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School of Exercise and

Nurritional Sciences C,.silege cf

Heelth ,tnd ilurnan Sevarces San Dego State Umversiw
5500 Campanile


Dtrco SrATE IJNrvsnsrrv


San Diego

92782 7251 Iei: 619.i94 554i Fax: 6L9 .594.6353


i,letrsiie: http:,/,'ens,

h{arch 4,2A13 \

Dear Selection Conrrriimee,

I am writing to y'ou in support of Lauren Dohert.v and her desire to enter a summer st*dy abroad program tkough the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). I have known Lauren since her third year at San Diego State University *'fr.n rtt. was a student in several of m,v classes' As an active and outspoken participant in her group work. she demonstrated her aUilit,r'= to work effectively in a team while contribr-rting her own ideas. She always prepared each class ver,v well and brought manv inter:esting questions. In tab class, her first exam ,.o.. *u, not that great but she r.r,'orked reall.r- hard. She earned an excellent final grade in the class. I got impression she is very persistent and responsible.

.make new friends quickly and adjust well to a new environment and culture. This characteristic would be very beneficial for her to studv abroad. Lauren has a strong desire to leam lrrutrition and its practical application in communiti,'. She is trying to grow her enthusiasm in nutrition

with globai vision. Stud,,- abroad would be an excellent opportunit.v* to extend her passion in nutrition and health to international nutrition issues.

There is some potential concern on linguistic preparation Lrpon countries she is _eoing. How.ever. I believe she will w'ork hard to overcome the language barrier. I do not think she will have a problem in communication despite her potential language limitation. Lauren is a hard working .voung woman. Her drive and abitities is w'ell-suited for the ISEp program. I feel cont'ident that she will continue to succeed in her stud]. abroacl. I highl,r, recommend that she be given the opportunitv to get a sumrner stud,,- abroacl program through the International Student Exchange Program (tSEP). tf y'ou have any quesrions i.g.raing this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I thank yoLr lor



atrention and consideration to rhis marrer.

Mee Young

Hong PhD.

Associate Professor San Diego State University School of Exercise and Nutritiorial Sciences 5500 Campanile Dr. San Diego, CA}ZLSZ Phone: 6L9-594-2392 Email :


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