he ca-e &owing 2' o Theon and asked/ :May we -ake for 'or now/ -ilord8: :=o2 -ay/: Theon said/ a fain s-ile 'laying a&o2 his li's. The 'ro-ise of gold had 2rned he )ld owner in o a sha-eless licks'i le. I wo2ld ha0e &een a -2ch differen 0oyage if a longshi' fro- he islands had &een wai ing a !eagard as he.d ho'ed. Iron&orn ca' ains were 'ro2d and willf2l/ and did no go in awe of a -an.s &lood. The islands were oo s-all for awe/ and a longshi' s-aller s ill. If e0ery ca' ain was a king a&oard his own shi'/ as was of en said/ i was s-all wonder hey na-ed he islands he land of en ho2sand kings. And when yo2 ha0e seen yo2r kings shi o0er he rail and 2rn green in a s or-/ i was hard o &end he knee and 're end hey were gods. :The 1rowned God -akes -en/: old King +rron Redhand had once said/ ho2sands of years ago/ :&2 i .s -en who -ake crowns.: A longshi' wo2ld ha0e -ade he crossing in half he i-e as well. The Myraha- was a wallowing 2&/ if r2 h &e old/ and he wo2ld no care o &e a&oard her in a s or-. ! ill/ Theon co2ld no &e oo 2nha''y. 6e was here/ 2ndrowned/ and he 0oyage had offered cer ain o her a-2se-en s. 6e '2 an ar- aro2nd he ca' ain.s da2gh er. :!2--on -e when we -ake *ords'or /: he old her fa her. :3e.ll &e &elow/ in -y ca&in.: 6e led he girl away af / while her fa her wa ched he- go in s2llen silence. The ca&in was he ca' ain.s/ in r2 h/ &2 i had &een 2rned o0er o Theon.s 2se when hey sailed fro- !eagard. The ca' ain.s da2gh er had no &een 2rned o0er o his 2se/ &2 she had co-e o his &ed willingly eno2gh all he sa-e. A c2' of wine/ a few whis'ers/ and here she was. The girl was a shade 'l2-' for his as e/ wi h skin as s'lo chy as oa -eal/ &2 her &reas s filled his hands nicely and she had &een a -aiden he firs i-e he ook her. Tha was s2r'rising a her age/ &2 Theon fo2nd i di0er ing. 6e did no hink he ca' ain a''ro0ed/ and ha was a-2sing as well/ wa ching he -an s r2ggle o swallow his o2 rage while 'erfor-ing his co2r esies o he high lord/ he rich '2rse of gold he.d &een 'ro-ised ne0er far fro- his ho2gh s. As Theon shr2gged o2 of his we cloak/ he girl said/ :=o2 -2s &e so ha''y o see yo2r ho-e again/ -ilord. 6ow -any years ha0e yo2 &een away8 : :Ten/ or close as -akes no -a er/: he old her. :I was a &oy of en when I was aken o 3in erfell. as a ward of ,ddard ! ark.: A ward in na-e/ a hos age in r2 h. 6alf his days a hos age . . . &2 no longer. 6is life was his own again/ and nowhere a ! ark o &e seen. 6e drew he

ca' ain.s da2gh er close and kissed her on her ear. :Take off yo2r cloak.: !he dro''ed her eyes/ s2ddenly shy/ &2 did as he &id her. 3hen he hea0y gar-en / sodden wi h s'ray/ fell fro- her sho2lders o he deck/ she ga0e hi- a li le &ow and s-iled an9io2sly. !he looked ra her s 2'id when she s-iled/ &2 he had ne0er re42ired a wo-an o &e cle0er. :Co-e here/: he old her. !he did. :I ha0e ne0er seen he Iron Islands.: :Co2n yo2rself for 2na e.: Theon s roked her hair. i was fine and dark/ ho2gh he wind had -ade a angle of i . :The islands are s ern and s ony 'laces/ scan of co-for and &leak of 'ros'ec . 1ea h is ne0er far here/ and life is -ean and -eager. Men s'end heir nigh s drinking ale and arg2ing o0er whose lo is worse/ he fisherfolk who figh he sea or he far-ers who ry and scra ch a cro' fro- he 'oor hin soil. If r2 h &e old/ he -iners ha0e i worse han ei her/ &reaking heir &acks down in he dark/ and for wha 8 Iron/ lead/ in/ hose are o2r reas2res. !-all wonder he iron-en of old 2rned o raiding.: The s 2'id girl did no see- o &e lis ening. :I co2ld go ashore wi h yo2/: she said. :I wo2ld/ if i 'lease yo2 . . .: :=o2 co2ld go ashore/: Theon agreed/ s42ee>ing her &reas / :&2 no wi h -e/ I fear.: :I.d work in yo2r cas le/ -ilord. I can clean fish and &ake &read and ch2rn &2 er. Fa her says -y 'e''ercra& s ew is he &es he.s e0er as ed. =o2 co2ld find -e a 'lace in yo2r ki chens and I co2ld -ake yo2 'e''ercra& s ew.: :And war- -y &ed &y nigh 8: 6e reached for he laces of her &odice and &egan o 2ndo he-/ his fingers def and 'rac iced. :)nce I -igh ha0e carried yo2 ho-e as a 'ri>e/ and ke' yo2 o wife whe her yo2 willed i or no. The iron-en of old did s2ch hings. A -an had his rock wife/ his r2e &ride/ iron&orn like hi-self/ &2 he had his sal wi0es oo/ wo-en ca' 2red on raids.: The girl.s eyes grew wide/ and no &eca2se he had &ared her &reas s. :I wo2ld &e yo2r sal wife/ -ilord.: :I fear hose days are gone.: Theon.s finger circled one hea0y ea / s'iraling in oward he fa &rown ni''le. :5o longer -ay we ride he wind wi h fire and sword/ aking wha we wan . 5ow we scra ch in he gro2nd and oss lines in he sea like o her -en/ and co2n o2rsel0es l2cky if we ha0e sal cod and 'orridge eno2gh o ge 2s hro2gh a win er.: 6e ook her ni''le in his -o2 h/ and &i i 2n il she gas'ed. :=o2 can '2 i in -e again/ if i 'lease yo2/: she whis'ered in his ear as he s2cked. 3hen he raised his head fro- her &reas / he skin was dark red where his -o2 h had -arked her. :I wo2ld 'lease -e o each yo2 so-e hing new. +nlace -e and 'leas2re -e wi h yo2r -o2 h.: :3i h -y -o2 h8: 6is h2-& &r2shed ligh ly o0er her f2ll li's. :I .s wha hose li's were -ade for/ swee ling. If yo2 were -y sal wife/ yo2.d do as I co--and.: !he was i-id a firs / &2 learned 42ickly for s2ch a s 2'id girl/ which 'leased hi-. 6er -o2 h was as we and swee as her c2n / and his way he did no ha0e o lis en o her -indless 'ra le. )nce I wo2ld ha0e ke' her as a sal wife in r2 h/ he ho2gh o hi-self as he slid his fingers hro2gh her angled hair. )nce. 3hen we s ill ke' he )ld 3ay/ li0ed &y he a9e ins ead of he 'ick/ aking wha we wo2ld/ &e i weal h/ wo-en/ or glory. In hose days/ he iron&orn did no work -ines< ha was la&or for he ca' i0es &ro2gh &ack fro- he hos ings/

and so oo he sorry &2siness of far-ing and ending goa s and shee'. 3ar was an iron-an.s 'ro'er rade. The 1rowned God had -ade he- o rea0e and ra'e/ o car0e o2 kingdo-s and wri e heir na-es in fire and &lood and song. Aegon he 1ragon had des royed he )ld 3ay when he &2rned Black 6arren/ ga0e 6arren.s kingdo- &ack o he weakling ri0er-en/ and red2ced he Iron Islands o an insignifican &ackwa er of a -2ch grea er real-. =e he old red ales were s ill old aro2nd drif wood fires and s-oky hear hs all across he islands/ e0en &ehind he high s one halls of (yke. Theon.s fa her n2-&ered a-ong his i les he s yle of *ord Rea'er/ and he Grey;oy words &oas ed ha 3e 1o 5o !ow I had &een o &ring &ack he )ld 3ay -ore han for he e-' y 0ani y of a crown ha *ord Balon had s aged his grea re&ellion. Ro&er Bara heon had wri en a &loody end o ha ho'e/ wi h he hel' of his friend ,ddard ! ark/ &2 &o h -en were dead now. Mere &oys r2led in heir s ead/ and he real- ha Aegon he Con42eror had forged was s-ashed and s2ndered. This is he season/ Theon ho2gh as he ca' ain.s da2gh er slid her li's 2' and down he leng h of hi-/ he season/ he year/ he day/ and I a- he -an. 6e s-iled crookedly/ wondering wha his fa her wo2ld say when Theon old hi- ha he/ he las 7&orn/ &a&e and hos age/ he had s2cceeded where *ord Balon hi-self had failed. 6is cli-a9 ca-e on hi- s2dden as a s or-/ and he filled he girl.s -o2 h wi h his seed. ! ar led/ she ried o '2ll away/ &2 Theon held her igh &y he hair. Af erward/ she crawled 2' &eside hi-. :1id I 'lease -ilord8 : :3ell eno2gh/: he old her. :I as ed sal y/: she -2r-2red. :*ike he sea8: !he nodded. :I ha0e always lo0ed he sea/ -ilord.: :As I ha0e/: he said/ rolling her ni''le idly &e ween his fingers. I was r2e. The sea -ean freedo- o he -en of he Iron Islands. 6e had forgo en ha 2n il he Myraha- had raised sail a !eagard. The so2nds &ro2gh old feelings &ack< he creak of wood and ro'e/ he ca' ain.s sho2 ed co--ands/ he sna' of he sails as he wind filled he-/ each as fa-iliar as he &ea ing of his own hear / and as co-for ing. I -2s re-e-&er his/ Theon 0owed o hi-self. I -2s ne0er go far fro- he sea again. :Take -e wi h yo2/ -ilord/: he ca' ain.s da2gh er &egged. :I don. need o go o yo2r cas le. I can s ay in so-e own/ and &e yo2r sal wife.: !he reached o2 o s roke his cheek. Theon Grey;oy '2shed her hand aside and cli-&ed off he &2nk. :My 'lace is (yke/ and yo2rs is on his shi'.: :I can. s ay here now.: 6e laced 2' his &reeches. :3hy no 8: :My fa her/: she old hi-. :)nce gone/ he.ll '2nish -e/ -ilord. 6e.ll call -e na-es and hi -e.: Theon swe' his cloak off i s 'eg and o0er his sho2lders. :Fa hers are like ha /: he ad-i ed as he 'inned he folds wi h a sil0er clas'. :Tell hi- he sho2ld &e 'leased. As -any i-es as I.0e f2cked yo2/ likely wi h child. I .s no e0ery -an who has he honor of raising a king.s &as ard.: !he looked a hi- s 2'idly/ so he lef her here. The Myraha- was ro2nding a wooded 'oin . Below he 'ine7clad &l2ffs/ a do>en fishing &oa s were '2lling in heir ne s. The &ig cog s ayed well o2 fro- he-/ acking. Theon -o0ed o he &ow for a &e er 0iew. 6e saw he cas le firs / he s ronghold of he Bo leys. 3hen he was a &oy

i had &een i-&er and wa le/ &2 Ro&er Bara heon had ra>ed ha s r2c 2re o he gro2nd. *ord !awane had re&2il in s one/ for now a s-all s42are kee' crowned he hill. (ale green flags droo'ed fro- he s42a corner owers/ each e-&la>oned wi h a shoal of sil0ery fish. Benea h he d2&io2s 'ro ec ion of he fish7ridden li le cas le lay he 0illage of *ords'or / i s har&or aswar- wi h shi's. 3hen las he.d seen *ords'or / i had &een a s-oking was eland/ he skele ons of &2rn longshi's and s-ashed galleys .li ering he s ony shore like he &ones of dead le0ia hans/ he ho2ses no -ore han &roken walls and cold ashes. Af er en years/ few races of he war re-ained. The s-allfolk had &2il new ho0els wi h he s ones of he old/ and c2 fresh sod for heir roofs. A new inn had risen &eside he landing/ wice he si>e of he old one/ wi h a lower s ory of c2 s one and wo 2''er s ories of i-&er. The se' &eyond had ne0er &een re&2il / ho2gh< only a se0en7 sided fo2nda ion re-ained where i had s ood. Ro&er Bara heon.s f2ry had so2red he iron-en.s as e for he new gods/ i wo2ld see-. Theon was -ore in eres ed in shi's han gods. A-ong he -as s of co2n less fishing &oa s/ he s'ied a Tyroshi rading galley off7loading &eside a l2-&ering I&&enese cog wi h her &lack7 arred h2ll. A grea n2-&er of longshi's/ fif y or si9 y a he leas / s ood o2 o sea or lay &eached on he 'e&&led shore o he nor h. !o-e of he sails &ore de0ices fro- he o her islands< he &lood -oon of 3ynch/ *ord Good&ro her.s &anded &lack warhorn 6arlaw.s sil0er scy he. Theon searched for his 2ncle ,2ron.s !ilence. )f ha lean and erri&le red shi' he saw no sign/ &2 his fa her.s Grea Kraken was here/ her &ow orna-en ed wi h a grey iron ra- in he sha'e of i s na-esake. 6ad *ord Balon an ici'a ed hi- and called he Grey;oy &anners8 6is hand wen inside his cloak again/ o he oilskin 'o2ch. 5o one knew of his le er &2 Ro&& ! ark< hey were no fools/ o en r2s heir secre s o a &ird. ! ill/ *ord Balon was no fool ei her. 6e -igh well ha0e g2essed why his son was co-ing ho-e a long las / and ac ed accordingly. The ho2gh did no 'lease hi-. 6is fa her.s war was long done/ and los . This was Theon.s ho2r7his 'lan/ his glory/ and in i-e his crown. =e if he longshi's are hos ing . . . I -igh &e only a ca2 ion/ now ha he ho2gh on i . A defensi0e -o0e/ les he war s'ill o2 across he sea. )ld -en were ca2 io2s &y na 2re. 6is fa her was old now/ and so oo his 2ncle Vic arion/ who co--anded he Iron Flee . 6is 2ncle ,2ron was a differen song/ o &e s2re/ &2 he !ilence did no see- o &e in 'or . I .s all for he good/ Theon old hi-self. This way/ I shall &e a&le o s rike all he -ore 42ickly. As he Myraha- -ade her way landward/ Theon 'aced he deck res lessly/ scanning he shore. 6e had no ho2gh o find *ord Balon hi-self a 42ayside/ &2 s2rely his fa her wo2ld ha0e sen so-eone o -ee hi-. !ylas !o2r-o2 h he s eward/ *ord Bo ley/ 'erha's e0en 1ag-er Clef ;aw. I wo2ld &e good o look on 1ag-er.s hideo2s old face again. I was no as ho2gh hey had no word of his arri0al. Ro&& had sen ra0ens froRi0err2n/ and when hey.d fo2nd no longshi' a !eagard/ @ason Mallis er had sen his own &irds o (yke/ s2''osing ha Ro&&.s were los . =e he saw no fa-iliar faces/ no honor g2ard wai ing o escor hi- fro*ords'or o (yke/ only s-allfolk going a&o2 heir s-all &2siness. !horehands rolled casks of wine off he Tyroshi rader/ fisherfolk cried he day.s ca ch/ children ran and 'layed. A 'ries in he seawa er ro&es of he 1rowned God was leading a 'air of horses along he 'e&&led shore/ while a&o0e hi- a sla ern leaned o2 a window in he inn/ calling o2 o so-e 'assing I&&enese sailors.

A handf2l of *ords'or -erchan s had ga hered o -ee he shi'. They sho2 ed 42es ions as he Myraha- was ying 2'. o2 of )ld own/: he ca' ain called down/ :&earing a''les and oranges/ wines fro- he Ar&or/ fea hers fro- he !2--er Isles. I ha0e 'e''er/ wo0en lea hers/ a &ol of Myrish lace/ -irrors for -ilady/ a 'air of )ld own woodhar's swee as any yo2 e0er heard.: The gang'lank descended wi h a creak and a h2d. :And I.0e &ro2gh yo2r heir &ack o yo2.: The *ords'or -en ga>ed on Theon wi h &lank/ &o0ine eyes/ and he reali>ed ha hey did no know who he was. I -ade hi- angry. 6e 'ressed a golden dragon in o he ca' ain.s 'al-. :6a0e yo2r -en &ring -y hings.: 3i ho2 wai ing for a re'ly/ he s rode down he gang'lank. :Innkee'er/: he &arked/ :I re42ire a horse.: :As yo2 say/ -.lord/: he -an res'onded/ wi ho2 so -2ch as a &ow. 6e had forgo en how &old he iron&orn co2ld &e. :6a''ens as I ha0e one -igh do. 3here wo2ld yo2 &e riding/ -.lord8: :(yke.: The fool s ill did no know hi-. 6e sho2ld ha0e worn his good do2&le / wi h he kraken e-&roidered on he &reas . :=o2.ll wan o &e off soon/ o reach (yke afore dark/: he innkee'er said. :My &oy will go wi h yo2 and show yo2 he way.: :=o2r &oy will no &e needed/: a dee' 0oice called/ :nor yo2r horse. I shall see -y ne'hew &ack o his fa her.s ho2se.: The s'eaker was he 'ries he had seen leading he horses along he shoreline. As he -an a''roached/ he s-allfolk &en he knee/ and Theon heard he innkee'er -2r-2r/ :1a-'hair.: Tall and hin/ wi h fierce &lack eyes and a &eak of a nose/ he 'ries was gar&ed in -o led ro&es of green and grey and &l2e/ he swirling colors of he 1rowned God. A wa erskin h2ng 2nder his ar- on a lea her s ra'/ and ro'es of dried seaweed were &raided hro2gh his wais 7long &lack hair and 2n ri--ed &eard. A -e-ory 'rodded a Theon. in one of his rare c2r le ers/ *ord Balon had wri en of his yo2nges &ro her going down in a s or-/ and 2rning holy when he washed 2' safe on shore. :+ncle Aeron8: he said do2& f2lly. :5e'hew Theon/: he 'ries re'lied. :=o2r lord fa her &id -e fe ch yo2. Co-e.: :In a -o-en / +ncle.: 6e 2rned &ack o he Myraha-. :My hings/: he co--anded he ca' ain. A sailor fe ched hi- down his all yew &ow and 42i0er of arrows/ &2 i was he ca' ain.s da2gh er who &ro2gh he 'ack wi h his good clo hing. :Milord.: 6er eyes were red. 3hen he ook he 'ack/ she -ade as if o e-&race hi-/ here in fron of her own fa her and his 'ries ly 2ncle and half he island. Theon 2rned def ly aside. :=o2 ha0e -y hanks.: :(lease/: she said/ :I do lo0e yo2 well/ -ilord.: :I -2s go.: 6e h2rried af er his 2ncle/ who was already well down he 'ier. Theon ca2gh hi- wi h a do>en long s rides. :I had no looked for yo2/ +ncle. Af er en years/ I ho2gh 'erha's -y lord fa her and lady -o her -igh co-e he-sel0es/ or send 1ag-er wi h an honor g2ard.: :I is no for yo2 o 42es ion he co--ands of he *ord Rea'er of (yke.: The 'ries .s -anner was chilly/ -os 2nlike he -an Theon re-e-&ered. Aeron Grey;oy had &een he -os a-ia&le of his 2ncles/ feckless and 42ick o la2gh/ fond of songs/ ale/ and wo-en. :As o 1ag-er/ he Clef iaw is gone o )ld 3yk a yo2r fa her.s &ehes / o ro2s he ! oneho2ses and he 1r2--s.: :To wha '2r'ose8 3hy are he longshi's hos ing8: :3hy ha0e longshi's e0er hos ed8: 6is 2ncle had lef he horses ied 2' in fron of he wa erside inn. 3hen hey reached he-/ he 2rned o Theon. :Tell -e r2e/ ne'hew. 1o yo2 'ray o he wolf gods now8:

Theon seldo- 'rayed a all/ &2 ha was no so-e hing yo2 confessed o a 'ries / e0en yo2r fa her.s own &ro her. :5ed ! ark 'rayed o a ree. 5o/ I care no hing for ! ark.s gods.: :Good. Kneel.: The gro2nd was all s ones and -2d. :+ncle/ I7: :Kneel. )r are yo2 oo 'ro2d now/ a lordling of he green lands co-e a-ong 2s8: Theon knel . 6e had a '2r'ose here/ and -igh need Aeron.s hel' o achie0e i . A crown was wor h a li le -2d and horseshi on his &reeches/ he s2''osed. :Bow yo2r head.: *if ing he skin/ his 2ncle '2lled he cork and direc ed a hin s rea- of seawa er down 2'on Theon.s head. I drenched his hair and ran o0er his forehead in o his eyes. !hee s washed down his cheeks/ and a finger cre' 2nder his cloak and do2&le and down his &ack/ a cold ri02le along his s'ine. The sal -ade his eyes &2rn/ 2n il i was all he co2ld do no o cry o2 . 6e co2ld as e he ocean on his li's. :*e Theon yo2r ser0an &e &orn again fro- he sea/ as yo2 were/: Aeron Grey;oy in oned. :Bless hi- wi h sal / &less hi- wi h s one/ &less hi- wi h s eel. 5e'hew/ do yo2 s ill know he words8: :3ha is dead -ay ne0er die/: Theon said/ re-e-&ering. :3ha is dead -ay ne0er die/: his 2ncle echoed/ :&2 rises again/ harder and s ronger. ! and.: Theon s ood/ &linking &ack ears fro- he sal in his eyes. 3ordless/ his 2ncle corked he wa erskin/ 2n ied his horse/ and -o2n ed. Theon did he sa-e. They se off oge her/ lea0ing he inn and he har&or &ehind he-/ 2' 'as he cas le of *ord Bo ley in o he s ony hills. The 'ries 0en 2red no f2r her word. :I ha0e &een half -y life away fro- ho-e/: Theon 0en 2red a las . :3ill I find he islands changed8: :Men fish he sea/ dig in he ear h/ and die. 3o-en &ir h children in &lood and 'ain/ and die. 5igh follows day. The winds and ides re-ain. The islands are as o2r god -ade he-.: Gods/ he has grown gri-/ Theon ho2gh . :3ill I find -y sis er and -y lady -o her a (yke8: :=o2 will no . =o2r -o her dwells on 6arlaw/ wi h her own sis er. I is less raw here/ and her co2gh ro2&les her. =o2r sis er has aken Black 3ind o Grea 3yk/ wi h -essages fro- yo2r lord fa her. !he will re 2rn long/ yo2 -ay &e s2re.: Theon did no need o &e old ha Black 3ind was Asha.s longshi'. 6e had no seen his sis er in en years/ &2 ha -2ch he knew of her. )dd ha she wo2ld call i ha / when Ro&& ! ark had a wolf na-ed Grey 3ind. :! ark is grey and Grey;oy.s &lack/: he -2r-2red/ s-iling/ :&2 i see-s &o h windy.: The 'ries had no hing o say o ha . :And wha of yo2/ +ncle8: Theon asked. :=o2 were no 'ries when I was aken fro- (yke. I re-e-&er how yo2 wo2ld sing he old rea0ing songs s anding on he a&le wi h a horn of ale in hand.: :=o2ng I was/ and 0ain/: Aeron Grey;oy said/ :&2 he sea washed -y follies and -y 0ani ies away. Tha -an drowned/ ne'hew. 6is l2ngs filled wi h seawa er/ and he fish a e he scales off his eyes. 3hen I rose again/ I saw clearly.: 6e is as -ad as he is so2r. Theon had liked wha he re-e-&ered of he old Aeron Grey;oy. :+ncle/ why has -y fa her called his swords and sails8: :1o2& less he will ell yo2 a (yke.: :I wo2ld know his 'lans now.: :Fro- -e/ yo2 shall no . 3e are co--anded no o s'eak of his o any

-an.: :,0en o -e8: Theon.s anger flared. 6e.d led -en in war/ h2n ed wi h a king/ won honor in o2rney -elees/ ridden wi h Brynden Blackfish and Grea ;on +-&er/ fo2gh in he 3his'ering 3ood/ &edded -ore girls han he co2ld na-e/ and ye his 2ncle was rea ing hi- as ho2gh he were s ill a child of en. :If -y fa her -akes 'lans for war/ I -2s know of he-. I a- no .any -an/. I a- heir o (yke and he Iron Islands.: :As o ha /: his 2ncle said/ :we shall see.: The words were a sla' in he face. :3e shall seeA My &ro hers are &o h dead. I a- -y lord fa her.s only li0ing son.: :=o2r sis er li0es.: Asha/ he ho2gh / confo2nded. !he was hree years older han Theon/ ye s ill . . . :A wo-an -ay inheri only if here is no -ale heir in he direc line/: he insis ed lo2dly. :I will no &e chea ed of -y righ s/ I warn yo2.: 6is 2ncle gr2n ed. :=o2 warn a ser0an of he 1rowned God/ &oy8 =o2 ha0e forgo en -ore han yo2 know. And yo2 are a grea fool if yo2 &elie0e yo2r lord fa her will e0er hand hese holy islands o0er o a ! ark. 5ow &e silen . The ride is long eno2gh wi ho2 yo2r -ag'ie cha erings.: Theon held his ong2e/ ho2gh no wi ho2 s r2ggle. !o ha is he way of i / he ho2gh . As if en years in 3in erfell co2ld -ake a ! ark. *ord ,ddard had raised hi- a-ong his own children/ &2 Theon had ne0er &een one of he-. The whole cas le/ fro- *ady ! ark o he lowlies ki chen sc2llion/ knew he was hos age o his fa her.s good &eha0ior/ and rea ed hi- accordingly. ,0en he &as ard @on !now had &een accorded -ore honor han he had. *ord ,ddard had ried o 'lay he fa her fro- i-e o i-e/ &2 o Theon he had always re-ained he -an who.d &ro2gh &lood and fire o (yke and aken hi- fro- his ho-e. As a &oy/ he had li0ed in fear of ! ark.s s ern face and grea dark sword. 6is wife was/ if any hing/ e0en -ore dis an and s2s'icio2s. As for heir children/ he yo2nger ones had &een -ewling &a&es for -os of his years a 3in erfell. )nly Ro&& and his &ase&orn half &ro her @on !now had &een old eno2gh o &e wor h his no ice. The &as ard was a s2llen &oy/ 42ick o sense a sligh / ;ealo2s of Theon.s high &ir h and Ro&&.s regard for hi-. For Ro&& hi-self/ Theon did ha0e a cer ain affec ion/ as for a yo2nger &ro her . . . &2 i wo2ld &e &es no o -en ion ha . In (yke/ i wo2ld see-/ he old wars were s ill &eing fo2gh . Tha o2gh no s2r'rise hi-. The Iron Islands li0ed in he 'as < he 'resen was oo hard and &i er o &e &orne. Besides/ his fa her and 2ncles were old/ and he old lords were like ha < hey ook heir d2s y fe2ds o he gra0e/ forge ing no hing and forgi0ing less. I had &een he sa-e wi h he Mallis ers/ his co-'anions on he ride fro- Ri0err2n o !eagard. (a rek Mallis er was no oo ill a fellow< hey shared a as e for wenches/ wine/ and hawking. B2 when old *ord @ason saw his heir growing o0erly fond of Theon.s co-'any/ he had aken (a rek aside o re-ind hi- ha !eagard had &een &2il o defend he coas agains rea0ers fro- he Iron islands/ he Grey;oys of (yke chief a-ong he-. Their Boo-ing Tower was na-ed for i s i--ense &ron>e &ell/ r2ng of old o call he ownsfolk and far-hands in o he cas le when longshi's were sigh ed on he wes ern hori>on. :5e0er -ind ha he &ell has &een r2ng ;2s once in hree h2ndred years/: (a rek had old Theon he day af er/ as he shared his fa her.s ca2 ions and a ;2g of green7a''le wine. :3hen -y &ro her s or-ed !eagard/: Theon said. *ord @ason had slain Rodrik Grey;oy 2nder he walls of he cas le/ and hrown he iron-en

&ack in o he &ay. :If yo2r fa her s2''oses I &ear hi- so-e en-i y for ha / i .s only &eca2se he ne0er knew Rodrik.: They had a la2gh o0er ha as hey raced ahead o an a-oro2s yo2ng -iller.s wife ha (a rek knew. 3o2ld ha (a rek were wi h -e now Mallis er or no/ he was a -ore a-ia&le riding co-'anion han his so2r old 'ries ha his 2ncle Aeron had 2rned in o. The 'a h hey rode wo2nd 2' and 2'/ in o &are and s ony hills. !oon hey were o2 of sigh of he sea/ ho2gh he s-ell of sal s ill h2ng shar' in he da-' air. They ke' a s eady 'lodding 'ace/ 'as a she'herd.s crof and he a&andoned workings of a -ine. This new/ holy Aeron Grey;oy was no -2ch for alk. They rode in a gloo- of silence. Finally Theon co2ld s2ffer i no longer. :Ro&& ! ark is *ord of 3in erfell now/: he said. Aeron rode on. :)ne wolf is -2ch like he o her.: :Ro&& has &roken feal y wi h he Iron Throne and crowned hi-self King in he 5or h. There.s war.: :The -aes er.s ra0ens fly o0er sal as soon as rock. This news is old and cold.: :I -eans a new day/ +ncle.: :,0ery -orning &rings a new day/ -2ch like he old.: :In Ri0err2n/ hey wo2ld ell yo2 differen . They say he red co-e is a herald of a new age. A -essenger fro- he gods.: :A sign i is/: he 'ries agreed/ :&2 fro- o2r god/ no heirs. A &2rning &rand i is/ s2ch as o2r 'eo'le carried of old. I is he fla-e he 1rowned God &ro2gh fro- he sea/ and i 'roclai-s a rising ide. I is i-e o hois o2r sails and go for h in o he world wi h fire and sword/ as he did.: Theon s-iled. :I co2ld no agree -ore.: :A -an agrees wi h god as a raindro' wi h he s or-.: This raindro' will one day &e a king/ old -an. Theon had s2ffered 42i e eno2gh of his 2ncle.s gloo-. 6e '2 his s'2rs in o his horse and ro ed on ahead/ s-iling. I was nigh on s2nse when hey reached he walls of (yke/ a crescen of dark s one ha ran fro- cliff o cliff/ wi h he ga eho2se in he cen er and hree s42are owers o ei her side. Theon co2ld s ill -ake o2 he scars lef &y he s ones of Ro&er Bara heon.s ca a'2l s. A new so2 h ower had risen fro- he r2ins of he old/ i s s one a 'aler shade of grey/ and as ye 2n-arred &y 'a ches of lichen. Tha was where Ro&er had -ade his &reach/ swar-ing in o0er he r2&&le and cor'ses wi h his warharn-er in hand and 5ed ! ark a his side. Theon had wa ched fro- he safe y of he !ea Tower/ and so-e i-es he s ill saw he orches in his drea-s/ and heard he d2ll h2nder of he colla'se. The ga es s ood o'en o hi-/ he r2s ed iron 'or c2llis drawn 2'. The g2ards a o' he &a le-en s wa ched wi h s rangers. eyes as Theon Grey;oy ca-e ho-e a las . Beyond he c2r ain wall were half a h2ndred acres of headland hard agains he sky and he sea. The s a&les were here/ and he kennels/ and a sca er of o her o2 &2ildings. !hee' and swine h2ddled in heir 'ens while he cas le dogs ran free. To he so2 h were he cliffs/ and he wide s one &ridge o he Grea Kee'. Theon co2ld hear he crashing of wa0es as he sw2ng down fro- his saddle. A s a&le-an ca-e o ake his horse. A 'air of ga2n children and so-e hralls s ared a hi- wi h d2ll eyes/ &2 here was no sign of his lord fa her/ nor anyone else he recalled fro- &oyhood. A &leak and &i er ho-eco-ing/ he ho2gh . The 'ries had no dis-o2n ed. :3ill yo2 no s ay he nigh and share o2r -ea and -ead/ +ncle8:

:Bring yo2/ I was old. =o2 are &ro2gh . 5ow I re 2rn o o2r god.s &2siness.: Aeron Grey;oy 2rned his horse and rode slowly o2 &enea h he -2ddy s'ikes of he 'or c2llis. A &en &ack old crone in a sha'eless grey dress a''roached hi- warily. :M.lord/ I a- sen o show yo2 o cha-&ers.: :By whose &idding8: :=o2r lord fa her/ -.lord.: Theon '2lled off his glo0es. :!o yo2 do know who I a-. 3hy is -y fa her no here o gree -e8: :6e awai s yo2 in he !ea Tower/ -.lord. 3hen yo2 are res ed fro- yo2r ri'.: And I ho2gh 5ed ! ark cold. :And who are yo28: :6elya/ who kee's his cas le for yo2r lord fa her.: :!ylas was s eward here. They called hi- !o2r-o2 h.: ,0en now/ Theon co2ld recall he winey s ench of he old -an.s &rea h. :1ead hese fi0e years/ -.lord.: :And wha of Maes er Falen/ where is he8: :6e slee's in he sea. 3enda-yr kee's he ra0ens now.: I is as if I were a s ranger here/ Theon ho2gh . 5o hing has changed/ and ye e0ery hing has changed. :!how -e o -y cha-&ers/ wo-an/: he co--anded. Bowing s iffly/ she led hi- across he headland o he &ridge. Tha a leas was as he re-e-&ered< he ancien s ones slick wi h s'ray and s'o ed &y lichen/ he sea foa-ing 2nder heir fee like so-e grea wild &eas / he sal wind cl2 ching a heir clo hes. 3hene0er he.d i-agined his ho-eco-ing/ he had always 'ic 2red hi-self re 2rning o he sn2g &edcha-&er in he !ea Tower/ where he.d sle' as a child. Ins ead he old wo-an led hi- o he Bloody Kee'. The halls here were larger and &e er f2rnished/ if no less cold nor da-'. Theon was gi0en a s2i e of chilly roo-s wi h ceilings so high ha hey were los in gloo-. 6e -igh ha0e &een -ore i-'ressed if he had no known ha hese were he 0ery cha-&ers ha had gi0en he Bloody Kee' i s na-e. A ho2sand years &efore/ he sons of he Ri0er King had &een sla2gh ered here/ hacked o &i s in heir &eds so ha 'ieces of heir &odies -igh &e sen &ack o heir fa her on he -ainland. B2 Grey;oys were no -2rdered in (yke e9ce' once in a grea while &y heir &ro hers/ and his &ro hers were &o h dead. I was no fear of ghos s ha -ade hi- glance a&o2 wi h dis as e. The wall hangings were green wi h -ildew/ he -a ress -2s y7s-elling and sagging/ he r2shes old and &ri le. =ears had co-e and gone since hese cha-&ers had las &een o'ened. The da-' wen &one dee'. :I.ll ha0e a &asin of ho wa er and a fire in his hear h/: he old he crone. :!ee ha hey ligh &ra>iers in he o her roo-s o dri0e o2 so-e of he chill. And gods &e good/ ge so-eone in here a once o change hese r2shes.: :=es/ -.lord. As yo2 co--and.: !he fled. Af er so-e i-e/ hey &ro2gh he ho wa er he had asked for. I was only e'id/ and soon cold/ and seawa er in he &argain/ &2 i ser0ed o wash he d2s of he long ride fro- his face and hair and hands. 3hile wo hralls li his &ra>iers/ Theon s ri''ed off his ra0el7 s ained clo hing and dressed o -ee his fa her. 6e chose &oo s of s2''le &lack lea her/ sof la-&swool &reeches of sil0ery7grey/ a &lack 0el0e do2&le wi h he golden kraken of he Grey;oys e-&roidered on he &reas . Aro2nd his hroa he fas ened a slender gold chain/ aro2nd his wais a &el of &leached whi e lea her. 6e h2ng a dirk a one hi' and a longsword a he o her/ in sca&&ards s ri'ed &lack7and7gold. 1rawing he dirk/ he es ed i s edge wi h his h2-&/ '2lled a whe s one fro- his &el 'o2ch/ and ga0e i a few licks. 6e 'rided hi-self on kee'ing his wea'ons shar'. :3hen I re 2rn/ I shall e9'ec a war- roo-

and clean r2shes/: he warned he hralls as he drew on a 'air of &lack glo0es/ he silk decora ed wi h a delica e scrollwork racery in golden hread. Theon re 2rned o he Grea Kee' hro2gh a co0ered s one walkway/ he echoes of his foo s e's -ingling wi h he ceaseless r2-&le of he sea &elow. To ge o he !ea Tower on i s crooked 'illar/ he had o cross hree f2r her &ridges/ each narrower han he one &efore. The las was -ade of ro'e and wood/ and he we sal wind -ade i sway 2nderfoo like a li0ing hing. Theon.s hear was in his -o2 h &y he i-e he was halfway across. A long way &elow/ he wa0es hrew 2' all 'l2-es of s'ray as hey crashed agains he rock. As a &oy/ he 2sed o r2n across his &ridge/ e0en in he &lack of nigh . Boys &elie0e no hing can h2r he-/ his do2& whis'ered. Grown -en know &e er. The door was grey wood s 2dded wi h iron/ and Theon fo2nd i &arred fro- he inside. 6e ha--ered on i wi h a fis / and c2rsed when a s'lin er snagged he fa&ric of his glo0e. The wood was da-' and -oldy/ he iron s 2ds r2s ed. Af er a -o-en he door was o'ened fro- wi hin &y a g2ard in a &lack iron &reas 'la e and 'o hel-. :=o2 are he son8: :)2 of -y way/ or yo2.ll learn who I a-.: The -an s ood aside. Theon cli-&ed he wis ing s e's o he solar. 6e fo2nd his fa her sea ed &eside a &ra>ier/ &enea h a ro&e of -2s y sealskins ha co0ered hifoo o chin. A he so2nd of &oo s on s one/ he *ord of he Iron Islands lif ed his eyes o &ehold his las li0ing son. 6e was s-aller han Theon re-e-7 &ered hi-. And so ga2n . Balon Grey;oy had always &een hin/ &2 now he looked as ho2gh he gods had '2 hi- in a ca2ldron and &oiled e0ery s'are o2nce of flesh fro- his &ones/ 2n il no hing re-ained &2 hair and skin. Bone hin and &one hard he was/ wi h a face ha -igh ha0e &een chi''ed fro- flin . 6is eyes were flin y oo/ &lack and shar'/ &2 he years and he sal winds had 2rned his hair he grey of a win er sea/ flecked wi h whi eca's. +n&o2nd/ i h2ng 'as he s-all of he &ack. :5ine years/ is i 8: *ord Balon said a las . :Ten/: Theon answered/ '2lling off his orn glo0es. :A &oy hey ook/: his fa her said. :3ha are yo2 now8: :A -an/: Theon answered. :=o2r &lood and yo2r heir.: *ord Balon gr2n ed. :3e shall see.: :=o2 shall/: Theon 'ro-ised. :Ten years/ yo2 say. ! ark had yo2 as long as I. And now yo2 co-e as his en0oy.: :5o his/: Theon said. :*ord ,ddard is dead/ &eheaded &y he *annis er 42een.: :They are &o h dead/ ! ark and ha Ro&er who &roke -y walls wi h his s ones. I 0owed I.d li0e o see he- &o h in heir gra0es/ and I ha0e.: 6e gri-aced. :=e he cold and he da-' s ill -ake -y ;oin s ache/ as when hey were ali0e. !o wha does i ser0e8: :I ser0es.: Theon -o0ed closer. :I &ring a le er7: :1id 5ed ! ark dress yo2 like ha 8: his fa her in err2' ed/ s42in ing 2' fro- &enea h his ro&e. :3as i his 'leas2re o gar& yo2 in 0el0e s and silks and -ake yo2 his own swee da2gh er8: Theon fel he &lood rising o his face. :I a- no -an.s da2gh er. If yo2 -islike -y gar&/ I will change i .: :=o2 will.: Throwing off he f2rs/ *ord Balon '2shed hi-self o his fee . 6e was no so all as Theon re-e-&ered. :Tha &a2&le aro2nd yo2r neck7was i &o2gh wi h gold or iron8: Theon o2ched he gold chain. 6e had forgo en. I has &een so long . .

. In he )ld 3ay/ wo-en -igh decora e he-sel0es wi h orna-en s &o2gh wi h coin/ &2 a warrior wore only he ;ewelry he ook off he cor'ses of ene-ies slain &y his own hand. (aying he iron 'rice/ i was called. :=o2 &l2sh red as a -aid/ Theon. A 42es ion was asked. Is i he gold 'rice yo2 'aid/ or he iron8: :The gold/: Theon ad-i ed. 6is fa her slid his fingers 2nder he necklace and ga0e i a yank so hard i was like o ake Theon.s head off/ had he chain no sna''ed firs . :My da2gh er has aken an a9e for a lo0er/: *ord Balon said. :I will no ha0e -y son &edeck hi-self like a whore.: 6e dro''ed he &roken chain on o he &ra>ier/ where i slid down a-ong he coals. :I is as I feared. The green lands ha0e -ade yo2 sof / and he ! arks ha0e -ade yo2 heirs. : wrong. 5ed ! ark was -y gaoler/ &2 -y &lood is s ill sal and iron.: *ord Balon 2rned away o war- his &ony hands o0er he &ra>ier. :=e he ! ark '2' sends yo2 o -e like a well7 rained ra0en/ cl2 ching his li le -essage.: :There is no hing s-all a&o2 he le er I &ear/: Theon said/ :and he offer he -akes is one I s2gges ed o hi-.: :This wolf king heeds yo2r co2nsel/ does he8: The no ion see-ed o a-2se *ord Balon. :6e heeds -e/ yes. I.0e h2n ed wi h hi-/ rained wi h hi-/ shared -ea and -ead wi h hi-/ warred a his side. I ha0e earned his r2s . 6e looks on -e as an older &ro her/ he7: :5o. : 6is fa her ;a&&ed a finger a his face. :5o here/ no in (yke/ no in -y hearing/ yo2 will no na-e hi- &ro her/ his son of he -an who '2 yo2r r2e &ro hers o he sword. )r ha0e yo2 forgo en Rodrik and Maron/ who were yo2r own &lood8: :I forge no hing.: 5ed ! ark had killed nei her of his &ro hers/ in r2 h. Rodrik had &een slain &y *ord @ason Mallis er a !eagard/ Maron cr2shed in he colla'se of he old so2 h ower . . . &2 ! ark wo2ld ha0e done for he- ;2s as 42ick had he ide of &a le chanced o swee' he- oge her. :I re-e-&er -y &ro hers 0ery well/: Theon insis ed. Chiefly he re-e-&ered Rodrik.s dr2nken c2ffs and Maron.s cr2el ;a'es and endless lies. :I re-e-&er when -y fa her was a king oo.: 6e ook o2 Ro&&.s le er and hr2s i forward. :6ere. Read i . . . =o2r Grace.: *ord Balon &roke he seal and 2nfolded he 'arch-en . 6is &lack eyes flicked &ack and for h. :!o he &oy wo2ld gi0e -e a crown again/: he said/ :and all I need do is des roy his ene-ies.: 6is hin li's wis ed in a s-ile. :By now Ro&& is a he Golden Too h/: Theon said. :)nce i falls/ he.ll &e hro2gh he hills in a day. *ord Tywin.s hos is a 6arrenhal/ c2 off fro- he wes . The Kingslayer is a ca' i0e a Ri0err2n. )nly !er ! afford *annis er and he raw green le0ies he.s &een ga hering re-ain o o''ose Ro&& in he wes . !er ! afford will '2 hi-self &e ween Ro&&.s ar-y and *annis'or / which -eans he ci y will &e 2ndefended when we descend on i &y sea. If he gods are wi h 2s/ e0en Cas erly Rock i self -ay fall &efore he *annis ers so -2ch as reali>e ha we are 2'on he-.: *ord Balon gr2n ed. :Cas erly Rock has ne0er fallen.: :+n il now.: Theon s-iled. And how swee ha will &e. 6is fa her did no re 2rn he s-ile. :!o his is why Ro&& ! ark sends yo2 &ack o -e/ af er so long8 !o yo2 -igh win -y consen o h7is7'l7 anof his8 :

:I is -y 'lan/ no Ro&&.s/: Theon said 'ro2dly. Mine/ as he 0ic ory will &e -ine/ and in i-e he crown. :I will lead he a ack -yself/ if i 'lease yo2. As -y reward I wo2ld ask ha yo2 gran -e Cas erly Rock for -y own sea / once we ha0e aken i fro- he *annis ers.: 3i h he Rock/ he co2ld hold *annis'or and he golden lands of he wes . I wo2ld -ean weal h and 'ower s2ch as 6o2se Grey;oy had ne0er known. :=o2 reward yo2rself handso-ely for a no ion and a few lines of scri&&ling.: 6is fa her read he le er again. :The '2' says no hing a&o2 a reward. )nly ha yo2 s'eak for hi-/ and I a- o lis en/ and gi0e hi- -y sails and swords/ and in re 2rn he will gi0e -e a crown.: 6is flin y eyes lif ed o -ee his son.s. :6e will gi0e -e a crown/: he re'ea ed/ his 0oice growing shar'. :A 'oor choice of words/ wha is -ean is7: :3ha is -ean is wha is said. The &oy will gi0e -e a crown. And wha is gi0en can &e aken away.: *ord Balon ossed he le er on o he &ra>ier/ a o' he necklace. The 'arch-en c2rled/ &lackened/ and ook fla-e. Theon was aghas . :6a0e yo2 gone -ad8: 6is fa her laid a s inging &ackhand across his cheek. :Mind yo2r ong2e. =o2 are no in 3in erfell now/ and I a- no Ro&& he Boy/ ha yo2 sho2ld s'eak o -e so. I a- he Grey;oy/ *ord Rea'er of (yke/ King of !al and Rock/ !on of he !ea 3ind/ and no -an gi0es -e a crown. I 'ay he iron 'rice. I will ake -y crown/ as +rron Redhand did fi0e ho2sand years ago.: Theon edged &ackward/ away fro- he s2dden f2ry in his fa her.s one. :Take i / hen/: he s'a / his cheek s ill ingling. :Call yo2rself King of he Iron islands/ no one will care . . . 2n il he wars are o0er/ and he 0ic or looks a&o2 and s'ies he old fool 'erched off his shore wi h an iron crown on his head.: *ord Balon la2ghed. :3ell/ a he leas yo2 are no cra0en. 5o -ore han I.- a fool. 1o yo2 hink I ga her -y shi's o wa ch he- rock a anchor8 I -ean o car0e o2 a kingdo- wi h fire and sword . . . &2 no fro- he wes / and no a he &idding of King Ro&& he Boy. Cas erly Rock is oo s rong/ and *ord Tywin oo c2nning &y half. Aye/ we -igh ake *annis'or / &2 we sho2ld ne0er kee' i . 5o. I h2nger for a differen 'l2- . . . no so ;2icy swee / o &e s2re/ ye i hangs here ri'e and 2ndefended.: 3here8 Theon -igh ha0e asked/ &2 &y hen he knew. C6A(T,R 1% 1A,5,R=! The 1o hraki na-ed he co-e shierak 4iya/ he Bleeding ! ar. The old -en -2 ered ha i o-ened ill/ &2 1aenerys Targaryen had seen i firs on he nigh she had &2rned Khal 1rogo/ he nigh her dragons had awakened. I is he herald of -y co-ing/ she old herself as she ga>ed 2' in o he nigh sky wi h wonder in her hear . The gods ha0e sen i o show -e he way. =e when she '2 he ho2gh in o words/ her hand-aid 1oreah 42ailed. :Tha way lies he red lands/ Khaleesi. A gri- 'lace and erri&le/ he riders say.: :The way he co-e 'oin s is he way we -2s go/: 1any insis ed . . . ho2gh in r2 h/ i was he only way o'en o her. !he dare no 2rn nor h on o he 0as ocean of grass hey called he 1o hraki sea. The firs khalasar hey -e wo2ld swallow 2' her ragged &and/ slaying he warriors and sla0ing he res . The lands of he *a-&

Men so2 h of he ri0er were likewise closed o he-. They were oo few o defend he-sel0es e0en agains ha 2nwarlike folk/ and he *ha>areen had s-all reason o lo0e he-. !he -igh ha0e s r2ck downri0er for he 'or s a Meereen and =2nkai and As a'or/ &2 Rakharo warned her ha (ono.s khalasar had ridden ha way/ dri0ing ho2sands of ca' i0es &efore he- o sell in he flesh -ar s ha fes ered like o'en sores on he shores of !la0er.s Bay. :3hy sho2ld I fear (ono8: 1any o&;ec ed. :6e was 1rogo.s ko/ and always s'oke -e gen ly.: :Ko (ono s'oke yo2 gen ly/: !er @orah Mor-on said. :Khal (ono will kill yo2. 6e was he firs o a&andon 1rogo. Ten ho2sand warriors wen wi h hi-. =o2 ha0e a h2ndred.: 5o/ 1any ho2gh . I ha0e fo2r. The res are wo-en/ old sick -en. and &oys whose hair has ne0er &een &raided. :I ha0e he dragons/: she 'oin ed o2 . :6a chlings/: !er @orah said. :)ne swi'e fro- an arakh wo2ld '2 an end o he-/ ho2gh (or o is -ore like o sei>e he- for hi-self. =o2r dragon eggs were -ore 'recio2s han r2&ies. A li0ing dragon is &eyond 'rice. in all he world/ here are only hree. ,0ery -an who sees hewill wan he-/ -y 42een.: :They are -ine/: she said fiercely. They had &een &orn fro- her fai h and her need/ gi0en life &y he dea hs of her h2s&and and 2n&orn son and he -aegi Mirri Ma> 122r. 1any had walked in o he fla-es as hey ca-e for h/ and hey had dr2nk -ilk fro- her swollen &reas s. :5o -an will ake he- fro- -e while I li0e.: :=o2 will no li0e long sho2ld yo2 -ee Khal (ono. 5or Khal ;ha4o/ nor any of he o hers. =o2 -2s go where hey do no .: 1any had na-ed hi- he firs of her F2eensg2ard . . . and when Mor-on .s gr2ff co2nsel and he o-ens agreed/ her co2rse was clear. !he called her 'eo'le oge her and -o2n ed her sil0er -are. 6er hair had &2rned away in 1rogo.s 'yre/ so her hand-aids gar&ed her in he skin of he hrakkar 1rogo had slain/ he whi e lion of he 1o hraki sea. I s fearso-e head -ade a hood o co0er her naked scal'/ i s 'el a cloak ha flowed across her sho2lders and down her &ack. The crea-7colored dragon s2nk shar' &lack claws in o he lion.s -ane and coiled i s ail aro2nd her ar-/ while !er @orah ook his acc2s o-ed 'lace &y her side. :3e follow he co-e /: 1any old her khalasar. )nce i was said/ no word was raised agains i . They had &een 1rogo.s 'eo'le/ &2 hey were hers now. The +n&2rn / hey called her/ and Mo her of 1ragons. 6er word was heir law. They rode &y nigh / and &y day ook ref2ge fro- he s2n &enea h heir en s. !oon eno2gh 1any learned he r2 h of 1oreah.s words. This was no kindly co2n ry. They lef a rail of dead and dying horses &ehind he- as hey wen / for (ono/ ;ha4o/ and he o hers had sei>ed he &es of 1rogo.s herds/ lea0ing o 1any he old and he scrawny/ he sickly and he la-e/ he &roken ani-als and he ill7 e-'ered. I was he sa-e wi h he 'eo'le. They are no s rong/ she old herself/ so I -2s &e heir s reng h. I -2s show no fear/ no weakness/ no do2& . 6owe0er frigh ened -y hear / when hey look 2'on -y face hey -2s see only 1rogo.s 42een. !he fel older han her fo2r een years. If e0er she had r2ly &een a girl/ ha i-e was done. Three days in o he -arch/ he firs -an died. A oo hless olds er wi h clo2dy &l2e eyes/ he fell e9ha2s ed fro- his saddle and co2ld no rise again. An ho2r la er he was done. Blood flies swar-ed a&o2 his cor'se and carried his ill l2ck o he li0ing. :6is i-e was 'as /: her hand-aid Irri declared. :5o -an sho2ld li0e longer han his ee h.: The o hers agreed. 1any &id he- kill he weakes of heir dying horses/ so he dead -an -igh go -o2n ed in o he nigh lands.

Two nigh s la er/ i was an infan girl who 'erished. 6er -o her.s ang2ished wailing las ed all day/ &2 here was no hing o &e done. The child had &een oo yo2ng o ride/ 'oor hing. 5o for her he endless &lack grasses of he nigh lands< she -2s &e &orn again. There was li le forage in he red was e/ and less wa er. I was a sere and desola e land of low hills and &arren windswe' 'lains. The ri0ers hey crossed were dry as dead -en.s &ones. Their -o2n s s2&sis ed on he o2gh &rown de0ilgrass ha grew in cl2-'s a he &ase of rocks and dead rees. 1any sen o2 riders ranging ahead of he col2-n/ &2 hey fo2nd nei her wells nor s'rings/ only &i er 'ools/ shallow and s agnan / shrinking in he ho s2n. The dee'er hey rode in o he was e/ he s-aller he 'ools &eca-e/ while he dis ance &e ween hegrew. If here were gods in his rackless wilderness of s one and sand and red clay/ hey were hard dry gods/ deaf o 'rayers for rain. 3ine ga0e o2 firs / and soon hereaf er he clo ed -are.s -ilk he horselords lo0ed &e er han -ead. Then heir s ores of fla &read and dried -ea were e9ha2s ed as well. Their h2n ers fo2nd no ga-e/ and only he flesh of heir dead horses filled heir &ellies. 1ea h followed dea h. 3eak children/ wrinkled old wo-en/ he sick and he s 2'id and he heedless/ he cr2el land clai-ed he- all. 1oreah grew ga2n and hollow7eyed/ and her sof golden hair 2rned &ri le as s raw. 1any h2ngered and hirs ed wi h he res of he-. The -ilk in her &reas s dried 2'/ her ni''les cracked and &led/ and he flesh fell away fro- her day &y day 2n il she was lean and hard as a s ick/ ye i was her dragons she feared for. 6er fa her had &een slain &efore she was &orn/ and her s'lendid &ro her Rhaegar as well. 6er -o her had died &ringing her in o he world while he s or- screa-ed o2 side. Gen le !er 3ille- 1arry/ who -2s ha0e lo0ed her af er a fashion/ had &een aken &y a was ing sickness when she was 0ery yo2ng. 6er &ro her Viserys/ Khal 1rogo who was her s2n7and7s ars/ e0en her 2n&orn son/ he gods had clai-ed he- all. They will no ha0e -y dragons/ 1any 0owed. They will no . The dragons were no larger han he scrawny ca s she had once seen sk2lking along he walls of Magis er Illyrio.s es a e in (en os . . . 2n il hey 2nfolded heir wings. Their s'an was hree i-es heir leng h/ each wing a delica e fan of ransl2cen skin/ gorgeo2sly colored/ s re ched a2 &e ween long hin &ones. 3hen yo2 looked hard/ yo2 co2ld see ha -os of heir &ody was neck/ ail/ and wing. !2ch li le hings/ she ho2gh as she fed he- &y hand. or ra her/ ried o feed he-/ or e dragons wo2ld no ea . They wo2ld hiss and s'i a each &loody -orsel of horse-ea / s ea- rising fro- heir nos rils/ ye hey wo2ld no ake he food . . . 2n il 1any recalled so-e hing Viserys had old her when hey were children. )nly dragons and -en ea cooked -ea / he had said. 3hen she had her hand-aids char he horse-ea &lack/ he dragons ri''ed a i eagerly/ heir heads s riking like snakes. !o long as he -ea was seared/ hey g2l'ed down se0eral i-es heir own weigh e0ery day/ and a las &egan o grow larger and s ronger. 1any -ar0eled a he s-oo hness of heir scales/ and he hea ha 'o2red off he-/ so 'al'a&le ha on cold nigh s heir whole &odies see-ed o s ea-. ,ach e0enfall as he khalasai se o2 / she wo2ld choose a dragon o ride 2'on her sho2lder. Irri and @hi42i carried he o hers in a cage of wo0en wood sl2ng &e ween heir -o2n s/ and rode close &ehind her/ so 1any was ne0er o2 of heir sigh . I was he only way o kee' he42iescen . :Aegon.s dragons were na-ed for he gods of )ld Valyria/: she old her

&loodriders one -orning af er a long nigh .s ;o2rney. :Visenya.s dragon was Vhagar/ Rhaenys had Mera9es/ and Aegon rode Balerion/ he Black 1read. I was said ha Vhagar.s &rea h was so ho ha i co2ld -el a knigh .s ar-or and cook he -an inside/ ha Mera9es swallowed horses whole/ and Balerion . . . his fire was as &lack as his scales/ his wings so 0as ha whole owns were swallowed 2' in heir shadow when he 'assed o0erhead.: The 1o hraki looked a her ha chlings 2neasily. The larges of her hree was shiny &lack/ his scales slashed wi h s reaks of 0i0id scarle o -a ch his wings and horns. :Khaleesi/: Aggo -2r-2red/ : here si s Balerion/ co-e again.: :I -ay &e as yo2 say/ &lood of -y &lood/: 1any re'lied gra0ely/ :&2 he shall ha0e a new na-e for his new life. I wo2ld na-e he- all for hose he gods ha0e aken. The green one shall &e Rhaegal/ for -y 0alian &ro her who died on he green &anks of he Triden . The crea-7 and7gold I call Viserion. Viserys was cr2el and weak and frigh ened/ ye he was -y &ro her s ill. 6is dragon will do wha he co2ld no .: :And he &lack &eas 8: asked !er @orah Mor-on . :The &lack/: she said/ :is 1rogon.: =e e0en as her dragons 'ros'ered/ her khalasar wi hered and died. Aro2nd he- he land 2rned e0er -ore desola e. ,0en de0ilgrass grew scan < horses dro''ed in heir racks/ lea0ing so few ha so-e of her 'eo'le -2s r2dge along on foo . 1oreah ook a fe0er and grew worse wi h e0ery leag2e hey crossed. 6er li's and hands &roke wi h &lood &lis ers/ her hair ca-e o2 in cl2-'s/ and one e0enfall she lacked he s reng h o -o2n her horse. @hogo said hey -2s lea0e her or &ind her o her saddle/ &2 1any re-e-&ered a nigh on he 1o hraki sea/ when he *ysene girl had a2gh her secre s so ha 1rogo -igh lo0e her -ore. !he ga0e 1oreah wa er fro- her own skin/ cooled her &row wi h a da-' clo h/ and held her hand 2n il she died/ shi0ering. )nly hen wo2ld she 'er-i he khalasar o 'ress on. They saw no sign of o her ra0elers. The 1o hraki &egan o -2 er fearf2lly ha he co-e had led he- o so-e hell. 1any wen o !er @orah one -orning as hey -ade ca-' a-ids a ;2-&le of &lack windsco2red s ones. :Are we los 8: she asked hi-. :1oes his was e ha0e no end o i 8: :I has an end/: he answered wearily. :I ha0e seen he -a's he raders draw/ -y 42een. Few cara0ans co-e his way/ ha is so/ ye here are grea kingdo-s o he eas / and ci ies f2ll of wonders. =i Ti/ Far h/ Asshai &y he !hadow . . .: :3ill we li0e o see he-8: :I will no lie o yo2. The way is harder han I dared hink.: The knigh .s face was grey and e9ha2s ed. The wo2nd he had aken o his hi' he nigh he fo2gh Khal 1rogo.s &loodriders had ne0er f2lly healed< she co2ld see how he gri-aced when he -o2n ed his horse/ and he see-ed o sl2-' in his saddle as hey rode. :(erha's we are doo-ed if we 'ress on . . . &2 I know for a cer ain y ha we are doo-ed if we 2rn &ack.: 1any kissed hi- ligh ly on he cheek. I hear ened her o see his-ile. I -2s &e s rong for hi- as well/ she ho2gh gri-ly. A knigh he -ay &e/ &2 I a- he &lood of he dragon. The ne9 'ool hey fo2nd was scalding ho and s inking of &ri-s one/ &2 heir skins were al-os e-' y. The 1o hraki cooled he wa er in ;ars and 'o s and drank i e'id. The as e was no less fo2l/ &2 wa er was wa er/ and all of he- hirs ed. 1any looked a he hori>on wi h des'air. They had los a hird of heir n2-&er/ and s ill he was e s re ched &efore he-/ &leak and red and endless. The co-e -ocks -y ho'es/ she ho2gh / lif ing her eyes o where i scored he sky. 6a0e I

crossed half he world and seen he &ir h of dragons only o die wi h he- in his hard ho deser 8 !he wo2ld no &elie0e i . The ne9 day/ dawn &roke as hey were crossing a cracked and fiss2red 'lain of hard red ear h. 1any was a&o2 o co--and he- o -ake ca-' when her o2 riders ca-e racing &ack a a gallo'. :A ci y/ Khaleesi/: hey cried. :A ci y 'ale as he -oon and lo0ely as a -aid. An ho2r.s ride/ no -ore.: :!how -e/: she said. 3hen he ci y a''eared &efore her/ i s walls and owers shi--ering whi e &ehind a 0eil of hea / i looked so &ea2 if2l ha 1any was cer ain i -2s &e a -irage. :1o yo2 know wha 'lace his -igh &e8 !er @orah.: The e9ile knigh ga0e a weary shake of he head. :5o/ -y 42een. I ha0e ne0er ra0eled his far eas .: The dis an whi e walls 'ro-ised res and safe y/ a chance o heal and grow s rong/ and 1any wan ed no hing so -2ch as o r2sh oward he-. Ins ead she 2rned o her &loodriders. :Blood of -y &lood/ go ahead of 2s and learn he na-e of his ci y/ and wha -anner of welco-e we sho2ld e9'ec .: :Ai/ Khaleesi/ : said Aggo. 6er riders were no long in re 2rning. Rakharo sw2ng down fro- his saddle. Fro- his -edallion &el h2ng he grea c2r0ing arakh ha 1any had &es owed on hi- when she na-ed hi- &loodrider. :This ci y is dead/ Khaleesi. 5a-eless and godless we fo2nd i / he ga es &roken/ only wind and flies -o0ing hro2gh he s ree s.: @hi42i sh2ddered. :3hen he gods are gone/ he e0il ghos s feas &y nigh . !2ch 'laces are &es sh2nned. I is known.: :I is known/: Irri agreed. :5o o -e.: 1any '2 her heels in o her horse and showed he- he way/ ro ing &enea h he sha ered arch of an ancien ga e and down a silen s ree . !er @orah and her &loodriders followed/ and hen/ -ore slowly/ he res of he 1o hraki. 6ow long he ci y had &een deser ed she co2ld no know/ &2 he whi e walls/ so &ea2 if2l fro- afar/ were cracked and cr2-&ling when seen 2' close. Inside was a -a>e of narrow crooked alleys. The &2ildings 'ressed close/ heir facades &lank/ chalky/ windowless. ,0ery hing was whi e/ as if he 'eo'le who li0ed here had known no hing of color. They rode 'as hea's of s2n7washed r2&&le where ho2ses had fallen in/ and elsewhere saw he faded scars of fire. A a 'lace where si9 alleys ca-e oge her/ 1any 'assed an e-' y -ar&le 'lin h. 1o hraki had 0isi ed his 'lace &efore/ i wo2ld see-. (erha's e0en now he -issing s a 2e s ood a-ong he o her s olen gods in Vaes 1o hrak. !he -igh ha0e ridden 'as i a h2ndred i-es/ ne0er knowing. )n her sho2lder/ Viserion hissed. They -ade ca-' &efore he re-nan s of a g2 ed 'alace/ on a windswe' 'la>a where de0ilgrass grew &e ween he 'a0ing s ones. 1any sen o2 -en o search he r2ins. !o-e wen rel2c an ly/ ye hey wen . . . and one scarred old -an re 2rned a &rief i-e la er/ ho''ing and grinning/ his hands o0erflowing wi h figs. They were s-all/ wi hered hings/ ye her 'eo'le gra&&ed for he- greedily/ ;os ling and '2shing a each o her/ s 2ffing he fr2i in o heir cheeks and chewing &lissf2lly. ) her searchers re 2rned wi h ales of o her fr2i rees/ hidden &ehind closed doors in secre gardens. Aggo showed her a co2r yard o0ergrown wi h wis ing 0ines and iny green gra'es/ and @hogo disco0ered a well where he wa er was '2re and cold. =e hey fo2nd &ones oo/ he sk2lls of he 2n&2ried dead/ &leached and &roken. :Ghos s/: Irri -2 ered. :Terri&le ghos s. 3e -2s no s ay here/ Khaleesi/ his is heir 'lace.: :I fear no ghos s. 1ragons are -ore 'owerf2l han ghos s.: And figs are

-ore i-'or an . :Go wi h @hi42i and find -e so-e clean sand for a &a h/ and ro2&le -e no -ore wi h silly alk.: In he coolness of her en / 1any &lackened horse-ea o0er a &ra>ier and reflec ed on her choices. There was food and wa er here o s2s ain he-/ and eno2gh grass for he horses o regain heir s reng h. 6ow 'leasan i wo2ld &e o wake e0ery day in he sa-e 'lace/ o linger a-ong shady gardens/ ea figs/ and drink cool wa er/ as -2ch as she -igh desire. 3hen Irri and @hi42i re 2rned wi h 'o s of whi e sand/ 1any s ri''ed and le he- scr2& her clean. :=o2r hair is co-ing &ack/ Khaleesi/: @hi42i said as she scra'ed sand off her &ack. 1any ran a hand o0er he o' of her head/ feeling he new grow h. 1o hraki -en wore heir hair in long oiled &raids/ and c2 he- only when defea ed. (erha's I sho2ld do he sa-e/ she ho2gh / o re-ind he- ha 1rogo.s s reng h li0es wi hin -e now Khal 1rogo had died wi h his hair 2nc2 / a &oas few -en co2ld -ake. Across he en / Rhaegal 2nfolded green wings o fla' and fl2 er a half foo &efore h2-'ing o he car'e . 3hen he landed/ his ail lashed &ack and for h in f2ry/ and he raised his head and screa-ed. If I had wings/ I wo2ld wan o fly oo/ 1any ho2gh . The Targaryens of old had ridden 2'on dragon&ack when hey wen o war. !he ried o i-agine wha i wo2ld feel like/ o s raddle a dragon.s neck and soar high in o he air. I wo2ld &e like s anding on a -o2n ain o'/ only &e er. The whole world wo2ld &e s'read o2 &elow If I flew high eno2gh/ I co2ld e0en see he !e0en Kingdo-s/ and reach 2' and o2ch he co-e . Irri &roke her re0erie o ell her ha !er @orah Mor-on was o2 side/ awai ing her 'leas2re. :!end hi- in/: 1any co--anded/ sand7scr2&&ed skin ingling. !he wra''ed herself in he lionskin. The hrakkar had &een -2ch &igger han 1any/ so he 'el co0ered e0ery hing ha wan ed co0ering. :I.0e &ro2gh yo2 a 'each/: !er @orah said/ kneeling. I was so s-all she co2ld al-os hide i in her 'al-/ and o0erri'e oo/ &2 when she ook he firs &i e/ he flesh was so swee she al-os cried. !he a e i slowly/ sa0oring e0ery -o2 hf2l/ while !er @orah old her of he ree i had &een 'l2cked fro-/ in a garden near he wes ern wall. :Fr2i and wa er and shade/: 1any said/ her cheeks s icky wi h 'each ;2ice. :The gods were good o &ring 2s o his 'lace.: :3e sho2ld res here 2n il we are s ronger/: he knigh 2rged. :The red lands are no kind o he weak.: :My hand-aids say here are ghos s here.: :There are ghos s e0erywhere/: !er @orah said sof ly. :3e carry hewi h 2s where0er we go.: =es/ she ho2gh . Viserys/ Khal 1rogo/ -y son Rhaego/ hey are wi h -e always. :Tell -e he na-e of yo2r ghos / @orah. =o2 know all of -ine.: 6is face grew 0ery s ill. :6er na-e was *ynesse.: :=o2r wife8: :My second wife.: I 'ains hi- o s'eak of her/ 1any saw/ &2 she wan ed o know he r2 h. :Is ha all yo2 wo2ld say of her8: The lion 'el slid off one sho2lder and she 2gged i &ack in o 'lace. :3as she &ea2 if2l8: :Very &ea2 if2l.: !er @orah lif ed his eyes fro- her sho2lder o her face. :The firs i-e I &eheld her/ I ho2gh she was a goddess co-e o ear h/ he Maid herself -ade flesh. 6er &ir h was far a&o0e -y own. !he was he yo2nges da2gh er of *ord *ey on 6igh ower of )ld own. The 3hi e B2ll who co--anded yo2r fa her.s Kingsg2ard was her grea 2ncle. The 6igh owers are an ancien fa-ily/ 0ery rich and 0ery 'ro2d.:

:And loyal/: 1any said. :I re-e-&er/ Viserys said he 6igh owers were a-ong hose who s ayed r2e o -y fa her.: :Tha .s so/: he ad-i ed. :1id yo2r fa hers -ake he -a ch8: :5o/: he said. :)2r -arriage . . . ha -akes a long ale and a d2ll one/ =o2r Grace. I wo2ld no ro2&le yo2 wi h i .: :I ha0e nowhere o go/: she said. :(lease.: :As -y 42een co--ands.: !er @orah frowned. :My ho-e . . . yo2 -2s 2nders and ha o 2nders and he res . Bear island is &ea2 if2l/ &2 re-o e. I-agine old gnarled oaks and all 'ines/ flowering horn&2shes/ grey s ones &earded wi h -oss/ li le creeks r2nning icy down s ee' hillsides. The hall of he Mor-on s is &2il of h2ge logs and s2rro2nded &y an ear hen 'alisade. Aside fro- a few crof ers/ -y 'eo'le li0e along he coas s and fish he seas. The island lies far o he nor h/ and o2r win ers are -ore erri&le han yo2 can i-agine/ Khaleesi. :! ill/ he island s2i ed -e well eno2gh/ and I ne0er lacked for wo-en. I had -y share of fishwi0es and crof er.s da2gh ers/ &efore and af er I was wed. I -arried yo2ng/ o a &ride of -y fa her.s choosing/ a Glo0er of 1ee'wood Mo e. Ten years we were wed/ or near eno2gh as -akes no -a er. !he was a 'lain7faced wo-an/ &2 no 2nkind. I s2''ose I ca-e o lo0e her af er a fashion/ ho2gh o2r rela ions were d2 if2l ra her han 'assiona e. Three i-es she -iscarried while rying o gi0e -e an heir. The las i-e she ne0er reco0ered. !he died no long af er.: 1any '2 her hand on his and ga0e his fingers a s42ee>e. :I a- sorry for yo2/ r2ly.: !er @orah nodded. :By hen -y fa her had aken he &lack/ so I was *ord of Bear Island in -y own righ . I had no lack of -arriage offers/ &2 &efore I co2ld reach a decision *ord Balon Grey;oy rose in re&ellion agains he +s2r'er/ and 5ed ! ark called his &anners o hel' his friend Ro&er . The final &a le was on (yke. 3hen Ro&er .s s one hrowers o'ened a &reach in King Balon.s wall/ a 'ries fro- Myr was he firs -an hro2gh/ &2 I was no far &ehind. For ha I won -y knigh hood. :To cele&ra e his 0ic ory/ Ro&er ordained ha a o2rney sho2ld &e held o2 side *annis'or . I was here I saw *ynesse/ a -aid half -y age. !he had co-e 2' fro- )ld own wi h her fa her o see her &ro hers ;o2s . I co2ld no ake -y eyes off her. In a fi of -adness/ I &egged her fa0or o wear in he o2rney/ ne0er drea-ing she wo2ld gran -y re42es / ye she did. :I figh as well as any -an/ Khaleesi/ &2 I ha0e ne0er &een a o2rney knigh . =e wi h *ynesse.s fa0or kno ed ro2nd -y ar-/ I was a differen -an. I won ;o2s af er ;o2s . *ord @ason Mallis er fell &efore -e/ and Bron>e =ohn Royce. !er Ry-an Frey/ his &ro her !er 6os een/ *ord 3hen / ! rong&oar/ e0en !er Boros Blo2n of he Kingsg2ard/ I 2nhorsed he- all. In he las -a ch/ I &roke nine lances agains @ai-e *annis er o no res2l / and King Ro&er ga0e -e he cha-'ion.s la2rel. I crowned *ynesse 42een of lo0e and &ea2 y/ and ha 0ery nigh wen o her fa her and asked for her hand. I was dr2nk/ as -2ch on glory as on wine. By righ s I sho2ld ha0e go en a con e-' 2o2s ref2sal/ &2 *ord *ey on acce' ed -y offer. 3e were -arried here in *annis'or / and for a for nigh I was he ha''ies -an in he wide world.: :)nly a for nigh 8: asked 1any. ,0en I was gi0en -ore ha''iness han ha / wi h 1rogo who was -y s2n7and7s ars. :A for nigh was how long i ook 2s o sail fro- *annis'or &ack o Bear island. My ho-e was a grea disa''oin -en o *ynesse. I was oo cold/ oo da-'/ oo far away/ -y cas le no -ore han a wooden longhall.

3e had no -as42es/ no -2--er shows/ no &alls or fairs. !easons -igh 'ass wi ho2 a singer e0er co-ing o 'lay for 2s/ and here.s no a golds-i h on he island. ,0en -eals &eca-e a rial. My cook knew li le &eyond his roas s and s ews/ and *ynesse soon los her as e for fish and 0enison. :I li0ed for her s-iles/ so I sen all he way o )ld own for a new cook/ and &ro2gh a har'er fro- *annis'or . Golds-i hs/ ;ewelers/ dress-akers/ wha e0er she wan ed I fo2nd for her/ &2 i was ne0er eno2gh. Bear Island is rich in &ears and rees/ and 'oor in a2gh else. I &2il a fine shi' for her and we sailed o *annis'or and )ld own for fes i0als and fairs/ and once e0en o Braa0os/ where I &orrowed hea0ily fro- he -oney7 lenders. I was as a o2rney cha-'ion ha I had won her hand and hear / so I en ered o her o2rneys for her sake/ &2 he -agic was gone. I ne0er dis ing2ished -yself again/ and each defea -ean he loss of ano her charger and ano her s2i of ;o2s ing ar-or/ which -2s needs &e ranso-ed or re'laced. The cos co2ld no &e &orne. Finally I insis ed we re 2rn ho-e/ &2 here -a ers soon grew e0en worse han &efore. I co2ld no longer 'ay he cook and he har'er/ and *ynesse grew wild when I s'oke of 'awning her ;ewels. :The res . . . I did hings i sha-es -e o s'eak of. For gold. !o *ynesse -igh kee' her ;ewels/ her har'er/ and her cook. In he end i cos -e all. 3hen I heard ha ,ddard ! ark was co-ing o Bear Island/ I was so los o honor ha ra her han s ay and face his ;2dg-en / I ook her wi h -e in o e9ile. 5o hing -a ered &2 o2r lo0e/ I old -yself. 3e fled o *ys/ where I sold -y shi' for gold o kee' 2s.: 6is 0oice was hick wi h grief/ and 1any was rel2c an o 'ress hi- any f2r her/ ye she had o know how i ended. :1id she die here8: she asked hi- gen ly. :)nly o -e/: he said. :In half a year -y gold was gone/ and I was o&liged o ake ser0ice as a sellsword. 3hile I was figh ing Braa0osi on he Rhoyne/ *ynesse -o0ed in o he -anse of a -erchan 'rince na-ed Tregar )r-ollen. They say she is his chief conc2&ine now/ and e0en his wife goes in fear of her.: 1any was horrified. :1o yo2 ha e her8: :Al-os as -2ch as I lo0e her/: !er @orah answered. :(ray e9c2se -e/ -y 42een. I find I a- 0ery ired.: !he ga0e hi- lea0e o go/ &2 as he was lif ing he fla' of her en / she co2ld no s o' herself calling af er hi- wi h one las 42es ion. :3ha did she look like/ yo2r *ady *ynesse8: !er @orah s-iled sadly. :3hy/ she looked a &i like yo2/ 1aenerys.: 6e &owed low. :!lee' well/ -y 42een.: 1any shi0ered/ and '2lled he lionskin igh a&o2 her. !he looked like -e. I e9'lained -2ch ha she had no r2ly 2nders ood. 6e wan s -e/ she reali>ed. 6e lo0es -e as he lo0ed her/ no as a knigh lo0es his 42een &2 as a -an lo0es a wo-an. !he ried o i-agine herself in !er @orah.s ar-s/ kissing hi-/ 'leas2ring hi-/ le ing hi- en er her. I was no good. 3hen she closed her eyes/ his face ke' changing in o 1rogo.s. Khal 1rogo had &een her s2n7and7s ars/ her firs / and 'erha's he -2s &e her las . The -aegi Mirri Ma> 122r had sworn she sho2ld ne0er &ear a li0ing child/ and wha -an wo2ld wan a &arren wife8 And wha -an co2ld ho'e o ri0al 1rogo/ who had died wi h his hair 2nc2 and rode now hro2gh he nigh lands/ he s ars his khalasar8 !he had heard he longing in !er @orah.s 0oice when he s'oke of his Bear Island. 6e can ne0er ha0e -e/ &2 one day I can gi0e hi- &ack his ho-e and honor. Tha -2ch I can do for hi-.

5o ghos s ro2&led her slee' ha nigh . !he drea-ed of 1rogo and he firs ride hey had aken oge her on he nigh hey were wed. In he drea- i was no horses hey rode/ &2 dragons. The ne9 -orn/ she s2--oned her &loodriders. :Blood of -y &lood/: she old he hree of he-/ :I ha0e need of yo2. ,ach of yo2 is o choose hree horses/ he hardies and heal hies ha re-ain o 2s. *oad as -2ch wa er and food as yo2r -o2n s can &ear/ and ride for h for -e. Aggo shall s rike so2 hwes / Rakharo d2e so2 h. @hogo/ yo2 are o follow shierak 4iya on so2 heas .: :3ha shall we seek/ Khaleesi8: asked @hogo. :3ha e0er here is/: 1any answered. :!eek for o her ci ies/ li0ing and dead. !eek for cara0ans and 'eo'le. !eek for ri0ers and lakes and he grea sal sea. Find how far his was e e9 ends &efore 2s/ and wha lies on he o her side. 3hen I lea0e his 'lace/ I do no -ean o s rike o2 &lind again. I will know where I a- &o2nd/ and how &es o ge here.: And so hey wen / he &ells in heir hair ringing sof ly/ while 1any se led down wi h her s-all &and of s2r0i0ors in he 'lace hey na-ed Vaes Tolorro/ he ci y of &ones. 1ay followed nigh followed day. 3o-en har0es ed fr2i fro- he gardens of he dead. Men groo-ed heir -o2n s and -ended saddles/ s irr2's/ and shoes. Children wandered he wis y alleys and fo2nd old &ron>e coins and &i s of '2r'le glass and s one flagons wi h handles car0ed like snakes. )ne wo-an was s 2ng &y a red scor'ion/ &2 hers was he only dea h. The horses &egan o '2 on so-e flesh. 1any ended !er @orah.s wo2nd herself/ and i &egan o heal. Rakharo was he firs o re 2rn. 12e so2 h he red was e s re ched on and on/ he re'or ed/ 2n il i ended on a &leak shore &eside he 'oison wa er. Be ween here and here lay only swirling sand/ wind7sco2red rocks/ and 'lan s &ris ly wi h shar' horns. 6e had 'assed he &ones of a dragon/ he swore/ so i--ense ha he had ridden his horse hro2gh i s grea &lack ;aws. ) her han ha / he had seen no hing. 1any ga0e hi- charge of a do>en of her s ronges -en/ and se he- o '2lling 2' he 'la>a o ge o he ear h &enea h. If de0ilgrass co2ld grow &e ween he 'a0ing s ones/ o her grasses wo2ld grow when he s ones were gone. They had wells eno2gh/ no lack of wa er. Gi0en seed/ hey co2ld -ake he 'la>a &loo-. Aggo was &ack ne9 . The so2 hwes was &arren and &2rn / he swore. 6e had fo2nd he r2ins of wo -ore ci ies/ s-aller han Vaes Tolorro &2 o herwise he sa-e. )ne was warded &y a ring of sk2lls -o2n ed on r2s ed iron s'ears/ so he dared no en er/ &2 he had e9'lored he second for as long as he co2ld. 6e showed 1any an iron &racele he had fo2nd/ se wi h a 2nc2 fire o'al he si>e of her h2-&. There were scrolls as well/ &2 hey were dry and cr2-&ling and Aggo had lef he- where hey lay. 1any hanked hi- and old hi- o see o he re'air of he ga es. If ene-ies had crossed he was e o des roy hese ci ies in ancien days/ hey -igh well co-e again. :If so/ we -2s &e ready/: she declared. @hogo/ was gone so long ha 1any feared hi- los / &2 finally when hey had all &2 ceased o look for hi-/ he ca-e riding 2' fro- he so2 heas . )ne of he g2ards ha Aggo had 'os ed saw hi- firs and ga0e a sho2 / and 1any r2shed o he walls o see for herself. I was r2e. @hogo ca-e/ ye no alone. Behind hi- rode hree 42eerly gar&ed s rangers a o' 2gly h2-'ed crea 2res ha dwarfed any horse. They drew rein &efore he ci y ga es/ and looked 2' o see 1any on he wall a&o0e he-. :Blood of -y &lood/: @hogo called/ :I ha0e &een o he grea ci y Far h/ and re 2rned wi h hree who wo2ld look on yo2 wi h

heir own eyes.: 1any s ared down a he s rangers. :6ere I s and. *ook/ if ha is yo2r 'leas2re . . . &2 firs ell -e yo2r na-es.: The 'ale -an wi h he &l2e li's re'lied in g2 2ral 1o hraki/ :I a(ya (ree/ he grea warlock.: The &ald -an wi h he ;ewels in his nose answered in he Valyrian of he Free Ci ies/ :I a- Caro Choan 1a9os of he Thir een/ a -erchan 'rince of Far h.: The wo-an in he lac42ered wooden -ask said in he Co--on Tong2e of he !e0en Kingdo-s/ :I a- F2ai he of he !hadow. 3e co-e seeking dragons.: :!eek no -ore/: 1aenerys Targaryen old he-. :=o2 ha0e fo2nd he-.: C6A(T,R 1" @)5 3hi e ree/ he 0illage was na-ed on !a-.s old -a's. @on did no hink i -2ch of a 0illage. Fo2r 2-&ledown oneroo- ho2ses of 2n-or ared s one s2rro2nded an e-' y shee'fold and a well. The ho2ses were roofed wi h sod/ he windows sh2 ered wi h ragged 'ieces of hide. And a&o0e he- loo-ed he 'ale li-&s and dark red lea0es of a -ons ro2s grea weirwood. I was he &igges ree @on !now had e0er seen/ he r2nk near eigh fee wide/ he &ranches s'reading so far ha he en ire 0illage was shaded &enea h heir cano'y. The si>e did no dis 2r& hi- so -2ch as he face . . . he -o2 h es'ecially/ no si-'le car0ed slash/ &2 a ;agged hollow large eno2gh o swallow a shee'. Those are no shee' &ones/ ho2gh. 5or is ha a shee'.s sk2ll in he ashes. :An old ree.: Mor-on sa his horse/ frowning. :)ld/ : his ra0en agreed fro- his sho2lder. :)ld/ old/ old. : :And 'owerf2l.: @on co2ld feel he 'ower. Thoren !-allwood dis-o2n ed &eside he r2nk/ dark in his 'la e and -ail. :*ook a ha face. !-all wonder -en feared he-/ when hey firs ca-e o 3es eros. I.d like o ake an a9e o he &loody hing -yself.: @on said/ :My lord fa her &elie0ed no -an co2ld ell a lie in fron of a hear ree. The old gods know when -en are lying.: :My fa her &elie0ed he sa-e/: said he )ld Bear. :*e -e ha0e a look a ha sk2ll.: @on dis-o2n ed. !l2ng across his &ack in a &lack lea her sho2lder shea h was *ongclaw/ he hand7and7a7half &as ard &lade he )ld Bear had gi0en hi- for sa0ing his life. A &as ard sword for a &as ard/ he -en ;oked. The hil had &een fashioned new for hi-/ adorned wi h a wolf.shead 'o--el in 'ale s one/ &2 he &lade i self was Valyrian s eel/ old and ligh and deadly shar'. 6e knel and reached a glo0ed hand down in o he -aw. The inside of he hollow was red wi h dried sa' and &lackened &y fire. Benea h he sk2ll he saw ano her/ s-aller/ he ;aw &roken off. I was half7&2ried in ash and &i s of &one. 3hen he &ro2gh he sk2ll o Mor-on / he )ld Bear lif ed i in &o h hands and s ared in o he e-' y socke s. :The wildlings &2rn heir dead. 3e.0e always known ha . 5ow I wished I.d asked he- why/ when here were s ill a few aro2nd o ask.: @on !now re-e-&ered he wigh rising/ i s eyes shining &l2e in he 'ale dead face. 6e knew why/ he was cer ain. :3o2ld ha &ones co2ld alk/: he )ld Bear gr2-&led. :This fellow co2ld ell 2s -2ch. 6ow he died. 3ho &2rned hi-/ and why. 3here he

wildlings ha0e gone.: 6e sighed. :The children of he fores co2ld s'eak o he dead/ i .s said. B2 I can. .: 6e ossed he sk2ll &ack in o he -o2 h of he ree/ where i landed wi h a '2ff of fine ash. :Go hro2gh all hese ho2ses. Gian / ge o he o' of his ree/ ha0e a look. I.ll ha0e he ho2nds &ro2gh 2' oo. (erchance his i-e he rail will &e fresher.: 6is one did no s2gges ha he held o2 -2ch ho'e of he las . Two -en wen hro2gh each ho2se/ o -ake cer ain no hing was -issed. @on was 'aired wi h do2r ,ddison Tolle / a s42ire grey of hair and hin as a 'ike/ who- he o her &ro hers called 1oloro2s ,dd. :Bad eno2gh when he dead co-e walking/: he said o @on as hey crossed he 0illage/ :now he )ld Bear wan s he- alking as well8 5o good will co-e of ha / I.ll warran . And who.s o say he &ones wo2ldn. lie8 3hy sho2ld dea h -ake a -an r2 hf2l/ or e0en cle0er8 The dead are likely d2ll fellows/ f2ll of edio2s co-'lain s7 he gro2nd.s oo cold/ -y gra0es one sho2ld &e larger/ why does he ge -ore wor-s han I do . . .: @on had o s oo' o 'ass hro2gh he low door. 3i hin he fo2nd a 'acked dir floor. There were no f2rnishings/ no sign ha 'eo'le had li0ed here &2 for so-e ashes &enea h he s-oke hole in he roof. :3ha a dis-al 'lace o li0e/: he said. :I was &orn in a ho2se -2ch like his/: declared 1oloro2s ,dd. :Those were -y enchan ed years. *a er I fell on hard i-es.: A nes of dry s raw &edding filled one corner of he roo-. ,dd looked a i wi h longing. :I.d gi0e all he gold in Cas erly Rock o slee' in a &ed again.: :=o2 call ha a &ed8: :If i .s sof er han he gro2nd and has a roof o0er i / I call i a &ed.: 1oloro2s ,dd sniffed he air. :I s-ell d2ng.: The s-ell was 0ery fain . :)ld d2ng/: said @on. The ho2se fel as ho2gh i had &een e-' y for so-e i-e. Kneeling/ he searched hro2gh he s raw wi h his hands o see if any hing had &een concealed &enea h/ hen -ade a ro2nd of he walls. I did no ake 0ery long. :There.s no hing here.: 5o hing was wha he had e9'ec ed< 3hi e ree was he fo2r h 0illage hey had 'assed/ and i had &een he sa-e in all of he-. The 'eo'le were gone/ 0anished wi h heir scan 'ossessions and wha e0er ani-als hey -ay ha0e had. 5one of he 0illages showed any signs of ha0ing &een a acked. They were si-'ly . . . e-' y. :3ha do yo2 hink ha''ened o he- all8: @on asked. :!o-e hing worse han we can i-agine/: s2gges ed 1oloro2s ,dd. :3ell/ I -igh &e a&le o i-agine i / &2 I.d sooner no . Bad eno2gh o know going o co-e o so-e awf2l end wi ho2 hinking a&o2 i afore i-e.: Two of he ho2nds were sniffing aro2nd he door as hey ree-erged. ) her dogs ranged hro2gh he 0illage. Che was c2rsing he- lo2dly/ his 0oice hick wi h he anger he ne0er see-ed o '2 aside. The ligh fil ering hro2gh he red lea0es of he weirwood -ade he &oils on his face look e0en -ore infla-ed han 2s2al. 3hen he saw @on his eyes narrowed< here was no lo0e los &e ween he-. The o her ho2ses had yielded no wisdo-. :Gone/: cried Mor-on .s ra0en/ fla''ing 2' in o he weirwood o 'erch a&o0e he-. :Gone/ gone/ gone. : :There were wildlings a 3hi e ree only a year ago.: Thoren !-allwood looked -ore a lord han Mor-on did/ clad in !er @are-y Rykker.s glea-ing &lack -ail and e-&ossed &reas 'la e. 6is hea0y cloak was richly ri--ed wi h sa&le/ and clas'ed wi h he crossed ha--ers of he Rykkers/ wro2gh in sil0er. !er @are-y.s cloak/ once . . . &2 he

wigh had clai-ed !er @are-y/ and he 5igh .s 3a ch was ed no hing. :A year ago Ro&er was king/ and he real- was a 'eace/: declared @ar-an B2ckwell/ he s42are s olid -an who co--anded he sco2 s. :M2ch can change in a year.s i-e.: :)ne hing hasn. changed/: !er Mallador *ocke insis ed. :Fewer wildlings -eans fewer worries. I won. -o2rn/ wha e0er.s &eco-e of he-. Raiders and -2rderers/ he lo of he-.: @on heard a r2s ling fro- he red lea0es a&o0e. Two &ranches 'ar ed/ and he gli-'sed a li le -an -o0ing fro- li-& o li-& as easily as a s42irrel. Bedwyck s ood no -ore han fi0e fee all/ &2 he grey s reaks in his hair showed his age. The o her rangers called hi- Gian . 6e sa in a fork of he ree o0er heir heads and said/ :There.s wa er o he nor h. A lake/ -igh &e. A few flin hills rising o he wes / no 0ery high. 5o hing else o see/ -y lords.: :3e -igh ca-' here onigh /: !-allwood s2gges ed. The )ld Bear glanced 2'/ searching for a gli-'se of sky hro2gh he 'ale li-&s and red lea0es of he weirwood. :5o/: he declared. :Gian / how -2ch dayligh re-ains o 2s8: :Three ho2rs/ -y lord.: :3e.ll 'ress on nor h/: Mor-on decided. :If we reach his lake/ we can -ake ca-' &y he shore/ 'erchance ca ch a few fish. @on/ fe ch -e 'a'er/ i .s 'as i-e I wro e Maes er Ae-on.: @on fo2nd 'arch-en / 42ill/ and ink in his saddle&ag and &ro2gh heo he *ord Co--ander. A 3hi e ree/ Mor-on scrawled. The fo2r h 0illage. All e-' y. The wildlings are gone. :Find Tarly and see ha he ge s his on i s way/: he said as he handed @on he -essage. 3hen he whis led/ his ra0en ca-e fla''ing down o land on his horse.s head. :Corn/: he ra0en s2gges ed/ &o&&ing. The horse whickered. @on -o2n ed his garron/ wheeled hi- a&o2 / and ro ed off. Beyond he shade of he grea weirwood he -en of he 5igh .s 3a ch s ood &enea h lesser rees/ ending heir horses/ chewing s ri's of sal &eef/ 'issing/ scra ching/ and alking. 3hen he co--and was gi0en o -o0e o2 again/ he alk died/ and hey cli-&ed &ack in o heir saddles. @ar-an B2ckwell.s sco2 s rode o2 firs / wi h he 0ang2ard 2nder Thoren !-allwood heading he col2-n 'ro'er. Then ca-e he )ld Bear wi h he -ain force/ !er Mallador *ocke wi h he &aggage rain and 'ackhorses/ and finally !er ) yn 3y hers and he rear g2ard. Two h2ndred -en all old/ wi h half again as -any -o2n s. By day hey followed ga-e rails and s rea-&eds/ he :ranger.s roads: ha led he- e0er dee'er in o he wilderness of leaf and roo . A nigh hey ca-'ed &enea h a s arry sky and ga>ed 2' a he co-e . The &lack &ro hers had lef Cas le Black in good s'iri s/ ;oking and rading ales/ &2 of la e he &rooding silence of he wood see-ed o ha0e so-&ered he- all. ;es s had grown fewer and e-'ers shor er. 5o one wo2ld ad-i o &eing afraid7 hey were -en of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ af er all7&2 @on co2ld feel he 2nease. Fo2r e-' y 0illages/ no wildlings anywhere/ e0en he ga-e see-ingly fled. The ha2n ed fores had ne0er see-ed -ore ha2n ed/ e0en 0e eran rangers agreed. As he rode/ @on 'eeled off his glo0e o air his &2rned fingers. +gly hings. 6e re-e-&ered s2ddenly how he 2sed o -2ss Arya.s hair. 6is li le s ick of a sis er. 6e wondered how she was faring. I -ade hi- a li le sad o hink ha he -igh ne0er -2ss her hair again. 6e &egan o fle9 his hand/ o'ening and closing he fingers. If he le his sword hand s iffen and grow cl2-sy/ i well -igh &e he end of hi-/ he knew. A -an needed his sword &eyond he 3all. @on fo2nd !a-well Tarly wi h he o her s ewards/ wa ering his horses.

6e had hree o endB his own -o2n / and wo 'ackhorses/ each &earing a large wire7and7wicker cage f2ll of ra0ens. The &irds fla''ed heir wings a @on.s a''roach and screa-ed a hi- hro2gh he &ars. A few shrieks so2nded s2s'icio2sly like words. :6a0e yo2 &een eaching heo alk8: he asked !a-. :A few words. Three of he- can say snow: :)ne &ird croaking -y na-e was &ad eno2gh/: said @on/ :and snow.s no hing a &lack &ro her wan s o hear a&o2 .: !now of en -ean dea h in he nor h. :3as here any hing in 3hi e ree8: :Bones/ ashes/ and e-' y ho2ses.: @on handed !a- he roll of 'arch-en . :The )ld Bear wan s word sen &ack o Ae-on.: !a- ook a &ird fro- one of he cages/ s roked i s fea hers/ a ached he -essage/ and said/ :Fly ho-e now/ &ra0e one. 6o-e.: The ra0en 42orked so-e hing 2nin elligi&le &ack a hi-/ and !a- ossed i in o he air. Fla''ing/ i &ea i s way skyward hro2gh he rees. :I wish he co2ld carry -e wi h hi-.: :! ill8: :3ell/: said !a-/ :yes/ &2 . . . I.- no as frigh ened as I was/ r2ly. The firs nigh / e0ery i-e I heard so-eone ge ing 2' o -ake wa er/ I ho2gh i was wildlings cree'ing in o sli -y hroa . I was afraid ha if I closed -y eyes/ I -igh ne0er o'en he- again/ only . . . well . . . dawn ca-e af er all.: 6e -anaged a wan s-ile. :I -ay &e cra0en/ &2 I.- no s 2'id. I.- sore and -y &ack aches froriding and fro- slee'ing on he gro2nd/ &2 I.- hardly scared a all. *ook.: 6e held o2 a hand for @on o see how s eady i was. :I.0e &een working on -y -a's.: The world is s range/ @on ho2gh . Two h2ndred &ra0e -en had lef he 3all/ and he only one who was no growing -ore fearf2l was !a-/ he self7confessed coward. :3e.ll -ake a ranger of yo2 ye /: he ;oked. :5e9 hing/ yo2.ll wan o &e an o2 rider like Grenn. !hall I s'eak o he )ld Bear8: :1on. yo2 dare?: !a- '2lled 2' he hood of his enor-o2s &lack cloak and cla-&ered awkwardly &ack on o his horse. I was a 'low horse/ &ig and slow and cl2-sy/ &2 &e er a&le o &ear his weigh han he li le garrons he rangers rode. :I had ho'ed we -igh s ay he nigh in he 0illage/: he said wis f2lly. :I wo2ld &e nice o slee' 2nder a roof again.: :Too few roofs for all of 2s.: @on -o2n ed again/ ga0e !a- a 'ar ing s-ile/ and rode off. The col2-n was well 2nder way/ so he sw2ng wide aro2nd he 0illage o a0oid he wors of he conges ion. 6e had seen eno2gh of 3hi e ree. Ghos e-erged fro- he 2ndergrow h so s2ddenly ha he garron shied and reared. The whi e wolf h2n ed well away fro- he line of -arch/ &2 he was no ha0ing -2ch &e er for 2ne han he foragers !-allwood sen o2 af er ga-e. The woods were as e-' y as he 0illages/ 1ywen had old hi- one nigh aro2nd he fire. a large 'ar y/: @on had said. :The ga-e.s 'ro&a&ly &een frigh ened away &y all he noise we -ake on he -arch.: :Frigh ened away &y so-e hing/ no do2& /: 1ywen said. )nce he horse had se led/ Ghos lo'ed along easily &eside hi-. @on ca2gh 2' o Mor-on as he was wending his way aro2nd a haw horn hicke . :Is he &ird away8: he )ld Bear asked. :=es/ -y lord. !a- is eaching he- o alk.: The )ld Bear snor ed. :6e.ll regre ha . 1a-ned hings -ake a lo of noise/ &2 hey ne0er say a hing wor h hearing.: They rode in silence/ 2n il @on said/ :If -y 2ncle fo2nd all hese

0illages e-' y as well7: 77he wo2ld ha0e -ade i his '2r'ose o learn why/: *ord Mor-on finished for hi-/ :and i -ay well &e so-eone or so-e hing did no wan ha known. 3ell/ we.ll &e hree h2ndred when Fhorin ;oins 2s. 3ha e0er ene-y wai s o2 here will no find 2s so easy o deal wi h. 3e will find he-/ @on/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: )r hey will find 2s/ ho2gh @on. C6A(T,R 1D AR=A The ri0er was a &l2e7green ri&&on shining in he -orning s2n. Reeds grew hick in he shallows along he &anks/ and Arya saw a wa er snake ski--ing across he s2rface/ ri''les s'reading o2 &ehind i as i wen . )0erhead a hawk flew in la>y circles. I see-ed a 'eacef2l 'lace . . . 2n il Koss s'o ed he dead -an. :There/ in he reeds.: 6e 'oin ed/ and Arya saw i . The &ody of a soldier/ sha'eless and swollen. 6is sodden green cloak had h2ng 2' on a ro ed log/ and a school of iny sil0er fishes were ni&&ling a his face. :I old yo2 here was &odies/: *o--y anno2nced. :I co2ld as e he- in ha wa er.: 3hen =oren saw he cor'se/ he s'a . :1o&&er/ see if he.s go any hing wor h he aking. Mail/ knife/ a &i o. coin/ wha ha0e yo2.: 6e s'2rred his gelding and rode o2 in o he ri0er/ &2 he horse s r2ggled in he sof -2d and &eyond he reeds he wa er dee'ened. =oren rode &ack angry/ his horse co0ered in &rown sli-e 2' o he knees. :3e won. &e crossing here. Koss/ yo2.ll co-e wi h -e 2'ri0er/ look for a ford. 3o h/ Gerren/ yo2 go downs rea-. The res o. yo2 wai here. (2 a g2ard o2 .: 1o&&er fo2nd a lea her '2rse in he dead -an.s &el . Inside were fo2r co''ers and a li le hank of &lond hair ied 2' wi h a red ri&&on. *o--y and Tar&er s ri''ed naked and wen wading/ and *o--y scoo'ed 2' handf2ls of sli-y -2d and hrew he- a 6o (ie/ sho2 ing/ :M2d (ie? M2d (ie?: In he &ack of heir wagon/ Rorge c2rsed and hrea ened and old he- o 2nchain hi- while =oren was gone/ &2 no one 'aid hiany -ind. K2r> ca2gh a fish wi h his &are hands. Arya saw how he did i / s anding o0er a shallow 'ool/ cal- as s ill wa er/ his hand dar ing o2 42ick as a snake when he fish swa- near. I didn. look as hard as ca ching ca s. Fish didn. ha0e claws. I was -idday when he o hers re 2rned. 3o h re'or ed a wooden &ridge half a -ile downs rea-/ &2 so-eone had &2rned i 2'. =oren 'eeled a so2rleaf off he &ale. :Migh &e we co2ld swi- he horses o0er/ -ay&e he donkeys/ &2 here.s no way we.ll ge hose wagons across. And here.s s-oke o he nor h and wes / -ore fires/ co2ld &e his side o. he ri0er.s he 'lace we wan o &e.: 6e 'icked 2' a long s ick and drew a circle in he -2d/ a line railing down fro- i . :Tha .s Gods ,ye/ wi h he ri0er flowing so2 h. here.: 6e 'oked a hole &eside he line of he ri0er/ 2nder he circle. :3e can. go ro2nd wes of he lake/ like I ho2gh . ,as akes 2s &ack o he kingsroad.: 6e -o0ed he s ick 2' o where he line and circle -e . :5ear as I recall/ here.s a own here. The holdfas .s s one/ and here.s a lordling go his sea here oo/ ;2s a owerho2se/ &2 he.ll ha0e a g2ard/ -igh &e a knigh or wo. 3e follow he ri0er nor h/ sho2ld &e here &efore dark. They.ll ha0e &oa s/ so I -ean o sell all we go and hire 2s one.: 6e drew he s ick 2' hro2gh he circle of he lake/ fro- &o oo o'. :Gods &e good/ we.ll find a wind and sail across he Gods ,ye

o 6arren own.: 6e hr2s he 'oin down a he o' of he circle. :3e can &2y new -o2n s here/ or else ake shel er a 6arrenhal. Tha .s *ady 3hen .s sea / and she.s always &een a friend o. he 3a ch.: 6o (ie.s eyes go wide. :There.s ghos s in 6arrenhal =oren s'a . :There.s for yo2r ghos s.: 6e ossed he s ick down in he -2d. :Mo2n 2'.: Arya was re-e-&ering he s ories )ld 5an 2sed o ell of 6arrenhal. ,0il King 6arren had walled hi-self 2' inside/ so Aegon 2nleashed his dragons and 2rned he cas le in o a 'yre. 5an said ha fiery s'iri s s ill ha2n ed he &lackened owers. !o-e i-es -en wen o slee' safe in heir &eds and were fo2nd dead in he -orning/ all &2rn 2'. Arya didn. really &elie0e ha / and anyhow i had all ha''ened a long i-e ago. 6o (ie was &eing silly< i wo2ldn. &e ghos s a 6arrenhal/ i wo2ld &e knigh s. Arya co2ld re0eal herself o *ady 3hen / and he knigh s wo2ld escor her ho-e and kee' her safe. Tha was wha knigh s did< hey ke' yo2 safe/ es'ecially wo-en. May&e *ady 3hen wo2ld e0en hel' he crying girl. The ri0er rack was no kingsroad/ ye i was no half &ad for wha i was/ and for once he wagons rolled along s-ar ly. They saw he firs ho2se an ho2r shy of e0enfall/ a sn2g li le ha ch7roofed co age s2rro2nded &y fields of whea . =oren rode o2 ahead/ hallooing/ &2 go no answer. :1ead/ -igh &e. )r hiding. 1o&&er/ Rey/ wi h -e.: The hree -en wen in o he co age. :(o s is gone/ no sign o. any coin laid &y/: =oren -2 ered when hey re 2rned. :5o ani-als. R2n/ -os like. Migh &e we -e .e- on he kingsroad. : A leas he ho2se and field had no &een &2rned/ and here were no cor'ses a&o2 . Tar&er fo2nd a garden o2 &ack/ and hey '2lled so-e onions and radishes and filled a sack wi h ca&&ages &efore hey wen on heir way. A li le far her 2' he road/ hey gli-'sed a fores er.s ca&in s2rro2nded &y old rees and nea ly s acked logs ready for he s'li ing/ and la er a ra-shackle s il 7ho2se leaning o0er he ri0er on 'oles en fee all/ &o h deser ed. They 'assed -ore fields/ whea and corn and &arley ri'ening in he s2n/ &2 here here were no -en si ing in rees/ nor walking he rows wi h scy hes. Finally he own ca-e in o 0iew< a cl2s er of whi e ho2ses s'read o2 aro2nd he walls of he holdfas / a &ig se' wi h a shingled wooden roof/ he lord.s owerho2se si ing on a s-all rise o he wes . . . and no sign of any 'eo'le/ anywhere. =oren sa on his horse/ frowning hro2gh his angle of &eard. :1on. like i /: he said/ :&2 here i is. 3e.ll go ha0e 2s a look. A caref2l look. !ee -ay&e here.s so-e folk hiding. Migh &e hey lef a &oa &ehind/ or so-e wea'ons we can 2se.: The &lack &ro her lef en o g2ard he wagons and he whi-'ery li le girl/ and s'li he res of he- in o fo2r gro2's of fi0e o search he own. :Kee' yo2r eyes and ears o'en/: he warned he-/ &efore he rode off o he owerho2se o see if here was any sign of he lordling or his g2ards. Arya fo2nd herself wi h Gendry/ 6o (ie/ and *o--y. !42a / ke le&ellied 3o h had '2lled an oar on a galley once/ which -ade hihe ne9 &es hing hey had o a sailor/ so =oren old hi- o ake he- down o he lakefron and see if hey co2ld find a &oa . As hey rode &e ween he silen whi e ho2ses/ goose'rickles crawled 2' Arya.s ar-s. This e-' y own frigh ened her al-os as -2ch as he &2rn holdfas where hey.d fo2nd he crying girl and he one7ar-ed wo-an. 3hy wo2ld 'eo'le r2n off and lea0e heir ho-es and e0ery hing8 3ha co2ld scare he- so -2ch8 The s2n was low o he wes / and he ho2ses cas long dark shadows. A

s2dden cla' of so2nd -ade Arya reach for 5eedle/ &2 i was only a sh2 er &anging in he wind. Af er he o'en ri0er shore/ he closeness of he own 2nner0ed her. 3hen she gli-'sed he lake ahead &e ween ho2ses and rees/ Arya '2 her knees in o her horse/ gallo'ing 'as 3o h and Gendry. !he &2rs o2 on o he grassy sward &eside he 'e&&led shore. The se ing s2n -ade he ran42il s2rface of he wa er shi--er like a shee of &ea en co''er. I was he &igges lake she had e0er seen/ wi h no hin of a far shore. !he saw a ra-&ling inn o her lef / &2il o2 o0er he wa er on hea0y wooden 'ilings. To her righ / a long 'ier ;2 ed in o he lake/ and here were o her docks far her eas / wooden fingers reaching o2 fro- he own. B2 he only &oa in 0iew was an 2'side7down row&oa a&andoned on he rocks &enea h he inn/ i s &o o- horo2ghly ro ed o2 . gone/: Arya said/ de;ec ed. 3ha wo2ld hey do now8 :There.s an inn/: *o--y said/ when he o hers rode 2'. :1o yo2 hink hey lef any food8 )r ale8: :*e .s go see/: 6o (ie s2gges ed. :5e0er yo2 -ind a&o2 no inn/: sna''ed 3o h. :=oren said o find a &oa .: :They ook he &oa s.: !o-ehow Arya knew i was r2e< hey co2ld search he whole own/ and hey.d find no -ore han he 2'side7down row&oa . 1es'onden / she cli-&ed off her horse and knel &y he lake. The wa er la''ed sof ly aro2nd her legs. A few lan ern &2gs were co-ing o2 / heir li le ligh s &linking on and off. The green wa er was war- as ears/ &2 here was no sal in i . I as ed of s2--er and -2d and growing hings. Arya 'l2nged her face down in o i o wash off he d2s and dir and swea of he day. 3hen she leaned &ack he rickles ran down he &ack of her neck and 2nder her collar. They fel good. !he wished she co2ld ake off her clo hes and swi-/ gliding hro2gh he war- wa er like an skinny 'ink o er. May&e she co2ld swi- all he way o 3in erfell. 3o h was sho2 ing a her o hel' search/ so she did/ 'eering in o &oa ho2ses and sheds while her horse gra>ed along he shore. They fo2nd so-e sails/ so-e nails/ &2cke s of ar gone hard/ and a -o her ca wi h a li er of new7&orn ki ens. B2 no &oa s. The own was as dark as any fores when =oren and he o hers rea''eared. :Tower.s e-' y/: he said. :*ord.s gone off o figh -ay&e/ or o ge his s-allfolk o safe y/ no elling. 5o a horse or 'ig lef in own/ &2 we.ll ea . !aw a goose r2nning loose/ and so-e chickens/ and here.s good fish in he Gods ,ye.: :The &oa s are gone/: Arya re'or ed. :3e co2ld 'a ch he &o o- of ha row&oa /: said Koss. :Migh do for fo2r o. 2s/: =oren said. :There.s nails/: *o--y 'oin ed o2 . :And here.s rees all aro2nd. 3e co2ld &2ild 2s all &oa s.: =oren s'a . :=o2 know any hing .&o2 &oa 7&2ilding/ dyer.s &oy8: *o--y looked &lank. :A raf /: s2gges ed Gendry. :Anyone can &2ild a raf / and long 'oles for '2shing.: =oren looked ho2gh f2l. :*ake.s oo dee' o 'ole across/ &2 if we s ayed o he shallows near shore . . . i d -ean lea0ing he wagons. Migh &e ha .s &es . I.ll slee' on i .: :Can we s ay a he inn8: *o--y asked. :3e.ll s ay in he holdfas / wi h he ga es &arred/: he old -an said. :I like he feel o. s one walls a&o2 -e when I slee'.: Arya co2ld no kee' 42ie . :3e sho2ldn. s ay here/: she &l2r ed. :The

'eo'le didn. . They all ran off/ e0en heir lord.: :Arry.s scared/: *o--y anno2nced/ &raying la2gh er. :I.- no /: she sna''ed &ack/ :&2 hey were.: :!-ar &oy/: said =oren. :Thing is/ he folks who li0ed here were a war/ like i or no. no . 5igh .s 3a ch akes no 'ar / so no -an.s o2r ene-y.: And no -an.s o2r friend/ she ho2gh / &2 his i-e she held her ong2e. *o--y and he res were looking a her/ and she did no wan o see- cra0en in fron of he-. The holdfas ga es were s 2dded wi h iron nails. 3i hin/ hey fo2nd a 'air of iron &ars he si>e of sa'lings/ wi h 'os holes in he gro2nd and -e al &racke s on he ga e. 3hen hey slo ed he &ars hro2gh he &racke s/ hey -ade a h2ge C &race. I was no Red Kee'/ =oren anno2nced when hey.d e9'lored he holdfas o' o &o o-/ &2 i was &e er han -os / and sho2ld do for a nigh well eno2gh. The walls were ro2gh 2n-or ared s one en fee high/ wi h a wooden ca walk inside he &a le-en s. There was a 'os ern ga e o he nor h/ and Gerren disco0ered a ra' 2nder he s raw in he old wooden &arn/ leading o a narrow/ winding 2nnel. 6e followed i a long way 2nder he ear h and ca-e o2 &y he lake. =oren had he- roll a wagon on o' of he ra'/ o -ake cer ain no one ca-e in ha way. 6e di0ided he- in o hree wa ches/ and sen Tar&er/ K2r>/ and C2 ;ack off o he a&andoned owerho2se o kee' an eye o2 fro- on high. K2r> had a h2n ing horn o so2nd if danger hrea ened. They dro0e heir wagons and ani-als inside and &arred he ga es &ehind he-. The &arn was a ra-shackle hing/ large eno2gh o hold half he ani-als in he own. The ha0en/ where he ownfolk wo2ld shel er in i-es of ro2&le/ was e0en larger/ low and long and &2il of s one/ wi h a ha ched roof. Koss wen o2 he 'os ern ga e and &ro2gh he goose &ack/ and wo chickens as well/ and =oren allowed a cookfire. There was a &ig ki chen inside he holdfas / ho2gh all he 'o s and ke les had &een aken. Gendry/ 1o&&er/ and Arya drew cook d2 y. 1o&&er old Arya o 'l2ck he fowl while Gendry s'li wood. :3hy can. I s'li he wood8: she asked/ &2 no one lis ened. !2llenly/ she se o 'l2cking a chicken while =oren sa on he end of he &ench shar'ening he edge of his dirk wi h a whe s one. 3hen he food was ready/ Arya a e a chicken leg and a &i of onion. 5o one alked -2ch/ no e0en *o--y. Gendry wen off &y hi-self af erward/ 'olishing his hel- wi h a look on his face like he wasn. e0en here. The crying girl whi-'ered and we' / &2 when 6o (ie offered her a &i of goose she go&&led i down and looked for -ore. Arya drew second wa ch/ so she fo2nd a s raw 'alle in he ha0en. !lee' did no co-e easy/ so she &orrowed =oren.s s one and se o honing 5eedle. !yrio Forel had said ha a d2ll &lade was like a la-e horse. 6o (ie s42a ed on he 'alle &eside her/ wa ching her work. :3here.d yo2 ge a good sword like ha 8: he asked. 3hen he saw he look she ga0e hi-/ he raised his hands defensi0ely. :I ne0er said yo2 s ole i / I ;2s wan ed o know where yo2 go i / is all.: :My &ro her ga0e i o -e/: she -2 ered. :I ne0er knew yo2 had no &ro her.: Arya 'a2sed o scra ch 2nder her shir . There were fleas in he s raw/ ho2gh she co2ldn. see why a few -ore wo2ld &o her her. :I ha0e lo s of &ro hers.: :=o2 do8 Are hey &igger han yo2/ or li ler8: I sho2ldn. &e alking like his. =oren said I sho2ld kee' -y -o2 h sh2 . :Bigger/: she lied. :They ha0e swords oo/ &ig longswords/ and hey showed -e how o kill 'eo'le who &o her -e.:

:I was alking/ no &o hering.: 6o (ie wen off and le her alone and Arya c2rled 2' on her 'alle . !he co2ld hear he crying girl fro- he far side of he ha0en. I wish she.d ;2s &e 42ie . 3hy does she ha0e o cry all he i-e8 !he -2s ha0e sle' / ho2gh she ne0er re-e-&ered closing her eyes. !he drea-ed a wolf was howling/ and he so2nd was so erri&le ha i woke her a once. Arya sa 2' on her 'alle wi h her hear h2-'ing. :6o (ie/ wake 2'.: !he scra-&led o her fee . :3o h/ Gendry/ didn. yo2 hear8: !he '2lled on a &oo . All aro2nd her/ -en and &oys s irred and crawled fro- heir 'alle s. :3ha .s wrong8: 6o (ie asked. :6ear wha 8: Gendry wan ed o know. :Arry had a &ad drea-/: so-eone else said. :5o/ I heard i /: she insis ed. :A wolf.: :Arry has wol0es in his head/: sneered *o--y. :*e he- howl/: Gerren said/ : o2 here/ in here.: 3o h agreed. :5e0er saw no wolf co2ld s or- a holdfas .: 6o (ie was saying/ :I ne0er heard no hing.: :I was a wolf/: she sho2 ed a he- as she yanked on her second &oo . :!o-e hing.s wrong/ so-eone.s co-ing/ ge 2'?: Before hey co2ld hoo her down again/ he so2nd ca-e sh2ddering hro2gh he nigh 7only i was no wolf his i-e/ i was K2r> &lowing his h2n ing horn/ so2nding danger. In a hear &ea / all of he- were '2lling on clo hes and sna ching for wha e0er wea'ons hey owned. Arya ran for he ga e as he horn so2nded again. As she dashed 'as he &arn/ Bi er hrew hi-self f2rio2sly agains his chains/ and @a4en 6ghar called o2 fro- he &ack of heir wagon. :Boy? !wee &oy? Is i war/ red war8 Boy/ free 2s. A -an can figh . Boy?: !he ignored hi- and 'l2nged on. By hen she co2ld hear horses and sho2 s &eyond he wall. !he scra-&led 2' on o he ca walk. The 'ara'e s were a &i oo high and Arya a &i oo shor < she had o wedge her oes in o he holes &e ween he s ones o see o0er. For a -o-en she ho2gh he own was f2ll of lan ern &2gs. Then she reali>ed hey were -en wi h orches/ gallo'ing &e ween he ho2ses. !he saw a roof go 2'/ fla-es licking a he &elly of he nigh wi h ho orange ong2es as he ha ch ca2gh . Ano her followed/ and hen ano her/ and soon here were fires &la>ing e0erywhere. Gendry cli-&ed 2' &eside her/ wearing his hel-. :6ow -any8: Arya ried o co2n / &2 hey were riding oo fas / orches s'inning hro2gh he air as hey fl2ng he-. :A h2ndred/: she said. :Two h2ndred/ I don. know.: )0er he roar of he fla-es/ she co2ld hear sho2 s. :They.ll co-e for 2s soon.: :There/: Gendry said/ 'oin ing. A col2-n of riders -o0ed &e ween he &2rning &2ildings oward he holdfas . Fireligh gli ered off -e al hel-s and s'a ered heir -ail and 'la e wi h orange and yellow highligh s. )ne carried a &anner on a all lance. !he ho2gh i was red/ &2 i was hard o ell in he nigh / wi h he fires roaring all aro2nd. ,0ery hing see-ed red or &lack or orange. The fire lea' fro- one ho2se o ano her. Arya saw a ree cons2-ed/ he fla-es cree'ing across i s &ranches 2n il i s ood agains he nigh in ro&es of li0ing orange. ,0eryone was awake now/ -anning he ca walks or s r2ggling wi h he frigh ened ani-als &elow. !he co2ld hear =oren sho2 ing co--ands. !o-e hing &2-'ed agains her leg/ and she glanced down o disco0er he crying girl cl2 ching her. :Ge away?: !he wrenched her leg free. :3ha are yo2 doing 2' here8 R2n and hide so-e'lace/ yo2 s 2'id.: !he sho0ed he girl away.

The riders reined 2' &efore he ga es. :=o2 in he holdfas ?: sho2 ed a knigh in a all hel- wi h a s'iked cres . :)'en/ in he na-e of he king?: :Aye/ and which king is ha 8: old Reysen yelled &ack down/ &efore 3o h c2ffed hi- in o silence. =oren cli-&ed he &a le-en &eside he ga e/ his faded &lack cloak ied o a wooden s aff. :=o2 -en hold down here?: he sho2 ed. :The ownfolk.s gone.: :And who are yo2/ old -an8 )ne of *ord Beric.s cra0ens8: called he knigh in he s'iked hel-. :if ha fa fool Thoros is in here/ ask hi- how he likes hese fires.: :Go no s2ch -an here/: =oren sho2 ed &ack. :)nly so-e lads for he 3a ch. Go no 'ar o. yo2r war.: 6e hois ed 2' he s aff/ so hey co2ld all see he color of his cloak. :6a0e a look. Tha .s &lack/ for he 5igh .s 3a ch.: :)r &lack for 6o2se 1ondarrion/ : called he -an who &ore he ene-y &anner. Arya co2ld see i s colors -ore clearly now in he ligh of he &2rning ownB a golden lion on red. :*ord Beric.s sigil is a '2r'le ligh ning &ol on a &lack field.: !2ddenly Arya re-e-&ered he -orning she had hrown he orange in !ansa.s face and go en ;2ice all o0er her s 2'id i0ory silk gown. There had &een so-e so2 hron lordling a he o2rney/ her sis er.s s 2'id friend @eyne was in lo0e wi h hi-. 6e had a ligh ning &ol on his shield and her fa her had sen hi- o2 o &ehead he 6o2nd.s &ro her. I see-ed a ho2sand years ago now/ so-e hing ha had ha''ened o a differen 'erson in a differen life . . . o Arya ! ark he 6and.s da2gh er/ no Arry he or'han &oy. 6ow wo2ld Arry know lords and s2ch8 :Are yo2 &lind/ -an8: =oren wa0ed his s aff &ack and for h/ -aking he cloak ri''le. :=o2 see a &loody ligh ning &ol 8: :By nigh all &anners look &lack/: he knigh in he s'iked helo&ser0ed. :)'en/ or we.ll know yo2 for o2 laws in leag2e wi h he king.s ene-ies.: =oren s'a . :3ho.s go yo2r co--and8: :I do.: The reflec ions of &2rning ho2ses gli--ered d2lly on he ar-or of his warhorse as he o hers 'ar ed o le hi- 'ass. 6e was a s o2 -an wi h a -an icore on his shield/ and orna e scrollwork crawling across his s eel &reas 'la e. Thro2gh he o'en 0isor of his hel-/ a face 'ale and 'iggy 'eered 2'. :!er A-ory *orch/ &anner-an o *ord Tywin *ar-is er of Cas erly Rock/ he 6and of he King. The r2e king/ @offrey.: 6e had a high/ hin 0oice. :In his na-e/ I co--and yo2 o o'en hese ga es.: All aro2nd he-/ he own &2rned. The nigh air was f2ll of s-oke/ and he drif ing red e-&ers o2 n2-&ered he s ars. =oren scowled. :1on. see he need. 1o wha yo2 wan o he own/ i .s na2gh o -e/ &2 lea0e 2s &e. no foes o yo2.: *ook wi h yo2r eyes/ Arya wan ed o sho2 a he -en &elow. :Can. hey see no lords or knigh s8: she whis'ered. :I don. hink hey care/ Arry/: Gendry whis'ered &ack. And she looked a !er A-ory.s face/ he way !yrio had a2gh her o look/ and she saw ha he was righ . :If yo2 are no rai ors/ o'en yo2r ga es/: !er A-ory called. :3e.ll -ake cer ain elling i r2e and &e on o2r way.: =oren was chewing so2rleaf. :Told yo2/ no one here &2 2s. =o2 go -y word on ha .: The knigh in he s'iked hel- la2ghed. :The crow gi0es 2s his word. :=o2 los / old -an8: -ocked one of he s'ear-en. :The 3all.s a long way

nor h o. here.: :I co--and yo2 once -ore/ in King @offrey.s na-e/ o 'ro0e he loyal y yo2 'rofess and o'en hese ga es/: said !er A-ory. For a long -o-en =oren considered/ chewing. Then he s'a . :1on. hink I will.: :!o &e i . =o2 defy he king.s co--and/ and so 'roclai- yo2rsel0es re&els/ &lack cloaks or no.: :Go -e yo2ng &oys in here/: =oren sho2 ed down. :=o2ng &oys and old -en die he sa-e.: !er A-ory raised a lan42id fis / and a s'ear ca-e h2r ling fro- he fire7&righ shadows &ehind. =oren -2s ha0e &een he arge / &2 i was 3o h &eside hi- who was hi . The s'earhead wen in his hroa and e9'loded o2 he &ack of his neck/ dark and we . 3o h gra&&ed a he shaf / and fell &oneless fro- he walk. :! or- he walls and kill he- all/: !er A-ory said in a &ored 0oice. More s'ears flew. Arya yanked down 6o (ie &y he &ack of his 2nic. Fro- o2 side ca-e he ra le of ar-or/ he scra'e of swords on sca&&ards/ he &anging of s'ears on shields/ -ingled wi h c2rses and he hoof&ea s of racing horses. A orch sailed s'inning a&o0e heir heads/ railing fingers of fire as i h2-'ed down in he dir of he yard. :Blades?: =oren sho2 ed. :!'read a'ar / defend he wall where0er hey hi . Koss/ +rreg/ hold he 'os ern. *o--y/ '2ll ha s'ear o2 of 3o h and ge 2' where he was.: 6o (ie dro''ed his shor sword when he ried o 2nshea h i . Arya sho0ed he &lade &ack in o his hand. :I don. know how o swordfigh /: he said/ whi e7eyed. :I .s easy/: Arya said/ &2 he lie died in her hroa as a hand gras'ed he o' of he 'ara'e . !he saw i &y he ligh of he &2rning own/ so clear ha i was as if i-e had s o''ed. The fingers were &l2n / call2sed/ wiry &lack hairs grew &e ween he kn2ckles/ here was dir 2nder he nail of he h2-&. Fear c2 s dee'er han swords/ she re-e-&ered as he o' of a 'o hel- loo-ed 2' &ehind he hand. !he slashed down hard/ and 5eedle.s cas le7forged s eel &i in o he gras'ing fingers &e ween he kn2ckles. :3in erfell?: she screa-ed. Blood s'2r ed/ fingers flew/ and he hel-ed face 0anished as s2ddenly as i had a''eared. :Behind?: 6o (ie yelled. Arya whirled. The second -an was &earded and hel-e less/ his dirk &e ween his ee h o lea0e &o h hands free for cli-&ing. As he sw2ng his leg o0er he 'ara'e / she dro0e her 'oin a his eyes. 5eedle ne0er o2ched hi-< he reeled &ackward and fell. I ho'e he falls on his face and c2 s off his ong2e. :3a ch he-/ no -e?: she screa-ed a 6o (ie. The ne9 i-e so-eone ried o cli-& heir 'ar of he wall/ he &oy hacked a his hands wi h his swordshor 2n il he -an dro''ed away. !er A-ory had no ladders/ &2 he holdfas walls were ro2gh7c2 and 2n-or ared/ easy o cli-&/ and here see-ed o &e no end o he foes. For each one Arya c2 or s a&&ed or sho0ed &ack/ ano her was co-ing o0er he wall. The knigh in he s'iked hel- reached he ra-'ar / &2 =oren angled his &lack &anner aro2nd his s'ike/ and forced he 'oin of his dirk hro2gh his ar-or while he -an was figh ing he clo h. ,0ery i-e Arya looked 2'/ -ore orches were flying/ railing long ong2es of fla-e ha lingered &ehind her eyes. !he saw a gold lion on a red &anner and ho2gh of @offrey/ wishing he was here so she co2ld dri0e 5eedle hro2gh his sneery face. 3hen fo2r -en assa2l ed he ga e wi h a9es/ Koss sho he- down wi h arrows/ one &y one. 1o&&er wres led a -an off he walk/ and *o--y s-ashed his head wi h a rock &efore he

co2ld rise/ and hoo ed 2n il he saw he knife in 1o&&er.s &elly and reali>ed he wo2ldn. &e ge ing 2' ei her. Arya ;2-'ed o0er a dead &oy no older han @on/ lying wi h his ar- c2 off. !he didn. hink she.d done i / &2 she wasn. s2re. !he heard Fyle &eg for -ercy &efore a knigh wi h a was' on his shield s-ashed his face in wi h a s'iked -ace. ,0ery hing s-elled of &lood and s-oke and iron and 'iss/ &2 af er a i-e i see-ed like ha was only one s-ell. !he ne0er saw how he skinny -an go o0er he wall/ &2 when he did she fell on hi- wi h Gendry and 6o (ie. Gendry.s sword sha ered on he -an.s hel-/ earing i off his head. +ndernea h he was &ald and scared7looking/ wi h -issing ee h and a s'eckly grey &eard/ &2 e0en as she was feeling sorry for hi- she was killing hi-/ sho2 ing/ :3in erfefl? 3in erfell?: while 6o (ie screa-ed :6o (ie?: &eside her as he hacked a he -an.s scrawny neck. 3hen he skinny -an was dead/ Gendry s ole his sword and lea' down in o he yard o figh so-e -ore. Arya looked 'as hi-/ and saw s eel shadows r2nning hro2gh he holdfas / fireligh shining off -ail and &lades/ and she knew ha hey.d go en o0er he wall so-ewhere/ or &roken hro2gh a he 'os ern. !he ;2-'ed down &eside Gendry/ landing he way !yrio had a2gh her. The nigh rang o he clash of s eel and he cries of he wo2nded and dying. For a -o-en Arya s ood 2ncer ain/ no knowing which way o go. 1ea h was all aro2nd her. And hen =oren was here/ shaking her/ screa-ing in her face. :Boy?: he yelled/ he way he always yelled i . :Ge o2 / i .s done/ we.0e los . 6erd 2' all yo2 can/ yo2 and hi- and he o hers/ he &oys/ yo2 ge heo2 . 5ow?: :6ow8: Arya said. :Tha ra'/: he screa-ed. :+nder he &arn.: F2ick as ha he was gone/ off o figh / sword in hand. Arya gra&&ed Gendry &y he ar-. :6e said go/: she sho2 ed/ : he &arn/ he way o2 .: Thro2gh he sli s of his hel-/ he B2ll.s eyes shone wi h reflec ed fire. 6e nodded. They called 6o (ie down fro- he wall and fo2nd *o--y Greenhands where he lay &leeding fro- a s'ear hr2s hro2gh his calf. They fo2nd Gerren oo/ &2 he was h2r oo &ad o -o0e. As hey were r2nning oward he &arn/ Arya s'ied he crying girl si ing in he -iddle of he chaos/ s2rro2nded &y s-oke and sla2gh er. !he gra&&ed her &y he hand and '2lled her o her fee as he o hers raced ahead. The girl wo2ldn. walk/ e0en when sla''ed. Arya dragged her wi h her righ hand while she held 5eedle in he lef . Ahead/ he nigh was a s2llen red. The &a-.s on fire/ she ho2gh . Fla-es were licking 2' i s sides fro- where a orch had fallen on s raw/ and she co2ld hear he screa-ing of he ani-als ra''ed wi hin. 6o (ie s e''ed o2 of he &arn. :Arry/ co-e on? *o--y.s gone/ lea0e her if she won. co-e?: ! 2&&ornly/ Arya dragged all he harder/ '2lling he crying girl along. 6o (ie sc2 led &ack inside/ a&andoning he- . . . &2 Gendry ca-e &ack/ he fire shining so &righ on his 'olished hel- ha he horns see-ed o glow orange. 6e ran o he-/ and hois ed he crying girl 2' o0er his sho2lder. :R2n?: R2shing hro2gh he &arn doors was like r2nning in o a f2rnace. The air was swirling wi h s-oke/ he &ack wall a shee of fire gro2nd o roof. Their horses and donkeys were kicking and rearing and screa-ing. The 'oor ani-als/ Arya ho2gh . Then she saw he wagon/ and he hree -en -anacled o i s &ed. Bi er was flinging hi-self agains he chains/ &lood r2nning down his ar-s fro- where he irons clas'ed his wris s. Rorge screa-ed c2rses/ kicking a he wood. :Boy?: called @a4en 6.ghar. :!wee &oy?: The o'en ra' was only a few fee ahead/ &2 he fire was s'reading

fas / cons2-ing he old wood and dry s raw fas er han she wo2ld ha0e &elie0ed. Arya re-e-&ered he 6o2nd.s horri&le &2rned face. :T2nnel.s narrow/: Gendry sho2 ed. :6ow do we ge her hro2gh8: :(2ll her/: Arya said. :(2sh her.: :Good &oys/ kind &oys/: called @a4en 6.ghar/ co2ghing. :Ge hese f2cking chains off?: Rorge screa-ed. Gendry ignored he-. :=o2 go firs / hen her/ hen -e. 62rry/ i .s a long way.: :3hen yo2 s'li he firewood/: Arya re-e-&ered/ :where did yo2 lea0e he a9e8: :)2 &y he ha0en.: 6e s'ared a glance for he chained -en. :I.d sa0e he donkeys firs . There.s no i-e.: :=o2 ake her?: she yelled. :=o2 ge her o2 ? =o2 do i ?: The fire &ea a her &ack wi h ho red wings as she fled he &2rning &arn. I fel &lessedly cool o2 side/ &2 -en were dying all aro2nd her. !he saw Koss hrow down his &lade o yield/ and she saw he- kill hi- where he s ood. !-oke was e0erywhere. There was no sign of =oren/ &2 he a9e was where Gendry had lef i / &y he wood'ile o2 side he ha0en. As she wrenched i free/ a -ailed hand gra&&ed her ar-. !'inning/ Arya dro0e he head of he a9e hard &e ween his legs. !he ne0er saw his face/ only he dark &lood see'ing &e ween he links of his ha2&erk. Going &ack in o ha &arn was he hardes hing she e0er did. !-oke was 'o2ring o2 he o'en door like a wri hing &lack snake/ and she co2ld hear he screa-s of he 'oor ani-als inside/ donkeys and horses and -en. !he chewed her li'/ and dar ed hro2gh he doors/ cro2ched low where he s-oke wasn. 42i e so hick. A donkey was ca2gh in a ring of fire/ shrieking in error and 'ain. !he co2ld s-ell he s ench of &2rning hair. The roof was gone 2' oo/ and hings were falling down/ 'ieces of fla-ing wood and &i s of s raw and hay. Arya '2 a hand o0er her -o2 h and nose. !he co2ldn. see he wagon for he s-oke/ &2 she co2ld s ill hear Bi er screa-ing. !he crawled oward he so2nd. And hen a wheel was loo-ing o0er her. The wagon ;2-'ed and -o0ed a half foo when Bi er hrew hi-self agains his chains again. @a4en saw her/ &2 i was oo hard o &rea he/ le alone alk. !he hrew he a9e in o he wagon. Rorge ca2gh i and lif ed i o0er his head/ ri0ers of soo y swea 'o2ring down his noseless face. Arya was r2nning/ co2ghing. !he heard he s eel crash hro2gh he old wood/ and again/ again. An ins an la er ca-e a crack as lo2d as h2nder/ and he &o o- of he wagon ca-e ri''ing loose in an e9'losion of s'lin ers. Arya rolled headfirs in o he 2nnel and dro''ed fi0e fee . !he go dir in her -o2 h &2 she didn. care/ he as e was fine/ he as e was -2d and wa er and wor-s and life. +nder he ear h he air was cool and dark. A&o0e was no hing &2 &lood and roaring red and choking s-oke and he screa-s of dying horses. !he -o0ed her &el aro2nd so 5eedle wo2ld no &e in her way/ and &egan o crawl. A do>en fee down he 2nnel she heard he so2nd/ like he roar of so-e -ons ro2s &eas / and a clo2d of ho s-oke and &lack d2s ca-e &illowing 2' &ehind her/ s-elling of hell. Arya held her &rea h and kissed he -2d on he floor of he 2nnel and cried. For who-/ she co2ld no say. C6A(T,R 1E T=RI)5 The 42een was no dis'osed o wai on Varys. :Treason is 0ile eno2gh/: she declared f2rio2sly/ :&2 his is &arefaced naked 0illainy/ and I do

no need ha -incing e2n2ch o ell -e wha -2s &e done wi h 0illains.: Tyrion ook he le ers fro- his sis er.s hand and co-'ared he- side &y side. There were wo co'ies/ he words e9ac ly alike/ ho2gh hey had &een wri en &y differen hands. :Maes er Frenken recei0ed he firs -issi0e a Cas le ! okewor h/: Grand Maes er (ycelle e9'lained. :The second co'y ca-e hro2gh *ord Gyles.: *i lefinger fingered his &eard. :If ! annis &o hered wi h he-/ i .s 'as cer ain e0ery o her lord in he !e0en Kingdo-s saw a co'y as well.: :I wan hese le ers &2rned/ e0ery one/: Cersei declared. :5o hin of his -2s reach -y son.s ears/ or -y fa her.s.: :I i-agine Fa her.s heard ra her -ore han a hin &y now/: Tyrion said dryly. :1o2& less ! annis sen a &ird o Cas erly Rock/ and ano her o 6arrenhal. As for &2rning he le ers/ o wha 'oin 8 The song is s2ng/ he wine is s'illed/ he wench is 'regnan . And his is no as dire as i see-s/ in r2 h.: Cersei 2rned on hi- in green7eyed f2ry. :Are yo2 2 erly wi less8 1id yo2 read wha he says8 The &oy foffrey/ he calls hi-. And he dares o acc2se -e of inces / ad2l ery/ and reason?: )nly &eca2se g2il y. I was as onishing o see how angry Cersei co2ld wa9 o0er acc2sa ions she knew 'erfec ly well o &e r2e. If we lose he war/ she o2gh o ake 2' -2--ery/ she has a gif for i . Tyrion wai ed 2n il she was done and said/ :! annis -2s ha0e so-e 're e9 o ;2s ify his re&ellion. 3ha did yo2 e9'ec hi- o wri e8 @offrey is -y &ro her.s r2e&orn son and heir/ &2 I -ean o ake his hrone for all ha .8 : :I will no s2ffer o &e called a whore?: 3hy/ sis er/ he ne0er clai-s fai-e 'aid yo2. Tyrion -ade a show of glancing o0er he wri ing again. There had &een so-e niggling 'hrase . . . :1one in he *igh of he *ord/: he read. :A 42eer choice of words/ ha .: (ycelle cleared his hroa . :These words of en a''ear in le ers and doc2-en s fro- he Free Ci ies. They -ean no -ore han/ le 2s say/ wri en in he sigh of god. The god of he red 'ries s. I is heir 2sage/ I do &elie0e.: :Varys old 2s so-e years 'as ha *ady !elyse had aken 2' wi h a red 'ries /: *i lefinger re-inded he-. Tyrion a''ed he 'a'er. :And now i wo2ld see- her lord h2s&and has done he sa-e. 3e can 2se ha agains hi-. +rge he 6igh !e' on o re0eal how ! annis has 2rned agains he gods as well as his righ f2l king . . . : :=es/ yes/: he 42een said i-'a ien ly/ :&2 firs we -2s s o' his fil h fro- s'reading f2r her. The co2ncil -2s iss2e an edic . Any -an heard s'eaking of inces or calling @off a &as ard sho2ld lose his ong2e for i .: :A 'r2den -eas2re/: said Grand Maes er (ycelle/ his chain of office clinking as he nodded. :A folly/: sighed Tyrion. :3hen yo2 ear o2 a -an.s ong2e/ yo2 are no 'ro0ing hi- a liar/ only elling he world ha yo2 fear wha he -igh say.: :!o wha wo2ld yo2 ha0e 2s do8: his sis er de-anded. :Very li le. *e he- whis'er/ hey.ll grow &ored wi h he ale soon eno2gh. Any -an wi h a hi-&le of sense will see i for a cl2-sy a e-' o ;2s ify 2s2r'ing he crown. 1oes ! annis offer 'roof8 6ow co2ld he/ when i ne0er ha''ened8: Tyrion ga0e his sis er his swee es s-ile.

:Tha .s so/: she had o say. :! ill :=o2r Grace/ yo2r &ro her has he righ of his.: (e yr Baelish s ee'led his fingers. :If we a e-' o silence his alk/ we only lend i credence. Be er o rea i wi h con e-' / like he 'a he ic lie i is. And -ean i-e/ figh fire wi h fire.: Cersei ga0e hi- a -eas2ring look. :3ha sor of fire8: :A ale of so-ewha he sa-e na 2re/ 'erha's. B2 -ore easily &elie0ed. *ord ! annis has s'en -os of his -arriage a'ar fro- his wife. 5o ha I fa2l hi-/ I.d do he sa-e were I -arried o *ady !elyse. 5one heless/ if we '2 i a&o2 ha her da2gh er is &ase&orn and ! annis a c2ckold/ well . . . he s-allfolk are always eager o &elie0e he wors of heir lords/ 'ar ic2larly hose as s ern/ so2r/ and 'rickly 'ro2d as ! annis Bara heon.: :6e has ne0er &een -2ch lo0ed/ ha .s r2e.: Cersei considered a -o-en . :!o we 'ay hi- &ack in his own coin. =es/ I like his. 3ho can we na-e as *ady !elyse.s lo0er8 !he has wo &ro hers/ I &elie0e. And one of her 2ncles has &een wi h her on 1ragons one all his i-e . . .: :!er A9ell Floren is her cas ellan.: *oa h as Tyrion was o ad-i i / *i lefinger.s sche-e had 'ro-ise. ! annis had ne0er &een ena-ored of his wife/ &2 he was &ris ly as a hedgehog where his honor was concerned and -is r2s f2l &y na 2re. If hey co2ld sow discord &e ween hi- and his followers/ i co2ld only hel' heir ca2se. :The child has he Floren ears/ I.- old.: *i lefinger ges 2red lang2idly. :A rade en0oy fro- *ys once o&ser0ed o -e ha *ord ! annis -2s lo0e his da2gh er 0ery well/ since he.d erec ed h2ndreds of s a 2es of her all along he walls of 1ragons one. .My lord. I had o ell hi-/ . hose are gargoyles.:. 6e ch2ckled. :!er A9ell -igh ser0e for !hireen.s fa her/ &2 in -y e9'erience/ he -ore &i>arre and shocking a ale he -ore a' i is o &e re'ea ed. ! annis kee's an es'ecially gro es42e fool/ a lackwi wi h a a ooed face.: Grand Maes er (ycelle ga'ed a hi-/ aghas . :!2rely yo2 do no -ean o s2gges ha *ady !elyse wo2ld &ring a fool in o her &ed8: :=o2.d ha0e o &e a fool o wan o &ed !elyse Floren /: said *i lefinger. :1o2& less (a chface re-inded her of ! annis. And he &es lies con ain wi hin he- n2gge s of r2 h/ eno2gh o gi0e a lis ener 'a2se. As i ha''ens/ his fool is 2 erly de0o ed o he girl and follows her e0erywhere. They e0en look so-ewha alike. !hireen has a -o led/ halffro>en face as well.: (ycelle was los . :B2 ha is fro- he greyscale ha near killed her as a &a&e/ 'oor hing.: :I like -y ale &e er/: said *i lefinger/ :and so will he s-allfolk. Mos of he- &elie0e ha if a wo-an ea s ra&&i while 'regnan / her child will &e &orn wi h long flo''y ears.: Cersei s-iled he sor of s-ile she c2s o-arily reser0ed for @ai-e. :*ord (e yr/ yo2 are a wicked crea 2re.: :Thank yo2/ =o2r Grace.: :And a -os acco-'lished liar/: Tyrion added/ less war-ly. This one is -ore dangero2s han I knew/ he reflec ed. *i lefinger.s grey7green eyes -e he dwarf.s -is-a ched s are wi h no hin of 2nease. :3e all ha0e o2r gif s/ -y lord.: The 42een was oo ca2gh 2' in her re0enge o ake no e of he e9change. :C2ckolded &y a halfwi fool? ! annis will &e la2ghed a in e0ery winesink his side of he narrow sea.: :The s ory sho2ld no co-e fro- 2s/: Tyrion said/ :or i will &e seen for a self7ser0ing lie.: 3hich i is/ o &e s2re. )nce -ore *i lefinger s2''lied he answer. :3hores lo0e o gossi'/ and as i ha''ens I own a &ro hel or hree. And no do2& Varys can 'lan

seeds in he aleho2ses and 'o 7sho's.: :Varys/: Cersei said/ frowning. :3here is Varys8: :I ha0e &een wondering a&o2 ha -yself/ =o2r Grace.: :The !'ider s'ins his secre we&s day and nigh /: Grand Maes er (ycelle said o-ino2sly. :I -is r2s ha one/ -y lords.: :And he s'eaks so kindly of yo2.: Tyrion '2shed hi-self off his chair. As i ha''ened/ he knew wha he e2n2ch was a&o2 / &2 i was no hing he o her co2ncillors needed o hear. :(ray e9c2se -e/ -y lords. ) her &2siness calls.: Cersei was ins an ly s2s'icio2s. :King.s &2siness8: :5o hing yo2 need ro2&le yo2rself a&o2 .: :I.ll &e he ;2dge of ha .: :3o2ld yo2 s'oil -y s2r'rise8: Tyrion said. :I.- ha0ing a gif -ade for @offrey. A li le chain.: :3ha does he need wi h ano her chain8 6e has gold chains and sil0er/ -ore han he can wear. If yo2 hink for a -o-en yo2 can &2y @off.s lo0e wi h gif s7: :3hy/ s2rely I ha0e he king.s lo0e/ as he has -ine. And his chain I &elie0e he -ay one day reas2re a&o0e all o hers.: The li le -an &owed and waddled o he door. Bror- was wai ing o2 side he co2ncil cha-&ers o escor hi- &ack o he Tower of he 6and. :The s-i hs are in yo2r a2dience cha-&er/ wai ing yo2r 'leas2re/: he said as hey crossed he ward. :3ai ing -y 'leas2re. I like he ring of ha / Bronn. =o2 al-os so2nd a 'ro'er co2r ier. 5e9 yo2.ll &e kneeling.: :F2ck yo2/ dwarf.: :Tha .s !hae.s ask.: Tyrion heard *ady Tanda calling o hi- -errily fro- he o' of he ser'en ine s e's. (re ending no o no ice her/ he waddled a &i fas er. :!ee ha -y li er is readied/ I.ll &e lea0ing he cas le as soon as I.- done here.: Two of he Moon Bro hers had he door g2ard. Tyrion gree ed he- 'leasan ly/ and gri-aced &efore s ar ing 2' he s airs. The cli-& o his &edcha-&er -ade his legs ache. 3i hin he fo2nd a &oy of wel0e laying o2 clo hing on he &ed< his s42ire/ s2ch ha he was. (odrick (ayne was so shy he was f2r i0e. Tyrion had ne0er 42i e go en o0er he s2s'icion ha his fa her had inflic ed he &oy on hi- as a ;oke. :=o2r gar&/ -y lord/: he &oy -2-&led when Tyrion en ered/ s aring down a his &oo s. ,0en when he worked 2' he co2rage o s'eak/ (od co2ld ne0er 42i e -anage o look a yo2. :For he a2dience. And yo2r chain. The 6and.s chain.: :Very good. 6el' -e dress.: The do2&le was &lack 0el0e co0ered wi h golden s 2ds in he sha'e of lions. heads/ he chain a loo' of solid gold hands/ he fingers of each clas'ing he wris of he ne9 . (od &ro2gh hi- a cloak of cri-son silk fringed in gold/ c2 o his heigh . )n a nor-al -an/ i wo2ld &e no -ore han a half ca'e. The 6and.s 'ri0a e a2dience cha-&er was no so large as he king.s/ nor a 'a ch on he 0as ness of he hrone roo-/ &2 Tyrion liked i s Myrish r2gs/ wall hangings/ and sense of in i-acy. As he en ered/ his s eward cried o2 / :Tyrion *annis er/ 6and of he King.: 6e liked ha oo. The gaggle of s-i hs/ ar-orers/ and iron-ongers ha Bronn had collec ed fell o heir knees. 6e hois ed hi-self 2' in o he high sea 2nder he ro2nd golden window and &id he- rise. :Good-en/ I know yo2 are all &2sy/ so I will &e s2ccinc . (od/ if yo2 'lease.: The &oy handed hi- a can0as sack. Tyrion yanked he draws ring and 2'ended he &ag. I s con en s s'illed on o he r2g wi h a -2ffled h2nk of -e al on wool. :I had hese -ade a he cas le forge. I wan a ho2sand -ore ;2s like he-.:

)ne of he s-i hs knel o ins'ec he o&;ec B hree i--ense s eel links/ wis ed oge her. :A -igh y chain.: :Migh y/ &2 shor /: he dwarf re'lied. :!o-ewha like -e. I fancy one a good deal longer. 1o yo2 ha0e a na-e8: :They call -e Iron&elly/ -.lord.: The s-i h was s42a and &road/ 'lainly dressed in wool and lea her/ &2 his ar-s were as hick as a &2ll.s neck. :I wan e0ery forge in King.s *anding 2rned o -aking hese links and ;oining he-. All o her work is o &e '2 aside. I wan e0ery -an who knows he ar of working -e al se o his ask/ &e he -as er/ ;o2rney-an/ or a''ren ice. 3hen I ride 2' he ! ree of ! eel/ I wan o hear ha--ers ringing/ nigh or day. And I wan a -an/ a s rong -an/ o see ha all his is done. Are yo2 ha -an/ Good-an Iron&elly8: :Migh &e I a-/ -.lord. B2 wha of he -ail and swords he 42een was wan ing8: Ano her s-i h s'oke 2'. :6er Grace co--anded 2s o -ake chain-ail and ar-or/ swords and daggers and a9es/ all in grea n2-&ers. For ar-ing her new gold cloaks/ -.lord.: :Tha work can wai /: Tyrion said. :The chain firs .: :M.lord/ &egging yo2r 'ardon/ 6er Grace said hose as didn. -ee heir n2-&ers wo2ld ha0e heir hands cr2shed/: he an9io2s !-i h 'ersis ed. :!-ashed on heir own an0ils/ she said.: !wee Cersei/ always s ri0ing o -ake he s-allfolk lo0e 2s. :5o one will ha0e heir hands s-ashed. =o2 ha0e -y word on i .: :Iron is grown dear/: Iron&elly declared/ :and his chain will &e needing -2ch of i / and coke &eside/ for he fires.: :*ord Baelish will see ha yo2 ha0e coin as yo2 need i /: Tyrion 'ro-ised. 6e co2ld co2n on *i lefinger for ha -2ch/ he ho'ed. :I will co--and he Ci y 3a ch o hel' yo2 find iron. Mel down e0ery horseshoe in his ci y if yo2 -2s .: An older -an -o0ed forward/ richly dressed in a da-ask 2nic wi h sil0er fas enings and a cloak lined wi h fo9f2r. 6e knel o e9a-ine he grea s eel links Tyrion had d2-'ed on he floor. :My lord/: he anno2nced gra0ely/ : his is cr2de work a &es . There is no ar o i . !2i a&le la&or for co--on s-i hs/ no do2& / for -en who &end horseshoes and ha--er o2 ke les/ &2 I a- a -as er ar-orer/ as i 'lease -y lord. This is no work for -e/ nor -y fellow -as ers. 3e -ake swords as shar' as song/ ar-or s2ch as a god -igh wear. 5o his.: Tyrion il ed his head o he side and ga0e he -an a dose of his -is-a ched eyes. :3ha is yo2r na-e/ -as er ar-orer8: :!alloreon/ as i 'lease -y lord. if he King.s 6and will 'er-i / I sho2ld &e -os honored o forge hi- a s2i of ar-or s2i a&le o his 6o2se and high office.: Two of he o hers sniggered/ &2 !alloreon 'l2nged ahead/ heedless. :(la e and scale/ I hink. The scales gilded &righ as he s2n/ he 'la e ena-eled a dee' *annis er cri-son. I wo2ld s2gges a de-on.s head for a hel-/ crowned wi h all golden horns. 3hen yo2 ride in o &a le/ -en will shrink away in fear.: A de-on.s head/ Tyrion ho2gh r2ef2lly/ now wha does ha say of -e8 :Mas er !alloreon/ I 'lan o figh he res of -y &a les fro- his chair. I .s links I need/ no de-on horns. !o le -e '2 i o yo2 his way. =o2 will -ake chains/ or yo2 will wear he-. The choice is yo2rs.: 6e rose/ and ook his lea0e wi h nary a &ackward glance. Bronn was wai ing &y he ga e wi h his li er and an escor of -o2n ed Black ,ars. :=o2 know where &o2nd/: Tyrion old hi-. 6e acce' ed a hand 2' in o he li er. 6e had done all he co2ld o feed he h2ngry ci y7he.d se se0eral h2ndred car'en ers o &2ilding fishing &oa s in 'lace of ca a'2l s/ o'ened he kingswood o any h2n er who dared o

cross he ri0er/ e0en sen gold cloaks foraging o he wes and !o2 h7 ye he s ill saw acc2sing eyes e0erywhere he rode. The li er.s c2r ains shielded hi- fro- ha / and &esides ga0e hi- leis2re o hink. As hey wo2nd heir slow way down wis y !hadow&lack *ane o he foo of Aegon.s 6igh 6ill/ Tyrion reflec ed on he e0en s of he -orning. 6is sis er.s ire had led her o o0erlook he r2e significance of ! annis Bara heon.s le er. 3i ho2 'roof/ his acc2sa ions were no hing< wha -a ered was ha he had na-ed hi-self a king. And wha will Renly -ake of ha 8 They co2ld no &o h si he Iron Throne. Idly/ he '2shed he c2r ain &ack a few inches o 'eer o2 a he s ree s. Black ,ars rode on &o h sides of hi-/ heir grisly necklaces loo'ed a&o2 heir hroa s/ while Bronn wen in fron o clear he way. 6e wa ched he 'assers&y wa ching hi-/ and 'layed a li le ga-e wi h hi-self/ rying o sor he infor-ers fro- he res . The ones who look he -os s2s'icio2s are likely innocen / he decided. I .s he ones who look innocen I need o &eware. 6is des ina ion was &ehind he hill of Rhaenys/ and he s ree s were crowded. Al-os an ho2r had 'assed &efore he li er swayed o a s o'. Tyrion was do>ing/ &2 he woke a&r2' ly when he -o ion ceased/ r2&&ed he sand fro- his eyes/ and acce' ed Bronn.s hand o cli-& down. The ho2se was wo s ories all/ s one &elow and i-&er a&o0e. A ro2nd 2rre rose fro- one corner of he s r2c 2re. Many of he windows were leaded. )0er he door sw2ng an orna e la-'/ a glo&e of gilded -e al and scarle glass. :A &ro hel/: Bronn said. :3ha do yo2 -ean o do here8: :3ha does one 2s2ally do in a &ro hel8: The sellsword la2ghed. :!hae.s no eno2gh8: :!he was 're y eno2gh for a ca-' follower/ &2 I.- no longer in ca-'. *i le -en ha0e &ig a''e i es/ and I.- old he girls here are fi for a king.: :Is he &oy old eno2gh8: :5o @offrey. Ro&er . This ho2se was a grea fa0ori e of his.: Al ho2gh @offrey -ay indeed &e old eno2gh. An in eres ing no ion/ ha . :If yo2 and he Black ,ars care o a-2se yo2rsel0es/ feel free/ &2 Cha aya.s girls are cos ly. =o2.ll find chea'er ho2ses all along he s ree . *ea0e one -an here who.ll know where o find he o hers when I wish o re 2rn.: Bronn nodded. :As yo2 say.: The Black ,ars were all grins. Inside he door/ a all wo-an in flowing silks was wai ing for hi-. !he had e&on skin and sandalwood eyes. :I a- Cha aya/: she anno2nced/ &owing dee'ly. :And yo2 are7: :*e 2s no ge in o he ha&i of na-es. 5a-es are dangero2s.: The air s-elled of so-e e9o ic s'ice/ and he floor &enea h his fee dis'layed a -osaic of wo wo-en en wined in lo0e. :=o2 ha0e a 'leasan es a&lish-en .: :I ha0e la&ored long o -ake i so. I a- glad he 6and is 'leased.: 6er 0oice was flowing a-&er/ li42id wi h he accen s of he dis an !2--er Isles. :Ti les can &e as dangero2s as na-es/: Tyrion warned. :!how -e a few of yo2r girls.: :I will &e -y grea deligh . =o2 will find ha hey are all as swee as hey are &ea2 if2l/ and skilled in e0ery ar of lo0e.: !he swe' off gracef2lly/ lea0ing Tyrion o waddle af er as &es he co2ld on legs half he leng h of hers. Fro- &ehind an orna e Myrish screen car0ed wi h flowers and fancies and drea-ing -aidens/ hey 'eered 2nseen in o a co--on roo- where an old

-an was 'laying a cheerf2l air on he 'i'es. In a c2shioned alco0e/ a dr2nken Tyroshi wi h a '2r'le &eard dandled a &29o- yo2ng wench on his knee. 6e.d 2nlaced her &odice and was il ing his c2' o 'o2r a hin rickle of wine o0er her &reas s so he -igh la' i off. Two o her girls sa 'laying a iles &efore a leaded glass window. The freckled one wore a chain of &l2e flowers in her honeyed hair. The o her had skin as s-oo h and &lack as 'olished ;e / wide dark eyes/ s-all 'oin ed &reas s. They dressed in flowing silks cinched a he wais wi h &eaded &el s. The s2nligh 'o2ring hro2gh he colored glass o2 lined heir swee yo2ng &odies hro2gh he hin clo h/ and Tyrion fel a s irring in his groin. :I wo2ld res'ec f2lly s2gges he dark7skinned girl/: said Cha aya. :!he.s yo2ng.: :!he has si9 een years/ -y lord.: A good age for @offrey/ he ho2gh / re-e-&ering wha Bror- had said. 6is firs had &een e0en yo2nger. Tyrion re-e-&ered how shy she.d see-ed as he drew her dress 2' o0er her head he firs i-e. *ong dark hair and &l2e eyes yo2 co2ld drown in/ and he had. !o long ago . . . 3ha a wre ched fool yo2 are/ dwarf. :1oes she co-e fro- yo2r ho-e lands/ his girl8: :6er &lood is he &lood of s2--er/ -y lord/ &2 -y da2gh er was &orn here in King.s *anding.: 6is s2r'rise -2s ha0e shown on his face/ for Cha aya con in2ed/ :My 'eo'le hold ha here is no sha-e o &e fo2nd in he 'illow ho2se. In he !2--er Isles/ hose who are skilled a gi0ing 'leas2re are grea ly es ee-ed. Many high&orn yo2 hs and -aidens ser0e for a few years af er heir flowerings/ o honor he gods.: :3ha do he gods ha0e o do wi h i 8: :The gods -ade o2r &odies as well as o2r so2ls/ is i no so8 They gi0e 2s 0oices/ so we -igh worshi' he- wi h song. They gi0e 2s hands/ so we -igh &2ild he- e-'les. And hey gi0e 2s desire/ so we -igh -a e and worshi' he- in ha way.: :Re-ind -e o ell he 6igh !e' on/: said Tyrion. :If I co2ld 'ray wi h -y cock/ I.d &e -2ch -ore religio2s.: 6e wa0ed a hand. :I will gladly acce' yo2r s2gges ion.: :I shall s2--on -y da2gh er. Co-e.: The girl -e hi- a he foo of he s airs. Taller han !hae/ ho2gh no so all as her -o her/ she had o kneel &efore Tyrion co2ld kiss her. :My na-e is Alayaya/: she said/ wi h only he sligh es hin of her -o her.s accen . :Co-e/ -y lord.: !he ook hi- &y he hand and drew hi- 2' wo fligh s of s airs/ hen down a long hall. Gas's and shrieks of 'leas2re were co-ing fro- &ehind one of he closed doors/ giggles and whis'ers fro- ano her. Tyrion.s cock 'ressed agains he lacings of his &reeches. This co2ld &e h2-ilia ing/ he ho2gh as he followed Alayaya 2' ano her s air o he 2rre roo-. There was only one door. !he led hi- hro2gh and closed i . 3i hin he roo- was a grea cano'ied &ed/ a all wardro&e decora ed wi h ero ic car0ings/ and a narrow window of leaded glass in a 'a ern of red and yellow dia-onds. :=o2 are 0ery &ea2 if2l/ Alayaya/: Tyrion old her when hey were alone. :Fro- head o heels/ e0ery 'ar of yo2 is lo0ely. =e ;2s now he 'ar ha in eres s -e -os is yo2r ong2e.: :My lord will find -y ong2e well schooled. 3hen I was a girl I learned when o 2se i / and when no .: :Tha 'leases -e.: Tyrion s-iled. :!o wha shall we do now8 (erchance yo2 ha0e so-e s2gges ion8: :=es/: she said. :If -y lord will o'en he wardro&e/ he will find wha he seeks.:

Tyrion kissed her hand/ and cli-&ed inside he e-' y wardro&e. Alayaya closed i af er hi-. 6e gro'ed for he &ack 'anel/ fel i slide 2nder his fingers/ and '2shed i all he way aside. The hollow s'ace &ehind he walls was 'i ch7&lack/ &2 he f2-&led 2n il he fel -e al. 6is hand closed aro2nd he r2ng of a ladder. 6e fo2nd a lower r2ng wi h his foo / and s ar ed down. 3ell &elow s ree le0el/ he shaf o'ened on o a slan ing ear hen 2nnel/ where he fo2nd Varys wai ing wi h candle in hand. Varys did no look a all like hi-self. A scarred face and a s 2&&le of dark &eard showed 2nder his s'iked s eel ca'/ and he wore -ail o0er &oiled lea her/ dirk and shor sword a his &el . :3as Cha aya.s o yo2r sa isfac ion/ -y lord8: :Al-os oo -2ch so/: ad-i ed Tyrion. cer ain his wo-an can &e relied on8: :I a- cer ain of no hing in his fickle and reachero2s world/ -y lord. Cha aya has no ca2se o lo0e he 42een/ ho2gh/ and she knows ha she has yo2 o hank for ridding her of Allar 1ee-. !hall we go8: 6e s ar ed down he 2nnel. ,0en his walk is differen / Tyrion o&ser0ed. The scen of so2r wine and garlic cl2ng o Varys ins ead of la0ender. :I like his new gar& of yo2rs/: he offered as hey wen . :The work I do does no 'er-i -e o ra0el he s ree s a-id a col2-n of knigh s. !o when I lea0e he cas le/ I ado' -ore s2i a&le g2ises/ and h2s li0e o ser0e yo2 longer.: :*ea her &eco-es yo2. =o2 o2gh o co-e like his o o2r ne9 co2ncil session.: :=o2r sis er wo2ld no a''ro0e/ -y lord.: :My sis er wo2ld soil her s-allclo hes.: 6e s-iled in he dark. :I saw no signs of any of her s'ies sk2lking af er -e.: :I a- 'leased o hear i / -y lord. !o-e of yo2r sis er.s hirelings are -ine as well/ 2n&eknowns o her. I sho2ld ha e o hink hey had grown so slo''y as o &e seen.: 7well/ rd ha e o hink I was cli-&ing hro2gh wardro&es and s2ffering he 'angs of fr2s ra ed l2s all for na2gh .: :!carcely for na2gh /: Varys ass2red hi-. :They know yo2 are here. 3he her any will &e &old eno2gh o en er Cha aya.s in he g2ise of 'a rons I canno say/ &2 I find i &es o err on he side of ca2 ion.: :6ow is i a &ro hel ha''ens o ha0e a secre en rance8: :The 2nnel was d2g for ano her King.s 6and/ whose honor wo2ld no allow hi- o en er s2ch a ho2se o'enly. Cha aya has closely g2arded he knowledge of i s e9is ence.: :And ye yo2 knew of i .: :*i le &irds fly hro2gh -any a dark 2nnel. Caref2l/ he s e's are s ee'.: They e-erged hro2gh a ra' a he &ack of a s a&le/ ha0ing co-e 'erha's a dis ance of hree &locks 2nder Rhaenys.s 6ill. A horse whickered in his s all when Tyrion le he door sla- sh2 . Varys &lew o2 he candle and se i on a &ea- and Tyrion ga>ed a&o2 . A -2le and hree horses occ2'ied he s alls. 6e waddled o0er o he 'ie&ald gelding and ook a look a his ee h. :)ld/: he said/ :and I ha0e -y do2& s a&o2 his wind.: :6e is no a -o2n o carry yo2 in o &a le/ r2e/: Varys re'lied/ :&2 he will ser0e/ and a rac no no ice. As will he o hers. And he s a&le&oys see and hear only he ani-als.: The e2n2ch ook a cloak froa 'eg. I was ro2ghs'2n/ s2n7faded/ and hread&are/ &2 0ery a-'le in i s c2 . :If yo2 will 'er-i -e.: 3hen he swe' i o0er Tyrion.s sho2lders i en0elo'ed hi- head o heel/ wi h a cowl ha co2ld &e

'2lled forward o drown his face in shadows. :Men see wha hey e9'ec o see/: Varys said as he f2ssed and '2lled. :1warfs are no so co--on a sigh as children/ so a child is wha hey will see. A &oy in an old cloak on his fa her.s horse/ going a&o2 his fa her.s &2siness. Tho2gh i wo2ld &e &es if yo2 ca-e -os of en &y nigh .: :I 'lan o . . . af er oday. A he -o-en / ho2gh/ !hae awai s -e.: 6e had '2 her 2' in a walled -anse a he far nor heas corner of King.s *anding/ no far fro- he sea/ &2 he had no dared 0isi her here for fear of &eing followed. :3hich horse will yo2 ha0e8: Tyrion shr2gged. :This one will do well eno2gh.: :I shall saddle hi- for yo2.: Varys ook ack and saddle down fro- a 'eg. Tyrion ad;2s ed he hea0y cloak and 'aced res lessly. :=o2 -issed a li0ely co2ncil. ! annis has crowned hi-self/ i see-s.: :I know.: :6e acc2ses -y &ro her and sis er of inces . I wonder how he ca-e &y ha s2s'icion.: :(erha's he read a &ook and looked a he color of a &as ard.s hair/ as 5ed ! ark did/ and @on Arryn &efore hi-. )r 'erha's so-eone whis'ered i in his ear.: The e2n2ch.s la2gh was no his 2s2al giggle/ &2 dee'er and -ore hroa y. :!o-eone like yo2/ 'erchance8: :A- I s2s'ec ed8 I was no -e.: :if i had &een/ wo2ld yo2 ad-i i 8: :5o. B2 why sho2ld I &e ray a secre I ha0e ke' so long8 I is one hing o decei0e a king/ and 42i e ano her o hide fro- he cricke in he r2shes and he li le &ird in he chi-ney. Besides/ he &as ards were here for all o see.: :Ro&er .s &as ards8 3ha of he-8: :6e fa hered eigh / o he &es of -y knowing/: Varys said as he wres led wi h he saddle. :Their -o hers were co''er and honey/ ches n2 and &2 er/ ye he &a&es were all &lack as ra0ens . . . and as ill7o-ened/ i wo2ld see-. !o when @offrey/ Myrcella/ and To--en slid o2 &e ween yo2r sis er.s highs/ each as golden as he s2n/ he r2 h was no hard o gli-'se.: Tyrion shook his head. If she had &orne only one child for her h2s&and/ i wo2ld ha0e &een eno2gh o disar- s2s'icion . . . &2 hen she wo2ld no ha0e &een Cersei. :If yo2 were no his whis'erer/ who was8: :!o-e rai or/ do2& less.: Varys igh ened he cinch. :*i lefinger8: :I na-ed no na-e.: Tyrion le he e2n2ch hel' hi- -o2n . :*ord Varys/: he said fro- he saddle/ :so-e i-es I feel as ho2gh yo2 are he &es friend I ha0e in King.s *anding/ and so-e i-es I feel yo2 are -y wors ene-y.: :6ow odd. I hink 42i e he sa-e of yo2.: C6A(T,R 1G BRA5 *ong &efore he firs 'ale fingers of ligh 'ried a'ar Bran.s sh2 ers/ his eyes were o'en. There were g2es s in 3in erfell/ 0isi ors co-e for he har0es feas . This -orning hey wo2ld &e il ing a 42in ains in he yard. )nce ha 'ros'ec wo2ld ha0e filled hi- wi h e9ci e-en / &2 ha was &efore. 5o now. The 3alders wo2ld &reak lances wi h he s42ires of *ord

Manderly.s escor / &2 Bran wo2ld ha0e no 'ar of i . 6e -2s 'lay he 'rince in his fa her.s solar. :*is en/ and i -ay &e ha yo2 will learn so-e hing of wha lordshi' is all a&o2 /: Maes er *2win had said. Bran had ne0er asked o &e a 'rince. I was knigh hood he had always drea-ed of< &righ ar-or and s rea-ing &anners/ lance and sword/ a warhorse &e ween his legs. 3hy -2s he was e his days lis ening o old -en s'eak of hings he only half 2nders ood8 Beca2se &roken/ a 0oice inside re-inded hi-. A lord on his c2shioned chair -igh &e cri''led7 he 3alders said heir grandfa her was so fee&le he had o &e carried e0erywhere in a li er7&2 no a knigh on his des rier. Besides/ i was his d2 y. :=o2 are yo2r &ro her.s heir and he ! ark in 3in erfell/: !er Rodrik said/ re-inding hi- of how Ro&& 2sed o si wi h heir lord fa her when his &anner-en ca-e o see hi-. *ord 3y-an Manderly had arri0ed fro- 3hi e 6ar&or wo days 'as / ra0eling &y &arge and li er/ as he was oo fa o si a horse. 3i h hi- had co-e a long ail of re ainersB knigh s/ s42ires/ lesser lords and ladies/ heralds/ -2sicians/ e0en a ;2ggler/ all agli er wi h &anners and s2rcoa s in wha see-ed half a h2ndred colors. Bran had welco-ed heo 3in erfell fro- his fa her.s high s one sea wi h he direwol0es car0ed in o he ar-s/ and af erward !er Rodrik had said he.d done well. If ha had &een he end of i / he wo2ld no ha0e -inded. B2 i was only he &eginning. :The feas -akes a 'leasan 're e9 /: !er Rodrik e9'lained/ :&2 a -an does no cross a h2ndred leag2es for a sli0er of d2ck and a si' of wine. )nly hose who ha0e -a ers of i-'or o se &efore 2s are like o -ake he ;o2rney.: Bran ga>ed 2' a he ro2gh s one ceiling a&o0e his head. Ro&& wo2ld ell hi- no o 'lay he &oy/ he knew. 6e co2ld al-os hear hi-/ and heir lord fa her as well. 3in er is co-ing/ and yo2 are al-os a -an grown/ Bran. =o2 ha0e a d2 y. 3hen 6odor ca-e &2s ling in/ s-iling and h2--ing 2nelessly/ he fo2nd he &oy resigned o his fa e. Toge her hey go hi- washed and &r2shed. :The whi e wool do2&le oday/: Bran co--anded. :And he sil0er &rooch. !er Rodrik will wan -e o look lordly.: As -2ch as he co2ld/ Bran 'referred o dress hi-self/ &2 here were so-e asks7'2lling on &reeches/ lacing his &oo s7 ha 0e9ed hi-. They wen 42icker wi h 6odor.s hel'. )nce he had &een a2gh o do so-e hing/ he did i def ly. 6is hands were always gen le/ ho2gh his s reng h was as onishing. :=o2 co2ld ha0e &een a knigh oo/ I &e /: Bran old hi-. :If he gods hadn. aken yo2r wi s/ yo2 wo2ld ha0e &een a grea knigh .: :6odor8: 6odor &linked a hi- wi h g2ileless &rown eyes/ eyes innocen of 2nders anding. :=es/: said Bran. :6odor.: 6e 'oin ed. on he wall &eside he door h2ng a &aske / s o2 ly -ade of wicker and lea her/ wi h holes c2 for Bran.s legs. 6odor slid his ar-s hro2gh he s ra's and cinched he wide &el igh aro2nd his ches / hen knel &eside he &ed. Bran 2sed he &ars s2nk in o he wall o s2''or hi-self as he sw2ng he dead weigh of his legs in o he &aske and hro2gh he holes. :6odor/: 6odor said again/ rising. The s a&le&oy s ood near se0en fee all all &y hi-self< on his &ack Bran.s head al-os &r2shed he ceiling. 6e d2cked low as hey 'assed hro2gh he door. )ne i-e 6odor s-elled &read &aking and ran o he ki chens/ and Bran go s2ch a crack ha Maes er *2win had o sew 2' his scal'. Mikken had gi0en hi- a r2s y old 0isorless hel- fro- he ar-ory/ &2 Bran seldo- ro2&led o

wear i . The 3alders la2ghed whene0er hey saw i on his head. 6e res ed his hands on 6odor.s sho2lders as hey descended he winding s air. )2 side/ he so2nds of sword and shield and horse already rang hro2gh he yard. I -ade a swee -2sic. I.ll ;2s ha0e a look/ Bran ho2gh / a 42ick look/ ha .s all. The 3hi e 6ar&or lordlings wo2ld e-erge la er in he -orning/ wi h heir knigh s and -en7a 7ar-s. +n il hen/ he yard &elonged o heir s42ires/ who ranged in age fro- en o for y. Bran wished he were one of he- so &adly ha his s o-ach h2r wi h he wan ing. Two 42in ains had &een erec ed in he co2r yard/ each a s o2 'os s2''or ing a s'inning cross&ea- wi h a shield a one end and a 'added &2 a he o her. The shields had &een 'ain ed red7and7gold/ ho2gh he *annis er lions were l2-'y and -issha'en/ and already well scarred &y he firs &oys o ake a il a he-. The sigh of Bran in his &aske drew s ares fro- hose who had no seen i &efore/ &2 he had learned o ignore s ares. A leas he had a good 0iew< on 6odor.s &ack/ he owered o0er e0eryone. The 3alders were -o2n ing 2'/ he saw. They.d &ro2gh fine ar-or 2' fro- he Twins/ shining sil0er 'la e wi h ena-eled &l2e chasings. Big 3alder.s cres was sha'ed like a cas le/ while *i le 3alder fa0ored s rea-ers of &l2e and grey silk. Their shields and s2rcoa s also se he- a'ar fro- each o her. *i le 3alder 42ar ered he win owers of Frey wi h he &rindled &oar of his grand-o her.s 6o2se and he 'low-an of his -o her.sB Crakehall and 1arry/ res'ec i0ely. Big 3alder.s 42ar erings were he ree7and7ra0ens of 6o2se Blackwood and he wining snakes of he (aeges. They -2s &e h2ngry for honor/ Bran ho2gh as he wa ched he- ake 2' heir lances. A ! ark needs only he direwolf. Their da''led grey co2rsers were swif / s rong/ and &ea2 if2lly rained. !ide &y side hey charged he 42in ains. Bo h hi he shields cleanly and were well 'as &efore he 'added &2 s ca-e s'inning aro2nd. *i le 3alder s r2ck he harder &low/ &2 Bran ho2gh Big 3alder sa his horse &e er. 6e wo2ld ha0e gi0en &o h his 2seless legs for he chance o ride agains ei her. *i le 3alder cas his s'lin ered lance aside/ s'ied Bran/ and reined 2'. :5ow here.s an 2gly horse/: he said of 6odor. :6odor.s no horse/: Bran said. :6odor/: said 6odor. Big 3alder ro ed 2' o ;oin his co2sin. :3ell/ he.s no as s-ar as a horse/ ha .s for cer ain.: A few of he 3hi e 6ar&or lads 'oked each o her and la2ghed. :6odor.: Bea-ing genially/ 6odor looked fro- one Frey o he o her/ o&li0io2s o heir a2n ing. :6odor hodor8: *i le 3alder.s -o2n whickered. :!ee/ alking o each o her. May&e hodor -eans .I lo0e yo2. in horse.: :=o2 sh2 2'/ Frey.: Bran co2ld feel his color rising. *i le 3alder s'2rred his horse closer/ gi0ing 6odor a &2-' ha '2shed hi- &ackward. :3ha will yo2 do if I don. 8: :6e.ll se his wolf on yo2/ co2sin/: warned Big 3alder. :*e hi-. I always wan ed a wolfskin cloak.: :!2--er wo2ld ear yo2r fa head off/: Bran said. *i le 3alder &anged a -ailed fis agains his &reas 'la e. :1oes yo2r wolf ha0e s eel ee h/ o &i e hro2gh 'la e and -ail8: :,no2gh?: Maes er *2win.s 0oice cracked hro2gh he clangor of he yard as lo2d as a h2ndercla'. 6ow -2ch he had o0erheard/ Bran co2ld no say . . . &2 i was eno2gh o anger hi-/ clearly. :These hrea s are 2nsee-ly/ and I.ll hear no -ore of he-. Is his how yo2 &eha0e a he Twins/ 3alder Frey8:

:If I wan o.: A o' his co2rser/ *i le 3alder ga0e *2win a s2llen glare/ as if o say/ =o2 are only a -aes er/ who are yo2 o re'roach a Frey of he Crossing8 :3ell/ i is no how *ady ! ark.s wards o2gh &eha0e a 3in erfell. 3ha .s a he roo of his8: The -aes er looked a each &oy in 2rn. :)ne of yo2 will ell -e/ I swear/ or7: :3e were ha0ing a ;a'e wi h 6odor/: confessed Big 3alder. :I a- sorry if we offended (rince Bran. 3e only -ean o &e a-2sing.: 6e a leas had he grace o look a&ashed. *i le 3alder only looked 'ee0ish. :And -e/: he said. :I was only &eing a-2sing oo.: The &ald s'o a o' he -aes er.s head had 2rned red/ Bran co2ld see< if any hing/ *2win was -ore angry han &efore. :A good lord co-for s and 'ro ec s he weak and hel'less/: he old he Freys. :I will no ha0e yo2 -aking 6odor he &2 of cr2el ;es s/ do yo2 hear -e8 6e.s a goodhear ed lad/ d2 if2l and o&edien / which is -ore han I can say for ei her of yo2.: The -aes er wagged a finger a *i le 3alder. :And yo2 will s ay o2 of he godswood and away fro- hose wol0es/ or answer for i .: !lee0es fla''ing/ he 2rned on his heels/ s alked off a few 'aces/ and glanced &ack. :Bran. Co-e. *ord 3y-an awai s.: :6odor/ go wi h he -aes er/: Bran co--anded. :6odor/: said 6odor. 6is long s rides ca2gh 2' wi h he -aes er.s f2rio2sly '2-'ing legs on he s e's of he Grea Kee'. Maes er *2win held he door o'en/ and Bran h2gged 6odor.s neck and d2cked as hey wen hro2gh. :The 3alders7: he &egan. :I.ll hear no -ore of ha / i .s done.: Maes er *2win looked worn7o2 and frayed. :=o2 were righ o defend 6odor/ &2 yo2 sho2ld ne0er ha0e &een here. !er Rodrik and *ord 3y-an ha0e &roken heir fas already while hey wai ed for yo2. M2s I co-e -yself o fe ch yo2/ as if yo2 were a li le child8: :5o/: Bran said/ asha-ed. :I.- sorry. I only wan ed :I know wha yo2 wan ed/: Maes er *2win said/ -ore gen ly. :3o2ld ha i co2ld &e/ Bran. 1o yo2 ha0e any 42es ions &efore we &egin his a2dience8 : :3ill we alk of he war8: :=o2 will alk of na2gh .: The shar'ness was &ack in *2win.s 0oice. :=o2 are s ill a child of eigh :Al-os nine?: :,igh /: he -aes er re'ea ed fir-ly. :!'eak no hing &2 co2r esies 2nless !er Rodrik or *ord 3y-an '2 s yo2 a 42es ion.: Bran nodded. :I.ll re-e-&er.: :I will say no hing o !er Rodrik of wha 'assed &e ween yo2 and he Frey &oys.: :Thank yo2.: They '2 Bran in his fa her.s oak chair wi h he grey 0el0e c2shions/ &ehind a long 'lank7and7 res le a&le. !er Rodrik sa on his righ hand and Maes er *2win o his lef / ar-ed wi h 42ills and ink'o s and a sheaf of &lank 'arch-en o wri e down all ha rans'ired. Bran ran a hand across he ro2gh wood of he a&le and &egged *ord 3y-an.s 'ardons for &eing la e. :3hy/ no 'rince is e0er la e/: he *ord of 3hi e 6ar&or res'onded a-ia&ly. :Those who arri0e &efore hi- ha0e co-e early/ ha .s all.: 3y-an Manderly had a grea &oo-ing la2gh. i was s-all wonder he co2ld no si a saddle< he looked as if he o2 weighed -os horses. As windy as he was 0as / he &egan &y asking 3in erfell o confir- he new c2s o-s officers he had a''oin ed for 3hi e 6ar&or. The old ones had

&een holding &ack sil0er for King.s *anding ra her han 'aying i o0er o he new King in he 5or h. :King Ro&& needs his own coinage as well/: he declared/ :and 3hi e 6ar&or is he 0ery 'lace o -in i .: 6e offered o ake charge of he -a er/ as i 'lease he king/ and wen fro- ha o s'eak of how he had s reng hened he 'or .s defenses/ de ailing he cos of e0ery i-'ro0e-en . In addi ion o a -in / *ord Manderly also 'ro'osed o &2ild Ro&& a warflee . :3e ha0e had no s reng h a sea for h2ndreds of years/ since Brandon he B2rner '2 he orch o his fa her.s shi's. Gran -e he gold and wi hin he year I will floa yo2 s2fficien galleys o ake 1ragons one and King.s *anding &o h.: Bran.s in eres 'ricked 2' a alk of warshi's. 5o one asked hi-/ &2 he ho2gh *ord 3y-an.s no ion a s'lendid one. In his -ind.s eye he co2ld see he- already. 6e wondered if a cri''le had e0er co--anded a warshi'. B2 !er Rodrik 'ro-ised only o send he 'ro'osal on o Ro&& for his considera ion/ while Maes er *2win scra ched a he 'arch-en . Midday ca-e and wen . Maes er *2win sen (o9y Ty- down o he ki chens/ and hey dined in he solar on cheese/ ca'ons/ and &rown oa 7 &read. 3hile earing a'ar a &ird wi h fa fingers/ *ord 3y-an -ade 'oli e in42iry af er *ady 6ornwood/ who was a co2sin of his. :!he was &orn a Manderly/ yo2 know. (erha's/ when her grief has r2n i s co2rse/ she wo2ld like o &e a Manderly again/ eh8: 6e ook a &i e fro- a wing/ and s-iled &roadly. :As i ha''ens/ I a- a widower hese 'as eigh years. (as i-e I ook ano her wife/ don. yo2 agree/ -y lords8 A -an does ge lonely.: Tossing he &ones aside/ he reached for a leg. :)r if he lady fancies a yo2nger lad/ well/ -y son 3endel is 2nwed as well. 6e is off so2 h g2arding *ady Ca elyn/ &2 no do2& he will wish o ake a &ride on his re 2rn. A 0alian &oy/ and ;olly. ;2s he -an o each her o la2gh again/ eh8: 6e wi'ed a &i of grease off his chin wi h he slee0e of his 2nic. Bran co2ld hear he dis an clash of ar-s hro2gh he windows. 6e cared no hing a&o2 -arriages. I wish I was down in he yard. 6is lordshi' wai ed 2n il he a&le had &een cleared &efore he raised he -a er of a le er he had recei0ed fro- *ord Tywin *annis er/ who held his elder son/ !er 3ylis/ aken ca' i0e on he Green Fork. :6e offers hi- &ack o -e wi ho2 ranso-/ 'ro0ided I wi hdraw -y le0ies fro- 6is Grace and 0ow o figh no -ore.: :=o2 will ref2se hi-/ of co2rse/: said !er Rodrik. :6a0e no fear on ha co2n /: he lord ass2red he-. :King Ro&& has no -ore loyal ser0an han 3y-an Manderly. I wo2ld &e loa h o see -y son lang2ish a 6arrenhal any longer han he -2s / howe0er. Tha is an ill 'lace. C2rsed/ hey say. 5o ha I a- he sor o swallow s2ch ales/ &2 s ill/ here i is. *ook a wha .s &efallen his @anos !lyn . Raised 2' o *ord of 6arrenhal &y he 42een/ and cas down &y her &ro her. !hi''ed off o he 3all/ hey say. I 'ray so-e e42i a&le e9change of ca' i0es can &e arranged &efore oo 0ery long. I know 3ylis wo2ld no wan o si o2 he res of he war. Gallan / ha son of -ine/ and fierce as a -as iff.: Bran.s sho2lders were s iff fro- si ing in he sa-e chair &y he i-e he a2dience drew o a close. And ha nigh / as he sa o s2''er/ a horn so2nded o herald he arri0al of ano her g2es . *ady 1onella 6ornwood &ro2gh no ail of knigh s and re ainers< only herself/ and si9 ired -ena 7ar-s wi h a -oosehead &adge on heir d2s y orange li0ery. :3e are 0ery sorry for all yo2 ha0e s2ffered/ -y lady/: Bran said when she ca-e &efore hi- o s'eak her words of gree ings. *ord 6ornwood had &een killed in he &a le on he Green Fork/ heir only son c2 down in he 3his'ering 3ood. :3in erfell will re-e-&er.:

:Tha is good o know.: !he was a 'ale h2sk of a wo-an/ e0ery line of her face e ched wi h grief. :I a- 0ery weary/ -y lord. If I -igh ha0e lea0e o res / I sho2ld &e hankf2l.: :To &e s2re/: !er Rodrik said. :There is i-e eno2gh for alk on he -orrow.: 3hen he -orrow ca-e/ -os of he -orning was gi0en o0er o alk of grains and greens and sal ing -ea . )nce he -aes ers in heir Ci adel had 'roclai-ed he firs of a2 2-n/ wise -en '2 away a 'or ion of each har0es . . . ho2gh how large a 'or ion was a -a er ha see-ed o re42ire -2ch alk. *ady 6ornwood was s oring a fif h of her har0es . A Maes er *2win.s s2gges ion/ she 0owed o increase ha o a 42ar er. :Bol on.s &as ard is -assing -en a he 1readfor /: she warned he-. :I ho'e he -eans o ake he- so2 h o ;oin his fa her a he Twins/ &2 when I sen o ask his in en / he old -e ha no Bol on wo2ld &e 42es ioned &y a wo-an. As if he were r2e&orn and had a righ o ha na-e.: :*ord Bol on has ne0er acknowledged he &oy/ so far as I know/: !er Rodrik said. :I confess/ I do no know hi-.: :Few do/: she re'lied. :6e li0ed wi h his -o her 2n il wo years 'as / when yo2ng 1o-eric died and lef Bol on wi ho2 an heir. Tha was when he &ro2gh his &as ard o he 1readfor . The &oy is a sly crea 2re &y all acco2n s/ and he has a ser0an who is al-os as cr2el as he is. Reek/ hey call he -an. I .s said he ne0er &a hes. They h2n oge her/ he Bas ard and his Reek/ and no for deer. I.0e heard ales/ hings I can scarce &elie0e/ e0en of a Bol on. And now ha -y lord h2s&and and -y swee son ha0e gone o he gods/ he Bas ard looks a -y lands h2ngrily.: Bran wan ed o gi0e he lady a h2ndred -en o defend her righ s/ &2 !er Rodrik only said/ :6e -ay look/ &2 sho2ld he do -ore I 'ro-ise yo2 here will &e dire re ri&2 ion. =o2 will &e safe eno2gh/ -y lady . . . ho2gh 'erha's in i-e/ when yo2r grief is 'assed/ yo2 -ay find i 'r2den o wed again.: :I a- 'as -y child&earing years/ wha &ea2 y I had long fled/: she re'lied wi h a ired half s-ile/ :ye -en co-e sniffing af er -e as hey ne0er did when I was a -aid.: :=o2 do no look fa0ora&ly on hese s2i ors8: asked *2win. :I shall wed again if 6is Grace co--ands i /: *ady 6ornwood re'lied/ :&2 Mors Crowfood is a dr2nken &r2 e/ and older han -y fa her. As for -y no&le co2sin of Manderly/ -y lord.s &ed is no large eno2gh o hold one of his -a;es y/ and I a- s2rely oo s-all and frail o lie &enea h hi-.: Bran knew ha -en sle' on o' of wo-en when hey shared a &ed. !lee'ing 2nder *ord Manderly wo2ld &e like slee'ing 2nder a fallen horse/ he i-agined. !er Rodrik ga0e he widow a sy-'a he ic nod. :=o2 will ha0e o her s2i ors/ -y lady. 3e shall ry and find yo2 a 'ros'ec -ore o yo2r as e.: :(erha's yo2 need no look 0ery far/ ser.: Af er she had aken her lea0e/ Maes er *2win s-iled. :!er Rodrik/ I do &elie0e -y lady fancies yo2.: !er Rodrik cleared his hroa and looked 2nco-for a&le. :!he was 0ery sad/: said Bran. !er Rodrik nodded. :!ad and gen le/ and no a all 2nco-ely for a wo-an of her years/ for all her -odes y. =e a danger o he 'eace of yo2r &ro her.s real- none heless.: :6er8: Bran said/ as onished. Maes er *2win answered. :3i h no direc heir/ here are s2re o &e -any clai-an s con ending for he 6ornwood lands. The Tallhar s/ Flin s/ and

Kars arks all ha0e ies o 6o2se 6ornwood hro2gh he fe-ale line/ and he Glo0ers are fos ering *ord 6arys.s &as ard a 1ee'wood Mo e. The 1readfor has no clai- ha I know/ &2 he lands ad;oin/ and Roose Bol on is no one o o0erlook s2ch a chance.: !er Rodrik 2gged a his whiskers. :In s2ch cases/ her liege lord -2s find her a s2i a&le -a ch.: :3hy can. yo2 -arry her8: Bran asked. :=o2 said she was co-ely/ and Be h wo2ld ha0e a -o her.: The old knigh '2 a hand on Bran.s ar-. :A kindly ho2gh / -y 'rince/ &2 I a- only a knigh / and &esides oo old. I -igh hold her lands for a few years/ &2 as soon as I died *ady 6ornwood wo2ld find herself &ack in he sa-e -ire/ and Be h.s 'ros'ec s -igh &e 'erilo2s as well.: :Then le *ord 6ornwood.s &as ard &e he heir/: Bran said/ hinking of his half &ro her @on. !er Rodrik said/ :Tha wo2ld 'lease he Glo0ers/ and 'erha's *ord 6ornwood.s shade as well/ &2 I do no hink *ady 6ornwood wo2ld lo0e 2s. The &oy is no of her &lood.: :! ill/: said Maes er *2win/ :i -2s &e considered. *ady 1onella is 'as her fer ile years/ as she said herself. if no he &as ard/ who8: :May I &e e9c2sed8: Bran co2ld hear he s42ires a heir sword'lay in he yard &elow/ he ring of s eel on s eel. :As yo2 will/ -y 'rince/: said !er Rodrik. :=o2 did well.: Bran fl2shed wi h 'leas2re. Being a lord was no so edio2s as he had feared/ and since *ady 6ornwood had &een so -2ch &riefer han *ord Manderly/ he e0en had a few ho2rs of dayligh lef o 0isi wi h !2--er. 6e liked o s'end i-e wi h his wolf e0ery day/ when !er Rodrik and he -aes er allowed i . 5o sooner had 6odor en ered he godswood han !2--er e-erged fro- 2nder an oak/ al-os as if he had known hey were co-ing. Bran gli-'sed a lean &lack sha'e wa ching fro- he 2ndergrow h as well. :!haggy/: he called. :6ere/ !haggydog. To -e.: B2 Rickon.s wolf 0anished as swif ly as he.d a''eared. 6odor knew Bran.s fa0ori e 'lace/ so he ook hi- o he edge of he 'ool &enea h he grea s'read of he hear ree/ where *ord ,ddard 2sed o kneel o 'ray. Ri''les were r2nning across he s2rface of he wa er when hey arri0ed/ -aking he reflec ion of he weirwood shi--er and dance. There was no wind/ ho2gh. For an ins an Bran was &affled. And hen )sha e9'loded 2' o2 of he 'ool wi h a grea s'lash/ so s2dden ha e0en !2--er lea' &ack/ snarling. 6odor ;2-'ed away/ wailing :6odor/ 6odor: in dis-ay 2n il Bran 'a ed his sho2lder o soo he his fears. :6ow can yo2 swi- in here8: he asked )sha. :Isn. i cold8: :As a &a&e I s2ckled on icicles/ &oy. I like he cold.: )sha swa- o he rocks and rose dri''ing. !he was naked/ her skin &2-'y wi h goose'rickles. !2--er cre' close and sniffed a her. :I wan ed o o2ch he &o o-.: :I ne0er knew here was a &o o-.: :Migh &e here isn. .: !he grinned. :3ha are yo2 s aring a / &oy8 5e0er seen a wo-an &efore8: :I ha0e so.: Bran had &a hed wi h his sis ers h2ndreds of i-es and he.d seen ser0ing wo-en in he ho 'ools oo. )sha looked differen / ho2gh/ hard and shar' ins ead of sof and c2r0y. 6er legs were all sinew/ her &reas s fla as wo e-' y '2rses. :=o2.0e go a lo of scars.: :,0ery one hard earned.: !he 'icked 2' her &rown shif / shook so-e lea0es off of i / and '2lled i down o0er her head. :Figh ing gian s8: )sha clai-ed here were s ill gian s &eyond he

3all. )ne day -ay&e IT e0en see one . . . :Figh ing -en.: !he &el ed herself wi h a leng h of ro'e. :Black crows/ of as no . Killed -e one oo/: she said/ shaking o2 her hair. I had grown since she.d co-e o 3in erfell/ well down 'as her ears. !he looked sof er han he wo-an who had once ried o ro& and kill hi- in he wolfswood. :6eard so-e ya ering in he ki chen oday a&o2 yo2 and he- Freys.: :3ho8 3ha did hey say8: !he ga0e hi- a so2r grin. :Tha i .s a fool &oy who -ocks a gian / and a -ad world when a cri''le has o defend hi-.: :6odor ne0er knew hey were -ocking hi-/: Bran said. :Anyhow he ne0er figh s.: 6e re-e-&ered once when he was li le/ going o he -arke s42are wi h his -o her and !e' a Mordane. They &ro2gh 6odor o carry for he-/ &2 he had wandered away/ and when hey fo2nd hi- so-e &oys had hi- &acked in o an alley/ 'oking hi- wi h s icks. :6odor?: he ke' sho2 ing/ cringing and co0ering hi-self/ &2 he had ne0er raised a hand agains his or-en ors. :!e' on Chayle says he has a gen le s'iri .: :Aye/: she said/ :and hands s rong eno2gh o wis a -an.s head off his sho2lders/ if he akes a -ind o. All he sa-e/ he &e er wa ch his &ack aro2nd ha 3alder. 6i- and yo2 &o h. The &ig one hey call li le/ i co-es o -e he.s well na-ed. Big o2 side/ li le inside/ and -ean down o he &ones.: :6e.d ne0er dare h2r -e. 6e.s scared of !2--er/ no -a er wha he says.: :Then -igh &e he.s no so s 2'id as he see-s.: )sha was always wary aro2nd he direwol0es. The day she was aken/ !2--er and Grey 3ind &e ween he- had orn hree wildlings o &loody 'ieces. :)r -igh &e he is. And ha as es of ro2&le oo.: !he ied 2' her hair. :=o2 ha0e -ore of he- wolf drea-s8: :5o.: 6e did no like o alk a&o2 he drea-s. :A 'rince sho2ld lie &e er han ha .: )sha la2ghed. :3ell/ yo2r drea-s are yo2r &2siness. Mine.s in he ki chens/ and I.d &es &e ge ing &ack &efore Gage s ar s o sho2 ing and wa0ing ha &ig wooden s'oon of his. By yo2r lea0e/ -y 'rince.: !he sho2ld ne0er ha0e alked a&o2 he wolf drea-s/ Bran ho2gh as 6odor carried hi- 2' he s e's o his &edcha-&er. 6e fo2gh agains slee' as long as he co2ld/ &2 in he end i ook hi- as i always did. )n his nigh he drea-ed of he weirwood. i was looking a hi- wi h i s dee' red eyes/ calling o hi- wi h i s wis ed wooden -o2 h/ and fro- i s 'ale &ranches he hree7eyed crow ca-e fla''ing/ 'ecking a his face and crying his na-e in a 0oice as shar' as swords. The &las of horns woke hi-. Bran '2shed hi-self on o his side/ gra ef2l for he re'rie0e. 6e heard horses and &ois ero2s sho2 ing. More g2es s ha0e co-e/ and half7dr2nk &y he noise of he-. Gras'ing his &ars he '2lled hi-self fro- he &ed and o0er o he window sea . )n heir &anner was a gian in sha ered chains ha old hi- ha hese were +-&er -en/ down fro- he nor hlands &eyond he *as Ri0er. The ne9 day wo of he- ca-e oge her o a2dience< he Grea ;on.s 2ncles/ &l2s ery -en in he win er of heir days wi h &eards as whi e as he &earskin cloaks hey wore. A crow had once aken Mors for dead and 'ecked o2 his eye/ so he wore a ch2nk of dragonglass in i s s ead. As )ld 5an old he ale/ he.d gra&&ed he crow in his fis and &i en i s head off/ so hey na-ed hi- Crowfood. !he wo2ld ne0er ell Bran why his ga2n &ro her 6o her was called 3hores&ane. 5o sooner had hey &een sea ed han Mors asked for lea0e o wed *ady 6ornwood. :The Grea ;on.s he =o2ng 3olf.s s rong righ hand/ all know ha o &e r2e. 3ho &e er o 'ro ec he widow.s lands han an +-&er/

and wha +-&er &e er han -e8: :*ady 1onella is s ill grie0ing/: Maes er *2win said. :I ha0e a c2re for grief 2nder -y f2rs.: Mors la2ghed. !er Rodrik hanked hi- co2r eo2sly and 'ro-ised o &ring he -a er &efore he lady and he king. 6o her wan ed shi's. :There.s wildlings s ealing down fro- he nor h/ -ore han I.0e e0er seen &efore. They cross he Bay of !eals in li le &oa s and wash 2' on o2r shores. The crows in ,as wa ch are oo few o s o' he-/ and hey go o gro2nd 42ick as weasels. I .s longshi's we need/ aye/ and s rong -en o sail he-. The Grea ;on ook oo -any. 6alf o2r har0es is gone o seed for wan of ar-s o swing he scy hes.: !er Rodrik '2lled a his whiskers. :=o2 ha0e fores s of all 'ine and old oak. *ord Manderly has shi'wrigh s and sailors in 'len y. Toge her yo2 o2gh o &e a&le o floa eno2gh longshi's o g2ard &o h yo2r coas s.: :Manderly8: Mors +-&er snor ed. :Tha grea waddling sack of s2e 8 6is own 'eo'le -ock hi- as *ord *a-'rey/ I.0e heard. The -an can scarce walk. If yo2 s 2ck a sword in his &elly/ en ho2sand eels wo2ld wriggle o2 .: :6e is fa /: !er Rodrik ad-i ed/ :&2 he is no s 2'id. =o2 will work wi h hi-/ or he king will know he reason why.: And o Bran.s as onish-en / he r2c2len +-&ers agreed o do as he co--anded/ ho2gh no wi ho2 gr2-&ling. 3hile hey were si ing a a2dience/ he Glo0er -en arri0ed fro1ee'wood Mo e/ and a large 'ar y of Tallhar s fro- Torrhen.s !42are. Gal&ar and Ro&e Glo0er had lef 1ee'wood in he hands of Ro&e .s wife/ &2 i was heir s eward who ca-e o 3in erfell. :My lady &egs ha yo2 e9c2se her a&sence. 6er &a&es are s ill oo yo2ng for s2ch a ;o2rney/ and she was loa h o lea0e he-.: Bran soon reali>ed ha i was he s eward/ no *ady Glo0er/ who r2ly r2led a 1ee'wood Mo e. The -an allowed ha he was a 'resen se ing aside only a en h of his har0es . A hedge wi>ard had old hi- here wo2ld &e a &o2n if2l s'iri s2--er &efore he cold se in/ he clai-ed. Maes er *2win had a n2-&er of choice hings o say a&o2 hedge wi>ards. !er Rodrik co--anded he -an o se aside a fif h/ and 42es ioned he s eward closely a&o2 *ord 6ornwood.s &as ard/ he &oy *arence !now. in he nor h/ all high&orn &as ards ook he s2rna-e !now This lad was near wel0e/ and he s eward 'raised his wi s and co2rage. :=o2r no ion a&o2 he &as ard -ay ha0e -eri / Bran/: Maes er *2win said af er. :)ne day yo2 will &e a good lord for 3in erfell/ I hink.// :5o I won. .: Bran knew he wo2ld ne0er &e a lord/ no -ore han he co2ld &e a knigh . :Ro&&.s o -arry so-e Frey girl/ yo2 old -e so yo2rself/ and he 3alders say he sa-e. 6e.ll ha0e sons/ and hey.ll &e he lords of 3in erfell af er hi-/ no -e.: :I -ay &e so/ Bran/: !er Rodrik said/ :&2 I was wed hree i-es and -y wi0es ga0e -e da2gh ers. 5ow only Be h re-ains o -e. My &ro her Mar yn fa hered fo2r s rong sons/ ye only @ory li0ed o &e a -an. 3hen he was slain/ Mar yn.s line died wi h hi-. 3hen we s'eak of he -orrow no hing is e0er cer ain.: *eo&ald Tallhar had his 2rn he following day. 6e s'oke of wea her 'or en s and he slack wi s of s-allfolk/ and old how his ne'hew i ched for &a le. :Benfred has raised his own co-'any of lances. Boys/ none older han nine een years/ &2 e0ery one hinks he.s ano her yo2ng wolf. 3hen I old he- hey were only yo2ng ra&&i s/ hey la2ghed a -e. 5ow hey call he-sel0es he 3ild 6ares and gallo' a&o2 he co2n ry wi h ra&&i skins ied o he ends of heir lances/ singing songs of chi0alry.:

Bran ho2gh ha so2nded grand. 6e re-e-&ered Benfred Tallhar / a &ig &l2ff lo2d &oy who had of en 0isi ed 3in erfell wi h his fa her/ !er 6el-an/ and had &een friendly wi h Ro&& and wi h Theon Grey;oy. B2 !er Rodrik was clearly dis'leased &y wha he heard. :If he king were in need of -ore -en/ he wo2ld send for he-/: he said. :Ins r2c yo2r ne'hew ha he is o re-ain a Torrhen.s !42are/ as his lord fa her co--anded.: :I will/ ser/: said *eo&ald/ and only hen raised he -a er of *ady 6ornwood. (oor hing/ wi h no h2s&and o defend her lands nor son o inheri . 6is own lady wife was a 6ornwood/ sis er o he la e *ord 6alys/ do2& less hey recalled. :An e-' y hall is a sad one. I had a ho2gh o send -y yo2nger son o *ady 1onella o fos er as her own. Beren is near en/ a likely lad/ and her own ne'hew. 6e wo2ld cheer her/ I a- cer ain/ and 'erha's he wo2ld e0en ake he na-e 6ornwood :If he were na-ed heir8: s2gges ed Maes er *2win. :. . . so he 6o2se -igh con in2e/: finished *eo&ald. Bran knew wha o say. :Thank yo2 for he no ion/ -y lord/: he &l2r ed o2 &efore !er Rodrik co2ld s'eak. :3e will &ring he -a er o -y &ro her Ro&&. )h/ and *ady 6ornwood.: *eo&ald see-ed s2r'rised ha he had s'oken. :I.- gra ef2l/ -y 'rince/: he said/ &2 Bran saw 'i y in his 'ale &l2e eyes/ -ingled 'erha's wi h a li le gladness ha he cri''le was/ af er all/ no his son. For a -o-en he ha ed he -an. Maes er *2win liked hi- &e er/ ho2gh. :Beren Tallhar -ay well &e o2r &es answer/: he old he- when *eo&ald had gone. :By &lood he is half 6ornwood. If he akes his 2ncle.s na-e . . .: :. . . he will s ill &e a &oy/: said !er Rodrik/ :and hard7'ressed o hold his lands agains he likes of Mors +-&er or his &as ard of Roose Bol on.s. 3e -2s hink on his caref2lly. Ro&& sho2ld ha0e o2r &es co2nsel &efore he -akes his decision.: :I -ay co-e down o 'rac icali ies/: said Maes er *2win. :3hich lord he -os needs o co2r . The ri0erlands are 'ar of his real-/ he -ay wish o ce-en he alliance &y wedding *ady 6ornwood o one of he lords of he Triden . A Blackwood/ 'erha's/ or a Frey7: :*ady 6ornwood can ha0e one of o2r Freys/: said Bran. :!he can ha0e &o h of he- if she likes.: :=o2 are no kind/ -y 'rince/: !er Rodrik chided gen ly. 5ei her are he 3aIders. !cowling/ Bran s ared down a he a&le and said no hing. In he days ha followed/ ra0ens arri0ed fro- o her lordly ho2ses/ &earing regre s. The &as ard of he 1readfor wo2ld no &e ;oining he-/ he Mor-on s and Kars arks had all gone so2 h wi h Ro&&/ *ord *ocke was oo old o dare he ;o2rney/ *ady Flin was hea0y wi h child/ here was sickness a 3idow.s 3a ch. Finally all of he 'rinci'al 0assals of 6o2se ! ark had &een heard fro- sa0e for 6owland Reed he crannog-an/ who had no se foo o2 side his swa-'s for -any a year/ and he Cerwyns whose cas le lay a half day.s ride fro- 3in erfell. *ord Cerwyn was a ca' i0e of he *annis ers/ &2 his son/ a lad of fo2r een/ arri0ed one &righ / &l2s ery -orning a he head of wo do>en lances. Bran was riding 1ancer aro2nd he yard when hey ca-e hro2gh he ga e. 6e ro ed o0er o gree he-. Cley Cerwyn had always &een a friend o Bran and his &ro hers. :Good -orrow/ Bran/: Cley called o2 cheerf2lly. :)r -2s I call yo2 (rince Bran now8: :)nly if yo2 wan .: Cley la2ghed. :3hy no 8 ,0eryone else is a king or 'rince hese days. 1id ! annis wri e 3in erfell as well8:

:! annis8 I don. know.: :6e.s a king now oo/: Cley confided. :6e says F2een Cersei &edded her &ro her/ so @offrey is a &as ard.: :loffrey he Ill&orn/: one of he Cerwyn knigh s growled. :!-all wonder he.s fai hless/ wi h he Kingslayer for a fa her.: :Aye/: said ano her/ : he gods ha e inces . *ook how hey &ro2gh down he Targaryens.: For a -o-en Bran fel as ho2gh he co2ld no &rea he. A gian hand was cr2shing his ches . 6e fel as ho2gh he was falling/ and cl2 ched des'era ely a 1ancer.s reins. 6is error -2s ha0e shown on his face. :Bran8: Cley Cerwyn said. :Are yo2 2nwell8 I .s only ano her king.: :Ro&& will &ea hi- oo.: 6e 2rned 1ancer.s head oward he s a&les/ o&li0io2s o he '2>>led s ares he Cerwyns ga0e hi-. 6is &lood was roaring in his ears/ and had he no &een s ra''ed on o his saddle he -igh well ha0e fallen. Tha nigh Bran 'rayed o his fa her.s gods for drea-less slee'. If he gods heard/ hey -ocked his ho'es/ for he nigh -are hey sen was worse han any wolf drea-. :Fly or die?: cried he hree7eyed crow as i 'ecked a hi-. 6e we' and 'leaded &2 he crow had no 'i y. I '2 o2 his lef eye and hen his righ / and when he was &lind in he dark i 'ecked a his &row/ dri0ing i s erri&le shar' &eak dee' in o his sk2ll. 6e screa-ed 2n il he was cer ain his l2ngs -2s &2rs . The 'ain was an a9e s'li ing his head a'ar / &2 when he crow wrenched o2 i s &eak all sli-y wi h &i s of &one and &rain/ Bran co2ld see again. 3ha he saw -ade hi- gas' in fear. 6e was clinging o a ower -iles high/ and his fingers were sli''ing/ nails scra&&ling a he s one/ his legs dragging hi- down/ s 2'id 2seless dead legs. :6el' -e?: he cried. A golden -an a''eared in he sky a&o0e hi- and '2lled hi- 2'. :The hings I do for lo0e/: he -2r-2red sof ly as he ossed hi- o2 kicking in o e-' y air. C6A(T,R 1J T=RI)5 :I do no slee' as I did when I was yo2nger/: Grand Maes er (ycelle old hi-/ &y way of a'ology for he dawn -ee ing. :I wo2ld sooner &e 2'/ ho2gh he world &e dark/ han lie res less a&ed/ fre ing on asks 2ndone/: he said7 ho2gh his hea0y7lidded eyes -ade hi- look half7 aslee' as he said i . in he airy cha-&ers &enea h he rookery/ his girl ser0ed he- &oiled eggs/ s ewed 'l2-s/ and 'orridge/ while (ycelle ser0ed he 'on ifica ions. :In hese sad i-es/ when so -any h2nger/ I hink i only fi ing o kee' -y a&le s'are.: :Co--enda&le/: Tyrion ad-i ed/ &reaking a large &rown egg ha re-inded hi- 2nd2ly of he Grand Maes er.s &ald s'o ed head. :I ake a differen 0iew. If here is food I ea i / in case here is none on he -orrow.: 6e s-iled. :Tell -e/ are yo2r ra0ens early risers as well8: (ycelle s roked he snowy &eard ha flowed down his ches . :To &e s2re. !hall I send for 42ill and ink af er we ha0e ea en8: :5o need.: Tyrion laid he le ers on he a&le &eside his 'orridge/ win 'arch-en s igh ly rolled and sealed wi h wa9 a &o h ends. :!end yo2r girl away/ so we can alk.: :*ea0e 2s/ child/: (ycelle co--anded. The ser0ing girl h2rried fro- he roo-. :These le ers/ now . . .: :For he eyes of 1oran Mar ell/ (rince of 1orne.: Tyrion 'eeled he

cracked shell away fro- his egg and ook a &i e. I wan ed sal . :)ne le er/ in wo co'ies. !end yo2r swif es &irds. The -a er is of grea i-'or .: :I shall dis'a ch he- as soon as we ha0e &roken o2r fas .: :1is'a ch he- now. ! ewed 'l2-s will kee'. The real- -ay no . *ord Renly is leading his hos 2' he roseroad/ and no one can say when *ord ! annis will sail fro- 1ragons one.: (ycelle &linked. :If -y lord 'refers7: :6e does.: :I a- here o ser0e.: The -aes er '2shed hi-self 'ondero2sly o his fee his chain of office clinking sof ly. I was a hea0y hing/ a do>en -aes er.s collars hreaded aro2nd and hro2gh each o her and orna-en ed wi h ge-s ones. And i see-ed o Tyrion ha he gold and sil0er and 'la in2- links far o2 n2-&ered hose of &aser -e als. (ycelle -o0ed so slowly ha Tyrion had i-e o finish his egg and as e he 'l2-s7o0ercooked and wa ery/ o his as e7&efore he so2nd of wings 'ro-' ed hi- o rise. 6e s'ied he ra0en/ dark in he dawn sky/ and 2rned &riskly oward he -a>e of shel0es a he far end of he roo-. The -aes er.s -edicines -ade an i-'ressi0e dis'lay< do>ens of 'o s sealed wi h wa9/ h2ndreds of s o''ered 0ials/ as -any -ilkglass &o les/ co2n less ;ars of dried her&s/ each con ainer nea ly la&eled in (ycelle.s 'recise hand. An orderly -ind/ Tyrion reflec ed/ and indeed/ once yo2 '2>>led o2 he arrange-en / i was easy o see ha e0ery 'o ion had i s 'lace. And s2ch in eres ing hings. 6e no ed swee slee' and nigh shade/ -ilk of he 'o''y/ he ears of *ys/ 'owdered greyca'/ wolfs&ane and de-on.s dance/ &asilisk 0eno-/ &lindeye/ widow.s &lood . . . ! anding on his oes and s raining 2'ward/ he -anaged o '2ll a s-all d2s y &o le off he high shelf. 3hen he read he la&el/ he s-iled and sli''ed i 2' his slee0e. 6e was &ack a he a&le 'eeling ano her egg when Grand Maes er (ycelle ca-e cree'ing down he s airs. :I is done/ -y lord.: The old -an sea ed hi-self. :A -a er like his . . . &es done 'ro-' ly/ indeed/indeed . . . of grea i-'or / yo2 say8: :)h/ yes.: The 'orridge was oo hick/ Tyrion fel / and wan ed &2 er and honey. To &e s2re/ &2 er and honey were seldo- seen in King.s *anding of la e/ ho2gh *ord Gyles ke' he- well s2''lied in he cas le. 6alf of he food hey a e hese days ca-e fro- his lands or *ady Tanda.s. Ros&y and ! okewor h lay near he ci y o he nor h/ and were ye 2n o2ched &y war. :The (rince of 1orne/ hi-self. Migh I ask :Bes no .: :As yo2 say.: (ycelle.s c2riosi y was so ri'e ha Tyrion co2ld al-os as e i . :Mayha's . . . he king.s co2ncil . . .: Tyrion a''ed his wooden s'oon agains he edge of he &owl. :The co2ncil e9is s o ad0ise he king/ Maes er.: :@2s so/: said (ycelle/ :and he king7: :7is a &oy of hir een. I s'eak wi h his 0oice.: :!o yo2 do. Indeed. The King.s )wn 6and. =e . . . yo2r -os gracio2s sis er/ o2r F2een Regen / she . . .: :. . . &ears a grea weigh 2'on hose lo0ely whi e sho2lders of hers. I ha0e no wish o add o her &2rdens. 1o yo28: Tyrion cocked his head and ga0e he Grand Maes er an in42iring s are. (ycelle dro''ed his ga>e &ack o his food. !o-e hing a&o2 Tyrion.s -is-a ched green7and7&lack eyes -ade -en s42ir-< knowing ha / he -ade good 2se of he-. :Ah/: he old -an -2 ered in o his 'l2-s. :1o2& less

yo2 ha0e he righ of i / -y lord. I is -os considera e of yo2 o . . . s'are her his . . . &2rden.: :Tha .s ;2s he sor of fellow I a-.: Tyrion re 2rned o he 2nsa isfac ory 'orridge. :Considera e. Cersei is -y own swee sis er/ af er all.: :And a wo-an/ o &e s2re/: Grand Maes er (ycelle said. :A -os 2nco--on wo-an/ and ye . . . i is no s-all hing/ o end o all he cares of he real-/ des'i e he frail y of her se9 . . .: )h/ yes/ she.s a frail do0e/ ;2s ask ,ddard ! ark. :I.- 'leased yo2 share -y concern. And I hank yo2 for he hos'i ali y of yo2r a&le. B2 a long day awai s.: 6e sw2ng his legs o2 and cla-&ered down frohis chair. :Be so good as o infor- -e a once sho2ld we recei0e a re'ly fro- 1orne8 : :As yo2 say/ -y lord.: :And only -e8: :Ah . . . o &e s2re.: (ycelle.s s'o ed hand was cl2 ching a his &eard he way a drowning -an cl2 ches for a ro'e. I -ade Tyrion.s hear glad. )ne/ he ho2gh . 6e waddled o2 in o he lower &ailey< his s 2n ed legs co-'lained of he s e's. The s2n was well 2' now/ and he cas le was s irring. G2ards-en walked he walls/ and knigh s and -en7a 7ar-s were raining wi h &l2n ed wea'ons. 5ear&y/ Bror- sa on he li' of a well. A 'air of co-ely ser0ing girls sa2n ered 'as carrying a wicker &aske of r2shes &e ween he-/ &2 he sellsword ne0er looked. :Bror-/ I des'air of yo2.: Tyrion ges 2red a he wenches. :3i h swee sigh s like ha &efore yo2/ all yo2 see is a gaggle of lo2 s raising a clangor.: :There are a h2ndred whoreho2ses in his ci y where a cli''ed co''er will &2y -e all he c2n I wan /: Bror- answered/ :&2 one day -y life -ay hang on how close I.0e wa ched yo2r lo2 s.: 6e s ood. :3ho.s he &oy in he checkered &l2e s2rcoa wi h he hree eyes on his shield8: :!o-e hedge knigh . Tallad/ he na-es hi-self. 3hy8: Bronn '2shed a fall of hair fro- his eyes. :6e.s he &es of he-. B2 wa ch hi-/ he falls in o a rhy h-/ deli0ering he sa-e s rokes in he sa-e order each i-e he a acks.: 6e grinned. :Tha will &e he dea h of hi-/ he day he faces -e.: :6e.s 'ledged o @offrey< he.s no like o face yo2.: They se off across he &ailey/ Bror- -a ching his long s ride o Tyrion.s shor one. These days he sellsword was looking al-os res'ec a&le. 6is dark hair was washed and &r2shed/ he was freshly sha0ed/ and he wore he &lack &reas 'la e of an officer of he Ci y 3a ch. Fro- his sho2lders railed a cloak of *annis er cri-son 'a erned wi h golden hands. Tyrion had -ade hi- a gif of i when he na-ed7hi- ca' ain of his 'ersonal g2ard. :6ow -any s2''lican s do we ha0e oday8: he in42ired. :Thir y odd/: answered Bror-. :Mos wi h co-'lain s/ or wan ing so-e hing/ as e0er. =o2r 'e was &ack.: 6e groaned. :*ady Tanda8: :6er 'age. !he in0i es yo2 o s2' wi h her again. There.s o &e a ha2nch of 0enison/ she says/ a &race of s 2ffed geese sa2ced wi h -2l&erries/ and7: :7her da2gh er/: Tyrion finished so2rly. !ince he ho2r he had arri0ed in he Red Kee'/ *ady Tanda had &een s alking hi-/ ar-ed wi h a ne0er7 ending arsenal of la-'rey 'ies/ wild &oars/ and sa0ory crea- s ews. !o-ehow she had go en he no ion ha a dwarf lordling wo2ld &e he 'erfec consor for her da2gh er *ollys/ a large/ sof / di-7wi ed girl who r2-or said was s ill a -aid a hir y7and7 hree. :!end her -y regre s.: :5o as e for s 2ffed goose8: Bronn grinned e0illy.

:(erha's yo2 sho2ld ea he goose and -arry he -aid. )r &e er s ill/ send !hagga.: :!hagga.s -ore like o ea he -aid and -arry he goose/: o&ser0ed Bronn. :Anyway/ *ollys o2 weighs hi-.: :There is ha /: Tyrion ad-i ed as hey 'assed 2nder he shadow of a co0ered walkway &e ween wo owers. :3ho else wan s -e8: The sellsword grew -ore serio2s. :There.s a -oneylender fro- Braa0os/ holding fancy 'a'ers and he like/ re42es s o see he king a&o2 'ay-en on so-e loan.: :As if @off co2ld co2n 'as wen y. !end he -an o *i lefinger/ he.ll find a way o '2 hi- off. 5e9 8: :A lordling down fro- he Triden / says yo2r fa her.s -en &2rned his kee'/ ra'ed his wife/ and killed all his 'easan s.: :I &elie0e hey call ha war.: Tyrion s-elled Gregor Clegane.s work/ or ha of !er A-ory *orch or his fa her.s o her 'e hellho2nd/ he Fohorik. :3ha does he wan of @offrey8: :5ew 'easan s/: Bronn said. :6e walked all his way o sing how loyal he is and &eg for reco-'ense.: :I.ll -ake i-e for hi- on he -orrow.: 3he her r2ly loyal or -erely des'era e/ a co-'lian ri0er lord -igh ha0e his 2ses. :!ee ha he.s gi0en a co-for a&le cha-&er and a ho -eal. !end hi- a new 'air of &oo s as well/ good ones/ co2r esy of King @offrey.: A show of generosi y ne0er h2r . Bror- ga0e a c2r nod. :There.s also a grea gaggle of &akers/ &2 chers/ and greengrocers cla-oring o &e heard.: :I old he- las i-e/ I ha0e no hing o gi0e he-.: )nly a hin rickle of food was co-ing in o King.s *anding/ -os of i ear-arked for cas le and garrison. (rices had risen sickeningly high on greens/ roo s/ flo2r/ and fr2i / and Tyrion did no wan o hink a&o2 wha sor s of flesh -igh &e going in o he ke les of he 'o 7sho's down in Flea Bo o-. Fish/ he ho'ed. They s ill had he ri0er and he sea . . . a leas 2n il *ord ! annis sailed. :They wan 'ro ec ion. *as nigh a &aker was roas ed in his own o0en. The -o& clai-ed he charged oo -2ch for &read.: :1id he8: :6e.s no a' o deny i .: :They didn. ea hi-/ did hey8: :5o ha I.0e heard.: :5e9 i-e hey will/: Tyrion said gri-ly. :I gi0e he- wha 'ro ec ion I can. The gold cloaks7: :They clai- here were gold cloaks in he -o&/: Bror- said. de-anding o s'eak o he king hi-self.: :Fools.: Tyrion had sen he- off wi h regre s< his ne'hew wo2ld send he- off wi h whi's and s'ears. 6e was half7 e-' ed o allow i . . . &2 no/ he dare no . !oon or la e/ so-e ene-y wo2ld -arch on King.s *anding/ and he las hing he wan ed was willing rai ors wi hin he ci y walls. :Tell he- King @offrey shares heir fears and will do all he can for he-.: :They wan &read/ no 'ro-ises.: :If I gi0e he- &read oday/ on he -orrow I.ll ha0e wice as -any a he ga es. 3ho else8: :A &lack &ro her down fro- he 3all. The s eward says he &ro2gh so-e ro ed hand in a ;ar.: Tyrion s-iled wanly. :I.- s2r'rised no one a e i . I s2''ose I o2gh o see hi-. I .s no =oren/ 'erchance8: :5o. !o-e knigh . Thorne.: :!er Alliser Thorne8: )f all he &lack &ro hers he.d -e on he 3all/

Tyrion *annis er had liked !er Alliser Thorne he leas . A &i er/ -ean7 s'iri ed -an wi h oo grea a sense of his own wor h. :Co-e o hink on i / I don. &elie0e I care o see !er Alliser ;2s now. Find hi- a sn2g cell where no one has changed he r2shes in a year/ and le his hand ro a li le -ore.: Bronn snor ed la2gh er and wen his way/ while Tyrion s r2ggled 2' he ser'en ine s e's. As he li-'ed across he o2 er yard/ he heard he 'or c2llis ra ling 2'. 6is sis er and a large 'ar y were wai ing &y he -ain ga e. Mo2n ed on her whi e 'alfrey/ Cersei owered high a&o0e hi-/ a goddess in green. :Bro her/: she called o2 / no war-ly. The 42een had no &een 'leased &y he way he.d deal wi h @anos !lyn . :=o2r Grace.: Tyrion &owed 'oli ely. :=o2 look lo0ely his -orning.: 6er crown was gold/ her cloak er-ine. 6er re in2e sa heir -o2n s &ehind herB !er Boros Blo2n of he Kingsg2ard/ wearing whi e scale and his fa0ori e scowl< !er Balon !wann/ &ow sl2ng fro- his sil0er7inlay saddle< *ord Gyles Ros&y/ his whee>ing co2gh worse han e0er< 6allyne he (yro-ancer of he Alche-is s. G2ild< and he 42een.s newes fa0ori e/ heir co2sin !er *ancel *annis er/ her la e h2s&and.s s42ire 2';2-'ed o knigh a his widow.s insis ence. Vylarr and wen y g2ards-en rode escor . :3here are yo2 &o2nd his day/ sis er8: Tyrion asked. :I.- -aking a ro2nd of he ga es o ins'ec he new scor'ions and s'i fires. I wo2ld no ha0e i ho2gh ha all of 2s are as indifferen o he ci y.s defense as yo2 see- o &e.: Cersei fi9ed hiwi h hose clear green eyes of hers/ &ea2 if2l e0en in heir con e-' . :I a- infor-ed ha Renly Bara heon has -arched fro- 6ighgarden. 6e is -aking his way 2' he roseroad/ wi h all his s reng h &ehind hi-.: :Varys ga0e -e he sa-e re'or .: :6e co2ld &e here &y he f2ll -oon.: :5o a his 'resen leis2rely 'ace/: Tyrion ass2red her. :6e feas s e0ery nigh in a differen cas le/ and holds co2r a e0ery crossroads he 'asses.: :And e0ery day/ -ore -en rally o his &anners. 6is hos is now said o &e a h2ndred ho2sand s rong.: :Tha see-s ra her high.: :6e has he 'ower of ! or-.s ,nd and 6ighgarden &ehind hi-/ yo2 li le fool/: Cersei sna''ed down a hi-. :All he Tyrell &anner-en &2 for he Redwynes/ and yo2 ha0e -e o hank for ha . !o long as I hold hose 'o9y wins of his/ *ord (a9 er will s42a on he Ar&or and co2n hi-self for 2na e o &e o2 of i .: :A 'i y yo2 le he Knigh of Flowers sli' hro2gh yo2r 're y fingers. ! ill/ Renly has o her concerns &esides 2s. )2r fa her a 6arrenhal/ Ro&& ! ark a Ri0err2n . . . were I he/ I wo2ld do -2ch as he is doing. Make -y 'rogress/ fla2n -y 'ower for he real- o see/ wa ch/ wai . *e -y ri0als con end while I &ide -y own swee i-e. If ! ark defea s 2s/ he so2 h will fall in o Renly.s hands like a windfall fro- he gods/ and he.ll no ha0e los a -an. And if i goes he o her way/ he can descend on 2s while we are weakened.: Cersei was no a''eased. :I wan yo2 o -ake Fa her &ring his ar-y o King.s *anding.: 3here i will ser0e no '2r'ose &2 o -ake yo2 feel safe. :3hen ha0e I e0er &een a&le o -ake Fa her do any hing8: !he ignored he 42es ion. :And when do yo2 'lan o free @ai-e8 6e.s wor h a h2ndred of yo2.: Tyrion grinned crookedly. :1on. ell *ady ! ark/ I &eg yo2. 3e don.

ha0e a h2ndred of -e o rade.: :Fa her -2s ha0e &een -ad o send yo2. worse han 2seless.: The 42een ;erked on her reins and wheeled her 'alfrey aro2nd. !he rode o2 he ga e a a &risk ro / er-ine cloak s rea-ing &ehind her. 6er re in2e has ened af er. In r2 h/ Renly Bara heon did no frigh en Tyrion half so -2ch as his &ro her ! annis did. Renly was &elo0ed of he co--ons/ &2 he had ne0er &efore led -en in war. ! annis was o herwiseB hard/ cold/ ine9ora&le. if only hey had so-e way of knowing wha was ha''ening on 1ragons one . . . &2 no one of he fisherfolk he had 'aid o s'y o2 he island had e0er re 2rned/ and e0en he infor-ers he e2n2ch clai-ed o ha0e 'laced in ! annis.s ho2sehold had &een o-ino2sly silen . The s ri'ed h2lls of *ysene war galleys had &een seen offshore/ ho2gh/ and Varys had re'or s fro- Myr of sellsail ca' ains aking ser0ice wi h 1ragons one. ff ! annis a acks &y sea while his &ro her Renly s or-s he ga es/ hey.ll soon &e -o2n ing foffrey.s head on a s'ike. 3orse/ -ine will &e &eside hi-. A de'ressing ho2gh . 6e o2gh o -ake 'lans o ge !hae safely o2 of he ci y/ sho2ld he wors see- likely. (odrick (ayne s ood a he door of his solar/ s 2dying he floor. :6e.s inside/: he anno2nced o Tyrion.s &el &2ckle. :=o2r solar. My lord. !orry.: Tyrion sighed. :*ook a -e/ (od. I 2nner0es -e when yo2 alk o -y cod'iece/ es'ecially when I.- no wearing one. 3ho is inside -y solar8: :*ord *i lefinger.: (odrick -anaged a 42ick look a his face/ hen has ily dro''ed his eyes. :I -ean / *ord (e yr. *ord Baelish. The -as er of coin. : :=o2 -ake hi- so2nd a crowd.: The &oy h2nched down as if s r2ck/ -aking Tyrion feel a&s2rdly g2il y. *ord (e yr was sea ed on his window sea / lang2id and elegan in a 'l2sh 'l2-7colored do2&le and a yellow sa in ca'e/ one glo0ed hand res ing on his knee. :The king is figh ing hares wi h a cross&ow/: he said. :The hares are winning. Co-e see.: Tyrion had o s and on his oes o ge a look. A dead hare lay on he gro2nd &elow< ano her/ long ears wi ching/ was a&o2 o e9'ire frohe &ol in his side. !'en 42arrels lay s rewn across he hard7'acked ear h like s raws sca ered &y a s or-. :5ow?: @off sho2 ed. The ga-es-an released he hare he was holding/ and he wen &o2nding off. @offrey ;erked he rigger on he cross&ow. The &ol -issed &y wo fee . The hare s ood on his hind legs and wi ched his nose a he king. C2rsing/ @off s'2n he wheel o winch &ack his s ring/ &2 he ani-al was gone &efore he was loaded. :Ano her?: The ga-es-an reached in o he h2 ch. This one -ade a &rown s reak agains he s ones/ while @offrey.s h2rried sho al-os ook !er (res on in he groin. *i lefinger 2rned away. :Boy/ are yo2 fond of 'o ed hare8: he asked (odrick (ayne. (od s ared a he 0isi or.s &oo s/ lo0ely hings of red7dyed lea her orna-en ed wi h &lack scrollwork. :To ea / -y lord8: :In0es in 'o s/: *i lefinger ad0ised. :6ares will soon o0err2n he cas le. 3e.ll &e ea ing hare hrice a day.: :Be er han ra s on a skewer/: said Tyrion. :(od/ lea0e 2s. +nless *ord (e yr wo2ld care for so-e refresh-en 8: :Thank yo2/ &2 no.: *i lefinger flashed his -ocking s-ile. :1rink wi h he dwarf/ i .s said/ and yo2 wake 2' walking he 3all. Black &rings o2 -y 2nheal hy 'allor.: 6a0e no fear/ -y lord/ Tyrion ho2gh / i .s no he 3all I ha0e in -ind for yo2. 6e sea ed hi-self in a high chair 'iled wi h c2shions and said/ :=o2 look 0ery elegan oday/ -y lord.:

:I.- wo2nded. I s ri0e o look elegan e0ery day.: :Is he do2&le new8: :I is. -os o&ser0an .: :(l2- and yellow. Are hose he colors of yo2r 6o2se8: :5o. B2 a -an ge s &ored wearing he sa-e colors day in and day o2 / or so I.0e fo2nd.: :Tha .s a handso-e knife as well.: :Is i 8: There was -ischief in *i lefinger.s eyes. 6e drew he knife and glanced a i cas2ally/ as if he had ne0er seen i &efore. :Valyrian s eel/ and a dragon&one hil . A rifle 'lain/ ho2gh. I .s yo2rs/ if yo2 wo2ld like i .: :Mine8: Tyrion ga0e hi- a long look. :5o. I hink no . 5e0er -ine.: 6e knows/ he insolen wre ch. 6e knows and he knows ha I know/ and he hinks ha I canno o2ch hi-. if e0er r2ly a -an had ar-ored hi-self in gold/ i was (e yr Baelish/ no @ai-e *annis er. @ai-e.s fa-o2s ar-or was &2 gilded s eel/ &2 *i lefinger/ ah . . . Tyrion had learned a few hings a&o2 swee (e yr/ o his growing dis42ie . Ten years ago/ @on Arryn had gi0en hi- a -inor sinec2re in c2s o-s/ where *ord (e yr had soon dis ing2ished hi-self &y &ringing in hree i-es as -2ch as any of he king.s o her collec ors. King Ro&er had &een a 'rodigio2s s'ender. A -an like (e yr Baelish/ who had a gif for r2&&ing wo golden dragons oge her o &reed a hird/ was in0al2a&le o his 6and. *i lefinger.s rise had &een arrow7swif . 3i hin hree years of his co-ing o co2r / he was -as er of coin and a -e-&er of he s-all co2ncil/ and oday he crown.s re0en2es were en i-es wha hey had &een 2nder his &eleag2ered 'redecessor . . . ho2gh he crown.s de& s had grown 0as as well. A -as er ;2ggler was (e yr Baelish. )h/ he was cle0er. 6e did no si-'ly collec he gold and lock i in a reas2re 0a2l / no. 6e 'aid he king.s de& s in 'ro-ises/ and '2 he king.s gold o work. 6e &o2gh wagons/ sho's/ shi's/ ho2ses. 6e &o2gh grain when i was 'len if2l and sold &read when i was scarce. 6e &o2gh wool fro- he nor h and linen fro- he so2 h and lace fro- *ys/ s ored i / -o0ed i / dyed i / sold i . The golden dragons &red and -2l i'lied/ and *i lefinger len he- o2 and &ro2gh he- ho-e wi h ha chlings. And in he 'rocess/ he -o0ed his own -en in o 'lace. The Kee'ers of he Keys were his/ all fo2r. The King.s Co2n er and he King.s !cales were -en he.d na-ed. The officers in charge of all hree -in s. 6ar&or-as ers/ a9 far-ers/ c2s o-s sergean s/ wool fac ors/ oll collec ors/ '2rsers/ wine fac ors< nine of e0ery en &elonged o *i lefinger. They were -en of -iddling &ir h/ &y and large< -erchan s. sons/ lesser lordlings/ so-e i-es e0en foreigners/ &2 ;2dging froheir res2l s/ far -ore a&le han heir high&orn 'redecessors. 5o one had e0er ho2gh o 42es ion he a''oin -en s/ and why sho2ld hey8 *i lefinger was no hrea o anyone. A cle0er/ s-iling/ genial -an/ e0eryone.s friend/ always a&le o find wha e0er gold he king or his 6and re42ired/ and ye of s2ch 2ndis ing2ished &ir h/ one s e' 2' fro- a hedge knigh / he was no a -an o fear. 6e had no &anners o call/ no ar-y of re ainers/ no grea s ronghold/ no holdings o s'eak of/ no 'ros'ec s of a grea -arriage. B2 do I dare o2ch hi-8 Tyrion wondered. ,0en if he is a rai or8 6e was no a all cer ain he co2ld/ leas of all now/ while he war raged. Gi0en i-e/ he co2ld re'lace *i lefinger.s -en wi h his own in key 'osi ions/ &2 . . . A sho2 rang 2' fro- he yard. :Ah/ 6is Grace has killed a hare/: *ord Baelish o&ser0ed.

:5o do2& a slow one/: Tyrion said. :My lord/ yo2 were fos ered a Ri0err2n. I.0e heard i said ha yo2 grew close o he T2llys.: :=o2 -igh say so. The girls es'ecially.: :6ow close8: :I had heir -aidenhoods. Is ha close eno2gh8: The lie7Tyrion was fairly cer ain i was a lie7was deli0ered wi h s2ch an air of nonchalance ha one co2ld al-os &elie0e i . Co2ld i ha0e &een Ca elyn ! ark who lied8 A&o2 her deflora ion/ and he dagger as well8 The longer he li0ed/ he -ore Tyrion reali>ed ha no hing was si-'le and li le was r2e. :*ord 6os er.s da2gh ers do no lo0e -e/: he confessed. :I do2& hey wo2ld lis en o any 'ro'osal I -igh -ake. =e co-ing fro- yo2/ he sa-e words -igh fall -ore swee ly on heir ears. : :Tha wo2ld de'end on he words. If yo2 -ean o offer !ansa in re 2rn for yo2r &ro her/ was e so-eone else.s i-e. @offrey will ne0er s2rrender his 'lay hing/ and *ady Ca elyn is no so grea a fool as o &ar er he Kingslayer for a sli' of a girl.: :I -ean o ha0e Arya as well. I ha0e -en searching.: :!earching is no finding.: :I.ll kee' ha in -ind/ -y lord. In any case/ i was *ady *ysa I ho'ed yo2 -igh sway. For her/ I ha0e a swee er offer.: :*ysa is -ore rac a&le han Ca elyn/ r2e . . . &2 also -ore fearf2l/ and I 2nders and she ha es yo2.: :!he &elie0es she has good reason. 3hen I was her g2es in he ,yrie/ she insis ed ha Id -2rdered her h2s&and and was no inclined o lis en o denials.: 6e leaned forward. :If I ga0e her @on Arryn.s r2e killer/ she -igh hink -ore kindly of -e.: Tha -ade *i lefinger si 2'. :Tr2e killer8 I confess/ yo2 -ake -e c2rio2s. 3ho do yo2 'ro'ose8: I was Tyrion.s 2rn o s-ile. :Gif s I gi0e -y friends/ freely. *ysa Arryn wo2ld need o 2nders and ha .: :Is i her friendshi' yo2 re42ire/ or her swords8: :Bo h.: *i lefinger s roked he nea s'ike of his &eard. :*ysa has woes of her own. Clans-en raiding o2 of he Mo2n ains of he Moon/ in grea er n2-&ers han e0er &efore . . . and &e er ar-ed.: :1is ressing/: said Tyrion *annis er/ who had ar-ed he-. :I co2ld hel' her wi h ha . A word fro- -e . . .: :And wha wo2ld his word cos her8: :I wan *ady *ysa and her son o acclai- @offrey as king/ o swear feal y/ and o -ake war on he ! arks and T2llys8: *i lefinger shook his head. :There.s he roach in yo2r '2dding/ *annis er. *ysa will ne0er send her knigh s agains Ri0err2n.: :5or wo2ld I ask i . 3e ha0e no lack of ene-ies. I.ll 2se her 'ower o o''ose *ord Renly/ or *ord ! annis/ sho2ld he s ir fro- 1ragons one. In re 2rn/ I will gi0e her ;2s ice for @on Arryn and 'eace in he Vale. I will e0en na-e ha a''alling child of hers 3arden of he ,as / as his fa her was &efore hi-.: I wan o see hi- fly/ a &oy.s 0oice whis'ered fain ly in -e-ory. :And o seal he &argain/ I will gi0e her -y niece.: 6e had he 'leas2re of seeing a look of gen2ine s2r'rise in (e yr Baelish.s grey7green eyes. :Myrcella8: :3hen she co-es of age/ she can wed li le *ord Ro&er . +n il s2ch i-e/ she.ll &e *ady *ysa.s ward a he ,yrie.: :And wha does 6er Grace he 42een hink of his 'loy8: 3hen Tyrion shr2gged/ *i lefinger &2rs in o la2gh er. :I ho2gh no . a

dangero2s li le -an/ *annis er. =es/ I co2ld sing his song o *ysa.: Again he sly s-ile/ he -ischief in his glance. :If I cared o.: Tyrion nodded/ wai ing/ knowing *i lefinger co2ld ne0er a&ide a long silence. :!o/: *ord (e yr con in2ed af er a 'a2se/ 2 erly 2na&ashed/ :wha .s in yo2r 'o for -e8: :6arrenhal.: I was in eres ing o wa ch his face. *ord (e yr.s fa her had &een he s-alles of s-all lords/ his grandfa her a landless hedge knigh < &y &ir h/ he held no -ore han a few s ony acres on he windswe' shore of he Fingers. 6arrenhal was one of he riches 'l2-s in he !e0en Kingdo-s/ i s lands &road and rich and fer ile/ i s grea cas le as for-ida&le as any in he real- . . . and so large as o dwarf Ri0err2n/ where (e yr Baelish had &een fos ered &y 6o2se T2lly/ only o &e &r2s42ely e9'elled when he dared raise his sigh s o *ord 6os er.s da2gh er. *i lefinger ook a -o-en o ad;2s he dra'e of his ca'e/ &2 Tyrion had seen he flash of h2nger in hose sly ca .s eyes. I ha0e hi-/ he knew. :6arrenhal is c2rsed/: *ord (e yr said af er a -o-en / rying o so2nd &ored. :Then ra>e i o he gro2nd and &2ild anew o s2i yo2rself. =o2.ll ha0e no lack of coin. I -ean o -ake yo2 liege lord of he Triden . These ri0er lords ha0e 'ro0en hey canno &e r2s ed. *e he- do yo2 feal y for heir lands.: :,0en he T2llys8: :If here are any T2llys lef when we are done.: *i lefinger looked like a &oy who had ;2s aken a f2r i0e &i e fro- a honeyco-&. 6e was rying o wa ch for &ees/ &2 he honey was so swee . :6arrenhal and all i s lands and inco-es/: he -2sed. :3i h a s roke/ yo2.d -ake -e one of he grea es lords in he real-. 5o ha I.2ngra ef2l/ -y lord/ &2 7why8: :=o2 ser0ed -y sis er well in he -a er of he s2ccession.: :As did @anos !lyn . )n who- his sa-e cas le of 6arrenhal was 42i e recen ly &es owed7only o &e sna ched away when he was no longer of 2se.: Tyrion la2ghed. :=o2 ha0e -e/ -y lord. 3ha can I say8 I need yo2 o deli0er he *ady *ysa. I did no need @anos !lyn .: 6e ga0e a crooked shr2g. :I.d sooner ha0e yo2 sea ed in 6arrenhal han Renly sea ed on he Iron Throne. 3ha co2ld &e 'lainer8: :3ha indeed. =o2 reali>e ha I -ay need o &ed *ysa Arryn again o ge her consen o his -arriage8: :I ha0e li le do2& yo2.ll &e e42al o he ask.: :I once old 5ed ! ark ha when yo2 find yo2rself naked wi h an 2gly wo-an/ he only hing o do is close yo2r eyes and ge on wi h i .: *i lefinger s ee'led his fingers and ga>ed in o Tyrion.s -is-a ched eyes. :Gi0e -e a for nigh o concl2de -y affairs and arrange for a shi' o carry -e o G2ll own.: :Tha will do nicely.: 6is g2es rose. :This has &een 42i e he 'leasan -orning/ *annis er. And 'rofi a&le . . . for &o h of 2s/ I r2s .: 6e &owed/ his ca'e a swirl of yellow as he s rode o2 he door. J3o/ ho2gh Tyrion. 6e wen 2' o his &edcha-&er o awai Varys/ who wo2ld soon &e -aking an a''earance. ,0enfall/ he g2essed. (erha's as la e as -oonrise/ ho2gh he ho'ed no . 6e ho'ed o 0isi !hae onigh . 6e was 'leasan ly s2r'rised when Gal of he ! one Crows infor-ed hi- no an ho2r la er ha he 'owdered -an was a his door. :=o2 are a cr2el -an/ o -ake

he Grand Maes er s42ir- so/: he e2n2ch scolded. :The -an canno a&ide a secre .: :Is ha a crow I hear/ calling he ra0en &lack8 )r wo2ld yo2 sooner no hear wha I.0e 'ro'osed o 1oran Mar ell8: Varys giggled. :(erha's -y li le &irds ha0e old -e.: :6a0e hey/ indeed8: 6e wan ed o hear his. :Go on.: :The 1ornish-en h2s far ha0e held aloof fro- hese wars. 1oran Mar ell has called his &anners/ &2 no -ore. 6is ha red for 6o2se *annis er is well known/ and i is co--only ho2gh he will ;oin *ord Renly. =o2 wish o diss2ade hi-.: :All his is o&0io2s/: said Tyrion. :The only '2>>le is wha yo2 -igh ha0e offered for his allegiance. The 'rince is a sen i-en al -an/ and he s ill -o2rns his sis er ,lia and her swee &a&e.: :My fa her once old -e ha a lord ne0er le s sen i-en ge in he way of a-&i ion . . . and i ha''ens we ha0e an e-' y sea on he s-all co2ncil/ now ha *ord @anos has aken he &lack.: :A co2ncil sea is no o &e des'ised/: Varys ad-i ed/ :ye will i &e eno2gh o -ake a 'ro2d -an forge his sis er.s -2rder8: :3hy forge 8: Tyrion s-iled. :I.0e 'ro-ised o deli0er his sis er.s killers/ ali0e or dead/ as he 'refers. Af er he war is done/ o &e s2re.: Varys ga0e hi- a shrewd look. :My li le &irds ell -e ha (rincess ,lia cried a . . . cer ain na-e . . . when hey ca-e for her.: :Is a secre s ill a secre if e0eryone knows i 8: In Cas erly Rock/ i was co--on knowledge ha Gregor Clegane had killed ,lia and her &a&e. They said he had ra'ed he 'rincess wi h her son.s &lood and &rains s ill on his hands. :This secre is yo2r lord fa her.s sworn -an.: :My fa her wo2ld &e he firs o ell yo2 ha fif y ho2sand 1ornish-en are wor h one ra&id dog.: Varys s roked a 'owdered cheek. :And if (rince 1oran de-ands he &lood of he lord who ga0e he co--and as well as he knigh who did he deed . . .: :Ro&er Bara heon led he re&ellion. All co--ands ca-e fro- hi-/ in he end.: :Ro&er was no a King.s *anding.: :5ei her was 1oran Mar ell.: :!o. Blood for his 'ride/ a chair for his a-&i ion. Gold and land/ ha goes wi ho2 saying. A swee offer . . . ye swee s can &e 'oisoned. If I were he 'rince/ so-e hing -ore wo2ld I re42ire &efore I sho2ld reach for his honeyco-&. !o-e oken of good fai h/ so-e s2re safeg2ard agains &e rayal.: Varys s-iled his sli-ies s-ile. :3hich one will yo2 gi0e hi-/ I wonder8: Tyrion sighed. :=o2 know/ don. yo28: :!ince yo2 '2 i ha way7yes. To--en. =o2 co2ld scarcely offer Myrcella o 1oran Mar ell and *ysa Arryn &o h.: :Re-ind -e ne0er o 'lay hese g2essing ga-es wi h yo2 again. =o2 chea . : :(rince Torn-en is a good &oy.: :If I 'ry hi- away fro- Cersei and @offrey while he.s s ill yo2ng/ he -ay e0en grow o &e a good -an.: :And a good king8: :@offrey is king.: :And Torn-en is heir/ sho2ld any hing ill &efall 6is Grace. To--en/ whose na 2re is so swee / and no a&ly . . . rac a&le.: :=o2 ha0e a s2s'icio2s -ind/ Varys.:

:I shall ake ha as a ri&2 e/ -y lord. In any case/ (rince 1oran will hardly &e insensi&le of he grea honor yo2 do hi-. Very def ly done/ I wo2ld say . . . &2 for one s-all flaw.: The dwarf la2ghed. :5a-ed Cersei8: :3ha a0ails s a ecraf agains he lo0e of a -o her for he swee fr2i of her wo-&8 (erha's/ for he glory of her 6o2se and he safe y of he real-/ he 42een -igh &e 'ers2aded o send away Torn-en or Myrcella. B2 &o h of he-8 !2rely no .: :3ha Cersei does no know will ne0er h2r -e.: :And if 6er Grace were o disco0er yo2r in en ions &efore yo2r 'lans are ri'e8: :3hy/: he said/ : hen I wo2ld know he -an who old her o &e -y cer ain ene-y.: And when Varys giggled/ he ho2gh / Three. C6A(T,R 1K !A5!A Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e. The words were he sa-e on he h2ndred h reading as hey.d &een on he firs / when !ansa had disco0ered he folded shee of 'arch-en &enea h her 'illow. !he did no know how i had go en here or who had sen i . The no e was 2nsigned/ 2nsealed/ and he hand 2nfa-iliar. !he cr2shed he 'arch-en o her ches and whis'ered he words o herself. :Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e/: she &rea hed/ e0er so fain ly. 3ha co2ld i -ean8 !ho2ld she ake i o he 42een o 'ro0e ha she was &eing good8 5er0o2sly/ she r2&&ed her s o-ach. The angry '2r'le &r2ise !er Meryn had gi0en her had faded o an 2gly yellow/ &2 s ill h2r . 6is fis had &een -ailed when he hi her. I was her own fa2l . !he -2s learn o hide her feelings &e er/ so as no o anger @offrey. 3hen she heard ha he i-' had sen *ord !lyn o he 3all/ she had forgo en herself and said/ :I ho'e he ) hers ge hi-.: The king had no &een 'leased. Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e. !ansa had 'rayed so hard. Co2ld his &e her answer a las / a r2e knigh sen o sa0e her8 (erha's i was one of he Redwyne wins/ or &old !er Balon !wann . . . or e0en Beric 1ondarrion/ he yo2ng lord her friend ;eyne (oole had lo0ed/ wi h his red7gold hair and he s'ray of s ars on his &lack cloak. Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e. 3ha if i was so-e cr2el ;a'e of @offrey.s/ like he day he had aken her 2' o he &a le-en s o show her Fa her.s head8 )r 'erha's i was so-e s2& le snare o 'ro0e she was no loyal. If she wen o he godswood/ wo2ld she find !er Ilyn (ayne wai ing for her/ si ing silen 2nder he hear ree wi h Ice in his hand/ his 'ale eyes wa ching o see if she.d co-e8 Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e. 3hen he door o'ened/ she h2rriedly s 2ffed he no e 2nder her shee and sa on i . I was her &ed-aid/ he -o2sy one wi h he li-' &rown hair. :3ha do yo2 wan 8: !ansa de-anded. :3ill -ilady &e wan ing a &a h onigh 8: :A fire/ I hink . . . I feel a chill.: !he was shi0ering/ ho2gh he day had &een ho . :As yo2 wish.: !ansa wa ched he girl s2s'icio2sly. 6ad she seen he no e8 6ad she '2 i 2nder he 'illow8 I did no see- likely< she see-ed a s 2'id girl/

no one yo2.d wan deli0ering secre no es/ &2 !ansa did no know her. The 42een had her ser0an s changed e0ery for nigh / o -ake cer ain none of he- &efriended her. 3hen a fire was &la>ing in he hear h/ !ansa hanked he -aid c2r ly and ordered her o2 . The girl was 42ick o o&ey/ as e0er/ &2 !ansa decided here was so-e hing sly a&o2 her eyes. 1o2& less/ she was sc2rrying off o re'or o he 42een/ or -ay&e Varys. All her -aids s'ied on her/ she was cer ain. )nce alone/ she hr2s he no e in he fla-es/ wa ching he 'arch-en c2rl and &lacken. Co-e o he godswood onigh / if yo2 wan o go ho-e. !he drif ed o her window. Below/ she co2ld see a shor knigh in -oon7 'ale ar-or and a hea0y whi e cloak 'acing he draw&ridge. Fro- his heigh / i co2ld only &e !er (res on Greenfield. The 42een had gi0en her freedo- of he cas le/ &2 e0en so/ he wo2ld wan o know where she was going if she ried o lea0e Maegor.s 6oldfas a his i-e of nigh . 3ha was she o ell hi-8 !2ddenly she was glad she had &2rned he no e. !he 2nlaced her gown and crawled in o her &ed/ &2 she did no slee'. 3as he s ill here8 she wondered. 6ow long will he wai 8 I was so cr2el/ o send her a no e and ell her no hing. The ho2gh s wen ro2nd and ro2nd in her head. if only she had so-eone o ell her wha o do. !he -issed !e' a Mordane/ and e0en -ore ;eyne (oole/ her r2es friend. The se' a had los her head wi h he res / for he cri-e of ser0ing 6o2se ! ark. !ansa did no know wha had ha''ened o ;eyne/ who had disa''eared froher roo-s af erward/ ne0er o &e -en ioned again. !he ried no o hink of he- oo of en/ ye so-e i-es he -e-ories ca-e 2n&idden/ and hen i was hard o hold &ack he ears. )nce in a while/ !ansa e0en -issed her sis er. By now Arya was safe &ack in 3in erfell/ dancing and sewing/ 'laying wi h Bran and &a&y Rickon/ e0en riding hro2gh he win er own if she liked. !ansa was allowed o go riding oo/ &2 only in he &ailey/ and i go &oring going ro2nd in a circle all day. !he was wide awake when she heard he sho2 ing. 1is an a firs / hen growing lo2der. Many 0oices yelling oge her. !he co2ld no -ake o2 he words. And here were horses as well/ and 'o2nding fee / sho2 s of co--and. !he cre' o her window and saw -en r2nning on he walls/ carrying s'ears and orches. Go &ack o yo2r &ed/ !ansa old herself/ his is no hing ha concerns yo2/ ;2s so-e new ro2&le o2 in he ci y. The alk a he wells had all &een of ro2&les in he ci y of la e. (eo'le were crowding in/ r2nning fro- he war/ and -any had no way o li0e sa0e &y ro&&ing and killing each o her. Go o &ed. B2 when she looked/ he whi e knigh was gone/ he &ridge across he dry -oa down &2 2ndefended. !ansa 2rned away wi ho2 hinking and ran o her wardro&e. oh/ wha aI doing8 she asked herself as she dressed. This is -adness. !he co2ld see he ligh s of -any orches on he c2r ain walls. 6ad ! annis and Renly co-e a las o kill @offrey and clai- heir &ro her.s hrone8 If so/ he g2ards wo2ld raise he draw&ridge/ c2 ing off Maegor.s 6oldfas fro- he o2 er cas le. !ansa hrew a 'lain grey cloak o0er her sho2lders and 'icked 2' he knife she 2sed o c2 her -ea . ff i is so-e ra'/ &e er ha I die han le he- h2r -e -ore/ she old herself. !he hid he &lade 2nder her cloak. A col2-n of red7cloaked swords-en ran 'as as she sli''ed o2 in o he nigh . !he wai ed 2n il hey were well 'as &efore she dar ed across he 2ndefended draw&ridge. In he yard/ -en were &2ckling on sword&el s and cinching he saddles of heir horses. !he gli-'sed !er (res on near

he s a&les wi h hree o hers of he Kingsg2ard/ whi e cloaks &righ as he -oon as hey hel'ed @offrey in o his ar-or. 6er &rea h ca2gh in her hroa when she saw he king. Thankf2lly/ he did no see her. 6e was sho2 ing for his sword and cross&ow. The noise receded as she -o0ed dee'er in o he cas le/ ne0er daring o look &ack for fear ha @offrey -igh &e wa ching . . . or worse/ following. The ser'en ine s e's wis ed ahead/ s ri'ed &y &ars of flickering ligh fro- he narrow windows a&o0e. !ansa was 'an ing &y he i-e she reached he o'. !he ran down a shadowy colonnade and 'ressed herself agains a wall o ca ch her &rea h. 3hen so-e hing &r2shed agains her leg/ she al-os ;2-'ed o2 of her skin/ &2 i was only a ca / a ragged &lack o- wi h a chewed7off ear. The crea 2re s'i a her and lea' away. By he i-e she reached he godswood/ he noises had faded o a fain ra le of s eel and a dis an sho2 ing. !ansa '2lled her cloak igh er. The air was rich wi h he s-ells of ear h and leaf. *ady wo2ld ha0e liked his 'lace/ she ho2gh . There was so-e hing wild a&o2 a godswood< e0en here/ in he hear of he cas le a he hear of he ci y/ yo2 co2ld feel he old gods wa ching wi h a ho2sand 2nseen eyes. !ansa had fa0ored her -o her.s gods o0er her fa her.s. !he lo0ed he s a 2es/ he 'ic 2res in leaded glass/ he fragrance of &2rning incense/ he se' ons wi h heir ro&es and crys als/ he -agical 'lay of he rain&ows o0er al ars inlaid wi h -o her7of7'earl and ony9 and la'is la>2li. =e she co2ld no deny ha he godswood had a cer ain 'ower oo. ,s'ecially &y nigh . 6el' -e/ she 'rayed/ send -e a friend/ a r2e knigh o cha-'ion -e . . . !he -o0ed fro- ree o ree/ feeling he ro2ghness of he &ark &enea h her fingers. *ea0es &r2shed a her cheeks. 6ad she co-e oo la e8 6e wo2ld no ha0e lef so soon/ wo2ld he8 )r had he e0en &een here8 1are she risk calling o2 8 I see-ed so h2shed and s ill here . . . :I feared yo2 wo2ld no co-e/ child.: !ansa whirled. A -an s e''ed o2 of he shadows/ hea0yse / hick of neck/ sha-&ling. 6e wore a dark grey ro&e wi h he cowl '2lled forward/ &2 when a hin sli0er of -oonligh o2ched his cheek/ she knew hi- a once &y he &lo chy skin and we& of &roken 0eins &enea h. :!er 1on os/: she &rea hed/ hear &roken. :3as i yo28: :=es/ -y lady.: 3hen he -o0ed closer/ she co2ld s-ell he so2r s ench of wine on his &rea h. :Me.: 6e reached o2 a hand. !ansa shrank &ack. :1on. ?: !he slid her hand 2nder her cloak/ o her hidden knife. :3ha . . . wha do yo2 wan wi h -e8: :)nly o hel' yo2/: 1on os said/ :as yo2 hel'ed -e.: dr2nk/ aren. yo28: :)nly one c2' of wine/ o hel' -y co2rage. If hey ca ch -e now/ hey.ll s ri' he skin off -y &ack.: And wha will hey do o -e8 !ansa fo2nd herself hinking of *ady again. !he co2ld s-ell o2 falsehood/ she co2ld/ &2 she was dead/ Fa her had killed her/ on acco2n of Arya. !he drew he knife and held i &efore her wi h &o h hands. :Are yo2 going o s a& -e8: 1on os asked. :I will/: she said. :Tell -e who sen yo2.: :5o one/ swee lady. I swear i on -y honor as a knigh .: :A knigh 8: @offrey had decreed ha he was o &e a knigh no longer/ only a fool/ lower e0en han Moon Boy. :I 'rayed o he gods for a knigh o co-e sa0e -e/: she said. :I 'rayed and 'rayed. 3hy wo2ld hey send -e a dr2nken old fool8: :I deser0e ha / ho2gh . . . I know i .s 42eer/ &2 . . . all hose

years I was a knigh / I was r2ly a fool/ and now ha I a- a fool I hink . . . I hink I -ay find i in -e o &e a knigh again/ swee lady. And all &eca2se of yo2 . . . yo2r grace/ yo2r co2rage. =o2 sa0ed -e/ no only fro- @offrey/ &2 fro- -yself.: 6is 0oice dro''ed. :The singers say here was ano her fool once who was he grea es knigh of all :Florian/: !ansa whis'ered. A shi0er wen hro2gh her. :!wee lady/ I wo2ld &e yo2r Florian/: 1on os said h2-&ly/ falling o his knees &efore her. !lowly/ !ansa lowered he knife. 6er head see-ed erri&ly ligh / as if she were floa ing. This is -adness/ o r2s -yself o his dr2nkard/ &2 if I 2rn away will he chance e0er co-e again8 :6ow . . . how wo2ld yo2 do i 8 Ge -e away8: !er 1on os raised his face o her. :Taking yo2 fro- he cas le/ ha will &e he hardes . )nce o2 / here are shi's ha wo2ld ake yo2 ho-e. I.d need o find he coin and -ake he arrange-en s/ ha .s all.: :Co2ld we go now8: she asked/ hardly daring o ho'e. :This 0ery nigh 8 5o/ -y lady/ I fear no . Firs I -2s find a s2re way o ge yo2 fro- he cas le when he ho2r is ri'e. i will no &e easy/ nor 42ick. They wa ch -e as well.: 6e licked his li's ner0o2sly. :3ill yo2 '2 away yo2r &lade8: !ansa sli''ed he knife &enea h her cloak. :Rise/ ser.: :Thank yo2/ swee lady.: !er 1on os l2rched cl2-sily o his fee / and &r2shed ear h and lea0es fro- his knees. :=o2r lord fa her was as r2e a -an as he real- has e0er known/ &2 I s ood &y and le he- slay hi-. I said no hing/ did no hing . . . and ye / when @offrey wo2ld ha0e slain -e/ yo2 s'oke 2'. *ady/ I ha0e ne0er &een a hero/ no Rya- Redwyne or Barris an he Bold. I.0e won no o2rneys/ no renown in war . . . &2 I was a knigh once/ and yo2 ha0e hel'ed -e re-e-&er wha ha -ean . My life is a 'oor hing/ &2 i is yo2rs.: !er 1on os 'laced a hand on he gnarled &ole of he hear ree. 6e was shaking/ she saw. :I 0ow/ wi h yo2r fa her.s gods as wi ness/ ha I shall send yo2 ho-e.: 6e swore. A sole-n oa h/ &efore he gods. :Then . . . I will '2 -yself in yo2r hands/ ser. B2 how will I know/ when i is i-e o go8 3ill yo2 send -e ano her no e8: !er 1on os glanced a&o2 an9io2sly. :The risk is oo grea . =o2 -2s co-e here/ o he godswood. As of en as yo2 can. This is he safes 'lace. The only safe 'lace. 5owhere else. 5o in yo2r cha-&ers nor -ine nor on he s e's nor in he yard/ e0en if i see-s we are alone. The s ones ha0e ears in he Red Kee'/ and only here -ay we alk freely.: :)nly here/: !ansa said. :I.ll re-e-&er.: :And if I sho2ld see- cr2el or -ocking or indifferen when -en are wa ching/ forgi0e -e/ child. I ha0e a role o 'lay/ and yo2 -2s do he sa-e. )ne -iss e' and o2r heads will adorn he walls as did yo2r fa her.s.: !he nodded. :I 2nders and.: :=o2 will need o &e &ra0e and s rong . . . and 'a ien / 'a ien a&o0e all.: :I will &e/: she 'ro-ised/ :&2 . . . 'lease . . . -ake i as soon as yo2 can. I.- afraid . . .: :!o a- I/: !er 1on os said/ s-iling wanly. :And now yo2 -2s go/ &efore yo2 are -issed.: :=o2 will no co-e wi h -e8: :Be er if we are ne0er seen oge her.: 5odding/ !ansa ook a s e' . . . hen s'2n &ack/ ner0o2s/ and sof ly

laid a kiss on his cheek/ her eyes closed. :My Florian/: she whis'ered. :The gods heard -y 'rayer.: !he flew along he ri0er walk/ 'as he s-all ki chen/ and hro2gh he 'ig yard/ her h2rried foo s e's los &enea h he s42ealing of he hogs in heir 'ens. 6o-e/ she ho2gh / ho-e/ he is going o ake -e ho-e/ he.ll kee' -e safe/ -y Florian. The songs a&o2 Florian and @on42il were her 0ery fa0ori es. Florian was ho-ely oo/ ho2gh no so old. !he was racing headlong down he ser'en ine s e's when a -an l2rched o2 of a hidden doorway. !ansa caro-ed in o hi- and los her &alance. Iron fingers ca2gh her &y he wris &efore she co2ld fall/ and a dee' 0oice ras'ed a her. :I .s a long roll down he ser'en ine/ li le &ird. 3an o kill 2s &o h8: 6is la2gh er was ro2gh as a saw on s one. :May&e yo2 do.: The 6o2nd. :5o/ -y lord/ 'ardons/ I.d ne0er.: !ansa a0er ed her eyes &2 i was oo la e/ he.d seen her face. :(lease/ h2r ing -e.: !he ried o wriggle free. :And wha .s @off.s li le &ird doing flying down he ser'en ine in he &lack of nigh 8: 3hen she did no answer/ he shook her. :3here were yo28 : :The g7g7godswood/ -y lord/: she said/ no daring o lie. :(raying . . . 'raying for -y fa her/ and . . . for he king/ 'raying ha he.d no &e h2r .: :Think I.- so dr2nk ha Id &elie0e ha 8: 6e le go his gri' on her ar-/ swaying sligh ly as he s ood/ s ri'es of ligh and darkness falling across his erri&le &2rn face. :=o2 look al-os a wo-an . . . face/ ea s/ and aller oo/ al-os . . . ah/ s ill a s 2'id li le &ird/ aren. yo28 !inging all he songs hey a2gh yo2 . . . sing -e a song/ why don. yo28 Go on. !ing o -e. !o-e song a&o2 knigh s and fair -aids. =o2 like knigh s/ don. yo28: 6e was scaring her. :T7 r2e knigh s/ -y lord.: :Tr2e knigh s/: he -ocked. :And I.- no lord/ no -ore han I.- a knigh . 1o I need o &ea ha in o yo28: Clegane reeled and al-os fell. :Gods/: he swore/ : oo -2ch wine. 1o yo2 like wine/ li le &ird8 R2e wine8 A flagon of so2r red/ dark as &lood/ all a -an needs. )r a wo-an.: 6e la2ghed/ shook his head. :1r2nk as a dog/ da-n -e. =o2 co-e now. Back o yo2r cage/ li le &ird. I.ll ake yo2 here. Kee' yo2 safe for he king.: The 6o2nd ga0e her a '2sh/ oddly gen le/ and followed her down he s e's. By he i-e hey reached he &o o-/ he had la'sed &ack in o a &rooding silence/ as if he had forgo en she was here. 3hen hey reached Maegor.s 6oldfas / she was alar-ed o see ha i was !er Boros Blo2n who now held he &ridge. 6is high whi e hel- 2rned s iffly a he so2nd of heir foo s e's. !ansa flinched away fro- his ga>e. !er Boros was he wors of he Kingsg2ard/ an 2gly -an wi h a fo2l e-'er/ all scowls and ;owls. :Tha one is no hing o fear/ girl.: The 6o2nd laid a hea0y hand on her sho2lder. :(ain s ri'es on a oad/ he does no &eco-e a iger.: !er Boros lif ed his 0isor. :!er/ where7: :F2ck yo2r ser/ Boros. he knigh / no -e. I.- he king.s dog/ re-e-&er8 : :The king was looking for his dog earlier.: :The dog was drinking. I was yo2r nigh o shield hi-/ ser. =o2 and -y o her &ro hers.: !er Boros 2rned o !ansa. :6ow is i yo2 are no in yo2r cha-&ers a his ho2r/ lady8: :I wen o he godswood o 'ray for he safe y of he king.: The lie so2nded &e er his i-e/ al-os r2e. :=o2 e9'ec her o slee' wi h all he noise8: Clegane said. :3ha was

he ro2&le8 : :Fools a he ga e/: !er Boros ad-i ed. :!o-e loose ong2es s'read ales of he 're'ara ions for Tyrek.s wedding feas / and hese wre ches go i in heir heads hey sho2ld &e feas ed oo. 6is Grace led a sor ie and sen he- sc2rrying.: :A &ra0e &oy/: Clegane said/ -o2 h wi ching. *e 2s see how &ra0e he is when he faces -y &ro her/ !ansa ho2gh . The 6o2nd escor ed her across he draw&ridge. As hey were winding heir way 2' he s e's/ she said/ :3hy do yo2 le 'eo'le call yo2 a dog8 =o2 won. le anyone call yo2 a knigh .: :I like dogs &e er han knigh s. My fa her.s fa her was kennel-as er a he Rock. )ne a2 2-n year/ *ord Ty os ca-e &e ween a lioness and her 'rey. The lioness didn. gi0e a shi ha she was *annis er.s own sigil. Bi ch ore in o -y lord.s horse and wo2ld ha0e done for -y lord oo/ &2 -y grandfa her ca-e 2' wi h he ho2nds. Three of his dogs died r2nning her off. My grandfa her los a leg/ so *annis er 'aid hi- for i wi h lands and a owerho2se/ and ook his son o s42ire. The hree dogs on o2r &anner are he hree ha died/ in he yellow of a2 2-n grass. A ho2nd will die for yo2/ &2 ne0er lie o yo2. And he.ll look yo2 s raigh in he face.: 6e c2''ed her 2nder he ;aw/ raising her chin/ his fingers 'inching her 'ainf2lly. :And ha .s -ore han li le &irds can do/ isn. i 8 I ne0er go -y song.: :I . . . I know a song a&o2 Florian and @on42il.: :Florian and @on42il8 A fool and his c2n . !'are -e. B2 one day I.ll ha0e a song fro- yo2/ whe her yo2 will i or no.: :I will sing i for yo2 gladly.: !andor Clegane snor ed. :(re y hing/ and s2ch a &ad liar. A dog can s-ell a lie/ yo2 know. *ook aro2nd yo2/ and ake a good whiff. all liars here . . . and e0ery one &e er han yo2.: C6A(T,R 1$ AR=A 3hen she cli-&ed all he way 2' o he highes &ranch/ Arya co2ld see chi-neys 'oking hro2gh he rees. Tha ched roofs cl2s ered along he shore of he lake and he s-all s rea- ha e-' ied in o i / and a wooden 'ier ;2 ed o2 in o he wa er &eside a low long &2ilding wi h a sla e roof. !he skinnied far her o2 / 2n il he &ranch &egan o sag 2nder her weigh . 5o &oa s were ied o he 'ier/ &2 she co2ld see hin endrils of s-oke rising fro- so-e of he chi-neys/ and 'ar of a wagon ;2 ing o2 &ehind a s a&le. !o-eone.s here. Arya chewed her li'. All he o her 'laces hey.d co-e 2'on had &een e-' y and desola e. Far-s/ 0illages/ cas les/ se' s/ &arns/ i -ade no -a er. if i co2ld &2rn/ he *annis ers had &2rned i < if i co2ld die/ hey.d killed i . They had e0en se he woods a&la>e where hey co2ld/ ho2gh he lea0es were s ill green and we fro- recen rains/ and he fires had no s'read. :They wo2ld ha0e &2rned he lake if hey co2ld ha0e/: Gendry had said/ and Arya knew he was righ . on he nigh of heir esca'e/ he fla-es of he &2rning own had shi--ered so &righ ly on he wa er ha i had see-ed ha he lake was afire. 3hen hey finally s2--oned he ner0e o s eal &ack in o he r2ins he ne9 nigh / no hing re-ained &2 &lackened s ones/ he hollow shells of ho2ses/ and cor'ses. In so-e 'laces wis's of 'ale s-oke s ill rose fro-

he ashes. 6o (ie had 'leaded wi h he- no o go &ack/ and *o--y called he- fools and swore ha !er A-ory wo2ld ca ch he- and kill he- oo/ &2 *orch and his -en had long gone &y he i-e hey reached he holdfas . They fo2nd he ga es &roken down/ he walls 'ar ly de-olished/ and he inside s rewn wi h he 2n&2ried dead. )ne look was eno2gh for Gendry. killed/ e0ery one/: he said. :And dogs ha0e &een a he- oo/ look.: :)r wol0es.: :1ogs/ wol0es/ i -akes no -a er. I .s done here.: B2 Arya wo2ld no lea0e 2n il hey fo2nd =oren. They co2ldn. ha0e killed hi-/ she old herself/ he was oo hard and o2gh/ and a &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch &esides. !he said as -2ch o Gendry as hey searched a-ong he cor'ses. The a9e &low ha had killed hi- had s'li his sk2ll a'ar / &2 he grea angled &eard co2ld &e no one else.s/ or he gar&/ 'a ched and 2nwashed and so faded i was -ore grey han &lack. !er A-ory *orch had gi0en no -ore ho2gh o &2rying his own dead han o hose he had -2rdered/ and he cor'ses of fo2r *annis er -en7a 7ar-s were hea'ed near =oren.s. Arya wondered how -any i had aken o &ring hi- down. 6e was going o ake -e ho-e/ she ho2gh as hey d2g he old -an.s hole. There were oo -any dead o &2ry he- all/ &2 =oren a leas -2s ha0e a gra0e/ Arya had insis ed. 6e was going o &ring -e safe o 3in erfell/ he 'ro-ised. (ar of her wan ed o cry. The o her 'ar wan ed o kick hi-. I was Gendry who ho2gh of he lord.s owerho2se and he hree ha =oren had sen o hold i . They had co-e 2nder a ack as well/ &2 he ro2nd ower had only one en ry/ a second7s ory door reached &y a ladder. )nce ha had &een '2lled inside/ !er A-ory.s -en co2ld no ge a he-. The *annis ers had 'iled &r2sh aro2nd he ower.s &ase and se i afire/ &2 he s one wo2ld no &2rn/ and *orch did no ha0e he 'a ience o s ar0e he- o2 . C2 iack o'ened he door a Gendry.s sho2 / and when K2r> said hey.d &e &e er 'ressing on nor h han going &ack/ Arya had cl2ng o he ho'e ha she s ill -igh reach 3in erfell. 3ell/ his 0illage was no 3in erfell/ &2 hose ha ched roofs 'ro-ised war- h and shel er and -ay&e e0en food/ if hey were &old eno2gh o risk he-. +nless i .s *orch here. 6e had horses< he wo2ld ha0e ra0eled fas er han 2s. !he wa ched fro- he ree for a long i-e/ ho'ing she -igh see so-e hing< a -an/ a horse/ a &anner/ any hing ha wo2ld hel' her know. A few i-es she gli-'sed -o ion/ &2 he &2ildings were so far off i was hard o &e cer ain. )nce/ 0ery clearly/ she heard he whinny of a horse. The air was f2ll of &irds/ crows -os ly. Fro- afar/ hey were no larger han flies as hey wheeled and fla''ed a&o0e he ha ched roofs. To he eas / Gods ,ye was a shee of s2n7ha--ered &l2e ha filled half he world. !o-e days/ as hey -ade heir slow way 2' he -2ddy shore HGendry wan ed no 'ar of any roads/ and e0en 6o (ie and *o--y saw he sense in ha I/ Arya fel as ho2gh he lake were calling her. !he wan ed o lea' in o hose 'lacid &l2e wa ers/ o feel clean again/ o swi- and s'lash and &ask in he s2n. B2 she dare no ake off her clo hes where he o hers co2ld see/ no e0en o wash he-. A he end of he day she wo2ld of en si on a rock and dangle her fee in he cool wa er. !he had finally hrown away her cracked and ro ed shoes. 3alking &arefoo was hard a firs / &2 he &lis ers had finally &roken/ he c2 s had healed/ and her soles had 2rned o lea her. The -2d was nice &e ween her oes/ and she liked o feel he ear h 2nderfoo when she walked.

Fro- 2' here/ she co2ld see a s-all wooded island off o he nor heas . Thir y yards fro- shore/ hree &lack swans were gliding o0er he wa er/ so serene . . . no one had old he- ha war had co-e/ and hey cared no hing for &2rning owns and &2 chered -en. !he s ared a he- wi h yearning. (ar of her wan ed o &e a swan. The o her 'ar wan ed o ea one. !he had &roken her fas on so-e acorn 'as e and a handf2l of &2gs. B2gs weren. so &ad when yo2 go 2sed o he-. 3or-s were worse/ &2 s ill no as &ad as he 'ain in yo2r &elly af er days wi ho2 food. Finding &2gs was easy/ all yo2 had o do was kick o0er a rock. Arya had ea en a &2g once when she was li le/ ;2s o -ake !ansa screech/ so she hadn. &een afraid o ea ano her. 3easel wasn. ei her/ &2 6o (ie re ched 2' he &ee le he ried o swallow/ and *o--y and Gendry wo2ldn. e0en ry. =es erday Gendry had ca2gh a frog and shared i wi h *o--y/ and/ a few days &efore/ 6o (ie had fo2nd &lack&erries and s ri''ed he &2sh &are/ &2 -os ly hey had &een li0ing on wa er and acorns. K2r> had old he- how o 2se rocks and -ake a kind of acorn 'as e. i as ed awf2l. !he wished he 'oacher hadn. died. 6e.d known -ore a&o2 he woods han all he res of he- oge her/ &2 he.d aken an arrow hro2gh he sho2lder '2lling in he ladder a he owerho2se. Tar&er had 'acked i wi h -2d and -oss fro- he lake/ and for a day or wo K2r> swore he wo2nd was no hing/ e0en ho2gh he flesh of his hroa was 2rning dark while angry red wel s cre' 2' his ;aw and down his ches . Then one -orning he co2ldn. find he s reng h o ge 2'/ and &y he ne9 he was dead. They &2ried hi- 2nder a -o2nd of s ones/ and C2 ;ack had clai-ed his sword and h2n ing horn/ while Tar&er hel'ed hi-self o &ow and &oo s and knife. They.d aken i all when hey lef . A firs hey ho2gh he wo had ;2s gone h2n ing/ ha hey.d soon re 2rn wi h ga-e and feed he- all. B2 hey wai ed and wai ed/ 2n il finally Gendry -ade he- -o0e on. May&e Tar&er and C2 ;ack fig2red hey wo2ld s and a &e er chance wi ho2 a gaggle of or'han &oys o herd along. They 'ro&a&ly wo2ld oo/ &2 ha didn. s o' her ha ing he- for lea0ing. Benea h her ree/ 6o (ie &arked like a dog. K2r> had old he- o 2se ani-al so2nds o signal o each o her. An old 'oacher.s rick/ he.d said/ &2 he.d died &efore he co2ld each he- how o -ake he so2nds righ . 6o (ie.s &ird calls were awf2l. 6is dog was &e er/ &2 no -2ch. Arya ho''ed fro- he high &ranch o one &enea h i / her hands o2 for &alance. A wa er dancer ne0er falls. *igh foo / her oes c2rled igh aro2nd he &ranch/ she walked a few fee / ho''ed down o a larger li-&/ hen sw2ng hand o0er hand hro2gh he angle of lea0es 2n il she reached he r2nk. The &ark was ro2gh &enea h her fingers/ agains her oes. !he descended 42ickly/ ;2-'ing down he final si9 fee / rolling when she landed. Gendry ga0e her a hand o '2ll her 2'. :=o2 were 2' here a long i-e. 3ha co2ld yo2 see8: :A fishing 0illage/ ;2s a li le 'lace/ nor h along he shore. Twen y7 si9 ha ch roofs and one sla e/ I co2n ed. I saw 'ar of a wagon. !o-eone.s here.: A he so2nd of her 0oice/ 3easel ca-e cree'ing o2 fro- he &2shes. *o--y had na-ed her ha . 6e said she looked like a weasel/ which wasn. r2e/ &2 hey co2ldn. kee' on calling her he crying girl af er she finally s o''ed crying. 6er -o2 h was fil hy. Arya ho'ed she hadn. &een ea ing -2d again. :1id yo2 see 'eo'le8: asked Gendry. :Mos ly ;2s roofs/: Arya ad-i ed/ :&2 so-e chi-neys were s-oking/

and I heard a horse.: The 3easel '2 her ar-s aro2nd her leg/ cl2 ching igh . !o-e i-es she did ha now. :If here.s 'eo'le/ here.s food/: 6o (ie said/ oo lo2dly. Gendry was always elling hi- o &e -ore 42ie / &2 i ne0er did any good. :Migh &e hey.d gi0e 2s so-e.: :Migh &e hey.d kill 2s oo/: Gendry said. :5o if we yielded/: 6o (ie said ho'ef2lly. :5ow yo2 so2nd like *o--y.: *o--y Greenhands sa 'ro''ed 2' &e ween wo hick roo s a he foo of an oak. A s'ear had aken hi- hro2gh his lef calf d2ring he figh a he holdfas . By he end of he ne9 day/ he had o li-' along one7 legged wi h an ar- aro2nd Gendry/ and now he co2ldn. e0en do ha . They.d hacked &ranches off rees o -ake a li er for hi-/ &2 i was slow/ hard work carrying hi- along/ and he whi-'ered e0ery i-e hey ;o2nced hi-. :3e ha0e o yield/: he said. :Tha .s wha =oren sho2ld ha0e done. 6e sho2ld ha0e o'ened he ga es like hey said.: Arya was sick of *o--y going on a&o2 how =oren sho2ld ha0e yielded. I was all he alked a&o2 when hey carried hi-/ ha and his leg and his e-' y &elly. 6o (ie agreed. :They old =oren o o'en he ga es/ hey old hi- in he king.s na-e. =o2 ha0e o do wha hey ell yo2 in he king.s na-e. I was ha s inky old -an.s fa2l . If he.d of yielded/ hey wo2ld ha0e lef 2s &e.: Gendry frowned. :Knigh s and lordlings/ hey ake each o her ca' i0e and 'ay ranso-s/ &2 hey don. care if he likes of yo2 yield or no .: 6e 2rned o Arya. :3ha else did yo2 see8: :If i .s a fishing 0illage/ hey.d sell 2s fish/ I &e /: said 6o (ie. The lake ee-ed wi h fresh fish/ &2 hey had no hing o ca ch hewi h. Arya had ried o 2se her hands/ he way she.d seen Koss do/ &2 fish were 42icker han 'igeons and he wa er 'layed ricks on her eyes. :I don. know a&o2 fish.: Arya 2gged a he 3easel.s -a ed hair/ hinking i -igh &e &es o hack i off. :There.s crows down &y he wa er. !o-e hing.s dead here.: :Fish/ washed 2' on shore/: 6o (ie said. :If he crows ea i / I &e we co2ld.: :3e sho2ld ca ch so-e crows/ we co2ld ea he-/: said *o--y. :3e co2ld -ake a fire and roas he- like chickens.: Gendry looked fierce when he scowled. 6is &eard had grown in hick and &lack as &riar. :I said/ no fires.: :*o--y.s h2ngry/: 6o (ie whined/ :and I a- oo.: all h2ngry/: said Arya. no /: *o--y s'a fro- he gro2nd. :3or- &rea h.: Arya co2ld ha0e kicked hi- in his wo2nd. :I said I.d dig wor-s for yo2 oo/ if yo2 wan ed.: *o--y -ade a disg2s ed face. :If i wasn. for -y leg/ Id h2n 2s so-e &oars.: :!o-e &oars/: she -ocked. :=o2 need a &oars'ear o h2n &oars/ and horses and dogs/ and -en o fl2sh he &oar fro- i s lair.: 6er fa her had h2n ed &oar in he wolfswood wi h Ro&& and @on. )nce he e0en ook Bran/ &2 ne0er Arya/ e0en ho2gh she was older. !e' a Mordane said &oar h2n ing was no for ladies/ and Mo her only 'ro-ised ha when she was older she -igh ha0e her own hawk. !he was older now/ &2 if she had a hawk she.d ea i . :3ha do yo2 know a&o2 h2n ing &oars8: said 6o (ie. :More han yo2.: Gendry was in no -ood o hear i . :F2ie / &o h of yo2/ I need o hink

wha o do.: 6e always looked 'ained when he ried o hink/ like i h2r hi- so-e hing fierce. :=ield/: *o--y said. :I old yo2 o sh2 2' a&o2 he yielding. 3e don. e0en know who.s in here. May&e we can s eal so-e food.: :*o--y co2ld s eal/ if i wasn. for his leg/: said 6o (ie. :6e was a hief in he ci y.: :A &ad hief/: Arya said/ :or he wo2ldn. ha0e go ca2gh .: Gendry s42in ed 2' a he s2n. :,0enfall will &e he &es i-e o sneak in. I.ll go sco2 co-e dark.: :5o/ I.ll go/: Arya said. oo noisy.: Gendry go ha look on his face. :3e.ll &o h go.: :Arry sho2ld go/: said *o--y. :6e.s sneakier han yo2 are.: :3e.ll &o h go/ I said.: :B2 wha if yo2 don. co-e &ack8 6o (ie can. carry -e &y hi-self/ yo2 know he can. . . .: :And here.s wol0es/: 6o (ie said. :I heard he- las nigh / when I had he wa ch. They so2nded close.: Arya had heard he- oo. !he.d &een aslee' in he &ranches of an el-/ &2 he howling had woken her. !he.d sa awake for a good ho2r/ lis ening o he-/ 'rickles cree'ing 2' her s'ine. :And yo2 won. e0en le 2s ha0e a fire o kee' he- off/: 6o (ie said. :I .s no righ / lea0ing 2s for he wol0es.: :5o one is lea0ing yo2/: Gendry said in disg2s . :*o--y has his s'ear if he wol0es co-e/ and yo2.ll &e wi h hi-. ;2s going o go see/ ha .s all< co-ing &ack.: :3hoe0er i is/ yo2 sho2ld yield o he-/: *o--y whined. :I need so-e 'o ion for -y leg/ i h2r s &ad.: :If we see any leg 'o ion/ we.ll &ring i /: Gendry said. :Arry/ le .s go/ I wan o ge near &efore he s2n is down. 6o (ie/ yo2 kee' 3easel here/ I don. wan her following.: :*as i-e she kicked -e.: :I.ll kick yo2 if yo2 don. kee' her here.: 3i ho2 wai ing for an answer/ Gendry donned his s eel hel- and walked off. Arya had o sca-'er o kee' 2'. Gendry was fi0e years older and a foo aller han she was/ and long of leg as well. For a while he said no hing/ ;2s 'lowed on hro2gh he rees wi h an angry look on his face/ -aking oo -2ch noise. B2 finally he s o''ed and said/ :I hink *o--y.s going o die.: !he was no s2r'rised. K2r> had died of his wo2nd/ and he.d &een a lo s ronger han *o--y. 3hene0er i was Arya.s 2rn o hel' carry hi-/ she co2ld feel how war- his skin was/ and s-ell he s ink off his leg. :May&e we co2ld find a -aes er . . .: :=o2 only find -aes ers in cas les/ and e0en if we fo2nd one/ he wo2ldn. dir y his hands on he likes of *o--y.: Gendry d2cked 2nder a low7hanging li-&. :Tha .s no r2e.: Maes er *2win wo2ld ha0e hel'ed anyone who ca-e o hi-/ she was cer ain. :6e.s going o die/ and he sooner he does i / he &e er for he res of 2s. 3e sho2ld ;2s lea0e hi-/ like he says. If i was yo2 or -e h2r / yo2 know he.d lea0e 2s.: They scra-&led down a s ee' c2 and 2' he o her side/ 2sing roo s for handholds. :I.- sick of carrying hi-/ and I.- sick of all his alk a&o2 yielding oo. If he co2ld s and 2'/ I.d knock his ee h in. *o--y.s no 2se o anyone. Tha crying girl.s no 2se ei her.: :=o2 lea0e 3easel alone/ she.s ;2s scared and h2ngry is all.: Arya glanced &ack/ &2 he girl was no following for once. 6o (ie -2s

ha0e gra&&ed her/ like Gendry had old hi-. :!he.s no 2se/: Gendry re'ea ed s 2&&ornly. :6er and 6o (ie and *o--y/ slowing 2s down/ and going o ge 2s killed. he only one of he &2nch who.s good for any hing. ,0en if yo2 are a girl.: Arya fro>e in her s e's. :I.- no a girl?: :=es yo2 are. 1o yo2 hink I.- as s 2'id as hey are8: :5o/ s 2'ider. The 5igh .s 3a ch doesn. ake girls/ e0eryone knows ha .: :Tha .s r2e. I don. know why =oren &ro2gh yo2/ &2 he -2s ha0e had so-e reason. s ill a girl.: :I a- no ?: :Then '2ll o2 yo2r cock and ake a 'iss. Go on.: :I don. need o ake a 'iss. If I wan ed o I co2ld.: :*iar. =o2 can. ake o2 yo2r cock &eca2se yo2 don. ha0e one. I ne0er no iced &efore when here were hir y of 2s/ &2 yo2 always go off in he woods o -ake yo2r wa er. =o2 don. see 6o (ie doing ha / nor -e nei her. If no a girl/ yo2 -2s &e so-e e2n2ch.: he e2n2ch.: :=o2 know I.- no .: Gendry s-iled. :=o2 wan -e o ake o2 -y cock and 'ro0e i 8 I don. ha0e any hing o hide.: :=es yo2 do/: Arya &l2r ed/ des'era e o esca'e he s2&;ec of he cock she didn. ha0e. :Those gold cloaks were af er yo2 a he inn/ and yo2 won. ell 2s why.: :I wish I knew. I hink =oren knew/ &2 he ne0er old -e. 3hy did yo2 hink hey were af er yo2/ ho2gh8: Arya &i her li'. !he re-e-&ered wha =oren had said/ he day he had hacked off her hair. This lo / half o. he- wo2ld 2rn yo2 o0er o he 42een 42ick as s'i for a 'ardon and -ay&e a few sil0ers. The o her half.d do he sa-e/ only hey.d ra'e yo2 firs . )nly Gendry was differ7 en / he 42een wan ed hi- oo. :I.ll ell yo2 if yo2.ll ell -e/: she said warily. :I wo2ld if I knew/ Arry . . . is ha really wha called/ or do yo2 ha0e so-e girl.s na-e8: Arya glared a he gnarled roo &y her fee . !he reali>ed ha he 're ense was done. Gendry knew/ and she had no hing in her 'an s o con0ince hi- o herwise. !he co2ld draw 5eedle and kill hi- where he s ood/ or else r2s hi-. !he wasn. cer ain she.d &e a&le o kill hi-/ e0en if she ried< he had his own sword/ and he was a lo s ronger. All ha was lef was he r2 h. :*o--y and 6o (ie can. know/: she said. :They won. /: he swore. :5o fro- -e.: :Arya.: !he raised her eyes o his. :My na-e is Arya. )f 6o2se ! ark.: :)f 6o2se I ook hi- a -o-en &efore he said/ :The King.s 6and was na-ed ! ark. The one hey killed for a rai or.: :6e was ne0er a rai or. 6e was -y fa her.: Gendry.s eyes widened. :!o ha .s why yo2 ho2gh !he nodded. :=oren was aking -e ho-e o 3in erfell.: :I . . . high&orn hen/ a . . . yo2.ll &e a lady . . .: Arya looked down a her ragged clo hes and &are fee / all cracked and call2sed. !he saw he dir 2nder her nails/ he sca&s on her el&ows/ he scra ches on her hands. !e' a Mordane wo2ldn. e0en know -e/ I &e . !ansa -igh / &2 she.d 're end no o. :My -o her.s a lady/ and -y sis er/ &2 I ne0er was.: :=es yo2 were. =o2 were a lord.s da2gh er and yo2 li0ed in a cas le/ didn. yo28 And yo2 . . . gods &e good/ I ne0er . . .: All of a s2dden Gendry see-ed 2ncer ain/ al-os afraid. :All ha a&o2 cocks/ I ne0er sho2ld ha0e said ha . And I &een 'issing in fron of yo2 and e0ery hing/ I I &eg yo2r 'ardon/ -.lady.:

:! o' ha ?: Arya hissed. 3as he -ocking her8 :I know -y co2r esies/ -.lady/: Gendry said/ s 2&&orn as e0er. :3hene0er high&orn girls ca-e in o he sho' wi h heir fa hers/ -y -as cr old -e I was o &end he knee/ and s'eak only when hey s'oke o -e/ and call he- -.lady.: :If yo2 s ar calling -e -.lady/ e0en 6o (ie is going o no ice. And yo2 &e er kee' on 'issing he sa-e way oo.: :As -.lady co--ands.: Arya sla--ed his ches wi h &o h hands. 6e ri''ed o0er a s one and sa down wi h a h2-'. :3ha kind of lord.s da2gh er are yo28: he said/ la2ghing. :This kind.: !he kicked hi- in he side/ &2 i only -ade hi- la2gh harder. :=o2 la2gh all yo2 like. I.- going o see who.s in he 0illage.: The s2n had already fallen &elow he rees< d2sk wo2ld &e on he- in no i-e a all. For once i was Gendry who had o h2rry af er. :=o2 s-ell ha 8: she asked. 6e sniffed he air. :Ro en fish8: :=o2 know i .s no .: :3e &e er &e caref2l. I.ll go aro2nd wes / see if here.s so-e road. There -2s &e if yo2 saw a wagon. =o2 ake he shore. If yo2 need hel'/ &ark like a dog.: :Tha .s s 2'id. If I need hel'/ I.ll sho2 hel'.: !he dar ed away/ &are fee silen in he grass. 3hen she glanced &ack o0er her sho2lder/ he was wa ching her wi h ha 'ained look on his face ha -ean he was hinking. 6e.s 'ro&a&ly hinking ha he sho2ldn. &e le ing -.lady go s ealing food. Arya ;2s knew he was going o &e s 2'id now. The s-ell grew s ronger as she go closer o he 0illage. I did no s-ell like ro en fish o her. This s ench was ranker/ fo2ler. !he wrinkled her nose. 3here he rees &egan o hin/ she 2sed he 2ndergrow h/ sli''ing fro&2sh o &2sh 42ie as a shadow. ,0ery few yards she s o''ed o lis en. The hird i-e/ she heard horses/ and a -an.s 0oice as well. And he s-ell go worse. 1ead -an.s s ink/ ha .s wha i is. !he had s-elled i &efore/ wi h =oren and he o hers. A dense hicke of &ra-&les grew so2 h of he 0illage. By he i-e she reached i / he long shadows of s2nse had &eg2n o fade/ and he lan ern &2gs were co-ing o2 . !he co2ld see ha ched roofs ;2s &eyond he hedge. !he cre' along 2n il she fo2nd a ga' and s42ir-ed hro2gh on her &elly/ kee'ing well hidden 2n il she saw wha -ade he s-ell. Beside he gen ly la''ing wa ers of Gods ,ye/ a long gi&&e of raw green wood had &een hrown 2'/ and hings ha had once &een -en dangled here/ heir fee in chains/ while crows 'ecked a heir flesh and fla''ed fro- cor'se o cor'se. For e0ery crow here were a h2ndred flies. 3hen he wind &lew off he lake/ he neares cor'se wis ed on i s chain/ e0er so sligh ly. The crows had ea en -os of i s face/ and so-e hing else had &een a i as well/ so-e hing -2ch larger. Throa and ches had &een orn a'ar / and glis ening green en rails and ri&&ons of ragged flesh dangled fro- where he &elly had &een o'ened. one ar- had &een ri''ed righ off he sho2lder< Arya saw he &ones a few fee away/ gnawed and cracked/ 'icked clean of -ea . !he -ade herself look a he ne9 -an and he one &eyond hi- and he one &eyond hi-/ elling herself she was hard as a s one. Cor'ses all/ so sa0aged and decayed ha i ook her a -o-en o reali>e hey had &een s ri''ed &efore hey were hanged. They did no look like naked 'eo'le< hey hardly looked like 'eo'le a all. The crows had ea en heir eyes/ and so-e i-es heir faces. )f he si9 h in he long row/

no hing re-ained &2 a single leg/ s ill angled in i s chains/ swaying wi h each &ree>e. Fear c2 s dee'er han swords. 1ead -en co2ld no h2r her/ &2 whoe0er had killed he- co2ld. 3ell &eyond he gi&&e / wo -en in -ail ha2&erks s ood leaning on heir s'ears in fron of he long low &2ilding &y he wa er/ he one wi h he sla e roof. A 'air of all 'oles had &een dri0en in o he -2ddy gro2nd in fron of i / &anners droo'ing fro- each s aff. )ne looked red and one 'aler/ whi e or yellow -ay&e/ &2 &o h were li-' and wi h he d2sk se ling/ she co2ld no e0en &e cer ain ha red one was *annis er cri-son. I don. need o see he lion/ I can see all he dead 'eo'le/ who else wo2ld i &e &2 *annis ers8 Then here was a sho2 . The wo s'ear-en 2rned a he cry/ and a hird -an ca-e in o 0iew/ sho0ing a ca' i0e &efore hi-. I was growing oo dark o -ake o2 faces/ &2 he 'risoner was wearing a shiny s eel hel-/ and when Arya saw he horns she knew i was Gendry. =o2 s 2'id s 2'id s 2'id !T+(I1? she ho2gh . If he.d &een here she wo2ld ha0e kicked hi- again. The g2ards were alking lo2dly/ &2 she was oo far away o -ake o2 he words/ es'ecially wi h he crows ga&&ling and fla''ing closer o hand. )ne of he s'ear-en sna ched he hel- off Gendry.s head and asked hi- a 42es ion/ &2 he -2s no ha0e liked he answer/ &eca2se he s-ashed hi- across he face wi h he &2 of his s'ear and knocked hidown. The one who.d ca' 2red hi- ga0e hi- a kick/ while he second s'ear-an was rying on he &2ll.s7head hel-. Finally hey '2lled hi- o his fee and -arched hi- off oward he s oreho2se. 3hen hey o'ened he hea0y wooden doors/ a s-all &oy dar ed o2 / &2 one of he g2ards gra&&ed his ar- and fl2ng hi- &ack inside. Arya heard so&&ing froinside he &2ilding/ and hen a shriek so lo2d and f2ll of 'ain ha i -ade her &i e her li'. The g2ards sho0ed Gendry inside wi h he &oy and &arred he doors &ehind he-. ;2s hen/ a &rea h of wind ca-e sighing off he lake/ and he &anners s irred and lif ed. The one on he all s aff &ore he golden lion/ as she.d feared. )n he o her/ hree sleek &lack sha'es ran across a field as yellow as &2 er. 1ogs/ she ho2gh . Arya had seen hose dogs &efore/ &2 where8 I didn. -a er. The only hing ha -a ered was ha hey had Gendry. ,0en if he was s 2&&orn and s 2'id/ she had o ge hi- o2 . !he wondered if hey knew ha he 42een wan ed hi-. )ne of he g2ards ook off his hel- and donned Gendry.s ins ead. I -ade her angry o see hi- wearing i / &2 she knew here was no hing she co2ld do o s o' hi-. !he ho2gh she heard -ore screa-s froinside he windowless s oreho2se/ -2ffled &y he -asonry/ &2 i was hard o &e cer ain. !he s ayed long eno2gh o see he g2ard changed/ and -2ch -ore &esides. Men ca-e and wen . They led heir horses down o he s rea- o drink. A h2n ing 'ar y re 2rned fro- he wood/ carrying a deer.s carcass sl2ng fro- a 'ole. !he wa ched he- clean and g2 i and &2ild a cookfire on he far side of he s rea-/ and he s-ell of cooking -ea -ingled 42eerly wi h he s ench of corr2' ion. 6er e-' y &elly roiled and she ho2gh she -igh re ch. The 'ros'ec of food &ro2gh o her -en o2 of he ho2ses/ near all of he- wearing &i s of -ail or &oiled lea her. 3hen he deer was cooked/ he choices 'or ions were carried o one of he ho2ses. !he ho2gh ha he dark -igh le her crawl close and free Gendry/ &2 he g2ards kindled orches off he cookfire. A s42ire &ro2gh -ea and &read o he wo g2arding he s oreho2se/ and la er wo -ore -en

;oined he- and hey all 'assed a skin of wine fro- hand o hand. 3hen i was e-' y he o hers lef / &2 he wo g2ards re-ained/ leaning on heir s'ears. Arya.s ar-s and legs were s iff when she finally wriggled o2 fro2nder he &riar in o he dark of he wood. I was a &lack nigh / wi h a hin sli0er of -oon a''earing and disa''earing as he clo2ds &lew 'as . !ilen as a shadow/ she old herself as she -o0ed hro2gh he rees. In his darkness she dared no r2n/ for fear of ri''ing on so-e 2nseen roo or losing her way. )n her lef Gods ,ye la''ed cal-ly agains i s shores. on her righ a wind sighed hro2gh he &ranches/ and lea0es r2s led and s irred. Far off/ she heard he howling of wol0es. *o--y and 6o (ie al-os shi he-sel0es when she s e''ed o2 of he rees &ehind he-. :F2ie /: she old he-/ '2 ing an ar- aro2nd 3easel when he li le girl ca-e r2nning 2'. 6o (ie s ared a her wi h &ig eyes. :3e ho2gh yo2 lef 2s.: 6e had his shor sword in hand/ he one =oren had aken off he gold cloak. :I was scared yo2 was a wolf.: :3here.s he B2ll8: asked *o--y. :They ca2gh hi-/: Arya whis'ered. :3e ha0e o ge hi- o2 . 6o (ie/ yo2 go o hel'. 3e.ll sneak 2' and kill he g2ards/ and hen I.ll o'en he door.: 6o (ie and *o--y e9changed a look. :6ow -any8: :I co2ldn. co2n /: Arya ad-i ed. :Twen y a leas / &2 only wo on he door.: 6o (ie looked as if he were going o cry. :3e can. figh wen y.: :=o2 only need o figh one. I.ll do he o her and we.ll ge Gendry o2 and r2n.: :3e sho2ld yield/: *o--y said. :@2s go in and yield.: Arya shook her head s 2&&ornly. :Then ;2s lea0e hi-/ Arry/: *o--y 'leaded. :They don. know a&o2 he res of 2s. If we hide/ hey.ll go away/ yo2 know hey will. I .s no o2r fa2l Gendry.s ca' 2red.: s 2'id/ *o--y/: Arya said angrily. :=o2.ll die if we don. ge Gendry o2 . 3ho.s going o carry yo28: :=o2 and 6o (ie.: :All he i-e/ wi h no one else o hel'8 3e.ll ne0er do i . Gendry was he s rong one. Anyhow/ I don. care wha yo2 say/ I.- going &ack for hi-.: !he looked a 6o (ie. :Are yo2 co-ing8: 6o (ie glanced a *o--y/ a Arya/ a *o--y again. :I.ll co-e/: he said rel2c an ly. :*o--y/ yo2 kee' 3easel here.: 6e gra&&ed he li le girl &y he hand and '2lled her close. :3ha if he wol0es co-e8: :=ield/: Arya s2gges ed. Finding heir way &ack o he 0illage see-ed o ake ho2rs. 6o (ie ke' s 2-&ling in he dark and losing his way/ and Arya had o wai for hi- and do2&le &ack. Finally she ook hi- &y he hand and led hi- along hro2gh he rees. :@2s &e 42ie and follow.: 3hen hey co2ld -ake o2 he firs fain glow of he 0illage fires agains he sky/ she said/ :There.s dead -en hanging on he o her side of he hedge/ &2 no hing o &e scared of/ ;2s re-e-&er fear c2 s dee'er han swords. 3e ha0e o go real 42ie and slow.: 6o (ie nodded. !he wriggled 2nder he &riar firs and wai ed for hi- on he far side/ cro2ched low. 6o (ie e-erged 'ale and 'an ing/ face and ar-s &loody wi h long scra ches. 6e s ar ed o say so-e hing/ &2 Arya '2 a finger o his li's. )n hands and knees/ hey crawled along he gi&&e / &enea h he swaying dead. 6o (ie ne0er once looked 2'/ nor -ade a so2nd.

+n il he crow landed on his &ack/ and he ga0e a -2ffled gas'. :3ho.s here8: a 0oice &oo-ed s2ddenly fro- he dark. 6o (ie lea' o his fee . :I yield?: 6e hrew away his sword as do>ens of crows rose shrieking and co-'laining o fla' a&o2 he cor'ses. Arya gra&&ed his leg and ried o drag hi- &ack down/ &2 he wrenched loose and ran forward/ wa0ing his ar-s. :I yield/ I yield.: !he &o2nced 2' and drew 5eedle/ &2 &y hen -en were all aro2nd her. Arya slashed a he neares / &2 he &locked her wi h a s eel7clad ar-/ and so-eone else sla--ed in o her and dragged her o he gro2nd/ and a hird -an wrenched he sword fro- her gras'. 3hen she ried o &i e/ her ee h sna''ed sh2 on cold dir y chain-ail. :)ho/ a fierce one/: he -an said/ la2ghing. The &low fro- his iron7clad fis near knocked her head off. They alked o0er her as she lay h2r ing/ &2 Arya co2ld no see- o 2nders and he words. 6er ears rang. 3hen she ried o crawl off/ he ear h -o0ed &enea h her. They ook 5eedle. The sha-e of ha h2r worse han he 'ain/ and he 'ain h2r a lo . @on had gi0en her ha sword. !yrio had a2gh her o 2se i . Finally so-eone gra&&ed he fron of her ;erkin/ yanked her o her knees. 6o (ie was kneeling oo/ &efore he alles -an Arya had e0er seen/ a -ons er fro- one of )ld 5an.s s ories. !he ne0er saw where he gian had co-e fro-. Three &lack dogs raced across his faded yellow s2rcoa / and his face looked as hard as if i had &een c2 fro- s one. !2ddenly Arya knew where she had seen hose dogs &efore. The nigh of he o2rney a King.s *anding/ all he knigh s had h2ng heir shields o2 side heir 'a0ilions. :Tha one &elongs o he 6o2nd.s &ro her/: !ansa had confided when hey 'assed he &lack dogs on he yellow field. :6e.s e0en &igger han 6odor/ yo2.ll see. They call hi- he Mo2n ain Tha Rides.: Arya le her head droo'/ only half aware of wha was going on aro2nd her. 6o (ie was yielding so-e -ore. The Mo2n ain said/ :=o2.ll lead 2s o hese o hers/: and walked off. 5e9 she was s 2-&ling 'as he dead -en on heir gi&&e / while 6o (ie old heir ca' ors he.d &ake he'ies and ar s if hey didn. h2r hi-. Fo2r -en wen wi h he-. )ne carried a orch/ one a longsword< wo had s'ears. They fo2nd *o--y where hey.d lef hi-/ 2nder he oak. :I yield/: he called o2 a once when he saw he-. 6e.d fl2ng away his own s'ear and raised his hands/ s'lo chy green wi h old dye. :I yield. (lease.: The -an wi h he orch searched aro2nd 2nder he rees. :Are yo2 he las 8 Baker &oy said here was a girl.: :!he ran off when she heard yo2 co-ing/: *o--y said. :=o2 -ade a lo of noise.: And Arya ho2gh / R2n/ 3easel/ r2n as far as yo2 can/ r2n and hide and ne0er co-e &ack. :Tell 2s where we can find ha whoreson 1ondarrion/ and here.ll &e a ho -eal in i for yo2.: :3ho8: said *o--y &lankly. :I old yo2/ his lo don. know no -ore han hose c2n s in he 0illage. 3as e o.&loody i-e.: )ne of he s'ear-en drif ed o0er o *o--y. :!o-e hing wrong wi h yo2r leg/ &oy8: :I go h2r .: :Can yo2 walk8: 6e so2nded concerned. :5o/: said *o--y. :=o2 go o carry -e.: :Think so8: The -an lif ed his s'ear cas2ally and dro0e he 'oin hro2gh he &oy.s sof hroa . *o--y ne0er e0en had i-e o yield again. 6e ;erked once/ and ha was all. 3hen he -an '2lled his s'ear loose/ &lood s'rayed o2 in a dark fo2n ain. :Carry hi-/ he says/: he


ered/ ch2ckling.

C6A(T,R %0 T=RI)5 They had warned hi- o dress war-ly. Tyrion *annis er ook he- a heir word. 6e was gar&ed in hea0y 42il ed &reeches and a woolen do2&le / and o0er i all he had hrown he shadowskin cloak he had ac42ired in he Mo2n ains of he Moon. The cloak was a&s2rdly long/ -ade for a -an wice his heigh . 3hen he was no ahorse/ he only way o wear he hing was o wra' i aro2nd hi- se0eral i-es/ which -ade hi- look like a &all of s ri'ed f2r. ,0en so/ he was glad he had lis ened. The chill in he long dank 0a2l wen &one dee'. Ti-e had chosen o re rea &ack 2' o he cellar af er a &rief as e of he cold &elow. They were so-ewhere 2nder he hill of Rhaenys/ &ehind he G2ildhall of he Alche-is s. The da-' s one walls were s'lo chy wi h ni re/ and he only ligh ca-e fro- he sealed ironand7glass oil la-' ha 6allyne he (yro-ancer carried so gingerly. Gingerly indeed . . . and hese wo2ld &e he ginger ;ars. Tyrion lif ed one for ins'ec ion. I was ro2nd and r2ddy/ a fa clay gra'efr2i . A li le &ig for his hand/ &2 i wo2ld fi co-for a&ly in he gri' of a nor-al -an/ he knew. The 'o ery was hin/ so fragile ha e0en he had &een warned no o s42ee>e oo igh ly/ les he cr2sh i in his fis . The clay fel ro2ghened/ 'e&&led. 6allyne old hi- ha was in en ional. :A s-oo h 'o is -ore a' o sli' fro- a -an.s gras'.: The wildfire oo>ed slowly oward he li' of he ;ar when Tyrion il ed i o 'eer inside. The color wo2ld &e a -2rky green/ he knew/ &2 he 'oor ligh -ade ha i-'ossi&le o confir-. :Thick/: he o&ser0ed. :Tha is fro- he cold/ -y lord/: said 6allyne/ a 'allid -an wi h sof da-' hands and an o&se42io2s -anner. 6e was dressed in s ri'ed &lackand7scarle ro&es ri--ed wi h sa&le/ &2 he f2r looked -ore han a li le 'a chy and -o h7ea en. :As i war-s/ he s2&s ance will flow -ore easily/ like la-' oil.: The s2&s ance was he 'yro-ancers. own er- for wildfire. They called each o her wisdo- as well/ which Tyrion fo2nd al-os as annoying as heir c2s o- of hin ing a he 0as secre s ores of knowledge ha hey wan ed hi- o hink hey 'ossessed. once heirs had &een a 'owerf2l g2ild/ &2 in recen cen 2ries he -aes ers of he Ci adel had s2''lan ed he alche-is s al-os e0erywhere. 5ow only a few of he older order re-ained/ and hey no longer e0en 're ended o rans-2 e -e als . . . . . . &2 hey co2ld -ake wildfire. :3a er will no 42ench i / I aold.// :Tha is so. )nce i akes fire/ he s2&s ance will &2rn fiercely 2n il i is no -ore. More/ i will see' in o clo h/ wood/ lea her/ e0en s eel/ so hey ake fire as well.: Tyrion re-e-&ered he red 'ries Thoros of Myr and his fla-ing sword. ,0en a hin coa ing of wildfire co2ld &2rn for an ho2r. Thoros always needed a new sword af er a -elee/ &2 Ro&er had &een fond of he -an and e0er glad o 'ro0ide one. :3hy doesn. i see' in o he clay as well8: :)h/ &2 i does/: said 6allyne. :There is a 0a2l &elow his one where we s ore he older 'o s. Those fro- King Aerys.s day. I was his fancy o ha0e he ;ars -ade in he sha'es of fr2i s. Very 'erilo2s fr2i s indeed/ -y lord 6and/ and/ h---/ ri'er now han e0er/ if yo2 ake -y -eaning. 3e ha0e sealed he- wi h wa9 and '2-'ed he lower 0a2l f2ll

of wa er/ &2 e0en so . . . &y righ s hey o2gh o ha0e &een des royed/ &2 so -any of o2r -as ers were -2rdered d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ he few acoly es who re-ained were 2ne42al o he ask. And -2ch of he s ock we -ade for Aerys was los . )nly las year/ wo h2ndred ;ars were disco0ered in a s oreroo- &enea h he Grea !e' of Baelor. 5o one co2ld recall how hey ca-e here/ &2 I.- s2re I do no need o ell yo2 ha he 6igh !e' on was &eside hi-self wi h error. I -yself saw ha hey were safely -o0ed. I had a car filled wi h sand/ and sen o2r -os a&le acoly es. 3e worked only &y nigh / we7: :7did a s'lendid ;o&/ I ha0e no do2& .: Tyrion 'laced he ;ar he.d &een holding &ack a-ong i s fellows. They co0ered he a&le/ s anding in orderly rows of fo2r and -arching away in o he s2& erranean di-ness. And here were o her a&les &eyond/ -any o her a&les. :These/ ah/ fr2i s of he la e King Aerys/ can hey s ill &e 2sed8: :)h/ yes/ -os cer ainly . . . &2 caref2lly/ -y lord/ e0er so care7 f2lly. As i ages/ he s2&s ance grows e0er -ore/ h----/ fickle/ le 2s say. Any fla-e will se i afire. Any s'ark. Too -2ch hea and ;ars will &la>e 2' of heir own accord. I is no wise o le he- si in s2nligh / e0en for a shor i-e. )nce he fire &egins wi hin/ he hea ca2ses he s2&s ance o e9'and 0iolen ly/ and he ;ars shor ly fly o 'ieces. If o her ;ars sho2ld ha''en o &e s ored in he sa-e 0icini y/ hose go 2' as well/ and so7: :6ow -any ;ars do yo2 ha0e a 'resen 8: :This -orning he 3isdo- M2nci er old -e ha we had se0en ho2sand eigh h2ndred and for y. Tha co2n incl2des fo2r ho2sand ;ars froKing Aerys.s day/ o &e s2re.: :)2r o0erri'e fr2i s8: 6allyne &o&&ed his head. :3isdo- Malliard &elie0es we shall &e a&le o 'ro0ide a f2ll en ho2sand ;ars/ as was 'ro-ised he 42een. I conc2r.: The 'yro-ancer looked indecen ly 'leased wi h ha 'ros'ec . Ass2-ing o2r ene-ies gi0e yo2 he i-e. The 'yro-ancers ke' heir reci'e for wildfire a closely g2arded secre / &2 Tyrion knew ha i was a leng hy/ dangero2s/ and i-e7cons2-ing 'rocess. 6e had ass2-ed he 'ro-ise of en ho2sand ;ars was a wild &oas / like ha of he &anner-an who 0ows o -arshal en ho2sand swords for his lord and shows 2' on he day of &a le wi h a h2ndred and wo. ff hey can r2ly gi0e 2s en ho2sand . . . 6e did no know whe her he o2gh o &e deligh ed or errified. (erha's a s-idge of &o h. :I r2s ha yo2r g2ild &ro hers are no engaging in any 2nsee-ly has e/ 3isdo-. 3e do no wan en ho2sand ;ars of defec i0e wildfire/ nor e0en one . . . and we -os cer ainly do no wan any -isha's.: :There will &e no -isha's/ -y lord 6and. The s2&s ance is 're'ared &y rained acoly es in a series of &are s one cells/ and each ;ar is re-o0ed &y an a''ren ice and carried down here he ins an i is ready. A&o0e each work cell is a roo- filled en irely wi h sand. A 'ro ec i0e s'ell has &een laid on he floors/ h---/ -os 'owerf2l. Any fire in he cell &elow ca2ses he floors o fall away/ and he sand s-o hers he &la>e a once.: :5o o -en ion he careless acoly e.: By s'ell Tyrion i-agined 6allyne -ean cle0er rick. 6e ho2gh he wo2ld like o ins'ec one of hese false7ceilinged cells o see how i worked/ &2 his was no he i-e. (erha's when he war was won. :My &re hren are ne0er careless/: 6allyne insis ed. :If I -ay &e/ h----/ frank :)h/ do. :The s2&s ance flows hro2gh -y 0eins/ and li0es in he hear of e0ery

'yro-ancer. 3e res'ec i s 'ower. B2 he co--on soldier/ h----/ he crew of one of he 42een.s s'i fires/ say/ in he 2n hinking fren>y of &a le . . . an7y li le -is ake can &ring ca as ro'he. Tha canno &e said oo of en. My fa her of en old King Aerys as -2ch/ as his fa her old old King @aehaerys.: :They -2s ha0e lis ened/: Tyrion said. :If hey had &2rned he ci y down/ so-eone wo2ld ha0e old -e. !o yo2r co2nsel is ha we had &es &e caref2l8 : :Be 0ery caref2l/: said 6allyne. :Be 0ery 0ery caref2l.: :These clay ;ars . . . do yo2 ha0e an a-'le s2''ly8: :3e do/ -y lord/ and hank yo2 for asking.: :=o2 won. -ind if I ake so-e/ hen. A few ho2sand.: :A few ho2sand8: :)r howe0er -any yo2r g2ild can s'are/ wi ho2 in erfering wi h 'rod2c ion. I .s e-' y 'o s I.- asking for/ 2nders and. 6a0e he- sen ro2nd o he ca' ains on each of he ci y ga es.: :I will/ -y lord/ &2 why . . . 8: Tyrion s-iled 2' a hi-. :3hen yo2 ell -e o dress war-ly/ I dress war-ly. 3hen yo2 ell -e o &e caref2l/ well . . .: 6e ga0e a shr2g. :I.0e seen eno2gh. (erha's yo2 wo2ld &e so good as o escor -e &ack 2' o -y li er8: :I wo2ld &e -y grea / h---/ 'leas2re/ -y lord.: 6allyne lif ed he la-' and led he way &ack o he s airs. :I was good of yo2 o 0isi 2s. A grea honor/ h---. I has &een oo long since he King.s 6and graced 2s wi h his 'resence. 5o since *ord Rossar / and he was of o2r order. Tha was &ack in King Aerys.s day. King Aerys ook a grea in eres in o2r work.: King Aerys 2sed yo2 o roas he flesh off his ene-ies. 6is &ro her @ai-e had old hi- a few s ories of he Mad King and his 'e 'yro-ancers. :@offrey will &e in eres ed as well/ I ha0e no do2& .: 3hich is why I.d &es kee' hi- well away fro- yo2. :I is o2r grea ho'e o ha0e he king 0isi o2r G2ildhall in his own royal 'erson. I ha0e s'oken of i o yo2r royal sis er. A grea feas . . .: I was growing war-er as hey cli-&ed. :6is Grace has 'rohi&i ed all feas ing 2n il s2ch i-e as he war is won.: A -y insis ence. :The king does no hink i fi ing o &an42e on choice food while his 'eo'le go wi ho2 &read.: :A -os / h---/ lo0ing ges 2re/ -y lord. (erha's ins ead so-e few of 2s -igh call 2'on he king a he Red Kee'. A s-all de-ons ra ion of o2r 'owers/ as i were/ o dis rac 6is Grace fro- his -any cares for an e0ening. 3ildfire is &2 one of he dread secre s of o2r ancien order. Many and wondro2s are he hings we -igh show yo2.: :I will ake i 2' wi h -y sis er.: Tyrion had no o&;ec ion o a few -agic ricks/ &2 @off.s fondness for -aking -en figh o he dea h was rial eno2gh< he had no in en ion of allowing he &oy o as e he 'ossi&ili ies of &2rning he- ali0e. 3hen a las hey reached he o' of he s e's/ Tyrion shr2gged o2 of his shadowskin f2r and folded i o0er his ar-. The G2ildhall of he Alche-is s was an i-'osing warren of &lack s one/ &2 6allyne led hihro2gh he wis s and 2rns 2n il hey reached he Gallery of he iron Torches/ a long echoing cha-&er where col2-ns of green fire danced aro2nd &lack -e al col2-ns wen y fee all. Ghos ly fla-es shi--ered off he 'olished &lack -ar&le of he walls and floor and &a hed he hall in an e-erald radiance. Tyrion wo2ld ha0e &een -ore i-'ressed if he hadn. known ha he grea iron orches had only &een li his -orning in honor of his 0isi / and wo2ld &e e9 ing2ished he ins an

he doors closed &ehind hi-. 3ildfire was oo cos ly o s42ander. They e-erged a o' he &road c2r0ing s e's ha fron ed on he ! ree of he !is ers/ near he foo of Visenya.s 6ill. 6e &id 6allyne farewell and waddled down o where Ti-e son of Ti-e wai ed wi h an escor of B2rned Men. Gi0en his '2r'ose oday/ i had see-ed a sing2larly a''ro'ria e choice for his g2ard. Besides/ heir scars s r2ck error in he hear s of he ci y ra&&le. Tha was all o he good hese days. )nly hree nigh s 'as / ano her -o& had ga hered a he ga es of he Red Kee'/ chan ing for food. @off had 2nleashed a s or- of arrows agains he-/ slaying fo2r/ and hen sho2 ed down ha hey had his lea0e o ea heir dead. 3inning 2s s ill -ore friends. Tyrion was s2r'rised o see Bror- s anding &eside he li er as well. :3ha are yo2 doing here8: :1eli0ering yo2r -essages/: Bronn said. :Ironhand wan s yo2 2rgen ly a he Ga e of he Gods. 6e won. say why. And yo2.0e &een s2--oned o Maegor.s oo.: :!2--oned8: Tyrion knew of only one 'erson who wo2ld 'res2-e o 2se ha word. :And wha does Cersei wan of -e8: Bror- shr2gged. :The 42een co--ands yo2 o re 2rn o he cas le a once and a end her in her cha-&ers. Tha s ri'ling co2sin of yo2rs deli0ered he -essage. Fo2r hairs on his li' and he hinks he.s a -an.: :Fo2r hairs and a knigh hood. 6e.s !er *ancel now/ ne0er forge .: Tyrion knew ha !er @acelyn wo2ld no send for hi- 2nless he -a er was of i-'or . :I.d &es see wha Bywa er wan s. Infor- -y sis er ha I will a end her on -y re 2rn.: :!he won. like ha /: Bror- warned. :Good. The longer Cersei wai s/ he angrier she.ll &eco-e/ and anger -akes her s 2'id. I -2ch 'refer angry and s 2'id o co-'osed and c2nning.: Tyrion ossed his folded cloak in o his li er/ and Ti-e hel'ed hi- 2' af er i . The -arke s42are inside he Ga e of he Gods/ which in nor-al i-es wo2ld ha0e &een hronged wi h far-ers selling 0ege a&les/ was near deser ed when Tyrion crossed i . !er @acelyn -e hi- a he ga e/ and raised his iron hand in &r2s42e sal2 e. :My lord. =o2r co2sin Cleos Frey is here/ co-e fro- Ri0err2n 2nder a 'eace &anner wi h a le er fro- Ro&& ! ark.: :(eace er-s8: :!o he says.: :!wee co2sin. !how -e o hi-.: The gold cloaks had confined !er Cleos o a windowless g2ardroo- in he ga eho2se. 6e rose when hey en ered. :Tyrion/ yo2 are a -os welco-e sigh .: :Tha .s no so-e hing I hear of en/ co2sin.: :6as Cersei co-e wi h yo28: :My sis er is o herwise occ2'ied. Is his ! ark.s le er8: 6e 'l2cked i off he a&le. :!er @acelyn/ yo2 -ay lea0e 2s.: Bywa er &owed and de'ar ed. :I was asked o &ring he offer o he F2een Regen /: !er Cleos said as he door sh2 . :I shall.: Tyrion glanced o0er he -a' ha Ro&& ! ark had sen wi h his le er. :All in good i-e/ co2sin. !i . Res . =o2 look ga2n and haggard.: 6e looked worse han ha / in r2 h. :=es.: !er Cleos lowered hi-self on o a &ench. :I is &ad in he ri0erlands/ Tyrion. Aro2nd he Gods ,ye and along he kingsroad es'ecially. The ri0er lords are &2rning heir own cro's o ry and s ar0e 2s/ and yo2r fa her.s foragers are orching e0ery 0illage hey ake and '2 ing he s-allfolk o he sword.: Tha was he way of war. The s-allfolk were sla2gh ered/ while he

high&orn were held for ranso-. Re-ind -e o hank he gods ha I was &o- a *annis er. !er Cleos ran a hand hro2gh his hin &rown hair. :,0en wi h a 'eace &anner/ we were a acked wice. 3ol0es in -ail/ h2ngry o sa0age anyone weaker han he-sel0es. The gods alone know wha side hey s ar ed on/ &2 on heir own side now. *os hree -en/ and wice as -any wo2nded.: :3ha news of o2r foe8: Tyrion 2rned his a en ion &ack o ! ark.s er-s. The &oy does no wan oo -2ch. )nly half he real-/ he release of o2r ca' i0es/ hos ages/ his fa her.s sword . . . oh/ yes/ and his sis ers. :The &oy si s idle a Ri0err2n/: !er Cleos said. :I hink he fears o face yo2r fa her in he field. 6is s reng h grows less each day. The ri0er lords ha0e de'ar ed/ each o defend his own lands.: Is his wha Fa her in ended8 Tyrion rolled 2' ! ark.s -a'. :These er-s will ne0er do.: :3ill yo2 a leas consen o rade he ! ark girls for Tion and 3ille-8: !er Cleos asked 'lain i0ely. Tion Frey was his yo2nger &ro her/ Tyrion recalled. :5o/: he said gen ly/ :&2 we.ll 'ro'ose o2r own e9change of ca' i0es. *e -e cons2l wi h Cersei and he co2ncil. 3e shall send yo2 &ack o Ri0err2n wi h o2r er-s.: Clearly/ he 'ros'ec did no cheer hi-. :My lord/ I do no &elie0e Ro&& ! ark will yield easily. I is *ady Ca elyn who wan s his 'eace/ no he &oy.: :*ady Ca elyn wan s her da2gh ers.: Tyrion '2shed hi-self down fro- he &ench/ le er and -a' in hand. :!er @acelyn will see ha yo2 ha0e food and fire. =o2 look in dire need of slee'/ co2sin. I will send for yo2 when we know -ore.: 6e fo2nd !er @acelyn on he ra-'ar s/ wa ching se0eral h2ndred new recr2i s drilling in he field &elow. 3i h so -any seeking ref2ge in King.s *anding/ here was no lack of -en willing o ;oin he Ci y 3a ch for a f2ll &elly and a &ed of s iaw in he &arracks/ &2 Tyrion had no ill2sions a&o2 how well hese ragged defenders of heirs wo2ld figh if i ca-e o &a le. :=o2 did well o send for -e/: Tyrion said. :I shall lea0e !er Cleos in yo2r hands. 6e is o ha0e e0ery hos'i ali y.: :And his escor 8: he co--ander wan ed o know. :Gi0e he- food and clean gar&/ and find a -aes er o see o heir h2r s. They are no o se foo inside he ci y/ is ha 2nders ood8: I wo2ld ne0er do o ha0e he r2 h of condi ions in King.s *anding reach Ro&& ! ark in Ri0err2n. :3ell 2nders ood/ -y lord.: :)h/ and one -ore hing. The alche-is s will &e sending a large s2''ly of clay 'o s o each of he ci y ga es. o 2se he- o rain he -en who will work yo2r s'i fires. Fill he 'o s wi h green 'ain and ha0e he- drill a loading and firing. Any -an who s'a ers sho2ld &e re'laced. 3hen hey ha0e -as ered he 'ain 'o s/ s2&s i 2 e la-' oil and ha0e he- work a ligh ing he ;ars and firing he- while afla-e. )nce hey learn o do ha wi ho2 &2rning he-sel0es/ hey -ay &e ready for wildfire.: !er @acelyn scra ched a his cheek wi h his iron hand. :3ise -eas2res. Tho2gh I ha0e no lo0e for ha alche-is .s 'iss.: :5or I/ &2 I 2se wha I.- gi0en.: )nce &ack inside his li er/ Tyrion *annis er drew he c2r ains and 'l2-'ed a c2shion 2nder his el&ow. Cersei wo2ld &e dis'leased o learn ha he had in erce' ed ! ark.s le er/ &2 his fa her had sen hi-

here o r2le/ no o 'lease Cersei. I see-ed o hi- ha Ro&& ! ark had gi0en he- a golden chance. *e he &oy wai a Ri0err2n drea-ing of an easy 'eace. Tyrion wo2ld re'ly wi h er-s of his own/ gi0ing he King in he 5or h ;2s eno2gh of wha he wan ed o kee' hi- ho'ef2l. *e !er Cleos wear o2 his &ony Frey r2-' riding o and fro wi h offers and co2n ers. All he while/ heir co2sin !er ! afford wo2ld &e raining and ar-ing he new hos he.d raised a Cas erly Rock. )nce he was ready/ he and *ord Tywin co2ld s-ash he T2llys and ! arks &e ween he-. 5ow if only Ro&er .s &ro hers wo2ld &e so acco--oda ing. Glacial as his 'rogress was/ s ill Renly Bara heon cre' nor h and eas wi h his h2ge so2 hron hos / and scarcely a nigh 'assed ha Tyrion did no dread &eing awakened wi h he news ha *ord ! annis was sailing his flee 2' he Blackwa er R2sh. 3ell/ i wo2ld see- I ha0e a goodly s ock of wildfire/ &2 s ill . . . The so2nd of so-e h2&&2& in he s ree in r2ded on his worries. Tyrion 'eered o2 ca2 io2sly &e ween he c2r ains. They were 'assing hro2gh Co&&ler.s !42are/ where a si>a&le crowd had ga hered &enea h he lea her awnings o lis en o he ran ings of a 'ro'he . A ro&e of 2ndyed wool &el ed wi h a he-'en ro'e -arked hi- for one of he &egging &ro hers. :Corr2' ion?: he -an cried shrilly. :There is he warning? Behold he Fa her.s sco2rge?: 6e 'oin ed a he f2>>y red wo2nd in he sky. Frohis 0an age/ he dis an cas le on Aegon.s 6igh 6ill was direc ly &ehind hi-/ wi h he co-e hanging fore&odingly o0er i s owers. A cle0er choice of s age/ Tyrion reflec ed. :3e ha0e &eco-e swollen/ &loa ed/ fo2l. Bro her co2'les wi h sis er in he &ed of kings/ and he fr2i of heir inces ca'ers in his 'alace o he 'i'ing of a wis ed li le -onkey de-on. 6igh&orn ladies fornica e wi h fools and gi0e &ir h o -ons ers? ,0en he 6igh !e' on has forgo en he gods? 6e &a hes in scen ed wa ers and grows fa on lark and la-'rey while his 'eo'le s ar0e? (ride co-es &efore 'rayer/ -aggo s r2le o2r cas les/ and gold is all . . . &2 no -ore? The Ro en !2--er is a an end/ and he 3hore-onger King is &ro2gh low? 3hen he &oar did o'en hi-/ a grea s ench rose o hea0en and a ho2sand snakes slid for h fro- his &elly/ hissing and &i ing?: 6e ;a&&ed his &ony finger &ack a co-e and cas le. :There co-es he 6ar&inger? Cleanse yo2rsel0es/ he gods cry o2 / les ye &e cleansed? Ba he in he wine of righ eo2sness/ or yo2 shall &e &a hed in fire? Fire?: :Fire?: o her 0oices echoed/ &2 he hoo s of derision al-os drowned he- o2 . Tyrion ook solace fro- ha . 6e ga0e he co--and o con in2e/ and he li er rocked like a shi' on a ro2gh sea as he B2rned Men cleared a 'a h. Twis ed li le -onkey de-on indeed. The wre ch did ha0e a 'oin a&o2 he 6igh !e' on/ o &e s2re. 3ha was i ha Moon Boy had said of hi- he o her day8 A 'io2s -an who worshi's he !e0en so fer0en ly ha he ea s a -eal for each of he- whene0er he si s o a&le. The -e-ory of he fool.s ;a'e -ade Tyrion s-ile. 6e was 'leased o reach he Red Kee' wi ho2 f2r her inciden . As he cli-&ed he s e's o his cha-&ers/ Tyrion fel a deal -ore ho'ef2l han he had a dawn. Ti-e/ ha .s all I r2ly need/ i-e o 'iece i all oge her. )nce he chain is done . . . 6e o'ened he door o his solar. Cersei 2rned away fro- he window/ her skir s swirling aro2nd her slender hi's. :6ow dare yo2 ignore -y s2--ons?: :3ho ad-i ed yo2 o -y ower8: :=o2r ower8 This is -y son.s royal cas le.: :!o hey ell -e.: Tyrion was no a-2sed. Crawn wo2ld &e e0en less so<

his Moon Bro hers had he g2ard oday. :I was a&o2 o co-e o yo2/ as i ha''ens.: :3ere yo28: 6e sw2ng he door sh2 &ehind hi-. :=o2 do2& -e8: :Always/ and wi h good reason.: :I.- h2r .: Tyrion waddled o he side&oard for a c2' of wine. 6e knew no s2rer way o work 2' a hirs han alking wi h Cersei. :If I.0e gi0en yo2 offense/ I wo2ld know how.: :3ha a disg2s ing li le wor- yo2 are. Myrcella is -y only da2gh er. 1id yo2 r2ly i-agine ha I wo2ld allow yo2 o sell her like a &ag of oa s8 : Myrcella/ he ho2gh . 3ell/ ha egg has ha ched. *e .s see wha color he chick is. :6ardly a &ag of oa s. Myrcella is a 'rincess. !o-e wo2ld say his is wha she was &orn for. )r did yo2 'lan o -arry her o To--en8: 6er hand lashed o2 / knocking he wine c2' fro- his hand o s'ill on he floor. :Bro her or no/ I sho2ld ha0e yo2r ong2e o2 for ha . I a@offrey.s regen / no yo2/ and I say ha Myrcella will no &e shi''ed off o his 1ornish-an he way I was shi''ed o Ro&er Bara heon.: Tyrion shook wine off his fingers and sighed. :3hy no 8 !he.d &e a deal safer in 1orne han she is here.: :Are yo2 2 erly ignoran or si-'ly 'er0erse8 =o2 know as well as I ha he Mar ells ha0e no ca2se o lo0e 2s.: :The Mar ells ha0e e0ery ca2se o ha e 2s. 5one heless/ I e9'ec heo agree. (rince 1oran.s grie0ance agains 6o2se *annis er goes &ack only a genera ion/ &2 he 1ornish-en ha0e warred agains ! or-.s ,nd and 6ighgarden for a ho2sand years/ and Renly has aken 1orne.s allegiance for gran ed. Myrcella is nine/ Trys ane Mar ell ele0en. I ha0e 'ro'osed hey wed when she reaches her fo2r een h year. +n il s2ch i-e/ she wo2ld &e an honored g2es a !2ns'ear/ 2nder (rince 1oran.s 'ro ec ion.: :A hos age/: Cersei said/ -o2 h igh ening. :An honored g2es /: Tyrion insis ed/ :and I s2s'ec Mar ell will rea Myrcella -ore kindly han @offrey has rea ed !ansa ! ark. I had in -ind o send !er Arys )akhear wi h her. 3i h a knigh of he Kingsg2ard as her sworn shield/ no one is like o forge who or wha she is.: :!-all good !er Arys will do her if 1oran Mar ell decides ha -y da2gh er.s dea h wo2ld wash o2 his sis er.s.: :Mar ell is oo honora&le o -2rder a nine7year7old girl/ 'ar ic2larly one as swee and innocen as Myrcella. !o long as he holds her he can &e reasona&ly cer ain ha we.ll kee' fai h on o2r side/ and he er-s are oo rich o ref2se. Myrcella is he leas 'ar of i . I.0e also offered hi- his sis er.s killer/ a co2ncil sea / so-e cas les on he Marches . . .: :Too -2ch.: Cersei 'aced away fro- hi-/ res less as a lioness/ skir s swirling. :=o2.0e offered oo -2ch/ and wi ho2 -y a2 hori y or consen .: :This is he (rince of 1orne we are s'eaking of. If Id offered less/ he.d likely s'i in -y face.: :Too -2ch?: Cersei insis ed/ whirling &ack. :3ha wo2ld yo2 ha0e offered hi-/ ha hole &e ween yo2r legs8: Tyrion said/ his own anger flaring. This i-e he saw he sla' co-ing. 6is head sna''ed aro2nd wi h a crack. :!wee swee sis er/: he said/ :I 'ro-ise yo2/ ha was he las i-e yo2 will e0er s rike -e.: 6is sis er la2ghed. :1on. hrea en -e/ li le -an. 1o yo2 hink

Fa her.s le er kee's yo2 safe8 A 'iece of 'a'er. ,ddard ! ark had a 'iece of 'a'er oo/ for all he good i did hi-.: ,ddard ! ark did no ha0e he Ci y 3a ch/ Tyrion ho2gh / nor -y clans-en/ nor he sellswords ha Bronn has hired. I do. )r so he ho'ed. Tr2s ing in Varys/ in !er @acelyn Bywa er/ in Bronn. *ord ! ark had 'ro&a&ly had his del2sions as well. =e he said no hing. A wise -an did no 'o2r wildfire on a &ra>ier. Ins ead he 'o2red a fresh c2' of wine. :6ow safe do yo2 hink Myrcella will &e if King.s *anding falls8 Renly and ! annis will -o2n her head &eside yo2rs.: And Cersei &egan o cry. Tyrion *annis er co2ld no ha0e &een -ore as onished if Aegon he Con42eror hi-self had &2rs in o he roo-/ riding on a dragon and ;2ggling le-on 'ies. 6e had no seen his sis er wee' since hey were children oge her a Cas erly Rock. Awkwardly/ he ook a s e' oward her. 3hen yo2r sis er cries/ yo2 were s2''osed o co-for her . . . &2 his was Cersei? 6e reached a en a i0e hand for her sho2lder. :1on. o2ch -e/: she said/ wrenching away. I sho2ld no ha0e h2r / ye i did/ -ore han any sla'. Red7faced/ as angry as she was grief7 s ricken/ Cersei s r2ggled for &rea h. :1on. look a -e/ no . . . no like his . . . no yo2.: (oli ely/ Tyrion 2rned his &ack. :I did no -ean o frigh en yo2. I 'ro-ise yo2/ no hing will ha''en o Myrcella.: :*iar/: she said &ehind hi-. :I.- no a child/ o &e soo hed wi h e-' y 'ro-ises. =o2 old -e yo2 wo2ld free @ai-e oo. 3ell/ where is he8 : :In Ri0err2n/ I sho2ld i-agine. !afe and 2nder g2ard/ 2n il I find a way o free hi-.: Cersei sniffed. :I sho2ld ha0e &een &orn a -an. I wo2ld ha0e no need of any of yo2 hen. 5one of his wo2ld ha0e &een allowed o ha''en. 6ow co2ld @ai-e le hi-self &e ca' 2red &y ha &oy8 And Fa her/ I r2s ed in hi-/ fool ha I a-/ &2 where is he now ha he.s wan ed8 3ha is he doing8: :Making war.: :Fro- &ehind he walls of 6arrenhal8: she said scornf2lly. :A c2rio2s way of figh ing. I looks s2s'icio2sly like hiding.: :*ook again.: :3ha else wo2ld yo2 call i 8 Fa her si s in one cas le/ and Ro&& ! ark si s in ano her/ and no one does any hing.: :There is si ing and here is si ing/: Tyrion s2gges ed. :,ach one wai s for he o her o -o0e/ &2 he lion is s ill/ 'oised/ his ail wi ching/ while he fawn is fro>en &y fear/ &owels 2rned o ;elly. 5o -a er which way he &o2nds/ he lion will ha0e hi-/ and he knows i .: :And 42i e cer ain ha Fa her is he lion8: Tyrion grinned. :I .s on all o2r &anners.: !he ignored he ;es . :If i was Fa her who.d &een aken ca' i0e/ @ai-e wo2ld no &e si ing &y idly/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: fai-e wo2ld &e &a ering his hos o &loody &i s agains he walls of Ri0err2n/ and he ) hers ake heir chances. 6e ne0er did ha0e any 'a ience/ no -ore han yo2/ swee sis er. :5o all of 2s can &e as &old as @ai-e/ &2 here are o her ways o win wars. 6arrenhal is s rong and well si 2a ed.: :And King.s *anding is no / as we &o h know 'erfec ly well. 3hile Fa her 'lays lion and fawn wi h he ! ark &oy/ Renly -arches 2' he roseroad. 6e co2ld &e a o2r ga es any day now?: :The ci y will no fall in a day. Fro- 6arrenhal i is a s raigh / swif -arch down he kingsroad. Renly will scarce ha0e 2nli-&ered his siege engines &efore Fa her akes hi- in he rear. 6is hos will &e he

ha--er/ he ci y walls he an0il. i -akes a lo0ely 'ic 2re.: Cersei.s green eyes &ored in o hi-/ wary/ ye h2ngry for he reass2rance he was feeding her. :And if Ro&& ! ark -arches8: :6arrenhal is close eno2gh o he fords of he Triden so ha Roose Bol on canno &ring he nor hern foo across o ;oin wi h he =o2ng 3olf.s horse. ! ark canno -arch on King.s *anding wi ho2 aking 6arrenhal firs / and e0en wi h Bol on he is no s rong eno2gh o do ha .: Tyrion ried his -os winning s-ile. :Meanwhile Fa her li0es off he fa of he ri0erlands/ while o2r 2ncle ! afford ga hers fresh le0ies a he Rock.: Cersei regarded hi- s2s'icio2sly. :6ow co2ld yo2 know all his8 1id Fa her ell yo2 his in en ions when he sen yo2 here8: :5o. I glanced a a -a'.: 6er look 2rned o disdain. :=o2.0e con;2red 2' e0ery word of his in ha gro es42e head of yo2rs/ ha0en. yo2/ I-'8: Tyrion sked. :!wee sis er/ I ask yo2/ if we weren. winning/ wo2ld he ! arks ha0e s2ed for 'eace8: 6e drew o2 he le er ha !er Cleos Frey had &ro2gh . :The =o2ng 3olf has sen 2s er-s/ yo2 see. +nacce' a&le er-s/ o &e s2re/ &2 s ill/ a &eginning. 3o2ld yo2 care o see he-8 : :=es.: Tha fas / she was all 42een again. :6ow do yo2 co-e o ha0e he-8 They sho2ld ha0e co-e o -e.: :3ha else is a 6and for/ if no o hand yo2 hings8: Tyrion handed her he le er. 6is cheek s ill hro&&ed where Cersei.s hand had lef i s -ark. *e her flay half -y face/ i will &e a s-all 'rice o 'ay for her consen o he 1ornish -arriage. 6e wo2ld ha0e ha now/ he co2ld sense i . And cer ain knowledge of an infor-er oo . . . well/ ha was he 'l2in his '2dding. C6A(T,R %1 BRA5 1ancer was dra'ed in &ardings of snowy whi e wool e-&la>oned wi h he grey direwolf of 6o2se ! ark/ while Bran wore grey &reeches and whi e do2&le / his slee0es and collar ri--ed wi h 0air. )0er his hear was his wolf.s7head &rooch of sil0er and 'olished ;e . 6e wo2ld sooner ha0e had !2--er han a sil0er wolf on his &reas / &2 !er Rodrik had &een 2nyielding. The low s one s e's &alked 1ancer only for a -o-en . 3hen Bran 2rged her on/ she ook he- easily. Beyond he wide oak7and7iron doors/ eigh long rows of res le a&les filled 3in erfell.s Grea 6all/ fo2r on each side of he cen er aisle. Men crowded sho2lder o sho2lder on he &enches. :! ark?: hey called as Bran ro ed 'as / rising o heir fee . :3in erfell? 3in erfell?: 6e was old eno2gh o know ha i was no r2ly hi- hey sho2 ed for7i was he har0es hey cheered/ i was Ro&& and his 0ic ories/ i was his lord fa her and his grandfa her and all he ! arks going &ack eigh ho2sand years. ! ill/ i -ade hi- swell wi h 'ride. For so long as i ook hi- o ride he leng h of ha hall he forgo ha he was &roken. =e when he reached he dais/ wi h e0ery eye 2'on hi-/ )sha and 6odor 2ndid his s ra's and &2ckles/ lif ed hi- off 1ancer.s &ack/ and carried hi- o he high sea of his fa hers. !er Rodrik was sea ed o Bran.s lef / his da2gh er Be h &eside hi-. Rickon was o his righ / his -o' of shaggy a2&2rn hair grown so long ha i &r2shed his er-ine -an le. 6e had ref2sed o le anyone c2 i

since heir -o her had gone. The las girl o ry had &een &i en for her effor s. :I wan ed o ride oo/: he said as 6odor led 1ancer away. :I ride &e er han yo2.: :=o2 don. / so h2sh 2'/: he old his &ro her. !er Rodrik &ellowed for 42ie . Bran raised his 0oice. 6e &id he- welco-e in he na-e of his &ro her/ he King in he 5or h/ and asked he- o hank he gods old and new for Ro&&.s 0ic ories and he &o2n y of he har0es . :May here &e a h2ndred -ore/: he finished/ raising his fa her.s sil0er go&le . :A h2ndred -ore?: (ew er ankards/ clay c2's/ and iron7&anded drinking horns clashed oge her. Bran.s wine was swee ened wi h honey and fragran wi h cinna-on and clo0es/ &2 s ronger han he was 2sed o. 6e co2ld feel i s ho snaky fingers wriggling hro2gh his ches as he swallowed. By he i-e he se down he go&le / his head was swi--ing. :=o2 did well/ Bran/: !er Rodrik old hi-. :*ord ,ddard wo2ld ha0e &een -os 'ro2d.: 1own he a&le/ Maes er *2win nodded his agree-en as he ser0ers &egan o carry in he food. !2ch food Bran had ne0er seen< co2rse af er co2rse af er co2rse/ so -2ch ha he co2ld no -anage -ore han a &i e or wo of each dish. There were grea ;oin s of a2rochs roas ed wi h leeks/ 0enison 'ies ch2nky wi h carro s/ &acon/ and -2shroo-s/ -2 on cho's sa2ced in honey and clo0es/ sa0ory d2ck/ 'e''ered &oar/ goose/ skewers of 'igeon and ca'on/ &eef7and7&arley s ew/ cold fr2i so2'. *ord 3y-an had &ro2gh wen y casks of fish fro- 3hi e 6ar&or 'acked in sal and seaweed< whi efish and winkles/ cra&s and -2ssels/ cla-s/ herring/ cod/ sal-on/ lo&s er and la-'reys. There was &lack &read and honeycakes and oa en &isc2i s< here were 2rni's and 'ease and &ee s/ &eans and s42ash and h2ge red onions< here were &aked a''les and &erry ar s and 'ears 'oached in s rongwine. 3heels of whi e cheese were se a e0ery a&le/ a&o0e and &elow he sal / and flagons of ho s'ice wine and chilled a2 2-n ale were 'assed 2' and down he a&les. *ord 3y-an.s -2sicians 'layed &ra0ely and well/ &2 har' and fiddle and horn were soon drowned &enea h a ide of alk and la2gh er/ he clash of c2' and 'la e/ and he snarling of ho2nds figh ing for a&le scra's. The singer sang good songs/ :Iron *ances: and :The B2rning of he !hi's: and :The Bear and he Maiden Fair/: &2 only 6odor see-ed o &e lis ening. 6e s ood &eside he 'i'er/ ho''ing fro- one foo o he o her. The noise swelled o a s eady r2-&ling roar/ a grea heady s ew of so2nd. !er Rodrik alked wi h Maes er *2win a&o0e Be h.s c2rly head/ while Rickon screa-ed ha''ily a he 3alders. Bran had no wan ed he Freys a he high a&le/ &2 he -aes er re-inded hi- ha hey wo2ld soon &e kin. Ro&& was o -arry one of heir a2n s/ and Arya one of heir 2ncles. :!he ne0er will/: Bran said/ :no Arya/: &2 Maes er *2win was 2nyielding/ so here hey were &eside Rickon. The ser0ing -en &ro2gh e0ery dish o Bran firs / ha he -igh ake he lord.s 'or ion if he chose. By he i-e hey reached he d2cks/ he co2ld ea no -ore. Af er ha he nodded a''ro0al a each co2rse in 2rn/ and wa0ed i away. If he dish s-elled es'ecially choice/ he wo2ld send i o one of he lords on he dais/ a ges 2re of friendshi' and fa0or ha Maes er *2win old hi- he -2s -ake. 6e sen so-e sal-on down o 'oor sad *ady 6ornwood/ he &oar o he &ois ero2s +-&ers/ a dish of goose7in7&erries o Cley Cerwyn/ and a h2ge lo&s er o @ose h he -as er of horse/ who was nei her lord nor g2es / &2 had seen o 1ancer.s raining and -ade i 'ossi&le for Bran o ride. 6e sen swee s o 6odor and )ld 5an as well/ for no reason &2 he lo0ed he-. !er Rodrik re-inded hi- o send so-e hing o his fos er &ro hers/ so he sen *i le 3alder so-e &oiled &ee s and Big 3alder he &2 ered

2rni's. )n he &enches &elow/ 3in erfell. -en -i9ed wi h s-allfolk fro- he win er own/ friends fro- he nearer holdfas s/ and he escor s of heir lordly g2es s. !o-e faces Bran had ne0er seen &efore/ o hers he knew as well as his own/ ye hey all see-ed e42ally foreign o hi-. 6e wa ched he- as fro- a dis ance/ as if he s ill sa in he window of his &edcha-&er looking down on he yard &elow/ seeing e0ery hing ye a 'ar of no hing. )sha -o0ed a-ong he a&les/ 'o2ring ale. one of *eo&ald Tallhar .s -en slid a hand 2' 2nder her skir s and she &roke he flagon o0er his head/ o roars of la2gh er. =e Mikken had his hand down so-e wo-an.s &odice/ and she see-ed no o -ind. Bran wa ched Farlen -ake his red &i ch &eg for &ones and s-iled a )ld 5an 'l2cking a he cr2s of a ho 'ie wi h wrinkled fingers. )n he dais/ *ord 3y-an a acked a s ea-ing 'la e of la-'reys as if hey were an ene-y hos . 6e was so fa ha !er Rodrik had co--anded ha a s'ecial wide chair &e &2il for hi- o si in/ &2 he la2ghed lo2d and of en/ and Bran ho2gh he liked hi-. (oor wan *ady 6ornwood sa &eside hi-/ her face a s ony -ask as she 'icked lis lessly a her food. A he o''osi e end of he high a&le/ 6o hen and Mors were 'laying a drinking ga-e/ sla--ing heir horns oge her as hard as knigh s -ee ing in ;o2s . I is oo ho here/ and oo noisy/ and hey are all ge ing dr2nk. Bran i ched 2nder his grey and whi e woolens/ and s2ddenly he wished he were anywhere &2 here. I is cool in he godswood now ! ea- is rising off he ho 'ools/ and he red lea0es of he weirwood are r2s ling. The s-ells are richer han here/ and &efore long he -oon will rise and -y &ro her will sing o i . :Bran8: !er Rodrik said. :=o2 do no ea .: The waking drea- had &een so 0i0id/ for a -o-en Bran had no known where he was. :I.ll ha0e -ore la er/: he said. :My &elly.s f2ll o &2rs ing.: The old knigh .s whi e -2s ache was 'ink wi h wine. :=o2 ha0e done well/ Bran. 6ere/ and a he a2diences. =o2 will &e an es'ecial fine lord one day/ I hink.: I wan o &e a knigh . Bran ook ano her si' of he s'iced honey wine fro- his fa her.s go&le / gra ef2l for so-e hing o cl2 ch. The lifelike head of a snarling direwolf was raised on he side of he c2'. 6e fel he sil0er -2>>le 'ressing agains his 'al-/ and re-e-&ered he las i-e he had seen his lord fa her drink fro- his go&le . i had &een he nigh of he welco-ing feas / when King Ro&er had &ro2gh his co2r o 3in erfell. !2--er s ill reigned hen. 6is 'aren s had shared he dais wi h Ro&er and his 42een/ wi h her &ro hers &eside her. +ncle Ben;en had &een here oo/ all in &lack. Bran and his &ro hers and sis ers sa wi h he king.s children/ @offrey and To--en and (rincess Myrcella/ who.d s'en he whole -eal ga>ing a Ro&& wi h adoring eyes. Arya -ade faces across he a&le when no one was looking< !ansa lis ened ra' ly while he king.s high har'er sang songs of chi0alry/ and Rickon ke' asking why @on wasn. wi h he-. :Beca2se he.s a &as ard/: Bran finally had o whis'er o hi-. And now hey are all gone. I was as if so-e cr2el god had reached down wi h a grea hand and swe' he- all away/ he girls o ca' i0i y/ @on o he 3all/ Ro&& and Mo her o war/ King Ro&er and Fa her o heir gra0es/ and 'erha's +ncle Ben;en as well . . . ,0en down on he &enches/ here were new -en a he a&les. @ory was dead/ and Fa To-/ and (or her/ Alyn/ 1es-ond/ 62llen who had &een -as er of horse/ 6arwin his son . . . all hose who had gone so2 h wi h his fa her/ e0en !e' a Mordane and Vayon (oole. The res had ridden o

war wi h Ro&&/ and -igh soon &e dead as well for all Bran knew. 6e liked 6ayhead and (o9y Ty- and !ki rick and he o her new -en well eno2gh/ &2 he -issed his old friends. 6e looked 2' and down he &enches a all he faces ha''y and sad/ and wondered who wo2ld &e -issing ne9 year and he year af er. 6e -igh ha0e cried hen/ &2 he co2ldn. . 6e was he ! ark in 3in erfell/ his fa her.s son and his &ro her.s heir/ and al-os a -an grown. A he foo of he hall/ he doors o'ened and a g2s of cold air -ade he orches fla-e &righ er for an ins a n . Ale&elly led wo new g2es s in o he feas . :The *ady Meera of 6o2se Reed/: he ro 2nd g2ards-an &ellowed o0er he cla-or. :3i h her &ro her/ @o;en/ of Greywa er 3a ch.: Men looked 2' fro- heir c2's and renchers o eye he newco-ers. Bran heard *i le 3alder -2 er/ :Frogea ers/: o Big 3alder &eside hi-. !er Rodrik cli-&ed o his fee . :Be welco-e/ friends/ and share his har0es wi h 2s.: !er0ing -en h2rried o leng hen he a&le on he dais/ fe ching res les and chairs. :3ho are hey8: Rickon asked. :M2d-en/: answered *i le 3alder disdainf2lly. hie0es and cra0ens/ and hey ha0e green ee h fro- ea ing frogs.: Maes er *2win cro2ched &eside Bran.s sea o whis'er co2nsel in his ear. :=o2 -2s gree hese ones war-ly. I had no ho2gh o see hehere/ &2 . . . yo2 know who hey are8: Bran nodded. :Crannog-en. Fro- he 5eck.: :6owland Reed was a grea friend o yo2r fa her/: !er Rodrik old hi-. :These wo are his/ i wo2ld see-.: As he newco-ers walked he leng h of he hall/ Bran saw ha one was indeed a girl/ ho2gh he wo2ld ne0er ha0e known i &y her dress. !he wore la-&skin &reeches sof wi h long 2se/ and a slee0eless ;erkin ar-ored in &ron>e scales. Tho2gh near Ro&&.s age/ she was sli- as a &oy/ wi h long &rown hair kno ed &ehind her head and only he &ares s2gges ion of &reas s. A wo0en ne h2ng fro- one sli- hi'/ a long &ron>e knife fro- he o her< 2nder her ar- she carried an old iron grea hel- s'o ed wi h r2s < a frog s'ear and ro2nd lea hern shield were s ra''ed o her &ack. 6er &ro her was se0eral years yo2nger and &ore no wea'ons. All his gar& was green/ e0en o he lea her of his &oo s/ and when he ca-e closer Bran saw ha his eyes were he color of -oss/ ho2gh his ee h looked as whi e as anyone else.s. Bo h Reeds were sligh of &2ild/ slender as swords and scarcely aller han Bran hi-self. They wen o one knee &efore he dais. :My lords of ! ark/: he girl said. :The years ha0e 'assed in heir h2ndreds and heir ho2sands since -y folk firs swore heir feal y o he King in he 5or h. My lord fa her has sen 2s here o say he words again/ for all o2r 'eo'le.: !he is looking a -e/ Bran reali>ed. 6e had o -ake so-e answer. :My &ro her Ro&& is figh ing in he so2 h/: he said/ :&2 yo2 can say yo2r words o -e/ if yo2 like.: :To 3in erfell we 'ledge he fai h of Greywa er/: hey said oge her. :6ear h and hear and har0es we yield 2' o yo2/ -y lord. )2r swords and s'ears and arrows are yo2rs o co--and. Gran -ercy o o2r weak/ hel' o o2r hel'less/ and ;2s ice o all/ and we shall ne0er fail yo2.: :I swear i &y ear h and wa er/: said he &oy in green. :I swear i &y &ron>e and iron/: his sis er said. :3e swear i &y ice and fire/: hey finished oge her. Bran gro'ed for words. 3as he s2''osed o swear so-e hing &ack o he-8 Their oa h was no one he had &een a2gh . :May yo2r win ers &e shor and yo2r s2--ers &o2n if2l/: he said. Tha was 2s2ally a good

hing o say. :Rise. I.- Brandon ! ark.: The girl/ Meera/ go o her fee and hel'ed her &ro her 2'. The &oy s ared a Bran all he while. :3e &ring yo2 gif s of fish and frog and fowl/: he said. :I hank yo2.: Bran wondered if he wo2ld ha0e o ea a frog o &e 'oli e. :I offer yo2 he -ea and -ead of 3in erfell.: 6e ried o recall all he had &een a2gh of he crannog-en/ who dwel a-ongs he &ogs of he 5eck and seldo- lef heir we lands. They were a 'oor folk/ fishers and frog7h2n ers who li0ed in ho2ses of ha ch and wo0en reeds on floa ing islands hidden in he dee's of he swa-'. I was said ha hey were a cowardly 'eo'le who fo2gh wi h 'oisoned wea'ons and 'referred o hide fro- foes ra her han face he- in o'en &a le. And ye 6owland Reed had &een one of Fa her.s s a2nches co-'anions d2ring he war for King Ro&er .s crown/ &efore Bran was &orn. The &oy/ @o;en/ looked a&o2 he hall c2rio2sly as he ook his sea . :3here are he direwol0es8: :In he godswood/: Rickon answered. :!haggy was &ad.: :My &ro her wo2ld like o see he-/: he girl said. *i le 3alder s'oke 2' lo2dly. :6e.d &es wa ch hey don. see hi-/ or hey.ll ake a &i e o2 of hi-.: :They won. &i e if I.- here.: Bran was 'leased ha hey wan ed o see he wol0es. :!2--er won. anyway/ and he.ll kee' !haggydog away.: 6e was c2rio2s a&o2 hese -2d-en. 6e co2ld no recall e0er seeing one &efore. 6is fa her had sen le ers o he *ord of Greywa er o0er he years/ &2 none of he crannog-en had e0er called a 3in erfell. 6e wo2ld ha0e liked o alk o he- -ore/ &2 he Grea 6all was so noisy ha i was hard o hear anyone who wasn. righ &eside yo2. !er Rodrik was righ &eside Bran. :1o hey r2ly ea frogs8: he asked he old knigh . :Aye/: !er Rodrik said. :Frogs and fish and li>ard7lions/ and all -anner of &irds.: May&e hey don. ha0e shee' and ca le/ Bran ho2gh . 6e co--anded he ser0ing -en o &ring he- -2 on cho's and a slice off he a2rochs and fill heir renchers wi h &eef7and7&arley s ew. They see-ed o like ha well eno2gh. The girl ca2gh hi- s aring a her and s-iled. Bran &l2shed and looked away. M2ch la er/ af er all he swee s had &een ser0ed and washed down wi h gallons of s2rn-erwine/ he food was cleared and he a&les sho0ed &ack agains he walls o -ake roo- for he dancing. The -2sic grew wilder/ he dr2--ers ;oined in/ and 6o her +-&er &ro2gh for h a h2ge c2r0ed warhorn &anded in sil0er. 3hen he singer reached he 'ar in :The 5igh Tha ,nded: where he 5igh .s 3a ch rode for h o -ee he ) hers in he Ba le for he 1awn/ he &lew a &las ha se all he dogs o &arking. Two Glo0er -en &egan a s'inning skirl on &ladder and woodhar'. Mors +-&er was he firs on his fee . 6e sei>ed a 'assing ser0ing girl &y he ar-/ knocking he flagon of wine o2 of her hands o sha er on he floor. A-ids he r2shes and &ones and &i s of &read ha li ered he s one/ he whirled her and s'2n her and ossed her in he air. The girl s42ealed wi h la2gh er and 2rned red as her skir s swirled and lif ed. ) hers soon ;oined in. 6odor &egan o dance all &y hi-self/ while *ord 3y-an asked li le Be h Cassel o 'ar ner hi-. For all his si>e/ he -o0ed gracef2lly. 3hen he ired/ Cley Cerwyn danced wi h he child in his s ead. !er Rodrik a''roached *ady 6ornwood/ &2 she -ade her e9c2ses and ook her lea0e. Bran wa ched long eno2gh o &e 'oli e/ and hen had 6odor s2--oned. 6e was ho and ired/ fl2shed fro- he wine/ and he dancing -ade hi- sad. i was so-e hing else he co2ld ne0er do.

:I wan o go.: :6odor/: 6odor sho2 ed &ack/ kneeling. Maes er *2win and 6ayhead lif ed hi- in o his &aske . The folk of 3in erfell had seen his sigh half a h2ndred i-es/ &2 do2& less i looked 42eer o he g2es s/ so-e of who- were -ore c2rio2s han 'oli e. Bran fel he s ares. They wen o2 he rear ra her han walk he leng h of he hall/ Bran d2cking his head as hey 'assed hro2gh he lord.s door. In he di-7li gallery o2 side he Grea 6all/ hey ca-e 2'on @ose h he -as er of horse engaged in a differen sor of riding. 6e had so-e wo-an Bran did no know sho0ed 2' agains he wall/ her skir s aro2nd her wais . !he was giggling 2n il 6odor s o''ed o wa ch. Then she screa-ed. :*ea0e he- &e/ 6odor/: Bran had o ell hi-. :Take -e o -y &edcha-&er.: 6odor carried hi- 2' he winding s e's o his ower and knel &eside one of he iron &ars ha Mikken had dri0en in o he wall. Bran 2sed he &ars o -o0e hi-self o he &ed/ and 6odor '2lled off his &oo s and &reeches. :=o2 can go &ack o he feas now/ &2 don. go &o hering @ose h and ha wo-an/: Bran said. :6odor/: 6odor re'lied/ &o&&ing his head. 3hen he &lew o2 his &edside candle/ darkness co0ered hi- like a sof / fa-iliar &lanke . The fain so2nd of -2sic drif ed hro2gh his sh2 ered window. !o-e hing his fa her had old hi- once when he was li le ca-e &ack o hi- s2ddenly. 6e had asked *ord ,ddard if he Kingsg2ard were r2ly he fines knigh s in he !e0en Kingdo-s. :5o longer/: he answered/ :&2 once hey were a -ar0el/ a shining lesson o he world.: :3as here one who was &es of all8: :The fines knigh I e0er saw was !er Ar h2r 1ayne/ who fo2gh wi h a &lade called 1awn/ forged fro- he hear of a fallen s ar. They called hi- he !word of he Morning/ and he wo2ld ha0e killed -e &2 for 6owland Reed.: Fa her had go en sad hen/ and he wo2ld say no -ore. Bran wished he had asked hi- wha he -ean . 6e wen o slee' wi h his head f2ll of knigh s in glea-ing ar-or/ figh ing wi h swords ha shone like s arfire/ &2 when he drea- ca-e he was in he godswood again. The s-ells fro- he ki chen and he Grea 6all were so s rong ha i was al-os as if he had ne0er lef he feas . 6e 'rowled &enea h he rees/ his &ro her close &ehind hi-. This nigh was wildly ali0e/ f2ll of he howling of he -an7'ack a heir 'lay. The so2nds -ade hi- res less. 6e wan ed o r2n/ o h2n / he wan ed o The ra le of iron -ade his ears 'rick 2'. 6is &ro her heard i oo. They raced hro2gh he 2ndergrow h oward he so2nd. Bo2nding across he s ill wa er a he foo of he old whi e one/ he ca2gh he scen of a s ranger/ he -ans-ell well -i9ed wi h lea her and ear h and iron. The in r2ders had '2shed a few yards in o he wood when he ca-e 2'on he-< a fe-ale and a yo2ng -ale/ wi h no ain of fear o he-/ e0en when he showed he- he whi e of his ee h. 6is &ro her growled low in his hroa / ye s ill hey did no r2n. :6ere hey co-e/: he fe-ale said. Meera/ so-e 'ar of hi- whis'ered/ so-e wis' of he slee'ing &oy los in he wolf drea-. :1id yo2 know hey wo2ld &e so &ig8: :They will &e &igger s ill &efore hey are grown/: he yo2ng -ale said/ wa ching he- wi h eyes large/ green/ and 2nafraid. :The &lack one is f2ll of fear and rage/ &2 he grey is s rong . . . s ronger han he knows . . . can yo2 feel hi-/ sis er8: :5o/: she said/ -o0ing a hand o he hil of he long &rown knife she wore. :Go caref2l/ @oien.: :6e won. h2r -e. This is no he day I die.: The -ale walked oward

he-/ 2nafraid/ and reached o2 for his -2>>le/ a o2ch as ligh as a s2--er &ree>e. =e a he &r2sh of hose fingers he wood dissol0ed and he 0ery gro2nd 2rned o s-oke &enea h his fee and swirled away la2ghing/ and hen he was s'inning and falling/ falling/ falling . . . C6A(T,R %% CA*T,*=5 As she sle' a-ids he rolling grasslands/ Ca elyn dreaha Bran was whole again/ ha Arya and !ansa held hands/ ha Rickon was s ill a &a&e a her &reas . Ro&&/ crownless/ 'layed wi h a wooden sword/ and when all were safe aslee'/ she fo2nd 5ed in her &ed/ s-iling. !wee i was/ swee and gone oo soon. 1awn ca-e cr2el/ a dagger of ligh . !he woke aching and alone and weary< weary of riding/ weary of h2r ing/ weary of d2 y. I wan o wee'/ she ho2gh . I wan o &e co-for ed. I.- so ired of &eing s rong. I wan o &e foolish and frigh ened for once. @2s for a s-all while/ ha .s all . . . a day . . . an ho2r . . . )2 side her en / -en were s irring. !he heard he whicker of horses/ !hadd co-'laining of s iffness in his &ack/ !er 3endel calling for his &ow. Ca elyn wished hey wo2ld all go away. They were good -en/ loyal/ ye she was ired of he- all. I was her children she yearned af er. )ne day/ she 'ro-ised herself as she lay a&ed/ one day she wo2ld allow herself o &e less han s rong. B2 no oday. I co2ld no &e oday. 6er fingers see-ed -ore cl2-sy han 2s2al as she f2-&led on her clo hes. !he s2''osed she o2gh o &e gra ef2l ha she had any 2se of her hands a all. The dagger had &een Valyrian s eel/ and Valyrian s eel &i es dee' and shar'. !he had only o look a he scars o re-e-&er. )2 side/ !hadd was s irring oa s in o a ke le/ while !er 3endel Manderly sa s ringing his &ow. :My lady/: he said when Ca elyn e-erged. :There are &irds in his grass. 3o2ld yo2 fancy a roas 42ail o &reak yo2r fas his -orning8: :)a s and &read are s2fficien . . . for all of 2s/ I hink. 3e ha0e -any leag2es ye o ride/ !er 3endel.: :As yo2 will/ -y lady.: The knigh .s -oon face looked cres fallen/ he i's of his grea walr2s -2s ache wi ching wi h disa''oin -en . :)a s and &read/ and wha co2ld &e &e er8: 6e was one of he fa es -en Ca elyn had e0er known/ &2 howe0er-2ch he lo0ed his food/ he lo0ed his honor -ore. :Fo2nd so-e ne les and &rewed a ea/: !hadd anno2nced. :3ill -.lady ake a c2'8: :=es/ wi h hanks.: !he cradled he ea in her scarred hands and &lew on i o cool i . !hadd was one of he 3in erfell -en. Ro&& had sen wen y of his &es o see her safely o Renly. 6e had sen fi0e lordlings as well/ whose na-es and high &ir h wo2ld add weigh and honor o her -ission. As hey -ade heir way so2 h/ s aying well clear of owns and holdfas s/ hey had seen &ands of -ailed -en -ore han once/ and gli-'sed s-oke on he eas ern hori>on/ &2 none had dared -oles he-. They were oo weak o &e a hrea / oo -any o &e easy 'rey. )nce across he Blackwa er/ he wors was &ehind. For he 'as fo2r days/ hey had seen no signs of war. Ca elyn had ne0er wan ed his. !he had old Ro&& as -2ch/ &ack in Ri0err2n. :3hen las I saw Renly/ he was a &oy no older han Bran. I do no know hi-. !end so-eone else. My 'lace is here wi h -y fa her/ for

wha e0er i-e he has lef .: 6er son had looked a her 2nha''ily. :There is no one else. I canno go -yself. =o2r fa her.s oo ill. The Blackfish is -y eyes and ears/ I dare no lose hi-. =o2r &ro her I need o hold Ri0err2n when we -arch7: :March8: 5o one had said a word o her of -arching. :I canno si a Ri0err2n wai ing for 'eace. I -akes -e look as if I were afraid o ake he field again. 3hen here are no &a les o figh / -en s ar o hink of hear h and har0es / Fa her old -e ha . ,0en -y nor h-en grow res less.: My nor h-en/ she ho2gh . 6e is e0en s ar ing o alk like a king. :5o one has e0er died of res lessness/ &2 rashness is ano her -a er. 3e.0e 'lan ed seeds/ le he- grow.: Ro&& shook his head s 2&&ornly. :3e.0e ossed so-e seeds in he wind/ ha .s all. if yo2r sis er *ysa was co-ing o aid 2s/ we wo2ld ha0e heard &y now. 6ow -any &irds ha0e we sen o he ,yrie/ fo2r8 I wan 'eace oo/ &2 why sho2ld he *annis ers gi0e -e any hing if all I do is si here while -y ar-y -el s away aro2nd -e swif as s2--er snow8: :!o ra her han look cra0en/ yo2 will dance o *ord Tywin.s 'i'es8: she hrew &ack. :6e wan s yo2 o -arch on 6arrenhal/ ask yo2r 2ncle Brynden if7: :I said no hing of 6arrenhal/: Ro&& said. :5ow/ will yo2 go o Renly for -e/ or -2s I send he Grea ;on8: The -e-ory &ro2gh a wan s-ile o her face. !2ch an o&0io2s 'loy/ ha / ye def for a &oy of fif een. Ro&& knew how ill7s2i ed a -an like Grea ;on +-&er wo2ld &e o rea wi h a -an like Renly Bara heon/ and he knew ha she knew i as well. 3ha co2ld she do &2 accede/ 'raying ha her fa her wo2ld li0e 2n il her re 2rn8 6ad *ord 6os er &een well/ he wo2ld ha0e gone hi-self/ she knew. ! ill/ ha lea0e aking was hard/ hard. 6e did no e0en know her when she ca-e o say farewell. :Minisa/: he called her/ :where are he children8 My li le Ca / -y swee *ysa . . .: Ca elyn had kissed hi- on he &row and old hi- his &a&es were well. :3ai for -e/ -y lord/: she said as his eyes closed. :I wai ed for yo2/ oh/ so -any i-es. 5ow yo2 -2s wai for -e.: Fa e dri0es -e so2 h and so2 h again/ Ca elyn ho2gh as she si''ed he as ringen ea/ when i is nor h I sho2ld &e going/ nor h o ho-e. !he had wri en o Bran and Rickon/ ha las nigh a Ri0err2n. I do no forge yo2/ -y swee ones/ yo2 -2s &elie0e ha . I is only ha yo2r &ro her needs -e -ore. :3e o2gh o reach he 2''er Mander oday/ -y lady/: !er 3endel anno2nced while !hadd s'ooned o2 he 'orridge. :*ord Renly will no &e far/ if he alk &e r2e.: And wha do I ell hi- when I find hi-8 Tha -y son holds hi- no r2e king8 !he did no relish his -ee ing. They needed friends/ no -ore ene-ies/ ye Ro&& wo2ld ne0er &end he knee in ho-age o a -an he fel had no clai- o he hrone. 6er &owl was e-' y/ ho2gh she co2ld scarce re-e-&er as ing he 'orridge. !he laid i aside. :I is i-e we were away.: The sooner she s'oke o Renly/ he sooner she co2ld 2rn for ho-e. !he was he firs one -o2n ed/ and she se he 'ace for he col2-n. 6al Mollen rode &eside her/ &earing he &anner of 6o2se ! ark/ he grey direwolf on an ice7whi e field. They were s ill a half day.s ride fro- Renly.s ca-' when hey were aken. Ro&in Flin had ranged ahead o sco2 / and he ca-e gallo'ing &ack wi h word of a far7eyes wa ching fro- he roof of a dis an wind-ill. By he i-e Ca elyn.s 'ar y reached he -ill/ he -an was long gone. They 'ressed on/ co0ering no 42i e a -ile &efore Renly.s o2 riders ca-e swoo'ing down on he-/ wen y -en -ailed and -o2n ed/

led &y a gri>>led grey&eard of a knigh wi h &l2e;ays on his s2rcoa . 3hen he saw her &anners/ he ro ed 2' o her alone. :My lady/: he called/ :I a- !er Colen of Green'ools/ as i 'lease yo2. These are dangero2s lands yo2 cross.: :)2r &2siness is 2rgen /: she answered hi-. :I co-e as en0oy fro- -y son/ Ro&& ! ark/ he King in he 5or h/ o rea wi h Renly Bara heon/ he King in he !o2 h.: :King Renly is he crowned and anoin ed lord of all he !e0en Kingdo-s/ -y lady/: !er Colen answered/ ho2gh co2r eo2sly eno2gh. :6is Grace is enca-'ed wi h his hos near Bi er&ridge/ where he roseroad crosses he Mander. I shall &e -y grea honor o escor yo2 o hi-.: The knigh raised a -ailed hand/ and his -en for-ed a do2&le col2-n flanking Ca elyn and her g2ard. ,scor or ca' or8 she wondered. There was no hing o &e done &2 r2s in !er Colen.s honor/ and *ord Renly.s. They saw he s-oke of he ca-'.s fires when hey were s ill an ho2r fro- he ri0er. Then he so2nd ca-e drif ing across far- and field and rolling 'lain/ indis inc as he -2r-2r of so-e dis an sea/ &2 swelling as hey rode closer. By he i-e hey ca2gh sigh of he Mander.s -2ddy wa ers glin ing in he s2n/ hey co2ld -ake o2 he 0oices of -en/ he cla er of s eel/ he whinny of horses. =e nei her so2nd nor s-oke 're'ared he- for he hos i self. Tho2sands of cookfires filled he air wi h a 'ale s-oky ha>e. The horse lines alone s re ched o2 o0er leag2es. A fores had s2rely &een felled o -ake he all s affs ha held he &anners. Grea siege engines lined he grassy 0erge of he roseroad/ -angonels and re&2che s and rolling ra-s -o2n ed on wheels aller han a -an on horse&ack. The s eel 'oin s of 'ikes fla-ed red wi h s2nligh / as if already &looded/ while he 'a0ilions of he knigh s and high lords s'ro2 ed fro- he grass like silken -2shroo-s. !he saw -en wi h s'ears and -en wi h swords/ -en in s eel ca's and -ail shir s/ ca-' followers s r2 ing heir char-s/ archers fle ching arrows/ ea-s ers dri0ing wagons/ swineherds dri0ing 'igs/ 'ages r2nning -essages/ s42ires honing swords/ knigh s riding 'alfreys/ groo-s leading ill7 e-'ered des riers. :This is a fearso-e lo of -en/: !er 3endel Manderly o&ser0ed as hey crossed he ancien s one s'an fro- which Bi er&ridge ook i s na-e. :Tha i is/: Ca elyn agreed. 5ear all he chi0alry of he so2 h had co-e o Renly.s call/ i see-ed. The golden rose of 6ighgarden was seen e0erywhereB sewn on he righ &reas of ar-s-en and ser0an s/ fla''ing and fl2 ering fro- he green silk &anners ha adorned lance and 'ike/ 'ain ed 2'on he shields h2ng o2 side he 'a0ilions of he sons and &ro hers and co2sins and 2ncles of 6o2se Tyrell. As well Ca elyn s'ied he fo97and7flowers of 6o2se Floren / Fossoway a''les red and green/ *ord Tarly.s s riding h2n s-an/ oak lea0es for )akhear / cranes for Crane/ a clo2d of &lack7and7orange &2 erflies for he M2llendores. Across he Mander/ he s or- lords had raised heir s andardsRenly.s own &anner-en/ sworn o 6o2se Bara heon and ! or-.s ,nd. Ca elyn recogni>ed Bryce Caron.s nigh ingales/ he (enrose 42ills/ and *ord ,s er-on .s sea 2r le/ green on green. =e for e0ery shield she knew/ here were a do>en s range o her/ &orne &y he s-all lords sworn o he &anner-en/ and &y hedge knigh s and freeriders/ who had co-e swar-ing o -ake Renly Bara heon a king in fac as well as na-e. Renly.s own s andard flew high o0er all. Fro- he o' of his alles siege ower/ a wheeled oaken i--ensi y co0ered wi h rawhides/ s rea-ed he larges war &anner ha Ca elyn had e0er seen7a clo h &ig eno2gh o car'e -any a hall/ shi--ering gold/ wi h he crowned s ag of Bara heon &lack 2'on i / 'rancing 'ro2d and all.

:My lady/ do yo2 hear ha noise8: asked 6allis Mollen/ ro ing close. :3ha is ha 8: !he lis ened. !ho2 s/ and horses screa-ing/ and he clash of s eel/ and . . . :Cheering/: she said. They had &een riding 2' a gen le slo'e oward a line of &righ ly colored 'a0ilions on he heigh . As hey 'assed &e ween he-/ he 'ress of -en grew hicker/ he so2nds lo2der. And hen she saw. Below/ &enea h he s one7and7 i-&er &a le-en s of a s-all cas le/ a -elee was in 'rogress. A field had &een cleared off/ fences and galleries and il ing &arriers hrown 2'. 62ndreds were ga hered o wa ch/ 'erha's ho2sands. Fro- he looks of he gro2nds/ orn and -2ddy and li ered wi h &i s of din ed ar-or and &roken lances/ hey had &een a i for a day or -ore/ &2 now he end was near. Fewer han a score of knigh s re-ained ahorse/ charging and slashing a each o her as wa chers and fallen co-&a an s cheered he- on. !he saw wo des riers collide in f2ll ar-or/ going down in a angle of s eel and horseflesh. :A o2rney/: 6al Mollen declared. 6e had a 'enchan for lo2dly anno2ncing he o&0io2s. :)h/ s'lendid/: !er 3endel Manderly said as a knigh in a rain&ows ri'ed cloak wheeled o deli0er a &ackhand &low wi h a long7 handled a9e ha sha ered he shield of he -an '2rs2ing hi- and sen hi- reeling in his s irr2's. The 'ress in fron of he- -ade f2r her 'rogress diffic2l . :*ady ! ark/: !er Colen said/ :if yo2r -en wo2ld &e so good as o wai here/ I.ll 'resen yo2 o he king.: :As yo2 say.: !he ga0e he co--and/ ho2gh she had o raise her 0oice o &e heard a&o0e he o2rney din. !er Colen walked his horse slowly hro2gh he hrongs/ wi h Ca elyn riding in his wake. A roar wen 2' fro- he crowd as a hel-e less red7&earded -an wi h a griffin on his shield wen down &efore a &ig knigh in &l2e ar-or. 6is s eel was a dee' co&al / e0en he &l2n -ornings ar he wielded wi h s2ch deadly effec / his -o2n &arded in he 42ar ered s2n7and7-oon heraldry of 6o2se Tar h. :Red Ronne .s down/ gods &e da-ned/: a -an c2rsed. :*oras.ll do for ha &l2e7: a co-'anion answered &efore a roar drowned o2 he res of his words. Ano her -an was fallen/ ra''ed &enea h his in;2red horse/ &o h of hescrea-ing in 'ain. !42ires r2shed o2 o aid he-. This is -adness/ Ca elyn ho2gh . Real ene-ies on e0ery side and half he real- in fla-es/ and Renly si s here 'laying a war like a &oy wi h his firs wooden sword. The lords and ladies in he gallery were as engrossed in he -elee as he -en on he gro2nd. Ca elyn -arked he- well. 6er fa her had of rea ed wi h he so2 hron lords/ and no a few had &een g2es s a Ri0err2n. !he recogni>ed *ord Ma his Rowan/ s o2 er and -ore florid han e0er/ he golden ree of his 6o2se s'read across his whi e do2&le . Below hi- sa *ady )akhear / iny and delica e/ and o her lef *ord Randyll Tarly of 6orn 6ill/ his grea sword 6ear s&ane 'ro''ed 2' agains he &ack of his sea . ) hers she knew only &y heir sigils/ and so-e no a all. In heir -ids / wa ching and la2ghing wi h his yo2ng 42een &y his side/ sa a ghos in a golden crown. !-all wonder he lords ga her aro2nd hi- wi h s2ch fer0or/ she ho2gh / he is Ro&er co-e again. Renly was handso-e as Ro&er had &een handso-e< long of li-& and &road of sho2lder/ wi h he sa-e coal&lack hair/ fine and s raigh / he sa-e dee' &l2e eyes/ he sa-e easy s-ile. The slender circle aro2nd his &rows see-ed o s2i hi- well. I was

sof gold/ a ring of roses e942isi ely wro2gh < a he fron lif ed a s ag.s head of dark green ;ade/ adorned wi h golden eyes and golden an lers. The crowned s ag decora ed he king.s green 0el0e 2nic as well/ worked in gold hread 2'on his ches < he Bara heon sigil in he colors of 6ighgarden. The girl who shared he high sea wi h hi- was also of 6ighgardenB his yo2ng 42een/ Margaery/ da2gh er o *ord Mace Tyrell. Their -arriage was he -or ar ha held he grea so2 hron alliance oge her/ Ca elyn knew. Renly was one7and7 wen y/ he girl no older han Ro&&/ 0ery 're y/ wi h a doe.s sof eyes and a -ane of c2rling &rown hair ha fell a&o2 her sho2lders in la>y ringle s. 6er s-ile was shy and swee . )2 in he field/ ano her -an los his sea o he knigh in he rain&ow7s ri'ed cloak/ and he king sho2 ed a''ro0al wi h he res . :*oras?: she heard hi- call. :*oras? 6ighgarden?: The 42een cla''ed her hands oge her in e9ci e-en . Ca elyn 2rned o see he end of i . )nly fo2r -en were lef in he figh now/ and here was s-all do2& who- king and co--ons fa0ored. !he had ne0er -e !er *oras Tyrell/ &2 e0en in he dis an nor h one heard ales of he 'rowess of he yo2ng Knigh of Flowers. !er *oras rode a all whi e s allion in sil0er -ail/ and fo2gh wi h a long7handled a9e. A cres of golden roses ran down he cen er of his hel-. Two of he o her s2r0i0ors had -ade co--on ca2se. They s'2rred heir -o2n s oward he knigh in he co&al ar-or. As hey closed o ei her side/ he &l2e knigh reined hard/ s-ashing one -an f2ll in he face wi h his s'lin ered shield while his &lack des rier lashed o2 wi h a s eel7shod hoof a he o her. In a &link/ one co-&a an was 2nhorsed/ he o her reeling. The &l2e knigh le his &roken shield dro' o he gro2nd o free his lef ar-/ and hen he Knigh of Flowers was on hi-. The weigh of his s eel see-ed o hardly di-inish he grace and 42ickness wi h which !er *oras -o0ed/ his rain&ow cloak swirling a&o2 hi-. The whi e horse and he &lack one wheeled like lo0ers a a har0es dance/ he riders hrowing s eel in 'lace of kisses. *onga9e flashed and -ornings ar whirled. Bo h wea'ons were &l2n ed/ ye s ill hey raised an awf2l clangor. !hieldless/ he &l2e knigh was ge ing -2ch he worse of i . !er *oras rained down &lows on his head and sho2lders/ o sho2 s of :6ighgarden?: fro- he hrong. The o her ga0e answer wi h his -ornings ar/ &2 whene0er he &all ca-e crashing in/ !er *oras in er'osed his &a ered green shield/ e-&la>oned wi h hree golden roses. 3hen he longa9e ca2gh he &l2e knigh .s hand on he &ackswing and sen he -ornings ar flying fro- his gras'/ he crowd screa-ed like a r2 ing &eas . The Knigh of Flowers raised his a9e for he final &low. The &l2e knigh charged in o i . The s allions sla--ed oge her/ he &l2n ed a9ehead s-ashed agains he scarred &l2e &reas 'la e . . . &2 so-ehow he &l2e knigh had he haf locked &e ween s eel7ga2n le ed fingers. 6e wrenched i fro- !er *oras.s hand/ and s2ddenly he wo were gra''ling -o2n 7 o7-o2n / and an ins an la er hey were falling. As heir horses '2lled a'ar / hey crashed o he gro2nd wi h &one7 ;arring force. *oras Tyrell/ on he &o o-/ ook he &r2n of he i-'ac . The &l2e knigh '2lled a long dirk free and flicked o'en Tyrell.s 0isor. The roar of he crowd was oo lo2d for Ca elyn o hear wha !er *oras said/ &2 she saw he word for- on his s'li / &loody li's. =ield. The &l2e knigh cli-&ed 2ns eady o his fee / and raised his dirk in he direc ion of Renly Bara heon/ he sal2 e of a cha-'ion o his king.

!42ires dashed on o he field o hel' he 0an42ished knigh o his fee . 3hen hey go his hel- off/ Ca elyn was s ar led o see how yo2ng he was. 6e co2ld no ha0e had -ore han wo years on Ro&&. The &oy -igh ha0e &een as co-ely as his sis er/ &2 he &roken li'/ 2nfoc2sed eyes/ and &lood rickling hro2gh his -a ed hair -ade i hard o &e cer ain. :A''roach/: King Renly called o he cha-'ion. 6e li-'ed oward he gallery. A close hand/ he &rillian &l2e ar-or looked ra her less s'lendid< e0erywhere i showed scars/ he den s of -ace and warha--er/ he long go2ges lef &y swords/ chi's in he ena-eled &reas 'la e and hel-. 6is cloak h2ng in rags. Fro- he way he -o0ed/ he -an wi hin was no less &a ered. A few 0oices hailed hiwi h cries of :Tar h?: and/ oddly/ .A Bea2 y? A Bea2 y?: &2 -os were silen . The &l2e knigh knel &efore he king. :Grace/: he said/ his 0oice -2ffled &y his den ed grea hel-. :=o2 are all yo2r lord fa her clai-ed yo2 were.: Renly.s 0oice carried o0er he field. :I.0e seen !er *oras 2nhorsed once or wice . . . &2 ne0er 42i e in ha fashion.: :Tha were no 'ro'er 2nhorsing/: co-'lained a dr2nken archer near&y/ a Tyrell rose sewn on his ;erkin. :A 0ile rick/ '2lling he lad down.: The 'ress had &eg2n o o'en 2'. :!er Colen/: Ca elyn said o her escor / :who is his -an/ and why do hey -islike hi- so8: !er Colen frowned. :Beca2se he is no -an/ -y lady. Tha .s Brienne of Tar h/ da2gh er o *ord !elwyn he ,0ens ar.: :1a2gh er8: Ca elyn was horrified. :Brienne he Bea2 y/ hey na-e her . . . ho2gh no o her face/ les hey &e called 2'on o defend hose words wi h heir &odies.: !he heard King Renly declare he *ady Brienne of Tar h he 0ic or of he grea -elee a Bi er&ridge/ las -o2n ed of one h2ndred si9 een knigh s. :As cha-'ion/ yo2 -ay ask of -e any &oon ha yo2 desire. If i lies in -y 'ower/ i is yo2rs.: :=o2r Grace/: Brienne answered/ :I ask he honor of a 'lace a-ong yo2r Rain&ow G2ard. I wo2ld &e one of yo2r se0en/ and 'ledge -y life o yo2rs/ o go where yo2 go/ ride a yo2r side/ and kee' yo2 safe froall h2r and har-.: :1one/: he said. :Rise/ and re-o0e yo2r hel-.: !he did as he &id her. And when he grea hel- was lif ed/ Ca elyn 2nders ood !er Colen.s words. Bea2 y/ hey called her . . . -ocking. The hair &enea h he 0isor was a s42irrel.s nes of dir y s raw/ and her face . . . Brienne.s eyes were large and 0ery &l2e/ a yo2ng girl.s eyes/ r2s ing and g2ileless/ &2 he res . . . her fea 2res were &road and coarse/ her ee h 'ro-inen and crooked/ her -o2 h oo wide/ her li's so 'l2-' hey see-ed swollen. A ho2sand freckles s'eckled her cheeks and &row/ and her nose had &een &roken -ore han once. (i y filled Ca elyn.s hear . Is here any crea 2re on ear h as 2nfor 2na e as an 2gly wo-an8 And ye / when Renly c2 away her orn cloak and fas ened a rain&ow in i s 'lace/ Brienne of Tar h did no look 2nfor 2na e. 6er s-ile li 2' her face/ and her 0oice was s rong and 'ro2d as she said/ :My life for yo2rs/ =o2r Grace. Fro- his day on/ I a- yo2r shield/ I swear i &y he old gods and he new.: The way she looked a he king7looked down a hi-/ she was a good hand higher/ ho2gh Renly was near as all as his &ro her had &een7was 'ainf2l o see. :=o2r Grace?: !er Colen of Green'ools sw2ng down off his horse o a''roach he gallery. :I &eg yo2r lea0e.: 6e wen o one knee. :I ha0e he honor o &ring yo2 he *ady Ca elyn ! ark/ sen as en0oy &y her son Ro&&/ *ord of 3in erfell.:

:*ord of 3in erfell and King in he 5or h/ ser/: Ca elyn correc ed hi-. !he dis-o2n ed and -o0ed o !er Colen.s side. King Renly looked s2r'rised. :*ady Ca elyn8 3e are -os 'leased.: 6e 2rned o his yo2ng 42een. :Margaery -y swee / his is he *ady Ca elyn ! ark of 3in erfell.: :=o2 are -os welco-e here/ *ady ! ark/: he girl said/ all sof co2r esy. :I a- sorry for yo2r loss.: :=o2 are kind/: said Ca elyn. :My lady/ I swear o yo2/ I will see ha he *annis ers answer for yo2r h2s&and.s -2rder/: he king declared. :3hen I ake King.s *anding/ I.ll send yo2 Cersei.s head.: And will ha &ring -y 5ed &ack o -e8 she ho2gh . :i will &e eno2gh o know ha ;2s ice has &een done/ -y lord.: :=o2r Grace/: Brienne he Bl2e correc ed shar'ly. :And yo2 sho2ld kneel when yo2 a''roach he king.: :The dis ance &e ween a lord and a grace is a s-all one/ -y lady/: Ca elyn said. :*ord Renly wears a crown/ as does -y son. If yo2 wish/ we -ay s and here in he -2d and de&a e wha honors and i les are righ ly d2e o each/ &2 i s rikes -e ha we ha0e -ore 'ressing -a ers o consider.: !o-e of Renly.s lords &ris led a ha / &2 he king only la2ghed. :3ell said/ -y lady. There will &e i-e eno2gh for graces when hese wars are done. Tell -e/ when does yo2r son -ean o -arch agains 6arrenhal8 : +n il she knew whe her his king was friend or foe/ Ca elyn was no a&o2 o re0eal he leas 'ar of Ro&&.s dis'osi ions. :I do no si on -y son.s war co2ncils/ -y lord.: :!o long as he lea0es a few *annis ers for -e/ I.ll no co-'lain. 3ha has he done wi h he Kingslayer8: :@ai-e *annis er is held 'risoner a Ri0err2n.: :! ill ali0e8: *ord Ma his Rowan see-ed dis-ayed. Be-2sed/ Renly said/ :I wo2ld see- he direwolf is gen ler han he lion.: :Gen ler han he *annis ers/: -2r-2red *ady )akhear wi h a &i er s-ile/ :is drier han he sea.: :I call i weak.: *ord Randyll Tarly had a shor / &ris ly grey &eard and a re'2 a ion for &l2n s'eech. :5o disres'ec o yo2/ *ady ! ark/ &2 i wo2ld ha0e &een -ore see-ly had *ord Ro&& co-e o 'ay ho-age o he king hi-self/ ra her han hiding &ehind his -o her.s skir s.: :King Ro&& is warring/ -y lord/: Ca elyn re'lied wi h icy co2r esy/ :no 'laying a o2rney.: Renly grinned. :Go sof ly/ *ord Randyll/ I fear o0er-a ched.: 6e s2--oned a s eward in he li0ery of ! or-.s ,nd. :Find a 'lace for he lady.s co-'anions/ and see ha hey ha0e e0ery co-for . *ady Ca elyn shall ha0e -y own 'a0ilion. !ince *ord Caswell has &een so kind as o gi0e -e 2se of his cas le/ I ha0e no need of i . My lady/ when yo2 are res ed/ I wo2ld &e honored if yo2 wo2ld share o2r -ea and -ead a he feas *ord Caswell is gi0ing 2s onigh . A farewell feas . I fear his lordshi' is eager o see he heels of -y h2ngry horde.: :5o r2e/ =o2r Grace/: 'ro es ed a wis'y yo2ng -an who -2s ha0e &een Caswell. :3ha is -ine is yo2rs.: :3hene0er so-eone said ha o -y &ro her Ro&er / he ook he- a heir word/: Renly said. :1o yo2 ha0e da2gh ers8: :=es/ =o2r Grace. Two.: :Then hank he gods ha I a- no Ro&er . My swee 42een is all he wo-an I desire.: Renly held o2 his hand o hel' Margaery o her fee . :3e.ll alk again when yo2.0e had a chance o refresh yo2rself/ *ady

Ca elyn.: Renly led his &ride &ack oward he cas le while his s eward cond2c ed Ca elyn o he king.s green silk 'a0ilion. :If yo2 ha0e need of any hing/ yo2 ha0e only o ask/ -y lady.: Ca elyn co2ld scarcely i-agine wha she -igh need ha had no already &een 'ro0ided. The 'a0ilion was larger han he co--on roo-s of -any an inn and f2rnished wi h e0ery co-for B fea her -a ress and slee'ing f2rs/ a wood7and7co''er 2& large eno2gh for wo/ &ra>iers/ o kee' off he nigh .s chill/ sl2ng lea her ca-' chairs/ a wri ing a&le wi h 42ills and ink'o / &owls of 'eaches/ 'l2-s/ and 'ears/ a flagon of wine wi h a se of -a ched sil0er c2's/ cedar ches s 'acked f2ll of Renly.s clo hing/ &ooks/ -a's/ ga-e &oards/ a high har'/ a all &ow and a 42i0er of arrows/ a 'air of red7 ailed h2n ing hawks/ a 0er i&le ar-ory of fine wea'ons. 6e does no s in hi-self/ his Renly/ she ho2gh as she looked a&o2 . !-all wonder his hos -o0es so slowly. Beside he en rance/ he king.s ar-or s ood sen ry< a s2i of fores green 'la e/ i s fi ings chased wi h gold/ he hel- crowned &y a grea rack of golden an lers. The s eel was 'olished o s2ch a high sheen ha she co2ld see her reflec ion in he &reas 'la e/ ga>ing &ack a her as if fro- he &o o- of a dee' green 'ond. The face of a drowned wo-an/ Ca elyn ho2gh . Can yo2 drown in grief8 !he 2rned away shar'ly/ angry wi h her own frail y. !he had no i-e for he l292ry of self7'i y. !he -2s wash he d2s fro- her hair and change in o a gown -ore fi ing for a king.s feas . !er 3endel Manderly/ *2cas Blackwood/ !er (erwyn Frey/ and he res of her high&orn co-'anions acco-'anied her o he cas le. The grea hall of *ord Caswell.s kee' was grea only &y co2r esy/ ye roo- was fo2nd on he crowded &enches for Ca elyn.s -en/ a-ids Renly.s own knigh s. Ca elyn was assigned a 'lace on he dais &e ween red7faced *ord Ma his Rowan and genial !er @on Fossoway of he green7a''le Fossoways. !er @on -ade ;es s/ while *ord Ma his in42ired 'oli ely af er he heal h of her fa her/ &ro her/ and children. Brienne of Tar h had &een sea ed a he far end of he high a&le. !he did no gown herself as a lady/ &2 chose a knigh .s finery ins ead/ a 0el0e do2&le 42ar ered rose7and7a>2re/ &reeches and &oo s and a fine ooled sword&el / her new rain&ow cloak flowing down her &ack. 5o gar& co2ld disg2ise her 'lainness/ ho2gh< he h2ge freckled hands/ he wide fla face/ he hr2s of her ee h. )2 of ar-or/ her &ody see-ed 2ngainly/ &road of hi' and hick of li-&/ wi h h2nched -2sc2lar sho2lders &2 no &oso- o s'eak of. And i was clear fro- her e0ery ac ion ha Brienne knew i / and s2ffered for i . !he s'oke only in answer/ and seldo- lif ed her ga>e fro- her food. )f food here was 'len y. The war had no o2ched he fa&led &o2n y of 6ighgarden. 3hile singers sang and 2-&lers 2-&led/ hey &egan wi h 'ears 'oached in wine/ and wen on o iny sa0ory fish rolled in sal and cooked cris'/ and ca'ons s 2ffed wi h onions and -2shroo-s. There were grea loa0es of &rown &read/ -o2nds of 2rni's and swee corn and 'ease/ i--ense ha-s and roas geese and renchers dri''ing f2ll of 0enison s ewed wi h &eer and &arley. For he swee / *ord Caswell.s ser0an s &ro2gh down rays of 'as ries fro- his cas le ki chens/ creaswans and s'2n7s2gar 2nicorns/ le-on cakes in he sha'e of roses/ s'iced honey &isc2i s and &lack&erry ar s/ a''le cris's and wheels of &2 ery cheese. The rich foods -ade Ca elyn 42easy/ &2 i wo2ld ne0er do o show frail y when so -2ch de'ended on her s reng h. !he a e s'aringly/ while she wa ched his -an who wo2ld &e king. Renly sa wi h his yo2ng &ride

on his lef hand and her &ro her on he righ . A'ar fro- he whi e linen &andage aro2nd his &row/ !er *oras see-ed none he worse for he day.s -isad0en 2res. 6e was indeed as co-ely as Ca elyn had s2s'ec ed he -igh &e. 3hen no gla>ed/ his eyes were li0ely and in elligen / his hair an ar less 2-&le of &rown locks ha -any a -aid -igh ha0e en0ied. 6e had re'laced his a ered o2rney cloak wi h a new one< he sa-e &rillian ly s ri'ed silk of Renly.s Rain&ow G2ard/ clas'ed wi h he golden rose of 6ighgarden. Fro- i-e o i-e/ King Renly wo2ld feed Margaery so-e choice -orsel off he 'oin of his dagger/ or lean o0er o 'lan he ligh es of kisses on her cheek/ &2 i was !er *oras who shared -os of his ;es s and confidences. The king en;oyed his food and drink/ ha was 'lain o see/ ye he see-ed nei her gl2 on nor dr2nkard. 6e la2ghed of en/ and well/ and s'oke a-ia&ly o high&orn lords and lowly ser0ing wenches alike. !o-e of his g2es s were less -odera e. They drank oo -2ch and &oas ed oo lo2dly/ o her -ind. *ord 3ill2-.s sons @os2a and ,lyas dis'2 ed hea edly a&o2 who wo2ld &e firs o0er he walls of King.s *anding. *ord Varner dandled a ser0ing girl on his la'/ n2>>ling a her neck while one hand wen e9'loring down her &odice. G2yard he Green/ who fancied hi-self a singer/ diddled a har' and ga0e he- a 0erse a&o2 ying lions. ails in kno s/ 'ar s of which rhy-ed. !er Mark M2llendore &ro2gh a &lack7and7whi e -onkey and fed hi- -orsels fro- his own 'la e/ while !er Tan on of he red7a''le Fossoways cli-&ed on he a&le and swore o slay !andor Clegane in single co-&a . The 0ow -igh ha0e &een aken -ore sole-nly if !er Tan on had no had one foo in a gra0y &oa when he -ade i . The heigh of folly was reached when a 'l2-' fool ca-e ca'ering o2 in gold7'ain ed in wi h a clo h lion.s head/ and chased a dwarf aro2nd he a&les/ whacking hi- o0er he head wi h a &ladder. Finally King Renly de-anded o know why he was &ea ing his &ro her. :3hy/ =o2r Grace/ I.- he Kinslayer/: he fool said. :I .s Kingslayer/ fool of a fool/: Renly said/ and he hall rang wi h la2gh er. *ord Rowan &eside her did no ;oin he -erri-en . :They are all so yo2ng/: he said. I was r2e. The Knigh of Flowers co2ld no ha0e reached his second na-e day when Ro&er slew (rince Rhaegar on he Triden . Few of he o hers were 0ery -2ch older. They had &een &a&es d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ and no -ore han &oys when Balon Grey;oy raised he Iron Islands in re&ellion. They are s ill 2n&looded/ Ca elyn ho2gh as she wa ched *ord Bryce goad !er Ro&ar in o ;2ggling a &race of daggers. I is all a ga-e o he- s ill/ a o2rney wri large/ and all hey see is he chance for glory and honor and s'oils. They are &oys dr2nk on song and s ory/ and like all &oys/ hey hink he-sel0es i--or al. :3ar will -ake he- old/: Ca elyn said/ :as i did 2s.: !he had &een a girl when Ro&er and 5ed and @on Arryn raised heir &anners agains Aerys Targaryen/ a wo-an &y he i-e he figh ing was done. :I 'i y he-.: :3hy8: *ord Rowan asked her. :*ook a he-. yo2ng and s rong/ f2ll of life and la2gh er. And l2s / aye/ -ore l2s han hey know wha o do wi h. There will &e -any a &as ard &red his nigh / I 'ro-ise yo2. 3hy 'i y8: :Beca2se i will no las /: Ca elyn answered/ sadly. :Beca2se hey are he knigh s of s2--er/ and win er is co-ing.: :*ady Ca elyn/ yo2 are wrong.: Brienne regarded her wi h eyes as &l2e

as her ar-or. :3in er will ne0er co-e for he likes of 2s. !ho2ld we die in &a le/ hey will s2rely sing of 2s/ and i .s always s2--er in he songs. In he songs all knigh s are gallan / all -aids are &ea2 if2l/ and he s2n is always shining.: 3in er co-es for all of 2s/ Ca elyn ho2gh . For -e/ i ca-e when 5ed died. I will co-e for yo2 oo/ child/ and sooner han yo2 like. !he did no ha0e he hear o say i . The king sa0ed her. :*ady Ca elyn/: Renly called down. :I feel he need of so-e air. 3ill yo2 walk wi h -e8: Ca elyn s ood a once. :I sho2ld &e honored.: Brienne was on her fee as well. :=o2r Grace/ gi0e -e &2 a -o-en o don -y -ail. =o2 sho2ld no &e wi ho2 'ro ec ion.: King Renly s-iled. :If I a- no safe in he hear of *ord Caswell.s cas le/ wi h -y own hos aro2nd -e/ one sword will -ake no -a er . . . no e0en yo2r sword/ Brienne. !i and ea . If I ha0e need of yo2/ I.ll send for yo2.: 6is words see-ed o s rike he girl harder han any &low she had aken ha af ernoon. :As yo2 will/ =o2r Grace.: Brienne sa / eyes downcas . Renly ook Ca elyn.s ar- and led her fro- he hall/ 'as a slo2ching g2ards-an who s raigh ened so h2rriedly ha he near dro''ed his s'ear. Renly cla''ed he -an on he sho2lder and -ade a ;es of i . :This way/ -y lady.: The king ook her hro2gh a low door in o a s air ower. As hey s ar ed 2'/ he said/ :(erchance/ is !er Barris an !el-y wi h yo2r son a Ri0err2n8: :5o/: she answered/ '2>>led. :Is he no longer wi h @offrey8 6e was he *ord Co--ander of he Kingsg2ard.: Renly shook his head. :The *annis ers old hi- he was oo old and ga0e his cloak o he 6o2nd. I.- old he lef King.s *anding 0owing o ake 2' ser0ice wi h he r2e king. Tha cloak Brienne clai-ed oday was he one I was kee'ing for !el-y/ in ho'es ha he -igh offer -e his sword. 3hen he did no 2rn 2' a 6ighgarden/ I ho2gh 'erha's he had gone o Ri0err2n ins ead.: :3e ha0e no seen hi-. :6e was old/ yes/ &2 a good -an s ill. I ho'e he has no co-e o har-. The *annis ers are grea fools.: They cli-&ed a few -ore s e's. :)n he nigh of Ro&er .s dea h/ I offered yo2r h2s&and a h2ndred swords and 2rged hi- o ake @offrey in o his 'ower. 6ad he lis ened/ he wo2ld &e regen oday/ and here wo2ld ha0e &een no need for -e o clai- he hrone.: :5ed ref2sed yo2.: !he did no ha0e o &e old. :6e had sworn o 'ro ec Ro&er .s children/: Renly said. :I lacked he s reng h o ac alone/ so when *ord ,ddard 2rned -e away/ I had no choice &2 o flee. 6ad I s ayed/ I knew he 42een wo2ld see o i ha I did no long o2 li0e -y &ro her.: 6ad yo2 s ayed/ and len yo2r s2''or o 5ed/ he -igh s ill &e ali0e/ Ca elyn ho2gh &i erly. :I liked yo2r h2s&and well eno2gh/ -y lady. 6e was a loyal friend o Ro&er / I know . . . &2 he wo2ld no lis en and he wo2ld no &end. 6ere/ I wish o show yo2 so-e hing.: They had reached he o' of he s airwell. Renly '2shed o'en a wooden door/ and hey s e''ed o2 on o he roof. *ord Caswell.s kee' was scarcely all eno2gh o call a ower/ &2 he co2n ry was low and fla and Ca elyn co2ld see for leag2es in all direc ions. 3here0er she looked/ she saw fires. They co0ered he ear h like fallen s ars/ and like he s ars here was no end o he-. :Co2n he- if yo2 like/ -y lady/: Renly said 42ie ly. :=o2 will s ill &e co2n ing when dawn &reaks in he eas . 6ow -any fires &2rn aro2nd

Ri0err2n onigh / I wonder8: Ca elyn co2ld hear fain -2sic drif ing fro- he Grea 6all/ see'ing o2 in o he nigh . !he dare no co2n he s ars. :I.- old yo2r son crossed he 5eck wi h wen y ho2sand swords a his &ack/: Renly wen on. :5ow ha he lords of he Triden are wi h hi-/ 'erha's he co--ands for y ho2sand.: 5o/ she ho2gh / no near so -any/ we ha0e los -en in &a le/ and o hers o he har0es . :I ha0e wice ha n2-&er here/: Renly said/ :and his is only 'ar of -y s reng h. Mace Tyrell re-ains a 6ighgarden wi h ano her en ho2sand/ I ha0e a s rong garrison holding ! or-.s ,nd/ and soon eno2gh he 1ornish-en will ;oin -e wi h all heir 'ower. And ne0er forge -y &ro her ! annis/ who holds 1ragons one and co--ands he lords of he narrow sea.: :I wo2ld see- ha yo2 are he one who has forgo en ! annis/: Ca elyn said/ -ore shar'ly han she.d in ended. :6is clai-/ yo2 -ean8: Renly la2ghed. :*e 2s &e &l2n / -y lady. ! annis wo2ld -ake an a''alling king. 5or is he like o &eco-e one. Men res'ec ! annis/ e0en fear hi-/ &2 'recio2s few ha0e e0er lo0ed hi-.: :6e is s ill yo2r elder &ro her. If ei her of yo2 can &e said o ha0e a righ o he Iron Throne/ i -2s &e *ord ! annis.: Renly shr2gged. :Tell -e/ wha righ did -y &ro her Ro&er e0er ha0e o he Iron Throne8: 6e did no wai for an answer. :)h/ here was alk of he &lood ies &e ween Bara heon and Targaryen/ of weddings a h2ndred years 'as / of second sons and elder da2gh ers. 5o one &2 he -aes ers care a&o2 any of i . Ro&er won he hrone wi h his warha--er.: 6e swe' a hand across he ca-'fires ha &2rned frohori>on o hori>on. :3ell/ here is -y clai-/ as good as Ro&er .s e0er was. If yo2r son s2''or s -e as his fa her s2''or ed Ro&er / he.ll no find -e 2ngenero2s. I will gladly confir- hi- in all his lands/ i les/ and honors. 6e can r2le in 3in erfell as he 'leases. 6e can e0en go on calling hi-self King in he 5or h if he likes/ so long as he &ends he knee and does -e ho-age as his o0erlord. King is only a word/ &2 feal y/ loyal y/ ser0ice . . . hose I -2s ha0e.: :And if he will no gi0e he- o yo2/ -y lord8: :I -ean o &e king/ -y lady/ and no of a &roken kingdo-. I canno say i 'lainer han ha . Three h2ndred years ago/ a ! ark king knel o Aegon he 1ragon/ when he saw he co2ld no ho'e o 're0ail. Tha was wisdo-. =o2r son -2s &e wise as well. )nce he ;oins -e/ his war is good as done. 3e7: Renly &roke off s2ddenly/ dis rac ed. :3ha .s his now8: The ra le of chains heralded he raising of he 'or c2llis. 1own in he yard &elow/ a rider in a winged hel- 2rged his well7la hered horse 2nder he s'ikes. :!2--on he king?: he called. Renly 0a2l ed 2' in o a crenel. :I.- here/ ser.: :=o2r Grace.: The rider s'2rred his -o2n closer. :I ca-e swif as I co2ld. Fro- ! or-.s ,nd. 3e are &esieged/ =o2r Grace/ !er Cor nay defies he-/ &2 . . .: :B2 . . . ha .s no 'ossi&le. I wo2ld ha0e &een old if *ord Tywin lef 6arrenhal.: :These are no *ar-is ers/ -y liege. I .s *ord ! annis a yo2r ga es. King ! annis/ he calls hi-self now.: C6A(T,R %" @)5

A &lowing rain lashed a @on.s face as he s'2rred his horse across he swollen s rea-. Beside hi-/ *ord Co--ander Mor-on ga0e he hood of his cloak a 2g/ -2 ering c2rses on he wea her. 6is ra0en sa on his sho2lder/ fea hers r2ffled/ as soaked and gr2-'y as he )ld Bear hi-self. A g2s of wind sen we lea0es fla''ing ro2nd he- like a flock of dead &irds. The ha2n ed fores / @on ho2gh r2ef2lly. The drowned fores / -ore like i . 6e ho'ed !a- was holding 2'/ &ack down he col2-n. 6e was no a good rider e0en in fair wea her/ and si9 days of rain had -ade he gro2nd reachero2s/ all sof -2d and hidden rocks. 3hen he wind &lew/ i dro0e he wa er righ in o heir eyes. The 3all wo2ld &e flowing off o he so2 h/ he -el ing ice -ingling wi h war- rain o wash down in shee s and ri0ers. (y' and Toad wo2ld &e si ing near he fire in he co--on roo-/ drinking c2's of -2lled wine &efore heir s2''er. @on en0ied he-. 6is we wool cl2ng o hi- sodden and i ching/ his neck and sho2lders ached fiercely fro- he weigh of -ail and sword/ and he was sick of sal cod/ sal &eef/ and hard cheese. +' ahead a h2n ing horn so2nded a 42a0ering no e/ half drowned &enea h he cons an 'a er of he rain. :B2ckwell.s horn/: he )ld Bear anno2nced. :The gods are good< Cras er.s s ill here.: 6is ra0en ga0e a single fla' of his &ig wings/ croaked :Corn/: and r2ffled his fea hers 2' again. @on had of en heard he &lack &ro hers ell ales of Cras er and his kee'. 5ow he wo2ld see i wi h his own eyes. Af er se0en e-' y 0illages/ hey had all co-e o dread finding Cras er.s as dead and desola e as he res / &2 i see-ed hey wo2ld &e s'ared ha . (erha's he )ld Bear will finally ge so-e answers/ he ho2gh . Anyway/ we.ll &e o2 of he rain. Thoren !-allwood swore ha Cras er was a friend o he 3a ch/ des'i e his 2nsa0ory re'2 a ion. :The -an.s half7-ad/ I won. deny i /: he.d old he )ld Bear/ :&2 yo2.d &e he sa-e if yo2.d s'en yo2r life in his c2rsed wood. ,0en so/ he.s ne0er 2rned a ranger away fro- his fire/ nor does he lo0e Mance Rayder. 6e.ll gi0e 2s good co2nsel.: !o long as he gi0es 2s a ho -eal and a chance o dry o2r clo hes/ I.ll &e ha''y. 1ywen said Cras er was a kinslayer/ liar/ ra'er/ and cra0en/ and hin ed ha he rafficked wi h sla0ers and de-ons. :And worse/: he old fores er wo2ld add/ clacking his wooden ee h. :There.s a cold s-ell o ha one/ here is.: :@on/: *ord Mor-on co--anded/ :ride &ack along he col2-n and s'read he word. And re-ind he officers ha I wan no ro2&le a&o2 Cras er.s wi0es. The -en are o -ind heir hands and s'eak o hese wo-en as li le as need &e.: :Aye/ -y lord.: @on 2rned his horse &ack he way hey.d co-e. I was 'leasan o ha0e he rain o2 of his face/ if only for a li le while. ,0eryone he 'assed see-ed o &e wee'ing. The -arch was s r2ng o2 hro2gh half a -ile of woods. in he -ids of he &aggage rain/ @on 'assed !a-well Tarly/ sl2-'ed in his saddle 2nder a wide flo''y ha . 6e was riding one dray horse and leading he o hers. The dr2--ing of he rain agains he hoods of heir cages had he ra0ens s42awking and fl2 ering. :=o2 '2 a fo9 in wi h he-8: @on called o2 . 3a er ran off he &ri- of !a-.s ha as he lif ed his head. :)h/ h2llo/ @on. 5o/ hey ;2s ha e he rain/ he sa-e as 2s.: :6ow are yo2 faring/ !a-8: :3e ly.: The fa &oy -anaged a s-ile. :5o hing has killed -e ye / ho2gh.: :Good. Cras er.s Kee' is ;2s ahead. If he gods are good/ he.ll le 2s

slee' &y his fire.: !a- looked d2&io2s. :1oloro2s ,dd says Cras er.s a erri&le sa0age. 6e -arries his da2gh ers and o&eys no laws &2 hose he -akes hi-self. And 1ywen old Grenn he.s go &lack &lood in his 0eins. 6is -o her was a wildling wo-an who lay wi h a ranger/ so he.s a &as !2ddenly he reali>ed wha he was a&o2 o say. :A &as ard/: @on said wi h a la2gh. :=o2 can say i / !a-. I.0e heard he word &efore.: 6e '2 he s'2rs o his s2refoo ed li le garron. :I need o h2n down !er ) yn. Be caref2l aro2nd Cras er.s wo-en.: As if !a-well Tarly needed warning on ha score. :3e.ll alk la er/ af er we.0e -ade ca-'.: @on carried he word &ack o !er ) yn 3y hers/ 'lodding along wi h he rear g2ard. A s-all 'r2ne7faced -an of an age wi h Mor-on / !er ) yn always looked ired/ e0en a Cas le Black/ and he rain had &ea en hidown 2n-ercif2lly. :3elco-e idings/: he said. :This we has soaked -y &ones/ and e0en -y saddle sores co-'lain of saddle sores.: )n his way &ack/ @on sw2ng wide of he col2-n.s line of -arch and ook a shor er 'a h hro2gh he hick of he wood. The so2nds of -an and horse di-inished/ swallowed 2' &y he we green wild/ and soon eno2gh he co2ld hear only he s eady wash of rain agains leaf and ree and rock. I was -idaf ernoon/ ye he fores see-ed as dark as d2sk. @on wo0e a 'a h &e ween rocks and '2ddles/ 'as grea oaks/ grey7green sen inels/ and &lack7&arked ironwoods. in 'laces he &ranches wo0e a cano'y o0erhead and he was gi0en a -o-en .s res'i e fro- he dr2--ing of he rain agains his head. As he rode 'as a ligh ning7&las ed ches n2 ree o0ergrown wi h wild whi e roses/ he heard so-e hing r2s ling in he 2nder&r2sh. :Ghos /: he called o2 . :Ghos / o -e.: B2 i was 1ywen who e-erged fro- he greenery/ forking a shaggy grey garron wi h Grenn ahorse &eside hi-. The )ld Bear had de'loyed o2 riders o ei her side of he -ain col2-n/ o screen heir -arch and warn of he a''roach of any ene-ies/ and e0en here he ook no chances/ sending he -en o2 in 'airs. :Ah/ i .s yo2/ *ord !now.: 1ywen s-iled an oaken s-ile< his ee h were car0ed of wood/ and fi &adly. :Tho2gh -e and he &oy had 2s one o. he- ) hers o deal wi h. *ose yo2r wolf8: :6e.s off h2n ing.: Ghos did no like o ra0el wi h he col2-n/ &2 he wo2ld no &e far. 3hen hey -ade ca-' for he nigh / he.d find his way o @on a he *ord Co--ander.s en . :Fishing/ I.d call i / in his we /: 1ywen said. :My -o her always said rain was good for growing cro's/: Grenn '2 in ho'ef2lly. :Aye/ a good cro' of -ildew/: 1ywen said. :The &es hing a&o2 a rain like his/ i sa0es a -an fro- aking &a hs.: 6e -ade a clacking so2nd on his wooden ee h. :B2ckwell.s fo2nd Cras er/: @on old he-. :6ad he los hi-8: 1ywen ch2ckled. :!ee ha yo2 yo2ng &2cks don. go nosing a&o2 Cras er.s wi0es/ yo2 hear8: @on s-iled. :3an he- all for yo2rself/ 1ywen8: 1ywen clacked his ee h so-e -ore. :Migh &e I do. Cras er.s go en fingers and one cock/ so he don. co2n &2 o ele0en. 6e.d ne0er -iss a co2'le.: :6ow -any wi0es does he ha0e/ r2ly8: Grenn asked. :More.n yo2 e0er will/ &ro her. 3ell/ i .s no so hard when yo2 &reed yo2r own. There.s yo2r &eas / !now.: Ghos was ro ing along &eside @on.s horse wi h ail held high/ his whi e f2r r2ffed 2' hick agains he rain. 6e -o0ed so silen ly @on co2ld no ha0e said ;2s when he a''eared. Grenn.s -o2n shied a he

scen of hi-< e0en now/ af er -ore han a year/ he horses were 2neasy in he 'resence of he direwolf. :3i h -e/ Ghos .: @on s'2rred off o Cras er.s Kee'. 6e had ne0er ho2gh o find a s one cas le on he far side of he 3all/ &2 he had 'ic 2red so-e sor of -o e7and7&ailey wi h a wooden 'alisade and a i-&er ower kee'. 3ha hey fo2nd ins ead was a -idden hea'/ a 'igs y/ an e-' y shee'fold/ and a windowless da2&7and7wa le hall scarce wor hy of he na-e. I was long and low/ chinked oge her fro- logs and roofed wi h sod. The co-'o2nd s ood a o' a rise oo -odes o na-e a hill/ s2rro2nded &y an ear hen dike. Brown ri02le s flowed down he slo'e where he rain had ea en ga'ing holes in he defenses/ o ;oin a r2shing &rook ha c2r0ed aro2nd o he nor h/ i s hick wa ers 2rned in o a -2rky orren &y he rains. )n he so2 hwes / he fo2nd an o'en ga e flanked &y a 'air of ani-al sk2lls on high 'olesB a &ear o one side/ a ra- o he o her. Bi s of flesh s ill cl2ng o he &ear sk2ll/ @on no ed as he ;oined he line riding 'as . 3i hin/ @ar-en B2ckwell.s sco2 s and -en fro- Thoren !-allwood.s 0an were se ing 2' horse lines and s r2ggling o raise en s. A hos of 'igle s roo ed a&o2 hree h2ge sows in he s y. 5ear&y/ a s-all girl '2lled carro s fro- a garden/ naked in he rain/ while wo wo-en ied a 'ig for sla2gh er. The ani-al.s s42eals were high and horri&le/ al-os h2-an in heir dis ress. Che .s ho2nds &arked wildly in answer/ snarling and sna''ing des'i e his c2rses/ wi h a 'air of Cras er.s dogs &arking &ack. 3hen hey saw Ghos / so-e of he dogs &roke off and ran/ while o hers &egan o &ay and growl. The direwolf ignored he-/ as did @on. 3ell/ hir y of 2s will &e war- and dry/ @on ho2gh once he.d go en a good look a he hall. (erha's as -any as fif y. The 'lace was -2ch oo s-all o slee' wo h2ndred -en/ so -os wo2ld need o re-ain o2 side. And where o '2 he-8 The rain had 2rned half he co-'o2nd yard o ankle7dee' '2ddles and he res o s2cking -2d. Ano her dis-al nigh was in 'ros'ec . The *ord Co--ander had en r2s ed his -o2n o 1oloro2s ,dd. 6e was cleaning -2d o2 of he horse.s hoo0es as @on dis-o2n ed. :*ord Mor-on .s in he hall/: he anno2nced. :6e said for yo2 o ;oin hi-. Bes lea0e he wolf o2 side/ he looks h2ngry eno2gh o ea one of Cras er.s children. 3ell/ r2 h &e old/ I.- h2ngry eno2gh o ea one of Cras er.s children/ so long as he was ser0ed ho . Go on/ I.ll see o yo2r horse. If i .s war- and dry inside/ don. ell -e/ I wasn. asked in.: 6e flicked a glo& of we -2d o2 fro- 2nder a horseshoe. :1oes his -2d look like shi o yo28 Co2ld i &e ha his whole hill is -ade of Cras er.s shi 8: @on s-iled. :3ell/ I hear he.s &een here a long i-e/: :=o2 cheer -e no . Go see he )ld Bear.: :Ghos / s ay/: he co--anded. The door o Cras er.s Kee' was -ade of wo fla's of deerhide. @on sho0ed &e ween he-/ s oo'ing o 'ass 2nder he low lin el. Two do>en of he chief rangers had 'receded hi-/ and were s anding aro2nd he fire'i in he cen er of he dir floor while '2ddles collec ed a&o2 heir &oo s. The hall s ank of soo / d2ng/ and we dog. The air was hea0y wi h s-oke/ ye so-ehow s ill da-'. Rain leaked hro2gh he s-oke hole in he roof. I was all a single roo-/ wi h a slee'ing lof a&o0e reached &y a 'air of s'lin ery ladders. @on re-e-&ered how he.d fel he day hey had lef he 3allB ner0o2s as a -aiden/ &2 eager o gli-'se he -ys eries and wonders &eyond each new hori>on. 3ell/ here.s one of he wonders/ he old hi-self/ ga>ing a&o2 he s42alid/ fo2l7s-elling hall. The acrid s-oke was -aking his

eyes wa er. A 'i y ha (y' and Toad can. see all -issing. Cras er sa a&o0e he fire/ he only -an o en;oy his own chair. ,0en *ord Co--ander Mor-on -2s sea hi-self on he co--on &ench/ wi h his ra0en -2 ering on his sho2lder. @ar-an B2ckwell s ood &ehind/ dri''ing fro- 'a ched -ail and shiny we lea her/ &eside Thoren !-allwood in he la e !er @are-y.s hea0y &reas 'la e and sa&le7 ri--ed cloak. Cras er.s shee'skin ;erkin and cloak of sewn skins -ade a sha&&y con ras / &2 aro2nd one hick wris was a hea0y ring ha had he glin of gold. 6e looked o &e a 'owerf2l -an/ ho2gh well in o he win er of his days now/ his -ane of hair grey going o whi e. A fla nose and a droo'ing -o2 h ga0e hi- a cr2el look/ and one of his ears was -issing. !o his is a wildling. @on re-e-&ered )ld 5an.s ales of he sa0age folk who drank &lood fro- h2-an sk2lls. Cras er see-ed o &e drinking a hin yellow &eer fro- a chi''ed s one c2'. (erha's he had no heard he s ories. :I.0e no seen Ben;en ! ark for hree years/: he was elling Mor-on . :And if r2 h &e old/ I ne0er once -issed hi-.: A half7do>en &lack '2''ies and he odd 'ig or wo sk2lked a-ong he &enches/ while wo-en in ragged deerskins 'assed horns of &eer/ s irred he fire/ and cho''ed carro s and onions in o a ke le. :6e o2gh o ha0e 'assed here las year/: said Thoren !-allwood. A dog ca-e sniffing ro2nd his leg. 6e kicked i and sen i off yi''ing. *ord Mor-on said/ :Ben was searching for !er 3ay-ar Royce/ who.d 0anished wi h Gared and yo2ng 3ill.: :Aye/ hose hree I recall. The lordling no older han one of hese '2's. Too 'ro2d o slee' 2nder -y roof/ hi- in his sa&le cloak and &lack s eel. My wi0es gi0e hi- &ig cow eyes all he sa-e.: 6e 2rned his s42in on he neares of he wo-en. :Gared says hey were chasing raiders. I old hi-/ wi h a co--ander ha green/ &es no ca ch .e-. Gared wasn. half7&ad/ for a crow. 6ad less ears han -e/ ha one. The .&i e ook .e-/ sa-e as -ine.: Cras er la2ghed. :5ow I hear he go no head nei her. The .&i e do ha oo8: @on re-e-&ered a s'ray of red &lood on whi e snow/ and he way Theon Grey;oy had kicked he dead -an.s head. The -an was a deser er. )n he way &ack o 3in erfell/ @on and Ro&& had raced/ and fo2nd si9 direwolf '2's in he snow. A ho2sand years ago. :3hen !er 3ay-ar lef yo2/ where was he &o2nd8: Cras er ga0e a shr2g. :6a''ens I ha0e &e er hings o do han end o he co-ings and goings of crows.: 6e drank a '2ll of &eer and se he c2' aside. :6ad no good so2 hron wine 2' here for a &ear.s nigh . I co2ld 2se -e so-e wine/ and a new a9e. Mine.s los i s &i e/ can. ha0e ha / I go -e wo-en o 'ro ec .: 6e ga>ed aro2nd a his sc2rrying wi0es. :=o2 are few here/ and isola ed/: Mor-on said. :If yo2 like/ I.ll de ail so-e -en o escor yo2 so2 h o he 3all.: The ra0en see-ed o like he no ion. :3all/: i screa-ed/ s'reading &lack wings like a high collar &ehind Mor-on .s head. Their hos ga0e a nas y s-ile/ showing a -o2 hf2l of &roken &rown ee h. :And wha wo2ld we do here/ ser0e yo2 a s2''er8 free folk here. Cras er ser0es no -an.: :These are &ad i-es o dwell alone in he wild. The cold winds are rising.: :*e he- rise. My roo s are s2nk dee'.: Cras er gra&&ed a 'assing wo-an &y he wris . :Tell hi-/ wife. Tell he *ord Crow how well con en we are.: The wo-an licked a hin li's. :This is o2r 'lace. Cras er kee's 2s safe. Be er o die free han li0e a sla0e.:

:!la0e/: -2 ered he ra0en. Mor-on leaned forward. :,0ery 0illage we ha0e 'assed has &een a&andoned. =o2rs are he firs li0ing faces we.0e seen since we lef he 3all. The 'eo'le are gone . . . whe her dead/ fled/ or aken/ I co2ld no say. The ani-als as well. 5o hing is lef . And earlier/ we fo2nd he &odies of wo of Ben ! ark.s rangers only a few leag2es frohe 3all. They were 'ale and cold/ wi h &lack hands and &lack fee and wo2nds ha did no &leed. =e when we ook he- &ack o Cas le Black hey rose in he nigh and killed. )ne slew !er @are-y Rykker and he o her ca-e for -e/ which ells -e ha hey re-e-&er so-e of wha hey knew when hey li0ed/ &2 here was no h2-an -ercy lef in he-.: The wo-an.s -o2 h h2ng o'en/ a we 'ink ca0e/ &2 Cras er only ga0e a snor . :3e.0e had no s2ch ro2&les here . . . and I.ll hank yo2 no o ell s2ch e0il ales 2nder -y roof. I.- a godly -an/ and he gods kee' -e safe. If wigh s co-e walking/ I.ll know how o send he&ack o heir gra0es. Tho2gh I co2ld 2se -e a shar' new a9e.: 6e sen his wife sc2rrying wi h a sla' on her leg and a sho2 of :More &eer/ and &e 42ick a&o2 i .: :5o ro2&le fro- he dead/: @ar-en B2ckwell said/ :&2 wha of he li0ing/ -y lord8 3ha of yo2r king8: :King?: cried Mor-on .s ra0en. :King/ king/ king.: :Tha Mance Rayder8: Cras er s'i in o he fire. :King7&eyond7 he3all. 3ha do free folk wan wi h kings8: 6e 2rned his s42in on Mor-on . :There.s -2ch I co2ld ell yo2 o. Rayder and his doings/ if I had a -ind. This o. he e-' y 0illages/ ha .s his work. =o2 wo2ld ha0e fo2nd his hall a&andoned as well/ if I were a -an o scra'e o s2ch. 6e sends a rider/ ells -e I -2s lea0e -y own kee' o co-e gro0el a his fee . I sen he -an &ack/ &2 ke' his ong2e. I .s nailed o ha wall here.: 6e 'oin ed. :Migh &e ha I co2ld ell yo2 where o seek Mance Rayder. If I had a -ind.: The &rown s-ile again. :B2 we.ll ha0e i-e eno2gh for ha . =o2.ll &e wan ing o slee' &enea h -y roof/ &elike/ and ea -e o2 of 'igs.: :A roof wo2ld &e -os welco-e/ -y lord/: Mor-on said. :3e.0e had hard riding/ and oo -2ch we .: :Then yo2.ll g2es here for a nigh . 5o longer/ I.- no ha fond o. crows. The lof .s for -e and -ine/ &2 yo2.ll ha0e all he floor yo2 like. I.0e -ea and &eer for wen y/ no -ore. The res o. yo2r &lack crows can 'eck af er heir own corn.: :3e.0e 'acked in o2r own s2''lies/ -y lord/: said he )ld Bear. :3e sho2ld &e 'leased o share o2r food and wine.: Cras er wi'ed his droo'ing -o2 h wi h he &ack of a hairy hand. :I.ll as e yo2r wine/ *ord Crow/ ha I will. )ne -ore hing. Any -an lays a hand on -y wi0es/ he loses he hand.: :=o2r roof/ yo2r r2le/: said Thoren !-allwood/ and *ord Mor-on nodded s iffly/ ho2gh he looked none oo 'leased. :Tha .s se led/ hen.: Cras er gr2dged he- a gr2n . :1.ya ha0e a -an can draw a -a'8: :!a- Tarly can.: ion '2shed forward. :!a- lo0es -a's.: Mor-on &eckoned hi- closer. :!end hi- here af er he.s ea en. 6a0e hi&ring 42ill and 'arch-en . And find Tolle as well. Tell hi- o &ring -y a9e. A g2es gif for o2r hos .: :3ho.s his one now8: Cras er said &efore @on co2ld go. :6e has he look of a ! ark.: :My s eward and s42ire/ @on !now.: :A &as ard/ is i 8: Cras er looked @on 2' and down. :Man wan s o &ed a wo-an/ see-s like he o2gh o ake her o wife. Tha .s wha I do.: 6e shooed @on off wi h a wa0e. :3ell/ r2n and do yo2r ser0ice/ &as ard/

and see ha a9e is good and shar' now/ I.0e no 2se for d2ll s eel.: @on !now &owed s iffly and ook his lea0e. !er ) yn 3y hers was co-ing in as he was lea0ing/ and hey al-os collided a he deerhide door. )2 side/ he rain see-ed o ha0e slackened. Ten s had gone 2' all o0er he co-'o2nd. @on co2ld see he o's of o hers 2nder he rees. 1oloro2s ,dd was feeding he horses. :Gi0e he wildling an a9e/ why no 8: 6e 'oin ed o2 Mor-on .s wea'on/ a shor haf ed &a le7a9e wi h gold scrollwork inlaid on he &lack s eel &lade. :6e.ll gi0e i &ack/ I 0ow. B2ried in he )ld Bear.s sk2ll/ like as no . 3hy no gi0e hi- all o2r a9es/ and o2r swords as well8 I -islike he way hey clank and ra le as we ride. 3e.d ra0el fas er wi ho2 he-/ s raigh o hell.s door. 1oes i rain in hell/ I wonder8 (erha's Cras er wo2ld like a nice ha ins ead.: @on s-iled. :6e wan s an a9e. And wine as well.: :!ee/ he )ld Bear.s cle0er. if we ge he wildling well and r2ly dr2nk/ 'erha's he.ll only c2 off an ear when he ries o slay 2s wi h ha a9e. I ha0e wo ears &2 only one head.: :!-allwood says Cras er is a friend o he 3a ch.: :1o yo2 know he difference &e ween a wildling who.s a friend o he 3a ch and one who.s no 8: asked he do2r s42ire. :)2r ene-ies lea0e o2r &odies for he crows and he wol0es. )2r friends &2ry 2s in secre gra0es. I wonder how long ha &ear.s &een nailed 2' on ha ga e/ and wha Cras er had here &efore we ca-e hallooing8: ,dd looked a he a9e do2& f2lly/ he rain r2nning down his long face. :Is i dry in here8: :1rier han o2 here.: :If I l2rk a&o2 af er/ no oo close o he fire/ &elike hey.ll ake no no e of -e ill -orn. The ones 2nder his roof will &e he firs he -2rders/ &2 a leas we.ll die dry.: @on had o la2gh. :Cras er.s one -an. wo h2ndred. I do2& he.ll -2rder anyone.: :=o2 cheer -e/: said ,dd/ so2nding 2 erly -orose. :And &esides/ here.s -2ch o &e said for a good shar' a9e. I.d ha e o &e -2rdered wi h a -a2l. I saw a -an hi in he &row wi h a -a2l once. !carce s'li he skin a all/ &2 his head 2rned -2shy and swelled 2' &ig as a go2rd/ only '2r'ly7red. A co-ely -an/ &2 he died 2gly. I .s good ha no gi0ing he- -a2ls.: ,dd walked away shaking his head/ his sodden &lack cloak shedding rain &ehind hi-. @on go he horses fed &efore he s o''ed o hink of his own s2''er. 6e was wondering where o find !a- when he heard a sho2 of fear. :3olf?: 6e s'rin ed aro2nd he hall oward he cry/ he ear h s2cking a his &oo s. )ne of Cras er.s wo-en was &acked 2' agains he -2d7s'a ered wall of he kee'. :Kee' away/: she was sho2 ing a Ghos . :=o2 kee' away? : The direwolf had a ra&&i in his -o2 h and ano her dead and &loody on he gro2nd &efore hi-. :Ge i away/ -.lord/: she 'leaded when she saw hi-. :6e won. h2r yo2.: 6e knew a once wha had ha''ened< a wooden h2 ch/ i s sla s sha ered/ lay on i s side in he we grass. :6e -2s ha0e &een h2ngry. 3e ha0en. seen -2ch ga-e.: ion whis led. The direwolf &ol ed down he ra&&i / cr2nching he s-all &ones &e ween his ee h/ and 'added o0er o hi-. The wo-an regarded he- wi h ner0o2s eyes. !he was yo2nger han he.d ho2gh a firs . A girl of fif een or si9 een years/ he ;2dged/ dark hair 'las ered across a ga2n face &y he falling rain/ her &are fee -2ddy o he ankles. The &ody 2nder he sewn skins was showing in he early 2rns of 'regnancy. :Are yo2 one of Cras er.s da2gh ers8: he asked. !he '2 a hand o0er her &elly. :3ife now.: ,dging away fro- he wolf/

she knel -o2rnf2lly &eside he &roken h2 ch. :I was going o &reed he- ra&&i s. There.s no shee' lef .: :The 3a ch will -ake good for he-.: @on had no coin of his own/ or he wo2ld ha0e offered i o her . . . ho2gh he was no s2re wha good a few co''ers or e0en a sil0er 'iece wo2ld do her &eyond he 3all. :I.ll s'eak o *ord Mor-on on he -orrow.: !he wi'ed her hands on her skir . :M.Iord7: :I.- no lord.: B2 o hers had co-e crowding ro2nd/ drawn &y he wo-an.s screa- and he crash of he ra&&i h2 ch. :1on. yo2 &elie0e hi-/ girl/: called o2 *ark he !is er-an/ a ranger -ean as a c2r. :Tha .s *ord !now hi-self.: :Bas ard of 3in erfell and &ro her o kings/: -ocked Che / who.d lef his ho2nds o see wha he co--o ion was a&o2 . :Tha wolf.s looking a yo2 h2ngry/ girl/: *ark said. :Migh &e i fancies ha ender &i in yo2r &elly.: @on was no a-2sed. scaring her.: :3arning her/ -ore like.: Che .s grin was as 2gly as he &oils ha co0ered -os of his face. no o alk o yo2/: he girl re-e-&ered s2ddenly. :3ai /: @on said/ oo la e. !he &ol ed/ ran. *ark -ade a gra& for he second ra&&i / &2 Ghos was 42icker. 3hen he &ared his ee h/ he !is er-an sli''ed in he -2d and wen down on his &ony &2 . The o hers la2ghed. The direwolf ook he ra&&i in his -o2 h and &ro2gh i o @on. :There was no call o scare he girl/: he old he-. :3e.ll hear no scolds fro- yo2/ &as ard.: Che &la-ed @on for he loss of his co-for a&le 'osi ion wi h Maes er Ae-on/ and no wi ho2 ;2s ice. If he had no gone o Ae-on a&o2 !a- Tarly/ Che wo2ld s ill &e ending an old &lind -an ins ead of a 'ack of ill7 e-'ered h2n ing ho2nds. :=o2 -ay &e he *ord Co--ander.s 'e / &2 no he *ord Co--ander . . . and yo2 wo2ldn. alk so &loody &old wi ho2 ha -ons er of yo2rs always a&o2 .: :I.ll no figh a &ro her while &eyond he 3all/: @on answered/ his 0oice cooler han he fel . *ark go o one knee. :6e.s afraid of yo2/ Che . )n he !is ers/ we ha0e a na-e for he- like hi-.: :I know all he na-es. !a0e yo2r &rea h.: 6e walked away/ Ghos a his side. The rain had dwindled o a hin dri>>le &y he i-e he reached he ga e. 12sk wo2ld &e on he- soon/ followed &y ano her we dark dis-al nigh . The clo2ds wo2ld hide -oon and s ars and Mor-on .s Torch/ 2rning he woods &lack as 'i ch. ,0ery 'iss wo2ld &e an ad0en 2re/ if no 42i e of he sor @on !now had once en0isioned. )2 2nder he rees/ so-e rangers had fo2nd eno2gh d2ff and dry wood o s ar a fire &enea h a slan ing ridge of sla e. ) hers had raised en s or -ade r2de shel ers &y s re ching heir cloaks o0er low &ranches. Gian had cra--ed hi-self inside he hollow of a dead oak. :6ow dye like -y cas le/ *ord !now8: :I looks sn2g. =o2 know where !a- is8: :Kee' on he way yo2 were. If yo2 co-e on !er ) yn.s 'a0ilion/ yo2.0e gone oo far.: Gian s-iled. :+nless !a-.s fo2nd hi- a ree oo. 3ha a ree ha wo2ld &e.: I was Ghos who fo2nd !a- in he end. The direwolf sho ahead like a 42arrel fro- a cross&ow. +nder an o2 cro' of rock ha ga0e so-e s-all degree of shel er fro- he rain/ !a- was feeding he ra0ens. 6is &oo s s42ished when he -o0ed. :My fee are soaked hro2gh/: he ad-i ed -isera&ly. :3hen I cli-&ed off -y horse/ I s e''ed in a hole and wen in 2' o -y knees.:

:Take off yo2r &oo s and dry yo2r s ockings. I.ll find so-e dry wood. If he gro2nd.s no we 2nder he rock/ we -igh &e a&le o ge a fire &2rning.: @on showed !a- he ra&&i . :And we.ll feas .: :3on. yo2 &e a ending *ord Mor-on in he hall8: :5o/ &2 yo2 will. The )ld Bear wan s yo2 o -a' for hi-. Cras er says he.ll find Mance Rayder for 2s.: :)h.: !a- did no look an9io2s o -ee Cras er/ e0en if i -ean a warfire. :6e said ea firs / ho2gh. 1ry yo2r fee .: @on wen o ga her f2el/ digging down 2nder deadfalls for he drier wood &enea h and 'eeling &ack layers of sodden 'ine needles 2n il he fo2nd likely kindling. ,0en hen/ i see-ed o ake fore0er for a s'ark o ca ch. 6e h2ng his cloak fro- he rock o kee' he rain off his s-oky li le fire/ -aking he- a s-all sn2g alco0e. As he knel o skin he ra&&i / !a- '2lled off his &oo s. :I hink here.s -oss growing &e ween -y oes/: he declared -o2rnf2lly/ wriggling he oes in 42es ion. :The ra&&i will as e good. I don. e0en -ind a&o2 he &lood and all.: 6e looked away. :3ell/ only a li le . . .: @on s'i ed he carcass/ &anked he fire wi h a 'air of rocks/ and &alanced heir -eal a o' he-. The ra&&i had &een a scrawny hing/ &2 as i cooked i s-elled like a king.s feas . ) her rangers ga0e heen0io2s looks. ,0en Ghos looked 2' h2ngrily/ fla-es shining in his red eyes as he sniffed. :=o2 had yo2rs &efore/: @on re-inded hi-. :Is Cras er as sa0age as he rangers say8: !a- asked. The ra&&i was a shade 2nderdone/ &2 as ed wonderf2l. :3ha .s his cas le like8: :A -idden hea' wi h a roof and a fire'i .: @on old !a- wha he had seen and heard in Cras er.s Kee'. By he i-e he elling was done/ i was dark o2 side and !a- was licking his fingers. :Tha was good/ &2 now I.d like a leg of la-&. A whole leg/ ;2s for -e/ sa2ced wi h -in and honey and clo0es. 1id yo2 see any la-&s8: :There was a shee'fold/ &2 no shee'.: :6ow does he feed all his -en8: :I didn. see any -en. ;2s Cras er and his wo-en and a few s-all girls. I wonder he.s a&le o hold he 'lace. 6is defenses were no hing o s'eak of/ only a -2ddy dike. =o2 had &e er go 2' o he hall and draw ha -a'. Can yo2 find he way8: :If I don. fall in he -2d.: !a- s r2ggled &ack in o his &oo s/ collec ed 42ill and 'arch-en / and sho2ldered o2 in o he nigh / he rain 'a ering down on his cloak and flo''y ha . Ghos laid his head on his 'aws and wen o slee' &y he fire. @on s re ched o2 &eside hi-/ gra ef2l for he war- h. 6e was cold and we / &2 no so cold and we as he.d &een a shor i-e &efore. (erha's onigh he )ld Bear will learn so-e hing ha will lead 2s o +ncle Ben;en. 6e woke o he sigh of his own &rea h -is ing in he cold -orning air. 3hen he -o0ed/ his &ones ached. Ghos was gone/ he fire &2rn o2 . @on reached o '2ll aside he cloak he.d h2ng o0er he rock/ and fo2nd i s iff and fro>en. 6e cre' &enea h i and s ood 2' in a fores 2rned o crys al. The 'ale 'ink ligh of dawn s'arkled on &ranch and leaf and s one. ,0ery &lade of grass was car0ed fro- e-erald/ e0ery dri' of wa er 2rned o dia-ond. Flowers and -2shroo-s alike wore coa s of glass. ,0en he -2d '2ddles had a &righ &rown sheen. Thro2gh he shi--ering greenery/ he &lack en s of his &ro hers were encased in a fine gla>e of ice.

!o here is -agic &eyond he 3all af er all. 6e fo2nd hi-self hinking of his sis ers/ 'erha's &eca2se he.d drea-ed of he- las nigh . !ansa wo2ld call his an enchan -en / and ears wo2ld fill her eyes a he wonder of i / &2 Arya wo2ld r2n o2 la2ghing and sho2 ing/ wan ing o o2ch i all. :*ord !now8: he heard. !of and -eek. 6e 2rned. Cro2ched a o' he rock ha had shel ered hi- d2ring he nigh was he ra&&i kee'er/ wra''ed in a &lack cloak so large i drowned her. !a-.s cloak/ @on reali>ed a once. 3hy is she wearing !a-.s cloak8 :The fa one old -e I.d find yo2 here/ -.lord/: she said. :3e a e he ra&&i / if ha .s wha yo2 ca-e for.: The ad-ission -ade hi- feel a&s2rdly g2il y. :)ld *ord Crow/ hi- wi h he alking &ird/ he ga0e Cras er a cross&ow wor h a h2ndred ra&&i s.: 6er ar-s closed o0er he swell of her &elly. :Is i r2e/ -.lord8 Are yo2 &ro her o a king8: :A half &ro her/: he ad-i ed. :I.- 5ed ! ark.s &as ard. My &ro her Ro&& is he King in he 5or h. 3hy are yo2 here8: :The fa one/ ha !a-/ he said o see yo2. 6e gi0e -e his cloak/ so no one wo2ld say I didn. &elong.: :3on. Cras er &e angry wi h yo28: :My fa her drank o0er-2ch of he *ord Crow.s wine las nigh . 6e.ll slee' -os of he day.: 6er &rea h fros ed he air in s-all ner0o2s '2ffs. :They say he king gi0es ;2s ice and 'ro ec s he weak.: !he s ar ed o cli-& off he rock/ awkwardly/ &2 he ice had -ade i sli''ery and her foo wen o2 fro- 2nder her. @on ca2gh her &efore she co2ld fall/ and hel'ed her safely down. The wo-an knel on he icy gro2nd. :M.lord/ I &eg yo27: :1on. &eg -e any hing. Go &ack o yo2r hall/ yo2 sho2ldn. &e here. 3e were co--anded no o s'eak o Cras er.s wo-en.: :=o2 don. ha0e o s'eak wi h -e/ -.lord. ;2s ake -e wi h yo2/ when yo2 go/ ha .s all I ask.: All she asks/ he ho2gh . As if ha were no hing. :I.ll . . . I.ll &e yo2r wife/ if yo2 like. My fa her/ he.s go nine een now/ one less won. h2r hi- none.: :Black &ro hers are sworn ne0er o ake wi0es/ don. yo2 know ha 8 And g2es s in yo2r fa her.s hall &esides.: :5o yo2/: she said. :I wa ched. =o2 ne0er a e a his &oard/ nor sle' &y his fire. 6e ne0er ga0e yo2 g2es 7righ / so no &o2nd o hi-. I .s for he &a&y I ha0e o go.: :I don. e0en know yo2r na-e.: :Gilly/ he called -e. For he gillyflower.: :Tha .s 're y.: 6e re-e-&ered !ansa elling hi- once ha he sho2ld say ha whene0er a lady old hi- her na-e. 6e co2ld no hel' he girl/ &2 'erha's he co2r esy wo2ld 'lease her. :Is i Cras er who frigh ens yo2/ Gilly8: :For he &a&y/ no for -e. If i .s a girl/ ha .s no so &ad/ she.ll grow a few years and he.ll -arry her. B2 5ella says i .s o &e a &oy/ and she.s had si9 and knows hese hings. 6e gi0es he &oys o he gods. Co-e he whi e cold/ he does/ and of la e i co-es -ore of en. Tha .s why he s ar ed gi0ing he- shee'/ e0en ho2gh he has a as e for -2 on. )nly now he shee'.s gone oo. 5e9 i will &e dogs/ ill !he lowered her eyes and s roked her &elly. :3ha gods8: @on was re-e-&ering ha hey.d seen no &oys in Cras er.s Kee'/ nor -en ei her/ sa0e Cras er hi-self. :The cold gods/: she said. :The ones in he nigh . The whi e shadows.: And s2ddenly @on was &ack in he *ord Co--ander.s Tower again. A

se0ered hand was cli-&ing his calf and when he 'ried i off wi h he 'oin of his longsword/ i lay wri hing/ fingers o'ening and closing. The dead -an rose o his fee / &l2e eyes shining in ha gashed and swollen face. Ro'es of orn flesh h2ng fro- he grea wo2nd in his &elly/ ye here was no &lood. :3ha color are heir eyes8: he asked her. :Bl2e. As &righ as &l2e s ars/ and as cold.: !he has seen he-/ he ho2gh . Cras er lied. :3ill yo2 ake -e8 ;2s so far as he 3all7: :3e do no ride for he 3all. 3e ride nor h/ af er Mance Rayder and hese ) hers/ hese whi e shadows and heir wigh s. 3e seek he-/ Gilly. =o2r &a&e wo2ld no &e safe wi h 2s.: 6er fear was 'lain on her face. :=o2 will co-e &ack/ ho2gh. 3hen yo2r warring.s done/ yo2.ll 'ass his way again.: :3e -ay.: If any of 2s s ill li0e. :Tha .s for he )ld Bear o say/ he one yo2 call he *ord Crow. I.- only his s42ire. I do no choose he road I ride.: :5o.: 6e co2ld hear he defea in her 0oice. :!orry o &e of ro2&le/ -.lord. I only . . . hey said he king kee's 'eo'le safe/ and I ho2gh . . .: 1es'airing/ she ran/ !a-.s cloak fla''ing &ehind her like grea &lack wings. @on wa ched her go/ his ;oy in he -orning.s &ri le &ea2 y gone. 1a-n her/ he ho2gh resen f2lly/ and da-n !a- wice for sending her o -e. 3ha did he hink I co2ld do for her8 here o figh wildlings/ no sa0e he-. ) her -en were crawling fro- heir shel ers/ yawning and s re ching. The -agic was already faded/ icy &righ ness 2rning &ack o co--on dew in he ligh of he rising s2n. !o-eone had go en a fire s ar ed< he co2ld s-ell woods-oke drif ing hro2gh he rees/ and he s-oky scen of &acon. @on ook down his cloak and sna''ed i agains he rock/ sha ering he hin cr2s of ice ha had for-ed in he nigh / hen ga hered 2' *ongclaw and shr2gged an ar- hro2gh a sho2lder s ra'. A few yards away he -ade wa er in o a fro>en &2sh/ his 'iss s ea-ing in he cold air and -el ing he ice where0er i fell. Af erward he laced 2' his &lack wool &reeches and followed he s-ells. Grenn and 1ywen were a-ong he &ro hers who had ga hered ro2nd he fire. 6ake handed @on a hollow heel of &read filled wi h &2rn &acon and ch2nks of sal fish war-ed in &acon grease. 6e wolfed i down while lis ening o 1ywen &oas of ha0ing hree of Cras er.s wo-en d2ring he nigh . :=o2 did no /: Grenn said/ scowling. :I wo2ld ha0e seen.: 1ywen wha''ed hi- 2' alongside his ear wi h he &ack of his hand. :=o28 !een8 &lind as Maes er Ae-on. =o2 ne0er e0en saw ha &ear.: :3ha &ear8 3as here a &ear8: :There.s always a &ear/: declared 1oloro2s ,dd in his 2s2al one of gloo-y resigna ion. :)ne killed -y &ro her when I was yo2ng. Af erward i wore his ee h aro2nd i s neck on a lea her hong. And hey were good ee h oo/ &e er han -ine. I.0e had no hing &2 ro2&le wi h -y ee h.: :1id !a- slee' in he hall las nigh 8: @on asked hi-. :I.d no call i slee'ing. The gro2nd was hard/ he r2shes ill7 s-elling/ and -y &ro hers snore frigh f2lly. !'eak of &ears if yo2 will/ none e0er growled so fierce as Brown Bernarr. I was war-/ ho2gh. !o-e dogs crawled a o' -e d2ring he nigh . My cloak was al-os dry when one of he- 'issed in i . )r 'erha's i was Brown Bernarr. 6a0e yo2 no iced ha he rain s o''ed he ins an I had a roof a&o0e -e8 I

will s ar again now ha I.- &ack o2 . Gods and dogs alike deligh o 'iss on -e.: :I.d &es go see o *ord Mor-on /: said @on. The rain -igh ha0e s o''ed/ &2 he co-'o2nd was s ill a -orass of shallow lakes and sli''ery -2d. Black &ro hers were folding heir en s/ feeding heir horses/ and chewing on s ri's of sal &eef. @ar-an B2ckwell.s sco2 s were igh ening he gir hs on heir saddles &efore se ing o2 . :@on/: B2ckwell gree ed hi- fro- horse&ack. :Kee' a good edge on ha &as ard sword of yo2rs. 3e.ll &e needing i soon eno2gh.: Cras er.s hall was di- af er dayligh . Inside/ he nigh .s orches had &2rned low/ and i was hard o know ha he s2n had risen. *ord Mor-on .s ra0en was he firs o s'y hi- en er. Three la>y fla's of i s grea &lack wings/ and i 'erched a o' *ongclaw.s hil . :Corn8: I ni''ed a a s rand of @on.s hair. :Ignore ha wre ched &eggar &ird/ @on/ i .s ;2s had half -y &acon.: The )ld Bear sa a Cras er.s &oard/ &reaking his fas wi h he o her officers on fried &read/ &acon/ and shee'g2 sa2sage. Cras er.s new a9e was on he a&le i s gold inlay glea-ing fain ly in he orchligh . i s owner was s'rawled 2nconscio2s in he slee'ing lof a&o0e/ &2 he wo-en were all 2'/ -o0ing a&o2 and ser0ing. :3ha sor of day do we ha0e8 : :Cold/ &2 he rain has s o''ed.: :Very good. !ee ha -y horse is saddled and ready. I -ean for 2s o ride wi hin he ho2r. 6a0e yo2 ea en8 Cras er ser0es 'lain fare/ &2 filling.: I will no ea Gras er.s food/ he decided s2ddenly. :I &roke -y fas wi h he -en/ -y lord.: @on shooed he ra0en off *ongclaw. The &ird ho''ed &ack o Mor-on .s sho2lder/ where i 'ro-' ly sha . :=o2 -igh ha0e done ha on !now ins ead of sa0ing i for -e/: he )ld Bear gr2-&led. The ra0en 42orked. 6e fo2nd !a- &ehind he hall/ s anding wi h Gilly a he &roken ra&&i h2 ch. !he was hel'ing hi- &ack in o his cloak/ &2 when she saw @on she s ole away. !a- ga0e hi- a look of wo2nded re'roach. :I ho2gh yo2 wo2ld hel' her.: :And how was I o do ha 8: @on said shar'ly. :Take her wi h 2s/ wra''ed 2' in yo2r cloak8 3e were co--anded no o7: :I know/: said !a- g2il ily/ :&2 she was afraid. I know wha i is o &e afraid. I old her . . .: 6e swallowed. :3ha 8 Tha we.d ake her wi h 2s8: !a-.s fa face &l2shed a dee' red. :)n he way ho-e.: 6e co2ld no -ee @on.s eyes. :!he.s going o ha0e a &a&y.: :!a-/ ha0e yo2 aken lea0e of all yo2r sense8 3e -ay no e0en re 2rn his way. And if we do/ do yo2 hink he )ld Bear is going o le yo2 'ack off one of Cras er.s wi0es8: :I ho2gh . . . -ay&e &y hen I co2ld hink of a way :I ha0e no i-e for his/ I ha0e horses o groo- and saddle.: @on walked away as conf2sed as he was angry. !a-.s hear was a &ig as he res of hi-/ &2 for all his reading he co2ld &e as hick as Grenn a i-es. I was i-'ossi&le/ and dishonora&le &esides. !o why do I feel so asha-ed8 @on ook his acc2s o-ed 'osi ion a Mor-on .s side as he 5igh .s 3a ch s rea-ed o2 'as he sk2lls on Cras er.s ga e. They s r2ck off nor h and wes along a crooked ga-e rail. Mel ing ice dri''ed down all a&o2 he-/ a slower sor of rain wi h i s own sof -2sic. 5or h of he co-'o2nd/ he &rook was in f2ll s'a e/ choked wi h lea0es and &i s of wood/ &2 he sco2 s had fo2nd where he ford lay and he col2-n was a&le o s'lash across. The wa er ran as high as a horse.s &elly. Ghos

swa-/ e-erging on he &ank wi h his whi e f2r dri''ing &rown. 3hen he shook/ s'raying -2d and wa er in all direc ions/ Mor-on said no hing/ &2 on his sho2lder he ra0en screeched. :My lord/: @on said 42ie ly as he wood closed in aro2nd he- once -ore. :Cras er has no shee'. 5or any sons.: Mor-on -ade no answer. :A 3in erfell one of he ser0ing wo-en old 2s s ories/: @on wen on. :!he 2sed o say ha here were wildlings who wo2ld lay wi h he ) hers o &ir h half7h2-an children.: :6ear h ales. 1oes Cras er see- less han h2-an o yo28: In half a h2ndred ways. :6e gi0es his sons o he wood.: A long silence. ThenB :=es.: And :=es/: he ra0en -2 ered/ s r2 ing. :=es/ yes/ yes.: :=o2 knew8: :!-allwood old -e. *ong ago. All he rangers know/ ho2gh few will alk of i .: :1id -y 2ncle know8: :All he rangers/: Mor-on re'ea ed. :=o2 hink I o2gh o s o' hi-. Kill hi- if need &e.: The )ld Bear sighed. :3ere i only ha he wished o rid hi-self of so-e -o2 hs/ I.d gladly send =oren or Conwys o collec he &oys. 3e co2ld raise he- o he &lack and he 3a ch wo2ld &e ha -2ch he s ronger. B2 he wildlings ser0e cr2eler gods han yo2 or I. These &oys are Cras er.s offerings. 6is 'rayers/ if yo2 will.: 6is wi0es -2s offer differen 'rayers/ @on ho2gh . :6ow is i yo2 ca-e o know his8: he )ld Bear asked hi-. :Fro- one of Cras er.s wi0es8: :=es/ -y lord/: @on confessed. :I wo2ld sooner no ell yo2 which. !he was frigh ened and wan ed hel'.: :The wide world is f2ll of 'eo'le wan ing hel'/ @on. 3o2ld ha so-e co2ld find he co2rage o hel' he-sel0es. Cras er s'rawls in his lof e0en now/ s inking of wine and los o sense. )n his &oard &elow lies a shar' new a9e. 3ere i -e/ Id na-e i .Answered (rayer. and -ake an end.: =es. @on ho2gh of Gilly. !he and her sis ers. They were nine een/ and Cras er was one/ &2 . . . :=e i wo2ld &e an ill day for 2s if Cras er died. =o2r 2ncle co2ld ell yo2 of he i-es Cras er.s Kee' -ade he difference &e ween life and dea h for o2r rangers.: :My fa her . . .: 6e hesi a ed. :Go on/ @on. !ay wha yo2 wo2ld say.: :My fa her once old -e ha so-e -en are no wor h ha0ing/: @on finished. :A &anner-an who is &r2 al or 2n;2s dishonors his liege lord as well as hi-self.: :Cras er is his own -an. 6e has sworn 2s no 0ows. 5or is he s2&;ec o o2r laws. =o2r hear is no&le/ @on/ &2 learn a lesson here. 3e canno se he world o righ s. Tha is no o2r '2r'ose. The 5igh .s 3a ch has o her wars o figh .: ) her wars. =es. I -2s re-e-&er. :@ar-an B2ckwell said I -igh ha0e need of -y sword soon.: :1id he8: Mor-on did no see- 'leased. :Cras er said -2ch and -ore las nigh / and confir-ed eno2gh of -y fears o conde-n -e o a slee'less nigh on his floor. Mance Rayder is ga hering his 'eo'le oge her in he Fros fangs. Tha .s why he 0illages are e-' y. I is he sa-e ale ha !er 1enys Mallis er had fro- he wildling his -en ca' 2red in he Gorge/ &2 Cras er has added he where/ and ha -akes all he difference.: :Is he -aking a ci y/ or an ar-y8:

:5ow/ ha is he 42es ion. 6ow -any wildlings are here8 6ow -any -en of figh ing age8 5o one knows wi h cer ain y. The Fros fangs are cr2el/ inhos'i a&le/ a wilderness of s one and ice. They will no long s2s ain any grea n2-&er of 'eo'le. I can see only one '2r'ose in his ga hering. Mance Rayder -eans o s rike so2 h/ in o he !e0en Kingdo-s.: :3ildlings ha0e in0aded he real- &efore.: @on had heard he ales fro)ld 5an and Maes er *2win &o h/ &ack a 3in erfell. :Ray-2n Red&eard led he- so2 h in he i-e of -y grandfa her.s grandfa her/ and &efore hi- here was a king na-ed Bael he Bard.: :Aye/ and long &efore he- ca-e he 6orned *ord and he &ro her kings Gendel and Gorne/ and in ancien days @ora-2n/ who &lew he 6orn of 3in er and woke gian s fro- he ear h. ,ach -an of he- &roke his s reng h on he 3all/ or was &roken &y he 'ower of 3in erfell on he far side . . . &2 he 5igh .s 3a ch is only a shadow of wha we were/ and who re-ains o o''ose he wildlings &esides 2s8 The *ord of 3in erfell is dead/ and his heir has -arched his s reng h so2 h o figh he *annis ers. The wildlings -ay ne0er again ha0e s2ch a chance as his. I knew Mance Rayder/ @on. 6e is an oa h&reaker/ yes . . . &2 he has eyes o see/ and no -an has e0er dared o na-e hi- fain hear .: :3ha will we do8: asked @on. :Find hi-/: said Mor-on . :Figh hi-. ! o' hi-.: Three h2ndred/ ho2gh @on/ agains he f2ry of he wild. 6is fingers o'ened and closed. C6A(T,R %D T6,)5 !he was 2ndenia&ly a &ea2 y. B2 yo2r firs is always &ea2 if2l/ Theon Grey;oy ho2gh . :5ow here.s a 're y grin/: a wo-an.s 0oice said &ehind hi-. :The lordling likes he look of her/ does he8: Theon 2rned o gi0e her an a''raising glance. 6e liked wha he saw. Iron&orn/ he knew a a glance< lean and longlegged/ wi h &lack hair c2 shor / wind7chafed skin/ s rong s2re hands/ a dirk a her &el . 6er nose was oo &ig and oo shar' for her hin face/ &2 her s-ile -ade 2' for i . 6e ;2dged her a few years older han he was/ &2 no -ore han fi0e7and wen y. !he -o0ed as if she were 2sed o a deck &enea h her fee . :=es/ she.s a swee sigh /: he old her/ : ho2gh no half so swee as yo2.: :)ho.: !he grinned. :I.d &es &e caref2l. This lordling has a honeyed ong2e.: :Tas e i and see.: :Is i ha way/ hen8: she said/ eyeing hi- &oldly. There were wo-en on he iron Islands7no -any/ &2 a few7who crewed he longshi's along wi h heir -en/ and i was said ha sal and sea changed he-/ ga0e he- a -an.s a''e i es. :6a0e yo2 &een ha long a sea/ lordling8 )r were here no wo-en where yo2 ca-e fro-8: :3o-en eno2gh/ &2 none like yo2.: :And how wo2ld yo2 know wha I.- like8: :My eyes can see yo2r face. My ears can hear yo2r la2gh er. And -y cock.s gone hard as a -as for yo2.: The wo-an s e''ed close and 'ressed a hand o he fron of his &reeches. :3ell/ no liar/: she said/ gi0ing hi- a s42ee>e hro2gh he clo h. :6ow &ad does i h2r 8: :Fiercely.:

:(oor lordling.: !he released hi- and s e''ed &ack. :As i ha''ens/ I.a wo-an wed/ and new wi h child.: :The gods are good/: Theon said. :5o chance I.d gi0e yo2 a &as ard ha way.: :,0en so/ -y -an wo2ldn. hank yo2.: :5o/ &2 yo2 -igh .: :And why wo2ld ha &e8 I.0e had lords &efore. -ade he sa-e as o her -en.: :6a0e yo2 e0er had a 'rince8: he asked her. :3hen wrinkled and grey and yo2r ea s hang 'as yo2r &elly/ yo2 can ell yo2r children.s children ha once yo2 lo0ed a king.: :)h/ is i lo0e alking now8 And here I ho2gh i was ;2s cocks and c2n s.: :Is i lo0e yo2 fancy8: 6e.d decided ha he liked his wench/ whoe0er she was< her shar' wi was a welco-e res'i e fro- he da-' gloo- of (yke. :!hall I na-e -y longshi' af er yo2/ and 'lay yo2 he high har'/ and kee' yo2 in a ower roo- in -y cas le wi h only ;ewels o wear/ like a 'rincess in a song8: :=o2 o2gh o na-e yo2r shi' af er -e/: she said/ ignoring all he res . :I was -e who &2il her.: :!igrin &2il her. My lord fa her.s shi'wrigh .: :I.- ,sgred. A-&rode.s da2gh er/ and wife o !igrin.: 6e had no known ha A-&rode had a da2gh er/ or !igrin a wife . . . &2 he.d -e he yo2nger shi'wrigh only once/ and he older one he scarce re-e-&ered. was ed on !igrin.: :)ho. !igrin old -e his swee shi' is was ed on yo2.: Theon &ris led. :1o yo2 know who I a-8: :(rince Theon of 6o2se Grey;oy. 3ho else8 Tell -e r2e/ -y lord/ how well do yo2 lo0e her/ his new -aid of yo2rs8 !igrin will wan o know.: The longshi' was so new ha she s ill s-elled of 'i ch and resin. 6is 2ncle Aeron wo2ld &less her on he -orrow/ &2 Theon had ridden o0er fro- (yke o ge a look a her &efore she was la2nched. !he was no so large as *ord Balon.s own Grea Kraken or his 2ncle Vic arion.s Iron Vic ory/ &2 she looked swif and swee / e0en si ing in her wooden cradle on he s rand< lean &lack h2ll a h2ndred fee long/ a single all -as / fif y long oars/ deck eno2gh for a h2ndred -en . . . and a he 'row/ he grea iron ra- in he sha'e of an arrowhead. :!igrin did -e good ser0ice/: he ad-i ed. :Is she as fas as she looks8: :Fas er7for a -as er ha knows how o handle her.: :I has &een a few years since I sailed a shi'.: And I.0e ne0er ca' ained one/ if r2 h &e old. :! ill/ I.- a Grey;oy/ and an iron-an. The sea is in -y &lood.: :And yo2r &lood will &e in he sea/ if yo2 sail he way yo2 alk/: she old hi-. :I wo2ld ne0er -is rea s2ch a fair -aiden.: :Fair -aiden8: !he la2ghed. :!he.s a sea &i ch/ his one.: :There/ and now yo2.0e na-ed her. !ea Bi ch.: Tha a-2sed her< he co2ld see he s'arkle in her dark eyes. :And yo2 said yo2.d na-e her af er -e/: she said in a 0oice of wo2nded re'roach. :I did.: 6e ca2gh her hand. :6el' -e/ -y lady. in he green lands/ hey &elie0e a wo-an wi h child -eans good for 2ne for any -an who &eds her.: :And wha wo2ld hey know a&o2 shi's in he green lands8 )r wo-en/ for ha -a er8 Besides/ I hink yo2 -ade ha 2'.: :If I confess/ will yo2 s ill lo0e -e8: :! ill8 3hen ha0e I e0er lo0ed yo28:

:5e0er/: he ad-i ed/ :&2 I a- rying o re'air ha lack/ -y swee ,sgred. The wind is cold. Co-e a&oard -y shi' and le -e war- yo2. )n he -orrow -y 2ncle Aeron will 'o2r seawa er o0er her 'row and -2-&le a 'rayer o he 1rowned God/ &2 Id sooner &less her wi h he -ilk of -y loins/ and yo2rs.: :The 1rowned God -igh no ake ha kindly.: :B2gger he 1rowned God. If he ro2&les 2s/ I.ll drown hi- again. off o war wi hin a for nigh . 3o2ld yo2 send -e in o &a le all slee'less wi h longing8: :Gladly.: :A cr2el -aid. My shi' is well na-ed. If I s eer her on o he rocks in -y dis rac ion/ yo2.ll ha0e yo2rself o &la-e.: :1o yo2 'lan o s eer wi h his8: ,sgred &r2shed he fron of his &reeches once -ore/ and s-iled as a finger raced he iron o2 line of his -anhood. :Co-e &ack o (yke wi h -e/: he said s2ddenly/ hinking/ 3ha will *ord Balon say8 And why sho2ld I care8 I a- a -an grown/ if I wan o &ring a wench o &ed i is no one.s &2siness &2 -y own. :And wha wo2ld I do in (yke8: 6er hand s ayed where i was. :My fa her will feas his ca' ains onigh .: 6e had he- o feas e0ery nigh / while he wai ed for he las s ragglers o arri0e/ &2 Theon saw no need o ell all ha . :3o2ld yo2 -ake -e yo2r ca' ain for he nigh / -y lord 'rince8: !he had he wickedes s-ile he.d e0er seen on a wo-an. :I -igh . If I knew yo2.d s eer -e safe in o 'or .: :3ell/ I know which end of he oar goes in he sea/ and here.s no one &e er wi h ro'es and kno s.: )ne7handed/ she 2ndid he lacing of his &reeches/ hen grinned and s e''ed ligh ly away fro- hi-. :A 'i y I.- a wo-an wed/ and new wi h child.: Fl2s ered/ Theon laced hi-self &ack 2'. :I need o s ar &ack o he cas le. if yo2 do no co-e wi h -e/ I -ay lose -y way for grief/ and all he islands wo2ld &e 'oorer.: :3e co2ldn. ha0e ha . . . &2 I ha0e no horse/ -y lord.: :=o2 co2ld ake -y s42ire.s -o2n .: :And lea0e yo2r 'oor s42ire o walk all he way o (yke8: :!hare -ine/ hen.: :=o2.d like ha well eno2gh.: The s-ile again. :5ow/ wo2ld I &e &ehind yo2/ or in fron 8: :=o2 wo2ld &e where0er yo2 liked.: :I like o &e on o'.: 3here has his wench &een all -y life8 :My fa her.s hall is di- and dank. I needs ,sgred o -ake he fires &la>e.: :The lordling has a honeyed ong2e.: :Isn. ha where we &egan8: !he hrew 2' her hands. :And where we end. ,sgred is yo2rs/ swee 'rince. Take -e o yo2r cas le. *e -e see yo2r 'ro2d owers rising fro- he sea.: :I lef -y horse a he inn. Co-e.: They walked down he s rand oge her/ and when Theon ook her ar-/ she did no '2ll away. 6e liked he way she walked< here was a &oldness o i / 'ar sa2n er and 'ar sway/ ha s2gges ed she wo2ld &e ;2s as &old &enea h he &lanke s. *ords'or was as crowded as he.d e0er seen i / swar-ing wi h he crews of he longshi's ha lined he 'e&&led shore and rode a anchor well o2 'as he &reakwa er. Iron-en did no &end heir knees of en nor easily/ &2 Theon no ed ha oars-en and ownfolk alike grew 42ie as hey 'assed/ and acknowledged hi- wi h res'ec f2l &ows of he head. They ha0e finally learned who I a-/ he ho2gh . And 'as i-e oo.

*ord Good&ro her of Grea 3yk had co-e in he nigh &efore wi h his -ain s reng h/ near for y longshi's. 6is -en were e0erywhere/ cons'ic2o2s in heir s ri'ed goa .s hair sashes. I was said a&o2 he inn ha ) er Gi-'knee.s whores were &eing f2cked &owlegged &y &eardless &oys in sashes. The &oys were welco-e o he- so far as Theon was concerned. A 'o9ier den of sla erns he ho'ed he.d ne0er see. 6is 'resen co-'anion was -ore o his as e. Tha she was wed o his fa her.s shi'wrigh and 'regnan o &oo only -ade her -ore in rig2ing. :6as -y lord 'rince &eg2n choosing his crew8: ,sgred asked as hey -ade heir way oward he s a&le. :6o/ Bl2e oo h/: she sho2 ed o a 'assing seafarer/ a all -an in &earskin 0es and ra0en7winged hel-. :6ow fares yo2r &ride8: :Fa wi h child/ and alking of wins.: :!o soon8: ,sgred s-iled ha wicked s-ile. :=o2 go yo2r oar in he wa er 42ickly.: :Aye/ and s roked and s roked and s roked/: roared he -an/ :A &ig -an/: Theon o&ser0ed. :Bl2e oo h/ was i 8 !ho2ld I choose hifor -y !ea Bi ch8: :)nly if yo2 -ean o ins2l hi-. Bl2e oo h has a swee shi' of his own.: :I ha0e &een oo long away o know one -an fro- ano her/: Theon ad-i ed. 6e.d looked for a few of he friends he.d 'layed wi h as a &oy/ &2 hey were gone/ dead/ or grown in o s rangers. :My 2ncle Vic arion has loaned -e his own s eers-an.: :Ry-olf ! or-dr2nk8 A good -an/ so long as he.s so&er.: !he saw -ore faces she knew/ and called o2 o a 'assing rio/ :+ller/ Farl. 3here.s yo2r &ro her/ !ky e8: :The 1rowned God needed a s rong oars-an/ I fear/: re'lied he s ocky -an wi h he whi e s reak in his &eard. :3ha he -eans is/ ,ldiss drank oo -2ch wine and his fa &elly &2rs /: said he 'ink7cheeked yo2 h &eside hi-. :3ha .s dead -ay ne0er die/: ,sgred said. :3ha .s dead -ay ne0er die.: Theon -2 ered he words wi h he-. :=o2 see- well known/: he said o he wo-an when he -en had 'assed on. :,0ery -an lo0es he shi'wrigh .s wife. 6e had &e er/ les he wan s his shi' o sink. If yo2 need -en o '2ll yo2r oars/ yo2 co2ld do worse han hose hree.: :*ords'or has no lack of s rong ar-s.: Theon had gi0en he -a er no li le ho2gh . I was figh ers he wan ed/ and -en who wo2ld &e loyal o hi-/ no o his lord fa her or his 2ncles. 6e was 'laying he 'ar of a d2 if2l yo2ng 'rince for he -o-en / while he wai ed for *ord Balon o re0eal he f2llness of his 'lans. If i 2rned o2 ha he did no like hose 'lans or his 'ar in he-/ howe0er/ well . . . :! reng h is no eno2gh. A longshi'.s oars -2s -o0e as one if yo2 wo2ld ha0e her &es s'eed. Choose -en who ha0e rowed oge her &efore/ if wise.: :!age co2nsel. (erha's yo2.d hel' -e choose he-.: *e her &elie0e I wan her wisdo-/ wo-en fancy ha . :I -ay. If yo2 rea -e kindly.: :6ow else8: Theon 42ickened his s ride as hey neared he Myraha-/ rocking high and e-' y &y he 42ay. 6er ca' ain had ried o sail a for nigh 'as / &2 *ord Balon wo2ld no 'er-i i . 5one of he -erchan -en ha called a *ords'or had &een allowed o de'ar again< his fa her wan ed no word of he hos ing o reach he -ainland &efore he was ready o s rike. :Milord/: a 'lain i0e 0oice called down fro- he forecas le of he -erchan er. The ca' ain.s da2gh er leaned o0er he rail/ ga>ing af er

hi-. 6er fa her had for&idden her o co-e ashore/ &2 whene0er Theon ca-e o *ords'or he s'ied her wandering forlornly a&o2 he deck. :Milord/ a -o-en /: she called af er hi-. :As i 'lease -ilord . . .: :1id she8: ,sgred asked as Theon h2rried her 'as he cog. :(lease -ilord8: 6e saw no sense in &eing coy wi h his one. :For a i-e. 5ow she wan s o &e -y sal wife.: :)ho. 3ell/ she.d 'rofi fro- so-e sal ing/ no do2& . Too sof and &land/ ha one. )r a- I wrong8: no wrong.: !of and &land. (recisely. 6ow had she known8 6e had old 3e9 o wai a he inn. The co--on roo- was so crowded ha Theon had o '2sh his way hro2gh he door. 5o a sea was o &e had a &ench nor a&le. 5or did he see his s42ire. :3e9/ 7 he sho2 ed o0er he din and cla er. If he.s 2' wi h one of hose 'o9y whores/ I.ll s ri' he hide off hi-/ he was hinking when he finally s'ied he &oy/ dicing near he hear h . . . and winning oo/ &y he look of he 'ile of coins &efore hi-. :Ti-e o go/: Theon anno2nced. 3hen he &oy 'aid hi- no -ind/ he sei>ed hi- &y he ear and '2lled hi- fro- he ga-e. 3e9 gra&&ed 2' a fis f2l of co''ers and ca-e along wi ho2 a word. Tha was one of he hings Theon liked &es a&o2 hi-. Mos s42ires ha0e loose ong2es/ &2 3e9 had &een &orn d2-& . . . which didn. see- o kee' hi- fro- &eing cle0er as any wel0e7year7old had a righ o &e. 6e was a &ase&orn son of one of *ord Bo ley.s half &ro hers. Taking hi- as s42ire had &een 'ar of he 'rice Theon had 'aid for his horse. 3hen 3e9 saw ,sgred/ his eyes wen ro2nd. =o2.d hink he.d ne0er seen a wo-an &efore/ Theon ho2gh . :,sgred will &e riding wi h -e &ack o (yke. !addle he horses/ and &e 42ick a&o2 i .: The &oy had ridden in on a scrawny li le garron fro- *ord Balon.s s a&le/ &2 Theon.s -o2n was 42i e ano her sor of &eas . :3here did yo2 find ha hellhorse8: ,sgred asked when she saw hi-/ &2 fro- he way she la2ghed he knew she was i-'ressed. :*ord Bo ley &o2gh hi- in *annis'or a year 'as / &2 he 'ro0ed o &e oo -2ch horse for hi-/ so Bo ley was 'leased o sell.: The Iron Islands were oo s'arse and rocky for &reeding good horses. Mos of he islanders were indifferen riders a &es / -ore co-for a&le on he deck of a long7 shi' han in he saddle. ,0en he lords rode garrons or shaggy 6arlaw 'onies/ and o9 car s were -ore co--on han drays. The s-allfolk oo 'oor o own ei her one '2lled heir own 'lows hro2gh he hin/ s ony soil. B2 Theon had s'en en years in 3in erfell/ and did no in end o go o war wi ho2 a good -o2n &enea h hi-. *ord Bo ley.s -is;2dg-en was his good for 2neB a s allion wi h a e-'er as &lack as his hide/ larger han a co2rser if no 42i e so &ig as -os des riers. As Theon was no 42i e so &ig as -os knigh s/ ha s2i ed hi- ad-ira&ly. The ani-al had fire in his eyes. 3hen he.d -e his new owner/ he.d '2lled &ack his li's and ried o &i e off his face. :1oes he ha0e a na-e8: ,sgred asked Theon as he -o2n ed. :!-iler.: 6e ga0e her a hand/ and '2lled her 2' in fron of hi-/ where he co2ld '2 his ar-s aro2nd her as hey rode. :I knew a -an once who old -e ha I s-iled a he wrong hings.: :1o yo28: :)nly &y he ligh s of hose who s-ile a no hing.: 6e ho2gh of his fa her and his 2ncle Aeron. :Are yo2 s-iling now/ -y lord 'rince8: :)h/ yes.: Theon reached aro2nd her o ake he reins. !he was al-os

of a heigh wi h hi-. 6er hair co2ld ha0e 2sed a wash and she had a faded 'ink scar on her 're y neck/ &2 he liked he s-ell of her/ sal and swea and wo-an. The ride &ack o (yke 'ro-ised o &e a good deal -ore in eres ing han he ride down had &een. 3hen hey were well &eyond *ords'or / Theon '2 a hand on her &reas . ,sgred reached 2' and 'l2cked i away. :Id kee' &o h hands on he reins/ or his &lack &eas of yo2rs is like o fling 2s &o h off and kick 2s o dea h.: :I &roke hi- of ha .: A-2sed/ Theon &eha0ed hi-self for a while/ cha ing a-ia&ly of he wea her Hgrey and o0ercas / as i had &een since he arri0ed/ wi h fre42en rainsI and elling her of he -en he.d killed in he 3his'ering 3ood. 3hen he reached he 'ar a&o2 co-ing ha close o he Kingslayer hi-self/ he slid his hand &ack 2' o where i had &een. 6er &reas s were s-all/ &2 he liked he fir-ness of he-. :=o2 don. wan o do ha / -y lord 'rince.: :)h/ &2 I do.: Theon ga0e her a s42ee>e. :=o2r s42ire is wa ching yo2.: :*e hi-. 6e.ll ne0er s'eak of i / I swear.: ,sgred 'ried his fingers off her &reas . This i-e she ke' hi- fir-ly 'risoned. !he had s rong hands. :I like a wo-an wi h a good igh gri'.: !he snor ed. :I.d no ha0e ho2gh i / &y ha wench on he wa erfron .: :=o2 -2s no ;2dge -e &y her. !he was he only wo-an on he shi'.: :Tell -e of yo2r fa her. 3ill he welco-e -e kindly o his cas le8: :3hy sho2ld he8 6e scarcely welco-ed -e/ his own &lood/ he heir o (yke and he Iron Islands.: :Are yo28: she asked -ildly. :I .s said ha yo2 ha0e 2ncles/ &ro hers/ a sis er.: :My &ro hers are long dead/ and -y sis er . . . well/ hey say Asha.s fa0ori e gown is a chain-ail ha2&erk ha hangs down 'as her knees/ wi h &oiled lea her s-allclo hes &enea h. Men.s gar& won. -ake her a -an/ ho2gh. I.ll -ake a good -arriage alliance wi h her once we.0e won he war/ if I can find a -an o ake her. As I recall/ she had a nose like a 02l 2re.s &eak/ a ri'e cro' of 'i-'les/ and no -ore ches han a &oy.: :=o2 can -arry off yo2r sis er/: ,sgred o&ser0ed/ :&2 no yo2r 2ncles.: :My 2ncles Theon.s clai- ook 'recedence o0er hose of his fa her.s hree &ro hers/ &2 he wo-an had o2ched on a sore 'oin none heless. in he islands i was scarce 2nheard of for a s rong/ a-&i io2s 2ncle o dis'ossess a weak ne'hew of his righ s/ and 2s2ally -2rder hi- in he &argain. B2 I a- no weak/ Theon old hi-self/ and I -ean o &e s ronger ye &y he i-e -y fa her dies. :My 2ncles 'ose no hrea o -e/: he declared. :Aeron is dr2nk on seawa er and sanc i y. 6e li0es only for his god7: :6is god8 5o yo2rs8: :Mine as well. 3ha is dead can ne0er die.: 6e s-iled hinly. :If I -ake 'io2s noises as re42ired/ 1a-'hair will gi0e -e no ro2&le. And -y 2ncle Vic arion7: :*ord Ca' ain of he Iron Flee / and a fearso-e warrior. I ha0e heard he- sing of hi- in he aleho2ses.: :12ring -y lord fa her.s re&ellion/ he sailed in o *annis'or wi h -y 2ncle ,2ron and &2rned he *ar-is er flee where i lay a anchor/: Theon recalled. :The 'lan was ,2ron.s/ ho2gh. Vic arion is like so-e grea grey &2llock/ s rong and ireless and d2 if2l/ &2 no like o win any races. 5o do2& / he.ll ser0e -e as loyally as he has ser0ed -y lord fa her. 6e has nei her he wi s nor he a-&i ion o 'lo &e rayal.:

:,2ron Croweye has no lack of c2nning/ ho2gh. I.0e heard -en say erri&le hings of ha one.: Theon shif ed his sea . :My 2ncle ,2ron has no &een seen in he islands for close on wo years. 6e -ay &e dead.: If so/ i -igh &e for he &es . *ord Balon.s eldes &ro her had ne0er gi0en 2' he )ld 3ay/ e0en for a day. 6is !ilence/ wi h i s &lack sails and dark red h2ll/ was infa-o2s in e0ery 'or fro- I&&en o Asshai/ i was said. :6e -ay &e dead/: ,sgred agreed/ :and if he li0es/ why/ he has s'en so long a sea/ he.d &e half a s ranger here. The iron&orn wo2ld ne0er sea a s ranger in he !eas one Chair.: :I s2''ose no /: Theon re'lied/ &efore i occ2rred o hi- ha so-e wo2ld call hi- a s ranger as well. The ho2gh -ade hi- frown. Ten years is a long while/ &2 I a- &ack now/ and -y fa her is far frodead. I ha0e i-e o 'ro0e -yself. 6e considered fondling ,sgred.s &reas again/ &2 she wo2ld 'ro&a&ly only ake his hand away/ and all his alk of his 2ncles had da-'ened his ardor so-ewha . Ti-e eno2gh for s2ch 'lay a he cas le/ in he 'ri0acy of his cha-&ers. :I will s'eak o 6elya when we reach (yke/ and see ha yo2 ha0e an honored 'lace a he feas /: he said. :I -2s si on he dais/ a -y fa her.s righ hand/ &2 I will co-e down and ;oin yo2 when he lea0es he hall. 6e seldo- lingers long. 6e has no &elly for drink hese days.: :A grie0o2s hing when a grea -an grows old.: :*ord Balon is &2 he fa her of a grea -an.: :A -odes lordling.: :)nly a fool h2-&les hi-self when he world is so f2ll of -en eager o do ha ;o& for hi-.: 6e kissed her ligh ly on he na'e of her neck. :3ha shall I wear o his grea feas 8: !he reached &ack and '2shed his face away. :I.ll ask 6elya o gar& yo2. )ne of -y lady -o her.s gowns -igh do. !he is off on 6arlaw/ and no e9'ec ed o re 2rn.: :The cold winds ha0e worn her away/ I hear. 3ill yo2 no go see her8 6arlaw is only a day.s sail/ and s2rely *ady Grey;oy yearns for a las sigh of her son.: :3o2ld ha I co2ld. I a- ke' oo &2sy here. My fa her relies on -e/ now ha I a- re 2rned. Co-e 'eace/ 'erha's :=o2r co-ing -igh &ring her 'eace.: :5ow yo2 so2nd a wo-an/: Theon co-'lained. :I confess/ I a- . . . and new wi h child.: !o-ehow ha ho2gh e9ci ed hi-. :!o yo2 say/ &2 yo2r &ody shows no signs of i . 6ow shall i &e 'ro0en8 Before I &elie0e yo2/ I shall need o see yo2r &reas s grow ri'e/ and as e yo2r -o her.s -ilk.: :And wha will -y h2s&and say o his8 =o2r fa her.s own sworn -an and ser0an 8: :3e.ll gi0e hi- so -any shi's o &2ild/ he.ll ne0er know yo2.0e lef hi-.: !he la2ghed. :I .s a cr2el lordling who.s sei>ed -e. If I 'ro-ise yo2 ha one day yo2 -ay wa ch -y &a&e ge s2ck/ will yo2 ell -e -ore of yo2r war/ Theon of 6o2se Grey;oy8 There are -iles and -o2n ains s ill ahead of 2s/ and I wo2ld hear of his wolf king yo2 ser0ed/ and he golden lions he figh s.: ,0er an9io2s o 'lease her/ Theon o&liged. The res of he long ride 'assed swif ly as he filled her 're y head wi h ales of 3in erfell and war. !o-e of he hings he said as onished hi-. !he is easy o alk o/ gods 'raise her/ he reflec ed. I feel as ho2gh I.0e known her for years. If he wench.s 'illow 'lay is half he e42al of her wi / I.ll

need o kee' her . . . 6e ho2gh of !igrin he !hi'wrigh / a hick7 &odied/ hick7wi ed -an/ fla9en hair already receding fro- a 'i-'led &row/ and shook his head. A was e. A -os ragic was e. I see-ed scarcely any i-e a all &efore he grea c2r ain wall of (yke loo-ed 2' &efore he-. The ga es were o'en. Theon '2 his heels in o !-iler and rode hro2gh a a &risk ro . The ho2nds were &arking wildly as he hel'ed ,sgred dis-o2n . !e0eral ca-e &o2nding 2'/ ails wagging. They sho s raigh 'as hi- and al-os &owled he wo-an o0er/ lea'ing all aro2nd her/ ya''ing and licking. :)ff/: Theon sho2 ed/ ai-ing an ineffec 2al kick a one &ig &rown &i ch/ &2 ,sgred was la2ghing and wres ling wi h he-. A s a&le-an ca-e 'o2nding 2' af er he dogs. :Take he horse/: Theon co--anded hi-/ :and ge hese da-n dogs away7: The lo2 'aid hi- no -ind. 6is face &roke in o a h2ge ga'7 oo hed s-ile and he said/ :*ady Asha. &ack.: :*as nigh /: she said. :I sailed fro- Grea 3yk wi h *ord Good&ro her/ and s'en he nigh a he inn. My li le &ro her was kind eno2gh o le -e ride wi h hi- fro- *ords'or .: !he kissed one of he dogs on he nose and grinned a Theon. All he co2ld do was s and and ga'e a her. Asha. 5o. !he canno &e Asha. 6e reali>ed s2ddenly ha here were wo Ashas in his head. )ne was he li le girl he had known. The o her/ -ore 0ag2ely i-agined/ looked so-e hing like her -o her. 5ei her looked a &i like his . . . his . . . his . L / :The 'i-'les wen when he &reas s ca-e/: she e9'lained while she 2ssled wi h a dog/ :&2 I ke' he 02l 2re.s &eak.: Theon fo2nd his 0oice. :3hy didn. yo2 ell -e8: Asha le go of he ho2nd and s raigh ened. :I wan ed o see who yo2 were firs . And I did.: !he ga0e hi- a -ocking half &ow. :And now/ li le &ro her/ 'ray e9c2se -e. I need o &a he and dress for he feas . I wonder if I s ill ha0e ha chain-ail gown I like o wear o0er -y &oiled lea her s-allclo hes8 : !he ga0e hi- ha e0il grin/ and crossed he &ridge wi h ha walk he.d liked so well/ half sa2n er and half sway. 3hen Theon 2rned away/ 3e9 was s-irking a hi-. 6e ga0e he &oy a clo2 on he ear. :Tha .s for en;oying his so -2ch.: And ano her/ harder. :And ha .s for no warning -e. 5e9 i-e/ grow a ong2e.: 6is own cha-&ers in he G2es Kee' had ne0er see-ed so chilly/ ho2gh he hralls had lef a &ra>ier &2rning. Theon kicked his &oo s off/ le his cloak fall o he floor/ and 'o2red hi-self a c2' of wine/ re-e-&ering a gawky girl wi h kno& knees and 'i-'les. !he 2nlaced -y &reeches/ he ho2gh / o2 raged/ and she said . . . oh/ gods/ and I said . . . 6e groaned. 6e co2ld no 'ossi&ly ha0e -ade a -ore a''alling fool of hi-self. 5o/ he ho2gh hen. !he was he one who -ade -e a fool. The e0il &i ch -2s ha0e en;oyed e0ery -o-en of i . And he way she ke' reaching for -y cock . . . 6e ook his c2' and wen o he window sea / where he sa drinking and wa ching he sea while he s2n darkened o0er (yke. I ha0e no 'lace here/ he ho2gh / and Asha is he reason/ -ay he ) hers ake her? The wa er &elow 2rned fro- green o grey o &lack. By hen he co2ld hear dis an -2sic/ and he knew i was i-e o change for he feas . Theon chose 'lain &oo s and 'lainer clo hes/ so-&er shades of &lack and grey o fi his -ood. 5o orna-en < he had no hing &o2gh wi h iron. I -igh ha0e aken so-e hing off ha wildling I killed o sa0e Bran ! ark/ &2 he had no hing wor h he aking. Tha .s -y c2rsed l2ck/ I kill he 'oor.

The long s-oky hall was crowded wi h his fa her.s lords and ca' ains when Theon en ered/ near fo2r h2ndred of he-. 1ag-er Clef ;aw had no ye re 2rned fro- )ld 3yk wi h he ! oneho2ses and 1r2--s/ &2 all he res were here76arlaws fro- 6arlaw/ Black ydes fro- Black yde/ !'arrs/ Merlyns/ and Good&ro hers fro- Grea 3yk/ !al cliffes and !2nderlies fro- !al cliffe/ and Bo leys and 3ynches fro- he o her side of (yke. The hralls were 'o2ring ale/ and here was -2sic/ fiddles and skins and dr2-s. Three &2rly -en were doing he finger dance/ s'inning shor 7 haf ed a9es a each o her. The rick was o ca ch he a9e or lea' o0er i wi ho2 -issing a s e'. I was called he finger dance &eca2se i 2s2ally ended when one of he dancers los one . . . or wo/ or fi0e. 5ei her he dancers nor he drinkers ook -2ch no e of Theon Grey;oy as he s rode o he dais. *ord Balon occ2'ied he !eas one Chair/ car0ed in he sha'e of a grea kraken fro- an i--ense &lock of oily &lack s one. *egend said ha he Firs Men had fo2nd i s anding on he shore of )ld 3yk when hey ca-e o he Iron Islands. To he lef of he high sea were Theon.s 2ncles. Asha was ensconced a his righ hand/ in he 'lace of honor. :=o2 co-e la e/ Theon/: *ord Balon o&ser0ed. :I ask yo2r 'ardon.: Theon ook he e-' y sea &eside Asha. *eaning close/ he hissed in her ear/ in -y 'lace.: !he 2rned o hi- wi h innocen eyes. :Bro her/ s2rely yo2 are -is aken. =o2r 'lace is a 3in erfell.: 6er s-ile c2 . :And where are all yo2r 're y clo hes8 I heard yo2 fancied silk and 0el0e agains yo2r skin.: !he was in sof green wool herself/ si-'ly c2 / he fa&ric clinging o he slender lines of her &ody. :=o2r ha2&erk -2s ha0e r2s ed away/ sis er/: he hrew &ack. :A grea 'i y. I.d like o see yo2 all in iron.: Asha only la2ghed. :=o2 -ay ye / li le &ro her . . . if yo2 hink yo2r !ea Bi ch can kee' 2' wi h -y Black 3ind.: )ne of heir fa her.s hralls ca-e near/ &earing a flagon of wine. :Are yo2 drinking ale or wine onigh / Theon8: !he leaned o0er close. :)r is i s ill a as e of -y -o her.s -ilk yo2 hirs for8: 6e fl2shed. :3ine/: he old he hrall. Asha 2rned away and &anged on he a&le/ sho2 ing for ale. Theon hacked a loaf of &read in half/ hollowed o2 a rencher/ and s2--oned a cook o fill i wi h fish s ew. The s-ell of he hick crea-ade hi- a li le ill/ &2 he forced hi-self o ea so-e. 6e.d dr2nk eno2gh wine o floa hi- hro2gh wo -eals. If I re ch/ i will &e on her. :1oes Fa her know ha yo2.0e -arried his shi'wrigh 8: he asked his sis er. :5o -ore han !igrin does.: !he ga0e a shr2g. :,sgred was he firs shi' he &2il . 6e na-ed her af er his -o her. I wo2ld &e hard7'ressed o say which he lo0es &es .: :,0ery word yo2 s'oke o -e was a lie.: :5o e0ery word. Re-e-&er when I old yo2 I like o &e on o'8: Asha grinned. Tha only -ade hi- angrier. :All ha a&o2 &eing a wo-an wed/ and new wi h child . . .: :)h/ ha 'ar was r2e eno2gh.: Asha lea' o her fee . :Rolfe/ here/: she sho2 ed down a one of he finger dancers/ holding 2' a hand. 6e saw her/ s'2n/ and s2ddenly an a9e ca-e flying fro- his hand/ he &lade glea-ing as i 2-&led end o0er end hro2gh he orchligh . Theon had i-e for a choked gas' &efore Asha sna ched he a9e fro- he air and sla--ed i down in o he a&le/ s'li ing his rencher in wo and s'la ering his -an le wi h dri''ings. :There.s -y lord h2s&and.: 6is sis er reached down inside her gown and drew a dirk fro- &e ween her &reas s. :And here.s -y swee s2ckling &a&e.:

6e co2ld no i-agine how he looked a ha -o-en / &2 s2ddenly Theon Grey;oy reali>ed ha he Grea 6all was ringing wi h la2gh er/ all of i a hi-. ,0en his fa her was s-iling/ gods &e da-ned/ and his 2ncle Vic arion ch2ckled alo2d. The &es res'onse he co2ld s2--on was a 42easy grin. 3e shall see who is la2ghing when all his is done/ &i ch. Asha wrenched he a9e o2 of he a&le and fl2ng i &ack down a he dancers/ o whis les and lo2d cheers. :=o2.d do well o heed wha I old yo2 a&o2 choosing a crew.: A hrall offered he- a 'la er/ and she s a&&ed a sal ed fish and a e i off he end of her dirk. :If yo2 had ro2&led o learn he firs hing of !igrin/ I co2ld ne0er ha0e fooled yo2. Ten years a wolf/ and yo2 land here and hink o 'rince a&o2 he islands/ &2 yo2 know no hing and no one. 3hy sho2ld -en figh and die for yo28 : :I a- heir lawf2l 'rince/: Theon said s iffly. :By he laws of he green lands/ yo2 -igh &e. B2 we -ake o2r own laws here/ or ha0e yo2 forgo en8: !cowling/ Theon 2rned o con e-'la e he leaking rencher &efore hi-. 6e wo2ld ha0e s ew in his la' &efore long. 6e sho2 ed for a hrall o clean i 2'. 6alf -y life I ha0e wai ed o co-e ho-e/ and for wha 8 Mockery and disregard8 This was no he (yke he re-e-&ered. )r did he re-e-&er8 6e had &een so yo2ng when hey ook hi- away o hold hos age. The feas was a -eager eno2gh hing/ a s2ccession of fish s ews/ &lack &read/ and s'iceless goa . The as ies hing Theon fo2nd o ea was an onion 'ie. Ale and wine con in2ed o flow well af er he las of he co2rses had &een cleared away. *ord Balon Grey;oy rose fro- he !eas one Chair. :6a0e done wi h yo2r drink and co-e o -y solar/: he co--anded his co-'anions on he dais. :3e ha0e 'lans o lay.: 6e lef he- wi h no o her word/ flanked &y wo of his g2ards. 6is &ro hers followed in shor order. Theon rose o go af er he-. :My li le &ro her is in a r2sh o &e off.: Asha raised her drinking horn and &eckoned for -ore ale. :)2r lord fa her is wai ing.: :And has/ for -any a year. I will do hi- no har- o wai a li le longer . . . &2 if yo2 fear his wra h/ sc2rry af er hi- &y all -eans. =o2 o2gh o ha0e no ro2&le ca ching o2r 2ncles.: !he s-iled. :)ne is dr2nk on seawa er/ af er all/ and he o her is a grea grey &2llock so di- he.ll 'ro&a&ly ge los .: Theon sa &ack down/ annoyed. :I r2n af er no -an.: :5o -an/ &2 e0ery wo-an8: :I was no -e who gra&&ed yo2r cock.: :I don. ha0e one/ re-e-&er8 =o2 gra&&ed e0ery o her &i of -e 42ick eno2gh.: 6e co2ld feel he fl2sh cree'ing 2' his cheeks. :I.- a -an wi h a -an.s h2ngers. 3ha sor of 2nna 2ral crea 2re are yo28: :)nly a shy -aid.: Asha.s hand dar ed o2 2nder he a&le o gi0e his cock a s42ee>e. Theon nearly ;2-'ed fro- his chair. :3ha / don. yo2 wan -e o s eer yo2 in o 'or / &ro her8: :Marriage is no for yo2/: Theon decided. :3hen I r2le/ I &elie0e I will 'ack yo2 off o he silen sis ers.: 6e l2rched o his fee and s rode off 2ns eadily o find his fa her. Rain was falling &y he i-e he reached he swaying &ridge o2 o he !ea Tower. 6is s o-ach was crashing and ch2rning like he wa0es &elow/ and wine had 2ns eadied his fee . Theon gri ed his ee h and gri''ed he ro'e igh ly as he -ade his way across/ 're ending ha i was Asha.s neck he was cl2 ching. The solar was as da-' and draf y as e0er. B2ried 2nder his sealskin

ro&es/ his fa her sa &efore he &ra>ier wi h his &ro hers on ei her side of hi-. Vic arion was alking of ides and winds when Theon en ered/ &2 *ord Balon wa0ed hi- silen . :I ha0e -ade -y 'lans. I is i-e yo2 heard he-.: :I ha0e so-e s2gges ions7: :3hen I re42ire yo2r co2nsel I shall ask for i /: his fa her said. :3e ha0e had a &ird fro- )ld 3yk. 1ag-er is &ringing he 1r2--s and ! oneho2ses. If he god gran s 2s good winds/ we will sail when hey arri0e . . . or yo2 will. I -ean for yo2 o s rike he firs &low/ Theon. =o2 shall ake eigh longshi's nor h7: :,igh 8: 6is face reddened. :3ha can I ho'e o acco-'lish wi h only eigh longshi's8: :=o2 are o harry he ! ony !hore/ raiding he fishing 0illages and sinking any shi's yo2 chance o -ee . I -ay &e ha yo2 will draw so-e of he nor hern lords o2 fro- &ehind heir s one walls. Aeron will acco-'any yo2/ and 1ag-er Clef ;aw.: :May he 1rowned God &less o2r swords/: he 'ries said. Theon fel as if he.d &een sla''ed. 6e was &eing sen o do rea0er.s work/ &2rning fisher-en o2 of heir ho0els and ra'ing heir 2gly da2gh ers/ and ye i see-ed *ord Balon did no r2s hi- s2fficien ly o do e0en ha -2ch. Bad eno2gh o ha0e o s2ffer he 1a-'hair.s scowls and chidings. 3i h 1ag-er Clef ;aw along as well/ his co--and wo2ld &e '2rely no-inal. :Asha -y da2gh er/: *ord Balon wen on/ and Theon 2rned o see ha his sis er had sli''ed in silen ly/ :yo2 shall ake hir y longshi's of 'icked -en ro2nd !ea 1ragon (oin . *and 2'on he idal fla s nor h of 1ee'wood Mo e. March 42ickly/ and he cas le -ay fall &efore hey e0en know yo2 are 2'on he-.: Asha s-iled like a ca in crea-. :I.0e always wan ed a cas le/: she said swee ly. :Then ake one.: Theon had o &i e his ong2e. 1ee'wood Mo e was he s ronghold of he Glo0ers. 3i h &o h Ro&e and Gal&ar warring in he so2 h/ i wo2ld &e ligh ly held/ and once he cas le fell he iron-en wo2ld ha0e a sec2re &ase in he hear of he nor h. I sho2ld &e he one sen o ake 1ee'wood. 6e knew 1ee'wood Mo e/ he had 0isi ed he Glo0ers se0eral i-es wi h ,ddard ! ark. :Vic arion/: *ord Balon said o his &ro her/ : he -ain hr2s shall fall o yo2. 3hen -y sons ha0e s r2ck heir &lows/ 3in erfell -2s res'ond. =o2 sho2ld -ee s-all o''osi ion as yo2 sail 2' !al s'ear and he Fe0er Ri0er. A he headwa ers/ yo2 will &e less han wen y -iles fro- Moa Cailin. The 5eck is he key o he kingdo-. Already we co--and he wes ern seas. )nce we hold Moa Cailin/ he '2' will no &e a&le o win &ack o he nor h . . . and if he is fool eno2gh o ry/ his ene-ies will seal he so2 h end of he ca2seway &ehind hi-/ and Ro&& he &oy will find hi-self ca2gh like a ra in a &o le.: Theon co2ld kee' silen no longer. :A &old 'lan/ Fa her/ &2 he lords in heir cas les7: *ord Balon rode o0er hi-. :The lords are gone so2 h wi h he '2'. Those who re-ained &ehind are he cra0ens/ old -en/ and green &oys. They will yield or fall/ one &y one. 3in erfell -ay defy 2s for a year/ &2 wha of i 8 The res shall &e o2rs/ fores and field and hall/ and we shall -ake he folk o2r hralls and sal wi0es.: Aeron 1a-'hair raised his ar-s. :And he wa ers of wra h will rise high/ and he 1rowned God will s'read his do-inion across he green lands? : :3ha is dead can ne0er die/: Vic arion in oned. *ord Balon and Asha

echoed his words/ and Theon had no choice &2 o -2-&le along wi h he-. And hen i was done. )2 side he rain was falling harder han e0er. The ro'e &ridge wis ed and wri hed 2nder his fee . Theon Grey;oy s o''ed in he cen er of he s'an and con e-'la ed he rocks &elow. The so2nd of he wa0es was a crashing roar/ and he co2ld as e he sal s'ray on his li's. A s2dden g2s of wind -ade hi- lose his foo ing/ and he s 2-&led o his knees. Asha hel'ed hi- rise. :=o2 can. hold yo2r wine ei her/ &ro her.: Theon leaned on her sho2lder and le her g2ide hi- across he rainslick &oards. :I liked yo2 &e er when yo2 were ,sgred/: he old her acc2singly. !he la2ghed. :Tha .s fair. I liked yo2 &e er when yo2 were nine.: C6A(T,R %E T=RI)5 Thro2gh he door ca-e he sof so2nd of he high har'/ -ingled wi h a rilling of 'i'es. The singer.s 0oice was -2ffled &y he hick walls/ ye Tyrion knew he 0erse. I lo0ed a -aid as fair as s2--er/ he re-e-&ered/ wi h s2nligh in her hair . . . !er Meryn Tran g2arded he 42een.s door his nigh . 6is -2 ered :My lord: s r2ck Tyrion as a ad gr2dging/ &2 he o'ened he door none heless. The song &roke off a&r2' ly as he s rode in o his sis er.s &edcha-&er. Cersei was reclining on a 'ile of c2shions. 6er fee were &are/ her golden hair ar f2lly o2sled/ her ro&e a green7andgold sa-i e ha ca2gh he ligh of he candles and shi--ered as she looked 2'. :!wee sis er/: Tyrion said/ :how &ea2 if2l yo2 look onigh .: 6e 2rned o he singer. :And yo2 as well/ co2sin. I had no no ion yo2 had s2ch a lo0ely 0oice.: The co-'li-en -ade !er *ancel s2lky< 'erha's he ho2gh he was &eing -ocked. I see-ed o Tyrion ha he lad had grown hree inches since &eing knigh ed. *ancel had hick sandy hair/ green *annis er eyes/ and a line of sof &lond f2>> on his 2''er li'. A si9 een/ he was c2rsed wi h all he cer ain y of yo2 h/ 2nlea0ened &y any race of h2-or or selfdo2& / and wed o he arrogance ha ca-e so na 2rally o hose &orn &lond and s rong and handso-e. 6is recen ele0a ion had only -ade hi- worse. :1id 6er Grace send for yo28: he &oy de-anded. :5o ha I recall/: Tyrion ad-i ed. :I grie0es -e o dis 2r& yo2r re0els/ *ancel/ &2 as i ha''ens/ I ha0e -a ers of i-'or o disc2ss wi h -y sis er.: Cersei regarded hi- s2s'icio2sly. :If yo2 are here a&o2 hose &egging &ro hers/ Tyrion/ s'are -e yo2r re'roaches. I won. ha0e he- s'reading heir fil hy reasons in he s ree s. They can 'reach o each o her in he d2ngeons.: :And co2n he-sel0es l2cky ha hey ha0e s2ch a gen le 42een/: added *ancel. :I wo2ld ha0e had heir ong2es o2 .: :)ne e0en dared o say ha he gods were '2nishing 2s &eca2se @ai-e -2rdered he righ f2l king/: Cersei declared. :I will no &e &orne/ Tyrion. I ga0e yo2 a-'le o''or 2ni y o deal wi h hese lice/ &2 yo2 and yo2r !er @acelyn did no hing/ so I co--anded Vylarr o a end o he -a er.: :And so he did.: Tyrion had &een annoyed when he red cloaks had dragged a half do>en of he sca&ro2s 'ro'he s down o he d2ngeons wi ho2 cons2l ing hi-/ &2 hey were no i-'or an eno2gh o &a le o0er. :5o do2& we will all &e &e er off for a li le 42ie in he

s ree s. Tha is no why I ca-e. I ha0e idings I know yo2 will &e an9io2s o hear/ swee sis er/ &2 hey are &es s'oken of 'ri0ily.: :Very well.: The har'is and he 'i'er &owed and h2rried o2 / while Cersei kissed her co2sin chas ely on he cheek. :*ea0e 2s/ *ancel. My &ro her.s har-less when he.s alone. If he.d &ro2gh his 'e s/ we.d s-ell he-.: The yo2ng knigh ga0e his co2sin a &alef2l glance and '2lled he door sh2 forcef2lly &ehind hi-. :I.ll ha0e yo2 know I -ake !hagga &a he once a for nigh /: Tyrion said when he was gone. 0ery 'leased wi h yo2rself/ aren. yo28 3hy8: :3hy no 8: Tyrion said. ,0ery day/ e0ery nigh / ha--ers rang along he ! ree of ! eel/ and he grea chain grew longer. 6e ho''ed 2' on o he grea cano'ied &ed. :Is his he &ed where Ro&er died8 I.- s2r'rised yo2 ke' i .: :I gi0es -e swee drea-s/: she said. :5ow s'i o2 yo2r &2siness and waddle away/ I-'.: Tyrion s-iled. :*ord ! annis has sailed fro- 1ragons one.: Cersei &ol ed o her fee . :And ye yo2 si here grinning like a har0es 7day '2-'kin8 6as Bywa er called o2 he Ci y 3a ch8 3e -2s send a &ird o 6arrenhal a once.: 6e was la2ghing &y hen. !he sei>ed hi- &y he sho2lders and shook hi-. :! o' i . Are yo2 -ad/ or dr2nk8 ! o' i ?: I was all he co2ld do o ge o2 he words. :I can. /: he gas'ed. :I .s oo . . . gods/ oo f2nny . . . ! annis 73ha A : :6e hasn. sailed agains 2s/: Tyrion -anaged. :6e.s laid siege o ! or-.s ,nd. Renly is riding o -ee hi-.: 6is sis er.s nails d2g 'ainf2lly in o his ar-s. For a -o-en she s ared incred2lo2s/ as if he had &eg2n o gi&&er in an 2nknown ong2e. :! annis and Renly are figh ing each o her8: 3hen he nodded/ Cersei &egan o ch2ckle. :Gods &e good/: she gas'ed/ :I.- s ar ing o &elie0e ha Ro&er was he cle0er one.: Tyrion hrew &ack his head and roared. They la2ghed oge her. Cersei '2lled hi- off he &ed and whirled hi- aro2nd and e0en h2gged hi-/ for a -o-en as giddy as a girl. By he i-e she le go of hi-/ Tyrion was &rea hless and di>>y. 6e s aggered o her side&oard and '2 o2 a hand o s eady hi-self. :1o yo2 hink i will r2ly co-e o &a le &e ween he-8 If hey sho2ld co-e o so-e accord7: :They won. /: Tyrion said. :They are oo differen and ye oo -2ch alike/ and nei her co2ld e0er s o-ach he o her.: :And ! annis has always fel he was chea ed of ! or-.s ,nd/: Cersei said ho2gh f2lly. :The ances ral sea of 6o2se Bara heon/ his &y righ s . . . if yo2 knew how -any i-es he ca-e o Ro&er singing ha sa-e d2ll song in ha gloo-y aggrie0ed one he has. 3hen Ro&er ga0e he 'lace o Renly/ ! annis clenched his ;aw so igh I ho2gh his ee h wo2ld sha er.: :6e ook i as a sligh .: :I was -ean as a sligh /: Cersei said. :!hall we raise a c2' o &ro herly lo0e8: :=es/: she answered/ &rea hless. :)h/ gods/ yes.: 6is &ack was o her as he filled wo c2's wi h swee Ar&or red. I was he easies hing in he world o s'rinkle a 'inch of fine 'owder in o hers. :To ! annis?: he said as he handed her he wine. 6ar-less when I.- alone/ a- I8 :To Renly?: she re'lied/ la2ghing. :May hey &a le long and hard/ and he ) hers ake he- &o h?:

Is his he Cersei ha @ai-e sees8 3hen she s-iled/ yo2 saw how &ea2 if2l she was/ r2ly. I lo0ed a -aid as fair as s2--er/ wi h s2nligh in her hair. 6e al-os fel sorry for 'oisoning her. I was he ne9 -orning as he &roke his fas ha her -essenger arri0ed. The 42een was indis'osed and wo2ld no &e a&le o lea0e her cha-&ers. 5o a&le o lea0e her 'ri0y/ -ore like. Tyrion -ade he 'ro'er sy-'a he ic noises and sen word o Cersei o res easy/ he wo2ld rea wi h !er Cleos as hey.d 'lanned. The Iron Throne of Aegon he Con42eror was a angle of nas y &ar&s and ;agged -e al ee h wai ing for any fool who ried o si oo co-for 7 a&ly/ and he s e's -ade his s 2n ed legs cra-' as he cli-&ed 2' o i / all oo aware of wha an a&s2rd s'ec acle he -2s &e. =e here was one hing o &e said for i . I was high. *annis er g2ards-en s ood silen in heir cri-son cloaks and lioncres ed halffiel-s. !er @acelyn.s gold cloaks faced he- across he hall. The s e's o he hrone were flanked &y Bronn and !er (res on of he Kingsg2ard. Co2r iers filled he gallery while s2''lican s cl2s ered near he owering oak7and7&ron>e doors. !ansa ! ark looked es'ecially lo0ely his -orning/ ho2gh her face was as 'ale as -ilk. *ord Gyles s ood co2ghing/ while 'oor co2sin Tyrek wore his &ridegroo-.s -an le of -ini0er and 0el0e . !ince his -arriage o li le *ady ,r-esande hree days 'as / he o her s42ires had aken o calling hi- :3e 52rse: and asking hi- wha sor of swaddling clo hes his &ride wore on heir wedding nigh . Tyrion looked down on he- all/ and fo2nd he liked i . :Call for h !er Cleos Frey.: 6is 0oice rang off he s one walls and down he leng h of he hall. 6e liked ha oo. A 'i y !hae co2ld no &e here o see his/ he reflec ed. !he.d asked o co-e/ &2 i was i-'ossi&le. !er Cleos -ade he long walk &e ween he gold cloaks and he cri-son/ looking nei her righ nor lef . As he knel / Tyrion o&ser0ed ha his co2sin was losing his hair. :!er Cleos/: *i lefinger said fro- he co2ncil a&le/ :yo2 ha0e o2r hanks for &ringing 2s his 'eace offer fro- *ord ! ark.: Grand Maes er (ycelle cleared his hroa . :The F2een Regen / he King.s 6and/ and he s-all co2ncil ha0e considered he er-s offered &y his self7s yled King in he 5or h. !ad o say/ hey will no do/ and yo2 -2s ell hese nor h-en so/ ser.: :6ere are o2r er-s/: said Tyrion. :Ro&& ! ark -2s lay down his sword/ swear feal y/ and re 2rn o 3in erfell. 6e -2s free -y &ro her 2nhar-ed/ and 'lace his hos 2nder @ai-e.s co--and/ o -arch agains he re&els Renly and ! annis Bara heon. ,ach of ! ark.s &anner-en -2s send 2s a son as hos age. A da2gh er will s2ffice where here is no son. They shall &e rea ed gen ly and gi0en high 'laces here a co2r / so long as heir fa hers co--i no new reasons.: Cleos Frey looked ill. :My lord 6and/: he said/ :*ord ! ark will ne0er consen o hese er-s.: 3e ne0er e9'ec ed he wo2ld/ Cleos. :Tell hi- ha we ha0e raised ano her grea hos a Cas erly Rock/ ha soon i will -arch on hifro- he wes while -y lord fa her ad0ances fro- he eas . Tell hiha he s ands alone/ wi ho2 ho'e of allies. ! annis and Renly Bara heon war agains each o her/ and he (rince of 1orne has consen ed o wed his son Trys ane o he (rincess Myrcella.: M2r-2rs of deligh and cons erna ion alike arose fro- he gallery and he &ack of he hall. :As o his of -y co2sins/: Tyrion wen on/ :we offer 6arrion Kars ark and !er 3ylis Manderly for 3ille- *annis er/ and *ord Cerwyn and !er 1onnel *ocke for yo2r &ro her Tion. Tell ! ark ha wo *annis ers are wor h fo2r nor h-en in any season.: 6e wai ed for he la2gh er o die.

:6is fa her.s &ones he shall ha0e/ as a ges 2re of @offrey.s good fai h.: :*ord ! ark asked for his sis ers and his fa her.s sword as well/: !er Cleos re-inded hi-. !er Ilyn (ayne s ood -2 e/ he hil of ,ddard ! ark.s grea sword rising o0er one sho2lder. :Ice/: said Tyrion. :6e.ll ha0e ha when he -akes his 'eace wi h 2s/ no &efore.: :As yo2 say. And his sis ers8: Tyrion glanced oward !ansa/ and fel a s a& of 'i y as he said/ :+n il s2ch i-e as he frees -y &ro her @ai-e/ 2nhar-ed/ hey shall re-ain here as hos ages. 6ow well hey are rea ed de'ends on hi-.: And if he gods are good/ Bywa er will find Arya ali0e/ &efore Ro&& learns she.s gone -issing. :I shall &ring hi- yo2r -essage/ -y lord.: Tyrion 'l2cked a one of he wis ed &lades ha s'rang fro- he ar- of he hrone. And now he hr2s . :Vylarr/: he called. :My lord.: :The -en ! ark sen are s2fficien o 'ro ec *ord ,ddard.s &ones/ &2 a *annis er sho2ld ha0e a *annis er escor /: Tyrion declared. :!er Cleos is he 42een.s co2sin/ and -ine. 3e shall slee' -ore easily if yo2 wo2ld see hi- safely &ack o Ri0err2n.: :As yo2 co--and. 6ow -any -en sho2ld I ake8: :3hy/ all of he-.: Vylarr s ood like a -an -ade of s one. I was Grand Maes er (ycelle who rose/ gas'ing/ :My lord 6and/ ha canno . . . yo2r fa her/ *ord Tywin hi-self/ he sen hese good -en o o2r ci y o 'ro ec F2een Cersei and her children . . .: :The Kingsg2ard and he Ci y 3a ch 'ro ec he- well eno2gh. The gods s'eed yo2 on yo2r way/ Vylarr.: A he co2ncil a&le Varys s-iled knowingly/ *i lefinger sa feigning &oredo-/ and (ycelle ga'ed like a fish/ 'ale and conf2sed. A herald s e''ed forward. :If any -an has o her -a ers o se &efore he King.s 6and/ le hi- s'eak now or go for h and hold his silence.: :I will &e heard.: A slender -an all in &lack '2shed his way &e ween he Redwyne wins. :!er Alliser?: Tyrion e9clai-ed. :3hy/ I had no no ion ha yo2.d co-e o co2r . =o2 sho2ld ha0e sen -e word.: :I ha0e/ as well yo2 know.: Thorne was as 'rickly as his na-e/ a s'are/ shar'7fea 2red -an of fif y/ hard7eyed and hard7handed/ his &lack hair s reaked wi h grey. :I ha0e &een sh2nned/ ignored/ and lef o wai like so-e &ase&orn ser0an .: :Tr2ly8 Bronn/ his was no well done. !er Alliser and I are old friends. 3e walked he 3all oge her.: :!wee !er Alliser/: -2r-2red Varys/ :yo2 -2s no hink oo harshly of 2s. !o -any seek o2r @offrey.s grace/ in hese ro2&led and 2-2l 2o2s i-es.: :More ro2&led han yo2 know/ e2n2ch.: :To his face we call hi- *ord ,2n2ch/: 42i''ed *i lefinger. :6ow -ay we &e of hel' o yo2/ good &ro her8: Grand Maes er (ycelle asked in soo hing ones. :The *ord Co--ander sen -e o 6is Grace he king/: Thorne answered. :The -a er is oo gra0e o &e lef o ser0an s.: :The king is 'laying wi h his new cross&ow/: Tyrion said. Ridding hi-self of @offrey had re42ired only an 2ngainly Myrish cross&ow ha hrew hree 42arrels a a i-e/ and no hing wo2ld do &2 ha he ry i a once. :=o2 can s'eak o ser0an s or hold yo2r silence.: :As yo2 will/: !er Alliser said/ dis'leas2re in e0ery word. :I a- sen

o ell yo2 ha we fo2nd wo rangers/ long -issing. They were dead/ ye when we &ro2gh he cor'ses &ack o he 3all hey rose again in he nigh . )ne slew !er @are-y Rykker/ while he second ried o -2rder he *ord Co--ander.: 1is an ly/ Tyrion heard so-eone snigger. 1oes he -ean o -ock -e wi h his folly8 6e shif ed 2neasily and glanced down a Varys/ *i lefinger/ and (ycelle/ wondering if one of he- had a role in his. A dwarf en;oyed a &es a en2o2s hold on digni y. )nce he co2r and kingdo- s ar ed o la2gh a hi-/ he was doo-ed. And ye . . . and ye . . . Tyrion re-e-&ered a cold nigh 2nder he s ars when he.d s ood &eside he &oy @on !now and a grea whi e wolf a o' he 3all a he end of he world/ ga>ing o2 a he rackless dark &eyond. 6e had fel 7wha 8 so-e hing/ o &e s2re/ a dread ha had c2 like ha frigid nor hern wind. A wolf had howled off in he nigh / and he so2nd had sen a shi0er hro2gh hi-. 1on. &e a fool/ he old hi-self. A wolf/ a wind/ a dark fores / i -ean no hing. And ye . . . 6e had co-e o ha0e a liking for old @eor Mor-on d2ring his i-e a Cas le Black. :I r2s ha he )ld Bear s2r0i0ed his a ack8: :6e did.: :And ha yo2r &ro hers killed hese/ ah/ dead -en8: //we did.// cer ain ha hey are dead his i-e8: Tyrion asked -ildly. 3hen Bror- choked on a snor of la2gh er/ he knew how he -2s 'roceed. :Tr2ly r2ly dead8: :They were dead he firs i-e/: !er Alliser sna''ed. :(ale and cold/ wi h &lack hands and fee . I &ro2gh @ared.s hand/ orn fro- his cor'se &y he &as ard.s wolf.: *i lefinger s irred. :And where is his char-ing oken8: !er Alliser frowned 2nco-for a&ly. :i . . . ro ed o 'ieces while I wai ed/ 2nheard. There.s na2gh lef o show &2 &ones.: Ti ers echoed hro2gh he hall. :*ord Baelish/: Tyrion called down o *i lefinger/ :&2y o2r &ra0e !er Alliser a h2ndred s'ades o ake &ack o he 3all wi h hi-.: :!'ades8: !er Alliser narrowed his eyes s2s'icio2sly. :If yo2 &2ry yo2r dead/ hey won. co-e walking/: Tyrion old hi-/ and he co2r la2ghed o'enly. :!'ades will end yo2r ro2&les/ wi h so-e s rong &acks o wield he-. !er @acelyn/ see ha he good &ro her has his 'ick of he ci y d2ngeons.: !er @acelyn Bywa er said/ :As yo2 will/ -y lord/ &2 he cells are near e-' y. =oren ook all he likely -en.: :Arres so-e -ore/ hen/: Tyrion old hi-. :)r s'read he word ha here.s &read and 2rni's on he 3all/ and hey.ll go of heir own accord.: The ci y had oo -any -o2 hs o feed/ and he 5igh .s 3a ch a 'er'e 2al need of -en. A Tyrion.s signal/ he herald cried an end/ and he hall &egan o e-' y. !er Alliser Thorne was no so easily dis-issed. 6e was wai ing a he foo of he iron Throne when Tyrion descended. :1o yo2 hink I sailed all he way fro- ,as wa ch7&y7 he7!ea o &e -ocked &y he likes of yo28: he f2-ed/ &locking he way. :This is no ;a'e. I saw i wi h -y own eyes. I ell yo2/ he dead walk.: :=o2 sho2ld ry o kill he- -ore horo2ghly.: Tyrion '2shed 'as . !er Alliser -ade o gra& his slee0e/ &2 (res on Greenfield hr2s hi&ack. :5o closer/ ser.: Thorne knew &e er han o challenge a knigh of he Kingsg2ard. :=o2 are a fool/ I-'/: he sho2 ed a Tyrion.s &ack.

The dwarf 2rned o face hi-. :Me8 Tr2ly8 Then why were hey la2ghing a yo2/ I wonder8: 6e s-iled wanly. :=o2 ca-e for -en/ did yo2 no 8: :The cold winds are rising. The 3all -2s &e held.: :And o hold i yo2 need -en/ which I.0e gi0en yo2 . . . as yo2 -igh ha0e no ed/ if yo2r ears heard any hing &2 ins2l s. Take he-/ hank -e/ and &egone &efore I.- forced o ake a cra& fork o yo2 again. Gi0e -y war- regards o *ord Mor-on . . . and o @on !now as well.: Brorsei>ed !er Alliser &y he el&ow and -arched hi- forcef2lly fro- he hall. Grand Maes er (ycelle had already sc2 led off/ &2 Varys and *i lefinger had wa ched i all/ s ar o finish. :I grow e0er -ore ad-iring of yo2/ -y lord/: confessed he e2n2ch. :=o2 a''ease he ! ark &oy wi h his fa her.s &ones and s ri' yo2r sis er of her 'ro ec ors in one swif s roke. =o2 gi0e ha &lack &ro her he -en he seeks/ rid he ci y of so-e h2ngry -o2 hs/ ye -ake i all see- -ockery so none -ay say ha he dwarf fears snarks and gr2-kins. )h/ def ly done.: *i lefinger s roked his &eard. :1o yo2 r2ly -ean o send away all yo2r g2ards/ *annis er8: :5o/ I -ean o send away all -y sis er.s g2ards.: :The 42een will ne0er allow ha .: :)h/ I hink she -ay. I a- her &ro her/ and when yo2.0e known -e longer/ yo2.ll learn ha I -ean e0ery hing I say.: :,0en he lies8: :,s'ecially he lies. *ord (e yr/ I sense ha yo2 are 2nha''y wi h -e.: :I lo0e yo2 as -2ch as I e0er ha0e/ -y lord. Tho2gh I do no relish &eing 'layed for a fool. if Myrcella weds Trys ane Mar ell/ she can scarcely wed Ro&er Arryn/ can she8: :5o wi ho2 ca2sing a grea scandal/: he ad-i ed. :I regre -y li le r2se/ *ord (e yr/ &2 when we s'oke/ I co2ld no know he 1ornish-en wo2ld acce' -y offer.: *i lefinger was no a''eased. :I do no like &eing lied o/ -y lord. *ea0e -e o2 of yo2r ne9 dece' ion.: )nly if yo2.ll do he sa-e for -e/ Tyrion ho2gh / glancing a he dagger shea hed a *i lefinger.s hi'. :If I ha0e gi0en offense/ I adee'ly sorry. All -en know how -2ch we lo0e yo2/ -y lord. And how -2ch we need yo2.: :Try and re-e-&er ha .: 3i h ha *i lefinger lef he-. :3alk wi h -e/ Varys/: said Tyrion. They lef hro2gh he king.s door &ehind he hrone/ he e2n2ch.s sli''ers whisking ligh ly o0er he s one. :*ord Baelish has he r2 h of i / yo2 know. The 42een will ne0er 'er-i yo2 o send away her g2ard.: :!he will. =o2.ll see o ha .: A s-ile flickered across Varys.s 'l2-' li's. :3ill I8: :)h/ for a cer ain y. =o2.ll ell her i is 'ar of -y sche-e o free @ai-e.: Varys s roked a 'owdered cheek. :This wo2ld do2& less in0ol0e he fo2r -en yo2r -an Bronn searched for so diligen ly in all he low 'laces of King.s *anding. A hief/ a 'oisoner/ a -2--er/ and a -2rderer.: :(2 he- in cri-son cloaks and lion hel-s/ hey.ll look no differen fro- any o her g2ards-en. I searched for so-e i-e for a r2se ha -igh ge he- in o Ri0err2n &efore I ho2gh o hide he- in 'lain sigh . They.ll ride in &y he -ain ga e/ flying *annis er &anners and escor ing *ord ,ddard.s &ones.: 6e s-iled crookedly. :Fo2r -en alone wo2ld &e wa ched 0igilan ly. Fo2r a-ong a h2ndred can lose he-sel0es. !o I -2s

send he r2e g2ards-en as well as he false . . . as yo2.ll ell -y sis er.: :And for he sake of her &elo0ed &ro her/ she will consen / des'i e her -isgi0ings.: They -ade heir way down a deser ed colonnade. :! ill/ he loss of her red cloaks will s2rely -ake her 2neasy.: :I like her 2neasy/: said Tyrion. !er Cleos Frey lef ha 0ery af ernoon/ escor ed &y Vylarr and a h2ndred red7cloaked *annis er g2ards-en. The -en Ro&& ! ark had sen ;oined he- a he King.s Ga e for he long ride wes . Tyrion fo2nd Ti-e dicing wi h his B2rned Men in he &arracks. :Co-e o -y solar a -idnigh .: Ti-e ga0e hi- a hard one7eyed s are/ a c2r nod. 6e was no one for long s'eeches. Tha nigh he feas ed wi h he ! one Crows and Moon Bro hers in he !-all 6all/ ho2gh he sh2nned he wine for once. 6e wan ed all his wi s a&o2 hi-. :!hagga/ wha -oon is his8: !hagga.s frown was a fierce hing. :Black/ I hink.: :In he wes / hey call ha a rai or.s -oon. Try no o ge oo dr2nk onigh / and see ha yo2r a9e is shar'.: :A ! one Crow.s a9e is always shar'/ and !hagga.s a9es are shar'es of all. )nce I c2 off a -an.s head/ &2 he did no know i 2n il he ried o &r2sh his hair. Then i fell off.: :Is ha why yo2 ne0er &r2sh yo2rs8: The ! one Crows roared and s a-'ed heir fee / !hagga hoo ing lo2des of all. By -idnigh / he cas le was silen and dark. 1o2& less a few gold cloaks on he walls s'ied he- lea0ing he Tower of he 6and/ &2 no one raised a 0oice. 6e was he 6and of he King/ and where he wen was his own affair. The hin wooden door s'li wi h a h2ndero2s crack &enea h he heel of !hagga.s &oo . (ieces wen flying inward/ and Tyrion heard a wo-an.s gas' of fear. !hagga hacked he door a'ar wi h hree grea &lows of his a9e and kicked his way hro2gh he r2ins. Ti-e followed/ and hen Tyrion/ s e''ing gingerly o0er he s'lin ers. The fire had &2rned down a few glowing e-&ers/ and shadows lay hick across he &edcha-&er. 3hen Ti-e ri''ed he hea0y c2r ains off he &ed/ he naked ser0ing girl s ared 2' wi h wide whi e eyes. :(lease/ -y lords/: she 'leaded/ :don. h2r -e.: !he cringed away fro- !hagga/ fl2shed and fearf2l/ rying o co0er her char-s wi h her hands and co-ing 2' a hand shor . :Go/: Tyrion old her. :I .s no yo2 we wan .: :!hagga wan s his wo-an.: :!hagga wan s e0ery whore in his ci y of whores/: co-'lained Ti-e son of Ti-e . :=es/: !hagga said/ 2na&ashed. :!hagga wo2ld gi0e her a s rong child.: :If she wan s a s rong child/ she.ll know who- o seek/: Tyrion said. :Ti-e / see her o2 . . . gen ly/ if yo2 wo2ld.: The B2rned Man '2lled he girl fro- he &ed and half -arched/ half dragged her across he cha-&er. !hagga wa ched he- go/ -o2rnf2l as a '2''y. The girl s 2-&led o0er he sha ered door and o2 in o he hall/ hel'ed along &y a fir- sho0e fro- Ti-e . A&o0e heir heads/ he ra0ens were screeching. Tyrion dragged he sof &lanke off he &ed/ 2nco0ering Grand Maes er (ycelle &enea h. :Tell -e/ does he Ci adel a''ro0e of yo2 &edding he ser0ing wenches/ Maes er8: The old -an was as naked as he girl/ ho2gh he -ade a -arkedly less a rac i0e sigh . For once/ his hea0y7lidded eyes were o'en wide. :3wha is he -eaning of his8 I a- an old -an/ yo2r loyal ser0an . . .: Tyrion hois ed hi-self on o he &ed. :!o loyal ha yo2 sen only one

of -y le ers o 1oran Mar ell. The o her yo2 ga0e o -y sis er.: :57no/: s42ealed (ycelle. :5o/ a falsehood/ I swear i / i was no -e. Varys/ i was Varys/ he !'ider/ I warned yo27: :1o all -aes ers lie so 'oorly8 I old Varys ha I was gi0ing (rince 1oran -y ne'hew Torn-en o fos er. I old *i lefinger ha I 'lanned o wed Myrcella o *ord Ro&er of he ,yrie. I old no one ha I had offered Myrcella o he 1ornish . . . ha r2 h was only in he le er I en r2s ed o yo2.: (ycelle cl2 ched for a corner of he &lanke . :Birds are los / -essages s olen or sold . . . i was Varys/ here are hings I -igh ell yo2 of ha e2n2ch ha wo2ld chill yo2r &lood :My lady 'refers -y &lood ho .: :Make no -is ake/ for e0ery secre he e2n2ch whis'ers in yo2r ear/ he holds se0en &ack. And *i lefinger/ ha one . . .: :I know all a&o2 *ord (e yr. 6e.s al-os as 2n r2s wor hy as yo2. !hagga/ c2 off his -anhood and feed i o he goa s.: !hagga hef ed he h2ge do2&le7&laded a9e. :There are no goa s/ 6alf-an.: :Make do.: Roaring/ !hagga lea' forward. (ycelle shrieked and we he &ed/ 2rine s'raying in all direc ions as he ried o scra-&le &ack o2 of reach. The wildling ca2gh hi- &y he end of his &illowy whi e &eard and hacked off hree742ar ers of i wi h a single slash of he a9e. :Ti-e / do yo2 s2''ose o2r friend will &e -ore for hco-ing wi ho2 hose whiskers o hide &ehind8: Tyrion 2sed a &i of he shee o wi'e he 'iss off his &oo s. :6e will ell he r2 h soon.: 1arkness 'ooled in he e-' y 'i of Ti-e .s &2rned eye. :I can s-ell he s ink of his fear.: !hagga ossed a handf2l of hair down o he r2shes/ and sei>ed wha &eard was lef . :6old s ill/ Maes er/: 2rged Tyrion. :3hen !hagga ge s angry/ his hands shake.: :!hagga.s hands ne0er shake/: he h2ge -an said indignan ly/ 'ressing he grea crescen &lade 2nder (ycelle.s 42i0ering chin and sawing hro2gh ano her angle of &eard. :6ow long ha0e yo2 &een s'ying for -y sis er8: Tyrion asked. (ycelle.s &rea hing was ra'id and shallow. :All I did/ I did for 6o2se *annis er.: A sheen of swea co0ered he &road do-e of he old -an.s &row/ and wis's of whi e hair cl2ng o his wrinkled skin. :Always . . . for years . . . yo2r lord fa her/ ask hi-/ I was e0er his r2e ser0an . . . . was I who &id Aerys o'en his ga es . . .: Tha ook Tyrion &y s2r'rise. 6e had &een no -ore han an 2gly &oy a Cas erly Rock when he ci y fell. :!o he !ack of King.s *anding was yo2r work as well8: :For he real-? )nce Rhaegar died/ he war was done. Aerys was -ad/ Viserys oo yo2ng/ (rince Aegon a &a&e a he &reas / &2 he realneeded a king . . . I 'rayed i sho2ld &e yo2r good fa her/ &2 Ro&er was oo s rong/ and *ord ! ark -o0ed oo swif ly . . .: :6ow -any ha0e yo2 &e rayed/ I wonder8 Aerys/ ,ddard ! ark/ -e . . . King Ro&er as well8 *ord Arryn/ (rince Rhaegar8 3here does i &egin/ (ycelle8: 6e knew where i ended. The a9e scra ched a he a''le of (ycelle.s hroa and s roked he sof wo&&ly skin 2nder his ;aw/ scra'ing away he las hairs. :=o2 . . . were no here/: he gas'ed when he &lade -o0ed 2'ward o his cheeks. :Ro&er . . . his wo2nds . . . if yo2 had seen he-/ s-elled he-/ yo2 wo2ld ha0e no do2& . . .: :)h/ I know he &oar did yo2r work for yo2 . . . &2 if he.d lef he ;o& half done/ do2& less yo2 wo2ld ha0e finished i .: :6e was a wre ched king . . . 0ain/ dr2nken/ lechero2s . . . he wo2ld

ha0e se yo2r sis er aside/ his own 42een . . . 'lease . . . Renly was 'lo ing o &ring he 6ighgarden -aid o co2r / o en ice his &ro her . . . i is he gods. own r2 h . . .: :And wha was *ord Arryn 'lo ing8: :6e knew/: (ycelle said. :A&o2 . . . a&o2 :I know wha he knew a&o2 /: sna''ed Tyrion/ who was no an9io2s for !hagga and Ti-e o know as well. :6e was sending his wife &ack o he ,yrie/ and his son o &e fos ered on 1ragons one . . . he -ean o ac :!o yo2 'oisoned hi- firs .: :5o.: (ycelle s r2ggled fee&ly. !hagga growled and gra&&ed his head. The clans-an.s hand was so &ig he co2ld ha0e cr2shed he -aes er.s sk2ll like an eggshell had he s42ee>ed. Tyrion sked a hi-. :I saw he ears of *ys a-ong yo2r 'o ions. And yo2 sen away *ord Arryn.s own -aes er and ended hi- yo2rself/ so yo2 co2ld -ake cer ain ha he died.: :A falsehood?: :!ha0e hi- closer/: Tyrion s2gges ed. :The hroa again.: The a9e swe' &ack down/ ras'ing o0er he skin. A hin fil- of s'i &2&&led on (ycelle.s li's as his -o2 h re-&led. :I ried o sa0e *ord Arryn. I 0ow7: :Caref2l now/ !hagga/ yo2.0e c2 hi-.: !hagga growled. :1olf fa hered warriors/ no &ar&ers.: 3hen he fel he &lood rickling down his neck and on o his ches / he old -an sh2ddered/ and he las s reng h wen o2 of hi-. 6e looked shr2nken/ &o h s-aller and frailer han he had &een when hey &2rs in on hi-. :=es/: he wi-'ered/ :yes/ Cole-on was '2rging/ so I sen hiaway. The 42een needed *ord Arryn dead/ she did no say so/ co2ld no / Varys was lis ening/ always lis ening/ &2 when I looked a her I knew. I was no -e who ga0e hi- he 'oison/ ho2gh/ I swear i .: The old -an we' . :Varys will ell yo2/ i was he &oy/ his s42ire/ 62gh he was called/ he -2s s2rely ha0e done i / ask yo2r sis er/ ask her.: Tyrion was disg2s ed. :Bind hi- and ake hi- away/: he co--anded. :Throw hi- down in one of he &lack cells.: They dragged hi- o2 he s'lin ered door. :*annis er/: he -oaned/ :all I.0e done has &een for *annis er . . .: 3hen he was gone/ Tyrion -ade a leis2rely search of he 42ar ers and collec ed a few -ore s-all ;ars fro- his shel0es. The ra0ens -2 ered a&o0e his head as he worked/ a s rangely 'eacef2l noise. 6e wo2ld need o find so-eone o end he &irds 2n il he Ci adel sen a -an o re'lace (ycelle. 6e was he one I.d ho'ed o r2s . Varys and *i lefinger were no -ore loyal/ he s2s'ec ed . . . only -ore s2& le/ and h2s -ore dangero2s. (erha's his fa her.s way wo2ld ha0e &een &es B s2--on Ilyn (ayne/ -o2n hree heads a&o0e he ga es/ and ha0e done. And wo2ldn. ha &e a 're y sigh / he ho2gh . C6A(T,R %G AR=A Fear c2 s dee'er han swords/ Arya wo2ld ell herself/ &2 ha did no -ake he fear go away. I was as -2ch a 'ar of her days as s ale &read and he &lis ers on her oes af er a long day of walking he hard/ r2 ed road. !he had ho2gh she had known wha i -ean o &e afraid/ &2 she learned &e er in ha s oreho2se &eside he Gods ,ye. ,igh days she

had lingered here &efore he Mo2n ain ga0e he co--and o -arch/ and e0ery day she had seen so-eone die. The Mo2n ain wo2ld co-e in o he s oreho2se af er he had &roken his fas and 'ick one of he 'risoners for 42es ioning. The 0illage folk wo2ld ne0er look a hi-. May&e hey ho2gh ha if hey did no no ice hi-/ he wo2ld no no ice he- . . . &2 he saw he- anyway and 'icked who- he liked. There was no 'lace o hide/ no ricks o 'lay/ no way o &e safe. )ne girl shared a soldier.s &ed hree nigh s r2nning< he Mo2n ain 'icked her on he fo2r h day/ and he soldier said no hing. A s-iley old -an -ended heir clo hing and &a&&led a&o2 his son/ off ser0ing in he gold cloaks a King.s *anding. :A king.s -an/ he is/: he wo2ld say/ :a good king.s -an like -e/ all for @offrey.: 6e said i so of en he o her ca' i0es &egan o call hi- All7for7@offrey whene0er he g2ards weren. lis ening. All7for7@offrey was 'icked on he fif h day. A yo2ng -o her wi h a 'o97scarred face offered o freely ell he- all she knew if hey.d 'ro-ise no o h2r her da2gh er. The Mo2n ain heard her o2 < he ne9 -orning he 'icked her da2gh er/ o &e cer ain she.d held no hing &ack. The ones chosen were 42es ioned in f2ll 0iew of he o her ca' i0es/ so hey co2ld see he fa e of re&els and rai ors. A -an he o hers called he Tickler asked he 42es ions. 6is face was so ordinary and his gar& so 'lain ha Arya -igh ha0e ho2gh hi- one of he 0illagers &efore she had seen hi- a his work. :Tickler -akes he- howl so hard hey 'iss he-sel0es/: old s oo'7sho2lder Chiswyck old he-. 6e was he -an she.d ried o &i e/ who.d called her a fierce li le hing and s-ashed her head wi h a -ailed fis . !o-e i-es he hel'ed he Tickler. !o-e i-es o hers did ha . !er Gregor Clegane hi-self wo2ld s and -o ionless/ wa ching and lis ening/ 2n il he 0ic i- died. The 42es ions were always he sa-e. 3as here gold hidden in he 0illage8 !il0er/ ge-s8 3as here -ore food8 3here was *ord Beric 1ondarrion8 3hich of he 0illage folk had aided hi-8 3hen he rode off/ where did he go8 6ow -any -en were wi h he-8 6ow -any knigh s/ how -any &ow-en/ how -any -en7a 7ar-s8 6ow were hey ar-ed8 6ow -any were horsed8 6ow -any were wo2nded8 3ha o her ene-y had hey seen8 6ow -any8 3hen8 3ha &anners did hey fly8 3here did hey go8 3as here gold hidden in he 0illage8 !il0er/ ge-s8 3here was *ord Beric 1ondarrion8 6ow -any -en were wi h hi-8 By he hird day/ Arya co2ld ha0e asked he 42es ions herself. They fo2nd a li le gold/ a li le sil0er/ a grea sack of co''er 'ennies/ and a den ed go&le se wi h garne s ha wo soldiers al-os ca-e o &lows o0er. They learned ha *ord Beric had en s ar0elings wi h hi-/ or else a h2ndred -o2n ed knigh s< ha he had ridden wes / or nor h/ or so2 h< ha he had crossed he lake in a &oa < ha he was s rong as an a2rochs or weak fro- he &loody fl29. 5o one e0er s2r0i0ed he Tickler.s 42es ioning< no -an/ no wo-an/ no child. The s ronges las ed 'as e0enfall. Their &odies were h2ng &eyond he fires for he wol0es. By he i-e hey -arched/ Arya knew she was no wa er dancer. !yrio Forel wo2ld ne0er ha0e le he- knock hi- down and ake his sword away/ nor s ood &y when hey killed *o--y Greenhands. !yrio wo2ld ne0er ha0e sa silen in ha s oreho2se nor sh2ffled along -eekly a-ong he o her ca' i0es. The direwolf was he sigil of he ! arks/ &2 Arya fel -ore a la-&/ s2rro2nded &y a herd of o her shee'. !he ha ed he 0illagers for heir shee'ishness/ al-os as -2ch as she ha ed herself. The *annis ers had aken e0ery hingB fa her/ friends/ ho-e/ ho'e/ co2rage. )ne had aken 5eedle/ while ano her had &roken her wooden

s ick sword o0er his knee. They had e0en aken her s 2'id secre . The s oreho2se had &een &ig eno2gh for her o cree' off and -ake her wa er in so-e corner when no one was looking/ &2 i was differen on he road. !he held i as long as she co2ld/ &2 finally she had o s42a &y a &2sh and skin down her &reeches in fron of all of he-. I was ha or we herself. 6o (ie ga'ed a her wi h &ig -oon eyes/ &2 no one else e0en ro2&led o look. Girl shee' or &oy shee'/ !er Gregor and his -en did no see- o care. Their ca' ors 'er-i ed no cha er. A &roken li' a2gh Arya o hold her ong2e. ) hers ne0er learned a all. )ne &oy of hree wo2ld no s o' calling for his fa her/ so hey s-ashed his face in wi h a s'iked -ace. Then he &oy.s -o her s ar ed screa-ing and Raff he !wee ling killed her as well. Arya wa ched he- die and did no hing. 3ha good did i do yo2 o &e &ra0e8 )ne of he wo-en 'icked for 42es ioning had ried o &e &ra0e/ &2 she had died screa-ing like all he res . There were no &ra0e 'eo'le on ha -arch/ only scared and h2ngry ones. Mos were wo-en and children. The few -en were 0ery old or 0ery yo2ng< he res had &een chained o ha gi&&e and lef for he wol0es and he crows. Gendry was only s'ared &eca2se he.d ad-i ed o forging he horned helhi-self< s-i hs/ e0en a''ren ice s-i hs/ were oo 0al2a&le o kill. They were &eing aken o ser0e *ord Tywin *annis er a 6arrenhal/ he Mo2n ain old he-. rai ors and re&els/ so hank yo2r gods ha *ord Tywin.s gi0ing yo2 his chance. I .s -ore han yo2.d ge frohe o2 laws. )&ey/ ser0e/ and li0e.: :I .s no ;2s / i .s no /: she heard one wi>ened old wo-an co-'lain o ano her when hey had &edded down for he nigh . :3e ne0er did no reason/ he o hers co-e in and ook wha hey wan ed/ sa-e as his &2nch.: :*ord Beric did 2s no h2r / ho2gh/: her friend whis'ered. :And ha red 'ries wi h hi-/ he 'aid for all hey ook.: :(aid8 6e ook wo of -y chickens and ga0e -e a &i of 'a'er wi h a -ark on i . Can I ea a &i of raggy old 'a'er/ I ask yo28 3ill i gi0e -e eggs8: !he looked a&o2 o see ha no g2ards were near/ and s'a hree i-es. :There.s for he T2llys and here.s for he *annis ers and here.s for he ! arks.: :I .s a sin and a sha-e/: an old -an hissed. :3hen he old king was s ill ali0e/ he.d no ha0e s ood for his.: :King Ro&er 8: Arya asked/ forge ing herself. :King Aerys/ gods grace hi-/: he old -an said/ oo lo2dly. A g2ard ca-e sa2n ering o0er o sh2 he- 2'. The old -an los &o h his ee h/ and here was no -ore alk ha nigh . Besides his ca' i0es/ !er Gregor was &ringing &ack a do>en 'igs/ a cage of chickens/ a scrawny -ilk cow/ and nine wagons of sal fish. The Mo2n ain and his -en had horses/ &2 he ca' i0es were all afoo / and hose oo weak o kee' 2' were killed o2 of hand/ along wi h anyone foolish eno2gh o flee. The g2ards ook wo-en off in o he &2shes a nigh / and -os see-ed o e9'ec i and wen along -eekly eno2gh. )ne girl/ 're ier han he o hers/ was -ade o go wi h fo2r or fi0e differen -en e0ery nigh / 2n il finally she hi one wi h a rock. !er Gregor -ade e0eryone wa ch while he ook off her head wi h a swee' of his -assi0e wo7handed grea sword. :*ea0e he &ody for he wol0es/: he co--anded when he deed was done/ handing he sword o his s42ire o &e cleaned. Arya glanced sidelong a 5eedle/ shea hed a he hi' of a &lack&earded/ &alding -an7a 7ar-s called (olli0er. I .s good ha hey ook i away/

she ho2gh . ) herwise she wo2ld ha0e ried o s a& !er Gregor/ and he wo2ld ha0e c2 her righ in half/ and he wol0es wo2ld ea her oo. (olli0er was no so &ad as so-e of he o hers/ e0en ho2gh he.d s olen 5eedle. The nigh she was ca2gh / he *annis er -en had &een na-eless s rangers wi h faces as alike as heir nasal hel-s/ &2 she.d co-e o know he- all. =o2 had o know who was la>y and who was cr2el/ who was s-ar and who was s 2'id. =o2 had o learn ha e0en ho2gh he one hey called !hi -o2 h had he fo2les ong2e she.d e0er heard/ he.d gi0e yo2 an e9 ra 'iece of &read if yo2 asked/ while ;olly old Chiswyck and sof 7s'oken Raff wo2ld ;2s gi0e yo2 he &ack of heir hand. Arya wa ched and lis ened and 'olished her ha es he way Gendry had once 'olished his horned hel-. 12nsen wore hose &2ll.s horns now/ and she ha ed hi- for i . !he ha ed (olli0er for 5eedle/ and she ha ed old Chiswyck who ho2gh he was f2nny. And Raff he !wee ling/ who.d dri0en his s'ear hro2gh *o--y.s hroa / she ha ed e0en -ore. !he ha ed !er A-ory *orch for =oren/ and she ha ed !er Meryn Tran for !yrio/ he 6o2nd for killing he &2 cher.s &oy Mycah/ and !er Ilyn and (rince @offrey and he 42een for he sake of her fa her and Fa To- and 1es-ond and he res / and e0en for *ady/ !ansa.s wolf. The Tickler was al-os oo scary o ha e. A i-es she co2ld al-os forge he was s ill wi h he-< when he was no asking 42es ions/ he was ;2s ano her soldier/ 42ie er han -os / wi h a face like a ho2sand o her -en. ,0ery nigh Arya wo2ld say heir na-es. :!er Gregor/: she.d whis'er o her s one 'illow. :12nsen/ (olli0er/ Chiswyck/ Raff he !wee ling. The Tickler and he 6o2nd. !er A-ory/ !er Ilyn/ !er Meryn/ King @offrey/ F2een Cersei.: Back in 3in erfell/ Arya had 'rayed wi h her -o her in he se' and wi h her fa her in he godswood/ &2 here were no gods on he road o 6arrenhal/ and her na-es were he only 'rayer she cared o re-e-&er. ,0ery day hey -arched/ and e0ery nigh she said her na-es/ 2n il finally he rees hinned and ga0e way o a 'a chwork landsca'e of rolling hills/ -eandering s rea-s/ and s2nli fields/ where he h2sks of &2rn holdfas s hr2s 2' &lack as ro en ee h. I was ano her long day.s -arch &efore hey gli-'sed he owers of 6arrenhal in he dis ance/ hard &eside he &l2e wa ers of he lake. I wo2ld &e &e er once hey go o 6arrenhal/ he ca' i0es old each o her/ &2 Arya was no so cer ain. !he re-e-&ered )ld 5an.s s ories of he cas le &2il on fear. 6arren he Black had -i9ed h2-an &lood in he -or ar/ 5an 2sed o say/ dro''ing her 0oice so he children wo2ld need o lean close o hear/ &2 Aegon.s dragons had roas ed 6arren and all his sons wi hin heir grea walls of s one. Arya chewed her li' as she walked along on fee grown hard wi h call2s. I wo2ld no &e -2ch longer/ she old herself< hose owers co2ld no &e -ore han a few -iles off. =e hey walked all ha day and -os of he ne9 &efore a las hey reached he fringes of *ord Tywin.s ar-y/ enca-'ed wes of he cas le a-ids he scorched re-ains of a own. 6arrenhal was dece' i0e froafar/ &eca2se i was so h2ge. I s colossal c2r ain walls rose &eside he lake/ sheer and s2dden as -o2n ain cliffs/ while a o' heir &a le-en s he rows of wood7and7iron scor'ions looked as s-all as he &2gs for which hey were na-ed. The s ink of he *annis er hos reached Arya well &efore she co2ld -ake o2 he de0ices on he &anners ha s'ro2 ed along he lakeshore/ a o' he 'a0ilions of he wes er-en. Fro- he s-ell/ Arya co2ld ell ha *ord Tywin had &een here so-e i-e. The la rines ha ringed he enca-'-en were o0erflowing and swar-ing wi h flies/ and she saw fain

greenish f2>> on -any of he shar'ened s akes ha 'ro ec ed he 'eri-e ers. 6arrenhal.s ga eho2se/ i self as large as 3in erfell.s Grea Kee'/ was as scarred as i was -assi0e/ i s s ones fiss2red and discolored. Froo2 side/ only he o's of fi0e i--ense owers co2ld &e seen &eyond he walls. The shor es of he- was half again as all as he highes ower in 3in erfell/ &2 hey did no soar he way a 'ro'er ower did. Arya ho2gh hey looked like so-e old -an.s gnarled/ kn2ckly fingers gro'ing af er a 'assing clo2d. !he re-e-&ered 5an elling how he s one had -el ed and flowed like candlewa9 down he s e's and in he windows/ glowing a s2llen searing red as i so2gh o2 6arren where he hid. Arya co2ld &elie0e e0ery word< each ower was -ore gro es42e and -issha'en han he las / l2-'y and r2nneled and cracked. :I don. wan o go here/: 6o (ie s42eaked as 6arrenhal o'ened i s ga es o he-. :There.s ghos s in here.: Chiswyck heard hi-/ &2 for once he only s-iled. :Baker &oy/ here.s yo2r choice. Co-e ;oin he ghos s/ or &e one.: 6o (ie wen in wi h he res of he-. In he echoing s one7and7 i-&er &a hho2se/ he ca' i0es were s ri''ed and -ade o scr2& and scra'e he-sel0es raw in 2&s of scalding ho wa er. Two fierce old wo-en s2'er0ised he 'rocess/ disc2ssing he- as &l2n ly as if hey were newly ac42ired donkeys. 3hen Arya.s 2rn ca-e ro2nd/ Goodwife A-a&el cl2cked in dis-ay a he sigh of her fee / while Goodwife 6arra fel he call2s on her fingers ha long ho2rs of 'rac ice wi h 5eedle had earned her. :Go hose ch2rning &2 er/ I.ll wager/: she said. :!o-e far-er.s whel'/ are yo28 3ell/ ne0er yo2 -ind/ girl/ yo2 ha0e a chance o win a higher 'lace in his world if yo2 work hard. If yo2 won. work hard/ yo2.ll &e &ea en. And wha do hey call yo28: Arya dared no say her r2e na-e/ &2 Arry was no good ei her/ i was a &oy.s na-e and hey co2ld see she was no &oy. :3easel/: she said/ na-ing he firs girl she co2ld hink of. :*o--y called -e 3easel.: :I can see why/: sniffed Goodwife A-a&el. :Tha hair is a frigh and a nes for lice as well. 3e.ll ha0e i off/ and hen for he ki chens.: :I.d sooner end he horses.: Arya liked horses/ and -ay&e if she was in he s a&les she.d &e a&le o s eal one and esca'e. Goodwife 6arra sla''ed her so hard ha her swollen li' &roke o'en all o0er again. :And kee' ha ong2e o yo2rself or yo2.ll ge worse. 5o one asked yo2r 0iews.: The &lood in her -o2 h had a sal y -e al ang o i . Arya dro''ed her ga>e and said no hing. ff I s ill had 5eedle/ she wo2ldn. dare hi -e/ she ho2gh s2llenly. :*ord Tywin and his knigh s ha0e groo-s and s42ires o end heir horses/ hey don. need he likes of yo2/: Goodwife A-a&el said. :The ki chens are sn2g and clean/ and here.s always a war- fire o slee' &y and 'len y o ea . =o2 -igh ha0e done well here/ &2 I can see no a cle0er girl. 6arra/ I &elie0e we sho2ld gi0e his one o 3eese.: :If yo2 hink so/ A-a&el.: They ga0e her a shif of grey ro2ghs'2n wool and a 'air of ill7fi ing shoes/ and sen her off. 3eese was 2nders eward for he 3ailing Tower/ a s42a -an wi h a fleshy car&2ncle of a nose and a nes of angry red &oils near one corner of his 'l2-' li's. Arya was one of si9 sen o hi-. 6e looked he- all o0er wi h a gi-le eye. :The *annis ers are genero2s o hose as ser0e he- well/ an honor none of yo2r sor deser0e/ &2 in war a -an -akes do wi h wha .s o hand. 3ork hard and -ind yo2r 'lace and -igh &e one day yo2.ll rise as high as -e. If yo2 hink o 'res2-e on his

lordshi'.s kindness/ ho2gh/ yo2.ll find -e wai ing af er -.lord has gone/ y.see.: 6e s r2 ed 2' and down &efore he-/ elling he- how hey -2s ne0er look he high&orn in he eye/ nor s'eak 2n il s'oken o/ nor ge in his lordshi'.s way. :My nose ne0er lies/: he &oas ed. :I can s-ell defiance/ I can s-ell 'ride/ I can s-ell diso&edience. I ca ch a whiff of any s2ch s inks/ yo2.ll answer for i . 3hen I sniff yo2/ all I wan o s-ell is fear.: C6A(T,R %J 1A,5,R=! 0n he walls of Far h/ -en &ea gongs o herald her co-ing/ while o hers &lew c2rio2s horns ha encircled heir &odies like grea &ron>e snakes. A col2-n of ca-elry e-erged fro- he ci y as her honor g2ards. The riders wore scaled co''er ar-or and sno2 ed hel-s wi h co''er 2sks and long &lack silk 'l2-es/ and sa high on saddles inlaid wi h r2&ies and garne s. Their ca-els were dressed in &lanke s of a h2ndred differen h2es. :Far h is he grea es ci y ha e0er was or e0er will &e/: (ya (ree had old her/ &ack a-ongs he &ones of Vaes Tolorro. :I is he cen er of he world/ he ga e &e ween nor h and so2 h/ he &ridge &e ween eas and wes / ancien &eyond -e-ory of -an and so -agnificen ha !aa hos he 3ise '2 o2 his eyes af er ga>ing 2'on Far h for he firs i-e/ &eca2se he knew ha all he saw hereaf er sho2ld look s42alid and 2gly &y co-'arison.: 1any ook he warlock.s words well sal ed/ &2 he -agnificence of he grea ci y was no o &e denied. Three hick walls encircled Far h/ ela&ora ely car0ed. The o2 er was red sands one/ hir y fee high and decora ed wi h ani-alsB snakes sli hering/ ki es flying/ fish swi--ing/ in er-ingled wi h wol0es of he red was e and s ri'ed >orses and -ons ro2s ele'han s. The -iddle wall/ for y fee high/ was grey grani e ali0e wi h scenes of warB he clash of sword and shield and s'ear/ arrows in fligh / heroes a &a le and &a&es &eing &2 chered/ 'yres of he dead. The inner-os wall was fif y fee of &lack -ar&le/ wi h car0ings ha -ade 1any &l2sh 2n il she old herself ha she was &eing a fool. !he was no -aid< if she co2ld look on he grey wall.s scenes of sla2gh er/ why sho2ld she a0er her eyes fro- he sigh of -en and wo-en gi0ing 'leas2re o one ano her8 The o2 er ga es were &anded wi h co''er/ he -iddle wi h iron< he inner-os were s 2dded wi h golden eyes. All o'ened a 1any.s a''roach. As she rode her sil0er in o he ci y/ s-all children r2shd o2 o sca er flowers in her 'a h. They wore golden sandals and &righ 'ain / no -ore. All he colors ha had &een -issing fro- Vaes Tolorro had fo2nd heir way o Far h< &2ildings crowded a&o2 her fan as ical as a fe0er dreain shades of rose/ 0iole / and 2-&er. !he 'assed 2nder a &ron>e arch fashioned in he likeness of wo snakes -a ing/ heir scales delica e flakes of ;ade/ o&sidian/ and la'is la>2li. !li- owers s ood aller han any 1any had e0er seen/ and ela&ora e fo2n ains filled e0ery s42are/ wro2gh in he sha'es of griffins and dragons and -an icores. The Far heen lined he s ree s and wa ched fro- delica e &alconies ha looked oo frail o s2''or heir weigh . They were all 'ale folk in linen and sa-i e and iger f2r/ e0ery one a lord or lady o her eyes. The wo-en wore gowns ha lef one &reas &are/ while he -en fa0ored &eaded silk skir s. 1any fel sha&&y and &ar&aric as she rode 'as he-

in her lionskin ro&e wi h &lack 1rogon on one sho2lder. 6er 1o hraki called he Far heen :Milk Men: for heir 'aleness/ and Khal 1rogo had drea-ed of he day when he -igh sack he grea ci ies of he eas . !he glanced a her &loodriders/ heir dark al-ond7sha'ed eyes gi0ing no hin of heir ho2gh s. Is i only he 'l2nder hey see8 she wondered. 6ow sa0age we -2s see- o hese Far heen. (yra (ree cond2c ed her li le khalasar down he cen er of a grea arcade where he ci y.s ancien heroes s ood hrice life7si>e on col2-ns of whi e and green -ar&le. They 'assed hro2gh a &a>aar in a ca0erno2s &2ilding whose la icework ceiling was ho-e o a ho2sand gaily colored &irds. Trees and flowers &loo-ed on he erraced walls a&o0e he s alls/ while &elow i see-ed as if e0ery hing he gods had '2 in o he world was for sale. 6er sil0er shied as he -erchan 'rince Caro Choan 1a9os rode 2' o her< he horses co2ld no a&ide he close 'resence of ca-els/ she had fo2nd. :If yo2 see here any hing ha yo2 wo2ld desire/ 0 -os &ea2 if2l of wo-en/ yo2 ha0e only o s'eak and i is yo2rs/: Caro called down fro- his orna e horned saddle. :Far h i self is hers/ she has no need of &a2&les/: &l2e7li''ed (ya (ree sang o2 fro- her o her side. :I shall &e as I 'ro-ised/ Khaleesi. Co-e wi h -e o he 6o2se of he +ndying/ and yo2 shall drink of r2 h and wisdo-.: :3hy sho2ld she need yo2r (alace of 12s / when I can gi0e her s2nligh and swee wa er and silks o slee' in8: Caro said o he warlock. :The Thir een shall se a crown of &lack ;ade and fire o'als 2'on her lo0ely head.: :The only 'alace I desire is he red cas le a King.s *anding/ -y lord (ya .: 1any was wary of he warlock< he -aegi Mirri Ma> 122r had so2red her on hose who 'layed a sorcery. :And if he grea of Far h wo2ld gi0e -e gif s/ Caro/ le he- gi0e -e shi's and swords o win &ack wha is righ f2lly -ine.: (ya .s &l2e li's c2rled 2'ward in a gracio2s s-ile. :i shall &e as yo2 co--and/ Khaleesi. : 6e -o0ed away/ swaying wi h his ca-el.s -o ion/ his long &eaded ro&es railing &ehind. :The yo2ng 42een is wise &eyond her years/: Caro Choan 1a9os -2r-2red down a her fro- his high saddle. :There is a saying in Far h. A warlock.s ho2se is &2il of &ones and lies.: :Then why do -en lower heir 0oices when hey s'eak of he warlocks of Far h8 All across he eas / heir 'ower and wisdo- are re0ered.: :)nce hey were -igh y/: Caro agreed/ :&2 now hey are as l2dicro2s as hose fee&le old soldiers who &oas of heir 'rowess long af er s reng h and skill ha0e lef he-. They read heir cr2-&ling scrolls/ drink shade7of7 he7e0ening 2n il heir li's 2rn &l2e/ and hin of dread 'owers/ &2 hey are hollow h2sks co-'ared o hose who wen &efore. (ya (ree.s gif s will 2rn o d2s in yo2r hands/ I warn yo2.: 6e ga0e his ca-el a lick of his whi' and s'ed away. :The crow calls he ra0en &lack/: -2 ered !er @orah in he Co--on Tong2e of 3es eros. The e9ile knigh rode a her righ hand/ as e0er. For heir en rance in o Far h/ he had '2 away his 1o hraki gar& and donned again he 'la e and -ail and wool of he !e0en Kingdo-s half a world away. :=o2 wo2ld do well o a0oid &o h hose -en/ =o2r Grace.: :Those -en will hel' -e o -y crown/: she said. :Caro has 0as weal h/ and (ya (ree 're ends o 'ower/: he knigh said &r2s42ely. )n his dark green s2rcoa / he &ear of 6o2se Mor-on s ood on i s hind legs/ &lack and fierce. @orah looked no less ferocio2s as he scowled a he crowd ha filled he &a>aar. :I wo2ld no linger here long/ -y 42een. I -islike he 0ery s-ell of his 'lace.:

1any s-iled. :(erha's i .s he ca-els s-elling. The Far heen he-sel0es see- swee eno2gh o -y nose.: :!wee s-ells are so-e i-es 2sed o co0er fo2l ones.: My grea &ear/ 1any ho2gh . I a- his 42een/ &2 I will always &e his c2& as well/ and he will always g2ard -e. I -ade her feel safe/ &2 sad as well. !he wished she co2ld lo0e hi- &e er han she did. Caro Choan 1a9os had offered 1any he hos'i ali y of his ho-e while she was in he ci y. !he had e9'ec ed so-e hing grand. !he had no e9'ec ed a 'alace larger han -any a -arke own. I -akes Magis er Illyrio.s -anse in (en os look like a swineherd.s ho0el/ she ho2gh . Caro swore ha his ho-e co2ld co-for a&ly ho2se all of her 'eo'le and heir horses &esides< indeed/ i swallowed he-. An en ire wing was gi0en o0er o her. !he wo2ld ha0e her own gardens/ a -ar&le &a hing 'ool/ a scrying ower and warlock.s -a>e. !la0es wo2ld end her e0ery need. In her 'ri0a e cha-&ers/ he floors were green -ar&le/ he walls dra'ed wi h colorf2l silk hangings ha shi--ered wi h e0ery &rea h of air. :=o2 are oo genero2s/: she old Caro Choan 1a9os. :For he Mo her of 1ragons/ no gif is oo grea .: Caro was a lang2id/ elegan -an wi h a &ald head and a grea &eak of a nose cr2s ed wi h r2&ies/ o'als/ and flakes of ;ade. :)n he -orrow/ yo2 shall feas 2'on 'eacock and lark.s ong2e/ and hear -2sic wor hy of he -os &ea2 if2l of wo-en. The Thir een will co-e o do yo2 ho-age/ and all he grea of Far h.: All he grea of Far h will co-e o see -y dragons/ 1any ho2gh / ye she hanked Caro for his kindness &efore she sen hi- on his way. (ya (ree ook his lea0e as well/ 0owing o 'e i ion he +ndying )nes for an a2dience. :A honor rare as s2--er snows.: Before he lef he kissed her &are fee wi h his 'ale &l2e li's and 'ressed on her a gif / a ;ar of oin -en ha he swore wo2ld le her see he s'iri s of he air. *as of he hree seekers o de'ar was F2ai he he shadow&inder. Fro- her 1any recei0ed only a warning. :Beware/: he wo-an in he red lac42er -ask said. :)f who-8: :)f all. They shall co-e day and nigh o see he wonder ha has &een &orn again in o he world/ and when hey see hey shall l2s . For dragons are fire -ade flesh/ and fire is 'ower.: 3hen F2ai he oo was gone/ !er @orah said/ :!he s'eaks r2ly/ -y 42een . . . ho2gh I like her no -ore han he o hers.: :I do no 2nders and her.: (ya and Caro had showered 1any wi h 'ro-ises fro- he -o-en hey firs gli-'sed her dragons/ declaring he-sel0es her loyal ser0an s in all hings/ &2 fro- F2ai he she had go en only he rare cry' ic word. And i dis 2r&ed her ha she had ne0er seen he wo-an.s face. Re-e-&er Mirri Ma> 122r/ she old herself. Re-e-&er reachery. !he 2rned o her &loodriders. :3e will kee' o2r own wa ch so long as we are here. !ee ha no one en ers his wing of he 'alace wi ho2 -y lea0e/ and ake care ha he dragons are always well g2arded.: :I shall &e done/ Khaleesi/: Aggo said. :3e ha0e seen only he 'ar s of Far h ha (ya (ree wished 2s o see/: she wen on. :Rakharo/ go for h and look on he res / and ell -e wha yo2 find. Take good -en wi h yo27and wo-en/ o go 'laces where -en are for&idden.: :As yo2 say/ I do/ &lood of -y &lood/: said Rakharo. :!er @orah/ find he docks and see wha -anner of shi's lay a anchor. I has &een half a year since I las heard idings fro- he !e0en Kingdo-s. (erha's he gods will ha0e &lown so-e good ca' ain here fro3es eros wi h a shi' o carry 2s ho-e.:

The knigh frowned. :Tha wo2ld &e no kindness. The +s2r'er will kill yo2/ s2re as s2nrise.: Mor-on hooked his h2-&s hro2gh his sword&el . :My 'lace is here a yo2r side.: :@hogo can g2ard -e as well. =o2 ha0e -ore lang2ages han -y &loodriders/ and he 1o hraki -is r2s he sea and hose who sail her. )nly yo2 can ser0e -e in his. Go a-ong he shi's and s'eak o he crews/ learn where hey are fro- and where hey are &o2nd and wha -anner of -en co--and he-.: Rel2c an ly/ he e9ile nodded. :As yo2 say/ -y 42een.: 3hen all he -en had gone/ her hand-aids s ri''ed off he ra0els ained silks she wore/ and 1any 'added o2 o where he -ar&le 'ool sa in he shade of a 'or ico. The wa er was delicio2sly cool/ and he 'ool was s ocked wi h iny golden fish ha ni&&led c2rio2sly a her skin and -ade her giggle. I fel good o close her eyes and floa / knowing she co2ld res as long as she liked. !he wondered whe her Aegon.s Red Kee' had a 'ool like his/ and fragran gardens f2ll of la0ender and -in . I -2s / s2rely. Viserys always said he !e0en Kingdo-s were -ore &ea2 if2l han any o her 'lace in he world. The ho2gh of ho-e dis42ie ed her. If her s2n7and7s ars had li0ed/ he wo2ld ha0e led his khalasar across he 'oison wa er and swe' away her ene-ies/ &2 his s reng h had lef he world. 6er &loodriders re-ained/ sworn o her for life and skilled in sla2gh er/ &2 only in he ways of he horselords. The 1o hraki sacked ci ies and 'l2ndered kingdo-s/ hey did no r2le he-. 1any had no wish o red2ce King.s *anding o a &lackened r2in f2ll of 2n42ie ghos s. !he had s2''ed eno2gh on ears. I wan o -ake -y kingdo- &ea2 if2l/ o fill i wi h fa -en and 're y -aids and la2ghing children. I wan -y 'eo'le o s-ile when hey see -e ride &y/ he way Viserys said hey s-iled for -y fa her. B2 &efore she co2ld do ha she -2s con42er. The +s2r'er will kill yo2/ s2re as s2nrise/ Mor-on had said. Ro&er had slain her gallan &ro her Rhaegar/ and one of his crea 2res had crossed he 1o hraki sea o 'oison her and her 2n&orn son. They said Ro&er Bara heon was s rong as a &2ll and fearless in &a le/ a -an who lo0ed no hing &e er han war. And wi h hi- s ood he grea lords her &ro her had na-ed he +s2r'er.s dogs/ cold7eyed ,ddard ! ark wi h his fro>en hear / and he golden *annis ers/ fa her and son/ so rich/ so 'owerf2l/ so reachero2s. 6ow co2ld she ho'e o o0er hrow s2ch -en8 3hen Khal 1rogo had li0ed/ -en re-&led and -ade hi- gif s o s ay his wra h. If hey did no / he ook heir ci ies/ weal h and wi0es and all. B2 his khalasar had &een 0as / while hers was -eager. 6er 'eo'le had followed her across he red was e as she chased her co-e / and wo2ld follow her across he 'oison wa er oo/ &2 hey wo2ld no &e eno2gh. ,0en her dragons -igh no &e eno2gh. Viserys had &elie0ed ha he real- wo2ld rise for i s righ f2l king . . . &2 Viserys had &een a fool/ and fools &elie0e in foolish hings. 6er do2& s -ade her shi0er. !2ddenly he wa er fel cold o her/ and he li le fish 'rickling a her skin annoying. 1any s ood and cli-&ed fro- he 'ool. :Irri/: she called/ :@hi42i. As he hand-aids oweled her dry and wra''ed her in a sandsilk ro&e/ 1any.s ho2gh s wen o he hree who had so2gh her o2 in he Ci y of Bones. The Bleeding ! ar led -e o Far h for a '2r'ose. 6ere I will find wha I need/ if I ha0e he s reng h o ake wha is offered/ and he wisdo- o a0oid he ra's and snares. If he gods -ean for -e o con42er/ hey will 'ro0ide/ hey will send -e a sign/ and if no . . . if no . . . I was near e0enfall and 1any was feeding her dragons when Irri s e''ed

hro2gh he silken c2r ains o ell her ha !er @orah had re 2rned fro- he docks . . . and no alone. :!end hi- in/ wi h who-e0er he has &ro2gh /: she said/ c2rio2s. 3hen hey en ered/ she was sea ed on a -o2nd of c2shions/ her dragons all a&o2 her. The -an he &ro2gh wi h hi- wore a cloak of green and yellow fea hers and had skin as &lack as 'olished ;e . :=o2r Grace/: he knigh said/ :I &ring yo2 F2h2r2 Mo/ ca' ain of he Cinna-on 3ind o2 of Tall Trees Town.: The &lack -an knel . :I a- grea ly honored/ -y 42een/: he said< no in he ong2e of he !2--er Isles/ which 1any did no know/ &2 in he li42id Valyrian of he 5ine Free Ci ies. :The honor is -ine/ F2h2r2 Mo/: said 1any in he sa-e lang2age. :6a0e yo2 co-e fro- he !2--er Isles8: :This is so/ =o2r Grace/ &2 &efore/ no half a year 'as / we called a )ld own. Fro- here I &ring yo2 a wondro2s gif .: :A gif 8: :A gif of news. 1ragon-o her/ ! or-&orn/ I ell yo2 r2e/ Ro&er Bara heon is dead.: )2 side her walls/ d2sk was se ling o0er Far h/ &2 a s2n had risen in 1any.s hear . :1ead8: she re'ea ed. In her la'/ &lack 1rogon hissed/ and 'ale s-oke rose &efore her face like a 0eil. :=o2 are cer ain8 The +s2r'er is dead8: :!o i is said in )ld own/ and 1orne/ and *ys/ and all he o her 'or s where we ha0e called.: 6e sen -e 'oisoned wine/ ye I li0e and he is gone. :3ha was he -anner of his dea h8: )n her sho2lder/ 'ale Viserion fla''ed wings he color of crea-/ s irring he air. :Torn &y a -ons ro2s &oar whils h2n ing in his kingswood/ or so I heard in )ld own. ) hers say his 42een &e rayed hi-/ or his &ro her/ or *ord ! ark who was his 6and. =e all he ales agree in hisB King Ro&er is dead and in his gra0e.: 1any had ne0er looked 2'on he +s2r'er.s face/ ye seldo- a day had 'assed when she had no ho2gh of hi-. 6is grea shadow had lain across her since he ho2r of her &ir h/ when she ca-e for h a-ids &lood and s or- in o a world where she no longer had a 'lace. And now his e&ony s ranger had lif ed ha shadow. :The &oy si s he Iron Throne now/: !er @orah said. :King @offrey reigns/: F2h2r2 Mo agreed/ :&2 he *annis ers r2le. Ro&er .s &ro hers ha0e fled King.s *anding. The alk is/ hey -ean o clai- he crown. And he 6and has fallen/ *ord ! ark who was King Ro&er .s friend. 6e has &een sei>ed for reason.: :5ed ! ark a rai or8: !er @orah snor ed. :5o &loody likely. The *ong !2--er will co-e again &efore ha one wo2ld &es-irch his 'recio2s honor.: :3ha honor co2ld he ha0e8: 1any said. :6e was a rai or o his r2e king/ as were hese *annis ers.: I 'leased her o hear ha he +s2r'er.s dogs were figh ing a-ongs he-sel0es/ ho2gh she was 2ns2r'rised. The sa-e hing ha''ened when her 1rogo died/ and his grea khalasar ore i self o 'ieces. :My &ro her is dead as well/ Viserys who was he r2e king/: she old he !2--er Islander. :Khal 1rogo -y lord h2s&and killed hi- wi h a crown of -ol en gold.: 3o2ld her &ro her ha0e &een any wiser/ had he known ha he 0engeance he had 'rayed for was so close a hand8 :Then I grie0e for yo2/ 1ragon-o her/ and for &leeding 3es eros/ &eref of i s righ f2l king.: Benea h 1any.s gen le fingers/ green Rhaegal s ared a he s ranger wi h eyes of -ol en gold. 3hen his -o2 h o'ened/ his ee h glea-ed like

&lack needles. :3hen does yo2r shi' re 2rn o 3es eros/ Ca' ain8: :5o for a year or -ore/ I fear. Fro- here he Cinna-on 3ind sails eas / o -ake he rader.s circle ro2nd he ;ade !ea.: :I see/: said 1any/ disa''oin ed. :I wish yo2 fair winds and good rading/ hen. =o2 ha0e &ro2gh -e a 'recio2s gif .: :I ha0e &een a-'ly re'aid/ grea 42een.: !he '2>>led a ha . :6ow so8: 6is eyes glea-ed. :I ha0e seen dragons.: 1any la2ghed. :And will see -ore of he- one day/ I ho'e. Co-e o -e in King.s *anding when I a- on -y fa her.s hrone/ and yo2 shall ha0e a grea reward.: The !2--er Islander 'ro-ised he wo2ld do so/ and kissed her ligh ly on he fingers as he ook his lea0e. @hi42i showed hi- o2 / while !er @orah Mor-on re-ained. :Khaleesi/ : he knigh said when hey were alone/ :I sho2ld no s'eak so freely of yo2r 'lans/ if I were yo2. This -an will s'read he ale where0er he goes now.: :*e hi-/: she said. :*e he whole world know -y '2r'ose. The +s2r'er is dead/ wha does i -a er8: :5o e0ery sailor.s ale is r2e/: !er @orah ca2 ioned/ :and e0en if Ro&er &e r2ly dead/ his son r2les in his 'lace. This changes no hing/ r2ly.: :This changes e0ery hing.: 1any rose a&r2' ly. !creeching/ her dragons 2ncoiled and s'read heir wings. 1rogon fla''ed and clawed 2' o he lin el o0er he archway. The o hers ski ered across he floor/ wing i's scra&&ling on he -ar&le. :Before/ he !e0en Kingdo-s were like -y 1rogo.s khalasar/ a h2ndred ho2sand -ade as one &y his s reng h. 5ow hey fly o 'ieces/ e0en as he khalasar did af er -y khal lay dead.: :The high lords ha0e always fo2gh . Tell -e who.s won and I.ll ell yo2 wha i -eans. Khaleesi/ he !e0en Kingdo-s are no going o fall in o yo2r hands like so -any ri'e 'eaches. =o2 will need a flee / gold/ ar-ies/ alliances7: :All his I know.: !he ook his hands in hers and looked 2' in o his dark s2s'icio2s eyes. !o-e i-es he hinks of -e as a child he -2s 'ro ec / and so-e i-es as a wo-an he wo2ld like o &ed/ &2 does he e0er r2ly see -e as his 42een8 :I a- no he frigh ened girl yo2 -e in (en os. I ha0e co2n ed only fif een na-e days/ r2e . . . &2 I aas old as he crones in he dosh khaleen and as yo2ng as -y dragons/ @orah. I ha0e &orne a child/ &2rned a khal/ and crossed he red was e and he 1o hraki sea. Mine is he &lood of he dragon.: :As was yo2r &ro her.s/: he said s 2&&ornly. :I a- no Viserys.: :5o/: he ad-i ed. :There is -ore of Rhaegar in yo2/ I hink/ &2 e0en Rhaegar co2ld &e slain. Ro&er 'ro0ed ha on he Triden / wi h no -ore han a warha--er. ,0en dragons can die.: :1ragons die.: !he s ood on her oes o kiss hi- ligh ly on an 2nsha0en cheek. :B2 so do dragonslayers.: C6A(T,R %K BRA5 Meera -o0ed in a wary circle/ her ne dangling loose in her lef hand/ he slender hree7'ronged frog s'ear 'oised in her righ . !2--er followed her wi h his golden eyes/ 2rning/ his ail held s iff and all. 3a ching/ wa ching . . .

:=ai?: he girl sho2 ed/ he s'ear dar ing o2 . The wolf slid o he lef and lea' &efore she co2ld draw &ack he s'ear. Meera cas her ne / he angles 2nfolding in he air &efore her. !2--er.s lea' carried hi- in o i . 6e dragged i wi h hi- as he sla--ed in o her ches and knocked her o0er &ackward. 6er s'ear wen s'inning away. The da-' grass c2shioned her fall &2 he &rea h wen o2 of her in an :)of.: The wolf cro2ched a o' her. Bran hoo ed. :=o2 lose.: :!he wins/: her &ro her @o;en said. :!2--er.s snared.: 6e was righ / Bran saw. Thrashing and growling a he ne / rying o ri' free/ !2--er was only ensnaring hi-self worse. 5or co2ld he &i e hro2gh. :*e hi- o2 .: *a2ghing/ he Reed girl hrew her ar-s aro2nd he angled wolf and rolled he- &o h. !2--er ga0e a 'i eo2s whine/ his legs kicking agains he cords ha &o2nd he-. Meera knel / 2ndid a wis / '2lled a a corner/ 2gged def ly here and here/ and s2ddenly he direwolf was &o2nding free. :!2--er/ o -e.: Bran s'read his ar-s. :3a ch/: he said/ an ins an &efore he wolf &owled in o hi-. 6e cl2ng wi h all his s reng h as he wolf dragged hi- &2-'ing hro2gh he grass. They wres led and rolled and cl2ng o each o her/ one snarling and ya''ing/ he o her la2ghing. In he end i was Bran s'rawled on o'/ he -2d7s'a ered direwolf 2nder hi-. :Good wolf/: he 'an ed. !2--er licked hi- across he ear. Meera shook her head. :1oes he ne0er grow angry8: :5o wi h -e.: Bran gra&&ed he wolf &y his ears and !2--er sna''ed a hi- fiercely/ &2 i was all in 'lay. :!o-e i-es he ears -y gar& &2 he.s ne0er drawn &lood.: : =o2r &lood/ yo2 -ean. If he.d go en 'as -y ne :6e wo2ldn. h2r yo2. 6e knows I like yo2.: All of he o her lords and knigh s had de'ar ed wi hin a day or wo of he har0es feas / &2 he Reeds had s ayed o &eco-e Bran.s cons an co-'anions. @o;en was so sole-n ha )ld 5an called hi- :li le grandfa her/: &2 Meera re-inded Bran of his sis er Arya. !he wasn. scared o ge dir y/ and she co2ld r2n and figh and hrow as good as a &oy. !he was older han Arya/ ho2gh< al-os si9 een/ a wo-an grown. They were &o h older han Bran/ e0en ho2gh his nin h na-e day had finally co-e and gone/ &2 hey ne0er rea ed hi- like a child. :I wish yo2 were o2r wards ins ead of he 3alders.: 6e &egan o s r2ggle oward he neares ree. 6is dragging and wriggling was 2nsee-ly o wa ch/ &2 when Meera -o0ed o lif hi- he said/ :5o/ don. hel' -e.: 6e rolled cl2-sily and '2shed and s42ir-ed &ackward/ 2sing he s reng h of his ar-s/ 2n il he was si ing wi h his &ack o he r2nk of a all ash. :!ee/ I old yo2.: !2--er lay down wi h his head in Bran.s la'. :I ne0er knew anyone who fo2gh wi h a ne &efore/: he old Meera while he scra ched he direwolf &e ween he ears. :1id yo2r -as er7a ar-s each yo2 ne 7figh ing8: :My fa her a2gh -e. 3e ha0e no knigh s a Greywa er. 5o -as era 7 ar-s/ and no -aes er.: :3ho kee's yo2r ra0ens8: !he s-iled. :Ra0ens can. find Greywa er 3a ch/ no -ore han o2r ene-ies can.: :3hy no 8: :Beca2se i -o0es/: she old hi-. Bran had ne0er heard of a -o0ing cas le &efore. 6e looked a her 2ncer ainly/ &2 he co2ldn. ell whe her she was easing hi- or no . :I wish I co2ld see i . 1o yo2 hink yo2r lord fa her wo2ld le -e co-e 0isi when he war is o0er8:

:=o2 wo2ld &e -os welco-e/ -y 'rince. Then or now.: :5ow8: Bran had s'en his whole life a 3in erfell. 6e yearned o see far 'laces. :I co2ld ask !er Rodrik when he re 2rns.: The old knigh was off eas / rying o se o righ s he ro2&le here. Roose Bol on.s &as ard had s ar ed i &y sei>ing *ady 6ornwood as she re 2rned fro- he har0es feas / -arrying her ha 0ery nigh e0en ho2gh he was yo2ng eno2gh o &e her son. Then *ord Manderly had aken her cas le. To 'ro ec he 6ornwood holdings fro- he Bol ons/ he had wri en/ &2 !er Rodrik had &een al-os as angry wi h hi- as wi h he &as ard. :!er Rodrik -igh le -e go. Maes er *2win ne0er wo2ld.: !i ing cross7legged 2nder he weirwood/ @o;en Reed regarded hisole-nly. :I wo2ld &e good if yo2 lef 3in erfell/ Bran.: :I wo2ld8: :=es. And sooner ra her han la er.: :My &ro her has he greensigh /: said Meera. :6e drea-s hings ha ha0en. ha''ened/ &2 so-e i-es hey do.: :There is no so-e i-es/ Meera.: A look 'assed &e ween he-< hi- sad/ her defian . :Tell -e wha .s going o ha''en/: Bran said. :I will/: said @o;en/ :if yo2.ll ell -e a&o2 yo2r drea-s.: The godswood grew 42ie . Bran co2ld hear lea0es r2s ling/ and 6odor.s dis an s'lashing fro- he ho 'ools. 6e ho2gh of he golden -an and he hree7eyed crow/ re-e-&ered he cr2nch of &ones &e ween his ;aws and he co''ery as e of &lood. :I don. ha0e drea-s. Maes er *2win gi0es -e slee'ing dra2gh s.: :1o hey hel'8: :!o-e i-es.: Meera said/ :All of 3in erfell knows yo2 wake a nigh sho2 ing and swea ing/ Bran. The wo-en alk of i a he well/ and he g2ards in heir hall.: :Tell 2s wha frigh ens yo2 so -2ch/: said @o;en. :I don. wan o. Anyway/ i .s only drea-s. Maes er *2win says drea-s -igh -ean any hing or no hing.: :My &ro her drea-s as o her &oys do/ and hose drea-s -igh -ean any hing/: Meera said/ :&2 he green drea-s are differen .: @o;en.s eyes were he color of -oss/ and so-e i-es when he looked a yo2 he see-ed o &e seeing so-e hing else. *ike now. :I drea-ed of a winged wolf &o2nd o ear h wi h grey s one chains/: he said. :I was a green drea-/ so I knew i was r2e. A crow was rying o 'eck hro2gh he chains/ &2 he s one was oo hard and his &eak co2ld only chi' a he-.: :1id he crow ha0e hree eyes8: @o;en nodded. !2--er raised his head fro- Bran.s la'/ and ga>ed a he -2d-an wi h his dark golden eyes. :3hen I was li le I al-os died of greywa er fe0er. Tha was when he crow ca-e o -e.: :6e ca-e o -e af er I fell/: Bran &l2r ed. :I was aslee' for a long i-e. 6e said I had o fly or die/ and I woke 2'/ only I was &roken and I co2ldn. fly af er all.: :=o2 can if yo2 wan o.: (icking 2' her ne / Meera shook o2 he las angles and &egan arranging i in loose folds. :=o2 are he winged wolf/ Bran/: said @o;en. :I wasn. s2re when we firs ca-e/ &2 now I a-. The crow sen 2s here o &reak yo2r chains.: :Is he crow a Greywa er8: :5o. The crow is in he nor h.: :A he 3all8: Bran had always wan ed o see he 3all. 6is &as ard

&ro her @on was here now/ a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch. :Beyond he 3all.: Meera Reed h2ng he ne fro- her &el . :3hen @o;en old o2r lord fa her wha he.d drea-ed/ he sen 2s o 3in erfell.: :6ow wo2ld I &reak he chains/ @o;en8: Bran asked. :)'en yo2r eye.: :They are o'en Can. yo2 see8: :Two are o'en.: @o;en 'oin ed. :)ne/ wo.: :I only ha0e wo.: :=o2 ha0e hree. The crow ga0e yo2 he hird/ &2 yo2 will no o'en i .: 6e had a slow sof way of s'eaking. :3i h wo eyes yo2 see -y face. 3i h hree yo2 co2ld see -y hear . 3i h wo yo2 can see ha oak ree here. 3i h hree yo2 co2ld see he acorn he oak grew fro- and he s 2-' ha i will one day &eco-e. 3i h wo yo2 see no far her han yo2r walls. 3i h hree yo2 wo2ld ga>e so2 h o he !2--er !ea and nor h &eyond he 3all.: !2--er go o his fee . :I don. need o see so far.: Bran -ade a ner0o2s s-ile. :I.- ired of alking a&o2 crows. *e .s alk a&o2 wol0es. )r li>ard7lions. 6a0e yo2 e0er h2n ed one/ Meera8 3e don. ha0e he- here.: Meera 'l2cked her frog s'ear o2 of he &2shes. :They li0e in he wa er. In slow s rea-s and dee' swa-'s7: 6er &ro her in err2' ed. :1id yo2 drea- of a li>ard7lion8: :5o/: said Bran. :I old yo2/ I don. wan 7: :1id yo2 drea- of a wolf8: 6e was -aking Bran angry. :I don. ha0e o ell yo2 -y drea-s. I.- he 'rince. I.- he ! ark in 3in erfell.: :3as i !2--er8: :=o2 &e 42ie .: :The nigh of he har0es feas / yo2 drea-ed yo2 were !2--er in he godswood/ didn. yo28: :! o' i ?: Bran sho2 ed. !2--er slid oward he weirwood/ his whi e ee h &ared. @o;en Reed ook no -ind. :3hen I o2ched !2--er/ I fel yo2 in hi-. ;2s as yo2 are in hi- now.: :=o2 co2ldn. ha0e. I was in &ed. I was slee'ing.: :=o2 were in he godswood/ all in grey.: :I was only a &ad drea- . . .: @o;en s ood. :I fel yo2. I fel yo2 fall. Is ha wha scares yo2/ he falling8: The falling/ Bran ho2gh / and he golden -an/ he 42een.s &ro her/ he scares -e oo/ &2 -os ly he falling. 6e did no say i / ho2gh. 6ow co2ld he8 6e had no &een a&le o ell !er Rodrik or Maes er *2win/ and he co2ld no ell he Reeds ei her. If he didn. alk a&o2 i / -ay&e he wo2ld forge . 6e had ne0er wan ed o re-e-&er. I -igh no e0en &e a r2e re-e-&ering. :1o yo2 fall e0ery nigh / Bran8: @oien asked 42ie ly. A low r2-&ling growl rose fro- !2--er.s hroa / and here was no 'lay in i . 6e s alked forward/ all ee h and ho eyes. Meera s e''ed &e ween he wolf and her &ro her/ s'ear in hand. :Kee' hi- &ack/ Bran.: :@o;en is -aking hi- angry.: Meera shook o2 her ne . :I .s yo2r anger/ Bran/: her &ro her said. :=o2r fear.: :I isn. . I.- no a wolf.: =e he.d howled wi h he- in he nigh / and as ed &lood in his wolf drea-s. :(ar of yo2 is !2--er/ and 'ar of !2--er is yo2. =o2 know ha / Bran.: !2--er r2shed forward/ &2 Meera &locked hi-/ ;a&&ing wi h he hree7 'ronged s'ear. The wolf wis ed aside/ circling/ s alking. Meera 2rned

o face hi-. :Call hi- &ack/ Bran.: :!2--er?: Bran sho2 ed. :To -e/ !2--er?: 6e sla''ed an o'en 'al- down on he -ea of his high. 6is hand ingled/ ho2gh his dead leg fel no hing. The direwolf l2nged again/ and again Meera.s s'ear dar ed o2 . !2--er dodged/ circled &ack. The &2shes r2s led/ and a lean &lack sha'e ca-e 'adding fro- &ehind he weirwood/ ee h &ared. The scen was s rong< his &ro her had s-elled his rage. Bran fel hairs rise on he &ack of his neck. Meera s ood &eside her &ro her/ wi h wol0es o ei her side. :Bran/ call he- off.: :I can. ?: :@o;en/ 2' he ree.: :There.s no need. Today is no he day I die.: :1o i ?: she screa-ed/ and her &ro her scra-&led 2' he r2nk of he weirwood/ 2sing he face for his handholds. The direwol0es closed. Meera a&andoned s'ear and ne / ;2-'ed 2'/ and gra&&ed he &ranch a&o0e her head. !haggy.s ;aws sna''ed sh2 &enea h her ankle as she sw2ng 2' and o0er he li-&. !2--er sa &ack on his ha2nches and howled/ while !haggydog worried he ne / shaking i in his ee h. )nly hen did Bran re-e-&er ha hey were no alone. 6e c2''ed hands aro2nd his -o2 h. :6odor?: he sho2 ed. :6odor? 6odor?: 6e was &adly frigh ened and so-ehow asha-ed. :They won. h2r 6odor/: he ass2red his reed friends. A few -o-en s 'assed &efore hey heard a 2neless h2--ing. 6odor arri0ed half7dressed and -2d7s'a ered fro- his 0isi o he ho 'ools/ &2 Bran had ne0er &een so glad o see hi-. :6odor/ hel' -e. Chase off he wol0es. Chase he- off.: 6odor wen o i gleef2lly/ wa0ing his ar-s and s a-'ing his h2ge fee / sho2 ing :6odor/ 6odor/: r2nning firs a one wolf and hen he o her. !haggydog was he firs o flee/ slinking &ack in o he foliage wi h a final snarl. 3hen !2--er had eno2gh/ he ca-e &ack o Bran and lay down &eside hi-. 5o sooner did Meera o2ch gro2nd han she sna ched 2' her s'ear and ne again. @o;en ne0er ook his eyes off !2--er. :3e will alk again/: he 'ro-ised Bran. I was he wol0es/ i wasn. -e. 6e did no 2nders and why hey.d go en so wild. May&e Maes er *2win was righ o lock he- in he godswood. :6odor/: he said/ :&ring -e o Maes er *2win.: The -aes er.s 2rre &elow he rookery was one of Bran.s fa0ori e 'laces. *2win was ho'elessly 2n idy/ &2 his cl2 er of &ooks and scrolls and &o les was as fa-iliar and co-for ing o Bran as his &ald s'o and he fla''ing slee0es of his loose grey ro&es. 6e liked he ra0ens oo. 6e fo2nd *2win 'erched on a high s ool/ wri ing. 3i h !er Rodrik gone/ all of he go0ernance of he cas le had fallen on his sho2lders. :My 'rince/: he said when 6odor en ered/ early for lessons oday.: The -aes er s'en se0eral ho2rs e0ery af ernoon 2 oring Bran/ Rickon/ and he 3alder Freys. :6odor/ s and s ill.: Bran gras'ed a wall sconce wi h &o h hands and 2sed i o '2ll hi-self 2' and o2 of he &aske . 6e h2ng for a -o-en &y his ar-s 2n il 6odor carried hi- o a chair. :Meera says her &ro her has he greensigh .: Maes er *2win scra ched a he side of his nose wi h his wri ing 42ill. :1oes she now8: 6e nodded. :=o2 old -e ha he children of he fores had he greensigh . I re-e-&er.: :!o-e clai-ed o ha0e ha 'ower. Their wise -en were called

greenseers.: :3as i -agic8: :Call i ha for wan of a &e er word/ if yo2 -2s . A hear i was only a differen sor of knowledge.: :3ha was i 8: *2win se down his 42ill. :5o one r2ly knows/ Bran. The children are gone fro- he world/ and heir wisdo- wi h he-. I had o do wi h he faces in he rees/ we hink. The Firs Men &elie0ed ha he greenseers co2ld see hro2gh he eyes of he weirwoods. Tha was why hey c2 down he rees whene0er hey warred 2'on he children. !2''osedly he greenseers also had 'ower o0er he &eas s of he wood and he &irds in he rees. ,0en fish. 1oes he Reed &oy clai- s2ch 'owers8: :5o. I don. hink. B2 he has drea-s ha co-e r2e so-e i-es/ Meera says.: :All of 2s ha0e drea-s ha co-e r2e so-e i-es. =o2 drea-ed of yo2r lord fa her in he cry' s &efore we knew he was dead/ re-e-&er8: :Rickon did oo. 3e drea-ed he sa-e drea-.: :Call i greensigh / if yo2 wish . . . &2 re-e-&er as well all hose ens of ho2sands of drea-s ha yo2 and Rickon ha0e drea-ed ha did no co-e r2e. 1o yo2 'erchance recall wha I a2gh yo2 a&o2 he chain collar ha e0ery -aes er wears8: Bran ho2gh for a -o-en / rying o re-e-&er. :A -aes er forges his chain in he Ci adel of )ld own. I .s a chain &eca2se yo2 swear o ser0e/ and i .s -ade of differen -e als &eca2se yo2 ser0e he realand he real- has differen sor s of 'eo'le. ,0ery i-e yo2 learn so-e hing yo2 ge ano her link. Black iron is for ra0enry/ sil0er for healing/ gold for s2-s and n2-&ers. I don. re-e-&er he- all.: *2win slid a finger 2' 2nder his collar and &egan o 2rn i / inch &y inch. 6e had a hick neck for a s-all -an/ and he chain was igh / &2 a few '2lls had i all he way aro2nd. :This is Valyrian s eel/: he said when he link of dark grey -e al lay agains he a''le of his hroa . :)nly one -aes er in a h2ndred wears s2ch a link. This signifies ha I ha0e s 2died wha he Ci adel calls he higher -ys eries7-agic/ for wan of a &e er word. A fascina ing '2rs2i / &2 of s-all 2se/ which is why so few -aes ers ro2&le he-sel0es wi h i . :All hose who s 2dy he higher -ys eries ry heir own hand a s'ells/ soon or la e. I yielded o he e-' a ion oo/ I -2s confess i . 3ell/ I was a &oy/ and wha &oy does no secre ly wish o find hidden 'owers in hi-self8 I go no -ore for -y effor s han a ho2sand &oys &efore -e/ and a ho2sand since. !ad o say/ -agic does no work.: :!o-e i-es i does/: Bran 'ro es ed. :I had ha drea-/ and Rickon did oo. And here are -ages and warlocks in he eas . . .: :There are -en who call he-sel0es -ages and warlocks/: Maes er *2win said. :I had a friend a he Ci adel who co2ld '2ll a rose o2 of yo2r ear/ &2 he was no -ore -agical han I was. )h/ o &e s2re/ here is -2ch we do no 2nders and. The years 'ass in heir h2ndreds and heir ho2sands/ and wha does any -an see of life &2 a few s2--ers/ a few win ers8 3e look a -o2n ains and call he- e ernal/ and so hey see- . . . &2 in he co2rse of i-e/ -o2n ains rise and fall/ ri0ers change heir co2rses/ s ars fall fro- he sky/ and grea ci ies sink &enea h he sea. ,0en gods die/ we hink. ,0ery hing changes. :(erha's -agic was once a -igh y force in he world/ &2 no longer. 3ha li le re-ains is no -ore han he wis' of s-oke ha lingers in he air af er a grea fire has &2rned o2 / and e0en ha is fading. Valyria was he las e-&er/ and Valyria is gone. The dragons are no -ore/ he gian s are dead/ he children of he fores forgo en wi h

all heir lore. :5o/ -y 'rince. @o;en Reed -ay ha0e had a drea- or wo ha he &elie0es ca-e r2e/ &2 he does no ha0e he greensigh . 5o li0ing -an has ha 'ower.: Bran said as -2ch o Meera Reed when she ca-e o hi- a d2sk as he sa in his window sea wa ching he ligh s flicker o life. :I.- sorry for wha ha''ened wi h he wol0es. !2--er sho2ldn. ha0e ried o h2r @o;en/ &2 @o;en sho2ldn. ha0e said all ha a&o2 -y drea-s. The crow lied when he said I co2ld fly/ and yo2r &ro her lied oo.: :)r 'erha's yo2r -aes er is wrong.: :6e isn. . ,0en -y fa her relied on his co2nsel.: :=o2r fa her lis ened/ I ha0e no do2& . B2 in he end/ he decided for hi-self. Bran/ will yo2 le -e ell yo2 a&o2 a drea- @o;en drea-ed of yo2 and yo2r fos erling &ro hers8: :The 3alders aren. -y &ro hers.: !he 'aid ha no heed. :=o2 were si ing a s2''er/ &2 ins ead of a ser0an / Maes er *2win &ro2gh yo2 yo2r food. 6e ser0ed yo2 he king.s c2 off he roas / he -ea rare and &loody/ &2 wi h a sa0ory s-ell ha -ade e0eryone.s -o2 h wa er. The -ea he ser0ed he Freys was old and grey and dead. =e hey liked heir s2''er &e er han yo2 liked yo2rs.: :I don. 2nders and.: :=o2 will/ -y &ro her says. 3hen yo2 do/ we.ll alk again.: Bran was al-os afraid o si o s2''er ha nigh / &2 when he did/ i was 'igeon 'ie hey se &efore hi-. ,0eryone else was ser0ed he sa-e/ and he co2ldn. see ha any hing was wrong wi h he food hey ser0ed he 3alders. Maes er *2win has he r2 h of i / he old hi-self. 5o hing &ad was co-ing o 3in erfell/ no -a er wha @o;en said. Bran was relie0ed . . . &2 disa''oin ed oo. !o long as here was -agic/ any hing co2ld ha''en. Ghos s co2ld walk/ rees co2ld alk/ and &roken &oys co2ld grow 2' o &e knigh s. :B2 here isn. /: he said alo2d in he darkness of his &ed. :There.s no -agic/ and he s ories are ;2s s ories.: And he wo2ld ne0er walk/ nor fly/ nor &e a knigh . C6A(T,R %$ T=RI)5 The r2shes were scra chy 2nder he soles of his &are fee . :My co2sin chooses a 42eer ho2r o co-e 0isi ing/: Tyrion old a slee'7&ef2ddled (odrick (ayne/ who.d do2& less e9'ec ed o &e well roas ed for waking hi-. :!ee hi- o -y solar and ell hi- I.ll &e down shor ly.: I was well 'as -idnigh / he ;2dged fro- he &lack o2 side he window. 1oes *ancel hink o find -e drowsy and slow of wi a his ho2r8 he wondered. 5o/ *anceM scarce hinks a all/ his is Cersei.s doing. 6is sis er wo2ld &e disa''oin ed. ,0en a&ed/ he worked well in o he -orning7reading &y he flickering ligh of a candle/ scr2 ini>ing he re'or s of Varys.s whis'erers/ and 'oring o0er *i lefinger.s &ooks of acco2n s 2n il he col2-ns &l2rred and his eyes ached. 6e s'lashed so-e e'id wa er on his face fro- he &asin &eside his &ed and ook his i-e s42a ing in he gardero&e/ he nigh air cold on his &are skin. !er *ancel was si9 een/ and no known for his 'a ience. *e hi- wai / and grow -ore an9io2s in he wai ing. 3hen his &owels were e-' y/ Tyrion sli''ed on a &edro&e and ro2ghed his hin fla9en hair wi h his fingers/ all he -ore o look as if he had wakened fro- slee'. *ancel was 'acing &efore he ashes of he hear h/ gar&ed in slashed red

0el0e wi h &lack silk 2nderslee0es/ a ;eweled dagger and a gilded sca&&ard hanging fro- his sword&el . :Co2sin/: Tyrion gree ed hi-. :=o2r 0isi s are oo few. To wha do I owe his 2ndeser0ed 'leas2re8: :6er Grace he F2een Regen has sen -e o co--and yo2 o release Grand Maes er (ycelle.: !er *ancel showed Tyrion a cri-son ri&&on/ &earing Cersei.s lion seal i-'ressed in golden wa9. :6ere is her warran .: :!o i is.: Tyrion wa0ed i away. :I ho'e -y sis er is no o0er a9ing her s reng h/ so soon af er her illness. i wo2ld &e a grea 'i y if she were o s2ffer a rela'se.: :6er Grace is 42i e reco0ered/: !er *ancel said c2r ly. :M2sic o -y ears.: Tho2gh no a 2ne I.- fond of. I sho2ld ha0e gi0en her a larger dose. Tyrion had ho'ed for a few -ore days wi ho2 Cersei.s in erference/ &2 he was no oo erri&ly s2r'rised &y her re 2rn o heal h. !he was @ai-e.s win/ af er all. 6e -ade hi-self s-ile 'leasan ly. :(od/ &2ild 2s a fire/ he air is oo chilly for -y as e. 3ill yo2 ake a c2' wi h -e/ *ancel8 I find ha -2lled wine hel's -e slee'.: :I need no hel' slee'ing/: !er *ancel said. :I a- co-e a 6er Grace.s &ehes / no o drink wi h yo2/ I-'.: Knigh hood had -ade he &oy &older/ Tyrion reflec ed7 ha / and he sorry 'ar he had 'layed in -2rdering King Ro&er . :3ine does ha0e i s dangers.: 6e s-iled as he 'o2red. :As o Grand Maes er (ycelle . . . if -y swee sis er is so concerned for hi-/ I wo2ld ha0e ho2gh she.d co-e herself. Ins ead she sends yo2. 3ha a- I o -ake of ha 8: :Make of i wha yo2 will/ so long as yo2 release yo2r 'risoner. The Grand Maes er is a s a2nch friend o he F2een Regen / and 2nder her 'ersonal 'ro ec ion.: A hin of a sneer 'layed a&o2 he lad.s li's< he was en;oying his. 6e akes his lessons fro- Cersei. :6er Grace will ne0er consen o his o2 rage. !he re-inds yo2 ha she is @offrey.s regen .: :As I a- @offrey.s 6and.: :The 6and ser0es/: he yo2ng knigh infor-ed hi- airily. :The regen r2les 2n il he king is of age.: :(erha's yo2 o2gh wri e ha down so I.ll re-e-&er i &e er.: The fire was crackling -errily. :=o2 -ay lea0e 2s/ (od/: Tyrion old his s42ire. )nly when he &oy was gone did he 2rn &ack o *ancel. :There is -ore8: :=es. 6er Grace &ids -e infor- yo2 ha !er @acelyn Bywa er defied a co--and iss2ed in he king.s own na-e.: 3hich -eans ha Cersei has already ordered Bywa er o release (ycelle/ and &een re&2ffed. :I see.: :!he insis s ha he -an &e re-o0ed fro- his office and 'laced 2nder arres for reason. I warn yo27: 6e se aside his wine c2'. :I.ll hear no warnings fro- yo2/ &oy.: :!er/: *ancel said s iffly. 6e o2ched his sword/ 'erha's o re-ind Tyrion ha he wore one. :6a0e a care how yo2 s'eak o -e/ I-'.: 1o2& less he -ean o so2nd hrea ening/ &2 ha a&s2rd wis' of a -2s ache r2ined he effec . :)h/ 2nhand yo2r sword. )ne cry fro- -e and !hagga will &2rs in and kill yo2. 3i h an a9e/ no a wineskin.: *ancel reddened< was he s2ch a fool as o &elie0e his 'ar in Ro&er .s dea h had gone 2nno ed8 :I a- a knigh 7: :!o I.0e no ed. Tell -e7did Cersei ha0e yo2 knigh ed &efore or af er she ook yo2 in o her &ed8: The flicker in *ancel.s green eyes was all he ad-ission Tyrion needed. !o Varys old i r2e. 3ell/ no one can e0er clai- ha -y sis er does

no lo0e her fa-ily. :3ha / no hing o say8 5o -ore warnings for -e/ ser8: :=o2 will wi hdraw hese fil hy acc2sa ions or7: :(lease. 6a0e yo2 gi0en any ho2gh o wha @offrey will do when I ell hi- yo2 -2rdered his fa her o &ed his -o her8: :I was no like ha ?: *ancel 'ro es ed/ horrified. :5o8 3ha was i like/ 'ray8: :The 42een ga0e -e he s rongwine? =o2r own fa her *ord Tywin/ when I was na-ed he king.s s42ire/ he old -e o o&ey her in e0ery hing.: :1id he ell yo2 o f2ck her oo8: *ook a hi-. 5o 42i e so all/ his fea 2res no so fine/ and his hair is sand ins ead of s'2n gold/ ye s ill . . . e0en a 'oor co'y of fai-e is swee er han an e-' y &ed/ I s2''ose. :5o/ I ho2gh no .: :I ne0er -ean . . . I only did as I was &id/ I :. . . ha ed e0ery ins an of i / is ha wha yo2 wo2ld ha0e -e &elie0e8 A high 'lace a co2r / knigh hood/ -y sis er.s legs o'ening for yo2 a nigh / oh/ yes/ i -2s ha0e &een erri&le for yo2.: Tyrion '2shed hi-self o his fee . :3ai here. 6is Grace will wan o hear his.: The defiance wen fro- *ancel all a once. The yo2ng knigh fell o his knees a frigh ened &oy. :Mercy/ -y lord/ I &eg yo2.: :!a0e i for @offrey. 6e likes a good &eg.: :My lord/ i was yo2r sis er.s &idding/ he 42een/ as yo2 said/ &2 6is Grace . . . he.d ne0er 2nders and . . .: :3o2ld yo2 ha0e -e kee' he r2 h fro- he king8: :For -y fa her.s sake? I.ll lea0e he ci y/ i will &e as if i ne0er ha''ened? I swear/ I will end i . . .: I was hard no o la2gh. :I hink no .: 5ow he lad looked los . :My lord8: :=o2 heard -e. My fa her old yo2 o o&ey -y sis er8 Very well/ o&ey her. ! ay close o her side/ kee' her r2s / 'leas2re her as of en as she re42ires i . 5o one need e0er know . . . so long as yo2 kee' fai h wi h -e. I wan o know wha Cersei is doing. 3here she goes/ who she sees/ wha hey alk of/ wha 'lans she is ha ching. All. And yo2 will &e he one o ell -e/ won. yo28: :=es/ -y lord.: *ancel s'oke wi ho2 a -o-en .s hesi a ion. Tyrion liked ha . :I will. I swear i . As yo2 co--and.: :Rise.: Tyrion filled he second c2' and 'ressed i on hi-. :1rink o o2r 2nders anding. I 'ro-ise/ here are no &oars in he cas le ha I know of.: *ancel lif ed he c2' and drank/ al&ei s iffly. :!-ile/ co2sin. My sis er is a &ea2 if2l wo-an/ and i .s all for he good of he real-. =o2 co2ld do well o2 of his. Knigh hood is no hing. If cle0er/ yo2.ll ha0e a lordshi' fro- -e &efore done.: Tyrion swirled he wine in his c2'. :3e wan Cersei o ha0e e0ery fai h in yo2. Go &ack and ell her I &eg her forgi0eness. Tell her ha yo2 frigh ened -e/ ha I wan no conflic &e ween 2s/ ha hencefor h I shall do no hing wi ho2 her consen .: :B2 . . . her de-ands . . . :)h/ I.ll gi0e her (ycelle.: :=o2 will8: *ancel see-ed as onished. Tyrion s-iled. :I.ll release hi- on he -orrow. I co2ld swear ha I hadn. har-ed a hair on his head/ &2 i wo2ldn. &e s ric ly r2e. In any case/ he.s well eno2gh/ ho2gh I won. 0o2ch for his 0igor. The &lack cells are no a heal hy 'lace for a -an his age. Cersei can kee' hi- as a 'e or send hi- o he 3all/ I don. care which/ &2 I won. ha0e hi- on he co2ncil. : :And !er @acelyn8: :Tell -y sis er yo2 &elie0e yo2 can win hi- away fro- -e/ gi0en i-e.

Tha o2gh o con en her for a while.: :As yo2 say.: *ancel finished his wine. :)ne las hing. 3i h King Ro&er dead/ i wo2ld &e -os e-&arrassing sho2ld his grie0ing widow s2ddenly grow grea wi h child.: :My lord/ I . . . we . . . he 42een has co--anded -e no o 6is ears had 2rned *annis er cri-son. :I s'ill -y seed on her &elly/ -y lord.: :A lo0ely &elly/ I ha0e no do2& . Mois en i as of en as yo2 wish . . . &2 see ha yo2r dew falls nowhere else. I wan no -ore ne'hews/ is ha clear8: !er *ancel -ade a s iff &ow and ook his lea0e. Tyrion allowed hi-self a -o-en o feel sorry for he &oy. Ano her fool/ and a weakling as well/ &2 he does no deser0e wha Cersei and I are doing o hi-. I was a kindness ha his 2ncle Ke0an had wo o her sons< his one was 2nlikely o li0e o2 he year. Cersei wo2ld ha0e hikilled o2 of hand if she learned he was &e raying her/ and if &y so-e grace of he gods she did no / *ancel wo2ld ne0er s2r0i0e he day @ai-e *annis er re 2rned o King.s *anding. The only 42es ion wo2ld &e whe her @ai-e c2 hi- down in a ;ealo2s rage/ or Cersei -2rdered hifirs o kee' @ai-e fro- finding o2 . Tyrion.s sil0er was on Cersei. A res lessness was on hi-/ and Tyrion knew f2ll well he wo2ld no ge &ack o slee' onigh . 5o here/ in any case. 6e fo2nd (odrick (ayne aslee' in a chair o2 side he door of he solar/ and shook hi- &y he sho2lder. :!2--on Bronn/ and hen r2n down o he s a&les and ha0e wo horses saddled.: The s42ire.s eyes were clo2dy wi h slee'. :6orses.: :Those &ig &rown ani-als ha lo0e a''les/ I.- s2re yo2.0e seen he-. Fo2r legs and a ail. B2 Bronn firs .: The sellsword was no long in a''earing. :3ho 'issed in yo2r so2'8: he de-anded. :Cersei/ as e0er. =o2.d hink I.d &e 2sed o he as e &y now/ &2 ne0er -ind. My gen le sis er see-s o ha0e -is aken -e for 5ed ! ark.: :I hear he was aller.: :5o af er @off ook off his head. =o2 o2gh o ha0e dressed -ore war-ly/ he nigh is chill.: :Are we going so-ewhere8: :Are all sellswords as cle0er as yo28: The ci y s ree s were dangero2s/ &2 wi h Bronn &eside hi- Tyrion fel safe eno2gh. The g2ards le hi- o2 a 'os ern ga e in he nor h wall/ and hey rode down !hadow&lack *ane o he foo of Aegon.s 6igh 6ill/ and hence on o (igr2n Alley/ 'as rows of sh2 ered windows and all i-&er7and7s one &2ildings whose 2''er s ories leaned o2 so far o0er he s ree hey al-os kissed. The -oon see-ed o follow he- as hey wen / 'laying 'eek7and7sneak a-ong he chi-neys. They enco2n ered no one &2 a lone old crone/ carrying a dead ca &y he ail. !he ga0e he- a fearf2l look/ as if she were afraid hey -igh ry o s eal her dinner/ and sl2nk off in o he shadows wi ho2 a word. Tyrion reflec ed on he -en who had &een 6and &efore hi-/ who had 'ro0ed no -a ch for his sis er.s wiles. 6ow co2ld hey &e8 Men like ha . . . oo hones o li0e/ oo no&le o shi / Cersei de0o2rs s2ch fools e0ery -orning when she &reaks her fas . The only way o defea -y sis er is o 'lay her own ga-e/ and ha was so-e hing he *ords ! ark and Arryn wo2ld ne0er do. !-all wonder ha &o h of he- were dead/ while Tyrion *annis er had ne0er fel -ore ali0e. 6is s 2n ed legs -igh -ake hi- a co-ic gro es42e a a har0es &all/ &2 his dance he knew. 1es'i e he ho2r/ he &ro hel was crowded. Cha aya gree ed he-

'leasan ly and escor ed he- o he co--on roo-. Bronn wen 2's airs wi h a dark7eyed girl fro- 1orne/ &2 Alayaya was &2sy en er aining. :!he will &e so 'leased o know yo2.0e co-e/: said Cha aya. :I will see ha he 2rre roo- is -ade ready for yo2. 3ill -y lord ake a c2' of wine while he wai s8: :I will/: he said. The wine was 'oor s 2ff co-'ared o he 0in ages fro- he Ar&or he ho2se nor-ally ser0ed. :=o2 -2s forgi0e 2s/ -y lord/: Cha aya said. :I canno find good wine a any 'rice of la e.: :=o2 are no alone in ha / I fear.: Cha aya co--isera ed wi h hi- a -o-en / hen e9c2sed herself and glided off. A handso-e wo-an/ Tyrion reflec ed as he wa ched her go. 6e had seldo- seen s2ch elegance and digni y in a whore. Tho2gh o &e s2re/ she saw herself -ore as a kind of 'ries ess. (erha's ha is he secre . I is no wha we do/ so -2ch as why we do i . !o-ehow ha ho2gh co-for ed hi-. A few of he o her 'a rons were gi0ing hi- sideways looks. The las i-e he 0en 2red o2 / a -an had s'i on hi- . . . well/ had ried o. Ins ead he.d s'i on Bronn/ and in f2 2re wo2ld do his s'i ing wi ho2 ee h. :Is -ilord feeling 2nlo0e8: 1ancy slid in o his la' and ni&&led a his ear. :I ha0e a c2re for ha .: !-iling/ Tyrion shook his head. :=o2 are oo &ea2 if2l for words/ swee ling/ &2 I.0e grown fond of Alayaya.s re-edy.: :=o2.0e ne0er ried -ine. Milord ne0er chooses anyone &2 .=aya. !he.s good &2 I.- &e er/ don. yo2 wan o see8: :5e9 i-e/ 'erha's.: Tyrion had no do2& ha 1ancy wo2ld &e a li0ely handf2l. !he was '2g7nosed and &o2ncy/ wi h freckles and a -ane of hick red hair ha 2-&led down 'as her wais . B2 he had !hae wai ing for hi- a he -anse. Giggling/ she '2 her hand &e ween his highs and s42ee>ed hi- hro2gh his &reeches. :I don. hink he wan s o wai ill ne9 i-e/: she anno2nced. :6e wan s o co-e o2 and co2n all -y freckles/ I hink.: :1ancy.: Alayaya s ood in he doorway/ dark and cool in ga2>y green silk. :6is lordshi' is co-e o 0isi -e.: Tyrion gen ly disen angled hi-self fro- he o her girl and s ood. 1ancy did no see- o -ind. :5e9 i-e/: she re-inded hi-. !he '2 a finger in her -o2 h and s2cked i . As he &lack7skinned girl led hi- 2' he s airs/ she said/ :(oor 1ancy. !he has a for nigh o ge -y lord o choose her. ,lsewise she loses her &lack 'earls o Marei.: Marei was a cool/ 'ale/ delica e girl Tyrion had no iced once or wice. Green eyes and 'orcelain skin/ long s raigh sil0ery hair/ 0ery lo0ely/ &2 oo sole-n &y half. :Id ha e o ha0e he 'oor child lose her 'earls on acco2n of -e.: :Then ake her 2's airs ne9 i-e.: :May&e I will.: !he s-iled. :I hink no / -y lord.: !he.s righ / Tyrion ho2gh / I won. . !hae -ay &e only a whore/ &2 I a- fai hf2l o her af er -y fashion. In he 2rre roo-/ as he o'ened he door of he wardro&e/ he looked a Alayaya c2rio2sly. :3ha do yo2 do while I.- gone8: !he raised her ar-s and s re ched like so-e sleek &lack ca . :!lee'. I a- -2ch &e er res ed since yo2 &egan o 0isi 2s/ -y lord. And Marei is eaching 2s o read/ 'erha's soon I will &e a&le o 'ass he i-e wi h a &ook.: :!lee' is good/: he said. :And &ooks are &e er.: 6e ga0e her a 42ick

kiss on he cheek. Then i was down he shaf and hro2gh he 2nnel. As he lef he s a&le on his 'ie&ald gelding/ Tyrion heard he so2nd of -2sic drif ing o0er he roof o's. I was 'leasan o hink ha -en s ill sang/ e0en in he -ids of &2 chery and fa-ine. Re-e-&ered no es filled his head/ and for a -o-en he co2ld al-os hear Tysha as she.d s2ng o hi- half a life i-e ago. 6e reined 2' o lis en. The 2ne was wrong/ he words oo fain o hear. A differen song hen/ and why no 8 6is swee innocen Tysha had &een a lie s ar o finish/ only a whore his &ro her @ai-e had hired o -ake hi- a -an. I.- free of Tysha now/ he ho2gh . !he.s ha2n ed -e half -y life/ &2 I don. need her any-ore/ no -ore han I need Alayaya or 1ancy or Marei/ or he h2ndreds like he- I.0e &edded wi h o0er he years. I ha0e !hae now !hae. The ga es of he -anse were closed and &arred. Tyrion 'o2nded 2n il he orna e &ron>e eye clacked o'en. :I .s -e.: The -an who ad-i ed hi- was one of Varys.s 're ier finds/ a Braa0osi dagger-an wi h a hareli' and a la>y eye. Tyrion had wan ed no handso-e yo2ng g2ards-en loi ering a&o2 !hae day af er day. :Find -e old/ 2gly/ scarred -en/ 'refera&ly i-'o en /: he had old he e2n2ch. :Men who 'refer &oys. )r -en who 'refer shee'/ for ha -a er.: Varys had no -anaged o co-e 2' wi h any shee'lo0ers/ &2 he did find a e2n2ch s rangler and a 'air of fo2ls-elling I&&enese who were as fond of a9es as hey were of each o her. The o hers were as choice a lo of -ercenaries as e0er graced a d2ngeon/ each 2glier han he las . 3hen Varys had 'araded he- &efore hi-/ Tyrion had &een afraid he.d gone oo far/ &2 !hae had ne0er 2 ered a word of co-'lain . And why wo2ld she8 !he has ne0er co-'lained of -e/ and I.- -ore hideo2s han all her g2ards oge her. (erha's she does no e0en see 2gliness. ,0en so/ Tyrion wo2ld sooner ha0e 2sed so-e of his -o2n ain clans-en o g2ard he -anse< Chella.s Black ,ars 'erha's/ or he Moon Bro hers. 6e had -ore fai h in heir iron loyal ies and sense of honor han in he greed of sellswords. The risk was oo grea / howe0er. All King.s *anding knew he wildlings were his. If he sen he Black ,ars here/ i wo2ld only &e a -a er of i-e 2n il he whole ci y knew he King.s 6and was kee'ing a conc2&ine. )ne of he I&&enese ook his horse. :6a0e yo2 woken her8: Tyrion asked hi-. :5o/ -.lord.: :Good.: The fire in he &edcha-&er had &2rned down o e-&ers/ &2 he roo- was s ill war-. !hae had kicked off her &lanke s and shee s as she sle' . !he lay n2de a o' he fea her&ed/ he sof c2r0es of her yo2ng &ody li-ned in he fain glow fro- he hear h. Tyrion s ood in he door and drank in he sigh of her. =o2nger han Marei/ swee er han 1ancy/ -ore &ea2 if2l han Alayaya/ she.s all I need and -ore. 6ow co2ld a whore look so clean and swee and innocen / he wondered8 6e had no in ended o dis 2r& her/ &2 he sigh of her was eno2gh o -ake hi- hard. 6e le his gar-en s fall o he floor/ hen crawled on o he &ed and gen ly '2shed her legs a'ar and kissed her &e ween he highs. !hae -2r-2red in her slee'. 6e kissed her again/ and licked a her secre swee ness/ on and on 2n il his &eard and her c2n were &o h soaked. 3hen she ga0e a sof -oan and sh2ddered/ he cli-&ed 2' and hr2s hi-self inside her and e9'loded al-os a once. 6er eyes were o'en. !he s-iled and s roked his head and whis'ered/ :I ;2s had he swee es drea-/ -.lord.: Tyrion ni''ed a her s-all hard ni''le and nes led his head on her sho2lder. 6e did no '2ll o2 of her< wo2ld ha he ne0er had o '2ll

o2 of her. :This is no drea-/: he 'ro-ised her. I is real/ all of i / he ho2gh / he wars/ he in rig2es/ he grea &loody ga-e/ and -e in he cen er of i . . . -e/ he dwarf/ he -ons er/ he one hey scorned and la2ghed a / &2 now I hold i all/ he 'ower/ he ci y/ he girl. This was wha I was -ade for/ and gods forgi0e -e/ &2 I do lo0e i . . . And her. And her. C6A(T,R "0 AR=A 3ha e0er na-es 6arren he Black had -ean o gi0e his owers were long forgo en. They were called he Tower of 1read/ he 3idow.s Tower/ he 3ailing Tower/ he Tower of Ghos s/ and Kings'yre Tower. Arya sle' in a shallow niche in he ca0erno2s 0a2l s &enea h he 3ailing Tower/ on a &ed of s raw. !he had wa er o wash in whene0er she liked/ a ch2nk of soa'. The work was hard/ &2 no harder han walking -iles e0ery day. 3easel did no need o find wor-s and &2gs o ea / as Arry had< here was &read e0ery day/ and &arley s ews wi h &i s of carro and 2rni'/ and once a for nigh e0en a &i e of -ea . 6o (ie a e e0en &e er< he was where he &elonged/ in he ki chens/ a ro2nd s one &2ilding wi h a do-ed roof ha was a world 2n o i self. Arya ook her -eals a a res le a&le in he 2ndercrof wi h 3eese and his o her charges/ &2 so-e i-es she wo2ld &e chosen o hel' fe ch heir food/ and she and 6o (ie co2ld s eal a -o-en o alk. 6e co2ld ne0er re-e-&er ha she was now 3easel and ke' calling her Arry/ e0en ho2gh he knew she was a girl. )nce he ried o sli' her a ho a''le ar / &2 he -ade s2ch a cl2-sy ;o& of i ha wo of he cooks saw. They ook he ar away and &ea hi- wi h a &ig wooden s'oon. Gendry had &een sen o he forge< Arya seldo- saw hi-. As for hose she ser0ed wi h/ she did no e0en wan o know heir na-es. Tha only -ade i h2r worse when hey died. Mos of he- were older han she was and con en o le her alone. 6arrenhal was 0as / -2ch of i far gone in decay. *ady 3hen had held he cas le as &anner-an o 6o2se T2lly/ &2 she.d 2sed only he lower hirds of wo of he fi0e owers/ and le he res go o r2in. 5ow she was fled/ and he s-all ho2sehold she.d lef co2ld no &egin o end he needs of all he knigh s/ lords/ and high&orn 'risoners *ord Tywin had &ro2gh / so he *annis ers -2s forage for ser0an s as well as for 'l2nder and 'ro0ender. The alk was ha *ord Tywin 'lanned o res ore 6arrenhal o glory/ and -ake i his new sea once he war was done. 3eese 2sed Arya o r2n -essages/ draw wa er/ and fe ch food/ and so-e i-es o ser0e a a&le in he Barracks 6all a&o0e he ar-ory/ where he -en7a 7ar-s ook heir -eals. B2 -os of her work was cleaning. The gro2nd floor of he 3ailing Tower was gi0en o0er o s oreroo-s and granaries/ and wo floors a&o0e ho2sed 'ar of he garrison/ &2 he 2''er s ories had no &een occ2'ied for eigh y years. 5ow *ord Tywin had co--anded ha hey &e -ade fi for ha&i a ion again. There were floors o &e scr2&&ed/ gri-e o &e washed off windows/ &roken chairs and ro ed &eds o &e carried off. The o'-os s ory was infes ed wi h nes s of he h2ge &lack &a s ha 6o2se 3hen had 2sed for i s sigil/ and here were ra s in he cellars as well . . . and ghos s/ so-e said/ he s'iri s of 6arren he Black and his sons. Arya ho2gh ha was s 2'id. 6arren and his sons had died in Kings'yre Tower/ ha was why i had ha na-e/ so why sho2ld hey cross he yard

o ha2n her8 The 3ailing Tower only wailed when he wind &lew fro- he nor h/ and ha was ;2s he so2nd he air -ade &lowing hro2gh he cracks in he s ones where hey had fiss2red fro- he hea . if here were ghos s in 6arrenhal/ hey ne0er ro2&led her. I was he li0ing -en she feared/ 3eese and !er Gregor Clegane and *ord Tywin *annis er hi-self/ who ke' his a'ar -en s in Kings'yre Tower/ s ill he alles and -igh ies of all/ ho2gh lo'sided &enea h he weigh of he slagged s one ha -ade i look like so-e gian half7-el ed &lack candle. !he wondered wha *ord Tywin wo2ld do if she -arched 2' o hi- and confessed o &eing Arya ! ark/ &2 she knew she.d ne0er ge near eno2gh o alk o hi-/ and anyhow he.d ne0er &elie0e her if she did/ and af erward 3eese wo2ld &ea her &loody. In his own s-all s r2 ing way/ 3eese was nearly as scary as !er Gregor. The Mo2n ain swa ed -en like flies/ &2 -os of he i-e he did no e0en see- o know he fly was here. 3eese always knew yo2 were here/ and wha yo2 were doing/ and so-e i-es wha yo2 were hinking. 6e wo2ld hi a he sligh es 'ro0oca ion/ and he had a dog who was near as &ad as he was/ an 2gly s'o ed &i ch ha s-elled worse han any dog Arya had e0er known. )nce she saw hi- se he dog on a la rine &oy who.d annoyed hi-. !he ore a &ig ch2nk o2 of he &oy.s calf while 3eese la2ghed. I ook hi- only hree days o earn he 'lace of honor in her nigh ly 'rayers. :3eese/: she wo2ld whis'er/ firs of all. :12nsen/ Chiswyck/ (olli0er/ Raff he !wee ling. The Tickler and he 6o2nd. !er Gregor/ !er A-ory/ !er Ilyn/ !er Meryn/ King @offrey/ F2een Cersei.: If she le herself forge e0en one of he-/ how wo2ld she e0er find hi- again o kill hi-8 )n he road Arya had fel like a shee'/ &2 6arren&al 2rned her in o a -o2se. !he was grey as a -o2se in her scra chy wool shif / and like a -o2se she ke' o he crannies and cre0ices and dark holes of he cas le/ sc2rrying o2 of he way of he -igh y. !o-e i-es she ho2gh hey were all -ice wi hin hose hick walls/ e0en he knigh s and he grea lords. The si>e of he cas le -ade e0en Gregor Clegane see- s-all. 6arrenhal co0ered hrice as -2ch gro2nd as 3in erfell/ and i s &2ildings were so -2ch larger hey co2ld scarcely &e co-'ared. I s s a&les ho2sed a ho2sand horses/ i s godswood co0ered wen y acres/ i s ki chens were as large as 3in erfell.s Grea 6all/ and i s own grea hall/ grandly na-ed he 6all of a 62ndred 6ear hs e0en ho2gh i only had hir y and so-e HArya had ried o co2n he-/ wice/ &2 she ca-e 2' wi h hir y7 hree once and hir y7fi0e he o her i-eI was so ca0erno2s ha *ord Tywin co2ld ha0e feas ed his en ire hos / ho2gh he ne0er did. 3alls/ doors/ halls/ s e's/ e0ery hing was &2il o an inh2-an scale ha -ade Arya re-e-&er he s ories )ld 5an 2sed o ell of he gian s who li0ed &eyond he 3all. And as lords and ladies ne0er no ice he li le grey -ice 2nder heir fee / Arya heard all sor s of secre s ;2s &y kee'ing her ears o'en as she wen a&o2 her d2 ies. (re y (ia fro- he &2 ery was a sl2 who was working her way hro2gh e0ery knigh in he cas le. The wife of he gaoler was wi h child/ &2 he real fa her was ei her !er Alyn ! acks'ear or a singer called 3hi es-ile 3a . *ord *efford -ade -ock of ghos s a a&le/ &2 always ke' a candle &2rning &y his &ed. !er 12na0er.s s42ire @odge co2ld no hold his wa er when he sle' . The cooks des'ised !er 6arys !wyf and s'i in all his food. once she e0en o0erheard Maes er To h-2re.s ser0ing girl confiding o her &ro her a&o2 so-e -essage ha said @offrey was a &as ard and no he righ f2l king a all. :*ord Tywin old hi- o &2rn he le er and ne0er s'eak s2ch fil h again/: he girl whis'ered.

King Ro&er .s &ro hers ! annis and Renly had ;oined he figh ing/ she heard. :And &o h of he- kings now/: 3eese said. :Real-.s go -ore kings han a cas le.s go ra s.: ,0en *annis er -en 42es ioned how long @offrey wo2ld hold he Iron Throne. :The lad.s go no ar-y &2 hegold cloaks/ and he.s r2led &y a e2n2ch/ a dwarf/ and a wo-an/: she heard a lordling -2 er in his c2's. :3ha good will he likes of he&e if i co-es o &a le8: There was always alk of Beric 1ondarrion. A fa archer once said he Bloody M2--ers had slain hi-/ &2 he o hers only la2ghed. :*orch killed he -an a R2shing Falls/ and he Mo2n ain.s slain hi- wice. Go -e a sil0er s ag says he don. s ay dead his i-e nei her.: Arya did no know who Bloody M2--ers were 2n il a for nigh la er/ when he 42eeres co-'any of -en she.d e0er seen arri0ed a 6arrenhal. Benea h he s andard of a &lack goa wi h &loody horns rode co''er -en wi h &ells in heir &raids< lancers as ride s ri'ed &lack7and7whi e horses< &ow-en wi h 'owdered cheeks< s42a hairy -en wi h shaggy shields< &rown7skinned -en in fea hered cloaks< a wis'y fool in green7 and7'ink -o ley< swords-en wi h fan as ic forked &eards dyed green and '2r'le and sil0er< s'ear-en wi h colored scars ha co0ered heir cheeks< a slender -an in se' on.s ro&es/ a fa herly one in -aes er.s grey/ and a sickly one whose lea her cloak was fringed wi h long &lond hair. A heir head was a -an s ick7 hin and 0ery all/ wi h a drawn e-acia ed face -ade e0en longer &y he ro'y &lack &eard ha grew frohis 'oin ed chin nearly o his wais . The hel- ha h2ng fro- his saddle horn was &lack s eel/ fashioned in he sha'e of a goa .s head. A&o2 his neck he wore a chain -ade of linked coins of -any differen si>es/ sha'es/ and -e als/ and his horse was one of he s range &lack7 and7whi e ones. :=o2 don. wan o know ha lo / 3easel/: 3eese said when he saw her looking a he goa 7hel-ed -an. Two of his drinking friends were wi h hi-/ -en7a 7ar-s in ser0ice o *ord *efford. :3ho are hey8: she asked. )ne of he soldiers la2ghed. :The Foo -en/ girl. Toes of he Goa . *ord Tywin.s Bloody M2--ers.: :(ease for wi s. =o2 ge her flayed/ yo2 can scr2& he &loody s e's/: said 3eese. sellswords/ 3easel girl. Call he-sel0es he Bra0e Co-'anions. 1on. 2se he- o her na-es where hey can hear/ or hey.ll h2r yo2 &ad. The goa 7hel-.s heir ca' ain/ *ord Vargo 6oa .: :6e.s no f2cking lord/: said he second soldier. :I heard !er A-ory say so. 6e.s ;2s so-e sellsword wi h a -o2 h f2ll of slo&&er and a high o'inion of hisself.: :Aye/: said 3eese/ :&2 she &e er call hi- lord if she wan s o kee' all her 'ar s.: Arya looked a Vargo 6oa again. 6ow -any -ons ers does *ord JAJwin ha0e8 The Bra0e Co-'anions were ho2sed in he 3idow.s Tower/ so Arya need no ser0e he-. !he was glad of ha < on he 0ery nigh hey arri0ed/ figh ing &roke o2 &e ween he sellswords and so-e *annis er -en. !er 6arys !wyf .s s42ire was s a&&ed o dea h and wo of he Bloody M2--ers were wo2nded. The ne9 -orning *ord Tywin hanged he- &o h frohe ga eho2se walls/ along wi h one of *ord *ydden.s archers. 3eese said he archer had s ar ed all he ro2&le &y a2n ing he sellswords o0er Beric 1ondarrion. Af er he hanged -en had s o''ed kicking/ Vargo 6oa and !er 6arys e-&raced and kissed and swore o lo0e each o her always as *ord Tywin looked on. Arya ho2gh i was f2nny he way Vargo

6oa lis'ed and slo&&ered/ &2 she knew &e er han o la2gh. The Bloody M2--ers did no linger long a 6arrenhal/ &2 &efore hey rode o2 again/ Arya heard one of he- saying how a nor hern ar-y 2nder Roose Bol on had occ2'ied he r2&y ford of he Triden . :If he crosses/ *ord Tywin will s-ash hi- again like he did on he Green Fork/: a *annis er &ow-en said/ &2 his fellows ;eered hi- down. :Bol on.ll ne0er cross/ no ill he =o2ng 3olf -arches fro- Ri0err2n wi h his wild nor h-en and all he- wol0es.: Arya had no known her &ro her was so near. Ri0err2n was -2ch closer han 3in erfell/ ho2gh she was no cer ain where i lay in rela ion o 6arrenhal. I co2ld find o2 so-ehow/ I know I co2ld/ if only I co2ld ge away. 3hen she ho2gh of seeing Ro&&.s face again Arya had o &i e her li'. And I wan o see Ion oo/ and Bran and Rickon/ and Mo her. ,0en !ansa . . . I.ll kiss her and &eg her 'ardons like a 'ro'er lady/ she.ll like ha . Fro- he co2r yard alk she.d learned ha he 2''er cha-&ers of he Tower of 1read ho2sed hree do>en ca' i0es aken d2ring so-e &a le on he Green Fork of he Triden . Mos had &een gi0en freedo- of he cas le in re 2rn for heir 'ledge no o a e-' esca'e. They 0owed no o esca'e/ Arya old herself/ &2 hey ne0er swore no o hel' -e esca'e. The ca' i0es a e a heir own a&le in he 6all of a 62ndred 6ear hs/ and co2ld of en &e seen a&o2 he gro2nds. Fo2r &ro hers ook heir e9ercise oge her e0ery day/ figh ing wi h s a0es and wooden shields in he Flows one =ard. Three of he- were Freys of he Crossing/ he fo2r h heir &as ard &ro her. They were only here a shor i-e/ ho2gh< one -orning wo o her &ro hers arri0ed 2nder a 'eace &anner wi h a ches of gold/ and ranso-ed he- fro- he knigh s who.d ca' 2red he-. The si9 Freys all lef oge her. 5o one ranso-ed he nor h-en/ ho2gh. )ne fa lordling ha2n ed he ki chens/ 6o (ie old her/ always looking for a -orsel. 6is -2s ache was so &2shy ha i co0ered his -o2 h/ and he clas' ha held his cloak was a sil0er7and7sa''hire riden . 6e &elonged o *ord Tywin/ &2 he fierce/ &earded yo2ng -an who liked o walk he &a le-en s alone in a &lack cloak 'a erned wi h whi e s2ns had &een aken &y so-e hedge knigh who -ean o ge rich off hi-. !ansa wo2ld ha0e known who he was/ and he fa one oo/ &2 Arya had ne0er aken -2ch in eres in i les and sigils. 3hene0er !e' a Mordane had gone on a&o2 he his ory of his ho2se and ha ho2se/ she was inclined o drif and drea- and wonder when he lesson wo2ld &e done. !he did re-e-&er *ord Cerwyn/ ho2gh. 6is lands had &een close o 3in erfell/ so he and his son Cley had of en 0isi ed. =e as fa e wo2ld ha0e i / he was he only ca' i0e who was ne0er seen< he was a&ed in a ower cell/ reco0ering fro- a wo2nd. For days and days Arya ried o work o2 how she -igh s eal 'as he door g2ards o see hi-. If he knew her/ he wo2ld &e honor &o2nd o hel' her. A lord wo2ld ha0e gold for a cer ain y/ hey all did< 'erha's he wo2ld 'ay so-e of *ord Tywin.s own sellswords o ake her o Ri0err2n. Fa her had always said ha -os sellswords wo2ld &e ray anyone for eno2gh gold. Then one -orning she s'ied hree wo-en in he cowled grey ro&es of he silen sis ers loading a cor'se in o heir wagon. The &ody was sewn in o a cloak of he fines silk/ decora ed wi h a &a le7a9e sigil. 3hen Arya asked who i was/ one of he g2ards old her ha *ord Cerwyn had died. The words fel like a kick in he &elly. 6e co2ld ne0er ha0e hel'ed yo2 anyway/ she ho2gh as he sis ers dro0e he wagon hro2gh he ga e. 6e co2ldn. e0en hel' hi-self/ yo2 s 2'id -o2se. Af er ha i was &ack o scr2&&ing and sc2rrying and lis ening a

doors. *ord Tywin wo2ld soon -arch on Ri0err2n/ she heard. or he wo2ld dri0e so2 h o 6ighgarden/ no one wo2ld e0er e9'ec ha . 5o/ he -2s defend King.s *anding/ ! annis was he grea es hrea . 6e.d sen Gregor Clegane and Vargo 6oa o des roy Roose Bol on and re-o0e he dagger fro- his &ack. 6e.d sen ra0ens o he ,yrie/ he -ean o wed he *ady *ysa Arryn and win he Vale. 6e.d &o2gh a on of sil0er o forge -agic swords ha wo2ld slay he ! ark wargs. 6e was wri ing *ady ! ark o -ake a 'eace/ he Kingslayer wo2ld soon &e freed. Tho2gh ra0ens ca-e and wen e0ery day/ *ord Tywin hi-self s'en -os of his days &ehind closed doors wi h his war co2ncil. Arya ca2gh gli-'ses of hi-/ &2 always fro- afar7once walking he walls in he co-'any of hree -aes ers and he fa ca' i0e wi h he &2shy -2s ache/ once riding o2 wi h his lords &anner-en o 0isi he enca-'-en s/ &2 -os of en s anding in an arch of he co0ered gallery wa ching -en a 'rac ice in he yard &elow. 6e s ood wi h his hands locked oge her on he gold 'o--el of his longsword. They said *ord Tywin lo0ed gold -os of all< he e0en shi gold/ she heard one s42ire ;es . The *annis er lord was s rong7looking for an old -an/ wi h s iff golden whiskers and a &ald head. There was so-e hing in his face ha re-inded Arya of her own fa her/ e0en ho2gh hey looked no hing alike. 6e has a lord.s face/ ha .s all/ she old herself. !he re-e-&ered hearing her lady -o her ell Fa her o '2 on his lord.s face and go deal wi h so-e -a er. Fa her had la2ghed a ha . !he co2ld no i-agine *ord Tywin e0er la2ghing a any hing. one af ernoon/ while she was wai ing her 2rn o draw a 'ail of wa er fro- he well/ she heard he hinges of he eas ga e groaning. A 'ar y of -en rode 2nder he 'or c2llis a a walk. 3hen she s'ied he -an icore crawling across he shield of heir leader/ a s a& of ha e sho hro2gh her. In he ligh of day/ !er A-ory *orch looked less frigh ening han he had &y orchligh / &2 he s ill had he 'ig.s eyes she recalled. )ne of he wo-en said ha his -en had ridden all he way aro2nd he lake chasing Beric 1ondarrion and slaying re&els. 3e weren. re&els/ Arya ho2gh . 3e were he 5igh .s 3a ch< he 5igh .s 3a ch akes no side. !er A-ory had fewer -en han she re-e-&ered/ ho2gh/ and -any wo2nded. I ho'e heir wo2nds fes er. I ho'e hey all die. Then she saw he hree near he end of he col2-n. Rorge had donned a &lack halffiel- wi h a &road iron nasal ha -ade i hard o see ha he did no ha0e a nose. Bi er rode 'ondero2sly &eside hi- on a des rier ha looked ready o colla'se 2nder his weigh . 6alfhealed &2rns co0ered his &ody/ -aking hi- e0en -ore hideo2s han &efore. B2 @a4en 6.ghar s ill s-iled. 6is gar& was s ill ragged and fil hy/ &2 he had fo2nd i-e o wash and &r2sh his hair. I s rea-ed down across his sho2lders/ red and whi e and shiny/ and Arya heard he girls giggling o each o her in ad-ira ion. I sho2ld ha0e le he fire ha0e he-. Gendry said o/ I sho2ld ha0e lis ened. If she hadn. hrown he- ha a9e hey.d all &e dead. For a -o-en she was afraid/ &2 hey rode 'as her wi ho2 a flicker of in eres . )nly @a4en 6.ghar so -2ch as glanced in her direc ion/ and his eyes 'assed righ o0er her. 6e does no know -e/ she ho2gh . Arry was a fierce li le &oy wi h a sword/ and I.- ;2s a grey -o2se girl wi h a 'ail. !he s'en he res of ha day scr2&&ing s e's inside he 3ailing Tower. By e0enfall her hands were raw and &leeding and her ar-s so sore hey re-&led when she l2gged he 'ail &ack o he cellar. Too ired

e0en for food/ Arya &egged 3eese.s 'ardons and crawled in o her s raw o slee'. :3eese/: she yawned. :12nsen/ Chiswyck/ (olli0er/ Raff he !wee ling. The Tickler and he 6o2nd. !er Gregor/ !er A-ory/ !er Ilyn/ !er Meryn/ King @offrey/ F2een Cersei.: !he ho2gh she -igh add hree -ore na-es o her 'rayer/ &2 she was oo ired o decide onigh . Arya was drea-ing of wol0es r2nning wild hro2gh he wood when a s rong hand cla-'ed down o0er her -o2 h like s-oo h war- s one/ solid and 2nyielding. !he woke a once/ s42ir-ing and s r2ggling. :A girl says no hing/: a 0oice whis'ered close &ehind her ear. :A girl kee's her li's closed/ no one hears/ and friends -ay alk in secre . =es8: 6ear 'o2nding/ Arya -anaged he inies of nods. @a4en 6.ghar ook his hand away. The cellar was &lack as 'i ch and she co2ld no see his face/ e0en inches away. !he co2ld s-ell hi-/ ho2gh< his skin s-elled clean and soa'y/ and he had scen ed his hair. :A &oy &eco-es a girl/: he -2r-2red. :I was always a girl. I didn. hink yo2 saw -e.: :A -an sees. A -an knows.: !he re-e-&ered ha she ha ed hi-. :=o2 scared -e. one of henow/ I sho2ld ha0e le yo2 &2rn. 3ha are yo2 doing here8 Go away or I.ll yell for 3eese.: :A -an 'ays his de& s. A -an owes hree.: :Three8 : :The Red God has his d2e/ swee girl/ and only dea h -ay 'ay for life. This girl ook hree ha were his. This girl -2s gi0e hree in heir 'laces. !'eak he na-es/ and a -an will do he res .: 6e wan s o hel' -e/ Arya reali>ed wi h a r2sh of ho'e ha -ade her di>>y. :Take -e o Ri0err2n/ i .s no far/ if we s ole so-e horses we co2ld7: 6e laid a finger on her li's. :Three li0es yo2 shall ha0e of -e. 5o -ore/ no less. Three and we are done. !o a girl -2s 'onder.: 6e kissed her hair sof ly. :B2 no oo long.: By he i-e Arya li her s 2& of a candle/ only a fain s-ell re-ained of hi-/ a whiff of ginger and clo0es lingering in he air. The wo-an in he ne9 niche rolled o0er on her s raw and co-'lained of he ligh / so Arya &lew i o2 . 3hen she closed her eyes/ she saw faces swi--ing &efore her. @offrey and his -o her/ Ilyn (ayne and Meryn Tran and !andor Clegane . . . &2 hey were in King.s *anding h2ndreds of -iles away/ and !er Gregor had lingered only a few nigh s &efore de'ar ing again for -ore foraging/ aking Raff and Chiswyck and he Tickler wi h hi-. !er A-ory *orch was here/ ho2gh/ and she ha ed hi- al-os as -2ch. 1idn. she8 !he wasn. cer ain. And here was always 3eese. !he ho2gh of hi- again he ne9 -orning/ when lack of slee' -ade her yawn. :3easel/: 3eese '2rred/ :ne9 i-e I see ha -o2 h droo' o'en/ I.ll '2ll o2 yo2r ong2e and feed i o -y &i ch.: 6e wis ed her ear &e ween his fingers o -ake cer ain she.d heard/ and old her o ge &ack o hose s e's/ he wan ed he- clean down o he hird landing &y nigh fall. As she worked/ Arya ho2gh a&o2 he 'eo'le she wan ed dead. !he 're ended she co2ld see heir faces on he s e's/ and scr2&&ed harder o wi'e he- away. The ! arks were a war wi h he *annis ers and she was a ! ark/ so she sho2ld kill as -any *annis ers as she co2ld/ ha was wha yo2 did in wars. B2 she didn. hink she sho2ld r2s @a4en. I sho2ld kill he- -yself. 3hene0er her fa her had conde-ned a -an o dea h/ he did he deed hi-self wi h Ice/ his grea sword. :If yo2 wo2ld ake a -an.s life/ yo2 owe i o hi- o look hi- in he face and hear his las words/: she.d heard hi- ell Ro&& and @on once. The ne9 day she a0oided @a4en 6.ghar/ and he day af er ha . I was

no hard. !he was 0ery s-all and 6arrenhal was 0ery large/ f2ll of 'laces where a -o2se co2ld hide. And hen !er Gregor re 2rned/ earlier han e9'ec ed/ dri0ing a herd of goa s his i-e in 'lace of a herd of 'risoners. !he heard he.d los fo2r -en in one of *ord Beric.s nigh raids/ &2 hose Arya ha ed re 2rned 2nsca hed and ook 2' residence on he second floor of he 3ailing Tower. 3eese saw ha hey were well s2''lied wi h drink. :They always ha0e a good hirs / ha lo /: he gr2-&led. :3easel/ go 2' and ask if hey.0e go any clo hes ha need -ending/ I.ll ha0e he wo-en see o i .: Arya ran 2' her well7scr2&&ed s e's. 5o one 'aid her any -ind when she en ered. Chiswyck was sea ed &y he fire wi h a horn of ale o hand/ elling one of his f2nny s ories. !he dared no in err2' / 2nless she wan ed a &loody li'. :Af er he 6and.s o2rney/ i were/ &efore he war co-e/: Chiswyck was saying. :3e were on o2r ways &ack wes / se0en of 2s wi h !er Gregor. Raff was wi h -e/ and yo2ng @oss ! ilwood/ he.d s42ired for !er in he lis s. 3ell/ we co-e on his 'isswa er ri0er/ r2nning high on acco2n here.d &een rains. 5o way o ford/ &2 here.s an aleho2se near/ so here we re'air. !er ro2s s he &rewer and ells hi- o kee' o2r horns f2ll ill he wa ers fall/ and yo2 sho2ld see he -an.s 'ig eyes shine a he sigh o. sil0er. !o he.s fe ching 2s ale/ hi- and his da2gh er/ and 'oor hin s 2ff i is/ no -ore.n &rown 'iss/ which don. -ake -e any ha''ier/ nor !er nei her. And all he i-e his &rewer.s saying how glad he is o ha0e 2s/ c2s o- &eing slow on acco2n o. he- rains. The fool won. sh2 his ya'/ no hi-/ ho2gh !er is saying no a word/ ;2s &rooding on he Knigh o. (ansies and ha &2gger.s rick he 'layed. =o2 can see how igh his -o2 h si s/ so -e and he o her lads we know &e er.n o say a s42eak o hi-/ &2 his &rewer he.s go o alk/ he e0en asks how -.lord fared in he ;o2s ing. !er ;2s ga0e hi- his look.: Chiswyck cackled/ 42affed his ale/ and wi'ed he foa- away wi h he &ack of his hand. :Meanwhile/ his da2gh er of his has &een fe ching and 'o2ring/ a fa li le hing/ eigh een or so7: :Thir een/ -ore like/: Raff he !wee ling drawled. :3ell/ &e ha as i -ay/ she.s no -2ch o look a / &2 ,ggon.s &een drinking and ge s o o2ching her/ and -igh &e I did a li le o2ching -eself/ and Raff.s elling yo2ng ! ilwood ha he o2gh . drag he girl 2's airs and -ake hisself a -an/ gi0ing he lad co2rage as i were. Finally @oss reaches 2' 2nder her skir / and she shrieks and dro's her flagon and goes r2nning off o he ki chen. 3ell/ i wo2ld ha0e ended righ here/ only wha does he old fool do &2 he goes o !er and asks hi- o -ake 2s lea0e he girl alone/ hi- &eing an anoin ed knigh and all s2ch. :!er Gregor/ he wasn. 'aying no -ind o none of o2r f2n/ &2 now he looks/ yo2 know how he does/ and he co--ands ha he girl &e &ro2gh &efore hi-. 5ow he old -an has o drag her o2 of he ki chen/ and no one o &la-e &2 hisself. !er looks her o0er and says/ .!o his is he whore so concerned for. and his &eso ed old fool says/ .My *ayna.s no whore/ ser. righ o Gregor.s face. !er/ he ne0er &links/ ;2s says/ .!he is now. osses he old -an ano her sil0er/ ri's he dress off he wench/ and akes her righ here on he a&le in fron of her da/ her flo''ing and wiggling like a ra&&i and -aking hese noises. The look on he old -an.s face/ I la2ghed so hard ale was co-ing o2 -e nose. Then his &oy hears he noise/ he son I fig2re/ and co-es r2shing 2' fro- he cellar/ so Raff has o s ick a dirk in his &elly. By hen !er.s done/ so he goes &ack o his drinking and we

all ha0e a 2rn. To&&o / yo2 know how he is/ he flo's her o0er and goes in he &ack way. The girl was done figh ing &y he i-e I had her/ -ay&e she.d decided she liked i af er all/ ho2gh o ell he r2 h I wo2ldn. ha0e -inded a li le wiggling. And now here.s he &es &i . . . when i .s all done/ !er ells he old -an ha he wan s his change. The girl wasn. wor h a sil0er/ he says . . . and da-ned if ha old -an didn. fe ch a fis f2l of co''ers/ &eg -lord.s 'ardon/ and hank hi- for he c2s o-?: The -en all roared/ none lo2der han Chiswyck hi-self/ who la2ghed so hard a his own s ory ha sno dri&&led fro- his nose down in o his scraggy grey &eard. Arya s ood in he shadows of he s airwell and wa ched hi-. !he cre' &ack down o he cellars wi ho2 saying a word. 3hen 3eese fo2nd ha she hadn. asked a&o2 he clo hes/ he yanked down her &reeches and caned her 2n il &lood ran down her highs/ &2 Arya closed her eyes and ho2gh of all he sayings !yrio had a2gh her/ so she scarcely fel i . Two nigh s la er/ he sen her o he Barracks 6all o ser0e a a&le. !he was carrying a flagon of wine and 'o2ring when she gli-'sed @a4en 6.ghar a his rencher across he aisle. Chewing her li'/ Arya glanced aro2nd warily o -ake cer ain 3eese was no in sigh . Fear c2 s dee'er han swords/ she old herself. !he ook a s e'/ and ano her/ and wi h each she fel less a -o2se. !he worked her way down he &ench/ filling wine c2's. Rorge sa o @a4en.s righ / dee' dr2nk/ &2 he ook no no e of her. Arya leaned close and whis'ered/ :Chiswyck/: righ in @a4en.s ear. The *ora hi ga0e no sign ha he had heard. 3hen her flagon was e-' y/ Arya h2rried down o he cellars o refill i fro- he cask/ and 42ickly re 2rned o her 'o2ring. 5o one had died of hirs while she was gone/ nor e0en no ed her &rief a&sence. 5o hing ha''ened he ne9 day/ nor he day af er/ &2 on he hird day Arya wen o he ki chens wi h 3eese o fe ch heir dinner. :)ne of he Mo2n ain.s -en fell off a wallwalk las nigh and &roke his fool neck/: she heard 3eese ell a cook. :1r2nk8: he wo-an asked. :5o -ore.n 2s2al. !o-e are saying i was 6arren.s ghos fl2ng hidown.: 6e snor ed o show wha he ho2gh of s2ch no ions. I wasn. 6arren/ Arya wan ed o say/ i was -e. !he had killed Chiswyck wi h a whis'er/ and she wo2ld kill wo -ore &efore she was hro2gh. I.- he ghos in 6arrenhal/ she ho2gh . And ha nigh / here was one less na-e o ha e. C6A(T,R "1 CAT,*=5 The -ee ing 'lace was a grassy sward do ed wi h 'ale grey -2shroo-s and he raw s 2-'s of felled rees. :3e are he firs / -y lady/: 6allis Mollen said as hey reined 2' a-ids he s 2-'s/ alone &e ween he ar-ies. The direwolf &anner of 6o2se ! ark fla''ed and fl2 ered a o' he lance he &ore. Ca elyn co2ld no see he sea fro- here/ &2 she co2ld feel how close i was. The s-ell of sal was hea0y on he wind g2s ing fro- he eas . ! annis Bara heon.s foragers had c2 he rees down for his siege owers and ca a'2l s. Ca elyn wondered how long he gro0e had s ood/ and whe her 5ed had res ed here when he led his hos so2 h o lif he las siege of ! or-.s ,nd. 6e had won a grea 0ic ory ha day/ all he grea er for &eing &loodless.

Gods gran ha I shall do he sa-e/ Ca elyn 'rayed. 6er own liege -en ho2gh she was -ad e0en o co-e. :This is no figh of o2rs/ -y lady/: !er 3endel Manderly had said. :I know he king wo2ld no wish his -o her o '2 herself a risk.: :3e are all a risk/: she old hi-/ 'erha's oo shar'ly. :1o yo2 hink I wish o &e here/ ser8: I &elong a Ri0err2n wi h -y dying fa her/ a 3in erfell wi h -y sons. :Ro&& sen -e so2 h o s'eak for hi-/ and s'eak for hi- I shall.: I wo2ld &e no easy hing o forge a 'eace &e ween hese &ro hers/ Ca elyn knew/ ye for he good of he real-/ i -2s &e ried. Across rain7sodden flelds and s ony ridges/ she co2ld see he grea cas le of ! or-.s ,nd rearing 2' agains he sky/ i s &ack o he 2nseen sea. Benea h ha -ass of 'ale grey s one/ he encircling ar-y of *ord ! annis Bara heon looked as s-all and insignifican as -ice wi h &anners. The songs said ha ! or-.s ,nd had &een raised in ancien days &y 12rran/ he firs ! or- King/ who had won he lo0e of he fair ,lenei/ da2gh er of he sea god and he goddess of he wind. )n he nigh of heir wedding/ ,lenei had yielded her -aidenhood o a -or al.s lo0e and h2s doo-ed herself o a -or al.s dea h/ and her grie0ing 'aren s had 2nleashed heir wra h and sen he winds and wa ers o &a er down 12rran.s hold. 6is friends and &ro hers and wedding g2es s were cr2shed &enea h colla'sing walls or &lown o2 o sea/ &2 ,lenei shel ered 12rran wi hin her ar-s so he ook no har-/ and when he dawn ca-e a las he declared war 2'on he gods and 0owed o re&2ild. Fi0e -ore cas les he &2il / each larger and s ronger han he las / only o see he- s-ashed as2nder when he gale winds ca-e howling 2' !hi'&reaker Bay/ dri0ing grea walls of wa er &efore he-. 6is lords 'leaded wi h hi- o &2ild inland< his 'ries s old hi- he -2s 'laca e he gods &y gi0ing ,lenei &ack o he sea< e0en his s-allfolk &egged hi- o relen . 12rran wo2ld ha0e none of i . A se0en h cas le he raised/ -os -assi0e of all. !o-e said he children of he fores hel'ed hi- &2ild i / sha'ing he s ones wi h -agic< o hers clai-ed ha a s-all &oy old hi- wha he -2s do/ a &oy who wo2ld grow o &e Bran he B2ilder. 5o -a er how he ale was old/ he end was he sa-e. Tho2gh he angry gods hrew s or- af er s or- agains i / he se0en h cas le s ood defian / and 12rran Godsgrief and fair ,lenei dwel here oge her 2n il he end of heir days. Gods do no forge / and s ill he gales ca-e raging 2' he narrow sea. =e ! or-.s ,nd end2red/ hro2gh cen 2ries and ens of cen 2ries/ a cas le like no o her. I s grea c2r ain wall was a h2ndred fee high/ 2n&roken &y arrow sli or 'os ern/ e0erywhere ro2nded/ c2r0ing/ s-oo h/ i s s ones fi so c2nningly oge her ha nowhere was cre0ice nor angle nor ga' &y which he wind -igh en er. Tha wall was said o &e for y fee hick a i s narrowes / and near eigh y on he seaward face/ a do2&le co2rse of s ones wi h an inner core of sand and r2&&le. 3i hin ha -igh y &2lwark/ he ki chens and s a&les and yards shel ered safe fro- wind and wa0e. )f owers/ here was &2 one/ a colossal dr2ower/ windowless where i faced he sea/ so large ha i was granary and &arracks and feas hall and lord.s dwelling all in one/ crowned &y -assi0e &a le-en s ha -ade i look fro- afar like a s'iked fls a o' an 2' hr2s ar-. :My lady/: 6al Mollen called. Two riders had e-erged fro- he idy li le ca-' &enea h he cas le/ and were co-ing oward he- a a slow walk. :Tha will &e King ! annis.: :5o do2& .: Ca elyn wa ched he- co-e. ! annis i -2s &e/ ye ha is no he Bara heon &anner. I was a &righ yellow/ no he rich gold of

Renly.s s andards/ and he de0ice i &ore was red/ ho2gh she co2ld no -ake o2 i s sha'e. Renly wo2ld &e las o arri0e. 6e had old her as -2ch when she se o2 . 6e did no 'ro'ose o -o2n his horse 2n il he saw his &ro her well on his way. The firs o arri0e -2s wai on he o her/ and Renly wo2ld do no wai ing. I is a sor of ga-e kings 'lay/ she old herself. 3ell/ she was no king/ so she need no 'lay i . Ca elyn was 'rac iced a wai ing. As he neared/ she saw ha ! annis wore a crown of red gold wi h 'oin s fashioned in he sha'e of fla-es. 6is &el was s 2dded wi h garne s and yellow o'a>/ and a grea s42are7c2 r2&y was se in he hil of he sword he wore. ) herwise his dress was 'lainB s 2dded lea her ;erkin o0er 42il ed do2&le / worn &oo s/ &reeches of &rown ro2ghs'2n. The de0ice on his s2n7yellow &anner showed a red hear s2rro2nded &y a &la>e of orange fire. The crowned s ag was here/ yes . . . shr2nken and enclosed wi hin he hear . ,0en -ore c2rio2s was his s andard &earer7a wo-an/ gar&ed all in reds/ face shadowed wi hin he dee' hood of her scarle cloak. A red 'ries ess/ Ca elyn ho2gh / wondering. The sec was n2-ero2s and 'owerf2l in he Free Ci ies and he dis an eas / &2 here were few in he !e0en Kingdo-s. :*ady ! ark/: ! annis Bara heon said wi h chill co2r esy as he reined 2'. 6e inclined his head/ &alder han she re-e-&ered. :*ord ! annis/: she re 2rned. Benea h he igh 7 ri--ed &eard his hea0y ;aw clenched hard/ ye he did no hec or her a&o2 i les. For ha she was d2ly gra ef2l. :I had no ho2gh o find yo2 a ! or-.s ,nd.: :I had no ho2gh o &e here.: 6is dee'se eyes regarded her 2nco-for a&ly. This was no a -an -ade for easy co2r esies. :I a- sorry for yo2r lord.s dea h/: he said/ : ho2gh ,ddard ! ark was no friend o -e.: :6e was ne0er yo2r ene-y/ -y lord. 3hen he *ords Tyrell and Redwyne held yo2 'risoned in ha cas le/ s ar0ing/ i was ,ddard ! ark who &roke he siege.: :A -y &ro her.s co--and/ no for lo0e of -e/: ! annis answered. :*ord ,ddard did his d2 y/ I will no deny i . 1id I e0er do less8 I sho2ld ha0e &een Ro&er .s 6and.: :Tha was yo2r &ro her.s will. 5ed ne0er wan ed i .: :=e he ook i . Tha which sho2ld ha0e &een -ine. ! ill/ I gi0e yo2 -y word/ yo2 shall ha0e ;2s ice for his -2rder.: 6ow hey lo0ed o 'ro-ise heads/ hese -en who wo2ld &e king. :=o2r &ro her 'ro-ised -e he sa-e. B2 if r2 h &e old/ I wo2ld sooner ha0e -y da2gh ers &ack/ and lea0e ;2s ice o he gods. Cersei s ill holds -y !ansa/ and of Arya here has &een no word since he day of Ro&er .s dea h.: :If yo2r children are fo2nd when I ake he ci y/ hey shall &e sen o yo2.: Ali0e or dead/ his one i-'lied. :And when shall ha &e/ *ord ! annis8 King.s *anding is close o yo2r 1ragons one/ &2 I find yo2 here ins ead.: :=o2 are frank/ *ady ! ark. Very well/ I.ll answer yo2 frankly. To ake he ci y/ I need he 'ower of hese so2 hron lords I see across he field. My &ro her has he-. I -2s needs ake he- fro- hi-.: :Men gi0e heir allegiance where hey will/ -y lord. These lords swore feal y o Ro&er and 6o2se Bara heon. If yo2 and yo2r &ro her were o '2 aside yo2r 42arrel7: :I ha0e no 42arrel wi h Renly/ sho2ld he 'ro0e d2 if2l. I a- his elder/ and his king. I wan only wha is -ine &y righ s. Renly owes -e loyal y and o&edience. I -ean o ha0e i . Fro- hi-/ and fro- hese o her

lords.: ! annis s 2died her face. :And wha ca2se &rings yo2 o his field/ -y lady8 6as 6o2se ! ark cas i s lo wi h -y &ro her/ is ha he way of i 8: This one will ne0er &end/ she ho2gh / ye she -2s ry none heless. Too -2ch was a s ake. :My son reigns as King in he 5or h/ &y he will of o2r lords and 'eo'le. 6e &ends he knee o no -an/ &2 holds o2 he hand of friendshi' o all.: :Kings ha0e no friends/: ! annis said &l2n ly/ :only s2&;ec s and ene-ies.: :And &ro hers/: a cheerf2l 0oice called o2 &ehind her. Ca elyn glanced o0er her sho2lder as *ord Renly.s 'alfrey 'icked her way hro2gh he s 2-'s. The yo2nger Bara heon was s'lendid in his green 0el0e do2&le and sa in cloak ri--ed in 0air. The crown of golden roses girded his e-'les/ ;ade s ag.s head rising o0er his forehead/ long &lack hair s'illing o2 &enea h. ;agged ch2nks of &lack dia-ond s 2dded his sword&el / and a chain of gold and e-eralds loo'ed aro2nd his neck. Renly had chosen a wo-an o carry his &anner as well/ ho2gh Brienne hid face and for- &ehind 'la e ar-or ha ga0e no hin of her se9. A o' her wel0e7foo lance/ he crowned s ag 'ranced &lack7on7gold as he wind off he sea ri''led he clo h. 6is &ro her.s gree ing was c2r . :*ord Renly.: :King Renly. Can ha r2ly &e yo2/ ! annis8: ! annis frowned. :3ho else sho2ld i &e8: Renly ga0e an easy shr2g. :3hen I saw ha s andard/ I co2ld no &e cer ain. 3hose &anner do yo2 &ear8: :Mine own.: The red7clad 'ries ess s'oke 2'. :The king has aken for his sigil he fiery hear of he *ord of *igh .: Renly see-ed a-2sed &y ha . :All for he good. If we &o h 2se he sa-e &anner/ he &a le will &e erri&ly conf2sed.: Ca elyn said/ :*e 2s ho'e here will &e no &a le. 3e hree share a co--on foe who wo2ld des roy 2s all.: ! annis s 2died her/ 2ns-iling. :The Iron Throne is -ine &y righ s. All hose who deny ha are -y foes.: :The whole of he real- denies i / &ro her/: said Renly. :)ld -en deny i wi h heir dea h ra le/ and 2n&orn children deny i in heir -o hers.wo-&s. They deny i in 1orne and hey deny i on he 3all. 5o one wan s yo2 for heir king. !orry.: ! annis clenched his ;aw/ his face a2 . :I swore I wo2ld ne0er rea wi h yo2 while yo2 wore yo2r rai or.s crown. 3o2ld ha I had ke' o ha 0ow.: :This is folly/: Ca elyn said shar'ly. :*ord Tywin si s a 6arrenhal wi h wen y ho2sand swords. The re-nan s of he Kingslayer.s ar-y ha0e regro2'ed a he Golden Too h/ ano her *annis er hos ga hers &enea h he shadow of Cas erly Rock/ and Cersei and her son hold King.s *anding and yo2r 'recio2s Iron Throne. =o2 each na-e yo2rself king/ ye he kingdo- &leeds/ and no one lif s a sword o defend i &2 -y son.: Renly shr2gged. :=o2r son has won a few &a les. I shall win he war. The *annis ers can wai -y 'leas2re.: :If yo2 ha0e 'ro'osals o -ake/ -ake he-/: ! annis said &r2s42ely/ :or I will &e gone.: :Very well/: said Renly. :I 'ro'ose ha yo2 dis-o2n / &end yo2r knee/ and swear -e yo2r allegiance.: ! annis choked &ack rage. :Tha yo2 shall ne0er ha0e.: :=o2 ser0ed Ro&er / why no -e8: :Ro&er was -y elder &ro her. =o2 are he yo2nger.: :=o2nger/ &older/ and far -ore co-ely . . .:

:. . . and a hief and a 2s2r'er &esides.: Renly shr2gged. :The Targaryens called Ro&er 2s2r'er. 6e see-ed o &e a&le o &ear he sha-e. !o shall I.7 This will no do. :*is en o yo2rsel0es? If yo2 were sons of -ine/ I wo2ld &ang yo2r heads oge her and lock yo2 in a &edcha-&er 2n il yo2 re-e-&ered ha yo2 were &ro hers.: ! annis frowned a her. :=o2 'res2-e oo -2ch/ *ady ! ark. I a- he righ f2l king/ and yo2r son no less a rai or han -y &ro her here. 6is day will co-e as well.: The naked hrea fanned her f2ry. :=o2 are 0ery free o na-e o hers rai or and 2s2r'er/ -y lord/ ye how are yo2 any differen 8 =o2 say yo2 alone are he righ f2l king/ ye i see-s o -e ha Ro&er had wo sons. By all he laws of he !e0en Kingdo-s/ (rince @offrey is his righ f2l heir/ and Torn-en af er hi- . . . and we are all rai ors/ howe0er good o2r reasons.: Renly la2ghed. :=o2 -2s forgi0e *ady Ca elyn/ ! annis. !he.s co-e all he way down fro- Ri0err2n/ a long way ahorse. I fear she ne0er saw yo2r li le le er.: :@offrey is no -y &ro her.s seed/: ! annis said &l2n ly. :5or is To--en. They are &as ards. The girl as well. All hree of hea&o-ina ions &orn of inces .: 3o2ld e0en Cersei &e so -ad8 Ca elyn was s'eechless. :Isn. ha a swee s ory/ -y lady8: Renly asked. :I was ca-'ed a 6orn 6ill when *ord Tarly recei0ed his le er/ and I -2s say/ i ook -y &rea h away.: 6e s-iled a his &ro her. :I had ne0er s2s'ec ed yo2 were so cle0er/ ! annis. 3ere i only r2e/ yo2 wo2ld indeed &e Ro&er .s heir.: :3ere i r2e8 1o yo2 na-e -e a liar8: :Can yo2 'ro0e any word of his fa&le8: ! annis gro2nd his ee h. Ro&er co2ld ne0er ha0e known/ Ca elyn ho2gh / or Cersei wo2ld ha0e los her head in an ins an . :*ord ! annis/: she asked/ :if yo2 knew he 42een o &e g2il y of s2ch -ons ro2s cri-es/ why did yo2 kee' silen 8 : :I did no kee' silen /: ! annis declared. :I &ro2gh -y s2s'icions o @on Arryn.: :Ra her han yo2r own &ro her8: :My &ro her.s regard for -e was ne0er -ore han d2 if2l/: said ! annis. :Fro- -e/ s2ch acc2sa ions wo2ld ha0e see-ed 'ee0ish and selfser0ing/ a -eans of 'lacing -yself firs in he line of s2ccession. I &elie0ed Ro&er wo2ld &e -ore dis'osed o lis en if he charges ca-e fro- *ord Arryn/ who- he lo0ed.: :Ah/: said Renly. :!o we ha0e he word of a dead -an.: :1o yo2 hink he died &y ha''ens ance/ yo2 '2r&lind fool8 Cersei had hi- 'oisoned/ for fear he wo2ld re0eal her. *ord @on had &een ga hering cer ain 'roofs7: :7which do2& less died wi h hi-. 6ow incon0enien .: Ca elyn was re-e-&ering/ fi ing 'ieces oge her. :My sis er *ysa acc2sed he 42een of killing her h2s&and in a le er she sen -e a 3in erfell/: she ad-i ed. :*a er/ in he ,yrie/ she laid he -2rder a he fee of he 42een.s &ro her Tyrion.: ! annis snor ed. :If yo2 s e' in a nes of snakes/ does i -a er which one &i es yo2 firs 8: :All his of snakes and inces is droll/ &2 i changes no hing. =o2 -ay well ha0e he &e er clai-/ ! annis/ &2 I s ill ha0e he larger ar-y.: Renly.s hand slid inside his cloak. ! annis saw/ and reached a once for he hil of his sword/ &2 &efore he co2ld draw s eel his &ro her

'rod2ced . . . a 'each. :3o2ld yo2 like one/ &ro her8: Renly asked/ s-iling. :Fro- 6ighgarden. =o2.0e ne0er as ed any hing so swee / I 'ro-ise yo2.: 6e ook a &i e. ;2ice ran fro- he corner of his -o2 h. :I did no co-e here o ea fr2i .: ! annis was f2-ing. :My lords?: Ca elyn said. :3e o2gh o &e ha--ering o2 he er-s of an alliance/ no rading a2n s.: :A -an sho2ld ne0er ref2se o as e a 'each/: Renly said as he ossed he s one away. :6e -ay ne0er ge he chance again. *ife is shor / ! annis. Re-e-&er wha he ! arks say. 3in er is co-ing.: 6e wi'ed his -o2 h wi h he &ack of his hand. :I did no co-e here o &e hrea ened/ ei her.: :5or were yo2/: Renly sna''ed &ack. :3hen I -ake hrea s/ yo2.ll know i . If r2 h &e old/ I.0e ne0er liked yo2/ ! annis/ &2 yo2 are -y own &lood/ and I ha0e no wish o slay yo2. !o if i is ! or-.s ,nd yo2 wan / ake i . . . as a &ro her.s gif . As Ro&er once ga0e i o -e/ I gi0e i o =)+.: :I is no yo2rs o gi0e. I is -ine &y righ s.: !ighing/ Renly half 2rned in he saddle. :3ha a- I o do wi h his &ro her of -ine/ Brienne8 6e ref2ses -y 'each/ he ref2ses -y cas le/ he e0en sh2nned -y wedding . . .: :3e &o h know yo2r wedding was a -2--er.s farce. A year ago yo2 were sche-ing o -ake he girl one of Ro&er .s whores.: :A year ago I was sche-ing o -ake he girl Ro&er .s 42een/: Renly said/ :&2 wha does i -a er8 The &oar go Ro&er and I go Margaery. =o2.ll &e 'leased o know she ca-e o -e a -aid.: :In yo2r &ed she.s like o die ha way.: :0h/ I e9'ec I.ll ge a son on her wi hin he year. (ray/ how -any sons do yo2 ha0e/ ! annis8 )h/ yes7none.: Renly s-iled innocen ly. :As o yo2r da2gh er/ I 2nders and. If -y wife looked like yo2rs/ Id send -y fool o ser0ice her as well.: :,no2gh?: ! annis roared. :I will no &e -ocked o -y face/ do yo2 hear -e8 I will no ?: 6e yanked his longsword fro- i s sca&&ard. The s eel glea-ed s rangely &righ in he wan s2nligh / now red/ now yellow/ now &la>ing whi e. The air aro2nd i see-ed o shi--er/ as if fro- hea . Ca elyn.s horse whinnied and &acked away a s e'/ &2 Brienne -o0ed &e ween he &ro hers/ her own &lade in hand. :(2 2' yo2r s eel?: she sho2 ed a ! annis. Cersei *annis er is la2ghing herself &rea hless/ Ca elyn ho2gh wearily. ! annis 'oin ed his shining sword a his &ro her. :I a- no wi ho2 -ercy/: h2ndered he who was no orio2sly wi ho2 -ercy. :5or do I wish o s2lly *igh &ringer wi h a &ro her.s &lood. For he sake of he -o her who &ore 2s &o h/ I will gi0e yo2 his nigh o re hink yo2r folly/ Renly. ! rike yo2r &anners and co-e o -e &efore dawn/ and I will gran yo2 ! or-.s ,nd and yo2r old sea on he co2ncil and e0en na-e yo2 -y heir 2n il a son is &orn o -e. ) herwise/ I shall des roy yo2.: Renly la2ghed. :! annis/ ha .s a 0ery 're y sword/ I.ll gran yo2/ &2 I hink he glow off i has r2ined yo2r eyes. *ook across he fields/ &ro her. Can yo2 see all hose &anners8: :1o yo2 hink a few &ol s of clo h will -ake yo2 king8: :Tyrell swords will -ake -e king. Rowan and Tarly and Caron will -ake -e king/ wi h a9e and -ace and warha--er. Tar h arrows and (enrose lances/ Fossoway/ C2y/ M2llendore/ ,s er-on / !el-y/ 6igh ower/ )akhear / Crane/ Caswell/ Black&ar/ Morrigen/ Bees&2ry/ !her-er/ 12nn/ Foo ly . . . e0en 6o2se Floren / yo2r own wife.s &ro hers and 2ncles/ hey will -ake -e king. All he chi0alry of he so2 h rides wi h -e/

and ha is he leas 'ar of -y 'ower. My foo is co-ing &ehind/ a h2ndred ho2sand swords and s'ears and 'ikes. And yo2 will des roy -e8 3i h wha / 'ray8 Tha 'al ry ra&&le I see here h2ddled 2nder he cas le walls8 I.ll call he- fi0e ho2sand and &e genero2s/ codfish lords and onion knigh s and sellswords. 6alf of he- are like o co-e o0er o -e &efore he &a le s ar s. =o2 ha0e fewer han fo2r h2ndred horse/ -y sco2 s ell -e7freeriders in &oiled lea her who will no s and an ins an agains ar-ored lances. I do no care how seasoned a warrior yo2 hink yo2 are/ ! annis/ ha hos of yo2rs won. s2r0i0e he firs charge of -y 0ang2ard.: :3e shall see/ &ro her.: !o-e of he ligh see-ed o go o2 of he world when ! annis slid his sword &ack in o i s sca&&ard. :Co-e he dawn/ we shall see.: :I ho'e yo2r new god.s a -ercif2l one/ &ro her.: ! annis snor ed and gallo'ed away/ disdainf2l. The red 'ries ess lingered a -o-en &ehind. :*ook o yo2r own sins/ *ord Renly/: she said as she wheeled her horse aro2nd. Ca elyn and *ord Renly re 2rned oge her o he ca-' where his ho2sands and her few wai ed heir re 2rn. :Tha was a-2sing/ if no erri&ly 'rofi a&le/: he co--en ed. :I wonder where I can ge a sword like ha 8 3ell/ do2& less *oras will -ake -e a gif of i af er he &a le. i grie0es -e ha i -2s co-e o his.: :=o2 ha0e a cheerf2l way of grie0ing/: said Ca elyn/ whose dis ress was no feigned. :1o I8: Renly shr2gged. :!o &e i . ! annis was ne0er he -os cherished of &ro hers/ I confess. 1o yo2 s2''ose his ale of his is r2e8 If @offrey is he Kingslayer.s ge 7: :7yo2r &ro her is he lawf2l heir.: :3hile he li0es/: Renly ad-i ed. :Tho2gh i .s a fool.s law/ wo2ldn. yo2 agree8 3hy he oldes son/ and no he &es 7fi ed8 The crown will s2i -e/ as i ne0er s2i ed Ro&er and wo2ld no s2i ! annis. I ha0e i in -e o &e a grea king/ s rong ye genero2s/ cle0er/ ;2s / diligen / loyal o -y friends and erri&le o -y ene-ies/ ye ca'a&le of forgi0eness/ 'a ien 7: :7h2-&le8: Ca elyn s2''lied. Renly la2ghed. :=o2 -2s allow a king so-e flaws/ -y lady.: Ca elyn fel 0ery ired. I had all &een for no hing. The Bara heon &ro hers wo2ld drown each o her in &lood while her son faced he *annis ers alone/ and no hing she co2ld say or do wo2ld s o' i . I is 'as i-e I wen &ack o Ri0err2n o close -y fa her.s eyes/ she ho2gh . Tha -2ch a leas I can do. I -ay &e a 'oor en0oy/ &2 I a- a good -o2-er/ gods sa0e -e. Their ca-' was well si ed a o' a low s ony ridge ha ran fro- nor h o so2 h. I was far -ore orderly han he s'rawling enca-'-en on he Mander/ ho2gh only a 42ar er as large. 3hen he.d learned of his &ro her.s assa2l on ! or-.s ,nd/ Renly had s'li his forces/ -2ch as Ro&& had done a he Twins. 6is grea -ass of foo he had lef &ehind a Bi er&ridge wi h his yo2ng 42een/ his wagons/ car s/ draf ani-als/ and all his c2-&erso-e siege -achinery/ while Renly hi-self led his knigh s and freeriders in a swif dash eas . 6ow like his &ro her Ro&er he was/ e0en in ha . . . only Ro&er had always had ,ddard ! ark o e-'er his &oldness wi h ca2 ion. 5ed wo2ld s2rely ha0e 're0ailed 2'on Ro&er o &ring 2' his whole force/ o encircle ! annis and &esiege he &esiegers. Tha choice Renly had denied hi-self in his headlong r2sh o co-e o gri's wi h his &ro her. 6e had o2 dis anced his s2''ly lines/ lef food and forage days &ehind wi h all his wagons and -2les and o9en. 6e -2s co-e o &a le soon/ or

s ar0e. Ca elyn sen 6al Mollen o end o heir horses while she acco-'anied Renly &ack o he royal 'a0ilion a he hear of he enca-'-en . Inside he walls of green silk/ his ca' ains and lords &anner-en were wai ing o hear word of he 'arley. :My &ro her has no changed/: heir yo2ng king old he- as Brienne 2nfas ened his cloak and lif ed he goldand7 ;ade crown fro- his &row. :Cas les and co2r esies will no a''ease hi-/ he -2s ha0e &lood. 3ell/ I a- of a -ind o gran his wish.: :=o2r Grace/ I see no need for &a le here/: *ord Ma his Rowan '2 in. :The cas le is s rongly garrisoned and well 'ro0isioned/ !er Cor nay (enrose is a seasoned co--ander/ and he re&2che has no &een &2il ha co2ld &reach he walls of ! or-.s ,nd. *e *ord ! annis ha0e his siege. 6e will find no ;oy in i / and whils he si s cold and h2ngry and 'rofi less/ we will ake King.s *anding.: :And ha0e -en say I feared o face ! annis8: :)nly fools will say ha /: *ord Ma his arg2ed. Renly looked o he o hers. :3ha say yo2 all8: :I say ha ! annis is a danger o yo2/: *ord Randyll Tarly declared. :*ea0e hi- 2n&looded and he will only grow s ronger/ while yo2r own 'ower is di-inished &y &a le. The *annis ers will no &e &ea en in a day. By he i-e yo2 are done wi h he-/ *ord ! annis -ay &e as s rong as yo2 . . . or s ronger.: ) hers chor2sed heir agree-en . The king looked 'leased. :3e shall figh / hen.: I ha0e failed Ro&& as I failed 5ed/ Ca elyn ho2gh . :My lord/: she anno2nced. :If yo2 are se on &a le/ -y '2r'ose here is done. I ask yo2r lea0e o re 2rn o Ri0err2n.: :=o2 do no ha0e i .: Renly sea ed hi-self on a ca-' chair. !he s iffened. :I had ho'ed o hel' yo2 -ake a 'eace/ -y lord. I will no hel' yo2 -ake a war.: Renly ga0e a shr2g. :I daresay we.ll 're0ail wi ho2 yo2r fi0e7 and wen y/ -y lady. I do no -ean for yo2 o ake 'ar in he &a le/ only o wa ch i .: :I was a he 3his'ering 3ood/ -y lord. I ha0e seen eno2gh &2 chery. I ca-e here an en0oy7: :And an en0oy yo2 shall lea0e/: Renly said/ :&2 wiser han yo2 ca-e. =o2 shall see wha &efalls re&els wi h yo2r own eyes/ so yo2r son can hear i fro- yo2r own li's. 3e.ll kee' yo2 safe/ ne0er fear.: 6e 2rned away o -ake his dis'osi ions. :*ord Ma his/ yo2 shall lead he cen er of -y -ain &a le. Bryce/ yo2.ll ha0e he lef . The righ is -ine. *ord ,s er-on / yo2 shall co--and he reser0e.: :I shall no fail yo2/ =o2r Grace/: *ord ,s er-on re'lied. *ord Ma his Rowan s'oke 2'. :3ho shall ha0e he 0an8: :=o2r Grace/: said !er @on Fossoway/ :I &eg he honor.: :Beg all yo2 like/: said !er G2yard he Green/ :&y righ s i sho2ld &e one of he se0en who s rikes he firs &low.: :I akes -ore han a 're y cloak o charge a shield wall/: Randyll Tarly anno2nced. :I was leading Mace Tyrell.s 0an when yo2 were s ill s2cking on yo2r -o her.s ea / G2yard.: A cla-or filled he 'a0ilion/ as o her -en lo2dly se for h heir clai-s. The knigh s of s2--er/ Ca elyn ho2gh . Renly raised a hand. :,no2gh/ -y lords. If I had a do>en 0ans/ all of yo2 sho2ld ha0e one/ &2 he grea es glory &y righ s &elongs o he grea es knigh . !er *oras shall s rike he firs &low.: :3i h a glad hear / =o2r Grace.: The Knigh of Flowers knel &efore he king. :Gran -e yo2r &lessing/ and a knigh o ride &eside -e wi h yo2r &anner. *e he s ag and rose go o &a le side &y side.:

Renly glanced a&o2 hi-. :Brienne.: :=o2r Grace8: !he was s ill ar-ored in her &l2e s eel/ ho2gh she had aken off her hel-. The crowded en was ho / and swea 'las ered li-' yellow hair o her &road/ ho-ely face. :My 'lace is a yo2r side. I ayo2r sworn shield . . .: :)ne of se0en/: he king re-inded her. :5e0er fear/ fo2r of yo2r fellows will &e wi h -e in he figh .: Brienne dro''ed o her knees. :If I -2s 'ar fro- =o2r Grace/ gran -e he honor of ar-ing yo2 for &a le.: Ca elyn heard so-eone snigger &ehind her. !he lo0es hi-/ 'oor hing/ she ho2gh sadly. !he.d 'lay his s42ire ;2s o o2ch hi-/ and ne0er care how grea a fool hey hink her. :Gran ed/: Renly said. :5ow lea0e -e/ all of yo2. ,0en kings -2s res &efore a &a le.: :My lord/: Ca elyn said/ : here was a s-all se' in he las 0illage we 'assed. If yo2 will no 'er-i -e o de'ar for Ri0err2n/ gran -e lea0e o go here and 'ray.: :As yo2 will. !er Ro&ar/ gi0e *ady ! ark safe escor o his se' . . . &2 see ha she re 2rns o 2s &y dawn.: :=o2 -igh do well o 'ray yo2rself/: Ca elyn added. :For 0ic ory8: :For wisdo-.: Renly la2ghed. :*oras/ s ay and hel' -e 'ray. I .s &een so long I.0e 42i e forgo en how. As o he res of yo2/ I wan e0ery -an in 'lace &y firs ligh / ar-ed/ ar-ored/ and horsed. 3e shall gi0e ! annis a dawn he will no soon forge .: 12sk was falling when Ca elyn lef he 'a0ilion. !er Ro&ar Royce fell in &eside her. !he knew hi- sligh ly7one of Bron>e =ohn.s sons/ co-ely in a ro2gh7hewn way/ a o2rney warrior of so-e renown. Renly had gif ed hi- wi h a rain&ow cloak and a s2i of &lood red ar-or/ and na-ed hione of his se0en. :=o2 are a long way fro- he Vale/ ser/: she old hi-. :And yo2 far fro- 3in erfell/ -y lady.: :I know wha &ro2gh -e here/ &2 why ha0e yo2 co-e8 This is no yo2r &a le/ no -ore han i is -ine.: :I -ade i -y &a le when I -ade Renly -y king.: :The Royces are &anner-en o 6o2se Arryn.: :My lord fa her owes *ady *ysa feal y/ as does his heir. A second son -2s find glory where he can.: !er Ro&ar shr2gged. :A -an grows weary of o2rneys.: 6e co2ld no &e older han one7and7 wen y/ Ca elyn ho2gh / of an age wi h his king . . . &2 her king/ her Ro&&/ had -ore wisdo- a fif een han his yo2 h had e0er learned. )r so she 'rayed. In Ca elyn.s s-all corner of he ca-'/ !hadd was slicing carro s in o a ke le/ 6al Mollen was dicing wi h hree of his 3in erfell -en/ and *2cas Blackwood sa shar'ening his dagger. :*ady ! ark/: *2cas said when he saw her/ :Mollen says i is o &e &a le a dawn.: :6al has he r2 h of i /: she answered. And a loose ong2e as well/ i wo2ld see-. :1o we figh or flee8: :3e 'ray/ *2cas/: she answered hi-. :3e 'ray.: C6A(T,R "% !A5!A The longer yo2 kee' hi- wai ing/ Clegane warned her. he worse i will go for yo2/: !andor

!ansa ried o h2rry/ &2 her fingers f2-&led a &2 ons and kno s. The 6o2nd was always ro2gh7 ong2ed/ &2 so-e hing in he way he had looked a her filled her wi h dread. 6ad @offrey fo2nd o2 a&o2 her -ee ings wi h !er 1on os8 (lease no/ she ho2gh as she &r2shed o2 her hair. !er 1on os was her only ho'e. I ha0e o look 're y/ foff likes -e o look 're y/ he.s always liked -e in his gown/ his color. !he s-oo hed he clo h down. The fa&ric was igh across her ches . 3hen she e-erged/ !ansa walked on he 6o2nd.s lef / away fro- he &2rned side of his face. :Tell -e wha I.0e done.: :5o yo2. =o2r kingly &ro her.: :Ro&&.s a rai or.: !ansa knew he words &y ro e. :I had no 'ar in wha e0er he did.: Gods &e good/ don. le i &e he Kingslayer. If Ro&& had har-ed @ai-e *ar-is er/ i wo2ld -ean her life. !he ho2gh of !er Ilyn/ and how hose erri&le 'ale eyes s aring 'i ilessly o2 of ha ga2n 'ock-arked face. The 6o2nd snor ed. :They rained yo2 well/ li le &ird.: 6e cond2c ed her o he lower &ailey/ where a crowd had ga hered aro2nd he archery &2 s. Men -o0ed aside o le he- hro2gh. !he co2ld hear *ord Gyles co2ghing. *oi ering s a&lehands eyed her insolen ly/ &2 !er 6oras Redwyne a0er ed his ga>e as she 'assed/ and his &ro her 6o&&er 're ended no o see her. A yellow ca was dying on he gro2nd/ -ewling 'i eo2sly/ a cross&ow 42arrel hro2gh i s ri&s. !ansa s e''ed aro2nd i / feeling ill. !er 1on os a''roached on his &roo-s ick horse< since he.d &een oo dr2nk o -o2n his des rier a he o2rney/ he king had decreed ha hencefor h he -2s always go horsed. :Be &ra0e/: he whis'ered/ s42ee>ing her ar-. @offrey s ood in he cen er of he hrong/ winding an orna e cross&ow. !er Boros and !er Meryn were wi h hi-. The sigh of he- was eno2gh o ie her insides in kno s. :=o2r Grace.: !he fell o her knees. :Kneeling won. sa0e yo2 now/: he king said. :! and 2'. here o answer for yo2r &ro her.s la es reasons.: :=o2r Grace/ wha e0er -y rai or &ro her has done/ I had no 'ar . =o2 know ha / I &eg yo2/ 'lease7: :Ge her 2'?: The 6o2nd '2lled her o her fee / no 2ngen ly. :!er *ancel/: @off said/ : ell her of his o2 rage.: !ansa had always ho2gh *ancel *annis er co-ely and well s'oken/ &2 here was nei her 'i y nor kindness in he look he ga0e her. :+sing so-e 0ile sorcery/ yo2r &ro her fell 2'on !er ! afford *annis er wi h an ar-y of wargs/ no hree days ride fro- *annis'or . Tho2sands of good -en were &2 chered as hey sle' / wi ho2 he chance o lif sword. Af er he sla2gh er/ he nor h-en feas ed on he flesh of he slain.: 6orror coiled cold hands aro2nd !ansa.s hroa . :=o2 ha0e no hing o say8: asked @offrey. :=o2r Grace/ he 'oor child is shocked wi less/: -2r-2red !er 1on os. :!ilence/ fool.: @offrey lif ed his cross&ow and 'oin ed i a her face. :=o2 ! arks are as 2nna 2ral as hose wol0es of yo2rs. I.0e no forgo en how yo2r -ons er sa0aged -e.: :Tha was Arya.s wolf/: she said. :*ady ne0er h2r yo2/ &2 yo2 killed her anyway.: :5o/ yo2r fa her did/: @off said/ :&2 I killed yo2r fa her. I wish I.d done i -yself. I killed a -an las nigh who was &igger han yo2r fa her. They ca-e o he ga e sho2 ing -y na-e and calling for &read like I was so-e &aker/ &2 I a2gh he- &e er. I sho he lo2des one

righ hro2gh he hroa .: :And he died8: 3i h he 2gly iron head of he 42arrel s aring her in he face/ i was hard o hink wha else o say. :)f co2rse he died/ he had -y 42arrel in his hroa . There was a wo-an hrowing rocks/ I go her as well/ &2 only in he ar-.: Frowning/ he lowered he cross&ow. :I.d shoo yo2 oo/ &2 if I do Mo her says hey.d kill -y 2ncle @ai-e. Ins ead yo2.ll ;2s &e '2nished and we.ll send word o yo2r &ro her a&o2 wha will ha''en o yo2 if he doesn. yield. 1og/ hi her.: :*e -e &ea her?: !er 1on os sho0ed forward/ in ar-or cla ering. 6e was ar-ed wi h a :-ornings ar: whose head was a -elon. My Florian. !he co2ld ha0e kissed hi-/ &lo chy skin and &roken 0eins and all. 6e ro ed his &roo-s ick aro2nd her/ sho2 ing :Trai or/ rai or: and whacking her o0er he head wi h he -elon. !ansa co0ered herself wi h her hands/ s aggering e0ery i-e he fr2i 'o2nded her/ her hair s icky &y he second &low. (eo'le were la2ghing. The -elon flew o 'ieces. *a2gh/ @offrey/ she 'rayed as he ;2ice ran down her face and he fron of her &l2e silk gown. *a2gh and &e sa isfied. @offrey did no so -2ch as snigger. :Boros. Meryn.: !er Meryn Tran sei>ed 1on os &y he ar- and fl2ng hi- &r2s42ely away. The red7faced fool wen s'rawling/ &roo-s ick/ -elon/ and all. !er Boros sei>ed !ansa. :*ea0e her face/: @offrey co--anded. :I like her 're y.: Boros sla--ed a fis in o !ansa.s &elly/ dri0ing he air o2 of her. 3hen she do2&led o0er/ he knigh gra&&ed her hair and drew his sword/ and for one hideo2s ins an she was cer ain he -ean o o'en her hroa . As he laid he fla of he &lade across her highs/ she ho2gh her legs -igh &reak fro- he force of he &low. !ansa screa-ed. Tears welled in her eyes. I will &e o0er soon. !he soon los co2n of he &lows. :,no2gh/: she heard he 6o2nd ras'. :5o i isn. /: he king re'lied. :Boros/ -ake her naked.: Boros sho0ed a -ea y hand down he fron of !ansa.s &odice and ga0e a hard yank. The silk ca-e earing away/ &aring her o he wais . !ansa co0ered her &reas s wi h her hands. !he co2ld hear sniggers/ far off and cr2el. :Bea her &loody/: @offrey said/ :we.ll see how her &ro her fancies7: :3ha is he -eaning of his8: The I-'.s 0oice cracked like a whi'/ and s2ddenly !ansa was free. !he s 2-&led o her knees/ ar-s crossed o0er her ches / her &rea h ragged. :Is his yo2r no ion of chi0alry/ !er Boros8: Tyrion *annis er de-anded angrily. 6is 'e sellsword s ood wi h hi-/ and one of his wildlings/ he one wi h he &2rned eye. :3ha sor of knigh &ea s hel'less -aids8: :The sor who ser0es his king/ I-'.: !er Boros raised his sword/ and !er Meryn s e''ed 2' &eside hi-/ his &lade scra'ing clear of i s sca&&ard. :Caref2l wi h hose/: warned he dwarf.s sellsword. :=o2 don. wan o ge &lood all o0er hose 're y whi e cloaks.: :!o-eone gi0e he girl so-e hing o co0er herself wi h/: he I-' said. !andor Clegane 2nfas ened his cloak and ossed i a her. !ansa cl2 ched i agains her ches / fis s &2nched hard in he whi e wool. The coarse wea0e was scra chy agains her skin/ &2 no 0el0e had e0er fel so fine. :This girl.s o &e yo2r 42een/: he I-' old @offrey. :6a0e yo2 no regard for her honor8: :I.- '2nishing her.:

:For wha cri-e8 !he did no figh her &ro her.s &a le.: :!he has he &lood of a wolf.: :And yo2 ha0e he wi s of a goose.: :=o2 can. alk o -e ha way. The king can do as he likes.: :Aerys Targaryen did as he liked. 6as yo2r -o her e0er old yo2 wha ha''ened o hi-8: !er Boros Blo2n harr2-'hed. :5o -an hrea ens 6is Grace in he 'resence of he Kingsg2ard.: Tyrion *annis er raised an eye&row. :I a- no hrea ening he king/ ser/ I a- ed2ca ing -y ne'hew. Bronn/ Ti-e / he ne9 i-e !er Boros o'ens his -o2 h/ kill hi-.: The dwarf s-iled. :5ow ha was a hrea / ser. !ee he difference8: !er Boros 2rned a dark shade of red. :The 42een will hear of his?: :5o do2& she will. And why wai 8 @offrey/ shall we send for yo2r -o her8 : The king fl2shed. :5o hing o say/ =o2r Grace8: his 2ncle wen on. :Good. *earn o 2se yo2r ears -ore and yo2r -o2 h less/ or yo2r reign will &e shor er han I a-. 3an on &r2 ali y is no way o win yo2r 'eo'le.s lo0e . . . or yo2r 42een.s.: :Fear is &e er han lo0e/ Mo her says.: @offrey 'oin ed a !ansa. :!he fears -e.: The I-' sighed. :=es/ I see. A 'i y ! annis and Renly aren. wel0eyear7old girls as well. Bronn/ Ti-e / &ring her.: !ansa -o0ed as if in a drea-. !he ho2gh he I-'.s -en wo2ld ake her &ack o her &edcha-&er in Maegor.s 6oldfas / &2 ins ead hey cond2c ed her o he Tower of he 6and. !he had no se foo inside ha 'lace since he day her fa her fell fro- grace/ and i -ade her feel fain o cli-& hose s e's again. !o-e ser0ing girls ook charge of her/ -o2 hing -eaningless co-for s o s o' her shaking. )ne s ri''ed off he r2ins of her gown and s-allclo hes/ and ano her &a hed her and washed he s icky ;2ice froher face and her hair. As hey scr2&&ed her down wi h soa' and sl2iced war- wa er o0er her head/ all she co2ld see were he faces fro- he &ailey. Knigh s are sworn o defend he weak/ 'ro ec wo-en/ and figh for he righ / &2 none of he- did a hing. )nly !er 1on os had ried o hel'/ and he was no longer a knigh / no -ore han he I-' was/ nor he 6o2nd . . . he 6o2nd ha ed knigh s . . . I ha e he- oo/ !ansa ho2gh . They are no r2e knigh s/ no one of he-. Af er she was clean/ 'l2-' ginger7headed Maes er Frenken ca-e o see her. 6e &id her lie facedown on he -a ress while he s'read a sal0e across he angry red wel s ha co0ered he &acks of her legs. Af erward he -i9ed her a dra2gh of drea-wine/ wi h so-e honey so i -igh go down easier. :!lee' a &i / child. 3hen yo2 wake/ all his will see- a &ad drea-.: 5o i won. / yo2 s 2'id -an/ !ansa ho2gh / &2 she drank he drearnwine anyway/ and sle' . I was dark when she woke again/ no 42i e knowing where she was/ he roo- &o h s range and s rangely fa-iliar. As she rose/ a s a& of 'ain wen hro2gh her legs and &ro2gh i all &ack. Tears filled her eyes. !o-eone had laid o2 a ro&e for her &eside he &ed. !ansa sli''ed i on and o'ened he door. )2 side s ood a hard7faced wo-an wi h lea hery &rown skin/ hree necklaces loo'ed a&o2 her scrawny neck. )ne was gold and one was sil0er and one was -ade of h2-an ears. :3here does she hink she.s going8: he wo-an asked/ leaning on a all s'ear. :The godswood.7 !he had o find !er 1on os/ &eg hi- o ake her ho-e

now &efore i was oo la e. :The half-an said no o lea0e/: he wo-an said. :(ray here/ he gods will hear.: Meekly/ !ansa dro''ed her eyes and re rea ed &ack inside. !he reali>ed s2ddenly why his 'lace see-ed so fa-iliar. They.0e '2 -e in Arya.s old &edcha-&er/ fro- when Fa her was he 6and of he King. All her hings are gone and he f2rnishings ha0e &een -o0ed aro2nd/ &2 i .s he sa-e . . . A shor i-e la er/ a ser0ing girl &ro2gh a 'la er of cheese and &read and oli0es/ wi h a flagon of cold wa er. :Take i away/: !ansa co--anded/ &2 he girl lef he food on a a&le. !he was hirs y/ she reali>ed. ,0ery s e' sen kni0es hro2gh her highs/ &2 she -ade herself cross he roo-. !he drank wo c2's of wa er/ and was ni&&ling on an oli0e when he knock ca-e. An9io2sly/ she 2rned oward he door/ s-oo hed down he folds of her ro&e. :=es8: The door o'ened/ and Tyrion *annis er s e''ed inside. :My lady. I r2s I a- no dis 2r&ing yo28: :A- I yo2r 'risoner8: :My g2es .: 6e was wearing his chain of office/ a necklace of linked golden hands. :I ho2gh we -igh alk.: :As -y lord co--ands.: !ansa fo2nd i hard no o s are< his face was so 2gly i held a 42eer fascina ion for her. :The food and gar-en s are o yo2r sa isfac ion8: he asked. :If here is any hing else yo2 need/ yo2 ha0e only o ask.: :=o2 are -os kind. And his -orning . . . i was 0ery good of yo2 o hel' -e.: :=o2 ha0e a righ o know why @offrey was so wro h. !i9 nigh s gone/ yo2r &ro her fell 2'on -y 2ncle ! afford/ enca-'ed wi h his hos a a 0illage called )9cross no hree days ride fro- Cas erly Rock. =o2r nor herners won a cr2shing 0ic ory. 3e recei0ed word only his -orning.: Ro&& will kill yo2 all/ she ho2gh / e92l ing. :I .s . . . erri&le/ -y lord. My &ro her is a 0ile rai or.: The dwarf s-iled wanly. :3ell/ he.s no fawn/ he.s -ade ha clear eno2gh.: :!er *ancel said Ro&& led an ar-y of wargs The I-' ga0e a disdainf2l &ark of la2gh er. :!er *ancel.s a wineskin warrior who wo2ldn. know a warg fro- a war . =o2r &ro her had his direwolf wi h hi-/ &2 I s2s'ec ha .s as far as i wen . The nor h-en cre' in o -y 2ncle.s ca-' and c2 his horse lines/ and *ord ! ark sen his wolf a-ong he-. ,0en war7 rained des riers wen -ad. Knigh s were ra-'led o dea h in heir 'a0ilions/ and he ra&&le woke in error and fled/ cas ing aside heir wea'ons o r2n he fas er. !er ! afford was slain as he chased af er a horse. *ord Rickard Kars ark dro0e a lance hro2gh his ches . !er R2&er Bra9 is also dead/ along wi h !er *y-ond Vikary/ *ord Crakehall/ and *ord ;as . 6alf a h2ndred -ore ha0e &een aken ca' i0e/ incl2ding ;as .s sons and -y ne'hew Mar yn *annis er. Those who s2r0i0ed are s'reading wild ales and swearing ha he old gods of he nor h -arch wi h yo2r &ro her.: :Then . . . here was no sorcery8: *annis er snor ed. :!orcery is he sa2ce fools s'oon o0er fail2re o hide he fla0or of heir own inco-'e ence. My -2 on7headed 2ncle had no e0en ro2&led o 'os sen ries/ i wo2ld see-. 6is hos was raw7 a''ren ice &oys/ -iners/ fieldhands/ fisherfolk/ he swee'ings of *annis'or . The only -ys ery is how yo2r &ro her reached hi-. )2r forces s ill hold he s ronghold a he Golden Too h/ and hey swear he did no 'ass.: The dwarf ga0e an irri a ed shr2g. :3ell/ Ro&& ! ark is

-y fa her.s &ane. @offrey is -ine. Tell -e/ wha do yo2 feel for -y kingly ne'hew8: :I lo0e hi- wi h all -y hear /: !ansa said a once. :Tr2ly8: 6e did no so2nd con0inced. :,0en now8: :My lo0e for 6is Grace is grea er han i has e0er &een.: The I-' la2ghed alo2d. :3ell/ so-eone has a2gh yo2 o lie well. =o2 -ay &e gra ef2l for ha one day/ child. =o2 are a child s ill/ are yo2 no 8 )r ha0e yo2 flowered8: !ansa &l2shed. I was a r2de 42es ion/ &2 he sha-e of &eing s ri''ed &efore half he cas le -ade i see- like no hing. :5o/ -y lord.: :Tha .s all o he good. If i gi0es yo2 any solace/ I do no in end ha yo2 e0er wed @offrey. 5o -arriage will reconcile ! ark and *annis er af er all ha has ha''ened/ I fear. More.s he 'i y. The -a ch was one of King Ro&er .s &e er no ions/ if @offrey hadn. -2cked i 2'.: !he knew she o2gh o say so-e hing/ &2 he words ca2gh in her hroa . :=o2 grow 0ery 42ie /: Tyrion *annis er o&ser0ed. :Is his wha yo2 wan 8 An end o yo2r &e ro hal8: :I . . .: !ansa did no know wha o say. Is i a rick8 3ill he '2nish -e if I ell he r2 h8 !he s ared a he dwarf.s &r2 al &2lging &row/ he hard &lack eye and he shrewd green one/ he crooked ee h and wiry &eard. :I only wan o &e loyal.: :*oyal/: he dwarf -2sed/ :and far fro- any *annis ers. I can scarce &la-e yo2 for ha . 3hen I was yo2r age/ I wan ed he sa-e hing.: 6e s-iled. :They ell -e yo2 0isi he godswood e0ery day. 3ha do yo2 'ray for/ !ansa8: I 'ray for Ro&&.s 0ic ory and foffrey.s dea h . . . and for ho-e. For 3in erfell. :I 'ray for an end o he figh ing.: :3e.ll ha0e ha soon eno2gh. There will &e ano her &a le/ &e ween yo2r &ro her Ro&& and -y lord fa her/ and ha will se le he iss2e.: Ro&& will &ea hi-/ !ansa ho2gh . 6e &ea yo2r 2ncle and yo2r &ro her fai-e/ he.ll &ea yo2r fa her oo. I was as if her face were an o'en &ook/ so easily did he dwarf read her ho'es. :1o no ake )9cross oo -2ch o hear / -y lady/: he old her/ no 2nkindly. :A &a le is no a war/ and -y lord fa her is ass2redly no -y 2ncle ! afford. The ne9 i-e yo2 0isi he godswood/ 'ray ha yo2r &ro her has he wisdo- o &end he knee. )nce he nor h re 2rns o he king.s 'eace/ I -ean o send yo2 ho-e.: 6e ho''ed down off he window sea and said/ :=o2 -ay slee' here onigh . I.ll gi0e yo2 so-e of -y own -en as a g2ard/ so-e ! one Crows 'erha's7: :5o/: !ansa &l2r ed o2 / aghas . If she was locked in he Tower of he 6and/ g2arded &y he dwarf.s -en/ how wo2ld !er 1on os e0er s'iri her away o freedo-8 :3o2ld yo2 'refer Black ,ars8 I.ll gi0e yo2 Chella if a wo-an wo2ld -ake yo2 -ore a ease.: :(lease/ no/ -y lord/ he wildlings frigh en -e.: 6e grinned. :Me as well. B2 -ore o he 'oin / hey frigh en @offrey and ha nes of sly 0i'ers and licks'i le dogs he calls a Kingsg2ard. 3i h Chella or Ti-e &y yo2r side/ no one wo2ld dare offer yo2 har-.: :I wo2ld sooner re 2rn o -y own &ed.: A lie ca-e o her s2ddenly/ &2 i see-ed so righ ha she &l2r ed i o2 a once. :This ower was where -y fa her.s -en were slain. Their ghos s wo2ld gi0e -e erri&le drea-s/ and I wo2ld see heir &lood where0er I looked.: Tyrion *annis er s 2died her face. :I a- no s ranger o nigh -ares/ !ansa. (erha's yo2 are wiser han I knew. (er-i -e a leas o escor yo2 safely &ack o yo2r own cha-&ers.:

C6A(T,R "" CAT,*=5 I was f2ll dark &efore hey fo2nd he 0illage. Ca elyn fo2nd herself wondering if he 'lace had a na-e. if so/ i s 'eo'le had aken ha knowledge wi h he- when hey fled/ along wi h all hey owned/ down o he candles in he se' . !er 3endel li a orch and led her hro2gh he low door. 3i hin/ he se0en walls were cracked and crooked. God is one/ !e' on )s-ynd had a2gh her when she was a girl/ wi h se0en as'ec s/ as he se' is a single &2ilding/ wi h se0en walls. The weal hy se' s of he ci ies had s a 2es of he !e0en and an al ar o each. In 3in erfell/ !e' on Chayle h2ng car0ed -asks fro- each wall. 6ere Ca elyn fo2nd only ro2gh charcoal drawings. !er 3endel se he orch in a sconce near he door/ and lef o wai o2 side wi h Ro&ar Royce. Ca elyn s 2died he faces. The Fa her was &earded/ as e0er. The Mo her s-iled/ lo0ing and 'ro ec i0e. The 3arrior had his sword ske ched in &enea h his face/ he !-i h his ha--er. The Maid was &ea2 if2l/ he Crone wi>ened and wise. And he se0en h face . . . he ! ranger was nei her -ale nor fe-ale/ ye &o h/ e0er he o2 cas / he wanderer fro- far 'laces/ less and -ore han h2-an/ 2nknown and 2nknowa&le. 6ere he face was a &lack o0al/ a shadow wi h s ars for eyes. I -ade Ca elyn 2neasy. !he wo2ld ge scan co-for here. !he knel &efore he Mo her. :My lady/ look down on his &a le wi h a -o her.s eyes. They are all sons/ e0ery one. !'are he- if yo2 can/ and s'are -y own sons as well. 3a ch o0er Ro&& and Bran and Rickon. 3o2ld ha I were wi h he-.: A crack ran down hro2gh he Mo her.s lef eye. i -ade her look as if she were crying. Ca elyn co2ld hear !er 3endel.s &oo-ing 0oice/ and now and again !er Ro&ar.s 42ie answers/ as hey alked of he co-ing &a le. ) herwise he nigh was s ill. 5o e0en a cricke co2ld &e heard/ and he gods ke' heir silence. 1id yo2r old gods e0er answer yo2/ 5ed8 she wondered. 3hen yo2 knel &efore yo2r hear ree/ did hey hear yo28 Flickering orchligh danced across he walls/ -aking he faces seehalf 7ali0e/ wis ing he-/ changing he-. The s a 2es in he grea se' s of he ci ies wore he faces he s one-asons had gi0en he-/ &2 hese charcoal scra chings were so cr2de hey -igh &e anyone. The Fa her.s face -ade her hink of her own fa her/ dying in his &ed a Ri0err2n. The 3arrior was Renly and ! annis/ Ro&& and Ro&er / @ai-e *annis er and @on !now. !he e0en gli-'sed Arya in hose lines/ ;2s for an ins an . Then a g2s of wind hro2gh he door -ade he orch s'2 er/ and he se-&lance was gone/ washed away in orange glare. The s-oke was -aking her eyes &2rn. !he r2&&ed a he- wi h he heels of her scarred hands. 3hen she looked 2' a he Mo her again/ i was her own -o her she saw. *ady Minisa T2lly had died in child&ed/ rying o gi0e *ord 6os er a second son. The &a&y had 'erished wi h her/ and af erward so-e of he life had gone o2 of Fa her. !he was always so cal-/ Ca elyn ho2gh / re-e-&ering her -o her.s sof hands/ her wars-ile. lf she had li0ed/ how differen o2r li0es -igh ha0e &een. !he wondered wha *ady Minisa wo2ld -ake of her eldes da2gh er/ kneeling here &efore her. I ha0e co-e so -any ho2sands of leag2es/ and for wha 8 3ho ha0e I ser0ed8 I ha0e los -y da2gh ers/ Ro&& does no wan -e/ and Bran and Rickon -2s s2rely hink -e a cold and 2nna 2ral

-o her. I was no e0en wi h 5ed when he died . . . 6er head swa-/ and he se' see-ed o -o0e aro2nd her. The shadows swayed and shif ed/ f2r i0e ani-als racing across he cracked whi e walls. Ca elyn had no ea en oday. (erha's ha had &een 2nwise. !he old herself ha here had &een no i-e/ &2 he r2 h was ha food had los i s sa0or in a world wi ho2 5ed. 3hen hey ook his head off/ hey killed -e oo. Behind her he orch s'i / and s2ddenly i see-ed o her ha i was her sis er.s face on he wall/ ho2gh he eyes were harder han she recalled/ no *ysa.s eyes &2 Cersei.s. Cersei is a -o her oo. 5o -a er who fa hered hose children/ she fel he- kick inside her/ &ro2gh he- for h wi h her 'ain and &lood/ n2rsed he- a her &reas . lf hey are r2ly fai-e.s . . . :1oes Cersei 'ray o yo2 oo/ -y lady8: Ca elyn asked he Mo her. !he co2ld see he 'ro2d/ cold/ lo0ely fea 2res of he *annis er 42een e ched 2'on he wall. The crack was s ill here< e0en Cersei co2ld wee' for her children. :,ach of he !e0en e-&odies all of he !e0en/: !e' on )s-ynd had old her once. There was as -2ch &ea2 y in he Crone as in he Maiden/ and he Mo her co2ld &e fiercer han he 3arrior when her children were in danger. =es . . . !he had seen eno2gh of Ro&er Bara heon a 3in erfell o know ha he king did no regard @offrey wi h any grea war- h. If he &oy was r2ly @ai-e.s seed/ Ro&er wo2ld ha0e '2 hi- o dea h along wi h his -o her/ and few wo2ld ha0e conde-ned hi-. Bas ards were co--on eno2gh/ &2 inces was a -ons ro2s sin o &o h old gods and new/ and he children of s2ch wickedness were na-ed a&o-ina ions in se' and godswood alike. The dragon kings had wed &ro her o sis er/ &2 hey were he &lood of old Valyria where s2ch 'rac ices had &een co--on/ and like heir dragons he Targaryens answered o nei her gods nor -en. 5ed -2s ha0e known/ and *ord Arryn &efore hi-. !-all wonder ha he 42een had killed he- &o h. 3o2ld I do any less for -y own8 Ca elyn clenched her hands/ feeling he igh ness in her scarred fingers where he assassin.s s eel had c2 o he &one as she fo2gh o sa0e her son. :Bran knows oo/: she whis'ered/ lowering her head. Gods &e good/ he -2s ha0e seen so-e hing/ heard so-e hing/ ha was why hey ried o kill hi- in his &ed. *os and weary/ Ca elyn ! ark ga0e herself o0er o her gods. !he knel &efore he !-i h/ who fi9ed hings ha were &roken/ and asked ha he gi0e her swee Bran his 'ro ec ion. !he wen o he Maid and &eseeched her o lend her co2rage o Arya and !ansa/ o g2ard he- in heir innocence. To he Fa her/ she 'rayed for ;2s ice/ he s reng h o seek i and he wisdo- o know i / and she asked he 3arrior o kee' Ro&& s rong and shield hi- in his &a les. *as ly she 2rned o he Crone/ whose s a 2es of en showed her wi h a la-' in one hand. :G2ide -e/ wise lady/: she 'rayed. :!how -e he 'a h I -2s walk/ and do no le -e s 2-&le in he dark 'laces ha lie ahead.: Finally here were foo s e's &ehind her/ and a noise a he door. :My lady/: !er Ro&ar said gen ly/ :'ardon/ &2 o2r i-e is a an end. 3e -2s &e &ack &efore he dawn &reaks.: Ca elyn rose s iffly. 6er knees ached/ and she wo2ld ha0e gi0en -2ch for a fea her&ed and a 'illow ;2s hen. :Thank yo2/ ser. I a- ready.: They rode in silence hro2gh s'arse woodland where he rees leaned dr2nkenly away fro- he sea. The ner0o2s whinny of horses and he clank of s eel g2ided he- &ack o Renly.s ca-'. The long ranks of -an and horse were ar-ored in darkness/ as &lack as if he !-i h had ha--ered nigh i self in o s eel. There were &anners o her righ / &anners o her lef / and rank on rank of &anners &efore her/ &2 in he 'redawn

gloo-/ nei her colors nor sigils co2ld &e discerned. A grey ar-y/ Ca elyn ho2gh . Grey -en on grey horses &enea h grey &anners. As hey sa heir horses wai ing/ Renly.s shadow knigh s 'oin ed heir lances 2'ward/ so she rode hro2gh a fores of all naked rees/ &eref of lea0es and life. 3here ! or-.s ,nd s ood was only a dee'er darkness/ a wall of &lack hro2gh which no s ars co2ld shine/ &2 she co2ld see orches -o0ing across he fields where *ord ! annis had -ade his ca-'. The candles wi hin Renly.s 'a0ilion -ade he shi--ering silken walls see- o glow/ ransfor-ing he grea en in o a -agical cas le ali0e wi h e-erald ligh . Two of he Rain&ow G2ard s ood sen ry a he door o he royal 'a0ilion. The green ligh shone s rangely agains he '2r'le 'l2-s of !er (ar-en.s s2rcoa / and ga0e a sickly h2e o he s2nflowers ha co0ered e0ery inch of !er ,--on.s ena-eled yellow 'la e. *ong silken 'l2-es flew fro- heir hel-s/ and rain&ow cloaks dra'ed heir sho2lders. 3i hin/ Ca elyn fo2nd Brienne ar-oring he king for &a le while he *ords Tarly and Rowan s'oke of dis'osi ions and ac ics. i was 'leasan ly war- inside/ he hea shi--ering off he coals in a do>en s-all iron &ra>iers. :I -2s s'eak wi h yo2/ =o2r Grace/: she said/ gran ing hi- a king.s s yle for once/ any hing o -ake hi- heed her. :In a -o-en / *ady Ca elyn/: Renly re'lied. Brienne fi &ack'la e o &reas 'la e o0er his 42il ed 2nic. The king.s ar-or was a dee' green/ he green of lea0es in a s2--er wood/ so dark i drank he candleligh . Gold highligh s glea-ed fro- inlay and fas enings like dis an fires in ha wood/ winking e0ery i-e he -o0ed. :(ray con in2e/ *ord Ma his.: :=o2r Grace/: Ma his Rowan said wi h a sideways glance a Ca elyn. :As I was saying/ o2r &a les are well drawn 2'. 3hy wai for day&reak8 !o2nd he ad0ance.: :And ha0e i said ha I won &y reachery/ wi h an 2nchi0alro2s a ack8 1awn was he chosen ho2r.: :Chosen &y ! annis/: Randyll Tarly 'oin ed o2 . :6e.d ha0e 2s charge in o he ee h of he rising s2n. 3e.ll &e half7&lind.: :)nly 2n il firs shock/: Renly said confiden ly. :!er *oras will &reak he-/ and af er ha i will &e chaos.: Brienne igh ened green lea her s ra's and &2ckled golden &2ckles. :3hen -y &ro her falls/ see ha no ins2l is done o his cor'se. 6e is -y own &lood/ I will no ha0e his head 'araded a&o2 on a s'ear.: :And if he yields8: *ord Tarly asked. :=ields8: *ord Rowan la2ghed. :3hen Mace Tyrell laid siege o ! or-.s ,nd/ ! annis a e ra s ra her han o'en his ga es.: :3ell I re-e-&er.: Renly lif ed his chin o allow Brienne o fas en his gorge in 'lace. :5ear he end/ !er Gawen 3ylde and hree of his knigh s ried o s eal o2 a 'os ern ga e o s2rrender. ! annis ca2gh he- and ordered he- fl2ng fro- he walls wi h ca a'2l s. I can s ill see Gawen.s face as hey s ra''ed hi- down. 6e had &een o2r -as er7a 7ar-s.: *ord Rowan a''eared '2>>led. :5o -en were h2rled fro- he walls. I wo2ld s2rely re-e-&er ha .: :Maes er Cressen old ! annis ha we -igh &e forced o ea o2r dead/ and here was no gain in flinging away good -ea .: Renly '2shed &ack his hair. Brienne &o2nd i wi h a 0el0e ie and '2lled a 'added ca' down o0er his ears/ o c2shion he weigh of his hel-. :Thanks o he )nion Knigh we were ne0er red2ced o dining on cor'ses/ &2 i was a close hing. Too close for !er Gawen/ who died in his cell.: :=o2r Grace.: Ca elyn had wai ed 'a ien ly/ &2 i-e grew shor . :=o2 'ro-ised -e a word.: Renly nodded. :!ee o yo2r &a les/ -y lords . . . oh/ and if Barris an !el-y is a -y &ro her.s side/ I wan hi- s'ared.:

:There.s &een no word of !er Barris an since @offrey cas hi- o2 /: *ord Rowan o&;ec ed. :I know ha old -an. 6e needs a king o g2ard/ or who is he8 =e he ne0er ca-e o -e/ and *ady Ca elyn says he is no wi h Ro&& ! ark a Ri0err2n. 3here else &2 wi h ! annis8: :As yo2 say/ =o2r Grace. 5o har- will co-e o hi-.: The lords &owed dee'ly and de'ar ed. :!ay yo2r say/ *ady ! ark/: Renly said. Brienne swe' his cloak o0er his &road sho2lders. I was clo h7of 7gold/ hea0y/ wi h he crowned s ag of Bara heon 'icked o2 in flakes of ;e . :The *annis ers ried o kill -y son Bran. A ho2sand i-es I ha0e asked -yself why. =o2r &ro her ga0e -e -y answer. There was a h2n he day he fell. Ro&er and 5ed and -os of he o her -en rode o2 af er &oar/ &2 @ai-e *annis er re-ained a 3in erfell/ as did he 42een.: Renly was no slow o ake he i-'lica ion. :!o yo2 &elie0e he &oy ca2gh he- a heir inces . . .: :I &eg yo2/ -y lord/ gran -e lea0e o go o yo2r &ro her ! annis and ell hi- wha I s2s'ec .: :To wha end8: :Ro&& will se aside his crown if yo2 and yo2r &ro her will do he sa-e/: she said/ ho'ing i was r2e. !he wo2ld -ake i r2e if she -2s < Ro&& wo2ld lis en o her/ e0en if his lords wo2ld no . :*e he hree of yo2 call for a Grea Co2ncil/ s2ch as he real- has no seen for a h2ndred years. 3e will send o 3in erfell/ so Bran -ay ell his ale and all -en -ay know he *annis ers for he r2e 2s2r'ers. *e he asse-&led lords of he !e0en Kingdo-s choose who shall r2le he-.: Renly la2ghed. :Tell -e/ -y lady/ do direwol0es 0o e on who sho2ld lead he 'ack8: Brienne &ro2gh he king.s ga2n le s and grea hel-/ crowned wi h golden an lers ha wo2ld add a foo and a half o his heigh . :The i-e for alk is done. 5ow we see who is s ronger.: Renly '2lled a lo&s ered green7and7gold ga2n le o0er his lef hand/ while Brienne knel o &2ckle on his &el / hea0y wi h he weigh of longsword and dagger. :I &eg yo2 in he na-e of he Mo her/: Ca elyn &egan when a s2dden g2s of wind fl2ng o'en he door of he en . !he ho2gh she gli-'sed -o0e-en / &2 when she 2rned her head/ i was only he king.s shadow shif ing agains he silken walls. !he heard Renly &egin a ;es / his shadow -o0ing/ lif ing i s sword/ &lack on green/ candles g2 ering/ shi0ering/ so-e hing was 42eer/ wrong/ and hen she saw Renly.s sword s ill in i s sca&&ard/ shea hed s ill/ &2 he shadowsword . . . :Cold/: said Renly in a s-all '2>>led 0oice/ a hear &ea &efore he s eel of his gorge 'ar ed like cheeseclo h &enea h he shadow of a &lade ha was no here. 6e had i-e o -ake a s-all hick gas' &efore he &lood ca-e g2shing o2 of his hroa . :=o2r Gr7no?: cried Brienne he Bl2e when she saw ha e0il flow/ so2nding as scared as any li le girl. The king s 2-&led in o her ar-s/ a shee of &lood cree'ing down he fron of his ar-or/ a dark red ide ha drowned his green and gold. More candles g2 ered o2 . Renly ried o s'eak/ &2 he was choking on his own &lood. 6is legs colla'sed/ and only Brienne.s s reng h held hi- 2'. !he hrew &ack her head and screa-ed/ wordless in her ang2ish. The shadow !o-e hing dark and e0il had ha''ened here/ she knew/ so-e hing ha she co2ld no &egin o 2nders and. Renly ne0er cas ha shadow 1ea h ca-e in ha door and &lew he life o2 of hi- as swif as he wind sn2ffed o2 his candles. )nly a few ins an s 'assed &efore Ro&ar Royce and ,--on C2y ca-e &2rs ing in/ ho2gh i fel like half he nigh . A 'air of -en7a 7ar-s

crowded in &ehind wi h orches. 3hen hey saw Renly in Brienne.s ar-s/ and her drenched wi h he king.s &lood/ !er Ro&ar ga0e a cry of horror. :3icked wo-an?: screa-ed !er ,--on/ he of he s2nflowered s eel. :Away fro- hi-/ yo2 0ile crea 2re?: :Gods &e good/ Brienne/ why8: asked !er Ro&ar. Brienne looked 2' fro- her king.s &ody. The rain&ow cloak ha h2ng fro- her sho2lders had 2rned red where he king.s &lood had soaked in o he clo h. :I . . . I . . .: :=o2.ll die for his.: !er ,--on sna ched 2' a long7handled &a lea9e fro- he wea'ons 'iled near he door. :=o2.ll 'ay for he king.s life wi h yo2r own?: :5)?: Ca elyn ! ark screa-ed/ finding her 0oice a las / &2 i was oo la e/ he &lood -adness was on he-/ and hey r2shed forward wi h sho2 s ha drowned her sof er words. Brienne -o0ed fas er han Ca elyn wo2ld ha0e &elie0ed. 6er own sword was no o hand/ so she sna ched Renly.s fro- i s sca&&ard and raised i o ca ch ,--on.s a9e on he downswing. A s'ark flashed &l2ewhi e as s eel -e s eel wi h a rending crash/ and Brienne s'rang o her fee / he &ody of he dead king hr2s r2dely aside. !er ,--on s 2-&led o0er i as he ried o close/ and Brienne.s &lade sheared hro2gh he wooden haf o send his a9ehead s'inning. Ano her -an hr2s a fla-ing orch a her &ack/ &2 he rain&ow cloak was oo sodden wi h &lood o &2rn. Brienne s'2n and c2 / and orch and hand wen flying. Fla-es cre' across he car'e . The -ai-ed -an &egan o screa-. !er ,--on dro''ed he a9e and f2-&led for his sword. The second -an7a 7ar-s l2nged/ Brienne 'arried/ and heir swords danced and clanged agains each o her. 3hen ,--on C2y ca-e wading &ack in/ Brienne was forced o re rea / ye so-ehow she held he- &o h a &ay. )n he gro2nd/ Renly.s head rolled sickeningly o one side/ and a second -o2 h yawned wide/ he &lood co-ing fro- hi- now in slow '2lses. !er Ro&ar had h2ng &ack/ 2ncer ain/ &2 now he was reaching for his hil . :Ro&ar/ no/ lis en.: Ca elyn sei>ed his ar-. :=o2 do her wrong/ i was no her. 6el' her? 6ear -e/ i was ! annis.: The na-e was on her li's &efore she co2ld hink how i go here/ &2 as she said i / she knew ha i was r2e. :I swear i / yo2 know -e/ i was ! annis killed hi-.: The yo2ng rain&ow knigh s ared a his -adwo-an wi h 'ale and frigh ened eyes. :! annis8 6ow8: :I do no know. !orcery/ so-e dark -agic/ here was a shadow/ a shadow: 6er own 0oice so2nded wild and cra>ed o her/ &2 he words 'o2red o2 in a r2sh as he &lades con in2ed o clash &ehind her. :A shadow wi h a sword/ I swear i / I saw. Are yo2 &lind/ he girl lo0ed hi-? 6el' her?: !he glanced &ack/ saw he second g2ards-an fall/ his &lade dro''ing fro- li-' fingers. )2 side here was sho2 ing. More angry -en wo2ld &e &2rs ing in on he- any ins an / she knew. :!he is innocen / Ro&ar. =o2 ha0e -y word/ on -y h2s&and.s gra0e and -y honor as a ! ark? : Tha resol0ed hi-. :I will hold he-/: !er Ro&ar said. :Ge her away.: 6e 2rned and wen o2 . The fire had reached he wall and was cree'ing 2' he side of he en . !er ,--on was 'ressing Brienne hard/ hi- in his ena-eled yellow s eel and her in wool. 6e had forgo en Ca elyn/ 2n il he iron &ra>ier ca-e crashing in o he &ack of his head. 6el-ed as he was/ he &low did no las ing har-/ &2 i sen hi- o his knees. :Brienne/ wi h -e/: Ca elyn co--anded. The girl was no slow o see he chance. A slash/ and he green silk 'ar ed. They s e''ed o2 in o darkness and he chill of dawn. *o2d 0oices ca-e fro- he o her side of he 'a0ilion. :This way/: Ca 7

elyn 2rged/ :and slowly. 3e -2s no r2n/ or hey will ask why. 3alk easy/ as if no hing were a-iss.: Brienne hr2s her sword &lade hro2gh her &el and fell in &eside Ca elyn. The nigh air s-elled of rain. Behind he-/ he king.s 'a0ilion was well a&la>e/ fla-es rising high agains he dark. 5o one -ade any -o0e o s o' he-. Men r2shed 'as he-/ sho2 ing of fire and -2rder and sorcery. ) hers s ood in s-all gro2's and s'oke in low 0oices. A few were 'raying/ and one yo2ng s42ire was on his knees/ so&&ing o'enly. Renly.s &a les were already co-ing a'ar as he r2-ors s'read fro-o2 h o -o2 h. The nigh fires had &2rned low/ and as he eas &egan o ligh en he i--ense -ass of ! or-.s ,nd e-erged like a drea- of s one while wis's of 'ale -is raced across he field/ flying fro- he s2n on wings of wind. Morning ghos s/ she had heard )ld 5an call he- once/ s'iri s re 2rning o heir gra0es. And Renly one of he- now/ gone like his &ro her Ro&er / like her own dear 5ed. :I ne0er held hi- &2 as he died/: Brienne said 42ie ly as hey walked hro2gh he s'reading chaos. 6er 0oice so2nded as if she -igh &reak a any ins an . :6e was la2ghing one -o-en / and s2ddenly he &lood was e0erywhere . . . -y lady/ I do no 2nders and. 1id yo2 see/ did yo2 . . . 8: :I saw a shadow. I ho2gh i was Renly.s shadow a he firs / &2 i was his &ro her.s.: :*ord ! annis8: :I fel hi-. I -akes no sense/ I know I -ade sense eno2gh for Brienne. :I will kill hi-/: he all ho-ely girl declared. :3i h -y lord.s own sword/ I will kill hi-. I swear i . I swear i . I swear i .: 6al Mollen and he res of her escor were wai ing wi h he horses. !er 3endel Manderly was all in a la her o know wha was ha''ening. :My lady/ he ca-' has gone -ad/: he &l2r ed when he saw he-. :*ord Renly/ is he7: 6e s o''ed s2ddenly/ s aring a Brienne and he &lood ha drenched her. :1ead/ &2 no &y o2r hands.: :The &a le7: 6al Mollen &egan. :There will &e no &a le.: Ca elyn -o2n ed/ and her escor for-ed 2' a&o2 her/ wi h !er 3endel o her lef and !er (erwyn Frey on her righ . :Brienne/ we &ro2gh -o2n s eno2gh for wice o2r n2-&er. Choose one/ and co-e wi h 2s.: :I ha0e -y own horse/ -y lady. And -y ar-or7: :*ea0e he-. 3e -2s &e well away &efore hey hink o look for 2s. 3e were &o h wi h he king when he was killed. Tha will no &e forgo en.: 3ordless/ Brienne 2rned and did as she was &id. :Ride/: Ca elyn co--anded her escor when hey were all ahorse. :If any -an ries o s o' 2s/ c2 hi- down.: As he long fingers of dawn fanned across he fields/ color was re 2rning o he world. 3here grey -en had sa grey horses ar-ed wi h shadow s'ears/ he 'oin s of en ho2sand lances now glin ed sil0erly cold/ and on he -yriad fla''ing &anners Ca elyn saw he &l2sh of red and 'ink and orange/ he richness of &l2es and &rowns/ he &la>e of gold and yellow. All he 'ower of ! or-.s ,nd and 6ighgarden/ he 'ower ha had &een Renly.s an ho2r ago. They &elong o ! annis now/ she reali>ed/ e0en if hey do no know i he-sel0es ye . 3here else are hey o 2rn/ if no o he las Bara heon8 ! annis has won all wi h a single e0il s roke. I a- he righ f2l king/ he had declared/ his ;aw clenched hard as iron/

and yo2r son no less a rai or as well. A chill wen hro2gh her. C6A(T,R "D @)5

han -y &ro her here. 6is day will co-e

The hill ;2 ed a&o0e he dense angle of fores / rising soli ary and s2dden/ i s windswe' heigh s 0isi&le fro- -iles off. The wildlings called i he Fis of he Firs Men/ rangers said. I did look like a fis / @on !now ho2gh / '2nching 2' hro2gh ear h and wood/ i s &are &rown slo'es kn2ckled wi h s one. 6e rode o he o' wi h *ord Mor-on and he officers/ lea0ing Ghos &elow 2nder he rees. The direwolf had r2n off hree i-es as hey cli-&ed/ wice re 2rning rel2c an ly o @on.s whis le. The hird i-e/ he *ord Co--ander los 'a ience and sna''ed/ :*e hi- go/ &oy. I wan o reach he cres &efore d2sk. Find he wolf la er.: The way 2' was s ee' and s ony/ he s2--i crowned &y a ches 7high wall of 2-&led rocks. They had o circle so-e dis ance wes &efore hey fo2nd a ga' large eno2gh o ad-i he horses. :This is good gro2nd/ Thoren/: he )ld Bear 'roclai-ed when a las hey a ained he o'. :3e co2ld scarce ho'e for &e er. 3e.ll -ake o2r ca-' here o awai 6alfhand.: The *ord Co--ander sw2ng down off his saddle/ dislodging he ra0en fro- his sho2lder. Co-'laining lo2dly/ he &ird ook o he air. The 0iews a o' he hill were &racing/ ye i was he ringwall ha drew @on.s eye/ he wea hered grey s ones wi h heir whi e 'a ches of lichen/ heir &eards of green -oss. I was said ha he Fis had &een a ringfor of he Firs Men in he 1awn Age. :An old 'lace/ and s rong/: Thoren !-allwood said. :)ld/: Mor-on .s ra0en screa-ed as i fla''ed in noisy circles a&o2 heir heads. :)ld/ old/ old.: :F2ie /: Mor-on growled 2' a he &ird. The )ld Bear was oo 'ro2d o ad-i o weakness/ &2 @on was no decei0ed. The s rain of kee'ing 2' wi h yo2nger -en was aking i s oll. :These heigh s will &e easy o defend/ if need &e/: Thoren 'oin ed o2 as he walked his horse along he ring of s ones/ his sa&le7 ri--ed cloak s irring in he wind. :=es/ his 'lace will do.: The )ld Bear lif ed a hand o he wind/ and ra0en landed on his forear-/ claws scra&&ling agains his &lack ring-ail. :3ha a&o2 wa er/ -y lord8: @on wondered. :3e crossed a &rook a he foo of he hill.: :A long cli-& for a drink/: @on 'oin ed o2 / :and o2 side he ring of s ones.: Thoren said/ :Are yo2 oo la>y o cli-& a hill/ &oy8: 3hen *ord Mor-on said/ no like o find ano her 'lace as s rong. 3e.ll carry wa er/ and -ake cer ain we are well s2''lied/: @on knew &e er han o arg2e. !o he co--and was gi0en/ and he &ro hers of he 5igh .s 3a ch raised heir ca-' &ehind he s one ring he Firs Men had -ade. Black en s s'ro2 ed like -2shroo-s af er a rain/ and &lanke s and &edrolls co0ered he &are gro2nd. ! ewards e hered he garrons in long lines/ and saw he- fed and wa ered. Fores ers ook heir a9es o he rees in he waning af ernoon ligh o har0es eno2gh wood o see he- hro2gh he nigh . A score of &2ilders se o clearing &r2sh/ digging la rines/ and 2n ying heir &2ndles of fire7hardened s akes. :I will ha0e e0ery o'ening in he ringwall di ched and s aked

&efore dark/: he )ld Bear had co--anded. )nce he.d '2 2' he *ord Co--ander.s en and seen o heir horses/ @on !now descended he hill in search of Ghos . The direwolf ca-e a once/ all in silence. )ne -o-en @on was s riding &enea h he rees/ whis ling and sho2 ing/ alone in he green/ 'inecones and fallen lea0es 2nder his fee < he ne9 / he grea whi e direwolf was walking &eside hi-/ 'ale as -orning -is . B2 when hey reached he ringfor / Ghos &alked again. 6e 'added forward warily o sniff a he ga' in he s ones/ and hen re rea ed/ as if he did no like wha he.d s-elled. @on ried o gra& hi- &y he scr2ff of his neck and ha2l hi- &odily inside he ring/ no easy ask< he wolf weighed as -2ch as he did/ and was s ronger &y far. :Ghos / wha .s wrong wi h yo28: I was no like hi- o &e so 2nse led. in he end @on had o gi0e i 2'. :As yo2 will/: he old he wolf. :Go/ h2n .: The red eyes wa ched hi- as he -ade his way &ack hro2gh he -ossy s ones. They o2gh o &e safe here. The hill offered co--anding 0iews/ and he slo'es were 'reci'i o2s o he nor h and wes and only sligh ly -ore gen le o he eas . =e as he d2sk dee'ened and darkness see'ed in o he hollows &e ween he rees/ @on.s sense of fore&oding grew. This is he ha2n ed fores / he old hi-self. May&e here are ghos s here/ he s'iri s of he Firs Men. This was heir 'lace/ once. :! o' ac ing he &oy/: he old hi-self. Cla-&ering a o' he 'iled rocks/ @on ga>ed off oward he se ing s2n. 6e co2ld see he ligh shi--ering like ha--ered gold off he s2rface of he Milkwa er as i c2r0ed away o he so2 h. +'ri0er he land was -ore r2gged/ he dense fores gi0ing way o a series of &are s ony hills ha rose high and wild o he nor h and wes . )n he hori>on s ood he -o2n ains like a grea shadow/ range on range of he- receding in o he &l2e7grey dis ance/ heir ;agged 'eaks shea hed e ernally in snow. ,0en fro- afar hey looked 0as and cold and inhos'i a&le. Closer a hand/ i was he rees ha r2led. To so2 h and eas he wood wen on as far as @on co2ld see/ a 0as angle of roo and li-& 'ain ed in a ho2sand shades of green/ wi h here and here a 'a ch of red where a weirwood sho2ldered hro2gh he 'ines and sen inels/ or a &l2sh of yellow where so-e &roadleafs had &eg2n o 2rn. 3hen he wind &lew/ he co2ld hear he creak and groan of &ranches older han he was. A ho2sand lea0es fl2 ered/ and for a -o-en he fores see-ed a dee' green sea/ s or-7 ossed and hea0ing/ e ernal and 2nknowa&le. Ghos was no like o &e alone down here/ he ho2gh . Any hing co2ld &e -o0ing 2nder ha sea/ cree'ing oward he ringfor hro2gh he dark of he wood/ concealed &enea h hose rees. Any hing. 6ow wo2ld hey e0er know8 6e s ood here for a long i-e/ 2n il he s2n 0anished &ehind he saw7 oo hed -o2n ains and darkness &egan o cree' hro2gh he fores . :@on8: !a-well Tarly called 2'. :I ho2gh i looked like yo2. Are yo2 well8 : :3ell eno2gh.: @on ho''ed down. :6ow did yo2 fare oday8: :3ell. I fared well. Tr2ly.: @on was no a&o2 o share his dis42ie wi h his friend/ no when !a-well Tarly was a las &eginning o find his co2rage. :The )ld Bear -eans o wai here for Fhorin 6alfhand and he -en fro- he !hadow Tower.: :I see-s a s rong 'lace/: said !a-. :A ringfor of he Firs Men. 1o yo2 hink here were &a les fo2gh here8: :5o do2& . =o2.d &es ge a &ird ready. Mor-on will wan o send &ack word.:

:I wish I co2ld send he- all. They ha e &eing caged.: :=o2 wo2ld oo/ if yo2 co2ld fly.: :If I co2ld fly/ I.d &e &ack a Cas le Black ea ing a 'ork 'ie/: said !a-. @on cla''ed hi- on he sho2lder wi h his &2rned hand. They walked &ack hro2gh he ca-' oge her. Cookfires were &eing li all aro2nd he-. )0erhead/ he s ars were co-ing o2 . The long red ail of Mor-on .s Torch &2rned as &righ as he -oon. @on heard he ra0ens &efore he saw he-. !o-e were calling his na-e. The &irds were no shy when i ca-e o -aking noise. They feel i oo. :I.d &es see o he )ld Bear/: he said. :6e ge s noisy when he isn. fed as well.: 6e fo2nd Mor-on alking wi h Thoren !-allwood and half a do>en o her officers. :There yo2 are/: he old -an said gr2ffly. :Bring 2s so-e ho wine/ if yo2 wo2ld. The nigh is chilly.: :=es/ -y lord.: @on &2il a cookfire/ clai-ed a s-all cask of Mor-on .s fa0ori e ro&2s red fro- s ores/ and 'o2red i in o a ke le. 6e h2ng he ke le a&o0e he fla-es while he ga hered he res of his ingredien s. The )ld Bear was 'ar ic2lar a&o2 his ho s'iced wine. !o -2ch cinna-on and so -2ch n2 -eg and so -2ch honey/ no a dro' -ore. Raisins and n2 s and dried &erries/ &2 no le-on/ ha was he rankes sor of so2 hron heresy7which was 42eer/ since he always ook le-on in his -orning &eer. The drink -2s &e ho o war- a -an 'ro'erly/ he *ord Co--ander insis ed/ &2 he wine -2s ne0er &e allowed o co-e o a &oil. @on ke' a caref2l eye on he ke le. As he worked/ he co2ld hear he 0oices fro- inside he en . @ar-an B2ckwell said/ :The easies road 2' in o he Fros fangs is o follow he Milkwa er &ack o i s so2rce. =e if we go ha 'a h/ Rayder will know of o2r a''roach/ cer ain as s2nrise.: :The Gian .s ! air -igh ser0e/: said !er Mallador *ocke/ :or he !kirling (ass/ if i .s clear.: The wine was s ea-ing. @on lif ed he ke le off he fire/ filled eigh c2's/ and carried he- in o he en . The )ld Bear was 'eering a he cr2de -a' !a- had drawn hi- ha nigh &ack in Cras er.s Kee'. 6e ook a c2' fro- @on.s ray/ ried a swallow of wine/ and ga0e a &r2s42e nod of a''ro0al. 6is ra0en ho''ed down his ar-. :Corn/ : i said. :Corn. Corn. : !er ) yn 3y hers wa0ed he wine away. :I wo2ld no go in o he -o2n ains a all/: he said in a hin/ ired 0oice. :The Fros fangs ha0e a cr2el &i e e0en in s2--er/ and now . . . if we sho2ld &e ca2gh &y a s or- . . .: :I do no -ean o risk he Fros fangs 2nless I -2s /: said Mor-on . :3ildlings can no -ore li0e on snow and s one han we can. They will e-erge fro- he heigh s soon/ and for a hos of any si>e/ he only ro2 e is along he Milkwa er. If so/ we are s rongly 'laced here. They canno ho'e o sli' &y 2s.: :They -ay no wish o. They are ho2sands/ and we will &e hree h2ndred when he 6alfhand reaches 2s.: !er Mallador acce' ed a c2' fro@on. :If i co-es o &a le/ we co2ld no ho'e for &e er gro2nd han here/: declared Mor-on . :3e.ll s reng hen he defenses. (i s and s'ikes/ cal ro's sca ered on he slo'es/ e0ery &reach -ended. @ar-an/ I.ll wan yo2r shar'es eyes as wa chers. A ring of he-/ all aro2nd 2s and along he ri0er/ o warn of any a''roach. 6ide he- 2' in rees. And we had &es s ar &ringing 2' wa er oo/ -ore han we need. 3e.ll dig cis erns. i will kee' he -en occ2'ied/ and -ay 'ro0e needf2l la er.: :My rangers7: s ar ed Thoren !-allwood.

:=o2r rangers will li-i heir ranging o his side of he ri0er 2n il he 6alfhand reaches 2s. Af er ha / we.ll see. I will no lose -ore of -y -en.: :Mance Rayder -igh &e -assing his hos a day.s ride fro- here/ and we.d ne0er know/: !-allwood co-'lained. :3e know where he wildlings are -assing/: Mor-on ca-e &ack. :3e had i fro- Cras er. I -islike he -an/ &2 I do no hink he lied o 2s in his.: :As yo2 say.: !-allwood ook a s2llen lea0e. The o hers finished heir wine and followed/ -ore co2r eo2sly. :!hall I &ring yo2 s2''er/ -y lord8: @on asked. :Corn/: he ra0en cried. Mor-on did no answer a once. 3hen he did he said only/ :1id yo2r wolf find ga-e oday8: :6e.s no &ack ye .: :3e co2ld do wi h fresh -ea .: Mor-on d2g in o a sack and offered his ra0en a handf2l of corn. :=o2 hink I.- wrong o kee' he rangers close8 : :Tha .s no for -e o say/ -y lord.: :I is if asked.: :If he rangers -2s s ay in sigh of he Fis / I don. see how hey can ho'e o find -y 2ncle/: @on ad-i ed. :They can. .: The ra0en 'ecked a he kernels in he )ld Bear.s 'al-. :Two h2ndred -en or en ho2sand/ he co2n ry is oo 0as .: The corn gone/ Mor-on 2rned his hand o0er. :=o2 wo2ld no gi0e 2' he search8: :Maes er Ae-on hinks yo2 cle0er.: Mor-on -o0ed he ra0en o his sho2lder. The &ird il ed i s head o one side/ li le eyes a7gli er. The answer was here. :Is i . . . i see-s o -e ha i -igh &e easier for one -an o find wo h2ndred han for wo h2ndred o find one.: The ra0en ga0e a cackling screa-/ &2 he )ld Bear s-iled hro2gh he grey of his &eard. :This -any -en and horses lea0e a rail e0en Ae-on co2ld follow. )n his hill/ o2r fires o2gh o &e 0isi&le as far off as he foo hills of he Fros fangs. If Ben ! ark is ali0e and free/ he will co-e o 2s/ I ha0e no do2& .: :=es/: said @on/ :&2 . . . wha if :. . . he.s dead8: Mor-on asked/ no 2nkindly. @on nodded/ rel2c an ly. :1ead/: he ra0en said. :1ead. 1ead.: :6e -ay co-e o 2s anyway/: he )ld Bear said. :As ) hor did/ and @afer Flowers. I dread ha as -2ch as yo2/ @on/ &2 we -2s ad-i he 'ossi&ili y.: :1ead/: his ra0en cawed/ r2ffling i s wings. I s 0oice grew lo2der and -ore shrill. :1ead.: Mor-on s roked he &ird.s &lack fea hers/ and s ifled a s2dden yawn wi h he &ack of his hand. :I will forsake s2''er/ I &elie0e. Res will ser0e -e &e er. 3ake -e a firs ligh .: :!lee' well/ -y lord.: @on ga hered 2' he e-' y c2's and s e''ed o2 side. 6e heard dis an la2gh er/ he 'lain i0e so2nd of 'i'es. A grea &la>e was crackling in he cen er of he ca-'/ and he co2ld s-ell s ew cooking. The )ld Bear -igh no &e h2ngry/ &2 @on was. 6e drif ed o0er oward he fire. 1ywen was holding for h/ s'oon in hand. :I know his wood as well as any -an ali0e/ and I ell yo2/ I wo2ldn. care o ride hro2gh i alone onigh . Can. yo2 s-ell i 8: Grenn was s aring a hi- wi h wide eyes/ &2 1oloro2s ,dd said/ :All I s-ell is he shi of wo h2ndred horses. And his s ew. 3hich has a

si-ilar aro-a/ now ha I co-e o sniff i .: :I.0e go yo2r si-ilar aro-a righ here.: 6ake 'a ed his dirk. Gr2-&ling/ he filled @on.s &owl fro- he ke le. The s ew was hick wi h &arley/ carro / and onion/ wi h here and here a ragged shred of sal &eef/ sof ened in he cooking. :3ha is i yo2 s-ell/ 1ywen8: asked Grenn. The fores er s2cked on his s'oon a -o-en . 6e had aken o2 his ee h. 6is face was lea hery and wrinkled/ his hands gnarled as old roo s. :!ee-s o -e like i s-ells . . . well . . . cold. : :=o2r head.s as wooden as yo2r ee h/: 6ake old hi-. :There.s no s-ell o cold.: There is/ ho2gh @on/ re-e-&ering he nigh in he *ord Co--ander.s cha-&ers. I s-ells like dea h. !2ddenly he was no h2ngry any-ore. 6e ga0e his s ew o Grenn/ who looked in need of an e9 ra s2''er o warhi- agains he nigh . The wind was &lowing &riskly when he lef . By -orning/ fros wo2ld co0er he gro2nd/ and he en ro'es wo2ld &e s iff and fro>en. A few fingers of s'iced wine sloshed in he &o o- of he ke le. @on fed fresh wood o he fire and '2 he ke le o0er he fla-es o rehea . 6e fle9ed his fingers as he wai ed/ s42ee>ing and s'reading 2n il he hand ingled. The firs wa ch had aken 2' heir s a ions aro2nd he 'eri-e er of he ca-'. Torches flickered all along he ringwall. The nigh was -oonless/ &2 a ho2sand s ars shone o0erhead. A so2nd rose o2 of he darkness/ fain and dis an / &2 2n-is aka&leB he howling of wol0es. Their 0oices rose and fell/ a chilly song/ and lonely. I -ade he hairs rise along he &ack of his neck. Across he fire/ a 'air of red eyes regarded hi- fro- he shadows. The ligh of he fla-es -ade he- glow. :Ghos /: @on &rea hed/ s2r'rised. :!o yo2 ca-e inside af er all/ eh8: The whi e wolf of en h2n ed all nigh < he had no e9'ec ed o see hiagain ill day&reak. :3as he h2n ing so &ad8: he asked. :6ere. To -e/ Ghos .: The direwolf circled he fire/ sniffing @on/ sniffing he wind/ ne0er s ill. I did no see- as if he were af er -ea righ now. 3hen he dead ca-e walking/ Ghos knew 6e woke -e/ warned -e. Alar-ed/ he go o his fee . :is so-e hing o2 here8 Ghos / do yo2 ha0e a scen 8: 1ywen said he s-elled cold. The direwolf lo'ed off/ s o''ed/ looked &ack. 6e wan s -e o follow (2lling 2' he hood of his cloak/ @on walked away fro- he en s/ away fro- he war- h of his fire/ 'as he lines of shaggy li le garrons. )ne of he horses whickered ner0o2sly when Ghos 'added &y. @on soo hed hi- wi h a word and 'a2sed o s roke his -2>>le. 6e co2ld hear he wind whis ling hro2gh cracks in he rocks as hey neared he ringwall. A 0oice called o2 a challenge. @on s e''ed in o he orchligh . :I need o fe ch wa er for he *ord Co--ander.: :Go on/ hen/: he g2ard said. :Be 42ick a&o2 i .: 62ddled &enea h his &lack cloak/ wi h his hood drawn 2' agains he wind/ he -an ne0er e0en looked o see if he had a &2cke . @on sli''ed sideways &e ween wo shar'ened s akes while Ghos slid &enea h he-. A orch had &een hr2s down in o a cre0ice/ i s fla-es flying 'ale orange &anners when he g2s s ca-e. 6e sna ched i 2' as he s42ee>ed hro2gh he ga' &e ween he s ones. Ghos wen racing down he hill. @on followed -ore slowly/ he orch hr2s o2 &efore hi- as he -ade his descen . The ca-' so2nds faded &ehind hi-. The nigh was &lack/ he slo'e s ee'/ s ony/ and 2ne0en. A -o-en .s ina en ion wo2ld &e a s2re way o &reak an ankle . . . or his neck. 3ha a- I doing8 he

asked hi-self as he 'icked his way down. The rees s ood &enea h hi-/ warriors ar-ored in &ark and leaf/ de'loyed in heir silen ranks awai ing he co--and o s or- he hill. Black/ hey see-ed . . . i was only when his orchligh &r2shed agains he- ha @on gli-'sed a flash of green. Fain ly/ he heard he so2nd of wa er flowing o0er rocks. Ghos 0anished in he 2nder&r2sh. @on s r2ggled af er hi-/ lis ening o he call of he &rook/ o he lea0es sighing in he wind. Branches cl2 ched a his cloak/ while o0erhead hick li-&s wined oge her and sh2 o2 he s ars. 6e fo2nd Ghos la''ing fro- he s rea-. :Ghos /: he called/ : o -e. 5ow: 3hen he direwolf raised his head/ his eyes glowed red and &alef2l/ and wa er s rea-ed down fro- his ;aws like sla0er. There was so-e hing fierce and erri&le a&o2 hi- in ha ins an . And hen he was off/ &o2nding 'as @on/ racing hro2gh he rees. :Ghos / no/ s ay/: he sho2 ed/ &2 he wolf 'aid no heed. The lean whi e sha'e was swallowed &y he dark/ and @on had only wo choices7 o cli-& he hill again/ alone/ or o follow. 6e followed/ angry/ holding he orch o2 low so he co2ld see he rocks ha hrea ened o ri' hi- wi h e0ery s e'/ he hick roo s ha see-ed o gra& as his fee / he holes where a -an co2ld wis an ankle. ,0ery few fee he called again for Ghos / &2 he nigh wind was swirling a-ongs he rees and i drank he words. This is -adness/ he ho2gh as he 'l2nged dee'er in o he rees. 6e was a&o2 o 2rn &ack when he gli-'sed a flash of whi e off ahead and o he righ / &ack oward he hill. 6e ;ogged af er i / c2rsing 2nder his &rea h. A 42ar er way aro2nd he Fis he chased he wolf &efore he los hiagain. Finally he s o''ed o ca ch his &rea h a-ids he scr2&/ horns/ and 2-&led rocks a he &ase of he hill. Beyond he orchligh / he dark 'ressed close. A sof scra&&ling noise -ade hi- 2rn. @on -o0ed oward he so2nd/ s e''ing caref2lly a-ong &o2lders and horn&2shes. Behind a fallen ree/ he ca-e on Ghos again. The direwolf was digging f2rio2sly/ kicking 2' dir . :3ha ha0e yo2 fo2nd8: @on lowered he orch/ re0ealing a ro2nded -o2nd of sof ear h. A gra0e/ he ho2gh . B2 whose8 6e knel / ;a--ed he orch in o he gro2nd &eside hi-. The soil was loose/ sandy. @on '2lled i o2 &y he fis f2l. There were no s ones/ no roo s. 3ha e0er was here had &een '2 here recen ly. Two fee down/ his fingers o2ched clo h. 6e had &een e9'ec ing a cor'se/ fearing a cor'se/ &2 his was so-e hing else. 6e '2shed agains he fa&ric and fel s-all/ hard sha'es &enea h/ 2nyielding. There was no s-ell/ no sign of gra0ewor-s. Ghos &acked off and sa on his ha2nches/ wa ching. @on &r2shed he loose soil away o re0eal a ro2nded &2ndle 'erha's wo fee across. 6e ;a--ed his fingers down aro2nd he edges and worked i loose. 3hen he '2lled i free/ wha e0er was inside shif ed and clinked. Treas2re/ he ho2gh / &2 he sha'es were wrong o &e coins/ and he so2nd was wrong for -e al. A leng h of frayed ro'e &o2nd he &2ndle oge her. @on 2nshea hed his dagger and c2 i / gro'ed for he edges of he clo h/ and '2lled. The &2ndle 2rned/ and i s con en s s'illed o2 on o he gro2nd/ gli ering dark and &righ . 6e saw a do>en kni0es/ leaf7sha'ed s'earheads/ n2-ero2s arrowheads. @on 'icked 2' a dagger &lade/ fea herligh and shiny &lack/ hil less. Torchligh ran along i s edge/ a hin orange line ha s'oke of ra>or shar'ness. 1ragonglass. 3ha he -aes ers call o&sidian. 6ad Ghos 2nco0ered so-e ancien cache of he children of he fores / &2ried here for ho2sands of years8 The Fis of he Firs Men

was an old 'lace/ only . . . Benea h he dragonglass was an old warhorn/ -ade fro- an a2roch.s horn and &anded in &ron>e. @on shook he dir fro- inside i / and a s reaof arrowheads fell o2 . 6e le he- fall/ and '2lled 2' a corner of he clo h he wea'ons had &een wra''ed in/ r2&&ing i &e ween his fingers. Good wool/ hick/ a do2&le wea0e/ da-' &2 no ro ed. I co2ld no ha0e &een long in he gro2nd. And i was dark. 6e sei>ed a handf2l and '2lled i close o he orch. 5o dark. Black. ,0en &efore @on s ood and shook i o2 / he knew wha he hadB he &lack cloak of a !worn Bro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch. C6A(T,R "E BRA5 Ale&elly fo2nd hi- in he forge/ working he &ellows for Mikken. :Maes er wan s yo2 in he 2rre / -.lord 'rince. There.s &een a &ird fro- he king.: :Fro- Ro&&8: ,9ci ed/ Bran did no wai for 6odor/ &2 le Ale&elly carry hi- 2' he s e's. 6e was a &ig -an/ ho2gh no so &ig as 6odor and nowhere near as s rong. By he i-e hey reached he -aes er.s 2rre he was red7faced and '2ffing. Rickon was here &efore he-/ and &o h 3alder Freys as well. Maes er *2win sen Ale&elly away and closed his door. :My lords/: he said gra0ely/ :we ha0e had a -essage fro- 6is Grace/ wi h &o h good news and ill. 6e has won a grea 0ic ory in he wes / sha ering a *annis er ar-y a a 'lace na-ed )9cross/ and has aken se0eral cas les as well. 6e wri es 2s fro- Ashe-ark/ for-erly he s ronghold of 6o2se Mar&rand.: Rickon 2gged a he -aes er.s ro&e. :Is Ro&& co-ing ho-e8: :5o ;2s ye / I fear. There are &a les ye o figh .: :3as i *ord Tywin he defea ed8: asked Bran. :5o/: said he -aes er. :!er ! afford *annis er co--anded he ene-y hos . 6e was slain in he &a le.: Bran had ne0er e0en heard of !er ! afford *annis er. 6e fo2nd hi-self agreeing wi h Big 3alder when he said/ :*ord Tywin is he only one who -a ers.: :Tell Ro&& I wan hi- o co-e ho-e/: said Rickon. :6e can &ring his wolf ho-e oo/ and Mo her and Fa her.: Tho2gh he knew *ord ,ddard was dead/ so-e i-es Rickon forgo . . . willf2lly/ Bran s2s'ec ed. 6is li le &ro her was s 2&&orn as only a &oy of fo2r can &e. Bran was glad for Ro&&.s 0ic ory/ &2 dis42ie ed as well. 6e re-e-&ered wha )sha had said he day ha his &ro her had led his ar-y o2 )f 3in erfell. 6e.s -arching he wrong way/ he wildling wo-an had insis ed. :!adly/ no 0ic ory is wi ho2 cos .: Maes er *2win 2rned o he 3alders. :My lords/ yo2r 2ncle !er ! e0ron Frey was a-ong hose who los heir li0es a )9cross. 6e ook a wo2nd in he &a le/ Ro&& wri es. I was no ho2gh o &e serio2s/ &2 hree days la er he died in his en / aslee'.: Big 3alder shr2gged. :6e was 0ery old. Fi0e7and7si9 y/ I hink. Too old for &a les. 6e was always saying he was ired.: *i le 3alder hoo ed. :Tired of wai ing for o2r grandfa her o die/ yo2 -ean. 1oes his -ean !er ,--on.s he heir now8: :1on. &e s 2'id/: his co2sin said. :The sons of he firs son co-e &efore he second son. !er Ry-an is ne9 in line/ and hen ,dwyn and Black 3alder and (e yr (i-'le. And hen Aegon and all his sons.:

:Ry-an is old oo/: said *i le 3alder. :(as for y/ I &e . And he has a &ad &elly. 1o yo2 hink he.ll &e lord8: :I.ll &e lord. I don. care if he is.: Maes er *2win c2 in shar'ly. :=o2 o2gh o &e asha-ed of s2ch alk/ -y lords. 3here is yo2r grief8 =o2r 2ncle is dead.: :=es/: said *i le 3alder. 0ery sad.: They weren. / ho2gh. Bran go a sick feeling in his &elly. They like he as e of his dish &e er han I do. 6e asked Maes er *2win o &e e9c2sed. :Very well.: The -aes er rang for hel'. 6odor -2s ha0e &een &2sy in he s a&les. I was )sha who ca-e. !he was s ronger han Ale&elly/ ho2gh/ and had no ro2&le lif ing Bran in her ar-s and carrying hidown he s e's. :)sha/: Bran asked as hey crossed he yard. :1o yo2 know he way nor h8 To he 3all and . . . and e0en 'as 8: :The way.s easy. *ook for he Ice 1ragon/ and chase he &l2e s ar in he rider.s eye.: !he &acked hro2gh a door and s ar ed 2' he winding s e's. :And here are s ill gian s here/ and . . . he res . . . he ) hers/ and he children of he fores oo8: :The gian s I.0e seen/ he children I.0e heard ell of/ and he whi e walkers . . . why do yo2 wan o know8: :1id yo2 e0er see a hree7eyed crow8: :5o.: !he la2ghed. :And I can. say Id wan o.: )sha kicked o'en he door o his &edcha-&er and se hi- in his window sea / where he co2ld wa ch he yard &elow. I see-ed only a few hear &ea s af er she ook her lea0e ha he door o'ened again/ and ;o;en Reed en ered 2n&idden/ wi h his sis er Meera &ehind hi-. :=o2 heard a&o2 he &ird8: Bran asked. The o her &oy nodded. :I wasn. a s2''er like yo2 said. I was a le er fro- Ro&&/ and we didn. ea i / &2 7: :The green drea-s ake s range sha'es so-e i-es/: ;o;en ad-i ed. :The r2 h of he- is no always easy o 2nders and.: :Tell -e he &ad hing yo2 drea-ed/: Bran said. :The &ad hing ha is co-ing o 3in erfell.: :1oes -y lord 'rince &elie0e -e now8 3ill he r2s -y words/ no -a er how 42eer hey so2nd in his ears8: Bran nodded. :I is he sea ha co-es.: :The sea8: :I drea-ed ha he sea was la''ing all aro2nd 3in erfell. I saw &lack wa0es crashing agains he ga es and owers/ and hen he sal wa er ca-e flowing o0er he walls and filled he cas le. 1rowned -en were floa ing in he yard. 3hen I firs drea-ed he drea-/ &ack a Greywa er/ I didn. know heir faces/ &2 now I do. Tha Ale&elly is one/ he g2ard who called o2r na-es a he feas . =o2r se' on.s ano her. =o2r s-i h as well.: :Mikken8: Bran was as conf2sed as he was dis-ayed. :B2 he sea is h2ndreds and h2ndreds of leag2es away/ and 3in erfell.s walls are so high he wa er co2ldn. ge in e0en if i did co-e.: :In he dark of nigh he sal sea will flow o0er hese walls/: said ;o;en. :I saw he dead/ &loa ed and drowned.: :3e ha0e o ell he-/: Bran said. :Ale&elly and Mikken/ and !e' on Chayle. Tell he- no o drown.: :I will no sa0e he-/: re'lied he &oy in green. Meera ca-e o he window sea and '2 a hand on his sho2lder. :They will no &elie0e/ Bran. 5o -ore han yo2 did.:

;o;en sa on Bran.s &ed. :Tell -e wha yo2 drea-.: 6e was scared/ e0en hen/ &2 he had sworn o r2s he-/ and a ! ark of 3in erfell kee's his sworn word. :There.s differen kinds/: he said slowly. :There.s he wolf drea-s/ hose aren. so &ad as he o hers. I r2n and h2n and kill s42irrels. And here.s drea-s where he crow co-es and ells -e o fly. !o-e i-es he ree is in hose drea-s oo/ calling -y na-e. Tha frigh ens -e. B2 he wors drea-s are when I fall.: 6e looked down in o he yard/ feeling -isera&le. :I ne0er 2sed o fall &efore. 3hen I cli-&ed. I wen e0ery'lace/ 2' on he roofs and along he walls/ I 2sed o feed he crows in he B2rned Tower. Mo her was afraid ha I wo2ld fall &2 I knew I ne0er wo2ld. )nly I did/ and now when I slee' I fall all he i-e.: Meera ga0e his sho2lder a s42ee>e. :Is ha all8: :I g2ess.: :3arg/: said @o;en Reed. Bran looked a hi-/ his eyes wide. :3ha 8: :3arg. !ha'echanger. Beas ling. Tha is wha hey will call Ao2/ if hey sho2ld e0er hear of yo2r wolf drea-s.: The na-es -ade hi- afraid again. :3ho will call -e8: :=o2r own folk. In fear. !o-e will ha e yo2 if hey know wha yo2 are. !o-e will e0en ry o kill yo2.: )ld 5an old scary s ories of &eas lings and sha'echangers so-e i-es. In he s ories hey were always e0il. :I.- no like ha /: Bran said. :I.- no . I .s only drea-s.: :The wolf drea-s are no r2e drea-s. =o2 ha0e yo2r eye closed igh whene0er awake/ &2 as yo2 drif off i fl2 ers o'en and yo2r so2l seeks o2 i s o her half. The 'ower is s rong in yo2.: :I don. wan i . I wan o &e a knigh .: :A knigh is wha yo2 wan . A warg is wha yo2 are. =o2 can. change ha / Bran/ yo2 can. deny i or '2sh i away. =o2 are he winged wolf/ &2 yo2 will ne0er fly.: @o;en go 2' and walked o he window. :+nless yo2 o'en yo2r eye.: 6e '2 wo fingers oge her and 'oked Bran in he forehead/ hard. 3hen he raised his hand o he s'o / Bran fel only he s-oo h 2n&roken skin. There was no eye/ no e0en a closed one. :6ow can I o'en i if i .s no here8: :=o2 will ne0er find he eye wi h yo2r fingers/ Bran. =o2 -2s search wi h yo2r hear .: @o;en s 2died Bran.s face wi h hose s range green eyes. :)r are yo2 afraid8: :Maes er *2win says here.s no hing in drea-s ha a -an need fear. : :There is/: said @o;en. :3ha 8: :The 'as . The f2 2re. The r2 h.: They lef hi- -ore -2ddled han e0er. 3hen he was alone/ Bran ried o o'en his hird eye/ &2 he didn. know how. 5o -a er how he wrinkled his forehead and 'oked a i / he co2ldn. see any differen han he.d done &efore. In he days ha followed/ he ried o warn o hers a&o2 wha @o;en had seen/ &2 i didn. go as he wan ed. Mikken ho2gh i was f2nny. :The sea/ is i 8 6a''ens I always wan ed o see he sea. 5e0er go where I co2ld go o i / ho2gh. !o now i .s co-ing o -e/ is i 8 The gods are good/ o ake s2ch ro2&le for a 'oor s-i h.: :The gods will ake -e when hey see fi /: !e' on Chayle said 42i e ly/ : ho2gh I scarcely hink i likely ha I.ll drown/ Bran. I grew 2' on he &anks of he 3hi e Knife/ yo2 know. I.- 42i e he s rong swi--er.: Ale&elly was he only one who 'aid he warning any heed. 6e wen o

alk o ;o;en hi-self/ and af erward s o''ed &a hing and ref2sed o go near he well. Finally he s ank so &ad ha si9 of he o her g2ards hrew hi- in o a 2& of scalding wa er and scr2&&ed hi- raw while he screa-ed ha hey were going o drown hi- like he frog&oy had said. Thereaf er he scowled whene0er he saw Bran or ;o;en a&o2 he cas le/ and -2 ered 2nder his &rea h. I was a few days af er Ale&elly.s &a h ha !er Rodrik re 2rned o 3in erfell wi h his 'risoner/ a fleshy yo2ng -an wi h fa -ois li's and long hair who s-elled like a 'ri0y/ e0en worse han Ale&elly had. :Reek/ he.s called/: 6ayhead said when Bran asked who i was. :I ne0er heard his r2e na-e. 6e ser0ed he Bas ard of Bol on and hel'ed hi-2rder *ady 6ornwood/ hey say.: The Bas ard hi-self was dead/ Bran learned ha e0ening o0er s2''er. !er Rodrik.s -en had ca2gh hi- on 6ornwood land doing so-e hing horri&le HBran wasn. 42i e s2re wha / &2 i see-ed o &e so-e hing yo2 did wi ho2 yo2r clo hesI and sho hi- down wi h arrows as he ried o ride away. They ca-e oo la e for 'oor *ady 6ornwood/ ho2gh. Af er heir wedding/ he Bas ard had locked her in a ower and neglec ed o feed her. Bran had heard -en saying ha when !er Rodrik had s-ashed down he door he fo2nd her wi h her -o2 h all &loody and her fingers chewed off. :The -ons er has ied 2s a horny kno /: he old knigh old Maes er *2win. :*ike i or no/ *ady 6ornwood was his wife. 6e -ade her say he 0ows &efore &o h se' on and hear ree/ and &edded her ha 0ery nigh &efore wi nesses. !he signed a will na-ing hi- as heir and fi9ed her seal o i .: :Vows -ade a sword 'oin are no 0alid/: he -aes er arg2ed. :Roose Bol on -ay no agree. 5o wi h land a iss2e.: !er Rodrik looked 2nha''y. :3o2ld ha I co2ld ake his ser0ing -an.s head off as well/ he.s as &ad as his -as er. B2 I fear I -2s kee' hi- ali0e 2n il Ro&& re 2rns fro- his wars. 6e is he only wi ness o he wors of he Bas ard.s cri-es. (erha's when *ord Bol on hears his ale/ he will a&andon his clai-/ &2 -ean i-e we ha0e Manderly knigh s and 1readfor -en killing one ano her in 6ornwood fores s/ and I lack he s reng h o s o' he-.: The old knigh 2rned in his sea and ga0e Bran a s ern look. :And wha ha0e yo2 &een a&o2 while I.0e &een away/ -y lord 'rince8 Co--anding o2r g2ards-en no o wash8 1o yo2 wan he- s-elling like his Reek/ is ha i 8: :The sea is co-ing here/: Bran said. :@o;en saw i in a green drea-. .Me&elly is going o drown.: Maes er *2win 2gged a his chain collar. :The Reed &oy &elie0es he sees he f2 2re in his drea-s/ !er Rodrik. I.0e s'oken o Bran a&o2 he 2ncer ain y of s2ch 'ro'hecies/ &2 if r2 h &e old/ here is ro2&le along he ! ony !hore. Raiders in longshi's/ 'l2ndering fishing 0illages. Ra'ing and &2rning. *eo&ald Tallhar has sen his ne'hew Benfred o deal wi h he-/ &2 I e9'ec hey.ll ake o heir shi's and flee a he firs sigh of ar-ed -en.: :Aye/ and s rike so-ewhere else. The ) hers ake all s2ch cowards. They wo2ld ne0er dare/ no -ore han he Bas ard of Bol on/ if o2r -ain s reng h were no a ho2sand leag2es so2 h.: !er Rodrik looked a Bran. :3ha else did he lad ell yo28: :6e said he wa er wo2ld flow o0er o2r walls. 6e saw Ale&elly drowned/ and Mikken and !e' on Chayle oo.: !er Rodrik frowned. :3ell/ sho2ld i ha''en ha I need o ride agains hese raiders -yself/ I shan. ake Ale&elly/ hen. 6e didn. see -e drowned/ did he8 5o8 Good.: i hear ened Bran o hear ha . May&e hey won. drown/ hen/ he

ho2gh . ff hey s ay away fro- he sea. Meera ho2gh so oo/ la er ha nigh when she and @oien -e Bran in his roo- o 'lay a hree7sided ga-e of iles/ &2 her &ro her shook his head. :The hings I see in green drea-s can. &e changed.: Tha -ade his sis er angry. :3hy wo2ld he gods send a warning if we can. heed i and change wha .s o co-e8: :I don. know/: @oien said sadly. :If yo2 were Ale&elly/ yo2.d 'ro&a&ly ;2-' in o he well o ha0e done wi h i ? 6e sho2ld figh / and Bran sho2ld oo.: :Me8: Bran fel s2ddenly afraid. :3ha sho2ld I figh 8 A- I going o drown oo8: Meera looked a hi- g2il ily. :I sho2ldn. ha0e said 6e co2ld ell ha she was hiding so-e hing. :1id yo2 see -e in a green drea-8: he asked @o;en ner0o2sly. :3as I drowned8: :5o drowned.: @o;en s'oke as if e0ery word 'ained hi-. :I drea-ed of he -an who ca-e oday/ he one hey call Reek. =o2 and yo2r &ro her lay dead a his fee / and he was skinning off yo2r faces wi h a long red &lade.: Meera rose o her fee . :If I wen o he d2ngeon/ I co2ld dri0e a s'ear righ hro2gh his hear . 6ow co2ld he -2rder Bran if he was dead8: :The gaolers will s o' yo2/: @oien said. :The g2ards. And if yo2 ell he- why yo2 wan hi- dead/ hey.ll ne0er &elie0e.: :I ha0e g2ards oo/: Bran re-inded he-. :Ale&elly and (o9y Ty- and 6ayhead and he res .: @o;en.s -ossy eyes were f2ll of 'i y. :They won. &e a&le o s o' hi-/ Bran. I co2ldn. see why/ &2 I saw he end of i . I saw yo2 and Rickon in yo2r cry' s/ down in he dark wi h all he dead kings and heir s one wol0es.: 5o/ Bran ho2gh . 5o. :If I wen away . . . o Greywa er/ or o he crow/ so-e'lace far where hey co2ldn. find -e . . .: :I will no -a er. The drea- was green/ Bran/ and he green drea-s do no lie.: C6A(T,R "G T=RI)5 Vrys s ood o0er he &ra>ier/ war-ing his sof hands. :I wo2ld ''ear Renly was -2rdered -os fearf2lly in he 0ery -ids of his ar-y. 6is hroa was o'ened fro- ear o ear &y a &lade ha 'assed hro2gh s eel and &one as if hey were sof cheese.: :M2rdered &y whose hand8: Cersei de-anded. :6a0e yo2 e0er considered ha oo -any answers are he sa-e as no answer a all8 My infor-ers are no always as highly 'laced as we -igh like. 3hen a king dies/ fancies s'ro2 like -2shroo-s in he dark. A groo- says ha Renly was slain &y a knigh of his own Rain&ow G2ard. A washerwo-an clai-s ! annis s ole hro2gh he hear of his &ro her.s ar-y wi h his -agic sword. !e0eral -en7a 7ar-s &elie0e a wo-an did he fell deed/ &2 canno agree on which wo-an. A -aid ha Renly had s'2rned/ clai-s one. A ca-' follower &ro2gh in o ser0e his 'leas2re on he e0e of &a le/ says a second. The hird 0en 2res ha i -igh ha0e &een he *ady Ca elyn ! ark.: The 42een was no 'leased. :M2s yo2 was e o2r i-e wi h e0ery r2-or he fools care o ell8: :=o2 'ay -e well for hese r2-ors/ -y gracio2s 42een.: :3e 'ay yo2 for he r2 h/ *ord Varys. Re-e-&er ha / or his s-all

co2ncil -ay grow s-aller s ill.: Varys i ered ner0o2sly. :=o2 and yo2r no&le &ro her will lea0e 6is Grace wi h no co2ncil a all if yo2 con in2e.: :I daresay/ he real- co2ld s2r0i0e a few less co2ncillors/: said *i lefinger wi h a s-ile. :1ear dear (e yr/: said Varys/ :are yo2 no concerned ha yo2rs -igh &e he ne9 na-e on he 6and.s li le lis 8: :Before yo2/ Varys8 I sho2ld ne0er drea- of i .: :Mayha's we will &e &ro hers on he 3all oge her/ yo2 and I: Varys giggled again. :!ooner han yo2.d like/ if he ne9 words o2 of yo2r -o2 h are no so-e hing 2sef2l/ e2n2ch.: Fro- he look of her eyes/ Cersei was 're'ared o cas ra e Varys all o0er again. :Migh his &e so-e r2se8: asked *i lefinger. :If so/ i is a r2se of s2r'assing cle0erness/: said Varys. :I has cer ainly hoodwinked -e.: Tyrion had heard eno2gh. :@off will &e so disa''oin ed/: he said. :6e was sa0ing s2ch a nice s'ike for Renly.s head. B2 whoe0er did he deed/ we -2s ass2-e ! annis was &ehind i . The gain is clearly his.: 6e did no like his news< he had co2n ed on he &ro hers Bara heon deci-a ing each o her in &loody &a le. 6e co2ld feel his el&ow hro&&ing where he -ornings ar had laid i o'en. I did ha so-e i-es in he da-'. 6e s42ee>ed i 2selessly in his hand and asked/ :3ha of Renly.s hos 8: :The grea er 'ar of his foo re-ains a Bi er&ridge.: Varys a&andoned he &ra>ier o ake his sea a he a&le. :Mos of he lords who rode wi h *ord Renly o ! or-.s ,nd ha0e gone o0er &anner7and7&lade o ! annis/ wi h all heir chi0alry.: :*ed &y he Floren s/ I.d wager/: said *i lefinger. Varys ga0e hi- a si-'ering s-ile. :=o2 wo2ld win/ -y lord. *ord Ales er was indeed he firs o &end he knee. Many o hers followed.: :Many/: Tyrion said 'oin edly/ :&2 no all8: :5o all/: agreed he e2n2ch. :5o *oras Tyrell/ nor Randyll Tarly/ nor Ma his Rowan. And ! or-.s ,nd i self has no yielded. !er Cor nay (enrose holds he cas le in Renly.s na-e/ and will no &elie0e his liege is dead. 6e de-ands o see he -or al re-ains &efore he o'ens his ga es/ &2 i see-s ha Renly.s cor'se has 2nacco2n a&ly 0anished. Carried away/ -os likely. A fif h of Renly.s knigh s de'ar ed wi h !er *oras ra her han &end he knee o ! annis. I .s said he Knigh of Flowers wen -ad when he saw his king.s &ody/ and slew hree of Renly.s g2ards in his wra h/ a-ong he- ,--on C2y and Ro&ar Royce.: A 'i y he s o''ed a hree/ ho2gh Tyrion. :!er *oras is likely -aking for Bi er&ridge/: Varys wen on. :6is sis er is here/ Renly.s 42een/ as well as a grea -any soldiers who s2ddenly find he-sel0es kingless. 3hich side will hey ake now8 A icklish 42es ion. Many ser0e he lords who re-ained a ! or-.s ,nd/ and hose lords now &elong o ! annis.: Tyrion leaned forward. :There is a chance here/ i see-s o -e. 3in *oras Tyrell o o2r ca2se and *ord Mace Tyrell and his &anner-en -igh ;oin 2s as well. They -ay ha0e sworn heir swords o ! annis for he -o-en / ye hey canno lo0e he -an/ or hey wo2ld ha0e &een his frohe s ar .: :Is heir lo0e for 2s any grea er8: asked Cersei. :!carcely/: said Tyrion. :They lo0ed Renly/ clearly/ &2 Renly is slain. (erha's we can gi0e he- good and s2fficien reasons o 'refer @offrey o ! annis . . . if we -o0e 42ickly.: :3ha sor of reasons do yo2 -ean o gi0e he-8:

:Gold reasons/: *i lefinger s2gges ed a once. Varys -ade a sking so2nd. :!wee (e yr/ s2rely yo2 do no -ean o s2gges ha hese '2issan lords and no&le knigh s co2ld &e &o2gh like so -any chickens in he -arke .: :6a0e yo2 &een o o2r -arke s of la e/ *ord Varys8: asked *i lefinger. :=o2.d find i easier o &2y a lord han a chicken/ I daresay. )f co2rse/ lords cl2ck 'ro2der han chickens/ and ake i ill if yo2 offer he- coin like a rades-an/ &2 hey are seldo- ad0erse o aking gif s . . . honors/ lands/ cas les . . .: :Bri&es -igh sway so-e of he lesser lords/: Tyrion said/ :&2 ne0er 6ighgarden.: :Tr2e/: *i lefinger ad-i ed. :The Knigh of Flowers is he key here. Mace Tyrell has wo older sons/ &2 *oras has always &een his fa0ori e. 3in hi-/ and 6ighgarden will &e yo2rs.: =es/ Tyrion ho2gh . :I see-s o -e we sho2ld ake a lesson fro- he la e *ord Renly. 3e can win he Tyrell alliance as he did. 3i h a -arriage.: Varys 2nders ood he 42ickes . :=o2 hink o wed King @offrey o Man gaery Tyrell.: :I do.: Renly.s yo2ng 42een was no -ore han fif een/ si9 een/ he see-ed o recall . . . older han @offrey/ &2 a few years were no hing/ i was so nea and swee he co2ld as e i . :@offrey is &e ro hed o !ansa ! ark/: Cersei o&;ec ed. :Marriage con rac s can &e &roken. 3ha ad0an age is here in wedding he king o he da2gh er of a dead rai or8: *i lefinger s'oke 2'. :=o2 -igh 'oin o2 o 6is Grace ha he Tyrells are -2ch weal hier han he ! arks/ and ha Margaery is said o &e lo0ely . . . and &edda&le &esides.: :=es/: said Tyrion/ :@off o2gh o like ha well eno2gh.: :My son is oo yo2ng o care a&o2 s2ch hings.: :=o2 hink so8: asked Tyrion. :6e.s hir een/ Cersei. The sa-e age a which I -arried.: :=o2 sha-ed 2s all wi h ha sorry e'isode. @offrey is -ade of finer s 2ff.: :!o fine ha he had !er Boros ri' off !ansa.s gown.: :6e was angry wi h he girl.: :6e was angry wi h ha cook.s &oy who s'illed he so2' las nigh as well/ &2 he didn. s ri' hi- naked.: :This was no a -a er of so-e s'illed so2'7: 5o/ i was a -a er of so-e 're y ea s. Af er ha &2siness in he yard/ Tyrion had s'oken wi h Varys a&o2 how hey -igh arrange for @offrey o 0isi Cha aya.s. A as e of honey -igh swee en he &oy/ he ho'ed. 6e -igh e0en &e gra ef2l/ gods for&id/ and Tyrion co2ld do wi h a shade -ore gra i 2de fro- his so0ereign. I wo2ld need o &e done secre ly/ of co2rse. The ricky &i wo2ld &e 'ar ing hi- fro- he 6o2nd. :The dog is ne0er far fro- his -as er.s heels/: he.d o&ser0ed o Varys/ :&2 all -en slee'. And so-e ga-&le and whore and 0isi winesinks as well.: :The 6o2nd does all hese hings/ if ha is yo2r 42es ion.: :5o/: said Tyrion. :My 42es ion is when.: Varys had laid a finger on his cheek/ s-iling enig-a ically. :My lord/ a s2s'icio2s -an -igh hink yo2 wished o find a i-e when !andor Clegane was no 'ro ec ing King @offrey/ he &e er o do he &oy so-e har-.: :!2rely yo2 know -e &e er han ha / *ord Varys/: Tyrion said. :3hy/ all I wan is for @offrey o lo0e -e.: The e2n2ch had 'ro-ised o look in o he -a er. The war -ade i s own

de-ands/ ho2gh< @offrey.s ini ia ion in o -anhood wo2ld need o wai . :1o2& less yo2 know yo2r son &e er han I do/: he -ade hi-self ell Cersei/ :&2 regardless/ here.s s ill -2ch o &e said for a Tyrell -arriage. I -ay &e he only way ha @offrey li0es long eno2gh o reach his wedding nigh .: *i lefinger agreed. :The ! ark girl &rings @offrey no hing &2 her &ody/ swee as ha -ay &e. Margaery Tyrell &rings fif y ho2sand swords and all he s reng h of 6ighgarden.: :Indeed.: Varys laid a sof hand on he 42een.s slee0e. :=o2 ha0e a -o her.s hear / and I know 6is Grace lo0es his li le swee ling. =e kings -2s learn o '2 he needs of he real- &efore heir own desires. I say his offer -2s &e -ade.: The 42een '2lled free of he e2n2ch.s o2ch. :=o2 wo2ld no s'eak so if yo2 were wo-en. !ay wha yo2 will/ -y lords/ &2 @offrey is oo 'ro2d o se le for Renly.s lea0ings. 6e will ne0er consen .: Tyrion shr2gged. :3hen he king co-es of age in hree years/ he -ay gi0e or wi hhold his consen as he 'leases. +n il hen/ yo2 are his regen and I a- his 6and/ and he will -arry who-e0er we ell hi- o -arry. *ea0ings or no.: Cersei.s 42i0er was e-' y. :Make yo2r offer hen/ &2 gods sa0e yo2 all if @off does no like his girl.: :I.- so 'leased we can agree/: Tyrion said. :5ow/ which of 2s shall go o Bi er&ridge8 3e -2s reach !er *oras wi h o2r offer &efore his &lood can cool.: :=o2 -ean o send one of he co2ncil8: :I can scarcely e9'ec he Knigh of Flowers o rea wi h Bronn or !hagga/ can I8 The Tyrells are 'ro2d.: 6is sis er was ed no i-e rying o wis he si 2a ion o her ad0an age. :!er @acelyn Bywa er is no&ly &orn. !end hi-.: Tyrion shook his head. :3e need so-eone who can do -ore han re'ea o2r words and fe ch &ack a re'ly. )2r en0oy -2s s'eak for king and co2ncil and se le he -a er 42ickly.: :The 6and s'eaks wi h he king.s 0oice.: Candleligh glea-ed green as wildfire in Cersei.s eyes. :If we send yo2/ Tyrion/ i will &e as if @offrey wen hi-self. And who &e er/ =o2 wield words as skillf2lly as @ai-e wields a sword.: Are yo2 ha eager o ge -e o2 of he ci y/ Cersei8 :=o2 are oo kind/ sis er/ &2 i see-s o -e ha a &oy.s -o her is &e er fi ed o arrange his -arriage han any 2ncle. And yo2 ha0e a gif for winning friends ha I co2ld ne0er ho'e o -a ch.: 6er eyes narrowed. :@off needs -e a his side.: :=o2r Grace/ -y lord 6and/: said *i lefinger/ : he king needs &o h of yo2 here. *e -e go in yo2r s ead.: :=o28: 3ha gain does he see in his8 Tyrion wondered. :I a- of he king.s co2ncil/ ye no he king.s &lood/ so I wo2ld -ake a 'oor hos age. I knew !er *oras 'assing well when he was here a co2r / and ga0e hi- no ca2se o -islike -e. Mace Tyrell &ears -e no en-i y ha I know of/ and I fla er -yself ha I a- no 2nskilled in nego ia ion.: 6e has 2s. Tyrion did no r2s (e yr Baelish/ nor did he wan he -an o2 of his sigh / ye wha o her choice was lef hi-8 I -2s &e *i lefinger or Tyrion hi-self/ and he knew f2ll well ha if he lef King.s *anding for any leng h of i-e/ all ha he had -anaged o acco-'lish wo2ld &e 2ndone. :There is figh ing &e ween here and Bi er&ridge/: he said ca2 io2sly. :And yo2 can &e 'as cer ain ha *ord ! annis will &e dis'a ching his own she'herds o ga her in his &ro her.s wayward la-&s.:

:I.0e ne0er &een frigh ened of she'herds. I .s he shee' who ro2&le -e. ! ill/ I s2''ose an escor -igh &e in order.: :I can s'are a h2ndred gold cloaks/: Tyrion said. :Fi0e h2ndred.: :Three h2ndred.: :And for y -ore7 wen y knigh s wi h as -any s42ires. If I arri0e wi ho2 a knigh ly ail/ he Tyrells will hink -e of s-all acco2n .: Tha was r2e eno2gh. :Agreed.: :I.ll incl2de 6orror and !lo&&er in -y 'ar y/ and send he- on o heir lord fa her af erward. A ges 2re of goodwill. 3e need (a9 er Redwyne/ he.s Mace Tyrell.s oldes friend/ and a grea 'ower in his own righ .: :And a rai or/: he 42een said/ &alking. :The Ar&or wo2ld ha0e declared for Renly wi h all he res / e9ce' ha Redwyne knew f2ll well his whel's wo2ld s2ffer for i .: :Renly is dead/ =o2r Grace/: *i lefinger 'oin ed o2 / :and nei her ! annis nor *ord (a9 er will ha0e forgo en how Redwyne galleys closed he sea d2ring he siege of ! or-.s ,nd. Res ore he wins and 'erchance we -ay win Redwyne.s lo0e.: Cersei re-ained 2ncon0inced. :The ) hers can kee' his lo0e/ I wan his swords and sails. 6olding igh o hose wins is he &es way o -ake cer ain ha we.ll ha0e he-.: Tyrion had he answer. :Then le 2s send !er 6o&&er &ack o he Ar&or and kee' !er 6oras here. *ord (a9 er o2gh o &e cle0er eno2gh o riddle o2 he -eaning of ha / I sho2ld hink.: The s2gges ion was carried wi ho2 'ro es / &2 *i lefinger was no done. :3e.ll wan horses. !wif and s rong. The figh ing will -ake re-o2n s hard o co-e &y. A goodly s2''ly of gold will also &e needed/ for hose gif s we s'oke of earlier.: :Take as -2ch as yo2 re42ire. If he ci y falls/ ! annis will s eal i all anyway.: :I.ll wan -y co--ission in wri ing. A doc2-en ha will lea0e Mace Tyrell in no do2& as o -y a2 hori y/ gran ing -e f2ll 'ower o rea wi h hi- concerning his -a ch and any o her arrange-en s ha -igh &e re42ired/ and o -ake &inding 'ledges in he king.s na-e. I sho2ld &e signed &y @offrey and e0ery -e-&er of his co2ncil/ and &ear all o2r seals.: Tyrion shif ed 2nco-for a&ly. :1one. 3ill ha &e all8 I re-ind yo2/ here.s a long road &e ween here and Bi er&ridge.: :I.ll &e riding i &efore dawn &reaks.: *i lefinger rose. :I r2s ha on -y re 2rn/ he king will see ha I a- s2i a&ly rewarded for -y 0alian effor s in his ca2se8: Varys giggled. :@offrey is s2ch a gra ef2l so0ereign/ I.- cer ain yo2 will ha0e no ca2se o co-'lain/ -y good &ra0e lord.: The 42een was -ore direc . :3ha do yo2 wan / (e yr8: *i lefinger glanced a Tyrion wi h a sly s-ile. :I shall need o gi0e ha so-e considera ion. 5o do2& I.ll hink of so-e hing.: 6e ske ched an airy &ow and ook his lea0e/ as cas2al as if he were off o one of his &ro hels. Tyrion glanced o2 he window. The fog was so hick ha he co2ld no e0en see he c2r ain wall across he yard. A few di- ligh s shone indis inc hro2gh ha greyness. A fo2l day for ra0el/ he ho2gh . 6e did no en0y (e yr Baelish. :3e had &es see o drawing 2' hose doc2-en s. *ord Varys/ send for 'arch-en and 42ill. And so-eone will need o wake @offrey.: I was s ill grey and dark when he -ee ing finally ended. Varys sc2rried off alone/ his sof sli''ers whisking along he floor. The *annis ers lingered a -o-en &y he door. :6ow co-es yo2r chain/

&ro her8: he 42een asked as !er (res on fas ened a 0air7lined clo h7 of7sil0er cloak a&o2 her sho2lders. :*ink &y link/ i grows longer. 3e sho2ld hank he gods ha !er Cor nay (enrose is as s 2&&orn as he is. ! annis will ne0er -arch nor h wi h ! or-.s ,nd 2n aken in his rear.: :Tyrion/ I know we do no always agree on 'olicy/ &2 i see-s o -e ha I was wrong a&o2 yo2. =o2 are no so &ig a fool as I i-agined. In r2 h/ I reali>e now ha yo2 ha0e &een a grea hel'. For ha I hank yo2. =o2 -2s forgi0e -e if I ha0e s'oken o yo2 harshly in he 'as .: :M2s I8: 6e ga0e her a shr2g/ a s-ile. :!wee sis er/ yo2 ha0e said no hing ha re42ires forgi0eness.: :Today/ yo2 -ean8: They &o h la2ghed . . . and Cersei leaned o0er and 'lan ed a 42ick/ sof kiss on his &row. Too as onished for words/ Tyrion co2ld only wa ch her s ride off down he hall/ !er (res on a her side. :6a0e I los -y wi s/ or did -y sis er ;2s kiss -e8: he asked Bronn when she was gone. :3as i so swee 8: :I was . . . 2nan ici'a ed.: Cersei had &een &eha0ing 42eerly of la e. Tyrion fo2nd i 0ery 2nse ling. :I a- rying o recall he las i-e she kissed -e. I co2ld no ha0e &een -ore han si9 or se0en. @ai-e had dared her o do i .: :The wo-an.s finally aken no e of yo2r char-s.: :5o/: Tyrion said. :5o/ he wo-an is ha ching so-e hing. Bes find o2 wha / Bronn. =o2 know I ha e s2r'rises.: C6A(T,R "J T6,)5 Theon wi'ed he s'i le off his cheek wi h he &ack of his hand. :Ro&& will g2 yo2/ Grey;oy/: Benfred Tallhear screa-ed. :6e.ll feed yo2r 2rncloak.s hear o his wolf/ yo2 'iece of shee' d2ng.: Aeron 1a-'hair.s 0oice c2 hro2gh he ins2l s like a sword hro2gh cheese. :5ow yo2 -2s kill hi-.: :I ha0e 42es ions for hi- firs /: said Theon. :(2ck yo2r 42es ions.: Benfred h2ng &leeding and hel'less &e ween ! ygg and 3erlag. :=o2.ll choke on he- &efore yo2 ge any answers fro- -e/ cra0en. T2rncloak.: +ncle Aeron was relen less. :3hen he s'i s on yo2/ he s'i s on all of 2s. 6e s'i s on he 1rowned God. 6e -2s die.: :My fa her ga0e -e he co--and here/ +ncle.: :And sen -e o co2nsel =)+.: And o wa ch -e. Theon dare no '2sh -a ers oo far wi h his 2ncle. The co--and was his/ yes/ &2 his -en had a fai h in he 1rowned God ha hey did no ha0e in hi-/ and hey were errified of Aeron 1a-'hair. I canno fa2l he- for ha . :=o2.ll lose yo2r head for his/ Grey;oy. The crows will ea he ;elly of yo2r eyes.: Benfred ried o s'i again/ &2 only -anaged a li le &lood. :The ) hers &2gger yo2r we god.: Tallhar / yo2.0e s'i away yo2r life/ Theon ho2gh . :! ygg/ silence hi-/: he said. They forced Benfred o his knees. 3erlag ore he ra&&i skin off his &el and ;a--ed i &e ween his ee h o s o' his sho2 ing. ! ygg 2nli-&ered his a9e. :5o/: Aeron 1a-'hair declared. :6e -2s &e gi0en o he god. The old way.: 3ha does i -a er8 1ead is dead. :Take hi-/ hen.:

:=o2 will co-e as well. =o2 co--and here. The offering sho2ld co-e froyo2.: Tha was -ore han Theon co2ld s o-ach. :=o2 are he 'ries / +ncle/ I lea0e he god o yo2. 1o -e he sa-e kindness and lea0e he &a les o -e.: 6e wa0ed his hand/ and 3erlag and ! ygg &egan o drag heir ca' i0e off oward he shore. Aeron 1a-'hair ga0e his ne'hew a re'roachf2l look/ hen followed. 1own o he 'e&&led &each hey wo2ld go/ o drown Benfred Tallhar in sal wa er. The old way. (erha's i .s a kindness/ Theon old hi-self as he s alked off in he o her direc ion. ! ygg was hardly he -os e9'er of heads-en/ and Benfred had a neck hick as a &oar.s/ hea0y wi h -2scle and fa . I 2sed o -ock hi- for i / ;2s o see how angry I co2ld -ake hi-/ he re-e-&ered. Tha had &een/ wha / hree years 'as 8 3hen 5ed ! ark had ridden o Torrhen.s !42are o see !er 6el-an/ Theon had acco-'anied hiand s'en a for nigh in Benfred.s co-'any. 6e co2ld hear he ro2gh noises of 0ic ory fro- he crook in he road where he &a le had &een fo2gh . . . if yo2.d go so far as o call i a &a le. More like sla2gh ering shee'/ if r2 h &e old. !hee' fleeced in s eel/ &2 shee' none heless. Cli-&ing a ;2-&le of s one/ Theon looked down on he dead -en and dying horses. The horses had deser0ed &e er. Ty-or and his &ro hers had ga hered 2' wha -o2n s had co-e hro2gh he figh 2nh2r / while +r>en and Black *orren silenced he ani-als oo &adly wo2nded o &e sa0ed. The res of his -en were loo ing he cor'ses. Ge0in 6arlaw knel on a dead -an.s ches / sawing off his finger o ge a a ring. (aying he iron 'rice. My lord fa her wo2ld a''ro0e. Theon ho2gh of seeking o2 he &odies of he wo -en he.d slain hi-self o see if hey had any ;ewelry wor h he aking/ &2 he no ion lef a &i er as e in his -o2 h. 6e co2ld i-agine wha ,ddard ! ark wo2ld ha0e said. =e ha ho2gh -ade hi- angry oo. ! ark is dead and ro ing/ and na2gh o -e/ he re-inded hi-self. )ld Bo ley/ who was called Fishwhiskers/ sa scowling &y his 'ile of 'l2nder while his hree sons added o i . )ne of he- was in a sho0ing -a ch wi h a fa -an na-ed Todric/ who was reeling a-ong he slain wi h a horn of ale in one hand and an a9e in he o her/ clad in a cloak of whi e fo9f2r only sligh ly s ained &y he &lood of i s 're0io2s owner. 1r2nk/ Theon decided/ wa ching hi- &ellow. I was said ha he iron-en of old had of &een &lood7dr2nk in &a le/ so &erserk ha hey fel no 'ain and feared no foe/ &2 his was a co--on ale7dr2nk. :3e9/ -y &ow and 42i0er.: The &oy ran and fe ched he-. Theon &en he &ow and sli''ed he s ring in o i s no ches as Todric knocked down he Bo ley &oy and fl2ng ale in o his eyes. Fishwhiskers lea' 2' c2rsing/ &2 Theon was 42icker. 6e drew on he hand ha cl2 ched he drinking horn/ fig2ring o gi0e he- a sho o alk a&o2 / &2 Todric s'oiled i &y l2rching o one side ;2s as he loosed. The arrow ook hi- hro2gh he &elly. The loo ers s o''ed o ga'e. Theon lowered his &ow. :5o dr2nkards/ I said/ and no s42a&&les o0er 'l2nder.: )n his knees/ Todric was dying noisily. :Bo ley/ silence hi-.: Fishwhiskers and his sons were 42ick o o&ey. They sli Todric.s hroa as he kicked fee&ly/ and were s ri''ing hi- of cloak and rings and wea'ons &efore he was e0en dead. 5ow hey know I -ean wha I say. *ord Balon -igh ha0e gi0en hi- he co--and/ &2 Theon knew ha so-e of his -en saw only a sof &oy frohe green lands when hey looked a hi-. :Anyone else ha0e a hirs 8: 5o one re'lied. :Good.: 6e kicked a Benfred.s fallen &anner/ cl2 ched in he dead hand of he s42ire who.d &orne i . A ra&&i skin had &een ied &elow he flag. 3hy ra&&i skins8 he had -ean o ask/ &2 &eing

s'a on had -ade hi- forge his 42es ions. 6e ossed his &ow &ack o 3e9 and s rode off/ re-e-&ering how ela ed he.d fel af er he 3his'ering 3ood/ and wondering why his did no as e as swee . Tallhar / yo2 &loody o0er'ro2d fool/ yo2 ne0er e0en sen o2 a sco2 . They.d &een ;oking and e0en singing as hey.d co-e on/ he hree rees of Tallhar s rea-ing a&o0e he- while ra&&i skins fla''ed s 2'idly fro- he 'oin s of heir lances. The archers concealed &ehind he gorse had s'oiled he song wi h a rain of arrows/ and Theon hi-self had led his -en7a 7ar-s o2 o finish he &2 cher.s work wi h dagger/ a9e/ and warha--er. 6e had ordered heir leader s'ared for 42es ioning. )nly he had no e9'ec ed i o &e Benfred Tallhar . 6is li-' &ody was &eing dragged fro- he s2rf when Theon re 2rned o his !ea Bi ch. The -as s of his longshi's s ood o2 lined agains he sky along he 'e&&led &each. )f he fishing 0illage/ no hing re-ained &2 cold ashes ha s ank when i rained. The -en had &een '2 o he sword/ all &2 a handf2l ha Theon had allowed o flee o &ring he word o Torrhen.s !42are. Their wi0es and da2gh ers had &een clai-ed for sal wi0es/ hose who were yo2ng eno2gh and fair. The crones and he 2gly ones had si-'ly &een ra'ed and killed/ or aken for hralls if hey had 2sef2l skills and did no see- likely o ca2se ro2&le. Theon had 'lanned ha a ack as well/ &ringing his shi's 2' o he shore in he chill darkness &efore he dawn and lea'ing fro- he 'row wi h a longa9e in his hand o lead his -en in o he slee'ing 0illage. 6e did no like he as e of any of his/ &2 wha choice did he ha0e8 6is hrice7da-ned sis er was sailing her Black 3ind nor h e0en now/ s2re o win a cas le of her own. *ord Balon had le no word of he hos ing esca'e he Iron Islands/ and Theon.s &loody work along he ! ony !hore wo2ld &e '2 down o sea raiders o2 for 'l2nder. The nor h-en wo2ld no reali>e heir r2e 'eril/ no 2n il he ha--ers fell on 1ee'wood Mo e and Moa Cailin. And af er all is done and won/ hey will -ake songs for ha &i ch Asha/ and forge ha I was e0en here. Tha is/ if he allowed i . 1ag-er Clef ;aw s ood &y he high car0ed 'row of his longshi'/ Foa-drinker. Theon had assigned hi- he ask of g2arding he shi's< o herwise -en wo2ld ha0e called i 1ag-er.s 0ic ory/ no his. A -ore 'rickly -an -igh ha0e aken ha for a sligh / &2 he Clef ;aw had only la2ghed. :The day is won/: 1ag-er called down. :And ye yo2 do no s-ile/ &oy. The li0ing sho2ld s-ile/ for he dead canno .: 6e s-iled hi-self o show how i was done. i -ade for a hideo2s sigh . +nder a snowy whi e -ane of hair/ 1ag-er Clef ;aw had he -os g2 7ch2rning scar Theon had e0er seen/ he legacy of he longa9e ha had near killed hi- as a &oy. The &low had s'lin ered his ;aw/ sha ered his fron ee h/ and lef hi- fo2r li's where o her -en had &2 wo. A shaggy &eard co0ered his cheeks and neck/ &2 he hair wo2ld no grow o0er he scar/ so a shiny sea- of '2ckered/ wis ed flesh di0ided his face like a cre0asse hro2gh a snowfield. :3e co2ld hear he- singing/: he old warrior said. :I was a good song/ and hey sang i &ra0ely.: :They sang &e er han hey fo2gh . 6ar's wo2ld ha0e done he- as -2ch good as heir lances did.: :6ow -any -en are los 8: :)f o2rs8: Theon shr2gged. :Todric. I killed hi- for ge ing dr2nk and figh ing o0er loo .: :!o-e -en are &orn o &e killed.: A lesser -an -igh ha0e &een afraid o show a s-ile as frigh ening as his/ ye 1ag-er grinned -ore of en and -ore &roadly han *ord Balon e0er had. +gly as i was/ ha s-ile &ro2gh &ack a h2ndred -e-ories. Theon had

seen i of en as a &oy/ when he.d ;2-'ed a horse o0er a -ossy wall/ or fl2ng an a9e and s'li a arge s42are. 6e.d seen i when he &locked a &low fro- 1ag-er.s sword/ when he '2 an arrow hro2gh a seag2ll on he wing/ when he ook he iller in hand and g2ided a longshi' safely hro2gh a snarl of foa-ing rocks. 6e ga0e -e -ore s-iles han -y fa her and ,ddard ! ark oge her. ,0en Ro&& . . . he o2gh o ha0e won a s-ile he day he.d sa0ed Bran fro- ha wildling/ &2 ins ead he.d go en a scolding/ as if he were so-e cook who.d &2rned he s ew. :=o2 and I -2s alk/ +ncle/: Theon said. 1ag-er was no r2e 2ncle/ only a sworn -an wi h 'erha's a 'inch of Grey;oy &lood fo2r or fi0e li0es &ack/ and ha fro- he wrong side of he &lanke . =e Theon had always called hi- 2ncle none heless. :Co-e on o -y deck/ hen.: There were no -lords fro- 1ag-er/ no when he s ood on his own deck. )n he Iron Islands/ e0ery ca' ain was a king a&oard his own shi'. 6e cli-&ed he 'lank o he deck of he Foa-drinker in fo2r long s rides/ and 1ag-er led hi- &ack o he cra-'ed af ca&in/ where he old -an 'o2red a horn of so2r ale and offered Theon he sa-e. 6e declined. :3e did no ca' 2re eno2gh horses. A few/ &2 . . . well/ I.ll -ake do wi h wha I ha0e/ I s2''ose. Fewer -en -eans -ore glory.: :3ha need do we ha0e of horses8: *ike -os iron-en/ 1ag-er 'referred o figh on foo or fro- he deck of a shi'. :6orses will only shi on o2r decks and ge in o2r way.: :If we sailed/ yes/: Theon ad-i ed. :I ha0e ano her 'lan.: 6e wa ched he o her caref2lly o see how he wo2ld ake ha . 3i ho2 he Clef ;aw he co2ld no ho'e o s2cceed. Co--and or no/ he -en wo2ld ne0er follow hi- if &o h Aeron and 1ag-er o''osed hi-/ and he had no ho'e of winning o0er he so2r7faced 'ries . :=o2r lord fa her co--anded 2s o harry he coas / no -ore.: ,yes 'ale as sea foa- wa ched Theon fro- 2nder hose shaggy whi e eye&rows. 3as i disa''ro0al he saw here/ or a s'ark of in eres 8 The la er/ he ho2gh . . . ho'ed . . . :=o2 are -y fa her.s -an.: :6is &es -an/ and always ha0e &een.: (ride/ Theon ho2gh . 6e is 'ro2d/ I -2s 2se ha / his 'ride will &e he key. :There is no -an in he Iron Islands half so skilled wi h s'ear or sword.: :=o2 ha0e &een oo long away/ &oy. 3hen yo2 lef / i was as yo2 say/ &2 I a- grown old in *ord Grey;oy.s ser0ice. The singers call Andrik &es now. Andrik he +ns-iling/ hey na-e hi-. A gian of a -an. 6e ser0es *ord 1r2-- of )ld 3yk. And Black *orren and Farl he Maid are near as dread.: :This Andrik -ay &e a grea figh er/ &2 -en do no fear hi- as hey fear yo2.: :Aye/ ha .s so/: 1ag-er said. The fingers c2rled aro2nd he drinking horn were hea0y wi h rings/ gold and sil0er and &ron>e/ se wi h ch2nks of sa''hire and garne and dragonglass. 6e had 'aid he iron 'rice for e0ery one/ Theon knew. :If I had a -an like yo2 in -y ser0ice/ I sho2ld no was e hi- on his child.s &2siness of harrying and &2rning. This is no work for *ord Balon.s &es -an 1ag-er.s grin wis ed his li's a'ar and showed he &rown s'lin ers of his ee h. :5or for his r2e&orn son8: 6e hoo ed. :I know yo2 oo well/ Theon. I saw yo2 ake yo2r firs s e'/ hel'ed yo2 &end yo2r firs &ow. .Tis no -e who feels was ed.: :By righ s I sho2ld ha0e -y sis er.s co--and/: he ad-i ed/ 2nco-for a&ly aware of how 'ee0ish ha so2nded.

:=o2 ake his &2siness oo hard/ &oy. I is only ha yo2r lord fa her does no know yo2. 3i h yo2r &ro hers dead and yo2 aken &y he wol0es/ yo2r sis er was his solace. 6e learned o rely on her/ and she has ne0er failed hi-.: :5or ha0e I. The ! arks knew -y wor h. I was one of Brynden Blackfish.s 'icked sco2 s/ and I charged wi h he firs wa0e in he 3his'ering 3ood. I was ha close o crossing swords wi h he Kingslayer hi-self.: Theon held his hands wo fee a'ar . :1aryn 6ornwood ca-e &e ween 2s/ and died for i .: :3hy do yo2 ell -e his8: 1ag-er asked. :I was -e who '2 yo2r firs sword in yo2r hand. I know yo2 are no cra0en.: :1oes -y fa her8: The hoary old warrior looked as if he had &i en in o so-e hing he did no like he as e of. :I is only . . . Theon/ he Boy 3olf is yo2r friend/ and hese ! arks had yo2 for en years.: :I a- no ! ark.: *ord ,ddard saw o ha . :I a- a Grey;oy/ and I -ean o &e -y fa her.s heir. 6ow can I do ha 2nless I 'ro0e -yself wi h so-e grea deed8 : :=o2 are yo2ng. ) her wars will co-e/ and yo2 shall do yo2r grea deeds. For now/ we are co--anded o harry he ! ony !hore.: :*e -y 2ncle Aeron see o i . I.ll gi0e hi- si9 shi's/ all &2 Foa-drinker and !ea Bi ch/ and he can &2rn and drown o his god.s s2rfei .: :The co--and was gi0en yo2/ no Aeron 1a-'hair.: :!o long as he harrying is done/ wha does i -a er8 5o 'ries co2ld do wha I -ean o/ nor wha I ask of yo2. I ha0e a ask ha only 1ag-er Clef ;aw can acco-'lish.: 1ag-er ook a long dra2gh fro- his horn. :Tell -e.: 6e is e-' ed/ Theon ho2gh . 6e likes his rea0er.s work no &e er han I do. :If -y sis er can ake a cas le/ so can (. :Asha has fo2r or fi0e i-es he -en we do.: Theon allowed hi-self a sly s-ile. :B2 we ha0e fo2r i-es he wi s/ and fi0e i-es he co2rage.: :=o2r fa her7: :7will hank -e/ when I hand hi- his kingdo-. I -ean o do a deed ha he har'ers will sing of for a ho2sand years.: 6e knew ha wo2ld gi0e 1ag-er 'a2se. A singer had -ade a song a&o2 he a9e ha cracked his ;aw in half/ and he old -an lo0ed o hear i . 3hene0er he was in his c2's he wo2ld call for a rea0ing song/ so-e hing lo2d and s or-y ha old of dead heroes and deeds of wild 0alor. 6is hair is whi e and his ee h are ro en/ &2 he s ill has a as e for glory. :3ha wo2ld -y 'ar &e in his sche-e of yo2rs/ &oy8: 1ag-er Clef ;aw asked af er a long silence/ and Theon knew he had won. :To s rike error in o he hear of he foe/ as only one of yo2r na-e co2ld do. =o2.ll ake he grea 'ar of o2r force and -arch on Torrhen.s !42are. 6el-an Tallhar ook his &es -en so2 h/ and Benfred died here wi h heir sons. 6is 2ncle *eo&ald will re-ain/ wi h so-e s-all garrison.: If I had &een a&le o 42es ion Benfred/ I wo2ld know ;2s how s-all. :Make no secre of yo2r a''roach. !ing all he &ra0e songs yo2 like. I wan he- o close heir ga es.: :Is his Torrhen.s !42are a s rong kee'8: :! rong eno2gh. The walls are s one/ hir y fee high/ wi h s42are owers a each corner and a s42are kee' wi hin.: :! one walls canno &e fired. 6ow are we o ake he-8 3e do no ha0e he n2-&ers o s or- e0en a s-all cas le.: :=o2 will -ake ca-' o2 side heir walls and se o &2ilding ca a'2l s

and siege engines.: :Tha is no he )ld 3ay. 6a0e yo2 forgo en8 Iron-en figh wi h swords and a9es/ no &y flinging rocks. There is no glory in s ar0ing o2 a foe-an.: :*eo&ald will no know ha . 3hen he sees yo2 raising siege owers/ his old wo-an.s &lood will r2n cold/ and he will &lea for hel'. ! ay yo2r archers/ +ncle/ and le he ra0en fly. The cas ellan a 3in erfell is a &ra0e -an/ &2 age has s iffened his wi s as well as his li-&s. 3hen he learns ha one of his king.s &anner-en is 2nder a ack &y he fearso-e 1ag-er Clef ;aw/ he will s2--on his s reng h and ride o Tallhar .s aid. I is his d2 y. !er Rodrik is no hing if no d2 if2l.: :Any force he s2--ons will &e larger han -ine/: 1ag-er said/ :and hese old knigh s are -ore c2nning han yo2 hink/ or hey wo2ld ne0er ha0e li0ed o see heir firs grey hair. =o2 se 2s a &a le we canno ho'e o win/ Theon. This Torrhen.s !42are will ne0er fall.: Theon s-iled. :I .s no Torrhen.s !42are I -ean o ake.: C6A(T,R "K AR=A Conf2sion and clangor r2led he cas le. Men s ood on he &eds of wagons loading casks of wine/ sacks of flo2r/ and &2ndles of new7fle ched arrows. !-i hs s raigh ened swords/ knocked den s fro- &reas 'la es/ and shoed des riers and 'ack -2les alike. Mail shir s were ossed in &arrels of sand and rolled across he l2-'y s2rface of he Flows one =ard o sco2r he- clean. 3eese.s wo-en had wen y cloaks o -end/ a h2ndred -ore o wash. The high and h2-&le crowded in o he se' oge her o 'ray. )2 side he walls/ en s and 'a0ilions were co-ing down. !42ires ossed 'ails of wa er o0er cookfires/ while soldiers ook o2 heir oils ones o gi0e heir &lades one las good lick. The noise was a swelling ideB horses &lowing and whickering/ lords sho2 ing co--ands/ -en7a 7ar-s rading c2rses/ ca-' followers s42a&&ling. *ord Tywin *annis er was -arching a las . !er Adda- Mar&rand was he firs of he ca' ains o de'ar / a day &efore he res . 6e -ade a gallan show of i / riding a s'iri ed red co2rser whose -ane was he sa-e co''er color as he long hair ha s rea-ed 'as !er Adda-.s sho2lders. The horse was &arded in &ron>e7 colored ra''ings dyed o -a ch he rider.s cloak and e-&la>oned wi h he &2rning ree. !o-e of he cas le wo-en so&&ed o see hi- go. 3eese said he was a grea horse-an and sword figh er/ *ord Tywin.s -os daring co--ander. I ho'e he dies/ Arya ho2gh as she wa ched hi- ride o2 he ga e/ his -en s rea-ing af er hi- in a do2&le col2-n. I ho'e hey all die. They were going o figh Ro&&/ she knew. *is ening o he alk as she wen a&o2 her work/ Arya had learned ha Ro&& had won so-e grea 0ic ory in he wes . 6e.d &2rned *annis'or / so-e said/ or else he -ean o &2rn i . 6e.d ca' 2red Cas erly Rock and '2 e0eryone o he sword/ or he was &esieging he Golden Too h . . . &2 so-e hing had ha''ened/ ha -2ch was cer ain. 3eese had her r2nning -essages fro- dawn o d2sk. !o-e of he- e0en ook her &eyond he cas le walls/ o2 in o he -2d and -adness of he ca-'. I co2ld flee/ she ho2gh as a wagon r2-&led 'as her. I co2ld ho' on he &ack of a wagon and hide/ or fall in wi h he ca-' followers/ no one wo2ld s o' -e. !he -igh ha0e done i if no for 3eese. 6e.d old he- -ore han once wha he.d do o anyone who ried o r2n off on hi-. :I won. &e no &ea ing/ oh/ no. I won. lay a

finger on yo2. I.ll ;2s sa0e yo2 for he Fohorik/ yes I will/ I.ll sa0e yo2 for he Cri''ler. Vargo 6oa his na-e is/ and when he ge s &ack he.ll c2 off yo2r fee .: May&e if 3eese were dead/ Arya ho2gh . . . &2 no when she was wi h hi-. 6e co2ld look a yo2 and s-ell wha yo2 were hinking/ he always said so. 3eese ne0er i-agined she co2ld read/ ho2gh/ so he ne0er &o hered o seal he -essages he ga0e her. Arya 'eeked a he- all/ &2 hey were ne0er any hing good/ ;2s s 2'id s 2ff sending his car o he granary and ha one o he ar-ory. )ne was a de-and for 'ay-en on a ga-&ling de& / &2 he knigh she ga0e i o co2ldn. read. 3hen she old hiwha i said he ried o hi her/ &2 Arya d2cked 2nder he &low/ sna ched a sil0er7&anded drinking horn off his saddle/ and dar ed away. The knigh roared and ca-e af er her/ &2 she slid &e ween wo wayns/ wo0e hro2gh a crowd of archers/ and ;2-'ed a la rine rench. In his -ail he co2ldn. kee' 2'. 3hen she ga0e he horn o 3eese/ he old her ha a s-ar li le 3easel like her deser0ed a reward. :I.0e go -y eye on a 'l2-' cris' ca'on o s2' on onigh . 3e.ll share i / -e and yo2. =o2.ll like ha .: ,0erywhere she wen / Arya searched for @a4en 6.ghar/ wan ing o whis'er ano her na-e o hi- &efore hose she ha ed were all gone o2 of her reach/ &2 a-ids he chaos and conf2sion he *ora hi sellsword was no o &e fo2nd. 6e s ill owed her wo dea hs/ and she was worried she wo2ld ne0er ge he- if he rode off o &a le wi h he res . Finally she worked 2' he co2rage o ask one of he ga e g2ards if he.d gone. :)ne of *orch.s -en/ is he8: he -an said. :6e won. &e going/ hen. 6is lordshi'.s na-ed !er A-ory cas ellan of 6arrenhal. Tha whole lo .s s aying righ here/ o hold he cas le. The Bloody M2--ers will &e lef as well/ o do he foraging. Tha goa Vargo 6oa is like o s'i / hiand *orch ha0e always ha ed each o her.: The Mo2n ain wo2ld &e lea0ing wi h *ord Tywin/ ho2gh. 6e wo2ld co--and he 0an in &a le/ which -ean ha 12nsen/ (olli0er/ and Raff wo2ld all sli' &e ween her fingers 2nless she co2ld find @a4en and ha0e hikill one of he- &efore hey lef . :3easel/: 3eese said ha af ernoon. :Ge o he ar-ory and ell *2can ha !er *yonel no ched his sword in 'rac ice and needs a new one. 6ere.s his -ark.: 6e handed her a s42are of 'a'er. :Be 42ick a&o2 i now/ he.s o ride wi h !er Ke0an *annis er.: Arya ook he 'a'er and ran. The ar-ory ad;oined he cas le s-i hy/ a long high7roofed 2nnel of a &2ilding wi h wen y forges &2il in o i s walls and long s one wa er ro2ghs for e-'ering he s eel. 6alf of he forges were a work when she en ered. The walls rang wi h he so2nd of ha--ers/ and &2rly -en in lea her a'rons s ood swea ing in he s2llen hea as hey &en o0er &ellows and an0ils. 3hen she s'ied Gendry/ his &are ches was slick wi h swea / &2 he &l2e eyes 2nder he hea0y &lack hair had he s 2&&orn look she re-e-&ered. Arya didn. know ha she e0en wan ed o alk o hi-. I was his fa2l hey.d all &een ca2gh . :3hich one is *2can8: !he hr2s o2 he 'a'er. :I.- o ge a new sword for !er *yonel.: :5e0er -ind a&o2 !er *yonel.: 6e drew her aside &y he ar-. :*as nigh 6o (ie asked -e if I heard yo2 yell 3in erfell &ack a he holdfas / when we were all figh ing on he wall.: :I ne0er did?: :=es yo2 did. I heard yo2 oo.: :,0eryone was yelling s 2ff/: Arya said defensi0ely. :6o (ie yelled ho 'ie. 6e -2s ha0e yelled i a h2ndred i-es.: :I .s wha yo2 yelled ha -a ers. I old 6o (ie he sho2ld clean he wa9 o2 of his ears/ ha all yo2 yelled was Go o hell? If he asks

yo2/ yo2 &e er say he sa-e.: :I will/: she said/ e0en ho2gh she ho2gh go o hell was a s 2'id hing o yell. !he didn. dare ell 6o (ie who she really was. May&e I sho2ld say 6o (ie.s na-e o la4en. :I.ll ge *2can/: Gendry said. *2can gr2n ed a he wri ing H ho2gh Arya did no hink he co2ld read i I/ and '2lled down a hea0y longsword. :This is oo good for ha oaf/ and yo2 ell hi- I said so/: he said as he ga0e her he &lade. :I will/: she lied. If she did any s2ch hing/ 3eese wo2ld &ea her &loody. *2can co2ld deli0er his own ins2l s. The longsword was a lo hea0ier han 5eedle had &een/ &2 Arya liked he feel of i . The weigh of s eel in her hands -ade her feel s ronger. May&e I.- no a wa er dancer ye / &2 I.- no a -o2se ei her. A -o2se co2ldn. 2se a sword &2 I can. The ga es were o'en/ soldiers co-ing and going/ drays rolling in e-' y and going o2 creaking and swaying 2nder heir loads. !he ho2gh a&o2 going o he s a&les and elling heha !er *yonel wan ed a new horse. !he had he 'a'er/ he s a&le&oys wo2ldn. &e a&le o read i any &e er han *2can had. I co2ld ake he horse and he sword and ;2s ride o2 . If he g2ards ried o s o' -e I.d show he- he 'a'er and say I was &ringing e0ery hing o !er *yonel. !he had no no ion wha !er *yonel looked like or where o find hi-/ ho2gh. If hey 42es ioned her/ hey.d know/ and hen 3eese . . . 3eese . . . As she chewed her li'/ rying no o hink a&o2 how i wo2ld feel o ha0e her fee c2 off/ a gro2' of archers in lea her ;erkins and iron hel-s wen 'as / heir &ows sl2ng across heir sho2lders. Arya heard sna ches of heir alk. gian s I ell yo2/ he.s go gian s wen y foo all co-e down fro&eyond he 3all/ follow hi- like dogs . . . :. . . no na 2ral/ co-ing on he- so fas / in he nigh and all. 6e.s -ore wolf han -an/ all he- ! arks are shi on yo2r wol0es and gian s/ he &oy.d 'iss his 'an s if he knew we was co-ing. 6e wasn. -an eno2gh o -arch on 6arrenhal/ was he8 Ran Vo her way/ didn. he8 6e.d r2n now if he knew wha was &es for hi-.: :!o yo2 say/ &2 -igh &e he &oy knows so-e hing we don. / -ay&e i .s 2s o2gh o &e r2n . . .: =es/ Arya ho2gh . =es/ i .s yo2 who o2gh o r2n/ yo2 and *ord JA/win and he Mo2n ain and !er Adda- and !er A-ory and s 2'id !er *yonel whoe0er he is/ all of yo2 &e er r2n or -y &ro her will kill yo2/ he.s a ! ark/ he.s -ore wolf han -an/ and so a- * :3easel.: 3eese.s 0oice cracked like a whi'. !he ne0er saw where he ca-e fro-/ &2 s2ddenly he was righ in fron of her. :Gi0e -e ha . Took yo2 long eno2gh.: 6e sna ched he sword fro- her fingers/ and deal her a s inging sla' wi h he &ack of his hand. :5e9 i-e &e 42icker a&o2 i .: For a -o-en she had &een a wolf again/ &2 3eese.s sla' ook i all away and lef her wi h no hing &2 he as e of her own &lood in her -o2 h. !he.d &i en her ong2e when he hi her. !he ha ed hi- for ha . :=o2 wan ano her8: 3eese de-anded. :=o2.ll ge i oo. I.ll ha0e none of yo2r insolen looks. Ge down o he &rewho2se and ell T2ffle&erry ha I ha0e wo do>en &arrels for hi-/ &2 he &e er send his lads o fe ch he- or I.ll find so-eone wan s .e- worse.: Arya s ar ed off/ &2 no 42ick eno2gh for 3eese. :=o2 r2n if yo2 wan o ea onigh /: he sho2 ed/ his 'ro-ises of a 'l2-' cris' ca'on already forgo en. :And don. &e ge ing los again/ or I swear I.ll &ea yo2 &loody.: =o2 won. / Arya ho2gh . =o2 won. e0er again. B2 she ran. The old

gods of he nor h -2s ha0e &een g2iding her s e's. 6alfway o he &rewho2se/ as she 'assing 2nder he s one &ridge ha arched &e ween 3idow.s Tower and Kings'yre/ she heard harsh/ growling la2gh er. Rorge ca-e aro2nd a corner wi h hree o her -en/ he -an icore &adge of !er A-ory sewn o0er heir hear s. 3hen he saw her/ he s o''ed and grinned/ showing a -o2 hf2l of crooked &rown ee h 2nder he lea her fla' he wore so-e i-es o co0er he hole in his face. :=oren.s li le c2n /: he called her. :G2ess we know why ha &lack &as ard wan ed yo2 on he 3all/ don. we8: 6e la2ghed again/ and he o hers la2ghed wi h hi-. :3here.s yo2r s ick now8: Rorge de-anded s2ddenly/ he s-ile gone as 42ick as i had co-e. :!ee-s o -e I 'ro-ised o f2ck yo2 wi h i .: 6e ook a s e' oward her. Arya edged &ackward. :5o so &ra0e now ha in chains/ are yo28: :I sa0ed yo2.: !he ke' a good yard &e ween he-/ ready o r2n 42ick as a snake if he -ade a gra& for her. :)we yo2 ano her f2cking for ha / see-s like. 1id =oren '2-' yo2r c2nny/ or did he like ha igh li le ass &e er8: :I.- looking for @a4en/: she said. :There.s a -essage.: Rorge hal ed. !o-e hing in his eyes . . . co2ld i &e ha he was scared of @a4en 6.ghar8 :The &a hho2se. Ge o2 of -y way.: Arya whirled and ran/ swif as a deer/ her fee flying o0er he co&&les all he way o he &a hho2se/ !he fo2nd @a4en soaking in a 2&/ s earising aro2nd hi- as a ser0ing girl sl2iced ho wa er o0er his head. 6is long hair/ red on one side and whi e on he o her/ fell down across his sho2lders/ we and hea0y. !he cre' 2' 42ie as a shadow/ &2 he o'ened his eyes all he sa-e. :!he s eals in on li le -ice fee / &2 a -an hears/: he said. 6ow co2ld he hear -e8 she wondered/ and i see-ed as if he heard ha as well. :The sc2ff of lea her on s one sings lo2d as warhorns o a -an wi h o'en ears. Cle0er girls go &arefoo .: :I ha0e a -essage.: Arya eyed he ser0ing girl 2ncer ainly. 3hen she did no see- likely o go away/ she leaned in 2n il her -o2 h was al-os o2ching his ear. :3eese/: she whis'ered. @a4en 6.ghar closed his eyes again/ floa ing lang2id/ half 7aslee'. :Tell his lordshi' a -an shall a end hi- a his leis2re.: 6is hand -o0ed s2ddenly/ s'lashing ho wa er a her/ and Arya had o lea' &ack o kee' fro- ge ing drenched. 3hen she old T2ffle&erry wha 3eese had said/ he &rewer c2rsed lo2dly. :=o2 ell 3eese -y lads go d2 ies o a end o/ and yo2 ell hi- he.s a 'o97ridden &as ard oo/ and he se0en hells will free>e o0er &efore he ge s ano her horn of -y ale. I.ll ha0e he- &arrels wi hin he ho2r or *ord Tywin will hear of i / see if he don. .: 3eese c2rsed oo when Arya &ro2gh &ack ha -essage/ e0en ho2gh she lef o2 he 'o97ridden &as ard 'ar . 6e f2-ed and hrea ened/ &2 in he end he ro2nded 2' si9 -en and sen he- off gr2-&ling o fe ch he &arrels down o he &rewho2se. !2''er ha e0ening was a hin s ew of &arley/ onion/ and carro s/ wi h a wedge of s ale &rown &read. )ne of he wo-en had aken o slee'ing in 3eese.s &ed/ and she go a 'iece of ri'e &l2e cheese as well/ and a wing off he ca'on ha 3eese had s'oken of ha -orning. 6e a e he res hi-self/ he grease r2nning down in a shiny line hro2gh he &oils ha fes ered a he corner of his -o2 h. The &ird was al-os gone when he glanced 2' fro- his rencher and saw Arya s aring. :3easel/ co-e here.: A few -o2 hf2ls of dark -ea s ill cl2ng o one high. 6e forgo / &2 now he.s re-e-&ered/ Arya ho2gh . i -ade her feel &ad for elling @a4en o kill hi-. !he go off he &ench and wen o he head of he

a&le. :I saw yo2 looking a -e.: 3eese wi'ed his fingers on he fron of her shif . Then he gra&&ed her hroa wi h one hand and sla''ed her wi h he o her. :3ha did I ell yo28: 6e sla''ed her again/ &ackhand. :Kee' hose eyes o yo2rself/ or ne9 i-e I.ll s'oon one o2 and feed i o -y &i ch.: A sho0e sen her s 2-&ling o he floor. 6er he- ca2gh on a loose nail in he s'lin ered wooden &ench and ri''ed as she fell. :=o2.ll -end ha &efore yo2 slee'/: 3eese anno2nced as he '2lled he las &i of -ea off he ca'on. 3hen he was finished he s2cked his fingers noisily/ and hrew he &ones o his 2gly s'o ed dog. :3eese/: Arya whis'ered ha nigh as she &en o0er he ear in her shif . :12nsen/ (olli0er/ Raff he !wee ling/: she said/ calling a na-e e0ery i-e she '2shed he &one needle hro2gh he 2ndyed wool. :The Tickler and he 6o2nd. !er Gregor/ !er A-ory/ !er Ilyn/ !er Meryn/ King @offrey/ F2een Cersei.: !he wondered how -2ch longer she wo2ld ha0e o incl2de 3eese in her 'rayer/ and drif ed off o slee' drea-ing ha on he -orrow/ when she woke/ he.d &e dead. B2 i was he shar' oe of 3eese.s &oo ha woke her/ as e0er. The -ain s reng h of *ord Tywin.s hos wo2ld ride his day/ he old he- as hey &roke heir fas on oa cakes. :1on. none of yo2 &e hinking how easy i .ll &e here once -.lord of *annis er is gone/: he warned. :The cas le won. grow no s-aller/ I 'ro-ise yo2 ha / only now here.ll &e fewer hands o end o i . =o2 lo of sl2ga&eds are going o learn wha work is now/ yes yo2 are.: 5o fro- yo2. Arya 'icked a her oa en cake. 3eese frowned a her/ as if he s-elled her secre . F2ickly she dro''ed her ga>e o her food/ and dared no raise her eyes again. (ale ligh filled he yard when *ord Tywin *annis er ook his lea0e of 6arrenhal. Arya wa ched fro- an arched window halfway 2' he 3ailing Tower. 6is charger wore a &lanke of ena-eled cri-son scales and gilded crine and charnfron/ while *ord Tywin hi-self s'or ed a hick er-ine cloak. 6is &ro her !er Ke0an looked near as s'lendid. 5o less han fo2r s andard7&earers wen &efore he-/ carrying h2ge cri-son &anners e-&la>oned wi h he golden lion. Behind he *annis ers ca-e heir grea lords and ca' ains. Their &anners flared and fla''ed/ a 'agean of colorB red o9 and golden -o2n ain/ '2r'le 2nicorn and &an a- roos er/ &rindled &oar and &adger/ a sil0er ferre and a ;2ggler in -o ley/ s ars and s2n&2rs s/ 'eacock and 'an her/ che0ron and dagger/ &lack hood and &l2e &ee le and green arrow. *as of all ca-e !er Gregor Clegane in his grey 'la e s eel/ as ride a s allion as &ad7 e-'ered as his rider. (olli0er rode &eside hi-/ wi h he &lack dog s andard in his hand and Gendry.s horned hel- on his head. 6e was a all -an/ &2 he looked no -ore han a half7grown &oy when he rode in his -as er.s shadow. A shi0er cre' 2' Arya.s s'ine as she wa ched he- 'ass 2nder he grea iron 'or c2llis of 6arrenhal. !2ddenly she knew ha she had -ade a erri&le -is ake. I.- so s 2'id/ she ho2gh . 3eese did no -a er/ no -ore han Chiswyck had. These were he -en who -a ered/ he ones she o2gh o ha0e killed. *as nigh she co2ld ha0e whis'ered any of hedead/ if only she hadn. &een so -ad a 3eese for hi ing her and lying a&o2 he ca'on. *ord Tywin/ why didn. I say *ord Tywin8 (erha's i was no oo la e o change her -ind. 3eese was no killed ye . If she co2ld find @a4en/ ell hi- . . . 62rriedly/ Arya ran down he wis ing s e's/ her chores forgo en. !he heard he ra le of chains as he 'or c2llis was slowly lowered/ i s s'ikes sinking dee' in o he gro2nd . . . and hen ano her so2nd/ a shriek of 'ain and fear.

A do>en 'eo'le go here &efore her/ ho2gh none was co-ing any oo close. Arya s42ir-ed &e ween he-. 3eese was s'rawled across he co&&les/ his hroa a red r2in/ eyes ga'ing sigh lessly 2' a a &ank of grey clo2d. 6is 2gly s'o ed dog s ood on his ches / la''ing a he &lood '2lsing fro- his neck/ and e0ery so of en ri''ing a -o2 hf2l of flesh o2 of he dead -an.s face. Finally so-eone &ro2gh a cross&ow and sho he s'o ed dog dead while she was worrying a one of 3eese.s ears. :1a-nedes hing/: she heard a -an say. :6e had ha &i ch dog since she was a '2'.: :This 'lace is c2rsed/: he -an wi h he cross&ow said. :I .s 6arren.s ghos / ha .s wha i is/: said Goodwife A-a&el. :I.ll no slee' here ano her nigh / I swear i .: Arya lif ed her ga>e fro- he dead -an and his dead dog. @a4en 6.ghar was leaning 2' agains he side of he 3ailing Tower. 3hen he saw her looking/ he lif ed a hand o his face and laid wo fingers cas2ally agains his cheek. C6A(T,R "$ CAT,*=5 Two days ride fro- Ri0err2n/ a sco2 s'ied he- wa ering heir horses &eside a -2ddy s ea-. Ca elyn had ne0er &een so glad o see he win ower &adge of 6o2se Frey. 3hen she asked hi- o lead he- o her 2ncle/ he said/ :The Blackfish is gone wes wi h he king/ -y lady. Mar yn Ri0ers co--ands he o2 riders in his s ead.: :I see.: !he had -e Ri0ers a he Twins< a &ase&orn son of *ord 3alder Frey/ half &ro her o !er (erwyn. I did no s2r'rise her o learn ha Ro&& had s r2ck a he hear of *annis er 'ower< clearly he had &een con e-'la ing ;2s ha when he sen her away o rea wi h Renly. :3here is Ri0ers now8: :6is ca-' is wo ho2rs ride/ -y lady.: :Take 2s o hi-/: she co--anded. Brienne hel'ed her &ack in o her saddle/ and hey se o2 a once. :6a0e yo2 co-e fro- Bi er&ridge/ -y lady8: he sco2 asked. :5o.: !he had no dared. 3i h Renly dead/ Ca elyn had &een 2ncer ain of he rece' ion she -igh recei0e fro- his yo2ng widow and her 'ro ec ors. Ins ead she had ridden hro2gh he hear of he war/ hro2gh fer ile ri0erlands 2rned o &lackened deser &y he f2ry of he *annis ers/ and each nigh her sco2 s &ro2gh &ack ales ha -ade her ill. :*ord Renly is slain/: she added. :3e.d ho'ed ha ale was so-e *annis er lie/ or7: :3o2ld ha i were. My &ro her co--ands in Ri0err2n8: :=es/ -y lady. 6is Grace lef !er ,d-2re o hold Ri0err2n and g2ard his rear.: Gods gran hi- he s reng h o do so/ Ca elyn ho2gh . And he wisdoas well. :Is here word fro- Ro&& in he wes 8: :=o2 ha0e no heard8: The -an see-ed s2r'rised. :6is Grace won a grea 0ic ory a )9cross. !er ! afford *annis er is dead/ his hos sca ered.: !er 3endel Manderly ga0e a whoo' of 'leas2re/ &2 Ca elyn only nodded. To-orrow.s rials concerned her -ore han yes erday.s ri2-'hs. Mar yn Ri0ers had -ade his ca-' in he shell of a sha ered holdfas / &eside a roofless s a&le and a h2ndred fresh gra0es. 6e wen o one knee when Ca elyn dis-o2n ed. :3ell -e / -y lady. =o2r &ro her charged 2s o kee' an eye o2 for yo2r 'ar y/ and escor yo2 &ack o Ri0err2n

in all has e sho2ld we co-e 2'on yo2.: Ca elyn scarce liked he so2nd of ha . :Is i -y fa her8: :5o/ -y lady. *ord 6os er is 2nchanged.: Ri0ers was a r2ddy -an wi h scan rese-&lance o his half &ro hers. :I is only ha we feared yo2 -igh chance 2'on *annis er sco2 s. *ord Tywin has lef 6arrenhal and -arches wes wi h all his 'ower.: :Rise/: she old Ri0ers/ frowning. ! annis Bara heon wo2ld soon &e on he -arch as well/ gods hel' he- all. :6ow long 2n il *ord Tywin is 2'on 2s8: :Three days/ 'erha's fo2r/ i is hard o know. 3e ha0e eyes o2 along all he roads/ &2 i wo2ld &e &es no o linger.: 5or did hey. Ri0ers &roke his ca-' 42ickly and saddled 2' &eside her/ and hey se off again/ near fif y s rong now/ flying &enea h he direwolf/ he lea'ing ro2 / he win owers. 6er -en wan ed o hear -ore of Ro&&.s 0ic ory a )9cross/ and Ri0ers o&liged. :There.s a singer co-e o Ri0err2n/ calls hi-self Ry-2nd he Rhy-er/ he.s -ade a song of he figh . 1o2& less yo2.ll hear i s2ng onigh / -y lady. .3olf in he 5igh . his Ry-2nd calls i .: 6e wen on o ell how he re-nan s of !er ! afford.s hos had fallen &ack on *annis'or . 3i ho2 siege engines here was no way o s or- Cas erly Rock/ so he =o2ng 3olf was 'aying he *annis ers &ack in kind for he de0as a ion hey.d inflic ed on he ri0erlands. *ords Kars ark and Glo0er were raiding along he coas / *ady Mor-on had ca' 2red ho2sands of ca le and was dri0ing he- &ack oward Ri0err2n/ while he Grea ;on had sei>ed he gold -ines a Cas a-ere/ 52nn.s 1ee'/ and he (endric 6ills. !er 3endel la2ghed. :5o hing.s -ore like o &ring a *annis er r2nning han a hrea o his gold.: :6ow did he king e0er ake he Too h8: !er (erwyn Frey asked his &as ard &ro her. :Tha .s a hard s rong kee'/ and i co--ands he hill road. : :6e ne0er ook i . 6e sli''ed aro2nd i in he nigh . I .s said he direwolf showed hi- he way/ ha Grey 3ind of his. The &eas sniffed o2 a goa rack ha wo2nd down a defile and 2' along &enea h a ridge/ a crooked and s ony way/ ye wide eno2gh for -en riding single file. The *annis ers in heir wa ch owers go no so -2ch a gli-'se of he-.: Ri0ers lowered his 0oice. :There.s so-e say ha af er he &a le/ he king c2 o2 ! afford *annis er.s hear and fed i o he wolf.: :I wo2ld no &elie0e s2ch ales/: Ca elyn said shar'ly. :My son is no sa0age.: :As yo2 say/ -y lady. ! ill/ i .s no -ore han he &eas deser0ed. Tha is no co--on wolf/ ha one. The Grea ;on.s &een heard o say ha he old gods of he nor h sen hose direwol0es o yo2r children.: Ca elyn re-e-&ered he day when her &oys had fo2nd he '2's in he la e s2--er snows. There had &een fi0e/ hree -ale and wo fe-ale for he fi0e r2e&orn children of 6o2se ! ark . . . and a si9 h/ whi e of f2r and red of eye/ for 5ed.s &as ard son @on !now. 5o co--on wol0es/ she ho2gh . 5o indeed. Tha nigh as hey -ade heir ca-'/ Brienne so2gh o2 her en . :My lady/ yo2 are safely &ack a-ong yo2r own now/ a day.s ride fro- yo2r &ro her.s cas le. Gi0e -e lea0e o go.: Ca elyn sho2ld no ha0e &een s2r'rised. The ho-ely yo2ng wo-an had ke' o herself all hro2gh heir ;o2rney/ s'ending -os of her i-e wi h he horses/ &r2shing o2 heir coa s and '2lling s ones fro- heir shoes. !he had hel'ed !hadd cook and clean ga-e as well/ and soon 'ro0ed ha she co2ld h2n as well as any. Any ask Ca elyn asked her o 2rn her hand o/ Brienne had 'erfor-ed def ly and wi ho2 co-'lain / and when she was s'oken o she answered 'oli ely/ &2 she

ne0er cha ered/ nor we' / nor la2ghed. !he had ridden wi h he- e0ery day and sle' a-ong he- e0ery nigh wi ho2 e0er r2ly &eco-ing one of he-. I was he sa-e when she was wi h Renly/ Ca elyn ho2gh . A he feas / in he -elee/ e0en in Renly.s 'a0ilion wi h her &ro hers of he Rain&ow G2ard. There are walls aro2nd his one higher han 3in erfell.s. :If yo2 lef 2s/ where wo2ld yo2 go8: Ca elyn asked her. :Back/: Brienne said. :To ! or-.s ,nd.: :Alone.: I was no a 42es ion. The &road face was a 'ool of s ill wa er/ gi0ing no hin of wha -igh li0e in he de' hs &elow. :=es.: :=o2 -ean o kill ! annis.: Brienne closed her hick call2sed fingers aro2nd he hil of her sword. The sword ha had &een his. :I swore a 0ow. Three i-es I swore. =o2 heard -e.: :I did/: Ca elyn ad-i ed. The girl had ke' he rain&ow cloak when she discarded he res of her &loods ained clo hing/ she knew. Brienne.s own hings had &een lef &ehind d2ring heir fligh / and she had &een forced o clo he herself in odd &i s of !er 3endel.s s'are gar&/ since no one else in heir 'ar y had gar-en s large eno2gh o fi her. :Vows sho2ld &e ke' / I agree/ &2 ! annis has a grea hos aro2nd hi-/ and his own g2ards sworn o kee' hi- safe.: :I a- no afraid of his g2ards. I a- as good as any of he-. I sho2ld ne0er ha0e fled.: :Is ha wha ro2&les yo2/ ha so-e fool -igh call yo2 cra0en8: !he sighed. :Renly.s dea h was no fa2l of yo2 s. =o2 ser0ed hi- 0alian ly/ &2 when yo2 seek o follow hi- in o he ear h/ yo2 ser0e no one.: !he s re ched o2 a hand/ o gi0e wha co-for a o2ch co2ld gi0e. :I know how hard i is7: Brienne shook off her hand. :5o one knows.: wrong/: Ca elyn said shar'ly. :,0ery -orning/ when I wake/ I re-e-&er ha 5ed is gone. I ha0e no skill wi h swords/ &2 ha does no -ean ha I do no drea- of riding o King.s *anding and wra''ing -y hands aro2nd Cersei *annis er.s whi e hroa and s42ee>ing 2n il her face 2rns &lack.: The Bea2 y raised her eyes/ he only 'ar of her ha was r2ly &ea2 if2l. :If yo2 drea- ha / why wo2ld yo2 seek o hold -e &ack8 Is i &eca2se of wha ! annis said a he 'arley8: 3as i 8 Ca elyn glanced across he ca-'. Two -en were walking sen ry/ s'ears in hand. :I was a2gh ha good -en -2s figh e0il in his world/ and Renly.s dea h was e0il &eyond all do2& . =e I was also a2gh ha he gods -ake kings/ no he swords of -en. if ! annis is o2r righ f2l king7: :6e.s no . Ro&er was ne0er he righ f2l king ei her/ e0en Renly said as -2ch. @ai-e *annis er -2rdered he righ f2l king/ af er Ro&er killed his lawf2l heir on he Triden . 3here were he gods hen8 The gods don. care a&o2 -en/ no -ore han kings care a&o2 'easan s.: :A good king does care.: :*ord Renly . . . 6is Grace/ he . . . he wo2ld ha0e &een he &es king/ -y lady/ he was so good/ he . . .: :6e is gone/ Brienne/: she said/ as gen ly as she co2ld. :! annis and @offrey re-ain . . . and so does -y son.: :6e wo2ldn. . . . yo2.d ne0er -ake a 'eace wi h ! annis/ wo2ld yo28 Bend he knee8 =o2 wo2ldn. . . .: :I will ell yo2 r2e/ Brienne. I do no know. My son -ay &e a king/ &2 I a- no 42een ... only a -o her who wo2ld kee' her children safe/ howe0er she co2ld.:

:I a- no -ade o &e a -o her. I need o figh .: :Then figh . . . &2 for he li0ing/ no he dead. Renly.s ene-ies are Ro&&.s ene-ies as well.: Brienne s ared a he gro2nd and sh2ffled her fee . :I do no know yo2r son/ -y lady.: !he looked 2'. :I co2ld ser0e yo2. If yo2 wo2ld ha0e -e.: Ca elyn was s ar led. :3hy -e8: The 42es ion see-ed o ro2&le Brienne. :=o2 hel'ed -e. In he 'a0ilion . . . when hey ho2gh ha I had . . . ha i had . . . :=o2 were innocen .: :,0en so/ yo2 did no ha0e o do ha . =o2 co2ld ha0e le he- kill -e. I was no hing o yo2.: (erha's I did no wan o &e he only one who knew he dark r2 h of wha had ha''ened here/ Ca elyn ho2gh . :Brienne/ I ha0e aken -any well&orn ladies in o -y ser0ice o0er he years/ &2 ne0er one like yo2. I a- no &a le co--ander.: :5o/ &2 yo2 ha0e co2rage. 5o &a le co2rage 'erha's &2 . . . I don. know . . . a kind of wo-an.s co2rage. And I hink/ when he i-e co-es/ yo2 will no ry and hold -e &ack. (ro-ise -e ha . Tha yo2 will no hold -e &ack fro- ! annis.: Ca elyn co2ld s ill hear ! annis saying ha Ro&&.s 2rn oo wo2ld co-e in i-e. I was like a cold &rea h on he &ack of her neck. :3hen he i-e co-es/ I will no hold yo2 &ack.: The all girl knel awkwardly/ 2nshea hed Renly.s longsword/ and laid i a her fee . :Then I a- yo2rs/ -y lady. =o2r liege -an/ or . . . wha e0er yo2 wo2ld ha0e -e &e. I will shield yo2r &ack and kee' yo2r co2nsel and gi0e -y life for yo2rs/ if need &e. I swear i &y he old gods and he new.: :And I 0ow ha yo2 shall always ha0e a 'lace &y -y hear h and -ea and -ead a -y a&le/ and 'ledge o ask no ser0ice of yo2 ha -igh &ring yo2 in o dishonor. I swear i &y he old gods and he new. Arise.: As she clas'ed he o her wo-an.s hands &e ween her own/ Ca elyn co2ld no hel' &2 s-ile. 6ow -any i-es did I wa ch 5ed acce' a -an.s oa h of ser0iceA !he wondered wha he wo2ld hink if he co2ld see her now. They forded he Red Fork la e he ne9 day/ 2's rea- of Ri0err2n where he ri0er -ade a wide loo' and he wa ers grew -2ddy and shallow. The crossing was g2arded &y a -i9ed force of archers and 'ike-en wearing he eagle &adge of he Mallis ers. 3hen hey saw Ca elyn.s &anners/ hey e-erged fro- &ehind heir shar'ened s akes and sen a -an o0er fro- he far &ank o lead her 'ar y across. :!low and caref2l like/ -ilady/: he warned as he ook he &ridle of her horse. :3e.0e 'lan ed iron s'ikes 2nder he wa er/ y.see/ and here.s cal ro's sca ered a-ong he- rocks here. I .s he sa-e on all he fords/ &y yo2r &ro her.s co--and.: ,d-2re hinks o figh here. The reali>a ion ga0e her a 42easy feeling in he &owels/ &2 she held her ong2e. Be ween he Red Fork and he T2-&les one/ hey ;oined a s rea- of s-allfolk -aking for he safe y of Ri0err2n. !o-e were dri0ing ani-als &efore he-/ o hers '2lling wayns/ &2 hey -ade way as Ca elyn rode 'as / and cheered her wi h cries of :T2lly?: or :! ark?: 6alf a -ile fro- he cas le/ she 'assed hro2gh a large enca-'-en where he scarle &anner of he Blackwoods wa0ed a&o0e he lord.s en . *2cas ook his lea0e of her here/ o seek o2 his fa her/ *ord Ty os. The res rode on. Ca elyn s'ied a second ca-' s r2ng o2 along he &ank nor h of he T2-&les one/ fa-iliar s andards fla''ing in he wind7Mar4 (i'er.s dancing -aiden/ 1arry.s 'low-an/ he wining red7and7whi e snakes of he (aeges. They were all her fa her.s &anner-en/ lords of he Triden .

Mos had lef Ri0err2n &efore she had/ o defend heir own lands. If hey were here again/ i co2ld only -ean ha ,d-2re had called he&ack. Gods sa0e 2s/ i .s r2e/ he -eans o offer &a le o *ord Tywin. !o-e hing dark was dangling agains he walls of Ri0err2n/ Ca elyn saw fro- a dis ance. 3hen she rode close/ she saw dead -en hanging fro- he &a le-en s/ sl2-'ed a he ends of long ro'es wi h he-'en nooses igh aro2nd heir necks/ heir faces swollen and &lack. The crows had &een a he-/ &2 heir cri-son cloaks s ill showed &righ agains he sands one walls. :They ha0e hanged so-e *annis ers/: 6al Mollen o&ser0ed. :A 're y sigh /: !er 3endel Manderly said cheerf2lly. :)2r friends ha0e &eg2n wi ho2 2s/: (erwyn Frey ;es ed. The o hers la2ghed/ all &2 Brienne/ who ga>ed 2' a he row of &odies 2n&linking/ and nei her s'oke nor s-iled. If hey ha0e slain he Kingslayer/ hen -y da2gh ers are dead as well. Ca elyn s'2rred her horse o a can er. 6al Mollen and Ro&in Flin raced 'as a a gallo'/ halooing o he ga eho2se. The g2ards on he walls had do2& less s'ied her &anners so-e i-e ago/ for he 'or c2llis was 2' as hey a''roached. ,d-2re rode o2 fro- he cas le o -ee her/ s2rro2nded &y hree of her fa her.s sworn -en7grea 7&ellied !er 1es-ond Grell he -as er7a ar-s/ + herydes 3ayn he s eward/ and !er Ro&in Ryger/ Ri0err2n.s &ig &ald ca' ain of g2ards. They were all hree of an age wi h *ord 6os er/ -en who had s'en heir li0es in her fa her.s ser0ice. )ld -en/ Ca elyn reali>ed. ,d-2re wore a &l2e7and7red cloak o0er a 2nic e-&roidered wi h sil0er fish. Fro- he look of hi-/ he had no sha0ed since she rode so2 h< his &eard was a fiery &2sh. :Ca / i is good o ha0e yo2 safely &ack. 3hen we heard of Renly.s dea h/ we feared for yo2r life. And *ord Tywin is on he -arch as well.: :!o I a- old. 6ow fares o2r fa her8: :)ne day he see-s s ronger/ he ne9 6e shook his head. :6e.s asked for yo2. I did no know wha o ell hi-.: :I will go o hi- soon/: she 0owed. :6as here &een word fro- ! or-.s ,nd since Renly died8 )r fro- Bi er&ridge8: 5o ra0ens ca-e o -en on he road/ and Ca elyn was an9io2s o know wha had ha''ened &ehind her. :5o hing fro- Bi er&ridge. Fro- ! or-.s ,nd/ hree &irds fro- he cas ellan/ !er Cor nay (enrose/ all carrying he sa-e 'lea. ! annis has hi- s2rro2nded &y land and sea. 6e offers his allegiance o wha soe0er king will &reak he siege. 6e fears for he &oy/ he says. 3ha &oy wo2ld ha &e/ do yo2 know8: :,dric ! or-/: Brienne old he-. :Ro&er .s &as ard son.: ,d-2re looked a her c2rio2sly. :! annis has sworn ha he garrison -igh go free/ 2nhar-ed/ 'ro0ided hey yield he cas le wi hin he for nigh and deli0er he &oy in o his hands/ &2 !er Cor nay will no consen .: 6e risks all for a &ase&orn &oy whose &lood is no e0en his own/ Ca elyn ho2gh . :1id yo2 send hi- an answer8: ,d-2re shook his head. :3hy/ when we ha0e nei her hel' nor ho'e o offer8 And ! annis is no ene-y of o2rs.: !er Ro&in Ryger s'oke. :My lady/ can yo2 ell 2s he -anner of *ord Renly.s dea h8 The ales we.0e heard ha0e &een 42eer.: :Ca /: her &ro her said/ :so-e say yo2 killed Renly. ) hers clai- i was so-e so2 hron wo-an.: 6is glance lingered on Brienne. :My king was -2rdered/: he girl said 42ie ly/ :and no &y *ady Ca elyn. I swear i on -y sword/ &y he gods old and new.: :This is Brienne of Tar h/ he da2gh er of *ord !elwyn he ,0ens ar/

who ser0ed in Renly.s Rain&ow G2ard/: Ca elyn old he-. :Brienne/ I ahonored o ac42ain yo2 wi h -y &ro her !er ,d-2re T2lly/ heir o Ri0err2n. 6is s eward + herydes 3ayn. !er Ro&in Ryger and !er 1es-ond Grell.: :6onored/: said !er 1es-ond. The o hers echoed hi-. The girl fl2shed/ e-&arrassed e0en a his co--on'lace co2r esy. If ,d-2re ho2gh her a c2rio2s sor of lady/ a leas he had he grace no o say so. :Brienne was wi h Renly when he was killed/ as was I/: said Ca elyn/ :&2 we had no 'ar in his dea h.: !he did no care o s'eak of he shadow/ here in he o'en wi h -en all aro2nd/ so she wa0ed a hand a he &odies. :3ho are hese -en yo2.0e hanged8: ,d-2re glanced 2' 2nco-for a&ly. :They ca-e wi h !er Cleos when he &ro2gh he 42een.s answer o o2r 'eace offer.: Ca elyn was shocked. :=o2.0e killed en0oys8: :False en0oys/: ,d-2re declared. :They 'ledged -e heir 'eace and s2rrendered heir wea'ons/ so I allowed he- freedo- of he cas le/ and for hree nigh s hey a e -y -ea and drank -y -ead whils I alked wi h !er Cleos. )n he fo2r h nigh / hey ried o free he Kingslayer.: 6e 'oin ed 2'. :Tha &ig &r2 e killed wo g2ards wi h na2gh &2 hose ha- hands of his/ ca2gh he- &y he hroa s and s-ashed heir sk2lls oge her while ha skinny lad &eside hi- was o'ening *annis er.s cell wi h a &i of wire/ gods c2rse hi-. The one on he end was so-e sor of da-ned -2--er. 6e 2sed -y own 0oice o co--and ha he Ri0er Ga e &e o'ened. The g2ards-en swear o i / ,nger and 1el' and *ong *ew/ all hree. If yo2 ask -e/ he -an so2nded no hing like -e/ and ye he oafs were raising he 'or c2llis all he sa-e.: This was he I-'.s work/ Ca elyn s2s'ec ed< i s ank of he sa-e sor of c2nning he had dis'layed a he ,yrie. )nce/ she wo2ld ha0e na-ed Tyrion he leas dangero2s of he *annis ers. 5ow she was no so cer ain. :6ow is i yo2 ca2gh he-8: :Ah/ as i ha''ened/ I was no in he cas le. I.d crossed he T2-&les one o/ ah . . .: :=o2 were whoring or wenching. Ge on wi h he ale.: ,d-2re.s cheeks fla-ed as red as his &eard. :I was he ho2r &efore dawn/ and I was only hen re 2rning. 3hen *ong *ew saw -y &oa and recogni>ed -e/ he finally ho2gh o wonder who was s anding &elow &arking co--ands/ and raised a cry.: :Tell -e he Kingslayer was re aken.: :=es/ ho2gh no easily. @ai-e go hold of a sword/ slew (o2l (ernford and !er 1es-ond.s s42ire Myles/ and wo2nded 1el' so &adly ha Maes er Vy-an fears he.ll soon die as well. I was a &loody -ess. A he so2nd of s eel/ so-e of he o her red cloaks r2shed o ;oin hi-/ &arehand or no. I hanged hose &eside he fo2r who freed hi-/ and hrew he res in he d2ngeons. @ai-e oo. 3e.ll ha0e no -ore esca'es fro- ha one. 6e.s down in he dark his i-e/ chained hand and foo and &ol ed o he wall.: :And Cleos Frey8: :6e swears he knew na2gh of he 'lo . 3ho can say8 The -an is half *annis er/ half Frey/ and all liar. I '2 hi- in @ai-e.s old ower cell.: :=o2 say he &ro2gh er-s8: :If yo2 can call he- ha . =o2.ll like he- no -ore han I did/ I 'ro-ise.: :Can we ho'e for no hel' fro- he so2 h/ *ady ! ark8: asked + herydes 3ayn/ her fa her.s s eward. :This charge of inces . . . *ord Tywin does no s2ffer s2ch sligh s ligh ly. 6e will seek o wash he s ain fro- his da2gh er.s na-e wi h he &lood of her acc2ser/ *ord

! annis -2s see ha . 6e has no choice &2 o -ake co--on ca2se wi h 2s.: ! annis has -ade co--on ca2se wi h a 'ower grea er and darker. :*e 2s s'eak of hese -a ers la er.: Ca elyn ro ed o0er he draw&ridge/ '2 ing he grisly row of dead *annis ers &ehind her. 6er &ro her ke' 'ace. As hey rode o2 in o he &2s le of Ri0err2n.s 2''er &ailey/ a naked oddler ran in fron of he horses. Ca elyn ;erked her reins hard o a0oid hi-/ glancing a&o2 in dis-ay. 62ndreds of s-allfolk had &een ad-i ed o he cas le/ and allowed o erec cr2de shel ers agains he walls. Their children were e0erywhere 2nderfoo / and he yard ee-ed wi h heir cows/ shee'/ and chickens. :3ho are all hese folk8: :My 'eo'le/: ,d-2re answered. :They were afraid.: )nly -y swee &ro her wo2ld crowd all hese 2seless -o2 hs in o a cas le ha -igh soon &e 2nder siege. Ca elyn knew ha ,d-2re had a sof hear < so-e i-es she ho2gh his head was e0en sof er. !he lo0ed hi- for i / ye s ill . . . :Can Ro&& &e reached &y ra0en8: :6e.s in he field/ -y lady/: !er 1es-ond re'lied. :The &ird wo2ld ha0e no way o find hi-.: + herydes 3ayn co2ghed. :Before he lef 2s/ he yo2ng king ins r2c ed 2s o send yo2 on o he Twins 2'on yo2r re 2rn/ *ady ! ark. 6e asks ha yo2 learn -ore of *ord 3alder.s da2gh ers/ o hel' hi- selec his &ride when he i-e co-es.: :3e.ll 'ro0ide yo2 wi h fresh -o2n s and 'ro0isions/: her &ro her 'ro-ised. :=o2.ll wan o refresh yo2rself &efore7: :I.ll wan o s ay/: Ca elyn said/ dis-o2n ing. !he had no in en ion of lea0ing Ri0err2n and her dying fa her o 'ick Ro&&.s wife for hi-. Ro&& wan s -e safe/ I canno fa2l hi- for ha / &2 his 're e9 is growing hread&are. :Boy/: she called/ and an 2rchin fro- he s a&les ran o2 o ake he reins of her horse. ,d-2re sw2ng down fro- his saddle. 6e was a head aller han she was/ &2 he wo2ld always &e her li le &ro her. :Ca /: he said 2nha''ily/ :*ord Tywin is co-ing7: :6e is -aking for he wes / o defend his own lands. If we close o2r ga es and shel er &ehind he walls/ we can wa ch hi- 'ass wi h safe y.: :This is T2lly land/: ,d-2re declared. :If Tywin *annis er hinks o cross i 2n&loodied/ I -ean o each hi- a hard lesson.: The sa-e lesson yo2 a2gh his son8 6er &ro her co2ld &e s 2&&orn as ri0er rock when his 'ride was o2ched/ &2 nei her of he- was likely o forge how !er @ai-e had c2 ,d-2re.s hos o &loody 'ieces he las i-e he had offered &a le. :3e ha0e no hing o gain and e0ery hing o lose &y -ee ing *ord Tywin in he field/: Ca elyn said ac f2lly. :The yard is no he 'lace o disc2ss -y &a le 'lans.: :As yo2 will. 3here shall we go8: 6er &ro her.s face darkened. For a -o-en she ho2gh he was a&o2 o lose his e-'er wi h her/ &2 finally he sna''ed/ :The godswood. If yo2 will insis .: !he followed hi- along a gallery o he godswood ga e. ,d-2re.s anger had always &een a s2lky/ s2llen hing. Ca elyn was sorry she had wo2nded hi-/ &2 he -a er was oo i-'or an for her o concern herself wi h his 'ride. 3hen hey were alone &enea h he rees/ ,d-2re 2rned o face her. :=o2 do no ha0e he s reng h o -ee he *annis ers in he field/: she said &l2n ly. :3hen all -y s reng h is -arshaled/ I sho2ld ha0e eigh ho2sand foo and hree ho2sand horse/: ,d-2re said. :3hich -eans *ord Tywin will ha0e near wice yo2r n2-&ers.:

:Ro&&.s won his &a les agains worse odds/: ,d-2re re'lied/ :and I ha0e a 'lan. =o2.0e forgo en Roose Bol on. *ord Tywin defea ed hi- on he Green Fork/ &2 failed o '2rs2e. 3hen *ord Tywin wen o 6an renhal/ Bol on ook he r2&y ford and he crossroads. 6e has en ho2sand -en. I.0e sen word o 6el-an Tallhar o ;oin hi- wi h he garrison Ro&& lef a he Twins7: :,d-2re/ Ro&& lef hose -en o hold he Twins and -ake cer ain *ord 3alder kee's fai h wi h 2s.: :6e has/: ,d-2re said s 2&&ornly. :The Freys fo2gh &ra0ely in he 3his'ering 3ood/ and old !er ! e0ron died a )9cross/ we hear. !er Ry-an and Black 3alder and he res are wi h Ro&& in he wes / Mar yn has &een of grea ser0ice sco2 ing/ and !er (erwyn hel'ed see yo2 safe o Renly. Gods &e good/ how -2ch -ore can we ask of he-8 Ro&&.s &e ro hed o one of *ord 3alder.s da2gh ers/ and Roose Bol on wed ano her/ I hear. And ha0en. yo2 aken wo of his grandsons o &e fos ered a 3in erfell8: :A ward can easily &eco-e a hos age/ if need &e.: !he had no known ha !er ! e0ron was dead/ nor of Bol on.s -arriage. :If wo hos ages o he good/ all he -ore reason *ord 3alder dare no 'lay 2s false. Bol on needs Frey.s -en/ and !er 6el-an.s as well. I.0e co--anded hi- o re ake 6arrenhal.: :Tha .s like o &e a &loody &2siness.: :=es/ &2 once he cas le falls/ *ord Tywin will ha0e no safe re rea . My own le0ies will defend he fords of Red Fork agains his crossing. If he a acks across he ri0er/ he.ll end as Rhaegar did when he ried o cross he Triden . If he holds &ack/ he.ll &e ca2gh &e ween Ri0err2n and 6arrenhal/ and when Ro&& re 2rns fro- he wes we can finish hifor good and all.: 6er &ro her.s 0oice was f2ll of &r2s42e confidence/ &2 Ca elyn fo2nd herself wishing ha Ro&& had no aken her 2ncle Brynden wes wi h hi-. The Blackfish was he 0e eran of half a h2ndred &a les< ,d-2re was he 0e eran of one/ and ha one los . :The 'lan.s a good one/: he concl2ded. :*ord Ty os says so/ and *ord ;onos as well. 3hen did Blackwood and Bracken agree a&o2 any hing ha was no cer ain/ I ask yo28: :Be ha as i -ay.: !he was s2ddenly weary. (erha's she was wrong o o''ose hi-. (erha's i was a s'lendid 'lan/ and her -isgi0ings only a wo-an.s fears. !he wished 5ed were here/ or her 2ncle Brynden/ or . . . :6a0e yo2 asked Fa her a&o2 his8: :Fa her is in no s a e o weigh s ra egies. Two days ago he was -aking 'lans for yo2r -arriage o Brandon ! ark? Go see hi- yo2rself if yo2 do no &elie0e -e. This 'lan will work/ Ca / yo2.ll see.: :I ho'e so/ ,d-2re. I r2ly do.: !he kissed hi- on he cheek/ o le hi- know she -ean i / and wen o find her fa her. *ord 6os er T2lly was -2ch as she had lef hi-7a&ed/ haggard/ flesh 'ale and cla--y. The roo- s-elled of sickness/ a cloying odor -ade 2' in e42al 'ar s of s ale swea and -edicine. 3hen she '2lled &ack he dra'es/ her fa her ga0e a low -oan/ and his eyes fl2 ered o'en. 6e s ared a her as if he co2ld no co-'rehend who she was or wha she wan ed. :Fa her.: !he kissed hi-. :I a- re 2rned.: 6e see-ed o know her hen. :=o2.0e co-e/: he whis'ered fain ly/ li's &arely -o0ing. :=es/: she said. :Ro&& sen -e so2 h/ &2 I h2rried &ack.: :!o2 h . . . where . . . is he ,yrie so2 h/ swee ling8 I don. recall . . . oh/ dear hear / I was afraid . . . ha0e yo2 forgi0en -e/

child8: Tears ran down his cheeks. :=o2.0e done no hing ha needs forgi0eness/ Fa her.: !he s roked his li-' whi e hair and fel his &row. The fe0er s ill &2rned hi- frowi hin/ des'i e all he -aes er.s 'o ions. :I was &es /: her fa her whis'ered. :@on.s a good -an/ good . . . s rong/ kind . . . ake care of yo2 . . . he will . . . and well &orn/ lis en o -e/ yo2 -2s / I.- yo2r fa her . . . yo2r fa her . . . yo2.ll wed when Ca does/ yes yo2 will . . .: 6e hinks I.- *ysa/ Ca elyn reali>ed. Gods &e good/ he alks as if we were no -arried ye . 6er fa her.s hands cl2 ched a hers/ fl2 ering like wo frigh ened whi e &irds. :Tha s ri'ling . . . wre ched &oy . . . no s'eak ha na-e o -e/ yo2r d2 y . . . yo2r -o her/ she wo2ld . . .: *ord 6os er cried as a s'as- of 'ain washed o0er hi-. :)h/ gods forgi0e -e/ forgi0e -e/ forgi0e -e. My -edicine . . .: And hen Maes er Vy-an was here/ holding a c2' o his li's. *ord 6os er s2cked a he hick whi e 'o ion as eager as a &a&e a he &reas / and Ca elyn co2ld see 'eace se le o0er hi- once -ore. :6e.ll slee' now/ -y lady/: he -aes er said when he c2' was e-' y. The -ilk of he 'o''y had lef a hick whi e fil- aro2nd her fa her.s -o2 h. Maes er Vy-an wi'ed i away wi h a slee0e. Ca elyn co2ld wa ch no -ore. 6os er T2lly had &een a s rong -an/ and 'ro2d. I h2r her o see hi- red2ced o his. !he wen o2 o he errace. The yard &elow was crowded wi h ref2gees and chao ic wi h heir noises/ &2 &eyond he walls he ri0ers flowed clean and '2re and endless. Those are his ri0ers/ and soon he will re 2rn o he- for his las 0oyage. Maes er Vy-an had followed her o2 . :My lady/: he said sof ly/ :I canno kee' he end a &ay -2ch longer. 3e o2gh send a rider af er his &ro her. !er Brynden wo2ld wish o &e here.: :=es/: Ca elyn said/ her 0oice hick wi h her grief. :And he *ady *ysa as well/ 'erha's8: :*ysa will no co-e.: :If yo2 wro e her yo2rself/ 'erha's :I will '2 so-e words o 'a'er/ if ha 'lease yo2.: !he wondered who *ysa.s :wre ched s ri'ling: had &een. !o-e yo2ng s42ire or hedge knigh / like as no . . . ho2gh &y he 0ehe-ence wi h which *ord 6os er had o''osed hi-/ he -igh ha0e &een a rades-an.s son or &ase&orn a''ren ice/ e0en a singer. *ysa had always &een oo fond of singers. I -2s no &la-e her. Ion Arryn was wen y years older han o2r fa her/ howe0er no&le. The ower her &ro her had se aside for her 2se was he 0ery sa-e ha she and *ysa had shared as -aids. i wo2ld feel good o slee' on a fea her&ed again/ wi h a war- fire in he hear h< when she was res ed he world wo2ld see- less &leak. B2 o2 side her cha-&ers she fo2nd + herydes 3ayn wai ing wi h wo wo-en clad in grey/ heir faces cowled sa0e for heir eyes. Ca elyn knew a once why hey were here. :5ed8: The sis ers lowered heir ga>e. + herydes said/ :!er Cleos &ro2gh hifro- King.s *anding/ -y lady.: :Take -e o hi-/: she co--anded. They had laid hi- o2 on a res le a&le and co0ered hi- wi h a &anner/ he whi e &anner of 6o2se ! ark wi h i s grey direwolf sigil. :I wo2ld look on hi-/: Ca elyn said. :)nly he &ones re-ain/ -y lady.: :I wo2ld look on hi-/: she re'ea ed. )ne of he silen sis ers 2rned down he &anner.

Bones/ Ca elyn ho2gh . This is no 5ed/ his is no he -an I lo0ed/ he fa her of -y children. 6is hands were clas'ed oge her o0er his ches / skele al fingers c2rled a&o2 he hil of so-e longsword/ &2 hey were no 5ed.s hands/ so s rong and f2ll of life. They had dressed he &ones in 5ed.s s2rcoa / he fine whi e 0el0e wi h he direwolf &adge o0er he hear / &2 no hing re-ained of he war- flesh ha had 'illowed her head so -any nigh s/ he ar-s ha had held her. The head had &een re;oined o he &ody wi h fine sil0er wire/ &2 one sk2ll looks -2ch like ano her/ and in hose e-' y hollows she fo2nd no race of her lord.s dark grey eyes/ eyes ha co2ld &e sof as a fog or hard as s one. They ga0e his eyes o crows/ she re-e-&ered. Ca elyn 2rned away. :Tha is no his sword.: :Ice was no re 2rned o 2s/ -y lady/: + herydes said. :)nly *ord ,ddard.s &ones.: :I s2''ose I -2s hank he 42een for e0en ha -2ch.: :Thank he I-'/ -y lady. I was his doing.: )ne day I will hank he- all. :I a- gra ef2l for yo2r ser0ice/ sis ers/: Ca elyn said/ :&2 I -2s lay ano her ask 2'on yo2. *ord ,ddard was a ! ark/ and his &ones -2s &e laid o res &enea h 3in erfell.: They will -ake a s a 2e of hi-/ a s one likeness ha will si in he dark wi h a direwolf a his fee and a sword across his knees. :Make cer ain he sis ers ha0e fresh horses/ and a2gh else hey need for he ;o2rney/: she old + herydes 3ayn. :6al Mollen will escor he- &ack o 3in erfell/ i is his 'lace as ca' ain of g2ards.: !he ga>ed down a he &ones ha were all ha re-ained of her lord and lo0e. :5ow lea0e -e/ all of yo2. I wo2ld &e alone wi h 5ed onigh .: The wo-en in grey &owed heir heads. The silen sis ers do no s'eak o he li0ing/ Ca elyn re-e-&ered d2lly/ &2 so-e say hey can alk o he dead. And how she en0ied ha . . . C6A(T,R D0 1A,5,R=! The dra'es ke' o2 he d2s and hea of he s ree s/ &2 hey co2ld no kee' o2 disa''oin -en . 1any cli-&ed inside wearily/ glad for he ref2ge fro- he sea of Far heen eyes. :Make way/: @hogo sho2 ed a he crowd fro- horse&ack/ sna''ing his whi'/ :-ake way/ -ake way for he Mo her of 1ragons.: Reclining on cool sa in c2shions/ Caro Choan 1a9os 'o2red r2&y7red wine in o -a ched go&le s of ;ade and gold/ his hands s2re and s eady des'i e he sway of he 'alan42in. :I see a dee' sadness wri en 2'on yo2r face/ -y ligh of lo0e.: 6e offered her a go&le . :Co2ld i &e he sadness of a los drea-8: :A drea- delayed/ no -ore.: 1any.s igh sil0er collar was chafing agains her hroa . !he 2nfas ened i and fl2ng i aside. The collar was se wi h an enchan ed a-e hys ha Caro swore wo2ld ward her agains all 'oisons. The (2re&orn were no orio2s for offering 'oisoned wine o hose hey ho2gh dangero2s/ &2 hey had no gi0en 1any so -2ch as a c2' of wa er. They ne0er saw -e for a 42een/ she ho2gh &i erly. I was only an af ernoon.s a-2se-en / a horse girl wi h a c2rio2s 'e . Rhaegal hissed and d2g shar' &lack claws in o her &are sho2lder as 1any s re ched o2 a hand for he wine. 3incing/ she shif ed hi- o her o her sho2lder/ where he co2ld claw her gown ins ead of her skin. !he was gar&ed af er he Far heen fashion. Caro had warned her ha he ,n hroned wo2ld ne0er lis en o a 1o hraki/ so she had aken care o go

&efore he- in flowing green sa-i e wi h one &reas &ared/ sil0ered sandals on her fee / wi h a &el of &lack7and7whi e 'earls a&o2 her wais . For all he hel' hey offered/ I co2ld ha0e gone naked. (erha's I sho2ld ha0e. !he drank dee'. 1escendan s of he ancien kings and 42eens of Far h/ he (2re&orn co--anded he Ci0ic G2ard and he flee of orna e galleys ha r2led he s rai s &e ween he seas. 1aenerys Targaryen had wan ed ha flee / or 'ar of i / and so-e of heir soldiers as well. !he -ade he radi ional sacrifice in he Te-'le of Me-ory/ offered he radi ional &ri&e o he Kee'er of he *ong *is / sen he radi ional 'ersi--on o he o'ener of he 1oor/ and finally recei0ed he radi ional &l2e silk sli''ers s2--oning her o he 6all of a Tho2sand Thrones. The (2re&orn heard her 'leas fro- he grea wooden sea s of heir ances ors/ rising in c2r0ed iers fro- a -ar&le floor o a high7do-ed ceiling 'ain ed wi h scenes of Far h.s 0anished glory. The chairs were i--ense/ fan as ically car0ed/ &righ wi h goldwork and s 2dded wi h a-&er/ ony9/ la'is/ and ;ade/ each one differen fro- all he o hers/ and each s ri0ing o &e he -os fa&2lo2s. =e he -en who sa in hesee-ed so lis less and world7weary ha hey -igh ha0e &een aslee'. They lis ened/ &2 hey did no hear/ or care/ she ho2gh . They are Milk Men indeed. They ne0er -ean o hel' -e. They ca-e &eca2se hey were c2rio2s. They ca-e &eca2se hey were &ored/ and he dragon on -y sho2lder in eres ed he- -ore han I did. :Tell -e he words of he (2re&orn/: 'ro-' ed Caro Choan 1a9os. :Tell -e wha hey said o sadden he 42een of -y hear .: :They said no.: The wine as ed of 'o-egrana es and ho s2--er days. :They said i wi h grea co2r esy/ o &e s2re/ &2 2nder all he lo0ely words/ i was s ill no.: :1id yo2 fla er he-8: :!ha-elessly.: :1id yo2 wee'8: :The &lood of he dragon does no wee'/: she said es ily. Caro sighed. :=o2 o2gh o ha0e we' .: The Far heen we' of en and easily< i was considered a -ark of he ci0ili>ed -an. :The -en we &o2gh / wha did hey say8: :Ma hos said no hing. 3endello 'raised he way I s'oke. The ,942isi e ref2sed -e wi h he res / &2 he we' af erward.: / .Alas/ ha Far heen sho2ld &e so fai hless.: Caro was no hi-self of he (2re&orn/ &2 he had old her who- o &ri&e and how -2ch o offer. :3ee'/ wee'/ for he reachery of -en.: 1any wo2ld sooner ha0e we' for her gold. The &ri&es she.d endered o Ma hos Mallarawan/ 3endello Far 1ee h/ and ,gon ,-eros he ,942isi e -igh ha0e &o2gh her a shi'/ or hired a score of sellswords. :!2''ose I sen !er @orah o de-and he re 2rn of -y gif s8: she asked. :!2''ose a !orrowf2l Man ca-e o -y 'alace one nigh and killed yo2 as yo2 sle' /: said Caro. The !orrowf2l Men were an ancien sacred g2ild of assassins/ so na-ed &eca2se hey always whis'ered/ :I a- so sorry/: o heir 0ic i-s &efore hey killed he-. The Far heen were no hing if no 'oli e. :I is wisely said ha i is easier o -ilk he ! one Cow of Faros han o wring gold fro- he (2re&orn.: 1any did no know where Faros was/ &2 i see-ed o her ha Far h was f2ll of s one cows. The -erchan 'rinces/ grown 0as ly rich off he rade &e ween he seas/ were di0ided in o hree ;ealo2s fac ionsB he Ancien G2ild of !'icers/ he To2r-aline Bro herhood/ and he Thir een/ o which Caro &elonged. ,ach 0ied wi h he o hers for do-inance/ and all hree con ended endlessly wi h he (2re&orn. And &rooding o0er all were he warlocks/ wi h heir &l2e li's and dread 'owers/ seldo- seen

&2 -2ch feared. !he wo2ld ha0e &een los wi ho2 Caro. The gold ha she had s42andered o o'en he doors of he 6all of a Tho2sand Thrones was largely a 'rod2c of he -erchan .s generosi y and 42ick wi s. As he r2-or of li0ing dragons had s'read hro2gh he eas / e0er -ore seekers had co-e o learn if he ale was r2e7and Caro Choan 1a9os saw o i ha he grea and he h2-&le alike offered so-e oken o he Mo her of 1ragons. The rickle he s ar ed soon swelled o a flood. Trader ca' ains &ro2gh lace fro- Myr/ ches s of saffron fro- =i Ti/ a-&er and dragonglass o2 of Asshai. Merchan s offered &ags of coin/ sil0ers-i hs rings and chains. (i'ers 'i'ed for her/ 2-&lers 2-&led/ and ;2gglers ;2ggled/ while dyers dra'ed her in colors she had ne0er known e9is ed. A 'air of @ogos 5hai 'resen ed her wi h one of heir s ri'ed >orses/ &lack and whi e and fierce. A widow &ro2gh he dried cor'se of her h2s&and/ co0ered wi h a cr2s of sil0ered lea0es< s2ch re-nan s were &elie0ed o ha0e grea 'ower/ es'ecially if he deceased had &een a sorcerer/ as his one had. And he To2r-aline Bro herhood 'ressed on her a crown wro2gh in he sha'e of a hree7headed dragon< he coils were yellow gold/ he wings sil0er/ he heads car0ed fro- ;ade/ i0ory/ and ony9. The crown was he only offering she.d ke' . The res she sold/ o ga her he weal h she had was ed on he (2re&orn. Caro wo2ld ha0e sold he crown oo7 he Thir een wo2ld see ha she had a -2ch finer one/ he swore7&2 1any for&ade i . :Viserys sold -y -o her.s crown/ and -en called hi- a &eggar. I shall kee' his one/ so -en will call -e a 42een.: And so she did/ ho2gh he weigh of i -ade her neck ache. =e e0en crowned/ I a- a &eggar s ill/ 1any ho2gh . I ha0e &eco-e he -os s'lendid &eggar in he world/ &2 a &eggar all he sa-e. !he ha ed i / as her &ro her -2s ha0e. All hose years of r2nning fro- ci y o ci y one s e' ahead of he +s2r'er.s kni0es/ 'leading for hel' froarchons and 'rinces and -agis ers/ &2ying o2r food wi h fla ery. 6e -2s ha0e known how hey -ocked hi-. !-all wonder he 2rned so angry and &i er. In he end i had dri0en hi- -ad. I will do he sa-e o -e if I le i . (ar of her wo2ld ha0e liked no hing -ore han o lead her 'eo'le &ack o Vaes Tolorro/ and -ake he dead ci y &loo-. 5o/ ha is defea . I ha0e so-e hing Viserys ne0er had. I ha0e he dragons. The dragons are all he difference. !he s roked Rhaegal. The green dragon closed his ee h aro2nd he -ea of her hand and ni''ed hard. )2 side/ he grea ci y -2r-2red and hr2--ed and see hed/ all i s -yriad 0oices &lending in o one low so2nd like he s2rge of he sea. :Make way/ yo2 Milk Men/ -ake way for he Mo her of 1ragons/: @hogo cried/ and he Far heen -o0ed aside/ ho2gh 'erha's he o9en had -ore o do wi h ha han his 0oice. Thro2gh he swaying dra'eries/ 1any ca2gh gli-'ses of hi- as ride his grey s allion. Fro- i-e o i-e he ga0e one of he o9en a flick wi h he sil0er7handled whi' she had gi0en hi-. Aggo g2arded on her o her side/ while Rakharo rode &ehind he 'rocession/ wa ching he faces in he crowd for any sign of danger. !er @orah she had lef &ehind oday/ o g2ard her o her dragons< he e9ile knigh had &een o''osed o his folly fro- he s ar . 6e dis r2s s e0eryone/ she reflec ed/ and 'erha's for good reason. As 1any lif ed her go&le o drink/ Rhaegal sniffed a he wine and drew his head &ack/ hissing. :=o2r dragon has a good nose.: Caro wi'ed his li's. :The wine is ordinary. I is said ha across he ;ade !ea hey -ake a golden 0in age so fine ha one si' -akes all o her wines as e like 0inegar. *e 2s ake -y 'leas2re &arge and go in search of i / yo2 and I.: :The Ar&or -akes he &es wine in he world/: 1any declared. *ord

Redwyne had fo2gh for her fa her agains he +s2r'er/ she re-e-&ered/ one of he few o re-ain r2e o he las . 3ill he figh for -e as well8 There was no way o &e cer ain af er so -any years. :Co-e wi h -e o he Ar&or/ Caro/ and yo2.ll ha0e he fines 0in ages yo2 e0er as ed. B2 we.ll need o go in a warshi'/ no a 'leas2re &arge.: :I ha0e no warshi's. 3ar is &ad for rade. Many i-es I ha0e old yo2/ Caro Choan 1a9os is a -an of 'eace.: Caro Choan 1a9os is a -an of gold/ she ho2gh / and gold will &2y -e all he shi's and swords I need. :I ha0e no asked yo2 o ake 2' a sword/ only o lend -e yo2r shi's.: 6e s-iled -odes ly. :)f rading shi's I ha0e a few/ ha is so. 3ho can say how -any8 )ne -ay &e sinking e0en now/ in so-e s or-y corner of he !2--er !ea. )n he -orrow/ ano her will fall afo2l of corsairs. The ne9 day/ one of -y ca' ains -ay look a he weal h in his hold and hink/ All his sho2ld &elong o -e. !2ch are he 'erils of rade. 3hy/ he longer we alk/ he fewer shi's I a- likely o ha0e. I grow 'oorer &y he ins an .: :Gi0e -e shi's/ and I will -ake yo2 rich again.: :Marry -e/ &righ ligh / and sail he shi' of -y hear . I canno slee' a nigh for hinking of yo2r &ea2 y.: 1any s-iled. Caro.s flowery 'ro es a ions of 'assion a-2sed her/ &2 his -anner was a odds wi h his words. 3hile !er @orah had scarcely &een a&le o kee' his eyes fro- her &are &reas when he.d hel'ed her in o he 'alan42in/ Caro hardly deigned o no ice i / e0en in hese close confines. And she had seen he &ea2 if2l &oys who s2rro2nded he -erchan 'rince/ fli ing hro2gh his 'alace halls in wis's of silk. :=o2 s'eak swee ly/ Caro/ &2 2nder yo2r words I hear ano her no.: :This Iron Throne yo2 s'eak of so2nds -ons ro2s cold and hard. I canno &ear he ho2gh of ;agged &ar&s c2 ing yo2r swee skin.: The ;ewels in Caro.s nose ga0e hi- he as'ec of so-e s range gli ery &ird. 6is long/ elegan fingers wa0ed dis-issal. :*e his &e yo2r kingdo-/ -os e942isi e of 42eens/ and le -e &e yo2r king. I will gi0e yo2 a hrone of gold/ if yo2 like. 3hen Far h &egins o 'all/ we can ;o2rney ro2nd =i Ti and search for he drea-ing ci y of he 'oe s/ o si' he wine of wisdo- fro- a dead -an.s sk2ll.: :I -ean o sail o 3es eros/ and drink he wine of 0engeance fro- he sk2ll of he +s2r'er.: !he scra ched Rhaegal 2nder one eye/ and his ;adegreen wings 2nfolded for a -o-en / s irring he s ill air in he 'alan42in. A single 'erfec ear ran down he cheek of Caro Choan 1a9os. :3ill no hing 2rn yo2 fro- his -adness8: :5o hing/: she said/ wishing she was as cer ain as she so2nded. :If each of he Thir een wo2ld lend -e en shi's7: :=o2 wo2ld ha0e one h2ndred hir y shi's/ and no crew o sail he-. The ;2s ice of yo2r ca2se -eans na2gh o he co--on -en of Far h. 3hy sho2ld -y sailors care who si s 2'on he hrone of so-e kingdo- a he edge of he world8: :I will 'ay he- o care.: :3i h wha coin/ swee s ar of -y hea0en8: :3i h he gold he seekers &ring.: :Tha yo2 -ay do/: Caro acknowledged/ :&2 so -2ch caring will cos dear. =o2 will need o 'ay he- far -ore han I do/ and all of Far h la2ghs a -y r2ino2s generosi y.: :If he Thir een will no aid -e/ 'erha's I sho2ld ask he G2ild of !'icers or he To2r-aline Bro herhood8: Caro ga0e a lang2id shr2g. :They will gi0e yo2 no hing &2 fla ery and lies. The !'icers are disse-&lers and &raggar s and he Bro herhood is

f2ll of 'ira es.: :Then I -2s heed (ya Free/ and go o he warlocks.: The -erchan 'rince sa 2' shar'ly. :(ya (ree has &l2e li's/ and i is r2ly said ha &l2e li's s'eak only lies. 6eed he wisdo- of one who lo0es yo2. 3arlocks are &i er crea 2res who ea d2s and drink of shadows. They will gi0e yo2 na2gh . They ha0e na2gh o gi0e.: :I wo2ld no need o seek sorcero2s hel' if -y friend Caro Choan 1a9os wo2ld gi0e -e wha I ask.: :I ha0e gi0en yo2 -y ho-e and hear / do hey -ean no hing o yo28 I ha0e gi0en yo2 'erf2-e and 'o-egrana es/ 2-&ling -onkeys and s'i ing snakes/ scrolls fro- los Valyria/ an idol.s head and a ser'en .s foo . I ha0e gi0en yo2 his 'alan42in of e&ony and gold/ and a -a ched se of &2llocks o &ear i / one whi e as i0ory and one &lack as ;e / wi h horns inlaid wi h ;ewels.: :=es/: 1any said. :B2 i was shi's and soldiers I wan ed.: :1id I no gi0e yo2 an ar-y/ swee es of wo-en8 A ho2sand knigh s/ each in shining ar-or.: The ar-or had &een -ade of sil0er and gold/ he knigh s of ;ade and &eryl and ony9 and o2r-aline/ of a-&er and o'al and a-e hys / each as all as her li le finger. :A ho2sand lo0ely knigh s/: she said/ :&2 no he sor -y ene-ies need fear. And -y &2llocks canno carry -e across he wa er/ I7why are we s o''ing8: The o9en had slowed no a&ly. :Khaleesi/ : Aggo called hro2gh he dra'es as he 'alan42in ;erked o a s2dden hal . 1any rolled on o an el&ow o lean o2 . They were on he fringes of he &a>aar/ he way ahead &locked &y a solid wall of 'eo'le. :3ha are hey looking a 8: @hogo rode &ack o her. :A fire-age/ Khaleesi.: :I wan o sec.: :Then yo2 -2s .: The 1o hraki offered a hand down. 3hen she ook i / he '2lled her 2' on o his horse and sa her in fron of hi-/ where she co2ld see o0er he heads of he crowd. The fire-age had con;2red a ladder in he air/ a crackling orange ladder of swirling fla-e ha rose 2ns2''or ed fro- he floor of he &a>aar/ reaching oward he high la iced roof. Mos of he s'ec a ors/ she no iced/ were no of he ci yB she saw sailors off rading shi's/ -erchan s co-e &y cara0an/ d2s y -en o2 of he red was e/ wandering soldiers/ craf s-en/ sla0ers. @hogo/ slid one hand a&o2 her wais and leaned close. :The Milk Men sh2n hi-. Khaleesi/ do yo2 see he girl in he fel ha 8 There/ &ehind he fa 'ries . !he is a7: :7c2 '2rse/: finished 1any. !he was no 'a-'ered lady/ &lind o s2ch hings. !he had seen c2 '2rses a'len y in he s ree s of he Free Ci ies/ d2ring he years she.d s'en wi h her &ro her/ r2nning fro- he +s2r'er.s hired kni0es. The -age was ges 2ring/ 2rging he fla-es higher and higher wi h &road swee's of his ar-s. As he wa chers craned heir necks 2'ward/ he c2 '2rses s42ir-ed hro2gh he 'ress/ s-all &lades hidden in heir 'al-s. They relie0ed he 'ros'ero2s of heir coin wi h one hand while 'oin ing 2'ward wi h he o her. 3hen he fiery ladder s ood for y fee high/ he -age lea' forward and &egan o cli-& i / scra-&ling 2' hand o0er hand as 42ick as a -onkey. ,ach r2ng he o2ched dissol0ed &ehind hi-/ lea0ing no -ore han a wis' of sil0er s-oke. 3hen he reached he o'/ he ladder was gone and so was he. :A fine rick/: anno2nced @hogo wi h ad-ira ion. :5o rick/: a wo-an said in he Co--on Tong2e. 1any had no no iced F2ai he in he crowd/ ye here she s ood/ eyes

we and shiny &ehind he i-'laca&le red lac42er -ask. :3ha -ean yo2/ -y lady8: :6alf a year gone/ ha -an co2ld scarcely wake fire fro- dragonglass. 6e had so-e s-all skill wi h 'owders and wildfire/ s2fficien o en rance a crowd while his c2 '2rses did heir work. 6e co2ld walk across ho coals and -ake &2rning roses &loo- in he air/ &2 he co2ld no -ore as'ire o cli-& he fiery ladder han a co--on fisher-an co2ld ho'e o ca ch a kraken in his ne s.: 1any looked 2neasily a where he ladder had s ood. ,0en he s-oke was gone now/ and he crowd was &reaking 2'/ each -an going a&o2 his &2siness. In a -o-en -ore han a few wo2ld find heir '2rses fla and e-' y. :And now8: :And now his 'owers grow/ Khaleesi. And yo2 are he ca2se of i .: :Me8: !he la2ghed. :6ow co2ld ha &e8: The wo-an s e''ed closer and lay wo fingers on 1any.s wris . :=o2 are he Mo her of 1ragons/ are yo2 no 8: :!he is/ and no s'awn of shadows -ay o2ch her.: @hogo &r2shed F2ai he.s fingers away wi h he handle of his whi'. The wo-an ook a s e' &ackward. :=o2 -2s lea0e his ci y soon/ 1aenerys Targaryen/ or yo2 will ne0er &e 'er-i ed o lea0e i a all.: 1any.s wris s ill ingled where F2ai he had o2ched her. :3here wo2ld yo2 ha0e -e go8: she asked. :To go nor h/ yo2 -2s ;o2rney so2 h. To reach he wes / yo2 -2s go eas . To go forward yo2 -2s go &ack/ and o o2ch he ligh yo2 -2s 'ass &enea h he shadow.: Asshai/ 1any ho2gh . !he wo2ld ha0e -e go o Asshai. :3ill he Asshai.i gi0e -e an ar-y8: she de-anded. :3ill here &e gold for -e in Asshai8 3ill here &e shi's8 3ha is here in Asshai ha I will no find in Far h8: :Tr2 h/: said he wo-an in he -ask. And &owing/ she faded &ack in o he crowd. Rakharo snor ed con e-' hro2gh his droo'ing &lack -2s achios. :Khaleesi/ &e er a -an sho2ld swallow scor'ions han r2s in he s'awn of shadows/ who dare no show heir face &enea h he s2n. I is known.: :I is known/: Aggo agreed. Caro Choan 1a9os had wa ched he whole e9change fro- his c2shions. 3hen 1any cli-&ed &ack in o he 'alan42in &eside hi-/ he said/ :=o2r sa0ages are wiser han hey know. !2ch r2 hs as he Asshai.i hoard are no like o -ake yo2 s-ile.: Then he 'ressed ano her c2' of wine on her/ and s'oke of lo0e and l2s and o her rifles all he way &ack o his -anse. In he 42ie of her cha-&ers/ 1any s ri''ed off her finery and donned a loose ro&e of '2r'le silk. 6er dragons were h2ngry/ so she cho''ed 2' a snake and charred he 'ieces o0er a &ra>ier. They are growing/ she reali>ed as she wa ched he- sna' and s42a&&le o0er he &lackened flesh. They -2s weigh wice wha hey had in Vaes Tolorro. ,0en so/ i wo2ld &e years &efore hey were large eno2gh o ake o war. And hey -2s &e rained as well/ or hey will lay -y kingdo- was e. For all her Targaryen &lood/ 1any had no he leas idea of how o rain a dragon. !er @orah Mor-on ca-e o her as he s2n was going down. :The (2re&orn ref2sed yo28: :As yo2 said hey wo2ld. Co-e/ si / gi0e -e yo2r co2nsel.: 1any drew hi- down o he c2shions &eside her/ and @hi42i &ro2gh he- a &owl of '2r'le oli0es and onions drowned in wine. :=o2 will ge no hel' in his ci y/ Khaleesi.: !er @orah ook an onion &e ween h2-& and forefinger. :,ach day I a- -ore con0inced of ha

han he day &efore. The (2re&orn see no far her han he walls of Far h/ and Caro . . .: :6e asked -e o -arry hi- again.: :=es/ and I know why.: 3hen he knigh frowned/ his hea0y &lack &rows ;oined oge her a&o0e his dee'7se eyes. :6e drea-s of -e/ day and nigh .: !he la2ghed. :Forgi0e -e/ -y 42een/ &2 i is yo2r dragons he drea-s of.: :Caro ass2res -e ha in Far h/ -an and wo-an each re ain heir own 'ro'er y af er hey are wed. The dragons are -ine.: !he s-iled as 1rogon ca-e ho''ing and fla''ing across he -ar&le floor o crawl 2' on he c2shion &eside her. :6e ells i r2e as far as i goes/ &2 here.s one hing he failed o -en ion. The Far heen ha0e a c2rio2s wedding c2s o-/ -y 42een. )n he day of heir 2nion/ a wife -ay ask a oken of lo0e fro- her h2s&and. 3ha soe0er she desires of his worldly goods/ he -2s gran . And he -ay ask he sa-e of her. )ne hing only -ay &e asked/ &2 wha e0er is na-ed -ay no &e denied.: :)ne hing/: she re'ea ed. :And i -ay no &e denied8: :3i h one dragon/ Caro Choan 1a9os wo2ld r2le his ci y/ &2 one shi' will f2r her o2r ca2se &2 li le.: 1any ni&&led a an onion and reflec ed r2ef2lly on he fai hlessness of -en. :3e 'assed hro2gh he &a>aar on o2r way &ack fro- he 6all of a Tho2sand Thrones/: she old !er @orah. :F2ai he was here.: !he old hi- of he fire-age and he fiery ladder/ and wha he wo-an in he red -ask had old her. :I wo2ld &e glad o lea0e his ci y/ if r2 h &e old/: he knigh said when she was done. :B2 no for Asshai.: :3here/ hen8: :,as /: he said. :I a- half a world away fro- -y kingdo- e0en here. If I go any far her eas I -ay ne0er find -y way ho-e o 3es eros.: :If yo2 go wes / yo2 risk yo2r life.: :6o2se Targaryen has friends in he Free Ci ies/: she re-inded hi-. :Tr2er friends han Caro or he (2re&orn.: :If yo2 -ean Illyrio Mo'a is/ I wonder. For s2fficien gold/ Illyrio wo2ld sell yo2 as 42ickly as he wo2ld a sla0e.: :My &ro her and I were g2es s in Illyrio.s -anse for half a year. If he -ean o sell 2s/ he co2ld ha0e done i hen.: :6e did sell yo2/: !er @orah said. :To Khal 1rogo.: 1any fl2shed. 6e had he r2 h of i / &2 she did no like he shar'ness wi h which he '2 i . :Illyrio 'ro ec ed 2s fro- he +s2r'er.s kni0es/ and he &elie0ed in -y &ro her.s ca2se.: :Illyrio &elie0es in no ca2se &2 Illyrio. Gl2 ons are greedy -en as a r2le/ and -agis ers are de0io2s. Illyrio Mo'a is is &o h. 3ha do yo2 r2ly know of hi-8: :I know ha he ga0e -e -y dragon eggs.: 6e snor ed. :If he.d known hey were like o ha ch/ he.d wo2ld ha0e sa on he- hi-self.: Tha -ade her s-ile des'i e herself. :)h/ I ha0e no do2& of ha / ser. I know Illyrio &e er han yo2 hink. I was a child when I lef his -anse in (en os o wed -y s2n7and7s ars/ &2 I was nei her deaf nor &lind. And I a- no child now.: :,0en if Illyrio is he friend yo2 hink hi-/: he knigh said s 2&&ornly/ :he is no 'owerf2l eno2gh o en hrone yo2 &y hi-self/ no -ore han he co2ld yo2r &ro her.: :6e is rich/: she said. :5o so rich as Caro/ 'erha's/ &2 rich eno2gh o hire shi's for -e/ and -en as well.:

:!ellswords ha0e heir 2ses/: !er @orah ad-i ed/ :&2 yo2 will no win yo2r fa her.s hrone wi h swee'ings fro- he Free Ci ies. 5o hing kni s a &roken real- oge her so 42ick as an in0ading ar-y on i s soil.: :I a- heir righ f2l 42een/: 1any 'ro es ed. :=o2 are a s ranger who -eans o land on heir shores wi h an ar-y of o2 landers who canno e0en s'eak he Co--on Tong2e. The lords of 3es eros do no know yo2/ and ha0e e0ery reason o fear and -is r2s yo2. =o2 -2s win he- o0er &efore yo2 sail. A few a leas .: :And how a- I o do ha / if I go eas as yo2 co2nsel8: 6e a e an oli0e and s'i o2 he 'i in o his 'al-. :I do no know/ =o2r Grace/: he ad-i ed/ :&2 I do know ha he longer yo2 re-ain in one 'lace/ he easier i will &e for yo2r ene-ies o find yo2. The na-e Targaryen s ill frigh ens he-/ so -2ch so ha hey sen a -an o -2rder yo2 when hey heard yo2 were wi h child. 3ha will hey do when hey learn of yo2r dragons8: 1rogon was c2rled 2' &enea h her ar-/ as ho as a s one ha has soaked all day in he &la>ing s2n. Rhaegal and Viserion were figh ing o0er a scra' of -ea / &2ffe ing each o her wi h heir wings as s-oke hissed fro- heir nos rils. My f2rio2s children/ she ho2gh . They -2s no co-e o har-. :The co-e led -e o Far h for a reason. I had ho'ed o find -y ar-y here/ &2 i see-s ha will no &e. 3ha else re-ains/ I ask -yself8: I a- afraid/ she reali>ed/ &2 I -2s &e &ra0e. :Co-e he -orrow/ yo2 -2s go o (ya (ree.: C6A(T,R D1 T=RI)5 The girl ne0er we' . =o2ng as she was/ Myrcella Bara heon was a 'rincess &orn. And a *annis er/ des'i e her na-e/ Tyrion re-inded hi-self/ as -2ch fai-e.s &lood as Cersei.s. To &e s2re/ her s-ile was a shade re-2lo2s when her &ro hers ook heir lea0e of her on he deck of he !easwif / &2 he girl knew he 'ro'er words o say/ and she said he- wi h co2rage and digni y. 3hen he i-e ca-e o 'ar / i was (rince Torn-en who cried/ and Myrcella who ga0e hi- co-for . Tyrion looked down 2'on he farewells fro- he high deck of King Ro&er .s 6a--er/ a grea war galley of fo2r h2ndred oars. Ro&.s 6a--er/ as her oars-en called her/ wo2ld for- he -ain s reng h of Myrcella.s escor . *ions ar/ Bold 3ind/ and *ady *yanna wo2ld sail wi h her as well. I -ade Tyrion -ore han a li le 2neasy o de ach so grea a 'ar of heir already inade42a e flee / de'le ed as i was &y he loss of all hose shi's ha had sailed wi h *ord ! annis o 1ragons one and ne0er re 2rned/ &2 Cersei wo2ld hear of no hing less. (erha's she was wise. If he girl was ca' 2red &efore she reached !2ns'ear/ he 1ornish alliance wo2ld fall o 'ieces. !o far 1oran Mar ell had done no -ore han call his &anners. )nce Myrcella was safe in Braa0os/ he had 'ledged o -o0e his s reng h o he high 'asses/ where he hrea -igh -ake so-e of he Marcher lords re hink heir loyal ies and gi0e ! annis 'a2se a&o2 -arching nor h. I was '2rely a fein / howe0er. The Mar ells wo2ld no co--i o ac 2al &a le 2nless 1orne i self was a acked/ and ! annis was no so grea a fool. Tho2gh so-e of his &anner-en -ay &e/ Tyrion reflec ed. I sho2ld hink on ha . 6e cleared his hroa . :=o2 know yo2r orders/ Ca' ain.: :I do/ -y lord. 3e are o follow he coas / s aying always in sigh of

land/ 2n il we reach Crackclaw (oin . Fro- here we are o s rike o2 across he narrow sea for Braa0os. )n no acco2n are we o sail wi hin sigh of 1ragons one.: :And if o2r foes sho2ld chance 2'on yo2 none heless8: :If a single shi'/ we are o r2n he- off or des roy he-. If here are -ore/ he Bold 3ind will clea0e o he !easwif o 'ro ec her while he res of he flee does &a le.: Tyrion nodded. If he wors ha''ened/ he li le !easwif o2gh o &e a&le o o2 r2n '2rs2i . A s-all shi' wi h &ig sails/ she was fas er han any warshi' afloa / or so her ca' ain had clai-ed. )nce Myrcella reached Braa0os/ she o2gh o &e safe. 6e was sending !er Arys )akhear as her sworn shield/ and had engaged he Braa0osi o &ring her he res of he way o !2ns'ear. ,0en *ord ! annis wo2ld hesi a e o wake he anger of he grea es and -os 'owerf2l of he Free Ci ies. Tra0eling fro- King.s *anding o 1orne &y way of Braa0os was scarcely he -os direc of ro2 es/ &2 i was he safes . . . or so he ho'ed. If *ord ! annis knew of his sailing/ he co2ld no choose a &e er i-e o send his flee agains 2s. Tyrion glanced &ack o where he R2sh e-' ied o2 in o Blackwa er Bay and was relie0ed o see no signs of sails on he wide green hori>on. A las re'or / he Bara heon flee s ill lay off ! or-.s ,nd/ where !er Cor nay (enrose con in2ed o defy he &esiegers in dead Renly.s na-e. Meanwhile/ Tyrion.s winch owers s ood hree42ar ers co-'le e. ,0en now -en were hois ing hea0y &locks of s one in o 'lace/ no do2& c2rsing hi- for -aking he- work hro2gh he fes i0i ies. *e he- c2rse. Ano her for nigh / ! annis/ ha .s all I re42ire. Ano her for nigh and i will &e done. Tyrion wa ched his niece kneel &efore he 6igh !e' on o recei0e his &lessing on her 0oyage. !2nligh ca2gh in his crys al crown and s'illed rain&ows across Myrcella.s 2' 2rned face. The noise fro- he ri0erside -ade i i-'ossi&le o hear he 'rayers. 6e ho'ed he gods had shar'er ears. The 6igh !e' on was as fa as a ho2se/ and -ore 'o-'o2s and long of wind han e0en (ycelle. ,no2gh/ old -an/ -ake an end o i / Tyrion ho2gh irri a&ly. The gods ha0e &e er hings o do han lis en o yo2/ and so do I. 3hen a las he droning and -2-&ling was done/ Tyrion ook his farewell of he ca' ain of Ro&.s 6a--er. :1eli0er -y niece safely o Braa0os/ and here will &e a knigh hood wai ing for yo2 on yo2r re 2rn/: he 'ro-ised. As he -ade his way down he s ee' 'lank o he 42ay/ Tyrion co2ld feel 2nkind eyes 2'on hi-. The galley rocked gen ly and he -o0e-en 2nderfoo -ade his waddle worse han e0er. I.ll wager hey.d lo0e o snigger. 5o one dared/ no o'enly/ ho2gh he heard -2 erings -ingled wi h he creak of wood and ro'e and he r2sh of he ri0er aro2nd he 'ilings. They do no lo0e -e/ he ho2gh . 3ell/ s-all wonder. I.- well fed and 2gly/ and hey are s ar0ing. Bronn escor ed hi- hro2gh he crowd o ;oin his sis er and her sons. Cersei ignored hi-/ 'referring o la0ish her s-iles on heir co2sin. 6e wa ched her char-ing *ancel wi h eyes as green as he ro'e of e-eralds aro2nd her sli- whi e hroa / and s-iled a s-all sly s-ile o hi-self. I know yo2r secre / Cersei/ he ho2gh . 6is sis er had of called 2'on he 6igh !e' on of la e/ o seek he &lessings of he gods in heir co-ing s r2ggle wi h *ord ! annis . . . or so she wo2ld ha0e hi&elie0e. In r2 h/ af er a &rief call a he Grea !e' of Baelor/ Cersei wo2ld don a 'lain &rown ra0eler.s cloak and s eal off o -ee a cer ain hedge knigh wi h he 2nlikely na-e of !er )s-2nd Ke le&lack/ and his e42ally 2nsa0ory &ro hers )sney and )sfryd. *ancel had old hiall a&o2 he-. Cersei -ean o 2se he Ke le&lacks o &2y her own

force of sellswords. 3ell/ le her en;oy her 'lo s. !he was -2ch swee er when she ho2gh she was o2 wi ing hi-. The Ke le&lacks wo2ld char- her/ ake her coin/ and 'ro-ise her any hing she asked/ and why no / when Bronn was -a ching e0ery co''er 'enny/ coin for coin8 A-ia&le rog2es all hree/ he &ro hers were in r2 h -2ch -ore skilled a decei han hey.d e0er &een a &loodle ing. Cersei had -anaged o &2y herself hree hollow dr2-s< hey wo2ld -ake all he fierce &oo-ing so2nds she re42ired/ &2 here was no hing inside. I a-2sed Tyrion no end. 6orns &lew fanfares as *ions ar and *ady *yanna '2shed o2 fro- shore/ -o0ing downri0er o clear he way for !easwif . A few cheers wen 2' fro- he cr2sh along he &anks/ as hin and ragged as he clo2ds sc2 ling o0erhead. Myrcella s-iled and wa0ed fro- he deck. Behind her s ood Arys )akhear / his whi e cloak s rea-ing. The ca' ain ordered lines cas off/ and oars '2shed he !easwif o2 in o he l2s y c2rren of he Blackwa er R2sh/ where her sails &losso-ed in he wind7co--on whi e sails/ as Tyrion had insis ed/ no shee s of *annis er cri-son. (rince Torn-en so&&ed. :=o2 -ew like a s2ckling &a&e/: his &ro her hissed a hi-. :(rinces aren. s2''osed o cry.: :(rince Ae-on he 1ragonknigh cried he day (rincess 5aerys wed his &ro her Aegon/: !ansa ! ark said/ :and he wins !er Arryk and !er ,rryk died wi h ears on heir cheeks af er each had gi0en he o her a -or al wo2nd.: :Be 42ie / or I.ll ha0e !er Meryn gi0e yo2 a -or al wo2nd/: @offrey old his &e ro hed. Tyrion glanced a his sis er/ &2 Cersei was engrossed in so-e hing !er Balon !wann was elling her. Can she r2ly &e so &lind as o wha he is8 he wondered. )2 on he ri0er/ Bold 3ind 2nshi''ed her oars and glided downs rea- in he wake of !easwif . *as ca-e King Ro&er .s 6a--er/ he -igh of he royal flee . . . or a leas ha 'or ion ha had no fled o 1ragons one las year wi h ! annis. Tyrion had chosen he shi's wi h care/ a0oiding any whose ca' ains -igh &e of do2& f2l loyal y/ according o Varys . . . &2 as Varys hi-self was of do2& f2l loyal y/ a cer ain a-o2n of a''rehension re-ained. I rely oo -2ch on Varys/ he reflec ed. I need -y own infor-ers. 5o ha I.d r2s he- ei her. Tr2s wo2ld ge yo2 killed. 6e wondered again a&o2 *i lefinger. There had &een no word fro- (e yr Baelish since he had ridden off for Bi er&ridge. Tha -igh -ean no hing7or e0ery hing. ,0en Varys co2ld no say. The e2n2ch had s2gges ed ha 'erha's *i lefinger had -e so-e -isfor 2ne on he roads. 6e -igh e0en &e slain. Tyrion had snor ed in derision. :If *i lefinger is dead/ hen I.- a gian .: More likely/ he Tyrells were &alking a he 'ro'osed -arriage. Tyrion co2ld scarcely &la-e he-. If I were Mace JIJrell/ I wo2ld sooner ha0e loffrey.s head on a 'ike han his cock in -y da2gh er. The li le flee was well o2 in o he &ay when Cersei indica ed ha i was i-e o go. Bronn &ro2gh Tyrion.s horse and hel'ed hi- -o2n . Tha was (odrick (ayne.s ask/ &2 hey had lef (od &ack a he Red Kee'. The ga2n sellsword -ade for a -2ch -ore reass2ring 'resence han he &oy wo2ld ha0e. The narrow s ree s were lined &y -en of he Ci y 3a ch/ holding &ack he crowd wi h he shaf s of heir s'ears. !er @acelyn Bywa er wen in fron / heading a wedge of -o2n ed lancers in &lack ring-ail and golden cloaks. Behind hi- ca-e !er Aron !an agar and !er Balon !wann/ &earing he king.s &anners/ he lion of *annis er and crowned s ag of Bara heon. King @offrey followed on a all grey 'alfrey/ a golden crown se 2'on

his golden c2rls. !ansa ! ark rode a chesn2 -are a his side/ looking nei her righ nor lef / her hick a2&2rn hair flowing o her sho2lders &enea h a ne of -oons ones. Two of he Kingsg2ard flanked he co2'le/ he 6o2nd on he king.s righ hand and !er Mandon Moore o he lef of he ! ark girl. 5e9 ca-e To--en/ sn2ffling/ wi h !er (res on Greenfield in his whi e ar-or and cloak/ and hen Cersei/ acco-'anied &y !er *ancel and 'ro ec ed &y Meryn Tran and Boros Blo2n . Tyrion fell in wi h his sis er. Af er he- followed he 6igh !e' on in his li er/ and a long ail of o her co2r iers7!er 6oras Redwyne/ *ady Tanda and her da2gh er/ ;ala&har Cho/ *ord Gyles Ros&y/ and he res . A do2&le col2-n of g2ards-en &ro2gh 2' he rear. The 2nsha0en and he 2nwashed s ared a he riders wi h d2ll resen -en fro- &ehind he line of s'ears. I like his no one s'eck/ Tyrion ho2gh . Bronn had a score of sellswords sca ered hro2gh he crowd wi h orders o s o' any ro2&le &efore i s ar ed. (erha's Cersei had si-ilarly dis'osed her Ke le&lacks. !o-ehow Tyrion did no hink i wo2ld hel' -2ch. If he fire was oo ho / yo2 co2ld hardly kee' he '2dding fro- scorching &y ossing a handf2l of raisins in he 'o . They crossed Fish-onger.s !42are and rode along M2ddy 3ay &efore 2rning on o he narrow/ c2r0ing 6ook o &egin heir cli-& 2' Aegon.s 6igh 6ill. A few 0oices raised a cry of :loffrey? All hail/ all hail?: as he yo2ng king rode &y/ &2 for e0ery -an who 'icked 2' he sho2 / a h2ndred ke' heir silence. The *ar-is ers -o0ed hro2gh a sea of ragged -en and h2ngry wo-en/ &reas ing a ide of s2llen eyes. ;2s ahead of hi-/ Cersei was la2ghing a so-e hing *ancel had said/ ho2gh he s2s'ec ed her -erri-en was feigned. !he co2ld no &e o&li0io2s o he 2nres aro2nd he-/ &2 his sis er always &elie0ed in '2 ing on he &ra0e show. 6alfway along he ro2 e/ a wailing wo-an forced her way &e ween wo wa ch-en and ran o2 in o he s ree in fron of he king and his co-'anions/ holding he cor'se of her dead &a&y a&o0e her head. I was &l2e and swollen/ gro es42e/ &2 he real horror was he -o her.s eyes. @offrey looked for a -o-en as if he -ean o ride her down/ &2 !ansa ! ark leaned o0er and said so-e hing o hi-. The king f2-&led in his '2rse/ and fl2ng he wo-an a sil0er s ag. The coin &o2nced off he child and rolled away/ 2nder he legs of he gold cloaks and in o he crowd/ where a do>en -en &egan o figh for i . The -o her ne0er once &linked. 6er skinny ar-s were re-&ling fro- he dead weigh of her son. :*ea0e her/ =o2r Grace/: Cersei called o2 o he king/ :she.s &eyond o2r hel'/ 'oor hing.: The -o her heard her. !o-ehow he 42een.s 0oice c2 hro2gh he wo-an.s ra0aged wi s. 6er slack face wis ed in loa hing. :3hore?: she shrieked. :Kingslayer.s whore? Bro herf2cker?: 6er dead child dro''ed fro- her ar-s like a sack of flo2r as she 'oin ed a Cersei. :Bro herf2cker &ro herf2cker &ro herf2cker.: Tyrion ne0er saw who hrew he d2ng. 6e only heard !ansa.s gas' and @offrey.s &ellowed c2rse/ and when he 2rned his head/ he king was wi'ing &rown fil h fro- his cheek. There was -ore caked in his golden hair and s'a ered o0er !ansa.s legs. :3ho hrew ha 8: @offrey screa-ed. 6e '2shed his fingers in o his hair/ -ade a f2rio2s face/ and fl2ng away ano her handf2l of d2ng. :I wan he -an who hrew ha ?: he sho2 ed. :A h2ndred golden dragons o he -an who gi0es hi- 2'.: :6e was 2' here?: so-eone sho2 ed fro- he crowd. The king wheeled his horse in a circle o s2r0ey he roof o's and o'en &alconies a&o0e he-.

In he crowd 'eo'le were 'oin ing/ sho0ing/ c2rsing one ano her and he king. :(lease/ =o2r Grace/ le hi- go/: !ansa 'leaded. The king 'aid her no heed. :Bring -e he -an who fl2ng ha fil h?: @offrey co--anded. :6e.ll lick i off -e or I.ll ha0e his head. 1og/ yo2 &ring hi- here?: )&edien / !andor Clegane sw2ng down fro- his saddle/ &2 here was no way hro2gh ha wall of flesh/ le alone o he roof. Those closes o hi- &egan o s42ir- and sho0e o ge away/ while o hers '2shed forward o see. Tyrion s-elled disas er. :Clegane/ lea0e off/ he -an is long fled.: :I wan hi-?: @offrey 'oin ed a he roof. :6e was 2' here? 1og/ c2 hro2gh he- and &ring7: A 2-2l of so2nd drowned his las words/ a rolling h2nder of rage and fear and ha red ha eng2lfed he- fro- all sides. :Bas ard?: so-eone screa-ed a @offrey/ :&as ard -ons er.: ) her 0oices fl2ng calls of :3hore: and :Bro herf2cker: a he 42een/ while Tyrion was 'el ed wi h sho2 s of :Freak: and :6alf-an.: Mi9ed in wi h he a&2se/ he heard a few cries of :@2s ice: and :Ro&&/ King Ro&&/ he =o2ng 3olf/: of :! annis?: and e0en :Renly?: Fro- &o h sides of he s ree / he crowd s2rged agains he s'ear shaf s while he gold cloaks s r2ggled o hold he line. ! ones and d2ng and fo2ler hings whis led o0erhead. :Feed 2s?: a wo-an shrieked. :Bread?: &oo-ed a -an &ehind her. :3e wan &read/ &as ard?: In a hear &ea / a ho2sand 0oices ook 2' he chan . King @offrey and King Ro&& and King ! annis were forgo en/ and King Bread r2led alone. :Bread/: hey cla-ored. :Bread/ &read?: Tyrion s'2rred o his sis er.s side/ yelling/ :Back o he cas le. 5ow: Cersei ga0e a c2r nod/ and !er *ancel 2nshea hed his sword. Ahead of he col2-n/ @acelyn Bywa er was roaring co--ands. 6is riders lowered heir lances and dro0e forward in a wedge. The king was wheeling his 'alfrey aro2nd in an9io2s circles while hands reached 'as he line of gold cloaks/ gras'ing for hi-. )ne -anaged o ge hold of his leg/ &2 only for an ins an . !er Mandon.s sword slashed down/ 'ar ing hand frowris . :Ride?: Tyrion sho2 ed a his ne'hew/ gi0ing he horse a shar' s-ack on he r2-'. The ani-al reared/ r2-'e ing/ and 'l2nged ahead/ he 'ress sha ering &efore hi-. Tyrion dro0e in o he ga' hard on he king.s hoo0es. Bronn ke' 'ace/ sword in hand. A ;agged rock flew 'as his head as he rode/ and a ro en ca&&age e9'loded agains !er Mandon.s shield. To heir lef / hree gold cloaks wen down 2nder he s2rge/ and hen he crowd was r2shing forward/ ra-'ling he fallen -en. The 6o2nd had 0anished &ehind/ ho2gh his riderless horse gallo'ed &eside he-. Tyrion saw Aron !an agar '2lled fro- he saddle/ he gold7and7&lack Bara heon s ag orn fro- his gras'. !er Balon !wann dro''ed he *annis er lion o draw his longsword. 6e slashed righ and lef as he fallen &anner was ri''ed a'ar / he ho2sand ragged 'ieces swirling away like cri-son lea0es in a s or-wind. In an ins an hey were gone. !o-eone s aggered in fron of @offrey.s horse and shrieked as he king rode hi- down. 3he her i had &een -an/ wo-an/ or child Tyrion co2ld no ha0e said. @offrey was gallo'ing a his side/ whey7faced/ wi h !er Mandon Moore a whi e shadow on his lef . And s2ddenly he -adness was &ehind and hey were cla ering across he co&&led s42are ha fron ed on he cas le &ar&ican. A line of s'ear-en held he ga es. !er @acelyn was wheeling his lances aro2nd for ano her charge. The s'ears 'ar ed o le he king.s 'ar y 'ass 2nder he 'or c2llis. (ale red walls loo-ed 2' a&o2 he-/ reass2ringly high and

aswar- wi h cross&ow-en. Tyrion did no recall dis-o2n ing. !er Mandon was hel'ing he shaken king off his horse when Cersei/ To--en/ and *ancel rode hro2gh he ga es wi h !er Meryn and !er Boros close &ehind. Boros had &lood s-eared along his &lade/ while Meryn.s whi e cloak had &een orn frohis &ack. !er Balon !wann rode in hel-e less/ his -o2n la hered and &leeding a he -o2 h. 6oras Redwyne &ro2gh in *ady Tanda/ half cra>ed wi h fear for her da2gh er *ollys/ who had &een knocked fro- he saddle and lef &ehind. *ord Gyles/ -ore grey of face han e0er/ s a--ered o2 a ale of seeing he 6igh !e' on s'illed fro- his li er/ screeching 'rayers as he crowd swe' o0er hi-. @ala&har Cho said he ho2gh he.d seen !er (res on Greenfield of he Kingsg2ard riding &ack oward he 6igh !e' on.s o0er 2rned li er/ &2 he was no cer ain. Tyrion was di-ly aware of a -aes er asking if he was in;2red. 6e '2shed his way across he yard o where his ne'hew s ood/ his d2ngencr2s ed crown askew. :Trai ors/: @offrey was &a&&ling e9ci edly/ :I.ll ha0e all heir heads/ Ill7: The dwarf sla''ed his fl2shed face so hard he crown flew fro@offrey.s head. Then he sho0ed hi- wi h &o h hands and knocked his'rawling. :=o2 &lind &loody fool.: :They were rai ors/: @offrey s42ealed fro- he gro2nd. :They called -e na-es and a acked -e?: :=o2 se yo2r dog on he-? 3ha did yo2 i-agine hey wo2ld do/ &end he knee -eekly while he 6o2nd lo''ed off so-e li-&s8 =o2 s'oiled wi less li le &oy/ yo2.0e killed Clegane and gods know how -any -ore/ and ye yo2 co-e hro2gh 2nscra ched. 1a-n yo2?: And he kicked hi-. I fel so good he -igh ha0e done -ore/ &2 !er Mandon Moore '2lled hi- off as @offrey howled/ and hen Bronn was here o ake hi- in hand. Cersei knel o0er her son/ while !er Balon !wann res rained !er *ancel. Tyrion wrenched free of Bronn.s gri'. :6ow -any are s ill o2 here8: he sho2 ed o no one and e0eryone. :My da2gh er/: cried *ady Tanda. :(lease/ so-eone -2s go &ack for *ollys . . .: :!er (res on is no re 2rned/: !er Boros Blo2n re'or ed/ :nor Aron !an agar.: :5or 3e 52rse/: said !er 6oras Redwyne. Tha was he -ocking na-e he o her s42ires had h2ng on yo2ng Tyrek *annis er. Tyrion glanced ro2nd he yard. :3here.s he ! ark girl8: For a -o-en no one answered. Finally @offrey said/ :!he was riding &y -e. I don. know where she wen .: Tyrion 'ressed &l2n fingers in o his hro&&ing e-'les. If !ansa ! ark had co-e o har-/ @ai-e was as good as dead. :!er Mandon/ yo2 were her shield.: !er Mandon Moore re-ained 2n ro2&led. :3hen hey -o&&ed he 6o2nd/ I ho2gh firs of he king.: :And righ ly so/: Cersei '2 in. :Boros/ Meryn/ go &ack and find he girl.: :And -y da2gh er/: *ady Tanda so&&ed. :(lease/ sers !er Boros did no look 'leased a he 'ros'ec of lea0ing he safe y of he cas le. :=o2r Grace/: he old he 42een/ : he sigh of o2r whi e cloaks -igh enrage he -o&.: Tyrion had s o-ached all he cared o. :The ) hers ake yo2r f2cking cloaks? Take he- off if afraid o wear he-/ yo2 &loody oaf . . . &2 find -e !ansa ! ark or I swear/ I.ll ha0e !hagga s'li ha 2gly head of yo2rs in wo o see if here.s any hing inside &2 &lack '2dding.: !er Boros wen '2r'le wi h rage. :=o2 wo2ld call -e 2gly/ yo28: 6e

s ar ed o raise he &loody sword s ill cl2 ched in his -ailed fis . Bronn sho0ed Tyrion 2ncere-onio2sly &ehind hi-. :! o' i ?: Cersei sna''ed. :Boros/ yo2.ll do as &id/ or we.ll find so-eone else o wear ha cloak. =o2r oa h7: :There she is?: @offrey sho2 ed/ 'oin ing. !andor Clegane can ered &riskly hro2gh he ga es as ride !ansa.s ches n2 co2rser. The girl was sea ed &ehind/ &o h ar-s igh aro2nd he 6o2nd.s ches . Tyrion called o her. :Are yo2 h2r / *ady !ansa8: Blood was rickling down !ansa.s &row fro- a dee' gash on her scal'. :They . . . hey were hrowing hings . . . rocks and fil h/ eggs . . . I ried o ell he-/ I had no &read o gi0e he-. A -an ried o '2ll -e fro- he saddle. The 6o2nd killed hi-/ I hink ... his ar- . . .: 6er eyes widened and she '2 a hand o0er her -o2 h. :6e c2 off his ar-.: Clegane lif ed her o he gro2nd. 6is whi e cloak was orn and s ained/ and &lood see'ed hro2gh a ;agged ear in his lef slee0e. :The li le &ird.s &leeding. !o-eone ake her &ack o her cage and see o ha c2 .: Maes er Frenken sc2rried forward o o&ey. :They did for !an agar/ : he 6o2nd con in2ed. :Fo2r -en held hi- down and ook 2rns &ashing a his head wi h a co&&les one. I g2 ed one/ no ha i did !er Aron -2ch good.: *ady Tanda a''roached hi-. :My da2gh er7: :5e0er saw her.: The 6o2nd glanced aro2nd he yard/ scowling. :3here.s -y horse8 If any hing.s ha''ened o ha horse/ so-eone.s going o 'ay.: :6e was r2nning wi h 2s for a i-e/: Tyrion said/ :&2 I don. know wha &eca-e of hi- af er ha .: :Fire?: a 0oice screa-ed down fro- a o' he &ar&ican. :My lords/ here.s s-oke in he ci y. Flea Bo o-.s afire.: Tyrion was in2 era&ly weary/ &2 here was no i-e for des'air. :Bronn/ ake as -any -en as yo2 need and see ha he wa er wagons are no -oles ed/: Gods &e good/ he wildfire/ if any &la>e sho2ld reach ha . . . :3e can lose all of Flea Bo o- if we -2s / &2 on no acco2n -2s he fire reach he G2ildhall of he Alche-is s/ is ha 2nders ood8 Clegane/ yo2.ll go wi h hi-.: For half a hear &ea / Tyrion ho2gh he gli-'sed fear in he 6o2nd.s dark eyes. Fire/ he reali>ed. The ) hers ake -e/ of co2rse he ha es flre/ he.s as ed i oo well. The look was gone in an ins an / re'laced &y Clegane.s fa-iliar scowl. :I.ll go/: he said/ : ho2gh no &y yo2r co--and. I need o find ha horse.: Tyrion 2rned o he hree re-aining knigh s of he Kingsg2ard. :,ach of yo2 will ride escor o a herald. Co--and he 'eo'le o re 2rn o heir ho-es. Any -an fo2nd on he s ree s af er he las 'eal of he e0enfall &ell will &e killed.: :)2r 'lace is &eside he king/: !er Meryn said/ co-'lacen . Cersei reared 2' like a 0i'er. :=o2r 'lace is where -y &ro her says i is/: she s'i . :The 6and s'eaks wi h he king.s own 0oice/ and diso&edience is reason.: Boros and Meryn e9changed a look. :!ho2ld we wear o2r cloaks/ =o2r Grace8: !er Boros asked. :Go naked for all I care. I -igh re-ind he -o& ha -en. like o ha0e forgo en af er seeing he way yo2 &eha0ed o2 here in he s ree .: Tyrion le his sis er rage. 6is head was hro&&ing. 6e ho2gh he co2ld s-ell s-oke/ ho2gh 'erha's i was ;2s he scen of his ner0es fraying. Two of he ! one Crows g2arded he door of he Tower of he 6and. :Find -e Ti-e son of Ti-e .:

:! one Crows do no r2n s42eaking af er B2rned Men/: one of he wildlings infor-ed hi- ha2gh ily. For a -o-en Tyrion had forgo en who he was dealing wi h. :Then find -e !hagga.: :!hagga slee's.: I was an effor no o screa-. :3ake. 6i-.: :I is no easy hing o wake !hagga son of 1olf/: he -an co-'lained. :6is wra h is fearso-e.: 6e wen off gr2-&ling. The clans-an wandered in yawning and scra ching. :6alf he ci y is rio ing/ he o her half is &2rning/ and !hagga lies snoring/: Tyrion said. :!hagga -islikes yo2r -2ddy wa er here/ so he -2s drink yo2r weak ale and so2r wine/ and af er his head h2r s.: :I ha0e !hae in a -anse near he Iron Ga e. I wan yo2 o go o her and kee' her safe/ wha e0er -ay co-e.: The h2ge -an s-iled/ his ee h a yellow cre0asse in he hairy wilderness of his &eard. :!hagga will fe ch her here.: :@2s see ha no har- co-es o her. Tell her I will co-e o her as soon as I -ay. This 0ery nigh / 'erha's/ or on he -orrow for a cer ain y. : =e &y e0enfall he ci y was s ill in 2r-oil/ ho2gh Bror- re'or ed ha he fires were 42enched and -os of he ro0ing -o&s dis'ersed. M2ch as Tyrion yearned for he co-for of !hae.s ar-s/ he reali>ed he wo2ld go nowhere ha nigh . !er @acelyn Bywa er deli0ered he &2 cher.s &ill as he was s2''ing on a cold ca'on and &rown &read in he gloo- of his solar. 12sk had faded o darkness &y hen/ &2 when his ser0an s ca-e o ligh his candles and s ar a fire in he hear h/ Tyrion had roared a he- and sen her2nning. 6is -ood was as &lack as he cha-&er/ and Bywa er said no hing o ligh en i . The lis of he slain was o''ed &y he 6igh !e' on/ ri''ed a'ar as he s42ealed o his gods for -ercy. ! ar0ing -en ake a hard 0iew of 'ries s oo fa o walk/ Tyrion reflec ed. !er (res on.s cor'se had &een o0erlooked a firs < he gold cloaks had &een searching for a knigh in whi e ar-or/ and he had &een s a&&ed and hacked so cr2elly ha he was red7&rown fro- head o heel. !er Aron !an agar had &een fo2nd in a g2 er/ his head a red '2l' inside a cr2shed hel-. *ady Tanda.s da2gh er had s2rrendered her -aidenhood o half a h2ndred sho2 ing -en &ehind a anner.s sho'. The gold cloaks fo2nd her wandering naked on !ow&elly Row. Tyrek was s ill -issing/ as was he 6igh !e' on.s crys al crown. 5ine gold cloaks had &een slain/ wo score wo2nded. 5o one had ro2&led o co2n how -any of he -o& had died. :I wan Tyrek fo2nd/ ali0e or dead/: Tyrion said c2r ly when Bywa er was done. :6e.s no -ore han a &oy. !on o -y la e 2ncle Tyge . 6is fa her was always kind o -e.: :3e.ll find hi-. The se' on.s crown as well.: :The ) hers can &2gger each o her wi h he se' on.s crown/ for all I care. : :3hen yo2 na-ed -e o co--and he 3a ch/ yo2 old -e yo2 wan ed 'lain r2 h/ always.: :!o-ehow I ha0e a feeling I a- no going o like wha e0er a&o2 o say/: Tyrion said gloo-ily. :3e held he ci y oday/ -y lord/ &2 I -ake no 'ro-ises for he -orrow. The ke le is close o &oiling. !o -any hie0es and -2rderers are a&road ha no -an.s ho2se is safe/ he &loody fl29 is s'reading in

he s ews along (isswa er Bend/ here.s no food o &e had for co''er nor sil0er. 3here &efore yo2 heard only -2 erings fro- he g2 er/ now here.s o'en alk of reason in g2ildhalls and -arke s.: :1o yo2 need -ore -en8: :I do no r2s half he -en I ha0e now. !lyn ri'led he si>e of he 3a ch/ &2 i akes -ore han a gold cloak o -ake a wa ch-an. There are good -en and loyal a-ong he new recr2i s/ &2 also -ore &r2 es/ so s/ cra0ens/ and rai ors han yo2.d care o know. half7 rained and 2ndisci'lined/ and wha loyal y hey ha0e is o heir own skins. If i co-es o &a le/ hey.ll no hold/ I fear.: :I ne0er e9'ec ed he- o/: said Tyrion. :)nce o2r walls are &reeched/ we are los / I.0e known ha fro- he s ar .: :My -en are largely drawn fro- he s-allfolk. They walk he sa-e s ree s/ drink in he sa-e winesinks/ s'oon down heir &owls of &rown in he sa-e 'o 7sho's. =o2r e2n2ch -2s ha0e old yo2/ here is s-all lo0e for he *annis ers in King.s *anding. Many s ill re-e-&er how yo2r lord fa her sacked he ci y/ when Aerys o'ened he ga es o hi-. They whis'er ha he gods are '2nishing 2s for he sins of yo2r 6o2se7for yo2r &ro her.s -2rder of King Aerys/ for he &2 chery of Rhaegar.s children/ for he e9ec2 ion of ,ddard ! ark and he sa0agery of @offrey.s ;2s ice. !o-e alk o'enly of how -2ch &e er hings were when Ro&er was king/ and hin ha i-es wo2ld &e &e er again wi h ! annis on he hrone. in 'o 7sho's and winesinks and &ro hels/ yo2 hear hese hingsand in he &arracks and g2ardhalls as well/ I fear.: :They ha e -y fa-ily/ is ha wha yo2 are elling -e8: :Aye . . . and will 2rn on he-/ if he chance co-es.: :Me as well8: :Ask yo2r e2n2ch.: :I.- asking yo2.: Bywa er.s dee'7se eyes -e he dwarf.s -is-a ched ones/ and did no &link. :=o2 -os of all/ -y lord.: :Mos of all8: The in;2s ice was like o choke hi-. :I was @offrey who old he- o ea heir dead/ @offrey who se his dog on he-. 6ow co2ld hey &la-e -e8: :6is Grace is &2 a &oy. In he s ree s/ i is said ha he has e0il co2ncillors. The 42een has ne0er &een known as a friend o he co--ons/ nor is *ord Varys called he !'ider o2 of lo0e . . . &2 i is yo2 hey &la-e -os . =o2r sis er and he e2n2ch were here when i-es were &e er 2nder King Ro&er / &2 yo2 were no . They say ha yo2.0e filled he ci y wi h swaggering sellswords and 2nwashed sa0ages/ &r2 es who ake wha hey wan and follow no laws &2 heir own. They say yo2 e9iled @anos !lyn &eca2se yo2 fo2nd hi- oo &l2ff and hones for yo2r liking. They say yo2 hrew wise and gen le (ycelle in o he d2ngeons when he dared raise his 0oice agains yo2. !o-e e0en clai- ha yo2 -ean o sei>e he Iron Throne for yo2r own.: :=es/ and I a- a -ons er &esides/ hideo2s and -issha'en/ ne0er forge ha .: 6is hand coiled in o a fis . :I.0e heard eno2gh. 3e &o h ha0e work o a end o. *ea0e -e.: (erha's -y lord fa her was righ o des'ise -e all hese years/ if his is he &es I can achie0e/ Tyrion ho2gh when he was alone. 6e s ared down a he re-ains of his s2''er/ his &elly roiling a he sigh of he cold greasy ca'on. 1isg2s ed/ he '2shed i away/ sho2 ed for (od/ and sen he &oy r2nning o s2--on Varys and Bronn. My -os r2s ed ad0isers are a e2n2ch and a sellsword/ and -y lady.s a whore. 3ha does ha say of -eA Bronn co-'lained of he gloo- when he arri0ed/ and insis ed on a fire in he hear h. I was &la>ing &y he i-e Varys -ade his a''earance.

:3here ha0e yo2 &een8: Tyrion de-anded. :A&o2 he king.s &2siness/ -y swee lord.: :Ah/ yes/ he king/: Tyrion -2 ered. :My ne'hew is no fi o si a 'ri0y/ le alone he Iron Throne.: Varys shr2gged. :An a''ren ice -2s &e a2gh his rade.: :6alf he .'ren ices on Reeking *ane co2ld r2le &e er han his king of yo2rs.: Bronn sea ed hi-self across he a&le and '2lled a wing off he ca'on. Tyrion had -ade a 'rac ice of ignoring he sellsword.s fre42en insolences/ &2 onigh he fo2nd i galling. :I don. recall gi0ing yo2 lea0e o finish -y s2''er.: :=o2 didn. look o &e ea ing i /: Bronn said hro2gh a -o2 hf2l of -ea . :Ci y.s s ar0ing/ i .s a cri-e o was e food. =o2 ha0e any wine8: 5e9 he.ll wan -e o 'o2r i for hi-/ Tyrion ho2gh darkly. :=o2 go oo far/: he warned. :And yo2 ne0er go far eno2gh.: Bronn ossed he wing&one o he r2shes. :,0er hink how easy life wo2ld &e if he o her one had &een &orn firs 8: 6e hr2s his fingers inside he ca'on and ore off a handf2l of &reas . :The wee'y one/ To--en. !ee-s like he.d do wha e0er he was old/ as a good king sho2ld.: A chill cre' down Tyrion.s s'ine as he reali>ed wha he sellsword was hin ing a . If To--en was king . . . There was only one way To--en wo2ld &eco-e king. 5o/ he co2ld no e0en hink i . @offrey was his own &lood/ and @ai-e.s son as -2ch as Cersei.s. :I co2ld ha0e yo2r head off for saying ha /: he old Bror-/ &2 he sellsword only la2ghed. :Friends/: said Varys/ :42arreling will no ser0e 2s. I &eg yo2 &o h/ ake hear .: :3hose8: asked Tyrion so2rly. 6e co2ld hink of se0eral e-' ing choices. C6A(T,R D% 1AV)! !er Cor nay (enrose wore no ar-or. 6e sa a sorrel s allion/ his s andard7&earer a da''le grey. A&o0e he- fla''ed Bara heon.s crowned s ag and he crossed 42ills of (enrose/ whi e on a r2sse field. !er Cor nay.s s'ade7sha'ed &eard was r2sse as well/ ho2gh he.d gone wholly &ald on o'. If he si>e and s'lendor of he king.s 'ar y i-'ressed hi-/ i did no show on ha wea hered face. They ro ed 2' wi h -2ch clinking of chain and ra le of 'la e. ,0en 1a0os wore -ail/ ho2gh he co2ld no ha0e said why< his sho2lders and lower &ack ached fro- he 2nacc2s o-ed weigh . I -ade hi- feel c2-&ered and foolish/ and he wondered once -ore why he was here. I is no for -e o 42es ion he king.s co--ands/ and ye . . . ,0ery -an of he 'ar y was of &e er &ir h and higher s a ion han 1a0os !eawor h/ and he grea lords gli ered in he -orning s2n. !il0ered s eel and gold inlay &righ ened heir ar-or/ and heir warhel-s were cres ed in a rio of silken 'l2-es/ fea hers/ and c2nningly wro2gh heraldic &eas s wi h ge-s one eyes. ! annis hi-self looked o2 of 'lace in his rich and royal co-'any. *ike 1a0os/ he king was 'lainly gar&ed in wool and &oiled lea her/ ho2gh he circle of red gold a&o2 his e-'les len hi- a cer ain grande2r. !2nligh flashed off i s fla-e7sha'ed 'oin s whene0er he -o0ed his head. This was he closes 1a0os had co-e o 6is Grace in he eigh days since Black Be ha had ;oined he res of he flee off ! or-.s ,nd. 6e.d

so2gh an a2dience wi hin an ho2r of his arri0al/ only o &e old ha he king was occ2'ied. The king was of en occ2'ied/ 1a0os learned frohis son 1e0an/ one of he royal s42ires. 5ow ha ! annis Bara heon had co-e in o his 'ower/ he lordlings &2>>ed aro2nd hi- like flies ro2nd a cor'se. 6e looks half a cor'se oo/ years older han when I lef 1ragons one. 1e0an said he king scarcely sle' of la e. :!ince *ord Renly died/ he has &een ro2&led &y erri&le nigh -ares/: he &oy had confided o his fa her. :Maes er.s 'o ions do no o2ch he-. )nly he *ady Melisandre can soo he hi- o slee'.: Is ha why she shares his 'a0ilion now8 1a0os wondered. To 'ray wi h hi-8 )r does she ha0e ano her way o soo he hi- o slee'8 i was an 2nwor hy 42es ion/ and one he dared no ask/ e0en of his own son. 1e0an was a good &oy/ &2 he wore he fla-ing hear 'ro2dly on his do2&le / and his fa her had seen hi- a he nigh fires as d2sk fell/ &eseeching he *ord of *igh o &ring he dawn. 6e is he king.s s42ire/ he old hi-self/ i is only o &e e9'ec ed ha he wo2ld ake he king.s god. 1a0os had al-os forgo en how high and hick he walls of ! or-.s ,nd loo-ed 2' close. King ! annis hal ed &enea h he-/ a few fee fro- !er Cor nay and his s andard7&earer. :!er/: he said wi h s iff co2r esy. 6e -ade no -o0e o dis-o2n . :My lord.: Tha was less co2r eo2s/ &2 no 2ne9'ec ed. :I is c2s o-ary o gran a king he s yle =o2r Grace/: anno2nced *ord Floren . A red gold fo9 'oked i s shining sno2 o2 fro- his &reas 'la e hro2gh a circle of la'is la>2li flowers. Very all/ 0ery co2r ly/ and 0ery rich/ he *ord of Brigh wa er Kee' had &een he firs of Renly.s &anner-en o declare for ! annis/ and he firs o reno2nce his old gods and ake 2' he *ord of *igh . ! annis had lef his 42een on 1ragons one along wi h her 2ncle A9ell/ &2 he 42een.s -en were -ore n2-ero2s and 'owerf2l han e0er/ and Ales er Floren was he fore-os . !er Cor nay (enrose ignored hi-/ 'referring o address ! annis. :This is a no a&le co-'any. The grea lords ,s er-on / ,rrol/ and Varner. !er @on of he green7a''le Fossoways and !er Bryan of he red. *ord Caron and !er G2yard of King Renly.s Rain&ow G2ard . . . and he '2issan *ord Ales er Floren of Brigh wa er/ o &e s2re. Is ha yo2r )nion Knigh I s'y o he rear8 3ell -e / !er 1a0os. I fear I do no know he lady.: :I a- na-ed Melisandre/ ser.: !he alone ca-e 2nar-ored/ &2 for her flowing red ro&es. A her hroa he grea r2&y drank he dayligh . :I ser0e yo2r king/ and he *ord of *igh .: :I wish yo2 well of he-/ -y lady/: !er Cor nay answered/ :&2 I &ow o o her gods/ and a differen king.: :There is &2 one r2e king/ and one r2e god/: anno2nced *ord Floren . :Are we here o dis'2 e heology/ -y lord8 6ad I known/ I wo2ld ha0e &ro2gh a se' on.: :=o2 know f2ll well why we are here/: said ! annis. :=o2 ha0e had a for nigh o consider -y offer. =o2 sen yo2r ra0ens. 5o hel' has co-e. 5or will i . ! or-.s ,nd s ands alone/ and I a- o2 of 'a ience. )ne las i-e/ ser/ I co--and yo2 o o'en yo2r ga es/ and deli0er -e ha which is -ine &y righ s.: :And he er-s8: asked !er Cor nay. :Re-ain as &efore/: said ! annis. :I will 'ardon yo2 for yo2r reason/ as I ha0e 'ardoned hese lords yo2 see &ehind -e. The -en of yo2r garrison will &e free o en er -y ser0ice or o re 2rn 2n-oles ed o heir ho-es. =o2 -ay kee' yo2r wea'ons and as -2ch 'ro'er y as a -an can carry. I will re42ire yo2r horses and 'ack ani-als/ howe0er.: :And wha of ,dric ! or-8:

:My &ro her.s &as ard -2s &e s2rrendered o -e.: :Then -y answer is s ill no/ -y lord.: The king clenched his ;aw. 6e said no hing. Melisandre s'oke ins ead. :May he *ord of *igh 'ro ec yo2 in yo2r darkness/ !er Cor nay.: :May he ) hers &2gger yo2r *ord of *igh /: (enrose s'a &ack/ :and wi'e his arse wi h ha rag yo2 &ear.: *ord Ales er Floren cleared his hroa . :!er Cor nay/ -ind yo2r ong2e. 6is Grace -eans he &oy no har-. The child is his own &lood/ and -ine as well. My niece 1elena was he -o her/ as all -en know. If yo2 will no r2s o he king/ r2s o -e. =o2 know -e for a -an of honor7: :I know yo2 for a -an of a-&i ion/: !er Cor nay &roke in. :A -an who changes kings and gods he way I change -y &oo s. As do hese o her 2rncloaks I see &efore -e.: An angry cla-or wen 2' fro- he king.s -en. 6e is no far wrong/ 1a0os ho2gh . )nly a shor i-e &efore/ he Fossoways/ G2yard Mon rigen/ and he *ords Caron/ Varner/ ,rrol/ and ,s er-on had all &elonged o Renly. They had sa in his 'a0ilion/ hel'ed hi- -ake his &a le 'lans/ 'lo ed how ! annis -igh &e &ro2gh low. And *ord Floren had &een wi h he-7he -igh &e F2een !elyse.s own 2ncle/ &2 ha had no ke' he *ord of Brigh wa er fro- &ending his knee o Renly when Renly.s s ar was rising. Bryce Caron walked his horse forward a few 'aces/ his long rain&ows ri'ed cloak wis ing in he wind off he &ay. :5o -an here is a 2rncloak/ ser. My feal y &elongs o ! or-.s ,nd/ and King ! annis is i s righ f2l lord . . . and o2r r2e king. 6e is he las of 6o2se Bara heon/ Ro&er .s heir and Renly.s.: :If ha is so/ why is he Knigh of Flowers no a-ong yo28 And where is Ma his Rowan8 Randyll Tarly8 *ady )akhear 8 3hy are hey no here in yo2r co-'any/ hey who lo0ed Renly &es 8 3here is Brienne of Tar h/ I ask yo28: :Tha one8: !er G2yard Morrigen la2ghed harshly. :!he ran. As well she -igh . 6ers was he hand ha slew he king.: :A lie/: !er Cor nay said. :I knew Brienne when she was no -ore han a girl 'laying a her fa her.s fee in ,0enfall 6all/ and I knew her s ill &e er when he ,0ens ar sen her here o ! or-.s ,nd. !he lo0ed Renly Bara heon fro- he firs -o-en she laid eyes on hi-/ a &lind -an co2ld see i .: :To &e s2re/: declared *ord Floren airily/ :and she wo2ld scarcely &e he firs -aid -addened o -2rder &y a -an who s'2rned her. Tho2gh for -y own 'ar / I &elie0e i was *ady ! ark who slew he king. !he had ;o2rneyed all he way fro- Ri0err2n o 'lead for an alliance/ and Renly had ref2sed her. 5o do2& she saw hi- as a danger o her son/ and so re-o0ed hi-.: :I was Brienne/: insis ed *ord Caron. :!er ,--on C2y swore as -2ch &efore he died. =o2 ha0e -y oa h on ha / !er Cor nay.: Con e-' hickened !er Cor nay.s 0oice. :And wha is ha wor h8 =o2 wear yo2r cloak of -any colors/ I see. The one Renly ga0e yo2 when yo2 swore yo2r oa h o 'ro ec hi-. If he is dead/ how is i yo2 are no 8: 6e 2rned his scorn on G2yard Morrigen. :I -igh ask he sa-e of yo2/ ser. G2yard he Green/ yes8 )f he Rain&ow G2ard8 !worn o gi0e his own life for his king.s8 if I had s2ch a cloak/ I wo2ld &e asha-ed o wear i .: Morrigen &ris led. :Be glad his is a 'arley/ (enrose/ or I wo2ld ha0e yo2r ong2e for hose words.: :And cas i in he sa-e fire where yo2 lef yo2r -anhood8:

:,no2gh?: ! annis said. :The *ord of *igh willed ha -y &ro her die for his reason. 3ho did he deed -a ers no .: :5o o yo2/ 'erha's/: said !er Cor nay. :I ha0e heard yo2r 'ro'osal/ *ord ! annis. 5ow here is -ine.: 6e '2lled off his glo0e and fl2ng i f2ll in he king.s face. :!ingle co-&a . !word/ lance/ or any wea'on yo2 care o na-e. )r if yo2 fear o ha>ard yo2r -agic sword and royal skin agains an old -an/ na-e yo2 a cha-'ion/ and I shall do he sa-e.: 6e ga0e G2yard Morrigen and Bryce Caron a sca hing look. :,i her of hese '2's wo2ld do nicely/ I sho2ld hink.: !er G2yard Morrigen grew dark wi h f2ry. :I will ake 2' he gage/ if i 'lease he king.: :As wo2ld I: Bryce Caron looked o ! annis. The king gro2nd his ee h. :5o.: !er Cor nay did no see- s2r'rised. :Is i he ;2s ice of yo2r ca2se yo2 do2& / -y lord/ or he s reng h of yo2r ar-8 Are yo2 afraid I.ll 'iss on yo2r &2rning sword and '2 i o2 8: :1o yo2 ake -e for an 2 er fool/ ser8: asked ! annis. :I ha0e wen y ho2sand -en. =o2 are &esieged &y land and sea. 3hy wo2ld I choose single co-&a when -y e0en 2al 0ic ory is cer ain8: The king 'oin ed a finger a hi-. :I gi0e yo2 fair warning. If yo2 force -e o ake -y cas le &y s or-/ yo2 -ay e9'ec no -ercy. I will hang yo2 for rai ors/ e0ery one of yo2.: :As he gods will i . Bring on yo2r s or-/ -y lord7and recall/ if yo2 do/ he na-e of his cas le.: !er Cor nay ga0e a '2ll on his reins and rode &ack oward he ga e. ! annis said no word/ &2 2rned his horse aro2nd and s ar ed &ack oward his ca-'. The o hers followed. :If we s or- hese walls ho2sands will die/: fre ed ancien *ord ,s er-on / who was he king.s grandfa her on his -o her.s side. :Be er o ha>ard &2 a single life/ s2rely8 )2r ca2se is righ eo2s/ so he gods -2s s2rely &less o2r cha-'ion.s ar-s wi h 0ic ory.: God/ old -an/ ho2gh 1a0os. =o2 forge / we ha0e only one now/ Melisandre.s *ord of *igh . !er @on Fossoway said/ :I wo2ld gladly ake his challenge -yself/ ho2gh I.- no half he swords-an *ord Caron is/ or !er G2yard. Renly lef no no a&le knigh s a ! or-.s ,nd. Garrison d2 y is for old -en and green &oys.: *ord Caron agreed. :An easy 0ic ory/ o &e s2re. And wha glory/ o win ! or-.s ,nd wi h a single s roke?: ! annis raked he- all wi h a look. :=o2 cha er like -ag'ies/ and wi h less sense. I will ha0e 42ie .: The king.s eyes fell on 1a0os. :!er. Ride wi h -e.: 6e s'2rred his horse away fro- his followers. )nly Melisandre ke' 'ace/ &earing he grea s andard of he fiery hear wi h he crowned s ag wi hin. As if i had &een swallowed whole. 1a0os saw he looks ha 'assed &e ween he lordlings as he rode 'as he- o ;oin he king. These were no onion knigh s/ &2 'ro2d -en froho2ses whose na-es were old in honor. !o-ehow he knew ha Renly had ne0er chided he- in s2ch a fashion. The yo2nges of he Bara heons had &een &orn wi h a gif for easy co2r esy ha his &ro her sadly lacked. 6e eased &ack o a slow ro when his horse ca-e 2' &eside he king.s. :=o2r Grace.: !een a close hand/ ! annis looked worse han 1a0os had reali>ed fro- afar. 6is face had grown haggard/ and he had dark circles 2nder his eyes. :A s-2ggler -2s &e a fair ;2dge of -en/: he king said. :3ha do yo2 -ake of his !er Cor nay (enrose8: :A s 2&&orn -an/: said 1a0os caref2lly. :62ngry for dea h/ I call i . 6e hrows -y 'ardon in -y face. Aye/ and

hrows his life away in he &argain/ and he li0es of e0ery -an inside hose walls. !ingle co-&a 8: The king snor ed in derision. :5o do2& he -is ook -e for Ro&er .: :More like he was des'era e. 3ha o her ho'e does he ha0e8: :5one. The cas le will fall. B2 how o do i 42ickly8: ! annis &rooded on ha for a -o-en . +nder he s eady clo'7clo' of hoo0es/ 1a0os co2ld hear he fain so2nd of he king grinding his ee h. :*ord Ales er 2rges -e o &ring old *ord (enrose here. !er Cor nay.s fa her. =o2 know he -an/ I &elie0e8: :3hen I ca-e as yo2r en0oy/ *ord (enrose recei0ed -e -ore co2r eo2sly han -os /: 1a0os said. :6e is an old done -an/ sire. !ickly and failing.: :Floren wo2ld ha0e hi- fail -ore 0isi&ly. In his son.s sigh / wi h a noose a&o2 his neck.: i was dangero2s o o''ose he 42een.s -en/ &2 1a0os had 0owed always o ell his king he r2 h. :I hink ha wo2ld &e ill done/ -y liege. !er Cor nay will wa ch his fa her die &efore he wo2ld e0er &e ray his r2s . I wo2ld gain 2s no hing/ and &ring dishonor o o2r ca2se.: :3ha dishonor8: ! annis &ris led. :3o2ld yo2 ha0e -e s'are he li0es of rai ors8: :=o2 ha0e s'ared he li0es of hose &ehind 2s.: :1o yo2 scold -e for ha / s-2ggler8: :I is no -y 'lace.: 1a0os feared he had said oo -2ch. The king was relen less. :=o2 es ee- his (enrose -ore han yo2 do -y lords &anner-en. 3hy8: :6e kee's fai h.: :A -is'laced fai h in a dead 2s2r'er.: :=es/: 1a0os ad-i ed/ :&2 s ill/ he kee's fai h.: :As hose &ehind 2s do no 8: 1a0os had co-e oo far wi h ! annis o 'lay coy now. :*as year hey were Ro&er .s -en. A -oon ago hey were Renly.s. This -orning hey are yo2rs. 3hose will hey &e on he -orrow8: And ! annis la2ghed. A s2dden g2s / ro2gh and f2ll of scorn. :I old yo2/ Melisandre/: he said o he red wo-an/ :-y )nion Knigh ells -e he r2 h.: :I see yo2 know hi- well/ =o2r Grace/: he red wo-an said. :1a0os/ I ha0e -issed yo2 sorely/: he king said. :Aye/ I ha0e a ail of rai ors/ yo2r nose does no decei0e yo2. My lords &anner-en are incons an e0en in heir reasons. I need he-/ &2 yo2 sho2ld know how i sickens -e o 'ardon s2ch as hese when I ha0e '2nished &e er -en for lesser cri-es. =o2 ha0e e0ery righ o re'roach -e/ !er 1a0os.: :=o2 re'roach yo2rself -ore han I e0er co2ld/ =o2r Grace. =o2 -2s ha0e hese grea lords o win yo2r hrone7: :Fingers and all/ i see-s.: ! annis s-iled gri-ly. +n hinking/ 1a0os raised his -ai-ed hand o he 'o2ch a his hroa / and fel he finger&ones wi hin. *2ck. The king saw he -o ion. :Are hey s ill here/ )nion Knigh 8 =o2 ha0e no los he-8: :5o./. :3hy do yo2 kee' he-8 I ha0e of en wondered.: :They re-ind -e of wha I was. 3here I ca-e fro-. They re-ind -e of yo2r ;2s ice/ -y liege.: :I was ;2s ice/: ! annis said. :A good ac does no wash o2 he &ad/ nor a &ad ac he good. ,ach sho2ld ha0e i s own reward. =o2 were a hero and a s-2ggler.: 6e glanced &ehind a *ord Floren and he o hers/ rain&ow knigh s and 2rncloaks/ who were following a a dis ance. :These 'ardoned lords wo2ld do well o reflec on ha . Good -en and

r2e will figh for @offrey/ wrongly &elie0ing hi- he r2e king. A nor h-an -igh e0en say he sa-e of Ro&& ! ark. B2 hese lords who flocked o -y &ro her.s &anners knew hi- for a 2s2r'er. They 2rned heir &acks on heir righ f2l king for no &e er reason han drea-s of 'ower and glory/ and I ha0e -arked he- for wha hey are. (ardoned he-/ yes. Forgi0en. B2 no forgo en.: 6e fell silen for a -o-en / &rooding on his 'lans for ;2s ice. And hen/ a&r2' ly/ he said/ :3ha do he s-allfolk say of Renly.s dea h8 : :They grie0e. =o2r &ro her was well lo0ed.: :Fools lo0e a fool/: gr2-&led ! annis/ :&2 I grie0e for hi- as well. For he &oy he was/ no he -an he grew o &e.: 6e was silen for a i-e/ and hen he said/ :6ow did he co--ons ake he news of Cersei.s inces 8: :3hile we were a-ong he- hey sho2 ed for King ! annis. I canno s'eak for wha hey said once we had sailed.: :!o yo2 do no hink hey &elie0ed8: :3hen I was s-2ggling/ I learned ha so-e -en &elie0e e0ery hing and so-e no hing. 3e -e &o h sor s. And here is ano her ale &eing s'read as well7: :=es.: ! annis &i off he word. :!elyse has gi0en -e horns/ and ied a fool.s &ells o he end of each. My da2gh er fa hered &y a halfwi ;es er? A ale as 0ile as i is a&s2rd. Renly hrew i in -y ee h when we -e o 'arley. =o2 wo2ld need o &e as -ad as (a chface o &elie0e s2ch a hing.: :Tha -ay &e so/ -y liege . . . &2 whe her hey &elie0e he s ory or no/ hey deligh o ell i .: In -any 'laces i had co-e &efore he-/ 'oisoning he well for heir own r2e ale. :Ro&er co2ld 'iss in a c2' and -en wo2ld call i wine/ &2 I offer he- '2re cold wa er and hey s42in in s2s'icion and -2 er o each o her a&o2 how 42eer i as es.: ! annis gro2nd his ee h. :If so-eone said I had -agicked -yself in o a &oar o kill Ro&er / likely hey wo2ld &elie0e ha as well.: :=o2 canno s o' he- alking/ -y liege/: 1a0os said/ :&2 when yo2 ake yo2r 0engeance on yo2r &ro hers. r2e killers/ he real- will know s2ch ales for lies.: ! annis only see-ed o half hear hi-. :I ha0e no do2& ha Cersei had a hand in Ro&er .s dea h. I will ha0e ;2s ice for hi-. Aye/ and for 5ed ! ark and @on Arryn as well.: :And for Renly8: The words were o2 &efore 1a0os co2ld s o' o consider he-. For a long i-e he king did no s'eak. Then/ 0ery sof ly/ he said/ :I drea- of i so-e i-es. )f Renly.s dying. A green en / candles/ a wo-an screa-ing. And &lood.: ! annis looked down a his hands. :I was s ill a&ed when he died. =o2r 1e0an will ell yo2. 6e ried o wake -e. 1awn was nigh and -y lords were wai ing/ fre ing. I sho2ld ha0e &een ahorse/ ar-ored. I knew Renly wo2ld a ack a &reak of day. 1e0an says I hrashed and cried o2 / &2 wha does i -a er8 I was a drea-. I was in -y en when Renly died/ and when I woke -y hands were clean.: !er 1a0os !eawor h co2ld feel his 'han o- finger i's s ar o i ch. !o-e hing is wrong here/ he one i-e s-2ggler ho2gh . =e he nodded and said/ :I see.: :Renly offered -e a 'each. A o2r 'arley. Mocked -e/ defied -e/ hrea ened -e/ and offered -e a 'each. I ho2gh he was drawing a &lade and wen for -ine own. 3as ha his '2r'ose/ o -ake -e show fear8 )r was i one of his 'oin less ;es s8 3hen he s'oke of how swee he 'each was/ did his words ha0e so-e hidden -eaning8: The king ga0e a shake of his head/ like a dog shaking a ra&&i o sna' i s neck. :)nly Renly

co2ld 0e9 -e so wi h a 'iece of fr2i . 6e &ro2gh his doo- on hi-self wi h his reason/ &2 I did lo0e hi-/ 1a0os. I know ha now. I swear/ I will go o -y gra0e hinking of -y &ro her.s 'each.: By hen hey were in a-ongs he ca-'/ riding 'as he ordered rows of en s/ he &lowing &anners/ and he s acks of shields and s'ears. The s ink of horse d2ng was hea0y in he air/ -ingled wi h he woods-oke and he s-ell of cooking -ea . ! annis reined 2' long eno2gh o &ark a &r2s42e dis-issal o *ord Floren and he o hers/ co--anding he- o a end hi- in his 'a0ilion one ho2r hence for a co2ncil of war. They &owed heir heads and dis'ersed/ while 1a0os and Melisandre rode o he king.s 'a0ilion. The en had o &e large/ since i was here his lords &anner-en ca-e o co2ncil. =e here was no hing grand a&o2 i . I was a soldier.s en of hea0y can0as/ dyed he dark yellow ha so-e i-es 'assed for gold. )nly he royal &anner ha s rea-ed a o' he cen er 'ole -arked i as a king.s. Tha / and he g2ards wi ho2 < 42een.s -en leaning on all s'ears/ wi h he &adge of he fiery hear sewn o0er heir own. Groo-s ca-e 2' o hel' he- dis-o2n . )ne of he g2ards relie0ed Melisandre of her c2-&erso-e s andard/ dri0ing he s aff dee' in o he sof gro2nd. 1e0an s ood o one side of he door/ wai ing o lif he fla' for he king. An older s42ire wai ed &eside hi-. ! annis ook off his crown and handed i o 1e0an. :Cold wa er/ c2's for wo. 1a0os/ a end -e. My lady/ I shall send for yo2 when I re42ire yo2.: :As he king co--ands.: Melisandre &owed. Af er he &righ ness of he -orning/ he in erior of he 'a0ilion see-ed cool and di-. ! annis sea ed hi-self on a 'lain wooden ca-' s ool and wa0ed 1a0os o ano her. :)ne day I -ay -ake yo2 a lord/ s-2ggler. If only o irk Cel igar and Floren . =o2 will no hank -e/ ho2gh. I will -ean yo2 -2s s2ffer hro2gh hese co2ncils/ and feign in eres in he &raying of -2les.: :3hy do yo2 ha0e he-/ if hey ser0e no '2r'ose8: :The -2les lo0e he so2nd of heir own &raying/ why else8 And I need he- o ha2l -y car . )h/ o &e s2re/ once in a grea while so-e 2sef2l no ion is '2 for h. B2 no oday/ I hink7ah/ here.s yo2r son wi h o2r wa er.: 1e0an se he ray on he a&le and filled wo clay c2's. The king s'rinkled a 'inch of sal in his c2' &efore he drank< 1a0os ook his wa er s raigh / wishing i were wine. :=o2 were s'eaking of yo2r co2ncil8: :*e -e ell yo2 how i will go. *ord Velaryon will 2rge -e o s orhe cas le walls a firs ligh / gra'nels and scaling ladders agains arrows and &oiling oil. The yo2ng -2les will hink his a s'lendid no ion. ,s er-on will fa0or se ling down o s ar0e he- o2 / as Tyrell and Redwyne once ried wi h -e. Tha -igh ake a year/ &2 old -2les are 'a ien . And *ord Caron and he o hers who like o kick will wan o ake 2' !er Cor nay.s ga2n le and ha>ard all 2'on a single co-&a . ,ach one i-agining he will &e -y cha-'ion and win 2ndying fa-e.: The king finished his wa er. :3ha wo2ld yo2 ha0e -e do/ s-2ggler8: 1a0os considered a -o-en &efore he answered. :! rike for King.s *anding a once.: The king snor ed. :And lea0e ! or-.s ,nd 2n aken8: :!er Cor nay does no ha0e he 'ower o har- yo2. The *annis ers do. A siege wo2ld ake oo long/ single co-&a is oo chancy/ and an assa2l wo2ld cos ho2sands of li0es wi h no cer ain y of s2ccess. And here is no need. )nce yo2 de hrone @offrey his cas le -2s co-e o yo2 wi h

all he res . I is said a&o2 he ca-' ha *ord Tywin *annis er r2shes wes o resc2e *annis'or fro- he 0engeance of he nor h-en . . .: :=o2 ha0e a 'assing cle0er fa her/ 1e0an/: he king old he &oy s anding &y his el&ow. :6e -akes -e wish I had -ore s-2gglers in -y ser0ice. And fewer lords. Tho2gh yo2 are wrong in one res'ec / 1a0os. There is a need. If I lea0e ! or-.s ,nd 2n aken in -y rear/ i will &e said I was defea ed here. And ha I canno 'er-i . Men do no lo0e -e as hey lo0ed -y &ro hers. They follow -e &eca2se hey fear -e . . . and defea is dea h o fear. The cas le -2s fall.: 6is ;aw gro2nd side o side. :Aye/ and 42ickly. 1oran Mar ell has called his &anners and for ified he -o2n ain 'asses. 6is 1ornish-en are 'oised o swee' down on o he Marches. And 6ighgarden is far fro- s'en . My &ro her lef he grea er 'ar of his 'ower a Bi er&ridge/ near si9 y ho2sand foo . I sen -y wife.s &ro her !er ,rrol wi h !er (ar-en Crane o ake he2nder -y co--and/ &2 hey ha0e no re 2rned. I fear ha !er *oras Tyrell reached Bi er&ridge &efore -y en0oys/ and ook ha hos for his own.: :All he -ore reason o ake King.s *anding as soon as we -ay. !alladhor !aan old -e7: :!alladhor !aan hinks only of gold?: ! annis e9'loded. :6is head is f2ll of drea-s of he reas2re he fancies lies 2nder he Red Kee'/ so le 2s hear no -ore of !alladhor !aan. The day I need -ili ary co2nsel fro- a *ysene &rigand is he day I '2 off -y crown and ake he &lack.: The king -ade a fis . :Are yo2 here o ser0e -e/ s-2ggler8 )r o 0e9 -e wi h arg2-en s8: :I a- yo2rs/: 1a0os said. :Then hear -e. !er Cor nay.s lie2 enan is co2sin o he Fossoways. *ord Meadows/ a green &oy of wen y. !ho2ld so-e ill chance s rike down (enrose/ co--and of ! or-.s ,nd wo2ld 'ass o his s ri'ling/ and his co2sins &elie0e he wo2ld acce' -y er-s and yield 2' he cas le.: :I re-e-&er ano her s ri'ling who was gi0en co--and of ! or-.s ,nd. 6e co2ld no ha0e &een -2ch -ore han wen y.: :*ord Meadows is no as s onehead s 2&&orn as I was.: :! 2&&orn or cra0en/ wha does i -a er8 !er Cor nay (enrose see-ed hale and hear y o -e.: :!o did -y &ro her/ he day &efore his dea h. The nigh is dark and f2ll of errors/ 1a0os.: 1a0os !eawor h fel he s-all hairs rising on he &ack of his neck. :My lord/ I do no 2nders and yo2.: :I do no re42ire yo2r 2nders anding. )nly yo2r ser0ice. !er Cor nay will &e dead wi hin he day. Melisandre has seen i in he fla-es of he f2 2re. 6is dea h and he -anner of i . 6e will no die in knigh ly co-&a / needless o say.: ! annis held o2 his c2'/ and 1e0an filled i again fro- he flagon. :6er fla-es do no lie. !he saw Renly.s doo- as well. )n 1ragons one she saw i / and old !elyse. *ord Velaryon and yo2r friend !alladhor !aan wo2ld ha0e had -e sail agains @offrey/ &2 Melisandre old -e ha if I wen o ! or-.s ,nd/ I wo2ld win he &es 'ar of -y &ro her.s 'ower/ and she was righ .: :B7&2 /: 1a0os s a--ered/ :*ord Renly only ca-e here &eca2se yo2 had laid siege o he cas le. 6e was -arching oward King.s *anding &efore/ agains he *annis ers/ he wo2ld ha0e7: ! annis shif ed in his sea / frowning. :3as/ wo2ld ha0e/ wha is ha 8 6e did wha he did. 6e ca-e here wi h his &anners and his 'eaches/ o his doo- . . . and i was well for -e he did. Melisandre saw ano her day in her fla-es as well. A -orrow where Renly rode o2 of he so2 h in his green ar-or o s-ash -y hos &enea h he walls of King.s

*anding. 6ad I -e -y &ro her here/ i -igh ha0e &een -e who died in 'lace of hi-.: :)r yo2 -igh ha0e ;oined yo2r s reng h o his o &ring down he *annis ers/: 1a0os 'ro es ed. :3hy no ha 8 If she saw wo f2 2res/ well . . . &o h canno &e r2e.: King ! annis 'oin ed a finger. :There yo2 err/ )nion Knigh . !o-e ligh s cas -ore han one shadow. ! and &efore he nigh fire and yo2.ll see for yo2rself. The fla-es shif and dance/ ne0er s ill. The shadows grow all and shor / and e0ery -an cas s a do>en. !o-e are fain er han o hers/ ha .s all. 3ell/ -en cas heir shadows across he f2 2re as well. )ne shadow or -any. Melisandre sees he- all. :=o2 do no lo0e he wo-an. I know ha / 1a0os/ I a- no &lind. My lords -islike her oo. ,s er-on hinks he fla-ing hear ill7chosen and &egs o figh &enea h he crowned s ag as of old. !er G2yard says a wo-an sho2ld no &e -y s andard7&earer. ) hers whis'er ha she has no 'lace in -y war co2ncils/ ha I o2gh o send her &ack o Asshai/ ha i is sinf2l o kee' her in -y en of a nigh . Aye/ hey whis'er . . . while she ser0es.: :!er0es how8: 1a0os asked/ dreading he answer. :As needed.: The king looked a hi-. :And yo28: :I . . .: 1a0os licked his li's. :I a- yo2rs o co--and. 3ha wo2ld yo2 ha0e -e do8: :5o hing yo2 ha0e no done &efore. )nly land a &oa &enea h he cas le/ 2nseen/ in he &lack of nigh . Can yo2 do ha 8: :=es. Tonigh 8: The king ga0e a c2r nod. :=o2 will need a s-all &oa . 5o Black Be ha. 5o one -2s know wha yo2 do.: 1a0os wan ed o 'ro es . 6e was a knigh now/ no longer a s-2ggler/ and he had ne0er &een an assassin. =e when he o'ened his -o2 h/ he words wo2ld no co-e. This was ! annis/ his ;2s lord/ o who- he owed all he was. And he had his sons o consider as well. Gods &e good/ wha has she done o hi-8 :=o2 are 42ie /: ! annis o&ser0ed. And sho2ld re-ain so/ 1a0os old hi-self/ ye ins ead he said/ :My liege/ yo2 -2s ha0e he cas le/ I see ha now/ &2 s2rely here are o her ways. Cleaner ways. *e !er Cor nay kee' he &as ard &oy and he -ay well yield.: :I -2s ha0e he &oy/ 1a0os. M2s . Melisandre has seen ha in he fla-es as well.: 1a0os gro'ed for so-e o her answer. :! or-.s ,nd holds no knigh who can -a ch !er G2yard or *ord Caron/ or any of a h2ndred o hers sworn o yo2r ser0ice. This single co-&a . . . co2ld i &e ha !er Cor nay seeks for a way o yield wi h honor8 ,0en if i -eans his own life8 : A ro2&led look crossed he king.s face like a 'assing clo2d. :More like he 'lans so-e reachery. There will &e no co-&a of cha-'ions. !er Cor nay was dead &efore he e0er hrew ha glo0e. The fla-es do no lie/ 1a0os.: =e hey re42ire -e o -ake he- r2e/ he ho2gh . I had &een a long i-e since 1a0os !eawor h fel so sad. And so i was ha he fo2nd hi-self once -ore crossing !hi'&reaker Bay in he dark of nigh / s eering a iny &oa wi h a &lack sail. The sky was he sa-e/ and he sea. The sa-e sal s-ell was in he air/ and he wa er ch2ckling agains he h2ll was ;2s as he re-e-&ered i . A ho2sand flickering ca-'fires &2rned aro2nd he cas le/ as he fires of he Tyrells and Redwynes had si9 een years &efore. B2 all he res was differen . The las i-e i was life I &ro2gh o ! or-.s ,nd/ sha'ed o look like

onions. This i-e i is dea h/ in he sha'e of Melisandre of Asshai. !i9 een years ago/ he sails had cracked and sna''ed wi h e0ery shif of wind/ 2n il he.d '2lled he- down and gone on wi h -2ffled oars. ,0en so/ his hear had &een in his g2lle . The -en on he Redwyne galleys had grown la9 af er so long/ howe0er/ and hey had sli''ed hro2gh he cordon s-oo h as &lack sa in. This i-e/ he only shi's in sigh &elonged o ! annis/ and he only danger wo2ld co-e fro- wa chers on he cas le walls. ,0en so/ 1a0os was a2 as a &ows ring. Melisandre h2ddled 2'on a hwar / los in he folds of a dark red cloak ha co0ered her fro- head o heels/ her face a 'aleness &enea h he cowl. 1a0os lo0ed he wa er. 6e sle' &es when he had a deck rocking &enea h hi-/ and he sighing of he wind in his rigging was a swee er so2nd o hi- han any a singer co2ld -ake wi h his har' s rings. ,0en he sea &ro2gh hi- no co-for onigh / ho2gh. :I can s-ell he fear on yo2/ ser knigh /: he red wo-an said sof ly. :!o-eone once old -e he nigh is dark and f2ll of errors. And onigh I a- no knigh . Tonigh I a- 1a0os he s-2ggler again. 3o2ld ha yo2 were an onion.: !he la2ghed. :Is i -e yo2 fear8 )r wha we do8: :3ha yo2 do. I.ll ha0e no 'ar of i .: :=o2r hand raised he sail. =o2r hand holds he iller.: !ilen / 1a0os ended o his co2rse. The shore was a snarl of rocks/ so he was aking he- well o2 across he &ay. 6e wo2ld wai for he ide o 2rn &efore co-ing a&o2 . ! or-.s ,nd dwindled &ehind he-/ &2 he red wo-an see-ed 2nconcerned. :Are yo2 a good -an/ 1a0os !eawor h8: she asked. 3o2ld a good -an &e doing his8 :I a- a -an/: he said. :I a- kind o -y wife/ &2 I ha0e known o her wo-en. I ha0e ried o &e a fa her o -y sons/ o hel' -ake he- a 'lace in his world. Aye/ I.0e &roken laws/ &2 I ne0er fel e0il 2n il onigh . I wo2ld say -y 'ar s are -i9ed/ -.lady. Good and &ad.: :A grey -an/: she said. :5ei her whi e nor &lack/ &2 'ar aking of &o h. Is ha wha yo2 are/ !er 1a0os8: :3ha if I a-8 I see-s o -e ha -os -en are grey.: :If half of an onion is &lack wi h ro / i is a ro en onion. A -an is good/ or he is e0il.: The fires &ehind he- had -el ed in o one 0ag2e glow agains he &lack sky/ and he land was al-os o2 of sigh . I was i-e o co-e a&o2 . :3a ch yo2r head/ -y lady.: 6e '2shed on he iller/ and he s-all &oa hrew 2' a c2rl of &lack wa er as she 2rned. Melisandre leaned 2nder he swinging yard/ one hand on he g2nwale/ cal- as e0er. 3ood creaked/ can0as cracked/ and wa er s'lashed/ so lo2dly a -an -igh swear he cas le was s2re o hear. 1a0os knew &e er. The endless crash of wa0e on rock was he only so2nd ha e0er 'ene ra ed he -assi0e seaward walls of ! or-.s ,nd/ and ha &2 fain ly. A ri''ling wake s'read o2 &ehind as hey sw2ng &ack oward he shore. :=o2 s'eak of -en and onions/: 1a0os said o Melisandre. :3ha of wo-en8 Is i no he sa-e for he-8 Are yo2 good or e0il/ -y lady8: Tha -ade her ch2ckle. :)h/ good. I a- a knigh of sor s -yself/ swee ser. A cha-'ion of ligh and life.: :=e yo2 -ean o kill a -an onigh /: he said. :As yo2 killed Maes er Cressen.: :=o2r -aes er 'oisoned hi-self. 6e -ean o 'oison -e/ &2 I was 'ro ec ed &y a grea er 'ower and he was no .: :And Renly Bara heon8 3ho was i who killed hi-8: 6er head 2rned. Benea h he shadow of he cowl/ her eyes &2rned like 'ale red candle fla-es. :5o *:

:*iar.: 1a0os was cer ain now. Melisandre la2ghed again. :=o2 are los in darkness and conf2sion/ !er 1a0os.: :And a good hing.: 1a0os ges 2red a he dis an ligh s flickering along he walls of ! or-.s ,nd. :Feel how cold he wind is8 The g2ards will h2ddle close o hose orches. A li le war- h/ a li le ligh / a co-for on a nigh like his. =e ha will &lind he-/ so hey will no see 2s 'ass.: I ho'e. :The god of darkness 'ro ec s 2s now/ -y lady. ,0en yo2.: The fla-es of her eyes see-ed o &2rn a li le &righ er a ha . :!'eak no ha na-e/ ser. *es yo2 draw his &lack eye 2'on 2s. 6e 'ro ec s no -an/ I 'ro-ise yo2. 6e is he ene-y of all ha li0es. I is he orches ha hide 2s/ yo2 ha0e said so yo2rself. Fire. The &righ gif of he *ord of *igh .// :6a0e i yo2r way.: :6is way/ ra her.: The wind was shif ing/ 1a0os co2ld feel i / see i in he way he &lack can0as ri''led. 6e reached for he halyards. :6el' -e &ring in he sail. I.ll row 2s he res of he way.: Toge her hey ied off he sail as he &oa rocked &enea h he-. As 1a0os 2nshi''ed he oars and slid he- in o he cho''y &lack wa er/ he said/ :3ho rowed yo2 o Renly8: :There was no need/: she said. :6e was 2n'ro ec ed. B2 here . . . his ! or-.s ,nd is an old 'lace. There are s'ells wo0en in o he s ones. 1ark walls ha no shadow can 'ass7ancien / forgo en/ ye s ill in 'lace.: :!hadow8: 1a0os fel his flesh 'rickling. :A shadow is a hing of darkness.: :=o2 are -ore ignoran han a child/ ser knigh . There are no shadows in he dark. !hadows are he ser0an s of ligh / he children of fire. The &righ es fla-e cas s he darkes shadows.: Frowning/ 1a0os h2shed her hen. They were co-ing close o shore once -ore/ and 0oices carried across he wa er. 6e rowed/ he fain so2nd of his oars los in he rhy h- of he wa0es. The seaward side of ! or-.s ,nd 'erched 2'on a 'ale whi e cliff/ he chalky s one slo'ing 2' s ee'ly o half again he heigh of he -assi0e c2r ain wall. A -o2 h yawned in he cliff/ and i was ha 1a0os s eered for/ as he had si9 een years &efore. The 2nnel o'ened on a ca0ern 2nder he cas le/ where he s or- lords of old had &2il heir landing. The 'assage was na0iga&le only d2ring high ide/ and was ne0er less han reachero2s/ &2 his s-2ggler.s skills had no deser ed hi-. 1a0os hreaded heir way def ly &e ween he ;agged rocks 2n il he ca0e -o2 h loo-ed 2' &efore he-. 6e le he wa0es carry he- inside. They crashed aro2nd hi-/ sla--ing he &oa his way and ha and soaking he- o he skin. A half7seen finger of rock ca-e r2shing 2' o2 of he gloo-/ snarling foa-/ and 1a0os &arely ke' he- off i wi h an oar. Then hey were 'as / eng2lfed in darkness/ and he wa ers s-oo hed. The li le &oa slowed and swirled. The so2nd of heir &rea hing echoed 2n il i see-ed o s2rro2nd he-. 1a0os had no e9'ec ed he &lackness. The las i-e/ orches had &2rned all along he 2nnel/ and he eyes of s ar0ing -en had 'eered down hro2gh he -2rder holes in he ceiling. The 'or c2llis was so-ewhere ahead/ he knew. 1a0os 2sed he oars o slow he-/ and hey drif ed agains i al-os gen ly. :This is as far as we go/ 2nless yo2 ha0e a -an inside o lif he ga e for 2s.: 6is whis'ers sc2rried across he la''ing wa er like a line of -ice on sof 'ink fee . :6a0e we 'assed wi hin he walls8:

:=es. Benea h. B2 we can go no far her. The 'or c2llis goes all he way o he &o o-. And he &ars are oo closely s'aced for e0en a child o s42ee>e hro2gh.: There was no answer &2 a sof r2s ling. And hen a ligh &loo-ed a-ids he darkness. 1a0os raised a hand o shield his eyes/ and his &rea h ca2gh in his hroa . Melisandre had hrown &ack her cowl and shr2gged o2 of he s-o hering ro&e. Benea h/ she was naked/ and h2ge wi h child. !wollen &reas s h2ng hea0y agains her ches / and her &elly &2lged as if near o &2rs ing. :Gods 'reser0e 2s/: he whis'ered/ and heard her answering la2gh/ dee' and hroa y. 6er eyes were ho coals/ and he swea ha da''led her skin see-ed o glow wi h a ligh of i s own. Melisandre shone. (an ing/ she s42a ed and s'read her legs. Blood ran down her highs/ &lack as ink. 6er cry -igh ha0e &een agony or ecs asy or &o h. And 1a0os saw he crown of he child.s head '2sh i s way o2 of her. Two ar-s wriggled free/ gras'ing/ &lack fingers coiling aro2nd Melisandre.s s raining highs/ '2shing/ 2n il he whole of he shadow slid o2 in o he world and rose aller han 1a0os/ all as he 2nnel/ owering a&o0e he &oa . 6e had only an ins an o look a i &efore i was gone/ wis ing &e ween he &ars of he 'or c2llis and racing across he s2rface of he wa er/ &2 ha ins an was long eno2gh. 6e knew ha shadow. As he knew he -an who.d cas i . C6A(T,R D" @)5 The call ca-e drif ing hro2gh he &lack of nigh . @on '2shed hi-self on o an el&ow/ his hand reaching for *ongclaw &y force of ha&i as he ca-' &egan o s ir. The horn ha wakes he slee'ers/ he ho2gh . The long low no e lingered a he edge of hearing. The sen ries a he ringwall s ood s ill in heir foo s e's/ &rea h fros ing and heads 2rned oward he wes . As he so2nd of he horn faded/ e0en he wind ceased o &low. Men rolled fro- heir &lanke s and reached for s'ears and sword&el s/ -o0ing 42ie ly/ lis ening. A horse whickered and was h2shed. For a hear &ea i see-ed as if he whole fores were holding i s &rea h. The &ro hers of he 5igh .s 3a ch wai ed for a second &las / 'raying hey sho2ld no hear i / fearing ha hey wo2ld. 3hen he silence had s re ched 2n&eara&ly long and he -en knew a las ha he horn wo2ld no wind again/ hey grinned a one ano her shee'ishly/ as if o deny ha hey had &een an9io2s. @on !now fed a few s icks o he fire/ &2ckled on his sword&el / '2lled on his &oo s/ shook he dir and dew fro- he cloak/ and fas ened i aro2nd his sho2lders. The fla-es &la>ed 2' &eside hi-/ welco-e hea &ea ing agains his face as he dressed. 6e co2ld hear he *ord Co--ander -o0ing inside he en . Af er a -o-en Mor-on lif ed he fla'. :)ne &las 8: )n his sho2lder/ his ra0en sa fl2ffed and silen / looking -isera&le. :)ne/ -y lord/: @on agreed. :Bro hers re 2rning.: Mor-on -o0ed o he fire. :The 6alfhand. And 'as i-e.: 6e had grown -ore res i0e e0ery day hey wai ed< -2ch longer and he wo2ld ha0e &een fi o whel' c2&s. :!ee ha here.s ho food for he -en and fodder for he horses. I.ll see Fhorin a once.: :I.ll &ring hi-/ -y lord.: The -en fro- he !hadow Tower had &een e9'ec ed days ago. 3hen hey had no a''eared/ he &ro hers had &eg2n o wonder. @on had heard gloo-y -2 erings aro2nd he cookfire/ and no ;2s fro- 1oloro2s ,dd. !er ) yn 3y hers was for re rea ing o Cas le

Black as soon as 'ossi&le. !er Mallador *ocke wo2ld s rike for he !hadow Tower/ ho'ing o 'ick 2' Fhorin.s rail and learn wha had &efallen hi-. And Thoren !-allwood wan ed o '2sh on in o he -o2n ains. :Mance Rayder knows he -2s &a le he 3a ch/: Thoren had declared/ :&2 he will ne0er look for 2s so far nor h. If we ride 2' he Milkwa er/ we can ake hi- 2nawares and c2 his hos o ri&&ons &efore he knows we are on hi-.: :The n2-&ers wo2ld &e grea ly agains 2s/: !er ) yn had o&;ec ed. :Cras er said he was ga hering a grea hos . Many ho2sands. 3i ho2 Fhorin/ we are only wo h2ndred.: :!end wo h2ndred wol0es agains en ho2sand shee'/ ser/ and see wha ha''ens/: said !-allwood confiden ly. :There are goa s a-ong hese shee'/ Thoren/: warned @ar-an B2ckwell. :Aye/ and -ay&e a few lions. Ra leshir / 6ar-a he 1ogshead/ Alfyn Crowkiller . . .: :I know he- as well as yo2 do/ B2ckwell/: Thoren !-allwood sna''ed &ack. :And I -ean o ha0e heir heads/ e0ery one. These are wildlings. 5o soldiers. A few h2ndred heroes/ dr2nk -os like/ a-ids a grea horde of wo-en/ children/ and hralls. 3e will swee' o0er he- and send he- howling &ack o heir ho0els.: They had arg2ed for -any ho2rs/ and reached no agree-en . The )ld Bear was oo s 2&&orn o re rea / &2 nei her wo2ld he r2sh headlong 2' he Milkwa er/ seeking &a le. In he end/ no hing had &een decided &2 o wai a few -ore days for he -en fro- he !hadow Tower/ and alk again if hey did no a''ear. And now hey had/ which -ean ha he decision co2ld &e delayed no longer. @on was glad of ha -2ch/ a leas . If hey -2s &a le Mance Rayder/ le i &e soon. 6e fo2nd 1oloro2s ,dd a he fire/ co-'laining a&o2 how diffic2l i was for hi- o slee' when 'eo'le insis ed on &lowing horns in he woods. @on ga0e hi- so-e hing new o co-'lain a&o2 . Toge her hey woke 6ake/ who recei0ed he *ord Co--ander.s orders wi h a s rea- of c2rses/ &2 go 2' all he sa-e and soon had a do>en &ro hers c2 ing roo s for a so2'. !a- ca-e '2ffing 2' as @on crossed he ca-'. +nder he &lack hood his face was as 'ale and ro2nd as he -oon. :I heard he horn. 6as yo2r 2ncle co-e &ack8: :I .s only he -en fro- he !hadow Tower.: I was growing harder o cling o he ho'e of Ben;en ! ark.s safe re 2rn. The cloak he had fo2nd &enea h he Fis co2ld well ha0e &elonged o his 2ncle or one of his -en/ e0en he )ld Bear ad-i ed as -2ch/ ho2gh why hey wo2ld ha0e &2ried i here/ wra''ed aro2nd he cache of dragonglass/ no one co2ld say. :!a-/ I ha0e o go.: A he ringwall/ he fo2nd he g2ards sliding s'ikes fro- he half7 fro>en ear h o -ake an o'ening. I was no long 2n il he firs of he &ro hers fro- he !hadow Tower &egan wending heir way 2' he slo'e. All in lea her and f2r hey were/ wi h here and here a &i of s eel or &ron>e< hea0y &eards co0ered hard lean faces/ and -ade he- look as shaggy as heir garrons. @on was s2r'rised o see so-e of he- were riding wo o a horse. 3hen he looked -ore closely/ i was 'lain ha -any of he- were wo2nded. There has &een ro2&le on he way. @on knew Fhorin 6alfhand he ins an he saw hi-/ ho2gh hey had ne0er -e . The &ig ranger was half a legend in he 3a ch< a -an of slow words and swif ac ion/ all and s raigh as a s'ear/ long7li-&ed and sole-n. +nlike his -en/ he was clean7sha0en. 6is hair fell fro- &enea h his hel- in a hea0y &raid o2ched wi h hoarfros / and he &lacks he wore were so faded hey -igh ha0e &een greys. )nly h2-& and forefinger

re-ained on he hand ha held he reins< he o her fingers had &een sheared off ca ching a wildling.s a9e ha wo2ld o herwise ha0e s'li his sk2ll. I was old ha he had hr2s his -ai-ed fis in o he face of he a9e-an so he &lood s'2r ed in o his eyes/ and slew hi- while he was &lind. !ince ha day/ he wildlings &eyond he 3all had known no foe -ore i-'laca&le. @on hailed hi-. :*ord Co--ander Mor-on wo2ld see yo2 a once. I.ll show yo2 o his en .: Fhorin sw2ng down fro- his saddle. :My -en are h2ngry/ and o2r horses re42ire ending.: :They.ll all &e seen o.: The ranger ga0e his horse in o he care of one of his -en and followed. :=o2 are @on !now. =o2 ha0e yo2r fa her.s look.: :1id yo2 know hi-/ -y lord8: :I a- no lordling. )nly a &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch. I knew *ord ,ddard/ yes. And his fa her &efore hi-.: @on had o h2rry his s e's o kee' 2' wi h Fhorin.s long s rides. :*ord Rickard died &efore I was &orn.: :6e was a friend o he 3a ch.: Fhorin glanced &ehind. :I is said ha a direwolf r2ns wi h yo2.: :Ghos sho2ld &e &ack &y dawn. 6e h2n s a nigh .: They fo2nd 1oloro2s ,dd frying a rasher of &acon and &oiling a do>en eggs in a ke le o0er he )ld Bear.s cookfire. Mor-on sa in his woodand7lea her ca-' chair. :I had &eg2n o fear for yo2. 1id yo2 -ee wi h ro2&le8 : :3e -e wi h Alfyn Crowkiller. Mance had sen hi- o sco2 along he 3all/ and we chanced on hi- re 2rning.: Fhorin re-o0ed his hel-. :Alfyn will ro2&le he real- no longer/ &2 so-e of his co-'any esca'ed 2s. 3e h2n ed down as -any as we co2ld/ &2 i -ay &e ha a few will win &ack o he -o2n ains.: :And he cos 8: :Fo2r &ro hers dead. A do>en wo2nded. A hird as -any as he foe. And we ook ca' i0es. )ne died 42ickly fro- his wo2nds/ &2 he o her li0ed long eno2gh o &e 42es ioned.: :Bes alk of his inside. @on will fe ch yo2 a horn of ale. )r wo2ld yo2 'refer ho s'iced wine8: :Boiled wa er will s2ffice. An egg and a &i e of &acon.: :As yo2 wish.: Mor-on lif ed he fla' of he en and Fhorin 6alfhand s oo'ed and s e''ed hro2gh. ,dd s ood o0er he ke le swishing he eggs a&o2 wi h a s'oon. :I en0y hose eggs/: he said. :I co2ld do wi h a &i of &oiling a&o2 now. If he ke le were larger/ I -igh ;2-' in. Tho2gh I wo2ld sooner i were wine han wa er. There are worse ways o die han war- and dr2nk. I knew a &ro her drowned hi-self in wine once. I was a 'oor 0in age/ ho2gh/ and his cor'se did no i-'ro0e i .: :=o2 drank he wine8: :I .s an awf2l hing o find a &ro her dead. =o2.d ha0e need of a drink as well/ *ord !now.: ,dd s irred he ke le and added a 'inch -ore n2 -eg. Res less/ @on s42a ed &y he fire and 'oked a i wi h a s ick. 6e co2ld hear he )ld Bear.s 0oice inside he en / '2nc 2a ed &y he ra0en.s s42awks and Fhorin 6alfhand.s 42ie er ones/ &2 he co2ld no -ake o2 he words. Alfyn Crowkiller dead/ ha .s good. 6e was one of he &loodies of he wildling raiders/ aking his na-e fro- he &lack &ro hers he.d slain. !o why does Fhorin so2nd so gra0e/ af er s2ch a 0ic ory8 @on had ho'ed ha he arri0al of -en fro- he !hadow Tower wo2ld lif

he s'iri s in he ca-'. )nly las nigh / he was co-ing &ack hro2gh he dark fro- a 'iss when he heard fi0e or si9 -en alking in low 0oices aro2nd he e-&ers of a fire. 3hen he heard Che -2 ering ha i was 'as i-e hey 2rned &ack/ @on s o''ed o lis en. :I .s an old -an.s folly/ his ranging/: he heard. :3e.ll find no hing &2 o2r gra0es in he- -o2n ains.: :There.s gian s in he Fros fangs/ and wargs/ and worse hings/: said *ark he !is er-an. :I.ll no &e going here/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: :The )ld Bear.s no like o gi0e yo2 a choice.: :Migh &e we won. gi0e hi- one/: said Che . ;2s hen one of he dogs had raised his head and growled/ and he had o -o0e away 42ickly/ &efore he was seen. I was no -ean o hear ha / he ho2gh . 6e considered aking he ale o Mor-on / &2 he co2ld no &ring hi-self o infor- on his &ro hers/ e0en &ro hers s2ch as Che and he !is er-an. I was ;2s e-' y alk/ he old hi-self. They are cold and afraid/ we all are. I was hard wai ing here/ 'erched on he s ony s2--i a&o0e he fores / wondering wha he -orrow -igh &ring. The 2nseen ene-y is always he -os fearso-e. @on slid his new dagger fro- i s shea h and s 2died he fla-es as hey 'layed agains he shiny &lack glass. 6e had fashioned he wooden hil hi-self/ and wo2nd he-'en wine aro2nd i o -ake a gri'. +gly/ &2 i ser0ed. 1oloro2s ,dd o'ined ha glass kni0es were a&o2 as 2sef2l as ni''les on a knigh .s &reas 'la e/ &2 @on was no so cer ain. The dragonglass &lade was shar'er han s eel/ al&ei far -ore &ri le. I -2s ha0e &een &2ried for a reason. 6e had -ade a dagger for Grenn as well/ and ano her for he *ord Co--ander. The warhorn he had gi0en o !a-. )n closer e9a-ina ion he horn had 'ro0ed cracked/ and e0en af er he had cleaned all he dir o2 / @on had &een 2na&le o ge any so2nd fro- i . The ri- was chi''ed as well/ &2 !a- liked old hings/ e0en wor hless old hings. :Make a drinking horn o2 of i /: @on old hi-/ :and e0ery i-e yo2 ake a drink yo2.ll re-e-&er how yo2 ranged &eyond he 3all/ all he way o he Fis of he Firs Men.: 6e ga0e !a- a s'earhead and a do>en arrowheads as well/ and 'assed he res o2 a-ong his o her friends for l2ck. The )ld Bear had see-ed 'leased &y he dagger/ &2 he 'referred a s eel knife a his &el / @on had no iced. Mor-on co2ld offer no answers as o who -igh ha0e &2ried he cloak or wha i -igh -ean. (erha's Fhorin will know The 6alfhand had 0en 2red dee'er in o he wild han any o her li0ing -an. :=o2 wan o ser0e/ or shall I8: @on shea hed he dagger. :I.ll do i .: 6e wan ed o hear wha hey were saying. ,dd c2 hree hick slices off a s ale ro2nd of oa &read/ s acked heon a wooden 'la er/ co0ered he- wi h &acon and &acon dri''ings/ and filled a &owl wi h hard7cooked eggs. @on ook he &owl in one hand and he 'la er in he o her and &acked in o he *ord Co--ander.s en / Fhorin was sea ed cross7legged on he floor/ his s'ine as s raigh as a s'ear. Candleligh flickered agains he hard fla 'lanes of his cheeks as he s'oke. :. . . Ra leshir / he 3ee'ing Man/ and e0ery o her chief grea and s-all/: he was saying. :They ha0e wargs as well/ and -a--o hs/ and -ore s reng h han we wo2ld ha0e drea-ed. )r so he clai-ed. I will no swear as o he r2 h of i . ,&&en &elie0es he -an was elling 2s ales o -ake his life las a li le longer.: :Tr2e or false/ he 3all -2s &e warned/: he )ld Bear said as @on 'laced he 'la er &e ween he-. :And he king.:

:3hich king8: :All of he-. The r2e and he false alike. If hey wo2ld clai- he real-/ le he- defend i .: The 6alfhand hel'ed hi-self o an egg and cracked i on he edge of he &owl. :These kings will do wha hey will/: he said/ 'eeling away he shell. :*ikely i will &e li le eno2gh. The &es ho'e is 3in erfell. The ! arks -2s rally he nor h.: :=es. To &e s2re.: The )ld Bear 2nrolled a -a'/ frowned a i / ossed i aside/ o'ened ano her. 6e was 'ondering where he ha--er wo2ld fall/ @on co2ld see i . The 3a ch had once -anned se0en een cas les along he h2ndred leag2es of he 3all/ &2 hey had &een a&andoned one &y one as he &ro herhood dwindled. )nly hree were now garrisoned/ a fac ha Mance Rayder knew as well as hey did. :!er Alliser Thorne will &ring &ack fresh le0ies fro- King.s *anding/ we can ho'e. If we -an Greyg2ard fro- he !hadow Tower and he *ong Barrow fro- ,as wa ch . . .: :Greyg2ard has largely colla'sed. ! onedoor wo2ld ser0e &e er/ if he -en co2ld &e fo2nd. Ice-ark and 1ee' *ake as well/ -ayha's. 3i h daily 'a rols along he &a le-en s &e ween.: :(a rols/ aye. Twice a day/ if we can. The 3all i self is a for-ida&le o&s acle. +ndefended/ i canno s o' he-/ ye i will delay he-. The larger he hos / he longer hey.ll re42ire. Fro- he e-' iness hey.0e lef &ehind/ hey -2s -ean o &ring heir wo-en wi h he-. Their yo2ng as well/ and &eas s . . . ha0e yo2 e0er seen a goa cli-& a ladder8 A ro'e8 They will need o &2ild a s air/ or a grea ra-' . . . i will ake a -oon.s 2rn a he leas / 'erha's longer. Mance will know his &es chance is o 'ass &enea h he 3all. Thro2gh a ga e/ or :A &reach.: Mor-on .s head ca-e 2' shar'ly. :3ha 8: :They do no 'lan o cli-& he 3all nor o &2rrow &enea h i / -y lord. They 'lan o &reak i .: :The 3all is se0en h2ndred fee high/ and so hick a he &ase ha i wo2ld ake a h2ndred -en a year o c2 hro2gh i wi h 'icks and a9es.: :,0en so.: Mor-on 'l2cked a his &eard/ frowning. :6ow8: :6ow else8 !orcery.: Fhorin &i he egg in half. :3hy else wo2ld Mance choose o ga her his s reng h in he Fros fangs8 Bleak and hard hey are/ and a long weary -arch fro- he 3all.: :I.d ho'ed he chose he -o2n ains o hide his -2s er fro- he eyes of -y rangers.: :(erha's/: said Fhorin/ finishing he egg/ :&2 here is -ore/ I hink. 6e is seeking so-e hing in he high cold 'laces. 6e is searching for so-e hing he needs.: :!o-e hing8: Mor-on .s ra0en lif ed i s head and screa-ed. The so2nd was shar' as a knife in he closeness of he en . :!o-e 'ower. 3ha i is/ o2r ca' i0e co2ld no say. 6e was 42es ioned 'erha's oo shar'ly/ and died wi h -2ch 2nsaid. I do2& he knew in any case.: @on co2ld hear he wind o2 side. I -ade a high hin so2nd as i shi0ered hro2gh he s ones of he ringwall and 2gged a he en ro'es. Mor-on r2&&ed his -o2 h ho2gh f2lly. :!o-e 'ower/: he re'ea ed. :I -2s know.: :Then yo2 -2s send sco2 s in o he -o2n ains.: :I a- loa h o risk -ore -en.: :3e can only die. 3hy else do we don hese &lack cloaks/ &2 o die in defense of he real-8 I wo2ld send fif een -en/ in hree 'ar ies of fi0e. )ne o 'ro&e he Milkwa er/ one he !kirling (ass/ one o cli-& he Gian .s ! air. @ar-an B2ckwell/ Thoren !-allwood/ and -yself o

co--and. To learn wha wai s in hose -o2n ains.: :3ai s/: he ra0en cried. :3ai s.: *ord Co--ander Mor-on sighed dee' in his ches . :I see no o her choice/: he conceded/ :&2 if yo2 do no re 2rn . . .: :!o-eone will co-e down o2 of he Fros fangs/ -y lord/: he ranger said. :If 2s/ all well and good. If no / i will &e Mance Rayder/ and yo2 si s42are in his 'a h. 6e canno -arch so2 h and lea0e yo2 &ehind/ o follow and harry his rear. 6e -2s a ack. This is a s rong 'lace.: :5o ha s rong/: said Mor-on . :Belike we shall all die/ hen. )2r dying will &2y i-e for o2r &ro hers on he 3all. Ti-e o garrison he e-' y cas les and free>e sh2 he ga es/ i-e o s2--on lords and kings o heir aid/ i-e o hone heir a9es and re'air heir ca a'2l s. )2r li0es will &e coin well s'en .: :1ie/: he ra0en -2 ered/ 'acing along Mor-on .s sho2lders. :1ie/ die/ die/ die.: The old Bear sa sl2-'ed and silen / as if he &2rden of s'eech had grown oo hea0y for hi- o &ear. B2 a las he said/ :May he gods forgi0e -e. Choose yo2r -en.: Fhorin 6alfhand 2rned his head. 6is eyes -e @on.s/ and held he- for a long -o-en . :Very well. I choose @on !now.: Mor-on &linked. :6e is hardly -ore han a &oy. And -y s eward &esides. 5o e0en a ranger.: :Tolle can care for yo2 as well/ -y lord.: Fhorin lif ed his -ai-ed/ wo7fingered hand. :The old gods are s ill s rong &eyond he 3all. The gods of he Firs Men . . . and he ! arks.: Mor-on looked a @on. :3ha is yo2r will in his8: :To go/: he said a once. The old -an s-iled sadly. :I ho2gh i -igh &e.: 1awn had &roken when @on s e''ed fro- he en &eside Fhorin 6alfhand. The wind swirled aro2nd he-/ s irring heir &lack cloaks and sending a sca er of red cinders flying fro- he fire. :3e ride a noon/: he ranger old hi-. :Bes find ha wolf of yo2rs.: C6A(T,R DD T=RI)5 The 42een in ends o send (rince Torn-en away.: They knel alone in he h2shed di-ness of he se' / s2rro2nded &y shadows and flickering candles/ &2 e0en so *ancel ke' his 0oice low. :*ord Gyles will ake hi- o Ros&y/ and conceal hi- here in he g2ise of a 'age. They 'lan o darken his hair and ell e0eryone ha he is he son of a hedge knigh .: :Is i he -o& she fears8 )r -e8: :Bo h/: said *ancel. :Ah.: Tyrion had known no hing of his 'loy. 6ad Varys.s li le &irds failed hi- for once8 ,0en s'iders -2s nod/ he s2''osed . . . or was he e2n2ch 'laying a dee'er and -ore s2& le ga-e han he knew8 :=o2 ha0e -y hanks/ ser.: :3ill yo2 gran -e he &oon I asked of yo28: :(erha's.: *ancel wan ed his own co--and in he ne9 &a le. A s'lendid way o die &efore he finished growing ha -2s ache/ &2 yo2ng knigh s always hink he-sel0es in0inci&le. Tyrion lingered af er his co2sin had sli''ed away. A he 3arrior.s al ar/ he 2sed one candle o ligh ano her. 3a ch o0er -y &ro her/ yo2 &loody &as ard/ he.s one of yo2rs. 6e li a second candle o he ! ranger/ for hi-self.

Tha nigh / when he Red Kee' was dark/ Bronn arri0ed o find hisealing a le er. :Take his o !er @acelyn Bywa er.: The dwarf dri&&led ho golden wa9 down on o he 'arch-en . :3ha does i say8: Bronn co2ld no read/ so he asked i-'2den 42es ions. :Tha he.s o ake fif y of his &es swords and sco2 he roseroad.: Tyrion 'ressed his seal in o he sof wa9. :! annis is -ore like o co-e 2' he kingsroad.: :)h/ I know. Tell Bywa er o disregard wha .s in he le er and ake his -en nor h. 6e.s o lay a ra' along he Ros&y road. *ord Gyles will de'ar for his cas le in a day or wo/ wi h a do>en -en7a 7ar-s/ so-e ser0an s/ and -y ne'hew. (rince To--en -ay &e dressed as a 'age.: :=o2 wan he &oy &ro2gh &ack/ is ha i 8: :5o. I wan hi- aken on o he cas le.: Re-o0ing he &oy fro- he ci y was one of his sis er.s &e er no ions/ Tyrion had decided. A Ros&y/ Torn-en wo2ld &e safe fro- he -o&/ and kee'ing hi- a'ar fro- his &ro her also -ade hings -ore diffic2l for ! annis< e0en if he ook King.s *anding and e9ec2 ed @offrey/ he.d s ill ha0e a *annis er clai-an o con end wi h. :*ord Gyles is oo sickly o r2n and oo cra0en o figh . 6e.ll co--and his cas ellan o o'en he ga es. )nce inside he walls/ Bywa er is o e9'el he garrison and hold Torn-en here safe. Ask hi- how he likes he so2nd of *ord Bywa er.: :*ord Bronn wo2ld so2nd &e er. I co2ld gra& he &oy for yo2 ;2s as well. I.ll dandle hi- on -y knee and sing hi- n2rsery songs if here.s a lordshi' in i .: :I need yo2 here/: said Tyrion. And I don. r2s yo2 wi h -y ne'hew !ho2ld any ill &efall @offrey/ he *annis er clai- o he Iron Throne wo2ld res on To--en.s yo2ng sho2lders. !er @acelyn.s gold cloaks wo2ld defend he &oy< Bronn.s sellswords were -ore a' o sell hi- o his ene-ies. :3ha sho2ld he new lord do wi h he old one8: :3ha e0er he 'leases/ so long as he re-e-&ers o feed hi-. I don. wan hi- dying.: Tyrion '2shed away fro- he a&le. :My sis er will send one of he Kingsg2ard wi h he 'rince.: Bronn was no concerned. :The 6o2nd is @offrey.s dog/ he won. lea0e hi-. Ironhand.s gold cloaks sho2ld &e a&le o handle he o hers easy eno2gh.: :If i co-es o killing/ ell !er @acelyn I won. ha0e i done in fron of To--en.: Tyrion donned a hea0y cloak of dark &rown wool. :My ne'hew is enderhear ed.: :Are yo2 cer ain he.s a *annis er8: :I.- cer ain of no hing &2 win er and &a le/: he said. :Co-e. I.riding wi h yo2 'ar of he way.: :Cha aya.s8: :=o2 know -e oo well.: They lef hro2gh a 'os ern ga e in he nor h wall. Tyrion '2 his heels in o his horse and cla ered down !hadow&lack *ane. A few f2r i0e sha'es dar ed in o alleys a he so2nd of hoof&ea s on he co&&les/ &2 no one dared accos he-. The co2ncil had e9 ended his c2rfew< i was dea h o &e aken on he s ree s af er he e0enfall &ells had s2ng. The -eas2re had res ored a degree of 'eace o King.s *anding and 42ar ered he n2-&er of cor'ses fo2nd in he alleys of a -orning/ ye Varys said he 'eo'le c2rsed hi- for i . They sho2ld &e hankf2l hey ha0e he &rea h o c2rse. A 'air of gold cloaks confron ed he- as hey were -aking heir way along Co''ers-i h.s 3ynd/ &2 when hey reali>ed whohey.d challenged hey &egged he 6and.s 'ardons and wa0ed he- on. Bror- 2rned so2 h for he M2d Ga e and hey 'ar ed co-'any.

Tyrion rode on oward Cha aya.s/ &2 s2ddenly his 'a ience deser ed hi-. 6e wis ed in he saddle/ scanning he s ree &ehind. There were no signs of followers. ,0ery window was dark or igh ly sh2 ered. 6e heard no hing &2 he wind swirling down he alleys. If Cersei has so-eone s alking -e onigh / he -2s &e disg2ised as a ra . :B2gger i all/: he -2 ered. 6e was sick of ca2 ion. 3heeling his horse aro2nd/ he d2g in his s'2rs. If anyone.s af er -e/ we.ll see how well hey ride. 6e flew hro2gh he -oonligh s ree s/ cla ering o0er co&&les/ dar ing down narrow alleys and 2' wis y wynds/ racing o his lo0e. As he ha--ered on he ga e he heard -2sic waf ing fain ly o0er he s'iked s one walls. )ne of he I&&enese 2shered hi- inside. Tyrion ga0e he -an his horse and said/ :3ho is ha 8: The dia-ond7sha'ed 'anes of he longhall windows shone wi h yellow ligh / and he co2ld hear a -an singing. The I&&enese shr2gged. :Fa &elly singer.: The so2nd swelled as he walked fro- he s a&le o he ho2se. Tyrion had ne0er &een fond of singers/ and he liked his one e0en less han he r2n of he &reed/ sigh 2nseen. 3hen he '2shed o'en he door/ he -an &roke off. :My lord 6and.: 6e knel / &alding and ke le7&ellied/ -2r-2ring/ :An honor/ an honor.: :M.lord.: !hae s-iled a he sigh of hi-. 6e liked ha s-ile/ he 42ick 2n hinking way i ca-e o her 're y face. The girl wore her '2r'le silk/ &el ed wi h a clo h7of7sil0er sash. The colors fa0ored her dark hair and he s-oo h crea- of her skin. :!wee ling/: he called her. :And who is his8: The singer raised his eyes. :I a- called !y-on !il0er Tong2e/ -y lord. A 'layer/ a singer/ a ale eller7: :And a grea fool/: Tyrion finished. :3ha did yo2 call -e/ when I en ered8 : :Call8 I only . . .: The sil0er in !y-on.s ong2e see-ed o ha0e 2rned o lead. :My lord 6and/ I said/ an honor . . .: :A wiser -an wo2ld ha0e 're ended no o recogni>e -e. 5o ha I wo2ld ha0e &een fooled/ &2 yo2 o2gh o ha0e ried. 3ha a- I o do wi h yo2 now8 =o2 know of -y swee !hae/ yo2 know where she dwells/ yo2 know ha I 0isi &y nigh alone.: :I swear/ I.ll ell no one . . .: :)n ha -2ch we agree. Good nigh o yo2.: Tyrion led !hae 2' he s airs. :My singer -ay ne0er sing again now/: she eased. :=o2.0e scared he 0oice fro- hi-.: :A li le fear will hel' hi- reach hose high no es.: !he closed he door o heir &edcha-&er. :=o2 won. h2r hi-/ will yo28: !he li a scen ed candle and knel o '2ll off his &oo s. :6is songs cheer -e on he nigh s yo2 don. co-e.: :3o2ld ha I co2ld co-e e0ery nigh /: he said as she r2&&ed his &are fee . :6ow well does he sing8: :Be er han so-e. 5o so good as o hers.: Tyrion o'ened her ro&e and &2ried his face &e ween her &reas s. !he always s-elled clean o hi-/ e0en in his reeking s y of a ci y. :Kee' hi- if yo2 like/ &2 kee' hi- close. I won. ha0e hi- wandering he ci y s'reading ales in 'o 7sho's.: :6e won. 7: she s ar ed. Tyrion co0ered her -o2 h wi h his own. 6e.d had alk eno2gh< he needed he swee si-'lici y of he 'leas2re he fo2nd &e ween !hae.s highs. 6ere/ a leas / he was welco-e/ wan ed. Af erward/ he eased his ar- o2 fro- 2nder her head/ sli''ed on his 2nic/ and wen down o he garden. A half7-oon sil0ered he lea0es of

he fr2i rees and shone on he s2rface of he s one &a hing 'ond. Tyrion sea ed hi-self &eside he wa er. !o-ewhere off o his righ a cricke was chir'ing/ a c2rio2sly ho-ey so2nd. I is 'eacef2l here/ he ho2gh / &2 for how long8 A whiff of so-e hing rank -ade hi- 2rn his head. !hae s ood in he door &ehind hi-/ dressed in he sil0ery ro&e he.d gi0en her. I lo0ed a -aid as whi e as win er/ wi h -oonglow in her hair. Behind her s ood one of he &egging &ro hers/ a 'or ly -an in fil hy 'a ched ro&es/ his &are fee cr2s y wi h dir / a &owl h2ng a&o2 his neck on a lea her hong where a se' on wo2ld ha0e worn a crys al. The s-ell of hi- wo2ld ha0e gagged a ra . :*ord Varys has co-e o see yo2/: !hae anno2nced. The &egging &ro her &linked a her/ as onished. Tyrion la2ghed. :To &e s2re. 6ow is i yo2 knew hi- when I did no 8: !he shr2gged. :I .s s ill hi-. )nly dressed differen .: :A differen look/ a differen s-ell/ a differen way of walking/: said Tyrion. :Mos -en wo2ld &e decei0ed.: :And -os wo-en/ -ay&e. B2 no whores. A whore learns o see he -an/ no his gar&/ or she 2rns 2' dead in an alley.: Varys looked 'ained/ and no &eca2se of he false sca&s on his fee . Tyrion ch2ckled. :!hae/ wo2ld yo2 &ring 2s so-e wine8: 6e -igh need a drink. 3ha e0er &ro2gh he e2n2ch here in he dead of nigh was no like o &e good. :I al-os fear o ell yo2 why I.0e co-e/ -y lord/: Varys said when !hae had lef he-. :I &ring dire idings.: :=o2 o2gh o dress in &lack fea hers/ Varys/ as &ad an o-en as any ra0en.: Awkwardly/ Tyrion '2shed o his fee / half afraid o ask he ne9 42es ion. :Is i @ai-e8: ff hey ha0e har-ed hi-/ no hing will sa0e he-. :5o/ -y lord. A differen -a er. !er Cor nay (enrose is dead. ! or-.s ,nd has o'ened i s ga es o ! annis Bara heon.: 1is-ay dro0e all o her ho2gh s fro- Tyrion.s -ind. 3hen !hae re 2rned wi h he wine/ he ook one si' and fl2ng he c2' away o e9'lode agains he side of he ho2se. !he raised a hand o shield herself frohe shards as he wine ran down he s ones in long fingers/ &lack in he -oonligh . :1a-n hi-?: Tyrion said. Varys s-iled/ showing a -o2 h f2ll of ro ed ee h. :3ho/ -y lord8 !er Cor nay or *ord ! annis8: :Bo h of he-.: ! or-.s ,nd was s rong/ i sho2ld ha0e &een a&le o hold o2 for half a year or -ore . . . i-e eno2gh for his fa her o finish wi h Ro&& ! ark. :6ow did his ha''en8: Varys glanced a !hae. :My lord/ -2s we ro2&le yo2r swee lady.s slee' wi h s2ch gri- and &loody alk8: :A lady -igh &e afraid/: said !hae/ :&2 I.- no .: :=o2 sho2ld &e/: Tyrion old her. :3i h ! or-.s ,nd fallen/ ! annis will soon 2rn his a en ion oward King.s *anding.: 6e regre ed flinging away ha wine now. :*ord Varys/ gi0e 2s a -o-en / and I.ll ride &ack o he cas le wi h yo2.: :I shall wai in he s a&les.: 6e &owed and s o-'ed off. Tyrion drew !hae down &eside hi-. :=o2 are no safe here.: :I ha0e -y walls/ and he g2ards yo2 ga0e -e.: :!ellswords/: Tyrion said. :They like -y gold well eno2gh/ &2 will hey die for i 8 As for hese walls/ a -an co2ld s and on ano her.s sho2lders and &e o0er in a hear &ea . A -anse -2ch like his one was &2rned d2ring he rio s. They killed he golds-i h who owned i for he cri-e of ha0ing a f2ll larder/ ;2s as hey ore he 6igh !e' on o 'ieces/ ra'ed *ollys half a h2ndred i-es/ and s-ashed !er Aron.s sk2ll

in. 3ha do yo2 hink hey wo2ld do if hey go heir hands on he 6and.s lady8: :The 6and.s whore/ yo2 -ean8: !he looked a hi- wi h hose &ig &old eyes of hers. :Tho2gh I wo2ld &e yo2r lady/ -.lord. Id dress in all he &ea2 if2l hings yo2 ga0e -e/ in sa in and sa-i e and clo h7of7gold/ and I.d wear yo2r ;ewels and hold yo2r hand and si &y yo2 a feas s. I co2ld gi0e yo2 sons/ I know I co2ld . . . and I 0ow Id ne0er sha-e yo2.: My lo0e for yo2 sha-es -e eno2gh. :A swee drea-/ !hae. 5ow '2 i aside/ I &eg yo2. I can ne0er &e.: :Beca2se of he 42een8 I.- no afraid of her ei her.: :I a-.: :Then kill her and &e done wi h i . I .s no as if here was any lo0e &e ween yo2.: Tyrion sighed. :!he.s -y sis er. The -an who kills his own &lood is c2rsed fore0er in he sigh of gods and -en. Moreo0er/ wha e0er yo2 and I -ay hink of Cersei/ -y fa her and &ro her hold her dear. I can sche-e wi h any -an in he !e0en Kingdo-s/ &2 he gods ha0e no e42i''ed -e o face @ai-e wi h swords in hand.: :The =o2ng 3olf and *ord ! annis ha0e swords and hey don. scare yo2.: 6ow li le yo2 know/ swee ling. :Agains he- I ha0e all he 'ower of 6o2se *annis er. Agains @ai-e or -y fa her/ I ha0e no -ore han a wis ed &ack and a 'air of s 2n ed legs.: :=o2 ha0e -e.: !hae kissed hi-/ her ar-s sliding aro2nd his neck as she 'ressed her &ody o his. The kiss aro2sed hi-/ as her kisses always did/ &2 his i-e Tyrion gen ly disen angled hi-self. :5o now. !wee ling/ I ha0e . . . well/ call i he seed of a 'lan. I hink I -igh &e a&le o &ring yo2 in o he cas le ki chens.: !hae.s face wen s ill. :The ki chens8: :=es. If I ac hro2gh Varys/ no one will &e he wiser.: !he giggled. :M.lord/ I.d 'oison yo2. ,0ery -an who.s as ed -y cooking has old -e wha a good whore I a-.: :The Red Kee' has s2fficien cooks. B2 chers and &akers oo. =o2.d need o 'ose as a sc2llion.: :A 'o girl/: she said/ :in scra chy &rown ro2ghs'2n. Is ha how -.lord wan s o see -e8: :M.lord wan s o see yo2 ali0e/: Tyrion said. :=o2 can scarcely sco2r 'o s in silk and 0el0e .: :6as -.lord grown ired of -e8: !he reached a hand 2nder his 2nic and fo2nd his cock. In wo 42ick s rokes she had i hard. :6e s ill wan s -e.: !he la2ghed. :3o2ld yo2 like o f2ck yo2r ki chen wench/ -.lord8 =o2 can d2s -e wi h flo2r and s2ck gra0y off -y i ies if yo2 . . .: :! o' i .: The way she was ac ing re-inded hi- of 1ancy/ who had ried so hard o win her wager. 6e yanked her hand away o kee' her fro- f2r her -ischief. :This is no he i-e for &ed s'or / !hae. =o2r life -ay &e a s ake.: 6er grin was gone. :If I.0e dis'leased ni.lord/ I ne0er -ean i / only . . . co2ldn. yo2 ;2s gi0e -e -ore g2ards8: Tyrion &rea hed a dee' sigh. Re-e-&er how yo2ng she is/ he old hi-self. 6e ook her hand. :=o2r ge-s can &e re'laced/ and new gowns can &e sewn wice as lo0ely as he old. To -e/ he -os 'recio2s hing wi hin hese walls. The Red Kee' is no safe ei her/ &2 i .s a deal safer han here. I wan yo2 here.: :In he ki chens.: 6er 0oice was fla . :!co2ring 'o s.: :For a shor while.: :My fa her -ade -e his ki chen wench/: she said/ her -o2 h wis ing. :Tha was why I ran off.:

:=o2 old -e yo2 ran off &eca2se yo2r fa her -ade yo2 his whore/: he re-inded her. :Tha oo. I didn. like sco2ring his 'o s no -ore han I liked his cock in -e.: !he ossed her head. :3hy can. yo2 kee' -e in yo2r ower8 6alf he lords a co2r kee' &edwar-ers.: :I was e9'ressly for&idden o ake yo2 o co2r .: :By yo2r s 2'id fa her.: !hae 'o2 ed. old eno2gh o kee' all he whores yo2 wan . 1oes he ake yo2 for a &eardless &oy8 3ha co2ld he do/ s'ank yo28: 6e sla''ed her. 5o hard/ &2 hard eno2gh. :1a-n yo2/: he said. :1a-n yo2. 5e0er -ock -e. 5o yo2.: For a -o-en !hae did no s'eak. The only so2nd was he cricke / chir'ing/ chir'ing. :Beg 'ardon/ -.lord/: she said a las / in a hea0y wooden 0oice. :I ne0er -ean o &e i-'2den .: And I ne0er -ean o s rike yo2. Gods &e good/ a- I 2rning in o Cersei8 :Tha was ill done/: he said. :)n &o h o2r 'ar s. !hae/ yo2 do no 2nders and.: 3ords he had ne0er -ean o s'eak ca-e 2-&ling o2 of hi- like -2--ers fro- a hollow horse. :3hen I was hir een/ I wed a crof er.s da2gh er. )r so I ho2gh her. I was &lind wi h lo0e for her/ and ho2gh she fel he sa-e for -e/ &2 -y fa her r2&&ed -y face in he r2 h. My &ride was a whore @ai-e had hired o gi0e -e -y firs as e of -anhood.: And I &elie0ed all of i / fool ha I was. :To dri0e he lesson ho-e/ *ord Tywin ga0e -y wife o a &arracks of his g2ards-en o 2se as hey 'leased/ and co--anded -e o wa ch.: And o ake her one las i-e/ af er he res were done. one las i-e/ wi h no race of lo0e or enderness re-aining. :!o yo2 will re-e-&er her as she r2ly is/: he said/ and I sho2ld ha0e defied hi-/ &2 -y cock &e rayed -e/ and I did as I was &id. :Af er he was done wi h her/ -y fa her had he -arriage 2ndone. I was as if we had ne0er &een wed/ he se' ons said.: 6e s42ee>ed her hand. :(lease/ le .s ha0e no -ore alk of he Tower of he 6and. =o2 will &e in he ki chens only a li le while. )nce done wi h ! annis/ yo2.ll ha0e ano her -anse/ and silks as sof as yo2r hands.: !hae.s eyes had grown large &2 he co2ld no read wha lay &ehind he-. :My hands won. &e sof if I clean o0ens and scra'e 'la es all day. 3ill yo2 s ill wan he- o2ching yo2 when all red and raw and cracked fro- ho wa er and lye soa'8: :More han e0er/: he said. :3hen I look a he-/ hey.ll re-ind -e how &ra0e yo2 were.: 6e co2ld no say if she &elie0ed hi-. !he lowered her eyes. :I a- yo2rs o co--and/ -.lord.: I was as -2ch acce' ance as she co2ld gi0e onigh / he saw ha 'lain eno2gh. 6e kissed her cheek where he.d s r2ck her/ o ake so-e s ing fro- he &low. :I will send for yo2.: Varys was wai ing in he s a&les/ as 'ro-ised. 6is horse looked s'a0ined and half7dead. Tyrion -o2n ed 2'< one of he sellswords o'ened he ga es. They rode o2 in silence. 3hy did I ell her a&o2 JAsha/ gods hel' -e8 he asked hi-self/ s2ddenly afraid. There were so-e secre s ha sho2ld ne0er &e s'oken/ so-e sha-es a -an sho2ld ake o his gra0e. 3ha did he wan fro- her/ forgi0eness8 The way she had looked a hi-/ wha did ha -ean8 1id she ha e he ho2gh of sco2ring 'o s ha -2ch/ or was i his confession8 6ow co2ld I ell her ha and s ill hink she wo2ld lo0e -e8 'ar of hi- said/ and ano her 'ar -ocked/ saying/ Fool of a dwarf/ i is only he gold and ;ewels he whore lo0es. 6is scarred el&ow was hro&&ing/ ;arred e0ery i-e he horse se down a

hoof. !o-e i-es he co2ld al-os fancy he heard he &ones grinding oge her inside. (erha's he sho2ld see a -aes er/ ge so-e 'o ion for he 'ain . . . &2 since (ycelle had re0ealed hi-self for wha he was/ Tyrion *annis er -is r2s ed he -aes ers. The gods only knew who hey were cons'iring wi h/ or wha hey had -i9ed in hose 'o ions hey ga0e yo2. :Varys/: he said. :I need o &ring !hae in o he cas le wi ho2 Cersei &eco-ing aware.: Briefly/ he ske ched o2 his ki chen sche-e. 3hen he was done/ he e2n2ch -ade a li le cl2cking so2nd. :I will do as -y lord co--ands/ of co2rse . . . &2 I -2s warn yo2/ he ki chens are f2ll of eyes and ears. ,0en if he girl falls 2nder no 'ar ic2lar s2s'icion/ she will &e s2&;ec o a ho2sand 42es ions. 3here was she &orn8 3ho were her 'aren s8 6ow did she co-e o King.s *anding8 The r2 h will ne0er do/ so she -2s lie . . . and lie/ and lie.: 6e glanced down a Tyrion. :And s2ch a 're y yo2ng ki chen wench will inci e l2s as well as c2riosi y. !he will &e o2ched/ 'inched/ 'a ed/ and fondled. (o &oys will crawl 2nder her &lanke s of a nigh . !o-e lonely cook -ay seek o wed her. Bakers will knead her &reas s wi h flo2red hands.: :I.d sooner ha0e her fondled han s a&&ed/: said Tyrion. Varys rode on a few 'aces and said/ :I -igh &e ha here is ano her way. As i ha''ens/ he -aidser0an who a ends *ady Tanda.s da2gh er has &een filching her ;ewels. 3ere I o infor- *ady Tanda/ she wo2ld &e forced o dis-iss he girl a once. And he da2gh er wo2ld re42ire a new -aidser0an .: :I see.: This had 'ossi&ili ies/ Tyrion saw a once. A lady.s &ed-aid wore finer gar& han a sc2llion/ and of en e0en a ;ewel or wo. !hae sho2ld &e 'leased &y ha . And Cersei ho2gh *ady Tanda edio2s and hys erical/ and *ollys a &o0ine lackwi . !he was no like o 'ay heany friendly calls. :*ollys is i-id and r2s ing/: Varys said. :!he will acce' any ale she is old. !ince he -o& ook her -aidenhood she is afraid o lea0e her cha-&ers/ so !hae will &e o2 of sigh . . . &2 con0enien ly close/ sho2ld yo2 ha0e need of co-for .: :The Tower of he 6and is wa ched/ yo2 know as well as * Cersei wo2ld &e cer ain o grow c2rio2s if *ollys.s &ed-aid s ar ing 'aying -e calls.: :I -igh &e a&le o sli' he child in o yo2r &edcha-&er 2nseen. Cha aya.s is no he only ho2se o &oas a hidden door.: :A secre access8 To -y cha-&ers8: Tyrion was -ore annoyed han s2r'rised. 3hy else wo2ld Maegor he Cr2el ha0e ordered dea h for all he &2ilders who had worked on his cas le/ e9ce' o 'reser0e s2ch secre s8 :=es/ I s2''ose here wo2ld &e. 3here will I find he door8 In -y solar8 My &edcha-&er8: :My friend/ yo2 wo2ld no force -e o re0eal all -y li le secre s/ wo2ld yo28: :6encefor h hink of he- as o2r li le secre s/ Varys.: Tyrion glanced 2' a he e2n2ch in his s-elly -2--er.s gar&. :Ass2-ing yo2 are on -y side . . .: :Can yo2 do2& i 8: :3hy no/ I r2s yo2 i-'lici ly.: A &i er la2gh echoed off he sh2 ered windows. :I r2s yo2 like one of -y own &lood/ in r2 h. 5ow ell -e how Cor nay (enrose died.: :I is said ha he hrew hi-self fro- a ower.: :Threw hi-self8 5o/ I will no &elie0e ha ?: :6is g2ards saw no -an en er his cha-&ers/ nor did hey find any wi hin af erward.: :Then he killer en ered earlier and hid 2nder he &ed/: Tyrion

s2gges ed/ :or he cli-&ed down fro- he roof on a ro'e. (erha's he g2ards are lying. 3ho.s o say hey did no do he hing he-sel0es8: :1o2& less yo2 are righ / -y lord.: 6is s-2g one said o herwise. :B2 yo2 do no hink so8 6ow was i done/ hen8: For a long -o-en Varys said no hing. The only so2nd was he s a ely clack of horseshoes on co&&les. Finally he e2n2ch cleared his hroa . :My lord/ do yo2 &elie0e in he old 'owers8: :Magic/ yo2 -ean8: Tyrion said i-'a ien ly. :Bloods'ells/ c2rses/ sha'eshif ing/ hose sor s of hings8: 6e snor ed. :1o yo2 -ean o s2gges ha !er Cor nay was -agicked o his dea h8: :!er Cor nay had challenged *ord ! annis o single co-&a on he -orning he died. I ask yo2/ is his he ac of a -an los o des'air8 Then here is he -a er of *ord Renly.s -ys erio2s and -os for 2i o2s -2rder/ e0en as his &a le lines were for-ing 2' o swee' his &ro her fro- he field.: The e2n2ch 'a2sed a -o-en . :My lord/ yo2 once asked -e how i was ha I was c2 .: :I recall/: said Tyrion. :=o2 did no wan o alk of i .: :5or do I/ &2 . . .: This 'a2se was longer han he one &efore/ and when Varys s'oke again his 0oice was differen so-ehow. :I was an or'han &oy a''ren iced o a ra0eling folly. )2r -as er owned a fa li le cog and we sailed 2' and down he narrow sea 'erfor-ing in all he Free Ci ies and fro- i-e o i-e in )ld own and King.s *anding. :)ne day a Myr/ a cer ain -an ca-e o o2r folly. Af er he 'erfor-ance/ he -ade an offer for -e ha -y -as er fo2nd oo e-' ing o ref2se. I was in error. I feared he -an -ean o 2se -e as I had heard -en 2sed s-all &oys/ &2 in r2 h he only 'ar of -e he had need of was -y -anhood. 6e ga0e -e a 'o ion ha -ade -e 'owerless o -o0e or s'eak/ ye did no hing o d2ll -y senses. 3i h a long hooked &lade/ he sliced -e roo and s e-/ chan ing all he while. I wa ched hi- &2rn -y -anly 'ar s on a &ra>ier. The fla-es 2rned &l2e/ and I heard a 0oice answer his call/ ho2gh I did no 2nders and he words hey s'oke. :The -2--ers had sailed &y he i-e he was done wi h -e. )nce I had ser0ed his '2r'ose/ he -an had no f2r her in eres in -e/ so he '2 -e o2 . 3hen I asked hi- wha I sho2ld do now/ he answered ha he s2''osed I sho2ld die. To s'i e hi-/ I resol0ed o li0e. I &egged/ I s ole/ and I sold wha 'ar s of -y &ody s ill re-ained o -e. !oon I was as good a hief as any in Myr/ and when I was older I learned ha of en he con en s of a -an.s le ers are -ore 0al2a&le han he con en s of his '2rse. :=e I s ill drea- of ha nigh / -y lord. 5o of he sorcerer/ nor his &lade/ nor e0en he way -y -anhood shri0eled as i &2rned. I drea- of he 0oice. The 0oice fro- he fla-es. 3as i a god/ a de-on/ so-e con;2rer.s rick8 I co2ld no ell yo2/ and I know all he ricks. All I can say for a cer ain y is ha he called i / and i answered/ and since ha day I ha0e ha ed -agic and all hose who 'rac ice i . If *ord ! annis is one s2ch/ I -ean o see hi- dead.: 3hen he was done/ hey rode in silence for a i-e. Finally Tyrion said/ :A harrowing ale. I.- sorry.: The e2n2ch sighed. :=o2 are sorry/ &2 yo2 do no &elie0e -e. 5o/ -y lord/ no need o a'ologi>e. I was dr2gged and in 'ain and i was a 0ery long i-e ago and far across he sea. 5o do2& I drea-ed ha 0oice. I.0e old -yself as -2ch a ho2sand i-es.: :I &elie0e in s eel swords/ gold coins/ and -en.s wi s/: said Tyrion. :And I &elie0e here once were dragons. I.0e seen heir sk2lls/ af er all.:

:*e 2s ho'e ha is he wors hing yo2 e0er see/ -y lord.: :)n ha we agree.: Tyrion s-iled. :And for !er Cor nay.s dea h/ well/ we know ! annis hired sellsails fro- he Free Ci ies. (erha's he &o2gh hi-self a skilled assassin as well.: :A 0ery skilled assassin.: :There are s2ch. I 2sed o drea- ha one day Id &e rich eno2gh o send a Faceless Man af er -y swee sis er.: :Regardless of how !er Cor nay died/: said Varys/ :he is dead/ he cas le fallen. ! annis is free o -arch.: :Any chance we -igh con0ince he 1ornish-en o descend on he Marches8: asked Tyrion. :5one.: :A 'i y. 3ell/ he hrea -ay ser0e o kee' he Marcher lords close o heir cas les/ a leas . 3ha news of -y fa her8: :If *ord Tywin has won across he Red Fork/ no word has reached -e ye . If he does no has en/ he -ay &e ra''ed &e ween his foes. The )akhear leaf and he Rowan ree ha0e &een seen nor h of he Mander.: :5o word fro- *i lefinger8: :(erha's he ne0er reached Bi er&ridge. )r 'erha's he.s died here. *ord Tarly has sei>ed Renly.s s ores and '2 a grea -any o he sword< Floren s/ chiefly. *ord Caswell has sh2 hi-self 2' in his cas le.: Tyrion hrew &ack his head and la2ghed. Varys reined 2'/ non'l2ssed. :My lord8: :1on. yo2 see he ;es / *ord Varys8: Tyrion wa0ed a hand a he sh2 ered windows/ a all he slee'ing ci y. :! or-.s ,nd is fallen and ! annis is co-ing wi h fire and s eel and he gods alone know wha dark 'owers/ and he good folk don. ha0e @ai-e o 'ro ec he-/ nor Ro&er nor Renly nor Rhaegar nor heir 'recio2s Knigh of Flowers. )nly -e/ he one hey ha e.: 6e la2ghed again. :The dwarf/ he e0il co2nselor/ he wis ed li le -onkey de-on. I.- all ha s ands &e ween he- and chaos.: C6A(T,R DE CAT,*=5 Tell Fa her I ha0e gone o -ake hi- 'ro2d.: 6er &ro her sw2ng 2' in o his saddle/ e0ery inch he lord in his &righ -ail and flowing -2d7and7 wa er cloak. A sil0er ro2 orna-en ed he cres of his grea hel-/ win o he one 'ain ed on his shield. :6e was always 'ro2d of yo2/ ,d-2re. And he lo0es yo2 fiercely. Belie0e ha .: :I -ean o gi0e hi- &e er reason han -ere &ir h.: 6e wheeled his warhorse a&o2 and raised a hand. Tr2-'e s so2nded/ a dr2- &egan o &oo-/ he draw&ridge descended in fi s and s ar s/ and !er ,d-2re T2lly led his -en o2 fro- Ri0err2n wi h lances raised and &anners s rea-ing. I ha0e a grea er hos han yo2rs/ &ro her/ Ca elyn ho2gh as she wa ched he- go. A hos of do2& s and fears. Beside her/ Brienne.s -isery was al-os 'al'a&le. Ca elyn had ordered gar-en s sewn o her -eas2re/ handso-e gowns o s2i her &ir h and se9/ ye s ill she 'referred o dress in odd-en s of -ail and &oiled lea her/ a sword&el cinched aro2nd her wais . !he wo2ld ha0e &een ha''ier riding o war wi h ,d-2re/ no do2& / &2 e0en walls as s rong as Ri0err2n.s re42ired swords o hold he-. 6er &ro her had aken e0ery a&le7&odied -an for he fords/ lea0ing !er 1es-ond Grell o co--and a garrison -ade 2' of he wo2nded/ he old/ and he sick/ along wi h a few s42ires and so-e 2n rained 'easan &oys s ill shy of -anhood. This/

o defend a cas le cra--ed f2ll of wo-en and children. 3hen he las of ,d-2re.s foo had sh2ffled 2nder he 'or c2llis/ Brienne asked/ :3ha shall we do now/ -y lady8: :)2r d2 y.: Ca elyn.s face was drawn as she s ar ed across he yard. I ha0e always done -y d2 y/ she ho2gh . (erha's ha was why her lord fa her had always cherished her &es of all his children. 6er wo older &ro hers had &o h died in infancy/ so she had &een son as well as da2gh er o *ord 6os er 2n il ,d-2re was &orn. Then her -o her had died and her fa her had old her ha she -2s &e he lady of Ri0err2n now/ and she had done ha oo. And when *ord 6os er 'ro-ised her o Brandon ! ark/ she had hanked hi- for -aking her s2ch a s'lendid -a ch. I ga0e Brandon -y fa0or o wear/ and ne0er co-for ed (e yr once af er he was wo2nded/ nor &id hi- farewell when Fa her sen hi- off. And when Brandon was -2rdered and Fa her old -e I -2s wed his &ro her/ I did so gladly/ ho2gh I ne0er saw 5ed.s face 2n il o2r wedding day. I ga0e -y -aidenhood o his sole-n s ranger and sen hi- off o his war and his king and he wo-an who &ore hi- his &as ard/ &eca2se I always did -y d2 y. 6er s e's ook her o he se' / a se0en7sided sands one e-'le se a-ids her -o her.s gardens and filled wi h rain&ow ligh . I was crowded when hey en ered< Ca elyn was no alone in her need for 'rayer. !he knel &efore he 'ain ed -ar&le i-age of he 3arrior and li a scen ed candle for ,d-2re and ano her for Ro&& off &eyond he hills. Kee' he- safe and hel' he- o 0ic ory/ she 'rayed/ and &ring 'eace o he so2ls of he slain and co-for o hose hey lea0e &ehind. The se' on en ered wi h his censer and crys al while she was a her 'rayers/ so Ca elyn lingered for he cele&ra ion. !he did no know his se' on/ an earnes yo2ng -an close o ,d-2re.s age. 6e 'erfor-ed his office well eno2gh/ and his 0oice was rich and 'leasan when he sang he 'raises o he !e0en/ &2 Ca elyn fo2nd herself yearning for he hin 42a0ering ones of !e' on )s-ynd/ long dead. )s-ynd wo2ld ha0e lis ened 'a ien ly o he ale of wha she had seen and fel in Renly.s 'a0ilion/ and he -igh ha0e known wha i -ean as well/ and wha she -2s do o lay o res he shadows ha s alked her drea-s. )s-ynd/ -y fa her/ +ncle Brynden/ old Maes er Ky-/ hey always see-ed o know e0ery hing/ &2 now here is only -e/ and i see-s I know no hing/ no e0en -y d2 y. 6ow can I do -y d2 y if I do no know where i lies8 Ca elyn.s knees were s iff &y he i-e she rose/ ho2gh she fel no wiser. (erha's she wo2ld go o he godswood onigh / and 'ray o 5ed.s gods as well. They were older han he !e0en. o2 side/ she fo2nd song of a 0ery differen sor . Ry-2nd he Rhy-er sa &y he &rewho2se a-ids a circle of lis eners/ his dee' 0oice ringing as he sang of *ord 1ere-ond a he Bloody Meadow. And here he s ood wi h sword in hand/ he las of 1arry.s en . . . Brienne 'a2sed o lis en for a -o-en / &road sho2lders h2nched and hick ar-s crossed agains her ches . A -o& of ragged &oys raced &y/ screeching and flailing a each o her wi h s icks. 3hy do &oys so lo0e o 'lay a war8 Ca elyn wondered if Ry-2nd was he answer. The singer.s 0oice swelled as he neared he end of his song. And red he grass &enea h his fee / and red his &anners &righ / and red he glow of se ing s2n ha &a hed hi- in i s ligh . :Co-e on/ co-e on/: he grea lord called/ :-y sword is h2ngry s ill. : And wi h a cry of sa0age rage/ They swar-ed across he rill . . . :Figh ing is &e er han his wai ing/: Brienne said. :=o2 don. feel so hel'less when yo2 figh . =o2 ha0e a sword and a horse/ so-e i-es an a9e. 3hen ar-ored i .s hard for anyone o h2r yo2.: :Knigh s die in &a le/: Ca elyn re-inded her.

Brienne looked a her wi h hose &l2e and &ea2 if2l eyes. :As ladies die in child&ed. 5o one sings songs a&o2 he-.: :Children are a &a le of a differen sor .: Ca elyn s ar ed across he yard. :A &a le wi ho2 &anners or warhorns/ &2 no less fierce. Carrying a child/ &ringing i in o he world . . . yo2r -o her will ha0e old yo2 of he 'ain . . .: :I ne0er knew -y -o her/: Brienne said. :My fa her had ladies . . . a differen lady e0ery year/ &2 . . .: :Those were no ladies/: Ca elyn said. :As hard as &ir h can &e/ Brienne/ wha co-es af er is e0en harder. A i-es I feel as ho2gh I a- &eing orn a'ar . 3o2ld ha here were fi0e of -e/ one for each child/ so I -igh kee' he- all safe.: :And who wo2ld kee' yo2 safe/ -y lady8: 6er s-ile was wan and ired. :3hy/ he -en of -y 6o2se. )r so -y lady -o her a2gh -e. My lord fa her/ -y &ro her/ -y 2ncle/ -y h2s&and/ hey will kee' -e safe . . . &2 while hey are away fro- -e/ I s2''ose yo2 -2s fill heir 'lace/ Brienne.: Brienne &owed her head. :I shall ry/ -y lady.: *a er ha day/ Maes er Vy-an &ro2gh a le er. !he saw hi- a once/ ho'ing for so-e word fro- Ro&&/ or fro- !er Rodrik in 3in erfell/ &2 he -essage 'ro0ed o &e fro- one *ord Meadows/ who na-ed hi-self cas ellan of ! or-.s ,nd. i was addressed o her fa her/ her &ro her/ her son/ :or whoe0er now holds Ri0err2n.: !er Cor nay (enrose was dead/ he -an wro e/ and ! or-.s ,nd had o'ened i s ga e o ! annis Bara heon/ he r2e&orn and righ f2l heir. The cas le garrison had sworn heir swords o his ca2se/ one and all/ and no -an of he- had s2ffered har-. :!a0e Cor nay (enrose/: Ca elyn -2r-2red. !he had ne0er -e he -an/ ye she grie0ed o hear of his 'assing. :Ro&& sho2ld know of his a once/: she said. :1o we know where he is8: :A las word he was -arching oward he Crag/ he sea of 6o2se 3es erling/: said Maes er Vy-an. :If I dis'a ched a ra0en o Ashe-ark/ i -ay &e ha hey co2ld send a rider af er hi-.: :1o so.: Ca elyn read he le er again af er he -aes er was gone. :*ord Meadows says no hing of Ro&er .s &as ard/: she confided o Brienne. :I s2''ose he yielded he &oy wi h he res / ho2gh I confess/ I do no 2nders and why ! annis wan ed hi- so &adly.: :(erha's he fears he &oy.s clai-.: :A &as ard.s clai-8 5o/ i .s so-e hing else . . . wha does his child look like8: :6e is se0en or eigh / co-ely/ wi h &lack hair and &righ &l2e eyes. Visi ors of ho2gh hi- *ord Renly.s own son.: :And Renly fa0ored Ro&er .: Ca elyn had a gli--er of 2nders anding. :! annis -eans o 'arade his &ro her.s &as ard &efore he real-/ so -en -igh see Ro&er in his face and wonder why here is no s2ch likeness in @offrey. : :3o2ld ha -ean so -2ch8: :Those who fa0or ! annis will call i 'roof. Those who s2''or @offrey will say i -eans no hing.: 6er own children had -ore T2lly a&o2 hehan ! ark. Arya was he only one o show -2ch of 5ed in her fea 2res. And fon !now/ &2 he was ne0er -ine. !he fo2nd herself hinking of @on.s -o her/ ha shadowy secre lo0e her h2s&and wo2ld ne0er s'eak of. 1oes she grie0e for 5ed as I do8 )r did she ha e hi- for lea0ing her &ed for -ine8 1oes she 'ray for her son as I ha0e 'rayed for -ine8 They were 2nco-for a&le ho2gh s/ and f2 ile. If @on had &een &orn of Ashara 1ayne of ! arfall/ as so-e whis'ered/ he lady was long dead< if

no / Ca elyn had no cl2e who or where his -o her -igh &e. And i -ade no -a er. 5ed was gone now/ and his lo0es and his secre s had all died wi h hi-. ! ill/ she was s r2ck again &y how s rangely -en &eha0ed when i ca-e o heir &as ards. 5ed had always &een fiercely 'ro ec i0e of @on/ and !er Cor nay (enrose had gi0en 2' his life for his ,dric ! or-/ ye Roose Bol on.s &as ard had -ean less o hi- han one of his dogs/ o ;2dge fro- he one of he 42eer cold le er ,d-2re had go en fro- hino hree days 'as . 6e had crossed he Triden and was -arching on 6arrenhal as co--anded/ he wro e. :A s rong cas le/ and well garrisoned/ &2 6is Grace shall ha0e i / if I -2s kill e0ery li0ing so2l wi hin o -ake i so.: 6e ho'ed 6is Grace wo2ld weigh ha agains he cri-es of his &as ard son/ who- !er Rodrik Cassel had '2 o dea h. :A fa e he no do2& earned/: Bol on had wri en. :Tain ed &lood is e0er reachero2s/ and Ra-say.s na 2re was sly/ greedy/ and cr2el. I co2n -yself well rid of hi-. The r2e&orn sons -y yo2ng wife has 'ro-ised -e wo2ld ne0er ha0e &een safe while he li0ed.: The so2nd of h2rrying foo s e's dro0e he -or&id ho2gh s fro- her head. !er 1es-ond.s s42ire dashed 'an ing in o he roo- and knel . :My lady . . . *annis ers . . . across he ri0er.: :Take a long &rea h/ lad/ and ell i slowly.: 6e did as she &id hi-. :A col2-n of ar-ored -en/: he re'or ed. :Across he Red Fork. They are flying a '2r'le 2nicorn &elow he lion of *annis er.: !o-e son of *ord Bra9. Bra9 had co-e o Ri0err2n once when she was a girl/ o 'ro'ose wedding one of his sons o her or *ysa. !he wondered whe her i was his sa-e son o2 here now/ leading he a ack. The *annis ers had ridden o2 of he so2 heas &enea h a &la>e of &anners/ !er 1es-ond old her when she ascended o he &a le-en s o ;oin hi-. :A few o2 riders/ no -ore/: he ass2red her. :The -ain s reng h of *ord Tywin.s hos is well o he so2 h. 3e are in no danger here.: !o2 h of he Red Fork he land s re ched away o'en and fla . Fro- he wa ch ower Ca elyn co2ld see for -iles. ,0en so/ only he neares ford was 0isi&le. ,d-2re had en r2s ed *ord @ason Mallis er wi h i s defense/ as well as ha of hree o hers far her 2'ri0er. The *annis er riders were -illing a&o2 2ncer ainly near he wa er/ cri-son and sil0er &anners fla''ing in he wind. :5o -ore han fif y/ -y lady/: !er 1es-ond es i-a ed. Ca elyn wa ched he riders s'read o2 in a long line. *ord @ason.s -en wai ed o recei0e he- &ehind rocks and grass and hillocks. A r2-'e &las sen he horse-en forward a a 'ondero2s walk/ s'lashing down in o he c2rren . For a -o-en hey -ade a &ra0e show/ all &righ ar-or and s rea-ing &anners/ he s2n flashing off he 'oin s of heir lances. :5ow/: she heard Brienne -2 er. I was hard o -ake o2 wha was ha''ening/ &2 he screa-s of he horses see-ed lo2d e0en a his re-o0e/ and &enea h he- Ca elyn heard he fain er clash of s eel on s eel. A &anner 0anished s2ddenly as i s &earer was swe' 2nder/ and soon af er he firs dead -an drif ed 'as heir walls/ &orne along &y he c2rren . By hen he *annis ers had '2lled &ack in conf2sion. !he wa ched as hey re7for-ed/ conferred &riefly/ and gallo'ed &ack he way hey had co-e. The -en on he walls sho2 ed a2n s af er he-/ ho2gh hey were already oo far off o hear. !er 1es-ond sla''ed his &elly. :3o2ld ha *ord 6os er co2ld ha0e seen ha . I wo2ld ha0e -ade hi- dance.: :My fa her.s dancing days are 'as / I fear/: Ca elyn said/ :and his figh is ;2s &eg2n. The *annis ers will co-e again. *ord Tywin has

wice -y &ro her.s n2-&ers.: :6e co2ld ha0e en i-es and i wo2ld no -a er/: !er 1es-ond said. :The wes &ank of he Red Fork is higher han he eas / -y lady/ and well wooded. )2r &ow-en ha0e good co0er/ and a clear field for heir shaf s . . . and sho2ld any &reach occ2r/ ,d-2re will ha0e his &es knigh s in reser0e/ ready o ride where0er hey are -os sorely needed. The ri0er will hold he-.: :I 'ray ha yo2 are righ /: Ca elyn said gra0ely. Tha nigh hey ca-e again. !he had co--anded he- o wake her a once if he ene-y re 2rned/ and well af er -idnigh a ser0ing girl o2ched her gen ly &y he sho2lder. Ca elyn sa 2' a once. :3ha is i 8: :The ford again/ -y lady.: 3ra''ed in a &edro&e/ Ca elyn cli-&ed o he roof of he kee'. Frohere she co2ld see o0er he walls and he -oonli ri0er o where he &a le raged. The defenders had &2il wa chfires along he &ank/ and 'erha's he *annis ers ho2gh o find he- nigh 7&lind or 2nwary. If so/ i was folly. 1arkness was a chancy ally a &es . As hey waded in o &reas heir way across/ -en s e''ed in hidden 'ools and wen down s'lashing/ while o hers s 2-&led o0er s ones or gashed heir fee on he hidden cal ro's. The Mallis er &ow-en sen a s or- of fire arrows hissing across he ri0er/ s rangely &ea2 if2l fro- afar. )ne -an/ 'ierced hro2gh a do>en i-es/ his clo hes afire/ danced and whirled in he knee7dee' wa er 2n il a las he fell and was swe' downs rea-. By he i-e his &ody ca-e &o&&ing 'as Ri0err2n/ he fires and his life had &o h &een e9 ing2ished. A s-all 0ic ory/ Ca elyn ho2gh when he figh ing had ended and he s2r0i0ing foe-en had -el ed &ack in o he nigh / ye a 0ic ory none heless. As hey descended he winding 2rre s e's/ Ca elyn asked Brienne for her ho2gh s. :Tha was he &r2sh of *ord Tywin.s finger i'/ -y lady/: he girl said. :6e is 'ro&ing/ feeling for a weak 'oin / an 2ndefended crossing. if he does no find one/ he will c2rl all his fingers in o a fis and ry and -ake one.: Brienne h2nched her sho2lders. :Tha .s wha I.d do. 3ere I hi-.: 6er hand wen o he hil of her sword and ga0e i a li le 'a / as if o -ake cer ain i was s ill here. And -ay he gods hel' 2s hen/ Ca elyn ho2gh . =e here was no hing she co2ld do for i . Tha was ,d-2re.s &a le o2 here on he ri0er< hers was here inside he cas le. The ne9 -orning as she &roke her fas / she sen for her fa her.s aged s eward/ + herydes 3ayn. :6a0e !er Cleos Frey &ro2gh a flagon of wine. I -ean o 42es ion hi- soon/ and I wan his ong2e well loosened.: :As yo2 co--and/ -y lady.: 5o long af er/ a rider wi h he Mallis er eagle sewn on his &reas arri0ed wi h a -essage fro- *ord @ason/ elling of ano her skir-ish and ano her 0ic ory. !er Fle-en Bra9 had ried o force a crossing a a differen ford si9 leag2es o he so2 h. This i-e he *annis ers shor ened heir lances and ad0anced across he ri0er &ehind on foo / &2 he Mallis er &ow-en had rained high arcing sho s down o0er heir shields/ while he scor'ions ,d-2re had -o2n ed on he ri0er&ank sen hea0y s ones crashing hro2gh o &reak 2' he for-a ion. :They lef a do>en dead in he wa er/ only wo reaching he shallows/ where we deal wi h he- &riskly/: he rider re'or ed. 6e also old of figh ing far her 2's rea-/ where *ord Karyl Vance held he fords. :Those hr2s s oo were 2rned aside/ a grie0o2s cos o o2r foes.: (erha's ,d-2re was wiser han I knew/ Ca elyn ho2gh . 6is lords all saw he sense in his &a le 'lans/ why was I so &lind8 My &ro her is no he li le &oy I re-e-&er/ no -ore han Ro&& is.

!he wai ed 2n il e0ening &efore going o 'ay her call 2'on !er Cleos Frey/ reasoning ha he longer she delayed/ he dr2nker he was likely o &e. As she en ered he ower cell/ !er Cleos s 2-&led o his knees. :My lady/ I knew na2gh of any esca'e. The I-' said a *annis er -2s needs ha0e a *annis er escor / on -y oa h as a knigh 7: :Arise/ ser.: Ca elyn sea ed herself. :I know no grandson of 3alder Frey wo2ld &e an oa h&reaker.: +nless i ser0ed his '2r'ose. :=o2 &ro2gh 'eace er-s/ -y &ro her said.: :I did.: !er Cleos l2rched o his fee . !he was 'leased o see how 2ns eady he was. :Tell -e/: she co--anded/ and he did. 3hen he was done/ Ca elyn sa frowning. ,d-2re had &een righ / hese were no er-s a all/ e9ce' :*annis er will e9change Arya and !ansa for his &ro her8: :=es. 6e sa on he Iron Throne and swore i .: :Before wi nesses8: :Before all he co2r / -y lady. And he gods as well. I said as -2ch o !er ,d-2re/ &2 he old -e i was no 'ossi&le/ ha 6is Grace Ro&& wo2ld ne0er consen .: :6e old yo2 r2e.: !he co2ld no e0en say ha Ro&& was wrong. Arya and !ansa were children. The Kingslayer/ ali0e and free/ was as dangero2s as any -an in he real-. Tha road led nowhere. :1id yo2 see -y girls8 Are hey rea ed well8: !er Cleos hesi a ed. :I . . . yes/ hey see-ed 6e is f2-&ling for a lie/ Ca elyn reali>ed/ &2 he wine has f2ddled his wi s. :!er Cleos/: she said coolly/ :yo2 forfei ed he 'ro ec ion of yo2r 'eace &anner when yo2r -en 'layed 2s false. *ie o -e/ and yo2.ll hang fro- he walls &eside he-. Belie0e ha . I shall ask yo2 once -ore7did yo2 see -y da2gh ers8: 6is &row was da-' wi h swea . :I saw !ansa a he co2r / he day Tyrion old -e his er-s. !he looked -os &ea2 if2l/ -y lady. (erha's a/ a &i wan. 1rawn/ as i were.: !ansa/ &2 no Arya. Tha -igh -ean any hing. Arya had always &een harder o a-e. (erha's Cersei was rel2c an o 'arade her in o'en co2r for fear of wha she -igh say or do. They -igh ha0e her locked safely o2 of sigh . )r hey -igh ha0e killed her. Ca elyn sho0ed he ho2gh away. :6is er-s/ yo2 said . . . ye Cersei is F2een Regen .: :Tyrion s'oke for &o h of he-. The 42een was no here. !he was indis'osed ha day/ I was old.: :C2rio2s.: Ca elyn ho2gh &ack o ha erri&le rek hro2gh he Mo2n ains of he Moon/ and he way Tyrion *annis er had so-ehow sed2ced ha sellsword fro- her ser0ice o his own. The dwarf is oo cle0er &y half. !he co2ld no i-agine how he had s2r0i0ed he high road af er *ysa had sen hi- fro- he Vale/ ye i did no s2r'rise her. 6e had no 'ar in 5ed.s -2rder/ a he leas . And he ca-e o -y defense when he clans-en a acked 2s. If I co2ld r2s his word . . . !he o'ened her hands o look down a he scars across her fingers. 6is dagger.s -arks/ she re-inded herself. 6is dagger/ in he hand of he killer he 'aid o o'en Bran.s hroa . Tho2gh he dwarf denied i / o &e s2re. ,0en af er *ysa locked hi- in one of her sky cells and hrea ened hi- wi h her -oon door/ he had s ill denied i . :6e lied/: she said/ rising a&r2' ly. :The *annis ers are liars e0ery one/ and he dwarf is he wors of he-. The killer was ar-ed wi h his own knife.: !er Cleos s ared. :I know no hing of any7: :=o2 know no hing/: she agreed/ swee'ing fro- he cell. Brienne fell in &eside her/ silen . I is si-'ler for her/ Ca elyn ho2gh wi h a 'ang of en0y. !he was like a -an in ha . For -en he answer was always he

sa-e/ and ne0er far her away han he neares sword. For a wo-an/ a -o her/ he way was s onier and harder o know. !he ook a la e s2''er in he Grea 6all wi h her garrison/ o gi0e he- wha enco2rage-en she co2ld. Ry-2nd he Rhy-er sang hro2gh all he co2rses/ s'aring her he need o alk. 6e closed wi h he song he had wri en a&o2 Ro&&.s 0ic ory a )9cross. :And he s ars in he nigh were he eyes of his wol0es/ and he wind i self was heir song. : Be ween he 0erses/ Ry-2nd hrew &ack his head and howled/ and &y he end/ half of he hall was howling along wi h hi-/ e0en 1es-ond Grell/ who was well in his c2's. Their 0oices rang off he raf ers. *e he- ha0e heir songs/ if i -akes he- &ra0e/ Ca elyn ho2gh / oying wi h her sil0er go&le . :There was always a singer a ,0enfall 6all when I was a girl/: Brienne said 42ie ly. :I learned all he songs &y hear .: :!ansa did he sa-e/ ho2gh few singers e0er cared o -ake he long ;o2rney nor h o 3in erfell.: I old her here wo2ld &e singers a he king.s co2r / ho2gh. I old her she wo2ld hear -2sic of all sor s/ ha her fa her co2ld find so-e -as er o hel' her learn he high har'. )h/ gods forgi0e -e . . . Brienne said/ :I re-e-&er a wo-an . . . she ca-e fro- so-e 'lace across he narrow sea. I co2ld no e0en say wha lang2age she sang in/ &2 her 0oice was as lo0ely as she was. !he had eyes he color of 'l2-s and her wais was so iny -y fa her co2ld '2 his hands aro2nd i . 6is hands were al-os as &ig as -ine.: !he closed her long/ hick fingers/ as if o hide he-. :1id yo2 sing for yo2r fa her8: Ca elyn asked. Brienne shook her head/ s aring down a her rencher as if o find so-e answer in he gra0y. :For *ord Renly8: The girl reddened. :5e0er/ I . . . his fool/ he -ade cr2el ;a'es so-e i-es/ and I . . .: :!o-eday yo2 -2s sing for -e.: :I . . . 'lease/ I ha0e no gif .: Brienne '2shed &ack fro- he a&le. :Forgi0e -e/ -y lady. 1o I ha0e yo2r lea0e o go8: Ca elyn nodded. The all/ 2ngainly girl lef he hall wi h long s rides/ al-os 2nno iced a-ids he re0elry. May he gods go wi h her/ she ho2gh as she re 2rned lis lessly o her s2''er. I was hree days la er when he ha--er &low ha Brienne had fore old fell/ and fi0e days &efore hey heard of i . Ca elyn was si ing wi h her fa her when ,d-2re.s -essenger arri0ed. The -an.s ar-or was din ed/ his &oo s d2s y/ and he had a ragged hole in his s2rcoa / &2 he look on his face as he knel was eno2gh o ell her ha he news was good. :Vic ory/ -y lady.: 6e handed her ,d-2re.s le er. 6er hand re-&led as she &roke he seal. *ord Tywin had ried o force a crossing a a do>en differen fords/ her &ro her wro e/ &2 e0ery hr2s had &een hrown &ack. *ord *efford had &een drowned/ he Crakehall knigh called ! rong&oar aken ca' i0e/ !er Adda-. Mar&rand hrice forced o re rea . . . &2 he fierces &a le had &een fo2gh a ! one Mill/ where !er Gregor Clegane had led he assa2l . !o -any of his -en had fallen ha heir dead horses hrea ened o dahe flow. In he end he Mo2n ain and a handf2l of his &es had gained he wes &ank/ &2 ,d-2re had hrown his reser0e a he-/ and hey had sha ered and reeled away &loody and &ea en. !er Gregor hi-self had los his horse and s aggered &ack across he Red Fork &leeding fro- a do>en wo2nds while a rain of arrows and s ones fell all aro2nd hi-. :They shall no cross/ Ca /: ,d-2re scrawled/ :*ord Tywin is -arching

o he so2 heas . A fein 'erha's/ or f2ll re rea / i -a ers no . They shall no cross. : !er 1es-ond Grell had &een ela ed. :)h/ if only I -igh ha0e &een wi h hi-/: he old knigh said when she read hi- he le er. :3here is ha fool Ry-2nd8 There.s a song in his/ &y he gods/ and one ha e0en ,d-2re will wan o hear. The -ill ha gro2nd he Mo2n ain down/ I co2ld al-os -ake he words -yself/ had I he singer.s gif .: :I.ll hear no songs 2n il he figh ing.s done/: Ca elyn said/ 'erha's oo shar'ly. =e she allowed !er 1es-ond o s'read he word/ and agreed when he s2gges ed &reaking o'en so-e casks in honor of ! one Mill. The -ood wi hin Ri0err2n had &een s rained and so-&er< hey wo2ld all &e &e er for a li le drink and ho'e. Tha nigh he cas le rang o he so2nds of cele&ra ion. :Ri0err2n?: he s-allfolk sho2 ed/ and :T2lly? T2lly?: They.d co-e frigh ened and hel'less/ and her &ro her had aken he- in when -os lords wo2ld ha0e closed heir ga es. Their 0oices floa ed in hro2gh he high windows/ and see'ed 2nder he hea0y redwood doors. Ry-2nd 'layed his har'/ acco-'anied &y a 'air of dr2--ers and a yo2 h wi h a se of reed 'i'es. Ca elyn lis ened o girlish la2gh er/ and he e9ci ed cha er of he green &oys her &ro her had lef her for a garrison. Good so2nds . . . and ye hey did no o2ch her. !he co2ld no share heir ha''iness. in her fa her.s solar she fo2nd a hea0y lea her&o2nd &ook of -a's and o'ened i o he ri0erlands. 6er eyes fo2nd he 'a h of he Red Fork and raced i &y flickering candleligh . Marching o he so2 heas / she ho2gh . By now hey had likely reached he headwa ers of he Blackwa er R2sh/ she decided. !he closed he &ook e0en -ore 2neasy han &efore. The gods had gran ed he- 0ic ory af er 0ic ory. A ! one Mill/ a )9cross/ in he Ba le of he Ca-'s/ a he 3his'ering 3ood . . . B2 if we are winning/ why a- I so afraid8 C6A(T,R DG BRA5 The so2nd was he fain es of clinks/ a scra'ing of s eel o0er s one. 6e lif ed his head fro- his 'aws/ lis ening/ sniffing a he nigh . The e0ening.s rain had woken a h2ndred slee'ing s-ells and -ade he- ri'e and s rong again. Grass and horns/ &lack&erries &roken on he gro2nd/ -2d/ wor-s/ ro ing lea0es/ a ra cree'ing hro2gh he &2sh. 6e ca2gh he shaggy &lack scen of his &ro her.s coa and he shar' co''ery ang of &lood fro- he s42irrel he.d killed. ) her s42irrels -o0ed hro2gh he &ranches a&o0e/ s-elling of we f2r and fear/ heir li le claws scra ching a he &ark. The noise had so2nded so-e hing like ha . And he heard i again/ clink and scra'e. I &ro2gh hi- o his fee . 6is ears 'ricked and his ail rose. 6e howled/ a long dee' shi0ery cry/ a howl o wake he slee'ers/ &2 he 'iles of -an7rock were dark and dead. A s ill we nigh / a nigh o dri0e -en in o heir holes. The rain had s o''ed/ &2 he -en s ill hid fro- he da-'/ h2ddled &y he fires in heir ca0es of 'iled s one. 6is &ro her ca-e sliding hro2gh he rees/ -o0ing al-os as 42ie as ano her &ro her he re-e-&ered di-ly fro- long ago/ he whi e one wi h he eyes of &lood. This &ro her.s eyes were 'ools of shadow/ &2 he f2r on he &ack of his neck was &ris ling. 6e had heard he so2nds as well/ and known hey -ean danger. This i-e he clink and scra'e were followed &y a sli hering and he sof swif 'a er of skinfee on s one. The wind &ro2gh he fain es

whiff of a -an7s-ell he did no know. ! ranger. 1anger. 1ea h. 6e ran oward he so2nd/ his &ro her racing &eside hi-. The s one dens rose &efore he-/ walls slick and we . 6e &ared his ee h/ &2 he -an7 rock ook no no ice. A ga e loo-ed 2'/ a &lack iron snake coiled igh a&o2 &ar and 'os . 3hen he crashed agains i / he ga e sh2ddered and he snake clanked and sli hered and held. Thro2gh he &ars he co2ld look down he long s one &2rrow ha ran &e ween he walls o he s ony field &eyond/ &2 here was no way hro2gh. 6e co2ld force his -2>>le &e ween he &ars/ &2 no -ore. Many a i-e his &ro her had ried o crack he &lack &ones of he ga e &e ween his ee h/ &2 hey wo2ld no &reak. They had ried o dig 2nder/ &2 here were grea fla s ones &enea h/ half7co0ered &y ear h and &lown lea0es. !narling/ he 'aced &ack and for h in fron of he ga e/ hen hrew hi-self a i once -ore. I -o0ed a li le and sla--ed hi- &ack. *ocked/ so-e hing whis'ered. Chained. The 0oice he did no hear/ he scen wi ho2 a s-ell. The o her ways were closed as well. 3here doors o'ened in he walls of -an7rock/ he wood was hick and s rong. There was no way o2 . There is/ he whis'er ca-e/ and i see-ed as if he co2ld see he shadow of a grea ree co0ered in needles/ slan ing 2' o2 of he &lack ear h o en i-es he heigh of a -an. =e when he looked a&o2 / i was no here. The o her side of he godswood/ he sen inel/ h2rry/ h2rry . . . Thro2gh he gloo- of nigh ca-e a -2ffled sho2 / c2 shor . !wif ly/ swif ly/ he whirled and &o2nded &ack in o he rees/ we lea0es r2s ling &enea h his 'aws/ &ranches whi''ing a hi- as he r2shed 'as . 6e co2ld hear his &ro her following close. They 'l2nged 2nder he hear ree and aro2nd he cold 'ool/ hro2gh he &lack&erry &2shes/ 2nder a angle of oaks and ash and haw horn scr2&/ o he far side of he wood . . . and here i was/ he shadow he.d gli-'sed wi ho2 seeing/ he slan ing ree 'oin ing a he roof o's. !en inel/ ca-e he ho2gh . 6e re-e-&ered how i was o cli-& i hen. The needles e0erywhere/ scra ching a his &are face and falling down he &ack of his neck/ he s icky sa' on his hands/ he shar' 'iney s-ell of i . I was an easy ree for a &oy o cli-&/ leaning as i did/ crooked/ he &ranches so close oge her hey al-os -ade a ladder/ slan ing righ 2' o he roof. Growling/ he sniffed aro2nd he &ase of he ree/ lif ed a leg and -arked i wi h a s rea- of 2rine. A low &ranch &r2shed his face/ and he sna''ed a i / wis ing and '2lling 2n il he wood cracked and ore. 6is -o2 h was f2ll of needles and he &i er as e of he sa'. 6e shook his head and snarled. 6is &ro her sa &ack on his ha2nches and lif ed his 0oice in a 2l2la ing howl/ his song &lack wi h -o2rning. The way was no way. They were no s42irrels/ nor he c2&s of -en/ hey co2ld no wriggle 2' he r2nks of rees/ clinging wi h sof 'ink 'aws and cl2-sy fee . They were r2nners/ h2n ers/ 'rowlers. )ff across he nigh / &eyond he s one ha he--ed he- close/ he dogs woke and &egan o &ark. )ne and hen ano her and hen all of he-/ a grea cla-or. They s-elled i oo< he scen of foes and fear. A des'era e f2ry filled hi-/ ho as h2nger. 6e s'rang away fro- he wall lo'ed off &enea h he rees/ he shadows of &ranch and leaf da''ling his grey f2r . . . and hen he 2rned and raced &ack in a r2sh. 6is fee flew kicking 2' we lea0es and 'ine needles/ and for a li le i-e he was a h2n er and an an lered s ag was fleeing &efore hiand he co2ld see i / s-ell i / and he ran f2ll o2 in '2rs2i . The s-ell of fear -ade his hear h2nder and sla0er ran fro- his ;aws/ and he reached he falling ree in s ride and hrew hi-self 2' he r2nk/

claws scra&&ling a he &ark for '2rchase. +'ward he &o2nded/ 2'/ wo &o2nds/ hree/ hardly slowing/ 2n il he was a-ong he lower li-&s. Branches angled his fee and whi''ed a his eyes/ grey7green needles sca ered as he sho2ldered hro2gh he-/ sna''ing. 6e had o slow. !o-e hing snagged a his foo and he wrenched i free/ snarling. The r2nk narrowed 2nder hi-/ he slo'e s ee'er/ al-os s raigh 2'/ and we . The &ark ore like skin when he ried o claw a i . 6e was a hird of he way 2'/ halfway/ -ore/ he roof was al-os wi hin reach . . . and hen he '2 down a foo and fel i sli' off he c2r0e of we wood/ and s2ddenly he was sliding/ s 2-&ling. 6e yowled in fear and f2ry/ falling/ falling/ and wis ed aro2nd while he gro2nd r2shed 2' o &reak hi- . . . And hen Bran was &ack a&ed in his lonely ower roo-/ angled in his &lanke s/ his &rea h co-ing hard. :!2--er/: he cried alo2d. :!2--er.: 6is sho2lder see-ed o ache/ as if he had fallen on i / &2 he knew i was only he ghos of wha he wolf was feeling. @o;en old i r2e. I a- a &eas ling. )2 side he co2ld hear he fain &arking of dogs. The sea has co-e. I .s flowing o0er he walls/ ;2s as fo;en saw Bran gra&&ed he &ar o0erhead and '2lled hi-self 2'/ sho2 ing for hel'. 5o one ca-e/ and af er a -o-en he re-e-&ered ha no one wo2ld. They had aken he g2ard off his door. !er Rodrik had needed e0ery -an of figh ing age he co2ld lay his hands on/ so 3in erfell had &een lef wi h only a oken garrison. The res had lef eigh days 'as / si9 h2ndred -en fro- 3in erfell and he neares holdfas s. Cley Cerwyn was &ringing hree h2ndred -ore o ;oin he- on he -arch/ and Maes er *2win had sen ra0ens &efore he-/ s2--oning le0ies fro- 3hi e 6ar&or and he &arrowlands and e0en he dee' 'laces inside he wolfswood. Torrhen.s !42are was 2nder a ack &y so-e -ons ro2s war chief na-ed 1ag-er Clef ;aw. )ld 5an said he co2ldn. &e killed/ ha once a foe had c2 his head in wo wi h an a9e/ &2 1ag-er was so fierce he.d ;2s '2shed he wo hal0es &ack oge her and held he- 2n il hey healed 2'. Co2ld 1ag-er ha0e won8 Torrhen.s !42are was -any days fro- 3in erfell/ ye s ill . . . Bran '2lled hi-self fro- he &ed/ -o0ing &ar o &ar 2n il he reached he windows. 6is fingers f2-&led a li le as he sw2ng &ack he sh2 ers. The yard was e-' y/ and all he windows he co2ld see were &lack. 3in erfell sle' . :6odor?: he sho2 ed down/ as lo2d as he co2ld. 6odor wo2ld &e aslee' a&o0e he s a&les/ &2 -ay&e if he yelled lo2d eno2gh he.d hear/ or so-e&ody wo2ld. :6odor/ co-e fas ? )sha? Meera/ @oien/ anyone?: Bran c2''ed his hands aro2nd his -o2 h. :6)))))1)))))R?: B2 when he door crashed o'en &ehind hi-/ he -an who s e''ed hro2gh was no one Bran knew. 6e wore a lea her ;erkin sewn wi h o0erla''ing iron disks/ and carried a dirk in one hand and an a9e s ra''ed o his &ack. :3ha do yo2 wan 8: Bran de-anded/ afraid. :This is -y roo-. =o2 ge o2 of here.: Theon Grey;oy followed hi- in o he &edcha-&er. no here o haryo2/ Bran.: :Theon8: Bran fel di>>y wi h relief. :1id Ro&& send yo28 Is he here oo8 : :Ro&&.s far away. 6e can. hel' yo2 now.: :6el' -e8: 6e was conf2sed. :1on. scare -e/ Theon.: :I.- (rince Theon now. &o h 'rinces/ Bran. 3ho wo2ld ha0e drea-ed i 8 B2 I.0e aken yo2r cas le/ -y 'rince.: :3in erfell8: Bran shook his head. :5o/ yo2 co2ldn. .: :*ea0e 2s/ 3erlag.: The -an wi h he dirk wi hdrew. Theon sea ed hi-self on he &ed. :I sen fo2r -en o0er he walls wi h gra''ling claws and ro'es/ and hey o'ened a 'os ern ga e for he res of 2s. My

-en are dealing wi h yo2rs e0en now. I 'ro-ise yo2/ 3in erfell is -ine.: Bran did no 2nders and. :B2 Fa her.s ward.: :And now yo2 and yo2r &ro her are -y wards. As soon as he figh ing.s done/ -y -en will &e &ringing he res of yo2r 'eo'le oge her in he Grea 6all. =o2 and I are going o s'eak o he-. =o2.ll ell he- how yo2.0e yielded 3in erfell o -e/ and co--and he- o ser0e and o&ey heir new lord as hey did he old.: :I won. /: said Bran. :3e.ll figh yo2 and hrow yo2 o2 . I ne0er yielded/ yo2 can. -ake -e say I did.: :This is no ga-e/ Bran/ so don. 'lay he &oy wi h -e/ I won. s and for i . The cas le is -ine/ &2 hese 'eo'le are s ill yo2rs. If he 'rince wo2ld kee' he- safe/ he.d &es do as he.s old.: 6e rose and wen o he door. :!o-eone will co-e dress yo2 and carry yo2 o he Grea 6all. Think caref2lly on wha yo2 wan o say.: The wai ing -ade Bran feel e0en -ore hel'less han &efore. 6e sa in he window sea / s aring o2 a dark owers and walls &lack as shadow. )nce he ho2gh he heard sho2 ing &eyond he G2ards 6all/ and so-e hing ha -igh ha0e &een he clash of swords/ &2 he did no ha0e !2--er.s ears o hear/ nor his nose o s-ell. Awake/ I a- s ill &roken/ &2 when I slee'/ when I.- !2--er/ I can r2n and figh and hear and s-ell. 6e had e9'ec ed ha 6odor wo2ld co-e for hi-/ or -ay&e one of he ser0ing girls/ &2 when he door ne9 o'ened i was Maes er *2win/ carrying a candle. :Bran/: he said/ :yo2 . . . know wha has ha''ened8 =o2 ha0e &een old8: The skin was &roken a&o0e his lef eye/ and &lood ran down ha side of his face. :Theon ca-e. 6e said 3in erfell was his now.: The -aes er se down he candle and wi'ed he &lood off his cheek. :They swa- he -oa . Cli-&ed he walls wi h hook and ro'e. Ca-e o0er we and dri''ing/ s eel in hand.: 6e sa on he chair &y he door/ as fresh &lood flowed. :Ale&elly was on he ga e/ hey s2r'rised hi- in he 2rre and killed hi-. 6ayhead.s wo2nded as well. I had i-e o send off wo ra0ens &efore hey &2rs in. The &ird o 3hi e 6ar&or go away/ &2 hey &ro2gh down he o her wi h an arrow.: The -aes er s ared a he r2shes. :!er Rodrik ook oo -any of o2r -en/ &2 I a- o &la-e as -2ch as he is. I ne0er saw his danger/ I ne0er . . .: lo;en saw i / Bran ho2gh . :=o2 &e er hel' -e dress.: :=es/ ha .s so.: In he hea0y iron&o2nd ches a he foo of Bran.s &ed he -aes er fo2nd s-allclo hes/ &reeches/ and 2nic. :=o2 are he ! ark in 3in erfell/ and Ro&&.s heir. =o2 -2s look 'rincely.: Toge her hey gar&ed hi- as &efi a lord. :Theon wan s -e o yield he cas le/: Bran said as he -aes er was fas ening he cloak wi h his fa0ori e wolf.s7head clas' of sil0er and ;e . :There is no sha-e in ha . A lord -2s 'ro ec his s-allfolk. Cr2el 'laces &reed cr2el 'eo'les/ Bran/ re-e-&er ha as yo2 deal wi h hese iron-en. =o2r lord fa her did wha he co2ld o gen le Theon/ &2 I fear i was oo li le and oo la e.: The iron-an who ca-e for he- was a s42a hick7&odied -an wi h a coal7 &lack &eard ha co0ered half his ches . 6e &ore he &oy easily eno2gh/ ho2gh he looked none oo ha''y wi h he ask. Rickon.s &edcha-&er was a half 2rn down he s e's. The fo2r7year7old was cranky a &eing woken. :I wan Mo her/: he said. :I wan her. And !haggydog oo.: :=o2r -o her is far away/ -y 'rince.: Maes er *2win '2lled a &edro&e o0er he child.s head. :B2 I.- here/ and Bran.: 6e ook Rickon &y he hand and led hi- o2 . Below/ hey ca-e on Meera and @o;en &eing herded fro- heir roo- &y a

&ald -an whose s'ear was hree fee aller han he was. 3hen @o;en looked a Bran/ his eyes were green 'ools f2ll of sorrow. ) her iron-en had ro2s ed he Freys. :=o2r &ro her.s los his kingdo-/: *i le 3alder old Bran. no 'rince now/ ;2s a hos age.: :!o are yo2/: @o;en said/ :and -e/ and all of 2s.: :5o one was alking o yo2/ frogea er.: )ne of he iron-en wen &efore he- carrying a orch/ &2 he rain had s ar ed again and soon drowned i o2 . As hey h2rried across he yard hey co2ld hear he direwol0es howling in he godswood. I ho'e !2--er wasn. h2r falling fro- he ree. Theon Grey;oy was sea ed in he high sea of he ! arks. 6e had aken off his cloak. )0er a shir of fine -ail he wore a &lack s2rcoa e-&la>oned wi h he golden kraken of his 6o2se. 6is hands res ed on he wol0es. heads car0ed a he ends of he wide s one ar-s. :Theon.s si ing in Ro&&.s chair/: Rickon said. :62sh/ Rickon.: Bran co2ld feel he -enace aro2nd he-/ &2 his &ro her was oo yo2ng. A few orches had &een li / and a fire kindled in he grea hear h/ &2 -os of he hall re-ained in darkness. There was no 'lace o si wi h he &enches s acked agains he walls/ so he cas le folk s ood in s-all gro2's/ no daring o s'eak. 6e saw )ld 5an/ her oo hless -o2 h o'ening and closing. 6ayhead was carried in &e ween wo of he o her g2ards/ a &loods ained &andage wra''ed a&o2 his &are ches . (o9y Ty- we' inconsola&ly/ and Be h Cassel cried wi h fear. :3ha ha0e we here8: Theon asked of he Reeds and Freys. :These are *ady Ca elyn.s wards/ &o h na-ed 3alder Frey/: Maes er *2win e9'lained. :And his is @o;en Reed and his sis er Meera/ son and da2gh er o 6owland Reed of Greywa er 3a ch/ who ca-e o renew heir oa hs of feal y o 3in erfell.: :!o-e -igh call ha ill7 i-ed/: said Theon/ : ho2gh no for -e. 6ere yo2 are and here yo2.ll s ay.: 6e 0aca ed he high sea . :Bring he 'rince here/ *orren.: The &lack7&earded -an d2-'ed Bran on o he s one as if he were a sack of oa s. (eo'le were s ill &eing dri0en in o he Grea 6all/ 'rodded along wi h sho2 s and he &2 s of he s'ears. Gage and )sha arri0ed fro- he ki chens/ s'o ed wi h flo2r fro- -aking he -orning &read. Mikken hey dragged in c2rsing. Farlen en ered li-'ing/ s r2ggling o s2''or (alla. 6er dress had &een ri''ed in wo< she held i 2' wi h a clenched fis and walked as if e0ery s e' were agony. !e' on Chayle r2shed o lend a hand/ &2 one of he iron-en knocked hi- o he floor. The las -an -arched hro2gh he doors was he 'risoner Reek/ whose s ench 'receded hi-/ ri'e and '2ngen . Bran fel his s o-ach wis a he s-ell of hi-. :3e fo2nd his one locked in a ower cell/: anno2nced his escor / a &eardless yo2 h wi h ginger7colored hair and sodden clo hing/ do2& less one of hose who.d sw2- he -oa . :6e says hey call hi- Reek.: :Can. hink why/: Theon said/ s-iling. :1o yo2 always s-ell so &ad/ or did yo2 ;2s finish f2cking a 'ig8: :6a0en. f2cked no one since hey ook -e/ -.lord. 6eke.s -e r2e na-e. I was in ser0ice o he Bas ard o. he 1readfor ill he ! arks gi0e hi- an arrow in he &ack for a wedding gif .: Theon fo2nd ha a-2sing. :3ho did he -arry8: :The widow o. 6ornwood/ -.lord. : :Tha crone8 3as he &lind8 !he has ea s like e-' y wineskins/ dry and wi hered.: :I wasn. her ea s he wed her for/ -.lord.: The iron-en sla--ed sh2 he all doors a he foo of he hall. Frohe high sea / Bran co2ld see a&o2 wen y of he-. 6e 'ro&a&ly lef

so-e g2ards on he ga es and he ar-ory. ,0en so/ here co2ldn. &e -ore han hir y. Theon raised his hands for 42ie . :=o2 all know -e7: :Aye/ we know yo2 for a sack of s ea-ing d2ng?: sho2 ed Mikken/ &efore he &ald -an dro0e he &2 of his s'ear in o his g2 / hen s-ashed hiacross he face wi h he shaf . The s-i h s 2-&led o his knees and s'a o2 a oo h. :Mikken/ yo2 &e silen .: Bran ried o so2nd s ern and lordly/ he way Ro&& did when he -ade a co--and/ &2 his 0oice &e rayed hi- and he words ca-e o2 in a shrill s42eak. :*is en o yo2r li le lordling/ Mikken/: said Theon. :6e has -ore sense han yo2 do.: A good lord 'ro ec s his 'eo'le/ he re-inded hi-self. :I.0e yielded 3in erfell o Theon.: :*o2der/ Bran. And call -e 'rince.: 6e raised his 0oice. :I ha0e yielded 3in erfell o (rince Theon. All of yo2 sho2ld do as he co--ands yo2.: :1a-ned if I will?: &ellowed Mikken. Theon ignored he o2 &2rs . :My fa her has donned he ancien crown of sal and rock/ and declared hi-self King of he Iron Islands. 6e clai-s he nor h as well/ &y righ of con42es . =o2 are all his s2&;ec s.: :B2gger ha .: Mikken wi'ed he &lood fro- his -o2 h. :I ser0e he ! arks/ no so-e reasono2s s42id of7aah.: The &2 of he s'ear s-ashed hi- face firs in o he s one floor. :!-i hs ha0e s rong ar-s and weak heads/: o&ser0ed Theon. :B2 if he res of yo2 ser0e -e as loyally as yo2 ser0ed 5ed ! ark/ yo2.ll find -e as genero2s a lord as yo2 co2ld wan .: on his hands and knees/ Mikken s'a &lood. (lease don. / Bran wished a hi-/ &2 he &lacks-i h sho2 ed/ :If yo2 hink yo2 can hold he nor h wi h his sorry lo o.7: The &ald -an dro0e he 'oin of his s'ear in o he &ack of Mikken.s neck. ! eel slid hro2gh flesh and ca-e o2 his hroa in a wel er of &lood. A wo-an screa-ed/ and Meera wra''ed her ar-s aro2nd Rickon. I .s &lood he drowned on/ Bran ho2gh n2-&ly. 6is own &lood. :3ho else has so-e hing o say8: asked Theon Grey;oy. :6odor hodor hodor hodor/ : sho2 ed 6odor/ eyes wide. :!o-eone kindly sh2 ha halfwi 2'.: Two iron-en &egan o &ea 6odor wi h he &2 s of heir s'ears. The s a&le&oy dro''ed o he floor/ rying o shield hi-self wi h his hands. :I will &e as good a lord o yo2 as ,ddard ! ark e0er was.: Theon raised his 0oice o &e heard a&o0e he s-ack of wood on flesh. :Be ray -e/ ho2gh/ and yo2.ll wish yo2 hadn. . And don. hink he -en yo2 see here are he whole of -y 'ower. Torrhen.s !42are and 1ee'wood Mo e will soon &e o2rs as well/ and -y 2ncle is sailing 2' he !al s'ear o sei>e Moa Cailin. If Ro&& ! ark can s a0e off he *annis ers/ he -ay reign as King of he Triden hereaf er/ &2 6o2se Grey;oy holds he nor h now.: :! ark.s lords will figh yo2/: he -an Reek called o2 . :Tha &loa ed 'ig a 3hi e 6ar&or for one/ and he- +-&ers and Kars arks oo. =o2.ll need -en. Free -e and I.- yo2rs.: Theon weighed hi- a -o-en . cle0erer han yo2 s-ell/ &2 I co2ld no s2ffer ha s ench.: :3ell/: said Reek/ :I co2ld wash so-e. If I was free.: :A -an of rare good sense.: Theon s-iled. :Bend he knee.: one of he iron-en handed Reek a sword/ and he laid i a Theon.s fee and swore o&edience o 6o2se Grey7;oy and King Balon. Bran co2ld no look. The green drea- was co-ing r2e.

:M.lord Grey;oy?: )sha s e''ed 'as Mikken.s &ody. :I was &ro2gh here ca' i0e oo. =o2 were here he day I was aken.: I ho2gh yo2 were a friend/ Bran ho2gh / h2r . :I need figh ers/: Theon declared/ :no ki chen sl2 s.: :I was Ro&& ! ark '2 -e in he ki chens. For he &es 'ar of a year/ I.0e &een lef o sco2r ke les/ scra'e grease/ and war- he s raw for his one.: !he hrew a look a Gage. :I.0e had a &ellyf2l of i . (2 a s'ear in -y hand again.: :I go a s'ear for yo2 righ here/: said he &ald -an who.d killed Mikken. 6e gra&&ed his cro ch/ grinning. )sha dro0e her &ony knee 2' &e ween his legs. :=o2 kee' ha sof 'ink hing.: !he wres ed he s'ear fro- hi- and 2sed he &2 o knock hioff his fee . :I.ll ha0e -e he wood and iron.: The &ald -an wri hed on he floor while he o her rea0ers sen 2' gales of la2gh er. Theon la2ghed wi h he res . :=o2.ll do/: he said. :Kee' he s'ear< ! ygg can find ano her. 5ow &end he knee and swear.: 3hen no one else r2shed forward o 'ledge ser0ice/ hey were dis-issed wi h a warning o do heir work and -ake no ro2&le. 6odor was gi0en he ask of &earing Bran &ack o his &ed. 6is face was all 2gly frohe &ea ing/ his nose swollen and one eye closed. :6odor/: he so&&ed &e ween cracked li's as he lif ed Bran in h2ge s rong ar-s and &loody hands and carried hi- &ack o2 in o he rain. C6A(T,R DJ AR=A There.s ghos s/ I know here is.: 6o (ie was kneading &read/ his ar-s flo2red 2' o his el&ows. :(ia saw so-e hing in he &2 ery las nigh .: Arya -ade a r2de noise. (ia was always seeing hings in he &2 ery. +s2ally hey were -en. :Can I ha0e a ar 8: she asked. :=o2 &aked a whole ray.: :I need a whole ray. !er A-ory is 'ar ial o he-.: !he ha ed !er A-ory. :*e .s s'i on he-.: 6o (ie looked aro2nd ner0o2sly. The ki chens were f2ll of shadows and echoes/ &2 he o her cooks and sc2llions were all aslee' in he ca0erno2s lof s a&o0e he o0ens. :6e.ll know.: :6e will no /: Arya said. :=o2 can. as e s'i .: :If he does/ i .s -e hey.ll whi'.: 6o (ie s o''ed his kneading. :=o2 sho2ldn. e0en &e here. I .s he &lack of nigh .: I was/ &2 Arya ne0er -inded. ,0en in he &lack of nigh / he ki chens were ne0er s ill< here was always so-eone rolling do2gh for he -orning &read/ s irring a ke le wi h a long wooden s'oon/ or &2 chering a hog for !er A-ory.s &reakfas &acon. Tonigh i was 6o (ie. :If (inkeye wakes and finds yo2 gone7: 6o (ie said. :(inkeye ne0er wakes.: 6is r2e na-e was Me&&le/ &2 e0eryone called hi- (inkeye for his r2nny eyes. :5o once he.s 'assed o2 .: ,ach -orning he &roke his fas wi h ale. ,ach e0ening he fell in o a dr2nken slee' af er s2''er/ wine7colored s'i r2nning down his chin. Arya wo2ld wai 2n il she heard hi- snoring/ hen cree' &arefoo 2' he ser0an .s s air/ -aking no -ore noise han he -o2se she.d &een. !he carried nei her candle nor a'er. !yrio had old her once ha darkness co2ld &e her friend/ and he was righ . If she had he -oon and he s ars o see &y/ ha was eno2gh. :I &e we co2ld esca'e/ and (inkeye wo2ldn. e0en no ice I was gone/: she old 6o (ie. :I don. wan o esca'e. I .s &e er here han i was in he- woods. I

don. wan o ea no wor-s. 6ere/ s'rinkle so-e flo2r on he &oard.: Arya cocked her head. :3ha .s ha 8: :3ha 8 I don. 7: :*is en wi h yo2r ears/ no yo2r -o2 h. Tha was a warhorn. Two &las s/ didn. yo2 hear8 And here/ ha .s he 'or c2llis chains/ so-eone.s going o2 or co-ing in. 3an o go see8: The ga es of 6arrenhal had no &een o'ened since he -orning *ord Tywin had -arched wi h his hos . :I.- -aking he -orning &read/: 6o (ie co-'lained. :Anyhow I don. like i when i .s dark/ I old yo2.: :I.- going. I.ll ell yo2 af er. Can I ha0e a ar 8: :5o.: !he filched one anyway/ and a e i on her way o2 . I was s 2ffed wi h cho''ed n2 s and fr2i and cheese/ he cr2s flaky and s ill war- frohe o0en. ,a ing !er A-ory.s ar -ade Arya feel daring. Barefoo s2refoo ligh foo / she sang 2nder her &rea h. I a- he ghos in 6arrenhal. The horn had s irred he cas le fro- slee'< -en were co-ing o2 in o he ward o see wha he co--o ion was a&o2 . Arya fell in wi h he o hers. A line of o9 car s were r2-&ling 2nder he 'or c2llis. (l2nder/ she knew a once. The riders escor ing he car s s'oke in a &a&&le of 42eer ong2es. Their ar-or glin ed 'ale in he -oonligh / and she saw a 'air of s ri'ed &lack7and7whi e >orses. The Bloody M2--ers. Arya wi hdrew a li le dee'er in o he shadows/ and wa ched as a h2ge &lack &ear rolled &y/ caged in he &ack of a wagon. ) her car s were loaded down wi h sil0er 'la e/ wea'ons and shields/ &ags of flo2r/ 'ens of s42ealing hogs and scrawny dogs and chickens. Arya was hinking how long i had &een since she.d had a slice off a 'ork roas when she saw he firs of he 'risoners. By his &earing and he 'ro2d way he held his head/ he -2s ha0e &een a lord. !he co2ld see -ail glin ing &enea h his orn red s2rcoa . A firs Arya ook hi- for a *annis er/ &2 when he 'assed near a orch she saw his de0ice was a sil0er fis / no a lion. 6is wris s were &o2nd igh ly/ and a ro'e aro2nd one ankle ied hi- o he -an &ehind hi-/ and hi- o he -an &ehind hi-/ so he whole col2-n had o sh2ffle along in a l2rching locks e'. Many of he ca' i0es were wo2nded. If any hal ed/ one of he riders wo2ld ro 2' and gi0e hi- a lick of he whi' o ge hi- -o0ing again. !he ried o ;2dge how -any 'risoners here were/ &2 los co2n &efore she go o fif y. There were wice ha -any a leas . Their clo hing was s ained wi h -2d and &lood/ and in he orchligh i was hard o -ake o2 all heir &adges and sigils/ &2 so-e of hose Arya gli-'sed she recogni>ed. Twin owers. !2n&2rs . Bloody -an. Ba le7a9e. The &a lea9e is for Cerwyn/ and he whi e s2n on &lack is Kars ark. nor h-en. My fa her.s -en/ and Ro&&.s. !he didn. like o hink wha ha -igh -ean. The Bloody M2--ers &egan o dis-o2n . ! a&le&oys e-erged slee'y froheir s raw o end heir la hered horses. )ne of he riders was sho2 ing for ale. The noise &ro2gh !er A-ory *orch o2 on o he co0ered gallery a&o0e he ward/ flanked &y wo orch&earers. Goa 7 hel-ed Vargo 6oa reined 2' &elow hi-. :My lord ca hellan/: he sellsword said. 6e had a hick/ slo&&ery 0oice/ as if his ong2e was oo &ig for his -o2 h. :3ha .s all his/ 6oa 8: !er A-ory de-anded/ frowning. :Ca' i hs. Roo h Bol on ho2gh o cro h he ri0er/ &2 -y Brafe Co-'anions c2 his 0an o 'iece h. Killed -any/ and hen Bol on r2nning. Thi h i h heir lord co--ander/ Glo0er/ and he one &ehind i h Ther Aeny h Frey.:

!er A-ory *orch s ared down a he ro'ed ca' i0es wi h his li le 'ig eyes. Arya did no hink he was 'leased. ,0eryone in he cas le knew ha he and Vargo 6oa ha ed each o her. :Very well/: he said. :!er Cadwyn/ ake hese -en o he d2ngeons.: The lord wi h he -ailed fis on his s2rcoa raised his eyes. :3e were 'ro-ised honora&le rea -en 7: he &egan. :!ilen h?: Vargo 6oa screa-ed a hi-/ s'raying s'i le. !er A-ory addressed he ca' i0es. :3ha 6oa 'ro-ised yo2 is no hing o -e. *ord Tywin -ade -e he cas ellan of 6arrenhal/ and I shall do wi h yo2 as I 'lease.: 6e ges 2red o his g2ards. :The grea cell 2nder he 3idow.s Tower o2gh o hold he- all. Any who do no care o go are free o die here.: As his -en herded off he ca' i0es a s'ear'oin / Arya saw (inkeye e-erge fro- he s airwell/ &linking a he orchligh . If he fo2nd her -issing/ he wo2ld sho2 and hrea en o whi' he &loody hide off her/ &2 she was no afraid. 6e was no 3eese. 6e was fore0er hrea ening o whi' he &loody hide off his one or ha one/ &2 Arya ne0er ac 2ally knew hi- o hi . ! ill/ i wo2ld &e &e er if he ne0er saw her. !he glanced aro2nd. The o9en were &eing 2nharnessed/ he car s 2nloaded/ while he Bra0e Co-'anions cla-ored for drink and he c2rio2s ga hered aro2nd he caged &ear. In he co--o ion/ i was no hard o sli' off 2nseen. !he wen &ack he way she had co-e/ wan ing o &e o2 of sigh &efore so-eone no iced her and ho2gh o '2 her o work. Away fro- he ga es and he s a&les/ he grea cas le was largely deser ed. The noise dwindled &ehind her. A swirling wind g2s ed/ drawing a high shi0ery screa- fro- he cracks in he 3ailing Tower. *ea0es had &eg2n o fall fro- he rees in he godswood/ and she co2ld hear he- -o0ing hro2gh he deser ed co2r yards and &e ween he e-' y &2ildings/ -aking a fain ski ery so2nd as he wind dro0e he- across he s ones. 5ow ha 6arrenhal was near e-' y once again/ so2nd did 42eer hings here. !o-e i-es he s ones see-ed o drink 2' noise/ shro2ding he yards in a &lanke of silence. ) her i-es/ he echoes had a life of heir own/ so e0ery foo fall &eca-e he read of a ghos ly ar-y/ and e0ery dis an 0oice a ghos ly feas . The f2nny so2nds were one of he hings ha &o hered 6o (ie/ &2 no Arya. F2ie as a shadow/ she fli ed across he -iddle &ailey/ aro2nd he Tower of 1read/ and hro2gh he e-' y -ews/ where 'eo'le said he s'iri s of dead falcons s irred he air wi h ghos ly wings. !he co2ld go where she wo2ld. The garrison n2-&ered no -ore han a h2ndred -en/ so s-all a roo' ha hey were los in 6arrenhal. The 6all of a 62ndred 6ear hs was closed off/ along wi h -any of he lesser &2ildings/ e0en he 3ailing Tower. !er A-ory *orch resided in he cas ellan.s cha-&ers in Kings'yre/ he-sel0es as s'acio2s as a lord.s/ and Arya and he o her ser0an s had -o0ed o he cellars &enea h hi- so hey wo2ld &e close a hand. 3hile *ord Tywin had &een in residence/ here was always a -ana 7ar-s wan ing o know yo2r &2siness. B2 now here were only a h2ndred -en lef o g2ard a ho2sand doors/ and no one see-ed o know who sho2ld &e where/ or care -2ch. As she 'assed he ar-ory/ Arya heard he ring of a ha--er. A dee' orange glow shone hro2gh he high windows. !he cli-&ed o he roof and 'eeked down. Gendry was &ea ing o2 a &reas 'la e. 3hen he worked/ no hing e9is ed for hi- &2 -e al/ &ellows/ fire. The ha--er was like 'ar of his ar-. !he wa ched he 'lay of -2scles in his ches and lis ened o he s eel -2sic he -ade. 6e.s s rong/ she ho2gh . As he ook 2' he long7handled ongs o di' he &reas 'la e in o he 42enching ro2gh/ Arya sli hered hro2gh he window and lea' down o

he floor &eside hi-. 6e did no see- s2r'rised o see her. :=o2 sho2ld &e a&ed/ girl.: The &reas 'la e hissed like a ca as he di''ed i in he cold wa er. :3ha was all ha noise8: :Vargo Floa .s co-e &ack wi h 'risoners. I saw heir &adges. There.s a Glo0er/ fro- 1ee'wood Mo e/ he.s -y fa her.s -an. The res oo/ -os ly.: All of a s2dden/ Arya knew why her fee had &ro2gh her here. :=o2 ha0e o hel' -e ge he- o2 .: Gendry la2ghed. :And how do we do ha 8: :!er A-ory sen he- down o he d2ngeon. The one 2nder he 3idow.s Tower/ ha .s ;2s one &ig cell. =o2 co2ld s-ash he door o'en wi h yo2r ha--er7: :3hile he g2ards wa ch and -ake &e s on how -any swings i will ake -e/ -ay&e8: Arya chewed her li's. :3e.d need o kill he g2ards.: :6ow are we s2''osed o do ha 8: :May&e here won. &e a lo of he-.: :If here.s wo/ ha .s oo -any for yo2 and -e. =o2 ne0er learned no hing in ha 0illage/ did yo28 =o2 ry his and Vargo 6oa will c2 off yo2r hands and fee / he way he does.: Gendry ook 2' he ongs again. afraid.: :*ea0e -e alone/ girl.: :Gendry/ here.s a h2ndred nor h-en. May&e -ore/ I co2ldn. co2n heall. Tha .s as -any as !er A-ory has. 3ell/ no co2n ing he Bloody M2--ers. 3e ;2s ha0e o ge he- o2 and we can ake o0er he cas le and esca'e.: :3ell/ yo2 can. ge he- o2 / no -ore.n yo2 co2ld sa0e *o--y.: Gendry 2rned he &reas 'la e wi h he ongs o look a i closely. :And if we did esca'e/ where wo2ld we go8: :3in erfell/: she said a once. :Id ell Mo her how yo2 hel'ed -e/ and yo2 co2ld s ay7: :3o2ld -.lady 'er-i 8 Co2ld I shoe yo2r horses for yo2/ and -ake swords for yo2r lordly &ro hers8: !o-e i-es he -ade her so angry. :=o2 s o' ha ?: :3hy sho2ld I wager -y fee for he chance o swea in 3in erfell in 'lace of 6arrenhal8 =o2 know old Ben Black h2-&8 6e ca-e here as a &oy. !-i hed for *ady 3hen and her fa her &efore her and his fa her &efore hi-/ and e0en for *ord *o hs on who held 6arrenhal &efore he 3hen s. 5ow he s-i hs for *ord Tywin/ and yo2 know wha he says8 A sword.s a sword/ a hel-.s a hel-/ and if yo2 reach in he fire yo2 ge &2rned/ no -a er who ser0ing. *2can.s a fair eno2gh -as er. I.ll s ay here.: :The 42een will ca ch yo2/ hen. !he didn. send gold cloaks af er Ben Black h2-&?: :*ikely i wasn. e0en -e hey wan ed.: :I was oo/ yo2 know i . so-e&ody.: :I.- a .'ren ice s-i h/ and one day -igh &e I.ll -ake a -as er ar-orer . . . if I don. r2n off and lose -y fee or ge -yself killed.: 6e 2rned away fro- her/ 'icked 2' his ha--er once -ore/ and &egan o &ang. Arya.s hands c2rled in o hel'less fis s. :The ne9 hel- yo2 -ake/ '2 -2le.s ears on i in 'lace of &2ll.s horns?: !he had o flee/ or else she wo2ld ha0e s ar ed hi ing hi-. 6e 'ro&a&ly wo2ldn. e0en feel i if I did. 3hen hey find who he is and c2 off his s 2'id -2lehead/ he.ll &e sorry he didn. hel'. !he was &e er off wi ho2 hi- anyhow. 6e was he one who go her ca2gh a he 0illage. B2 hinking of he 0illage -ade her re-e-&er he -arch/ and he

s oreroo-/ and he Tickler. !he ho2gh of he li le &oy who.d &een hi in he face wi h he -ace/ of s 2'id old All7for7@offrey/ of *o--y Greenhands. I was a shee'/ and hen I was a -o2se/ I co2ldn. do any hing &2 hide. Arya chewed her li' and ried o hink when her co2rage had co-e &ack. @a4en -ade -e &ra0e again. 6e -ade -e a ghos ins ead of a -o2se. !he had &een a0oiding he *ora hi since 3eese.s dea h. Chiswyck had &een easy/ anyone co2ld '2sh a -an off he wallwalk/ &2 3eese had raised ha 2gly s'o ed dog fro- a '2'/ and only so-e dark -agic co2ld ha0e 2rned he ani-al agains hi-. =oren fo2nd fa4en in a &lack cell/ he sa-e as Rorge and Bi er/ she re-e-&ered. fa4en did so-e hing horri&le and =oren knew/ ha .s why he ke' hi- in chains. If he *ora hi was a wi>ard/ Rorge and Bi er co2ld &e de-ons he called 2' froso-e hell/ no -en a all. @a4en s ill owed her one dea h. In )ld 5an.s s ories a&o2 -en who were gi0en -agic wishes &y a gr2-kin/ yo2 had o &e es'ecially caref2l wi h he hird wish/ &eca2se i was he las . Chiswyck and 3eese hadn. &een 0ery i-'or an . The las dea h has o co2n / Arya old herself e0ery nigh when she whis'ered her na-es. B2 now she wondered if ha was r2ly he reason she had hesi a ed. !o long as she co2ld kill wi h a whis'er/ Arya need no &e afraid of anyone . . . &2 once she 2sed 2' he las dea h/ she wo2ld only &e a -o2se again. 3i h (inkeye awake/ she dared no go &ack o her &ed. 5o knowing where else o hide/ she -ade for he godswood. !he liked he shar' s-ell of he 'ines and sen inels/ he feel of grass and dir &e ween her oes/ and he so2nd he wind -ade in he lea0es. A slow li le s rea-eandered hro2gh he wood/ and here was one s'o where i had ea en he gro2nd away &enea h a deadfall. There/ &enea h ro ing wood and wis ed s'lin ered &ranches/ she fo2nd her hidden sword. Gendry was oo s 2&&orn o -ake one for her/ so she had -ade her own &y &reaking he &ris les off a &roo-. 6er &lade was -2ch oo ligh and had no 'ro'er gri'/ &2 she liked he shar' ;agged s'lin ery end. 3hene0er she had a free ho2r she s ole away o work a he drills !yrio had a2gh her/ -o0ing &arefoo o0er he fallen lea0es/ slashing a &ranches and whacking down lea0es. !o-e i-es she e0en cli-&ed he rees and danced a-ong he 2''er &ranches/ her oes gri''ing he li-&s as she -o0ed &ack and for h/ ee ering a li le less e0ery day as her &alance re 2rned o her. 5igh was he &es i-e< no one e0er &o hered her a nigh . Arya cli-&ed. +' in he kingdo- of he lea0es/ she 2nshea hed and for a i-e forgo he- all/ !er A-ory and he M2--ers and her fa her.s -en alike/ losing herself in he feel of ro2gh wood &enea h he soles of her fee and he swish of sword hro2gh air. A &roken &ranch &eca-e @offrey. !he s r2ck a i 2n il i fell away. The 42een and !er Ilyn and !er Meryn and he 6o2nd were only lea0es/ &2 she killed he- all as well/ slashing he- o we green ri&&ons. 3hen her ar- grew weary/ she sa wi h her legs o0er a high li-& o ca ch her &rea h in he cool dark air/ lis ening o he s42eak of &a s as hey h2n ed. Thro2gh he leafy cano'y she co2ld see he &one7whi e &ranches of he hear ree. I looks ;2s like he one in 3in erfell fro- here. If only i had &een . . . hen when she cli-&ed down she wo2ld ha0e &een ho-e again/ and -ay&e find her fa her si ing 2nder he weirwood where he always sa . !ho0ing her sword hro2gh her &el / she sli''ed down &ranch o &ranch 2n il she was &ack on he gro2nd. The ligh of he -oon 'ain ed he li-&s of he weirwood sil0ery whi e as she -ade her way oward i / &2 he fi0e7'oin ed red lea0es 2rned &lack &y nigh . Arya s ared a he

face car0ed in o i s r2nk. I was a erri&le face/ i s -o2 h wis ed/ i s eyes flaring and f2ll of ha e. Is ha wha a god looked like8 Co2ld gods &e h2r / he sa-e as 'eo'le8 I sho2ld 'ray/ she ho2gh s2ddenly. Arya wen o her knees. !he wasn. s2re how she sho2ld &egin. !he clas'ed her hands oge her. 6el' -e/ yo2 old gods/ she 'rayed silen ly. 6el' -e ge hose -en o2 of he d2ngeon so we can kill !er A-ory/ and &ring -e ho-e o 3in erfell. Make -e a wa er dancer and a wolf and no afraid again/ e0er. 3as ha eno2gh8 May&e she sho2ld 'ray alo2d if she wan ed he old gods o hear. May&e she sho2ld 'ray longer. !o-e i-es her fa her had 'rayed a long i-e/ she re-e-&ered. B2 he old gods had ne0er hel'ed hi-. Re-e-&ering ha -ade her angry. :=o2 sho2ld ha0e sa0ed hi-/: she scolded he ree. :6e 'rayed o yo2 all he i-e. I don. care if yo2 hel' -e or no . I don. hink yo2 co2ld e0en if yo2 wan ed o.: :Gods are no -ocked/ girl.: The 0oice s ar led her. !he lea' o her fee and drew her wooden sword. @a4en 6.ghar s ood so s ill in he darkness ha he see-ed one of he rees. :A -an co-es o hear a na-e. )ne and wo and hen co-es hree. A -an wo2ld ha0e done.: Arya lowered he s'lin ery 'oin oward he gro2nd. :6ow did yo2 know I was here8: :A -an sees. A -an hears. A -an knows.: !he regarded hi- s2s'icio2sly. 6ad he gods sen hi-8 :6ow.d yo2 -ake he dog kill 3eese8 1id yo2 call Rorge and Bi er 2' fro- hell8 Is @a4en 6.ghar yo2r r2e na-e8: :!o-e -en ha0e -any na-es. 3easel. Arry. Arya.: !he &acked away fro- hi-/ 2n il she was 'ressed agains he hear ree. :1id Gendry ell8: :A -an knows/: he said again. :My lady of ! ark.: May&e he gods had sen hi- in answer o her 'rayers. :I need yo2 o hel' -e ge hose -en o2 of he d2ngeons. Tha Glo0er and hose o hers/ all of he-. 3e ha0e o kill he g2ards and o'en he cell so-ehow7: :A girl forge s/: he said 42ie ly. :Two she has had/ hree were owed. If a g2ard -2s die/ she needs only s'eak his na-e.: :B2 one g2ard won. &e eno2gh/ we need o kill he- all o o'en he cell.: Arya &i her li' hard o s o' fro- crying. :I wan yo2 o sa0e he nor h-en like I sa0ed yo2.: 6e looked down a her 'i ilessly. :Three li0es were sna ched fro- a god. Three li0es -2s &e re'aid. The gods are no -ocked.: 6is 0oice was silk and s eel. :I ne0er -ocked.: !he ho2gh for a -o-en . :The na-e . . . can I na-e anyone8 And yo2.ll kill hi-8: @a4en 6.ghar inclined his head. :A -an has said.: :Anyone8: she re'ea ed. :A -an/ a wo-an/ a li le &a&y/ or *ord Tywin/ or he 6igh !e' on/ or yo2r fa her8: :A -an.s sire is long dead/ &2 did he li0e/ and did yo2 know his na-e/ he wo2ld die a yo2r co--and.: :!wear i /: Arya said. :!wear i &y he gods.: :By all he gods of sea and air/ and e0en hi- of fire/ I swear i .: 6e 'laced a hand in he -o2 h of he weirwood. :By he se0en new gods and he old gods &eyond co2n / I swear i .: 6e has sworn. :,0en if I na-ed he king :!'eak he na-e/ and dea h will co-e. )n he -orrow/ a he 2rn of he -oon/ a year fro- his day/ i will co-e. A -an does no fly like a &ird/ &2 one foo -o0es and hen ano her and one day a -an is here/

and a king dies.: 6e knel &eside her/ so hey were face7 o7face/ :A girl whis'ers if she fears o s'eak alo2d. 3his'er i now. Is i loffrey8: Arya '2 her li's o his ear. :I .s @a4en 6.ghar.: ,0en in he &2rning &arn/ wi h walls of fla-e owering all aro2nd and hi- in chains/ he had no see-ed so dis ra2gh as he did now. :A girl . . . she -akes a ;es .: :=o2 swore. The gods heard yo2 swear.: :The gods did hear/: There was a knife in his hand s2ddenly/ i s &lade hin as her li le finger. 3he her i was -ean for her or hi-/ Arya co2ld no say. :A girl will wee'. A girl will lose her only friend.: no -y friend. A friend wo2ld hel' -e.: !he s e''ed away frohi-/ &alanced on he &alls of her fee in case he hrew his knife. :I.d ne0er kill a friend.: @a4en.s s-ile ca-e and wen . :A girl -igh . . . na-e ano her na-e hen/ if a friend did hel'8: :A girl -igh /: she said. :If a friend did hel'.: The knife 0anished. :Co-e.: :5ow8: !he had ne0er ho2gh he wo2ld ac so 42ickly. :A -an hears he whis'er of sand in a glass. A -an will no slee' 2n il a girl 2nsays a cer ain na-e. 5ow/ e0il child.: I.- no an e0il child/ she ho2gh / I a- a direwolf/ and he ghos in 6arrenhal. !he '2 her &roo-s ick &ack in i s hiding 'lace and followed hi- fro- he godswood. 1es'i e he ho2r/ 6arrenhal s irred wi h fi f2l life. Vargo 6oa .s arri0al had hrown off all he ro2 ines. )9 car s/ o9en/ and horses had all 0anished fro- he yard/ &2 he &ear cage was s ill here. i had &een h2ng fro- he arched s'an of he &ridge ha di0ided he o2 er and -iddle wards/ s2s'ended on hea0y chains/ a few fee off he gro2nd. A ring of orches &a hed he area in ligh . !o-e of he &oys fro- he s a&les were ossing s ones o -ake he &ear roar and gr2-&le. Across he ward/ ligh s'illed hro2gh he door of he Barracks 6all/ acco-'anied &y he cla er of ankards and -en calling for -ore wine. A do>en 0oices ook 2' a song in a g2 2ral ong2e s range o Arya.s ears. drinking and ea ing &efore hey slee'/ she reali>ed. (inkeye wo2ld ha0e sen o wake -e/ o hel' wi h he ser0ing. 6e.ll know a&ed. B2 likely he was &2sy 'o2ring for he Bra0e Co-'anions and hose of !er A-ory.s garrison who had ;oined he-. The noise hey were -aking wo2ld &e a good dis rac ion. :The h2ngry gods will feas on &lood onigh / if a -an wo2ld do his hing/: @a4en said. :!wee girl/ kind and gen le. +nsay one na-e and say ano her and cas his -ad drea- aside.: :I won. .: :@2s so.: 6e see-ed resigned. :The hing will &e done/ &2 a girl -2s o&ey. A -an has no i-e for alk.: :A girl will o&ey/: Arya said. :3ha sho2ld I do8: :A h2ndred -en are h2ngry/ hey -2s &e fed/ he lord co--ands ho &ro h. A girl -2s r2n o he ki chens and ell her 'ie &oy.: :Bro h . : she re'ea ed. :3here will yo2 &e8: :A girl will hel' -ake &ro h/ and wai in he ki chens 2n il a -an co-es for her. Go. R2n.: 6o (ie was '2lling his loa0es fro- he o0ens when she &2rs in o he ki chen/ &2 he was no longer alone. They.d woken he cooks o feed Vargo 6oa and his Bloody M2--ers. !er0ing -en were carrying off &aske s of 6o (ie.s &read and ar s/ he chief cook was car0ing cold slices off a ha-/ s'i &oys were 2rning ra&&i s while he 'o girls &as ed he- wi h honey/ wo-en were cho''ing onions and carro s. :3ha

do yo2 wan / 3easel8: he chief cook asked when he saw her. :Bro h/: she anno2nced. :My lord wan s &ro h.: 6e ;erked his car0ing knife a he &lack iron ke les h2ng o0er he fla-es. :3ha do yo2 hink ha is8 Tho2gh Id soon as 'iss in i as ser0e i o ha goa . Can. e0en le a -an ha0e a nigh .s slee'.: 6e s'a . :3ell/ ne0er yo2 -ind/ r2n &ack and ell hi- a ke le can. &e h2rried/: :I.- o wai here 2n il i .s done.: :Then s ay o2 of he way. )r &e er ye / -ake yo2rself of 2se. R2n o he &2 ery< his goa shi' will &e wan ing &2 er and cheese. 3ake 2' (ia and ell her she.d &es &e ni-&le for once/ if she wan s o kee' &o h of her fee .: !he ran as fas as she co2ld. (ia was awake in he lof / -oaning 2nder one of he M2--ers/ &2 she sli''ed &ack in o her clo hes 42ick eno2gh when she heard Arya sho2 . !he filled si9 &aske s wi h crocks of &2 er and &ig wedges of s inky cheese wra''ed in clo h. :6ere/ hel' -e wi h hese/: she old Arya. :I can. . B2 yo2 &e er h2rry or Vargo 6oa will cho' off yo2r foo .: !he dar ed off &efore (ia co2ld gra& her. on he way &ack/ she wondered why none of he ca' i0es had heir hands or fee cho''ed off. May&e Vargo 6oa was afraid o -ake Ro&& angry. Tho2gh he didn. see- he sor o &e afraid of anyone. 6o (ie was s irring he ke les wi h a long wooden s'oon when Arya re 2rned o he ki chens. !he gra&&ed 2' a second s'oon and s ar ed o hel'. For a -o-en she ho2gh -ay&e she sho2ld ell hi-/ &2 hen she re-e-&ered he 0illage and decided no o. 6e.d only yield again. Then she heard he 2gly so2nd of Rorge.s 0oice. :Cook/: he sho2 ed. :3e.ll ake yo2r &loody &ro h.: Arya le go of he s'oon in dis-ay. I ne0er old hi- o &ring he-. Rorge wore his iron hel-e / wi h he nasal ha half hid his -issing nose. @a4en and Bi er followed hi- in o he ki chen. :The &loody &ro h isn. &loody ready ye /: he cook said. :I needs o si--er. 3e only now '2 in he onions and7: :!h2 yo2r hole/ or I.ll sho0e a s'i 2' yo2r ass and we.ll &as e yo2 for a 2rn or wo. I said &ro h and I said now.: 6issing/ Bi er gra&&ed a handf2l of half7charred ra&&i righ off he s'i / and ore in o i wi h his 'oin ed ee h while honey dri''ed &e ween his fingers. The cook was &ea en. :Take yo2r &loody &ro h/ hen/ &2 if he goa asks why i as es so hin/ yo2 ell hi-.: Bi er licked he grease and honey off his fingers as @a4en 6ghar donned a 'air of hea0y 'added -i s. 6e ga0e a second 'air o Arya. :A weasel will hel'.: The &ro h was &oiling ho / and he ke les were hea0y. Arya and @a4en wres led one &e ween he-/ Rorge carried one &y hi-self/ and Bi er gra&&ed wo -ore/ hissing in 'ain when he handles &2rned his hands. ,0en so/ he did no dro' he-. They l2gged he ke les o2 of he ki chens and across he ward. Two g2ards had &een 'os ed a he door of he 3idow.s Tower. :3ha .s his8: one said o Rorge. :A 'o of &oiling 'iss/ wan so-e8: @a4en s-iled disar-ingly. :A 'risoner -2s ea oo.: :5o one said no hing a&o2 7: Arya c2 hi- off. :I .s for he-/ no yo2.: The second g2ard wa0ed he- 'as . :Bring i down/ hen.: Inside he door a winding s air led down o he d2ngeons. Rorge led he way/ wi h @a4en and Arya &ringing 2' he rear. :A girl will s ay o2 of he way/: he old her. The s e's o'ened on o a dank s one 0a2l / long/ gloo-y/ and windowless.

A few orches &2rned in sconces a he near end where a gro2' of !er A-ory.s g2ards sa aro2nd a scarred wooden a&le/ alking and 'laying a iles. 6ea0y iron &ars se'ara ed he- fro- where he ca' i0es were crowded oge her in he dark. The s-ell of he &ro h &ro2gh -any 2' o he &ars. Arya co2n ed eigh g2ards. They s-elled he &ro h as well. :There.s he 2glies ser0ing wench I e0er saw/: heir ca' ain said o Rorge. :3ha .s in he ke le8: :=o2r cock and &alls. =o2 wan o ea or no 8: )ne of he g2ards had &een 'acing/ one s anding near he &ars/ a hird si ing on he floor wi h his &ack o he wall/ &2 he 'ros'ec of food drew all of he- o he a&le. :A&o2 &loody i-e hey fed 2s.: :Tha onions I s-ell8: :!o where.s he &read8: :F2ck/ we need &owls/ c2's/ s'oons7: :5o yo2 don. .: Rorge hea0ed he scalding ho &ro h across he a&le/ f2ll in heir faces. @a4en 6.ghar did he sa-e. Bi er hrew his ke les oo/ swinging he- 2nderar- so hey s'2n across he d2ngeon/ raining so2'. )ne ca2gh he ca' ain in he e-'le as he ried o rise. 6e wen down like a sack of sand and lay s ill. The res were screa-ing in agony/ 'raying/ or rying o crawl off. Arya 'ressed &ack agains he wall as Rorge &egan o c2 hroa s. Bi er 'referred o gra& he -en &ehind he head and 2nder he chin and crack heir necks wi h a single wis of his h2ge 'ale hands. )nly one of he g2ards -anaged o ge a &lade o2 . @a4en danced away fro- his slash/ drew his own sword/ dro0e he -an &ack in o a corner wi h a fl2rry of &lows/ and killed hi- wi h a hr2s o he hear . The *ora hi &ro2gh he &lade o Arya s ill red wi h hear .s &lood and wi'ed i clean on he fron of her shif . :A girl sho2ld &e &loody oo. This is her work.: The key o he cell h2ng fro- a hook on he wall a&o0e he a&le. Rorge ook i down and o'ened he door. The firs -an hro2gh was he lord wi h he -ailed fis on his s2rcoa . :3ell done/: he said. :I a- Ro&e Glo0er.: :My lord.: @a4en ga0e hi- a &ow. )nce freed/ he ca' i0es s ri''ed he dead g2ards of heir wea'ons and dar ed 2' he s e's wi h s eel in hand. Their fellows crowded af er he-/ &are7handed. They wen swif ly/ and wi h scarcely a word. 5one of he- see-ed 42i e so &adly wo2nded as hey had when Vargo 6oa had -arched he- hro2gh he ga es of 6arrenhal. :This of he so2'/ ha was cle0er/: he -an Glo0er was saying. :I did no e9'ec ha . 3as i *ord 6oa .s idea8: Rorge &egan o la2gh. 6e la2ghed so hard ha sno flew o2 he hole where his nose had &een. Bi er sa on o' of one of he dead -en/ holding a li-' hand as he gnawed a he fingers. Bones cracked &e ween his ee h. :3ho are yo2 -en8: A crease a''eared &e ween Ro&e Glo0er.s &rows. :=o2 were no wi h 6oa when he ca-e o *ord Bol on.s enca-'-en . Are yo2 of he Bra0e Co-'anions8: Rorge wi'ed he sno off his chin wi h he &ack of his hand. :3e are now.: :This -an has he honor o &e @a4en 6.ghar/ once of he Free Ci y of *ora h. This -an.s disco2r eo2s co-'anions are na-ed Rorge and Bi er. A lord will know which is Bi er.: 6e wa0ed a hand oward Arya. :And here7: :I.- 3easel/: she &l2r ed/ &efore he co2ld ell who she really was. !he did no wan her na-e said here/ where Rorge -igh hear/ and Bi er/ and

all hese o hers she did no know. !he saw Glo0er dis-iss her. :Very well/: he said. :*e .s -ake an end o his &loody &2siness.: 3hen hey cli-&ed &ack 2' he winding s air/ hey fo2nd he door g2ards lying in 'ools of heir own &lood. 5or h-en were r2nning across he ward. Arya heard sho2 s. The door of Barracks 6all &2rs o'en and a wo2nded -an s aggered o2 screa-ing. Three o hers ran af er hi- and silenced hi- wi h s'ear and sword. There was figh ing aro2nd he ga eho2se as well. Rorge and Bi er r2shed off wi h Glo0er/ &2 @a4en 6.ghar knel &eside Arya. :A girl does no 2nders and8: :=es I do/: she said/ ho2gh she didn. / no r2ly. The *ora hi -2s ha0e seen i on her face. :A goa has no loyal y. !oon a wolf &anner is raised here/ I hink. B2 firs a -an wo2ld hear a cer ain na-e 2nsaid.: :I ake &ack he na-e.: Arya chewed her li'. :1o I s ill ha0e a hird dea h8: :A girl is greedy.: @a4en o2ched one of he dead g2ards and showed her his &loody fingers. :6ere is hree and here is fo2r and eigh -ore lie dead &elow. The de& is 'aid.: :The de& is 'aid/: Arya agreed rel2c an ly. !he fel a li le sad. 5ow she was ;2s a -o2se again. :A god has his d2e. And now a -an -2s die.: A s range s-ile o2ched he li's of @a4en 6.ghar. :1ie8: she said/ conf2sed. 3ha did he -ean8 :B2 I 2nsaid he na-e. =o2 don. need o die now.: :I do. My i-e is done.: @a4en 'assed a hand down his face froforehead o chin/ and where i wen he changed. 6is cheeks grew f2ller/ his eyes closer< his nose hooked/ a scar a''eared on his righ cheek where no scar had &een &efore. And when he shook his head/ his long s raigh hair/ half red and half whi e/ dissol0ed away o re0eal a ca' of igh &lack c2rls. Arya.s -o2 h h2ng o'en. :3ho are yo28: she whis'ered/ oo as onished o &e afraid. :6ow did yo2 do ha 8 3as i hard8: 6e grinned/ re0ealing a shiny gold oo h. :5o harder han aking a new na-e/ if yo2 know he way.: :!how -e/: she &l2r ed. :I wan o do i oo.: :If yo2 wo2ld learn/ yo2 -2s co-e wi h -e.: Arya grew hesi an . :3here8: :Far and away/ across he narrow sea.: :I can. . I ha0e o go ho-e. To 3in erfell.: :Then we -2s 'ar /: he said/ :for I ha0e d2 ies oo.: 6e lif ed her hand and 'ressed a s-all coin in o her 'al-. :6ere.: :3ha is i 8: :A coin of grea 0al2e.: Arya &i i . I was so hard i co2ld only &e iron. :Is i wor h eno2gh o &2y a horse8: :I is no -ean for he &2ying of horses.: :Then wha good is i 8: :As well ask wha good is life/ wha good is dea h8 if he day co-es when yo2 wo2ld find -e again/ gi0e ha coin o any -an fro- Braa0os/ and say hese words o hi-70alar -orgh2lis.: :Valar -orgh2lis/: Arya re'ea ed. I wasn. hard. 6er fingers closed igh o0er he coin. Across he yard/ she co2ld hear -en dying. :(lease don. go/ @a4en.: :@a4en is as dead as Arry/: he said sadly/ :and I ha0e 'ro-ises o kee'. Valar -orgh2lis/ Arya ! ark. !ay i again.: :Valar -orgh2lis/ : she said once -ore/ and he s ranger in @a4en.s

clo hes &owed o her and s alked off hro2gh he darkness/ cloak swirling. !he was alone wi h he dead -en. They deser0ed o die/ Arya old herself/ re-e-&ering all hose !er A-ory *orch had killed a he holdfas &y he lake. The cellars 2nder Kings'yre were e-' y when she re 2rned o her &ed of s raw. !he whis'ered her na-es o her 'illow/ and when she was done she added/ :Valar -orgh2lis/ : in a s-all sof 0oice/ wondering wha i -ean . Co-e dawn/ (inkeye and he o hers were &ack/ all &2 one &oy who.d &een killed in he figh ing for no reason ha anyone co2ld say. (inkeye wen 2' alone o see how -a ers s ood &y ligh of day/ co-'laining all he while ha his old &ones co2ld no a&ide s e's. 3hen he re 2rned/ he old he- ha 6arrenhal had &een aken. :The- Bloody M2--ers killed so-e of !er A-ory.s lo in heir &eds/ and he res a a&le af er hey were good and dr2nk. The new lord will &e here &efore he day.s o2 / wi h his whole hos . 6e.s fro- he wild nor h 2' where ha 3all is/ and hey say he.s a hard one. This lord or ha lord/ here.s s ill work o &e done. Any foolery and I.ll whi' he skin off yo2r &ack.: 6e looked a Arya when he said ha / &2 ne0er said a word o her a&o2 where she had &een he nigh &efore. All -orning she wa ched he Bloody M2--ers s ri' he dead of heir 0al2a&les and drag he cor'ses o he Flows one =ard/ where a 'yre was laid o dis'ose of he-. !hagwell he Fool hacked he heads off wo dead knigh s and 'ranced a&o2 he cas le swinging he- &y he hair and -aking he- alk. :3ha did yo2 die of8: one head asked. :6o weasel so2'/: re'lied he second. Arya was se o -o''ing 2' dried &lood. 5o one said a word o her &eyond he 2s2al/ &2 e0ery so of en she wo2ld no ice 'eo'le looking a her s rangely. Ro&e Glo0er and he o her -en hey.d freed -2s ha0e alked a&o2 wha had ha''ened down in he d2ngeon/ and hen !hagwell and his s 2'id alking heads s ar ed in a&o2 he weasel so2'. !he wo2ld ha0e old hi- o sh2 2'/ &2 she was scared o. The fool was half7-ad/ and she.d heard ha he.d once killed a -an for no la2ghing a one of his ;a'es. 6e &e er sh2 his -o2 h or IT '2 hi- on -y lis wi h he res / she ho2gh as she scr2&&ed a a reddish7&rown s ain. i was al-os e0enfall when he new -as er of 6arrenhal arri0ed. 6e had a 'lain face/ &eardless and ordinary/ no a&le only for his 42eer 'ale eyes. 5ei her 'l2-'/ hin/ nor -2sc2lar/ he wore &lack ring-ail and a s'o ed 'ink cloak. The sigil on his &anner looked like a -an di''ed in &lood. :)n yo2r knees for he *ord of he 1readfor ?: sho2 ed his s42ire/ a &oy no older han Arya/ and 6arrenhal knel . Vargo 6oa ca-e forward. :My lord/ 6arrenhal i h yo2r h.: The lord ga0e answer/ &2 oo sof ly for Arya o hear. Ro&e Glo0er and !er Aenys Frey/ freshly &a hed and clad in clean new do2&le s and cloaks/ ca-e 2' o ;oin he-. Af er so-e &rief alk/ !er Aenys led heo0er o Rorge and Bi er. Arya was s2r'rised o see he- s ill here< so-ehow she wo2ld ha0e e9'ec ed he- o 0anish when @a4en did. Arya heard he harsh so2nd of Rorge.s 0oice/ &2 no wha he was saying. Then !hagwell 'o2nced on her/ dragging her o2 across he yard. :My lord/ -y lord/: he sang/ 2gging a her wris / :here.s he weasel who -ade he so2'?: :*e go/: Arya said/ wriggling o2 of his gras'. The lord regarded her. )nly his eyes -o0ed< hey were 0ery 'ale/ he color of ice. :6ow old are yo2/ child8: !he had o hink for a -o-en o re-e-&er. :Ten.: :Ten/ -y lord/: he re-inded her. :Are yo2 fond of ani-als8: :!o-e kinds. My lord.:

A hin s-ile wi ched across his li's. :B2 no lions/ i wo2ld see-. 5or -an icores.: !he did no know wha o say o ha / so she said no hing. :They ell -e yo2 are called 3easel. Tha will no ser0e. 3ha na-e did yo2r -o her gi0e yo28: !he &i her li'/ gro'ing for ano her na-e. *o--y had called her *2-'yhead/ !ansa 2sed 6orseface/ and her fa her.s -en once d2&&ed her Arya +nderfoo / &2 she did no hink any of hose were he sor of na-e he wan ed. :5y-eria/: she said. :)nly she called -e 5an for shor .: :=o2 will call -e -y lord when yo2 s'eak o -e/ 5an/: he lord said -ildly. :=o2 are oo yo2ng o &e a Bra0e Co-'anion/ I hink/ and of he wrong se9. Are yo2 afraid of leeches/ child8: only leeches. My lord.: :My s42ire co2ld ake a lesson fro- yo2/ i wo2ld see-. Fre42en leechings are he secre of a long life. A -an -2s '2rge hi-self of &ad &lood. =o2 will do/ I hink. For so long as I re-ain a 6arrenhal/ 5an/ yo2 shall &e -y c2'&earer/ and ser0e -e a a&le and in cha-&ers.: This i-e she knew &e er han o say ha she.d sooner work in he s a&les. :=es/ yo2r lord. I -ean/ -y lord.: The lord wa0ed a hand. :Make her 'resen a&le/: he said o no one in 'ar ic2lar/ :and -ake cer ain she knows how o 'o2r wine wi ho2 s'illing i .: T2rning away/ he lif ed a hand and said/ :*ord 6oa / see o hose &anners a&o0e he ga eho2se.: Fo2r Bra0e Co-'anions cli-&ed o he ra-'ar s and ha2led down he lion of *annis er and !er A-ory.s own &lack -an icore. In heir 'lace hey raised he flayed -an of he 1readfor and he direwolf of ! ark. And ha e0ening/ a 'age na-ed 5an 'o2red wine for Roose Bol on and Vargo 6oa as hey s ood on he gallery/ wa ching he Bra0e Co-'anions 'arade !er A-ory *orch naked hro2gh he -iddle ward. !er A-ory 'leaded and so&&ed and cl2ng o he legs of his ca' ors/ 2n il Rorge '2lled hiloose/ and !hagwell kicked hi- down in o he &ear 'i . The &ear is all in &lack/ Arya ho2gh . *ike =oren. !he filled Roose Bol on.s c2'/ and did no s'ill a dro'. C6A(T,R DK 1A,5,R=! In his ci y of s'lendors/ 1any had e9'ec ed he 6o2se of he +ndying )nes o &e he -os s'lendid of all/ &2 she e-erged fro- her 'alan42in o &ehold a grey and ancien r2in. *ong and low/ wi ho2 owers or windows/ i coiled like a s one ser'en hro2gh a gro0e of &lack7&arked rees whose inky &l2e lea0es -ade he s 2ff of he sorcero2s drink he Far heen called shade of he e0ening. 5o o her &2ildings s ood near. Black iles co0ered he 'alace roof/ -any fallen or &roken< he -or ar &e ween he s ones was dry and cr2-&ling. !he 2nders ood now why Caro Choan 1a9os called i he (alace of 12s . ,0en 1rogon see-ed dis42ie ed &y he sigh of i . The &lack dragon hissed/ s-oke see'ing o2 &e ween his shar' ee h. :Blood of -y &lood/: @hogo said in 1o hraki/ : his is an e0il 'lace/ a ha2n of ghos s and -aegi. !ee how i drinks he -orning s2n8 *e 2s go &efore i drinks 2s as well.: !er @orah Mor-on ca-e 2' &eside he-. :3ha 'ower can hey ha0e if hey li0e in ha 8: :6eed he wisdo- of hose who lo0e yo2 &es /: said Caro Choan 1a9os/ lo2nging inside he 'alan42in. :3arlocks are &i er crea 2res who ea

d2s and drink of shadows. They will gi0e yo2 na2gh . They ha0e na2gh o gi0e.: Aggo '2 a hand on his arakh. :Khaleesi/ i is said ha -any go in o he (alace of 12s / &2 few co-e o2 .: :I is said/: @hogo agreed. :3e are &lood of yo2r &lood/: said Aggo/ :sworn o li0e and die as yo2 do. *e 2s walk wi h yo2 in his dark 'lace/ o kee' yo2 safe frohar-.: :!o-e 'laces e0en a khal -2s walk alone/: 1any said. :Take -e/ hen/: !er @orah 2rged. :The risk7: :F2een 1aenerys -2s en er alone/ or no a all.: The warlock (ya (ree s e''ed o2 fro- 2nder he rees. 6as he &een here all along8 1any wondered. :!ho2ld she 2rn away now/ he doors of wisdo- shall &e closed o her fore0er-ore.: :My 'leas2re &arge awai s/ e0en now/: Caro Choan 1a9os called o2 . :T2rn away fro- his folly/ -os s 2&&orn of 42eens. I ha0e fl2 is s who will soo he yo2r ro2&led so2l wi h swee -2sic/ and a s-all girl whose ong2e will -ake yo2 sigh and -el .: !er @orah Mor-on ga0e he -erchan 'rince a so2r look. :=o2r Grace/ re-e-&er Mirri Ma> 122r.: :I do/: 1any said/ s2ddenly decided. :I re-e-&er ha she had knowledge. And she was only a -aegi.: (ya (ree s-iled hinly. :The child s'eaks as sagely as a crone. Take -y ar-/ and le -e lead yo2.: :I a- no child.: 1any ook his ar- none heless. i was darker han she wo2ld ha0e ho2gh 2nder he &lack rees/ and he way was longer. Tho2gh he 'a h see-ed o r2n s raigh fro- he s ree o he door of he 'alace/ (ya (ree soon 2rned aside. 3hen she 42es ioned hi-/ he warlock said only/ :The fron way leads in/ &2 ne0er o2 again. 6eed -y words/ -y 42een. The 6o2se of he +ndying )nes was no -ade for -or al -en. If yo2 0al2e yo2r so2l/ ake care and do ;2s as I ell yo2.: :I will do as yo2 say/: 1any 'ro-ised. :3hen yo2 en er/ yo2 will find yo2rself in a roo- wi h fo2r doorsB he one yo2 ha0e co-e hro2gh and hree o hers. Take he door o yo2r righ . ,ach i-e/ he door o yo2r righ . If yo2 sho2ld co-e 2'on a s airwell/ cli-&. 5e0er go down/ and ne0er ake any door &2 he firs door o yo2r righ .: :The door o -y righ /: 1any re'ea ed. :I 2nders and. And when I lea0e/ he o''osi e8: :By no -eans/: (ya (ree said. :*ea0ing and co-ing/ i is he sa-e. Always 2'. Always he door o yo2r righ . o her doors -ay o'en o yo2. 3i hin/ yo2 will see -any hings ha dis 2r& yo2. Visions of lo0eliness and 0isions of horror/ wonders and errors. !igh s and so2nds of days gone &y and days o co-e and days ha ne0er were. 1wellers and ser0i ors -ay s'eak o yo2 as yo2 go. Answer or ignore he- as yo2 choose/ &2 en er no roo- 2n il yo2 reach he a2dience cha-&er.: :I 2nders and.: :3hen yo2 co-e o he cha-&er of he +ndying/ &e 'a ien . )2r li le li0es are no -ore han a flicker of a -o h.s wing o he-. *is en well/ and wri e each word 2'on yo2r hear .: 3hen hey reached he door7a all o0al -o2 h/ se in a wall fashioned in he likeness of a h2-an face7 he s-alles dwarf 1any had e0er seen was wai ing on he hreshold. 6e s ood no higher han her knee/ his faced 'inched and 'oin ed/ sno2 ish/ &2 he was dressed in delica e li0ery of '2r'le and &l2e/ and his iny 'ink hands held a sil0er ray.

+'on i res ed a slender crys al glass filled wi h a hick &l2e li42idB shade of he e0ening/ he wine of warlocks. :Take and drink/: 2rged (ya (ree. :3ill i 2rn -y li's &l2e8: :)ne fl2 e will ser0e only o 2ns o' yo2r ears and dissol0e he ca2l fro- off yo2r eyes/ so ha yo2 -ay hear and see he r2 hs ha will &e laid &efore yo2.: 1any raised he glass o her li's. The firs si' as ed like ink and s'oiled -ea / fo2l/ &2 when she swallowed i see-ed o co-e o life wi hin her. !he co2ld feel endrils s'reading hro2gh her ches / like fingers of fire coiling aro2nd her hear / and on her ong2e was a as e like honey and anise and crea-/ like -o her.s -ilk and 1rogo.s seed/ like red -ea and ho &lood and -ol en gold. I was all he as es she had e0er known/ and none of he- . . . and hen he glass was e-' y. :5ow yo2 -ay en er/: said he warlock. 1any '2 he glass &ack on he ser0i or.s ray/ and wen inside. !he fo2nd herself in a s one an eroo- wi h fo2r doors/ one on each wall. 3i h ne0er a hesi a ion/ she wen o he door on her righ and s e''ed hro2gh. The second roo- was a win o he firs . Again she 2rned o he righ 7hand door. 3hen she '2shed i o'en she faced ye ano her s-all an echa-&er wi h fo2r doors. I a- in he 'resence of sorcery. The fo2r h roo- was o0al ra her han s42are and walled in wor-ea en wood in 'lace of s one. !i9 'assages led o2 fro- i in 'lace of fo2r. 1any chose he righ -os / and en ered a long/ di-/ high7ceilinged hall. Along he righ hand was a row of orches &2rning wi h a s-oky orange ligh / &2 he only doors were o her lef . 1rogon 2nfolded wide &lack wings and &ea he s ale air. 6e flew wen y fee &efore h2dding o an 2ndignified crash. 1any s rode af er hi-. The -old7ea en car'e 2nder her fee had once &een gorgeo2sly colored/ and whorls of gold co2ld s ill &e seen in he fa&ric/ glin ing &roken a-ids he faded grey and -o led green. 3ha re-ained ser0ed o -2ffle her foo falls/ &2 ha was no all o he good. 1any co2ld hear so2nds wi hin he walls/ a fain sc2rrying and scra&&ling ha -ade her hink of ra s. 1rogon heard he- oo. 6is head -o0ed as he followed he so2nds/ and when hey s o''ed he ga0e an angry screa-. ) her so2nds/ e0en -ore dis 2r&ing/ ca-e hro2gh so-e of he closed doors. )ne shook and h2-'ed/ as if so-eone were rying o &reak hro2gh. Froano her ca-e a dissonan 'i'ing ha -ade he dragon lash his ail wildly fro- side o side. 1any h2rried 42ickly 'as . 5o all he doors were closed. I will no look/ 1any old herself/ &2 he e-' a ion was oo s rong. In one roo-/ a &ea2 if2l wo-an s'rawled naked on he floor while fo2r li le -en crawled o0er her. They had ra ish 'oin ed faces and iny 'ink hands/ like he ser0i or who had &ro2gh her he glass of shade. )ne was '2-'ing &e ween her highs. Ano her sa0aged her &reas s/ worrying a he ni''les wi h his we red -o2 h/ earing and chewing. Far her on she ca-e 2'on a feas of cor'ses. !a0agely sla2gh ered/ he feas ers lay s rewn across o0er 2rned chairs and hacked res le a&les/ as'rawl in 'ools of congealing &lood. !o-e had los li-&s/ e0en heads. !e0ered hands cl2 ched &loody c2's/ wooden s'oons/ roas fowl/ heels of &read. in a hrone a&o0e he- sa a dead -an wi h he head of a wolf. 6e wore an iron crown and held a leg of la-& in one hand as a king -igh hold a sce' er/ and his eyes followed 1any wi h -2 e a''eal. !he fled fro- hi-/ &2 only as far as he ne9 o'en door. I know his roo-/ she ho2gh . !he re-e-&ered hose grea wooden &ea-s and he car0ed ani-al faces ha adorned he-. And here o2 side he window/ a

le-on ree? The sigh of i -ade her hear ache wi h longing. I is he ho2se wi h he red door/ he ho2se in Braa0os. 5o sooner had she ho2gh i han old !er 3ille- ca-e in o he roo-/ leaning hea0ily on his s ick. :*i le 'rincess/ here yo2 are/: he said in his gr2ff kind 0oice. :Co-e/: he said/ :co-e o -e/ -y lady/ ho-e now/ safe now.: 6is &ig wrinkled hand reached for her/ sof as old lea her/ and 1any wan ed o ake i and hold i and kiss i / she wan ed ha as -2ch as she had e0er wan ed any hing. 6er foo edged forward/ and hen she ho2gh / 6e.s dead/ he.s dead/ he swee old &ear/ he died a long i-e ago. !he &acked away and ran. The long hall wen on and on and on/ wi h endless doors o her lef and only orches o her righ . !he ran 'as -ore doors han she co2ld co2n / closed doors and o'en ones/ doors of wood and doors of iron/ car0ed doors and 'lain ones/ doors wi h '2lls and doors wi h locks and doors wi h knockers. 1rogon lashed agains her &ack/ 2rging her on/ and 1any ran 2n il she co2ld r2n no -ore. Finally a grea 'air of &ron>e doors a''eared o her lef / grander han he res . They sw2ng o'en as she neared/ and she had o s o' and look. Beyond loo-ed a ca0erno2s s one hall/ he larges she had e0er seen. The sk2lls of dead dragons looked down fro- i s walls. +'on a owering &ar&ed hrone sa an old -an in rich ro&es/ an old -an wi h dark eyes and long sil0er7grey hair. :*e hi- &e king o0er charred &ones and cooked -ea /: he said o a -an &elow hi-. :*e hi- &e he king of ashes.: 1rogon shrieked/ his claws digging hro2gh silk and skin/ &2 he king on his hrone ne0er heard/ and 1any -o0ed on. Viserys/ was her firs ho2gh he ne9 i-e she 'a2sed/ &2 a second glance old her o herwise. The -an had her &ro her.s hair/ &2 he was aller/ and his eyes were a dark indigo ra her han lilac. :Aegon/: he said o a wo-an n2rsing a new&orn &a&e in a grea wooden &ed. :3ha &e er na-e for a king8: :3ill yo2 -ake a song for hi-8: he wo-an asked. :6e has a song/: he -an re'lied. :6e is he 'rince ha was 'ro-ised/ and his is he song of ice and fire.: 6e looked 2' when he said i and his eyes -e 1any.s/ and i see-ed as if he saw her s anding here &eyond he door. :There -2s &e one -ore/: he said/ ho2gh whe her he was s'eaking o her or he wo-an in he &ed she co2ld no say. :The dragon has hree heads.: 6e wen o he window sea / 'icked 2' a har'/ and ran his fingers ligh ly o0er i s sil0ery s rings. !wee sadness filled he roo- as -an and wife and &a&e faded like he -orning -is / only he -2sic lingering &ehind o s'eed her on her way. I see-ed as ho2gh she walked for ano her ho2r &efore he long hall finally ended in a s ee' s one s air/ descending in o darkness. ,0ery door/ o'en or closed/ had &een o her lef . 1any looked &ack &ehind her. The orches were going o2 / she reali>ed wi h a s ar of fear. (erha's wen y s ill &2rned. Thir y a -os . )ne -ore g2 ered o2 e0en as she wa ched/ and he darkness ca-e a li le far her down he hall/ cree'ing oward her. And as she lis ened i see-ed as if she heard so-e hing else co-ing/ sh2ffling and dragging i self slowly along he faded car'e . Terror filled her. !he co2ld no go &ack and she was afraid o s ay here/ &2 how co2ld she go on8 There was no door on her righ / and he s e's wen down/ no 2'. =e ano her orch wen o2 as she s ood 'ondering/ and he so2nds grew fain ly lo2der. 1rogon.s long neck snaked o2 and he o'ened his -o2 h o screa-/ s ea- rising fro- &e ween his ee h. 6e hears i oo. 1any 2rned o he &lank wall once -ore/ &2 here was no hing. Co2ld here &e a secre door/ a door I canno see8 Ano her orch wen o2 . Ano her. The firs door on he righ / he said/ always he firs door on he

righ . The firs door on he righ . . . I ca-e o her s2ddenly. . . . is he las door on he lef ? !he fl2ng herself hro2gh. Beyond was ano her s-all roo- wi h fo2r doors. To he righ she wen / and o he righ / and o he righ / and o he righ / and o he righ / and o he righ / and o he righ / 2n il she was di>>y and o2 of &rea h once -ore. 3hen she s o''ed/ she fo2nd herself in ye ano her dank s one cha-&er . . . &2 his i-e he door o''osi e was ro2nd/ sha'ed like an o'en -o2 h/ and (ya (ree s ood o2 side in he grass &enea h he rees. :Can i &e ha he +ndying are done wi h yo2 so soon8: he asked in dis&elief when he saw her. :!o soon8: she said/ conf2sed. :I.0e walked for ho2rs/ and s ill no fo2nd he-.: :=o2 ha0e aken a wrong 2rning. Co-e/ I will lead yo2.: (ya (ree held o2 his hand. 1any hesi a ed. There was a door o her righ / s ill closed . . . :Tha .s no he way/: (ya (ree said fir-ly/ his &l2e li's 'ri- wi h disa''ro0al. :The +ndying )nes will no wai fore0er.: :)2r li le li0es are no -ore han a flicker of a -o h.s wing o he-/: 1any said/ re-e-&ering. :! 2&&orn child. =o2 will &e los / and ne0er fo2nd.: !he walked away fro- hi-/ o he door on he righ . :5o/: (ya screeched. :5o/ o -e/ co-e o -e/ o -eeeeeee.: 6is face cr2-&led inward/ changing o so-e hing 'ale and wor-like. 1any lef hi- &ehind/ en ering a s airwell. !he &egan o cli-&. Before long her legs were aching. !he recalled ha he 6o2se of he +ndying )nes had see-ed o ha0e no owers. Finally he s air o'ened. To her righ / a se of wide wooden doors had &een hrown o'en. They were fashioned of e&ony and weirwood/ he &lack and whi e grains swirling and wis ing in s range in erwo0en 'a erns. They were 0ery &ea2 if2l/ ye so-ehow frigh ening. The &lood of he dragon -2s no &e afraid. 1any said a 42ick 'rayer/ &egging he 3arrior for co2rage and he 1o hraki horse god for s reng h. !he -ade herself walk forward. Beyond he doors was a grea hall and a s'lendor of wi>ards. !o-e wore s2-' 2o2s ro&es of er-ine/ r2&y 0el0e / and clo h of gold. ) hers fancied ela&ora e ar-or s 2dded wi h ge-s ones/ or all 'oin ed ha s s'eckled wi h s ars. There were wo-en a-ong he-/ dressed in gowns of s2r'assing lo0eliness. !haf s of s2nligh slan ed hro2gh windows of s ained glass/ and he air was ali0e wi h he -os &ea2 if2l -2sic she had e0er heard. A kingly -an in rich ro&es rose when he saw her/ and s-iled. :1aenerys of 6o2se Targaryen/ &e welco-e. Co-e and share he food of fore0er. 3e are he +ndying of Far h.: :*ong ha0e we awai ed yo2/: said a wo-an &eside hi-/ clad in rose and sil0er. The &reas she had lef &are in he Far heen fashion was as 'erfec as a &reas co2ld &e. :3e knew yo2 were o co-e o 2s/: he wi>ard king said. :A ho2sand years ago we knew/ and ha0e &een wai ing all his i-e. 3e sen he co-e o show yo2 he way.: :3e ha0e knowledge o share wi h yo2/: said a warrior in shining e-erald ar-or/ :and -agic wea'ons o ar- yo2 wi h. =o2 ha0e 'assed e0ery rial. 5ow co-e and si wi h 2s/ and all yo2r 42es ions shall &e answered.: !he ook a s e' forward. B2 hen 1rogon lea' fro- her sho2lder. 6e flew o he o' of he e&ony7and7weirwood door/ 'erched here/ and &egan o &i e a he car0ed wood.

:A willf2l &eas /: la2ghed a handso-e yo2ng -an. :!hall we each yo2 he secre s'eech of dragonkind8 Co-e/ co-e.: 1o2& sei>ed her. The grea door was so hea0y i ook all of 1any.s s reng h o &2dge i / &2 finally i &egan o -o0e. Behind was ano her door/ hidden. I was old grey wood/ s'lin ery and 'lain . . . &2 i s ood o he righ of he door hro2gh which she.d en ered. The wi>ards were &eckoning her wi h 0oices swee er han song. !he ran fro- he-/ 1rogon flying &ack down o her. Thro2gh he narrow door she 'assed/ in o a cha-&er awash in gloo-. A long s one a&le filled his roo-. A&o0e i floa ed a h2-an hear / swollen and &l2e wi h corr2' ion/ ye s ill ali0e. I &ea / a dee' 'ondero2s hro& of so2nd/ and each '2lse sen o2 a wash of indigo ligh . The fig2res aro2nd he a&le were no -ore han &l2e shadows. As 1any walked o he e-' y chair a he foo of he a&le/ hey did no s ir/ nor s'eak/ nor 2rn o face her. There was no so2nd &2 he slow/ dee' &ea of he ro ing hear . . . . -o her of dragons . . . ca-e a 0oice/ 'ar whis'er and 'ar -oan . . . . dragons . . . dragons . . . dragons . . . o her 0oices echoed in he gloo-. !o-e were -ale and so-e fe-ale. )ne s'oke wi h he i-&re of a child. The floa ing hear '2lsed fro- di-ness o darkness. I was hard o s2--on he will o s'eak/ o recall he words she had 'rac iced so assid2o2sly. :I a- 1aenerys ! or-&orn of 6o2se Targaryen/ F2een of he !e0en Kingdo-s of 3es eros.: 1o hey hear -e8 3hy don. hey -o0e8 !he sa / folding her hands in her la'. :Gran -e yo2r co2nsel/ and s'eak o -e wi h he wisdo- of hose who ha0e con42ered dea h.: Thro2gh he indigo -2rk/ she co2ld -ake o2 he wi>ened fea 2res of he +ndying )ne o her righ / an old old -an/ wrinkled and hairless. 6is flesh was a ri'e 0iole 7&l2e/ his li's and nails &l2er s ill/ so dark hey were al-os &lack. ,0en he whi es of his eyes were &l2e. They s ared 2nseeing a he ancien wo-an on he o''osi e side of he a&le/ whose gown of 'ale silk had ro ed on her &ody. )ne wi hered &reas was lef &are in he Far heen -anner/ o show a 'oin ed &l2e ni''le hard as lea her. !he is no &rea hing. 1any lis ened o he silence. 5one of he- are &rea hing/ and hey do no -o0e/ and hose eyes see no hing. Co2ld i &e ha he +ndying )nes were dead8 6er answer was a whis'er as hin as a -o2se.s whisker. . . . we li0e . . . li0e . . . li0e . . . i so2nded. Myriad o her 0oices whis'ered echoes . . . . and know . . . know . . . know . . . know . . . :I ha0e co-e for he gif of r2 h/: 1any said. :In he long hall/ he hings I saw . . . were hey r2e 0isions/ or lies8 (as hings/ or hings o co-e8 3ha did hey -ean8: / L / he sha'e of shadows . . . -orrows no ye -ade . . . drink frohe c2' of ice . . . drink fro- he c2' of fire . . . / L -o her of dragons . . . child of hree . . . .Three8: !he did no 2nders and. / L hree heads has he dragon . . . he ghos chor2s yarn-ered inside her sk2ll wi h ne0er a li' -o0ing/ ne0er a &rea h s irring he s ill &l2e air. . . . -o her of dragons . . . child of s or- . . . The whis'ers &eca-e a swirling song. . . . hree fires -2s yo2 ligh . . . one for life and one for dea h and one o lo0e . . . 6er own hear was &ea ing in 2nison o he one ha floa ed &efore her/ &l2e and corr2' . . . hree -o2n s -2s yo2 ride . . . one o &ed and one o dread and one o lo0e . . . The 0oices were growing lo2der/ she reali>ed/ and i see-ed her hear was slowing/ and e0en her &rea h. . . . hree reasons will yo2 know . . . once for &lood and once for gold

and once for lo0e . . . :I don. . . .: 6er 0oice was no -ore han a whis'er/ al-os as fain as heirs. 3ha was ha''ening o her8 :I don. 2nders and/: she said/ -ore lo2dly. 3hy was i so hard o alk here8 :6el' -e. !how -e.: . . . hel' her . . . he whis'ers -ocked. . . . show her . . . Then 'han o-s shi0ered hro2gh he -2rk/ i-ages in indigo. Viserys screa-ed as he -ol en gold ran down his cheeks and filled his -o2 h. A all lord wi h co''er skin and sil0er7gold hair s ood &enea h he &anner of a fiery s allion/ a &2rning ci y &ehind hi-. R2&ies flew like dro's of &lood fro- he ches of a dying 'rince/ and he sank o his knees in he wa er and wi h his las &rea h -2r-2red a wo-an.s na-e. . . . -o her of dragons/ da2gh er of dea h . . . Glowing like s2nse / a red sword was raised in he hand of a &l2e7eyed king who cas no shadow. A clo h dragon swayed on 'oles a-ids a cheering crowd. Froa s-oking ower/ a grea s one &eas ook wing/ &rea hing shadow fire. . . . -o her of dragons/ slayer of lies . . . 6er sil0er was ro ing hro2gh he grass/ o a darkling s rea- &enea h a sea of s ars. A cor'se s ood a he 'row of a shi'/ eyes &righ in his dead face/ grey li's s-iling sadly. A &l2e flower grew fro- a chink in a wall of ice/ and filled he air wi h swee ness. . . . -o her of dragons/ &ride of fire . . . Fas er and fas er he 0isions ca-e/ one af er he o her/ 2n il i see-ed as if he 0ery air had co-e ali0e. !hadows whirled and danced inside a en / &oneless and erri&le. A li le girl ran &arefoo oward a &ig ho2se wi h a red door. Mirri Ma> 122r shrieked in he fla-es/ a dragon &2rs ing fro- her &row. Behind a sil0er horse he &loody cor'se of a naked -an &o2nced and dragged. A whi e lion ran hro2gh grass aller han a -an. Benea h he Mo her of Mo2n ains/ a line of naked crones cre' fro- a grea lake and knel shi0ering &efore her/ heir grey heads &owed. Ten ho2sand sla0es lif ed &loods ained hands as she raced &y on her sil0er/ riding like he wind. :Mo her?: hey cried. :Mo her/ -o her?: They were reaching for her/ o2ching her/ 2gging a her cloak/ he he- of her skir / her foo / her leg/ her &reas . They wan ed her/ needed her/ he fire/ he life/ and 1any gas'ed and o'ened her ar-s o gi0e herself o he- . . . B2 hen &lack wings &2ffe ed her ro2nd he head/ and a screa- of f2ry c2 he indigo air/ and s2ddenly he 0isions were gone/ ri''ed away/ and 1any.s gas' 2rned o horror. The +ndying were all aro2nd her/ &l2e and cold/ whis'ering as hey reached for her/ '2lling/ s roking/ 2gging a her clo hes/ o2ching her wi h heir dry cold hands/ wining heir fingers hro2gh her hair. All he s reng h had lef her li-&s. !he co2ld no -o0e. ,0en her hear had ceased o &ea . !he fel a hand on her &are &reas / wis ing her ni''le. Tee h fo2nd he sof skin of her hroa . A -o2 h descended on one eye/ licking/ s2cking/ &i ing . . . Then indigo 2rned o orange/ and whis'ers 2rned o screa-s. 6er hear was 'o2nding/ racing/ he hands and -o2 hs were gone/ hea washed o0er her skin/ and 1any &linked a a s2dden glare. (erched a&o0e her/ he dragon s'read his wings and ore a he erri&le dark hear / ri''ing he ro en flesh o ri&&ons/ and when his head sna''ed forward/ fire flew fro- his o'en ;aws/ &righ and ho . !he co2ld hear he shrieks of he +ndying as hey &2rned/ heir high hin 'a'ery 0oices crying o2 in ong2es long dead. Their flesh was cr2-&ling 'arch-en / heir &ones dry wood soaked in allow. They danced as he fla-es cons2-ed he-< hey s aggered and wri hed and s'2n and raised &la>ing hands on high/ heir fingers &righ as orches. 1any '2shed herself o her fee and &2lled hro2gh he-. They were

ligh as air/ no -ore han h2sks/ and hey fell a a o2ch. The whole roo- was a&la>e &y he i-e she reached he door. :1rogon/ : she called/ and he flew o her hro2gh he fire. )2 side a long di- 'assageway s re ched ser'en ine &efore her/ li &y he flickering orange glare fro- &ehind. 1any ran/ searching for a door/ a door o her righ / a door o her lef / any door/ &2 here was no hing/ only wis y s one walls/ and a floor ha see-ed o -o0e slowly 2nder her fee / wri hing as if o ri' her. !he ke' her fee and ran fas er/ and s2ddenly he door was here ahead of her/ a door like an o'en -o2 h. 3hen she s'illed o2 in o he s2n/ he &righ ligh -ade her s 2-&le. (ya (ree was gi&&ering in so-e 2nknown ong2e and ho''ing fro- one foo o he o her. 3hen 1any looked &ehind her/ she saw hin endrils of s-oke forcing heir way hro2gh cracks in he ancien s one walls of he (alace of 12s / and rising fro- &e ween he &lack iles of he roof. 6owling c2rses/ (ya (ree drew a knife and danced oward her/ &2 1rogon flew a his face. Then she heard he crack of @hogo.s whi'/ and ne0er was a so2nd so swee . The knife wen flying/ and an ins an la er Rakharo was sla--ing (ya o he gro2nd. !er @orah Mor-on knel &eside 1any in he cool green grass and '2 his ar- aro2nd her sho2lder. Cha' er D$ T=RI)5 If yo2 die s 2'idly/ I.- going o feed yo2r &ody o he goa s/: Tyrion hrea ened as he firs load of ! one Crows '2shed off fro- he 42ay. !hagga la2ghed. :The 6alf-an has no goa s.: :I.ll ge so-e ;2s for =)+.: 1awn was &reaking/ and 'ale ri''les of ligh shi--ered on he s2rface of he ri0er/ sha ering 2nder he 'oles and refor-ing when he ferry had 'assed. Ti-e had aken his B2rned Men in o he kingswood wo days &efore. =es erday he Black ,ars and Moon Bro hers followed/ oday he ! one Crows. :3ha e0er yo2 do/ don. ry and figh a &a le/: Tyrion said. :! rike a heir ca-'s and &aggage rain. A-&2sh heir sco2 s and hang he &odies fro- rees ahead of heir line of -arch/ loo' aro2nd and c2 down s ragglers. I wan nigh a acks/ so -any and so s2dden ha hey.ll &e afraid o slee'7: !hagga laid a hand a o' Tyrion.s head. :All his I learned fro- 1olf son of 6olger &efore -y &eard had grown. This is he way of war in he Mo2n ains of he Moon.: :The kingswood is no he Mo2n ains of he Moon/ and yo2 won. &e figh ing Milk !nakes and (ain ed 1ogs. And lis en o he g2ides I.sending/ hey know his wood as well as yo2 know yo2r -o2n ains. 6eed heir co2nsel and hey.ll ser0e yo2 well.: :!hagga will lis en o he 6alf-an.s 'e s/: he clans-an 'ro-ised sole-nly. And hen i was i-e for hi- o lead his garron on o he ferry. Tyrion wa ched he- '2sh off and 'ole o2 oward he cen er of he Blackwa er. 6e fel a 42eer winge in he 'i of his s o-ach as !hagga faded in he -orning -is . 6e was going o feel naked wi ho2 his clans-en. 6e s ill had Bronn.s hirelings/ near eigh h2ndred of he- now/ &2 sellswords were no orio2sly fickle. Tyrion had done wha he co2ld o &2y heir con in2ed loyal y/ 'ro-ising Bronn and a do>en of his &es -en lands and knigh hoods when he &a le was won. They.d dr2nk his wine/ la2ghed a his ;es s/ and called each o her ser 2n il hey were

all s aggering . . . all &2 Bronn hi-self/ who.d only s-iled ha insolen dark s-ile of his and af erward said/ :They.ll kill for ha knigh hood/ &2 don. e0er hink hey.ll die for i .: Tyrion had no s2ch del2sion. The gold cloaks were al-os as 2ncer ain a wea'on. !i9 ho2sand -en in he Ci y 3a ch/ hanks o Cersei/ &2 only a 42ar er of he- co2ld &e relied 2'on. :There.s few o2 7and7o2 rai ors/ ho2gh here.s so-e/ e0en yo2r s'ider hasn. fo2nd he- all/: Bywa er had warned hi-. :B2 here.s h2ndreds greener han s'ring grass/ -en who ;oined for &read and ale and safe y. 5o -an likes o look cra0en in he sigh of his fellows/ so hey.ll figh &ra0e eno2gh a he s ar / when i .s all warhorns and &lowing &anners. B2 if he &a le looks o &e going so2r hey.ll &reak/ and hey.ll &reak &ad. The firs -an o hrow down his s'ear and r2n will ha0e a ho2sand -ore rodding on his heels.: To &e s2re/ here were seasoned -en in he Ci y 3a ch/ he core of wo ho2sand who.d go en heir gold cloaks fro- Ro&er / no Cersei. =e e0en hose . . . a wa ch-an was no r2ly a soldier/ *ord Tywin *annis er had &een fond of saying. )f knigh s and s42ires and -en7 a ar-s/ Tyrion had no -ore han hree h2ndred. !oon eno2gh/ he -2s es he r2 h of ano her of his fa her.s sayingsB )ne -an on a wall was wor h en &enea h i . Bronn and he escor were wai ing a he foo of he 42ay/ a-ids swar-ing &eggars/ s rolling whores/ and fishwi0es crying he ca ch. The fishwi0es did -ore &2siness han all he res co-&ined. B2yers flocked aro2nd he &arrels and s alls o haggle o0er winkles/ cla-s/ and ri0er 'ike. 3i h no o her food co-ing in o he ci y/ he 'rice of fish was en i-es wha i had &een &efore he war/ and s ill rising. Those who had coin ca-e o he ri0erfron each -orning and each e0ening/ in ho'es of &ringing ho-e an eel or a 'o of red cra&s< hose who did no sli''ed &e ween he s alls ho'ing o s eal/ or s ood ga2n and forlorn &enea h he walls. The gold cloaks cleared a 'a h hro2gh he 'ress/ sho0ing 'eo'le aside wi h he shaf s of heir s'ears. Tyrion ignored he -2 ered c2rses as &es he co2ld. A fish ca-e sailing o2 of he crowd/ sli-y and ro en. I landed a his fee and flew o 'ieces. 6e s e''ed o0er i gingerly and cli-&ed in o his saddle. Children wi h swollen &ellies were already figh ing o0er 'ieces of he s inking fish. Mo2n ed/ he ga>ed along he ri0erfron . 6a--ers rang in he -orning air as car'en ers swar-ed o0er he M2d Ga e/ e9 ending wooden hoardings fro- he &a le-en s. Those were co-ing well. 6e was a deal less 'leased &y he cl2 er of ra-shackle s r2c 2res ha had &een allowed o grow 2' &ehind he 42ays/ a aching he-sel0es o he ci y walls like &arnacles on he h2ll of a shi'< &ai shacks and 'o 7sho's/ wareho2ses/ -erchan s. s alls/ aleho2ses/ he cri&s where he chea'er sor of whores s'read heir legs. I has o go/ e0ery &i of i . As i was/ ! annis wo2ld hardly need scaling ladders o s or- he walls. 6e called Bronn o his side. :Asse-&le a h2ndred -en and &2rn e0ery hing yo2 see here &e ween he wa er.s edge and he ci y walls.: 6e wa0ed his s 2&&y fingers/ aking in all he wa erfron s42alor. :I wan no hing lef s anding/ do yo2 2nders and8: The &lack7haired sellsword 2rned his head/ considering he ask. :Theas own all his won. like ha -2ch.: :I ne0er i-agined hey wo2ld. !o &e i < hey.ll ha0e so-e hing else o c2rse he e0il -onkey de-on for.: :!o-e -ay figh .: :!ee ha hey lose.: :3ha do we do wi h hose ha li0e here8:

:*e he- ha0e a reasona&le i-e o re-o0e heir 'ro'er y/ and hen -o0e he- o2 . Try no o kill any of he-/ no he ene-y. And no -ore ra'es? Kee' yo2r -en in line/ da-n i .: sellswords/ no se' ons/: said Bronn. :5e9 yo2.ll &e elling -e yo2 wan he- so&er.: :I co2ldn. h2r .: Tyrion only wished he co2ld as easily -ake ci y walls wice as all and hree i-es as hick. Tho2gh 'erha's i did no -a er. Massi0e walls and all owers had no sa0ed ! or-.s ,nd/ nor 6arrenhal/ nor e0en 3in erfell. 6e re-e-&ered 3in erfell as he had las seen i . 5o as gro es42ely h2ge as 6arrenhal/ nor as solid and i-'regna&le o look a as ! or-.s ,nd/ ye here had &een a grea s reng h in hose s ones/ a sense ha wi hin hose walls a -an -igh feel safe. The news of he cas le.s fall had co-e as a wrenching shock. :The gods gi0e wi h one hand and ake wi h he o her/: he -2 ered 2nder his &rea h when Varys old hi-. They had gi0en he ! arks 6arrenhal and aken 3in erfell/ a dis-al e9change. 5o do2& he sho2ld &e re;oicing. Ro&& ! ark wo2ld ha0e o 2rn nor h now. If he co2ld no defend his own ho-e and hear h/ he was no sor of king a all. I -ean re'rie0e for he wes / for 6o2se *annis er/ and ye . . . Tyrion had only he 0ag2es -e-ory of Theon Grey;oy fro- his i-e wi h he ! arks. A callow yo2 h/ always s-iling/ skilled wi h a &ow< i was hard o i-agine hi- as *ord of 3in erfell. The *ord of 3in erfell wo2ld always &e a ! ark. 6e re-e-&ered heir godswood< he all sen inels ar-ored in heir grey7 green needles/ he grea oaks/ he haw horn and ash and soldier 'ines/ and a he cen er he hear ree s anding like so-e 'ale gian fro>en in i-e. 6e co2ld al-os s-ell he 'lace/ ear hy and &rooding/ he s-ell of cen 2ries/ and he re-e-&ered how dark he wood had &een e0en &y day. Tha wood was 3in erfell. I was he nor h. I ne0er fel so o2 of 'lace as I did when I walked here/ so -2ch an 2nwelco-e in r2der. 6e wondered if he Grey;oys wo2ld feel i oo. The cas le -igh well &e heirs/ &2 ne0er ha godswood. 5o in a year/ or en/ or fif y. Tyrion *annis er walked his horse slowly oward he M2d Ga e. 3in erfell is no hing o yo2/ he re-inded hi-self. Be glad he 'lace has fallen/ and look o yo2r own walls. The ga e was o'en. Inside/ hree grea re&2che s s ood side &y side in he -arke s42are/ 'eering o0er he &a le-en s like hree h2ge &irds. Their hrowing ar-s were -ade fro- he r2nks of old oaks/ and &anded wi h iron o kee' hefro- s'li ing. The gold cloaks had na-ed he- he Three 3hores/ &eca2se hey.d &e gi0ing *ord ! annis s2ch a l2s y welco-e. )r so we ho'e. Tyrion '2 his heels in o his horse and ro ed hro2gh he M2d Ga e/ &reas ing he h2-an ide. )nce &eyond he 3hores/ he 'ress grew hinner and he s ree o'ened 2' aro2nd hi-. The ride &ack o he Red Kee' was 2ne0en f2l/ &2 a he Tower of he 6and he fo2nd a do>en angry rader ca' ains wai ing in his a2dience cha-&er o 'ro es he sei>2re of heir shi's. 6e ga0e he- a sincere a'ology and 'ro-ised co-'ensa ion once he war was done. Tha did li le o a''ease he-. :3ha if yo2 sho2ld lose/ -y lord8: one Braa0osi asked. :Then a''ly o King ! annis for yo2r co-'ensa ion.: By he i-e he rid hi-self of he-/ &ells were ringing and Tyrion knew he wo2ld &e la e for he ins alla ion. 6e waddled across he yard al-os a a r2n and crowded in o he &ack of he cas le se' as @offrey fas ened whi e silk cloaks a&o2 he sho2lders of he wo newes

-e-&ers of his Kingsg2ard. The ri e see-ed o re42ire ha e0eryone s and/ so Tyrion saw no hing &2 a wall of co2r ly arses. )n he o her hand/ once he new 6igh !e' on was finished leading he wo knigh s hro2gh heir sole-n 0ows and anoin ing he- in he na-es of he !e0en/ he wo2ld &e well 'osi ioned o &e firs o2 he doors. 6e a''ro0ed of his sis er.s choice of !er Balon !wann o ake he 'lace of he slain (res on Greenfield. The !war-s were Marcher lords/ 'ro2d/ 'owerf2l/ and ca2 io2s. (leading illness/ *ord G2lian !wann had re-ained in his cas le/ aking no 'ar in he war/ &2 his eldes son had ridden wi h Renly and now ! annis/ while Balon/ he yo2nger/ ser0ed a King.s *anding. If he.d had a hird son/ Tyrion s2s'ec ed he.d &e off wi h Ro&& ! ark. I was no 'erha's he -os honora&le co2rse/ &2 i showed good sense< whoe0er won he iron Throne/ he !war-s in ended o s2r0i0e. In addi ion o &eing well &orn/ yo2ng !er Balon was 0alian / co2r ly/ and skilled a ar-s< good wi h a lance/ &e er wi h a -ornings ar/ s2'er& wi h he &ow. 6e wo2ld ser0e wi h honor and co2rage. Alas/ Tyrion co2ld no say he sa-e for Cersei.s second choice. !er )s-2nd Ke le&lack looked for-ida&le eno2gh. 6e s ood si9 fee and si9 inches/ -os of i sinew and -2scle/ and his hook nose/ &2shy eye&rows/ and s'ade7sha'ed &rown &eard ga0e his face a fierce as'ec / so long as he did no s-ile. *ow&orn/ no -ore han a hedge knigh / Ke le&lack was 2 erly de'enden on Cersei for his ad0ance-en / which was do2& less why she.d 'icked hi-. :!er )s-2nd is as loyal as he is &ra0e/: she.d old @offrey when she '2 forward his na-e. I was r2e/ 2nfor 2na ely. The good !er )s-2nd had &een selling her secre s o Bronn since he day she.d hired hi-/ &2 Tyrion co2ld scarcely ell her ha . 6e s2''osed he o2gh no co-'lain. The a''oin -en ga0e hi- ano her ear close o he king/ 2n&eknowns o his sis er. And e0en if !er )s-2nd 'ro0ed an 2 er cra0en/ he wo2ld &e no worse han !er Boros Blo2n / c2rren ly residing in a d2ngeon a Ros&y. !er Boros had &een escor ing To--en and *ord Gyles when !er @acelyn Bywa er and his gold cloaks had s2r'rised he-/ and had yielded 2' his charge wi h an alacri y ha wo2ld ha0e enraged old !er Barris an !el-y as -2ch as i did Cersei< a knigh of he Kingsg2ard was s2''osed o die in defense of he king and royal fa-ily. 6is sis er had insis ed ha @offrey s ri' Blo2n of his whi e cloak on he gro2nds of reason and cowardice. And now she re'laces hi- wi h ano her -an ;2s as hollow The 'raying/ 0owing/ and anoin ing see-ed o ake -os of he -orning. Tyrion.s legs soon &egan o ache. 6e shif ed his weigh fro- one foo o he o her/ res less. *ady Tanda s ood se0eral rows 2'/ he saw/ &2 her da2gh er was no wi h her. 6e had &een half ho'ing o ca ch a gli-'se of !hae. Varys said she was doing well/ &2 he wo2ld 'refer o see for hi-self. :Be er a lady.s -aid han a 'o girl/: !hae had said when Tyrion old her he e2n2ch.s sche-e. :Can I ake -y &el of sil0er flowers and -y gold collar wi h he &lack dia-onds yo2 said looked like -y eyes8 I won. wear he- if yo2 say I sho2ldn. .: *oa h as he was o disa''oin her/ Tyrion had o 'oin o2 ha while *ady Tanda was &y no -eans a cle0er wo-an/ e0en she -igh wonder if her da2gh er.s &ed-aid see-ed o own -ore ;ewelry han her da2gh er. :Choose wo or hree dresses/ no -ore/: he co--anded her. :Good wool/ no silk/ no sa-i e/ and no f2r. The res I.ll kee' in -y own cha-&ers for when yo2 0isi -e.: I was no he answer !hae had wan ed/ &2 a leas she was safe. 3hen he in0es i 2re was finally done @offrey -arched o2 &e ween !er Balon and !er )s-2nd in heir new whi e cloaks/ while Tyrion lingered for a word wi h he new 6igh !e' on Hwho was his choice/ and wise

eno2gh o know who '2 he honey on his &readI. :I wan he gods on o2r side/: Tyrion old hi- &l2n ly. :Tell he- ha ! annis has 0owed o &2rn he Grea !e' of Baelor.: :Is i r2e/ -y lord8: asked he 6igh !e' on/ a s-all/ shrewd -an wi h a wis'y whi e &eard and wi>ened face. Tyrion shr2gged. :I -ay &e. ! annis &2rned he godswood a ! or-.s ,nd as an offering o he *ord of *igh . If he.d offend he old gods/ why sho2ld he s'are he new8 Tell he- ha . Tell he- ha any -an who hinks o gi0e aid o he 2s2r'er &e rays he gods as well as his righ f2l king.: :I shall/ -y lord. And I shall co--and he- o 'ray for he heal h of he king and his 6and as well.: 6allyne he (yro-ancer was wai ing on hi- when Tyrion re 2rned o his solar/ and Maes er Frenken had &ro2gh -essages. 6e le he alche-is wai a li le longer while he read wha he ra0ens had &ro2gh hi-. There was an old le er fro- 1oran Mar ell/ warning hi- ha ! or-.s ,nd had fallen/ and a -2ch -ore in rig2ing one fro- Balon Grey;oy on (yke/ who s yled hi-self King of he isles and he 5or h. 6e in0i ed King @offrey o send an en0oy o he Iron Islands o fi9 he &orders &e ween heir real-s and disc2ss a 'ossi&le alliance. Tyrion read he le er hree i-es and se i aside. *ord Balon.s longshi's wo2ld ha0e &een a grea hel' agains he flee sailing 2' fro- ! or-.s ,nd/ &2 hey were ho2sands of leag2es away on he wrong side of 3es eros/ and Tyrion was far fro- cer ain ha he wan ed o gi0e away half he real-. (erha's I sho2ld s'ill his one in Cersei.s la'/ or ake i o he co2ncil. )nly hen did he ad-i 6allyne wi h he la es allies fro- he alche-is s. :This canno &e r2e/: said Tyrion as he 'ored o0er he ledgers. :Al-os hir een ho2sand ;ars8 1o yo2 ake -e for a fool8 a&o2 o 'ay he king.s gold for e-' y ;ars and 'o s of sewage sealed wi h wa9/ I warn yo2.: :5o/ no/: 6allyne s42eaked/ : he s2-s are acc2ra e/ I swear. 3e ha0e &een/ h---/ -os for 2na e/ -y lord 6and. Ano her cache of *ord Rossar .s was fo2nd/ -ore han hree h2ndred ;ars. +nder he 1ragon'i ? !o-e whores ha0e &een 2sing he r2ins o en er ain heir 'a rons/ and one of he- fell hro2gh a 'a ch of ro ed floor in o a cellar. 3hen he fel he ;ars/ he -is ook he- for wine. 6e was so dr2nk he &roke he seal and drank so-e.: :There was a 'rince who ried ha once/: said Tyrion dryly. :I ha0en. seen any dragons rising o0er he ci y/ so i wo2ld see- i didn. work his i-e ei her.: The 1ragon'i a o' he hill of Rhaenys had &een a&andoned for a cen 2ry and a half. 6e s2''osed i was as good a 'lace as any o s ore wildfire/ and &e er han -os / &2 i wo2ld ha0e &een nice if he la e *ord Rossar had old so-eone. :Three h2ndred ;ars/ yo2 say8 Tha s ill does no acco2n for hese o als. =o2 are se0eral ho2sand ;ars ahead of he &es es i-a e yo2 ga0e -e when las we -e .: :=es/ yes/ ha .s so.: 6allyne -o''ed a his 'ale &row wi h he slee0e of his &lack7and7scarle ro&e. :3e ha0e &een working 0ery hard/ -y lord 6and/ h---.: :Tha wo2ld do2& less e9'lain why yo2 are -aking so -2ch -ore of he s2&s ance han &efore.: !-iling/ Tyrion fi9ed he 'yro-ancer wi h his -is-a ched s are. :Tho2gh i does raise he 42es ion of why yo2 did no &egin working hard 2n il now.: 6allyne had he co-'le9ion of a -2shroo-/ so i was hard o see how he co2ld 2rn any 'aler/ ye so-ehow he -anaged. :3e were/ -y lord 6and/ -y &ro hers and I ha0e &een la&oring day and nigh fro- he firs / I ass2re yo2. i is only/ h---/ we ha0e -ade so -2ch of he s2&s ance

ha we ha0e &eco-e/ h---/ -ore 'rac iced as i were/ and also:7 he alche-is shif ed 2nco-for a&ly7: cer ain s'ells/ h---/ ancien secre s of o2r order/ 0ery delica e/ 0ery ro2&leso-e/ &2 necessary if he s2&s ance is o &e/ h---/ all i sho2ld &e . . .: Tyrion was growing i-'a ien . !er @acelyn Bywa er was likely here &y now/ and Ironhand -isliked wai ing. :=es/ yo2 ha0e secre s'ells< how s'lendid. 3ha of he-8: :They/ h---/ see- o &e working &e er han hey were.: 6allyne s-iled weakly. :=o2 don. s2''ose here are any dragons a&o2 / do yo28 : :5o 2nless yo2 fo2nd one 2nder he 1ragon'i . 3hy8: :)h/ 'ardon/ I was ;2s re-e-&ering so-e hing old 3isdo- (olli or old -e once/ when I was an acoly e. I.d asked hi- why so -any of o2r s'ells see-ed/ well/ no as effec 2al as he scrolls wo2ld ha0e 2s &elie0e/ and he said i was &eca2se -agic had &eg2n o go o2 of he world he day he las dragon died.: :!orry o disa''oin yo2/ &2 I.0e seen no dragons. I ha0e no iced he King.s ;2s ice l2rking a&o2 / howe0er. !ho2ld any of hese fr2i s selling -e 2rn o2 o &e filled wi h any hing &2 wildfire/ yo2.ll &e seeing hi- as well.: 6allyne fled so 42ickly ha he al-os &owled o0er !er @acelyn7no/ *ord @acelyn/ he -2s re-e-&er ha . Ironhand was -ercif2lly direc / as e0er. 6e.d re 2rned fro- Ros&y o deli0er a fresh le0y of s'ear-en recr2i ed fro- *ord Gyles.s es a es and res2-e his co--and of he Ci y 3a ch. :6ow does -y ne'hew fare8: Tyrion asked when hey were done disc2ssing he ci y.s defenses. :(rince Torn-en is hale and ha''y/ -y lord. 6e has ado' ed a fawn so-e of -y -en &ro2gh ho-e fro- a h2n . 6e had one once &efore/ he says/ &2 @offrey skinned her for a ;erkin. 6e asks a&o2 his -o her so-e i-es/ and of en &egins le ers o he (rincess Myrcella/ ho2gh he ne0er see-s o finish any. 6is &ro her/ howe0er/ he does no see- o -iss a all.: :=o2 ha0e -ade s2i a&le arrange-en s for hi-/ sho2ld he &a le &e los 8: :My -en ha0e heir ins r2c ions.: :3hich are8: :=o2 co--anded -e o ell no one/ -y lord.: Tha -ade hi- s-ile. :I.- 'leased yo2 re-e-&er.: !ho2ld King.s *anding fall/ he -igh well &e aken ali0e. Be er if he did no know where @offrey.s heir -igh &e fo2nd. Varys a''eared no long af er *ord @acelyn had lef . :Men are s2ch fai hless crea 2res/: he said &y way of gree ing. Tyrion sighed. :3ho.s he rai or oday8: The e2n2ch handed hi- a scroll. :!o -2ch 0illainy/ i sings a sad song for o2r age. 1id honor die wi h o2r fa hers8: :My fa her is no dead ye .: Tyrion scanned he lis . :I know so-e of hese na-es. These are rich -en. Traders/ -erchan s/ craf s-en. 3hy sho2ld hey cons'ire agains 2s8: :I see-s hey &elie0e ha *ord ! annis -2s win/ and wish o share his 0ic ory. They call he-sel0es he An ler Men/ af er he crowned s ag.: :!o-eone sho2ld ell he- ha ! annis changed his sigil. Then hey can &e he 6o 6ear s.: I was no -a er for ;es s/ ho2gh< i a''eared ha hese An ler Men had ar-ed se0eral h2ndred followers/ o sei>e he )ld Ga e once &a le was ;oined/ and ad-i he ene-y o he ci y. A-ong he na-es on he lis was he -as er ar-orer !alloreon. :I s2''ose his -eans I won. &e ge ing ha errifying hel- wi h he de-on horns/: Tyrion co-'lained as he scrawled he order for he -an.s arres .

C6A(T,R E0 T6,)5 0ne -o-en he was aslee'< he ne9 / awake. Kyra nes led agains hi-/ one ar- dra'ed ligh ly o0er his/ her &reas s &r2shing his &ack. 6e co2ld hear her &rea hing/ sof and s eady. The shee was angled a&o2 he-. I was he &lack of nigh . The &edcha-&er was dark and s ill. 3ha is i 8 1id I hear so-e hing8 !o-eone8 3ind sighed fain ly agains he sh2 ers. !o-ewhere/ far off/ he heard he yowl of a ca in hea . 5o hing else. !lee'/ Grey;oy/ he old hi-self. The cas le is 42ie / and yo2 ha0e g2ards 'os ed. A yo2r door/ a he ga es/ on he ar-ory. 6e -igh ha0e '2 i down o a &ad drea-/ &2 he did no re-e-&er drea-ing. Kyra had worn hi- o2 . +n il Theon had sen for her/ she had li0ed all of her eigh een years in he win er own wi ho2 e0er se ing foo inside he walls of he cas le. !he ca-e o hi- we and eager and li he as a weasel/ and here had &een a cer ain 2ndenia&le s'ice o f2cking a co--on a0ern wench in *ord ,ddard ! ark.s own &ed. !he -2r-2red slee'ily as Theon slid o2 fro- 2nder her ar- and go o his fee . A few e-&ers s ill s-oldered in he hear h. 3e9 sle' on he floor a he foo of he &ed/ rolled 2' inside his cloak and dead o he world. 5o hing -o0ed. Theon crossed o he window and hrew o'en he sh2 ers. 5igh o2ched hi- wi h cold fingers/ and goose'rickles rose on his &are skin. 6e leaned agains he s one sill and looked o2 on dark owers/ e-' y yards/ &lack sky/ and -ore s ars han a -an co2ld e0er co2n if he li0ed o &e a h2ndred. A half7-oon floa ed a&o0e he Bell Tower and cas i s reflec ion on he roof of he glass gardens. 6e heard no alar-s/ no 0oices/ no so -2ch as a foo fall. All.s well/ Grey;oy. 6ear he 42ie 8 =o2 o2gh o &e dr2nk wi h ;oy. =o2 ook 3in erfell wi h fewer han hir y -en/ a fea o sing of. Theon s ar ed &ack o &ed. 6e.d roll Kyra on her &ack and f2ck her again/ ha o2gh o &anish hese 'han o-s. 6er gas's and giggles wo2ld -ake a welco-e res'i e fro- his silence. 6e s o''ed. 6e had grown so 2sed o he howling of he direwol0es ha he scarcely heard i any-ore . . . &2 so-e 'ar of hi-/ so-e h2n er.s ins inc / heard i s a&sence. +r>en s ood o2 side his door/ a sinewy -an wi h a ro2nd shield sl2ng o0er his &ack. :The wol0es are 42ie /: Theon old hi-. :Go see wha doing/ and co-e s raigh &ack.: The ho2gh of he direwol0es r2nning loose ga0e hi- a 42easy feeling. 6e re-e-&ered he day in he wolfswood when he wildlings had a acked Bran. !2--er and Grey 3ind had orn he- o 'ieces. 3hen he 'rodded 3e9 wi h he oe of his &oo / he &oy sa 2' and r2&&ed his eyes. :Make cer ain Bran ! ark and his li le &ro her are in heir &eds/ and &e 42ick a&o2 i .: :M.lord8: Kyra called slee'ily. :Go &ack o slee'/ his does no concern yo2.: Theon 'o2red hi-self a c2' of wine and drank i down. All he i-e he was lis ening/ ho'ing o hear a howl. Too few -en/ he ho2gh so2rly. I ha0e oo few -en. lf Asha does no co-e . . . 3e9 re 2rned he 42ickes / shaking his head side o side. C2rsing/ Theon fo2nd his 2nic and &reeches on he floor where he had dro''ed he- in his has e o ge a Kyra. )0er he 2nic he donned a ;erkin of iron7s 2dded lea her/ and he &el ed a longsword and dagger a his

wais . 6is hair was wild as he wood/ &2 he had larger concerns. By hen +r>en was &ack. :The wol0es &e gone.: Theon old hi-self he -2s &e as cold and deli&era e as *ord ,ddard. :Ro2se he cas le/: he said. :6erd he- o2 in o he yard/ e0eryone/ we.ll see who.s -issing. And ha0e *orren -ake a ro2nd of he ga es. 3e9/ wi h -e.: 6e wondered if ! ygg had reached 1ee'wood Mo e ye . The -an was no as skilled a rider as he clai-ed7none of he iron-en were -2ch good in he saddle7&2 here.d &een i-e eno2gh. Asha -igh well &e on her way. And if she lea-s ha I ha0e los he ! arks . . . I did no &ear hinking a&o2 . Bran.s &edcha-&er was e-' y/ as was Rickon.s half a 2rn &elow. Theon c2rsed hi-self. 6e sho2ld ha0e ke' a g2ard on he-/ &2 he.d dee-ed i -ore i-'or an o ha0e -en walking he walls and 'ro ec ing he ga es han o n2rse-aid a co2'le of children/ one a cri''le. )2 side he heard so&&ing as he cas le folk were '2lled fro- heir &eds and dri0en in o he yard. I.ll gi0e he- reason o so&. I.0e 2sed hegen ly/ and his is how hey re'ay -e. 6e.d e0en had wo of his own -en whi''ed &loody for ra'ing ha kennel girl/ o show he- he -ean o &e ;2s . They s ill &la-e -e for he ra'e/ ho2gh. And he res . 6e dee-ed ha 2nfair. Mikken had killed hi-self wi h his -o2 h/ ;2s as Benfred had. As for Chayle/ he had o gi0e so-eone o he 1rowned God/ his -en e9'ec ed i . :I &ear yo2 no ill will/: he.d old he se' on &efore hey hrew hi- down he well/ :&2 yo2 and yo2r gods ha0e no 'lace here now.: =o2.d hink he o hers -igh &e gra ef2l he hadn. chosen one of he-/ &2 no. 6e wondered how -any of he- were 'ar of his 'lo agains hi-. +r>en re 2rned wi h Black *orren. :The 62n er.s Ga e/: *orren said. :Bes co-e see.: The 62n er.s Ga e was con0enien ly si ed close o he kennels and ki chens. i o'ened direc ly on fields and fores s/ allowing riders o co-e and go wi ho2 firs 'assing hro2gh he win er own/ and so was fa0ored &y h2n ing 'ar ies. :3ho had he g2ard here8: Theon de-anded. :1rennan and !42in .: 1rennan was one of he -en who.d ra'ed (alla. :If hey.0e le he &oys esca'e/ I.ll ha0e -ore han a li le skin off heir &ack his i-e/ I swear i .: :5o need for ha /: Black *orren said c2r ly. 5or was here. They fo2nd !42in floa ing facedown in he -oa / his en rails drif ing &ehind hi- like a nes of 'ale snakes. 1rennan lay half naked in he ga eho2se/ in he sn2g roo- where he draw&ridge was worked. 6is hroa had &een o'ened ear o ear. A ragged 2nic concealed he half7healed scars on his &ack/ &2 his &oo s were sca ered a-ids he r2shes/ and his &reeches angled a&o2 his fee . There was cheese on a s-all a&le near he door/ &eside an e-' y flagon. And wo c2's. Theon 'icked one 2' and sniffed a he dregs of wine in he &o o-. :!42in was 2' on he wallwalk/ no8: :Aye/: said *orren. Theon fl2ng he c2' in o he hear h. :I.d say 1rennan was '2lling down his &reeches o s ick i in he wo-an when she s 2ck i in hi-. 6is own cheese knife/ &y he look of i . !o-eone find a 'ike and fish he o her fool o2 of he -oa .: The o her fool was in a deal worse sha'e han 1rennan. 3hen Black *orren drew hi- o2 of he wa er/ hey saw ha one of his ar-s had &een wrenched off a he el&ow/ half of his neck was -issing/ and here was a ragged hole where his na0el and groin once had &een. The 'ike ore hro2gh his &owels as *orren was '2lling hi- in. The s ench was

awf2l. :The direwol0es/: Theon said. :Bo h of he-/ a a g2ess.: 1isg2s ed/ he walked &ack o he draw&ridge. 3in erfell was encircled &y wo -assi0e grani e walls/ wi h a wide -oa &e ween he-. The o2 er wall s ood eigh y fee high/ he inner -ore han a h2ndred. *acking -en/ Theon had &een forced o a&andon he o2 er defenses and 'os his g2ards along he higher inner walls. 6e dared no risk ha0ing he- on he wrong side of he -oa sho2ld he cas le rise agains hi-. There had o &e wo or -ore/ he decided. 3hile he wo-an was en er aining 1rennan/ he o hers freed he wol0es. Theon called for a orch and led he- 2' he s e's o he wallwalk. 6e swe' he fla-e low &efore hi-/ looking for . . . here. )n he inside of he ra-'ar and in he wide crenel &e ween wo 2' hr2s -erlons. :Blood/: he anno2nced/ :cl2-sily -o''ed 2'. A a g2ess/ he wo-an killed 1rennan and lowered he draw&ridge. !42in heard he clank of chains/ ca-e o ha0e a look/ and go his far. They '2shed he cor'se hro2gh he crenel in o he -oa so he wo2ldn. &e fo2nd &y ano her sen ry.: +r>en 'eered along he walls. :The o her wa ch 2rre s are no far. I see orches &2rning7: :Torches/ &2 no g2ards/: Theon said es ily. :3in erfell has -ore 2rre s han I ha0e -en.: :Fo2r g2ards a he -ain ga e/: said Black *orren/ :and fi0e walking he walls &eside !42in .: +r>en said/ :If he had so2nded his horn7: I a- ser0ed &y fools. :Try and i-agine i was yo2 2' here/ +r>en. I .s dark and cold. =o2 ha0e &een walking sen ry for ho2rs/ looking forward o he end of yo2r wa ch. Then yo2 hear a noise and -o0e oward he ga e/ and s2ddenly yo2 see eyes a he o' of he s air/ glowing green and gold in he orchligh . Two shadows co-e r2shing oward yo2 fas er han yo2 can &elie0e. =o2 ca ch a gli-'se of ee h/ s ar o le0el yo2r s'ear/ and hey sla- in o yo2 and o'en yo2r &elly/ earing hro2gh lea her as if i were cheeseclo h.: 6e ga0e +r>en a hard sho0e. :And now down on yo2r &ack/ yo2r g2 s are s'illing o2 / and one of he- has his ee h aro2nd yo2r neck.: Theon gra&&ed he -an.s scrawny hroa / igh ened his fingers/ and s-iled. :Tell -e/ a wha -o-en d2ring all of his do yo2 s o' o &low yo2r f2cking horn8: 6e sho0ed +r>en away ro2ghly/ sending hi- s 2-&ling &ack agains a -erlon. The -an r2&&ed his hroa . I sho2ld ha0e had hose &eas s '2 down he day we ook he cas le/ he ho2gh angrily. I.d seen he- kill/ I knew how dangero2s hey were. :3e -2s go af er he-/: Black *orren said. :5o in he dark.: Theon did no relish he idea of chasing direwol0es hro2gh he wood &y nigh < he h2n ers co2ld easily &eco-e he h2n ed. :3e.ll wai for dayligh . +n il hen/ I had &es go s'eak wi h -y loyal s2&;ec s.: 1own in he yard/ a 2neasy crowd of -en/ wo-en/ and children had &een '2shed 2' agains he wall. Many had no &een gi0en i-e o dress< hey co0ered he-sel0es wi h woolen &lanke s/ or h2ddled naked 2nder cloaks or &edro&es. A do>en iron-en he--ed he- in/ orches in one hand and wea'ons in he o her. The wind was g2s ing/ and he flickering orange ligh reflec ed d2lly off s eel hel-s/ hick &eards/ and 2ns-iling eyes. Theon walked 2' and down &efore he 'risoners/ s 2dying he faces. They all looked g2il y o hi-. :6ow -any are -issing8: :!i9.: Reek s e''ed 2' &ehind hi-/ s-elling of soa'/ his long hair -o0ing in he wind. :Bo h ! arks/ ha &og &oy and his sis er/ he halfwi fro- he s a&les/ and yo2r wildling wo-an.:

)sha. 6e had s2s'ec ed her fro- he -o-en he saw ha second c2'. I sho2ld ha0e known &e er han o r2s ha one. !he.s as 2nna 2ral as Asha. ,0en heir na-es so2nd alike. :6as anyone had a look a he s a&les8: :Aggar says no horses are -issing.: :1ancer is s ill in his s all8: :1ancer8: Reek frowned. :Aggar says he horses are all here. )nly he halfwi is -issing.: afoo / hen. Tha was he &es news he.d heard since he woke. Bran wo2ld &e riding in his &aske on 6odor.s &ack/ no do2& . )sha wo2ld need o carry Rickon< his li le legs wo2ldn. ake hi- far on heir own. Theon was confiden ha he.d soon ha0e he- &ack in his hands. :Bran and Rickon ha0e fled/: he old he cas le folk/ wa ching heir eyes. :3ho knows where hey.0e gone8: 5o one answered. :They co2ld no ha0e esca'ed wi ho2 hel'/: Theon wen on. :3i ho2 food/ clo hing/ wea'ons.: 6e had locked away e0ery sword and a9e in 3in erfell/ &2 no do2& so-e had &een hidden fro- hi-. :I.ll ha0e he na-es of all hose who aided he-. All hose who 2rned a &lind eye.: The only so2nd was he wind. :Co-e firs ligh / I -ean o &ring he&ack.: 6e hooked his h2-&s hro2gh his sword&el . :I need h2n s-en. 3ho wan s a nice war- wolfskin o see he- hro2gh he win er8 Gage8: The cook had always gree ed hi- cheerf2lly when he re 2rned fro- he h2n / o ask whe her he.d &ro2gh any hing choice for he a&le/ &2 he had no hing o say now. Theon walked &ack he way he had co-e/ searching heir faces for he leas sign of g2il y knowledge. :The wild is no 'lace for a cri''le. And Rickon/ yo2ng as he is/ how long will he las o2 here8 5an/ hink how frigh ened he -2s &e.: The old wo-an had na ered a hi- for en years/ elling her endless s ories/ &2 now she ga'ed a hi- as if he were so-e s ranger. :I -igh ha0e killed e0ery -an of yo2 and gi0en yo2r wo-en o -y soldiers for heir 'leas2re/ &2 ins ead I 'ro ec ed yo2. Is his he hanks yo2 offer8: @ose h who.d groo-ed his horses/ Farlen who.d a2gh hi- all he knew of ho2nds/ Bar h he &rewer.s wife who.d &een his flrs 7no one of he- wo2ld -ee his eyes. They ha e -e/ he reali>ed. Reek s e''ed close. :! ri' off heir skins/: he 2rged/ his hick li's glis ening. :*ord Bol on/ he 2sed o say a naked -an has few secre s/ &2 a flayed -an.s go none.: The flayed -an was he sigil of 6o2se Bol on/ Theon knew< ages 'as / cer ain of heir lords had gone so far as o cloak he-sel0es in he skins of dead ene-ies. A n2-&er of ! arks had ended h2s. !2''osedly all ha had s o''ed a ho2sand years ago/ when he Bol ons had &en heir knees o 3in erfell. )r so hey say/ &2 old ways die hard/ as well I know :There will &e no flaying in he nor h so long as I r2le in 3in erfell/: Theon said lo2dly. I a- yo2r only 'ro ec ion agains he likes of hi-/ he wan ed o screa-. 6e co2ld no &e ha &la an / &2 'erha's so-e were cle0er eno2gh o ake he lesson. The sky was greying o0er he cas le walls. 1awn co2ld no &e far off. :@ose h/ saddle !-iler and a horse for yo2rself. M2rch/ Gariss/ (o9y Ty-/ yo2.ll co-e as well.: M2rch and Gariss were he &es h2n s-en in he cas le/ and Tyrn was a fine &ow-an. :Aggar/ Rednose/ Gel-arr/ Reek/ 3e9.: 6e needed his own o wa ch his &ack. :Farlen/ I.ll wan ho2nds/ and yo2 o handle he-.: The gri>>led kennel-as er crossed his ar-s. :And why wo2ld I care o h2n down -y own r2e&orn lords/ and &a&es a ha 8: Theon -o0ed close. :I a- yo2r r2e&orn lord now/ and he -an who kee's

(alla safe.: 6e saw he deflance die in Farlen.s eyes. :Aye/ -.lord.: ! e''ing &ack/ Theon glanced a&o2 o see who else he -igh add. :Maes er *2win/: he anno2nced. :I know no hing of h2n ing.: 5o/ &2 I don. r2s yo2 in he cas le in -y a&sence. :Then i .s 'as i-e yo2 learned.: :*e -e co-e oo. I wan ha wolfskin cloak.: A &oy s e''ed forward/ no older han Bran. I ook Theon a -o-en o re-e-&er hi-. :I.0e h2n ed lo s of i-es &efore/: 3alder Frey said. :Red deer and elk/ and e0en &oar.: 6is co2sin la2ghed a hi-. :6e rode on a &oar h2n wi h his fa her/ &2 hey ne0er le hi- near he &oar.: Theon look a he &oy do2& f2lly. :Co-e if yo2 like/ &2 if yo2 can. kee' 2'/ don. hink ha I.ll n2rse yo2 along.: 6e 2rned &ack o Black *orren. :3in erfell is yo2rs in -y a&sence. If we do no re 2rn/ do wi h i as yo2 will.: Tha &loody well o2gh o ha0e he- 'raying for -y s2ccess. They asse-&led &y he 62n er.s Ga e as he firs 'ale rays of he s2n &r2shed he o' of he Bell Tower/ heir &rea h fros ing in he cold -orning air. Gel-arr had e42i''ed hi-self wi h a longa9e whose reach wo2ld allow hi- o s rike &efore he wol0es were on hi-. The &lade was hea0y eno2gh o kill wi h a single &low. Aggar wore s eel grea0es. Reek arri0ed carrying a &oar s'ear and an o0ers 2ffed washerwo-an.s sack &2lging wi h god knows wha . Theon had his &ow< he needed no hing else. )nce he had sa0ed Bran.s life wi h an arrow. 6e ho'ed he wo2ld no need o ake i wi h ano her/ &2 if i ca-e o ha / he wo2ld. ,le0en -en/ wo &oys/ and a do>en dogs crossed he -oa . Beyond he o2 er wall/ he racks were 'lain o read in he sof gro2nd< he 'aw'rin s of he wol0es/ 6odor.s hea0y read/ he shallower -arks lef &y he fee of he wo Reeds. )nce 2nder he rees/ he s ony gro2nd and fallen lea0es -ade he rail harder o see/ &2 &y hen Farlen.s red &i ch had he scen . The res of he dogs were close &ehind/ he ho2nds sniffing and &arking/ a 'air of -ons ro2s -as iffs &ringing 2' he rear. Their si>e and feroci y -igh -ake he difference agains a cornered direwolf. 6e.d ha0e g2essed ha )sha -igh r2n so2 h o !er Rodrik/ &2 he rail led nor h &y nor hwes / in o he 0ery hear of he wolfswood. Theon did no like ha one &i . I wo2ld &e a &i er irony if he ! arks -ade for 1ee'wood Mo e and deli0ered he-sel0es righ in o Asha.s hands. I.d sooner ha0e he- dead/ he ho2gh &i erly. I is &e er o &e seen as cr2el han foolish. 3is's of 'ale -is hreaded &e ween he rees. !en inels and soldier 'ines grew hick a&o2 here/ and here was no hing as dark and gloo-y as an e0ergreen fores . The gro2nd was 2ne0en/ and he fallen needles disg2ised he sof ness of he 2rf and -ade he foo ing reachero2s for he horses/ so hey had o go slowly. 5o as slowly as a -an carrying a cri''le/ ho2gh/ or a &ony harridan wi h a fo2r7year7old on her &ack. 6e old hi-self o &e 'a ien . 6e.d ha0e he- &efore he day was o2 . Maes er *2win ro ed 2' o hi- as hey were following a ga-e rail along he li' of a ra0ine. :Th2s far h2n ing see-s indis ing2isha&le fro- riding hro2gh he woods/ -y lord.: Theon s-iled. :There are si-ilari ies. B2 wi h h2n ing/ here.s &lood a he end.: :M2s i &e so8 This fligh was grea folly/ &2 will yo2 no &e -ercif2l8 These are yo2r fos er &ro hers we seek.: :5o ! ark &2 Ro&& was e0er &ro herly oward -e/ &2 Bran and Rickon

ha0e -ore 0al2e o -e li0ing han dead.: :The sa-e is r2e of he Reeds. Moa Cailin si s on he edge of he &ogs. *ord 6owland can -ake yo2r 2ncle.s occ2'a ion a 0isi o hell if he chooses/ &2 so long as yo2 hold his heirs he -2s s ay his hand.: Theon had no considered ha . In r2 h/ he had scarcely considered he -2d-en a all/ &eyond eyeing Meera once or wice and wondering if she was s ill a -aiden. :=o2 -ay &e righ . 3e will s'are he- if we can.: :And 6odor oo/ I ho'e. The &oy is si-'le/ yo2 know ha . 6e does as he is old. 6ow -any i-es has he groo-ed yo2r horse/ soa'ed yo2r saddle/ sco2red yo2r -ail8: 6odor was no hing o hi-. :if he does no figh 2s/ we will le hili0e.: Theon 'oin ed a finger. :B2 say one word a&o2 s'aring he wildling/ and yo2 can die wi h her. !he swore -e an oa h/ and 'issed on i .: The -aes er inclined his head. :I -ake no a'ologies for oa h&reakers. 1o wha yo2 -2s . I hank yo2 for yo2r -ercy.: Mercy/ ho2gh Theon as *2win dro''ed &ack. There.s a &loody ra'. Too -2ch and hey call yo2 weak/ oo li le and -ons ro2s. =e he -aes er had gi0en hi- good co2nsel/ he knew. 6is fa her ho2gh only in er-s of con42es / &2 wha good was i o ake a kingdo- if yo2 co2ld no hold i 8 Force and fear co2ld carry yo2 only so far. A 'i y 5ed ! ark had aken his da2gh ers so2 h< elsewise Theon co2ld ha0e igh ened his gri' on 3in erfell &y -arrying one of he-. !ansa was a 're y li le hing oo/ and &y now likely e0en ri'e for &edding. B2 she was a ho2sand leag2es away/ in he cl2 ches of he *annis ers. A sha-e. The wood grew e0er wilder. The 'ines and sen inels ga0e way o h2ge dark oaks. Tangles of haw horn concealed reachero2s g2llies and c2 s. ! ony hills rose and fell. They 'assed a crof er.s co age/ deser ed and o0ergown/ and skir ed a flooded 42arry where he s ill wa er had a sheen as grey as s eel. 3hen he dogs &egan o &ay/ Theon fig2red he f2gi i0es were near a hand. 6e s'2rred !-iler and followed a a ro / &2 wha he fo2nd was only he carcass of a yo2ng elk . . . or wha re-ained of i . 6e dis-o2n ed for a closer look. The kill was s ill fresh/ and 'lainly he work of wol0es. The dogs sniffed ro2nd i eagerly/ and one of he -as iffs &2ried his ee h in a ha2nch 2n il Farlen sho2 ed hi- off. 5o 'ar of his ani-al has &een &2 chered/ Theon reali>ed. The wol0es a e/ &2 no he -en. ,0en if )sha did no wan o risk a fire/ she o2gh o ha0e c2 he- a few s eaks. I -ade no sense o lea0e so -2ch good -ea o ro . :Farlen/ are yo2 cer ain on he righ rail8: he de-anded. :Co2ld yo2r dogs &e chasing he wrong wol0es8: :My &i ch knows he s-ell of !2--er and !haggy well eno2gh.: :I ho'e so. For yo2r sake.: *ess han an ho2r la er/ he rail led down a slo'e oward a -2ddy &rook swollen &y he recen rains. I was here he dogs los he scen . Farlen and 3e9 waded across wi h he ho2nds and ca-e &ack shaking heir heads while he ani-als ranged 2' and down he far &ank/ sniffing. :They wen in here/ -.lord/ &2 I can. see where hey co-e o2 /: he kennel-as er said. Theon dis-o2n ed and knel &eside he s rea-. 6e di''ed a hand in i . The wa er was cold. :They won. ha0e s ayed long in his/: he said. :Take half he dogs downs rea-/ I.ll go 2'7: 3e9 cla''ed his hands oge her lo2dly. :3ha is i 8: Theon said. The -2 e &oy 'oin ed. The gro2nd near he wa er was sodden and -2ddy. The racks he wol0es

had lef were 'lain eno2gh. :(aw'rin s/ yes. !o8: 3e9 dro0e his heel in o he -2d/ and 'i0o ed his foo his way and ha . I lef a dee' go2ge. @ose h 2nders ood. :A -an he si>e of 6odor o2gh o ha0e lef a dee' 'rin in his -2d/: he said. :More so wi h he weigh of a &oy on his &ack. =e he only &oo 'rin s here are o2r own. !ee for yo2rself.: A''alled/ Theon saw i was r2e. The wol0es had gone in o he 2rgid &rown wa er alone. :)sha -2s ha0e 2rned aside &ack of 2s. Before he elk/ -os likely. !he sen he wol0es on &y he-sel0es/ ho'ing we.d chase af er he-.: 6e ro2nded on his h2n s-en. :If yo2 wo ha0e 'layed -e false7: :There.s &een only he one rail/ -y lord/ I swear i /: said Gariss defensi0ely. :And he direwol0es wo2ld ne0er ha0e 'ar ed fro- he&oys. 5o for long.: Tha .s so/ Theon ho2gh . !2--er and !haggydog -igh ha0e gone off o h2n / &2 soon or la e hey wo2ld re 2rn o Bran and Rickon. :Gariss/ M2rch/ ake fo2r dogs and do2&le &ack/ find where we los he-. Aggar/ yo2 wa ch he-/ I.ll ha0e no rickery. Farlen and I will follow he direwol0es. Gi0e a &las on he horn when yo2 'ick 2' he rail. Two &las s if yo2 ca ch sigh of he &eas s he-sel0es. )nce we find where hey wen / hey.ll lead 2s &ack o heir -as ers.: 6e ook 3e9/ he Frey &oy/ and Gynir Rednose o search 2's rea-. 6e and 3e9 rode on one side of he &rook/ Rednose and 3alder Frey on he o her/ each wi h a 'air of ho2nds. The wol0es -igh ha0e co-e o2 on ei her &ank. Theon ke' an eye o2 for racks/ s'oor/ &roken &ranches/ any hin as o where he direwol0es -igh ha0e lef he wa er. 6e s'ied he 'rin s of deer/ elk/ and &adger easily eno2gh. 3e9 s2r'rised a 0i9en drinking a he s rea-/ and 3alder fl2shed hree ra&&i s fro- he 2nder&r2sh and -anaged o '2 an arrow in one. They saw he claw -arks where a &ear had shredded he &ark of a all &irch. B2 of he direwol0es here was no sign. A li le far her/ Theon old hi-self. (as ha oak/ o0er ha rise/ 'as he ne9 &end of he s rea-/ we.ll find so-e hing here. 6e 'ressed on long af er he knew he sho2ld 2rn &ack/ a growing sense of an9ie y gnawing a his &elly. I was -idday when he wrenched !-iler.s head ro2nd in disg2s and ga0e 2'. !o-ehow )sha and he wre ched &oys were el2ding hi-. I sho2ld no ha0e &een 'ossi&le/ no on foo / &2rdened wi h a cri''le and a yo2ng child. ,0ery 'assing ho2r increased he likelihood ha hey wo2ld -ake good heir esca'e. If hey reach a 0illage . . . The 'eo'le of he nor h wo2ld ne0er deny 5ed ! ark.s sons/ Ro&&.s &ro hers. They.d ha0e -o2n s o s'eed he- on heir way/ food. Men wo2ld figh for he honor of 'ro ec ing he-. The whole &loody nor h wo2ld rally aro2nd he-. The wol0es wen downs rea-/ ha .s all. 6e cl2ng o ha ho2gh . Tha red &i ch will sniff where hey ca-e o2 of he wa er and we.ll &e af er he- again. B2 when hey ;oined 2' wi h Farlen.s 'ar y/ one look a he kennel-as er.s face s-ashed all of Theon.s ho'es o shards. :The only hing hose dogs are fl for is a &ear &ai ing/: he said angrily. :3o2ld ha I had a &ear.: :The dogs are no a fa2l .: Farlen knel &e ween a -as iff and his 'recio2s red &i ch/ a hand on each. :R2nning wa er don. hold no scen s/ -.lord.: :The wol0es had o co-e o2 of he s rea- so-ewhere.: :5o do2& hey did. +'s rea- or down. 3e kee' on/ we.ll find he 'lace/ &2 which way8:

:I ne0er knew a wolf o r2n 2' a s rea-&ed for -iles/: said Reek. :A -an -igh . If he knew he was &eing h2n ed/ he -igh . B2 a wolf8: =e Theon wondered. These &eas s were no as o her wol0es. I sho2ld ha0e skinned he c2rsed hings. I was he sa-e ale all o0er again when hey re;oined Gariss/ M2rch/ and Aggar. The h2n s-en had re raced heir s e's halfway o 3in erfell wi ho2 finding any sign of where he ! arks -igh ha0e 'ar ed co-'any wi h he direwol0es. Farlen.s ho2nds see-ed as fr2s ra ed as heir -as ers/ sniffing forlornly a rees and rocks and sna''ing irri a&ly a each o her. Theon dared no ad-i defea . :3e.ll re 2rn o he &rook. !earch again. This i-e we.ll go as far as we -2s .: :3e won. find he-/: he Frey &oy said s2ddenly. :5o so long as he frogea ers are wi h he-. M2d-en are sneaks/ hey won. figh like decen folks/ hey sk2lk and 2se 'oison arrows/ =o2 ne0er see he-/ &2 hey see yo2. Those who go in o he &ogs af er he- ge los and ne0er co-e o2 . Their ho2ses -o0e/ e0en he cas les like Greywa er 3a ch.: 6e glanced ner0o2sly a greenery ha encircled he- on all sides. :They -igh &e o2 here righ now/ lis ening o e0ery hing we say.: Farlen la2ghed o show wha he ho2gh of ha no ion. :My dogs wo2ld s-ell any hing in he- &2shes. Be all o0er he- &efore yo2 co2ld &reak wind/ &oy.: :Frogea ers don. s-ell like -en/: Frey insis ed. :They ha0e a &oggy s ink/ like frogs and rees and sc2--y wa er. Moss grows 2nder heir ar-s in 'lace of hair/ and hey can li0e wi h no hing o ea &2 -2d and &rea he swa-' wa er.: Theon was a&o2 o ell hi- wha he o2gh o do wi h his we n2rse.s fa&le when Maes er *2win s'oke 2'. :The his ories say he crannog-en grew close o he children of he fores in he days when he greenseers ried o &ring he ha--er of he wa ers down 2'on he 5eck. I -ay &e ha hey ha0e secre knowledge.: !2ddenly he wood see-ed a deal darker han i had a -o-en &efore/ as if a clo2d had 'assed &efore he s2n. I was one hing o ha0e so-e fool &oy s'o2 ing folly/ &2 -aes ers were s2''osed o &e wise. :The only children ha concern -e are Bran and Rickon/: Theon said. :Back o he s rea-. 5ow.: For a -o-en he did no hink hey were going o o&ey/ &2 in he end old ha&i asser ed i self. They followed s2llenly/ &2 hey followed. The Frey &oy was as ;2-'y as hose ra&&i s he.d fl2shed earlier. Theon '2 -en on ei her &ank and followed he c2rren . They rode for -iles/ going slow and caref2l/ dis-o2n ing o lead he horses o0er reachero2s gro2nd/ le ing he good7for7&ear7&ai ho2nds sniff a e0ery &2sh. 3here a fallen ree da--ed he flow/ he h2n ers were forced o loo' aro2nd a dee' green 'ool/ &2 if he direwol0es had done he sa-e hey.d lef nei her 'rin nor s'oor. The &eas s had aken o swi--ing/ i see-ed. 3hen I ca ch he-/ hey.ll ha0e all he swi--ing hey can s o-ach. I.ll gi0e he- &o h o he 1rowned God. 3hen he woods &egan o darken/ Theon Grey;oy knew he was &ea en. ,i her he crannog-en did know he -agic of he children of he fores / or else )sha had decei0ed he- wi h so-e wildling rick. 6e -ade he'ress on hro2gh he d2sk/ &2 when he las ligh faded @ose h finally worked 2' he co2rage o say/ :This is fr2i less/ -y lord. 3e will la-e a horse/ &reak a leg.: :@ose h has he righ of i /: said Maes er *2win. :Gro'ing hro2gh he woods &y orchligh will a0ail 2s no hing.: Theon co2ld as e &ile a he &ack of his hroa / and his s o-ach was a nes of snakes wining and sna''ing a each o her. If he cre' &ack o

3in erfell e-' y7handed/ he -igh as well dress in -o ley hencefor h and wear a 'oin ed ha < he whole nor h wo2ld know hi- for a fool. And when -y fa her hears/ and Asha . . . :M.lord 'rince.: Reek 2rged his horse near. :Migh &e he- ! arks ne0er ca-e his way. If I was he-/ I wo2ld ha0e gone nor h and eas / -ay&e. To he +-&ers. Good ! ark -en/ hey are. B2 heir lands are a long way. The &oys will shel er so-e'lace nearer. Migh &e I know where.: Theon looked a hi- s2s'icio2sly. :Tell -e.: :=o2 know ha old -ill/ si ing lonely on he Acorn 3a er8 3e s o''ed here when I was &eing dragged o 3in erfell a ca' i0e. The -iller.s wife sold 2s hay for o2r horses while ha old knigh cl2cked o0er her &ra s. Migh &e he ! arks are hiding here.: Theon knew he -ill. 6e had e0en 2-&led he -iller.s wife a i-e or wo. There was no hing s'ecial a&o2 i / or her. :3hy here8 There are a do>en 0illages and holdfas s ;2s as close.: A-2se-en shone in hose 'ale eyes. :3hy8 5ow ha .s 'as knowing. B2 here/ I ha0e a feeling.: 6e was growing sick of he -an.s sly answers. 6is li's look like wo wor-s f2cking. :3ha are yo2 saying8 If yo2.0e ke' so-e knowledge fro-e7: :M.Iord 'rince8: Reek dis-o2n ed/ and &eckoned Theon o do he sa-e. 3hen hey were &o h afoo / he '2lled o'en he clo h sack he.d fe ched fro- 3in erfell. :6a0e a look here.: I was growing hard o see. Theon hr2s his hand in o he sack i-'a ien ly/ gro'ing a-ongs sof f2r and ro2gh scra chy wool. A shar' 'oin 'ricked his skin/ and his fingers closed aro2nd so-e hing cold and hard. 6e drew o2 a wolf.s7head &rooch/ sil0er and ;e . +nders anding ca-e s2ddenly. 6is hand closed in o a fis . :Gel-arr/: he said/ wondering who- he co2ld r2s . 5one of he-. :Aggar. Rednose. 3i h 2s. The res of yo2 -ay re 2rn o 3in erfell wi h he ho2nds. I.ll ha0e no f2r her need of he-. I know where Bran and Rickon are hiding now.: :(rince Theon/: Maes er *2win en rea ed/ :yo2 will re-e-&er yo2r 'ro-ise8 Mercy/ yo2 said.: :Mercy was for his -orning/: said Theon. I is &e er o &e feared han la2ghed a . :Before hey -ade -e angry.: C6A(T,R E1 @)5 They co2ld see he fire in he nigh / gli--ering agains he side of he -o2n ain like a fallen s ar. I &2rned redder han he o her s ars/ and did no winkle/ ho2gh so-e i-es i flared 2' &righ and so-e i-es dwindled down o no -ore han a dis an s'ark/ d2ll and fain . 6alf a -ile ahead and wo ho2sand fee 2'/ @on ;2dged/ and 'erfec ly 'laced o see any hing -o0ing in he 'ass &elow :3a chers in he !kirling (ass/: wondered he oldes a-ong he-. In he s'ring of his yo2 h/ he had &een s42ire o a king/ so he &lack &ro hers s ill called hi- !42ire 1al&ridge. :3ha is i Mance Rayder fears/ I wonder8 : :If he knew hey.d li a fire/ he.d flay he 'oor &as ards/: said ,&&en/ a s42a &ald -an -2scled like a &ag of rocks. :Fire is life 2' here/: said Fhorin 6alfhand/ :&2 i can &e dea h as well.: By his co--and/ hey.d risked no o'en fla-es since en ering he -o2n ains. They a e cold sal &eef/ hard &read/ and harder cheese/ and

sle' clo hed and h2ddled &enea h a 'ile of cloaks and f2rs/ gra ef2l for each o her.s war- h. I -ade @on re-e-&er cold nigh s long ago a 3in erfell/ when he.d shared a &ed wi h his &ro hers. These -en were &ro hers oo/ ho2gh he &ed hey shared was s one and ear h. :They.ll ha0e a horn/: said ! onesnake. The 6alfhand said/ :A horn hey -2s no &low.: :Tha .s a long cr2el cli-& &y nigh /: ,&&en said as he eyed he dis an s'ark hro2gh a clef in he rocks ha shel ered he-. The sky was clo2dless/ he ;agged -o2n ains rising &lack on &lack 2n il he 0ery o'/ where heir cold crowns of snow and ice shone 'alely in he -oonligh . :And a longer fall/: said Fhorin 6alfhand. :Two -en/ I hink. There are like o &e wo 2' here/ sharing he wa ch.: :Me.: The ranger hey called ! onesnake had already shown ha he was he &es cli-&er a-ong he-. I wo2ld ha0e o &e hi-. :And -e/: said @on !now. Fhorin 6alfhand looked a hi-. @on co2ld hear he wind keening as i shi0ered hro2gh he high 'ass a&o0e he-. one of he garrons whickered and 'awed a he hin s ony soil of he hollow where hey had aken shel er. :The wolf will re-ain wi h 2s/: Fhorin said. :3hi e f2r is seen oo easily &y -oonligh .: 6e 2rned o ! onesnake. :3hen i .s done/ hrow down a &2rning &rand. 3e.ll co-e when we see i fall.: :5o &e er i-e o s ar han now/: said ! onesnake. They each ook a long coil of ro'e. ! onesnake carried a &ag of iron s'ikes as well/ and a s-all ha--er wi h i s head wra''ed in hick fel . Their garrons hey lef &ehind/ along wi h heir hel-s/ -ail/ and Ghos . @on knel and le he direwolf n2>>le hi- &efore hey se off. :! ay/: he co--anded. :I.ll &e &ack for yo2.: ! onesnake ook he lead. 6e was a shor wiry -an/ near fif y and grey of &eard &2 s ronger han he see-ed/ and he had he &es nigh eyes of anyone @on had e0er known. 6e needed he- onigh . By day he -o2n ains were &l2e7grey/ &r2shed wi h fros / &2 once he s2n 0anished &ehind he ;agged 'eaks hey 2rned &lack. 5ow he rising -oon had lin-ed hein whi e and sil0er. The &lack &ro hers -o0ed hro2gh &lack shadows a-ids &lack rocks/ working heir way 2' a s ee'/ wis ing rail as heir &rea h fros ed in he &lack air. @on fel al-os naked wi ho2 his -ail/ &2 he did no -iss i s weigh . This was hard going/ and slow. To h2rry here was o risk a &roken ankle or worse. ! onesnake see-ed o know where o '2 his fee as if &y ins inc / &2 @on needed o &e -ore caref2l on he &roken/ 2ne0en gro2nd. The !kirling (ass was really a series of 'asses/ a long wis ing co2rse ha wen 2' aro2nd a s2ccession of icy wind7car0ed 'eaks and down hro2gh hidden 0alleys ha seldo- saw he s2n. A'ar fro- his co-'anions/ @on had gli-'sed no li0ing -an since hey.d lef he wood &ehind and &eg2n o -ake heir way 2'ward. The Fros fangs were as cr2el as any 'lace he gods had -ade/ and as ini-ical o -en. The wind c2 like a knife 2' here/ and shrilled in he nigh like a -o her -o2rning her slain children. 3ha few rees hey saw were s 2n ed/ gro es42e hings growing sideways o2 of cracks and fiss2res. T2-&led shel0es of rock of en o0erh2ng he rail/ fringed wi h hanging icicles ha looked like long whi e ee h fro- a dis ance. =e e0en so/ @on !now was no sorry he had co-e. There were wonders here as well. 6e had seen s2nligh flashing on icy hin wa erfalls as hey 'l2nged o0er he li's of sheer s one cliffs/ and a -o2n ain -eadow f2ll of a2 2-n wildflowers/ &l2e coldsna's and &righ scarle

fros fires and s ands of 'i'er.s grass in r2sse and gold. 6e had 'eered down ra0ines so dee' and &lack hey see-ed cer ain o end in so-e hell/ and he had ridden his garron o0er a wind7ea en &ridge of na 2ral s one wi h no hing &2 sky o ei her side. ,agles nes ed in he heigh s and ca-e down o h2n he 0alleys/ circling effor lessly on grea &l2e7grey wings ha see-ed al-os 'ar of he sky. )nce he had wa ched a shadowca s alk a ra-/ flowing down he -o2n ainside like li42id s-oke 2n il i was ready o 'o2nce. 5ow i is o2r 2rn o 'o2nce. 6e wished he co2ld -o0e as s2re and silen as ha shadowca / and kill as 42ickly. *ongclaw was shea hed across his &ack/ &2 he -igh no ha0e roo- o 2se i . 6e carried dirk and dagger for closer work. They will ha0e wea'ons as well/ and I ano ar-ored. 6e wondered who wo2ld 'ro0e he shadowca &y nigh .s end/ and who he ra-. For a long way hey s ayed o he rail/ following i s wis s and 2rns as i snaked along he side of he -o2n ain/ 2'ward/ e0er 2'ward. !o-e i-es he -o2n ain folded &ack on i self and hey los sigh of he fire/ &2 soon or la e i wo2ld always rea''ear. The 'a h ! onesnake chose wo2ld ne0er ha0e ser0ed for he horses. In 'laces @on had o '2 his &ack o he cold s one and sh2ffle along sideways like a cra&/ inch &y inch. ,0en where he rack widened i was reachero2s< here were cracks &ig eno2gh o swallow a -an.s leg/ r2&&le o s 2-&le o0er/ hollow 'laces where he wa er 'ooled &y day and fro>e hard &y nigh . )ne s e' and hen ano her/ @on old hi-self. )ne s e' and hen ano her/ and I will no fall. 6e had no sha0ed since lea0ing he Fis of he Firs Men/ and he hair on his li' was soon s iff wi h fros . Two ho2rs in o he cli-&/ he wind kicked 2' so fiercely ha i was all he co2ld do o h2nch down and cling o he rock/ 'raying he wo2ld no &e &lown off he -o2n ain. )ne s e' and hen ano her/ he res2-ed when he gale s2&sided. )ne s e' and hen ano her/ and I will no fall. !oon hey were high eno2gh so ha looking down was &es no considered. There was no hing &elow &2 yawning &lackness/ no hing a&o0e &2 -oon and s ars. :The -o2n ain is yo2r -o her/: ! onesnake had old hi- d2ring an easier cli-& a few days 'as . :Cling o her/ 'ress yo2r face 2' agains her ea s/ and she won. dro' yo2.: @on had -ade a ;oke of i / saying how he.d always wondered who his -o her was/ &2 ne0er ho2gh o find her in he Fros fangs. I did no see- nearly so a-2sing now. )ne s e' and hen ano her/ he ho2gh / clinging igh . The narrow rack ended a&r2' ly where a -assi0e sho2lder of &lack grani e hr2s o2 fro- he side of he -o2n ain. Af er he &righ -oonligh / i s shadow was so &lack ha i fel like s e''ing in o a ca0e. :! raigh 2' here/: he ranger said in a 42ie 0oice. :3e wan o ge a&o0e he-.: 6e 'eeled off his glo0es/ 2cked he- hro2gh his &el / ied one end of his ro'e aro2nd his wais / he o her end aro2nd @on. :Follow -e when he ro'e grows a2 .: The ranger did no wai for an answer &2 s ar ed a once/ -o0ing 2'ward wi h fingers and fee / fas er han @on wo2ld ha0e &elie0ed. The long ro'e 2nwo2nd slowly. @on wa ched hi- closely/ -aking no e of how he wen / and where he fo2nd each handhold/ and when he las loo' of he-' 2ncoiled/ he ook off his own glo0es and followed/ -2ch -ore slowly. ! onesnake had 'assed he ro'e aro2nd he s-oo h s'ike of rock he was wai ing on/ &2 as soon as @on reached hi- he shook i loose and was off again. This i-e here was no con0enien clef when he reached he end of heir e her/ so he ook o2 his fel 7headed ha--er and dro0e a s'ike dee' in o a crack in he s one wi h a series of gen le a's. !of

as he so2nds were/ hey echoed off he s one so lo2dly ha @on winced wi h e0ery &low/ cer ain ha he wildlings -2s hear he- oo. 3hen he s'ike was sec2re/ ! onesnake sec2red he ro'e o i / and @on s ar ed af er hi-. !2ck on he -o2n ain.s ea / he re-inded hi-self. 1on. look down. Kee' yo2r weigh a&o0e yo2r fee . 1on. look down. *ook a he rock in fron of yo2. There.s a good handhold/ yes. 1on. look down. I can ca ch a &rea h on ha ledge here/ all I need o do is reach i . 5e0er look down. )nce his foo sli''ed as he '2 his weigh on i and his hear s o''ed in his ches / &2 he gods were good and he did no fall. 6e co2ld feel he cold see'ing off he rock in o his fingers/ &2 he dared no don his glo0es< glo0es wo2ld sli'/ no -a er how igh hey see-ed/ clo h and f2r -o0ing &e ween skin and s one/ and 2' here ha co2ld kill hi-. 6is &2rned hand was s iffening 2' on hi-/ and soon i &egan o ache. Then he ri''ed o'en his h2-&nail so-ehow/ and af er ha he lef s-ears of &lood where0er he '2 his hand. 6e ho'ed he s ill had all his fingers &y he end of he cli-&. +' hey wen / and 2'/ and 2'/ &lack shadows cree'ing across he -oonli wall of rock. Anyone down on he floor of he 'ass co2ld ha0e seen heeasily/ &2 he -o2n ain hid he- fro- he 0iew of he wildlings &y heir fire. They were close now/ ho2gh. @on co2ld sense i . ,0en so/ he did no hink of he foes who were wai ing for hi-/ all 2nknowing/ &2 of his &ro her a 3in erfell. Bran 2sed o lo0e o cli-&. I wish I had a en h 'ar of his co2rage. The wall was &roken wo7 hirds of he way 2' &y a crooked fiss2re of icy s one. ! onesnake reached down a hand o hel' hi- 2'. 6e had donned his glo0es again/ so @on did he sa-e. The ranger -o0ed his head o he lef / and he wo of he- crawled along he shelf hree h2ndred yards or -ore/ 2n il hey co2ld see he d2ll orange glow &eyond he li' of he cliff. The wildlings had &2il heir wa chfire in a shallow de'ression a&o0e he narrowes 'ar of he 'ass/ wi h a sheer dro' &elow and rock &ehind o shel er he- fro- he wors of he wind. Tha sa-e wind&reak allowed he &lack &ro hers o crawl wi hin a few fee of he-/ cree'ing along on heir &ellies 2n il hey were looking down on he -en hey -2s kill. )ne was aslee'/ c2rled 2' igh and &2ried &enea h a grea -o2nd of skins. @on co2ld see no hing of hi- &2 his hair/ &righ red in he fireligh . The second sa close o he fla-es/ feeding he- wigs and &ranches and co-'laining of he wind in a 42er2lo2s one. The hird wa ched he 'ass/ ho2gh hele was li le o see/ only a 0as &owl of darkness ringed &y he snowy sho2lders of he -o2n ains. I was he wa cher who wore he horn. Three. For a -o-en @on was 2ncer ain. There was only s2''osed o &e wo. )ne was aslee'/ ho2gh. And whe her here was wo or hree or wen y/ he s ill -2s do wha he had co-e o do. ! onesnake o2ched his ar-/ 'oin ed a he wildling wi h he horn. @on nodded oward he one &y he fire. I fel 42eer/ 'icking a -an o kill. 6alf he days of his life had &een s'en wi h sword and shield/ raining for his -o-en . 1id Ro&& feel his way &efore his firs &a le8 he wondered/ &2 here was no i-e o 'onder he 42es ion. ! onesnake -o0ed as fas as his na-esake/ lea'ing down on he wildlings in a rain of 'e&&les. @on slid *ongclaw fro- i s shea h and followed. I all see-ed o ha''en in a hear &ea . Af erward @on co2ld ad-ire he co2rage of he wildling who reached firs for his horn ins ead of his &lade. 6e go i o his li's/ &2 &efore he co2ld so2nd i ! onesnake knocked he horn aside wi h a swi'e of his shor sword. @on.s -an lea' o his fee / hr2s ing a his face wi h a &2rning &rand. 6e co2ld feel

he hea of he fla-es as he flinched &ack. )2 of he corner of his eye/ he saw he slee'er s irring/ and knew he -2s finish his -an 42ick. 3hen he &rand sw2ng again/ he &2lled in o i / swinging he &as ard sword wi h &o h hands. The Valyrian s eel sheared hro2gh lea her/ f2r/ wool/ and flesh/ &2 when he wildling fell he wis ed/ ri''ing he sword fro- @on.s gras'. )n he gro2nd he slee'er sa 2' &enea h his f2rs. @on slid his dirk free/ gra&&ing he -an &y he hair and ;a--ing he 'oin of he knife 2' 2nder his chin as he reached for his7no/ her7 6is hand fro>e. :A girl.: :A wa cher/: said ! onesnake. :A wildling. Finish her.: @on co2ld see fear and fire in her eyes. Blood ran down her whi e hroa fro- where he 'oin of his dirk had 'ricked her. )ne hr2s and i .s done/ he old hi-self. 6e was so close he co2ld s-ell onion on her &rea h. !he is no older han I a-. !o-e hing a&o2 her -ade hi- hink of Arya/ ho2gh hey looked no hing a all alike. :3ill yo2 yield8: he asked/ gi0ing he dirk a half 2rn. And if she doesn. 8 :I yield.: 6er words s ea-ed in he cold air. o2r ca' i0e/ hen.: 6e '2lled he dirk away fro- he sof skin of her hroa . :Fhorin said no hing of aking ca' i0es/: said ! onesnake. :6e ne0er said no o.: @on le go his gri' on he girl.s hair/ and she sc2 led &ackward/ away fro- he-. :!he.s a s'earwife.: ! onesnake ges 2red a he long7haf ed a9e ha lay &eside her slee'ing f2rs. :!he was reaching for ha when yo2 gra&&ed her. Gi0e her half a chance and she.ll &2ry i &e ween yo2r eyes.: :I won. gi0e her half a chance.: @on kicked he a9e well o2 of he girl.s reach. :1o yo2 ha0e a na-e8: :=gri e.: 6er hand r2&&ed a her hroa and ca-e away &loody. !he s ared a he we ness. !hea hing his dirk/ he wrenched *ongclaw free fro- he &ody of he -an he.d killed. :=o2 are -y ca' i0e/ =gri e.: :I ga0e yo2 -y na-e.: :I.- @on !now.: !he flinched. :An e0il na-e.: :A &as ard na-e/: he said. :My fa her was *ord ,ddard ! ark of 3in erfell.: The girl wa ched hi- warily/ &2 ! onesnake ga0e a -ordan ch2ckle. :I .s he ca' i0e s2''osed o ell hings/ re-e-&er8: The ranger hr2s a long &ranch in o he fire. :5o ha she will. I.0e known wildlings o &i e off heir own ong2es &efore hey.d answer a 42es ion.: 3hen he end of he &ranch was &la>ing -errily/ he ook wo s e's and fl2ng i o2 o0er he 'ass. I fell hro2gh he nigh s'inning 2n il i was los o sigh . :=o2 o2gh o &2rn he- yo2 killed/: said =gri e. :5eed a &igger fire for ha / and &ig fires &2rn &righ .: ! onesnake 2rned/ his eyes scanning he &lack dis ance for any s'ark of ligh . :Are here -ore wildlings close &y/ is ha i 8: :B2rn he-/: he girl re'ea ed s 2&&ornly/ :or i -igh &e yo2.ll need he- swords again.: @on re-e-&ered dead ) hor and his cold &lack hands. :May&e we sho2ld do as she says.: :There are o her ways.: ! onesnake knel &eside he -an he.d slain/ s ri''ed hi- of cloak and &oo s and &el and 0es / hen hois ed he &ody o0er one hin sho2lder and carried i o he edge. 6e gr2n ed as he ossed i o0er. A -o-en la er hey heard a we / hea0y s-ack well

&elow he-. By hen he ranger had he second &ody down o he skin and was dragging i &y he ar-s. @on ook he fee and oge her hey fl2ng he dead -an o2 in he &lackness of he nigh . =gri e wa ched and said no hing. !he was older han he.d ho2gh a firs / @on reali>ed< -ay&e as old as wen y/ &2 shor for her age/ &andylegged/ wi h a ro2nd face/ s-all hands/ and a '2g nose. 6er shaggy -o' of red hair s 2ck o2 in all direc ions. !he looked 'l2-' as she cro2ched here/ &2 -os of ha was layers of f2r and wool and lea her. +ndernea h all ha she co2ld &e as skinny as Arya. :3ere yo2 sen o wa ch for 2s8: @on asked her. :=o2/ and o hers.: ! onesnake war-ed his hands o0er he fire. :3ha wai s &eyond he 'ass8: :The free folk.: :6ow -any8: :62ndreds and ho2sands. More han yo2 e0er saw/ crow.: !he s-iled. 6er ee h were crooked/ &2 0ery whi e. !he doesn. know how -any. :3hy co-e here8: =gri e fell silen . :3ha .s in he Fros fangs ha yo2r king co2ld wan 8 =o2 can. s ay here/ here.s no food.: !he 2rned her face away fro- hi-. :1o yo2 -ean o -arch on he 3all8 3hen8: !he s ared a he fla-es as if she co2ld no hear hi-. :1o yo2 know any hing of -y 2ncle/ Ben;en ! ark8: =gri e ignored hi-. ! onesnake la2ghed. :if she s'i s o2 her ong2e/ don. say I didn. warn yo2.: A low r2-&ling growl echoed off he rock. !hadowca / @on knew a once. As he rose he heard ano her/ closer a hand. 6e '2lled his sword and 2rned/ lis ening. :They won. ro2&le 2s/: =gri e said. :I .s he dead hey.0e co-e for. Ca s can s-ell &lood si9 -iles off. They.ll s ay near he &odies ill hey.0e ea en e0ery las s ringy shred o. -ea / and cracked he &ones for he -arrow.: @on co2ld hear he so2nds of heir feeding echoing off he rocks. i ga0e hi- an 2neasy feeling. The war- h of he fire -ade hi- reali>e how &one7 ired he was/ &2 he dared no slee'. 6e had aken a ca' i0e/ and i was on hi- o g2ard her. :3ere hey yo2r kin8: he asked her 42ie ly. :The wo we killed8: :5o -ore han yo2 are.: :Me8: 6e frowned. :3ha do yo2 -ean8: :=o2 said yo2 were he Bas ard o. 3in erfell.: :I a-.: :3ho was yo2r -o her8: :!o-e wo-an. Mos of he- are.: !o-eone had said ha o hi- once. 6e did no re-e-&er who. !he s-iled again/ a flash of whi e ee h. :And she ne0er s2ng yo2 he song o. he win er rose8: :I ne0er knew -y -o her. )r any s2ch song.: :Bael he Bard -ade i /: said =gri e. :6e was King7&eyond7 he773all a long i-e &ack. All he free folk know his songs/ &2 -igh &e yo2 don. sing he- in he so2 h.: :3in erfell.s no in he so2 h/: @on o&;ec ed. :=es i is. ,0ery hing &elow he 3all.s so2 h o 2s.: 6e had ne0er ho2gh of i ha way. :I s2''ose i .s all in where s anding.: :Aye/: =gri e agreed. :I always is.: :Tell -e/: @on 2rged her. i wo2ld &e ho2rs &efore Fhorin ca-e 2'/ and

a s ory wo2ld hel' kee' hi- awake. :I wan o hear his ale of yo2rs.: :Migh &e yo2 won. like i -2ch.: :I.ll hear i all he sa-e.: :Bra0e &lack crow/: she -ocked. :3ell/ long &efore he was king o0er he free folk/ Bael was a grea raider.: ! onesnake ga0e a snor . :A -2rderer/ ro&&er/ and ra'er/ is wha yo2 -ean.: :Tha .s all in where s anding oo/: =gri e said. :The ! ark in 3in erfell wan ed Bael.s head/ &2 ne0er co2ld ake hi-/ and he as e o. fail2re galled hi-. )ne day in his &i erness he called Bael a cra0en who 'reyed only on he weak. 3hen word o. ha go &ack/ Bael 0owed o each he lord a lesson. !o he scaled he 3all/ ski''ed down he kingsroad/ and walked in o 3in erfell one win er.s nigh wi h har' in hand/ na-ing hi-self !ygerrik of !kagos. !ygerrik -eans .decei0er. in he )ld Tong2e/ ha he Firs Men s'oke/ and he gian s s ill s'eak. :5or h or so2 h/ singers always find a ready welco-e/ so Bael a e a *ord ! ark.s own a&le/ and 'layed for he lord in his high sea 2n il half he nigh was gone. The old songs he 'layed/ and new ones he.d -ade hi-self/ and he 'layed and sang so well ha when he was done/ he lord offered o le hi- na-e his own reward. .All I ask is a flower# Bael answered/ . he faires flower ha &loo-s in he gardens o. 3in erfell.. :5ow as i ha''ened he win er roses had only hen co-e in o &loo-/ and no flower is so rare nor 'recio2s. !o he ! ark sen o his glass gardens and co--anded ha he -os &ea2 if2l o. he win er roses &e 'l2cked for he singer.s 'ay-en . And so i was done. B2 when -orning co-e/ he singer had 0anished . . . and so had *ord Brandon.s -aiden da2gh er. 6er &ed hey fo2nd e-' y/ &2 for he 'ale &l2e rose ha Bael had lef on he 'illow where her head had lain.: @on had ne0er heard his ale &efore. :3hich Brandon was his s2''osed o &e8 Brandon he B2ilder li0ed in he Age of 6eroes/ ho2sands of years &efore Bael. There was Brandon he B2rner and his fa her Brandon he !hi'wrigh / &2 7: :This was Brandon he 1a2gh erless/: =gri e said shar'ly. :3o2ld yo2 hear he ale/ or no8: 6e scowled. :Go on.: :*ord Brandon had no o her children. A his &ehes / he &lack crows flew for h fro- heir cas les in he h2ndreds/ &2 nowhere co2ld hey find any sign o. Bael or his -aid. For -os a year hey searched/ ill he lord los hear and ook o his &ed/ and i see-ed as ho2gh he line o. ! arks was a i s end. B2 one nigh as he lay wai ing o die/ *ord Brandon heard a child.s cry. 6e followed he so2nd and fo2nd his da2gh er &ack in her &edcha-&er/ aslee' wi h a &a&e a her &reas .: :Bael had &ro2gh her &ack8: :5o. They had &een in 3in erfell all he i-e/ hiding wi h he dead &enea h he cas le. The -aid lo0ed Bael so dearly she &ore hi- a son/ he song says . . . ho2gh if r2 h &e old/ all he -aids lo0e Bael in he- songs he wro e. Be ha as i -ay/ wha .s cer ain is ha Bael lef he child in 'ay-en for he rose he.d 'l2cked 2nasked/ and ha he &oy grew o &e he ne9 *ord ! ark. !o here i is7yo2 ha0e Bael.s &lood in yo2/ sa-e as -e.: :I ne0er ha''ened/: @on said. !he shr2gged. :Migh &e i did/ -igh &e i didn. . I is a good song/ ho2gh. My -o her 2sed o sing i o -e. !he was a wo-an oo/ @on !now. *ike yo2rs.: !he r2&&ed her hroa where his dirk had c2 her. :The song ends when hey find he &a&e/ &2 here is a darker end o he s ory. Thir y years la er/ when Bael was King7&eyond7 he73all and led

he free folk so2 h/ i was yo2ng *ord ! ark who -e hi- a he Fro>en Ford . . . and killed hi-/ for Bael wo2ld no har- his own son when hey -e sword o sword.: :!o he son slew he fa her ins ead/: said @on. :Aye/: she said/ :&2 he gods ha e kinslayers/ e0en when hey kill 2nknowing. 3hen *ord ! ark re 2rned fro- he &a le and his -o her saw Bael.s head 2'on his s'ear/ she hrew herself fro- a ower in her grief. 6er son did no long o2 li0e her. )ne o. his lords 'eeled he skin off hi- and wore hi- for a cloak.: :=o2r Bael was a liar/: he old her/ cer ain now. :5o/: =gri e said/ :&2 a &ard.s r2 h is differen han yo2rs or -ine. Anyway/ yo2 asked for he s ory/ so I old i .: !he 2rned away fro- hi-/ closed her eyes/ and see-ed o slee'. 1awn and Fhorin 6alfhand arri0ed oge her. The &lack s ones had 2rned o grey and he eas ern sky had gone indigo when ! onesnake s'ied he rangers &elow/ wending heir way 2'ward. @on woke his ca' i0e and held her &y he ar- as hey descended o -ee he-. Thankf2lly/ here was ano her way off he -o2n ain o he nor h and wes / along 'a hs -2ch gen ler han he one ha had &ro2gh he- 2' here. They were wai ing in a narrow defile when heir &ro hers a''eared/ leading heir garrons. Ghos raced ahead a firs scen of he-. @on s42a ed o le he direwolf close his ;aws aro2nd his wris / 2gging his hand &ack and for h. I was a ga-e hey 'layed. B2 when he glanced 2'/ he saw =gri e wa ching wi h eyes as wide and whi e as hen.s eggs. Fhorin 6alfhand -ade no co--en when he saw he 'risoner. :There were hree/: ! onesnake old hi-. 5o -ore han ha . :3e 'assed wo/: ,&&en said/ :or wha he ca s had lef of he-.: 6e eyed he girl so2rly/ s2s'icion 'lain on his face. :!he yielded/: @on fel co-'elled o say. Fhorin.s face was i-'assi0e. :1o yo2 know who I a-8: :Fhorin 6alfhand.: The girl looked half a child &eside hi-/ &2 she faced hi- &oldly. :Tell -e r2e. If I fell in o he hands of yo2r 'eo'le and yielded -yself/ wha wo2ld i win -e8: :A slower dea h han elsewise.: The &ig ranger looked o @on. :3e ha0e no food o feed her/ nor can we s'are a -an o wa ch her.: :The way &efore 2s is 'erilo2s eno2gh/ lad/: said !42ire 1al&ridge. :)ne sho2 when we need silence/ and e0ery -an of 2s is doo-ed.: ,&&en drew his dagger. :A s eel kiss will kee' her 42ie .: @on.s hroa was raw. 6e looked a he- all hel'lessly. :!he yielded herself o -e.: :Then yo2 -2s do wha needs &e done/: Fhorin 6alfhand said. :=o2 are he &lood of 3in erfell and a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch.: 6e looked a he o hers. :Co-e/ &ro hers. *ea0e hi- o i . I will go easier for hiif we do no wa ch.: And he led he- 2' he s ee' wis ing rail oward he 'ale 'ink glow of he s2n where i &roke hro2gh a -o2n ain clef / and &efore 0ery long only @on and Ghos re-ained wi h he wildling girl. 6e ho2gh =gri e -igh ry o r2n/ &2 she only s ood here/ wai ing/ looking a hi-. :=o2 ne0er killed a wo-an &efore/ did yo28: 3hen he shook his head/ she said/ :3e die he sa-e as -en. B2 yo2 don. need o do i . Mance wo2ld ake yo2/ I know he wo2ld. There.s secre ways. The- crows wo2ld ne0er ca ch 2s.: :I.- as -2ch a crow as hey are/: @on said. !he nodded/ resigned. :3ill yo2 &2rn -e/ af er8: :I can. . The s-oke -igh &e seen.: :Tha .s so.: !he shr2gged. :3ell/ here.s worse 'laces o end 2' han

he &elly of a shadowca .: 6e '2lled *ongclaw o0er a sho2lder. :Aren. yo2 afraid8: :*as nigh I was/: she ad-i ed. :B2 now he s2n.s 2'.: !he '2shed her hair aside o &are her neck/ and knel &efore hi-. :! rike hard and r2e/ crow/ or I.ll co-e &ack and ha2n yo2.: *ongclaw was no so long or hea0y a sword as his fa her.s Ice/ &2 i was Valyrian s eel all he sa-e. 6e o2ched he edge of he &lade o -ark where he &low -2s fall/ and =gri e shi0ered. :Tha .s cold/: she said. :Go on/ &e 42ick a&o2 i .: 6e raised *ongclaw o0er his head/ &o h hands igh aro2nd he gri'. )ne c2 / wi h all -y weigh &ehind i . 6e co2ld gi0e her a 42ick clean dea h/ a leas . 6e was his fa her.s son. 3asn. he8 3asn. he8 :1o i /: she 2rged hi- af er a -o-en . :Bas ard. 1o i . I can. s ay &ra0e fore0er.: 3hen he &low did no fall she 2rned her head o look a hi-. @on lowered his sword. :Go/: he -2 ered. =gri e s ared. :5ow/: he said/ :&efore -y wi s re 2rn. Go.: !he wen . C6A(T,R E% !A5!A The so2 hern sky was &lack wi h s-oke. I rose swirling off a h2ndred dis an fires/ i s soo y fingers s-2dging o2 he s ars. Across he Blackwa er R2sh/ a line of fla-e &2rned nigh ly fro- hori>on o hori>on/ while on his side he I-' had fired he whole ri0erfron B docks and wareho2ses/ ho-es and &ro hels/ e0ery hing o2 side he ci y walls. ,0en in he Red Kee'/ he air as ed of ashes. 3hen !ansa fo2nd !er 1on os in he 42ie of he godswood/ he asked if she.d &een crying. :I .s only fro- he s-oke/: she lied. :I looks as ho2gh half he kingswood is &2rning.: :*ord ! annis wan s o s-oke o2 he I-'.s sa0ages.: 1on os swayed as he s'oke/ one hand on he r2nk of a ches n2 ree. A wine s ain discolored he red7and7yellow -o ley of his 2nic. :They kill his sco2 s and raid his &aggage rain. And he wildlings ha0e &een ligh ing fires oo. The I-' old he 42een ha ! annis had &e er rain his horses o ea ash/ since he wo2ld find no &lade of grass. I heard hisay so. I hear all sor s of hings as a fool ha I ne0er heard when I was a knigh . They alk as ho2gh I a- no here/ and77he leaned close/ &rea hing his winey &rea h righ in her face7: he !'ider 'ays in gold for any li le rifle. I hink Moon Boy has &een his for years.: 6e is dr2nk again. My 'oor Florian he na-es hi-self/ and so he is. B2 he is all I ha0e. :Is i r2e *ord ! annis &2rned he godswood a ! or-.s ,nd8: 1on os nodded. :6e -ade a grea 'yre of he rees as an offering o his new god. The red 'ries ess -ade hi- do i . They say she r2les hi- now/ &ody and so2l. 6e.s 0owed o &2rn he Grea !e' of Baelor oo/ if he akes he ci y.: :*e hi-.: 3hen !ansa had firs &eheld he Grea !e' wi h i s -ar&le walls and se0en crys al owers/ she.d ho2gh i was he -os &ea2 if2l &2ilding in he world/ &2 ha had &een &efore @offrey &eheaded her fa her on i s s e's. :I wan i &2rned.: :62sh/ child/ he gods will hear yo2.: :3hy sho2ld hey8 They ne0er hear -y 'rayers.:

:=es hey do. They sen -e o yo2/ didn. hey8: !ansa 'icked a he &ark of a ree. !he fel ligh 7headed/ al-os fe0erish. :They sen yo2/ &2 wha good ha0e yo2 done8 =o2 'ro-ised yo2 wo2ld ake -e ho-e/ &2 I.- s ill here.: 1on os 'a ed her ar-. :I.0e s'oken o a cer ain -an I know/ a good friend o -e . . . and yo2/ -y lady. 6e will hire a swif shi' o ake 2s o safe y/ when he i-e is righ .: :The i-e is righ now/: !ansa insis ed/ :&efore he figh ing s ar s. They.0e forgo en a&o2 -e. I know we co2ld sli' away if we ried.: :Child/ child.: 1on os shook his head. :)2 of he cas le/ yes/ we co2ld do ha / &2 he ci y ga es are -ore hea0ily g2arded han e0er/ and he I-' has e0en closed off he ri0er.: I was r2e. The Blackwa er R2sh was as e-' y as !ansa had e0er seen i . All he ferries had &een wi hdrawn o he nor h &ank/ and he rading galleys had fled or &een sei>ed &y he I-' o &e -ade o0er for &a le. The only shi's o &e seen were he king.s war galleys. They rowed endlessly 2' and down/ s aying o he dee' wa er in he -iddle of he ri0er and e9changing fligh s of arrows wi h ! annis.s archers on he so2 h shore. *ord ! annis hi-self was s ill on he -arch/ &2 his 0ang2ard had a''eared wo nigh s ago d2ring he &lack of he -oon. King.s *anding had woken o he sigh of heir en s and &anners. They were fi0e ho2sand/ !ansa had heard/ near as -any as all he gold cloaks in he ci y. They flew he red or green a''les of 6o2se Fossoway/ he 2r le of ,s er-on / and he fo97and7flowers of Floren / and heir co--ander was !er G2yard Morrigen/ a fa-o2s so2 hron knigh who -en now called G2yard he Green. 6is s andard showed a crow in fligh / i s &lack wings s'read wide agains a s or-7green sky. B2 i was he 'ale yellow &anners ha worried he ci y. *ong ragged ails s rea-ed &ehind helike flickering fla-es/ and in 'lace of a lord.s sigil hey &ore he de0ice of a godB he &2rning hear of he *ord of *igh . :3hen ! annis co-es/ he.ll ha0e en i-es as -any -en as @offrey does/ e0eryone says so.: 1on os s42ee>ed her sho2lder. :The si>e of his hos does no -a er/ swee ling/ so long as hey are on he wrong side of he ri0er. ! annis canno cross wi ho2 shi's.: :6e has shi's. More han @offrey.: :I .s a long sail fro- ! or-.s ,nd/ he flee will need o co-e 2' Massey.s 6ook and hro2gh he G2lle and across Blackwa er Bay. (erha's he good gods will send a s or- o swee' he- fro- he seas.: 1on os ga0e a ho'ef2l s-ile. :I is no easy for yo2/ I know. =o2 -2s &e 'a ien / child. 3hen -y friend re 2rns o he ci y/ we shall ha0e o2r shi'. 6a0e fai h in yo2r Florian/ and ry no o &e afraid.: !ansa d2g her nails in o her hand. !he co2ld feel he fear in her 2--y/ wis ing and 'inching/ worse e0ery day. 5igh -ares of he day (rincess Myrcella had sailed s ill ro2&led her slee'< dark s2ffoca ing drea-s ha woke her in he &lack of nigh / s r2ggling for &rea h. !he co2ld hear he 'eo'le screa-ing a her/ screa-ing wi ho2 words/ like ani-als. They had he--ed her in and hrown fil h a her and ried o '2ll her off her horse/ and wo2ld ha0e done worse if he 6o2nd had no c2 his way o her side. They had orn he 6igh !e' on o 'ieces and s-ashed in !er Aron.s head wi h a rock. Try no o &e afraid? he said. The whole ci y was afraid. !ansa co2ld see i fro- he cas le walls. The s-allfolk were hiding he-sel0es &ehind closed sh2 ers and &arred doors as if ha wo2ld kee' he- safe. The las i-e King.s *anding had fallen/ he *annis ers loo ed and ra'ed as hey 'leased and '2 h2ndreds o he sword/ e0en ho2gh he ci y had o'ened i s ga es. This

i-e he I-' -ean o figh / and a ci y ha fo2gh co2ld e9'ec no -ercy a all. 1on os was 'ra ling on. :If I were s ill a knigh / I sho2ld ha0e o '2 on ar-or and -an he walls wi h he res . I o2gh o kiss King @offrey.s fee and hank hi- swee ly.: :If yo2 hanked hi- for -aking yo2 a fool/ he.d -ake yo2 a knigh again/: !ansa said shar'ly. 1on os ch2ckled. :My @on42il.s a cle0er girl/ isn. she8: :@offrey and his -o her say I.- s 2'id.: :*e he-. safer ha way/ swee ling. F2een Cersei and he I-' and *ord Varys and heir like/ hey all wa ch each o her keen as hawks/ and 'ay his one and ha one o s'y o2 wha he o hers are doing/ &2 no one e0er ro2&les he-sel0es a&o2 *ady Tanda.s da2gh er/ do hey8: 1on os co0ered his -o2 h o s ifle a &2r'. :Gods 'reser0e yo2/ -y li le @on42il.: 6e was growing wee'y. The wine did ha o hi-. :Gi0e yo2r Florian a li le kiss now. A kiss for l2ck.: 6e swayed oward her. !ansa dodged he we gro'ing li's/ kissed hi- ligh ly on an 2nsha0en cheek/ and &id hi- good nigh . I ook all her s reng h no o wee'. !he had &een wee'ing oo -2ch of la e. I was 2nsee-ly/ she knew/ &2 she co2ld no see- o hel' herself< he ears wo2ld co-e/ so-e i-es o0er a rifle/ and no hing she did co2ld hold he- &ack. The draw&ridge o Maegor.s 6oldfas was 2ng2arded. The i-' had -o0ed -os of he gold cloaks o he ci y walls/ and he whi e knigh s of he Kingsg2ard had d2 ies -ore i-'or an han dogging her heels. !ansa co2ld go where she wo2ld so long as she did no ry o lea0e he cas le/ &2 here was nowhere she wan ed o go. !he crossed o0er he dry -oa wi h i s cr2el iron s'ikes and -ade her way 2' he narrow 2rn'ike s air/ &2 when she reached he door of her &edcha-&er she co2ld no &ear o en er. The 0ery walls of he roo- -ade her feel ra''ed< e0en wi h he window o'ened wide i fel as ho2gh here were no air o &rea he. T2rning &ack o he s air/ !ansa cli-&ed. The s-oke &lo ed o2 he s ars and he hin crescen of -oon/ so he roof was dark and hick wi h shadows. =e fro- here she co2ld see e0ery hingB he Red Kee'.s all owers and grea cornerfor s/ he -a>e of ci y s ree s &eyond/ o so2 h and wes he ri0er r2nning &lack/ he &ay o he eas / he col2-ns of s-oke and cinders/ and fires/ fires e0erywhere. !oldiers crawled o0er he ci y walls like an s wi h orches/ and crowded he hoardings ha had s'ro2 ed fro- he ra-'ar s. 1own &y he M2d Ga e/ o2 lined agains he drif ing s-oke/ she co2ld -ake o2 he 0ag2e sha'e of he hree h2ge ca a'2l s/ he &igges anyone had e0er seen/ o0er o''ing he walls &y a good wen y fee . =e none of i -ade her feel less fearf2l. A s a& wen hro2gh her/ so shar' ha !ansa so&&ed and cl2 ched a her &elly. !he -igh ha0e fallen/ &2 a shadow -o0ed s2ddenly/ and s rong fingers gra&&ed her ar- and s eadied her. !he gra&&ed a -erlon for s2''or / her fingers scra&&ling a he ro2gh s one. :*e go of -e/: she cried. :*e go.: :The li le &ird hinks she has wings/ does she8 )r do yo2 -ean o end 2' cri''led like ha &ro her of yo2rs8: !ansa wis ed in his gras'. :I wasn. going o fall. I was only . . . yo2 s ar led -e/ ha .s all.: :=o2 -ean I scared yo2. And s ill do.: !he ook a dee' &rea h o cal- herself. :I ho2gh I was alone/ I !he glanced away. :The li le &ird s ill can. &ear o look a -e/ can she8: The 6o2nd released her. :=o2 were glad eno2gh o see -y face when he -o& had

yo2/ ho2gh. Re-e-&er8: !ansa re-e-&ered all oo well. !he re-e-&ered he way hey had howled/ he feel of he &lood r2nning down her cheek fro- where he s one had s r2ck her/ and he garlic s ink on he &rea h of he -an who had ried o '2ll her fro- her horse. !he co2ld s ill feel he cr2el 'inch of fingers on her wris as she los her &alance and &egan o fall. !he.d ho2gh she was going o die hen/ &2 he fingers had wi ched/ all fi0e a once/ and he -an had shrieked lo2d as a horse. 3hen his hand fell away/ ano her hand/ s ronger/ sho0ed her &ack in o her saddle. The -an wi h he garlicky &rea h was on he gro2nd/ &lood '2-'ing o2 he s 2-' of his ar-/ &2 here were o hers all aro2nd/ so-e wi h cl2&s in hand. The 6o2nd lea' a he-/ his sword a &l2r of s eel ha railed a red -is as i sw2ng. 3hen hey &roke and ran &efore hi- he had la2ghed/ his erri&le &2rned face for a -o-en ransfor-ed. !he -ade herself look a ha face now/ really look. I was only co2r eo2s/ and a lady -2s ne0er forge her co2r esies. The scars are no he wors 'ar / nor e0en he way his -o2 h wi ches. I .s his eyes. !he had ne0er seen eyes so f2ll of anger. :I . . . I sho2ld ha0e co-e o yo2 af er/: she said hal ingly. :To hank yo2/ for . . . for sa0ing -e . . . yo2 were so &ra0e.: :Bra0e8: 6is la2gh was half a snarl. :A dog doesn. need co2rage o chase off ra s. They had -e hir y o one/ and no a -an of he- dared face -e.: !he ha ed he way he alked/ always so harsh and angry. :1oes i gi0e yo2 ;oy o scare 'eo'le8: :5o/ i gi0es -e ;oy o kill 'eo'le.: 6is -o2 h wi ched. :3rinkle 2' yo2r face all yo2 like/ &2 s'are -e his false 'ie y. =o2 were a high lord.s ge . 1on. ell -e *ord ,ddard ! ark of 3in erfell ne0er killed a -an.: :Tha was his d2 y. 6e ne0er liked i .: :Is ha wha he old yo28: Clegane la2ghed again. :=o2r fa her lied. Killing is he swee es hing here is.: 6e drew his longsword. :6ere.s yo2r r2 h. =o2r 'recio2s fa her fo2nd ha o2 on Baelor.s s e's. *ord of 3in erfell/ 6and of he King/ 3arden of he 5or h/ he -igh y ,ddard ! ark/ of a line eigh ho2sand years old . . . &2 Ilyn (ayne.s &lade wen hro2gh his neck all he sa-e/ didn. i 8 1o yo2 re-e-&er he dance he did when his head ca-e off his sho2lders8: !ansa h2gged herself/ s2ddenly cold. :3hy are yo2 always so ha ef2l8 I was hanking yo2 . . .: :@2s as if I was one of hose r2e knigh s yo2 lo0e so well/ yes. 3ha do yo2 hink a knigh is for/ girl8 =o2 hink i .s all aking fa0ors fro- ladies and looking fine in gold 'la e8 Knigh s are for killing.: 6e laid he edge of his longsword agains her neck/ ;2s 2nder her ear. !ansa co2ld feel he shar'ness of he s eel. :I killed -y firs -an a wel0e. I.0e los co2n of how -any I.0e killed since hen. 6igh lords wi h old na-es/ fa rich -en dressed in 0el0e / knigh s '2ffed 2' like &ladders wi h heir honors/ yes/ and wo-en and children oo7 all -ea / and I.- he &2 cher. *e he- ha0e heir lands and heir gods and heir gold. *e he- ha0e heir sers.: !andor Clegane s'a a her fee o show wha he ho2gh of ha . :!o long as I ha0e his/: he said/ lif ing he sword fro- her hroa / : here.s no -an on ear h I need fear.: ,9ce' yo2r &ro her/ !ansa ho2gh / &2 she had &e er sense han o say i alo2d. 6e is a dog/ ;2s as he says. A half7wild/ -ean7 e-'ered dog ha &i es any hand ha ries o 'e hi-/ and ye will sa0age any -an who ries o h2r his -as ers. :5o e0en he -en across he ri0er8:

Clegane.s eyes 2rned oward he dis an fires. :All his &2rning.: 6e shea hed his sword. :)nly cowards figh wi h fire.: :*ord ! annis is no coward.7 :6e.s no he -an his &ro her was ei her. Ro&er ne0er le a li le hing like a ri0er s o' hi-.: :3ha will yo2 do when he crosses8: :Figh . Kill. 1ie/ -ay&e.: :Aren. yo2 afraid8 The gods -igh send yo2 down o so-e erri&le hell for all he e0il yo2.0e done.: :3ha e0il8: 6e la2ghed. :3ha gods8: :The gods who -ade 2s all.: :All8: he -ocked. :Tell -e/ li le &ird/ wha kind of god -akes a -ons er like he I-'/ or a halfwi like *ady Tanda.s da2gh er8 If here are gods/ hey -ade shee' so wol0es co2ld ea -2 on/ and hey -ade he weak for he s rong o 'lay wi h.: :Tr2e knigh s 'ro ec he weak.: 6e snor ed. :There are no r2e knigh s/ no -ore han here are gods. If yo2 can. 'ro ec yo2rself/ die and ge o2 of he way of hose who can. !har' s eel and s rong ar-s r2le his world/ don. e0er &elie0e any differen .: !ansa &acked away fro- hi-. awf2l.: :I.- hones . I .s he world ha .s awf2l. 5ow fly away/ li le &ird/ I.- sick of yo2 'ee'ing a -e.: 3ordless/ she fled. !he was afraid of !andor Clegane . . . and ye / so-e 'ar of her wished ha !er 1on os had a li le of he 6o2nd.s feroci y. There are gods/ she old herself/ and here are r2e knigh s oo. All he s ories can. &e lies. Tha nigh !ansa drea-ed of he rio again. The -o& s2rged aro2nd her/ shrieking/ a -addened &eas wi h a ho2sand faces. ,0erywhere she 2rned she saw faces wis ed in o -ons ro2s inh2-an -asks. !he we' and old he- she had ne0er done he- h2r / ye hey dragged her fro- her horse all he sa-e. :5o/: she cried/ :no/ 'lease/ don. / don. /: &2 no one 'aid her any heed. !he sho2 ed for !er 1on os/ for her &ro hers/ for her dead fa her and her dead wolf/ for gallan !er *oras who had gi0en her a red rose once/ &2 none of he- ca-e. !he called for he heroes fro- he songs/ for Florian and !er Rya- Redwyne and (rince Ae-on he 1ragonknigh / &2 no one heard. 3o-en swar-ed o0er her like weasels/ 'inching her legs and kicking her in he &elly/ and so-eone hi her in he face and she fel her ee h sha er. Then she saw he &righ gli--er of s eel. The knife 'l2nged in o her &elly and ore and ore and ore/ 2n il here was no hing lef of her down here &2 shiny we ri&&ons. 3hen she woke/ he 'ale ligh of -orning was slan ing hro2gh her window/ ye she fel as sick and achy as if she had no sle' a all. There was so-e hing s icky on her highs. 3hen she hrew &ack he &lanke and saw he &lood/ all she co2ld hink was ha her drea- had so-ehow co-e r2e. !he re-e-&ered he kni0es inside her/ wis ing and ri''ing. !he s42ir-ed away in horror/ kicking a he shee s and falling o he floor/ &rea hing raggedly/ naked/ &loodied/ and afraid. B2 as she cro2ched here/ on her hands and knees/ 2nders anding ca-e. :5o/ 'lease/: !ansa whi-'ered/ :'lease/ no.: !he didn. wan his ha''ening o her/ no now/ no here/ no now/ no now/ no now/ no now. Madness ook hold of her. (2lling herself 2' &y he &ed'os / she wen o he &asin and washed &e ween her legs/ scr2&&ing away all he s ickiness. By he i-e she was done/ he wa er was 'ink wi h &lood. 3hen her -aidser0an s saw i hey wo2ld know Then she re-e-&ered he

&edclo hes. !he r2shed &ack o he &ed and s ared in horror a he dark red s ain and he ale i old. All she co2ld hink was ha she had o ge rid of i / or else hey.d see. !he co2ldn. le he- see/ or hey.d -arry her o @offrey and -ake her lay wi h hi-. !na ching 2' her knife/ !ana hacked a he shee / c2 ing o2 he s ain. If hey ask -e a&o2 he hole/ wha will I say8 Tears ran down her face. !he '2lled he orn shee fro- he &ed/ and he s ained &lanke as well. I.ll ha0e o &2rn he-. !he &alled 2' he e0idence/ s 2ffed i in he fire'lace/ drenched i in oil fro- her &edside la-'/ and li i afire. Then she reali>ed ha he &lood had soaked hro2gh he shee in o he fea her&ed/ so she &2ndled ha 2' as well/ &2 i was &ig and c2-&erso-e/ hard o -o0e. !ansa co2ld ge only half of i in o he fire. !he was on her knees/ s r2ggling o sho0e he -a ress in o he fla-es as hick grey s-oke eddied aro2nd her and filled he roo-/ when he door &2rs o'en and she heard her -aid gas'. In he end i ook hree of he- o '2ll her away. And i was all for no hing. The &edclo hes were &2rn / &2 &y he i-e hey carried her off her highs were &loody again. I was as if her own &ody had &e rayed her o @offrey/ 2nf2rling a &anner of *annis er cri-son for all he world o see. 3hen he fire was o2 / hey carried off he singed fea her&ed/ fanned away he wors of he s-oke/ and &ro2gh 2' a 2&. 3o-en ca-e and wen / -2 ering and looking a her s rangely. They filled he 2& wi h scalding ho wa er/ &a hed her and washed her hair and ga0e her a clo h o wear &e ween her legs. By hen !ansa was cal- again/ and asha-ed for her folly. The s-oke had r2ined -os of her clo hing. )ne of he wo-en wen away and ca-e &ack wi h a green wool shif ha was al-os her si>e. :I .s no as 're y as yo2r own hings/ &2 i will ser0e/: she anno2nced when she.d '2lled i down o0er !ansa.s head. :=o2r shoes weren. &2rned/ so a leas yo2 won. need o go &arefoo o he 42een.: Cersei *annis er was &reaking her fas when !ansa was 2shered in o her solar. :=o2 -ay si /: he 42een said gracio2sly. :Are yo2 h2ngry8: !he ges 2red a he a&le. There was 'orridge/ honey/ -ilk/ &oiled eggs/ and cris' fried fish. The sigh of he food -ade !ansa feel ill. 6er 2--y was ied in a kno . :5o/ hank yo2/ =o2r Grace.: :I don. &la-e yo2. Be ween Tyrion and *ord ! annis/ e0ery hing I ca as es of ash. And now se ing fires as well. 3ha did yo2 ho'e o acco-'lish8 : !ansa lowered her head. :The &lood frigh ened -e.: :The &lood is he seal of yo2r wo-anhood. *ady Ca elyn -igh ha0e 're'ared yo2. =o2.0e had yo2r firs flowering/ no -ore.: !ansa had ne0er fel less flowery. :My lady -o her old -e/ &2 I . . . I ho2gh i wo2ld &e differen .: :1ifferen how8: :I don. know. *ess . . . less -essy/ and -ore -agical.: F2een Cersei la2ghed. :3ai 2n il yo2 &ir h a child/ !ansa. A wo-an.s life is nine 'ar s -ess o one 'ar -agic/ yo2.ll learn ha soon eno2gh . . . and he 'ar s ha look like -agic of en 2rn o2 o &e -essies of all.: !he ook a si' of -ilk. :!o now yo2 are a wo-an. 1o yo2 ha0e he leas idea of wha ha -eans8: :I -eans ha I a- now fi o &e wedded and &edded/: said !ansa/ :and o &ear children for he king.: The 42een ga0e a wry s-ile. :A 'ros'ec ha no longer en ices yo2 as i once did/ I can see. I will no fa2l yo2 for ha . @offrey has always &een diffic2l . ,0en his &ir h . . . I la&ored a day and a half o &ring hi- for h. =o2 canno i-agine he 'ain/ !ansa. I screa-ed so

lo2dly ha I fancied Ro&er -igh hear -e in he kingswood.: :6is Grace was no wi h yo28: :Ro&er 8 Ro&er was h2n ing. Tha was his c2s o-. 3hene0er -y i-e was near/ -y royal h2s&and wo2ld flee o he rees wi h his h2n s-en and ho2nds. 3hen he re 2rned he wo2ld 'resen -e wi h so-e 'el s or a s ag.s head/ and I wo2ld 'resen hi- wi h a &a&y. :5o ha I wan ed hi- o s ay/ -ind yo2. I had Grand Maes er (ycelle and an ar-y of -idwi0es/ and I had -y &ro her. 3hen hey old @ai-e he was no allowed in he &ir hing roo-/ he s-iled and asked which of he'ro'osed o kee' hi- o2 . :@offrey will show yo2 no s2ch de0o ion/ I fear. =o2 co2ld hank yo2r sis er for ha / if she weren. dead. 6e.s ne0er &een a&le o forge ha day on he Triden when yo2 saw her sha-e hi-/ so he sha-es yo2 in 2rn. s ronger han yo2 see-/ ho2gh7 I e9'ec yo2.ll s2r0i0e a &i of h2-ilia ion. I did. =o2 -ay ne0er lo0e he king/ &2 yo2.ll lo0e his children.: :I lo0e 6is Grace wi h all -y hear /: !ansa said. The 42een sighed. :=o2 had &es learn so-e new lies/ and 42ickly. *ord ! annis will no like ha one/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: :The new 6igh !e' on said ha he gods will ne0er 'er-i *ord ! annis o win/ since @offrey is he righ f2l king.: A half s-ile flickered across he 42een.s face. :Ro&er .s r2e&orn son and heir. Tho2gh @off wo2ld cry whene0er Ro&er 'icked hi- 2'. 6is Grace did no like ha . 6is &as ards had always g2rgled a hiha''ily/ and s2cked his finger when he '2 i in heir li le &ase&orn -o2 hs. Ro&er wan ed s-iles and cheers/ always/ so he wen where he fo2nd he-/ o his friends and his whores. Ro&er wan ed o &e lo0ed. My &ro her Tyrion has he sa-e disease. 1o yo2 wan o &e lo0ed/ !ansa8: :,0eryone wan s o &e lo0ed.: :I see flowering hasn. -ade yo2 any &righ er/: said Cersei. :!ansa/ 'er-i -e o share a &i of wo-anly wisdo- wi h yo2 on his 0ery s'ecial day. *o0e is 'oison. A swee 'oison/ yes/ &2 i will kill yo2 all he sa-e.: cha' er E" @)5 I was dark in he !kirling (ass. The grea s one flanks of he -o2n ains hid he s2n for -os of he day/ so hey rode in shadow/ he &rea h of -an and horse s ea-ing in he cold air. Icy fingers of wa er rickled down fro- he snow'ack a&o0e in o s-all fro>en 'ools ha cracked and &roke &enea h he hoo0es of heir garrons. !o-e i-es hey wo2ld see a few weeds s r2ggling fro- so-e crack in he rock or a s'lo ch of 'ale lichen/ &2 here was no grass/ and hey were a&o0e he rees now. The rack was as s ee' as i was narrow/ wending i s way e0er 2'ward. 3here he 'ass was so cons ric ed ha rangers had o go single file/ !42ire 1al&ridge wo2ld ake he lead/ scanning he heigh s as he wen / his long&ow e0er close o hand. I was said he had he keenes eyes in he 5igh .s 3a ch. Ghos 'added res lessly &y @on.s side. Fro- i-e o i-e he wo2ld s o' and 2rn/ his ears 'ricked/ as if he heard so-e hing &ehind he-. @on did no hink he shadowca s wo2ld a ack li0ing -en/ no 2nless hey were s ar0ing/ &2 he loosened *ongclaw in i s sca&&ard e0en so. A wind7car0ed arch of grey s one -arked he highes 'oin of he 'ass. 6ere he way &roadened as i &egan i s long descen oward he 0alley

of he Milkwa er. Fhorin decreed ha hey wo2ld res here 2n il he shadows &egan o grow again. :!hadows are friends o -en in &lack/: he said. @on saw he sense of ha . I wo2ld &e 'leasan o ride in he ligh for a i-e/ o le he &righ -o2n ain s2n soak hro2gh heir cloaks and chase he chill fro- heir &ones/ &2 hey dared no . 3here here were hree wa chers here -igh &e o hers/ wai ing o so2nd he alar-. ! onesnake c2rled 2' 2nder his ragged f2r cloak and was aslee' al-os a once. @on shared his sal &eef wi h Ghos while ,&&en and !42ire 1al&ridge fed he horses. Fhorin 6alfhand sa wi h his &ack o a rock/ honing he edge of his longsword wi h long slow s rokes. @on wa ched he ranger for a few -o-en s/ hen s2--oned his co2rage and wen o hi-. :My lord/: he said/ :yo2 ne0er asked -e how i wen . 3i h he girl.: :I a- no lord/ @on !now.: Fhorin slid he s one s-oo hly along he s eel wi h his wo7fingered hand. :!he old -e Mance wo2ld ake -e/ if I ran wi h her.: :!he old yo2 r2e.: :!he e0en clai-ed we were kin. !he old -e a s ory :. . . of Bael he Bard and he rose of 3in erfell. !o ! onesnake old -e. I ha''ens I know he song. Mance wo2ld sing i of old/ when he ca-e &ack fro- a ranging. 6e had a 'assion for wildling -2sic. Aye/ and for heir wo-en as well.: :=o2 knew hi-8: :3e all knew hi-.: 6is 0oice was sad. They were friends as well as &ro hers/ @on reali>ed/ and now hey are sworn foes. :3hy did he deser 8: :For a wench/ so-e say. For a crown/ o hers wo2ld ha0e i .: Fhorin es ed he edge of his sword wi h he &all of his h2-&. :6e liked wo-en/ Mance did/ and he was no a -an whose knees &en easily/ ha .s r2e. B2 i was -ore han ha . 6e lo0ed he wild &e er han he 3all. I was in his &lood. 6e was wildling &orn/ aken as a child when so-e raiders were '2 o he sword. 3hen he lef he !hadow Tower he was only going ho-e again.: :3as he a good ranger8: :6e was he &es of 2s/: said he 6alfhand/ :and he wors as well. )nly fools like Thoren !-allwood des'ise he wildlings. They are as &ra0e as we are/ @on. As s rong/ as 42ick/ as cle0er. B2 hey ha0e no disci'line. They na-e he-sel0es he free folk/ and each one hinks hi-self as good as a king and wiser han a -aes er. Mance was he sa-e. 6e ne0er learned how o o&ey.: :5o -ore han -e/: said @on 42ie ly. Fhorin.s shrewd grey eyes see-ed o see righ hro2gh hi-. :!o yo2 le her go8: 6e did no so2nd he leas s2r'rised. :=o2 know8: :5ow. Tell -e why yo2 s'ared her.: I was hard o '2 in o words. :My fa her ne0er 2sed a heads-an. 6e said he owed i o -en he killed o look in o heir eyes and hear heir las words. And when I looked in o =gri e.s eyes/ I . . .: ion s ared down a his hands hel'lessly. :I know she was an ene-y/ &2 here was no e0il in her.: :5o -ore han in he o her wo.: :I was heir li0es or o2rs @on said. :If hey had seen 2s/ if hey had so2nded ha horn . . .: :The wildlings wo2ld h2n 2s down and slay 2s/ r2e eno2gh.: :! onesnake has he horn now/ ho2gh/ and we ook =gri e.s knife and

a9e. !he.s &ehind 2s/ afoo / 2nar-ed . . .: :And no like o &e a hrea /: Fhorin agreed. :If I had needed her dead/ I wo2ld ha0e lef her wi h ,&&en/ or done he hing -yself.: :Then why did yo2 co--and i of -e8: :I did no co--and i . I old yo2 o do wha needed o &e done/ and lef yo2 o decide wha ha wo2ld &e.: Fhorin s ood and slid his longsword &ack in o i s sca&&ard. :3hen I wan a -o2n ain scaled/ I call on ! onesnake. !ho2ld I need o '2 an arrow hro2gh he eye of so-e foe across a windy &a lefield/ I s2--on !42ire 1al&ridge. ,&&en can -ake any -an gi0e 2' his secre s. To lead -en yo2 -2s know he-/ @on !now. I know -ore of yo2 now han I did his -orning.: :And if I had slain her8: asked @on. :!he wo2ld &e dead/ and I wo2ld know yo2 &e er han I had &efore. B2 eno2gh alk. =o2 o2gh &e slee'ing. 3e ha0e leag2es o go/ and dangers o face. =o2 will need yo2r s reng h.: @on did no hink slee' wo2ld co-e easily/ &2 he knew he 6alfhand was righ . 6e fo2nd a 'lace o2 of he wind/ &enea h an o0erhang of rock/ and ook off his cloak o 2se i for a &lanke . :Ghos /: he called. :6ere. To -e.: 6e always sle' &e er wi h he grea whi e wolf &eside hi-< here was co-for in he s-ell of hi-/ and welco-e war- h in ha shaggy 'ale f2r. This i-e/ ho2gh/ Ghos did no -ore han look a hi-. Then he 2rned away and 'added aro2nd he garrons/ and 42ick as ha he was gone. 6e wan s o h2n / @on ho2gh . (erha's here were goa s in hese -o2n ains. The shadowca s -2s li0e on so-e hing. :@2s don. ry and &ring down a .ca /: he -2 ered. ,0en for a direwolf/ ha wo2ld &e dangero2s. 6e 2gged his cloak o0er hi- and s re ched o2 &enea h he rock. 3hen he closed his eyes/ he drea-ed of direwol0es. There were fi0e of he- when here sho2ld ha0e &een si9/ and hey were sca ered/ each a'ar fro- he o hers. 6e fel a dee' ache of e-' iness/ a sense of inco-'le eness. The fores was 0as and cold/ and hey were so s-all/ so los . 6is &ro hers were o2 here so-ewhere/ and his sis er/ &2 he had los heir scen . 6e sa on his ha2nches and lif ed his head o he darkening sky/ and his cry echoed hro2gh he fores / a long lonely -o2rnf2l so2nd. As i died away/ he 'ricked 2' his ears/ lis ening for an answer/ &2 he only so2nd was he sigh of &lowing snow. Ion8 The call ca-e fro- &ehind hi-/ sof er han a whis'er/ &2 s rong oo. Can a sho2 &e silen 8 6e 2rned his head/ searching for his &ro her/ for a gli-'se of a lean grey sha'e -o0ing &enea h he rees/ &2 here was no hing/ only . . . A weirwood. I see-ed o s'ro2 fro- solid rock/ i s 'ale roo s wis ing 2' fro- a -yriad of fiss2res and hairline cracks. The ree was slender co-'ared o o her weirwoods he had seen/ no -ore han a sa'ling/ ye i was growing as he wa ched/ i s li-&s hickening as hey reached for he sky. 3ary/ he circled he s-oo h whi e r2nk 2n il he ca-e o he face. Red eyes looked a hi-. Fierce eyes hey were/ ye glad o see hi-. The weirwood had his &ro her.s face. 6ad his &ro her always had hree eyes8 5o always/ ca-e he silen sho2 . 5o &efore he crow 6e sniffed a he &ark/ s-elled wolf and ree and &oy/ &2 &ehind ha here were o her scen s/ he rich &rown s-ell of war- ear h and he hard grey s-ell of s one and so-e hing else/ so-e hing erri&le. 1ea h/ he knew. 6e was s-elling dea h. 6e cringed &ack/ his hair &ris ling/ and &ared his fangs.

1on. &e afraid/ I like i in he dark. 5o one can see yo2/ &2 yo2 can see he-. B2 firs yo2 ha0e o o'en yo2r eyes. !ee8 *ike his. And he ree reached down and o2ched hi-. And s2ddenly he was &ack in he -o2n ains/ his 'aws s2nk dee' in a drif of snow as he s ood 2'on he edge of a grea 'reci'ice. Before hi- he !kirling (ass o'ened 2' in o airy e-' iness/ and a long 0ee7 sha'ed 0alley lay s'read &enea h hi- like a 42il / awash in all he colors of an a2 2-n af ernoon. A 0as &l2e7whi e wall 'l2gged one end of he 0ale/ s42ee>ing &e ween he -o2n ains as if i had sho2ldered he- aside/ and for a -o-en he ho2gh he had drea-ed hi-self &ack o Cas le Black. Then he reali>ed he was looking a a ri0er of ice se0eral ho2sand fee high. +nder ha gli ering cold cliff was a grea lake/ i s dee' co&al wa ers reflec ing he snowca''ed 'eaks ha ringed i . There were -en down in he 0alley/ he saw now< -any -en/ ho2sands/ a h2ge hos . !o-e were earing grea holes in he half7fro>en gro2nd/ while o hers rained for war. 6e wa ched as a swar-ing -ass of riders charged a shield wall/ as ride horses no larger han an s. The so2nd of heir -ock &a le was a r2s ling of s eel lea0es/ drif ing fain ly on he wind. Their enca-'-en had no 'lan o i < he saw no di ches/ no shar'ened s akes/ no nea rows of horse lines. ,0erywhere cr2de ear hen shel ers and hide en s s'ro2 ed ha'ha>ardly/ like a 'o9 on he face of he ear h. 6e s'ied 2n idy -o2nds of hay/ s-elled goa s and shee'/ horses and 'igs/ dogs in grea 'rof2sion. Tendrils of dark s-oke rose fro- a ho2sand cookfires. This is no ar-y/ no -ore han i is a own. This is a whole 'eo'le co-e oge her. Across he long lake/ one of he -o2nds -o0ed. 6e wa ched i -ore closely and saw ha i was no dir a all/ &2 ali0e/ a shaggy l2-&ering &eas wi h a snake for a nose and 2sks larger han hose of he grea es &oar ha had e0er li0ed. And he hing riding i was h2ge as well/ and his sha'e was wrong/ oo hick in he leg and hi's o &e a -an. Then a s2dden g2s of cold -ade his f2r s and 2'/ and he air hrilled o he so2nd of wings. As he lif ed his eyes o he ice7whi e -o2n ain heigh s a&o0e/ a shadow 'l2--e ed o2 of he sky. A shrill screa- s'li he air. 6e gli-'sed &l2e7grey 'inions s'read wide/ sh2 ing o2 he s2n . . . :Ghos ?: @on sho2 ed/ si ing 2'. 6e co2ld s ill feel he alons/ he 'ain. :Ghos / o -e?: ,&&en a''eared/ gra&&ed hi-/ shook hi-. :F2ie ? =o2 -ean o &ring he wildlings down on 2s8 3ha .s wrong wi h yo2/ &oy8: :A drea-/: said @on fee&ly. :I was Ghos / I was on he edge of he -o2n ain looking down on a fro>en ri0er/ and so-e hing a acked -e. A &ird . . . an eagle/ I hink . . .: !42ire 1al&ridge s-iled. :I .s always 're y wo-en in -y drea-s. 3o2ld ha I drea-ed -ore of en.: Fhorin ca-e 2' &eside hi-. :A fro>en ri0er/ yo2 say8: :The Milkwa er flows fro- a grea lake a he foo of a glacier/: ! onesnake '2 in. :There was a ree wi h -y &ro her.s face. The wildlings . . . here were ho2sands/ -ore han I e0er knew e9is ed. And gian s riding -a--o hs.: Fro- he way he ligh had shif ed/ @on ;2dged ha he had &een aslee' for fo2r or fi0e ho2rs. 6is head ached/ and he &ack of his neck where he alons had &2rned hro2gh hi-. B2 ha was in he drea-. :Tell -e all ha yo2 re-e-&er/ fro- firs o las /: said Fhorin 6alfhand.

@on was conf2sed. :I was only a drea-.: :A wolf drea-/: he 6alfhand said. :Cras er old he *ord Co--ander ha he wildlings were ga hering a he so2rce of he Milkwa er. Tha -ay &e why yo2 drea-ed i . )r i -ay &e ha yo2 saw wha wai s for 2s/ a few ho2rs far her on. Tell -e.: i -ade hi- feel half a fool o alk of s2ch hings o Fhorin and he o her rangers/ &2 he did as he was co--anded. 5one of he &lack &ro hers la2ghed a hi-/ howe0er. By he i-e he was done/ e0en !42ire 1al&ridge was no longer s-iling. :!kinchanger8: said ,&&en gri-ly/ looking a he 6alfhand. 1oes he -ean he eagleA @on wondered. )r -e8 !kinchangers and wargs &elonged in )ld 5an.s s ories/ no in he world he had li0ed in all his life. =e here/ in his s range &leak wilderness of rock and ice/ i was no hard o &elie0e. :The cold winds are rising. Mor-on feared as -2ch. Ben;en ! ark fel i as well. 1ead -en walk and he rees ha0e eyes again. 3hy sho2ld we &alk a wargs and gian s8: :1oes his -ean -y drea-s are r2e as well8: asked !42ire 1al&ridge. :*ord !now can kee' his -a--o hs/ I wan -y wo-en.: :Man and &oy I.0e ser0ed he 3a ch/ and ranged as far as any/: said ,&&en. :I.0e seen he &ones of gian s/ and heard -any a 42eer ale/ &2 no -ore. I wan o see he- wi h -y own eyes.: :Be caref2l hey don. see yo2/ ,&&en/: ! onesnake said. Ghos did no rea''ear as hey se o2 again. The shadows co0ered he floor of he 'ass &y hen/ and he s2n was sinking fas oward he ;agged win 'eaks of he h2ge -o2n ain he rangers na-ed Fork o'. If he drea- was r2e . . . ,0en he ho2gh scared hi-. Co2ld he eagle ha0e h2r Ghos / or knocked hi- off he 'reci'ice8 And wha a&o2 he weirwood wi h his &ro her.s face/ ha s-elled of dea h and darkness8 The las ray of s2n 0anished &ehind he 'eaks of Fork o'. Twiligh filled he !kirling (ass. I see-ed o grow colder al-os a once. They were no longer cli-&ing. In fac / he gro2nd had &eg2n o descend/ ho2gh as ye no shar'ly. I was li ered wi h cracks and &roken &o2lders and 2-&led hea's of rock. I will &e dark soon/ and s ill no sigh of Ghos . I was earing @on a'ar / ye he dare no sho2 for he direwolf as he wo2ld ha0e liked. ) her hings -igh &e lis ening as well. :Fhorin/: !42ire 1al&ridge called sof ly. :There. *ook.: The eagle was 'erched on a s'ine of rock far a&o0e he-/ o2 lined agains he darkening sky. 3e.0e seen o her eagles/ @on ho2gh . Tha need no &e he one I drea-ed of. ,0en so/ ,&&en wo2ld ha0e loosed a shaf a i / &2 he s42ire s o''ed hi-. :The &ird.s well o2 of &owsho .: :I don. like i wa ching 2s.: The s42ire shr2gged. :5or -e/ &2 yo2 won. s o' i . )nly was e a good arrow.: Fhorin sa in his saddle/ s 2dying he eagle for a long i-e. :3e 'ress on/: he finally said. The rangers res2-ed heir descen . Ghos / @on wan ed o sho2 / where are yo28 6e was a&o2 o follow Fhorin and he o hers when he gli-'sed a flash of whi e &e ween wo &o2lders. A 'a ch of old snow/ he ho2gh / 2n il he saw i s ir. 6e was off his horse a once. As he wen o his knees/ Ghos lif ed his head. 6is neck glis ened we ly/ &2 he -ade no so2nd when @on 'eeled off a glo0e and o2ched hi-. The alons had orn a &loody 'a h hro2gh f2r and flesh/ &2 he &ird had no &een a&le o sna' his neck. Fhorin 6alfhand was s anding o0er hi-. :6ow &ad8:

As if in answer/ Ghos s r2ggled o his fee . :The wolf is s rong/: he ranger said. :,&&en/ wa er. ! onesnake/ yo2r skin of wine. 6old hi- s ill/ @on.: Toge her hey washed he caked &lood fro- he direwolf.s f2r. Ghos s r2ggled and &ared his ee h when Fhor- 'o2red he wine in o he ragged red gashes he eagle had lef hi-/ &2 @on wra''ed his ar-s aro2nd hi- and -2r-2red soo hing words/ and soon eno2gh he wolf 42ie ed. By he i-e hey.d ri''ed a s ri' fro- @on.s cloak o wra' he wo2nds/ f2ll dark had se led. )nly a d2s ing of s ars se he &lack of sky a'ar fro- he &lack of s one. :1o we 'ress on8: ! onesnake wan ed o know. Fhorin wen o his garron. :Back/ no on.: :Back8: @on was aken &y s2r'rise. :,agles ha0e shar'er eyes han -en. 3e are seen. !o now we r2n.: The 6alfhand wo2nd a long &lack scarf aro2nd his face and sw2ng 2' in o he saddle. The o her rangers e9changed a look/ &2 no -an ho2gh o arg2e. )ne &y one hey -o2n ed and 2rned heir -o2n s oward ho-e. :Ghos / co-e/: he called/ and he direwolf followed/ a 'ale shadow -o0ing hro2gh he nigh . All nigh hey rode/ feeling heir way 2' he wis ing 'ass and hro2gh he s re ches of &roken gro2nd. The wind grew s ronger. !o-e i-es i was so dark ha hey dis-o2n ed and wen ahead on foo / each -an leading his garron. )nce ,&&en s2gges ed ha so-e orches -igh ser0e he- well/ &2 Fhorin said/ :5o fire/: and ha was he end of ha . They reached he s one &ridge a he s2--i and &egan o descend again. )ff in he darkness a shadowca screa-ed in f2ry/ i s 0oice &o2ncing off he rocks so i see-ed as ho2gh a do>en o her .ca s were gi0ing answer. )nce @on ho2gh he saw a 'air of glowing eyes on a ledge o0erhead/ as &ig as har0es -oons. In he &lack ho2r &efore dawn/ hey s o''ed o le he horses drink and fed he- each a handf2l of oa s and a wis or wo of hay. :3e are no far fro- he 'lace he wildlings died/: said Fhorin. :Fro- here/ one -an co2ld hold a h2ndred. The righ -an.: 6e looked a !42ire 1al&ridge. The s42ire &owed his head. :*ea0e -e as -any arrows as yo2 can s'are/ &ro hers.: 6e s roked his long&ow. :And see -y garron has an a''le when ho-e. 6e.s earned i / 'oor &eas ie.: 6e.s s aying o die/ ion reali>ed. Fhorin clas'ed he s42ire.s forear- wi h a glo0ed hand. :If he eagle flies down for a look a yo2 . . .: :. . . he.ll s'ro2 so-e new fea hers.: The las @on saw of !42ire 1al&ridge was his &ack as he cla-&ered 2' he narrow 'a h o he heigh s. 3hen dawn &roke/ @on looked 2' in o a clo2dless sky and saw a s'eck -o0ing hro2gh he &l2e. ,&&en saw i oo/ and c2rsed/ &2 Fhorin old hi- o &e 42ie . :*is en.: @on held his &rea h/ and heard i . Far away and &ehind he-/ he call of a h2n ing horn echoed agains he -o2n ains. :And now hey co-e/: said Fhorin. Cha' er ED T=RI)5 (od dressed hi- for his ordeal in a 'l2sh 0el0e 2nic of *annis er cri-son and &ro2gh hi- his chain of office. Tyrion lef i on he &edside a&le. 6is sis er -isliked &eing re-inded ha he was he

King.s 6and/ and he did no wish o infla-e he rela ions &e ween heany f2r her. Varys ca2gh 2' wi h hi- as he was crossing he yard. :My lord/: he said/ a li le o2 of &rea h. :=o2 had &es read his a once.: 6e held o2 a 'arch-en in a sof whi e hand. :A re'or fro- he nor h.: :Good news or &ad8: Tyrion asked. :Tha is no for -e o ;2dge.: Tyrion 2nrolled he 'arch-en . 6e had o s42in o read he words in he orchli yard. :Gods &e good/: he said sof ly. :Bo h of he-8: :I fear so/ -y lord. I is so sad. !o grie0o2s sad. And he- so yo2ng and innocen .: Tyrion re-e-&ered how he wol0es had howled when he ! ark &oy had fallen. Are hey howling now/ I wonder8 :6a0e yo2 old anyone else8: he asked. :5o as ye / ho2gh of co2rse I -2s .: 6e rolled 2' he le er. :I.ll ell -y sis er.: 6e wan ed o see how she ook he news. 6e wan ed ha 0ery -2ch. The 42een looked es'ecially lo0ely ha nigh . !he wore a low7c2 gown of dee' green 0el0e ha &ro2gh o2 he color of her eyes. 6er golden hair 2-&led across her &are sho2lders/ and aro2nd her wais was a wo0en &el s 2dded wi h e-eralds. Tyrion wai ed 2n il he had &een sea ed and ser0ed a c2' of wine &efore hr2s ing he le er a her. 6e said no a word. Cersei &linked a hi- innocen ly and ook he 'arch-en fro- his hand. :I r2s 'leased/: he said as she read. :=o2 wan ed he ! ark &oy dead/ I &elie0e.: Cersei -ade a so2r face. :I was @ai-e who hrew hi- fro- ha window/ no -e. For lo0e/ he said/ as if ha wo2ld 'lease -e. I was a s 2'id hing o do/ and dangero2s &esides/ &2 when did o2r swee &ro her e0er s o' o hink8: :The &oy saw yo2/: Tyrion 'oin ed o2 . :6e was a child. I co2ld ha0e frigh ened hi- in o silence.: !he looked a he le er ho2gh f2lly. :3hy -2s I s2ffer acc2sa ions e0ery i-e so-e ! ark s 2&s his oe8 This was Grey;oy.s work/ I had no hing o do wi h i .: :*e 2s ho'e *ady Ca elyn &elie0es ha .: 6er eyes widened. :!he wo2ldn. 7: :7kill @ai-e8 3hy no 8 3ha wo2ld yo2 do if @offrey and To--en were -2rdered8: :I s ill hold !ansa?: he 42een declared. :3e s ill hold !ansa/: he correc ed her/ :and we had &es ake good care of her. 5ow where is his s2''er yo2.0e 'ro-ised -e/ swee sis er8: Cersei se a as y a&le/ ha co2ld no &e denied. They s ar ed wi h a crea-y ches n2 so2'/ cr2s y ho &read/ and greens dressed wi h a''les and 'ine n2 s. Then ca-e la-'rey 'ie/ honeyed ha-/ &2 ered carro s/ whi e &eans and &acon/ and roas swan s 2ffed wi h -2shroo-s and oys ers. Tyrion was e9ceedingly co2r eo2s< he offered his sis er he choice 'or ions of e0ery dish/ and -ade cer ain he a e only wha she did. 5o ha he r2ly ho2gh she.d 'oison hi-/ &2 i ne0er h2r o &e caref2l. The news a&o2 he ! arks had so2red her/ he co2ld see. :3e.0e had no word fro- Bi er&ridge8: she asked an9io2sly as she s'eared a &i of a''le on he 'oin of her dagger and a e i wi h s-all/ delica e &i es. :5one.: :I.0e ne0er r2s ed *i lefinger. For eno2gh coin/ he.d go o0er o ! annis in a hear &ea .: :! annis Bara heon is oo &loody righ eo2s o &2y -en. 5or wo2ld he

-ake a co-for a&le lord for he likes of (e yr. This war has -ade for so-e 42eer &edfellows/ I agree/ &2 hose wo8 5o.: As he car0ed so-e slices off he ha-/ she said/ :3e ha0e *ady Tanda o hank for he 'ig.: :A oken of her lo0e8: :A &ri&e. !he &egs lea0e o re 2rn o her cas le. =o2r lea0e as well as -ine. I s2s'ec she fears yo2.ll arres her on he road/ as yo2 did *ord Gyles.: :1oes she 'lan o -ake off wi h he heir o he hrone8: Tyrion ser0ed his sis er a c2 of ha- and ook one for hi-self. :I.d sooner she re-ain. If she wan s o feel safe/ ell her o &ring down her garrison fro- ! okewor h. As -any -en as she has.: :If we need -en so &adly/ why did yo2 send away yo2r sa0ages8: A cer ain es iness cre' in o Cersei.s 0oice. :I was he &es 2se I co2ld ha0e -ade of he-/: he old her r2 hf2lly. fierce warriors/ &2 no soldiers. in for-al &a le/ disci'line is -ore i-'or an han co2rage. They.0e already done 2s -ore good in he kingswood han hey wo2ld e0er ha0e done 2s on he ci y walls.: As he swan was &eing ser0ed/ he 42een 42es ioned hi- a&o2 he cons'iracy of he An ler Men. !he see-ed -ore annoyed han afraid. :3hy are we 'lag2ed wi h so -any reasons8 3ha in;2ry has 6o2se *annis er e0er done hese wre ches8: :5one/: said Tyrion/ :&2 hey hink o &e on he winning side . . . which -akes he- fools as well as rai ors.: :Are yo2 cer ain yo2.0e fo2nd he- all8: :Varys says so.: The swan was oo rich for his as e. A line a''eared on Cersei.s 'ale whi e &row/ &e ween hose lo0ely eyes. :=o2 '2 oo -2ch r2s in ha e2n2ch.: :6e ser0es -e well.: :)r so he.d ha0e yo2 &elie0e. =o2 hink he only one he whis'ers secre s o8 6e gi0es each of 2s ;2s eno2gh o con0ince 2s ha we.d &e hel'less wi ho2 hi-. 6e 'layed he sa-e ga-e wi h -e/ when I firs wed Ro&er . For years/ I was con0inced I had no r2er friend a co2r / &2 now . . .: !he s 2died his face for a -o-en . :6e says yo2 -ean o ake he 6o2nd fro- @offrey.: 1a-n Varys. :I need Clegane for -ore i-'or an d2 ies.: :5o hing is -ore i-'or an han he life of he king.: :The life of he king is no a risk. @off will ha0e &ra0e !er )s-2nd g2arding hi-/ and Meryn Tran as well.: good for no hing &e er. :I need Balon !wann and he 6o2nd o lead sor ies/ o -ake cer ain ! annis ge s no oehold on o2r side of he Blackwa er.: :@ai-e wo2ld lead he sor ies hi-self.: :Fro- Ri0err2n8 Tha .s 42i e a sor ie.: :@off.s only a &oy.: :A &oy who wan s o &e 'ar of his &a le/ and for once he.s showing so-e sense. I don. in end o '2 hi- in he hick of he figh ing/ &2 he needs o &e seen. Men figh -ore fiercely for a king who shares heir 'eril han one who hides &ehind his -o her.s skir s.: :6e.s hir een/ Tyrion.: :Re-e-&er @ai-e a hir een8 If yo2 wan he &oy o &e his fa her.s son/ le hi- 'lay he 'ar . @off wears he fines ar-or gold can &2y/ and he.ll ha0e a do>en gold cloaks aro2nd hi- a all i-es. If he ci y looks o &e in he leas danger of falling/ I.ll ha0e hi- escor ed &ack o he Red Kee' a once.: 6e had ho2gh ha -igh reass2re her/ &2 he saw no sign of 'leas2re in hose green eyes. :3ill he ci y fall8:

:5o.: B2 if i does/ 'ray ha we can hold he Red Kee' long eno2gh for o2r lord fa her o -arch o o2r relief. :=o2.0e lied o -e &efore/ Tyrion.: :Always wi h good reason/ swee sis er. I wan a-i y &e ween 2s as -2ch as yo2 do. I.0e decided o release *ord Gyles.: 6e had ke' Gyles safe for ;2s his ges 2re. :=o2 can ha0e !er Boros Blo2n &ack as well.: The 42een.s -o2 h igh ened. :!er Boros can ro a Ros&y/: she said/ :&2 To--en7: 7s ays where he is. 6e.s safer 2nder *ord @acelyn.s 'ro ec ion han he wo2ld e0er ha0e &een wi h *ord Gyles.: !er0ing -en cleared away he swan/ hardly o2ched. Cersei &eckoned for he swee . :I ho'e yo2 like &lack&erry ar s.: :I lo0e all sor s of ar s.: :)h/ I.0e known ha a long while. 1o yo2 know why Varys is so dangero2s8 : :Are we 'laying a riddles now8 5o.: :6e doesn. ha0e a cock.: :5ei her do yo2.: And don. yo2 ;2s ha e ha / Cersei8 :(erha's I.- dangero2s oo. =o2/ on he o her hand/ are as &ig a fool as e0ery o her -an. Tha wor- &e ween yo2r legs does half yo2r hinking.: Tyrion licked he cr2-&s off his fingers. 6e did no like his sis er.s s-ile. :=es/ and ;2s now -y wor- is hinking ha 'erha's i is i-e I ook -y lea0e.: :Are yo2 2nwell/ &ro her8: !he leaned forward/ gi0ing hi- a good look a he o' of her &reas s. :!2ddenly yo2 a''ear so-ewha fl2s ered.: :Fl2s ered8: Tyrion glanced a he door. 6e ho2gh he.d heard so-e hing o2 side. 6e was &eginning o regre co-ing here alone. :=o2.0e ne0er shown -2ch in eres in -y cock &efore.: :I .s no yo2r cock ha in eres s -e/ so -2ch as wha yo2 s ick i in. I don. de'end on he e2n2ch for e0ery hing/ as yo2 do. I ha0e -y own ways of finding o2 hings . . . es'ecially hings ha 'eo'le don. wan -e o know.: :3ha are yo2 rying o say8: :)nly his7I ha0e yo2r li le whore.: Tyrion reached for his wine c2'/ &2ying a -o-en o ga her his ho2gh s. :I ho2gh -en were -ore o yo2r as e.: s2ch a droll li le fellow. Tell -e/ ha0e yo2 -arried his one ye 8: 3hen he ga0e her no answer she la2ghed and said/ :Fa her will &e e0er so relie0ed.: 6is &elly fel as if i were f2ll of eels. 6ow had she fo2nd !hae8 6ad Varys &e rayed hi-8 )r had all his 'reca2 ions &een 2ndone &y his i-'a ience he nigh he rode direc ly o he -anse8 :3hy sho2ld yo2 care who I choose o war- -y &ed8: :A *annis er always 'ays his de& s/: she said. :=o2.0e &een sche-ing agains -e since he day yo2 ca-e o King.s *anding. =o2 sold Myrcella/ s ole To--en/ and now yo2 'lo o ha0e @off killed. =o2 wan hi- dead so yo2 can r2le hro2gh To--en.: 3ell/ I can. say he no ion isn. e-' ing. :This is -adness/ Cersei. ! annis will &e here in days. =o2 need -e.: :For wha 8 =o2r grea 'rowess in &a le8: :Bronn.s sellswords will ne0er figh wi ho2 -e/: he lied. :)h/ I hink hey will. I .s yo2r gold hey lo0e/ no yo2r i-'ish wi . 6a0e no fear/ ho2gh/ hey won. &e wi ho2 yo2. I won. say I ha0en. ho2gh of sli ing yo2r hroa fro- i-e o i-e/ &2 @ai-e wo2ld ne0er forgi0e -e if I did.: :And he whore8: 6e wo2ld no call her &y na-e. If I can con0ince her

!hae -eans no hing o -e/ 'erha's . . . :!he.ll &e rea ed gen ly eno2gh/ so long as no har- co-es o -y sons. If @off sho2ld &e killed/ howe0er/ or if To--en sho2ld fall in o he hands of o2r ene-ies/ yo2r li le c2n will die -ore 'ainf2lly han yo2 can 'ossi&ly i-agine.: !he r2ly &elie0es I -ean o kill -y own ne'hew :The &oys are safe/: he 'ro-ised her wearily. :Gods &e good/ Cersei/ -y own &lood? 3ha sor of -an do yo2 ake -e for8: :A s-all and wis ed one.: Tyrion s ared a he dregs on he &o o- of his wine c2'. 3ha wo2ld @ai-e do in -y 'lace8 Kill he &i ch/ -os likely/ and worry a&o2 he conse42ences af erward. B2 Tyrion did no ha0e a golden sword/ nor he skill o wield one. 6e lo0ed his &ro her.s reckless wra h/ &2 i was heir lord fa her he -2s ry and e-2la e. ! one/ I -2s &e s one/ I -2s &e Cas erly Rock/ hard and 2n-o0a&le. If I fail his es / I had as lief seek o2 he neares gro es42erie. :For all I know/ yo2.0e killed her already/: he said. :3o2ld yo2 like o see her8 I ho2gh yo2 -igh .: Cersei crossed he roo- and hrew o'en he hea0y oaken door. :Bring in -y &ro her.s whore.: !er )s-2nd.s &ro hers )sney and )sfryd were 'eas fro- he sa-e 'od/ all -en wi h hooked noses/ dark hair/ and cr2el s-iles. !he h2ng &e ween he-/ eyes wide and whi e in her dark face. Blood rickled froher &roken li'/ and he co2ld see &r2ises hro2gh her orn clo hing. 6er hands were &o2nd wi h ro'e/ and hey.d gagged her so she co2ld no s'eak. :=o2 said she wo2ldn. &e h2r .: :!he fo2gh .: +nlike his &ro hers/ )sney Ke le&lack was cleansha0en/ so he scra ches showed 'lainly on his &are cheeks. :Go claws like a shadowca / his one.: :Br2ises heal/: said Cersei in a &ored one. :The whore will li0e. !o long as @off does.: Tyrion wan ed o la2gh a her. I wo2ld ha0e &een so swee / so 0ery 0ery swee / &2 i wo2ld ha0e gi0en he ga-e away. =o2.0e los / Cersei/ and he Ke le&lacks are e0en &igger fools han Bronn clai-ed. All he needed o do was say he words. ins ead he looked a he girl.s face and said/ :=o2 swear yo2.ll release her af er he &a le8: :If yo2 release To--en/ yes.: 6e '2shed hi-self o his fee . :Kee' her hen/ &2 kee' her safe. If hese ani-als hink hey can 2se her . . . well/ swee sis er/ le -e 'oin o2 ha a scale i's wo ways.: 6is one was cal-/ fla / 2ncaring< he.d reached for his fa her.s 0oice/ and fo2nd i . :3ha e0er ha''ens o her ha''ens o Torn-en as well/ and ha incl2des he &ea ings and ra'es.: If she hinks -e s2ch a -ons er/ I.ll 'lay he 'ar for her. Cersei had no e9'ec ed ha . :=o2 wo2ld no dare.: Tyrion -ade hi-self s-ile/ slow and cold. Green and &lack/ his eyes la2ghed a her. :1are8 I.ll do i -yself.: 6is sis er.s hand flashed a his face/ &2 he ca2gh her wris and &en i &ack 2n il she cried o2 . )sfryd -o0ed o her resc2e. :)ne -ore s e' and I.ll &reak her ar-/: he dwarf warned hi-. The -an s o''ed. :=o2 re-e-&er when I said yo2.d ne0er hi -e again/ Cersei8: 6e sho0ed her o he floor and 2rned &ack o he Ke le&lacks. :+n ie her and re-o0e ha gag.: The ro'e had &een so igh as o c2 off he &lood o her hands. !he cried o2 in 'ain as he circ2la ion re 2rned. Tyrion -assaged her fingers gen ly 2n il feeling re 2rned. :!wee ling/: he said/ :yo2 -2s

&e &ra0e. I a- sorry hey h2r yo2.: :I know yo2.ll free -e/ -y lord.: :I will/: he 'ro-ised/ and Alayaya &en o0er and kissed hi- on he &row. 6er &roken li's lef a s-ear of &lood on his forehead. A &loody kiss is -ore han I deser0e/ Tyrion ho2gh . !he wo2ld ne0er ha0e &een h2r &2 for -e. 6er &lood s ill -arked hi- as he looked down a he 42een. :I ha0e ne0er liked yo2/ Cersei/ &2 yo2 were -y own sis er/ so I ne0er did yo2 har-. =o2.0e ended ha . I will h2r yo2 for his. I don. know how ye / &2 gi0e -e i-e. A day will co-e when yo2 hink yo2rself safe and ha''y/ and s2ddenly yo2r ;oy will 2rn o ashes in yo2r -o2 h/ and yo2.ll know he de& is 'aid.: in war/ his fa her had old hi- once/ he &a le is o0er in he ins an one ar-y &reaks and flees. 5o -a er ha as n2-ero2s as hey were a -o-en &efore/ s ill ar-ed and ar-ored< once hey had r2n &efore yo2 hey wo2ld no 2rn o figh again. !o i was wi h Cersei. :Ge o2 ?: was all he answer she co2ld s2--on. :Ge o2 of -y sigh ?: Tyrion &owed. :Good nigh / hen. And 'leasan drea-s.: 6e -ade his way &ack o he Tower of he 6and wi h a ho2sand ar-ored fee -arching hro2gh his sk2ll. I o2gh o ha0e seen his co-ing he firs i-e I sli''ed hro2gh he &ack of Cha aya.s wardro&e. (erha's he had no wan ed o see. 6is legs were aching &adly &y he i-e he had -ade he cli-&. 6e sen (od for a flagon of wine and '2shed his way in o his &edcha-&er. !hae sa cross7legged in he cano'ied &ed/ n2de &2 for he hea0y golden chain ha loo'ed across he swell of her &reas sB a chain of linked golden hands/ each clas'ing he ne9 . Tyrion had no e9'ec ed her. :3ha are yo2 doing here8: *a2ghing/ she s roked he chain. :I wan ed so-e hands on -y i ies . . . &2 hese li le gold ones are cold.: For a -o-en he did know wha o say. 6ow co2ld he ell her ha ano her wo-an had aken he &ea ing -ean for her/ and -igh well die in her 'lace sho2ld so-e -ischance of &a le fell @offrey8 6e wi'ed Alayaya.s &lood fro- his &row wi h he heel of his hand. :The *ady *ollys7: :!he.s aslee'. !lee'.s all she e0er wan s o do/ he grea cow. !he slee's and she ea s. !o-e i-es she falls aslee' while she.s ea ing. The food falls 2nder he &lanke s and she rolls in i / and I ha0e o clean her.: !he -ade a disg2s ed face. :All hey did was f2ck her.: :6er -o her says she.s sick.: :!he has a &a&y in her &elly/ ha .s all.: Tyrion ga>ed aro2nd he roo-. ,0ery hing see-ed -2ch as he lef i . :6ow did yo2 en er8 !how -e he hidden door.: !he ga0e a shr2g. :*ord Varys -ade -e wear a hood. I co2ldn. see/ e9ce' . . . here was one 'lace/ I go a 'ee' a he floor o2 he &o o- of he hood. I was all iles/ yo2 know/ he kind ha -ake a 'ic 2re8: :A -osaic8: !hae nodded. :They were colored red and &lack. I hink he 'ic 2re was a dragon. ) herwise/ e0ery hing was dark. 3e wen down a ladder and walked a long ways/ 2n il I was all wis ed aro2nd. )nce we s o''ed so he co2ld 2nlock an iron ga e. I &r2shed agains i when we wen hro2gh. The dragon was 'as he ga e. Then we wen 2' ano her ladder/ wi h a 2nnel a he o'. I had o s oo'/ and I hink *ord Varys was crawling.: Tyrion -ade a ro2nd of he &edcha-&er. )ne of he sconces looked loose. 6e s ood on his oes and ried o 2rn i . I re0ol0ed slowly/ scra'ing

agains he s one wall. 3hen i was 2'side down/ he s 2& of he candle fell o2 . The r2shes sca ered across he cold s one floor did no show any 'ar ic2lar dis 2r&ance. :1oesn. -.lord wan o &ed -e8: asked !hae. :In a -o-en .: Tyrion hrew o'en his wardro&e/ sho0ed he clo hing aside/ and '2shed agains he rear 'anel. 3ha worked for a whoreho2se -igh work for a cas le as well . . . &2 no/ he wood was solid/ 2nyielding. A s one &eside he window sea drew his eye/ &2 all his 2gging and 'rodding wen for na2gh . 6e re 2rned o he &ed fr2s ra ed and annoyed. !hae 2ndid his laces and hrew her ar-s aro2nd his neck. :=o2r sho2lders feel as hard as rocks/: she -2r-2red. :62rry/ I wan o feel yo2 inside -e.: =e as her legs locked aro2nd his wais / his -anhood lef hi-. 3hen she fel hi- go sof / !hae slid down 2nder he shee s and ook hi- in her -o2 h/ &2 e0en ha co2ld no ro2se hi-. Af er a few -o-en s he s o''ed her. :3ha .s wrong8: she asked. All he swee innocence of he world was wri en here in he lines of her yo2ng face. Innocence8 Fool/ she.s a whore/ Cersei was righ / yo2 hink wi h yo2r cock/ fool/ fool. :@2s go o slee'/ swee ling/: he 2rged/ s roking her hair. =e long af er !hae had aken his ad0ice/ Tyrion hi-self s ill lay awake/ his fingers c2''ed o0er one s-all &reas as he lis ened o her &rea hing. Cha' er EE CATI,*=5 The Grea 6all of Ri0err2n was a lonely 'lace for wo o si o s2''er. 1ee' shadows dra'ed he walls. one of he orches had g2 ered o2 / lea0ing only hree. Ca elyn sa s aring in o her wine go&le . The 0in age as ed hin and so2r on her ong2e. Brienne was across froher. Be ween he-/ her fa her.s high sea was as e-' y as he res of he hall. ,0en he ser0an s were gone. !he had gi0en he- lea0e o ;oin he cele&ra ion. The walls of he kee' were hick/ ye e0en so/ hey co2ld hear he -2ffled so2nds of re0elry fro- he yard o2 side. !er 1es-ond had &ro2gh wen y casks 2' fro- he cellars/ and he s-allfolk were cele&ra ing ,d-2re.s i--inen re 2rn and Ro&&.s con42es of he Crag &y hois ing horns of n2 7&rown ale. I canno &la-e he-/ Ca elyn ho2gh . They do no know And if hey did/ why sho2ld hey care8 They ne0er knew -y sons. 5e0er wa ched Bran cli-& wi h heir hear s in heir hroa s/ 'ride and error so -ingled hey see-ed as one/ ne0er heard hi- la2gh/ ne0er s-iled o see Rickon rying so fiercely o &e like his older &ro hers. !he s ared a he s2''er se &efore herB ro2 wra''ed in &acon/ salad of 2rni' greens and red fennel and swee grass/ 'ease and onions and ho &read. Brienne was ea ing -e hodically/ as if s2''er were ano her chore o &e acco-'lished. I a- &eco-e a so2r wo-an/ Ca elyn ho2gh . I ake no ;oy in -ead nor -ea / and song and la2gh er ha0e &eco-e s2s'icio2s s rangers o -e. I a- a crea 2re of grief and d2s and &i er longings. There is an e-' y 'lace wi hin -e where -y hear was once. The so2nd of he o her wo-an.s ea ing had &eco-e in olera&le o her. :Brienne/ I a- no fi co-'any. Go ;oin he re0els/ if yo2 wo2ld. 1rink a horn of ale and dance o Ry-2nd.s har'ing.: :I a- no -ade for re0els/ -y lady.: 6er &ig hands ore a'ar a heel of &lack &read. Brienne s ared a he ch2nks as if she had forgo en wha hey were. :If yo2 co--and i / I . . .:

Ca elyn co2ld sense her disco-for . :I only ho2gh yo2 -igh en;oy ha''ier co-'any han -ine.: :I.- well con en .: The girl 2sed he &read o so' 2' so-e of he &acon grease he ro2 had &een fried in. :There was ano her &ird his -orning.: Ca elyn did no know why she said i . :The -aes er woke -e a once. Tha was d2 if2l/ &2 no kind. 5o kind a all.: !he had no -ean o ell Brienne. 5o one knew &2 her and Maes er Vy-an/ and she had -ean o kee' i ha way 2n il . . . 2n il . . . +n il wha 8 Foolish wo-an/ will holding i secre in yo2r hear -ake i any less r2e8 If yo2 ne0er ell/ ne0er s'eak of i / will i &eco-e only a drea-/ less han a drea-/ a nigh -are half7re-e-&ered8 )h/ if only he gods wo2ld &e so good. :Is i news of King.s *anding8: asked Brienne. :3o2ld ha i was. The &ird ca-e fro- Cas le Cerwyn/ fro- !er Rodrik/ -y cas ellan.: 1ark wings/ dark words. :6e has ga hered wha 'ower he co2ld and is -arching on 3in erfell/ o ake he cas le &ack.: 6ow 2ni-'or an all ha so2nded now. :B2 he said . . . he wro e . . . he old -e/ he . . .: :My lady/ wha is i 8 Is i so-e news of yo2r sons8: !2ch a si-'le 42es ion ha was< wo2ld ha he answer co2ld &e as si-'le. 3hen Ca elyn ried o s'eak/ he words ca2gh in her hroa . :I ha0e no sons &2 Ro&&.: !he -anaged hose erri&le words wi ho2 a so&/ and for ha -2ch she was glad. Brienne looked a her wi h horror. :My lady8: :Bran and Rickon ried o esca'e/ &2 were aken a a -ill on he Acorn 3a er. Theon Grey;oy has -o2n ed heir heads on he walls of 3in erfell. Theon Grey;oy/ who a e a -y a&le since he was a &oy of en.: I ha0e said i / gods forgi0e -e. I ha0e said i and -ade i r2e. Brienne.s face was a wa ery &l2r. !he reached across he a&le/ &2 her fingers s o''ed shor of Ca elyn.s/ as if he o2ch -igh &e 2nwelco-e. :I . . . here are no words/ -y lady. My good lady. =o2r sons/ hey . . . wi h he gods now.: :Are hey8: Ca elyn said shar'ly. :3ha god wo2ld le his ha''en8 Rickon was only a &a&y. 6ow co2ld he deser0e s2ch a dea h8 And Bran . . . when I lef he nor h/ he had no o'ened his eyes since his fall. I had o go &efore he woke. 5ow I can ne0er re 2rn o hi-/ or hear hi- la2gh again.: !he showed Brienne her 'al-s/ her fingers. :These scars . . . hey sen a -an o c2 Bran.s hroa as he lay slee'ing. 6e wo2ld ha0e died hen/ and -e wi h hi-/ &2 Bran.s wolf ore o2 he -an.s hroa .: Tha ga0e her a -o-en .s 'a2se. :I s2''ose Theon killed he wol0es oo. 6e -2s ha0e/ elsewise . . . I was cer ain he &oys wo2ld &e safe so long as he direwol0es were wi h he-. *ike Ro&& wi h his Grey 3ind. B2 -y da2gh ers ha0e no wol0es now.: The a&r2' shif of o'ic lef Brienne &ewildered. :=o2r da2gh ers . . .: :!ansa was a lady a hree/ always so co2r eo2s and eager o 'lease. !he lo0ed no hing so well as ales of knigh ly 0alor. Men wo2ld say she had -y look/ &2 she will grow in o a wo-an far -ore &ea2 if2l han I e0er was/ yo2 can see ha . I of en sen away her -aid so I co2ld &r2sh her hair -yself. !he had a2&2rn hair/ ligh er han -ine/ and so hick and sof . . . he red in i wo2ld ca ch he ligh of he orches and shine like co''er. :And Arya/ well . . . 5ed.s 0isi ors wo2ld of -is ake her for a s a&le&oy if hey rode in o he yard 2nanno2nced. Arya was a rial/ i -2s &e said. 6alf a &oy and half a wolf '2'. For&id her any hing and i &eca-e her hear .s desire. !he had 5ed.s long face/ and &rown hair

ha always looked as ho2gh a &ird had &een nes ing in i . I des'aired of e0er -aking a lady of her. !he collec ed sca&s as o her girls collec dolls/ and wo2ld say any hing ha ca-e in o her head. I hink she -2s &e dead oo.: 3hen she said ha / i fel as ho2gh a gian hand were s42ee>ing her ches . :I wan he- all dead/ Brienne. Theon Grey;oy firs / hen @ai-e *annis er and Cersei and he I-'/ e0ery one/ e0ery one. B2 -y girls . . . -y girls will . . .: :The 42een . . . she has a li le girl of her own/: Brienne said awkwardly. :And sons oo/ of an age wi h yo2rs. 3hen she hears/ 'erha's she . . . she -ay ake 'i y/ and . . .: :!end -y da2gh ers &ack 2nhar-ed8: Ca elyn s-iled sadly. :There is a swee innocence a&o2 yo2/ child. I co2ld wish . . . &2 no. Ro&& will a0enge his &ro hers. Ice can kill as dead as fire. Ice was 5ed.s grea sword. Valyrian s eel/ -arked wi h he ri''les of a ho2sand foldings/ so shar' I feared o o2ch i . Ro&&.s &lade is d2ll as a c2dgel co-'ared o Ice. I will no &e easy for hi- o ge Theon.s head off/ I fear. The ! arks do no 2se heads-en. 5ed always said ha he -an who 'asses he sen ence sho2ld swing he &lade/ ho2gh he ne0er ook any ;oy in he d2 y. B2 I wo2ld/ oh/ yes.: !he s ared a her scarred hands/ o'ened and closed he-/ hen slowly raised her eyes. :I.0e sen hi- wine.: :3ine8: Brienne was los . :Ro&&8 )r . . . Theon Grey;oy8: :The Kingslayer.: The 'loy had ser0ed her well wi h Cleos Frey. I ho'e hirs y/ @ai-e. I ho'e yo2r hroa is dry and igh . :I wo2ld like yo2 o co-e wi h -e.: :I a- yo2rs o co--and/ -y lady.: :Good.: Ca elyn rose a&r2' ly. :! ay/ finish yo2r -eal in 'eace. I will send for yo2 la er. A -idnigh .: :!o la e/ -y lady8: :The d2ngeons are windowless. )ne ho2r is -2ch like ano her down here/ and for -e/ all ho2rs are -idnigh .: 6er foo s e's rang hollowly when Ca elyn lef he hall. As she cli-&ed o *ord 6os er.s solar/ she co2ld hear he- o2 side/ sho2 ing/ :T2lly?: and :A c2'? A c2' o he &ra0e yo2ng lord?: My fa her is no dead/ she wan ed o sho2 down a he-. My sons are dead/ &2 -y fa her li0es/ da-n yo2 all/ and he is yo2r lord s ill. *ord 6os er was dee' in slee'. :6e had a c2' of drearnwine no so long ago/ -y lady/: Maes er Vy-an said. :For he 'ain. 6e will no know yo2 are here.: :I -akes no -a er/: Ca elyn said. 6e is -ore dead han ali0e/ ye -ore ali0e han -y 'oor swee sons. :My lady/ is here a2gh I -igh do for yo28 A slee'ing dra2gh / 'erha's8: :Thank yo2/ Maes er/ &2 no. I will no slee' away -y grief. Bran and Rickon deser0e &e er fro- -e. Go and ;oin he cele&ra ion/ I will si wi h -y fa her for a i-e.: :As yo2 will/ -y lady.: Vy-an &owed and lef her. *ord 6os er lay on his &ack/ -o2 h o'en/ his &rea h a fain whis ling sigh. )ne hand h2ng o0er he edge of he -a ress/ a 'ale frail fleshless hing/ &2 war- when she o2ched i . !he slid her fingers hro2gh his and closed he-. 5o -a er how igh ly I hold hi-/ I canno kee' hi- here/ she ho2gh sadly. *e hi- go. =e her fingers wo2ld no see- o 2n&end. :I ha0e no one o alk wi h/ Fa her/: she old hi-. :I 'ray/ &2 he gods do no answer.: *igh ly she kissed his hand. The skin was war-/ &l2e 0eins &ranching like ri0ers &enea h his 'ale ransl2cen skin. )2 side he grea er ri0ers flowed/ he Red Fork and he T2-&les one/

and hey wo2ld flow fore0er/ &2 no so he ri0ers in her fa her.s hand. Too soon ha c2rren wo2ld grow s ill. :*as nigh I drea-ed of ha i-e *ysa and I go los while riding &ack fro- !eagard. 1o yo2 re-e-&er8 Tha s range fog ca-e 2' and we fell &ehind he res of he 'ar y. ,0ery hing was grey/ and I co2ld no see a foo 'as he nose of -y horse. 3e los he road. The &ranches of he rees were like long skinny ar-s reaching o2 o gra& 2s as we 'assed. *ysa s ar ed o cry/ and when I sho2 ed he fog see-ed o swallow he so2nd. B2 (e yr knew where we were/ and he rode &ack and fo2nd 2s . . . :B2 here.s no one o find -e now/ is here8 This i-e I ha0e o find o2r own way/ and i is hard/ so hard. :I kee' re-e-&ering he ! ark words. 3in er has co-e/ Fa her. For -e. For -e. Ro&& -2s figh he Grey;oys now as well as he *annis ers/ and for wha 8 For a gold ha and an iron chair8 !2rely he land has &led eno2gh. I wan -y girls &ack/ I wan Ro&& o lay down his sword and 'ick so-e ho-ely da2gh er of 3alder Frey o -ake hi- ha''y and gi0e hisons. I wan Bran and Rickon &ack/ I wan . . .: Ca elyn h2ng her head. :I wan /: she said once -ore/ and hen her words were gone. Af er a i-e he candle g2 ered and wen o2 . Moonligh slan ed &e ween he sla s of he sh2 ers/ laying 'ale sil0ery &ars across her fa her.s face. !he co2ld hear he sof whis'er of his la&ored &rea hing/ he endless r2sh of wa ers/ he fain chords of so-e lo0e song drif ing 2' fro- he yard/ so sad and swee . :I lo0ed a -aid as red as a2 2-n/: Ry-2nd sang/ :wi h s2nse in her hair.: Ca elyn ne0er no iced when he singing ended. 6o2rs had 'assed/ ye i see-ed only a hear &ea &efore Brienne was a he door. :M= lady/: she anno2nced sof ly. :Midnigh has co-e.: Midnigh has co-e/ Fa her/ she ho2gh / and I -2s do -y d2 y. !he le go of his hand. The gaoler was a f2r i0e li le -an wi h &roken 0eins in his nose. They fo2nd hi- &en o0er a ankard of ale and he re-ains of a 'igeon 'ie/ -ore han a li le dr2nk. 6e s42in ed a he- s2s'icio2sly. :Begging yo2r forgi0eness/ -.lady/ &2 *ord ,d-2re says no one is o see he Kingslayer wi ho2 a wri ing fro- hi-/ wi h his seal 2'on i .: :*ord ,d-2re8 6as -y fa her died/ and no one old -e8: The gaoler licked his li's. :5o/ -.lady/ no as I knows.: :=o2 will o'en he cell/ or yo2 will co-e wi h -e o *ord 6os er.s solar and ell hi- why yo2 saw fi o defy -e.: 6is eyes fell. :As -.lady says.: The keys were chained o he s 2dded lea her &el ha girdled his wais . 6e -2 ered 2nder his &rea h as he sor ed hro2gh he-/ 2n il he fo2nd he one ha fi he door o he Kingslayer.s cell. :Go &ack o yo2r ale and lea0e 2s/: she co--anded. An oil la-' h2ng fro- a hook on he low ceiling. Ca elyn ook i down and 2rned 2' he fla-e. :Brienne/ see ha I a- no dis 2r&ed.: 5odding/ Brienne ook 2' a 'osi ion ;2s o2 side he cell/ her hand res ing on he 'o--el of her sword. :My lady will call if she has need of -e.: Ca elyn sho2ldered aside he hea0y wood7and7iron door and s e''ed in o fo2l darkness. This was he &owels of Ri0err2n/ and s-elled he 'ar . )ld s raw crackled 2nderfoo . The walls were discolored wi h 'a ches of ni re. Thro2gh he s one/ she co2ld hear he fain r2sh of he T2-&les one. The la-'ligh re0ealed a 'ail o0erflowing wi h feces in one corner and a h2ddled sha'e in ano her. The flagon of wine s ood &eside he door/ 2n o2ched. !o -2ch for ha 'loy. I o2gh o &e hankf2l ha he gaoler did no drink i hi-self/ I s2''ose.

@ai-e raised his hands o co0er his face/ he chains aro2nd his wris s clanking. :*ady ! ark/: he said/ in a 0oice hoarse wi h dis2se. :I fear I a- in no condi ion o recei0e yo2.: :*ook a -e/ ser.: :The ligh h2r s -y eyes. A -o-en / if yo2 wo2ld.: @ai-e *annis er had &een allowed no ra>or since he nigh he was aken in he 3his'ering 3ood/ and a shaggy &eard co0ered his face/ once so like he 42een.s. Glin ing gold in he la-'ligh / he whiskers -ade hi- look like so-e grea yellow &eas / -agnificen e0en in chains. 6is 2nwashed hair fell o his sho2lders in ro'es and angles/ he clo hes were ro ing on his &ody/ his face was 'ale and was ed . . . and e0en so/ he 'ower and he &ea2 y of he -an were s ill a''aren . :I see yo2 had no as e for he wine I sen yo2.: :!2ch s2dden generosi y see-ed so-ewha s2s'ec .: :I can ha0e yo2r head off any i-e I wan . 3hy wo2ld I need o 'oison yo28: :1ea h &y 'oison can see- na 2ral. 6arder o clai- ha -y head si-'ly fell off.: 6e s42in ed 2' fro- he floor/ his ca 7green eyes slowly &eco-ing acc2s o-ed o he ligh . :Id in0i e yo2 o si / &2 yo2r &ro her has neglec ed o 'ro0ide -e a chair.: :I can s and well eno2gh.: :Can yo28 =o2 look erri&le/ I -2s say. Tho2gh 'erha's i .s ;2s he ligh in here.: 6e was fe ered a wris and ankle/ each c2ff chained o he o hers/ so he co2ld nei her s and nor lie co-for a&ly. The ankle chains were &ol ed o he wall. :Are -y &racele s hea0y eno2gh for yo2/ or did yo2 co-e o add a few -ore8 I.ll ra le he- 're ily if yo2 like.: :=o2 &ro2gh his on yo2rself/: she re-inded hi-. :3e gran ed yo2 he co-for of a ower cell &efi ing yo2r &ir h and s a ion. =o2 re'aid 2s &y rying o esca'e.: :A cell is a cell. !o-e 2nder Cas erly Rock -ake his one see- a s2nli garden. )ne day 'erha's I.ll show he- o yo2.: If he is cowed/ he hides i well/ Ca elyn ho2gh . :A -an chained hand and foo sho2ld kee' a -ore co2r eo2s ong2e in his -o2 h/ ser. I did no co-e here o &e hrea ened.: :5o8 Then s2rely i was o ha0e yo2r 'leas2re of -e8 I .s said ha widows grow weary of heir e-' y &eds. 3e of he Kingsg2ard 0ow ne0er o wed/ &2 I s2''ose I co2ld s ill ser0ice yo2 if ha .s wha yo2 need. (o2r 2s so-e of ha wine and sli' o2 of ha gown and we.ll see if I.- 2' o i .: Ca elyn s ared down a hi- in re02lsion. 3as here e0er a -an as &ea2 if2l or as 0ile as his one8 :If yo2 said ha in -y son.s hearing/ he wo2ld kill yo2 for i .: :)nly so long as I was wearing hese.: @ai-e *annis er ra led his chains a her. :3e &o h know he &oy is afraid o face -e in single co-&a .: :My son -ay &e yo2ng/ &2 if yo2 ake hi- for a fool/ yo2 are sadly -is aken . . . and i see-s o -e ha yo2 were no so 42ick o -ake challenges when yo2 had an ar-y a yo2r &ack.: :1id he old Kings of 3in er hide &ehind heir -o hers. skir s as well8 : :I grow weary of his/ ser. There are hings I -2s know.: :3hy sho2ld I ell yo2 any hing8: :To sa0e yo2r life.: :=o2 hink I fear dea h8: Tha see-ed o a-2se hi-. :=o2 sho2ld. =o2r cri-es will ha0e earned yo2 a 'lace of or-en in he dee'es of he se0en hells/ if he gods are ;2s .:

:3ha gods are hose/ *ady Ca elyn8 The rees yo2r h2s&and 'rayed o8 6ow well did hey ser0e hi- when -y sis er ook his head off8: @ai-e ga0e a ch2ckle. :If here are gods/ why is he world so f2ll of 'ain and in;2s ice8: :Beca2se of -en like yo2.: :There are no -en like -e. There.s only -e.: There is no hing here &2 arrogance and 'ride/ and he e-' y co2rage of a -ad-an. I a- was ing -y &rea h wi h his one. If here was e0er a s'ark of honor in hi-/ i is long dead. :If yo2 will no s'eak wi h -e/ so &e i . 1rink he wine or 'iss in i / ser/ i -akes no -a er o -e.: 6er hand was a he door '2ll when he said/ :*ady ! ark.: !he 2rned/ wai ed. :Things go o r2s in his da-'/: @ai-e wen on. :,0en a -an.s co2r esies. ! ay/ and yo2 shall ha0e yo2r answers . . . for a 'rice.: 6e has no sha-e. :Ca' i0es do no se 'rices.: :)h/ yo2.ll find -ine -odes eno2gh. =o2r 2rnkey ells -e no hing &2 0ile lies/ and he canno e0en kee' he- s raigh . one day he says Cersei has &een flayed/ and he ne9 i .s -y fa her. Answer -y 42es ions and I.ll answer yo2rs.: :Tr2 hf2lly8 : :)h/ i .s r2 h yo2 wan 8 Be caref2l/ -y lady. Tyrion says ha 'eo'le of en clai- o h2nger for r2 h/ &2 seldo- like he as e when i .s ser0ed 2'.: :I a- s rong eno2gh o hear any hing yo2 care o say.: :As yo2 will/ hen. B2 firs / if yo2.d &e so kind . . . he wine. My hroa is raw.: Ca elyn h2ng he la-' fro- he door and -o0ed he c2' and flagon closer. @ai-e sloshed he wine aro2nd his -o2 h &efore he swallowed. :!o2r and 0ile/: he said/ :&2 i will do.: 6e '2 his &ack o he wall/ drew his knees 2' o his ches / and s ared a her. :=o2r firs 42es ion/ *ady Ca elyn8: 5o knowing how long his ga-e -igh con in2e/ Ca elyn was ed no i-e. :Are yo2 @offrey.s fa her8: :=o2 wo2ld ne0er ask 2nless yo2 knew he answer.: :I wan i fro- yo2r own li's.: 6e shr2gged. :@offrey is -ine. As are he res of Cersei.s &rood/ I s2''ose.: :=o2 ad-i o &eing yo2r sis er.s lo0er8: :I.0e always lo0ed -y sis er/ and yo2 owe -e wo answers. 1o all -y kin s ill li0e8: :!er ! afford *annis er was slain a )9cross/ I a- old.: @ai-e was 2n-o0ed. :+ncle 1ol / -y sis er called hi-. i .s Cersei and Tyrion who concern -e. As well as -y lord fa her.: :They li0e/ all hree.: B2 no long/ if he gods are good. @ai-e drank so-e -ore wine. :Ask yo2r ne9 .: Ca elyn wondered if he wo2ld dare answer her ne9 42es ion wi h any hing &2 a lie. :6ow did -y son Bran co-e o fall8: :I fl2ng hi- fro- a window.: The easy way he said i ook her 0oice away for an ins an . If I had a knife/ I wo2ld kill hi- now/ she ho2gh / 2n il she re-e-&ered he girls. 6er hroa cons ric ed as she said/ :=o2 were a knigh / sworn o defend he weak and innocen .: :6e was weak eno2gh/ &2 'erha's no so innocen . 6e was s'ying on 2s. :Bran wo2ld no s'y.: :Then &la-e hose 'recio2s gods of yo2rs/ who &ro2gh he &oy o o2r window and ga0e hi- a gli-'se of so-e hing he was ne0er -ean o see.: :Bla-e he gods8: she said/ incred2lo2s. :=o2rs was he hand ha hrew hi-. =o2 -ean for hi- o die.:

6is chains chinked sof ly. :I seldo- fling children fro- owers o i-'ro0e heir heal h. =es/ I -ean for hi- o die.: :And when he did no / yo2 knew yo2r danger was worse han e0er/ so yo2 ga0e yo2r ca s'aw a &ag of sil0er o -ake cer ain Bran wo2ld ne0er wake.: :1id I now8: @ai-e lif ed his c2' and ook a long swallow. :I won. deny we alked of i / &2 yo2 were wi h he &oy day and nigh / yo2r -aes er and *ord ,ddard a ended hi- fre42en ly/ and here were g2ards/ e0en hose da-ned direwol0es . . . i wo2ld ha0e re42ired c2 ing -y way hro2gh half of 3in erfell. And why &o her/ when he &oy see-ed like o die of his own accord8: :If yo2 lie o -e/ his session is a an end.: Ca elyn held o2 her hands/ o show hi- her fingers and 'al-s. :The -an who ca-e o sli Bran.s hroa ga0e -e hese scars. =o2 swear yo2 had no 'ar in sending hi-8 : :)n -y honor as a *annis er.: :=o2r honor as a *annis er is wor h less han his.: !he kicked o0er he was e 'ail. Fo2l7s-elling &rown oo>e cre' across he floor of he cell/ soaking in o he s raw. @ai-e *annis er &acked away fro- he s'ill as far as his chains wo2ld allow. :I -ay indeed ha0e shi for honor/ I won. deny i / &2 I ha0e ne0er ye hired anyone o do -y killing. Belie0e wha yo2 will/ *ady ! ark/ &2 if I had wan ed yo2r Bran dead I wo2ld ha0e slain hi-yself.: Gods &e -ercif2l/ he.s elling he r2 h. :If yo2 did no send he killer/ yo2r sis er did.: :If so/ I.d know. Cersei kee's no secre s fro- -e.: :Then i was he I-'.: :Tyrion is as innocen as yo2r Bran. 6e wasn. cli-&ing aro2nd o2 side of anyone.s window/ s'ying.: :Then why did he assassin ha0e his dagger8: :3ha dagger was his8: :I was so long/: she said/ holding her hands a'ar / :'lain/ &2 finely -ade/ wi h a &lade of Valyrian s eel and a dragon&one hil . =o2r &ro her won i fro- *ord Baelish a he o2rney on (rince @offrey.s na-e day.: *annis er 'o2red/ drank/ 'o2red/ and s ared in o his wine c2'. :This wine see-s o &e i-'ro0ing as I drink i . I-agine ha . I see- o re-e-&er ha dagger/ now ha yo2 descri&e i . 3on i / yo2 say8 6ow8: :3agering on yo2 when yo2 il ed agains he Knigh of Flowers.: =e when she heard her own words Ca elyn knew she had go en i wrong. :5o . . . was i he o her way8: :Tyrion always &acked -e in he lis s/: @ai-e said/ :&2 ha day !er *oras 2nhorsed -e. A -ischance/ I ook he &oy oo ligh ly/ &2 no -a er. 3ha e0er -y &ro her wagered/ he los . . . &2 ha dagger did change hands/ I recall i now. Ro&er showed i o -e ha nigh a he feas . 6is Grace lo0ed o sal -y wo2nds/ es'ecially when dr2nk. And when was he no dr2nk8: Tyrion *annis er had said -2ch he sa-e hing as hey rode hro2gh he Mo2n ains of he Moon/ Ca elyn re-e-&ered. !he had ref2sed o &elie0e hi-. (e yr had sworn o herwise/ (e yr who had &een al-os a &ro her/ (e yr who lo0ed her so -2ch he fo2gh a d2el for her hand . . . and ye if @ai-e and Tyrion old he sa-e ale/ wha did ha -ean8 The &ro hers had no seen each o her since de'ar ing 3in erfell -ore han a year ago. :Are yo2 rying o decei0e -e8: !o-ewhere here was a ra' here. :I.0e ad-i ed o sho0ing yo2r 'recio2s 2rchin o2 a window/ wha wo2ld

i gain -e o lie a&o2 his knife8: 6e ossed down ano her c2' of wine. :Belie0e wha yo2 will/ I.- 'as caring wha 'eo'le say of -e. And i .s -y 2rn. 6a0e Ro&er .s &ro hers aken he field8: :They ha0e.: :5ow here.s a niggardly res'onse. Gi0e -e -ore han ha / or yo2r ne9 answer will &e as 'oor.: :! annis -arches agains King.s *anding/: she said gr2dgingly. :Renly is dead/ -2rdered a Bi er&ridge &y his &ro her/ hro2gh so-e &lack ar I do no 2nders and.: :A 'i y/: @ai-e said. :I ra her liked Renly/ ho2gh ! annis is 42i e ano her ale. 3ha side ha0e he Tyrells aken8: :Renly/ a firs . 5ow/ I co2ld no say.: :=o2r &oy -2s &e feeling lonely.: :Ro&& was si9 een a few days 'as . . . a -an grown/ and a king. 6e.s won e0ery &a le he.s fo2gh . The las word we had fro- hi-/ he had aken he Crag fro- he 3es erlings.: :6e hasn. faced -y fa her ye / has he8: :3hen he does/ he.ll defea hi-. As he did yo2.: :6e ook -e 2nawares. A cra0en.s rick.: :=o2 dare alk of ricks8 =o2r &ro her Tyrion sen 2s c2 hroa s in en0oy.s gar&/ 2nder a 'eace &anner.: :If i were one of yo2r sons in his cell/ wo2ldn. his &ro hers do as -2ch for hi-8: My son has no &ro hers/ she ho2gh / &2 she wo2ld no share her 'ain wi h a crea 2re s2ch as his. @ai-e drank so-e -ore wine. :3ha .s a &ro her.s life when honor is a s ake/ eh8: Ano her si'. :Tyrion is cle0er eno2gh o reali>e ha yo2r son will ne0er consen o ranso- -e.: Ca elyn co2ld no deny i . :Ro&&.s &anner-en wo2ld sooner see yo2 dead. Rickard Kars ark in 'ar ic2lar. =o2 slew wo of his sons in he 3his'ering 3ood.: :The wo wi h he whi e s2n&2rs / were hey8: @ai-e ga0e a shr2g. :If r2 h &e old/ i was yo2r son ha I was rying o slay. The o hers go in -y way. I killed he- in fair figh / in he hea of &a le. Any o her knigh wo2ld ha0e done he sa-e.: :6ow can yo2 s ill co2n yo2rself a knigh / when yo2 ha0e forsaken e0ery 0ow yo2 e0er swore8: @ai-e reached for he flagon o refill his c2'. :!o -any 0ows . . . hey -ake yo2 swear and swear. 1efend he king. )&ey he king. Kee' his secre s. 1o his &idding. =o2r life for his. B2 o&ey yo2r fa her. *o0e yo2r sis er. (ro ec he innocen . 1efend he weak. Res'ec he gods. )&ey he laws. I .s oo -2ch. 5o -a er wha yo2 do/ forsaking one 0ow or he o her.: 6e ook a heal hy swallow of wine and closed his eyes for an ins an / leaning his head &ack agains he 'a ch of ni re on he wall. :I was he yo2nges -an e0er o wear he whi e cloak.: :And he yo2nges o &e ray all i s ood for/ Kingslayer.: :Kingslayer/ : he 'rono2nced caref2lly. :And s2ch a king he was?: 6e lif ed his c2'. :To Aerys Targaryen/ he !econd of 6is 5a-e/ *ord of he !e0en Kingdo-s and (ro ec or of he Real-. And o he sword ha o'ened his hroa . A golden sword/ don. yo2 know. +n il his &lood ran red down he &lade. Those are he *annis er colors/ red and gold.: As he la2ghed/ she reali>ed he wine had done i s work< @ai-e had drained -os of he flagon/ and he was dr2nk. :)nly a -an like yo2 wo2ld &e 'ro2d of s2ch an ac .: :I old yo2/ here are no -en like -e. Answer -e his/ *ady ! arkdid yo2r 5ed e0er ell yo2 he -anner of his fa her.s dea h8 )r his &ro her.s8 :

:They s rangled Brandon while his fa her wa ched/ and hen killed *ord Rickard as well.: An 2gly ale/ and si9 een years old. 3hy was he asking a&o2 i now8 :Killed/ yes/ &2 how8: :The cord or he a9e/ I s2''ose.: @ai-e ook a swallow/ wi'ed his -o2 h. :5o do2& 5ed wished o s'are yo2. 6is swee yo2ng &ride/ if no 42i e a -aiden. 3ell/ yo2 wan ed r2 h. Ask -e. 3e -ade a &argain/ I can deny yo2 no hing. Ask.: :1ead is dead.: I do no wan o know his. :Brandon was differen fro- his &ro her/ wasn. he8 6e had &lood in his 0eins ins ead of cold wa er. More like -e.: :Brandon was no hing like yo2.: :If yo2 say so. =o2 and he were o wed.: :6e was on his way o Ri0err2n when . . .: ! range/ how elling i s ill -ade her hroa grow igh / af er all hese years. :. . . when he heard a&o2 *yanna/ and wen o King.s *anding ins ead. I was a rash hing o do.: !he re-e-&ered how her own fa her had raged when he news had &een &ro2gh o Ri0err2n. The gallan fool/ was wha he called Brandon. @ai-e 'o2red he las half c2' of wine. :6e rode in o he Red Kee' wi h a few co-'anions/ sho2 ing for (rince Rhaegar o co-e o2 and die. B2 Rhaegar wasn. here. Aerys sen his g2ards o arres he- all for 'lo ing his son.s -2rder. The o hers were lords. sons oo/ i see-s o -e.: :, han Glo0er was Brandon.s s42ire/: Ca elyn said. :6e was he only one o s2r0i0e. The o hers were @effory Mallis er/ Kyle Royce/ and ,l&er Arryn/ @on Arryn.s ne'hew and heir.: I was 42eer how she s ill re-e-&ered he na-es/ af er so -any years. :Aerys acc2sed he- of reason and s2--oned heir fa hers o co2r o answer he charge/ wi h he sons as hos ages. 3hen hey ca-e/ he had he- -2rdered wi ho2 rial. Fa hers and sons &o h.: :There were rials. )f a sor . *ord Rickard de-anded rial &y co-&a / and he king gran ed he re42es . ! ark ar-ored hi-self as for &a le/ hinking o d2el one of he Kingsg2ard. Me/ 'erha's. Ins ead hey ook hi- o he hrone roo- and s2s'ended hi- fro- he raf ers while wo of Aerys.s 'yro-ancers kindled a &la>e &enea h hi-. The king old hi- ha fire was he cha-'ion of 6o2se Targaryen. !o all *ord Rickard needed o do o 'ro0e hi-self innocen of reason was . . . well/ no &2rn. :3hen he fire was &la>ing/ Brandon was &ro2gh in. 6is hands were chained &ehind his &ack/ and aro2nd his neck was a we lea hern cord a ached o a de0ice he king had &ro2gh fro- Tyrosh. 6is legs were lef free/ ho2gh/ and his longsword was se down ;2s &eyond his reach. :The 'yro-ancers roas ed *ord Rickard slowly/ &anking and fanning ha fire caref2lly o ge a nice e0en hea . 6is cloak ca2gh firs / and hen his s2rcoa / and soon he wore no hing &2 -e al and ashes. 5e9 he wo2ld s ar o cook/ Aerys 'ro-ised . . . 2nless his son co2ld free hi-. Brandon ried/ &2 he -ore he s r2ggled/ he igh er he cord cons ric ed aro2nd his hroa . In he end he s rangled hi-self. :As for *ord Rickard/ he s eel of his &reas 'la e 2rned cherry7red &efore he end/ and his gold -el ed off his s'2rs and dri''ed down in o he fire. I s ood a he foo of he Iron Throne in -y whi e ar-or and whi e cloak/ filling -y head wi h ho2gh s of Cersei. Af er/ Gerold 6igh ower hi-self ook -e aside and said o -e/ .=o2 swore a 0ow o g2ard he king/ no o ;2dge hi-.. Tha was he 3hi e B2ll/ loyal o he end and a &e er -an han -e/ all agree.: :Aerys . . .: Ca elyn co2ld as e &ile a he &ack of her hroa . The s ory was so hideo2s she s2s'ec ed i had o &e r2e. :Aerys was -ad/

he whole real- knew i / &2 if yo2 wo2ld ha0e -e &elie0e yo2 slew hio a0enge Brandon ! ark . . .: :I -ade no s2ch clai-. The ! arks were no hing o -e. I will say/ I hink i 'assing odd ha I a- lo0ed &y one for a kindness I ne0er did/ and re0iled &y so -any for -y fines ac . A Ro&er .s corona ion/ I was -ade o kneel a he royal fee &eside Grand Maes er (ycelle and Varys he e2n2ch/ so ha he -igh forgi0e 2s o2r cri-es &efore he ook 2s in o his ser0ice. As for yo2r 5ed/ he sho2ld ha0e kissed he hand ha slew Aerys/ &2 he 'referred o scorn he arse he fo2nd si ing on Ro&er .s hrone. I hink 5ed ! ark lo0ed Ro&er &e er han he e0er lo0ed his &ro her or his fa her . . . or e0en yo2/ -y lady. 6e was ne0er 2nfai hf2l o Ro&er / was he8: @ai-e ga0e a dr2nken la2gh. :Co-e/ *ady ! ark/ don. yo2 find his all erri&ly a-2sing8: :I find no hing a&o2 yo2 a-2sing/ Kingslayer.: :Tha na-e again. I don. hink I.ll f2ck yo2 af er all/ *i lefinger had yo2 firs / didn. he8 I ne0er ea off ano her -an.s rencher. Besides/ no half so lo0ely as -y sis er.: 6is s-ile c2 . :I.0e ne0er lain wi h any wo-an &2 Cersei. In -y own way/ I ha0e &een r2er han yo2r 5ed e0er was. (oor old dead 5ed. !o who has shi for honor now/ I ask yo28 3ha was he na-e of ha &as ard he fa hered8: Ca elyn ook a s e' &ackward. :Brienne. 7 :5o/ ha wasn. i .: @ai-e *annis er 2'ended he flagon. A rickle ran down on o his face/ &righ as &lood. :!now/ ha was he one. !2ch a whi e na-e . . . like he 're y cloaks hey gi0e 2s in he Kingsg2ard when we swear o2r 're y oa hs.: Brienne '2shed o'en he door and s e''ed inside he cell. :=o2 called/ -y lady8: :Gi0e -e yo2r sword.: Ca elyn held o2 her hand. Cha' er EG T6,)5 The sky was a gloo- of clo2d/ he woods dead and fro>en. Roo s gra&&ed a Theon.s fee as he ran/ and &are &ranches lashed his face/ lea0ing hin s ri'es of &lood across his cheeks. 6e crashed hro2gh heedless/ &rea hless/ icicles flying o 'ieces &efore hi-. Mercy/ he so&&ed. Fro&ehind ca-e a sh2ddering howl ha c2rdled his &lood. Mercy/ -ercy. 3hen he glanced &ack o0er his sho2lder he saw he- co-ing/ grea wol0es he si>e of horses wi h he heads of s-all children. )h/ -ercy/ -ercy. Blood dri''ed fro- heir -o2 hs &lack as 'i ch/ &2rning holes in he snow where i fell. ,0ery s ride &ro2gh he- closer. Theon ried o r2n fas er/ &2 his legs wo2ld no o&ey. The rees all had faces/ and hey were la2ghing a hi-/ la2ghing/ and he howl ca-e again. 6e co2ld s-ell he ho &rea h of he &eas s &ehind hi-/ a s ink of &ri-s one and corr2' ion. dead/ dead/ I saw he- killed/ he ried o sho2 / I saw heir heads di''ed in ar/ &2 when he o'ened his -o2 h only a -oan e-erged/ and hen so-e hing o2ched hi- and he whirled/ sho2 ing . . . . . . flailing for he dagger he ke' &y his &edside and -anaging only o knock i o he floor. 3e9 danced away fro- hi-. Reek s ood &ehind he -2 e/ his face li fro- &elow &y he candle he carried. :3ha 8: Theon cried. Mercy. :3ha do yo2 wan 8 3hy are yo2 in -y &edcha-&er8 3hy8 : :My lord 'rince/: said Reek/ :yo2r sis er has co-e o 3in erfell. =o2 asked o &e infor-ed a once if she arri0ed.: :(as i-e/: Theon -2 ered/ '2shing his fingers hro2gh his hair. 6e

had &eg2n o fear ha Asha -ean o lea0e hi- o his fa e. Mercy. 6e glanced o2 side he window/ where he firs 0ag2e ligh of dawn was ;2s &r2shing he owers of 3in erfell. :3here is she8: :*orren ook her and her -en o he Grea 6all o &reak heir fas . 3ill yo2 see her now8: :=es.: Theon '2shed off he &lanke s. The fire had &2rned down o e-&ers. :3e9/ ho wa er.: 6e co2ld no le Asha see hi- dishe0eled and soaked wi h swea . 3ol0es wi h children.s faces . . . 6e shi0ered. :Close he sh2 ers.: The &edcha-&er fel as cold as he drea- fores had &een. All his drea-s had &een cold of la e/ and each -ore hideo2s han he one &efore. *as nigh he had drea-ed hi-self &ack in he -ill again/ on his knees dressing he dead. Their li-&s were already s iffening/ so hey see-ed o resis s2llenly as he f2-&led a he- wi h half7fro>en fingers/ 2gging 2' &reeches and kno ing laces/ yanking f2r7 ri--ed &oo s o0er hard 2n&ending fee / &2ckling a s 2dded lea her &el aro2nd a wais no &igger han he s'an of his hands. :This was ne0er wha I wan ed/: he old he- as he worked. :They ga0e -e no choice.: The cor'ses -ade no answer/ &2 only grew colder and hea0ier. The nigh &efore/ i had &een he -iller.s wife. Theon had forgo en her na-e/ &2 he re-e-&ered her &ody/ sof 'illowy &reas s and s re ch -arks on her &elly/ he way she clawed his &ack when he f2cked her. *as nigh in his drea- he had &een in &ed wi h her once again/ &2 his i-e she had ee h a&o0e and &elow/ and she ore o2 his hroa e0en as she was gnawing off his -anhood. I was -adness. 6e.d seen her die oo. Gel-arr had c2 her down wi h one &low of his a9e as she cried o Theon for -ercy. *ea0e -e/ wo-an. I was hi- who killed yo2/ no -e. And he.s dead as well. A leas Gel-arr did no ha2n Theon.s slee'. The drea- had receded &y he i-e 3e9 re 2rned wi h he wa er. Theon washed he swea and slee' fro- his &ody and ook his own good i-e dressing. Asha had le hi- wai long eno2gh< now i was her 2rn. 6e chose a sa in 2nic s ri'ed &lack and gold and a fine lea her ;erkin wi h sil0er s 2ds . . . and only hen re-e-&ered ha his wre ched sis er '2 -ore s ock in &lades han &ea2 y. C2rsing/ he ore off he clo hes and dressed again/ in fel ed &lack wool and ring-ail. Aro2nd his wais he &2ckled sword and dagger/ re-e-&ering he nigh she had h2-ilia ed hi- a his own fa her.s a&le. 6er swee s2ckling &a&e/ yes. 3ell/ I ha0e a knife oo/ and know how o 2se i . *as of all/ he donned his crown/ a &and of cold iron sli- as a finger/ se wi h hea0y ch2nks of &lack dia-ond and n2gge s of gold. I was -issha'en and 2gly/ &2 here was no hel' for ha . Mikken lay &2ried in he lichyard/ and he new s-i h was ca'a&le of li le -ore han nails and horseshoes. Theon consoled hi-self wi h he re-inder ha i was only a 'rince.s crown. 6e wo2ld ha0e so-e hing -2ch finer when he was crowned king. )2 side his door/ Reek wai ed wi h +r>en and Kro--. Theon fell in wi h he-. These days/ he ook g2ards wi h hi- e0erywhere he wen / e0en o he 'ri0y. 3in erfell wan ed hi- dead. The 0ery nigh hey had re 2rned fro- Acorn 3a er/ Gel-arr he Gri- had 2-&led down so-e s e's and &roken his &ack. The ne9 day/ Aggar 2rned 2' wi h his hroa sli ear o ear. Gynir Rednose &eca-e so wary ha he sh2nned wine/ ook o slee'ing in &yrnie/ coif/ and hel-/ and ado' ed he noisies dog in he kennels o gi0e hi- warning sho2ld anyone ry o s eal 2' on his slee'ing 'lace. All he sa-e/ one -orning he cas le woke o he so2nd of he li le dog &arking wildly. They fo2nd he '2' racing aro2nd he well/ and Rednose floa ing in i / drowned. 6e co2ld no le he killings go 2n'2nished. Farlen was as likely a

s2s'ec as any/ so Theon sa in ;2dg-en / called hi- g2il y/ and conde-ned hi- o dea h. ,0en ha wen so2r. As he knel o he &lock/ he kennel-as er said/ :M.lord ,ddard always did his own killings.: Theon had o ake he a9e hi-self or look a weakling. 6is hands were swea ing/ so he shaf wis ed in his gri' as he sw2ng and he firs &low landed &e ween Farlen.s sho2lders. I ook hree -ore c2 s o hack hro2gh all ha &one and -2scle and se0er he head fro- he &ody/ and af erward he was sick/ re-e-&ering all he i-es hey.d sa o0er a c2' of -ead alking of ho2nds and h2n ing. I had no choice/ he wan ed o screa- a he cor'se. The iron&orn can. kee' secre s/ hey had o die/ and so-eone had o ake he &la-e for i . 6e only wished he had killed hi- cleaner. 5ed ! ark had ne0er needed -ore han a single &low o ake a -an.s head. The killings s o''ed af er Farlen.s dea h/ &2 e0en so his -en con in2ed s2llen and an9io2s. :They fear no foe in o'en &a le/: Black *orren old hi-/ :&2 i is ano her hing o dwell a-ong ene-ies/ ne0er knowing if he washerwo-an -eans o kiss yo2 or kill yo2/ or whe her he ser0ing &oy is filling yo2r c2' wi h ale or &ale. 3e wo2ld do well o lea0e his 'lace.: :I a- he (rince of 3in erfell?: Theon had sho2 ed. :This is -y sea / no -an will dri0e -e fro- i . 5o/ nor wo-an ei her?: Asha. I was her doing. My own swee sis er/ -ay he ) hers &2gger her wi h a sword. !he wan ed hi- dead/ so she co2ld s eal his 'lace as heir fa her.s heir. Tha was why she had le hi- lang2ish here/ ignoring he 2rgen co--ands he had sen her. 6e fo2nd her in he high sea of he ! arks/ ri''ing a ca'on a'ar wi h her fingers. The hall rang wi h he 0oices of her -en/ sharing s ories wi h Theon.s own as hey drank oge her. They were so lo2d ha his en rance wen all &2 2nno iced. :3here are he res 8: he de-anded of Reek. There were no -ore han fif y -en a he res le a&les/ -os of he- his. 3in erfell.s Grea 6all co2ld ha0e sea ed en i-es he n2-&er. :This is he whole o. he co-'any/ -.lord 'rince.: :The whole7how -any -en did she &ring8: :Twen y/ &y -y co2n .: Theon Grey;oy s rode o where his sis er was s'rawled. Asha was la2ghing a so-e hing one of her -en had said/ &2 &roke off a his a''roach. :3hy/ . is he (rince of 3in erfell.: !he ossed a &one o one of he dogs sniffing a&o2 he hall. +nder ha hawk.s &eak of a nose/ her wide -o2 h wis ed in a -ocking grin. :)r is i (rince of Fools8: :,n0y ill &eco-es a -aid.: Asha s2cked grease fro- her fingers. A lock of &lack hair fell across her eyes. 6er -en were sho2 ing for &read and &acon. They -ade a deal of noise/ as few as hey were. :,n0y/ Theon8: :3ha else wo2ld yo2 call i 8 3i h hir y -en/ I ca' 2red 3in erfell in a nigh . =o2 needed a ho2sand and a -oon.s 2rn o ake 1ee'wood Mo e.: :3ell/ I.- no grea warrior like yo2/ &ro her/: !he 42affed half a horn of ale and wi'ed her -o2 h wi h he &ack of her hand. :I saw he heads a&o0e yo2r ga es. Tell -e r2e/ which one ga0e yo2 he fierces figh / he cri''le or he &a&e8: Theon co2ld feel he &lood r2shing o his face. 6e ook no ;oy frohose heads/ no -ore han he had in dis'laying he headless &odies of he children &efore he cas le. )ld 5an s ood wi h her sof oo hless -o2 h o'ening and closing so2ndlessly/ and Farlen hrew hi-self a Theon/ snarling like one of his ho2nds. +r>en and Cadwyl had o &ea

hi- senseless wi h he &2 s of heir s'ears. 6ow did I co-e o hisA he re-e-&ered hinking as he s ood o0er he fly7s'eckled &odies. )nly Maes er *2win had he s o-ach o co-e near. ! one7faced/ he s-all grey -an had &egged lea0e o sew he &oys. heads &ack on o heir sho2lders/ so hey -igh &e laid in he cry' s &elow wi h he o her ! ark dead. :5o/: Theon had old hi-. :5o he cry' s.: :B2 why/ -y lord8 !2rely hey canno har- yo2 now. I is where hey &elong. All he &ones of he ! arks7: :I said no.: 6e needed he heads for he wall/ &2 he had &2rned he headless &odies ha 0ery day/ in all heir finery. Af erward he had knel a-ongs he &ones and ashes o re rie0e a slag of -el ed sil0er and cracked ;e / all ha re-ained of he wolf.s7head &rooch ha had once &een Bran.s. 6e had i s ill. :I rea ed Bran and Rickon genero2sly/: he old his sis er. :They &ro2gh heir fa e on he-sel0es.: :As do we all/ li le &ro her.: 6is 'a ience was a an end. :6ow do yo2 e9'ec -e o hold 3in erfell if yo2 &ring -e only wen y -en8: :Ten/: Asha correc ed. :The o hers re 2rn wi h -e. =o2 wo2ldn. wan yo2r own swee sis er o &ra0e he dangers of he wood wi ho2 an escor / wo2ld yo28 There are direwol0es 'rowling he dark.: !he 2ncoiled fro- he grea s one sea and rose o her fee . :Co-e/ le 2s go so-ewhere we can s'eak -ore 'ri0ily.: !he was righ / he knew/ ho2gh i galled hi- ha she wo2ld -ake ha decision. I sho2ld ne0er ha0e co-e o he hall/ he reali>ed &ela edly. I sho2ld ha0e s2--oned her o -e. I was oo la e for ha now/ howe0er. Theon had no choice &2 o lead Asha o 5ed ! ark.s solar. There/ &efore he ashes of a dead fire/ he &l2r ed/ :1ag-er.s los he figh a Torrhen.s !42are7: :The old cas ellan &roke his shield wall/ yes/: Asha said cal-ly. :3ha did yo2 e9'ec 8 This !er Rodrik knows he land in i-a ely/ as he Clef ;aw does no / and -any of he nor h-en were -o2n ed. The iron&orn lack he disci'line o s and a charge of ar-ored horse. 1ag-er li0es/ &e gra ef2l for ha -2ch. 6e.s leading he s2r0i0ors &ack oward he ! ony !hore.: !he knows -ore han I do/ Theon reali>ed. Tha only -ade hi- angrier. :The 0ic ory has gi0en *eo&ald Tallhar he co2rage o co-e o2 fro&ehind his walls and ;oin !er Rodrik. And I.0e had re'or s ha *ord Manderly has sen a do>en &arges 2'ri0er 'acked wi h knigh s/ warhorses/ and siege engines. The +-&ers are ga hering &eyond he *as Ri0er as well. I.ll ha0e an ar-y a -y ga es &efore he -oon 2rns/ and yo2 &ring -e only en -en8: :I need no ha0e &ro2gh yo2 any.: :I co--anded yo27: :Fa her co--anded -e o ake 1ee'wood Mo e/: she sna''ed. :6e said no hing of -e ha0ing o resc2e -y li le &ro her.: :B2gger 1ee'wood/: he said. :I .s a wooden 'iss'o on a hill. 3in erfell is he hear of he land/ &2 how a- I o hold i wi ho2 a garrison8 : :=o2 -igh ha0e ho2gh of ha &efore yo2 ook i . )h/ i was cle0erly done/ I.ll gran yo2. If only yo2.d had he good sense o ra>e he cas le and carry he wo li le 'rincelings &ack o (yke as hos ages/ yo2 -igh ha0e won he war in a s roke.: :=o2.d like ha / wo2ldn. yo28 To see -y 'ri>e red2ced o r2ins and ashes.: :=o2r 'ri>e will &e he doo- of yo2. Krakens rise fro- he sea/ Theon/

or did yo2 forge ha d2ring yo2r years a-ong he wol0es8 )2r s reng h is in o2r longshi's. My wooden 'iss'o si s close eno2gh o he sea for s2''lies and fresh -en o reach -e whene0er hey are needf2l. B2 3in erfell is h2ndreds of leag2es inland/ ringed &y woods/ hills/ and hos ile holdfas s and cas les. And e0ery -an in a ho2sand leag2es is yo2r ene-y now/ -ake no -is ake. =o2 -ade cer ain of ha when yo2 -o2n ed hose heads on yo2r ga eho2se.: Asha shook her head. :6ow co2ld yo2 &e s2ch a &loody fool8 Children . . .: :They defied -e?: he sho2 ed in her face. :And i was &lood for &lood &esides/ wo sons of ,ddard ! ark o 'ay for Rodrik and Maron.: The words 2-&led o2 heedlessly/ &2 Theon knew a once ha his fa her wo2ld a''ro0e. :I.0e laid -y &ro hers. ghos s o res .: :)2r &ro hers/: Asha re-inded hi-/ wi h a half s-ile ha s2gges ed she ook his alk of 0engeance well sal ed. :1id yo2 &ring heir ghos s fro- (yke/ &ro her8 And here I ho2gh hey ha2n ed only Fa her.: :3hen has a -aid e0er 2nders ood a -an.s need for re0enge8: ,0en if his fa her did no a''recia e he gif of 3in erfell/ he -2s a''ro0e of Theon a0enging his &ro hers? Asha snor ed &ack a la2gh. :This !er Rodrik -ay well feel he sa-e -anly need/ did yo2 hink of ha 8 =o2 are &lood of -y &lood/ Theon/ wha e0er else yo2 -ay &e. For he sake of he -o her who &ore 2s &o h/ re 2rn o 1ee'wood Mo e wi h -e. (2 3in erfell. o he orch and fall &ack while yo2 s ill can.: :5o.: Theon ad;2s ed his crown. :I ook his cas le and I -ean o hold i .: 6is sis er looked a hi- a long i-e. :Then hold i yo2 shall/: she said/ :for he res of yo2r life.: !he sighed. :I say i as es like folly/ &2 wha wo2ld a shy -aid know of s2ch hings8: A he door she ga0e hi- one las -ocking s-ile. :=o2 o2gh o know/ ha .s he 2glies crown I.0e e0er laid eyes on. 1id yo2 -ake i yo2rself8: !he lef hi- f2-ing/ and lingered no longer han was needf2l o feed and wa er her horses. 6alf he -en she.d &ro2gh re 2rned wi h her as hrea ened/ riding o2 he sa-e 62n er.s Ga e ha Bran and Rickon had 2sed for heir esca'e. Theon wa ched he- go fro- a o' he wall. As his sis er 0anished in o he -is s of he wolfswood he fo2nd hi-self wondering why he had no lis ened and gone wi h her. :Gone/ has she8: Reek was a his el&ow. Theon had no heard hi- a''roach/ nor s-elled hi- ei her. 6e co2ld no hink of anyone he wan ed o see less. I -ade hi- 2neasy o see he -an walking aro2nd &rea hing/ wi h wha he knew. I sho2ld ha0e had hi- killed af er he did he o hers/ he reflec ed/ &2 he no ion -ade hi- ner0o2s. +nlikely as i see-ed/ Reek co2ld read and wri e/ and he was 'ossessed of eno2gh &ase c2nning o ha0e hidden an acco2n of wha hey.d done. :M.lord 'rince/ if yo2.ll 'ardon -e saying/ i .s no righ for her o a&andon yo2. And en -en/ ha won. &e near eno2gh.: :I a- well aware of ha /: Theon said. !o was Asha. :3ell/ -igh &e I co2ld hel' yo2/: said Reek. :Gi0e -e a horse and &ag o. coin/ and I co2ld find yo2 so-e good fellows.: Theon narrowed his eyes. :6ow -any8: :A h2ndred/ -igh &e. Two h2ndred. May&e -ore.: 6e s-iled/ his 'ale eyes glin ing. :I was &orn 2' nor h here. I know -any a -an/ and -any a -an knows Reek.: Two h2ndred -en were no an ar-y/ &2 yo2 didn. need ho2sands o hold a cas le as s rong as 3in erfell. !o long as hey co2ld learn which end of a s'ear did he killing/ hey -igh -ake all he difference. :1o as

yo2 say and yo2.ll no find -e 2ngra ef2l. =o2 can na-e yo2r own reward.: :3ell/ -.lord/ I ha0en. had no wo-an since I was wi h *ord Ra-say/: Reek said. :I.0e had -y eye on ha (alla/ and I hear she.s already &een had/ so . . .: 6e had gone oo far wi h Reek o 2rn &ack now. :Two h2ndred -en and she.s yo2rs. B2 a -an less and yo2 can go &ack o f2cking 'igs.: Reek was gone &efore he s2n wen down/ carrying a &ag of ! ark sil0er and he las of Theon.s ho'es. *ike as no / I.ll ne0er see he wre ch again/ he ho2gh &i erly/ &2 e0en so he chance had o &e aken. Tha nigh he drea-ed of he feas 5ed ! ark had hrown when King Ro&er ca-e o 3in erfell. The hall rang wi h -2sic and la2gh er/ ho2gh he cold winds were rising o2 side. A firs i was all wine and roas -ea / and Theon was -aking ;a'es and eyeing he ser0ing girls and ha0ing hi-self a fine i-e . . . 2n il he no iced ha he roo- was growing darker. The -2sic did no see- so ;olly hen< he heard discords and s range silences/ and no es ha h2ng in he air &leeding. !2ddenly he wine 2rned &i er in his -o2 h/ and when he looked 2' fro- his c2' he saw ha he was dining wi h he dead. King Ro&er sa wi h his g2 s s'illing o2 on he a&le fro- he grea gash in his &elly/ and *ord ,ddard was headless &eside hi-. Cor'ses lined he &enches &elow/ grey7&rown flesh slo2ghing off heir &ones as hey raised heir c2's o oas / wor-s crawling in and o2 of he holes ha were heir eyes. 6e knew he-/ e0ery one< @ory Cassel and Fa To-/ (or her and Cayn and 62llen he -as er of horse/ and all he o hers who had ridden so2 h o King.s *anding ne0er o re 2rn. Mikken and Chayle sa oge her/ one dri''ing &lood and he o her wa er. Benfred Tallhar and his 3ild 6ares filled -os of a a&le. The -iller.s wife was here as well/ and Farlen/ e0en he wildling Theon had killed in he wolfswood he day he had sa0ed Bran.s life. B2 here were o hers wi h faces he had ne0er known in life/ faces he had seen only in s one. The sli-/ sad girl who wore a crown of 'ale &l2e roses and a whi e gown s'a ered wi h gore co2ld only &e *yanna. 6er &ro her Brandon s ood &eside her/ and heir fa her *ord Rickard ;2s &ehind. Along he walls fig2res half 7seen -o0ed hro2gh he shadows/ 'ale shades wi h long gri- faces. The sigh of he- sen fear shi0ering hro2gh Theon shar' as a knife. And hen he all doors o'ened wi h a crash/ and a free>ing gale &lew down he hall/ and Ro&& ca-e walking o2 of he nigh . Grey 3ind s alked &eside/ eyes &2rning/ and -an and wolf alike &led fro- half a h2ndred sa0age wo2nds. Theon woke wi h a screa-/ s ar ling 3e9 so &adly ha he &oy ran naked fro- he roo-. 3hen his g2ards &2rs in wi h drawn swords/ he ordered he- o &ring hi- he -aes er. By he i-e *2win arri0ed r2-'led and slee'y/ a c2' of wine had s eadied Theon.s hands/ and he was feeling asha-ed of his 'anic. :A drea-/: he -2 ered/ : ha was all i was. I -ean no hing.: :5o hing/: *2win agreed sole-nly. 6e lef a slee'ing dra2gh / &2 Theon 'o2red i down he 'ri0y shaf he -o-en he was gone. *2win was a -an as well as a -aes er/ and he -an had no lo0e for hi-. 6e wan s -e o slee'/ yes . . . o slee' and ne0er wake. 6e.d like ha as -2ch as Asha wo2ld. 6e sen for Kyra/ kicked sh2 he door/ cli-&ed on o' of her/ and f2cked he wench wi h a f2ry he.d ne0er known was in hi-/ By he i-e he finished/ she was so&&ing/ her neck and &reas s co0ered wi h &r2ises and &i e -arks. Theon sho0ed her fro- he &ed and hrew her a &lanke . :Ge o2 .: =e e0en hen/ he co2ld no slee'.

Co-e dawn/ he dressed and wen o2 side/ o walk along he o2 er walls. A &risk a2 2-n wind was swirling hro2gh he &a le-en s. I reddened his cheeks and s 2ng his eyes. 6e wa ched he fores go fro- grey o green &elow hi- as ligh fil ered hro2gh he silen rees. )n his lef he co2ld see ower o's a&o0e he inner wall/ heir roofs gilded &y he rising s2n. The red lea0es of he weirwood were a &la>e of fla-e a-ong he green. 5ed ! ark.s ree/ he ho2gh / and ! ark.s wood/ ! ark.s cas le/ ! ark.s sword/ ! ark.s gods. This is heir 'lace/ no -ine. I a- a Grey;oy of (yke/ &orn o 'ain a kraken on -y shield and sail he grea sal sea. I sho2ld ha0e gone wi h Asha. )n heir iron s'ikes a o' he ga eho2se/ he heads wai ed. Theon ga>ed a he- silen ly while he wind 2gged on his cloak wi h s-all ghos ly hands. The -iller.s &oys had &een of an age wi h Bran and Rickon/ alike in si>e and coloring/ and once Reek had flayed he skin fro- heir faces and di''ed heir heads in ar/ i was easy o see fa-iliar fea 2res in hose -issha'en l2-'s of ro ing flesh. (eo'le were s2ch fools. If we.d said hey were ra-s. heads/ hey wo2ld ha0e seen horns. C6A(T,R EJ !A5!A They had &een singing in he se' all -orning/ since he firs re'or of ene-y sails had reached he cas le. The so2nd of heir 0oices -ingled wi h he whicker of horses/ he clank of s eel/ and he groaning hinges of he grea &ron>e ga es o -ake a s range and fearf2l -2sic. In he se' hey sing for he Mo her.s -ercy &2 on he walls i .s he 3arrior hey 'ray o/ and all in silence. !he re-e-&ered how !e' a Mordane 2sed o ell he- ha he 3arrior and he Mo her were only wo faces of he sa-e grea god. B2 if here is only one/ whose 'rayers will &e heard8 !er Meryn Tran held he &lood &ay for @offrey o -o2n . Boy and horse alike wore gilded -ail and ena-eled cri-son 'la e/ wi h -a ching golden lions on heir heads. The 'ale s2nligh flashed off he golds and reds e0ery i-e @off -o0ed. Brigh / shining/ and e-' y/ !ansa ho2gh . The i-' was -o2n ed on a red s allion/ ar-ored -ore 'lainly han he king in &a le gear ha -ade hi- look like a li le &oy dressed 2' in his fa her.s clo hes. B2 here was no hing childish a&o2 he &a le7 a9e sl2ng &elow his shield. !er Mandon Moore rode a his side/ whi e s eel icy &righ . 3hen Tyrion saw her he 2rned his horse her way. :*ady !ansa/: he called fro- he saddle/ :s2rely -y sis er has asked yo2 o ;oin he o her high&orn ladies in Maegor.s8: :!he has/ -y lord/ &2 King @offrey sen for -e o see hi- off. I -ean o 0isi he se' as well/ o 'ray.: :I won. ask for who-.: 6is -o2 h wis ed oddly< if ha was a s-ile/ off wi h sho2 s and cheers. 3hen he las was gone/ a s2dden s illness se led o0er he yard/ like he h2sh &efore a s or-. Thro2gh he 42ie / he singing '2lled a her. !ansa 2rned oward he se' . Two s a&le&oys followed/ and one of he g2ards whose wa ch was ended. ) hers fell in &ehind he-. !ansa had ne0er seen he se' so crowded/ nor so &righ ly li < grea shaf s of rain&ow7colored s2nligh slan ed down hro2gh he crys als in he high windows/ and candles &2rned on e0ery side/ heir li le fla-es winkling like s ars. The Mo her.s al ar and he 3arrior.s swa- in ligh / &2 !-i h and Crone and Maid and Fa her had heir worshi'ers as well/ and here were e0en a few fla-es dancing &elow he ! ranger.s

halfh2-an face . . . for wha was ! annis Bara heon/ if no he ! ranger co-e o ;2dge he-8 !ansa 0isi ed each of he !e0en in 2rn/ ligh ing a candle a each al ar/ and hen fo2nd herself a 'lace on he &enches &e ween a wi>ened old washer wo-an and a &oy no older han Rickon/ dressed in he fine linen 2nic of a knigh .s son. The old wo-an.s hand was &ony and hard wi h call2s/ he &oy.s s-all and sof / &2 i was good o ha0e so-eone o hold on o. The air was ho and hea0y/ s-elling of incense and swea / crys al7kissed and candle7&righ < i -ade her di>>y o &rea he i . !he knew he hy-n< her -o her had a2gh i o her once/ a long i-e ago in 3in erfell. !he ;oined her 0oice o heirs. Gen le Mo her/ fon of -ercy/ sa0e o2r sons fro- war/ we 'ray/ s ay he swords and s ay he arrows/ le he- know a &e er day. Gen le Mo her/ s reng h of wo-en/ hel' o2r da2gh ers hro2gh his fray/ soo he he wra h and a-e he f2ry/ each 2s all a kinder way. Across he ci y/ ho2sands had ;a--ed in o he Grea !e' of Baelor on Visenya.s 6ill/ and hey wo2ld &e singing oo/ heir 0oices swelling o2 o0er he ci y/ across he ri0er/ and 2' in o he sky. !2rely he gods -2s hear 2s/ she ho2gh . !ansa knew -os of he hy-ns/ and followed along on hose she did no know as &es she co2ld. !he sang along wi h gri>>led old ser0ing -en and an9io2s yo2ng wi0es/ wi h ser0ing girls and soldiers/ cooks and falconers/ knigh s and kna0es/ s42ires and s'i &oys and n2rsing -o hers. !he sang wi h hose inside he cas le walls and hose wi ho2 / sang wi h all he ci y. !he sang for -ercy/ for he li0ing and he dead alike/ for Bran and Rickon and Ro&&/ for her sis er Arya and her &as ard &ro her @on !now/ away off on he 3all. !he sang for her -o her and her fa her/ for her grandfa her *ord 6os er and her 2ncle ,d-2re T2lly/ for her friend @eyne (oole/ for old dr2nken King Ro&er / for !e' a Mordane and !er 1on os and @ory Cassel and Maes er *2win/ for all he &ra0e knigh s and soldiers who wo2ld die oday/ and for he children and he wi0es who wo2ld -o2rn he-/ and finally/ oward he end/ she e0en sang for Tyrion he I-' and for he 6o2nd. 6e is no r2e knigh &2 he sa0ed -e all he sa-e/ she old he Mo her. !a0e hi- if yo2 can/ and gen le he rage inside hi-. B2 when he se' on cli-&ed on high and called 2'on he gods o 'ro ec and defend heir r2e and no&le king/ !ansa go o her fee . The aisles were ;a--ed wi h 'eo'le. !he had o sho2lder hro2gh while he se' on called 2'on he !-i h o lend s reng h o @offrey.s sword and shield/ he 3arrior o gi0e hi- co2rage/ he Fa her o defend hi- in his need. *e his sword &reak and his shield sha er/ !ansa ho2gh coldly as she sho0ed o2 hro2gh he doors/ le his co2rage fail hi- and e0ery -an deser hi-. A few g2ards 'aced along on he ga eho2se &a le-en s/ &2 o herwise he cas le see-ed e-' y. !ansa s o''ed and lis ened. Away off/ she co2ld hear he so2nds of &a le. The singing al-os drowned he- o2 / &2 he so2nds were here if yo2 had he ears o hearB he dee' -oan of warhorns/ he creak and h2d of ca a'2l s flinging s ones/ he s'lashes and s'lin erings/ he crackle of &2rning 'i ch and hr2- of scor'ions loosing heir yard7long iron7headed shaf s . . . and &enea h i all/ he cries of dying -en. I was ano her sor of song/ a erri&le song. !ansa '2lled he hood of her cloak 2' o0er her ears/ and h2rried oward Maegor.s 6oldfas / he cas le7wi hin7a7cas le where he 42een had 'ro-ised hey wo2ld all &e safe. A he foo of he draw&ridge/ she ca-e 2'on *ady Tanda and her wo da2gh ers. Falyse had arri0ed yes erday fro- Cas le ! okewor h wi h

a s-all roo' of soldiers. !he was rying o coa9 her sis er on o he &ridge/ &2 *ollys cl2ng o her -aid/ so&&ing/ :I don. wan o/ I don. wan o/ I don. wan o.: :The &a le is &eg2n/: *ady Tanda said in a &ri le 0oice. :I don. wan o/ I don. wan o.: There was no way !ansa co2ld a0oid he-. !he gree ed he- co2r eo2sly. :May I &e of hel'8: *ady Tanda fl2shed wi h sha-e. :5o/ -y lady/ &2 we hank yo2 kindly. =o2 -2s forgi0e -y da2gh er/ she has no &een well.: :I don. wan o.: *ollys cl2 ched a her -aid/ a slender/ 're y girl wi h shor dark hair who looked as ho2gh she wan ed no hing so -2ch as o sho0e her -is ress in o he dry -oa / on o hose iron s'ikes. :(lease/ 'lease/ I don. wan o.: !ansa s'oke o her gen ly. :3e.ll all &e hrice 'ro ec ed inside/ and here.s o &e food and drink and song as well.: *ollys ga'ed a her/ -o2 h o'en. !he had d2ll &rown eyes ha always see-ed o &e we wi h ears. :I don. wan o.: :=o2 ha0e o/: her sis er Falyse said shar'ly/ :and ha is he end of i . !hae/ hel' -e.: They each ook an el&ow/ and oge her half dragged and half carried *ollys across he &ridge. !ansa followed wi h heir -o her. :!he.s &een sick/: *ady Tanda said. If a &a&e can &e er-ed a sickness/ !ansa ho2gh . I was co--on gossi' ha *ollys was wi h child. The wo g2ards a he door wore he lion7cres ed hel-s and cri-son cloaks of 6o2se *annis er/ &2 !ansa knew hey were only dressed72' sellswords. Ano her sa a he foo of he s air7a real g2ard wo2ld ha0e &een s anding/ no si ing on a s e' wi h his hal&erd across his knees&2 he rose when he saw he- and o'ened he door o 2sher heinside. The F2een.s Ballroo- was no a en h he si>e of he cas le.s Grea 6all/ only half as &ig as he !-all 6all in he Tower of he 6and/ &2 i co2ld s ill sea a h2ndred/ and i -ade 2' in grace wha i lacked in s'ace. Bea en sil0er -irrors &acked e0ery wall sconce/ so he orches &2rned wice as &righ < he walls were 'aneled in richly car0ed wood/ and swee 7s-elling r2shes co0ered he floors. Fro- he gallery a&o0e drif ed down he -erry s rains of 'i'es and fiddle. A line of arched windows ran along he so2 h wall/ &2 hey had &een closed off wi h hea0y dra'eries. Thick 0el0e hangings ad-i ed no hread of ligh / and wo2ld -2ffle he so2nd of 'rayer and war alike. I -akes no -a er/ !ansa ho2gh . The war is wi h 2s. Al-os e0ery high&orn wo-an in he ci y sa a he long res le a&les/ along wi h a handf2l of old -en and yo2ng &oys. The wo-en were wi0es/ da2gh ers/ -o hers/ and sis ers. Their -en had gone o2 o figh *ord ! annis. Many wo2ld no re 2rn. The air was hea0y wi h he knowledge. As @offrey.s &e ro hed/ !ansa had he sea of honor on he 42een.s righ hand. !he was cli-&ing he dais when she saw he -an s anding in he shadows &y he &ack wall. 6e wore a long ha2&erk of oiled &lack -ail/ and held his sword &efore hi-B her fa her.s grea sword/ Ice/ near as all as he was. I s 'oin res ed on he floor/ and his hard &ony fingers c2rled aro2nd he crossg2ard on ei her side of he gri'. !ansa.s &rea h ca2gh in her hroa . !er Ilyn (ayne see-ed o sense her s are. 6e 2rned his ga2n / 'o97ra0aged face oward her. :3ha is he doing here8: she asked )sfryd Ke le&lack. 6e ca' ained he 42een.s new red cloak g2ard. )sfryd grinned. :6er Grace e9'ec s she.ll ha0e need of hi- &efore he nigh .s done. : !er Ilyn was he King.s ;2s ice. There was only one ser0ice he -igh &e

needed for. 3hose head does she wan 8 :All rise for 6er Grace/ Cersei of 6o2se *annis er/ F2een Regen and (ro ec or of he Real-/: he royal s eward cried. Cersei.s gown was snowy linen/ whi e as he cloaks of he Kingsg2ard. 6er long dagged slee0es showed a lining of gold sa in. Masses of &righ yellow hair 2-&led o her &are sho2lders in hick c2rls. Aro2nd her slender neck h2ng a ro'e of dia-onds and e-eralds. The whi e -ade her look s rangely innocen / al-os -aidenly/ &2 here were 'oin s of color on her cheeks. :Be sea ed/: he 42een said when she had aken her 'lace on he dais/ :and &e welco-e.: )sfryd Ke le&lack held her chair< a 'age 'erfor-ed he sa-e ser0ice for !ansa. :=o2 look 'ale/ !ansa/: Cersei o&ser0ed. :Is yo2r red flower s ill &loo-ing8: I.=es.: :6ow a' . The -en will &leed o2 here/ and yo2 in here.: The 42een signaled for he firs co2rse o &e ser0ed. :3hy is !er Ilyn here8: !ansa &l2r ed o2 . The 42een glanced a he -2 e heads-an. :To deal wi h reason/ and o defend 2s if need &e. 6e was a knigh &efore he was a heads-an.: !he 'oin ed her s'oon oward he end of he hall/ where he all wooden doors had &een closed and &arred. :3hen he a9es s-ash down hose doors/ yo2 -ay &e glad of hi-.: I wo2ld &e gladder if i were he 6o2nd/ !ansa ho2gh . 6arsh as he was/ she did no &elie0e !andor Clegane wo2ld le any har- co-e o her. :3on. yo2r g2ards 'ro ec 2s8: :And who will 'ro ec 2s fro- -y g2ards8: The 42een ga0e )sfryd a sideways look. :*oyal sellswords are rare as 0irgin whores. If he &a le is los -y g2ards will ri' on hose cri-son cloaks in heir has e o ri' he- off. They.ll s eal wha hey can and flee/ along wi h he ser0ing -en/ washer wo-en/ and s a&le&oys/ all o2 o sa0e heir own wor hless hides. 1o yo2 ha0e any no ion wha ha''ens when a ci y is sacked/ !ansa8 5o/ yo2 wo2ldn. / wo2ld yo28 All yo2 know of life yo2 learned fro- singers/ and here.s s2ch a dear h of good sacking songs.: :Tr2e knigh s wo2ld ne0er har- wo-en and children.: The words rang hollow in her ears e0en as she said he-. :Tr2e knigh s.: The 42een see-ed o find ha wonderf2lly a-2sing. :5o do2& righ . !o why don. yo2 ;2s ea yo2r &ro h like a good girl and wai for !y-eon ! ar7,yes and (rince Ae-on he 1ragonknigh o co-e resc2e yo2/ swee ling. I.- s2re i won. &e 0ery long now.: C6A(T,R EK 1AV)! Blackwa er Bay was ro2gh and cho''y/ whi eca's e0erywhere. Black Be ha rode he flood ide/ her sail cracking and sna''ing a each shif of wind. 3rai h and *ady Marya sailed &eside her/ no -ore han wen y yards &e ween heir h2lls. 6is sons co2ld kee' a line. 1a0os ook 'ride in ha . Across he sea warhorns &oo-ed/ dee' hroa y -oans like he calls of -ons ro2s ser'en s/ re'ea ed shi' o shi'. :Bring down he sail/: 1a0os co--anded. :*ower -as . )ars-en o yo2r oars.: 6is son Ma hos relayed he co--ands. The deck of Black Be ha ch2rned as crew-en ran o heir asks/ '2shing hro2gh he soldiers who always see-ed o &e in he way no -a er where hey s ood. !er I-ry had decreed ha hey wo2ld en er he ri0er on oars alone/ so as no o e9'ose heir sails o he scor'ions and s'i fires on he walls of King.s *anding.

1a0os co2ld -ake o2 F2ry well o he so2 heas / her sails shi--ering golden as hey ca-e down/ he crowned s ag of Bara heon &la>oned on he can0as. Fro- her decks ! annis Bara heon had co--anded he assa2l on 1ragons one si9 een years &efore/ &2 his i-e he had chosen o ride wi h his ar-y/ r2s ing F2ry and he co--and of his flee o his wife.s &ro her !er I-ry/ who.d co-e o0er o his ca2se a ! or-.s ,nd wi h *ord Ales er and all he o her Floren s. 1a0os knew F2ry as well as he knew his own shi's. A&o0e her hree h2ndred oars was a deck gi0en o0er wholly o scor'ions/ and o'side she -o2n ed ca a'2l s fore and af / large eno2gh o fling &arrels of &2rning 'i ch. A -os for-ida&le shi'/ and 0ery swif as well/ al ho2gh !er Irnry had 'acked her &ow o s ern wi h ar-ored knigh s and -en7a 7ar-s/ a so-e cos o her s'eed. The warhorns so2nded again/ co--ands drif ing &ack fro- he F2ry. 1a0os fel a ingle in his -issing finger i's. :)2 oars/: he sho2 ed. :Forline.: A h2ndred &lades di''ed down in o he wa er as he oar-as er.s dr2- &egan o &oo-. The so2nd was like he &ea ing of a grea slow hear / and he oars -o0ed a e0ery s roke/ a h2ndred -en '2lling as one. 3ooden wings had s'ro2 ed fro- he 3rai h and *ady Marya as well. The hree galleys ke' 'ace/ heir &lades ch2rning he wa er. :!low cr2ise/: 1a0os called. *ord Velaryon.s sil0er7h2lled (ride of 1rif -ark had -o0ed in o her 'osi ion o 'or of 3rai h/ and Bold *a2gh er was co-ing 2' fas / &2 6arridan was only now ge ing her oars in o he wa er and !eahorse was s ill s r2ggling o &ring down her -as . 1a0os looked as ern. =es/ here/ far o he so2 h/ ha co2ld only &e !wordfish/ lagging as e0er. !he di''ed wo h2ndred oars and -o2n ed he larges ra- in he flee / ho2gh 1a0os had gra0e do2& s a&o2 her ca' ain. 6e co2ld hear soldiers sho2 ing enco2rage-en o each o her across he wa er. They.d &een li le -ore han &allas since ! or-.s ,nd/ and were eager o ge a he foe/ confiden of 0ic ory. In ha / hey were of one -ind wi h heir ad-iral/ *ord 6igh Ca' ain !er I-ry Floren . Three days 'as / he had s2--oned all his ca' ains o a war co2ncil a&oard he F2ry while he flee lay anchored a he -o2 h of he 3endwa er/ in order o ac42ain he- wi h his dis'osi ions. 1a0os and his sons had &een assigned a 'lace in he second line of &a le/ well o2 on he dangero2s s ar&oard wing. :A 'lace of honor/: Allard had declared/ well sa isfied wi h he chance o 'ro0e his 0alor. :A 'lace of 'eril/: his fa her had 'oin ed o2 . 6is sons had gi0en hi- 'i ying looks/ e0en yo2ng Maric. The )nion Knigh has &eco-e an old wo-an/ he co2ld hear he- hinking/ s ill a s-2ggler a hear . 3ell/ he las was r2e eno2gh/ he wo2ld -ake no a'ologies for i . !eawor h had a lordly ring o i / &2 down dee' he was s ill 1a0os of Flea Bo o-/ co-ing ho-e o his ci y on i s hree high hills. 6e knew as -2ch of shi's and sails and shores as any -an in he !e0en Kingdo-s/ and had fo2gh his share of des'era e figh s sword o sword on a we deck. B2 o his sor of &a le he ca-e a -aiden/ ner0o2s and afraid. !-2gglers do no so2nd warhorns and raise &anners. 3hen hey s-ell danger/ hey raise sail and r2n &efore he wind. 6ad he &een ad-iral/ he -igh ha0e done i all differen ly. For a s ar / he wo2ld ha0e sen a few of his swif es shi's o 'ro&e 2'ri0er and see wha awai ed he-/ ins ead of s-ashing in headlong. 3hen he had s2gges ed as -2ch o !er I-ry/ he *ord 6igh Ca' ain had hanked hico2r eo2sly/ &2 his eyes were no as 'oli e. 3ho is his low&orn cra0en8 hose eyes asked. Is he he one who &o2gh his knigh hood wi h an onion8 3i h fo2r i-es as -any shi's as he &oy king/ !er I-ry saw no need for

ca2 ion or dece' i0e ac ics. 6e had organi>ed he flee in o en lines of &a le/ each of wen y shi's. The firs wo lines wo2ld swee' 2' he ri0er o engage and des roy @offrey.s li le flee / or : he &oy.s oys: as !er I-ry d2&&ed he-/ o he -ir h of his lordly ca' ains. Those ha followed wo2ld land co-'anies of archers and s'ear-en &enea h he ci y walls/ and only hen ;oin he figh on he ri0er. The s-aller/ slower shi's o he rear wo2ld ferry o0er he -ain 'ar of ! annis.s hos fro- he so2 h &ank/ 'ro ec ed &y !alladhor !aan and his *yseni/ who wo2ld s and o2 in he &ay in case he *annis ers had o her shi's hidden 2' along he coas / 'oised o swee' down on heir rear. To &e fair/ here was reason for !er I-ry.s has e. The winds had no 2sed he- kindly on he 0oyage 2' fro- ! or-.s ,nd. They had los wo cogs o he rocks of !hi'&reaker Bay on he 0ery day hey se sail/ a 'oor way o &egin. )ne of he Myrish galleys had fo2ndered in he ! rai s of Tar h/ and a s or- had o0er aken he- as hey were en ering he G2lle / sca ering he flee across half he narrow sea. All &2 wel0e shi's had finally regro2'ed &ehind he shel ering s'ine of Massey.s 6ook/ in he cal-er wa ers of Blackwa er Bay/ &2 no &efore hey had los considera&le i-e. ! annis wo2ld ha0e reached he R2sh days ago. The kingsroad ran fro! or-.s ,nd s raigh o King.s *anding/ a -2ch shor er ro2 e han &y sea/ and his hos was largely -o2n ed< near wen y ho2sand knigh s/ ligh horse/ and freeriders/ Renly.s 2nwilling legacy o his &ro her. They wo2ld ha0e -ade good i-e/ &2 ar-ored des riers and wel0e7foo lances wo2ld a0ail he- li le agains he dee' wa ers of he Blackwa er R2sh and he high s one walls of he ci y. ! annis wo2ld &e ca-'ed wi h his lords on he so2 h &ank of he ri0er/ do2& less see hing wi h i-'a ience and wondering wha !er I-ry had done wi h his flee . )ff Merling Rock wo days &efore/ hey had sigh ed a half7do>en fishing skiffs. The fisherfolk had fled &efore he-/ &2 one &y one hey had &een o0er aken and &oarded. :A s-all s'oon of 0ic ory is ;2s he hing o se le he s o-ach &efore &a le/: !er I-ry had declared ha''ily. :I -akes he -en h2ngry for a larger hel'ing.: B2 1a0os had &een -ore in eres ed in wha he ca' i0es had o say a&o2 he defenses a King.s *anding. The dwarf had &een &2sy &2ilding so-e sor of &oo- o close off he -o2 h of he ri0er/ ho2gh he fisher-en differed as o whe her he work had &een co-'le ed or no . 6e fo2nd hi-self wishing i had. If he ri0er was closed o he-/ !er I-ry wo2ld ha0e no choice &2 o 'a2se and ake s ock. The sea was f2ll of so2ndB sho2 s and calls/ warhorns and dr2-s and he rill of 'i'es/ he sla' of wood on wa er as ho2sands of oars rose and fell. :Kee' line/: 1a0os sho2 ed. A g2s of wind 2gged a his old green cloak. A ;erkin of &oiled lea her and a 'o hel- a his fee were his only ar-or. A sea/ hea0y s eel was as like o cos a -an his life as o sa0e i / he &elie0ed. !er I-ry and he o her high&orn ca' ains did no share his 0iew< hey gli ered as hey 'aced heir decks. 6arridan and !eahorse had sli''ed in o heir 'laces now/ and *ord Cel igar.s Red Claw &eyond he-. To s ar&oard of Allard.s *ady Marya were he hree galleys ha ! annis had sei>ed fro- he 2nfor 2na e *ord !2nglass/ (ie y/ (rayer/ and 1e0o ion/ heir decks crawling wi h archers. ,0en !wordfish was closing/ l2-&ering and rolling hro2gh a hickening sea 2nder &o h oars and sail. A shi' of ha -any oars o2gh o &e -2ch fas er/ 1a0os reflec ed wi h disa''ro0al. I .s ha ra- she carries/ i .s oo &ig/ she has no &alance. The wind was g2s ing fro- he so2 h/ &2 2nder oars i -ade no -a er. They wo2ld &e swee'ing in on he flood ide/ &2 he *annis ers wo2ld

ha0e he ri0er c2rren o heir fa0or/ and he Blackwa er R2sh flowed s rong and swif where i -e he sea. The firs shock wo2ld ine0i a&ly fa0or he foe. 3e are fools o -ee he- on he Blackwa er/ 1a0os ho2gh . In any enco2n er on he o'en sea/ heir &a le lines wo2ld en0elo' he ene-y flee on &o h flanks/ dri0ing he- inward o des r2c ion. )n he ri0er/ ho2gh/ he n2-&ers and weigh of !er I-ry.s shi's wo2ld co2n for less. They co2ld no dress -ore han wen y shi's a&reas / les hey risk angling heir oars and colliding wi h each o her. Beyond he line of warshi's/ 1a0os co2ld see he Red Kee' 2' on Aegon.s 6igh 6ill/ dark agains a le-on sky/ wi h he -o2 h of he R2sh o'ening o2 &elow. Across he ri0er he so2 h shore was &lack wi h -en and horses/ s irring like angry an s as hey ca2gh sigh of he a''roaching shi's. ! annis wo2ld ha0e ke' he- &2sy &2ilding raf s and fle ching arrows/ ye e0en so he wai ing wo2ld ha0e &een a hard hing o &ear. Tr2-'e s so2nded fro- a-ong he-/ iny and &ra>en/ soon swallowed &y he roar of a ho2sand sho2 s. 1a0os closed his s 2&&y hand aro2nd he 'o2ch ha held his finger&ones/ and -o2 hed a silen 'rayer for l2ck. F2ry herself wo2ld cen er he firs line of &a le/ flanked &y he *ord ! effon and he ! ag of he !ea/ each of wo h2ndred oars. )n he 'or and s ar&oard wings were he h2ndredsB *ady 6arra/ Brigh fish/ *a2ghing *ord/ !ea 1e-on/ 6orned 6onor/ Ragged @enna/ Triden Three/ !wif !word/ (rincess Rhaenys/ 1og.s 5ose/ !ce' re/ Fai hf2l/ Red Ra0en/ F2een Alysanne/ Ca / Co2rageo2s/ and 1ragons&ane. Fro- e0ery s ern s rea-ed he fiery hear of he *ord of *igh / red and yellow and orange. Behind 1a0os and his sons ca-e ano her line of h2ndreds co--anded &y knigh s and lordly ca' ains/ and hen he s-aller/ slower Myrish con ingen / none di''ing -ore han eigh y oars. Far her &ack wo2ld co-e he sailed shi's/ carracks and l2-&ering grea cogs/ and las of all !alladhor !aan in his 'ro2d Valyrian/ a owering hree7h2ndred/ 'aced &y he res of his galleys wi h heir dis inc i0e s ri'ed h2lls. The fla-&oyan *yseni 'rinceling had no &een 'leased o &e assigned he rear g2ard/ &2 i was clear ha !er I-ry r2s ed hi- no -ore han ! annis did. Too -any co-'lain s/ and oo -2ch alk of he gold he was owed. 1a0os was sorry none heless. !alladhor !aan was a reso2rcef2l old 'ira e/ and his crews were &orn sea-en/ fearless in a figh . They were was ed in he rear. Ahooooooooooooooooooooooooo. The call rolled across whi eca's and ch2rning oars fro- he forecas le of he F2ryB !er I-ry was so2nding he a ack. Ahoooooooooooooooooooo/ ahooooooooooooooooooooo. !wordfish had ;oined he line a las / ho2gh she s ill had her sail raised. :Fas cr2ise/: 1a0os &arked. The dr2- &egan o &ea -ore 42ickly/ and he s roke 'icked 2'/ he &lades of he oars c2 ing wa er/ s'lash7swoosh/ s'lash7swoosh/ s'lash7swoosh. )n deck/ soldiers &anged sword agains shield/ while archers 42ie ly s r2ng heir &ows and '2lled he firs arrow fro- he 42i0ers a heir &el s. The galleys of he firs line of &a le o&sc2red his 0ision/ so 1a0os 'aced he deck searching for a &e er 0iew. 6e saw no sign of any &oo-< he -o2 h of he ri0er was o'en/ as if o swallow he- all. ,9ce' . . . In his s-2ggling days/ 1a0os had of en ;es ed ha he knew he wa erfron a King.s *anding a deal &e er han he &ack of his hand/ since he had no s'en a good 'ar of his life sneaking in and o2 of he &ack of his hand. The s42a owers of raw new s one ha s ood o''osi e one ano her a he -o2 h of he Blackwa er -igh -ean no hing o !er Irnry Floren / &2 o hi- i was as if wo e9 ra fingers had

s'ro2 ed fro- his kn2ckles. !hading his eyes agains he wes ering s2n/ he 'eered a hose owers -ore closely. They were oo s-all o hold -2ch of a garrison. The one on he nor h &ank was &2il agains he &l2ff wi h he Red Kee' frowning a&o0e< i s co2n er'ar on he so2 h shore had i s foo ing in he wa er. They d2g a c2 hro2gh he &ank/ he knew a once. Tha wo2ld -ake he ower 0ery diffic2l o assa2l < a ackers wo2ld need o wade hro2gh he wa er or &ridge he li le channel. ! annis had 'os ed &ow-en &elow/ o fire 2' a he defenders whene0er one was rash eno2gh o lif his head a&o0e he ra-'ar s/ &2 o herwise had no ro2&led. !o-e hing flashed down low where he dark wa er swirled aro2nd he &ase of he ower. I was s2nligh on s eel/ and i old 1a0os !eawor h all he needed o know. A chain &oo- . . . and ye hey ha0e no closed he ri0er agains 2s. 3hy8 6e co2ld -ake a g2ess a ha as well/ &2 here was no i-e o consider he 42es ion. A sho2 wen 2' fro- he shi's ahead/ and he warhorns &lew againB he ene-y was &efore he-. Be ween he flashing oars of !ce' re and Fai hf2l/ 1a0os saw a hin line of galleys drawn across he ri0er/ he s2n glin ing off he gold 'ain ha -arked heir h2lls. 6e knew hose shi's as well as he knew his own. 3hen he had &een a s-2ggler/ he.d always fel safer knowing whe her he sail on he hori>on -arked a fas shi' or a slow one/ and whe her her ca' ain was a yo2ng -an h2ngry for glory or an old one ser0ing o2 his days. Ahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo/ he warhorns called. :Ba le s'eed/: 1a0os sho2 ed. )n 'or and s ar&oard he heard 1ale and Allard gi0ing he sa-e co--and. 1r2-s &egan o &ea f2rio2sly/ oars rose and fell/ and Black Be ha s2rged forward. 3hen he glanced oward 3rai h/ 1ale ga0e hi- a sal2 e. !wordfish was lagging once -ore/ wallowing in he wake of he s-aller shi's o ei her side< elsewise he line was s raigh as a shield wall. The ri0er ha had see-ed so narrow fro- a dis ance now s re ched wide as a sea/ &2 he ci y had grown gigan ic as well. Glowering down froAegon.s 6igh 6ill/ he Red Kee' co--anded he a''roaches. I s iron7 crowned &a le-en s/ -assi0e owers/ and hick red walls ga0e i he as'ec of a ferocio2s &eas h2nched a&o0e ri0er and s ree s. The &l2ffs on which i cro2ched were s ee' and rocky/ s'o ed wi h lichen and gnarled horny rees. The flee wo2ld ha0e o 'ass &elow he cas le o reach he har&or and ci y &eyond. The firs line was in he ri0er now/ &2 he ene-y galleys were &acking wa er. They -ean o draw 2s in. They wan 2s ;a--ed close/ cons ric ed/ no way o swee' aro2nd heir flanks . . . and wi h ha &oo- &ehind 2s. 6e 'aced his deck/ craning his neck for a &e er look a @offrey.s flee . The &oy.s oys incl2ded he 'ondero2s Godsgrace/ he saw/ he old slow (rince Ae-on/ he *ady of !ilk and her sis er *ady.s !ha-e/ 3ildwind/ Kingslander/ 3hi e 6ar / *ance/ !eaflower. B2 where was he *ions ar8 3here was he &ea2 if2l *ady *yanna ha King Ro&er had na-ed in honor of he -aid he.d lo0ed and los 8 And where was King Ro&er .s 6a--er8 !he was he larges war galley in he royal flee / fo2r h2ndred oars/ he only warshi' he &oy king owned ca'a&le of o0er-a ching F2ry. By righ s she sho2ld ha0e for-ed he hear of any defense. 1a0os as ed a ra'/ ye he saw no sign of any foes swee'ing in &ehind he-/ only he grea flee of ! annis Bara heon in heir ordered ranks/ s re ching &ack o he wa ery hori>on. 3ill hey raise he chain and c2 2s in wo8 6e co2ld no see wha good ha wo2ld ser0e. The shi's lef o2 in he &ay co2ld s ill land -en nor h of he ci y< a slower

crossing/ &2 safer. A fligh of flickering orange &irds ook wing fro- he cas le/ wen y or hir y of he-< 'o s of &2rning 'i ch/ arcing o2 o0er he ri0er railing hreads of fla-e. The wa ers a e -os / &2 a few fo2nd he decks of galleys in he firs line of &a le/ s'reading fla-e when hey sha ered. Men7a 7ar-s were scra-&ling on F2een Alysanne.s deck/ and he co2ld see s-oke rising fro- hree differen s'o s on 1ragons&ane/ neares he &ank. By hen a second fligh was on i s way/ and arrows were falling as well/ hissing down fro- he archers. nes s ha s 2dded he owers a&o0e. A soldier 2-&led o0er Ca .s g2nwale/ crashed off he oars/ and sank. The firs -an o die oday/ 1a0os ho2gh / &2 he will no &e he las . A o' he Red Kee'.s &a le-en s s rea-ed he &oy king.s &annersB he crowned s ag of Bara heon on i s gold field/ he lion of *annis er on cri-son. More 'o s of 'i ch ca-e flying. 1a0os heard -en shriek as fire s'read across Co2rageo2s. 6er oars-en were safe &elow/ 'ro ec ed fro-issiles &y he half deck ha shel ered he-/ &2 he -en7a 7ar-s crowded o'side were no so for 2na e. The s ar&oard wing was aking all he da-age/ as he had feared. I will &e o2r 2rn soon/ he re-inded hi-self/ 2neasy. Black Be ha was well in range of he fire'o s/ &eing he si9 h shi' o2 fro- he nor h &ank. To s ar&oard/ she had only Allard.s *ady Marya/ he 2ngainly !wordfish7so far &ehind now ha she was nearer he hird line han he second7and (ie y/ (rayer/ and 1e0o ion/ who wo2ld need all he godly in er0en ion hey co2ld ge / 'laced as 02lnera&ly as hey were. As he second line swe' 'as he win owers/ 1a0os ook a closer look. 6e co2ld see hree links of a h2ge chain snaking o2 fro- a hole no &igger han a -an.s head and disa''earing 2nder he wa er. The owers had a single door/ se a good wen y fee off he gro2nd. Bow-en on he roof of he nor hern ower were firing down a (rayer and 1e0o ion. The archers on 1e0o ion fired &ack/ and 1a0os heard a -an screa- as he arrows fo2nd hi-. :Ca' ain ser.: 6is son Ma hos was a his el&ow. :=o2r hel-.: 1a0os ook i wi h &o h hands and slid i o0er his head. The 'o hel-. was 0isorless< he ha ed ha0ing his 0ision i-'eded. By hen he 'i ch 'o s were raining down aro2nd he-. 6e saw one sha er on he deck of *ady Marya/ &2 Allard.s crew 42ickly &ea i o2 . To 'or / warhorns so2nded fro- he (ride of 1rif -ark. The oars fl2ng 2' s'rays of wa er wi h e0ery s roke. The yard7long shaf of a scor'ion ca-e down no wo fee fro- Ma hos and sank in o he wood of he deck/ hr2--ing. Ahead/ he firs line was wi hin &owsho of he ene-y< fligh s of arrows flew &e ween he shi's/ hissing like s riking snakes. !o2 h of he Blackwa er/ 1a0os saw -en dragging cr2de raf s oward he wa er while ranks and col2-ns for-ed 2' &enea h a ho2sand s rea-ing &anners. The fiery hear was e0erywhere/ ho2gh he iny &lack s ag i-'risoned in he fla-es was oo s-all o -ake o2 . 3e sho2ld &e flying he crowned s ag/ he ho2gh . The s ag was King Ro&er .s sigil/ he ci y wo2ld re;oice o see i . This s ranger.s s andard ser0es only o se -en agains 2s. 6e co2ld no &ehold he fiery hear wi ho2 hinking of he shadow Melisandre had &ir hed in he gloo- &enea h ! or-.s ,nd. A leas we figh his &a le in he ligh / wi h he wea'ons of hones -en/ he old hi-self. The red wo-an and her dark children wo2ld ha0e no 'ar of i . ! annis had shi''ed her &ack o 1ragons one wi h his &as ard ne'hew ,dric ! or-. 6is ca' ains and &anner-en had insis ed ha a &a lefield was no 'lace for a wo-an. only he 42een.s -en had dissen ed/ and hen

no lo2dly. All he sa-e/ he king had &een on he 'oin of ref2sing he- 2n il *ord Bryce Caron said/ :=o2r Grace/ if he sorceress is wi h 2s/ af erward -en will say i was her 0ic ory/ no yo2rs. They will say yo2 owe yo2r crown o her s'ells.: Tha had 2rned he ide. 1a0os hi-self had held his ong2e d2ring he arg2-en s/ &2 if r2 h &e old/ he had no &een sad o see he &ack of her. 6e wan ed no 'ar of Melisandre or her god. To s ar&oard/ 1e0o ion dro0e oward shore/ sliding o2 a 'lank. Archers scra-&led in o he shallows/ holding heir &ows high o0er heir heads o kee' he s rings dry. They s'lashed ashore on he narrow s rand &enea h he &l2ffs. Rocks ca-e &o2ncing down fro- he cas le o crash a-ong he-/ and arrows and s'ears as well/ &2 he angle was s ee' and he -issiles see-ed o do li le da-age. (rayer landed wo do>en yards 2's rea- and (ie y was slan ing oward he &ank when he defenders ca-e 'o2nding down he ri0erside/ he hoo0es of heir warhorses sending 2' go2 s of wa er fro- he shallows. The knigh s fell a-ong he archers like wol0es a-ong chickens/ dri0ing he- &ack oward he shi's and in o he ri0er &efore -os co2ld no ch an arrow. Men7a 7ar-s r2shed o defend he- wi h s'ear and a9e/ and in hree hear &ea s he scene had 2rned o &lood7soaked chaos. 1a0os recogni>ed he dog.s7head hel- of he 6o2nd. A whi e cloak s rea-ed fro- his sho2lders as he rode his horse 2' he 'lank on o he deck of (rayer/ hacking down anyone who &l2ndered wi hin reach. Beyond he cas le/ King.s *anding rose on i s hills &ehind he encircling walls. The ri0erfron was a &lackened desola ion< he *annis ers had &2rned e0ery hing and '2lled &ack wi hin he M2d Ga e. The charred s'ars of s2nken h2lks sa in he shallows/ for&idding access o he long s one 42ays. 3e shall ha0e no landing here. 6e co2ld see he o's of hree h2ge re&2che s &ehind he M2d Ga e. 6igh on Visenya.s 6ill/ s2nligh &la>ed off he se0en crys al owers of he Grea !e' of Baelor. 1a0os ne0er saw he &a le ;oined/ &2 he heard i < a grea rending crash as wo galleys ca-e oge her. 6e co2ld no say which wo. Ano her i-'ac echoed o0er he wa er an ins an la er/ and hen a hird. Benea h he screech of s'lin ering wood/ he heard he dee' hr2-7 h2-' of he F2ry.s fore ca a'2l . ! ag of he !ea s'li one of @offrey.s galleys clean in wo/ &2 1og.s 5ose was afire and F2een Alysanne was locked &e ween *ady of !ilk and *ady.s !ha-e/ her crew figh ing he &oarders rail7 o7rail. 1irec ly ahead/ 1a0os saw he ene-y.s Kingslander dri0e &e ween Fai hf2l and !ce' re. The for-er slid her s ar&oard oars o2 of he way &efore i-'ac / &2 !ce' re.s 'or side oars sna''ed like so -2ch kindling as Kingslander raked along her side. :*oose/: 1a0os co--anded/ and his &ow-en sen a wi hering rain of shaf s across he wa er. 6e saw Kingslander.s ca' ain fall/ and ried o recall he -an.s na-e. Ashore/ he ar-s of he grea re&2che s rose one/ wo/ hree/ and a h2ndred s ones cli-&ed high in o he yellow sky. ,ach one was as large as a -an.s head< when hey fell hey sen 2' grea go2 s of wa er/ s-ashed hro2gh oak 'lanking/ and 2rned li0ing -en in o &one and '2l' and gris le. All across he ri0er he firs line was engaged. Gra''ling hooks were fl2ng o2 / iron ra-s crashed hro2gh wooden h2lls/ &oarders swar-ed/ fligh s of arrows whis'ered hro2gh each o her in he drif ing s-oke/ and -en died . . . &2 so far/ none of his. Black Be ha swe' 2'ri0er/ he so2nd of her oar-as er.s dr2- h2ndering in her ca' ain.s head as he looked for a likely 0ic i- for her ra-. The &eleag2ered F2een Alysanne was ra''ed &e ween wo *annis er warshi's/

he hree -ade fas &y hooks and lines. :Ra--ing s'eed?: 1a0os sho2 ed. The dr2-&ea s &l2rred in o a long fe0ered ha--ering/ and Black Be ha flew/ he wa er 2rning whi e as -ilk as i 'ar ed for her 'row. Allard had seen he sa-e chance< *ady Marya ran &eside he-. The firs line had &een ransfor-ed in o a conf2sion of se'ara e s r2ggles. The hree angled shi's loo-ed ahead/ 2rning/ heir decks a red chaos as -en hacked a each o her wi h sword and a9e. A li le -ore/ 1a0os !eawor h &eseeched he 3arrior/ &ring her aro2nd a li le -ore/ show -e her &roadside. The 3arrior -2s ha0e &een lis ening. Black Be ha and *ady Marya sla--ed in o he side of *ady.s !ha-e wi hin an ins an of each o her/ ra--ing her fore and af wi h s2ch force ha -en were hrown off he deck of *ady of !ilk hree &oa s away. 1a0os al-os &i his ong2e off when his ee h ;arred oge her. 6e s'a o2 &lood. 5e9 i-e close yo2r -o2 h/ yo2 fool. For y years a sea/ and ye his was he firs i-e he.d ra--ed ano her shi'. 6is archers were loosing arrows a will. :Back wa er/: he co--anded. 3hen Black Be ha re0ersed her oars/ he ri0er r2shed in o he s'lin ered hole she lef / and *ady.s !ha-e fell o 'ieces &efore his eyes/ s'illing do>ens of -en in o he ri0er. !o-e of he li0ing swa-< so-e of he dead floa ed< he ones in hea0y -ail and 'la e sank o he &o o-/ he 42ick and he dead alike. The 'leas of drowning -en echoed in his ears. A flash of green ca2gh his eye/ ahead and off o 'or / and a nes of wri hing e-erald ser'en s rose &2rning and hissing fro- he s ern of F2een Alysanne. An ins an la er 1a0os heard he dread cry of :3ildfire?: 6e gri-aced. B2rning 'i ch was one hing/ wildfire 42i e ano her. ,0il s 2ff/ and well7nigh 2n42encha&le. !-o her i 2nder a cloak and he cloak ook fire< sla' a a fleck of i wi h yo2r 'al- and yo2r hand was afla-e. :(iss on wildfire and yo2r cock &2rns off/: old sea-en liked o say. ! ill/ !er I-ry had warned he- o e9'ec a as e of he alche-is s. 0ile s2&s ance. For 2na ely/ here were few r2e 'yro-ancers lef . They will soon r2n o2 / !er I-ry had ass2red he-. 1a0os reeled off co--ands< one &ank of oars '2shed off while he o her &acked wa er/ and he galley ca-e a&o2 . *ady Marya had won clear oo/ and a good hing< he fire was s'reading o0er F2een Alysanne and her foes fas er han he wo2ld ha0e &elie0ed 'ossi&le. Men wrea hed in green fla-e lea' in o he wa er/ shrieking like no hing h2-an. on he walls of King.s *anding/ s'i fires were &elching dea h/ and he grea re&2che s &ehind he M2d Ga e were hrowing &o2lders. )ne he si>e of an o9 crashed down &e ween Black Be ha and 3rai h/ rocking &o h shi's and soaking e0ery -an on deck. Ano her/ no -2ch s-aller/ fo2nd Bold *a2gh er. The Velaryon galley e9'loded like a child.s oy dro''ed froa ower/ s'raying s'lin ers as long as a -an.s ar-. Thro2gh &lack s-oke and swirling green fire/ 1a0os gli-'sed a swar- of s-all &oa s &earing downri0erB a conf2sion of ferries and wherries/ &arges/ skiffs/ row&oa s/ and h2lks ha looked oo ro en o floa . I s ank of des'era ion< s2ch drif wood co2ld no 2rn he ide of a figh / only ge in he way. The lines of &a le were ho'elessly ensnarled/ he saw. )ff o 'or / *ord ! effon/ Ragged fenna/ and !wif !word had &roken hro2gh and were swee'ing 2'ri0er. The s ar&oard wing was hea0ily engaged/ howe0er/ and he cen er had sha ered 2nder he s ones of hose re&2che s/ so-e ca' ains 2rning downs rea-/ o hers 0eering o 'or / any hing o esca'e ha cr2shing rain. F2ry had sw2ng her af ca a'2l o fire &ack a he ci y/ &2 she lacked he range< he &arrels of 'i ch were sha ering 2nder he walls. !ce' re had los

-os of her oars/ and Fai hf2l had &een ra--ed and was s ar ing o lis . 6e ook Black Be ha &e ween he-/ and s r2ck a glancing &low a F2een Cersei.s orna e car0ed7and7gilded 'leas2re &arge/ laden wi h soldiers ins ead of swee -ea s now. The collision s'illed a do>en of he- in o he ri0er/ where Be ha.s archers 'icked he- off as hey ried o s ay afloa . Ma hos.s sho2 aler ed hi- o he danger fro- 'or < one of he *annis er galleys was co-ing a&o2 o ra-. :6ard o s ar&oard/: 1a0os sho2 ed. 6is -en 2sed heir oars o '2sh free of he &arge/ while o hers 2rned he galley so her 'row faced he onr2shing 3hi e 6ar . For a -o-en he feared he.d &een oo slow/ ha he was a&o2 o &e s2nk/ &2 he c2rren hel'ed swing Black Be ha/ and when he i-'ac ca-e i was only a glancing &low/ he wo h2lls scra'ing agains each o her/ &o h shi's sna''ing oars. A ;agged 'iece of wood flew 'as his head/ shar' as any s'ear. 1a0os flinched. :Board her?: he sho2 ed. Gra''ling lines were fl2ng. 6e drew his sword and led he- o0er he rail hi-self. The crew of he 3hi e 6ar -e he- a he rail/ &2 Black Be ha.s -en7 a 7ar-s swe' o0er he- in a screa-ing s eel ide. 1a0os fo2gh hro2gh he 'ress/ looking for he o her ca' ain/ &2 he -an was dead &efore he reached hi-. As he s ood o0er he &ody/ so-eone ca2gh hi- fro&ehind wi h an a9e/ &2 his hel- 2rned he &low/ and his sk2ll was lef ringing when i -igh ha0e &een s'li . 1a>ed/ i was all he co2ld do o roll. 6is a acker charged screa-ing. 1a0os gras'ed his sword in &o h hands and dro0e i 2' 'oin firs in o he -an.s &elly. )ne of his crew-en '2lled hi- &ack o his fee . :Ca' ain ser/ he 6ar is o2rs.: I was r2e/ 1a0os saw. Mos of he ene-y were dead/ dying/ or yielded. 6e ook off his hel-/ wi'ed &lood fro- his face/ and -ade his way &ack o his own shi'/ rodding caref2lly on &oards sli-y wi h -en.s g2 s. Ma hos len hi- a hand o hel' hi- &ack o0er he rail. For hose few ins an s/ Black Be ha and 3hi e 6ar were he cal- eye in he -ids of he s or-. F2een Alysanne and *ady of !ilk/ s ill locked oge her/ were a ranging green inferno/ drif ing downri0er and dragging 'ieces of *ady.s !ha-e. )ne of he Myrish galleys had sla--ed in o heand was now afire as well. Ca was aking on -en fro- he fas sinking Co2rageo2s. The ca' ain of 1ragons&ane had dri0en her &e ween wo 42ays/ ri''ing o2 her &o o-< her crew 'o2red ashore wi h he archers and -en7a 7ar-s o ;oin he assa2l on he walls. Red Ra0en/ ra--ed/ was slowly lis ing. ! ag of he !ea was figh ing fires and &oarders &o h/ &2 he fiery hear had &een raised o0er @offrey.s *oyal Man. F2ry/ her 'ro2d &ow s-ashed in &y a &o2lder/ was engaged wi h Godsgrace. 6e saw *ord Velaryon.s (ride of 1rif -ark crash &e ween wo *annis er ri0er r2nners/ o0er 2rning one and ligh ing he o her 2' wi h fire arrows. )n he so2 h &ank/ knigh s were leading heir -o2n s a&oard he cogs/ and so-e of he s-aller galleys were already -aking heir way across/ laden wi h -en7a 7ar-s. They had o hread ca2 io2sly &e ween sinking shi's and 'a ches of drif ing wildfire. The whole of King ! annis.s flee was in he ri0er now/ sa0e for !alladhor !aan.s *yseni. !oon eno2gh hey wo2ld con rol he Blackwa er. !er I-ry will ha0e his 0ic ory/ 1a0os ho2gh / and ! annis will &ring his hos across/ &2 gods &e good/ he cos of his . . . :Ca' ain ser?: Ma hos o2ched his sho2lder. I was !wordfish/ her wo &anks of oars lif ing and falling. !he had ne0er &ro2gh down her sails/ and so-e &2rning 'i ch had ca2gh in her rigging. The fla-es s'read as 1a0os wa ched/ cree'ing o2 o0er ro'es and sails 2n il she railed a head of yellow fla-e. 6er 2ngainly iron ra-/ fashioned af er he likeness of he fish fro- which she ook her

na-e/ 'ar ed he s2rface of he ri0er &efore her. 1irec ly ahead/ drif ing oward her and swinging aro2nd o 'resen a e-' ing 'l2-' arge / was one of he *annis er h2lks/ floa ing low in he wa er. !low green &lood was leaking o2 &e ween her &oards. 3hen he saw ha / 1a0os !eawor h.s hear s o''ed &ea ing. :5o/ : he said. :5o/ 5))))))))?: A&o0e he roar and crash of &a le/ no one heard hi- &2 Ma hos. Cer ainly he ca' ain of he !wordfish did no / in en as he was on finally s'earing so-e hing wi h his 2ngainly fa sword. The !wordfish wen o &a le s'eed. 1a0os lif ed his -ai-ed hand o cl2 ch a he lea her 'o2ch ha held his finger&ones. 3i h a grinding/ s'lin ering/ earing crash/ !wordfish s'li he ro ed h2lk as2nder. !he &2rs like an o0erri'e fr2i / &2 no fr2i had e0er screa-ed ha sha ering wooden screa-. Fro- inside her 1a0os saw green g2shing fro- a ho2sand &roken ;ars/ 'oison fro- he en rails of a dying &eas / glis ening/ shining/ s'reading across he s2rface of he ri0er . . . :Back wa er/: he roared. :Away. Ge 2s off her/ &ack wa er/ &ack wa er?: The gra''ling lines were c2 / and 1a0os fel he deck -o0e 2nder his fee as Black Be ha '2shed free of 3hi e 6ar . 6er oars slid down in o he wa er. Then he heard a shor shar' woof/ as if so-eone had &lown in his ear. 6alf a hear &ea la er ca-e he roar. The deck 0anished &enea h hi-/ and &lack wa er s-ashed hi- across he face/ filling his nose and -o2 h. 6e was choking/ drowning. +ns2re which way was 2'/ 1a0os wres led he ri0er in &lind 'anic 2n il s2ddenly he &roke he s2rface. 6e s'a o2 wa er/ s2cked in air/ gra&&ed hold of he neares ch2nk of de&ris/ and held on. !wordfish and he h2lk were gone/ &lackened &odies were floa ing downs rea- &eside hi-/ and choking -en clinging o &i s of s-oking wood. Fif y fee high/ a swirling de-on of green fla-e danced 2'on he ri0er. I had a do>en hands/ in each a whi'/ and wha e0er hey o2ched &2rs in o fire. 6e saw Black Be ha &2rning/ and 3hi e 6ar and *oyal Man o ei her side. (ie y/ Ca / Co2rageo2s/ !ce' re/ Red Ra0en/ 6arridan/ Fai hf2l/ F2ry/ hey had all gone 2'/ Kingslander and Godsgrace as well/ he de-on was ea ing his own. *ord Velaryon.s shining (ride of 1rif -ark was rying o 2rn/ &2 he de-on ran a la>y green finger across her sil0ery oars and hey flared 2' like so -any a'ers. For an ins an she see-ed o &e s roking he ri0er wi h wo &anks of long &righ orches. The c2rren had hi- in i s ee h &y hen/ s'inning hi- aro2nd and aro2nd. 6e kicked o a0oid a floa ing 'a ch of wildfire. My sons/ 1a0os ho2gh / &2 here was no way o look for he- a-ids he roaring chaos. Ano her h2lk hea0y wi h wildfire wen 2' &ehind hi-. The Blackwa er i self see-ed o &oil in i s &ed/ and &2rning s'ars and &2rning -en and 'ieces of &roken shi's filled he air. I.- &eing swe' o2 in o he &ay. I wo2ldn. &e as &ad here< he o2gh o &e a&le o -ake shore/ he was a s rong swi--er. !alladhor !aan.s galleys wo2ld &e o2 in he &ay as well/ !er I-ry had co--anded he- o s and off . . . And hen he c2rren 2rned hi- a&o2 again/ and 1a0os saw wha awai ed hi- downs rea-. The chain. Gods sa0e 2s/ hey.0e raised he chain. 3here he ri0er &roadened o2 in o Blackwa er Bay/ he &oo- s re ched a2 / a &are wo or hree fee a&o0e he wa er. Already a do>en galleys had crashed in o i / and he c2rren was '2shing o hers agains he-. Al-os all were afla-e/ and he res soon wo2ld &e. 1a0os co2ld -ake o2 he s ri'ed h2lls of !alladhor !aan.s shi's &eyond/ &2 he knew he

wo2ld ne0er reach he-. A wall of red7ho s eel/ &la>ing wood/ and swirling green fla-e s re ched &efore hi-. The -o2 h of he Blackwa er R2sh had 2rned in o he -o2 h of hell. C6A(T,R E$ T=RI)5 Mo ionless as a gargoyle/ Tyrion *annis er h2nched on one knee a o' a -erlon. Beyond he M2d Ga e and he desola ion ha had once &een he fish-arke and whar0es/ he ri0er i self see-ed o ha0e aken fire. 6alf of ! annis.s flee was a&la>e/ along wi h -os of @offrey.s. The kiss of wildfire 2rned 'ro2d shi's in o f2neral 'yres and -en in o li0ing orches. The air was f2ll of s-oke and arrows and screa-s. 1owns rea-/ co--oners and high&orn ca' ains alike co2ld see he ho green dea h swirling oward heir raf s and carracks and ferries/ &orne on he c2rren of he Blackwa er. The long whi e oars of he Myrish galleys flashed like he legs of -addened cen i'edes as hey fo2gh o co-e a&o2 / &2 i was no good. The cen i'edes had no 'lace o r2n. A do>en grea fires raged 2nder he ci y walls/ where casks of &2rning 'i ch had e9'loded/ &2 he wildfire red2ced he- o no -ore han candles in a &2rning ho2se/ heir orange and scarle 'ennons fl2 ering insignifican ly agains he ;ade holoca2s . The low clo2ds ca2gh he color of he &2rning ri0er and roofed he sky in shades of shif ing green/ eerily &ea2 if2l. A erri&le &ea2 y. *ike dragonfire. Tyrion wondered if Aegon he Con42eror had fel like his as he flew a&o0e his Field of Fire. The f2rnace wind lif ed his cri-son cloak and &ea a his &are face/ ye he co2ld no 2rn away. 6e was di-ly aware of he gold cloaks cheering fro- he hoardings. 6e had no 0oice o ;oin he-. I was a half 0ic ory. I will no &e eno2gh. 6e saw ano her of he h2lks he.d s 2ffed f2ll of King Aerys.s fickle fr2i s eng2lfed &y he h2ngry fla-es. A fo2n ain of &2rning ;ade rose fro- he ri0er he &las so &righ he had o shield his eyes. (l2-es of fire hir y and for y fee high danced 2'on he wa ers/ crackling and hissing. For a few -o-en s hey washed o2 he screa-s. There were h2ndreds in he wa er/ drowning or &2rning or doing a li le of &o h. 1o yo2 hear he- shrieking/ ! annis8 1o yo2 see he- &2rning8 This is yo2r work as -2ch as -ine. !o-ewhere in ha see hing -ass of -en so2 h of he Blackwa er/ ! annis was wa ching oo/ Tyrion knew. 6e.d ne0er had his &ro her Ro&er .s hirs for &a le. 6e wo2ld co--and fro- he rear/ fro- he reser0e/ -2ch as *ord Tywin *annis er was won o do. *ike as no / he was si ing a warhorse righ now/ clad in &righ ar-or/ his crown 2'on his head. A crown of red gold/ Varys says/ i s 'oin s fashioned in he sha'es of fla-es. :My shi's.: @offrey.s 0oice cracked as he sho2 ed 2' fro- he wallwalk/ where he h2ddled wi h his g2ards &ehind he ra-'ar s. The golden circle of kingshi' adorned his &a le hel-. :My Kingslander.s &2rning/ F2een Cersei/ *oyal Man. *ook/ ha .s !eaflower/ here.: 6e 'oin ed wi h his new sword/ o2 o where he green fla-es were licking a !eaflower.s golden h2ll and cree'ing 2' her oars. 6er ca' ain had 2rned her 2'ri0er/ &2 no 42ickly eno2gh o e0ade he wildfire. !he was doo-ed/ Tyrion knew. There was no o her way. If we had no co-e for h o -ee he-/ ! annis wo2ld ha0e sensed he ra'. An arrow co2ld &e ai-ed/ and a s'ear/ e0en he s one fro- a ca a'2l / &2 wildfire had a will of i s own. )nce loosed/ i was &eyond he con rol of -ere -en. :I co2ld no &e hel'ed/: he old his ne'hew. :)2r flee was doo-ed in

any case.: ,0en fro- a o' he -erlon7he had &een oo shor o see o0er he ra-'ar s/ so he.d had he- &oos hi- 2'7 he fla-es and s-oke and chaos of &a le -ade i i-'ossi&le for Tyrion o see wha was ha''ening downri0er 2nder he cas le/ &2 he had seen i a ho2sand i-es in his -ind.s eye. Bronn wo2ld ha0e whi''ed he o9en in o -o ion he -o-en ! annis.s flagshi' 'assed 2nder he Red Kee'< he chain was 'ondero2s hea0y/ and he grea winches 2rned &2 slowly/ creaking and r2-&ling. The whole of he 2s2r'er.s flee wo2ld ha0e 'assed &y he i-e he firs gli--er of -e al co2ld &e seen &enea h he wa er. The links wo2ld e-erge dri''ing we / so-e glis ening wi h -2d/ link &y link &y link/ 2n il he whole grea chain s re ched a2 . King ! annis had rowed his flee 2' he Blackwa er/ &2 he wo2ld no row o2 again. ,0en so/ so-e were ge ing away. A ri0er.s c2rren was a ricky hing/ and he wildfire was no s'reading as e0enly as he had ho'ed. The -ain channel was all afla-e/ &2 a good -any of he Myr-en had -ade for he so2 h &ank and looked o esca'e 2nsca hed/ and a leas eigh shi's had landed 2nder he ci y walls. *anded or wrecked/ &2 i co-es o he sa-e hing/ hey.0e '2 -en ashore. 3orse/ a good 'ar of he so2 h wing of he ene-y.s firs wo &a le lines had &een well 2's rea- of he inferno when he h2lks wen 2'. ! annis wo2ld &e lef wi h hir y or for y galleys/ a a g2ess< -ore han eno2gh o &ring his whole hos across/ once hey had regained heir co2rage. Tha -igh ake a &i of i-e< e0en he &ra0es wo2ld &e dis-ayed af er wa ching a ho2sand or so of his fellows cons2-ed &y wildfire. 6allyne said ha so-e i-es he s2&s ance &2rned so ho ha flesh -el ed like allow. =e e0en so . . . Tyrion had no ill2sions where his own -en were concerned. If he &a le looks o &e going so2r hey.ll &reak/ and hey.ll &reak &ad/ @acelyn Bywa er had warned hi-/ so he only way o win was o -ake cer ain he &a le s ayed swee / s ar o finish. 6e co2ld see dark sha'es -o0ing hro2gh he charred r2ins of he ri0erfron wharfs. Ti-e for ano her sor ie/ he ho2gh . Men were ne0er so 02lnera&le as when hey firs s aggered ashore. 6e -2s no gi0e he foe i-e o for- 2' on he nor h &ank. 6e scra-&led down off he -erlon. :Tell *ord @acelyn we.0e go ene-y on he ri0erfron /: he said o one of he r2nners Bywa er had assigned hi-. To ano her he said/ :Bring -y co-'li-en s o !er Arneld and ask hi- o swing he 3hores hir y degrees wes .: The angle wo2ld allow he- o hrow far her/ if no as far o2 in o he wa er. :Mo her 'ro-ised I co2ld ha0e he 3hores/: @offrey said. Tyrion was annoyed o see ha he king had lif ed he 0isor of his hel- again. 1o2& less he &oy was cooking inside all ha hea0y s eel . . . &2 he las hing he needed was so-e s ray arrow '2nching hro2gh his ne'hew.s eye. 6e clanged he 0isor sh2 . :Kee' ha closed/ =o2r Grace< yo2r swee 'erson is 'recio2s o 2s all.: And yo2 don. wan o s'oil ha 're y face/ ei her. :The 3hores are yo2rs.: I was as good a i-e as any< flinging -ore fire'o s down on o &2rning shi's see-ed 'oin less. @off had he An ler Men r2ssed 2' naked in he s42are &elow/ an lers nailed o heir heads. 3hen hey.d &een &ro2gh &efore he Iron Throne for ;2s ice/ he had 'ro-ised o send he- o ! annis. A -an was no as hea0y as a &o2lder or a cask of &2rning 'i ch/ and co2ld &e hrown a deal far her. !o-e of he gold cloaks had &een wagering on whe her he rai ors wo2ld fly all he way across he Blackwa er. :Be 42ick a&o2 i / =o2r Grace/: he old @offrey. :3e.ll wan he re&2che s hrowing s ones again soon eno2gh. ,0en wildfire does no &2rn fore0er.:

@offrey h2rried off ha''y/ escor ed &y !er Meryn/ &2 Tyrion ca2gh !er )s-2nd &y he wris &efore he co2ld follow. :3ha e0er ha''ens/ kee' hisafe and kee' hi- here/ is ha 2nders ood8: :As yo2 co--and.: !er )s-2nd s-iled a-ia&ly. Tyrion had warned Tran and Ke le&lack wha wo2ld ha''en o hesho2ld any har- co-e o he king. And @offrey had a do>en 0e eran gold cloaks wai ing a he foo of he s e's. I.- 'ro ec ing yo2r wre ched &as ard as well as I can/ Cersei/ he ho2gh &i erly. !ee yo2 do he sa-e for Alayaya. 5o sooner was @off off han a r2nner ca-e 'an ing 2' he s e's. Ii-y lord/ h2rry?: 6e hrew hi-self o one knee. :They.0e landed -en on he o2rney gro2nds/ h2ndreds? &ringing a ra- 2' o he King.s Ga e.: TArion c2rsed and -ade for he s e's wi h a rolling waddle. (odrick (ayne wai ed &elow wi h heir horses. They gallo'ed off down Ri0er Row/ (od and !er Mandon Moore co-ing hard &ehind hi-. The sh2 ered ho2ses were s ee'ed in green shadow/ &2 here was no raffic o ge in heir way< Tyrion had co--anded ha he s ree &e ke' clear/ so he defenders co2ld -o0e 42ickly fro- one ga e o he ne9 . ,0en so/ &y he i-e hey reached he King.s Ga e/ he co2ld hear a &oo-ing crash of wood on wood ha old hi- he &a ering ra- had &een &ro2gh in o 'lay. The groaning of he grea hinges so2nded like he -oans of a dying gian . The ga cho2se s42are was li ered wi h he wo2nded/ &2 he saw lines of horses as well/ no all of he- h2r / and sellswords and gold cloaks eno2gh o for- a s rong col2-n. :For- 2'/: he sho2 ed as he lea' o he gro2nd. The ga e -o0ed 2nder he i-'ac of ano her &low. :3ho co--ands here8 going o2 .: :5o.: A shadow de ached i self fro- he shadow of he wall/ o &eco-e a all -an in dark grey ar-or. !andor Clegane wrenched off his hel- wi h &o h hands and le i fall o he gro2nd. The s eel was scorched and den ed/ he lef ear of he snarling ho2nd sheared off. A gash a&o0e one eye had sen a wash of &lood down across he 6o2nd.s old &2rn scars/ -asking half his face. :=es.: Tyrion faced hi-. Clegane.s &rea h ca-e ragged. :B2gger ha . And yo2.: A sellsword s e''ed 2' &eside hi-. :3e &een o2 . Three i-es. 6alf o2r -en are killed or h2r . 3ildfire &2rs ing all aro2nd 2s/ horses screa-ing like -en and -en like horses7: :1id yo2 hink we hired yo2 o figh in a o2rney8 !hall I &ring yo2 a nice iced -ilk and a &owl of ras'&erries8 5o8 Then ge on yo2r f2cking horse. =o2 oo/ dog.: The &lood on Clegane.s face glis ened red/ &2 his eyes showed whi e. 6e drew his longsword. 6e is afraid/ Tyrion reali>ed/ shocked. The 6o2nd is frigh ened. 6e ried o e9'lain heir need. :They.0e aken a ra- o he ga e/ yo2 can hear he-/ we need o dis'erse he-7: :)'en he ga es. 3hen hey r2sh inside/ s2rro2nd he- and kill he-.: The 6o2nd hr2s he 'oin of his longsword in o he gro2nd and leaned 2'on he 'o--el/ swaying. :I.0e los half -y -en. 6orse as well. aking -ore in o ha fire.: !er Mandon Moore -o0ed o Tyrion.s side/ i--ac2la e in his ena-eled whi e 'la e. :The King.s 6and co--ands yo2.: :B2gger he King.s 6and.: 3here he 6o2nd.s face was no s icky wi h &lood/ i was 'ale as -ilk. :!o-eone &ring -e a drink.: A gold cloak officer handed hi- a c2'. Clegane ook a swallow/ s'i i o2 / fl2ng he c2' away. :3a er8 F2ck yo2r wa er. Bring -e wine.: 6e is dead on his fee . Tyrion co2ld see i now. The wo2nd/ he

fire . . . he.s done/ I need o find so-eone else/ &2 who8 !er Mandon8 6e looked a he -en and knew i wo2ld no do. Clegane.s fear had shaken he-. 3i ho2 a leader/ hey wo2ld ref2se as well/ and !er Mandon . . . a dangero2s -an/ @ai-e said/ yes/ &2 no a -an o her -en wo2ld follow. In he dis ance Tyrion heard ano her grea crash. A&o0e he walls/ he darkening sky was awash wi h shee s of green and orange ligh . 6ow long co2ld he ga e hold8 This is -adness/ he ho2gh / &2 sooner -adness han defea . 1efea is dea h and sha-e. :Very well/ I.ll lead he sor ie.: If he ho2gh ha wo2ld sha-e he 6o2nd &ack o 0alor/ he was wrong. Clegane only la2ghed. :=o28: Tyrion co2ld see he dis&elief on heir faces. :Me. !er Mandon/ yo2.ll &ear he king.s &anner. (od/ -y hel-.: The &oy ran o o&ey. The 6o2nd leaned on ha no ched and &lood7s reaked sword and looked a hi- wi h hose wide whi e eyes. !er Mandon hel'ed Tyrion -o2n 2' again. :For2'?: he sho2 ed. 6is &ig red s allion wore crine and charnfron. Cri-son silk dra'ed his hind42ar ers/ o0er a coa of -ail. The high saddle was gilded. (odrik (ayne handed 2' hel- and shield/ hea0y oak e-&la>oned wi h a golden hand on red/ s2rro2nded &y s-all golden lions. 6e walked his horse in a circle/ looking a he li le force of -en. )nly a handf2l had res'onded o his co--and/ no -ore han wen y. They sa heir horses wi h eyes as whi e as he 6o2nd.s. 6e looked con e-' 2o2sly a he o hers/ he knigh s and sellswords who had ridden wi h Clegane. :They say I.- half a -an/: he said. :3ha does ha -ake he lo of yo28: Tha sha-ed he- well eno2gh. A knigh -o2n ed/ hel-e less/ and rode o ;oin he o hers. A 'air of sellswords followed. Then -ore. The King.s Ga e sh2ddered again. In a few -o-en s he si>e of Tyrion.s co--and had do2&led. 6e had he- ra''ed. If I figh / hey -2s do he sa-e/ or hey are less han dwarfs. :=o2 won. hear -e sho2 o2 @offrey.s na-e/: he old he-. :=o2 won. hear -e yell for Cas erly Rock ei her. This is yo2r ci y ! annis -eans o sack/ and ha .s yo2r ga e he.s &ringing down. !o co-e wi h -e and kill he son of a &i ch?: Tyrion 2nshea hed his a9e/ wheeled he s allion aro2nd/ and ro ed oward he sally 'or . 6e ho2gh hey were following/ &2 ne0er dared o look. C6A(T,R G0 !A5!A The orches shi--ered &righ ly agains he ha--ered -e al of he wall sconces/ filling he F2een.s Ballroo- wi h sil0ery ligh . =e here was s ill darkness in ha hall. !ansa co2ld see i in he 'ale eyes of !er Ilyn (ayne/ who s ood &y he &ack door s ill as s one/ aking nei her food nor wine. !he co2ld hear i in *ord Gyles.s racking co2gh/ and he whis'ered 0oice of )sney Ke le&lack when he sli''ed in o &ring Cersei he idings. !ansa was finishing her &ro h when he ca-e he firs i-e/ en ering hro2gh he &ack. !he gli-'sed hi- alking o his &ro her )sfryd. Then he cli-&ed he dais and knel &eside he high sea / s-elling of horse/ fo2r long hin scra ches on his cheek cr2s ed wi h sca&s/ his hair falling down 'as his collar and in o his eyes. For all his whis'ering/ !ansa co2ld no hel' &2 hear. :The flee s are locked in &a le. !o-e archers go ashore/ &2 he 6o2nd.s c2 he- o 'ieces/ =.Grace. =o2r &ro her.s raising his chain/ I heard he signal. !o-e dr2nkards down o

Flea Bo o- are s-ashing doors and cli-&ing hro2gh windows. *ord Bywa er.s sen he gold cloaks o deal wi h he-. Baelor.s !e' is ;a--ed f2ll/ e0eryone 'raying.: :And -y son8: :The king wen o Baelor.s o ge he 6igh !e' on.s &lessing. 5ow he.s walking he walls wi h he 6and/ elling he -en o &e &ra0e/ lif ing heir s'iri s as i were.: Cersei &eckoned o her 'age for ano her c2' of wine/ a golden 0in age fro- he Ar&or/ fr2i y and rich. The 42een was drinking hea0ily/ &2 he wine only see-ed o -ake her -ore &ea2 if2l< her cheeks were fl2shed/ and her eyes had a &righ / fe0erish hea o he- as she looked down o0er he hall. ,yes of wildfire/ !ansa ho2gh . M2sicians 'layed. ;2gglers ;2ggled. Moon Boy l2rched a&o2 he hall on s il s -aking -ock of e0eryone/ while !er 1on os chased ser0ing girls on his &roo-s ick horse. The g2es s la2ghed/ &2 i was a ;oyless la2gh er/ he sor of la2gh er ha can 2rn in o so&&ing in half a hear &ea . Their &odies are here/ &2 heir ho2gh s are on he ci y walls/ and heir hear s as well. Af er he &ro h ca-e a salad of a''les/ n2 s/ and raisins. A any o her i-e/ i -igh ha0e -ade a as y dish/ &2 onigh all he food was fla0ored wi h fear. !ansa was no he only one in he hall wi ho2 an a''e i e. *ord Gyles was co2ghing -ore han he was ea ing/ *ollys ! okewor h sa h2nched and shi0ering/ and he yo2ng &ride of one of !er *ancel.s knigh s &egan o wee' 2ncon rolla&ly. The 42een co--anded Maes er Frenken o '2 her o &ed wi h a c2' of drea-wine. :Tears/: she said scornf2lly o !ansa as he wo-an was led fro- he hall. :The wo-an.s wea'on/ -y lady -o her 2sed o call he-. The -an.s wea'on is a sword. And ha ells 2s all yo2 need o know/ doesn. i 8: :Men -2s &e 0ery &ra0e/ ho2gh/: said !ansa. :To ride o2 and face swords and a9es/ e0eryone rying o kill yo2 . . .: :@ai-e old -e once ha he only feels r2ly ali0e in &a le and in &ed.: !he lif ed her c2' and ook a long swallow. 6er salad was 2n o2ched. :I wo2ld sooner face any n2-&er of swords han si hel'less like his/ 're ending o en;oy he co-'any of his flock of frigh ened hens.: :=o2 asked he- here/ =o2r Grace.: :Cer ain hings are e9'ec ed of a 42een. They will &e e9'ec ed of yo2 sho2ld yo2 e0er wed @offrey. Bes learn.: The 42een s 2died he wi0es/ da2gh ers/ and -o hers who filled he &enches. :)f he-sel0es he hens are no hing/ &2 heir cocks are i-'or an for one reason or ano her/ and so-e -ay s2r0i0e his &a le. !o i &ehoo0es -e o gi0e heir wo-en -y 'ro ec ion. if -y wre ched dwarf of a &ro her sho2ld so-ehow -anage o 're0ail/ hey will re 2rn o heir h2s&ands and fa hers f2ll of ales a&o2 how &ra0e I was/ how -y co2rage ins'ired he- and lif ed heir s'iri s/ how I ne0er do2& ed o2r 0ic ory e0en for a -o-en .: :And if he cas le sho2ld fall8: :=o2.d like ha / wo2ldn. yo28: Cersei did no wai for a denial. :If I.- no &e rayed &y -y own g2ards/ I -ay &e a&le o hold here for a i-e. Then I can go o he walls and offer o yield o *ord ! annis in 'erson. Tha will s'are 2s he wors . B2 if Maegor.s 6oldfas sho2ld fall &efore ! annis can co-e 2'/ why hen/ -os of -y g2es s are in for a &i of ra'e/ I.d say. And yo2 sho2ld ne0er r2le o2 -2 ila ion/ or 2re/ and -2rder a i-es like hese.: !ansa was horrified. :These are wo-en/ 2nar-ed/ and gen ly &orn.: :Their &ir h 'ro ec s he-/: Cersei ad-i ed/ : ho2gh no as -2ch as yo2.d hink. ,ach one.s wor h a good ranso-/ &2 af er he -adness of

&a le/ soldiers of en see- o wan flesh -ore han coin. ,0en so/ a golden shield is &e er han none. )2 in he s ree s/ he wo-en won. &e rea ed near as enderly. 5or will o2r ser0an s. (re y hings like ha ser0ing wench of *ady Tanda.s co2ld &e in for a li0ely nigh / &2 don. i-agine he old and he infir- and he 2gly will &e s'ared. ,no2gh drink will -ake &lind washerwo-en and reeking 'ig girls see- as co-ely as yo2/ swee ling. :Me8: :Try no o so2nd so like a -o2se/ !ansa. a wo-an now/ re-e-&er8 And &e ro hed o -y firs &orn.: The 42een si''ed a her wine. :3ere i anyone else o2 side he ga es/ I -igh ho'e o &eg2ile hi-. B2 his is ! annis Bara heon. I.d ha0e a &e er chance of sed2cing his horse.: !he no iced he look on !ansa.s face/ and la2ghed. :6a0e I shocked yo2/ -y lady8: !he leaned close. :=o2 li le fool. Tears are no a wo-an.s only wea'on. =o2.0e go ano her one &e ween yo2r legs/ and yo2.d &es learn o 2se i . =o2.ll find -en 2se heir swords freely eno2gh. Bo h kinds of swords.: !ansa was s'ared he need o re'ly when wo Ke le&lacks reen ered he hall. !er )s-2nd and his &ro hers had &eco-e grea fa0ori es a&o2 he cas le< hey were always ready wi h a s-ile and a ;es / and go on wi h groo-s and h2n s-en as well as hey did wi h knigh s and s42ires. 3i h he ser0ing wenches hey go on &es of all/ i was gossi'ed. )f la e !er )s-2nd had aken !andor Clegane.s 'lace &y @offrey.s side/ and !ansa had heard he wo-en a he washing well saying he was as s rong as he 6o2nd/ only yo2nger and fas er. If ha was so/ she wondered why she had ne0er once heard of hese Ke le&lacks &efore !er )s-2nd was na-ed o he Kingsg2ard. )sney was all s-iles as he knel &eside he 42een. :The h2lks ha0e gone 2'/ =.Grace. The whole Blackwa er.s awash wi h wildfire. A h2ndred shi's &2rning/ -ay&e -ore.: :And -y son8: :6e.s a he M2d Ga e wi h he 6and and he Kingsg2ard/ =.Grace. 6e s'oke o he archers on he hoardings &efore/ and ga0e he- a few i's on handling a cross&ow/ he did. All agree/ he.s a righ &ra0e &oy.: :6e.d &es re-ain a righ li0e &oy.: Cersei 2rned o his &ro her )sfryd/ who was aller/ s erner/ and wore a droo'ing &lack -2s ache. :=es8: )sfryd had donned a s eel halfhel- o0er his long &lack hair/ and he look on his face was gri-/ :=.Grace/: he said 42ie ly/ : he &oys ca2gh a groo- and wo -aidser0an s rying o sneak o2 a 'os ern wi h hree of he king.s horses.: :The nigh .s firs rai ors/: he 42een said/ :&2 no he las / I fear. 6a0e !er Ilyn see o he-/ and '2 heir heads on 'ikes o2 side he s a&les as a warning.: As hey lef / she 2rned o !ansa. :Ano her lesson yo2 sho2ld learn/ if yo2 ho'e o si &eside -y son. Be gen le on a nigh like his and yo2.ll ha0e reasons 'o''ing 2' all a&o2 yo2 like -2shroo-s af er a hard rain. The only way o kee' yo2r 'eo'le loyal is o -ake cer ain hey fear yo2 -ore han hey do he ene-y.: :I will re-e-&er/ =o2r Grace/: said !ansa/ ho2gh she had always heard ha lo0e was a s2rer ro2 e o he 'eo'le.s loyal y han fear. If I ae0er a 42een/ I.ll -ake he- lo0e -e. Cra&claw 'ies followed he salad. Then ca-e -2 on roas ed wi h leeks and carro s/ ser0ed in renchers of hollowed &read. *ollys a e oo fas / go sick/ and re ched all o0er herself and her sis er. *ord Gyles co2ghed/ drank/ co2ghed/ drank/ and 'assed o2 . The 42een ga>ed down in disg2s o where he s'rawled wi h his face in his rencher and his hand in a '2ddle of wine. :The gods -2s ha0e &een -ad o was e -anhood on he likes of hi-/ and I -2s ha0e &een -ad o de-and his release.:

)sfryd Ke le&lack re 2rned/ cri-son cloak swirling. :There.s folks ga hering in he s42are/ =.Grace/ asking o ake ref2ge in he cas le. 5o a -o&/ rich -erchan s and he like.: :Co--and he- o re 2rn o heir ho-es/: he 42een said. :If hey won. go/ ha0e o2r cross&ow-en kill a few. 5o sor ies< I won. ha0e he ga es o'ened for any reason.: :As yo2 co--and.: 6e &owed and -o0ed off. The 42een.s face was hard and angry. :3o2ld ha I co2ld ake a sword o heir necks -yself.: 6er 0oice was s ar ing o sl2r. :3hen we were li le/ @ai-e and I were so -2ch alike ha e0en o2r lord fa her co2ld no ell 2s a'ar . !o-e i-es as a lark we wo2ld dress in each o her.s clo hes and s'end a whole day each as he o her. =e e0en so/ when @ai-e was gi0en his firs sword/ here was none for -e. .3ha do I ge 8. I re-e-&er asking. 3e were so -2ch alike/ I co2ld ne0er 2nders and why hey rea ed 2s so differen ly. @ai-e learned o figh wi h sword and lance and -ace/ while I was a2gh o s-ile and sing and 'lease. 6e was heir o Cas erly Rock/ while I was o &e sold o so-e s ranger like a horse/ o &e ridden whene0er -y new owner liked/ &ea en whene0er he liked/ and cas aside in i-e for a yo2nger filly. @ai-e.s lo was o &e glory and 'ower/ while -ine was &ir h and -oon&lood.: :B2 yo2 were 42een of all he !e0en Kingdo-s/: !ansa said. :3hen i co-es o swords/ a 42een is only a wo-an af er all.: Cersei.s wine c2' was e-' y. The 'age -o0ed o fill i again/ &2 she 2rned i o0er and shook her head. :5o -ore. I -2s kee' a clear head.: The las co2rse was goa cheese ser0ed wi h &aked a''les. The scen of cinna-on filled he hall as )sney Ke le&lack sli''ed in o kneel once -ore &e ween he-. :=.Grace/: he -2r-2red. :! annis has landed -en on he o2rney gro2nds/ and here.s -ore co-ing across. The M2d Ga e.s 2nder a ack/ and hey.0e &ro2gh a ra- o he King.s Ga e. The I-'.s gone o2 o dri0e he- off.: :Tha will fill he- wi h fear/: he 42een said dryly. :6e hasn. aken @off/ I ho'e.: :5o/ =.Grace/ he king.s wi h -y &ro her a he 3hores/ flinging An ler Men in o he ri0er.: :3i h he M2d Ga e 2nder assa2l 8 Folly. Tell !er )s-2nd I wan hi- o2 of here a once/ i .s oo dangero2s. Fe ch hi- &ack o he cas le.: :The I-' said7: :I .s wha I said ha o2gh concern yo2.: Cersei.s eyes narrowed. :=o2r &ro her will do as he.s old/ or I.ll see o i ha he leads he ne9 sor ie hi-self/ and yo2.ll go wi h hi-.: Af er he -eal had &een cleared away/ -any of he g2es s asked lea0e o go o he se' . Cersei gracio2sly gran ed heir re42es . *ady Tanda and her da2gh ers were a-ong hose who fled. For hose who re-ained/ a singer was &ro2gh for h o fill he hall wi h he swee -2sic of he high har'. 6e sang of @on42il and Florian/ of (rince Ae-on he 1ragonknigh and his lo0e for his &ro her.s 42een/ of 5y-eria.s en ho2sand shi's. They were &ea2 if2l songs/ &2 erri&ly sad. !e0eral of he wo-en &egan o wee'/ and !ansa fel her own eyes growing -ois . :Very good/ dear.: The 42een leaned close. :=o2 wan o 'rac ice hose ears. =o2.ll need he- for King ! annis.: !ansa shif ed ner0o2sly. :=o2r Grace8: :)h/ s'are -e yo2r hollow co2r esies. Ma ers -2s ha0e reached a des'era e s rai o2 here if hey need a dwarf o lead he-/ so yo2 -igh as well ake off yo2r -ask. I know all a&o2 yo2r li le reasons in he godswood.: :The godswood8: 1on. look a !er 1on os/ don. / don. / !ansa old herself. !he doesn. know/ no one knows/ 1on os 'ro-ised -e/ -y Florian

wo2ld ne0er fail -e. :I.0e done no reasons. I only 0isi he godswood o 'ray.: :For ! annis. )r yo2r &ro her/ i .s all he sa-e. 3hy else seek yo2r fa her.s gods8 'raying for o2r defea . 3ha wo2ld yo2 call ha / if no reason8: :I 'ray for @offrey/: she insis ed ner0o2sly. :3hy/ &eca2se he rea s yo2 so swee ly8: The 42een ook a flagon of swee 'l2- wine fro- a 'assing ser0ing girl and filled !ansa.s c2'. :1rink/: she co--anded coldly. :(erha's i will gi0e yo2 he co2rage o deal wi h r2 h for a change.: !ansa lif ed he c2' o her li's and ook a si'. The wine was cloyingly swee / &2 0ery s rong. :=o2 can do &e er han ha /: Cersei said. :1rain he c2'/ !ansa. =o2r 42een co--ands yo2.: i al-os gagged her/ &2 !ansa e-' ied he c2'/ g2l'ing down he hick swee wine 2n il her head was swi--ing. :More8: Cersei asked. :5o. (lease.: The 42een looked dis'leased. :3hen yo2 asked a&o2 !er Ilyn earlier/ I lied o yo2. 3o2ld yo2 like o hear he r2 h/ !ansa8 3o2ld yo2 like o know why he.s really here8: !he did no dare answer/ &2 i did no -a er. The 42een raised a hand and &eckoned/ ne0er wai ing for a re'ly. !ansa had no e0en seen !er Ilyn re 2rn o he hall/ &2 s2ddenly here he was/ s riding fro- he shadows &ehind he dais as silen as a ca . 6e carried Ice 2nshea hed. 6er fa her had always cleaned he &lade in he godswood af er he ook a -an.s head/ !ansa recalled/ &2 !er Ilyn was no so fas idio2s. There was &lood drying on he ri''ling s eel/ he red already fading o &rown. :Tell *ady !ansa why I kee' yo2 &y 2s/: said Cersei. !er Ilyn o'ened his -o2 h and e-i ed a choking ra le. 6is 'o9scarred face had no e9'ression. :6e.s here for 2s/ he says/: he 42een said. :! annis -ay ake he ci y and he -ay ake he hrone/ &2 I will no s2ffer hi- o ;2dge -e. I do no -ean for hi- o ha0e 2s ali0e.: :2s8: :=o2 heard -e. !o 'erha's yo2 had &es 'ray again/ !ansa/ and for a differen o2 co-e. The ! arks will ha0e no ;oy fro- he fall of 6o2se *annis er/ I 'ro-ise yo2.: !he reached o2 and o2ched !ansa.s hair/ &r2shing i ligh ly away fro- her neck. C6A(T,R G1 T=RI)5 The slo in his hel- li-i ed Tyrion.s 0ision o wha was &efore hi-/ &2 when he 2rned his head he saw hree galleys &eached on he o2rney gro2nds/ and a fo2r h/ larger han he o hers/ s anding well o2 in o he ri0er/ firing &arrels of &2rning 'i ch fro- a ca a'2l . :3edge/: Tyrion co--anded as his -en s rea-ed o2 of he sally 'or . They for-ed 2' in s'earhead/ wi h hi- a he 'oin . !er Mandon Moore ook he 'lace o his righ / fla-es shi--ering agains he whi e ena-el of his ar-or/ his dead eyes shining 'assionlessly hro2gh his hel-. 6e rode a coal7&lack horse &arded all in whi e/ wi h he '2re whi e shield of he Kingsg2ard s ra''ed o his ar-. )n he lef / Tyrion was s2r'rised o see (odrick (ayne/ a sword in his hand. oo yo2ng/: he said a once. :Go &ack.: :I.- yo2r s42ire/ -y lord.:

Tyrion co2ld s'are no i-e for arg2-en . :3i h -e/ hen. ! ay close.: 6e kicked his horse in o -o ion. They rode knee o knee/ following he line of he loo-ing walls. @offrey.s s andard s rea-ed cri-son and gold fro- !er Mandon.s s aff/ s ag and lion dancing hoof o 'aw. They wen fro- a walk o a ro / wheeling wide aro2nd he &ase of he ower. Arrows dar ed fro- he ci y walls while s ones s'2n and 2-&led o0erhead/ crashing down &lindly on o ear h and wa er/ s eel and flesh. Ahead loo-ed he King.s Ga e and a s2rging -o& of soldiers wres ling wi h a h2ge ra-/ a shaf of &lack oak wi h an iron head. Archers off he shi's s2rro2nded he-/ loosing heir shaf s a wha e0er defenders showed he-sel0es on he ga eho2se walls. :*ances/: Tyrion co--anded. 6e s'ed o a can er. The gro2nd was sodden and sli''ery/ e42al 'ar s -2d and &lood. 6is s allion s 2-&led o0er a cor'se/ his hoo0es sliding and ch2rning he ear h/ and for an ins an Tyrion feared his charge wo2ld end wi h hi2-&ling fro- he saddle &efore he e0en reached he foe/ &2 so-ehow he and his horse &o h -anaged o kee' heir &alance. Benea h he ga e -en were 2rning/ h2rriedly rying o &race for he shock. Tyrion lif ed his a9e and sho2 ed/ :King.s *anding?: ) her 0oices ook 2' he cry/ and now he arrowhead flew/ a long screa- of s eel and silk/ 'o2nding hoo0es and shar' &lades kissed &y fire. !er Mandon dro''ed he 'oin of his lance a he las 'ossi&le ins an / and dro0e @offrey.s &anner hro2gh he ches of a -an in a s 2dded ;erkin/ lif ing hi- f2ll off his fee &efore he shaf sna''ed. Ahead of Tyrion was a knigh whose s2rcoa showed a fo9 'eering hro2gh a ring of flowers. Floren was his firs ho2gh / &2 hel-less ran a close second. 6e s-ashed he -an in he face wi h all he weigh of a9e and ar- and charging horse/ aking off half his head. The shock of i-'ac n2-&ed his sho2lder. !hagga wo2ld la2gh a -e/ he ho2gh / riding on. A s'ear h2dded agains his shield. (od gallo'ed &eside hi-/ slashing down a e0ery foe hey 'assed. 1i-ly/ he heard cheers fro- he -en on he walls. The &a ering ra- crashed down in o he -2d/ forgo en in an ins an as i s handlers fled or 2rned o figh . Tyrion rode down an archer/ o'ened a s'ear-an fro- sho2lder o ar-'i / glanced a &low off a swordfish7cres ed hel-. A he ra- his &ig red reared &2 he &lack s allion lea' he o&s acle s-oo hly and !er Mandon flashed 'as hi-/ dea h in snow7whi e silk. 6is sword sheared off li-&s/ cracked heads/ &roke shields as2nder7 ho2gh few eno2gh of he ene-y had -ade i across he ri0er wi h shields in ac . Tyrion 2rged his -o2n o0er he ra-. Their foes were fleeing. 6e -o0ed his head righ o lef and &ack again/ &2 saw no sign of (odrick (ayne. An arrow cla ered agains his cheek/ -issing his eye sli &y an inch. 6is ;ol of fear al-os 2nhorsed hi-. If I.- o si here like a s 2-'/ I had as well 'ain a arge on -y &reas 'la e. 6e s'2rred his horse &ack in o -o ion/ ro ing o0er and aro2nd a sca er of cor'ses. 1ownri0er/ he Blackwa er was ;a--ed wi h he h2lks of &2rning galleys. (a ches of wildfire s ill floa ed a o' he wa er/ sending fiery green 'l2-es swirling wen y fee in o he air. They had dis'ersed he -en on he &a ering ra-/ &2 he co2ld see figh ing all along he ri0erfron . !er Balon !wann.s -en/ -os like/ or *ancel.s/ rying o hrow he ene-y &ack in o he wa er as hey swar-ed ashore off he &2rning shi's. :3e.ll ride for he M2d Ga e/: he co--anded. !er Mandon sho2 ed/ :The M2d Ga e?: And hey were off again. :King.s *anding?: his -en cried raggedly/ and :6alf-an? 6alf-an?: 6e wondered who had a2gh he- ha . Thro2gh he s eel and 'adding of his hel-/ he

heard ang2ished screa-s/ he h2ngry crackle of fla-e/ he sh2ddering of warhorns/ and he &ra>en &las of r2-'e s. Fire was e0erywhere. Gods &e good/ no wonder he 6o2nd was frigh ened. I .s he fla-es he fears . . . A s'lin ering crash rang across he Blackwa er as a s one he si>e of a horse landed s42are a-idshi's on one of he galleys. )2rs or heirs8 Thro2gh he roiling s-oke/ he co2ld no ell. 6is wedge was gone< e0ery -an was his own &a le now. I sho2ld ha0e 2rned &ack/ he ho2gh / riding on. The a9e was hea0y in his fis . A handf2l s ill followed hi-/ he res dead or fled. 6e had o wres le his s allion o kee' his head o he eas . The &ig des rier liked fire no -ore han !andor Clegane had/ &2 he horse was easier o cow. Men were crawling fro- he ri0er/ -en &2rned and &leeding/ co2ghing 2' wa er/ s aggering/ -os dying. 6e led his roo' a-ong he-/ deli0ering 42icker cleaner dea hs o hose s rong eno2gh o s and. The war shrank o he si>e of his eye sli . Knigh s wice his si>e fled fro- hi-/ or s ood and died. They see-ed li le hings/ and fearf2l. :*annis er?: he sho2 ed/ slaying. 6is ar- was red o he el&ow/ glis ening in he ligh off he ri0er. 3hen his horse reared again/ he shook his a9e a he s ars and heard he- call o2 :6alf-an? 6alf nan?: Tyrion fel dr2nk. The &a le fe0er. 6e had ne0er ho2gh o e9'erience i hi-self/ ho2gh @ai-e had old hi- of i of en eno2gh. 6ow i-e see-ed o &l2r and slow and e0en s o'/ how he 'as and he f2 2re 0anished 2n il here was no hing &2 he ins an / how fear fled/ and ho2gh fled/ and e0en yo2r &ody. :=o2 don. feel yo2r wo2nds hen/ or he ache in yo2r &ack frohe weigh of he ar-or/ or he swea r2nning down in o yo2r eyes. =o2 s o' feeling/ yo2 s o' hinking/ yo2 s o' &eing yo2/ here is only he figh / he foe/ his -an and hen he ne9 and he ne9 and he ne9 / and yo2 know hey are afraid and ired &2 no / ali0e/ and dea h is all aro2nd yo2 &2 heir swords -o0e so slowly/ yo2 can dance hro2gh he- la2ghing.: Ba le fe0er. I a- half a -an and dr2nk wi h sla2gh er/ le he- kill -e if hey can? They ried. Ano her s'ear-an ran a hi-. Tyrion lo''ed off he head of his s'ear/ hen his hand/ hen his ar-/ ro ing aro2nd hi- in a circle. An archer/ &owless/ hr2s a hi- wi h an arrow/ holding i as if i were a knife. The des rier kicked a he -an.s high o send his'rawling/ and Tyrion &arked la2gh er. 6e rode 'as a &anner 'lan ed in he -2d/ one of ! annis.s fiery hear s/ and cho''ed he s aff in wo wi h a swing of his a9e. A knigh rose 2' fro- nowhere o hack a his shield wi h a wo7 handed grea sword/ again and again/ 2n il so-eone hr2s a dagger 2nder his ar-. )ne of Tyrion.s -en/ 'erha's. 6e ne0er saw. :I yield/ ser/: a differen knigh called o2 / far her down he ri0er. :=ield. !er knigh / I yield o yo2. My 'ledge/ here/ here.: The -an lay in a '2ddle of &lack wa er/ offering 2' a lo&s ered ga2n le in oken of s2&-ission. Tyrion had o lean down o ake i fro- hi-. As he did/ a 'o of wildfire &2rs o0erhead/ s'raying green fla-e. In he s2dden s a& of ligh he saw ha he '2ddle was no &lack &2 red. The ga2n le s ill had he knigh .s hand in i . 6e fl2ng i &ack. :=ield/: he -an so&&ed ho'elessly/ hel'lessly. Tyrion reeled away. A -an7a 7ar-s gra&&ed he &ridle of his horse and hr2s a Tyrion.s face wi h a dagger. 6e knocked he &lade aside and &2ried he a9e in he na'e of he -an.s neck. As he was wres ing i free/ a &la>e of whi e a''eared a he edge of his 0ision. Tyrion 2rned/ hinking o find !er Mandon Moore &eside hi- again/ &2 his was a differen whi e knigh . !er Balon !wann wore he sa-e ar-or/ &2 his horse ra''ings

&ore he &a ling &lack7and7whi e swans of his 6o2se. 6e.s -ore a s'o ed knigh han a whi e one/ Tyrion ho2gh inanely. ,0ery &i of !er Balon was s'a ered wi h gore and s-2dged &y s-oke. 6e raised his -ace o 'oin downri0er. Bi s of &rain and &one cl2ng o i s head. :My lord/ look.: Tyrion sw2ng his horse a&o2 o 'eer down he Blackwa er. The c2rren s ill flowed &lack and s rong &enea h/ &2 he s2rface was a roil of &lood and fla-e. The sky was red and orange and garish green. :3ha 8: he said. Then he saw. ! eel7clad -en7a 7ar-s were cla-&ering off a &roken galley ha had s-ashed in o a 'ier. !o -any/ where are hey co-ing fro-8 !42in ing in o he s-oke and glare/ Tyrion followed he- &ack o2 in o he ri0er. Twen y galleys were ;a--ed oge her o2 here/ -ay&e -ore/ i was hard o co2n . Their oars were crossed/ heir h2lls locked oge her wi h gra''ling lines/ hey were i-'aled on each o her.s ra-s/ angled in we&s of fallen rigging. )ne grea h2lk floa ed h2ll 2' &e ween wo s-aller shi's. 3recks/ &2 'acked so closely ha i was 'ossi&le o lea' fro- one deck o he o her and so cross he Blackwa er. 62ndreds of ! annis Bara heon.s &oldes were doing ;2s ha . Tyrion saw one grea fool of a knigh rying o ride across/ 2rging a errified horse o0er g2nwales and oars/ across il ing decks slick wi h &lood and crackling wi h green fire. 3e -ade he- a &loody &ridge/ he ho2gh in dis-ay. (ar s of he &ridge were sinking and o her 'ar s were afire and he whole hing was creaking and shif ing and like o &2rs as2nder a any -o-en / &2 ha did no see- o s o' he-. :Those are &ra0e -en/: he old !er Balon in ad-ira ion. :*e .s go kill he-.: 6e led he- hro2gh he g2 ering fires and he soo and ash of he ri0erfron / 'o2nding down a long s one 42ay wi h his own -en and !er Balon.s &ehind hi-. !er Mandon fell in wi h he-/ his shield a ragged r2in. !-oke and cinders swirled hro2gh he air/ and he foe &roke &efore heir charge/ hrowing he-sel0es &ack in o he wa er/ knocking o0er o her -en as hey fo2gh o cli-& 2'. The foo of he &ridge was a halfs2nken ene-y galley wi h 1ragons&ane 'ain ed on her 'row/ her &o o- ri''ed o2 &y one of he s2nken h2lks Tyrion had 'laced &e ween he 42ays. A s'ear-an wearing he red cra& &adge of 6o2se Cel igar dro0e he 'oin of his wea'on 2' hro2gh he ches of Balon !wann.s horse &efore he co2ld dis-o2n / s'illing he knigh fro- he saddle. Tyrion hacked a he -an.s head as he flashed &y/ and &y hen i was oo la e o rein 2'. 6is s allion lea' fro- he end of he 42ay and o0er a s'lin ered g2nwale/ landing wi h a s'lash and a screa- in ankle7 dee' wa er. Tyrion.s a9e wen s'inning/ followed &y Tyrion hi-self/ and he deck rose 2' o gi0e hi- a we s-ack. Madness followed. 6is horse had &roken a leg and was screa-ing horri&ly. !o-ehow he -anaged o draw his dagger/ and sli he 'oor crea 2re.s hroa . The &lood g2shed o2 in a scarle fo2n ain/ drenching his ar-s and ches . 6e fo2nd his fee again and l2rched o he rail/ and hen he was figh ing/ s aggering and s'lashing across crooked decks awash wi h wa er. Men ca-e a hi-. !o-e he killed/ so-e he wo2nded/ and so-e wen away/ &2 always here were -ore. 6e los his knife and gained a &roken s'ear/ he co2ld no ha0e said how. 6e cl2 ched i and s a&&ed/ shrieking c2rses. Men ran fro- hi- and he ran af er he-/ cla-&ering 2' o0er he rail o he ne9 shi' and hen he ne9 . 6is wo whi e shadows were always wi h hi-< Balon !wann and Mandon Moore/ &ea2 if2l in heir 'ale 'la e. !2rro2nded &y a circle of Velaryon s'ear-en/ hey fo2gh &ack o &ack< hey -ade &a le as gracef2l as a dance. 6is own killing was a cl2-sy hing. 6e s a&&ed one -an in he kidney

when his &ack was 2rned/ and gra&&ed ano her &y he leg and 2'ended hi- in o he ri0er. Arrows hissed 'as his head and cla ered off his ar-or< one lodged &e ween sho2lder and &reas 'la e/ &2 he ne0er fel i . A naked -an fell fro- he sky and landed on he deck/ &ody &2rs ing like a -elon dro''ed fro- a ower. 6is &lood s'a ered hro2gh he sli of Tyrion.s hel-. ! ones &egan o 'l2--e down/ crashing hro2gh he decks and 2rning -en o '2l'/ 2n il he whole &ridge ga0e a sh2dder and wis ed 0iolen ly 2nderfoo / knocking hi- sideways. !2ddenly he ri0er was 'o2ring in o his hel-. 6e ri''ed i off and crawled along he lis ing deck 2n il he wa er was only neck dee'. A groaning filled he air/ like he dea h cries of so-e enor-o2s &eas / The shi'/ he had i-e o hink/ he shi'.s a&o2 o ear loose. The &roken galleys were ri''ing a'ar / he &ridge &reaking a'ar . 5o sooner had he co-e o ha reali>a ion han he heard a s2dden crack/ lo2d as h2nder/ he deck l2rched &enea h hi-/ and he slid &ack down in o he wa er. The lis was so s ee' he had o cli-& &ack 2'/ ha2ling hi-self along a sna''ed line inch &y &loody inch. )2 of he corner of his eye/ he saw he h2lk hey.d &een angled wi h drif ing downs rea- wi h he c2rren / s'inning slowly as -en lea' o0er her side. !o-e wore ! annis.s fla-ing hear / so-e @offrey.s s ag7and7lion/ so-e o her &adges/ &2 i see-ed o -ake no -a er. Fires were &2rning 2's rea- and down. )n one side of hi- was a raging &a le/ a grea conf2sion of &righ &anners wa0ing a&o0e a sea of s r2ggling -en/ shield walls for-ing and &reaking/ -o2n ed knigh s c2 ing hro2gh he 'ress/ d2s and -2d and &lood and s-oke. on he o her side/ he Red Kee' loo-ed high on i s hill/ s'i ing fire. They were on he wrong sides/ ho2gh. For a -o-en Tyrion ho2gh he was going -ad/ ha ! annis and he cas le had raded 'laces. 6ow co2ld ! annis cross o he nor h &ank8 Bela edly he reali>ed ha he deck was 2rning/ and so-ehow he had go en s'2n a&o2 / so cas le and &a le had changed sides. Ba le/ wha &a le/ if ! annis hasn. crossed who is he figh ing8 Tyrion was oo ired o -ake sense of i . 6is sho2lder ached horri&ly/ and when he reached 2' o r2& i he saw he arrow/ and re-e-&ered. I ha0e o ge off his shi'. 1owns rea- was no hing &2 a wall of fire/ and if he wreck &roke loose he c2rren wo2ld ake hi- righ in o i . !o-eone was calling his na-e fain ly hro2gh he din of &a le. Tyrion ried o sho2 &ack. :6ere? 6ere/ I.- here/ hel' -e?: 6is 0oice so2nded so hin he co2ld scarcely hear hi-self. 6e '2lled hi-self 2' he slan ing deck/ and gra&&ed for he rail. The h2ll sla--ed in o he ne9 galley o0er and re&o2nded so 0iolen ly he was al-os knocked in o he wa er. 3here had all his s reng h gone8 I was all he co2ld do o hang on. :M= *)R1? TAK, M= 6A51? M= *)R1 T=RI)5?: There on he deck of he ne9 shi'/ across a widening g2lf of &lack wa er/ s ood !er Mandon Moore/ a hand e9 ended. =ellow and green fire shone agains he whi e of his ar-or/ and his lo&s ered ga2n le was s icky wi h &lood/ &2 Tyrion reached for i all he sa-e/ wishing his ar-s were longer. i was only a he 0ery las / as heir fingers &r2shed across he ga'/ ha so-e hing niggled a hi- . . . !er Mandon was holding o2 his lef hand/ why . . . 3as ha why he reeled &ackward/ or did he see he sword af er all8 6e wo2ld ne0er know. The 'oin slashed ;2s &enea h his eyes/ and he fel i s cold hard o2ch and hen a &la>e of 'ain. 6is head s'2n aro2nd as if he.d &een sla''ed. The shock of he cold wa er was a second sla' -ore ;ol ing han he firs . 6e flailed for so-e hing o gra& on o/ knowing ha once he wen down he was no like o co-e &ack 2'. !o-ehow

his hand fo2nd he s'lin ered end of a &roken oar. Cl2 ching i igh as a des'era e lo0er/ he shinnied 2' foo &y foo . 6is eyes were f2ll of wa er/ his -o2 h was f2ll of &lood/ and his head hro&&ed horri&ly. Gods gi0e -e s reng h o reach he deck . . . There was no hing else/ only he oar/ he wa er/ he deck. Finally he rolled o0er he side and lay &rea hless and e9ha2s ed/ fla on his &ack. Balls of green and orange fla-e crackled o0erhead/ lea0ing s reaks &e ween he s ars. 6e had a -o-en o hink how 're y i was &efore !er Mandon &locked o2 he 0iew. The knigh was a whi e s eel shadow/ his eyes shining darkly &ehind his hel-. Tyrion had no -ore s reng h han a rag doll. !er Mandon '2 he 'oin of his sword o he hollow of his hroa and c2rled &o h hands aro2nd he hil . And s2ddenly he l2rched o he lef / s aggering in o he rail. 3ood s'li / and !er Mandon Moore 0anished wi h a sho2 and a s'lash. An ins an la er/ he h2lls ca-e sla--ing oge her again/ so hard he deck see-ed o ;2-'. Then so-eone was kneeling o0er hi-. :@ai-e8: he croaked/ al-os choking on he &lood ha filled his -o2 h. 3ho else wo2ld sa0e hi-/ if no his &ro her8 :Be s ill/ -y lord/ h2r &ad.: A &oy.s 0oice/ ha -akes no sense/ ho2gh Tyrion. I so2nded al-os like (od. !A5!A 3hen !er *ancel *annis er old he 42een ha he &a le was los / she 2rned her e-' y wine c2' in her hands and said/ :Tell -y &ro her/ ser.: 6er 0oice was dis an / as if he news were of no grea in eres o her. :=o2r &ro her.s likely dead.: !er *ancel.s s2rcoa was soaked wi h he &lood see'ing o2 2nder his ar-. 3hen he had arri0ed in he hall/ he sigh of hi- had -ade so-e of he g2es s screa-. :6e was on he &ridge of &oa s when i &roke a'ar / we hink. !er Mandon.s likely gone as well/ and no one can find he 6o2nd. Gods &e da-ned/ Cersei/ why did yo2 ha0e he- fe ch @offrey &ack o he cas le8 The gold cloaks are hrowing down heir s'ears and r2nning/ h2ndreds of he-. 3hen hey saw he king lea0ing/ hey los all hear . The whole Blackwa er.s awash wi h wrecks and fire and cor'ses/ &2 we co2ld ha0e held if7: )sney Ke le&lack '2shed 'as hi-. :There.s figh ing on &o h sides of he ri0er now/ =.Grace. I -ay &e ha so-e of ! annis.s lords are figh ing each o her/ no one.s s2re/ i .s all conf2sed o0er here. The 6o2nd.s gone/ no one knows where/ and !er Balon.s fallen &ack inside he ci y. The ri0erside.s heirs. ra--ing a he King.s Ga e again/ and !er *ancel.s righ / yo2r -en are deser ing he walls and killing heir own officers. There.s -o&s a he Iron Ga e and he Ga e of he Gods figh ing o ge o2 / and Flea Bo o-.s one grea dr2nken rio .: Gods &e good/ !ansa ho2gh / i is ha''ening/ @offrey.s los his head and so ha0e * !he looked for !er Ilyn/ &2 he King.s ;2s ice was no o &e seen. I can feel hi-/ ho2gh. 6e.s close/ I.ll no esca'e hi-/ he.ll ha0e -y head. ! rangely cal-/ he 42een 2rned o his &ro her )sfryd. :Raise he draw&ridge and &ar he doors. 5o one en ers or lea0es Maegor.s wi ho2 -y lea0e.: :3ha a&o2 he- wo-en who wen o 'ray8: :They chose o lea0e -y 'ro ec ion. *e he- 'ray< 'erha's he gods will defend he-. 3here.s -y son8: :The cas le ga eho2se. 6e wan ed o co--and he cross&ow-en. There.s a -o& howling o2 side/ half of he- gold cloaks who ca-e wi h hi- when we lef he M2d Ga e.:

:Bring hi- inside Maegor.s now: :5o?: *ancel was so angry he forgo o kee' his 0oice down. 6eads 2rned oward he- as he sho2 ed/ :3e.ll ha0e he M2d Ga e all o0er again. *e hi- s ay where he is/ he.s he king7: :6e.s -y son.: Cersei *annis er rose o her fee . :=o2 clai- o &e a *annis er as well/ co2sin/ 'ro0e i . )sfryd/ why are yo2 s anding here8 5ow -eans oday.: )sfryd Ke le&lack h2rried fro- he hall/ his &ro her wi h hi-. Many of he g2es s were r2shing o2 as well. !o-e of he wo-en were wee'ing/ so-e 'raying. ) hers si-'ly re-ained a he a&les and called for -ore wine. :Cersei/: !er *ancel 'leaded/ :if we lose he cas le/ @offrey will &e killed in any case/ yo2 know ha . *e hi- s ay/ I.ll kee' hi&y -e/ I swear7: :Ge o2 of -y way.: Cersei sla--ed her o'en 'al- in o his wo2nd. !er *ancel cried o2 in 'ain and al-os fain ed as he 42een swe' fro- he roo-. !he s'ared !ansa no so -2ch as a glance. !he.s forgo en -e. !er Ilyn will kill -e and she won. e0en hink a&o2 i . :)h/ gods/: an old wo-an wailed. los / he &a le.s los / she.s r2nning.: !e0eral children were crying. They can s-ell he fear. !ansa fo2nd herself alone on he dais. !ho2ld she s ay here/ or r2n af er he 42een and 'lead for her life8 !he ne0er knew why she go o her fee / &2 she did. :1on. &e afraid/: she old he- lo2dly. :The 42een has raised he draw&ridge. This is he safes 'lace in he ci y. There.s hick walls/ he -oa / he s'ikes . . .: :3ha .s ha''ened8: de-anded a wo-an she knew sligh ly/ he wife of a lesser lordling. :3ha did )sney ell her8 Is he king h2r / has he ci y fallen8: :Tell 2s/: so-eone else sho2 ed. one wo-an asked a&o2 her fa her/ ano her her son. !ansa raised her hands for 42ie . :@offrey.s co-e &ack o he cas le. 6e.s no h2r . s ill figh ing/ ha .s all I know/ figh ing &ra0ely. The 42een will &e &ack soon.: The las was a lie/ &2 she had o soo he he-. !he no iced he fools s anding 2nder he galley. :Moon Boy/ -ake 2s la2gh.: Moon Boy did a car wheel/ and 0a2l ed on o' of a a&le. 6e gra&&ed 2' fo2r wine c2's and &egan o ;2ggle he-. ,0ery so of en one of hewo2ld co-e down and s-ash hi- in he head. A few ner0o2s la2ghs echoed hro2gh he hall. !ansa wen o !er *ancel and knel &eside hi-. 6is wo2nd was &leeding afresh where he 42een had s r2ck hi-. :Madness/: he gas'ed. :Gods/ he I-' was righ / was righ . . .: :6el' hi-/: !ansa co--anded wo of he ser0ing -en. )ne ;2s looked a her and ran/ flagon and all. ) her ser0an s were lea0ing he hall as well/ &2 she co2ld no hel' ha . Toge her/ !ansa and he ser0ing -an go he wo2nded knigh &ack on his fee . :Take hi- o Maes er Frenken.: *ancel was one of he-/ ye so-ehow she s ill co2ld no &ring herself o wish hi- dead. I a- sof and weak and s 2'id/ ;2s as @offrey says. I sho2ld &e killing hi-/ no hel'ing hi-. The orches had &eg2n o &2rn low/ and one or wo had flickered o2 . 5o one ro2&led o re'lace he-. Cersei did no re 2rn. !er 1on os cli-&ed he dais while all eyes were on he o her fool. :Go &ack o yo2r &edcha-&er/ swee @on42il/: he whis'ered. :*ock yo2rself in/ yo2.ll &e safer here. I.ll co-e for yo2 when he &a le.s done.: !o-eone will co-e for -e/ !ansa ho2gh / &2 will i &e yo2/ or will i &e !er Ilyn8 For a -ad -o-en she ho2gh of &egging 1on os o defend her. 6e had &een a knigh oo/ rained wi h he sword and sworn o

defend he weak. 5o. 6e has no he co2rage/ or he skill. I wo2ld only &e killing hi- as well. i ook all he s reng h she had in her o walk slowly fro- he F2een.s Ballroo- when she wan ed so &adly o r2n. 3hen she reached he s e's/ she did r2n/ 2' and aro2nd 2n il she was &rea hless and di>>y. )ne of he g2ards knocked in o her on he s air. A ;eweled wine c2' and a 'air of sil0er candles icks s'illed o2 of he cri-son cloak he.d wra''ed he- in and wen cla ering down he s e's. 6e h2rried af er he-/ 'aying !ansa no -ind once he decided she was no going o ry and ake his loo . 6er &edcha-&er was &lack as 'i ch. !ansa &arred he door and f2-&led hro2gh he dark o he window. 3hen she ri''ed &ack he dra'es/ her &rea h ca2gh in her hroa . The so2 hern sky was aswirl wi h glowing/ shif ing colors/ he reflec ions of he grea fires ha &2rned &elow. Balef2l green ides -o0ed agains he &ellies of he clo2ds/ and 'ools of orange ligh s'read o2 across he hea0ens. The reds and yellows of co--on fla-e warred agains he e-eralds and ;ades of wildfire/ each color flaring and hen fading/ &ir hing ar-ies of shor 7li0ed shadows o die again an ins an la er. Green dawns ga0e way o orange d2sks in half a hear &ea . The air i self s-elled &2rn / he way a so2' ke le so-e i-es s-elled if i was lef on he fire oo long and all he so2' &oiled away. ,-&ers drif ed hro2gh he nigh air like swar-s of fireflies. !ansa &acked away fro- he window/ re rea ing oward he safe y of her &ed. I.ll go o slee'/ she old herself/ and when I wake i will &e a new day/ and he sky will &e &l2e again. The figh ing will &e done and so-eone will ell -e whe her I.- o li0e or die. :*ady/: she whi-'ered sof ly/ wondering if she wo2ld -ee her wolf again when she was dead. Then so-e hing s irred &ehind her/ and a hand reached o2 of he dark and gra&&ed her wris . !ansa o'ened her -o2 h o screa-/ &2 ano her hand cla-'ed down o0er her face/ s-o hering her. 6is fingers were ro2gh and call2sed/ and s icky wi h &lood. :*i le &ird. I knew yo2.d co-e.: The 0oice was a dr2nken ras'. )2 side/ a swirling lance of ;ade ligh s'i a he s ars/ filling he roo- wi h green glare. !he saw hi- for a -o-en / all &lack and green/ he &lood on his face dark as ar/ his eyes glowing like a dog.s in he s2dden glare. Then he ligh faded and he was only a h2lking darkness in a s ained whi e cloak. :If yo2 screa- I.ll kill yo2. Belie0e ha .: 6e ook his hand fro- her -o2 h. 6er &rea h was co-ing ragged. The 6o2nd had a flagon of wine on her &edside a&le. 6e ook a long '2ll. :1on. yo2 wan o ask who.s winning he &a le/ li le &ird8: :3ho8: she said/ oo frigh ened o defy hi-. The 6o2nd la2ghed. :I only know who.s los . Me.: 6e is dr2nker han I.0e e0er seen hi-. 6e was slee'ing in -y &ed. 3ha does he wan here8 :3ha ha0e yo2 los 8: :All.: The &2rn half of his face was a -ask of dried &lood. :Bloody dwarf. !ho2ld ha0e killed hi-. =ears ago.: :6e.s dead/ hey say.: :1ead8 5o. B2gger ha . I don. wan hi- dead.: 6e cas he e-' y flagon aside. :I wan hi- &2rned. If he gods are good/ hey.ll &2rn hi-/ &2 I won. &e here o see. I.- going.: :Going8: !he ried o wriggle free/ &2 his gras' was iron. :The li le &ird re'ea s wha e0er she hears. Going/ yes.: :3here will yo2 go8:

:Away fro- here. Away fro- he fires. Go o2 he Iron Ga e/ I s2''ose. 5or h so-ewhere/ anywhere.: :=o2 won. ge o2 /: !ansa said. :The 42een.s closed 2' Maegor.s/ and he ci y ga es are sh2 as well.: :5o o -e. I ha0e he whi e cloak. And I ha0e his.: 6e 'a ed he 'o--el of his sword. :The -an who ries o s o' -e is a dead -an. +nless he.s on fire.: 6e la2ghed &i erly. :3hy did yo2 co-e here8: :=o2 'ro-ised -e a song/ li le &ird. 6a0e yo2 forgo en8: !he didn. know wha he -ean . !he co2ldn. sing for hi- now/ here/ wi h he sky aswirl wi h fire and -en dying in heir h2ndreds and heir ho2sands. :I can. /: she said. :*e -e go/ scaring -e.: :,0ery hing scares yo2. *ook a -e. *ook a -e.: The &lood -asked he wors of his scars/ &2 his eyes were whi e and wide and errifying. The &2rn corner of his -o2 h wi ched and wi ched again. !ansa co2ld s-ell hi-< a s ink of swea and so2r wine and s ale 0o-i / and o0er i all he reek of &lood/ &lood/ &lood. :I co2ld kee' yo2 safe/: he ras'ed. all afraid of -e. 5o one wo2ld h2r yo2 again/ or I.d kill he-.: 6e yanked her closer/ and for a -o-en she ho2gh he -ean o kiss her. 6e was oo s rong o figh . !he closed her eyes/ wan ing i o &e o0er/ &2 no hing ha''ened. :! ill can. &ear o look/ can yo28: she heard hi- say. 6e ga0e her ara hard wrench/ '2lling her aro2nd and sho0ing her down on o he &ed. :I.ll ha0e ha song. Florian and @on42il/ yo2 said.: 6is dagger was o2 / 'oised a her hroa . :!ing/ li le &ird. !ing for yo2r li le life.: 6er hroa was dry and igh wi h fear/ and e0ery song she had e0er known had fled fro- her -ind. (lease don. kill -e/ she wan ed o screa-/ 'lease don. . !he co2ld feel hi- wis ing he 'oin / '2shing i in o her hroa / and she al-os closed her eyes again/ &2 hen she re-e-&ered. I was no he song of Florian and @on42il/ &2 i was a song. 6er 0oice so2nded s-all and hin and re-2lo2s in her ears. Gen le Mo her/ fon of -ercy/ sa0e o2r sons fro- war/ we 'ray/ s ay he swords and s ay he arrows/ le he- know a &e er day. Gen le Mo her/ s reng h of wo-en/ hel' o2r da2gh ers hro2gh his fray/ soo he he wra h and a-e he f2ry/ each 2s all a kinder way. !he had forgo en he o her 0erses. 3hen her 0oice railed off/ she feared he -igh kill her/ &2 af er a -o-en he 6o2nd ook he &lade fro- her hroa / ne0er s'eaking. !o-e ins inc -ade her lif her hand and c2' his cheek wi h her fingers. The roo- was oo dark for her o see hi-/ &2 she co2ld feel he s ickiness of he &lood/ and a we ness ha was no &lood. :*i le &ird/: he said once -ore/ his 0oice raw and harsh as s eel on s one. Then he rose fro- he &ed. !ansa heard clo h ri''ing/ followed &y he sof er so2nd of re rea ing foo s e's. 3hen she crawled o2 of &ed/ long -o-en s la er/ she was alone. !he fo2nd his cloak on he floor/ wis ed 2' igh / he whi e wool s ained &y &lood and fire. The sky o2 side was darker &y hen/ wi h only a few 'ale green ghos s dancing agains he s ars. A chill wind was &lowing/ &anging he sh2 ers. !ansa was cold. !he shook o2 he orn cloak and h2ddled &enea h i on he floor/ shi0ering. 6ow long she s ayed here she co2ld no ha0e said/ &2 af er a i-e she heard a &ell ringing/ far off across he ci y. The so2nd was a dee' hroa ed &ron>e &oo-ing/ co-ing fas er wi h each knell. !ansa was wondering wha i -igh -ean when a second &ell ;oined in/ and a hird/ heir 0oices calling across he hills and hollows/ he alleys and owers/ o e0ery corner of King.s *anding. !he hrew off he cloak and

wen o her window. The firs fain hin of dawn was 0isi&le in he eas / and he Red Kee'.s own &ells were ringing now/ ;oining in he swelling ri0er of so2nd ha flowed fro- he se0en crys al owers of he Grea !e' of Baelor. They had r2ng he &ells when King Ro&er died/ she re-e-&ered/ &2 his was differen / no slow doloro2s dea h knell &2 a ;oyf2l h2nder. !he co2ld hear -en sho2 ing in he s ree s as well/ and so-e hing ha co2ld only &e cheers. I was !er 1on os who &ro2gh her he word. 6e s aggered hro2gh her o'en door/ wra''ed her in his fla&&y ar-s/ and whirled her aro2nd and aro2nd he roo-/ whoo'ing so incoheren ly ha !ansa 2nders ood no a word of i . 6e was as dr2nk as he 6o2nd had &een/ &2 in hi- i was a dancing ha''y dr2nk. !he was &rea hless and di>>y when he le her down. :3ha is i 8: !he cl2 ched a a &ed'os . :3ha .s ha''ened8 Tell -e? : :I .s done? 1one? 1one? The ci y is sa0ed. *ord ! annis is dead / *ord ! annis is fled/ no one knows/ no one cares/ his hos is &roken/ he danger.s done. !la2gh ered/ sca ered/ or gone o0er/ hey say. )h/ he &righ &anners? The &anners/ @on42il/ he &anners? 1o yo2 ha0e any wine8 3e o2gh o drink o his day/ yes. I -eans safe/ don. yo2 see8: :Tell -e wha .s ha''ened?: !ansa shook hi-. !er 1on os la2ghed and ho''ed fro- one leg o he o her/ al-os falling. :They ca-e 2' hro2gh he ashes while he ri0er was &2rning. The ri0er/ ! annis was neck dee' in he ri0er/ and hey ook hi- frohe rear. )h/ o &e a knigh again/ o ha0e &een 'ar of i ? 6is own -en hardly fo2gh / hey say. !o-e ran &2 -ore &en he knee and wen o0er/ sho2 ing for *ord Renly? 3ha -2s ! annis ha0e ho2gh when he heard ha 8 I had i fro- )sney Ke le&lack who had i fro- !er )s-2nd/ &2 !er Balon.s &ack now and his -en say he sa-e/ and he gold cloaks as well. deli0ered/ swee ling? They ca-e 2' he roseroad and along he ri0er&ank/ hro2gh all he fields ! annis had &2rned/ he ashes '2ffing 2' aro2nd heir &oo s and 2rning all heir ar-or grey/ &2 oh? he &anners -2s ha0e &een &righ / he golden rose and golden lion and all he o hers/ he Mar&rand ree and he Rowan/ Tarly.s h2n s-an and Redwyne.s gra'es and *ady )akhear .s leaf. All he wes er-en/ all he 'ower of 6ighgarden and Cas erly Rock? *ord Tywin hi-self had heir righ wing on he nor h side of he ri0er/ wi h Randyll Tarly co--anding he cen er and Mace Tyrell he lef / &2 he 0ang2ard won he figh . They 'l2nged hro2gh ! annis like a lance hro2gh a '2-'kin/ e0ery -an of he- howling like so-e de-on in s eel. And do yo2 know who led he 0ang2ard8 1o yo28 1o yo28 1o yo3: :Ro&&8: I was oo -2ch o &e ho'ed/ &2 . . . :I was *ord Renly? *ord Renly in his green ar-or/ wi h he fires shi--ering off his golden an lers? *ord Renly wi h his all s'ear in his hand? They say he killed !er G2yard Morrigen hi-self in single co-&a / and a do>en o her grea knigh s as well. I was Renly/ i was Renly/ i was Renly? )h? he &anners/ darling !ansa? )h? o &e a knigh ?: C6A(T,R G% 1A,5,R=! !he was &reaking her fas on a &owl of cold shri-'7and7'ersi--on so2' when Irri &ro2gh her a Far heen gown/ an airy confec ion of i0ory sa-i e 'a erned wi h seed 'earls. :Take i away/: 1any said. :The

docks are no 'lace for lady.s finery.: If he Milk Men ho2gh her s2ch a sa0age/ she wo2ld dress he 'ar for he-. 3hen she wen o he s a&les/ she wore faded sandsilk 'an s and wo0en grass sandals. 6er s-all &reas s -o0ed freely &enea h a 'ain ed 1o hraki 0es / and a c2r0ed dagger h2ng fro- her -edallion &el . @hi42i had &raided her hair 1o hraki fashion/ and fas ened a sil0er &ell o he end of he &raid. :I ha0e won no 0ic ories/: she ried elling her hand-aid when he &ell inkled sof ly. @hi42i disagreed. :=o2 &2rned he -aegi in heir ho2se of d2s and sen heir so2ls o hell.: Tha was 1rogon.s 0ic ory/ no -ine/ 1any wan ed o say/ &2 she held her ong2e. The 1o hraki wo2ld es ee- her all he -ore for a few &ells in her hair. !he chi-ed as she -o2n ed her sil0er -are/ and again wi h e0ery s ride/ &2 nei her !er @orah nor her &loodriders -ade -en ion of i . To g2ard her 'eo'le and her dragons in her a&sence/ she chose Rakharo. @hogo and Aggo wo2ld ride wi h her o he wa erfron . They lef he -ar&le 'alaces and fragran gardens &ehind and -ade heir way hro2gh a 'oorer 'ar of he ci y where -odes &rick ho2ses 2rned &lind walls o he s ree . There were fewer horses and ca-els o &e seen/ and a dear h of 'alan42ins/ &2 he s ree s ee-ed wi h children/ &eggars/ and skinny dogs he color of sand. (ale -en in d2s y linen skir s s ood &enea h arched doorways o wa ch he- 'ass. They know who I a-/ and hey do no lo0e -e. 1any co2ld ell fro- he way hey looked a her. !er @orah wo2ld sooner ha0e 2cked her inside her 'alan42in/ safely hidden &ehind silken c2r ains/ &2 she ref2sed hi-. !he had reclined oo long on sa in c2shions/ le ing o9en &ear her hi her and yon. A leas when she rode she fel as ho2gh she was ge ing so-ewhere. I was no &y choice ha she so2gh he wa erfron . !he was fleeing again. 6er whole life had &een one long fligh / i see-ed. !he had &eg2n r2nning in her -o her.s wo-&/ and ne0er once s o''ed. 6ow of en had she and Viserys s olen away in he &lack of nigh / a &are s e' ahead of he +s2r'er.s hired kni0es8 B2 i was r2n or die. Caro had learned ha (ya (ree was ga hering he s2r0i0ing warlocks oge her o work ill on her. 1any had la2ghed when he old her. :3as i no yo2 who old -e warlocks were no -ore han old soldiers/ 0ainly &oas ing of forgo en deeds and los 'rowess8: Caro looked ro2&led. :And so i was/ hen. B2 now8 I a- less cer ain. I is said ha he glass candles are &2rning in he ho2se of +rra hon 5igh 73alker/ ha ha0e no &2rned in a h2ndred years. Ghos grass grows in he Garden of Gehane/ 'han o- or oises ha0e &een seen carrying -essages &e ween he windowless ho2ses on 3arlock.s 3ay/ and all he ra s in he ci y are chewing off heir ails. The wife of Ma hos Mallarawan/ who once -ocked a warlock.s dra& -o h7ea en ro&e/ has gone -ad and will wear no clo hes a all. ,0en fresh7washed silks -ake her feel as ho2gh a ho2sand insec s were crawling on her skin. And Blind !y&assion he ,a er of ,yes can see again/ or so his sla0es do swear. A -an -2s wonder.: 6e sighed. :These are s range i-es in Far h. And s range i-es are &ad for rade. i grie0es -e o say so/ ye i -igh &e &es if yo2 lef Far h en irely/ and sooner ra her han la er.: Caro s roked her fingers reass2ringly. :=o2 need no go alone/ ho2gh. =o2 ha0e seen dark 0isions in he (alace of 12s / &2 Caro has drea-ed &righ er drea-s. I see yo2 ha''ily a&ed/ wi h o2r child a yo2r &reas . !ail wi h -e aro2nd he ;ade !ea/ and we can ye -ake i so? I is no oo la e. Gi0e -e a son/ -y swee song of ;oy?: Gi0e yo2 a dragon/ yo2 -ean. :I will no wed yo2/ Caro.:

6is face had grown cold a ha . :Then go.: :B2 where8: :!o-ewhere far fro- here.: 3ell/ 'erha's i was i-e. The 'eo'le of her khalasar had welco-ed he chance o reco0er fro- he ra0ages of he red was e/ &2 now ha hey were 'l2-' and res ed once again/ hey &egan o grow 2nr2ly. 1o hraki were no acc2s o-ed o s aying long in one 'lace. They were a warrior 'eo'le/ no -ade for ci ies. (erha's she had lingered in Far h oo long/ sed2ced &y i s co-for s and i s &ea2 ies. I was a ci y ha always 'ro-ised -ore han i wo2ld gi0e yo2/ i see-ed o her/ and her welco-e here had 2rned so2r since he 6o2se of he +ndying had colla'sed in a grea go2 of s-oke and fla-e. )0ernigh he Far heen had co-e o re-e-&er ha dragons were dangero2s. 5o longer did hey 0ie wi h each o her o gi0e her gif s. Ins ead he To2r-aline Bro herhood had called o'enly for her e9'2lsion/ and he Ancien G2ild of !'icers for her dea h. i was all Caro co2ld do o kee' he Thir een fro- ;oining he-. B2 where a- I o go8 !er @orah 'ro'osed ha hey ;o2rney far her eas / away fro- her ene-ies in he !e0en Kingdo-s. 6er &loodriders wo2ld sooner ha0e re 2rned o heir grea grass sea/ e0en if i -ean &ra0ing he red was e again. 1any herself had oyed wi h he idea of se ling in Vaes Tolorro 2n il her dragons grew grea and s rong. B2 her hear was f2ll of do2& s. ,ach of hese fel wrong/ so-ehow . . . and e0en when she decided where o go/ he 42es ion of how she wo2ld ge here re-ained ro2&leso-e. Caro Choan 1a9os wo2ld &e no hel' o her/ she knew ha now. For all his 'rofessions of de0o ion/ he was 'laying his own ga-e/ no 2nlike (ya (ree. The nigh he asked her o lea0e/ 1any had &egged one las fa0or of hi-. :An ar-y/ is i 8: Caro asked. :A ke le of gold8 A galley/ 'erha's8: 1any &l2shed. !he ha ed &egging. :A shi'/ yes.: Caro.s eyes had gli ered as &righ ly as he ;ewels in his nose. :I aa rader/ Khaleesi. !o 'erha's we sho2ld s'eak no -ore of gi0ing/ &2 ra her of rade. For one of yo2r dragons/ yo2 shall ha0e en of he fines shi's in -y flee . =o2 need only say ha one swee word.: :5o/: she said. :Alas/: Caro so&&ed/ : ha was no he word I -ean .: :3o2ld yo2 ask a -o her o sell one of her children8: :3hye0er no 8 They can always -ake -ore. Mo hers sell heir children e0ery day.: :5o he Mo her of 1ragons.: :5o e0en for wen y shi's8: :5o for a h2ndred.: 6is -o2 h c2rled downward. :I do no ha0e a h2ndred. B2 yo2 ha0e hree dragons. Gran -e one/ for all -y kindnesses. =o2 will s ill ha0e wo and hir y shi's as well.: Thir y shi's wo2ld &e eno2gh o land a s-all ar-y on he shore of 3es eros. B2 I do no ha0e a s-all ar-y. :6ow -any shi's do yo2 own/ Caro8 : :,igh y7 hree/ if one does no co2n -y 'leas2re &arge.: :And yo2r colleag2es in he Thir een8: :A-ong 2s all/ 'erha's a ho2sand.: :And he !'icers and he To2r-aline Bro herhood8: :Their rifling flee s are of no acco2n .: :,0en so/: she said/ : ell -e.: :Twel0e or hir een h2ndred for he !'icers. 5o -ore han eigh h2ndred for he Bro herhood.:

:And he Asshai.i/ he Braa0osi/ he !2--er islanders/ he I&&enese/ and all he o her 'eo'les who sail he grea sal sea/ how -any shi's do hey ha0e8 All oge her8: :Many and -ore/: he said irri a&ly. :3ha does his -a er8: :I a- rying o se a 'rice on one of he hree li0ing dragons in he world.: 1any s-iled a hi- swee ly. :i see-s o -e ha one7 hird of all he shi's in he world wo2ld &e fair.: Caro.s ears ran down his cheeks on ei her side of his ;ewel7encr2s ed nose. :1id I no warn yo2 no o en er he (alace of 12s 8 This is he 0ery hing I feared. The whis'ers of he warlocks ha0e -ade yo2 as -ad as Mallarawan.s wife. A hird of all he shi's in he world8 (ah. (ah/ I say. (ah.: 1any had no seen hi- since. 6is seneschal &ro2gh her -essages/ each cooler han he las . !he -2s 42i his ho2se. 6e was done feeding her and her 'eo'le. 6e de-anded he re 2rn of his gif s/ which she had acce' ed in &ad fai h. 6er only consola ion was ha a leas she.d had he grea good sense no o -arry hi-. The warlocks whis'ered of hree reasons . . . once for &lood and once for gold and once for lo0e. The firs rai or was s2rely Mirri Ma> 122r/ who had -2rdered Khal 1rogo and heir 2n&orn son o a0enge her 'eo'le. Co2ld (ya (ree and Caro Choan 1a9os &e he second and he hird8 !he did no hink so. 3ha (ya did was no for gold/ and Caro had ne0er r2ly lo0ed her. The s ree s grew e-' ier as hey 'assed hro2gh a dis ric gi0en o0er o gloo-y s one wareho2ses. Aggo wen &efore her and @hogo &ehind/ lea0ing !er @orah Mor-on a her side. 6er &ell rang sof ly/ and 1any fo2nd her ho2gh s re 2rning o he (alace of 12s once -ore/ as he ong2e re 2rns o a s'ace lef &y a -issing oo h. Child of hree/ hey had called her/ da2gh er of dea h/ slayer of lies/ &ride of fire. !o -any hrees. Three fires/ hree -o2n s o ride/ hree reasons. :The dragon has hree heads/: she sighed. :1o yo2 know wha ha -eans/ @orah8: :=o2r Grace8 The sigil of 6o2se Targaryen is a hree7headed dragon/ red on &lack.: :I know ha . B2 here are no hree7headed dragons.: :The hree heads were Aegon and his sis ers.: :Visenya and Rhaenys/: she recalled. :I a- descended fro- Aegon and Rhaenys hro2gh heir son Aenys and heir grandson @aehaerys.: :Bl2e li's s'eak only lies/ isn. ha wha Caro old yo28 3hy do yo2 care wha he warlocks whis'ered8 All hey wan ed was o s2ck he life fro- yo2/ yo2 know ha now.: :(erha's/: she said rel2c an ly. :=e he hings I saw :A dead -an in he 'row of a shi'/ a &l2e rose/ a &an42e of &lood . . . wha does any of i -ean/ Khaleesi8 A -2--er.s dragon/ yo2 said. 3ha is a -2--er.s dragon/ 'ray8: :A clo h dragon on 'oles/: 1any e9'lained. :M2--ers 2se he- in heir follies/ o gi0e he heroes so-e hing o figh .: !er @orah frowned. 1any co2ld no le i go. :6is is he song of ice and fire/ -y &ro her said. I.- cer ain i was -y &ro her. 5o Viserys/ Rhaegar. 6e had a har' wi h sil0er s rings.: !er @orah.s frown dee'ened 2n il his eye&rows ca-e oge her. :(rince Rhaegar 'layed s2ch a har'/: he conceded. :=o2 saw hi-8: !he nodded. :There was a wo-an in a &ed wi h a &a&e a her &reas . My &ro her said he &a&e was he 'rince ha was 'ro-ised and old her o na-e hi- Aegon.: :(rince Aegon was Rhaegar.s heir &y ,lia of 1orne/: !er @orah said.

:B2 if he was his 'rince ha was 'ro-ised/ he 'ro-ise was &roken along wi h his sk2ll when he *annis ers dashed his head agains a wall.: :I re-e-&er/: 1any said sadly. :They -2rdered Rhaegar.s da2gh er as well/ he li le 'rincess. Rhaenys/ she was na-ed/ like Aegon.s sis er. There was no Visenya/ &2 he said he dragon has hree heads. 3ha is he song of ice and fire8: :I .s no song I.0e e0er heard.: :I wen o he warlocks ho'ing for answers/ &2 ins ead hey.0e lef -e wi h a h2ndred new 42es ions.: By hen here were 'eo'le in he s ree s once -ore. :Make way/: Aggo sho2 ed/ while @hogo sniffed a he air s2s'icio2sly. :I s-ell i / Khaleesi/: he called. :The 'oison wa er.: The 1o hraki dis r2s ed he sea and all ha -o0ed 2'on i . 3a er ha a horse co2ld no drink was wa er hey wan ed no 'ar of. They will learn/ 1any resol0ed. I &ra0ed heir sea wi h Khal 1rogo. 5ow hey can &ra0e -ine. Far h was one of he world.s grea 'or s/ i s grea shel ered har&or a rio of color and clangor and s range s-ells. 3inesinks/ wareho2ses/ and ga-ing dens lined he s ree s/ cheek &y ;owl wi h chea' &ro hels and he e-'les of 'ec2liar gods. C2 '2rses/ c2 hroa s/ s'ellsellers/ and -oneychangers -ingled wi h e0ery crowd. The wa erfron was one grea -arke 'lace where he &2ying and selling wen on all day and all nigh / and goods -igh &e had for a frac ion of wha hey cos a he &a>aar/ if a -an did no ask where hey ca-e fro-. 3i>ened old wo-en &en like h2nch&acks sold fla0ored wa ers and goa .s -ilk fro- gla>ed cera-ic ;2gs s ra''ed o heir sho2lders. !ea-en fro- half a h2ndred na ions wandered a-ongs he s alls/ drinking s'iced li42ors and rading ;okes in 42eer7so2nding ong2es. The air s-elled of sal and frying fish/ of ho ar and honey/ of incense and oil and s'er-. Aggo ga0e an 2rchin a co''er for a skewer of honey7roas ed -ice and ni&&led he- as he rode. @hogo &o2gh a handf2l of fa whi e cherries. ,lsewhere hey saw &ea2 if2l &ron>e daggers for sale/ dried s42ids and car0ed ony9/ a 'o en -agical eli9ir -ade of 0irgin.s -ilk and shade of he e0ening/ e0en dragon.s eggs which looked s2s'icio2sly like 'ain ed rocks. As hey 'assed he long s one 42ays reser0ed for he shi's of he Thir een/ she saw ches s of saffron/ frankincense/ and 'e''er &eing off7loaded fro- Caro.s orna e Ver-illion Kiss. Beside her/ casks of wine/ &ales of so2rleaf/ and 'alle s of s ri'ed hides were &eing r2ndled 2' he gang'lank on o he Bride in A>2re/ o sail on he e0ening ide. Far her along/ a crowd had ga hered aro2nd he !'icer galley !2n&la>e o &id on sla0es. i was well known ha he chea'es 'lace o &2y a sla0e was righ off he shi'/ and he &anners floa ing fro- her -as s 'roclai-ed ha he !2n&la>e had ;2s arri0ed froAs a'or on !la0er.s Bay. 1any wo2ld ge no hel' fro- he Thir een/ he To2r-aline Bro herhood/ or he Ancien G2ild of !'icers. !he rode her sil0er 'as se0eral -iles of heir 42ays/ docks/ and s oreho2ses/ all he way o2 o he far end of he horseshoe7sha'ed har&or where he shi's fro- he !2--er islands/ 3es eros/ and he 5ine Free Ci ies were 'er-i ed o dock. !he dis-o2n ed &eside a ga-ing 'i where a &asilisk was earing a &ig red dog o 'ieces a-ids a sho2 ing ring of sailors. :Aggo/ @hogo/ yo2 will g2ard he horses while !er @orah and I s'eak o he ca' ains.: :As yo2 say/ Khaleesi. 3e will wa ch yo2 as yo2 go.: I was good o hear -en s'eaking Valyrian once -ore/ and e0en he Co--on Tong2e/ 1any ho2gh as hey a''roached he firs shi'. !ailors/

dockworkers/ and -erchan s alike ga0e way &efore her/ no knowing wha o -ake of his sli- yo2ng girl wi h sil0er7gold hair who dressed in he 1o hraki fashion and walked wi h a knigh a her side. 1es'i e he hea of he day/ !er @orah wore his green wool s2rcoa o0er chain-ail/ he &lack &ear of Mor-on sewn on his ches . B2 nei her her &ea2 y nor his si>e and s reng h wo2ld ser0e wi h he -en whose shi's hey needed. :=o2 re42ire 'assage for a h2ndred 1o hraki/ all heir horses/ yo2rself and his knigh / and hree dragons8: said he ca' ain of he grea cog Arden Friend &efore he walked away la2ghing. 3hen she old a *yseni on he Tr2-'e eer ha she was 1aenerys ! or-&orn/ F2een of he !e0en Kingdo-s/ he ga0e her a deadface look and said/ :Aye/ and I.*ord Tywin *annis er and shi gold e0ery nigh .: The cargo-as er of he Myrish galley !ilken !'iri o'ined ha dragons were oo dangero2s a sea/ where any s ray &rea h of fla-e -igh se he rigging afire. The owner of *ord Faro.s Belly wo2ld risk dragons/ &2 no 1o hraki. :I.ll ha0e no s2ch godless sa0ages in -y Belly/ I.ll no .: The wo &ro hers who ca' ained he sis er shi's F2icksil0er and Greyho2nd see-ed sy-'a he ic and in0i ed he- in o he ca&in for a glass of Ar&or red. They were so co2r eo2s ha 1any was ho'ef2l for a i-e/ &2 in he end he 'rice hey asked was far &eyond her -eans/ and -igh ha0e &een &eyond Caro.s. (inch&o o- (e o and !loe7,yed Maid were oo s-all for her needs/ Bra0o was &o2nd for he ;ade !ea/ and Magis er Manolo scarce looked seawor hy. As hey -ade heir way oward he ne9 42ay/ !er @orah laid a hand agains he s-all of her &ack. :=o2r Grace. =o2 are &eing followed. 5o/ do no 2rn.: 6e g2ided her gen ly oward a &rass7seller.s &oo h. :This is a no&le work/ -y 42een/: he 'roclai-ed lo2dly/ lif ing a large 'la er for her ins'ec ion. :!ee how i shines in he s2n8: The &rass was 'olished o a high sheen. 1any co2ld see her face in i . . . and when !er @orah angled i o he righ / she co2ld see &ehind her. :I see a fa &rown -an and an older -an wi h a s aff. 3hich is i 8: :Bo h of he-/: !er @orah said. :They ha0e &een following 2s since we lef F2icksil0er.: The ri''les in he &rass s re ched he s rangers 42eerly/ -aking one -an see- long and ga2n / he o her i--ensely s42a and &road. :A -os e9cellen &rass/ grea lady/: he -erchan e9clai-ed. :Brigh as he s2n? And for he Mo her of 1ragons/ only hir y honors.: The 'la er was wor h no -ore han hree. :3here are -y g2ards8: 1any declared. :This -an is rying o ro& -e?: For @orah/ she lowered her 0oice and s'oke in he Co--on Tong2e. :They -ay no -ean -e ill. Men ha0e looked a wo-en since i-e &egan/ 'erha's i is no -ore han ha .: The &rass7seller ignored heir whis'ers. :Thir y8 1id I say hir y8 !2ch a fool I a-. The 'rice is wen y honors.: :All he &rass in his &oo h is no wor h wen y honors/: 1any old hias she s 2died he reflec ions. The old -an had he look of 3es eros a&o2 hi-/ and he &rown7skinned one -2s weigh wen y s one. The +s2r'er offered a lordshi' o he -an who kills -e/ and hese wo are far fro- ho-e. )r co2ld hey &e crea 2res of he warlocks/ -ean o ake -e 2nawares8 :Ten/ Khaleesi/ &eca2se yo2 are so lo0ely. +se i for a looking glass. )nly &rass his fine co2ld ca' 2re s2ch &ea2 y.: :I -igh ser0e o carry nigh soil. If yo2 hrew i away/ I -igh 'ick i 2'/ so long as I did no need o s oo'. B2 'ay for i 8: 1any sho0ed he 'la er &ack in o his hands. :3or-s ha0e crawled 2' yo2r nose and ea en yo2r wi s.:

:,igh honors/: he cried. :My wi0es will &ea -e and call -e fool/ &2 I a- a hel'less child in yo2r hands. Co-e/ eigh / ha is less han i is wor h.: :3ha do I need wi h d2ll &rass when Caro Choan 1a9os feeds -e off 'la es of gold8: As she 2rned o walk off/ 1any le her glance swee' o0er he s rangers. The &rown -an was near as wide as he.d looked in he 'la er/ wi h a glea-ing &ald head and he s-oo h cheeks of a e2n2ch. A long c2r0ing arakh was hr2s hro2gh he swea 7s ained yellow silk of his &elly&and. A&o0e he silk/ he was naked &2 for an a&s2rdly iny iron7s 2dded 0es . )ld scars crisscrossed his ree7 r2nk ar-s/ h2ge ches / and -assi0e &elly/ 'ale agains his n2 7&rown skin. The o her -an wore a ra0eler.s cloak of 2ndyed wool/ he hood hrown &ack. *ong whi e hair fell o his sho2lders/ and a silky whi e &eard co0ered he lower half of his face. 6e leaned his weigh on a hardwood s aff as all as he was. )nly fools wo2ld s are so o'enly if hey -ean -e har-. All he sa-e/ i -igh &e 'r2den o head &ack oward @hogo and Aggo. :The old -an does no wear a sword/: she said o @orah in he Co--on Tong2e as she drew hi- away. The &rass -erchan ca-e ho''ing af er he-. :Fi0e honors/ for fi0e i is yo2rs/ i was -ean for yo2.: !er @orah said/ :A hardwood s aff can crack a sk2ll as well as any -ace.: :Fo2r? I know yo2 wan i ?: 6e danced in fron of he-/ sca-'ering &ackward as he hr2s he 'la er a heir faces. :1o hey follow8: :*if ha 2' a li le higher/: he knigh old he -erchan . :=es. The old -an 're ends o linger a a 'o er.s s all/ &2 he &rown one has eyes only for yo2.: :Two honors? Two? Two?: The -erchan was 'an ing hea0ily fro- he effor of r2nning &ackward. :(ay hi- &efore he kills hi-self/: 1any old !er @orah/ wondering wha she was going o do wi h a h2ge &rass 'la er. !he 2rned &ack as he reached for his coins/ in ending o '2 an end o his -2--er.s farce. The &lood of he dragon wo2ld no &e herded hro2gh he &a>aar &y an old -an and a fa e2n2ch. A Far heen s e''ed in o her 'a h. :Mo her of 1ragons/ for yo2.: 6e knel and hr2s a ;ewel &o9 in o her face. 1any ook i al-os &y refle9. The &o9 was car0ed wood/ i s -o herof7 'earl lid inlaid wi h ;as'er and chalcedony. :=o2 are oo genero2s.: !he o'ened i . 3i hin was a gli ering green scara& car0ed fro- ony9 and e-erald. Bea2 if2l/ she ho2gh . This will hel' 'ay for o2r 'assage. As she reached inside he &o9/ he -an said/ :I a- so sorry/: &2 she hardly heard. The scara& 2nfolded wi h a hiss. 1any ca2gh a gli-'se of a -align &lack face/ al-os h2-an/ and an arched ail dri''ing 0eno- . . . and hen he &o9 flew fro- her hand in 'ieces/ 2rning end o0er end. !2dden 'ain wis ed her fingers. As she cried o2 and cl2 ched her hand/ he &rass -erchan le o2 a shriek/ a wo-an screa-ed/ and s2ddenly he Far heen were sho2 ing and '2shing each o her aside. !er @orah sla--ed 'as her/ and 1any s 2-&led o one knee. !he heard he hiss again. The old -an dro0e he &2 of his s aff in o he gro2nd/ Aggo ca-e riding hro2gh an eggseller.s s all and 0a2l ed fro- his saddle/ @hogo.s whi' cracked o0erhead/ !er @orah sla--ed he e2n2ch o0er he head wi h he &rass 'la er/ sailors and whores and -erchan s were fleeing or sho2 ing or &o h . . . :=o2r Grace/ a ho2sand 'ardons.: The old -an knel . :I .s dead. 1id I

&reak yo2r hand8: !he closed her fingers/ wincing. :I don. hink so.: :I had o knock i away/: he s ar ed/ &2 her &loodriders were on hi&efore he co2ld finish. Aggo kicked his s aff away and @hogo sei>ed hiro2nd he sho2lders/ forced hi- o his knees/ and 'ressed a dagger o his hroa . :Khaleesi/ we saw hi- s rike yo2. 3o2ld yo2 see he color of his &lood8 : :Release hi-.: 1any cli-&ed o her fee . :*ook a he &o o- of his s aff/ &lood of -y &lood.: !er @orah had &een sho0ed off his fee &y he e2n2ch. !he ran &e ween he- as arakh and longsword &o h ca-e flashing fro- heir shea hs. :(2 down yo2r s eel? ! o' i ?: :=o2r Grace8: Mor-on lowered his sword only an inch. :These -en a acked yo2.: :They were defending -e.: 1any sna''ed her hand o shake he s ing froher fingers. :I was he o her one/ he Far heen.: 3hen she looked aro2nd he was gone. :6e was a !orrowf2l Man. There was a -an icore in ha ;ewel &o9 he ga0e -e. This -an knocked i o2 of -y hand.: The &rass -erchan was s ill rolling on he gro2nd. !he wen o hi- and hel'ed hi- o his fee . :3ere yo2 s 2ng8: :5o/ good lady/: he said/ shaking/ :or else I wo2ld &e dead. B2 i o2ched -e/ aieeee/ when i fell fro- he &o9 i landed on -y ar-.: 6e had soiled hi-self/ she saw/ and no wonder. !he ga0e hi- a sil0er for his ro2&le and sen hi- on his way &efore she 2rned &ack o he old -an wi h he whi e &eard. :3ho is i ha I owe -y life o8: :=o2 owe -e no hing/ =o2r Grace. I a- called Ars an/ ho2gh Belwas na-ed -e 3hi e&eard on he 0oyage here.: Tho2gh @hogo had released hihe old -an re-ained on one knee. Aggo 'icked 2' his s aff/ 2rned i o0er/ c2rsed sof ly in 1o hraki/ scra'ed he re-ains of he -an icore off on a s one/ and handed i &ack. :And who is Belwas8: she asked. The h2ge &rown e2n2ch swaggered forward/ shea hing his arakh. :I aBelwas. ! rong Belwas hey na-e -e in he figh ing 'i s of Meereen. 5e0er did I lose.: 6e sla''ed his &elly/ co0ered wi h scars. :I le each -an c2 -e once/ &efore I kill hi-. Co2n he c2 s and yo2 will know how -any ! rong Belwas has slain.: 1any had no need o co2n his scars< here were -any/ she co2ld see a a glance. :And why are yo2 here/ ! rong Belwas8: :Fro- Meereen I a- sold o Fohor/ and hen o (en os and he fa -an wi h swee s ink in his hair. 6e i was who send ! rong Belwas &ack across he sea/ and old 3hi e&eard o ser0e hi-.: The fa -an wi h swee s ink in his hair :Illyrio8: she said. :=o2 were sen &y Magis er Illyrio8: :3e were/ =o2r Grace/: old 3hi e&eard re'lied. :The Magis er &egs yo2r kind ind2lgence for sending 2s in his s ead/ &2 he canno si a horse as he did in his yo2 h/ and sea ra0el 2'se s his diges ion.: ,arlier he had s'oken in he Valyrian of he Free Ci ies/ &2 now he changed o he Co--on Tong2e. :I regre if we ca2sed yo2 alar-. If r2 h &e old/ we were no cer ain/ we e9'ec ed so-eone -ore . . . -ore . . .: :Regal8: 1any la2ghed. !he had no dragon wi h her/ and her rai-en was hardly 42eenly. :=o2 s'eak he Co--on Tong2e well/ Ars an. Are yo2 of 3es eros8: :I a-. I was &orn on he 1ornish Marches/ =o2r Grace. As a &oy I s42ired for a knigh of *ord !wann.s ho2sehold.: 6e held he all s aff 2'righ &eside hi- like a lance in need of a &anner. :5ow I s42ire for Belwas.: :A &i old for s2ch/ aren. yo28: !er @orah had sho2ldered his way o

her side/ holding he &rass 'la er awkwardly 2nder his ar-. Belwas.s hard head had lef i &adly &en . :5o oo old o ser0e -y liege/ *ord Mor-on .: :=o2 know -e as well8: :I saw yo2 figh a i-e or wo. A *annis'or where yo2 near 2nhorsed he Kingslayer. And on (yke/ here as well. =o2 do no recall/ *ord Mor-on 8: !er @orah frowned. :=o2r face see-s fa-iliar/ &2 here were h2ndreds a *annis'or and ho2sands on (yke. And I a- no lord. Bear Island was aken fro- -e. I a- &2 a knigh .: :A knigh of -y F2eensg2ard.: 1any ook his ar-. :And -y r2e friend and good co2nselor.: !he s 2died Ars an.s face. 6e had a grea digni y o hi-/ a 42ie s reng h she liked. :Rise/ Ars an 3hi e&eard. Be welco-e/ ! rong Belwas. !er @orah yo2 know. Ko Aggo and Ko @hogo are &lood of -y &lood. They crossed he red was e wi h -e/ and saw -y dragons &orn.: :6orse &oys.: Belwas grinned oo hily. :Belwas has killed -any horse &oys in he figh ing 'i s. They ;ingle when hey die.: Aggo.s arakh lea' o his hand. :5e0er ha0e I killed a fa &rown -an. Belwas will &e he firs .: :!hea h yo2r s eel/ &lood of -y &lood/: said 1any/ : his -an co-es o ser0e -e. Belwas/ yo2 will accord all res'ec o -y 'eo'le/ or yo2 will lea0e -y ser0ice sooner han yo2.d wish/ and wi h -ore scars han when yo2 ca-e.: The ga'7 oo hed s-ile faded fro- he gian .s &road &rown face/ re'laced &y a conf2sed scowl. Men did no of en hrea en Belwas/ i wo2ld see-/ and less so girls a hird his si>e. 1any ga0e hi- a s-ile/ o ake a &i of he s ing fro- he re&2ke. :5ow ell -e/ wha wo2ld Magis er Illyrio ha0e of -e/ ha he wo2ld send yo2 all he way fro- (en os8: :6e wo2ld ha0e dragons/: said Belwas gr2ffly/ :and he girl who -akes he-. 6e wo2ld ha0e yo2.: :Belwas has he r2 h of 2s/ =o2r Grace/: said Ars an. :3e were old o find yo2 and &ring yo2 &ack o (en os. The !e0en Kingdo-s ha0e need of yo2. Ro&er he +s2r'er is dead/ and he real- &leeds. 3hen we se sail fro- (en os here were fo2r kings in he land/ and no ;2s ice o &e had.: ;oy &loo-ed in her hear / &2 1any ke' i fro- her face. :I ha0e hree dragons/: she said/ :and -ore han a h2ndred in -y khalasar/ wi h all heir goods and horses.: :i is no -a er/: &oo-ed Belwas. :3e ake all. The fa -an hires hree shi's for his li le sil0erhair 42een.: :i is so/ =o2r Grace/: Ars an 3hi e&eard said. :The grea cog !ad2leon is &er hed a he end of he 42ay/ and he galleys !2--er !2n and foso.s (rank are anchored &eyond he &reakwa er.: Three heads has he dragon/ 1any ho2gh / wondering. :I shall ell -y 'eo'le o -ake ready o de'ar a once. B2 he shi's ha &ring -e ho-e -2s &ear differen na-es.: :As yo2 wish/: said Ars an. :3ha na-es wo2ld yo2 'refer8: :Vhagar/ : 1aenerys old hi-. :Mera9es. And Balerion. (ain he na-es on heir h2lls in golden le ers hree fee high/ Ars an. I wan e0ery -an who sees he- o know he dragons are re 2rned.: C6A(T,R G" AR=A

The heads had &een di''ed in ar o slow he ro . ,0ery -orning when Arya wen o he well o draw fresh wa er for Roose Bol on.s &asin/ she had o 'ass &enea h he-. They faced o2 ward/ so she ne0er saw heir faces/ &2 she liked o 're end ha one of he- was @offrey.s. !he ried o 'ic 2re how his 're y face wo2ld look di''ed in ar. If I was a crow I co2ld fly down and 'eck off his s 2'id fa 'o2 y li's. The heads ne0er lacked for a endan s. The carrion crows wheeled a&o2 he ga eho2se in ra2co2s 2nkindness and 42arreled 2'on he ra-'ar s o0er e0ery eye/ screa-ing and cawing a each o her and aking o he air whene0er a sen ry 'assed along he &a le-en s. !o-e i-es he -aes er.s ra0ens ;oined he feas as well/ fla''ing down fro- he rookery on wide &lack wings. 3hen he ra0ens ca-e he crows wo2ld sca er/ only o re 2rn he -o-en he larger &irds were gone. 1o he ra0ens re-e-&er Maes er To h-2re8 Arya wondered. Are hey sad for hi-8 3hen hey 42ork a hi-/ do hey wonder why he doesn. answer8 (erha's he dead co2ld s'eak o he- in so-e secre ong2e he li0ing co2ld no hear. To h-2re had &een sen o he a9e for dis'a ching &irds o Cas erly Rock and King.s *anding he nigh 6arrenhal had fallen/ *2can he ar-orer for -aking wea'ons for he *annis ers/ Goodwife 6arra for elling *ady 3hen .s ho2sehold o ser0e he-/ he s eward for gi0ing *ord Tywin he keys o he reas2re 0a2l . The cook was s'ared Hso-e said &eca2se he.d -ade he weasel so2'I/ &2 s ocks were ha--ered oge her for 're y (ia and he o her wo-en who.d shared heir fa0ors wi h *annis er soldiers. ! ri''ed and sha0ed/ hey were lef in he -iddle ward &eside he &ear 'i / free for he 2se of any -an who wan ed he-. Three Frey -en7a 7ar-s were 2sing he- ha -orning as Arya wen o he well. !he ried no o look/ &2 she co2ld hear he -en la2ghing. The 'ail was 0ery hea0y once f2ll. !he was 2rning o &ring i &ack o Kings'yre when Goodwife A-a&el sei>ed her ar-. The wa er wen sloshing o0er he side on o A-a&el.s legs. :=o2 did ha on '2r'ose/: he wo-an screeched. :3ha do yo2 wan 8: Arya s42ir-ed in her gras'. A-a&el had &een half7 cra>ed since hey.d c2 6arra.s head off. :!ee here8: Arna&el 'oin ed across he yard a (ia. :3hen his nor h-an falls yo2.ll &e where she is.: :*e -e go.: !he ried o wrench free/ &2 A-a&el only igh ened her fingers. :6e will fall oo/ 6arrenhal '2lls he- all down in he end. *ord Tywin.s won now/ he.ll &e -arching &ack wi h all his 'ower/ and hen i will &e his 2rn o '2nish he disloyal. And don. hink he won. know wha yo2 did?: The old wo-an la2ghed. :I -ay ha0e a 2rn a yo2 -yself. 6arra had an old &roo-/ I.ll sa0e i for yo2. The handle.s cracked and s'lin ery7: Arya sw2ng he &2cke . The weigh of he wa er -ade i 2rn in her hands/ so she didn. s-ash A-a&el.s head in as she wan ed/ &2 he wo-an le go of her anyway when he wa er ca-e o2 and drenched her. :1on. e0er o2ch -e/: Arya sho2 ed/ :or I.ll kill yo2. =o2 ge away.: !o''ing/ Goodwife A-a&el ;a&&ed a hin finger a he flayed -an on he fron of Arya.s 2nic. :=o2 hink safe wi h ha li le &loody -an on yo2r ea / &2 no ? The *annis ers are co-ing? !ee wha ha''ens when hey ge here.: Three742ar ers of he wa er had s'lashed o2 on he gro2nd/ so Arya had o re 2rn o he well. If I old *ord Bol on wha she said/ her head wo2ld &e 2' ne9 o 6arra.s &efore i go dark/ she ho2gh as she drew 2' he &2cke again. !he wo2ldn. / ho2gh.

)nce/ when here had &een only half as -any heads/ Gendry had ca2gh Arya looking a he-. :Ad-iring yo2r work8: he asked. 6e was angry &eca2se he.d liked *2can/ she knew/ &2 i s ill wasn. fair. :I .s ! eelshanks 3al on.s work/: she said defensi0ely. :And he M2--ers/ and *ord Bol on.: :And who ga0e 2s all he-8 =o2 and yo2r weasel so2'.: Arya '2nched his ar-. :I was ;2s ho &ro h. =o2 ha ed !er A-ory oo.: :I ha e his lo worse. !er A-ory was figh ing for his lord/ &2 he M2--ers are sellswords and 2rncloaks. 6alf of he- can. e0en s'eak he Co--on Tong2e. !e' on + likes li le &oys/ Fy&2rn does &lack -agic/ and yo2r friend Bi er ea s 'eo'le.: The wors hing was/ she co2ldn. e0en say he was wrong. The Bra0e Co-'anions did -os of he foraging for 6arrenhal/ and Roose Bol on had gi0en he- he ask of roo ing o2 *annis ers. Vargo 6oa had di0ided he- in o fo2r &ands/ o 0isi as -any 0illages as 'ossi&le. 6e led he larges gro2' hi-self/ and ga0e he o hers o his -os r2s ed ca' ains. !he had heard Rorge la2ghing o0er *ord Vargo.s way of finding rai ors. All he did was re 2rn o 'laces he had 0isi ed &efore 2nder *ord Tywin.s &anner and sei>e hose who had hel'ed hi-. Many had &een &o2gh wi h *annis er sil0er/ so he M2--ers of en re 2rned wi h &ags of coin as well as &aske s of heads. :A riddle?: !hagwell wo2ld sho2 gleef2lly. :If *ord Bol on.s goa ea s he -en who fed *ord *annis er.s goa / how -any goa s are here8: :)ne/: Arya said when he asked her. :5ow here.s a weasel cle0er as a goa ?: he fool i ered. Rorge and Bi er were as &ad as he o hers. 3hene0er *ord Bol on ook a -eal wi h he garrison/ Arya wo2ld see he- here a-ong he res . Bi er ga0e off a s ench like &ad cheese/ so he Bra0e Co-'anions -ade hi- si down near he foo of he a&le where he co2ld gr2n and hiss o hi-self and ear his -ea a'ar wi h fingers and ee h. 6e wo2ld sniff a Arya when she 'assed/ &2 i was Rorge who scared her -os . 6e sa 2' near Fai hf2l +rsywck/ &2 she co2ld feel his eyes crawling o0er her as she wen a&o2 her d2 ies. !o-e i-es she wished she had gone off across he narrow sea wi h @a4en 6.ghar. !he s ill had he s 2'id coin he.d gi0en her/ a 'iece of iron no larger han a 'enny and r2s ed along he ri-. )ne side had wri ing on i / 42eer words she co2ld no read. The o her showed a -an.s head/ &2 so worn ha all his fea 2res had r2&&ed off. 6e said i was of grea 0al2e/ &2 ha was 'ro&a&ly a lie oo/ like his na-e and e0en his face. Tha -ade her so angry ha she hrew he coin away/ &2 af er an ho2r she go o feeling &ad and wen and fo2nd i again/ e0en ho2gh i wasn. wor h any hing. !he was hinking a&o2 he coin as she crossed he Flows one =ard/ s r2ggling wi h he weigh of he wa er in her 'ail. :5an/: a 0oice called o2 . :(2 down ha 'ail and co-e hel' -e.: ,l-ar Frey was no older han she was/ and shor for his age &esides. 6e had &een rolling a &arrel of sand across he 2ne0en s one/ and was red7 faced fro- e9er ion. Arya wen o hel' hi-. Toge her hey '2shed he &arrel all he way o he wall and &ack again/ hen s ood i 2'righ . !he co2ld hear he sand shif ing aro2nd inside as ,l-ar 'ried o'en he lid and '2lled o2 a chain-ail ha2&erk. :1o yo2 hink i .s clean eno2gh8: As Roose Bol on.s s42ire/ i was his ask o kee' his -ail shiny &righ . :=o2 need o shake o2 he sand. There.s s ill s'o s of r2s . !ee8: !he 'oin ed. :=o2.d &es do i again.: :=o2 do i .: ,l-ar co2ld &e friendly when he needed hel'/ &2 af erward he wo2ld always re-e-&er ha he was a s42ire and she was only a

ser0ing girl/ 6e liked o &oas how he was he son of he *ord of he Crossing/ no a ne'hew or a &as ard or a grandson &2 a r2e&orn son/ and on acco2n of ha he was going o -arry a 'rincess. Arya didn. care a&o2 his 'recio2s 'rincess/ and didn. like higi0ing her co--ands. :I ha0e o &ring -.lord wa er for his &asin. 6e.s in his &edcha-&er &eing leeched. 5o he reg2lar &lack leeches &2 he &ig 'ale ones.: ,l-ar.s eyes go as &ig as &oiled eggs. *eeches errified hi-/ es'ecially he &ig 'ale ones ha looked like ;elly 2n il hey filled 2' wi h &lood. :I forgo / oo skinny o '2sh s2ch a hea0y &arrel.: :I forgo / s 2'id.: Arya 'icked 2' he 'ail. :May&e yo2 sho2ld ge leeched oo. There.s leeches in he 5eck as &ig as 'igs.: !he lef hi- here wi h his &arrel. The lord.s &edcha-&er was crowded when she en ered. Fy&2rn was in a endance/ and do2r 3al on in his -ail shir and grea0es/ 'l2s a do>en Freys/ all &ro hers/ half &ro hers/ and co2sins. Roose Bol on lay a&ed/ naked. *eeches cl2ng o he inside of his ar-s and legs and do ed his 'allid ches / long ransl2cen hings ha 2rned a glis ening 'ink as hey fed. Bol on 'aid he- no -ore -ind han he did Arya. :3e -2s no allow *ord Tywin o ra' 2s here a 6arrenhal !er Aenys Frey was saying as Arya filled he wash&asin. A grey s oo'ed gian of a -an wi h wa ery red eyes and h2ge gnarled hands/ !er Aenys had &ro2gh fif een h2ndred Frey swords so2 h o 6arrenhal/ ye i of en see-ed as if he were hel'less o co--and e0en his own &ro hers. :The cas le is so large i re42ires an ar-y o hold i / and once s2rro2nded we canno feed an ar-y. 5or can we ho'e o lay in s2fficien s2''lies/ The co2n ry is ash/ he 0illages gi0en o0er o wol0es/ he har0es &2rn or s olen. A2 2-n is on 2s/ ye here is no food in s ore and none &eing 'lan ed. 3e li0e on forage/ and if he *annis ers deny ha o 2s/ we will &e down o ra s and shoe lea her in a -oon.s 2rn.: :I do no -ean o &e &esieged here.: Roose Bol on.s 0oice was so sof ha -en had o s rain o hear i / so his cha-&ers were always s rangely h2shed. :3ha / hen8: de-anded !er @ared Frey/ who was lean/ &alding/ and 'ock-arked. :Is ,d-2re T2lly so dr2nk on his 0ic ory ha he hinks o gi0e *ord Tywin &a le in he o'en field8: If he does he.ll &ea he-/ Arya ho2gh . 6e.ll &ea he- as he did on he Red Fork/ yo2.ll see. +nno iced/ she wen o s and &y Fy&2rn. :*ord Tywin is -any leag2es fro- here/: Bol on said cal-ly. :6e has -any -a ers ye o se le a King.s *anding. 6e will no -arch on 6arrenhal for so-e i-e.: !er Aenys shook his head s 2&&ornly. :=o2 do no know he *annis ers as we do/ -y lord. King ! annis ho2gh ha *ord Tywin was a ho2sand leag2es away as well/ and i 2ndid hi-.: The 'ale -an in he &ed s-iled fain ly as he leeches n2rsed of his &lood. :I a- no a -an o &e 2ndone/ ser.: :,0en if Ri0err2n -arshals all i s s reng h and he =o2ng 3olf wins &ack fro- he wes / how can we ho'e o -a ch he n2-&ers *ord Tywin can send agains 2s8 3hen he co-es/ he will co-e wi h far -ore 'ower han he co--anded on he Green Fork. 6ighgarden has ;oined i self o @offrey.s ca2se/ I re-ind yo2?: :I had no forgo en.: :I ha0e &een *ord Tywin.s ca' i0e once/: said !er 6os een/ a h2sky -an wi h a s42are face who was said o &e he s ronges of he Freys. :I ha0e no wish o en;oy *annis er hos'i ali y again.: !er 6arys 6aigh/ who was a Frey on his -o her.s side/ nodded

0igoro2sly. :If *ord Tywin co2ld defea a seasoned -an like ! annis Bara heon/ wha chance will o2r &oy king ha0e agains hi-8: 6e looked ro2nd o his &ro hers and co2sins for s2''or / and se0eral of he-2 ered agree-en . :!o-eone -2s ha0e he co2rage o say i /: !er 6os een said. :The war is los . King Ro&& -2s &e -ade o see ha .: Roose Bol on s 2died hi- wi h 'ale eyes. :6is Grace has defea ed he *annis ers e0ery i-e he has faced he- in &a le.: :6e has los he nor h/: insis ed 6os een Frey. :6e has los 3in erfell? 6is &ro hers are dead . . .: For a -o-en Arya forgo o &rea he. 1ead8 Bran and Rickon/ dead8 3ha does he -ean8 3ha does he -ean a&o2 3in erfell/ loffrey co2ld ne0er ake 3in erfell/ ne0er/ Ro&& wo2ld ne0er le hi-. Then she re-e-&ered ha Ro&& was no a 3in erfell. 6e was away in he wes / and Bran was cri''led/ and Rickon only fo2r. I ook all her s reng h o re-ain s ill and silen / he way !yrio Forel had a2gh her/ o s and here like a s ick of f2rni 2re. !he fel ears ga hering in her eyes/ and willed he- away. I .s no r2e/ i can. &e r2e/ i .s ;2s so-e *annis er lie. :6ad ! annis won/ all -igh ha0e &een differen /: Ronel Ri0ers said wis f2lly. 6e was one of *ord 3alder.s &as ards. :! annis los /: !er 6os een said &l2n ly. :3ishing i were o herwise will no -ake i so. King Ro&& -2s -ake his 'eace wi h he *annis ers. 6e -2s '2 off his crown and &end he knee/ li le as he -ay like i .: :And who will ell hi- so8: Roose Bol on s-iled. :I is a fine hing o ha0e so -any 0alian &ro hers in s2ch ro2&led i-es. I shall hink on all yo2.0e said.: 6is s-ile was dis-issal. The Freys -ade heir co2r esies and sh2ffled o2 / lea0ing only Fy&2rn/ ! eelshanks 3al on/ and Arya. *ord Bol on &eckoned her closer. :I a- &led s2fficien ly. 5an/ yo2 -ay re-o0e he leeches.: :A once/ -y lord.: I was &es ne0er o -ake Roose Bol on ask wice. Arya wan ed o ask hi- wha !er 6os een had -ean a&o2 3in erfell/ &2 she dared no . I.ll ask ,l-ar/ she ho2gh . ,l-ar will ell -e. The leeches wriggled slowly &e ween her fingers as she 'l2cked hecaref2lly fro- he lord.s &ody/ heir 'ale &odies -ois o he o2ch and dis ended wi h &lood. only leeches/ she re-inded herself. If I closed -y hand/ hey.d s42ish &e ween -y fingers. :There is a le er fro- yo2r lady wife.: Fy&2rn '2lled a roll of 'arch-en fro- his slee0e. Tho2gh he wore -aes er.s ro&es/ here was no chain a&o2 his neck< i was whis'ered ha he had los i for da&&ling in necro-ancy. :=o2 -ay read i /: Bol on said. The *ady 3alda wro e fro- he Twins al-os e0ery day/ &2 all he le ers were he sa-e. :I 'ray for yo2 -orn/ noon/ and nigh / -y swee lord/: she wro e/ :and co2n he days 2n il yo2 share -y &ed again. Re 2rn o -e soon/ and I will gi0e yo2 -any r2e&orn sons o ake he 'lace of yo2r dear 1o-eric and r2le he 1readfor af er yo2.: Arya 'ic 2red a 'l2-' 'ink &a&y in a cradle/ co0ered wi h 'l2-' 'ink leeches. !he &ro2gh *ord Bol on a da-' washclo h o wi'e down his sof hairless &ody. :I will send a le er of -y own/: he old he one i-e -aes er. :To he *ady 3alda8: :To !er 6el-an Tallhar .: A rider fro- !er 6el-an had co-e wo days 'as . Tallhar -en had aken he cas le of he 1arrys/ acce' ing he s2rrender of i s *annis er garrison af er a &rief siege. :Tell hi- o '2 he ca' i0es o he sword and he cas le o he orch/

&y co--and of he king. Then he is o ;oin forces wi h Ro&e Glo0er and s rike eas oward 12skendale. Those are rich lands/ and hardly o2ched &y he figh ing. I is i-e hey had a as e. Glo0er has los a cas le/ and Tallhar a son. *e he- ake heir 0engeance on 12skendale.: :I shall 're'are he -essage for yo2r seal/ -y lord.: Arya was glad o hear ha he cas le of he 1arrys wo2ld &e &2rned. Tha was where hey.d &ro2gh her when she.d &een ca2gh af er her figh wi h @offrey/ and where he 42een had -ade her fa her kill !ansa.s wolf. I deser0es o &2rn. !he wished ha Ro&e Glo0er and !er 6el-an Tallhar wo2ld co-e &ack o 6arrenhal/ ho2gh< hey had -arched oo 42ickly/ &efore she.d &een a&le o decide whe her o r2s he- wi h her secre . :I will h2n oday/: Roose Bol on anno2nced as Fy&2rn hel'ed hi- in o a 42il ed ;erkin. :Is i safe/ -y lord8: Fy&2rn asked. :)nly hree days 'as / !e' on + .s -en were a acked &y wol0es. They ca-e righ in o his ca-'/ no fi0e yards fro- he fire/ and killed wo horses.: :I is wol0es I -ean o h2n . I can scarcely slee' a nigh for he howling.: Bol on &2ckled on his &el / ad;2s ing he hang of sword and dagger. :I .s said ha direwol0es once roa-ed he nor h in grea 'acks of a h2ndred or -ore/ and feared nei her -an nor -a--o h/ &2 ha was long ago and in ano her land. I is 42eer o see he co--on wol0es of he so2 h so &old.: :Terri&le i-es &reed erri&le hings/ -y lord.: Bol on showed his ee h in so-e hing ha -igh ha0e &een a s-ile. :Are hese i-es so erri&le/ Maes er8: :!2--er is gone and here are fo2r kings in he real-.: :)ne king -ay &e erri&le/ &2 fo2r8: 6e shr2gged. :5an/ -y f2r cloak.: !he &ro2gh i o hi-. :My cha-&ers will &e clean and orderly 2'on -y re 2rn/: he old her as she fas ened i . :And end o *ady 3alda.s le er.: :As yo2 say/ -y lord.: The lord and -aes er swe' fro- he roo-/ gi0ing her no so -2ch as a &ackward glance. 3hen hey were gone/ Arya ook he le er and carried i o he hear h/ s irring he logs wi h a 'oker o wake he fla-es anew. !he wa ched he 'arch-en wis / &lacken/ and flare 2'. If he *annis ers h2r Bran and Rickon/ Ro&& will kill he- e0ery one. 6e.ll ne0er &end he knee/ ne0er/ ne0er/ ne0er. 6e.s no afraid of any of he-. C2rls of ash floa ed 2' he chi-ney. Arya s42a ed &eside he fire/ wa ching he- rise hro2gh a 0eil of ho ears. If 3in erfell is r2ly gone/ is his -y ho-e now8 A- I s ill Arya/ or only 5an he ser0ing girl/ for fore0er and fore0er and fore0er8 !he s'en he ne9 few ho2rs ending o he lord.s cha-&ers. !he swe' o2 he old r2shes and sca ered fresh swee s-elling ones/ laid a fresh fire in he hear h/ changed he linens and fl2ffed he fea her&ed/ e-' ied he cha-&er 'o s down he 'ri0y shaf and scr2&&ed he- o2 / carried an ar-load of soiled clo hing o he washerwo-en/ and &ro2gh 2' a &owl of cris' a2 2-n 'ears fro- he ki chen. 3hen she was done wi h he &edcha-&er/ she wen down half a fligh of s airs o do he sa-e in he grea solar/ a s'are draf y roo- as large as he halls of -any a s-aller cas le. The candles were down o s 2&s/ so Arya changed he- o2 . +nder he windows was a h2ge oaken a&le where he lord wro e his le ers. !he s acked he &ooks/ changed he candles/ '2 he 42ills and inks and sealing wa9 in order. A large ragged shee'skin was ossed across he 'a'ers. Arya had s ar ed o roll i 2' when he colors ca2gh her eyeB he &l2e of lakes and

ri0ers/ he red do s where cas les and ci ie.s co2ld &e fo2nd/ he green of woods. !he s'read i o2 ins ead. T6, *A51! )F T6, TRI1,5T/ said he orna e scri' &enea h he -a'. The drawing showed e0ery hing fro- he 5eck o he Blackwa er R2sh. There.s 6arrenhal a he o' of he &ig lake/ she reali>ed/ &2 where.s Ri0err2n8 Then she saw. I .s no so far . . . The af ernoon was s ill yo2ng &y he i-e she was done/ so Arya ook herself off o he godswood. 6er d2 ies were ligh er as *ord Bol on.s c2'&earer han hey had &een 2nder 3eese or e0en (inkeye/ ho2gh hey re42ired dressing like a 'age and washing -ore han she liked. The h2n wo2ld no re 2rn for ho2rs/ so she had a li le i-e for her needlework. !he slashed a &irch lea0es ill he s'lin ery 'oin of he &roken &roo-s ick was green and s icky. :!er Gregor/: she &rea hed. :12nsen/ (olli0er/ Raff he !wee ling.: !he s'2n and lea' and &alanced on he &alls of her fee / dar ing his way and ha / knocking 'inecones flying. :The Tickler/: she called o2 one i-e/ : he 6o2nd/: he ne9 . :!er Ilyn/ !er Meryn/ F2een Cersei.: The &ole of an oak loo-ed &efore her/ and she l2nged o dri0e her 'oin hro2gh i / gr2n ing :@offrey/ @offrey/ @offrey.: 6er ar-s and legs were da''led &y s2nligh and he shadows of lea0es. A sheen of swea co0ered her skin &y he i-e she 'a2sed. The heel of her righ foo was &loody where she.d skinned i / so she s ood one7legged &efore he hear ree and raised her sword in sal2 e. :Valar -orgh2lis/ : she old he old gods of he nor h. !he liked how he words so2nded when she said he-. As Arya crossed he yard o he &a hho2se/ she s'ied a ra0en circling down oward he rookery/ and wondered where i had co-e fro- and wha -essage i carried. Migh &e i .s fro- Ro&&/ co-e o say i wasn. r2e a&o2 Bran and Rickon. !he chewed on her li'/ ho'ing. If I had wings I co2ld fly &ack o 3in erfell and see for -yself. And if i was r2e/ I.d ;2s fly away/ fly 2' 'as he -oon and he shining s ars/ and see all he hings in )ld 5an.s s ories/ dragons and sea -ons ers and he Ti an of Braa0os/ and -ay&e I wo2ldn. e0er fly &ack 2nless I wan ed o. The h2n ing 'ar y re 2rned near e0enfall wi h nine dead wol0es. !e0en were ad2l s/ &ig grey7&rown &eas s/ sa0age and 'owerf2l/ heir -o2 hs drawn &ack o0er long yellow ee h &y heir dying snarls. B2 he o her wo had only &een '2's. *ord Bol on ga0e orders for he skins o &e sewn in o a &lanke for his &ed. :C2&s s ill ha0e ha sof f2r/ -y lord/: one of his -en 'oin ed o2 . :Make yo2 a nice war- 'air of glo0es.: Bol on glanced 2' a he &anners wa0ing a&o0e he ga eho2se owers. :As he ! arks are won o re-ind 2s/ win er is co-ing. 6a0e i done.: 3hen he saw Arya looking on/ he said/ :5an/ I.ll wan a flagon of ho s'ice wine/ I ook a chill in he woods. !ee ha i doesn. ge cold. I.- of a -ind o s2' alone. Barley &read/ &2 er/ and &oar.: :A once/ -y lord.: Tha was always he &es hing o say. 6o (ic was -aking oa cakes when she en ered he ki chen. Three o her cooks were &oning fish/ while a s'i &oy 2rned a &oar o0er he fla-es. :My lord wan s his s2''er/ and ho s'ice wine o wash i down/: Arya anno2nced/ :and he doesn. wan i cold.: )ne of he cooks washed his hands/ ook o2 a ke le/ and filled i wi h a hea0y/ swee red. 6o (ie was old o cr2-&le in he s'ices as he wine hea ed. Arya wen o hel'. :I can do i /: he said s2llenly. :I don. need yo2 o show -e how o s'ice wine.: 6e ha es -e oo/ or else he.s scared of -e. !he &acked away/ -ore sad han angry. 3hen he food was ready/ he cooks co0ered i wi h a sil0er co0er and wra''ed he flagon in a hick owel o kee' i war-. 12sk was

se ling o2 side. )n he walls he crows -2 ered ro2nd he heads like co2r iers ro2nd a king. )ne of he g2ards held he door o Kings'yre. :6o'e ha .s no weasel so2'/: he ;es ed. Roose Bol on was sea ed &y he hear h reading fro- a hick lea her&o2nd &ook when she en ered. :*igh so-e candles/: he co--anded her as he 2rned a 'age. :I grows gloo-y in here.: !he 'laced he food a his el&ow and did as he &id her/ filling he roo- wi h flickering ligh and he scen of clo0es. Bol on 2rned a few -ore 'ages wi h his finger/ hen closed he &ook and 'laced i caref2lly in he fire. 6e wa ched he fla-es cons2-e i / 'ale eyes shining wi h reflec ed ligh . The old dry lea her wen 2' wi h a whoosh/ and he yellow 'ages s irred as hey &2rned/ as if so-e ghos were reading he-. :I will ha0e no f2r her need of yo2 onigh /: he said/ ne0er looking a her. !he sho2ld ha0e gone/ silen as a -o2se/ &2 so-e hing had hold of her. :My lord/: she asked/ :will yo2 ake -e wi h yo2 when yo2 lea0e 6arrenhal8 : 6e 2rned o s are a her/ and fro- he look in his eyes i was as if his s2''er had ;2s s'oken o hi-. :1id I gi0e yo2 lea0e o 42es ion -e/ 5an8: :5o/ -y lord.: !he lowered her eyes. :=o2 sho2ld no ha0e s'oken/ hen. !ho2ld yo28: :5o. My lord.: For a -o-en he looked a-2sed. :I will answer yo2/ ;2s his once. I -ean o gi0e 6arrenhal o *ord Vargo when I re 2rn o he nor h. =o2 will re-ain here/ wi h hi-.: :B2 I don. 7: she s ar ed. 6e c2 her off. :I a- no in he ha&i of &eing 42es ioned &y ser0an s/ 5an. M2s I ha0e yo2r ong2e o2 8: 6e wo2ld do i as easily as ano her -an -igh c2ff a dog/ she knew. :5o/ -y lord.: :Then I.ll hear no -ore fro- yo28: :5o/ -y lord.: :Go/ hen. I shall forge his insolence.: Arya wen / &2 no o her &ed. 3hen she s e''ed o2 in o he darkness of he yard/ he g2ard on he door nodded a her and said/ :! orco-ing. !-ell he air8: The wind was g2s ing/ fla-es swirling off he orches -o2n ed a o' he walls &eside he rows of heads. )n her way o he godswood/ she 'assed he 3ailing Tower where once she had li0ed in fear of 3eese. The Freys had aken i for heir own since 6arrenhal.s fall. !he co2ld hear angry 0oices co-ing fro- a window/ -any -en alking and arg2ing all a once. ,l-ar was si ing on he s e's o2 side/ alone. :3ha .s wrong8: Arya asked hi- when she saw he ears shining on his cheeks. :My 'rincess/: he so&&ed. :3e.0e &een dishonored/ Aenys says. There was a &ird fro- he Twins. My lord fa her says I.ll need o -arry so-eone else/ or &e a se' on.: A s 2'id 'rincess/ she ho2gh / ha .s no hing o cry o0er. :My &ro hers -igh &e dead/: she confided. ,l-ar ga0e her a scornf2l look. :5o one cares a&o2 a ser0ing girl.s &ro hers.: I was hard no o hi hi- when he said ha . :I ho'e yo2r 'rincess dies : she said/ and ran off &efore he co2ld gra& her. in he godswood she fo2nd her &roo-s ick sword where she had lef i / and carried i o he hear ree. There she knel . Red lea0es r2s led. Red eyes 'eered inside her. The eyes of he gods. :Tell -e wha o do/

yo2 gods/: she 'rayed. For a long -o-en here was no so2nd &2 he wind and he wa er and he creak of leaf and li-&. And hen/ far far off/ &eyond he godswood and he ha2n ed owers and he i--ense s one walls of 6arrenhal/ froso-ewhere o2 in he world/ ca-e he long lonely howl of a wolf. Goose'rickles rose on Arya.s skin/ and for an ins an she fel di>>y. Then/ so fain ly/ i see-ed as if she heard her fa her.s 0oice. :3hen he snows fall and he whi e winds &low/ he lone wolf dies/ &2 he 'ack s2r0i0es/: he said. :B2 here is no 'ack/: she whis'ered o he weirwood. Bran and Rickon were dead/ he *annis ers had !ansa/ @on had gone o he 3all. :I.- no e0en -e now/ I.- 5an.: :=o2 are Arya of 3in erfell/ da2gh er of he nor h. =o2 old -e yo2 co2ld &e s rong. =o2 ha0e he wolf &lood in yo2.: :The wolf &lood.: Arya re-e-&ered now. :I.ll &e as s rong as Ro&&. I said I wo2ld.: !he ook a dee' &rea h/ hen lif ed he &roo-s ick in &o h hands and &ro2gh i down across her knee. I &roke wi h a lo2d crack/ and she hrew he 'ieces aside. I a- a direwolf/ and done wi h wooden ee h. Tha nigh she lay in her narrow &ed 2'on he scra chy s raw/ lis ening o he 0oices of he li0ing and he dead whis'er and arg2e as she wai ed for he -oon o rise. They were he only 0oices she r2s ed any-ore. !he co2ld hear he so2nd of her own &rea h/ and he wol0es as well/ a grea 'ack of he- now. They are closer han he one I heard in he godswood/ she ho2gh . They are calling o -e. Finally she sli''ed fro- 2nder he &lanke / wriggled in o a 2nic/ and 'added &arefoo down he s airs. Roose Bol on was a ca2 io2s -an/ and he en rance o Kings'yre was g2arded day and nigh / so she had o sli' o2 of a narrow cellar window. The yard was s ill/ he grea cas le los in ha2n ed drea-s. A&o0e/ he wind keened hro2gh he 3ailing Tower. A he forge she fo2nd he fires e9 ing2ished and he doors closed and &arred. !he cre' in a window/ as she had once &efore. Gendry shared a -a ress wi h wo o her a''ren ice s-i hs. !he cro2ched in he lof for a long i-e &efore her eyes ad;2s ed eno2gh for her o &e s2re ha he was he one on he end. Then she '2 a hand o0er his -o2 h and 'inched hi-. 6is eyes o'ened. 6e co2ld no ha0e &een 0ery dee'ly aslee'. :(lease/: she whis'ered. !he ook her hand off his -o2 h and 'oin ed. For a -o-en she did no hink he 2nders ood/ &2 hen he slid o2 fro2nder he &lanke s. 5aked/ he 'added across he roo-/ shr2gged in o a loose ro2ghs'2n 2nic/ and cli-&ed down fro- he lof af er her. The o her slee'ers did no s ir. :3ha do yo2 wan now8: Gendry said in a low angry 0oice. :A sword.: :Black h2-& kee's all he &lades locked 2'/ I old yo2 ha a h2ndred i-es. Is his for *ord *eech8: :For -e. Break he lock wi h yo2r ha--er.: :They.ll &reak -y hand/: he gr2-&led. :)r worse.: :5o if yo2 r2n off wi h -e.: :R2n/ and hey.ll ca ch yo2 and kill yo2.: :They.ll do yo2 worse. *ord Bol on is gi0ing 6arrenhal o he Bloody M2--ers/ he old -e so.: Gendry '2shed &lack hair o2 of his eyes. :!o8: !he looked righ a hi-/ fearless. :!o when Vargo 6oa .s he lord/ he.s going o c2 off he fee of all he ser0an s o kee' he- fro- r2nning away. The s-i hs oo.: :Tha .s only a s ory/: he said scornf2lly.

/ .5o/ i .s r2e/ I heard *ord Vargo say so/: she lied. :6e.s going o c2 one foo off e0eryone. The lef one. Go o he ki chens and wake 6o (ie/ he.ll do wha yo2 say. 3e.ll need &read or oakcakes or so-e hing. =o2 ge he swords and I.ll do he horses. 3e.ll -ee near he 'os ern in he eas wall/ &ehind he Tower of Ghos s. 5o one e0er co-es here.: :I know ha ga e. I .s g2arded/ sa-e as he res .: :!o8 =o2 won. forge he swords8: :I ne0er said I.d co-e.: :5o. B2 if yo2 do/ yo2 won. forge he swords8: 6e frowned. :5o/: he said a las . :I g2ess I won. .: Arya reen ered Kings'yre he sa-e way she had lef i / and s ole 2' he winding s e's lis ening for foo falls. In her cell/ she s ri''ed o he skin and dressed herself caref2lly/ in wo layers of s-allclo hes/ wars ockings/ and her cleanes 2nic. I was *ord Bol on.s li0ery. )n he &reas was sewn his sigil/ he flayed -an of he 1readfor . !he ied her shoes/ hrew a wool cloak o0er her skinny sho2lders/ and kno ed i 2nder her hroa . F2ie as a shadow/ she -o0ed &ack down he s airs. )2 side he lord.s solar she 'a2sed o lis en a he door/ easing i o'en slowly when she heard only silence. The shee'skin -a' was on he a&le/ &eside he re-ains of *ord Bol on.s s2''er. !he rolled i 2' igh and hr2s i hro2gh her &el . 6e.d lef his dagger on he a&le as well/ so she ook ha oo/ ;2s in case Gendry los his co2rage. A horse neighed sof ly as she sli''ed in o he darkened s a&les. The groo-s were all aslee'. !he 'rodded one wi h her oe 2n il he sa 2' groggily and said/ :,h8 3has8: :*ord Bol on re42ires hree horses saddled and &ridled.: The &oy go o his fee / '2shing s raw fro- his hair. :3ha/ a his ho2r8 6orses/ yo2 say8: 6e &linked a he sigil on her 2nic. :3has he wan horses for/ in he dark8: :*ord Bol on is no in he ha&i of &eing 42es ioned &y ser0an s.: !he crossed her ar-s. The s a&le&oy was s ill looking a he flayed -an. 6e knew wha i -ean . :Three/ yo2 say8: :)ne wo hree. 62n ing horses. Fas and s2refoo .: Arya hel'ed hiwi h he &ridles and saddles/ so he wo2ld no need o wake any of he o hers. !he ho'ed hey wo2ld no h2r hi- af erward/ &2 she knew hey 'ro&a&ly wo2ld. *eading he horses across he cas le was he wors 'ar . !he s ayed in he shadow of he c2r ain wall whene0er she co2ld/ so he sen ries walking heir ro2nds on he ra-'ar s a&o0e wo2ld ha0e needed o look al-os s raigh down o see her. And if hey do/ wha of i 8 I.- -y lord.s own c2'&earer. I was a chill dank a2 2-n nigh . Clo2ds were &lowing in fro- he wes / hiding he s ars/ and he 3ailing Tower screa-ed -o2rnf2lly a e0ery g2s of wind. I s-ells like rain. Arya did no know whe her ha wo2ld &e good or &ad for heir esca'e. 5o one saw her/ and she saw no one/ only a grey and whi e ca cree'ing along a o' he godswood wall. I s o''ed and s'i a her/ waking -e-ories of he Red Kee' and her fa her and !yrio Forel. :I co2ld ca ch yo2 if I wan ed/: she called o i sof ly/ :&2 I ha0e o go/ ca .: The ca hissed again and ran off. The Tower of Ghos s was he -os r2ino2s of 6arrenhal.s fi0e i--ense owers. I s ood dark and desola e &ehind he re-ains of a colla'sed se' where only ra s had co-e o 'ray for near hree h2ndred years. I was here she wai ed o see if Gendry and 6o (ie wo2ld co-e. I see-ed as ho2gh she wai ed a long i-e. The horses ni&&led a he weeds ha

grew 2' &e ween he &roken s ones while he clo2ds swallowed he las of he s ars. Arya ook o2 he dagger and shar'ened i o kee' her hands &2sy. *ong s-oo h s rokes/ he way !yrio had a2gh her. The so2nd cal-ed her. !he heard he- co-ing long &efore she saw he-. 6o (ie was &rea hing hea0ily/ and once he s 2-&led in he dark/ &arked his shin/ and c2rsed lo2d eno2gh o wake half of 6arrenhal. Gendry was 42ie er/ &2 he swords he was carrying rang oge her as he -o0ed. :6ere I a-.: !he s ood. :Be 42ie or hey.ll hear yo2.: The &oys 'icked heir way oward her o0er 2-&led s ones. Gendry was wearing oiled chain-ail 2nder his cloak/ she saw/ and he had his &lacks-i h.s ha--er sl2ng across his &ack. 6o (ie.s red ro2nd face 'eered o2 fro- 2nder a hood. 6e had a sack of &read dangling fro- his righ hand and a &ig wheel of cheese 2nder his lef ar-. :There.s a g2ard on ha 'os ern/: said Gendry 42ie ly. :I old yo2 here wo2ld &e.: :=o2 s ay here wi h he horses/: said Arya. :I.ll ge rid of hi-. Co-e 42ick when I call.: Gendry nodded. 6o (ie said/ :6oo like an owl when yo2 wan 2s o co-e.: :I.- no an owl/: said Arya. :I.- a wolf. I.ll howl.: Alone/ she slid hro2gh he shadow of he Tower of Ghos s. !he walked fas / o kee' ahead of her fear/ and i fel as ho2gh !yrio Forel walked &eside her/ and =oren/ and @a4en 6.ghar/ and @on !now. !he had no aken he sword Gendry had &ro2gh her/ no ye . For his he dagger wo2ld &e &e er. I was good and shar'. This 'os ern was he leas of 6arrenhal.s ga es/ a narrow door of s o2 oak s 2dded wi h iron nails/ se in an angle of he wall &enea h a defensi0e ower. )nly one -an was se o g2ard i / &2 she knew here wo2ld &e sen ries 2' in ha ower as well/ and o hers near&y walking he walls. 3ha e0er ha''ened/ she -2s &e 42ie as a shadow. 6e -2s no call o2 . A few sca ered raindro's had &eg2n o fall. !he fel one land on her &row and r2n slowly down her nose. !he -ade no effor o hide/ &2 a''roached he g2ard o'enly/ as if *ord Bol on hi-self had sen her. 6e wa ched her co-e/ c2rio2s as o wha -igh &ring a 'age here a his &lack ho2r. 3hen she go closer/ she saw ha he was a nor h-an/ 0ery all and hin/ h2ddled in a ragged f2r cloak. Tha was &ad. !he -igh ha0e &een a&le o rick a Frey or one of he Bra0e Co-'anions/ &2 he 1readfor -en had ser0ed Roose Bol on heir whole life/ and hey knew hi- &e er han she did. If I ell hiI a- Arya ! ark and co--and hi- o s and aside . . . 5o/ she dare no . 6e was a nor h-an/ &2 no a 3in erfell -an. 6e &elonged o Roose Bol on. 3hen she reached hi- she '2shed &ack her cloak so he wo2ld see he flayed -an on her &reas . :*ord Bol on sen -e.: :A his ho2r8 3hy for8: !he co2ld see he glea- of s eel 2nder he f2r/ and she did no know if she was s rong eno2gh o dri0e he 'oin of he dagger hro2gh chain-ail. 6is hroa / i -2s &e his hroa / &2 he.s oo all/ I.ll ne0er reach i . For a -o-en she did no know wha o say. For a -o-en she was a li le girl again/ and scared/ and he rain on her face fel like ears. :6e old -e o gi0e all his g2ards a sil0er 'iece/ for heir good ser0ice.: The words see-ed o co-e o2 of nowhere. :!il0er/ yo2 say8: 6e did no &elie0e her/ &2 he wan ed o< sil0er was sil0er/ af er all. :Gi0e i o0er/ hen.:

6er fingers d2g down &enea h her 2nic and ca-e o2 cl2 ching he coin @a4en had gi0en her. In he dark he iron co2ld 'ass for arnished sil0er. !he held i o2 . . . and le i sli' hro2gh her fingers. C2rsing her sof ly/ he -an wen o a knee o gro'e for he coin in he dir and here was his neck righ in fron of her. Arya slid her dagger o2 and drew i across his hroa / as s-oo h as s2--er silk. 6is &lood co0ered her hands in a ho g2sh and he ried o sho2 &2 here was &lood in his -o2 h as well. :Valar -orgh2lis/ : she whis'ered as he died. 3hen he s o''ed -o0ing/ she 'icked 2' he coin. )2 side he walls of 6arrenhal/ a wolf howled long and lo2d. !he lif ed he &ar/ se i aside/ and '2lled o'en he hea0y oak door. By he i-e 6o (ie and Gendry ca-e 2' wi h he horses/ he rain was falling hard. :=o2 killed hi-?: 6o (ie gas'ed. :3ha did yo2 hink I wo2ld do8: 6er fingers were s icky wi h &lood/ and he s-ell was -aking her -are ski ish. I .s no -a er/ she ho2gh / swinging 2' in o he saddle. The rain will wash he- clean again. C6A(T,R GD !A5!A The hrone roo- was a sea of ;ewels/ f2rs/ and &righ fa&rics. *ords and ladies filled he &ack of he hall and s ood &enea h he high windows/ ;os ling like fishwi0es on a dock. The deni>ens of @offrey.s co2r had s ri0en o o2 do each o her oday. @ala&har Cho was all in fea hers/ a 'l2-age so fan as ic and e9 ra0agan ha he see-ed like o ake fligh . The 6igh !e' on.s crys al crown fired rain&ows hro2gh he air e0ery i-e he -o0ed his head. A he co2ncil a&le/ F2een Cersei shi--ered in a clo h7of7gold gown slashed in &2rg2ndy 0el0e / while &eside her Varys f2ssed and si-'ered in a lilac &rocade. Moon Boy and !er 1on os wore new s2i s of -o ley/ clean as a s'ring -orning. ,0en *ady Tanda and her da2gh ers looked 're y in -a ching gowns of 2r42oise silk and 0air/ and *ord Gyles was co2ghing in o a s42are of scarle silk ri--ed wi h golden lace. King @offrey sa a&o0e he- all/ a-ongs he &lades and &ar&s of he Iron Throne. 6e was in cri-son sa-i e/ his &lack -an le s 2dded wi h r2&ies/ on his head his hea0y golden crown. !42ir-ing hro2gh a 'ress of knigh s/ s42ires/ and rich ownfolk/ !ansa reached he fron of he gallery ;2s as a &las of r2-'e s anno2nced he en ry of *ord Tywin *annis er. 6e rode his warhorse down he leng h of he hall and dis-o2n ed &efore he Iron Throne. !ansa had ne0er seen s2ch ar-or< all &2rnished red s eel/ inlaid wi h golden scrollwork and orna-en a ion. 6is rondels were s2n&2rs s/ he roaring lion ha crowned his hel- had r2&y eyes/ and a lioness on each sho2lder fas ened a clo h7of7gold cloak so long and hea0y ha i dra'ed he hind42ar ers of his charger. ,0en he horse.s ar-or was gilded/ and his &ardings were shi--ering cri-son silk e-&la>oned wi h he lion of *annis er. The *ord of Cas erly Rock -ade s2ch an i-'ressi0e fig2re ha i was a shock when his des rier dro''ed a load of d2ng righ a he &ase of he hrone. @offrey had o s e' gingerly aro2nd i as he descended o e-&race his grandfa her and 'roclai- hi- !a0ior of he Ci y. !ansa co0ered her -o2 h o hide a ner0o2s s-ile. @off -ade a show of asking his grandfa her o ass2-e go0ernance of he real-/ and *ord Tywin sole-nly acce' ed he res'onsi&ili y/ :2n il =o2r

Grace does co-e of age.: Then s42ires re-o0ed his ar-or and @off fas ened he 6and.s chain of office aro2nd his neck. *ord Tywin ook a sea a he co2ncil a&le &eside he 42een. Af er he des rier was led off and his ho-age re-o0ed/ Cersei nodded for he cere-onies o con in2e. A fanfare of &ra>en r2-'e s gree ed each of he heroes as he s e''ed &e ween he grea oaken doors. 6eralds cried his na-e and deeds for all o hear/ and he no&le knigh s and high&orn ladies cheered as l2s ily as c2 hroa s a a cockfigh . (ride of 'lace was gi0en o Mace Tyrell/ he *ord of 6ighgarden/ a once7'owerf2l -an gone o fa / ye s ill handso-e. 6is sons followed hi- in< !er *oras and his older &ro her !er Garlan he Gallan . The hree dressed alike/ in green 0el0e ri--ed wi h sa&le. The king descended he hrone once -ore o gree he-/ a grea honor. 6e fas ened a&o2 he hroa of each a chain of roses wro2gh in sof yellow gold/ fro- which h2ng a golden disc wi h he lion of *annis er 'icked o2 in r2&ies. :The roses s2''or he lion/ as he -igh of 6ighgarden s2''or s he real-/: 'roclai-ed @offrey. :If here is any &oon yo2 wo2ld ask of -e/ ask and i shall &e yo2rs.: And now i co-es/ ho2gh !ansa. :=o2r Grace/: said !er *oras/ :I &eg he honor of ser0ing in yo2r Kingsg2ard/ o defend yo2 agains yo2r ene-ies.: @offrey drew he Knigh of Flowers o his fee and kissed hi- on his cheek. :1one/ &ro her.: *ord Tyrell &owed his head. :There is no grea er 'leas2re han o ser0e he King.s Grace. If I was dee-ed wor hy o ;oin yo2r royal co2ncil/ yo2 wo2ld find none -ore loyal or r2e.: @off '2 a hand on *ord Tyrell.s sho2lder and kissed hi- when he s ood. :=o2r wish is gran ed.: !er Garlan Tyrell/ fi0e years senior o !er *oras/ was a aller &earded 0ersion of his -ore fa-o2s yo2nger &ro her. 6e was hicker a&o2 he ches and &roader a he sho2lders/ and ho2gh his face was co-ely eno2gh/ he lacked !er *oras.s s ar ling &ea2 y. :=o2r Grace/: Garlan said when he king a''roached hi-/ :I ha0e a -aiden sis er/ Margaery/ he deligh of o2r 6o2se. !he was wed o Renly Bara heon/ as yo2 know/ &2 *ord Renly wen o war &efore he -arriage co2ld &e cons2--a ed/ so she re-ains innocen . Margaery has heard ales of yo2r wisdo-/ co2rage/ and chi0alry/ and has co-e o lo0e yo2 fro- afar. I &eseech yo2 o send for her/ o ake her hand in -arriage/ and o wed yo2r 6o2se o -ine for all i-e.: King @offrey -ade a show of looking s2r'rised. :!er Garlan/ yo2r sis er.s &ea2 y is fa-ed hro2gho2 he !e0en Kingdo-s/ &2 I a'ro-ised o ano her. A king -2s kee' his word.: F2een Cersei go o her fee in a r2s le of skir s. :=o2r Grace/ in he ;2dg-en of yo2r s-all co2ncil/ i wo2ld &e nei her 'ro'er nor wise for yo2 o wed he da2gh er of a -an &eheaded for reason/ a girl whose &ro her is in o'en re&ellion agains he hrone e0en now. !ire/ yo2r co2ncillors &eg yo2/ for he good of yo2r real-/ se !ansa ! ark aside. The *ady Margaery will -ake yo2 a far -ore s2i a&le 42een.: *ike a 'ack of rained dogs/ he lords and ladies in he hall &egan o sho2 heir 'leas2re. :Margaery/: hey called. :Gi0e 2s Margaery?: and :5o rai or 42eens? Tyrell? Tyrell?: @offrey raised a hand. :I wo2ld like o heed he wishes of -y 'eo'le/ Mo her/ &2 I ook a holy 0ow.: The 6igh !e' on s e''ed forward. :=o2r Grace/ he gods hold &e hro hal sole-n/ &2 yo2r fa her/ King Ro&er of &lessed -e-ory/ -ade his 'ac

&efore he ! arks of 3in erfell had re0ealed heir falseness. Their cri-es agains he real- ha0e freed yo2 fro- any 'ro-ise yo2 -igh ha0e -ade. !o far as he Fai h is concerned/ here is no 0alid -arriage con rac . wi9 yo2 and !ansa ! ark.: A 2-2l of cheering filled he hrone roo-/ and cries of :Margaery/ Margaery: er2' ed all aro2nd her. !ansa leaned forward/ her hands igh aro2nd he gallery.s wooden rail. !he knew wha ca-e ne9 / &2 she was s ill frigh ened of wha @offrey -igh say/ afraid ha he wo2ld ref2se o release her e0en now/ when his whole kingdo- de'ended 2'on i . !he fel as if she were &ack again on he -ar&le s e's o2 side he Grea !e' of Baelor/ wai ing for her 'rince o gran her fa her -ercy/ and ins ead hearing hi- co--and Ilyn (ayne o s rike off his head. (lease/ she 'rayed fer0en ly/ -ake hi- say i / -ake hi- say i . *ord Tywin was looking a his grandson. @off ga0e hi- a s2llen glance/ shif ed his fee / and hel'ed !er Garlan Tyrell o rise. :The gods are good. I a- free o heed -y hear . I will wed yo2r swee sis er/ and gladly/ ser.: 6e kissed !er Garlan on a &earded cheek as he cheers rose all aro2nd he-. !ansa fel c2rio2sly ligh 7headed. I a- free. !he co2ld feel eyes 2'on her. I -2s no s-ile/ she re-inded herself. The 42een had warned her< no -a er wha she fel inside/ he face she showed he world -2s look dis ra2gh . :I will no ha0e -y son h2-ilia ed/: Cersei said. :1o yo2 hear -e8: :=es. B2 if I.- no o &e 42een/ wha will &eco-e of -e8: :Tha will need o &e de er-ined. For he -o-en / yo2 shall re-ain here a co2r / as o2r ward.: :I wan o go ho-e.: The 42een was irri a ed &y ha . :=o2 sho2ld ha0e learned &y now/ none of 2s ge he hings we wan .: I ha0e/ ho2gh/ !ansa ho2gh . I a- free of @offrey. I will no ha0e o kiss hi-/ nor gi0e hi- -y -aidenhood/ nor &ear hi- children. *e Margaery =yrell ha0e all ha / 'oor girl. By he i-e he o2 &2rs died down/ he *ord of 6ighgarden had &een sea ed a he co2ncil a&le/ and his sons had ;oined he o her knigh s and lordlings &enea h he windows. !ansa ried o look forlorn and a&andoned as o her heroes of he Ba le of he Blackwa er were s2--oned for h o recei0e heir rewards. (a9 er Redwyne/ *ord of he Ar&or/ -arched down he leng h of he hall flanked &y his win sons 6orror and !lo&&er/ he for-er li-'ing fro- a wo2nd aken in he &a le. Af er he- followed *ord Ma his Rowan in a snowy do2&le wi h a grea ree worked 2'on he &reas in gold hread< *ord Randyll Tarly/ lean and &alding/ a grea sword across his &ack in a ;eweled sca&&ard< !er Ke0an *annis er/ a hickse &alding -an wi h a close7 ri--ed &eard< !er Adda- Mar&rand/ co''ery hair s rea-ing o his sho2lders< he grea wes ern lords *ydden/ Crakehall/ and Bra9. 5e9 ca-e fo2r of lesser &ir h who had dis ing2ished he-sel0es in he figh ingB he one7eyed knigh !er (hili' Foo e/ who had slain *ord Bryce Caron in single co-&a < he freerider *o hor Br2ne/ who.d c2 his way hro2gh half a h2ndred Fossoway -en7a 7ar-s o ca' 2re !er @on of he green a''le and kill !er Bryan and !er ,dwyd of he red/ here&y winning hi-self he na-e *o hor A''le7,a er< 3illi / a gri>>led -an7 a ar-s in he ser0ice of !er 6arys !wyf / who.d '2lled his -as er fro&enea h his dying horse and defended hi- agains a do>en a ackers< and a downycheeked s42ire na-ed @os-yn (eckledon/ who had killed wo knigh s/ wo2nded a hird/ and ca' 2red wo -ore/ ho2gh he co2ld no ha0e &een -ore han fo2r een. 3illi was &orne in on a li er/ so grie0o2s were his wo2nds.

!er Ke0an had aken a sea &eside his &ro her *ord Tywin. 3hen he heralds had finished elling of each hero.s deeds/ he rose. :I is 6is Grace.s wish ha hese good -en &e rewarded for heir 0alor. By his decree/ !er (hili' shall hencefor h &e *ord (hili' of 6o2se Foo e/ and o hi- shall go all he lands/ righ s/ and inco-es of 6o2se Caron. *o hor Br2ne o &e raised o he es a e of knigh hood/ and gran ed land and kee' in he ri0erlands a war.s end. To @os-yn (eckledon/ a sword and s2i of 'la e/ his choice of any warhorse in he royal s a&les/ and knigh hood as soon as he shall co-e of age. And las ly/ for Good-an 3illi / a s'ear wi h a sil0er7&anded haf / a ha2&erk of new7forged ring-ail/ and a f2ll hel- wi h 0isor. F2r her/ he good-an.s sons shall &e aken in o he ser0ice of 6o2se *annis er a Cas erly Rock/ he elder as a s42ire and he yo2nger as a 'age/ wi h he chance o ad0ance o knigh hood if hey ser0e loyally and well. To all his/ he King.s 6and and he s-all co2ncil consen .: The ca' ains of he king.s warshi's 3ildwind/ (rince Ae-on/ and Ri0er Arrow were honored ne9 / along wi h so-e 2nder officers fro- Godsgrace/ *ance/ *ady of !ilk/ and Ra-shead. As near as !ansa co2ld ell/ heir chief acco-'lish-en had &een s2r0i0ing he &a le on he ri0er/ a fea ha few eno2gh co2ld &oas . 6allyne he (yro-ancer and he -as ers of he Alche-is s. G2ild recei0ed he king.s hanks as well/ and 6allyne was raised o he s yle of lord/ ho2gh !ansa no ed ha nei her lands nor cas le acco-'anied he i le/ which -ade he alche-is no -ore a r2e lord han Varys was. A -ore significan lordshi' &y far was gran ed o !er *ancel *annis er. @offrey awarded hi- he lands/ cas le/ and righ s of 6o2se 1arry/ whose las child lord had 'erished d2ring he figh ing in he ri0erlands/ :lea0ing no r2e&orn heirs of lawf2l 1arry &lood/ &2 only a &as ard co2sin.: !er *ancel did no a''ear o acce' he i le< he alk was/ his wo2nd -igh cos hi- his ar- or e0en his life. The I-' was said o &e dying as well/ fro- a erri&le c2 o he head. 3hen he herald called/ :*ord (e yr Baelish/: he ca-e for h dressed all in shades of rose and 'l2-/ his cloak 'a erned wi h -ocking&irds. !he co2ld see hi- s-iling as he knel &efore he Iron Throne. 6e looks so 'leased. !ansa had no heard of *i lefinger doing any hing es'ecially heroic d2ring he &a le/ &2 i see-ed he was o &e rewarded all he sa-e. !er Ke0an go &ack o his fee . :I is he wish of he King.s Grace ha his loyal co2ncillor (e yr Baelish &e rewarded for fai hf2l ser0ice o crown and real-. Be i known ha *ord Baelish is gran ed he cas le of 6arrenhal wi h all i s a endan lands and inco-es/ here o -ake his sea and r2le hencefor h as *ord (ara-o2n of he Triden . (e yr Baelish and his sons and grandsons shall hold and en;oy hese honors 2n il he end of i-e/ and all he lords of he Triden shall do hi- ho-age as heir righ f2l liege. The King.s 6and and he s-all co2ncil consen .: )n his knees/ *i lefinger raised his eyes o King @offrey. :I hank yo2 h2-&ly/ =o2r Grace. I s2''ose his -eans I.ll need o see a&o2 ge ing so-e sons and grandsons.: @offrey la2ghed/ and he co2r wi h hi-. *ord (ara-o2n of he Triden / !ansa ho2gh / and *ord of 6arrenhal as well. !he did no 2nder7 s and why ha sho2ld -ake hi- so ha''y< he honors were as e-' y as he i le gran ed o 6allyne he (yro-ancer. 6arrenhal was c2rsed/ e0eryone knew ha / and he *annis ers did no e0en hold i a 'resen . Besides/ he lords of he Triden were sworn o Ri0err2n and 6o2se T2lly/ and o he King in he 5or h< hey wo2ld ne0er acce'

*i lefinger as heir liege. +nless hey are -ade o. +nless -y &ro her and -y 2ncle and -y grandfa her are all cas down and killed. The ho2gh -ade !ansa an9io2s/ &2 she old herself she was &eing silly. Ro&& has &ea en he- e0ery i-e. 6e.ll &ea *ord Baelish oo/ if he -2s . More han si9 h2ndred new knigh s were -ade ha day. They had held heir 0igil in he Grea !e' of Baelor all hro2gh he nigh and crossed he ci y &arefoo ha -orning o 'ro0e heir h2-&le hear s. 5ow hey ca-e forward dressed in shif s of 2ndyed wool o recei0e heir knigh hoods fro- he Kingsg2ard. I ook a long i-e/ since only hree of he Bro hers of he 3hi e !word were on hand o d2& he-. Mandon Moore had 'erished in he &a le/ he 6o2nd had 0anished/ Aerys )akhear was in 1orne wi h (rincess Myrcella/ and @ai-e *annis er was Ro&&.s ca' i0e/ so he Kingsg2ard had &een red2ced o Balon !wann/ Meryn Tran / and )s-2nd Ke le&lack. )nce knigh ed/ each -an rose/ &2ckled on his sword&el / and s ood &enea h he windows. !o-e had &loody fee fro- heir walk hro2gh he ci y/ &2 hey s ood all and 'ro2d all he sa-e/ i see-ed o !ansa. By he i-e all he new knigh s had &een gi0en heir sers he hall was growing res i0e/ and none -ore so han @offrey. !o-e of hose in he gallery had &eg2n o sli' 42ie ly away/ &2 he no a&les on he floor were ra''ed/ 2na&le o de'ar wi ho2 he king.s lea0e. ;2dging &y he way he was fidge ing a o' he Iron Throne/ @off wo2ld willingly ha0e gran ed i / &2 he day.s work was far fro- done. For now he coin was 2rned o0er/ and he ca' i0es were 2shered in. There were grea lords and no&le knigh s in ha co-'any ooB so2r old *ord Cel igar/ he Red Cra&< !er Bonifer he Good< *ord ,s er-on / -ore ancien e0en han Cel igar< *ord Varner/ who ho&&led he leng h of he hall on a sha ered knee/ &2 wo2ld acce' no hel'< !er Mark M2llendore/ grey7faced/ his lef ar- gone o he el&ow< fierce Red Ronne of Griffin Roos < !er 1er-o of he Rainwood< *ord 3ill2rn and his sons ;os2a and ,lyas< !er @on Fossoway< !er Ti-on he !cra'esword< A2rane/ he &as ard of 1rif -ark< *ord ! aed-on/ called (ennylo0er< h2ndreds of o hers. Those who had changed heir allegiance d2ring he &a le needed only o swear feal y o @offrey/ &2 he ones who had fo2gh for ! annis 2n il he &i er end were co-'elled o s'eak. Their words decided heir fa e. if hey &egged forgi0eness for heir reasons and 'ro-ised o ser0e loyally hencefor h/ @offrey welco-ed he- &ack in o he king.s 'eace and res ored he- o all heir lands and righ s. A handf2l re-ained defian / howe0er. :1o no i-agine his is done/ &oy/: warned one/ he &as ard son of so-e Floren or o her. :The *ord of *igh 'ro ec s King ! annis/ now and always. All yo2r swords and all yo2r sche-ing shall no sa0e yo2 when his ho2r co-es.: :=o2r ho2r is co-e righ now.: @offrey &eckoned o !er Ilyn (ayne o ake he -an o2 and s rike his head off. B2 no sooner had ha one &een dragged away han a knigh of sole-n -ien wi h a fiery hear on his s2rcoa sho2 ed o2 / :! annis is he r2e king? A -ons er si s he Iron Throne/ an a&o-ina ion &orn of inces ?: :Be silen /: !er Ke0an *annis er &ellowed. The knigh raised his 0oice ins ead. :@offrey is he &lack wor- ea ing he hear of he real-? 1arkness was his fa her/ and dea h his -o her? 1es roy hi- &efore he corr2' s yo2 all? 1es roy he- all/ 42een whore and king wor-/ 0ile dwarf and whis'ering s'ider/ he false flowers. !a0e yo2rsel0es?: )ne of he gold cloaks knocked he -an off his fee / &2 he con in2ed o sho2 . :The sco2ring fire will co-e? King ! annis

will re 2rn? : @offrey l2rched o his fee . :I.- king? Kill hi-? Kill hi- now? I co--and i .: 6e cho''ed down wi h his hand/ a f2rio2s/ angry ges 2re . . . and screeched in 'ain when his ar- &r2shed agains one of he shar' -e al fangs ha s2rro2nded hi-. The &righ cri-son sa-i e of his slee0e 2rned a darker shade of red as his &lood soaked hro2gh i . :Mo her?: he wailed. 3i h e0ery eye on he king/ so-ehow he -an on he floor wres ed a s'ear away fro- one of he gold cloaks/ and 2sed i o '2sh hi-self &ack o his fee . :The hrone denies hi-?: he cried. :6e is no king?: Cersei was r2nning oward he hrone/ &2 *ord Tywin re-ained s ill as s one. 6e had only o raise a finger/ and !er Meryn Tran -o0ed forward wi h drawn sword. The end was 42ick and &r2 al. The gold cloaks sei>ed he knigh &y he ar-s. :5o king?: he cried again as !er Meryn dro0e he 'oin of his longsword hro2gh his ches . @off fell in o his -o her.s ar-s. Three -aes ers ca-e h2rrying forward/ o &2ndle hi- o2 hro2gh he king.s door. Then e0eryone &egan alking a once. 3hen he gold cloaks dragged off he dead -an/ he lef a rail of &righ &lood across he s one floor. *ord Baelish s roked his &eard while Varys whis'ered in his ear. 3ill hey dis-iss 2s nowA !ansa wondered. A score of ca' i0es s ill wai ed/ ho2gh whe her o 'ledge feal y or sho2 c2rses/ who co2ld say8 *ord Tywin rose o his fee . :3e con in2e/: he said in a clear s rong 0oice ha silenced he -2r-2rs. :Those who wish o ask 'ardon for heir reasons -ay do so. 3e will ha0e no -ore follies.: 6e -o0ed o he Iron Throne and here sea ed hi-self on a s e'/ a -ere hree fee off he floor. The ligh o2 side he windows was fading &y he i-e he session drew o a close. !ansa fel li-' wi h e9ha2s ion as she -ade her way down fro- he gallery. !he wondered how &adly @offrey had c2 hi-self. They say he Iron Throne can &e 'erilo2s cr2el o hose who were no -ean o si i . Back in he safe y of her own cha-&ers/ she h2gged a 'illow o her face o -2ffle a s42eal of ;oy. )h/ gods &e good/ he did i / he '2 -e aside in fron of e0eryone. 3hen a ser0ing girl &ro2gh her s2''er/ she al-os kissed her. There was ho &read and fresh7ch2rned &2 er/ a hick &eef so2'/ ca'on and carro s/ and 'eaches in honey. ,0en he food as es swee er/ she ho2gh . Co-e dark/ she sli''ed in o a cloak and lef for he godswood. !er )s-2nd Ke le&lack was g2arding he draw&ridge in his whi e ar-or. !ansa ried her &es o so2nd -isera&le as she &id hi- a good e0ening. Fro- he way he leered a her/ she was no s2re she had &een wholly con0incing. 1on os wai ed in he leafy -oonligh . :3hy so sadface8: !ansa asked higaily. :=o2 were here/ yo2 heard. @off '2 -e aside/ he.s done wi h -e/ he.s . . . : 6e ook her hand. :)h/ @on42il/ -y 'oor @on42il/ yo2 do no 2nders and. 1one wi h yo28 They.0e scarcely &eg2n.: 6er hear sank. :3ha do yo2 -ean8: :The 42een will ne0er le yo2 go/ ne0er. =o2 are oo 0al2a&le a hos age. And @offrey . . . swee ling/ he is s ill king. If he wan s yo2 in his &ed/ he will ha0e yo2/ only now i will &e &as ards he 'lan s in yo2r wo-& ins ead of r2e&orn sons.: :5o/: !ansa said/ shocked. :6e le -e go/ he !er 1on os 'lan ed a slo&&ery kiss on her ear. :Be &ra0e. I swore o see yo2 ho-e/ and now I can. The day has &een chosen.: :3hen8: !ansa asked. :3hen will we go8:

:The nigh of @offrey.s wedding. Af er he feas . All he necessary arrange-en s ha0e &een -ade. The Red Kee' will &e f2ll of s rangers. 6alf he co2r will &e dr2nk and he o her half will &e hel'ing @offrey &ed his &ride. For a li le while/ yo2 will &e forgo en/ and he conf2sion will &e o2r friend.: :The wedding won. &e for a -oon.s 2rn ye . Margaery Tyrell is a 6ighgarden/ hey.0e only now sen for her.: :=o2.0e wai ed so long/ &e 'a ien awhile longer. 6ere/ I ha0e so-e hing for yo2.: !er 1on os f2-&led in his 'o2ch and drew o2 a sil0ery s'iderwe&/ dangling i &e ween his hick fingers. i was a hair ne of fine7s'2n sil0er/ he s rands so hin and delica e he ne see-ed o weigh no -ore han a &rea h of air when !ansa ook i in her fingers. !-all ge-s were se where0er wo s rands crossed/ so dark hey drank he -oonligh . :3ha s ones are hese8: :Black a-e hys s fro- Asshai. The rares kind/ a dee' r2e '2r'le &y dayligh .: :I .s 0ery lo0ely/: !ansa said/ hinking/ I is a shi' I need/ no a ne for -y hair. :*o0elier han yo2 know/ swee child. I .s -agic/ yo2 see. I .s ;2s ice yo2 hold. I .s 0engeance for yo2r fa her.: 1on os leaned close and kissed her again. :I .s ho-e.: C6A(T,R GE T6,)5 Maes er *2win ca-e o hi- when he firs sco2 s were seen *o2 side he walls. :My lord 'rince/: he said/ :yo2 -2s yield.: Theon s ared a he 'la er of oakcakes/ honey/ and &lood sa2sage hey.d &ro2gh hi- o &reak his fas . Ano her slee'less nigh had lef his ner0es raw/ and he 0ery sigh of food sickened hi-. :There has &een no re'ly fro- -y 2ncle8: :5one/: he -aes er said. :5or fro- yo2r fa her on (yke.: :!end -ore &irds.: :I will no ser0e. By he i-e he &irds reach7: :!end he-?: Knocking he 'la er of food aside wi h a swi'e of his ar-/ he '2shed off he &lanke s and rose fro- 5ed ! ark.s &ed naked and angry. :)r do yo2 wan -e dead8 Is ha i / *2win8 The r2 h now.: The s-all grey -an was 2nafraid. :My order ser0es.: :=es/ &2 who-8: :The real-/: Maes er *2win said/ :and 3in erfell. Theon/ once I a2gh yo2 s2-s and le ers/ his ory and warcraf . And -igh ha0e a2gh yo2 -ore/ had yo2 wished o learn. I will no clai- o &ear yo2 any grea lo0e/ no/ &2 I canno ha e yo2 ei her. ,0en if I did/ so long as yo2 hold 3in erfell I a- &o2nd &y oa h o gi0e yo2 co2nsel. !o now I co2nsel yo2 o yield.: Theon s oo'ed o scoo' a '2ddled cloak off he floor/ shook off he r2shes/ and dra'ed i o0er his sho2lders. A fire/ I.ll ha0e a fire/ and clean gar&. 3here.s 3e98 I.ll no 'o o -y gra0e in dir y clo hes. :=o2 ha0e no ho'e of holding here/: he -aes er wen on. :If yo2r lord fa her -ean o send yo2 aid/ he wo2ld ha0e done so &y now. I is he 5eck ha concerns hi-. The &a le for he nor h will &e fo2gh a-ids he r2ins of Moa Cailin.: :Tha -ay &e so/: said Theon. :And so long as I hold 3in erfell/ !er Rodrik and ! ark.s lords &anner-en canno -arch so2 h o ake -y 2ncle in he rear.: I a- no so innocen of warcraf as yo2 hink/ old -an. :I ha0e food eno2gh o s and a year.s siege/ if need &e.:

:There will &e no siege. (erha's hey will s'end a day or wo fashioning ladders and ying gra'nels o he ends of ro'es. B2 soon eno2gh hey will co-e o0er yo2r walls in a h2ndred 'laces a once. =o2 -ay &e a&le o hold he kee' for a i-e/ &2 he cas le will fall wi hin he ho2r. =o2 wo2ld do &e er o o'en yo2r ga es and ask for -ercy8 I know wha kind of -ercy hey ha0e for -e.: :There is a way.: :I a- iron&orn/: Theon re-inded hi-. :I ha0e -y own way. 3ha choice ha0e hey lef -e8 5o/ don. answer/ I.0e heard eno2gh of yo2r co2nsel. Go and send hose &irds as I co--anded/ and ell *orren I wan o see hi-. And 3e9 as well. I.ll ha0e -y -ail sco2red clean/ and -y garrison asse-&led in he yard.: For a -o-en he ho2gh he -aes er was going o defy hi-. B2 finally *2win &owed s iffly. :As yo2 co--and.: They -ade a 'i if2lly s-all asse-&ly< he iron-en were few/ he yard large. :The nor h-en will &e on 2s &efore nigh fall/: he old he-. :!er Rodrik Cassel and all he lords who ha0e co-e o his call. I will no r2n fro- he-. I ook his cas le and I -ean o hold i / o li0e or die as (rince of 3in erfell. B2 I will no co--and any -an o die wi h -e. If yo2 lea0e now/ &efore !er Rodrik.s -ain force is 2'on 2s/ here.s s ill a chance yo2 -ay win free.: 6e 2nshea hed his longsword and drew a line in he dir . :Those who wo2ld s ay and figh / s e' forward.: 5o one s'oke. The -en s ood in heir -ail and f2r and &oiled lea her/ as s ill as if hey were -ade of s one. A few e9changed looks. +r>en sh2ffled his fee . 1ykk 6arlaw hawked and s'a . A finger of wind r2ffled ,ndehar.s long fair hair. Theon fel as ho2gh he were drowning. 3hy a- I s2r'rised8 he ho2gh &leakly. 6is fa her had forsaken hi-/ his 2ncles/ his sis er/ e0en ha wre ched crea 2re Reek. 3hy sho2ld his -en 'ro0e any -ore loyal8 There was no hing o say/ no hing o do. 6e co2ld only s and here &enea h he grea grey walls and he hard whi e sky/ sword in hand/ wai ing/ wai ing . . . 3e9 was he firs o cross he line. Three 42ick s e's and he s ood a Theon.s side/ slo2ching. !ha-ed &y he &oy/ Black *orren followed/ all scowls. :3ho else8: he de-anded. Red Rolfe ca-e forward. Kro--. 3erlag. Ty-or and his &ro hers. +lf he Ill. 6arrag !hee's ealer. Fo2r 6arlaws and wo Bo leys. Kenned he 3hale was he las . !e0en een in all. +r>en was a-ong hose who did no -o0e/ and ! ygg/ and e0ery -an of he en ha Asha had &ro2gh fro- 1ee'wood Mo e. :Go/ hen/: Theon old he-. :R2n o -y sis er. !he.ll gi0e yo2 all a war- welco-e/ I ha0e no do2& .: ! ygg had he grace a leas o look asha-ed. The res -o0ed off wi ho2 a word. Theon 2rned o he se0en een who re-ained. :Back o he walls. If he gods sho2ld s'are 2s/ I shall re-e-&er e0ery -an of yo2.: Black *orren s ayed when he o hers had gone. :The cas le folk will 2rn on 2s soon as he figh &egins.: :I know ha . 3ha wo2ld yo2 ha0e -e do8: :(2 he- o2 /: said *orren. :,0ery one.: Theon shook his head. :Is he noose ready8: :I is. =o2 -ean o 2se i 8: :1o yo2 know a &e er way8: :Aye. I.ll ake -y a9e and s and on ha draw&ridge/ and le he- co-e ry -e. )ne a a i-e/ wo/ hree/ i -akes no -a er. 5one will 'ass he -oa while I s ill draw &rea h.: 6e -eans o die/ ho2gh Theon. I .s no 0ic ory he wan s/ i .s an end

wor hy of a song. :3e.ll 2se he noose.: :As yo2 say/: *orren re'lied/ con e-' in his eyes. 3e9 hel'ed gar& hi- for &a le. Benea h his &lack s2rcoa and golden -an le was a shir of well7oiled ring-ail/ and 2nder ha a layer of s iff &oiled lea her. )nce ar-ed and ar-ored/ Theon cli-&ed he wa ch ower a he angle where he eas ern and so2 hern walls ca-e oge her o ha0e a look a his doo-. The nor h-en were s'reading o2 o encircle he cas le. I was hard o ;2dge heir n2-&ers. A ho2sand a leas < 'erha's wice ha -any. Agains se0en een. They.d &ro2gh ca a'2l s and scor'ions. 6e saw no siege owers r2-&ling 2' he kingsroad/ &2 here was i-&er eno2gh in he wolfswood o &2ild as -any as were re42ired. Theon s 2died heir &anners hro2gh Maes er *2win.s Myrish lens 2&e. The Cerwyn &a le7a9e fla''ed &ra0ely where0er he looked/ and here were Tallhar rees as well/ and -er-en fro- 3hi e 6ar&or. *ess co--on were he sigils of Flin and Kars ark. 6ere and here he e0en saw he &2ll -oose of he 6ornwoods. B2 no Glo0ers/ Asha saw o he-/ no Bol ons fro- he 1readfor / no +-&ers co-e down fro- he shadow of he 3all. 5o ha hey were needed. !oon eno2gh he &oy Cley Cerwyn a''eared &efore he ga es carrying a 'eace &anner on a all s aff/ o anno2nce ha !er Rodrik Cassel wished o 'arley wi h Theon T2rncloak. T2rncloak. The na-e was &i er as &ile. 6e had gone o (yke o lead his fa her.s longshi's agains *annis'or / he re-e-&ered. :I shall &e o2 shor ly/: he sho2 ed down. :Alone.: Black *orren disa''ro0ed. :)nly &lood can wash o2 &lood/: he declared. :Knigh s -ay kee' heir r2ces wi h o her knigh s/ &2 hey are no so caref2l of heir honor when dealing wi h hose hey dee- o2 law.: Theon &ris led. :I a- he (rince of 3in erfell and heir o he Iron Islands. 5ow go find he girl and do as I old yo2.: Black *orren ga0e hi- a -2rdero2s look. :Aye/ (rince.: 6e.s 2rned agains -e oo/ Theon reali>ed. )f la e i see-ed o hi- as if he 0ery s ones of 3in erfell had 2rned agains hi-. If I die/ I die friendless and a&andoned. 3ha choice did ha lea0e hi-/ &2 o li0e8 6e rode o he ga eho2se wi h his crown on his head. A wo-an was drawing wa er fro- he well/ and Gage he cook s ood in he door of he ki chens. They hid heir ha red &ehind s2llen looks and faces &lank as sla e/ ye he co2ld feel i all he sa-e. 3hen he draw&ridge was lowered/ a chill wind sighed across he -oa . The o2ch of i -ade hi- shi0er. I is he cold/ no hing -ore/ Theon old hi-self/ a shi0er/ no a re-&le. ,0en &ra0e -en shi0er. In o he ee h of ha wind he rode/ 2nder he 'or c2llis/ o0er he draw&ridge. The o2 er ga es sw2ng o'en o le hi- 'ass. As he e-erged &enea h he walls/ he co2ld sense he &oys wa ching fro- he e-' y socke s where heir eyes had &een. !er Rodrik wai ed in he -arke as ride his da''led gelding. Beside hi-/ he direwolf of ! ark fla''ed fro- a s aff &orne &y yo2ng Cley Cerwyn. They were alone in he s42are/ ho2gh Theon co2ld see archers on he roofs of s2rro2nding ho2ses/ s'ear-en o his righ / and o his lef a line of -o2n ed knigh s &enea h he -er-an7and7 riden of 6o2se Manderly. ,0ery one of he- wan s -e dead. !o-e were &oys he.d dr2nk wi h/ diced wi h/ e0en wenched wi h/ &2 ha wo2ld no sa0e hi- if he fell in o heir hands. :!er Rodrik.: Theon reined o a hal . :I grie0es -e ha we -2s -ee as foes.: :My own grief is ha I -2s wai a while o hang yo2.: The old knigh

s'a on o he -2ddy gro2nd. :Theon T2rncloak.: :I a- a Grey;oy of (yke/: Theon re-inded hi-. :The cloak -y fa her swaddled -e in &ore a kraken/ no a direwolf.: :For en years yo2 ha0e &een a ward of ! ark.: :6os age and 'risoner/ I call i .: :Then 'erha's *ord ,ddard sho2ld ha0e ke' yo2 chained o a d2ngeon wall. Ins ead he raised yo2 a-ong his own sons/ he swee oys yo2 ha0e &2 chered/ and o -y 2ndying sha-e I rained yo2 in he ar s of war. 3o2ld ha I had hr2s a sword hro2gh yo2r &elly ins ead of 'lacing one in yo2r hand.: :I ca-e o2 o 'arley/ no o s2ffer yo2r ins2l s. !ay wha yo2 ha0e o say/ old -an. 3ha wo2ld yo2 ha0e of -e8: :Two hings/: he old -an said. :3in erfell/ and yo2r life. Co--and yo2r -en o o'en he ga es and lay down heir ar-s. Those who -2rdered no children shall &e free o walk away/ &2 yo2 shall &e held for King Ro&&.s ;2s ice. May he gods ake 'i y on yo2 when he re 2rns.: :Ro&& will ne0er look on 3in erfell again/: Theon 'ro-ised. :6e will &reak hi-self on Moa Cailin/ as e0ery so2 hron ar-y has done for en ho2sand years. 3e hold he nor h now/ ser.: :=o2 hold hree cas les/: re'lied !er Rodrik/ :and his one I -ean o ake &ack/ T2rncloak.: Theon ignored ha . :6ere are -y er-s. =o2 ha0e 2n il e0enfall o dis'erse. Those who swear feal y o Balon Grey;oy as heir king and o -yself as (rince of 3in erfell will &e confir-ed in heir righ s and 'ro'er ies and s2ffer no har-. Those who defy 2s will &e des royed.: =o2ng Cerwyn was incred2lo2s. :Are yo2 -ad/ Grey;oy8: !er Rodrik shook his head. :)nly 0ain/ lad. Theon has always had oo lof y an o'inion of hi-self/ I fear.: The old -an ;a&&ed a finger a hi-. :1o no i-agine ha I need wai for Ro&& o figh his way 2' he 5eck o deal wi h he likes of yo2. I ha0e near wo ho2sand -en wi h -e . . . and if he ales &e r2e/ yo2 ha0e no -ore han fif y.: !e0en een/ in r2 h. Theon -ade hi-self s-ile. :I ha0e so-e hing &e er han -en.: And he raised a fis o0er his head/ he signal Black *orren had &een old o wa ch for. The walls of 3in erfell were &ehind hi-/ &2 !er Rodrik faced hes42arely and co2ld no fail o see. Theon wa ched his face. 3hen his chin 42i0ered 2nder hose s iff whi e whiskers/ he knew ;2s wha he old -an was seeing. 6e is no s2r'rised/ he ho2gh wi h sadness/ &2 he fear is here. :This is cra0en/: !er Rodrik said. :To 2se a child so . . . his is des'ica&le.: :)h/ I know/: said Theon. :I .s a dish I as ed -yself/ or ha0e yo2 forgo en8 I was en when I was aken fro- -y fa her.s ho2se/ o -ake cer ain he wo2ld raise no -ore re&ellions.: :I is no he sa-e?: Theon.s face was i-'assi0e. :The noose I wore was no -ade of he-'en ro'e/ ha .s r2e eno2gh/ &2 I fel i all he sa-e. And i chafed/ !er Rodrik. I chafed -e raw.: 6e had ne0er 42i e reali>ed ha 2n il now/ &2 as he words ca-e s'illing o2 he saw he r2 h of he-. :5o har- was e0er done yo2.: :And no har- will &e done yo2r Be h/ so long as yo27: !er Rodrik ne0er ga0e hi- he chance o finish. :Vi'er/: he knigh declared/ his face red wi h rage &enea h hose whi e whiskers. :I ga0e yo2 he chance o sa0e yo2r -en and die wi h so-e s-all shred of honor/ T2rncloak. I sho2ld ha0e known ha was oo -2ch o ask of a childkiller.: 6is hand wen o he hil of his sword. :I o2gh c2 yo2 down here and now and '2 an end o yo2r lies and decei s. By he gods/

I sho2ld.: Theon did no fear a doddering old -an/ &2 hose wa ching archers and ha line of knigh s were a differen -a er. If he swords ca-e o2 his chances of ge ing &ack o he cas le ali0e were s-all o none. :Forswear yo2r oa h and -2rder -e/ and yo2 will wa ch yo2r li le Be h s rangle a he end of a ro'e.: !er Rodrik.s kn2ckles had gone whi e/ &2 af er a -o-en he ook his hand off he swordhil . :Tr2ly/ I ha0e li0ed oo long.: :I will no disagree/ ser. 3ill yo2 acce' -y er-s8: :I ha0e a d2 y o *ady Ca elyn and 6o2se ! ark.: :And yo2r own 6o2se8 Be h is he las of yo2r &lood.: The old knigh drew hi-self 2' s raigh . :I offer -yself in -y da2gh er.s 'lace. Release her/ and ake -e as yo2r hos age. !2rely he cas ellan of 3in erfell is wor h -ore han a child.: :5o o -e.: A 0alian ges 2re/ old -an/ &2 I a- no ha grea a fool. :5o o *ord Manderly or *eo&ald Tallhar ei her/ I.d wager.: =o2r sorry old skin is wor h no -ore o he- han any o her -an.s. :5o/ I.ll kee' he girl . . . and kee' her safe/ so long as yo2 do as I.0e co--anded yo2. 6er life is in yo2r hands.: :Gods &e good/ Theon/ how can yo2 do his8 =o2 know I -2s a ack/ ha0e sworn . . . : :If his hos is s ill in ar-s &efore -y ga e when he s2n se s/ Be h will hang/: said Theon. :Ano her hos age will follow her o he gra0e a firs ligh / and ano her a s2nse . ,0ery dawn and e0ery d2sk will -ean a dea h/ 2n il yo2 are gone. I ha0e no lack of hos ages.: 6e did no wai for a re'ly/ &2 wheeled !-iler aro2nd and rode &ack oward he cas le. 6e wen slowly a firs / &2 he ho2gh of hose archers a his &ack soon dro0e hi- o a can er. The s-all heads wa ched hico-e fro- heir s'ikes/ heir arred and flayed faces loo-ing larger wi h e0ery yard< &e ween he- s ood li le Be h Cassel/ noosed and crying. Theon '2 his heel in o !-iler and &roke in o a hard gallo'. !-iler.s hoo0es cla ered on he draw&ridge/ like dr2-&ea s. In he yard he dis-o2n ed and handed his reins o 3e9. :I -ay s ay he-/: he old Black *orren. :3e.ll know &y s2nse . Take he girl in ill hen/ and kee' her so-ewhere safe.: +nder he layers of lea her/ s eel/ and wool/ he was slick wi h swea . :I need a c2' of wine. A 0a of wine wo2ld do e0en &e er.: A fire had &een laid in 5ed ! ark.s &edcha-&er. Theon sa &eside i and filled a c2' wi h a hea0y7&odied red fro- he cas le 0a2l s/ a wine as so2r as his -ood. They will a ack/ he ho2gh gloo-ily/ s aring a he fla-es. !er Rodrik lo0es his da2gh er/ &2 he is s ill cas ellan/ and -os of all a knigh . 6ad i &een Theon wi h a noose aro2nd his neck and *ord Balon co--anding he ar-y wi ho2 / he warhorns wo2ld already ha0e so2nded he a ack/ he had no do2& . 6e sho2ld hank he gods ha !er Rodrik was no iron&orn. The -en of he green lands were -ade of sof er s 2ff/ ho2gh he was no cer ain hey wo2ld 'ro0e sof eno2gh. If no / if he old -an ga0e he co--and o s or- he cas le regardless/ 3in erfell wo2ld fall< Theon en er ained no del2sions on ha co2n . 6is se0en een -igh kill hree/ fo2r/ fi0e i-es heir own n2-&er/ &2 in he end hey wo2ld &e o0erwhel-ed. Theon s ared a he fla-es o0er he ri- of his wine go&le / &rooding on he in;2s ice of i all. :I rode &eside Ro&& ! ark in he 3his'ering 3ood/: he -2 ered. 6e had &een frigh ened ha nigh / &2 no like his. I was one hing o go in o &a le s2rro2nded &y friends/ and ano her o 'erish alone and des'ised. Mercy/ he ho2gh -isera&ly. 3hen he wine &ro2gh no solace/ Theon sen 3e9 o fe ch his &ow and

ook hi-self o he old inner ward. There he s ood/ loosing shaf af er shaf a he archery &2 s 2n il his sho2lders ached and his fingers were &loody/ 'a2sing only long eno2gh o '2ll he arrows fro- he arge s for ano her ro2nd. I sa0ed Bran.s life wi h his &ow/ he re-inded hi-self. 3o2ld ha I co2ld sa0e -y own. 3o-en ca-e o he well/ &2 did no linger< wha e0er hey saw on Theon.s face sen heaway 42ickly. Behind hi- he &roken ower s ood/ i s s2--i as ;agged as a crown where fire had colla'sed he 2''er s ories long ago. As he s2n -o0ed/ he shadow of he ower -o0ed as well/ grad2ally leng hening/ a &lack ar- reaching o2 for Theon Grey;oy. By he i-e he s2n o2ched he wall/ he was in i s gras'. If I hang he girl/ he nor h-en will a ack a once/ he ho2gh as he loosed a shaf . If I do no hang her/ hey will know -y hrea s are e-' y. 6e knocked ano her arrow o his &ow. There is no way o2 / none. :If yo2 had a h2ndred archers as good as yo2rself/ yo2 -igh ha0e a chance o hold he cas le/: a 0oice said sof ly. 3hen he 2rned/ Maes er *2win was &ehind hi-. :Go away/: Theon old hi-. :I ha0e had eno2gh of yo2r co2nsel.: :And life8 6a0e yo2 had eno2gh of ha / -y lord 'rince8: 6e raised he &ow. :)ne -ore word and I.ll '2 his shaf hro2gh yo2r hear .: :=o2 won. .: Theon &en he &ow/ drawing he grey goose fea hers &ack o his cheek. :Care o -ake a wager8: :I a- yo2r las ho'e/ Theon.: I ha0e no ho'e/ he ho2gh . =e he lowered he &ow half an inch and said/ :I will no r2n.: :I do no s'eak of r2nning. Take he &lack.: :The 5igh .s 3a ch8: Theon le he &ow 2n&end slowly and 'oin ed he arrow a he gro2nd. :!er Rodrik has ser0ed 6o2se ! ark all his life/ and 6o2se ! ark has always &een a friend o he 3a ch. 6e will no deny yo2. )'en yo2r ga es/ lay down yo2r ar-s/ acce' his er-s/ and he -2s le yo2 ake he &lack.: A &ro her of he 5igh .s 3a ch. I -ean no crown/ no sons/ no wife . . . &2 i -ean life/ and life wi h honor. 5ed ! ark.s own &ro her had chosen he 3a ch/ and @on !now as well. I ha0e &lack gar& a'len y/ once I ear he krakens off ,0en -y horse is &lack. I co2ld rise high in he 3a ch7chief of rangers/ likely e0en *ord Co--ander. *e Asha kee' he &loody islands/ as dreary as she is. If I ser0ed a ,as wa ch/ I co2ld co--and -y own shi'/ and here.s fine h2n ing &eyond he 3all. As for wo-en/ wha wildling wo-an wo2ldn. wan a 'rince in her &ed8 A slow s-ile cre' across his face/ A &lack cloak can. &e 2rned. I.d &e as good as any -an . . . :(RI5C, T6,)5?: The s2dden sho2 sha ered his daydrea-. Kro-- was lo'ing across he ward. :The nor h-en7: 6e fel a s2dden sick sense of dread. :Is i he a ack8: Maes er *2win cl2 ched his ar-. :There.s s ill i-e. Raise a 'eace &anner7: figh ing/: Kro-- said 2rgen ly. :More -en ca-e 2'/ h2ndreds of he-/ and a firs hey -ade o ;oin he o hers. B2 now hey.0e fallen on he-?: :Is i Asha8: 6ad she co-e o sa0e hi- af er all8 B2 Kro-- ga0e a shake of his head. :5o. These are nor h-en/ I ell yo2. 3i h a &loody -an on heir &anner.: The flayed -an of he 1readfor . Reek had &elonged o he Bas ard of

Bol on &efore his ca' 2re/ Theon recalled. i was hard o &elie0e ha a 0ile crea 2re like hi- co2ld sway he Bol ons o change heir allegiance/ &2 no hing else -ade sense. :I.ll see his for -yself/: Theon said. Maes er *2win railed af er hi-. By he i-e hey reached he &a le-en s/ dead -en and dying horses were s rewn a&o2 he -arke s42are o2 side he ga es. 6e saw no &a le lines/ only a swirling chaos of &anners and &lades. !ho2 s and screa-s rang hro2gh he cold a2 2-n air. !er Rodrik see-ed o ha0e he n2-&ers/ &2 he 1readfor -en were &e er led/ and had aken he o hers 2nawares. Theon wa ched hecharge and wheel and charge again/ cho''ing he larger force o &loody 'ieces e0ery i-e hey ried o for- 2' &e ween he ho2ses. 6e co2ld hear he crash of iron a9eheads on oaken shields o0er he errified r2-'e ing of a -ai-ed horse. The inn was &2rning/ he saw. Black *orren a''eared &eside hi- and s ood silen ly for a i-e. The s2n was low in he wes / 'ain ing he fields and ho2ses all a glowing red. A hin wa0ering cry of 'ain drif ed o0er he walls/ and a warhorn so2nded off &eyond he &2rning ho2ses. Theon wa ched a wo2nded -an drag hi-self 'ainf2lly across he gro2nd/ s-earing his life.s &lood in he dir as he s r2ggled o reach he well ha s ood a he cen er of he -arke s42are. 6e died &efore he go here. 6e wore a lea her ;erkin and conical halfhel-/ &2 no &adge o ell which side he.d fo2gh on. The crows ca-e in he &l2e d2s / wi h he e0ening s ars. :The 1o hraki &elie0e he s ars are s'iri s of he 0alian dead/: Theon said. Maes er *2win had old hi- ha / a long i-e ago. :1o hraki8: :The horselords across he narrow sea.: :)h. The-.: Black *orren frowned hro2gh his &eard. :!a0ages &elie0e all -anner of foolish hings.: As he nigh grew darker and he s-oke s'read i was harder o -ake o2 wha was ha''ening &elow/ &2 he din of s eel grad2ally di-inished o no hing/ and he sho2 s and warhorns ga0e way o -oans and 'i eo2s wailing. Finally a col2-n of -o2n ed -en rode o2 of he drif ing s-oke. A heir head was a knigh in dark ar-or. 6is ro2nded helglea-ed a s2llen red/ and a 'ale 'ink cloak s rea-ed fro- his sho2lders. )2 side he -ain ga e he reined 2'/ and one of his -en sho2 ed for he cas le o o'en. :Are yo2 friend or foe8: Black *orren &ellowed down. :3o2ld a foe &ring s2ch fine gif s8: Red 6el- wa0ed a hand/ and hree cor'ses were d2-'ed in fron of he ga es. A orch was wa0ed a&o0e he &odies/ so he defenders 2'on he walls -igh see he faces of he dead. :The old cas ellan/: said Black *orren. :3i h *eo&ald Tallhar and Cley Cerwyn.: The &oy lord had aken an arrow in he eye/ and !er Rodrik had los his lef ar- a he el&ow. Maes er *2win ga0e a wordless cry of dis-ay/ 2rned away fro- he &a le-en s/ and fell o his knees sick. :The grea 'ig Manderly was oo cra0en o lea0e 3hi e 6ar&or/ or we wo2ld ha0e &ro2gh hi- as well/: sho2 ed Red 6el-. I a- sa0ed/ Theon ho2gh . !o why did he feel so e-' y8 This was 0ic ory/ swee 0ic ory/ he deli0erance he had 'rayed for. 6e glanced a Maes er *2win. To hink how close I ca-e o yielding/ and aking he &lack . . . :)'en he ga es for o2r friends.: (erha's onigh Theon wo2ld slee' wi ho2 fear of wha his drea-s -igh &ring. The 1readfor -en -ade heir way across he -oa and hro2gh he inner ga es. Theon descended wi h Black *orren and Maes er *2win o -ee hein he yard. (ale red 'er-ons railed fro- he ends of a few lances/

&2 -any -ore carried &a le7a9es and grea swords and shields hacked half o s'lin ers. :6ow -any -en did yo2 lose8: Theon asked Red 6el- as he dis-o2n ed. :Twen y or hir y.: The orchligh gli ered off he chi''ed ena-el of his 0isor. 6is hel- and gorge were wro2gh in he sha'e of a -an.s face and sho2lders/ skinless and &loody/ -o2 h o'en in a silen howl of ang2ish. :!er Rodrik had yo2 fi0e7 o7one.: :Aye/ &2 he ho2gh 2s friends. A co--on -is ake. 3hen he old fool ga0e -e his hand/ I ook half his ar- ins ead. Then I le hi- see -y face.: The -an '2 &o h hands o his hel- and lif ed i off his head/ holding i in he crook of his ar-. :Reek/: Theon said/ dis42ie ed. 6ow did a ser0ing -an ge s2ch fine ar-or8 The -an la2ghed. :The wre ch is dead.: 6e s e''ed closer. :The girl.s fa2l . If she had no r2n so far/ his horse wo2ld no ha0e la-ed/ and we -igh ha0e &een a&le o flee. I ga0e hi- -ine when I saw he riders fro- he ridge. I was done wi h her &y hen/ and he liked o ake his 2rn while hey were s ill war-. I had o '2ll hi- off her and sho0e -y clo hes in o his hands7calfskin &oo s and 0el0e do2&le / sil0er7chased sword&el / e0en -y sa&le cloak. Ride for he 1readfor / I old hi-/ &ring all he hel' yo2 can. Take -y horse/ he.s swif er/ and here/ wear he ring -y fa her ga0e -e/ so hey.ll know yo2 ca-e fro- -e. 6e.d learned &e er han o 42es ion -e. By he i-e hey '2 ha arrow hro2gh his &ack/ I.d s-eared -yself wi h he girl.s fil h and dressed in his rags. They -igh ha0e hanged -e anyway/ &2 i was he only chance I saw.: 6e r2&&ed he &ack of his hand across his -o2 h. :And now/ -y swee 'rince/ here was a wo-an 'ro-ised -e/ if I &ro2gh wo h2ndred -en. 3ell/ I &ro2gh hree i-es as -any/ and no green &oys nor fieldhands nei her/ &2 -y fa her.s own garrison.: Theon had gi0en his word. This was no he i-e o flinch. (ay hi- his 'o2nd of flesh and deal wi h hi- la er. :6arrag/: he said/ :go o he kennels and &ring (alla o2 for . . . 8: :Ra-say.: There was a s-ile on his 'l2-' li's/ &2 none in hose 'ale 'ale eyes. :!now/ -y wife called -e &efore she a e her fingers/ &2 I say Bol on.: 6is s-ile c2rdled. :!o yo2.d offer -e a kennel girl for -y good ser0ice/ is ha he way of i 8: There was a one in his 0oice Theon did no like/ no -ore han he liked he insolen way he 1readfor -en were looking a hi-. :!he was wha was 'ro-ised.: :!he s-ells of dogshi . I.0e had eno2gh of &ad s-ells/ as i ha''ens. I hink I.ll ha0e yo2r &edwar-er ins ead. 3ha do yo2 call her8 Kyra8: :Are yo2 -ad8: Theon said angrily. :I.ll ha0e yo27: The Bas ard.s &ackhand ca2gh hi- s42are/ and his cheek&one sha ered wi h a sickening cr2nch &enea h he lo&s ered s eel. The world 0anished in a red roar of 'ain. !o-e i-e la er/ Theon fo2nd hi-self on he gro2nd. 6e rolled on o his s o-ach and swallowed a -o2 hf2l of &lood. Close he ga es? he ried o sho2 / &2 i was oo la e. The 1readfor -en had c2 down Red Rolfe and Kenned/ and -ore were 'o2ring hro2gh/ a ri0er of -ail and shar' swords. There was a ringing in his ears/ and horror all aro2nd hi-. Black *orren had his sword o2 / &2 here were already fo2r of he'ressing in on hi-. 6e saw +lf go down wi h a cross&ow &ol hro2gh he &elly as he ran for he Grea 6all. Maes er *2win was rying o reach hi- when a knigh on a warhorse 'lan ed a s'ear &e ween his sho2lders/ hen sw2ng &ack o ride o0er hi-. Ano her -an whi''ed a orch ro2nd and ro2nd his head and hen lof ed i oward he ha ched roof of he

s a&les. :!a0e -e he Freys/: he Bas ard was sho2 ing as he fla-es roared 2'ward/ :and &2- he res . B2- i / &2rn i all.: The las hing Theon Grey;oy saw was !-iler/ kicking free of he &2rning s a&les wi h his -ane a&la>e/ screa-ing/ rearing . . . C6A(T,R GG T=RI)5 he drea-ed of a cracked s one ceiling and he s-ells of &lood and shi and &2rn flesh. The air was f2ll of acrid s-oke. Men ere groaning and whi-'ering all aro2nd hi-/ and fro- i-e o i-e a screa- wo2ld 'ierce he air/ hick wi h 'ain. 3hen he ried o -o0e/ he fo2nd ha he had fo2led his own &edding. The s-oke in he air -ade his eyes wa er. A- I crying8 6e -2s no le his fa her see. 6e was a *annis er of Cas erly Rock. A lion/ I -2s &e a lion/ li0e a lion/ die a lion. 6e h2r so -2ch/ ho2gh. Too weak o groan/ he lay in his own fil h and sh2 his eyes. 5ear&y so-eone was c2rsing he gods in a hea0y/ -ono ono2s 0oice. 6e lis ened o he &las'he-ies and wondered if he was dying. Af er a i-e he roo- faded. 6e fo2nd hi-self o2 side he ci y/ walking hro2gh a world wi ho2 color. Ra0ens soared hro2gh a grey sky on wide &lack wings/ while carrion crows rose fro- heir feas s in f2rio2s clo2ds where0er he se his s e's. 3hi e -aggo s &2rrowed hro2gh &lack corr2' ion. The wol0es were grey/ and so were he silen sis ers< oge her hey s ri''ed he flesh fro- he fallen. There were cor'ses s rewn all o0er he o2rney fields. The s2n was a ho whi e 'enny/ shining down 2'on he grey ri0er as i r2shed aro2nd he charred &ones of s2nken shi's. Fro- he 'yres of he dead rose &lack col2-ns of s-oke and whi e7ho ashes. My work/ ho2gh Tyrion *annis er. They died a -y co--and. A firs here was no so2nd in he world/ &2 af er a i-e he &egan o hear he 0oices of he dead/ sof and erri&le. They we' and -oaned/ hey &egged for an end o 'ain/ hey cried for hel' and wan ed heir -o hers. Tyrion had ne0er known his -o her. 6e wan ed !hae/ &2 she was no here. 6e walked alone a-ids grey shadows/ rying o re-e-&er . . . The silen sis ers were s ri''ing he dead -en of heir ar-or and clo hes. All he &righ dyes had leached o2 fro- he s2rcoa s of he slain< hey were gar&ed in shades of whi e and grey/ and heir &lood was &lack and cr2s y. 6e wa ched heir naked &odies lif ed &y ar- and leg/ o &e carried swinging o he 'yres o ;oin heir fellows. Me al and clo h were hrown in he &ack of a whi e wooden wagon/ '2lled &y wo all &lack horses. !o -any dead/ so 0ery -any. Their cor'ses h2ng li-'ly/ heir faces slack or s iff or swollen wi h gas/ 2nrecogni>a&le/ hardly h2-an. The gar-en s he sis ers ook fro- he- were decora ed wi h &lack hear s/ grey lions/ dead flowers/ and 'ale ghos ly s ags. Their ar-or was all den ed and gashed/ he chain-ail ri0en/ &roken/ slashed. 3hy did I kill he- all8 6e had known once/ &2 so-ehow he had forgo en. 6e wo2ld ha0e asked one of he silen sis ers/ &2 when he ried o s'eak he fo2nd he had no -o2 h. !-oo h sea-less skin co0ered his ee h. The disco0ery errified hi-. 6ow co2ld he li0e wi ho2 a -o2 h8 6e &egan o r2n. The ci y was no far. 6e wo2ld &e safe inside he ci y/ away fro- all hese dead. 6e did no &elong wi h he dead. 6e had no -o2 h/ &2 he was s ill a li0ing -an. 5o/ a lion/ a lion/ and ali0e. B2 when he reached he ci y walls/ he ga es were sh2 agains hi-. I was dark when he woke again. A firs he co2ld see no hing/ &2 af er a i-e he 0ag2e o2 lines of a &ed a''eared aro2nd hi-. The

dra'es were drawn/ &2 he co2ld see he sha'e of car0ed &ed'os s/ and he droo' of he 0el0e cano'y o0er his head. +nder hi- was he yielding sof ness of a fea her&ed/ and he 'illow &enea h his head was goose down. My own &ed/ I a- in -y own &ed/ in -y own &edcha-&er. I was war- inside he dra'es/ 2nder he grea hea' of f2rs and &lanke s ha co0ered hi-. 6e was swea ing. Fe0er/ he ho2gh groggily. 6e fel so weak/ and he 'ain s a&&ed hro2gh hi- when he s r2ggled o lif his hand. 6e ga0e 2' he effor . 6is head fel enor-o2s/ as &ig as he &ed/ oo hea0y o raise fro- he 'illow. 6is &ody he co2ld scarcely feel a all. 6ow did I co-e here8 6e ried o re-e-&er. The &a le ca-e &ack in fi s and flashes. The figh along he ri0er/ he knigh who.d offered 2' his ga2n le / he &ridge of shi's . . . !er Mandon. 6e saw he dead e-' y eyes/ he reaching hand/ he green fire shining agains he whi e ena-el 'la e. Fear swe' o0er hi- in a cold r2sh< &enea h he shee s he co2ld feel his &ladder le ing go. 6e wo2ld ha0e cried o2 / if he.d had a -o2 h. 5o/ ha was he drea-/ he ho2gh / his head 'o2nding. 6el' -e/ so-eone hel' -e. @ai-e/ !hae/ Mo her/ so-eone ... JAsha ... 5o one heard. 5o one ca-e. Alone in he dark/ he fell &ack in o 'issscen ed slee'. 6e drea-ed his sis er was s anding o0er his &ed/ wi h heir lord fa her &eside her/ frowning. I had o &e a drea-/ since *ord Tywin was a ho2sand leag2es away/ figh ing Ro&& ! ark in he wes . ) hers ca-e and wen as well. Varys looked down on hi- and sighed/ &2 *i lefinger -ade a 42i'. Bloody reachero2s &as ard/ Tyrion ho2gh 0eno-o2sly/ we sen yo2 o Bi er&ridge and yo2 ne0er ca-e &ack. !o-e i-es he co2ld hear he- alking o one ano her/ &2 he did no 2nders and he words. Their 0oices &2>>ed in his ears like was's -2ffled in hick fel . 6e wan ed o ask if hey.d won he &a le. 3e -2s ha0e/ else I.d &e a head on a s'ike so-ewhere. If I li0e/ we won. 6e did no know wha 'leased hi- -oreB he 0ic ory/ or he fac he had &een a&le o reason i o2 . 6is wi s were co-ing &ack o hi-/ howe0er slowly. Tha was good. 6is wi s were all he had. The ne9 i-e he woke/ he dra'eries had &een '2lled &ack/ and (odrick (ayne s ood o0er hi- wi h a candle. 3hen he saw Tyrion o'en his eyes he ran off. 5o/ don. go/ hel' -e/ hel'/ he ried o call/ &2 he &es he co2ld do was a -2ffled -oan. I ha0e no -o2 h. 6e raised a hand o his face/ his e0ery -o0e-en 'ained and f2-&ling. 6is fingers fo2nd s iff clo h where hey sho2ld ha0e fo2nd flesh/ li's/ ee h. *inen. The lower half of his face was &andaged igh ly/ a -ask of hardened 'las er wi h holes for &rea hing and feeding. A shor while la er (od rea''eared. This i-e a s ranger was wi h hi-/ a -aes er chained and ro&ed. :My lord/ yo2 -2s &e s ill/: he -an -2r-2red. :=o2 are grie0o2s h2r . =o2 will do yo2rself grea in;2ry. Are yo2 hirs y8 : 6e -anaged an awkward nod. The -aes er inser ed a c2r0ed co''er f2nnel hro2gh he feeding hole o0er his -o2 h and 'o2red a slow rickle down his hroa . Tyrion swallowed/ scarcely as ing. Too la e he reali>ed he li42id was -ilk of he 'o''y. By he i-e he -aes er re-o0ed he f2nnel fro- his -o2 h/ he was already s'iraling &ack o slee'. This i-e he drea-ed he was a a feas / a 0ic ory feas in so-e grea hall. 6e had a high sea on he dais/ and -en were lif ing heir go&le s and hailing hi- as hero. Marillion was here/ he singer who.d ;o2rneyed wi h he- hro2gh he Mo2n ains of he Moon. 6e 'layed his woodhar' and sang of he i-'.s daring deeds. ,0en his fa her was s-iling wi h a''ro0al. 3hen he song was o0er/ @ai-e rose fro- his 'lace/ co--anded Tyrion o kneel/ and o2ched hi- firs on one sho2lder

and hen on he o her wi h his golden sword/ and he rose 2' a knigh . !hae was wai ing o e-&race hi-. !he ook hi- &y he hand/ la2ghing and easing/ calling hi- her gian of *annis er. 6e woke in darkness o a cold e-' y roo-. The dra'eries had &een drawn again. !o-e hing fel wrong/ 2rned aro2nd/ ho2gh he co2ld no ha0e said wha . 6e was alone once -ore. (2shing &ack he &lanke s/ he ried o si / &2 he 'ain was oo -2ch and he soon s2&sided/ &rea hing raggedly. 6is face was he leas 'ar of i . 6is righ side was one h2ge ache/ and a s a& of 'ain wen hro2gh his ches whene0er he lif ed his ar-. 3ha .s ha''ened o -e8 ,0en he &a le see-ed half a dreawhen he ried o hink &ack on i . I was h2r -ore &adly han I knew !er Mandon . . . The -e-ory frigh ened hi-/ &2 Tyrion -ade hi-self hold i / 2rn i in his head/ s are a i hard. 6e ried o kill -e/ no -is ake. Tha 'ar was no a drea-. 6e wo2ld ha0e c2 -e in half if (od had no . . . (od/ where.s (od8 Gri ing his ee h/ he gra&&ed hold of he &ed hangings and yanked. The dra'es ri''ed free of he cano'y o0erhead and 2-&led down/ half on he r2shes and half on hi-. ,0en ha s-all effor had di>>ied hi-. The roo- whirled aro2nd hi-/ all &are walls and dark shadows/ wi h a single narrow window. 6e saw a ches he.d owned/ an 2n idy 'ile of his clo hing/ his &a ered ar-or. This is no -y &edcha-&er/ he reali>ed. 5o e0en he Tower of he 6and. !o-eone had -o0ed hi-. 6is sho2 of anger ca-e o2 as a -2ffled -oan. They ha0e -o0ed -e here o die/ he ho2gh as he ga0e 2' he s r2ggle and closed his eyes once -ore. The roo- was dank and cold/ and he was &2rning. 6e drea-ed of a &e er 'lace/ a sn2g li le co age &y he s2nse sea. The walls were lo'sided and cracked and he floor had &een -ade of 'acked ear h/ &2 he had always &een war- here/ e0en when hey le he fire go o2 . !he 2sed o ease -e a&o2 ha / he re-e-&ered. I ne0er ho2gh o feed he fire/ ha had always &een a ser0an .s ask. :3e ha0e no ser0an s/: she wo2ld re-ind -e/ and I wo2ld say/ :=o2 ha0e -e/ I.- yo2r ser0an /: and she wo2ld say/ :A la>y ser0an . 3ha do hey do wi h la>y ser0an s in Cas erly Rock/ -y lord8: and he wo2ld ell her/ :They kiss he-.: Tha wo2ld always -ake her giggle. :They do no nei her. They &ea he-/ I &e /: she wo2ld say/ &2 he wo2ld insis / :5o/ hey kiss he-/ ;2s like his.: 6e wo2ld show her how. :They kiss heir fingers firs / e0ery one/ and hey kiss heir wris s/ yes/ and inside heir el&ows. Then hey kiss heir f2nny ears/ all o2r ser0an s ha0e f2nny ears. ! o' la2ghing? And hey kiss heir cheeks and hey kiss heir noses wi h he li le &2-' in he-/ here/ so/ like ha / and hey kiss heir swee &rows and heir hair and heir li's/ heir . . . ---- . . . -o2 hs . . . so . . .: They wo2ld kiss for ho2rs/ and s'end whole days doing no -ore han lolling in &ed/ lis ening o he wa0es/ and o2ching each o her. 6er &ody was a wonder o hi-/ and she see-ed o find deligh in his. !o-e i-es she wo2ld sing o hi-. I lo0ed a -aid as fair as s2--er/ wi h s2nligh in her hair. :I lo0e yo2/ Tyrion/: she wo2ld whis'er &efore hey wen o slee' a nigh . :I lo0e yo2r li's. I lo0e yo2r 0oice/ and he words yo2 say o -e/ and how yo2 rea -e gen le. I lo0e yo2r face.: :My face8: :=es. =es. I lo0e yo2r hands/ and how yo2 o2ch -e. =o2r cock/ I lo0e yo2r cock/ I lo0e how i feels when i .s in -e.: :I lo0es yo2 oo/ -y lady.: :I lo0e o say yo2r na-e. Tyrion *annis er. I goes wi h -ine. 5o he *annis er/ Vo her 'ar . Tyrion and Tysha. Tysha and Tyrion. Tyrion. My

lord Tyrion . . .: *ies/ he ho2gh / all feigned/ all for gold/ she was a whore/ @ai-e.s whore/ @ai-e.s gif / -y lady of he lie. 6er face see-ed o fade away/ dissol0ing &ehind a 0eil of ears/ &2 e0en af er she was gone he co2ld s ill hear he fain / far7off so2nd of her 0oice/ calling his na-e. -y lord/ can yo2 hear -e8 My lord8 Tyrion8 My lord8 My lord8: Thro2gh a ha>e of 'o''ied slee'/ he saw a sof 'ink face leaning o0er hi-. 6e was &ack in he dank roo- wi h he orn &ed hangings/ and he face was wrong/ no hers/ oo ro2nd/ wi h a &rown fringe of &eard. :1o yo2 hirs / -y lord8 I ha0e yo2r -ilk/ yo2r good -ilk. =o2 -2s no figh / no/ don. ry o -o0e/ yo2 need yo2r res .: 6e had he co''er f2nnel in one da-' 'ink hand and a flask in he o her. As he -an leaned close/ Tyrion.s fingers slid 2ndernea h his chain of -any -e als/ gra&&ed/ '2lled. The -aes er dro''ed he flask/ s'illing -ilk of he 'o''y all o0er he &lanke . Tyrion wis ed 2n il he co2ld feel he links digging in o he flesh of he -an.s fa neck. :5o. More/ : he croaked/ so hoarse he was no cer ain he had e0en s'oken. B2 he -2s ha0e/ for he -aes er choked o2 a re'ly. :+nhand/ 'lease/ -y lord . . . need yo2r -ilk/ he 'ain . . . he chain/ don. / 2nhand/ no . . .: The 'ink face was &eginning o '2r'le when Tyrion le go. The -aes er reeled &ack/ s2cking in air. 6is reddened hroa showed dee' whi e go2ges where he links had 'ressed. 6is eyes were whi e oo. Tyrion raised a hand o his face and -ade a ri''ing -o ion o0er he hardened -ask. And again. And again. :=o2 . . . yo2 wan he &andages off/ is ha i 8: he -aes er said a las . :B2 I.- no o . . . ha wo2ld &e . . . &e -os 2nwise/ -y lord. =o2 are no ye healed/ he 42een wo2ld . . .: The -en ion of his sis er -ade Tyrion growl. Are yo2 one of hers/ hen8 6e 'oin ed a finger a he -aes er/ hen coiled his hand in o a fis . Cr2shing/ choking/ a 'ro-ise/ 2nless he fool did as he was &id. Thankf2lly/ he 2nders ood. :I . . . I will do as -y lord co--ands/ o &e s2re/ &2 . . . his is 2nwise/ yo2r wo2nds :1o. I .: *o2der ha i-e. Bowing/ he -an lef he roo-/ only o re 2rn a few -o-en s la er/ &earing a long knife wi h a slender saw oo h &lade/ a &asin of wa er/ a 'ile of sof clo hs/ and se0eral flasks. By hen Tyrion had -anaged o s42ir- &ackward a few inches/ so he was half si ing agains his 'illow. The -aes er &ade hi- &e 0ery s ill as he slid he i' of he knife in 2nder his chin/ &enea h he -ask. A sli' of he hand here/ and Cersei will &e free of -e/ he ho2gh . 6e co2ld feel he &lade sawing hro2gh he s iffened linen/ only inches a&o0e his hroa . For 2na ely his sof 'ink -an was no one of his sis er.s &ra0er crea 2res. Af er a -o-en he fel cool air on his cheeks. There was 'ain as well/ &2 he did his &es o ignore ha . The -aes er discarded he &andages/ s ill cr2s y wi h 'o ion. :Be s ill now/ I -2s wash o2 he wo2nd.: 6is o2ch was gen le/ he wa er war- and soo hing. The wo2nd/ Tyrion ho2gh / re-e-&ering a s2dden flash of &righ sil0er ha see-ed o 'ass ;2s &elow his eyes. :This is like o s ing so-e/: he -aes er warned as he we a clo h wi h wine ha s-elled of cr2shed her&s. I did -ore han s ing. I raced a line of fire all he way across Tyrion.s face/ and wis ed a &2rning 'oker 2' his nose. 6is fingers clawed he &edclo hes and he s2cked in his &rea h/ &2 so-ehow he -anaged no o screa-. The -aes er was cl2cking like an old hen. :I wo2ld ha0e &een wiser o lea0e he -ask in 'lace 2n il he flesh had kni / -y lord. ! ill/ i looks clean/ good/ good. 3hen we fo2nd yo2 down in ha cellar a-ong he dead and dying/ yo2r wo2nds were fil hy. )ne of yo2r ri&s was &roken/ do2& less yo2 can feel i / he &low of

so-e -ace 'erha's/ or a fall/ i .s hard o say. And yo2 ook an arrow in he ar-/ here where i ;oins he sho2lder. I showed signs of -or ifica ion/ and for a i-e I feared yo2 -igh lose he li-&/ &2 we rea ed i wi h &oiling wine and -aggo s/ and now i see-s o &e healing clean :5a-e/: Tyrion &rea hed 2' a hi-. :5a-e.: The -aes er &linked. :3hy/ yo2 are Tyrion *annis er/ -y lord. Bro her o he 42een. 1o yo2 re-e-&er he &a le8 !o-e i-es wi h head wo2nds7: :=o2r na-e.: 6is hroa was raw/ and his ong2e had forgo en how o sha'e he words. :I a- Maes er Balla&ar.: :Balla&ar/: Tyrion re'ea ed. :Bring -e. *ooking glass.: :-y lord/: he -aes er said/ :I wo2ld no co2nsel . . . ha -igh &e/ ah/ 2nwise/ as i were . . . yo2r wo2nd . . .: :Bring i /: he had o say. 6is -o2 h was s iff and sore/ as if a '2nch had s'li his li'. :And drink. 3ine. 5o 'o''y.: The -aes er rose fl2sh7faced and h2rried off. 6e ca-e &ack wi h a flagon of 'ale a-&er wine and a s-all sil0ered looking glass in an orna e golden fra-e. !i ing on he edge of he &ed/ he 'o2red half a c2' of wine and held i o Tyrion.s swollen li's. The rickle wen down cool/ ho2gh he co2ld hardly as e i . :More/ : he said when he c2' was e-' y. Maes er Balla&ar 'o2red again. By he end of he second c2'/ Tyrion *annis er fel s rong eno2gh o face his face. 6e 2rned o0er he glass/ and did no know whe her he o2gh o la2gh or cry. The gash was long and crooked/ s ar ing a hair 2nder his lef eye and ending on he righ side of his ;aw. Three742ar ers of his nose was gone/ and a ch2nk of his li'. !o-eone had sewn he orn flesh oge her wi h ca g2 / and heir cl2-sy s i ches were s ill in 'lace across he sea- of raw/ red/ half7healed flesh. :(re y/ : he croaked/ flinging he glass aside. 6e re-e-&ered now. The &ridge of &oa s/ !er Mandon Moore/ a hand/ a sword co-ing a his face. If I had no '2lled &ack/ ha c2 wo2ld ha0e aken off he o' of -y head. @ai-e had always said ha !er Mandon was he -os dangero2s of he Kingsg2ard/ &eca2se his dead e-' y eyes ga0e no hin o his in en ions. I sho2ld ne0er ha0e r2s ed any of he-. 6e.d known ha !er Meryn and !er Boros were his sis er.s/ and !er )s-2nd la er/ &2 he had le hi-self &elie0e ha he o hers were no wholly los o honor. Cersei -2s ha0e 'aid hi- o see ha I ne0er ca-e &ack fro- he &a le. 3hy else8 I ne0er did !er Mandon any harha I know of. Tyrion o2ched his face/ 'l2cking a he 'ro2d flesh wi h &l2n hick fingers. Ano her gif fro- -y swee sis er. The -aes er s ood &eside he &ed like a goose a&o2 o ake fligh . :My lord/ here/ here will -os like &e a scar . . .: :Mos like8: 6is snor of la2gh er 2rned in o a wince of 'ain. There wo2ld &e a scar/ o &e s2re. 5or was i likely ha his nose wo2ld &e growing &ack any i-e soon. I was no as if his face had e0er &een fi o look a . :Teach -e/ no o/ 'lay wi h/ a9es.: 6is grin fel igh . :3here/ are we8 3ha / wha 'lace8: I h2r o alk/ &2 Tyrion had &een oo long in silence. :Ah/ yo2 are in Maegor.s 6oldfas / -y lord. A cha-&er o0er he F2een.s Ballroo-. 6er Grace wan ed yo2 ke' close/ so she -igh wa ch o0er yo2 herself.: I.ll wager she did. :Re 2rn -e/: Tyrion co--anded. :)wn &ed. )wn cha-&ers.: 3here I will ha0e -y own -en a&o2 -e/ and -y own -aes er oo/ if I find one I can r2s . :=o2r own . . . -y lord/ ha wo2ld no &e 'ossi&le. The King.s 6and has aken 2' residence in yo2r for-er cha-&ers.:

.T A-. King.s 6and.: 6e was growing e9ha2s ed &y he effor of s'eaking/ and conf2sed &y wha he was hearing. Maes er Balla&ar looked dis ressed. :5o/ -y lord/ I . . . yo2 were wo2nded/ near dea h. =o2r lord fa her has aken 2' hose d2 ies now. *ord Tywin/ he :6ere8 : :!ince he nigh of he &a le. *ord Tywin sa0ed 2s all. The s-allfolk say i was King Renly.s ghos / &2 wiser -en know &e er. I was yo2r fa her and *ord Tyrell/ wi h he Knigh of Flowers and *ord *i lefinger. They rode hro2gh he ashes and ook he 2s2r'er ! annis in he rear. I was a grea 0ic ory/ and now *ord Tywin has se led in o he Tower of he 6and o hel' 6is Grace se he real- o righ s/ gods &e 'raised.: :Gods &e 'raised/: Tyrion re'ea ed hollowly. 6is &loody fa her and &loody *i lefinger and Renly.s ghos 8 :I wan . . .: 3ho do I wan 8 6e co2ld no ell 'ink Balla&ar o fe ch hi- !hae. 3ho co2ld he send for/ who co2ld he r2s 8 Varys8 Bronn8 !er @acelyn8 :. . . -y s42ire/: he finished. :(od. (ayne.: I was (od on he &ridge of &oa s/ he lad sa0ed -y life. :The &oy8 The odd &oy8: :)dd &oy. (odrick. (ayne. =o2 go. !end hi-.: :As yo2 will/ -y lord.: Maes er Balla&ar &o&&ed his head and h2rried o2 . Tyrion co2ld feel he s reng h see'ing o2 of hi- as he wai ed. 6e wondered how long he had &een here/ aslee'. Cersei wo2ld ha0e -e slee' fore0er/ &2 I won. &e so o&liging. (odrick (ayne en ered he &edcha-&er i-id as a -o2se. :My lord8: 6e cre' close o he &ed. 6ow can a &oy so &old in &a le &e so frigh ened in a sickroo-8 Tyrion wondered. :I -ean o s ay &y yo2/ &2 he -aes er sen -e away.: :!end hi- away. 6ear -e. Talk.s hard. 5eed drea-wine. 1rea-wine/ no -ilk of he 'o''y. Go o Frenken. Frenken/ no Balla&ar. 3a ch hi- -ake i . Bring i here.: (od s ole a glance a Tyrion.s face/ and ;2s as 42ickly a0er ed his eyes. 3ell/ I canno &la-e hi- for ha . :I wan /: Tyrion wen on/ :-ine own. G2ard. Bronn. 3here.s Bronn8: :They -ade hi- a knigh .: ,0en frowning h2r . :Find hi-. Bring hi-.: :As yo2 say. My lord. Bronn.: Tyrion sei>ed he lad.s wris . :!er Mandon8: The &oy flinched. :I n7ne0er -ean o k7k7k7k7: :1ead8 cer ain8 1ead8: 6e sh2ffled his fee / shee'ish. :1rowned.: :Good. !ay no hing. )f hi-. )f -e. Any of i . 5o hing.: By he i-e his s42ire lef / he las of Tyrion.s s reng h was gone as well. 6e lay &ack and closed his eyes. (erha's he wo2ld drea- of Tysha again. I wonder how she.d like -y face now/ he ho2gh &i erly. C6A(T,R GJ @)5 3hen Fhorin 6alfhand old hi- o find so-e &r2sh for a fire/ @on knew heir end was near. i will &e good o feel war- again/ if only for a li le while/ he old hi-self while he hacked &are &ranches fro- he r2nk of a dead ree. Ghos sa on his ha2nches wa ching/ silen as e0er. 3ill he howl for -e when I.- dead/ as Bran.s wolf howled when he fell8 @on wondered. 3ill !haggydog howl/ far off in 3in erfell/ and Grey 3ind and 5y-eria/

where0er hey -igh &e8 The -oon was rising &ehind one -o2n ain and he s2n sinking &ehind ano her as @on s r2ck s'arks fro- flin and dagger/ 2n il finally a wis' of s-oke a''eared. Fhorin ca-e and s ood o0er hi- as he firs fla-e rose 2' flickering fro- he sha0ings of &ark and dead dry 'ine needles. :As shy as a -aid on her wedding nigh /: he &ig ranger said in a sof 0oice/ :and near as fair. !o-e i-es a -an forge s how 're y a fire can &e.: 6e was no a -an yo2.d e9'ec o s'eak of -aids and wedding nigh s. !o far as @on knew/ Fhorin had s'en his whole life in he 3a ch. 1id he e0er lo0e a -aid or ha0e a wedding8 6e co2ld no ask. Ins ead he fanned he fire. 3hen he &la>e was all acrackle/ he 'eeled off his s iff glo0es o war- his hands/ and sighed/ wondering if e0er a kiss had fel as good. The war- h s'read hro2gh his fingers like -el ing &2 er. The 6alfhand eased hi-self o he gro2nd and sa cross7legged &y he fire/ he flickering ligh 'laying across he hard 'lanes of his face. only he wo of he- re-ained of he fi0e rangers who had fled he !kirling (ass/ &ack in o he &l2e7grey wilderness of he Fros fangs. A firs @on had n2rsed he ho'e ha !42ire 1al&ridge wo2ld kee' he wildlings &o led 2' in he 'ass. B2 when hey.d heard he call of a faroff horn e0ery -an of he- knew he s42ire had fallen. *a er hey s'ied he eagle soaring hro2gh he d2sk on grea &l2e7grey wings and ! onesnake 2nsl2ng his &ow/ &2 he &ird flew o2 of range &efore he co2ld so -2ch as s ring i . ,&&en s'a and -2 ered darkly of wargs and skinchangers. They gli-'sed he eagle wice -ore he day af er/ and heard he h2n ing horn &ehind he- echoing agains he -o2n ains. ,ach i-e i see-ed a li le lo2der/ a li le closer. 3hen nigh fell/ he 6alfhand old ,&&en o ake he s42ire.s garron as well as his own/ and ride eas for Mor-on wi h all has e/ &ack he way hey had co-e. The res of hewo2ld draw off he '2rs2i . :!end @on/: ,&&en had 2rged. :6e can ride as fas as -e.: :@on has a differen 'ar o 'lay.: :6e is half a &oy s ill.: :5o/: said Fhorin/ :he is a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch.: 3hen he -oon rose/ ,&&en 'ar ed fro- he-. ! onesnake wen eas wi h hi- a shor way/ hen do2&led &ack o o&sc2re heir racks/ and he hree who re-ained se off oward he so2 hwes . Af er ha he days and nigh s &l2rred one in o he o her. They sle' in heir saddles and s o''ed only long eno2gh o feed and wa er he garrons/ hen -o2n ed 2' again. o0er &are rock hey rode/ hro2gh gloo-y 'ine fores s and drif s of old snow/ o0er icy ridges and across shallow ri0ers ha had no na-es. !o-e i-es Fhorin or ! onesnake wo2ld loo' &ack o swee' away heir racks/ &2 i was a f2 ile ges 2re. They were wa ched. A e0ery dawn and e0ery d2sk hey saw he eagle soaring &e ween he 'eaks/ no -ore han a s'eck in he 0as ness of he sky. They were scaling a low ridge &e ween wo snowca''ed 'eaks when a shadowca ca-e snarling fro- i s lair/ no en yards away. The &eas was ga2n and half7s ar0ed/ &2 he sigh of i sen ! onesnake.s -are in o a 'anic< she reared and ran/ and &efore he ranger co2ld ge her &ack 2nder con rol she had s 2-&led on he s ee' slo'e and &roken a leg. Ghos a e well ha day/ and Fhorin insis ed ha he rangers -i9 so-e of he garron.s &lood wi h heir oa s/ o gi0e he- s reng h. The as e of ha fo2l 'orridge al-os choked @on/ &2 he forced i down. They each c2 a do>en s ri's of raw s ringy -ea fro- he carcass o chew on as hey rode/ and lef he res for he shadowca s.

There was no 42es ion of riding do2&le. ! onesnake offered o lay in wai for he '2rs2i and s2r'rise he- when hey ca-e. (erha's he co2ld ake a few of he- wi h hi- down o hell. Fhorin ref2sed. :if any -an in he 5igh .s 3a ch can -ake i hro2gh he Fros fangs alone and afoo / i is yo2/ &ro her. =o2 can go o0er -o2n ains ha a horse -2s go aro2nd. Make for he Fis . Tell Mor-on wha @on saw/ and how. Tell hi- ha he old 'owers are waking/ ha he faces gian s and wargs and worse. Tell hi- ha he rees ha0e eyes again.: 6e has no chance/ @on ho2gh when he wa ched ! onesnake 0anish o0er a snow7co0ered ridge/ a iny &lack &2g crawling across a ri''ling e9'anse of whi e. Af er ha / e0ery nigh see-ed colder han he nigh &efore/ and -ore lonely. Ghos was no always wi h he-/ &2 he was ne0er far ei her. ,0en when hey were a'ar / @on sensed his nearness. 6e was glad for ha . The 6alfhand was no he -os co-'aniona&le of -en. Fhorin.s long grey &raid sw2ng slowly wi h he -o ion of his horse. )f en hey wo2ld ride for ho2rs wi ho2 a word s'oken/ he only so2nds he sof scra'e of horseshoes on s one and he keening of he wind/ which &lew endlessly hro2gh he heigh s. 3hen he sle' / he did no drea-< no of wol0es/ nor his &ro hers/ nor any hing. ,0en drea-s canno li0e 2' here/ he old hi-self. :Is yo2r sword shar'/ @on !now8: asked Fhorin 6alfhand across he flickering fire. :My sword is Valyrian s eel. The )ld Bear ga0e i o -e.: :1o yo2 re-e-&er he words of yo2r 0ow8: :=es.: They were no words a -an was like o forge . )nce said/ hey co2ld ne0er &e 2nsaid. They changed yo2r life fore0er. :!ay he- again wi h -e/ @on !now.: :If yo2 like.: Their 0oices &lended as one &enea h he rising -oon/ while Ghos lis ened and he -o2n ains he-sel0es &ore wi ness. :5igh ga hers/ and now -y wa ch &egins. I shall no end 2n il -y dea h. I shall ake no wife/ hold no lands/ fa her no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall li0e and die a -y 'os . I a- he sword in he darkness. I a- he wa cher on he walls. I a- he fire ha &2rns agains he cold/ he ligh ha &rings he dawn/ he horn ha wakes he slee'ers/ he shield ha g2ards he real-s of -en. I 'ledge -y life and honor o he 5igh .s 3a ch/ for his nigh and all he nigh s o co-e.: 3hen hey were done/ here was no so2nd &2 he fain crackle of he fla-es and a dis an sigh of wind. @on o'ened and closed his &2rn fingers/ holding igh o he words in his -ind/ 'raying ha his fa her.s gods wo2ld gi0e hi- he s reng h o die &ra0ely when his ho2r ca-e. I wo2ld no &e long now. The garrons were near he end of heir s reng h. Fhorin.s -o2n wo2ld no las ano her day/ @on s2s'ec ed. The fla-es were &2rning low &y hen/ he war- h fading. :The fire will soon go o2 /: Fhorin said/ :&2 if he 3all sho2ld e0er fall/ all he fires will go o2 .: There was no hing @on co2ld say o ha . 6e nodded. :3e -ay esca'e he- ye /: he ranger said. :)r no .: :I.- no afraid o die.: I was only half a lie. :I -ay no &e so easy as ha / @on.: 6e did no 2nders and. :3ha do yo2 -ean8: :If we are aken/ yo2 -2s yield.: :=ield8: 6e &linked in dis&elief. The wildlings did no -ake ca' i0es of he -en hey called he crows. They killed he-/ e9ce' for . . . :They only s'are oa h&reakers. Those who ;oin he-/ like Mance Rayder.: :And yo2.:

:5o.: 6e shook his head. :5e0er. I won. .: :=o2 will. I co--and i of yo2.: :Co--and i 8 B2 . . . : :)2r honor -eans no -ore han o2r li0es/ so long as he real- is safe. Are yo2 a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch8: :=es/ &2 7: :There is no &2 / @on !now. =o2 are/ or yo2 are no .: @on sa 2' s raigh . :I a-.: :Then hear -e. If we are aken/ yo2 will go o0er o he-/ as he wildling girl yo2 ca' 2red once 2rged yo2. They -ay de-and ha yo2 c2 yo2r cloak o ri&&ons/ ha yo2 swear he- an oa h on yo2r fa her.s gra0e/ ha yo2 c2rse yo2r &ro hers and yo2r *ord Co--ander. =o2 -2s no &alk/ wha e0er is asked of yo2. 1o as hey &id yo2 . . . &2 in yo2r hear / re-e-&er who and wha yo2 are. Ride wi h he-/ ea wi h he-/ figh wi h he-/ for as long as i akes. And wa ch.: :For wha 8: @on asked. :3o2ld ha I knew/: said Fhorin. :=o2r wolf saw heir diggings in he 0alley of he Milkwa er. 3ha did hey seek/ in s2ch a &leak and dis an 'lace8 1id hey find i 8 Tha is wha yo2 -2s learn/ &efore yo2 re 2rn o *ord Mor-on and yo2r &ro hers. Tha is he d2 y I lay on yo2/ @on !now.: :I.ll do as yo2 say/: @on said rel2c an ly/ :&2 . . . yo2 will ell he-/ won. yo28 The )ld Bear/ a leas 8 =o2.ll ell hi- ha I ne0er &roke -y oa h.: Fhorin 6alfhand ga>ed a hi- across he fire/ his eyes los in 'ools of shadow. :3hen I see hi- ne9 . I swear i .: 6e ges 2red a he fire. :More wood. I wan i &righ and ho .: @on wen o c2 -ore &ranches/ sna''ing each one in wo &efore ossing i in o he fla-es. The ree had &een dead a long i-e/ &2 i see-ed o li0e again in he fire/ as fiery dancers woke wi hin each s ick of wood o whirl and s'in in heir glowing gowns of yellow/ red/ and orange. :,no2gh/: Fhorin said a&r2' ly. :5ow we ride.: :Ride8: I was dark &eyond he fire/ and he nigh was cold. :Ride where8 : :Back.: Fhorin -o2n ed his weary garron one -ore i-e. :The fire will draw he- 'as / I ho'e. Co-e/ &ro her.: @on '2lled on his glo0es again and raised his hood. ,0en he horses see-ed rel2c an o lea0e he fire. The s2n was long gone/ and only he cold sil0er shine of he half7-oon re-ained o ligh heir way o0er he reachero2s gro2nd ha lay &ehind he-. 6e did no know wha Fhorin had in -ind/ &2 'erha's i was a chance. 6e ho'ed so. I do no wan o 'lay he oa h&reaker/ e0en for good reason. They wen ca2 io2sly/ -o0ing as silen as -an and horse co2ld -o0e/ re racing heir s e's 2n il hey reached he -o2 h of a narrow defile where an icy li le s rea- e-erged fro- &e ween wo -o2n ains. @on re-e-&ered he 'lace. They had wa ered he horses here &efore he s2n wen down. :The wa er.s icing 2'/: Fhorin o&ser0ed as he 2rned aside/ :else we.d ride in he s rea-&ed. B2 if we &reak he ice/ hey are like o see. Kee' close o he cliffs. There.s a crook a half -ile on ha will hide 2s.: 6e rode in o he defile. @on ga0e one las wis f2l look o heir dis an fire/ and followed. The far her in hey wen / he closer he cliffs 'ressed o ei her side. They followed he -oonli ri&&on of s rea- &ack oward i s so2rce. Icicles &earded i s s ony &anks/ &2 @on co2ld s ill hear he so2nd of r2shing wa er &enea h he hin hard cr2s . A grea ;2-&le of fallen rock &locked heir way 'ar way 2'/ where a

sec ion of he cliff face had fallen/ &2 he s2refoo ed li le garrons were a&le o 'ick heir way hro2gh. Beyond/ he walls 'inched in shar'ly/ and he s rea- led he- o he foo of a all wis ing wa erfall. The air was f2ll of -is / like he &rea h of so-e 0as cold &eas . The 2-&ling wa ers shone sil0er in he -oonligh . @on looked a&o2 in dis-ay. There is no way o2 . 6e and Fhorin -igh &e a&le o cli-& he cliffs/ &2 no wi h he horses. 6e did no hink hey wo2ld las long afoo . :F2ickly now/: he 6alfhand co--anded. The &ig -an on he s-all horse rode o0er he ice7slick s ones/ righ in o he c2r ain of wa er/ and 0anished. 3hen he did no rea''ear/ @on '2 his heels in o his horse and wen af er. 6is garron did his &es o shy away. The falling wa er sla''ed a he- wi h fro>en fis s/ and he shock of he cold see-ed o s o' @on.s &rea h. Then he was hro2gh< drenched and shi0ering/ &2 hro2gh. The clef in he rock was &arely large eno2gh for -an and horse o 'ass/ &2 &eyond/ he walls o'ened 2' and he floor 2rned o sof sand. @on co2ld feel he s'ray free>ing in his &eard. Ghos &2rs hro2gh he wa erfall in an angry r2sh/ shook dro'le s fro- his f2r/ sniffed a he darkness s2s'icio2sly/ hen lif ed a leg agains one rocky wall. Fhorin had already dis-o2n ed. @on did he sa-e. :=o2 knew his 'lace was here.: :3hen I was no older han yo2/ I heard a &ro her ell how he followed a shadowca hro2gh hese falls.: 6e 2nsaddled his horse/ re-o0ed her &i and &ridle/ and ran his fingers hro2gh her shaggy -ane. :There is a way hro2gh he hear of he -o2n ain. Co-e dawn/ if hey ha0e no fo2nd 2s/ we will 'ress on. The firs wa ch is -ine/ &ro her.: Fhorin sea ed hi-self on he sand/ his &ack o a wall/ no -ore han a 0ag2e &lack shadow in he gloo- of he ca0e. )0er he r2sh of falling wa ers/ @on heard a sof so2nd of s eel on lea her ha co2ld only -ean ha he 6alfhand had drawn his sword. 6e ook off his we cloak/ &2 i was oo cold and da-' here o s ri' down any f2r her. Ghos s re ched o2 &eside hi- and licked his glo0e &efore c2rling 2' o slee'. @on was gra ef2l for his war- h. 6e wondered if he fire was s ill &2rning o2 side/ or if i had gone o2 &y now. ff he 3all sho2ld e0er fall/ all he fires will go o2 . The -oon shone hro2gh he c2r ain of falling wa er o lay a shi--ering 'ale s ri'e across he sand/ &2 af er a i-e ha oo faded and wen dark. !lee' ca-e a las / and wi h i nigh -ares. 6e drea-ed of &2rning cas les and dead -en rising 2n42ie fro- heir gra0es. I was s ill dark when Fhorin woke hi-. 3hile he 6alfhand sle' / @on sa wi h his &ack o he ca0e wall/ lis ening o he wa er and wai ing for he dawn. A &reak of day/ hey each chewed a half7fro>en s ri' of horse-ea / hen saddled heir garrons once again/ and fas ened heir &lack cloaks aro2nd heir sho2lders. 12ring his wa ch he 6alfhand had -ade a halfdo>en orches/ soaking &2ndles of dry -oss wi h he oil he carried in his saddle&ag. 6e li he firs one now and led he way down in o he dark/ holding he 'ale fla-e 2' &efore hi-. @on followed wi h he horses. The s ony 'a h wis ed and 2rned/ firs down/ hen 2'/ hen down -ore s ee'ly. In s'o s i grew so narrow i was hard o con0ince he garrons hey co2ld s42ee>e hro2gh. By he i-e we co-e o2 we will ha0e los he-/ he old hi-self as hey wen . 5o e0en an eagle can see hro2gh solid s one. 3e will ha0e los he-/ and we will ride hard for he Fis / and ell he )ld Bear all we know B2 when hey e-erged &ack in o he ligh long ho2rs la er/ he eagle was wai ing for he-/ 'erched on a dead ree a h2ndred fee 2' he

slo'e. Ghos wen &o2nding 2' he rocks af er i / &2 he &ird fla''ed i s wings and ook o he air. Fhorin.s -o2 h igh ened as he followed i s fligh wi h his eyes. :6ere is as good a 'lace as any o -ake a s and/: he declared. :The -o2 h of he ca0e shel ers 2s fro- a&o0e/ and hey canno ge &ehind 2s wi ho2 'assing hro2gh he -o2n ain. Is yo2r sword shar'/ @on !now8: :=es/: he said. :3e.ll feed he horses. They.0e ser0ed 2s &ra0ely/ 'oor &eas s.: @on ga0e his garron he las of he oa s and s roked his shaggy -ane while Ghos 'rowled res lessly a-ongs he rocks. 6e '2lled his glo0es on igh er and fle9ed his &2rn fingers. I a- he shield ha g2ards he real-s of -en. A h2n ing horn echoed hro2gh he -o2n ains/ and a -o-en la er @on heard he &aying of ho2nds. :They will &e wi h 2s soon/: anno2nced Fhorin. :Kee' yo2r wolf in hand.: :Ghos / o -e/: @on called. The direwolf re 2rned rel2c an ly o his side/ ail held s iffly &ehind hi-. The wildlings ca-e &oiling o0er a ridge no half a -ile away. Their ho2nds ran &efore he-/ snarling grey7&rown &eas s wi h -ore han a li le wolf in heir &lood. Ghos &ared his ee h/ his f2r &ris ling. :,asy/: @on -2r-2red. :! ay.: )0erhead he heard a r2s le of wings. The eagle landed on an o2 cro' of rock and screa-ed in ri2-'h. The h2n ers a''roached warily/ 'erha's fearing arrows. @on co2n ed fo2r een/ wi h eigh dogs. Their large ro2nd shields were -ade of skins s re ched o0er wo0en wicker and 'ain ed wi h sk2lls. A&o2 half of hehid heir faces &ehind cr2de hel-s of wood and &oiled lea her. )n ei her wing/ archers no ched shaf s o he s rings of s-all wood7and7 horn &ows/ &2 did no loose. The res see-ed o &e ar-ed wi h s'ears and -a2ls. )ne had a chi''ed s one a9e. They wore only wha &i s of ar-or hey had loo ed fro- dead rangers or s olen d2ring raids. 3ildlings did no -ine or s-el / and here were few s-i hs and fewer forges nor h of he 3all. Fhorin drew his longsword. The ale of how he had a2gh hi-self o figh wi h his lef hand af er losing half of his righ was 'ar of his legend< i was said ha he handled a &lade &e er now han he e0er had &efore. @on s ood sho2lder o sho2lder wi h he &ig ranger and '2lled *ongclaw fro- i s shea h. 1es'i e he chill in he air/ swea s 2ng his eyes. Ten yards &elow he ca0e -o2 h he h2n ers hal ed. Their leader ca-e on alone/ riding a &eas ha see-ed -ore goa han horse/ fro- he s2refoo ed way i cli-&ed he 2ne0en slo'e. As -an and -o2n grew nearer @on co2ld hear he- cla ering< &o h were ar-ored in &ones. Cow &ones/ shee' &ones/ he &ones of goa s and a2rochs and elk/ he grea &ones of he hairy -a--o hs . . . and h2-an &ones as well. :Ra leshir /: Fhorin called down/ icy7'oli e. :To crows I &e he *ord o. Bones.: The rider.s hel- was -ade frohe &roken sk2ll of a gian / and all 2' and down his ar-s &earclaws had &een sewn o his &oiled lea her. Fhorin snor ed. :I see no lord. )nly a dog dressed in chicken&ones/ who ra les when he rides.: The wildling hissed in anger/ and his -o2n reared. 6e did ra le/ @on co2ld hear i < he &ones were s r2ng oge her loosely/ so hey clacked and cla ered when he -o0ed. :I .s yo2r &ones I.ll &e ra ling soon/ 6alfhand. I.ll &oil he flesh off yo2 and -ake a &yrnie fro- yo2r ri&s. I.ll car0e yo2r ee h o cas -e r2nes/ and ea -e oa en 'orridge froyo2r sk2ll.: :If yo2 wan -y &ones/ co-e ge he-.:

Tha / Ra leshir see-ed rel2c an o do. 6is n2-&ers -ean li le in he close confines of he rocks where he &lack &ro hers had aken heir s and< o winkle he- o2 of he ca0e he wildlings wo2ld need o co-e 2' wo a a i-e. B2 ano her of his co-'any edged a horse 2' &eside hi-/ one of he figh ing wo-en called s'earwi0es. :3e are fo2r7 and7 en o wo/ crows/ and eigh dogs o yo2r wolf/: she called. :Figh or r2n/ yo2 are o2rs. : :!how he-/: co--anded Ra leshir . The wo-an reached in o a &loods ained sack and drew o2 a ro'hy. ,&&en had &een &ald as an egg/ so she dangled he head &y an ear. :6e died &ra0e/: she said. :B2 he died/: said Ra leshir / :sa-e like yo2.: 6e freed his &a lea9e/ &randishing i a&o0e his head. Good s eel i was/ wi h a wicked glea- o &o h &lades< ,&&en was ne0er a -an o neglec his wea'ons. The o her wildlings crowded forward &eside hi-/ yelling a2n s. A few chose @on for heir -ockery. :Is ha yo2r wolf/ &oy8: a skinny yo2 h called/ 2nli-&ering a s one flail. :6e.ll &e -y cloak &efore he s2n is down.: )n he o her side of he line/ ano her s'earwife o'ened her ragged f2rs o show @on a hea0y whi e &reas . :1oes he &a&y wan his -o--a8 Co-e/ ha0e a s2ck o. his/ &oy.: The dogs were &arking oo. :They wo2ld sha-e 2s in o folly.: Fhorin ga0e @on a long look. :Re-e-&er yo2r orders.: :Belike we need o fl2sh he crows/: Ra leshir &ellowed o0er he cla-or. :Fea her he-?: :5o?: The word &2rs fro- @on.s li's &efore he &ow-en co2ld loose. 6e ook wo 42ick s e's forward. :3e yield?: :They warned -e &as ard &lood was cra0en/: he heard Fhorin 6alfhand say coldly &ehind hi-. :I see i is so. R2n o yo2r new -as ers/ coward.: Face reddening/ @on descended he slo'e o where Ra leshir sa his horse. The wildling s ared a hi- hro2gh he eyeholes of his hel-/ and said/ :The free folk ha0e no need of cra0ens.: :6e is no cra0en.: )ne of he archers '2lled off her sewn shee'skin hel- and shook o2 a head of shaggy red hair. :This is he Bas ard o. 3in erfell/ who s'ared -e. *e hi- li0e.: @on -e =gri e.s eyes/ and had no words. :*e hi- die/: insis ed he *ord of Bones. :The &lack crow is a ricksy &ird. I r2s hi- no .: )n a rock a&o0e he-/ he eagle fla''ed i s wings and s'li he air wi h a screa- of f2ry. :The &ird ha es yo2/ @on !now/: said =gri e. :And well he -igh . 6e was a -an/ &efore yo2 killed hi-.: :I did no know/: said @on r2 hf2lly/ rying o re-e-&er he face of he -an he had slain in he 'ass. :=o2 old -e Mance wo2ld ake -e.: :And he will/: =gri e said. :Mance is no here/: said Ra leshir . :Ragwyle/ g2 hi-.: The &ig s'earwife narrowed her eyes and said/ :If he crow wo2ld ;oin he free folk/ le hi- show 2s his 'rowess and 'ro0e he r2 h of hi-.: :I.ll do wha e0er yo2 ask.: The words ca-e hard/ &2 @on said he-. Ra leshir .s &one ar-or cla ered lo2dly as he la2ghed. :Then kill he 6alfhand/ &as ard.: :As if he co2ld/: said Fhorin. :T2rn/ !now/ and die.: And hen Fhorin.s sword was co-ing a hi- and so-ehow *ongclaw lea' 2'ward o &lock. The force of i-'ac al-os knocked he &as ard &lade fro- @on.s hand/ and sen hi- s aggering &ackward. =o2 -2s no &alk/ wha e0er is asked of yo2. 6e shif ed o a wo7hand gri'/ 42ick eno2gh o deli0er a s roke of his own/ &2 he &ig ranger &r2shed i aside

wi h con e-' 2o2s ease. Back and for h hey wen / &lack cloaks swirling/ he yo2 h.s 42ickness agains he sa0age s reng h of Fhorin.s lef 7hand c2 s. The 6alfhand.s longsword see-ed o &e e0erywhere a once/ raining down fro- one side and hen he o her/ dri0ing hi- where he wo2ld/ kee'ing hi- off &alance. Already he co2ld feel his ar-s growing n2-&. ,0en when Ghos .s ee h closed sa0agely aro2nd he ranger.s calf/ so-ehow Fhorin ke' his fee . B2 in ha ins an / as he wis ed/ he o'ening was here. @on 'lan ed and 'i0o ed. The ranger was leaning away/ and for an ins an i see-ed ha @on.s slash had no o2ched hi-. Then a s ring of red ears a''eared across he &ig -an.s hroa / &righ as a r2&y necklace/ and he &lood g2shed o2 of hi-/ and Fhorin 6alfhand fell. Ghos .s -2>>le was dri''ing red/ &2 only he 'oin of he &as ard &lade was s ained/ he las half inch. @on '2lled he direwolf away and knel wi h one ar- aro2nd hi-. The ligh was already fading in Fhorin.s eyes. :. . . shar'/: he said/ lif ing his -ai-ed fingers. Then his hand fell/ and he was gone. 6e knew/ he ho2gh n2-&ly. 6e knew wha hey wo2ld ask of -e. 6e ho2gh of !a-well Tarly hen/ of Grenn and 1oloro2s ,dd/ of (y' and Toad &ack a Cas le Black. 6ad he los he- all/ as he had los Bran and Rickon and Ro&&8 3ho was he now8 3ha was he8 :Ge hi- 2'.: Ro2gh hands dragged hi- o his fee . @on did no resis . :1o yo2 ha0e a na-e8: =gri e answered for hi-. :6is na-e is @on !now. 6e is ,ddard ! ark.s &lood/ of 3in erfell.: Ragwyle la2ghed. :3ho wo2ld ha0e ho2gh i 8 Fhorin 6alfhand slain &y so-e lordling.s &y&low.: :G2 hi-.: Tha was Ra leshir / s ill ahorse. The eagle flew o hiand 'erched a o' his &ony hel-/ screeching. :6e yielded/: =gri e re-inded he-. :Aye/ and slew his &ro her/: said a shor ho-ely -an in a r2s 7ea en iron halffiel-. Ra leshir rode closer/ &ones cla ering. :The wolf did his work for hi-. I were fo2lly done. The 6alfhand.s dea h was -ine.: :3e all saw how eager yo2 were o ake i /: -ocked Ragwyle. :6e is a warg/: said he *ord of Bones/ :and a crow. I like hi- no .: :A warg he -ay &e/: =gri e said/ :&2 ha has ne0er frigh ened 2s.: ) hers sho2 ed agree-en . Behind he eyeholes of his yellowed sk2ll Ra leshir .s s are was -alignan / &2 he yielded gr2dgingly. These are a free folk indeed/ ho2gh @on. They &2rned Fhorin 6alfhand where he.d fallen/ on a 'yre -ade of 'ine needles/ &r2sh/ and &roken &ranches. !o-e of he wood was s ill green/ and i &2rned slow and s-oky/ sending a &lack 'l2-e 2' in o he &righ hard &l2e of he sky. Af erward Ra leshir clai-ed so-e charred &ones/ while he o hers hrew dice for he ranger.s gear. =gri e won his cloak. :3ill we re 2rn &y he !kirling (ass8: @on asked her. 6e did no know if he co2ld face hose heigh s again/ or if his garron co2ld s2r0i0e a second crossing. :5o/: she said. :There.s no hing &ehind 2s.: The look she ga0e hi- was sad. :By now Mance is well down he Milkwa er/ -arching on yo2r 3all.: C6A(T,R GK BRA5

The ashes fell like a sof grey snow. 6e 'added o0er dry needles and &rown lea0es/ o he edge of he wood where he 'ines grew hin. Beyond he o'en fields he co2ld see he grea 'iles of -an7rock s ark agains he swirling fla-es. The wind &lew ho and rich wi h he s-ell of &lood and &2rn -ea / so s rong he &egan o sla0er. =e as one s-ell drew he- onward/ o hers warned he- &ack. 6e sniffed a he drif ing s-oke. Men/ -any -en/ -any horses/ and fire/ fire/ fire. 5o s-ell was -ore dangero2s/ no e0en he hard cold s-ell of iron/ he s 2ff of -anclaws and hardskin. The s-oke and ash clo2ded his eyes/ and in he sky he saw a grea winged snake whose roar was a ri0er of fla-e. 6e &ared his ee h/ &2 hen he snake was gone. Behind he cliffs all fires were ea ing 2' he s ars. All hro2gh he nigh he fires crackled/ and once here was a grea roar and a crash ha -ade he ear h ;2-' 2nder his fee . 1ogs &arked and whined and horses screa-ed in error. 6owls sh2ddered hro2gh he nigh < he howls of he -an7'ack/ wails of fear and wild sho2 s/ la2gh er and screa-s. 5o &eas was as noisy as -an. 6e 'ricked 2' his ears and lis ened/ and his &ro her growled a e0ery so2nd. They 'rowled 2nder he rees as a 'iney wind &lew ashes and e-&ers hro2gh he sky. In i-e he fla-es &egan o dwindle/ and hen hey were gone. The s2n rose grey and s-oky ha -orning. only hen did he lea0e he rees/ s alking slow across he fields. 6is &ro her ran wi h hi-/ drawn o he s-ell of &lood and dea h. They 'added silen hro2gh he dens he -en had &2il of wood and grass and -2d. Many and -ore were &2rned and -any and -ore were colla'sed< o hers s ood as hey had &efore. =e nowhere did hey see or scen a li0ing -an. Crows &lanke ed he &odies and lea' in o he air screeching when his &ro her and he ca-e near. The wild dogs sl2nk away &efore he-. Benea h he grea grey cliffs a horse was dying noisily/ s r2ggling o rise on a &roken leg and screa-ing when he fell. 6is &ro her circled ro2nd hi-/ hen ore o2 his hroa while he horse kicked fee&ly and rolled his eyes. 3hen he a''roached he carcass his &ro her sna''ed a hi- and laid &ack his ears/ and he c2ffed hi- wi h a fore'aw and &i his leg. They fo2gh a-ids he grass and dir and falling ashes &eside he dead horse/ 2n il his &ro her rolled on his &ack in s2&-ission/ ail 2cked low. )ne -ore &i e a his 2' 2rned hroa < hen he fed/ and le his &ro her feed/ and licked he &lood off his &lack f2r. The dark 'lace was '2lling a hi- &y hen/ he ho2se of whis'ers where all -en were &lind. 6e co2ld feel i s cold fingers on hi-. The s ony s-ell of i was a whis'er 2' he nose. 6e s r2ggled agains he '2ll. 6e did no like he darkness. 6e was wolf. 6e was h2n er and s alker and slayer/ and he &elonged wi h his &ro hers and sis ers in he dee' woods/ r2nning free &enea h a s arry sky. 6e sa on his ha2nches/ raised his head/ and howled. I will no go/ he cried. I a- wolf/ I will no go. =e e0en so he darkness hickened/ 2n il i co0ered his eyes and filled his nose and s o''ed his ears/ so he co2ld no see or s-ell or hear or r2n/ and he grey cliffs were gone and he dead horse was gone and his &ro her was gone and all was &lack and s ill and &lack and cold and &lack and dead and &lack . . . :Bran/: a 0oice was whis'ering sof ly. :Bran/ co-e &ack. Co-e &ack now/ Bran. Bran . . .: 6e closed his hird eye and o'ened he o her wo/ he old wo/ he &lind wo. In he dark 'lace all -en were &lind. B2 so-eone was holding hi-. 6e co2ld feel ar-s aro2nd hi-/ he war- h of a &ody sn2ggled close. 6e co2ld hear 6odor singing :6odor/ hodor/ hodor/: 42ie ly o hi-self.

:Bran8: I was Meera.s 0oice. :=o2 were hrashing/ -aking erri&le noises. 3ha did yo2 see8: :3in erfell.: 6is ong2e fel s range and hick in his -o2 h. )ne day when I co-e &ack I won. know how o alk any-ore. :I was 3in erfell. I was all on fire. There were horse s-ells/ and s eel/ and &lood. They killed e0eryone/ Meera.: 6e fel her hand on his face/ s roking &ack his hair. all swea y/: she said. :1o yo2 need a drink8: :A drink/: he agreed. !he held a skin o his li's/ and Bran swallowed so fas he wa er ran o2 of he corner of his -o2 h. 6e was always weak and hirs y when he ca-e &ack. And h2ngry oo. 6e re-e-&ered he dying horse/ he as e of &lood in his -o2 h/ he s-ell of &2rn flesh in he -orning air. :6ow long8: :Three days/: said @o;en. The &oy had co-e 2' sof foo / or 'erha's he had &een here all along< in his &lind &lack world/ Bran co2ld no ha0e said. :3e were afraid for yo2.: :I was wi h !2--er/: Bran said. :Too long. =o2.ll s ar0e yo2rself. Meera dri&&led a li le wa er down yo2r hroa / and we s-eared honey on yo2r -o2 h/ &2 i is no eno2gh.: :I a e/: said Bran. :3e ran down an elk and had o dri0e off a reeca ha ried o s eal hi-.: The ca had &een an7and7&rown/ only half he si>e of he direwol0es/ &2 fierce. 6e re-e-&ered he -2sky s-ell of hi-/ and he way he had snarled down a he- fro- he li-& of he oak. :The wolf a e/: @o;en said. :5o yo2. Take care/ Bran. Re-e-&er who yo2 are.: 6e re-e-&ered who he was all oo well< Bran he &oy/ Bran he &roken. Be er Bran he &eas ling. 3as i any wonder he wo2ld sooner drea- his !2--er drea-s/ his wolf drea-s8 6ere in he chill da-' darkness of he o-& his hird eye had finally o'ened. 6e co2ld reach !2--er whene0er he wan ed/ and once he had e0en o2ched Ghos and alked o @on. Tho2gh -ay&e he had only drea-ed ha . 6e co2ld no 2nders and why @oien was always rying o '2ll hi- &ack now. Bran 2sed he s reng h of his ar-s o s42ir- o a si ing 'osi ion. :I ha0e o ell )sha wha I saw. Is she here8 3here did she go8: The wildling wo-an herself ga0e answer. :5owhere/ -.lord. I.0e had -y fill o. &l2ndering in he &lack.: 6e heard he scra'e of a heel on s one/ 2rned his head oward he so2nd/ &2 saw no hing. 6e ho2gh he co2ld s-ell her/ &2 he wasn. s2re. All of he- s ank alike/ and he did no ha0e !2--er.s nose o ell one fro- he o her. :*as nigh I 'issed on a king.s foo /: )sha wen on. :Migh &e i was -orning/ who can say8 I was slee'ing/ &2 now I.- no .: They all sle' a lo / no only Bran. There was no hing else o do/ !lee' and ea and slee' again/ and so-e i-es alk a li le . . . &2 no oo -2ch/ and only in whis'ers/ ;2s o &e safe. )sha -igh ha0e liked i &e er if hey had ne0er alked a all/ &2 here was no way o 42ie Rickon/ or o s o' 6odor fro- -2 ering/ :6odor/ hodor/ hodor/: endlessly o hi-self. :)sha/: Bran said/ :I saw 3in erfell &2rning.: )ff o his lef / he co2ld hear he sof so2nd of Rickon.s &rea hing. :A drea-/: said )sha. :A wolf drea-/: said Bran. :I s-elled i oo. 5o hing s-ells like fire/ or &lood.: :3hose &lood8: :Men/ horses/ dogs/ e0eryone. 3e ha0e o go see.: :This scrawny skin of -ine.s he only one I go /: said )sha. :Tha s42id 'rince ca ches hold o. -e/ hey.ll s ri' i off -y &ack wi h a whi'.: Meera.s hand fo2nd Bran.s in he darkness and ga0e his fingers a

s42ee>e. :I.ll go if afraid.: Bran heard fingers f2-&ling a lea her/ followed &y he so2nd of s eel on flin . Then again. A s'ark flew/ ca2gh . )sha &lew sof ly. A long 'ale fla-e awoke/ s re ching 2'ward like a girl on her oes. )sha.s face floa ed a&o0e i . !he o2ched he fla-e wi h he head of a orch. Bran had o s42in as he 'i ch &egan o &2rn/ filling he world wi h orange glare. The ligh woke Rickon/ who sa 2' yawning. 3hen he shadows -o0ed/ i looked for an ins an as if he dead were rising as well. *yanna and Brandon/ *ord Rickard ! ark heir fa her/ *ord ,dwyle his fa her/ *ord 3illa- and his &ro her Ar os he I-'laca&le/ *ord 1onnor and *ord Beron and *ord Rodwell/ one7eyed *ord ;onnel/ *ord Bar h and *ord Brandon and *ord Cregan who had fo2gh he 1ragonknigh . )n heir s one chairs hey sa wi h s one wol0es a heir fee . This was where hey ca-e when he war- h had see'ed o2 of heir &odies< his was he dark hall of he dead/ where he li0ing feared o read. And in he -o2 h of he e-' y o-& ha wai ed for *ord ,ddard ! ark/ &enea h his s a ely grani e likeness/ he si9 f2gi i0es h2ddled ro2nd heir li le cache of &read and wa er and dried -ea . :*i le eno2gh lef /: )sha -2 ered as she &linked down on heir s ores. :I.d need o go 2' soon o s eal food in any case/ or we.d &e down o ea ing 6odor. : :6odor/: 6odor said/ grinning a her. :Is i day or nigh 2' here8: )sha wondered. :I.0e los all co2n o. s2ch.: :1ay/: Bran old her/ :&2 i .s dark fro- all he s-oke.: :M.Iord is cer ain8: 5e0er -o0ing his &roken &ody/ he reached o2 all he sa-e/ and for an ins an he was seeing do2&le. There s ood )sha holding he orch/ and Meera and ;o;en and 6odor/ and he do2&le row of all grani e 'illars and long dead lords &ehind he- s re ching away in o darkness . . . &2 here was 3in erfell as well/ grey wi h drif ing s-oke/ he -assi0e oakand7iron ga es charred and askew/ he draw&ridge down in a angle of &roken chains and -issing 'lanks. Bodies floa ed in he -oa / islands for he crows. :Cer ain/: he declared. )sha chewed on ha a -o-en . :I.ll risk a look hen. I wan he lo o. yo2 close &ehind. Meera/ ge Bran.s &aske .: :Are we going ho-e8: Rickon asked e9ci edly. :I wan -y horse. And I wan a''lecakes and &2 er and honey/ and !haggy. Are we going where !haggydog is8: :=es/: Bran 'ro-ised/ :&2 yo2 ha0e o &e 42ie .: Meera s ra''ed he wicker &aske o 6odor.s &ack and hel'ed lif Bran in o i / easing his 2seless legs hro2gh he holes. 6e had a 42eer fl2 er in his &elly. 6e knew wha awai ed he- a&o0e/ &2 ha did no -ake i any less fearf2l. As hey se off/ he 2rned o gi0e his fa her one las look/ and i see-ed o Bran ha here was a sadness in *ord ,ddard.s eyes/ as if he did no wan he- o go. 3e ha0e o/ he ho2gh . I .s i-e. )sha carried her long oaken s'ear in one hand and he orch in he o her. A naked sword h2ng down her &ack/ one of he las o &ear Mikken.s -ark. 6e had forged i for *ord ,ddard.s o-&/ o kee' his ghos a res . B2 wi h Mikken slain and he iron-en g2arding he ar-ory/ good s eel had &een hard o resis / e0en if i -ean gra0e7 ro&&ing. Meera had clai-ed *ord Rickard.s &lade/ ho2gh she co-'lained ha i was oo hea0y. Brandon ook his na-esake.s/ he sword -ade for he 2ncle he had ne0er known. 6e knew he wo2ld no &e -2ch 2se in a figh / &2 e0en so he &lade fel good in his hand.

B2 i was only a ga-e/ and Bran knew i . Their foo s e's echoed hro2gh he ca0erno2s cry' s. The shadows &ehind he- swallowed his fa her as he shadows ahead re rea ed o 2n0eil o her s a 2es< no -ere lords/ hese/ &2 he old Kings in he 5or h. )n heir &rows hey wore s one crowns. Torrhen ! ark/ he King 3ho Knel . ,dwyn he !'ring King. Theon ! ark/ he 62ngry 3olf. Brandon he B2rner and Brandon he !hi'wrigh . @orah and ;onos/ Brandon he Bad/ 3al on he Moon King/ ,dderion he Bridegroo-/ ,yron/ Ben;en he !wee and Ben;en he Bi er/ King ,drick !now&eard. Their faces were s ern and s rong/ and so-e of he- had done erri&le hings/ &2 hey were ! arks e0ery one/ and Bran knew all heir ales. 6e had ne0er feared he cry' s< hey were 'ar of his ho-e and who he was/ and he had always known ha one day he wo2ld lie here oo. B2 now he was no so cer ain. If I go 2'/ will I e0er co-e &ack down8 3here will I go when I die8 :3ai /: )sha said when hey reached he wis ing s one s airs ha led 2' o he s2rface/ and down o he dee'er le0els where kings -ore ancien s ill sa heir dark hrones. !he handed Meera he orch. :I.ll gro'e -y way 2'.: For a i-e hey co2ld hear he so2nd of her foo falls/ &2 hey grew sof er and sof er 2n il hey faded away en irely. :6odor/: said 6odor ner0o2sly. Bran had old hi-self a h2ndred i-es how -2ch he ha ed hiding down here in he dark/ how -2ch he wan ed o see he s2n again/ o ride his horse hro2gh wind and rain. B2 now ha he -o-en was 2'on hi-/ he was afraid. 6e.d fel safe in he darkness< when yo2 co2ld no e0en find yo2r own hand in fron of yo2r face/ i was easy o &elie0e ha no ene-ies co2ld e0er find yo2 ei her. And he s one lords had gi0en hi- co2rage. ,0en when he co2ld no see he-/ he had known hey were here. I see-ed a long while &efore hey heard any hing again. Bran had &eg2n o fear ha so-e hing had ha''ened o )sha. 6is &ro her was s42ir-ing res lessly. :I wan o go ho-e?: he said lo2dly. 6odor &o&&ed his head and said/ :6odor.: Then hey heard he foo s e's again/ growing lo2der/ and af er a few -in2 es )s&a e-erged in o he ligh / looking gri-. :!o-e hing is &locking he door. I can. -o0e i .: :6odor can -o0e any hing/: said Bran. )sha ga0e he h2ge s a&le&oy an a''raising look. :Migh &e he can. Co-e on/ hen.: The s e's were narrow/ so hey had o cli-& in single file. )sha led. Behind ca-e 6odor/ wi h Bran cro2ched low on his &ack so his head wo2ldn. hi he ceiling. Meera followed wi h he orch/ and @o;en &ro2gh 2' he rear/ leading Rickon &y he hand. Aro2nd and aro2nd hey wen / and 2' and 2'. Bran ho2gh he co2ld s-ell s-oke now/ &2 'erha's ha was only he orch. The door o he cry' s was -ade of ironwood. I was old and hea0y/ and lay a a slan o he gro2nd. )nly one 'erson co2ld a''roach i a a i-e. )sha ried once -ore when she reached i / &2 Bran co2ld see ha i was no &2dging. :*e 6odor ry.: They had o '2ll Bran fro- his &aske firs / so he wo2ld no ge s42ished. Meera s42a ed &eside hi- on he s e's/ one ar- hrown 'ro ec i0ely across his sho2lders/ as )sha and 6odor raded 'laces. :)'en he door/ 6odor/: Bran said. The h2ge s a&le&oy '2 &o h hands fla on he door/ '2shed/ and gr2n ed. :6odor8: 6e sla--ed a fis agains he wood/ and i did no so -2ch as ;2-'. :6odor.: :+se yo2r &ack/: 2rged Bran. :And yo2r legs.: T2rning/ 6odor '2 his &ack o he wood and sho0ed. Again. Again.

:6odor?: 6e '2 one foo on a higher s e' so he was &en 2nder he slan of he door and ried o rise. This i-e he wood groaned and creaked. :6odor?: The o her foo ca-e 2' a s e'/ and 6odor s'read his legs a'ar / &raced/ and s raigh ened. 6is face 2rned red/ and Bran co2ld see cords in his neck &2lging as he s rained agains he weigh a&o0e hi-. :6odor hodor hodor hodor hodor 6)1)R?: Fro- a&o0e ca-e a d2ll r2-&le. Then s2ddenly he door ;erked 2'ward and a shaf of dayligh fell across Bran.s face/ &linding hi- for a -o-en . Ano her sho0e &ro2gh he so2nd of shif ing s one/ and hen he way was o'en. )sha 'oked her s'ear hro2gh and slid o2 af er i / and Rickon s42ir-ed hro2gh Meera.s legs o follow. 6odor sho0ed he door o'en all he way and s e''ed o he s2rface. The Reeds had o carry Bran 2' he las few s e's. The sky was a 'ale grey/ and s-oke eddied all aro2nd he-. They s ood in he shadow of he Firs Kee'/ or wha re-ained of i . )ne whole side of he &2ilding had orn loose and fallen away. ! one and sha ered gargoyles lay s rewn across he yard. They fell ;2s where I did/ Bran ho2gh when he saw he-. !o-e of he gargoyles had &roken in o so -any 'ieces i -ade hi- wonder how he was ali0e a all. 5ear&y so-e crows were 'ecking a a &ody cr2shed &enea h he 2-&led s one/ &2 he lay facedown and Bran co2ld no say who he was. The Firs Kee' had no &een 2sed for -any h2ndreds of years/ &2 now i was -ore of a shell han e0er. The floors had &2rned inside i / and all he &ea-s. 3here he wall had fallen away/ hey co2ld see righ in o he roo-s/ e0en in o he 'ri0y. =e &ehind/ he &roken ower s ill s ood/ no -ore &2rned han &efore. @o;en Reed was co2ghing fro- he s-oke. :Take -e ho-e?: Rickon de-anded. :I wan o &e ho-e?: 6odor s o-'ed in a circle. :6odor/: he whi-'ered in a s-all 0oice. They s ood h2ddled oge her wi h r2in and dea h all aro2nd he-. :3e -ade noise eno2gh o wake a dragon/: )sha said/ :&2 here.s no one co-e. The cas le.s dead and &2rned/ ;2s as Bran drea-ed/ &2 we had &es 7: !he &roke off s2ddenly a a noise &ehind he-/ and whirled wi h her s'ear a he ready. Two lean dark sha'es e-erged fro- &ehind he &roken ower/ 'adding slowly hro2gh he r2&&le. Rickon ga0e a ha''y sho2 of :!haggy?: and he &lack direwolf ca-e &o2nding oward hi-. !2--er ad0anced -ore slowly/ r2&&ed his head 2' agains Bran.s ar-/ and licked his face. :3e sho2ld go/: said @o;en. :!o -2ch dea h will &ring o her wol0es &esides !2--er and !haggydog/ and no all on fo2r fee .: :Aye/ soon eno2gh/: )sha agreed/ :&2 we need food/ and here -ay &e so-e s2r0i0ed his/ ! ay oge her. Meera/ kee' yo2r shield 2' and g2ard o2r &acks.: i ook he res of he -orning o -ake a slow circ2i of he cas le. The grea grani e walls re-ained/ &lackened here and here &y fire &2 o herwise 2n o2ched. B2 wi hin/ all was dea h and des r2c ion. The doors of he Grea 6all were charred and s-oldering/ and inside he raf ers had gi0en way and he whole roof had crashed down on o he floor. The green and yellow 'anes of he glass gardens were all in shards/ he rees and fr2i s and flowers orn 2' or lef e9'osed o die. of he s a&les/ -ade of wood and ha ch/ no hing re-ained &2 ashes/ e-&ers/ and dead horses. Bran ho2gh of his 1ancer/ and wan ed o wee'. There was a shallow s ea-ing lake &enea h he *i&rary Tower/ and ho wa er g2shing fro- a crack in i s side. The &ridge &e ween he Bell Tower and he rookery had colla'sed in o he yard &elow/ and Maes er *2win.s 2rre was gone. They saw a d2ll red glow shining 2' hro2gh he narrow

cellar windows &enea h he Grea Kee'/ and a second fire s ill &2rning in one of he s oreho2ses. )sha called sof ly hro2gh he &lowing s-oke as hey wen / &2 no one answered. They saw one dog worrying a a cor'se/ &2 he ran when he ca2gh he scen s of he direwol0es< he res had &een slain in he kennels. The -aes er.s ra0ens were 'aying co2r o so-e of he cor'ses/ while he crows fro- he &roken ower a ended o hers. Bran recogni>ed (o9y Ty-/ e0en ho2gh so-eone had aken an a9e o his face. )ne charred cor'se/ o2 side he ashen shell of Mo her.s se' / sa wi h his ar-s drawn 2' and his hands &alled in o hard &lack fis s/ as if o '2nch anyone who dared a''roach hi-. :If he gods are good/: )sha said in a low angry 0oice/ : he ) hers will ake he- ha did his work.: :I was Theon/: Bran said &lackly. :5o. *ook.: !he 'oin ed across he yard wi h her s'ear. :Tha .s one of his iron-en. And here. And ha .s Grey;oy.s warhorse/ see8 The &lack one wi h he arrows in hi-.: !he -o0ed a-ong he dead/ frowning. :And here.s Black *orren.: 6e had &een hacked and c2 so &adly ha his &eard looked a reddish7&rown now. :Took a few wi h hi-/ he did.: )sha 2rned o0er one of he o her cor'ses wi h her foo . :There.s a &adge. A li le -an/ all red.: :The flayed -an of he 1readfor /: said Bran. !2--er howled/ and dar ed away. :The godswood.: Meera Reed ran af er he direwolf/ her shield and frog s'ear o hand. The res of he- railed af er/ hreading heir way hro2gh s-oke and fallen s ones. The air was swee er 2nder he rees. A few 'ines along he edge of he wood had &een scorched/ &2 dee'er in he da-' soil and green wood had defea ed he fla-es. :There is a 'ower in li0ing wood/: said ;o;en Reed/ al-os as if he knew wha Bran was hinking/ :a 'ower s rong as fire.: )n he edge of he &lack 'ool/ &enea h he shel er of he hear ree/ Maes er *2win lay on his &elly in he dir . A rail of &lood wis ed &ack hro2gh da-' lea0es where he had crawled. !2--er s ood o0er hi-/ and Bran ho2gh he was dead a firs / &2 when Meera o2ched his hroa / he -aes er -oaned. :6odor8: 6odor said -o2rnf2lly. :6odor8: Gen ly/ hey eased *2win on o his &ack. 6e had grey eyes and grey hair/ and once his ro&es had &een grey as well/ &2 hey were darker now where he &lood had soaked hro2gh. :Bran/: he said sof ly when he saw hi- si ing all on 6odor.s &ack. :And Rickon oo.: 6e s-iled. :The gods are good. I knew . . .: :Knew8: said Bran 2ncer ainly. :The legs/ I co2ld ell . . . he clo hes fi / &2 he -2scles in his legs . . . 'oor lad . . .: 6e co2ghed/ and &lood ca-e 2' fro- inside hi-. :=o2 0anished . . . in he woods . . . how/ ho2gh8 : :3e ne0er wen /: said Bran. :3ell/ only o he edge/ and hen do2&led &ack. I sen he wol0es on o -ake a rail/ &2 we hid in Fa her.s o-&.: :The cry' s.: *2win ch2ckled/ a fro h of &lood on his li's. 3hen he -aes er ried o -o0e/ he ga0e a shar' gas' of 'ain. Tears filled Bran.s eyes. 3hen a -an was h2r yo2 ook hi- o he -aes er/ &2 wha co2ld yo2 do when yo2r -aes er was h2r 8 :3e.ll need o -ake a li er o carry hi-/: said )sha. :5o 2se/: said *2win. :I.- dying/ wo-an.: :=o2 can. /: said Rickon angrily. :5o yo2 can. .: Beside hi-/ !haggydog &ared his ee h and growled. The -aes er s-iled. :62sh now/ child/ I.- -2ch older han yo2. I can . . . die as I 'lease.: :6odor/ down/: said Bran. 6odor wen o his knees &eside he -aes er.

:*is en/: *2win said o )sha/ : he 'rinces . . . Ro&&.s heirs. 5o . . . no oge her . . . do yo2 hear8: The wildling wo-an leaned on her s'ear. :Aye. !afer a'ar . B2 where o ake he-8 I.d ho2gh / -igh &e hese Cerwyns . . .: Maes er *2win shook his head/ ho2gh i was 'lain o see wha he effor cos hi-. :Cerwyn &oy.s dead. !er Rodrik/ *eo&ald Tallhar / *ady 6ornwood . . . all slain. 1ee'wood fallen/ Moa Cailin/ soon Torrhen.s !42are. Iron-en on he ! ony !hore. And eas / he Bas ard of Bol on.: :Then where8: asked )sha. :3hi e 6ar&or . . . he +-&ers . . . I do no know . . . war e0erywhere . . . each -an agains his neigh&or/ and win er co-ing . . . s2ch folly/ s2ch &lack -ad folly . . .: Maes er *2win reached 2' and gras'ed Bran.s forear-/ his fingers closing wi h a des'era e s reng h. :=o2 -2s &e s rong now. ! rong.: :I will &e/: Bran said/ ho2gh i was hard. !er Rodrik killed and Maes er *2win/ e0eryone/ e0eryone . . . :Good/: he -aes er said. :A good &oy. =o2r . . . yo2r fa her.s son/ Bran. 5ow go.: )sha ga>ed 2' a he weirwood/ a he red face car0ed in he 'ale r2nk. :And lea0e yo2 for he gods8: :I &eg . . .: The -aes er swallowed. a . . . a drink of wa er/ and . . . ano her &oon. If yo2 wo2ld . . :Aye.: !he 2rned o Meera. :Take he &oys.: @o;en and Meera led Rickon o2 &e ween he-. 6odor followed. *ow &ranches whi''ed a Bran.s face as hey '2shed &e ween he rees/ and he lea0es &r2shed away his ears. )sha ;oined he- in he yard a few -o-en s la er. !he said no word of Maes er *2win. :6odor -2s s ay wi h Bran/ o &e his legs/: he wildling wo-an said &riskly. :I will ake Rickon wi h -e.: :3e.ll go wi h Bran/: said @o;en Reed. :Aye/ I ho2gh yo2 -igh /: said )sha. :Belie0e I.ll ry he ,as Ga e/ and follow he kingsroad a ways.: :3e.ll ake he 62n er.s Ga e/: said Meera. :6odor/: said 6odor. They s o''ed a he ki chens firs . )sha fo2nd so-e loa0es of &2rned &read ha were s ill edi&le/ and e0en a cold roas fowl ha she ri''ed in half. Meera 2near hed a crock of honey and a &ig sack of a''les. )2 side/ hey -ade heir farewells. Rickon so&&ed and cl2ng o 6odor.s leg 2n il )sha ga0e hi- a s-ack wi h he &2 end of her s'ear. Then he followed her 42ick eno2gh. !haggydog s alked af er he-. The las Bran saw of he- was he direwolf.s ail as i 0anished &ehind he &roken ower. The iron 'or c2llis ha closed he 62n er.s Ga e had &een war'ed so &adly &y hea i co2ld no &e raised -ore han a foo . They had o s42ee>e &enea h i s s'ikes/ one &y one. :3ill we go o yo2r lord fa her8: Bran asked as hey crossed he draw&ridge &e ween he walls. :To Greywa er 3a ch8: Meera looked o her &ro her for he answer. :)2r road is nor h/: @o;en anno2nced. A he edge of he wolfswood/ Bran 2rned in his &aske for one las gli-'se of he cas le ha had &een his life. 3is's of s-oke s ill rose in o he grey sky/ &2 no -ore han -igh ha0e risen fro- 3in erfell.s chi-neys on a cold a2 2-n af ernoon. !oo s ains -arked so-e of he arrow loo's/ and here and here a crack or a -issing -erlon co2ld &e seen in he c2r ain wall/ &2 i see-ed li le eno2gh fro- his dis ance. Beyond/ he o's of he kee's and owers s ill s ood as hey had for h2ndreds of years/ and i was hard o ell ha he cas le had

&een sacked and &2rned a all. The s one is s rong/ Bran old hi-self/ he roo s of he rees go dee'/ and 2nder he gro2nd he Kings of 3in er si heir hrones. !o long as hose re-ained/ 3in erfell re-ained. I was no dead/ ;2s &roken. *ike -e/ he ho2gh . I.- no dead ei her. A((,51IC T6, KI5G! A51 T6,IR C)+RT! T6, KI5G )5 T6, IR)5 T6R)5, @)FFR,= BARAT6,)5/ he Firs of 6is 5a-e/ a &oy of hir een years/ he eldes son of King Ro&er I Bara heon and F2een Cersei of 6o2se *annis er/ 7his -o her/ F+,,5 C,R!,I/ F2een Regen and (ro ec or of he Real-/ 7his sis er/ (RI5C,!! M=RC,**A/ a girl of nine/ 7his &ro her/ (RI5C, T)MM,5/ a &oy of eigh / heir o he Iron Throne/ 7his 2ncles/ on his fa her.s sideB 7!TA55I! BARAT6,)5/ *ord of 1ragons one/ s yling hi-self King ! annis he Firs / 7R,5*= BARAT6,)5/ *ord of ! or-.s ,nd/ s yling hi-self King Renly he Firs / 7his 2ncles/ on his -o her.s sideB 7!,R @AIM, *A55I!T,R/ he Kingslayer/ *ord Co--ander of he Kingsg2ard/ a ca' i0e a Ri0err2n/ 7T=RI)5 *A55I!T,R/ ac ing 6and of he King/ 7Tyrion.s s42ire/ ()1RICK (A=5,/ 7Tyrion.s g2ards and sworn swordsB 7BR)55/ a sellsword/ &lack of hair and hear / 7!6AGGA !)5 )F 1)*F/ of he ! one Crows/ 7TIM,TT !)5 )F TIM,TT/ of he B2rned Men/ 7C6,**A 1A+G6T,R )F C6,=K/ of he Black ,ars/ 7CRA35 !)5 )F CA*)R/ of he Moon Bro hers/ 7Tyrion.s conc2&ine/ !6A,/ a ca-' follower/ eigh een/ 7his s-all co2ncilB 7GRA51 MA,!T,R (=C,**,/ 7*)R1 (,T=R BA,*I!6/ called *ITT*,FI5G,R/ -as er of coin/ 7*)R1 @A5)! !*=5T/ Co--ander of he Ci y 3a ch of King.s *anding H he :gold cloaks:I/ 7VAR=!/ a e2n2ch/ called he !(I1,R/ -as er of whis'erers/ 7his Kingsg2ardB 7!,R @AIM, *A55I!T,R/ called he KI5G!*A=,R/ *ord Co--ander/ a ca' i0e a Ri0err2n/ 7!A51)R C*,GA5,/ called he 6)+51/ 7!,R B)R)! B*)+5T/ 7!,R M,R=5 TRA5T/ 7!,R AR=! )AK6,ART/ 7!,R (R,!T)5 GR,,5FI,*1/ 7!,R MA51)5 M))R,/ 7his co2r and re ainersB 7!,R I*=5 (A=5,/ he King.s ;2s ice/ a heads-an/ 7V=*ARR/ ca' ain of he *annis er ho2sehold g2ards a King.s *anding H he :red cloaks:I/ 7!,R *A5C,* *A55I!T,R/ for-erly s42ire o King Ro&er / recen ly knigh ed/ 7T=R,K *A55I!T,R/ for-erly s42ire o King Ro&er / 7!,R AR)5 !A5TAGAR/ -as er7a 7ar-s/

7!,R BA*)5 !3A55/ second son o *ord G2lian !wann of ! onehel-/ 7*A1= ,RM,!A51, 6A=F)R1/ a &a&e a he &reas / 7!,R 1)5T)! 6)**AR1/ called he R,1/ a dr2nk/ 7@A*AB6AR C6)/ an e9iled 'rince fro- he !2--er Isles/ 7M))5 B)=/ a ;es er and fool/ 7*A1= TA51A !T)K,3)RT6/ 7FA*=!,/ her elder da2gh er/ 7*)**=!/ her yo2nger da2gh er/ a -aiden of hir y7 hree years/ 7*)R1 G=*,! R)!B=/ 7!,R 6)RA! R,13=5, and his win !,R 6)BB,R R,13=5,/ sons of he *ord of he Ar&or/ 7 he 'eo'le of King.s *andingB 7 he Ci y 3a ch H he :gold cloaks:IB 7@A5)! !*=5T/ *ord of 6arrenhal/ *ord Co--ander/ 7M)RR)!/ his eldes son and heir/ 7A**AR 1,,M/ !lyn .s chief sergean / 7!,R @AC,*=5 B=3AT,R/ called IR)56A51/ ca' ain of he Ri0er Ga e/ 76A**=5, T6, (=R)MA5C,R/ a 3isdo- of he G2ild of Alche-is s/ 7C6ATA=A/ owner of an e9'ensi0e &ro hel/ 7A*A=A=A/ 1A5C=/ MAR,I/ so-e of her girls/ 7T)B6) M)TT/ a -as er ar-orer/ 7!A**)R,)5/ a -as er ar-orer/ 7IR)5B,**=/ a &lacks-i h/ 7*)T6AR BR+5,/ a freerider/ 7!,R )!M+51 K,TT*,B*ACK/ a hedge knigh of 2nsa0ory re'2 a ion/ 7)!FR=1 and )!5,= K,TT*,B*ACK/ his &ro hers/ 7!=M)5 !I*V,R T)5G+,/ a singer. King @offrey.s &anner shows he crowned s ag of Bara heon/ &lack on gold/ and he lion of *annis er/ gold on cri-son/ co-&a an . T6, KI5G I5 T6, 5ARR)3 !,A !TA55I! BARAT6,)5/ he Firs of 6is 5a-e/ he older of King Ro&er .s &ro hers/ for-erly *ord of 1ragons one/ second&orn son of *ord ! effon Bara heon and *ady Cassana of 6o2se ,s er-on / 7his wife/ *A1= !,*=!, of 6o2se Floren / 7!6IR,,5/ heir only child/ a girl of en/ 7his 2ncle and co2sinsB 7!,R *)MA! ,!T,RM)5T/ an 2ncle/ 7his son/ !,R A51R,3 ,!T,RM)5T/ a co2sin/ 7his co2r and re ainersB 7MA,!T,R CR,!!,5/ healer and 2 or/ an old -an/ 7MA,!T,R (=*)!/ his yo2ng s2ccessor/ 7!,(T)5 BARR,/ 7!,R AC,** F*)R,5T/ cas ellan of 1ragons one/ and 2ncle o F2een !elyse/ 7(ATC6FAC,/ a lackwi fool/ 7*A1= M,*I!A51R, )F A!!6AI/ called he R,1 3)MA5/ a 'ries ess of R.hllor/ he 6ear of Fire/ 7!,R 1AV)! !,A3)RT6/ called he )5I)5 K5IG6T and so-e i-es !6)RT6A51/ once a s-2ggler/ ca' ain of Black Be ha/ 7his wife MAR=A/ a car'en er.s da2gh er/ 7 heir se0en sonsB 71A*,/ ca' ain of he 3rai h/

7A**AR1/ ca' ain of he *ady Marya/ 7MATT6)!/ second of Black Be ha/ 7MARIC/ oar-as er of F2ry/ 71,VA5/ s42ire o King ! annis/ 7!TA55I!/ a &oy of nine years/ 7!T,FF)5/ a &oy of si9 years/ 7BR=,5 FARRI5G/ s42ire o King ! annis/ 7his lords &anner-en and sworn swords/ 7AR1R*A/5 C,*TIGAR/ *ord of Claw Isle/ an old -an/ 7M)5F)R1 V,*AR=)5/ *ord of he Tides and Mas er of 1rif -ark/ 71+RAM BAR ,MM)5/ *ord of !har' (oin / a &oy of fo2r een years/ 7G+5C,R !+5G*A!!/ *ord of !wee 'or !o2nd/ 7!,R 6+BAR1 RAMBT)5/ 7!A**A16)R !AA5/ of he Free Ci y of *ys/ s yled (rince of he 5arrow !ea/ 7M)R)!6 T6, M=RMA5/ a sellsail ad-iral. King ! annis has aken for his &anner he fiery hear of he *ord of *igh < a red hear s2rro2nded &y orange fla-es 2'on a &righ yellow field. 3i hin he hear is 'ic 2red he crowned s ag of 6o2se Bara heon/ in &lack. T6, KI5G I5 6IG6GAR1,5 R,5*= BARAT6,)5/ he Firs of 6is 5a-e/ he yo2nger of King Ro&er .s &ro hers/ for-erly *ord of ! or-.s ,nd/ hird&orn son of *ord ! effon Bara heon and *ady Cassana of 6o2se ,s er-on / 7his new &ride/ *A1= MARGA,R= of 6o2se Tyrell/ a -aid of fif een years/ 7his 2ncle and co2sinsB 7!,R ,*1)5 ,!T,RM)5T/ an 2ncle/ 7!er ,ldon.s son/ !,R A,M)5 ,!T,RM)5T/ a co2sin/ 7!er Ae-on.s son/ !,R A*=5 ,!T,RM)5T/ 7his lords &anner-enB 7MAC, T=R,**/ *ord of 6ighgarden and 6and of he King/ 7RA51=** TAR*=/ *ord of 6orn 6ill/ 7MAT6I! R)3A5/ *ord of Goldengro0e/ 7BR=C, CAR)5/ *ord of he Marches/ 7!6=RA ,RR)*/ *ady of 6ays ack 6all/ 7AR3=5 )AK6,ART/ *ady of )ld )ak/ 7A*,!T,R F*)R,5T/ *ord of Brigh wa er Kee'/ 7*)R1 !,*3=5 )F TART6/ called he ,V,5!TAR/ 7*,=T)5 6IG6T)3,R/ Voice of )ld own/ *ord of he (or / 7*)R1 !T,FF)5 VAR5,R/ 7his Rain&ow G2ardB 7!,R *)RA! T=R,**/ he Knigh of Flowers/ *ord Co--ander/ 7*)R1 BR=C, CAR)5/ he )range/ 7!,R G+=AR1 M)RRIG,5/ he Green/ 7!,R (ARM,5 CRA5,/ he (2r'le/ 7!,R R)BAR R)=C,/ he Red/ 7!,R ,MM)5 C+=/ he =ellow/ 7BRI,55, )F TART6/ he Bl2e/ also called BRI,55, T6, B,A+T=/ da2gh er o *ord !elwyn he ,0ens ar/ 7his knigh s and sworn swordsB 7!,R C)RT5A= (,5R)!,/ cas ellan of ! or-.s ,nd/ 7!er Cor nay.s ward/ ,1RIC !T)RM/ a &as ard son of King Ro&er &y *ady 1elena of 6o2se Floren /

7!,R 1)55,* !3A55/ heir o ! onehel-/ 7!,R @)5 F)!!)3A=/ of he green7a''le Fossoways/ 7!,R BR=A5 F)!!)3A=/ !,R TA5T)5 F)!!)3A=/ and !,R ,13=1 F)!!)3A=/ of he red7a''le Fossoways/ 7!,R C)*,5 )F GR,,5())*!/ 7!,R MARK M+**,51)R,/ 7R,1 R)55,T/ he Knigh of Griffin.s Roos / 7his ho2sehold/ 7MA,!T,R @+R5,/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or. King Renly.s &anner is he crowned s ag of 6o2se Bara heon of ! or-.s ,nd/ &lack 2'on a gold field/ he sa-e &anner flown &y his &ro her King Ro&er . T6, KI5G I5 T6, 5)RT6 R)BB !TARK/ *ord of 3in erfell and King in he 5or h/ eldes son of ,ddard ! ark/ *ord of 3in erfell/ and *ady Ca elyn of 6o2se T2lly/ a &oy of fif een years/ 7his direwolf/ GR,= 3I51/ 7his -o her/ *A1= CAT,*=5/ of 6o2se T2lly/ 7his si&lingsB 7(RI5C,!! !A5!A/ a -aid of wel0e/ 7!ansa.s direwolf/ N*A1=O/ killed a Cas le 1arry/ 7(RI5C,!! AR=A/ a girl of en/ 7Arya.s direwolf/ 5=M,RIA/ dri0en off a year 'as / 7(RI5C, BRA51)5/ called Bran/ heir o 3in erfell and he 5or h/ a &oy of eigh / 7Bran.s direwolf/ !+MM,R/ 7(RI5C, RICK)5/ a &oy of fo2r/ 7Rickon.s direwolf/ !6AGG=1)G/ 7his half &ro her/ @)5 !5)3/ a &as ard of fif een years/ a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ 7@on.s direwolf/ G6)!T/ 7his 2ncles and a2n sB 7NBRA51)5 !TARKO/ *ord ,ddard.s elder &ro her/ slain a he co--and of King Aerys II Targaryen/ 7B,5@,5 !TARK/ *ord ,ddard.s yo2nger &ro her/ a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ los &eyond he 3all/ 7*=!A ARR=5/ *ady Ca elyn.s yo2nger sis er/ widow of N*ord @on ArrynO/ *ady of he ,yrie/ 7!,R ,1M+R, T+**=/ *ady Ca elyn.s yo2nger &ro her/ heir o Ri0err2n/ 7!,R BR=51,5 T+**=/ called he B*ACKFI!6/ *ady Ca elyn.s 2ncle/ 7his sworn swords and &a le co-'anionsB 7T6,)5 GR,=@)=/ *ord ,ddard.s ward/ heir o (yke and he Iron islands/ 76A**I! M)**,5/ ca' ain of g2ards for 3in erfell/ 7@ACK!/ F+,5T/ !6A11/ g2ards-en 2nder Mollen.s co--and/ 7!,R 3,51,* MA51,R*=/ second son o he *ord of 3hi e 6ar&or/ 7(ATR,K MA**I!T,R/ heir o !eagard/ 71AC,= M)RM)5T/ eldes da2gh er of *ady Maege and heir o Bear Island/ 7@)5 +MB,R/ called he !MA**@)5/ 7R)BI5 F*I5T/ !,R (,R3=5 FR,=/ *+CA! B*ACK3))1/

7his s42ire/ )*=VAR FR,=/ eigh een/ 7 he ho2sehold a Ri0err2nB 7MA,!T,R *+3I5/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or/ 7!,R 1,!M)51 GR,**/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ 7!,R R)BI5 R=G,R/ ca' ain of he g2ard/ 7+T6,R=1,! 3A=5/ s eward of Ri0err2n/ 7R=M+51 T6, R6=M,R/ a singer/ 7 he ho2sehold a 3in erfellB 7MA,!T,R *+3I5/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or/ 7!,R R)1RIK CA!!,*/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ 7B,T6/ his yo2ng da2gh er/ 73A*1,R FR,=/ called BIG 3A*1,R/ a ward of *ady Ca elyn/ eigh years of age/ 73A*1,R FR,=/ called *ITT*, 3A*1,R/ a ward of *ady Ca elyn/ also eigh / 7!,(T)5 C6A=*,/ kee'er of he cas le se' and li&rary/ 7@)!,T6/ -as er of horse/ 7BA51= and !6=RA/ his win da2gh ers/ 7FAR*,5/ kennel-as er/ 7(A**A/ a kennel girl/ 7)*1 5A5/ s ory eller/ once a we n2rse/ now 0ery aged/ 76)1)R/ her grea 7grandson/ a si-'le-inded s a&le&oy/ 7GAG,/ he cook/ 7T+R5I(/ a 'o girl and sc2llion/ 7)!6A/ a wildling wo-an aken ca' i0e in he wolfswood/ ser0ing as ki chen dr2dge/ 7MIKK,5/ s-i h and ar-orer/ 76A=6,A1/ !KITTRICK/ ()C= T=M/ A*,B,**=/ g2ards-en/ 7CA*)5/ T)M/ children of g2ards-en/ 7his lords &anner-en and co--andersB 7Hwi h Ro&& a Ri0err2nI 7@)5 +MB,R/ called he GR,AT@)5/ 7RICKAR1 KAR!TARK/ *ord of Karhold/ 7GA*BART G*)V,R/ of 1ee'wood Mo e/ 7MA,G, M)RM)5T/ *ady of Bear Island/ 7!,R !T,VR)5 FR,=/ eldes son of *ord 3alder Frey and heir o he Twins/ 7!er ! e0ron.s eldes son/ !,R R=MA5 FR,=/ 7!er Ry-an.s son/ B*ACK 3A*1,R FR,=/ 7MART=5 RIV,R!/ a &as ard son of *ord 3alder Frey/ 7Hwi h Roose Bol on.s hos a he TwinsI/ 7R))!, B)*T)5/ *ord of he 1readfor / co--anding he larger 'ar of he nor hern hos / 7R)B,TT G*)V,R/ of 1ee'wood Mo e/ 73A*1,R FR,=/ *ord of he Crossing/ 7!,R 6,IMA5 TA**6ART/ of Torrhen.s !42are/ 7!,R A,5=! FR,=/ 7H'risoners of *ord Tywin *annis erI/ 7*)R1 M,1G,R C,R3=5/ 76ARRI)5 KAR!TARK/ sole s2r0i0ing son of *ord Rickard/ 7!,R 3=*I! MA51,R*=/ heir o 3hi e 6ar&or/ 7!,R @AR,1 FR,=/ !,R 6)!T,,5 FR,=/ !,R 1A53,** FR,=/ and heir &as ard half &ro her/ R)5,* RIV,R!/ 7Hin he field or a heir own cas lesI/ 7*=MA5 1ARR=/ a &oy of eigh / 7!6,**A 36,5T/ *ady of 6arrenhal/ dis'ossessed of her cas le &y *ord Tywin *annis er/

7@A!)5 MA**I!T,R/ *ord of !eagard/ 7@)5)! BRACK,5/ *ord of he ! one 6edge/ 7T=T)! B*ACK3))1/ *ord of Ra0en ree/ 7*)R1 KAR=* VA5C,/ 7!,R MARF (I(,R/ 7!,R 6A*M)5 (A,G,/ 7his lord &anner-en and cas ellans in he nor hB 73=MA5 MA51,R*=/ *ord of 3hi e 6ar&or/ 76)3*A51 R,,1 of Greywa er 3a ch/ a crannog-an/ 76owland.s da2gh er/ M,,RA/ a -aid of fif een/ 76owland.s son/ @)@,5/ a &oy of hir een/ 7*A1= 1)5,**A 6)R53))1/ a widow and grie0ing -o her/ 7C*,= C,R3=5/ *ord Medger.s heir/ a &oy of fo2r een/ 7*,)BA*1 TA**6ART/ yo2nger &ro her o !er 6el-an/ cas ellan a Torrhen.s !42are/ 7*eo&ald.s wife/ B,R,5A of 6o2se 6ornwood/ 7*eo&ald.s son/ BRA51)5/ a &oy of fo2r een/ 7*eo&ald.s son/ B,R,5/ a &oy of en/ 7!er 6el-an.s son/ B,5FR,1/ heir o Torrhen.s !42are/ 7!er 6el-an.s da2gh er/ ,11ARA/ a -aid of nine/ 7*A1= !=B,**,/ wife o Ro&e Glo0er/ holding 1ee'wood Mo e in his a&sence/ 7Ro&e .s son/ GA3,5/ hree/ heir o 1ee'wood/ 7Ro&e .s da2gh er/ ,R,5A/ a &a&e of one/ 7*AR,5C, !5)3/ a &as ard son of *ord 6ornwood/ aged wel0e/ ward of Gal&ar Glo0er/ 7M)R! CR)3F))1 and 6)T6,R 36)R,!BA5, of 6o2se +-&er/ 2ncles o he Grea ;on/ 7*A1= *=,!!A F*I5T/ -o her o Ro&in/ 7)51R,3 *)CK,/ *ord of )ldcas le/ an old -an. The &anner of he King in he 5or h re-ains as i has for ho2sands of yearsB he grey direwolf of he ! arks of 3in erfell/ r2nning across an ice7whi e field.

T6, F+,,5 ACR)!! T6, 3AT,R 1A,5,R=! TARGAR=,5/ called 1aenerys ! or-&orn/ he +n&2rn / Mo her of 1ragons/ Khaleesi of he 1o hraki/ and Firs of 6er 5a-e/ sole s2r0i0ing child of King Aerys II Targaryen &y his sis er#wife/ F2een Rhaella/ a widow a fo2r een years/ 7her new7ha ched dragons/ 1R)G)5/ VI!,RI)5/ R6A,GA*/ 7her &ro hersB 7NR6A,GARO/ (rince of 1ragons one and heir o he Iron Throne/ slain &y King Ro&er on he Triden / 7NR6A,5=!O/ Rhaegar.s da2gh er &y ,lia of 1orne/ -2rdered d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ 7NA,G)5O/ Rhaegar.s son &y ,lia of 1orne/ -2rdered d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ 7NVI!,R=!O/ s yling hi-self King Viserys/ he Third of 6is 5a-e/ called he Beggar King/ slain in Vaes 1o hrak &y he hand of Khal 1rogo/ 7her h2s&and N1R)G)O/ a khal of he 1o hraki/ died of wo2nds gone &ad/ 7NR6A,G)O/ s ill&orn son of 1aenerys and Khal 1rogo/ slain in he wo-& &y Mirri Ma> 122r/

7her F2eensg2ardB 7!,R @)RA6 M)RM)5T/ an e9ile knigh / once *ord of Bear Island/ 7@6)G)/ ko and &loodrider/ he whi'/ 7AGG)/ ko and &loodrider/ he &ow/ 7RAK6AR)/ ko and &loodrider/ he arakh/ 7her hand-aidsB 7IRRI/ a 1o hraki girl/ 7@6IF+I/ a 1o hraki girl/ 71)R,A6/ a *yseni sla0e/ for-erly a whore/ 7 he hree seekersB 7CAR) C6)A5 1AC)!/ a -erchan 'rince of Far h/ 7(=AT (R,,/ a warlock of Far h/ 7F+AIT6,/ a -asked shadow&inder of Asshai/ 7I**=RI) M)(ATI!/ a -agis er of he Free Ci y of (en os/ who arranged o wed 1aenerys o Khal 1rogo and cons'ired o res ore Viserys o he Iron Throne. The &anner of he Targaryens is he &anner of Aegon he Con42eror/ who con42ered si9 of !e0en Kingdo-s/ fo2nded he dynas y/ and -ade he Iron Throne fro- he swords of his con42ered ene-iesB a hree7headed dragon/ red on &lack. )T6,R 6)+!,! GR,AT A51 !MA** 6)+!, ARR=5 6o2se Arryn declared for none of he ri0al clai-an s a he o2 &reak of he war/ and ke' i s s reng h &ack o 'ro ec he ,yrie and he Vale of Arryn. The Arryn sigil is he -oon7and7falcon/ whi e/ 2'on a sky7 &l2e field. Their Arryn words are As 6igh As 6onor. R)B,RT ARR=5/ *ord of he ,yrie/ 1efender of he Vale/ 3arden of he ,as / a sickly &oy of eigh years/ 7his -o her/ *A1= *=!A/ of 6o2se T2lly/ hird wife and widow of N*ord @on ArrynO/ la e 6and of he King/ and sis er o Ca elyn ! ark/ 7his ho2seholdB 7MA,!T,R C)*,M)5/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or/ 7!,R MAR3=5 B,*M)R,/ ca' ain of g2ards/ 7*)R1 5,!T)R R)=C,/ 6igh ! eward of he Vale/ 7*ord 5es or.s son/ !,R A*BAR/ 7M=A !T)5,/ a &as ard girl in his ser0ice/ na 2ral da2gh er of King Ro&er / 7M)R1/ a &r2 al gaoler/ 7MARI**I)5/ a yo2ng singer/ 7his lords &anner-en/ s2i ors/ and re ainersB 7*)R1 =)65 R)=C,/ called BR)5P, =)65/ 7*ord =ohn.s eldes son/ !,R A51AR/ 7*ord =ohn.s second son/ !,R R)BAR/ in ser0ice o King Renly/ Ro&ar he Red of he Rain&ow G2ard/ 7*ord =ohn.s yo2nges son/ N!,R 3A=MARO/ a -an of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ los &eyond he 3all/ 7*)R1 5,!T)R R)=C,/ &ro her of *ord =ohn/ 6igh ! eward of he Vale/ 7*ord 5es or.s son and heir/ !,R A*BAR/ 7*ord 5es or.s da2gh er/ M=RA51A/ 7!,R *=5 C)RBRA=/ a s2i or o *ady *ysa/

7M=C6,* R,1F)RT/ his s42ire/ 7*A1= A5=A 3A=53))1/ 7*ady Anya.s eldes son and heir/ !,R M)RT)5/ a s2i or o *ady *ysa/ 7*ady Anya.s second son/ !,R 1)55,*/ he Knigh of he Ga e/ 7,)5 6+5T,R/ *ord of *ong&ow 6all/ an old -an/ and a s2i or o *ady *ysa.

6)+!,F*)R,5T The Floren s of Brigh wa er Kee' are sworn &anner-en o 6ighgarden/ and followed he Tyrells in declaring for King Renly. They also ke' a foo in he o her ca-'/ howe0er/ since ! annis.s 42een is a Floren / and her 2ncle he cas ellan of 1ragons one. The sigil of 6o2se Floren shows a fo9 head in a circle of flowers. A*,!T,R F*)R,5T/ *ord of Brigh wa er/ 7his wife/ *A1= M,*ARA/ of 6o2se Crane/ 7 heir childrenB 7A*,K=5,/ heir o Brigh wa er/ 7M,*,!!A/ wed o *ord Randyll Tarly/ 7R6,A/ wed o *ord *ey on 6igh ower/ 7his si&lingsB 7!,R AC,**/ cas ellan of 1ragons one/ 7N!,R R=AMO/ died in a fall fro- a horse/ 7!er Rya-.s da2gh er/ F+,,5 !,*=!,/ wed o King ! annis/ 7!er Rya-.s eldes son and heir/ !,R IMR=/ 7!er Rya-.s second son/ !,R ,RR,5/ 7!,R C)*I5/ 7Colin.s da2gh er/ 1,*,5A/ wed o !,R 6)!MA5 5)RCR)!!/ 71elena.s son/ ,1RIC !T)RM/ a &as ard fa hered &y King Ro&er / 71elena.s son/ A*,!T,R 5)RCR)!!/ 71elena.s son/ R,5*= 5)RCR)!!/ 7Colin.s son/ MA,!T,R )M,R/ in ser0ice a )ld )ak/ 7Colin.s son/ M,RR,**/ a s42ire on he Ar&or/ 7his sis er/ R=*,5,/ wed o !er Rycherd Crane. 6)+!, FR,= (owerf2l/ weal hy/ and n2-ero2s/ he Freys are &anner-en o 6o2se T2lly/ heir swords sworn o he ser0ice of Ri0err2n/ &2 hey ha0e no always &een diligen in 'erfor-ing heir d2 y. 3hen Ro&er Bara heon -e Rhaegar Targaryen on he Triden / he Freys did no arri0e 2n il he &a le was done/ and hereaf er *ord 6os er T2lly always called *ord 3alder : he *a e *ord Frey.: *ord Frey agreed o s2''or he ca2se of he King in he 5or h only af er Ro&& ! ark agreed o a &e ro hal/ 'ro-ising o -arry one of his da2gh ers or grandda2gh ers af er he war was done. *ord 3alder has known nine y7one na-e days/ &2 only recen ly ook his eigh h wife/ a girl se0en y years his ;2nior. I is said of hi- ha he is he only lord in he !e0en Kingdo-s who co2ld field an ar-y o2 of his &reeches. 3A*1,R FR,=/ *ord of he Crossing/ 7&y his firs wife/ N*A1= (,RRA/ of 6o2se RoyceOB 7!,R !T,VR)5/ heir o he Twins/ 7-. NCorenna !wann/ died of a was ing illnessO/

7! e0ron.s eldes son/ !,R R=MA5/ 7Ry-an.s son/ ,13=5/ wed o @anyce 62n er/ 7,dwyn.s da2gh er/ 3A*1A/ a girl of eigh / 7Ry-an.s son/ 3A*1,R/ called B*ACK 3A*1,R/ 7Ry-an.s son/ (,T=R/ called (,T=R (IM(*,/ 7-. Mylenda Caron/ 7(e yr.s da2gh er/ (,RRA/ a girl of fi0e/ 7-. N@eyne *ydden/ died in a fall fro- a horseO/ 7! e0ron.s son/ A,G)5/ a halfwi called @I5G*,B,**/ 7! e0ron.s da2gh er/ NMA,G,**,/ died in child&edO/ 7-. !er 1afyn Vance/ 7Maegelle.s da2gh er/ MARIA55,/ a -aiden/ 7Maegelle.s son/ 3A*1,R VA5C,/ a s42ire/ 7Maegelle.s son/ (ATR,K VA5C,/ 7-. NMarsella 3aynwood/ died in child&edO/ 7! e0ron.s son/ 3A*T)5/ w. 1eana 6ardyng/ 73al on.s son/ !T,FF)5/ called T6, !3,,T/ 73al on.s da2gh er/ 3A*1A/ called FAIR 3A*1A/ 73al on.s son/ BR=A5/ a s42ire/ 7!,R ,MM)5/ -. Genna of 6o2se *annis er/ 7,--on.s son/ !,R C*,)!/ -. @eyne 1arry/ 7Cleos.s son/ T=3I5/ a s42ire of ele0en/ 7Cleos.s son/ 3I**,M/ a 'age a Ashe-ark/ 7,--on.s son/ !,R *=)5,*/ -. Melesa Crakehall/ 7,--on.s son/ TI)5/ a s42ire ca' i0e a Ri0err2n/ 7,--on.s son/ 3A*1,R/ called R,1 3A*1,R/ a 'age a Cas erly Rock/ 7!,R A,5=!/ -. NTyana 3ylde/ died in child&edO/ 7Aenys.s son/ A,G)5 B*))1B)R5/ an o2 law/ 7Aenys.s son/ R6A,GAR/ -. @eyne Bees&2ry/ 7Rhaegar.s son/ R)B,RT/ a &oy of hir een/ 7Rhaegar.s da2gh er/ 3A*1A/ a girl of en/ called 36IT, 3A*1A/ 7Rhaegar.s son/ @)5)!/ a &oy of eigh / 7(,RRIA5,/ -. !er *eslyn 6aigh/ 7(erriane.s son/ !,R 6AR=! 6AIG6/ 76arys.s son/ 3A*1,R 6AIG6/ a &oy of fo2r/ 7(erriane.s son/ !,R 1)55,* 6AIG6/ 7(erriane.s son/ A*=5 6AIG6/ a s42ire/ 7&y his second wife/ N*A1= C=R,55A/ of 6o2se !wannOB 7!,R @AR,1/ heir eldes son/ -. NAlys FreyO/ 7@ared.s son/ !,R T=T)!/ -. Phoe Blane ree/ 7Ty os.s da2gh er/ PIA/ a -aid of fo2r een/ 7Ty os.s son/ PAC6,R=/ a &oy of wel0e/ raining a he !e' of )ld own/ 7@ared.s da2gh er/ K=RA/ -. !er Garse Good&rook/ 7Kyra.s son/ 3A*1,R G))1BR))K/ a &oy of nine/ 7Kyra.s da2gh er/ @,=5, G))1BR))K/ si9/ 7!,(T)5 *+C,)5/ in ser0ice a he Grea !e' of Baelor in King.s *anding/ 7&y his hird wife/ N*A1= AMAR,I of 6o2se Crake&allOB 7!,R 6)!T,,5/ heir eldes son/ -. Bellena 6awick/ 76os een.s son/ !,R AR3))1/ -. Ryella Royce/ 7Arwood.s da2gh er/ R=,**A/ a girl of fi0e/

7Arwood.s win sons/ A51R)3 and A*=5/ hree/ 7*A1= *=T6,5,/ -. *ord *2cias Vy'ren/ 7*y hene.s da2gh er/ ,*=A5A/ -. !er @on 3ylde/ 7,lyana.s son/ RICKAR1 VV=*1,/ fo2r/ 7*y hene.s son/ !,R 1AM)5 V=(R,5/ 7!=M)51/ -. Be harios of Braa0os/ 7!y-ond.s son/ A*,!A51,R/ a singer/ 7!y-ond.s da2gh er/ A*=C/ a -aid of se0en een/ 7!y-ond.s son/ BRA1AMAR/ a &oy of en/ fos ered on Braa0os as a ward of )ro Tendyris/ a -erchan of ha ci y/ 7!,R 1A53,**/ -. 3ynafrei 3hen / 7H-any s ill&ir hs and -iscarriagesI/ 7M,RR,TT/ -. Mariya 1arry/ 7Merre .s da2gh er/ AM,R,I/ called AMI/ a widow of si9 een/ -. N!er (a e of he Bl2e ForkO/ 7Merre .s da2gh er/ 3A*1A/ called FAT 3A*1A/ a -aid of fif een years/ 7Merre .s da2gh er/ MARI!!A/ a -aid of hir een/ 7Merre .s son/ 3A*1,R/ called *ITT*, 3A*1,R/ a &oy of eigh / fos ered a 3in erfell as a ward of *ady Ca elyn ! ark/ 7N!,R G,R,M=/ drownedO/ -. Carolei 3aynwood/ 7Gere-y.s son/ !A51)R/ a &oy of wel0e/ a s42ire o !er 1onnel 3aynwood/ 7Gere-y.s da2gh er/ C=5T6,A/ a girl of nine/ a ward of *ady Anya. 3aynwood/ 7!,R RA=M+51/ -. Beony Bees&2ry/ 7Ray-2nd.s son/ R)B,RT/ si9 een/ in raining a he Ci adel in )ld own/ 7Ray-2nd.s son/ MA*VV=5/ fif een/ a''ren iced o an alche-is in *ys/ 7Ray-2nd.s win da2gh ers/ !,RRA and !ARRA/ -aiden girls of fo2r een/ 7Ray-2nd.s da2gh er/ C,R!,I/ si9/ called *ITT*, B,,/ 7&y his fo2r h wife/ N*A1= A*=!!A/ of 6o2se BlackwoodOB 7*)T6AR/ heir eldes son/ called *AM, *)T6AR/ -. *eonella *efford/ 7*o har.s da2gh er/ T=!A5,/ a girl of se0en/ 7*o har.s da2gh er/ 3A*1A/ a girl of fo2r/ 7*o har.s da2gh er/ ,MB,R*,I/ a girl of wo/ 7!,R @AMM)!/ -. !allei (aege/ 7@a--os.s son/ 3A*1,R/ called BIG 3A*1,R/ a &oy of eigh / fos ered a 3in erfell as a ward of *ady Ca elyn ! ark/ 7@a--os.s win sons/ 1ICK)5 and MAT6I!/ fi0e/ 7!,R 36A*,5/ -. !ylwa (aege/ 73halen.s son/ 6)!T,R/ a &oy of wel0e/ a s42ire o !er 1a-on (aege/ 73halen.s da2gh er/ M,RIA55,/ called M,RR=/ a girl of ele0en/ 7*A1= M)R=A/ -. !er Fle-en Bra9/ 7Morya.s son/ R)B,RT BRAC/ nine/ fos ered a Cas erly Rock as a 'age/ 7Morya.s son/ 3A*1,R BRAC/ a &oy of si9/ 7Morya.s son/ @)5 BRAC/ a &a&e of hree/ 7T=TA/ called TQ=TA T6, MAI1/ a -aid of wen y7nine/

7&y his fif h wife/ N*A1= !AR=A of 6o2se 3hen OB 7no 'rogeny/ 7&y his si9 h wife/ N*A1= B,T6A5= of 6o2se Ros&yOB 7!,R (,R3=5/ heir eldes son/ 7!,R B,5FR,=/ -. @yanna Frey/ a co2sin/ 7Benfrey.s da2gh er/ 1,**A/ called 1,AF 1,**A/ a girl of hree/ 7Benfrey.s son/ )!M+51/ a &oy of wo/ 7MA,!T,R 3I**AM,5/ in ser0ice a *ong&ow 6all/ 7)*=VAR/ a s42ire in he ser0ice of Ro&& ! ark/ 7R)!*I5/ a -aid of si9 een/ 7&y his se0en h wife/ N*A1= A55ARA of 6o2se FarringOB 7AR3=5/ a -aid of fo2r een/ 73,51,*/ heir eldes son/ a &oy of hir een/ fos ered a as a 'age/ 7C)*MAR/ 'ro-ised o he Fai h/ ele0en/ 73A*T=R/ called T=R/ a &oy of en/ 7,*MAR/ &e ro hed o Arya ! ark/ a &oy of nine/ 7!6IR,I/ a girl of si9/ 7his eigh h wife/ *A1= @)=,+!, of 6o2se ,renford/ 7no 'rogeny as ye / 7*ord 3alder.s na 2ral children/ &y s2ndry -o hers/ 73A*1,R RIV,R!/ called BA!TAR1 3A*1,R/ 7Bas ard 3alder.s son/ !,R A,M)5 RIV,R!/ 7Bas ard 3alder.s da2gh er/ 3A*1A RIV,R!/ 7MA,!T,R M,*3=!/ in ser0ice a Ros&y/ 7@,=5, RIV,R!/ MART=5 RIV,R!/ R=G,R RIV,R!/ R)5,* RIV,R!/ M,**ARA RIV,R!/ o hers.


6)+!, GR,=@)= Balon Grey;oy/ *ord of he Iron Islands/ 're0io2sly led a re&ellion agains he Iron Throne/ '2 down &y King Ro&er and *ord ,ddard ! ark. Tho2gh his son Theon/ raised a 3in erfell/ was one of Ro&& ! ark.s s2''or ers and closes co-'anions/ *ord Balon did no ;oin he nor h-en when hey -arched so2 h in o he ri0erlands. The Grey;oy sigil is a golden kraken 2'on a &lack field. Their words are 3e 1o 5o !ow BA*)5 GR,=@)=/ *ord of he Iron islands/ King of !al and Rock/ !on of he !ea 3ind/ *ord Rea'er of (yke/ ca' ain of he Grea Kraken/ 7his wife/ *A1= A*A55=!/ of 6o2se 6arlaw/ 7 heir childrenB 7NR)1RIKO/ slain a !eagard d2ring Grey;oy.s Re&ellion/ 7NMAR)5O/ slain a (yke d2ring Grey;oy.s Re&ellion/ 7A!6A/ ca' ain of he Black 3ind/ 7T6,)5/ a ward of *ord ,ddard ! ark a 3in erfell/ 7his &ro hersB 7,+R)5/ called CR)3.! ,=,/ ca' ain of he !ilence/ an o2 law/

'ira e/ and raider/ 7VICTARI)5/ *ord Ca' ain of he Iron Flee / -as er of he Iron Vic ory/ 7A,R)5/ called 1AM(6AIR/ a 'ries of he 1rowned God/ 7his ho2sehold on (ykeB 71AGM,R called C*,FT@A3/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ ca' ain of he Foarndrinker/ 7MA,!T,R 3,51AM=R/ healer and co2nselor 76,*=A/ kee'er of he cas le/ 7'eo'le of *ords'or B 7!IGRI5/ a shi'wrigh / 7his lords &anner-en/ 7*)R1 B)T*,=/ of *ords'or / 7*)R1 3=5C6/ of Iron 6ol / 7*)R1 6AR*A3/ of 6arlaw/ 7!T)5,6)+!,/ of )ld 3yk/ 71R+MM/ of )ld 3yk/ 7G))1BR)T6,R/ of )ld 3yk/ 7G))1BR)T6,R/ of Grea 3yk/ 7*)R1 M,R*=5/ of Grea 3yk/ 7!(ARR/ of Grea 3yk/ 7*)R1 B*ACKT=1,/ of Black yde/ 7*)R1 !A*TC*IFF,/ of !al cliffe/ 7*)R1 !+51,R*=/ of !al cliffe. 6)+!, *A55I!T,R The *annis ers of Cas erly Rock re-ain he 'rinci'al s2''or of King ;offrey.s clai- o he Iron Throne. Their sigil is a golden lion 2'on a cri-son field. The *annis er words are 6ear Me Roar? T=3I5 *A55I!T,R/ *ord of Cas erly Rock/ 3arden of he 3es / !hield of *annis'or / and 6and of he King/ co--anding he *annis er hos a 6arrenhal/ 7his wife/ N*A1= @)A55AO/ a co2sin/ died in child&ed/ 7 heir childrenB 7!,R @AIM,/ called he Kingslayer/ 3arden of he ,as and *ord Co--ander of he Kingsg2ard/ a win o F2een Cersei/ 7F+,,5 C,R!,I/ widow of King Ro&er / win o @ai-e/ F2een Regen and (ro ec or of he Real-/ 7T=RI)5/ called he IM(/ a dwarf/ 7his si&lingsB 7!,R K,VA5/ his eldes &ro her/ 7!er Ke0an.s wife/ 1)R5A/ of 6o2se !wyf / 7*ady 1orna.s fa her/ !,R 6AR=! !w=FT/ 7 heir childrenB 7!,R *A5C,*/ for-erly a s42ire o King Ro&er / knigh ed af er his dea h/ 73I**,M/ win o Mar yn/ a s42ire/ aken ca' i0e a he 3his'ering 3ood/ 7MART=5/ win o 3ille-/ a s42ire/ 7@A5,I/ a girl of wo/ 7G,55A/ his sis er/ wed o !er ,--on Frey/ 7Genna.s son/ !,R C*,)! FR,=/ aken ca' i0e a he 3his'ering 3ood/ 7Genna.s son/ TI)5 FR,=/ a s42ire/ aken ca' i0e a he

3his'ering 3ood/ 7N!,R T=G,TTO/ his second &ro her/ died of a 'o9/ 7Tyge .s widow/ 1AR*,!!A/ of 6o2se Mar&rand/ 7Tyge .s son/ T=R,K/ s42ire o he king/ 7NG,RI)5O/ his yo2nges &ro her/ los a sea/ 7Gerion.s &as ard da2gh er/ @)=/ ele0en/ 7his co2sin/ !,R !TAFF)R1 *A55I!T,R/ &ro her o he la e *ady @oanna/ 7!er ! afford.s da2gh ers/ C,R,55A and M=RI,**,/ 7!er ! afford.s son/ !,R 1AV,5/ 7his lord &anner-en/ ca' ains/ and co--andersB 7!,R A11AM MARBRA51/ heir o Ashe-ark/ co--ander of *ord Tywin.s o2 riders and sco2 s/ 7!,R GR,G)R C*,GA5,/ he Mo2n ain Tha Rides/ 7()**IV,R/ C6I!3=CK/ RAFF T6, !3,,T*I5G/ 1+5!,5/ and T6, TICK*,R/ soldiers in his ser0ice/ 7*)R1 *,) *,FF)R1/ 7!,R AM)R= *)RC6/ a ca' ain of foragers/ 7*,3=! *=11,5/ *ord of he 1ee' 1en/ 7GA3,5 3,!T,R*I5G/ *ord of he Crag/ aken ca' i0e in he 3his'ering 3ood and held a !eagard/ 7!,R R)B,RT BRAC/ and his &ro her/ 7!,R F*,M,5T BRAC/ 7!,R F)R*,= (R,!T,R/ of he Golden Too h/ 7VARG) 6)AT/ of he Free Ci y of Fohor/ ca' ain of he sellsword co-'any called he Bra0e Co-'anions/ 7MA,!T,R CR,=*,5/ his co2nselor. 6)+!, MART,** 1orne was he las of he !e0en Kingdo-s o swear feal y o he Iron Throne. Blood/ c2s o-/ and his ory all se he 1ornish-en a'ar frohe o her kingdo-s. 3hen he war of s2ccession &roke o2 / he (rince of 1orne ke' his silence and ook no 'ar . The Mar ell &anner is a red s2n 'ierced &y a golden s'ear. Their words are +n&owed/ +n&en / +n&roken. 1)RA5 5=M,R)! MART,**/ *ord of !2ns'ear/ (rince of 1orne/ 7his wife/ M,**ARI)/ of he Free Ci y of 5or0os/ 7 heir childrenB 7(RI5C,!! ARIA55,/ heir eldes da2gh er/ heir o !2ns'ear/ 7(RI5C, F+,5T=5/ heir eldes son/ 7(RI5C, TR=!TA5,/ heir yo2nger son/ 7his si&lingsB 7his sis er/ N(RI5C,!! ,*IAO/ wed o (rince Rhaegar Targaryen/ slain d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ 7,lia.s da2gh er/ N(RI5C,!! R6A,5=!O/ a yo2ng girl -2rdered d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ 7,lia.s son/ N(RI5C, A,G)5O/ a &a&e/ -2rdered d2ring he !ack of King.s *anding/ 7his &ro her/ (RI5C, )B,R=5/ he Red Vi'er/ 7his ho2seholdB 7AR,) 6)TA6/ a 5or0oshi sellsword/ ca' ain of g2ards/ 7MA,!T,R CA*,)TT,/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or/

7his lords &anner-enB 7,1RIC 1A=5,/ *ord of ! arfall. The 'rinci'al ho2ses sworn o !2ns'ear incl2de @ordayne/ !an agar/ Allyrion/ Toland/ =ronwood/ 3yl/ Fowler/ and 1ayne.

6)+!, T=R,** *ord Tyrell of 6ighgarden declared his s2''or for King Renly af er Renly.s -arriage o his da2gh er Margaery/ and &ro2gh -os of his 'rinci'al &anner-en o Renly.s ca2se. The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass7green field. Their words are Growing ! rong. MAC, T=R,**/ *ord of 6ighgarden/ 3arden of he !o2 h/ 1efender of he Marches/ 6igh Marshal of he Reach/ and 6and of he King/ 7his wife/ *A1= A*,RI,/ of 6o2se 6igh ower of )ld own/ 7 heir childrenB 73I**A!/ heir eldes son/ heir o 6ighgarden/ 7!,R GAR*A5/ called he GA**A5T/ heir second son/ 7!,R *)RA!/ he Knigh of Flowers/ heir yo2nges son/ *ord Co--ander of he Rain&ow G2ard/ 7MARGA,R=/ heir da2gh er/ a -aid of fif een years/ recen ly wed o Renly Bara heon/ 7his widowed -o her/ *A1= )*,55A of 6o2se Redwyne/ called he F+,,5 )F T6)R5!/ 7his sis ersB 7MI5A/ wed o (a9 er Redwyne/ *ord of he Ar&or/ 7 heir childrenB 7!,R 6)RA! R,13=5,/ win o 6o&&er/ -ocked as 6)RR)R/ 7!,R 6)BB,R R,13=5,/ win o 6oras/ -ocked as !*)BB,R/ 71,!M,RA R,13=5,/ a -aid of si9 een/ 7@A55A/ wed o !er @on Fossoway/ 7his 2nclesB 7GART6/ called he GR)!!/ *ord !eneschal of 6ighgarden/ 7Gar h.s &as ard sons/ GAR!, and GARR,TT F*)3,R!/ 7!,R M)R=5/ *ord Co--ander of he Ci y 3a ch of )ld own/ 7MA,!T,R G)RM)5/ a scholar of he Ci adel/ 7his ho2seholdB 7MA,!T,R *)M=!/ co2nselor/ healer/ and 2 or/ 7IG)5 V=R3,*/ ca' ain of he g2ard/ 7!,R V)RTIM,R CRA5,/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ 7B+TT,RB+M(!/ fool and ;es er/ h2gely fa . T6, M,5 )F T6, 5IG6T.! 3ATC6 The 5igh .s 3a ch 'ro ec s he real-/ and is sworn o ake no 'ar in ci0il wars and con es s for he hrone. Tradi ionally/ in i-es of re&ellion/ hey do honor o all kings and o&ey none. A Cas le Black

@,)R M)RM)5T/ *ord Co--ander of he 5igh .s 3a ch/ called he )*1 B,AR/ 7his s eward and s42ire/ @)5 !5)3/ he &as ard of 3in erfell/ called *)R1 !5)3/ 7@on.s whi e direwolf/ G6)!T/

7MA,!T,R A,M)5 HTARGAR=,5I/ co2nselor and healer/ 7!AM3,** TAR*= and C*=1A!/ his s ewards/ 7B,5@,5 !TARK/ Firs Ranger/ los &eyond he 3all/ 7T6)R,5 !MA**3))1/ a senior ranger/ 7@ARM,5 B+CK3,**/ a senior ranger/ 7!,R )TT=5 3=T6,R!/ !,R A*A1A*, 3=5C6/ GR,55/ (=(AR/ MATT6AR/ ,*R)5/ *ARK called he !I!T,RMA5/ rangers/ 7)T6,** =AR3=CK/ Firs B2ilder/ 76A*1,R/ A*B,TT/ &2ilders/ 7B)3,5 MAR!6/ *ord ! eward 7C6,TT/ s eward and dog handler/ 7,11I!)5 T)**,TT/ called 1)*)R)+! ,11/ a do2r s42ire/ 7!,(T)5 C,**A1AR/ a dr2nken de0o2 / 7!,R ,51R,3 TART6/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ 7&ro hers of Cas le BlackB 71)5A* 5)=,/ ar-orer and s-i h/ one7ar-ed/ 7T6R,,7FI5G,R 6)BB/ cook/ 7@,R,5/ RA!T/ C+G,5/ recr2i s s ill in raining/ 7C)53=/ G+,R,5/ :wandering crows/: recr2i ers who collec or'han &oys and cri-inals for he 3all/ 7=)R,5/ he senior of he :wandering crows/: 7(RA,1/ C+T@ACK/ 3)T6/ R,=!,5/ F=*,/ recr2i s &o2nd for he 3all/ 7K)!!/ G,RR,5/ 1)BB,R/ K+RP/ BIT,R/ R)RG,/ @AF,5 6IG6AR/ cri-inals &o2nd for he 3all/ 7*)MM= GR,,56A51!/ G,51R=/ TARB,R/ 6)T (I,/ ARR=/ or'han &oys &o2nd for he 3all. A ,as wa ch7&y7 he7!ea

C)TT,R (=K,/ Co--ander/ ,as wa ch/ 7!,R A**I!,R T6)R5,/ -as er7a 7ar-s/ 7&ro hers of ,as wa chB 71AR,)5/ s eward and singer. A he !hadow Tower

!,R 1,5=! MA**I!T,R/ Co--ander/ !hadow Tower/ 7F6)RI5 called 6A*F6A51/ a senior ranger/ 71A*BRI1G,/ an elderly s42ire and senior ranger/ 7,BB,5/ !T)5,!5AK,/ rangers.

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