Ex. I Have A Cat. This Is - My - Cat

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1. Completati propozitiile cu possessive adjectives(my, your, his,etc.)

Ex. I have a cat. This is ___my___cat.

I have a blue book. This is_________ book.

We have a big house in the city. This is__________house.
Tom has a beautiful sister. This is________sister.
Mary has a very little dog. That is____________dog.
5. She has an old grandmother. ______ name is Mary.
2. Completati propozitiile cu verbul to be la pozitiv si apoi la negativ:
1.He..Tim, my brother. -----------------------------------------2.I . hungry, mum! --------------------------------------------3.You..here with Tom.--------------------------------------------4.Shein the house.-------------------------------------------5. Who.he?------------------------------------------------------3. Alegeti varianta corecta:
Look! There is a / an dog and a / an cat!
George is a / an American name
. Lets take a / an umbrella! Its raining.
I am a / an inventive person!
4. Completati propozitiile cu WHO, WHERE, WHAT:
1. s the boy over there?
2. s the name of the girl over there?
3. .is your teachers name?
4. ..s my camera?
5. Conjugati verbul to have la pozitiv si negativ:

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