Robert Ellis: Objective

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Robert Ellis

44 Port Master Drive St. Catharines, ON. L2N7A6 Phone: !"#$%6&7%7644 E%Mail: robert'ellis.on.(a

Seeking a position in the field of Civil Engineering that will challenge my skills and knowledge within the industry.

*ob E+,erien(e
Ellis Engineering Inc.
Recent Projects: Str-(t-ral .ns,e(tions Pedestrian Bridges Culverts Bridges Contra(t A/0inistration Beechwood Bridge !aylor Road Bridge" Reha#ilitation $%&$" 'iller Road Bridge Replacement $%&(" )emon Road Bridge Replacement $%&(" 2""7%Present

Re1eren(es available -,on re2-est

3ol-nteer E+,erien(e
4enle5 .slan/ Ro6in7 boat hol/er$ S-00ers o1 2""7%2"8"

*olunteer at several rowing regattas including the Royal +enley Regatta 9he :irst 9ee O(tober 2"8"

*olunteer at ,irst !ee of Charlotte: !aught junior golfers the #asics skills of the game as well as rules and eti-uette.

2""#%2""!: St :ran(is Catholi( Se(on/ar5 S(hool 2"8";88: <-eens =niversit5 o1 Charlotte 8 5ear$ Business .dministration 2"82%Present: Nia7ara Colle7e Cana/a Civil Engineering !echnician

Strong interpersonal and organi/ational skills E0perience with on1site contract administration E0perience in Structural 2nspections E0perience with 'icrosoft 3ffice .utoC.45 E0cel5 PowerPoint5 6ord5 'athC.4" Pro#lem solving and analytical thinking skills

A(hieve0ents; A6ar/s
$%&% 3,SS. 3ntario +igh School" Champion1 7olf $%&% E0cellence in .thletics .ward 8C4SB" $%&& 7olf Scholarship to 9ueens :niversity of Charlotte $%&$ 2ndividual silver medalist at the CC.. 7olf championships 8iagara College"

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