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1b Self Assessment on Essential CSTPs for Second Year Teachers Part 1 Initial Assessment
Purpose: To demonstrate your in-depth reflection and analysis of your strengths and areas for growth on the essential California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) for beginning teachers. Directions: You will complete an initial and final self-assessment for this document. The initial self-assessment is to be completed after your second inquiry. The final self-assessment is to be completed at the end of the year after your third inquiry. With your Support Provider/Consulting Teacher, 1) highlight the key words in the Continuum of Teaching Practice document that identify your level of practice on the essential CSTPs (use different highlighter colors for your initial and final assessments). 2) Based on your highlighting, determine the level that best describes where you fall on the continuum at this time. 3) Discuss your reasons for your placement on the evidence page by referring to specific examples from your teaching. List three sources of evidence for Part 1.

Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Da t e

1.1 #sing $no%ledge of st&dents to engage them in learning


Ex loring




Learns about students through data provided by the school and/or through district assessments

#athers additional data to learn about individual students

&ses data !rom a variety o! !ormal and in!ormal sources to learn about students and guide selection o! instructional strategies to meet diverse learning needs

&ses data !rom multiple measures to ma'e ad%ustments to instruction and meet individual identi!ied learning needs

&ses comprehensive 'no"ledge o! students to ma'e ongoing ad%ustments and accommodations in instruction

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Some students may engage in learning using instructional strategies !ocused on the class as a "hole

Students engage in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons that include some ad%ustments based on assessments

Students engage in learning through the use o! ad%ustments in instruction to meet their needs

Students actively utili(e a variety o! instructional strategies and technologies in learning that ensure e$uitable access to the curriculum

Students ta'e o"nership o! their learning by choosing !rom a "ide range o! methods to !urther their learning that are responsive to their diverse learning needs

C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P ra c t ic e

The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

1.' #sing a "ariet! of instr&ctional strategies( reso&rces( and technologies to meet st&dents) di"erse learning need


Ex loring




&ses instructional strategies+ resources+ and technologies as provided by school and/or district

Explores additional instructional strategies+ resources+ and technologies in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons to meet students- diverse learning needs

&tili(es a variety o! strategies including culturally responsive pedagogy+ resources+ and technologies during ongoing instruction to meet students- diverse learning needs

Creates+ adapts+ and integrates a broad range o! strategies+ resources+ and technologies into instruction designed to meet studentsdiverse learning needs

.e!ines the !lexible use o! an extensive repertoire o! strategies+ resources+ and technologies to meet students- diverse learning needs

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Some students participate in instructional strategies+ using resources and technologies provided

Students participate in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons related to their interests and experiences

Students participate in instruction using strategies+ resources+ and technologies matched to their learning needs

Students actively engage in instruction and ma'e use o! a variety o! targeted strategies+ resources+ and technologies to meet their individual learning needs

Students ta'e responsibility !or using a "ide range o! strategies+ resources+ and technologies that success!ully advance their learning

C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard / CSTP: Creating and 0aintaining E!!ective Environments !or Student Learning
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

2.1 Promoting social de"elo ment and res onsibilit! %ithin a caring comm&nit! %here each st&dent is treated fairl! and res ectf&ll!


Ex loring




0odels and communicates expectations !or !air and respect!ul behavior to support social development

0odels !air and respect!ul behavior *emonstrates commitment to !airness and respect in communications "ith students about language and behavior See's to understand cultural perceptions o! caring community

.ein!orces positive+ responsible+ and respect!ul student interactions Assists students to resolve con!licts 1ncorporate cultural a"areness to develop a positive classroom climate

*evelops shared responsibility "ith students !or resolving con!lict and creating and maintaining a caring classroom community Supports students in ta'ing leadership in developing a caring community that is responsive to the diverse cultural norms o! identities o! all students Students ta'e responsibility resolving con!licts and maintaining a caring classroom community Students promote respect and appreciation !or di!!erences

2acilitates student sel!) re!lection and ongoing improvement o! the caring community based on respect+ !airness+ and the value o! all members

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Some students share in responsibility !or the classroom community Students participate in occasional community building activities+ designed to promote caring+ !airness+ and respect Students demonstrate e!!orts to be positive+ accepting+ and respect!ul o! di!!erences

Students ta'e leadership in resolving con!lict and creating a !air and respect!ul classroom community "here student-s home culture is included and valued Students communicate "ith empathy and understanding in interactions "ith one another

C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

Part 1 Date:




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Standard / CSTP: Creating and 0aintaining E!!ective Environments !or Student Learning
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

2.* #sing instr&ctional time to o timi+e learning


Ex loring




Paces instruction based on curriculum guidelines *evelops a"areness o! ho" transitions and classroom management impact pacing and lessons

Paces instruction "ith some consideration o! lesson type+ ad%ustments !or su!!icient student "or' time and transitions to optimi(e learning

Paces instruction "ith students to provide ade$uate time !or instruction+ chec'ing !or understanding+ completion o! learning activities and closure

Paces instruction Paces+ ad%usts+ and !luidly to include ongoing !acilitates instruction and assessment o! daily activities student learning Supports students in the monitoring o! instructional time

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Some students complete learning activities in time allotted

Students complete learning activities and+ as needed+ may receive some ad%ustments o! time allotted !or tas's or expectations !or completion

Students participate in and complete a variety o! learning activities in the time allotted "ith options !or extension and revie"

Students use their instructional time to engage in and complete learning activities and are prepared !or the next se$uence o! instruction

Students monitor their o"n time+ are engaged in accomplishing learning goals+ and participate in re!lection+ sel!)assessment+ and goal setting

C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard 3 CSTP: &nderstanding and organi(ing Sub%ect 0atter !or Student Learning
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

,.2 A l!ing $no%ledge of st&dent de"elo ment and roficiencies to ens&re st&dent &nderstanding of s&b-ect matter


Ex loring




4as basic 'no"ledge o! student stages o! development "hile becoming a"are o! di!!erences in studentsunderstanding o! sub%ect matter Teaches sub%ect)speci!ic vocabulary !ollo"ing curriculum guidelines

Expands 'no"ledge o! student development and implements learning activities in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons that address studentspro!iciencies and support understanding o! sub%ect matter including related academic language Provides explicit teaching o! essential content vocabulary and associated academic language in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons Explains academic language+ !ormats+ and vocabulary to support student access to sub%ect matter "hen con!usions are identi!ied

Adapts instruction in response to 'no"ledge o! student development and pro!iciencies to meet students- diverse learning needs Ensures understanding o! sub%ect matter including related academic language Provides explicit teaching o! essential vocabulary+ idioms+ 'ey "ords "ith multiple meanings+ and academic language in "ays that engage students in accessing sub%ect matter text or learning activities

1ntegrates 'no"ledge o! range o! students development into instructional decisions to ensure student understanding o! sub%ect matter including related academic language Provides explicit teaching o! speci!ic academic language+ text structure+ grammatical+ and stylistic language !eatures to ensure e$uitable access and sub%ect matter understanding !or the range o! student language levels and abilities

&tili(es comprehensive 'no"ledge o! students to guide all students to develop pro!iciencies+ understand sub%ect matter including related academic language Engages students at all levels o! vocabulary+ academic language+ and pro!iciency in sel!)directed goal setting+ monitoring+ and improvement #uides all students in using analysis strategies that provides e$uitable access and deep understanding o! sub%ect matter

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C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument

*eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard 3 CSTP: &nderstanding and 5rgani(ing Sub%ect 0atter !or Student Learning
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

,.. Addressing the needs of English Lear ner s and st&dents %ith s ecial needs/ to ro"ide e0&itable access to the content


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1s a"are o! studentsprimary language and English language pro!iciencies based on available assessment data

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See's additional in!ormation describing elements o! culture and language pro!iciencies in listening+ spea'ing+ reading and "riting Provides adapted materials &ses multiple measures !or assessing English to help English Learners learners- per!ormance to access content identi!y gaps in English language development Attempts to sca!!old content using visuals+ models+ and graphic organi(ers

1denti!ies language pro!iciencies and English learner strengths in the study o! language and content *i!!erentiates instruction using one or more components o! English language development to support English learners Creates and implements sca!!olds to support standards)based instruction using literacy strategies+ S*A1E+ and content level English language development in order !or students to improve language pro!iciencies and understand content

1ntegrates 'no"ledge o! English language development and English learner-s strengths and assessed needs into English language and content instruction *evelops and adapts instruction to provide a "ide range o! sca!!olded supports !or language and content !or the range o! English learners

Engages English learners in assessment o! their progress in English language development and in meeting content standards Supports students to establish and monitor language and content goals 1s resource!ul and !lexible in the design+ ad%ustment and elimination o! sca!!olds based on English learnerspro!iciencies+ 'no"ledge and s'ills in content

Please see the additional Standard elements that are of particular importance in the effective instruction of English Learners: Standard Element 1 2 !onnecting learning to students" prior #no$ledge% &ac#grounds% life e'periences% and interests Standard Element 3 2 Appl(ing #no$ledge of student development and proficiencies to ensure student understanding of su&)ect matter Standard Element * + ,or#ing $ith families to support student learning
C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument

*eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

Part 1 Date:




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Standard 3 CSTP: &nderstanding and 5rgani(ing Sub%ect 0atter !or Student Learning
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

,.. Addressing the needs of English 1earners and students $ith special needs- to ro"ide e0&itable access to the content


Ex loring




4as an a"areness o! the !ull range o! students identi!ied "ith special needs students through data provided by the school Attends re$uired meetings "ith resource personnel and !amilies Learns about re!erral processes !or students "ith special needs

See's additional in!ormation on the !ull range o! students identi!ied "ith special needs to address challenges or supports in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons Cooperates "ith resource personnel+ para)educators+ and !amilies during meetings and activities in support o! learning plans and goals See's additional in!ormation on struggling learners and advanced learners to determine appropriateness !or re!erral

&tili(es in!ormation on the !ull range o! students identi!ied "ith special needs to assess strengths and competencies to provide appropriate challenge and accommodations in instruction Communicates regularly "ith resource personnel+ para) educators+ and !amilies to ensure that student services are provided and progress is made in accessing appropriate content

1ntegrates accommodations+ adaptations+ and extensions to instruction !or the !ull range o! students "ith special needs to ensure ade$uate support and challenge Communicates and collaborates "ith colleagues+ support sta!! and !amilies to ensure consistent instruction Supports !amilies in positive engagement "ith the school 1nitiates and monitors re!erral processes and !ollo")up meetings to ensure that students receive support and/or extended learning that is integrated into the core curriculum

#uides and supports the !ull range o! students "ith special needs to actively engage in the assessment+ and monitor their o"n strengths+ learning needs+ and achievements in accessing content Communicates and collaborates "ith resource personnel+ para)educators+ !amilies+ leadership+ and students in creating a coordinated program to optimi(e success o! the !ull range o! students "ith special needs Ta'es leadership at the site/ district and collaborates "ith resource personnel to ensure the smooth and e!!ective implementation o! re!erral processes

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.e!ers students as needed in a timely and appropriate manner supported "ith documented data over time+ including interventions tried previous learners to re!erral -The full range of students $ith special needs includes students $ith .EPs% /0+ Plans and advanced

Please see the additional Standard elements that are of particular importance in the effective instruction of students $ith special needs: Standard Element 2 *: Emplo(ing classroom routines% procedures% norms% and supports for positive &ehavior to ensure climate in $hich all students can learn Standards 2 and + contain multiple references to differentiation% adaptations% and ad)ustments that are all critical supports for students $ith special needs
C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard 6 CSTP: Planning 1nstruction and *esigning Learning Experiences !or all Students
Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 11) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

'.2 Ada ting instr&ctional lans and c&rric&lar materials to meet the assessed learning needs of all st&dents.


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1mplements lessons and uses materials !rom curriculum provided

7egins to adapt plans and materials in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons to address students- learning needs

0a'es ad%ustments and adaptations to di!!erentiate instructional plans &ses culturally responsive pedagogy and additional materials to support students- diverse learning needs

0a'es ongoing ad%ustments to instructional plans and uses a variety o! materials as the instructional need arises to support student learning

Anticipates and plans !or a "ide range o! adaptations to lessons based on in depth analysis o! individual student needs Engages "ith students to identi!y types o! ad%ustments in instruction that best meet their learning needs

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C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teacher Center

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Standard 8 CSTP: Assessing Students !or Learning

Evidence of Practice: Understanding that the levels become increasingly complex and sophisticated while integrating the skills of previous levels, what examples from your teaching practice and students performance inform your self-assessment? 1) Asses level of practice 2) List evidence on the evidence page 3 ) Date

2.' #sing assessment data to establish learning goals and to lan( differentiate( and modif! instr&ction


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&ses data !rom assessments provided by site and district to set learning goals !or the class Plans instruction using available curriculum guidelines

&ses data !rom available assessments to establish content based learning goals !or class and individual students in single lessons or se$uence o! lessons Plans ad%ustments in instruction to address learning needs o! individual students

&ses a variety o! assessment data to set student learning goals !or content and academic language Plans di!!erentiated lessons and modi!ications to instruction to meet students- diverse learning needs

&ses a broad range o! data to set learning goals !or content and academic language that are integrated across content standards !or individuals and groups Plans di!!erentiated instruction targeted to meet individual and group learning needs and modi!ies lessons during instruction based on in!ormal assessments

.e!lects on data continuously to ma'e ongoing re!inements to learning goals !or content and academic language !or the !ull range o! students &ses data systematically to re!ine planning+ di!!erentiate instruction+ and ma'e ongoing ad%ustments to match the evolving learning needs o! individuals and groups

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C o n t in u u m o ! T e a c h in g P r a c t ic e
The Continuum of Teaching Practice is not designed !or use as a stand)alone observation or evaluation instrument *eveloped in collaboration "ith the CCTC+ C*E and ,e" Teache

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