Modals of Speculation

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MODALS OF SPECULATION If we are certain about something we use To ta ! about the "resent# MUST# he must be a doctor.

Hes wearing a white coat. CAN$T or COULDN$T# He cant /couldnt be a doctor. He isnt wearing a white coat. %NOT MUSN$T& To ta ! about the "ast# MUST ' (A)E ' PAST PA*TICIPLE+ CAN$T,COULDN$T ' (A)E ' PAST PA*TICIPLE+ It must have taken you a lot of effort to do this writing %a goo- writing&+ It cant / couldnt have taken you.+ %a writing fu of mista!es& If we are not certain about something but we thin! it is "ossib e+ To ta ! about the "resent# MA/ ,MI0(T ,COULD 1 ma2be3 "erha"s+ The shops may / might / could be open today. In the negati4e MA/ , MI0(T ' NOT The shops may / might not be open today. 5UT66 COULD ' NOT can$t be use- in this wa23 it has a 4er2 -ifferent meaning# im"ossibi it2 He was too far away so he couldnt have seen you. To ta ! about the "ast# MA/ ,MI0(T ,COULD ' (A)E ' PAST PA*TICIPLE+ I think I might have forgotten my book in the car. To ta ! about the future# It might / may / could rain.

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