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1o lmprove our currlculum and ensure we offer Lhe besL posslble lessons, we would greaLly appreclaLe your
Llme and LhoughLs ln compleLlng Lhls confldenLlal evaluaLlon form.

Lesson(s) ALLended: uaLe of ALLendance:

School: Age/Crade:


9$"#:" ;(5;$" )*" #665+65(#)" 5":6+,:" )+ "#;* +/ )*" :)#)"'",): <"$+=>
1) 1he sLudenLs/group en[oyed Lhelr Llme aL neal SmlLh naLlonal Wlldllfe 8efuge:

sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
2) 1he lesson(s) were age approprlaLe (speclfy whlch were noL approprlaLe ln Lhe commenLs space):
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
3) 1he conLenL was relevanL Lo Lhe SLaLe SLandards:
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
4) 1he naLure [ournals were well explalned and useful:
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
3) 1he sLudenLs/group were gulded Lo relaLe or make a connecLlon wlLh naLure:
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
6) 1he sLudenLs/group were exposed Lo Lhe Lerm naLurallsL and glven example(s) of naLurallsLs:
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree
7) 1he sLudenLs/group were lnLroduced Lo Lhe phenology (seasonal varlaLlons) of Lhe pralrle:
sLrongly dlsagree dlsagree no oplnlon agree sLrongly agree

9$"#:" #,:="5 )*" ?1":)(+,: <"$+= #,. '#@" #,A #..()(+,#$ ;+''",):>
Were Lhere any speclflc lessons or acLlvlLles LhaL lefL a poslLlve lmpresslon on your sLudenLs/group? lf
so, whlch lesson(s), and whaL was Lhe lmpresslon?

Pow would you change Lhe lessons Lo make Lhem more en[oyable or educaLlonal for your sLudenLs?

Was Lhe presenLer(s) engaglng, aLLenLlve, and a faclllLaLor Lo learnlng abouL naLure? lf so, whlch
presenLer and how dld Lhey accompllsh Lhls?

uo you plan Lo use Lhe naLure [ournals ln your own classroom? lf so, how wlll you lncorporaLe Lhem
lnLo your currlculum?

use Lhls space Lo add more commenLs or suggesLlons and feel Lo aLLach anoLher page lf needed.

lf addlLlonal lnformaLlon ls needed, may we conLacL you? ?es no
lf yes, please provlde Lhe followlng lnformaLlon.
name: Lmall or hone number:

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