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Ashley Schirmer EDUC 101 Favorite Teacher Essay

Love and Fear: Everything the father of the family says must inspire one or the other. Joseph Joubert. My father is known for both. e has inspired me in many ways! but most of all he has inspired me to be"ome a tea"her. My father has been an edu"ator for my entire life. is passion for edu"ating has inspired me and # hope to make as mu"h of a differen"e as he has. #f you went through the Madison $onsolidated %"hool system in the past &' years! you probably know my father as Mr. (obinson. # know him as )ad. e started as a istory tea"her at Madison Jr. igh! and then he went on to be the *rin"ipal there as well+ thankfully the same year # went to Madison $onsolidated igh %"hool. ,hen he was promoted to dire"tor of operations for the Madison $onsolidated -dministration .uilding! retiring from that position in the fall of /'01. 2ver the years he taught many students. 3rowing up many of my friend4s parents had him as a tea"her. ,hey had many stories to tell! some were memories from times they made poor "hoi"es and had to see him in the *rin"ipal4s 2ffi"e and others were how he respe"ted and inspired them whi"h made him their favorite tea"her or prin"ipal. owever! no one knows him better than # do. # have seen the best and worst of his angry side! funny side and "aring side. -s an adult # "an look ba"k and see how some of the words he said were mainly to inspire love and motivation. ,here were many things he taught me growing up and # often look to him for advi"e on all things edu"ational. e makes an e5"ellent "ollaborator! if # need advi"e or 6uestions about the best way to handle a parti"ular situation. e has instilled in me a love of family! a love for life! and a love and the importan"e of having passion for your work. 3rowing up # wat"hed him intera"t with students and # "ould see how mu"h he en7oyed "hallenging them to think for themselves and motivating them to learn. e was hard on students at times! but it was be"ause he knew they were "apable of more. 8henever # need advi"e about how to handle a behavioral or edu"ational situation # "all him. #f # don4t know the best way to handle a "ertain situation involving students! # ask him how he would handle it so # know what to do in the future. ,here aren4t many situations he hasn4t already dealt with! when it "omes to working with "hildren. # hope to be as respe"ted and adored by my future students. #f # "an inspire the same 6ualities in my students then my 7ob as an edu"ator will be worthwhile. *erhaps # will know it when # get there when 7ust one person says! 9ou remind me of your father.

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